Was not so impressed with some media show apologia, or the Parliamentary inquiry dissembling, but some recent shares suggest he is going down fighting, and prepared to ask some awkward questions.
Shock. Horror. Are you sitting down?
In the bBBC1 6pm end of new summary, the NHS crisis was attributed in part to the ‘Growing Population’.
Good job I was sitting down.
This was immediately followed in my local region by the local bBBC news talking about the Housing Crisis.
But strangely, the 300,000 annual nett migration figure did not get mentioned.
The left continue in total denial of the elephant in the room that everyone else can see.
Never in the history of this country has the birth rate of the indigenous population been so low. We read everyday that women are leaving it longer to have a family (if at all) in pursuit of a career, sooooooo it doesn’t take a genius to work out why there is a housing shortage or who needs them ! There is a need however for single occupancy housing, as relationships/marriages breakdown there is never enough in the financial ‘pot’ to split the proceeds and start again.
Brissles, in liberal la-la-land, there is no such thing as an ‘indigenous population.’ We are all immigrants…there are no borders, nobody is ‘illegal’ and a family of 15 Somalis who arrived yesterday has just as much right to a house as someone whose forebears lived in England since before the Conquest and who has paid taxes all their lives.
Of course, it’s difficult for young Tristran and Fenella to buy even a small Georgian townhouse somewhere as downmarket as Highbury, but with help from the bank of mum and dad and their trust funds they’ve just about managed, and they’re not huge earners, on £70k each, so it’s not as if there’s any sort of real housing crisis. If there is, it’s all the fault of the Tories so don’t start blaming immigrants!
Maybe if they stop counting students coming in, as many daft Tory MPs want, the numbers will reduce significantly.
How they would not count students leaving again – in considerably fewer numbers – remains to be clarified.
“RAF Typhoon jets escort Pakistan plane to Stansted”
Nothing to see here , now move along Sir ……….
“Essex Police said the diversion had been due to reports of a disruptive passenger and was “not believed to be a hijack situation or terror matter”.
In an unrelated matter, a passenger due to be arrested by police on arrival at Heathrow was held at Stansted instead. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38899472
Al BBC News – As desperate shortage of Pak Balti Chefs in Greater Stansted area bites 😀 , the RAF were at hand to ensure that crap curries with substandard halal meat can erm “enjoyed” this weekend.
… What do you mean “fake news”? … Well, its worked before
Kaiser, having inadvertently walked into the back kitchen area of a local Curry house, and seeing some not very nice things (cleanliness was clearly not a priority), I only eat curries that I make in my own kitchen !
But Mrs O’Blene is the master (should that be mistress) of curry-making, and therefore I don’t actually make them – just marvel…
I don’t think I’ve (knowingly ?) been in curry house since 1997, when our local place totally ruined our Daught’s 21st birthday party. We arrived on time to find a yob sitting at our booked table with a fag on, waiting for a takeaway. It then got worse, so zilch tip and never been back!
What this has to do with bBeeb, I don’t really know, but it seems important somehow!
Here’s a post from an American on Fox re. Bercow: “Bercow is the symbol of England’s decay as a society. The once-great nation filled with brave freedom-lovers has degenerated into a country being overrun with Muslims, and whose citizens prefer the dole instead of work. Best ones died in WWII.”
Embarrassing much.
Gaxvil – I think in some ways there is a lot of truth in what this bloke says. As a nation we seem incapable of any joined up thinking any more.
Take housing or NHS waiting lists. We know what the main problem is but we seem to lack the courage to “tell it like it is”
We have become an infantilised society with the majority of our leaders, politicians and judiciary afraid or unwilling to speak the harsh truth of what will eventually result from this slow motion destruction of our society and culture by an alien and hostile medieval religion and belief system which only knows how to take and not how to give.
This has been aided and abetted by a toxic and manipulative MSM, cheer led by the BBC which realises the weakness of our leaders and takes every opportunity to undermine those who speak the truth and dripfeed poison into the veins of the rest of the population, so we slowly lose pride and confidence in our country, culture and traditions. Subsequently we then become totally dependent on these MSM “opinion shapers because we are afraid to have any opinions of our own anymore, in case we are seen as waycist/sexist/xenophobic or any other these mortal media sins which they keep on inventing for us.
In effect our good nature and concern for the underdog has been turned by the liberals into a weapon which will be used against us.
Because they live separate lives to the rest of us they either do not care or do not realise how these “invaders” will change our society for the worse.
These days media “gesture” politics is the only game in town (as the poisonous parliamentary gnome demonstrated yesterday).
This means that there will never be any serious attempt to tackle migration by the mainstream politicians. Hopefully UKIP will be able to get their act together enough to put up some sort of serious opposition. However while they still harbour “cuckoos such as Carswell and Neil Hamilton it is unlikely they will be able to formulate enough serious policies to be a real threat to the current status quo.
I am afraid that in the long run people will finally realise what is happening to them and if we have not lost all of our societal cohesion then things will get very messy.
One thing is for sure those in the media and especially the BBC bear a lot of responsibility for what is happening. I can only hope that one day there will be some sort of reckoning.
However I expect these cynical “cultural traitors” such as Lord Hall will by this time be no longer reachable enjoying their well earned retirement in Necker Island or some similar celebrity refuge – leaving the rest of us to get on with it.
I agree in some ways with what you are saying Gaxvil. But what I suppose I was trying to do was emphasise that all of these traitors operate on different levels.
1 It is governments, politicians and the judiciary that make the decision whether to allow people into our country or not.
2 It is the media that has facilitated the creation of conditions where many of us have lost our sense of British identity and no longer have any interest in defending our nation and culture from these aggressors.
Whilst I do not hold any grudge over anyones skin colour. At the end of the day it is about whether incomers want to identify and embrace our culture or not. (and I do not include media “creations” as “culture”) . The ultra loyal immigrant family in the “Simpsons” though silly was actually making a serious point, though no-one wants immigrants to be deferential – I do expect a degree of appreciation when they move here and certainly not demanding with menaces.
As far as I am concerned the BBC can stick all its confected multkulty rainbow nation ideas up “Lord” Halls arse.
So yeah – traitors all but different types in my book.
Real News US –
Canada Free Press Assoc- EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff
DNC Leaks – Home Intel, Foreign Affairs Committee Compromised – Rogue IT Staff
International Political Forum – Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised
US Conservative Angle.com – Rogue IT Staff Compromised The Computer Networks Belonging To Committee Members.
GOPbriefingroom.com – Foreign Affairs Committee Members Intel Compromised
… Considering the recent hacking claims, intelligence pilfering, emails and heightened concerns over Islam re terrorism etc, right at the top of news agenda.
“Three brothers who managed office information technology for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other lawmakers were abruptly relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission. Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned”.
So … BBC US News –
Pennsylvania woman dies with arm trapped in donation bin
Barack Obama goes kite-surfing with Richard Branson
Madonna can adopt Malawi children
Obamas to get Freedom of the City of Dublin … Dublin? Irish news surely?
Hmmm Anything on (boo hiss) D Trump today?
… Oh yes
Trump ‘real face’ of US – Iran leader
See you in court … Meeeoow!
Trump’s travel ban legal battle explained
DeVos dissent – Why is Trump’s education pick so unpopular?
Three Muslim women protest Donald Trump’s immigration order.
What Trump team has said about Islam. Will the rhetoric come with a price?
Apart from most of this news is not top news, the differential in emphasis on Obama and then Trump is startling … and where is the “Compromised Intel” story?
When the BBC showed the Obama clip kite surfing with Branson, he was referred to by the newsreader as ‘Mr Obama’, – rather more deferential than ‘Trump’ !!
As an antidote to BBC “facts”. The hypocrisy of the BBC is so stunning I am beyond any emotions. Never heard anything when their man god was in office. (not power, “some say” that was Soros “allegedly”)
Non BBC (at present)
STV – Teenager jailed for trying to remove Muslim mother’s headscarf
Leighton MacKenzie carried out the religiously prejudiced attack at a shopping centre in Stirling.
MacKenzie, who could be seen in the recording committing the offence, was traced a week later. He told police it had been “a prank” and added: “It was stupid, aye.”
… they spent A WEEK scrutinising CCTV, searching around for some kid who pulled a scarf? and then got him jailed!
Just watched the BBC drama “Moorside” about the horrendous kidnapping of Shannon Mathews. Showing an awful dysfunctional family living in a dreadful sinkhole estate.
Guess what, the first scene of Karron Mathews partner, shows him playing on his games station with a cross of St George flag clearly shown hanging over his head. It was only shown on one scene and disappeared for the rest of the episode.
Obviously the bbc’s opinion of the type of people who voted brexit.
I’m looking forward to al beebus making a similarly realistic drama about the victims of the Muslim child-rape gangs in Rotherham, who prey on indigenous girls many of them from similar families and areas as those portrayed in this Dewsbury programme; how they are affected by the abuse and also the behaviour of the “authorities” towards those victims and their families.
I think I may be waiting some time for that though.
CBS Poll: Most Democrats Think Christianity Is as Violent as Islam
Only one-in-seven registered Democrats in America believe that Islam is more violent as a whole than Christianity, according to a new CBS poll.
Catastrophes such as September 11th, the War on Terror, and recent attacks throughout the world were not enough to make a difference between Christianity and Islam for some. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban were also overwritten.
Republicans had a much different perspective on the matter however. Over six-in-ten believe that Islam is more violent in nature than other religions.
“Republicans had a much different perspective on the matter however. Over six-in-ten believe that Islam is more violent in nature than other religions.”
Only 6 in 10???
What’s a matter with them? Haven’t they read a single page of the koran? Haven’t they watched the news for 20 years? And they’re Republicans??
Amazing! Newsshite is giving its penetrating analysis of the housing crises and has not yet mentioned the ever increasing demand for housing due to immigration.
One home every five minutes needs to be built to accommodate Britain’s booming migrant population, the House of Lords has been told.
Government figures reveal that almost half of all new households will accommodate immigrants between now and 2039.
The Department for Communities and Local Government’s household projections show there will be an average of 243,000 new households forming each year for the next 22 years – meaning an extra 5.3 million new homes could be needed to meet the needs of the growing population.
Net migration accounts for an estimated 45 per cent of this growth, meaning an extra 2.4 million new homes will be needed to house the UK’s booming migrant population over the next 22 years. …
The statistics were released in response to a question by Lord Green of Deddington, Chairman of Migration Watch, who claims that even based on a conservative estimate 300 homes a day would need to be built to accommodate new arrivals.
The bBBC never mentions any of the reasons for the ‘housing crisis’, because they all contradict their leftie mindset.
1. Lots of women choose to live separately from the father(s) of their children. The men have to live somewhere, so the number of houses needed goes up.
2. Millions of foreigners have been encouraged to come here, being paid minimum wages to do menial jobs to support the extravagant metropolitan lfestyles.
3. There is no such thing as a property market. Prices don’t reflect supply and demand. No-one ever sells below the highest number they can think of. People are encouraged to think that property is the only asset that will never go down in value.
4. House prices in London and the southeast have been pushed to ridiculous levels by the greedy people who live in that part of the country, which includes nearly all bBBC staff and other media people. Lots of parents bemoan the fact that their children can’t buy a house, whilst boasting about the inflated figure that they’ll try to sell their own property for, too stupid to make a connection.
5. They never talk about having somewhere to live, it’s always ‘getting on the property ladder’, thus reinforcing the idea that prices will keep going up. We need a few ‘property snakes’.
Most beeboids live in a city and hate the rural areas, so they keep advertising the housebuilders’ view that they should be allowed to despoil the countryside to build more houses.
This video is brilliant! Michael Wolff absolutely annihilates CNN super-cuck Stelter about how embarrassing he is making himself look when constantly attacking Trump. This really is incredible stuff, especially as that arrogant, self-worshipping sociopath Stelter could have been replaced by any of the Islamic Al Beeb nutjobs and it would have been just as true.
Very good and it does prove we are not completely alone in thinking as we do.
Again, for whatever reason, these people like Stelter don’t appear all the ticket – drugged? bribed? hypnotized? psychotic?
BBC did False-Narrative about Climategate in a prog “Can You Believe What You Read on WikiLeaks?”
8m45 “It was a huge scoop for Wikileaks” Que ? As I understand it, Wikileaks DID NOT publish the Climategate emails.
(timings taken from podcast version)
7m54 “There is also the problem of missing information, how to spot what you don’t see
.. in 2009 The Year before Collateral Murder (Wikileaks big Iraq war video leak) Wikileaks published a bundle of SHOCKING emails LEAKED (note that word) from inside the Climatic Research Unit at UEA in the UK, one of the worlds leading authorities on Global Temperatures.”
Next German Daniel who used to work with Asange “appeared to be a a collection of documents that suggested that the whole issue of climate had been overrated …..blah blah ..SHARP EDIT” (Not true the main thing was that it exposed scientists cheating)
Narr “Climate Skeptics like US Senator Jim Inhofe appeared on Fox (Why pick Fox? he would have appeared elsewhere also) to claim they’d been right all along”
JI “I ‘ve talked about the scientists coming to me, ‘look they’re cooking this thing, they’re withholding data’ …….(like) in these hacked emails now”
narr “The emails appeared to called into question the whole integrity of climate science. It was a huge scoop for Wikileaks BUT then”
GD “The researchers from the Uni said ‘sorry but this is not the full story’..”
Narr “Investigators later agreed, concluding that collection of emails was incomplete* and taken out of context”
* But everyone knew the batch was incomplete and the hacker promised a second batch
-………….Them saying “taken out of context” is mere assertion
GD :”And that is one way how you can manipulate info” (I wonder if this has been edited in cos it doesn’t fit the Climategate bit)
9:20 The climate gate emails han’t been fake, but they hadn’t given the full picture either”
Narr “GD said that makes clear Wikileaks was struggling under the weight of documents.”
..(again this is misleading cos Climategate wasn’t a Wikileak op ..plenty of other people were looking
..prog continues ..I’m off to bed
Should you wish to spend several hours confirming BBC “False News”.
As a matter of information. It is generally accepted that the original Climategate post came through a Russian proxy server and was a result of “someone” inside the CRU (University of East Anglia).
What was the Professor’s name? I can’t remember, Jones possibly? Anybody heard of him recently?(sarc.)
This program must have been a BBC Censorship fest. I was under the impression that the Climategate emails where originally sent by an insider to Paul Hudson at the BBC, but Hudson who is in fact thought to be the most relevantly qualified scientist employed by the BBC, put it under censorship for fear of being sacked by the BBC, on the advice of the thugs at the University of East Anglia. The BBC program would have censored the mentioned BBC staff in almost two hundred of the emails, such facts as Harrabin being appointed to the advisory board of Tyndall Centre, despite having the scientific qualifications of a moron.
Ten reasons why you cannot believe what you see and hear on the BBC:
(1) You can know what has been censored
(2) You are not sure that something has been censored
(3) You think about Questions not asked, which imply censorship
(4) Relevantly qualified People not invited imply censorship
(5) Brexit majority is not represented on BBC, implying censorship
(6) Bill Cash, Lord Owen and Mensa member Gerard Batten who all produced Brexit plans are never interviewed on the BBC, implying censorship of Brexit plans
(7) The two Members of Parliament who are also scientists. Tory MP Peter Lilley and Labour MP Graham Stringer are never interviewed by the BBC, implying censorship
(8) (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009) is censored by the BBC/UEA
(9) (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) which replaces the formula in Computer models, is censored by the BBC/UEA
(10) Details of the roll of the BBC in Climategate have been censored by that BBC program
Oooh, pass the sick bag. Obama having fun in the sun with Branson. Obama won a race but Branson said, “After all he’s(Obama) done for the World, I forgive him.” Strangely they were on one of Branson’s islands rather than having their fun riding Virgin trains.
I find it easier to comprehend the mind-set of ISIS rather than I do the likes of Branson.
How bad is that?
I see that Evans played 8 Madonna records on the trot this morning, obviously happy to throw licence payers dosh (royalties) at the Trump hating ‘lets blow up the Whitehouse’ slapper….
Home page of bibistan website: huge photo exhibition called Over the Wall: a photographer’s journey with the people struggling to cross the US-Mexican border.
Pictures of men, women and children, and close-ups of bleeding blistered feet.
Sole purpose: to stick it in to Trump and show how heartless he is.
So the US should let the whole of Central and South America in? In cases like Venezuela reduced to starvation by the socialist policies beloved by Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news
Turned on to hear of some charity getting refugees into Canada away from the nasty US, then immediately after the ‘news’, (containing a sneer at President Trump’s new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, saying ‘she never has had any experience in public schools’, so what?), then straight into a boring pityfest from Amnesty about Syria!
All of this is anti-President Trump! Long may it last, as eventually, (hopefully) the long-suffering public will just never bother to turn on their sets, and will justread comments from good sites like here.
If the Benighted Broadcasting Corp, the politicos and the howling mob keep vilifying Trump, he will understandably say Go to hell, turn his back on us, and we’ll have lost our best hope and ally post Brexit.
Nice one beeboids. Keep destroying this country. It’s what you’re good at.
Totally agree Peter – I think that has been the main thrust of the BBC ever since Trump has been elected. They do not want brexit to succeed so like all good traitors and fifth columnists do, they are doing their level best to poison the well in the hopes that Trump will eventually wash his hands of us and we are forced to approach Junkers rapidly diminishing table in sack cloth and ashes and holding a begging bowl.
It is quite telling that in her normal gutless style Theresa has not said a word to admonish either the BBC or the Poison dwarf Bercow for their recent septic conduct with regard to Trump.
As I have said before The Teezer is true to form in backing two horses at once. Unfortunately both horses are tied together and one of the horses now carries a terminal infection of parasites whilst the other is health and wants to head for sunny pastures. Because Theresa will not release the rope if the diseased horse falls it will drag the healthy one down with it.
The BBC and the MSM try to pretend it is all about race and colour when the truth is that it is all about freedom and ideas. Not since WW2 have we faced such a major threat to our culture and society. Aided and abetted by a perfidious and lying media.
Now is the time for brave decisions and political visionaries and I am afraid all we have got leading us is a low grade clerk!
Well, I would not blame him ! I think he should make the BBC and the British politicians who are against him suffer. He could start with a travel ban to the USA. Don’t know if that is within his power. They would miss their Disneyland !
Grant and Peter – just popped into the office before my site visits. Full of i reading snowflakes in full trump bashing mode blah blah blah will lead to a dictatorship, blah blah WW3 – You get the drift – I then said I quite liked him which really stirred the hornets nest and created snorts of derision.
I then said maybe the press all hate him because he is the first US President to actually do what he said he would do. To which someone lamely replied “That doesnt make it right” I then said “Its called democracy!” Nothing was then said just the slow rustle of tumbleweed rolling through the office.
Oak, “That doesn’t make it right”. I’m curious to know just what they and others think, is not right? Tightening vetting for reasons of national security? Stating that no one from a foreign country has a legal or divine right of entry to another country?
One hopes that Mr Trump can tell the difference between the professional political class and media, who make a lot of ‘sound and fury, signifying nothing’ and the wealth-creating, hard-working types who keep industry and commerce going. One good sign is that Mr Farage was invited to speak with Mr Trump long before Mrs May – which suggests that Mr Trump doesn’t particularly care about what UK politicians/media think.
I only encounter the BBC via radio and I’m starting to sense blowback via call-ins and even guests. Case in point was the late show on 5Live(5th) with Steven Nolan. After Nolan, Edwina Currie and some other shill were lambasting Trump relentlessly some caller had clearly had enough and burst the echochamber bubble. It was sweet to hear and the Trump bashing was notably toned down after.
Question is will the moderators and vetters allow this to continue or will intelligent opinion calling out the BBC be allowed to air in the future. I’m not optimistic.
CubaBlue, I definitely sense that there is widespread, if discrete, support for Mr Trump across Britain, generally by those who dig a little deeper into stories than the mainstream media. Interestingly, the Guardian ran a story on the government’s various crackdowns on the ‘far right’. The top rated comment said that if immigration was properly controlled, none of this would be an issue. So if even the liberal left are thinking along those lines, Mr T may have more support than we think.
Because the Islamic Al Beeb feel such unimaginable prejudice, anger, intolerance and bigotry towards President Trump, they desperately snatch at every negative story about him, regardless of the facts or from whatever source.
The Islamic Al Beeb utterly despise President Trump, and that hatred has led them to shoot their load all over their cuck wife Islam, as this debate in court will be proven legally justified, and will set the precedent for banning terrorists from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan…..because all terrorists are Muslim, and Islam is terrorism
Brilliant stuff President Trump! You and your team are truly magnificent!
P.S: At the very bottom of the article is this hilarious statement….
“Polls suggest that US public opinion is sharply divided on the issue”
Which in English means that once again the majority back Trump. Brillant stuff Al Shabeeb! Never seen the very definition of politics itself used to justify your hatred
And of course bibistan peddling heart-breaking ‘human interest’ stories of photogenic families with cute kids, desperate to get into US, doctors and engineers of course, or in this case a brave translator. Milk it beeb, milk it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-38885611
The BBC is shedding tears over a Democratic woman, Elizabeth Warren, being bullied by a horrible, nasty, smelly republican. She has, the BBC item says, been prevented from speaking during a debate because she tried to read a letter from Martin Luther Kings widow.
Ah, the shame, the racism, the evil , the misogyny …yawn, yawn.
Except that the BBC forgot to actually say why she has been banned from speaking. Easily done I guess. Apparently. She was trying to accuse a member of the house of racism, the equivalent of non parliamentary behaviour in the UK. She tried a number of times and then was using the words in the letter to make the same allegation, hence why, after repeated warnings, she was banned from speaking.
BTW The BBC would be better entertaining us with Warren’s delightful presentation of herself as a woman of colour. “A 1997 Fordham Law Review piece described her as Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color,” based upon an August 6, 1996 phone interview with the news director at Harvard Law, Michael Chmura. The claim is based upon having ancestry of 1/32nd American Indian which she was unable to support”
This is what Ms Warren thinks a woman of colour looks like:
I had to laugh at Ms Warren’s claim of 1/32 American Indian blood!
It reminds me of the old joke. Tonto and the Lone Ranger are surrounded by hostile Indians. The Lone Ranger says ‘Looks like we’re in a lot of trouble, old friend!’ Tonto replies ‘What do you mean “we”, Paleface?’
Reminds me of my late uncle who was a really good man in many ways but, as is common with many Glaswegian/ West Coast people, was anti-semitic. He paid for a genealogist to research his ancestry and circulated the bound copy to his family.
I read it and was delighted to inform him ” Uncle, how does it feel to be one sixteenth Jewish ? “
interesting. I wonder what their motives were?, were they in any way connected to some sort of religious ideology? If only there was more information available.
G – Deserves highlighting: Thousands of crimes kept secret by Swedish police. Guess why? https://gatestone.eu/the-ball-starts-rolling/
The Code 291 Åsenlöv mentions is a special ‘refugee code’, used when the police are called for anything related to refugees. Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet has an article on the topic, which reveals the code (R291) has been used since October 2016 to effectively hide 5000 incidents, ranging from illness and missing persons, to cases of assault, rapes and deaths. And what is most shocking, is that all these cases were deliberately kept secret:
“The National Operational Department (NOA) of the Swedish Police wrote in a document this newspaper noticed that each and every notification ‘in which the victim, the suspect or anyone questioned is a migrant, must be labelled with the specific code 291’. And that the same has to be done to to crimes or events linked to buildings or places where refugees are received.”
Things are bad in Sweden. So bad, nobody is allowed to know.
I listened to the BBC’s Hugh Pym’s lengthy feature 1800 Hrs yesterday evening on the BBC 1 news. It related to the NHS and Care in the Community. Pym’s report was dire by any stretch of the imagination.
I have to go into hospital later this year for major surgery so all and any report on the state of the NHS will impinge on my thinking and perhaps growing apprehension. I actually felt better after Pym’s report had ended believe it or not. My reasoning? Well, the so-called “news” from the BBC is so distorted and biased (if not very relevant issues and aspects omitted altogether) that it has, for me, well dropped beneath the point of credibility. Its accuracy simply cannot be trusted. Any vestige of balanced reporting has long gone. It may help the viewers/listeners if the BBC published a list of their propaganda headings so the licence fee payer was alerted to the bias during broadcast. I suppose I am really suggesting that, along with the warnings pre news item about, “scenes which may upset some viewers” and “viewers are warned that this item contains flashing lights”, the viewer/listener should be given notice that the following news item(s) have been massaged/distorted by the BBC Editorial Team and will very likely be seen by some viewers/listeners as not being credible when considered objectively.
“viewers are warned that this item contains flashing lights”
They usually say ‘flash photography’ and I mentally respond, “Let me be the judge of that!”.
As to your subject, how long before NHS performance index figures get added to the news – “…the FTSE was down 100 points, the pound fell 13 cents and is now worthless against the Euro, while NHS waiting time is up 18 minutes, the worst since records began…”?
When reading stories about the NHS at this time of year keep in mind that there are only a few weeks left before the budget, so this is the point when the spending departments pitch for more money. The NHS reinforces its reasoned case for money with the emotional pressure of endless sad stories of individuals and organisational stories of crisis. In the trade it’s known as “shroud waving”. The usual result is that the Chancellor decides to improve his “caring image” by throwing more money at the NHS – much of which will be wasted before it reaches the clinical services that genuinely need it.
The BBC makes the most of all these stories because its political stance is that more public spending is good, even if the funds are wasted, and that the answer to any problem is more money.
Imagine there’s no countries, John Lennon, BBC Business, and the very top people do
BBC Business News stumbles and stutters when it comes to understanding economics and markets but when the subject of politics pops up the show knows exactly where it stands.
This morning we have a guest British-based Australian-accented businesswoman apparently in the headhunting business making it her business to moan and wail about the supposedly Trump and Brexit bad news for business on the BBC’s Business News.
As we would expect from the BBC there was absolutely no pushback and no challenge from the BBC presenters about this person’s views which match what the BBC thinks.
We’re supposed to accept that for the world of high tech innovation and of fashion – the sectors which this woman claimed to know best – Trump’s temporary travel ban applicable to a handful of failed and terror infested states was going to do great harm.
Well, I suppose if Trump gets his way the US will indeed have to do without the next Somali Bill Gates or the next Yemani Alexander McQueen. Of course they will still be more than welcome to the UK, so bully for us.
The message was overtly political not economic but this woman was not a politician so unlike our pro-globalist politicians she was not so careful to avoid spelling out the bottom line to her world vision…
In her own words here’s why Brexit upset this woman:
“For the very top people, borders were beginning not to exist, in fact they still don’t exist for them”
AISI, Says it all really, “In her own words here’s why Brexit upset this woman:
“For the very top people, borders were beginning not to exist, in fact they still don’t exist for them.” ”
Think I saw a piece, probably on the BBC w/s that Kiwis are upset that American millionaires and billionaires are waltzing in to the country, little or no questions asked, and buying residences as possible bolt-holes because they do not like Trump or should Trump turn nasty.
The right to migrate to the US is probably highly restricted for the ordinary Kiwi, especially if of white, British stock.
‘They’ just don’t get it, do they? ‘They’ obviously skew the system to advantage and privilege themselves and now voters have seen it and know it, the electorate are possibly starting to vote and elect for changes to the system.
“For the very top people, borders were beginning not to exist, in fact they still don’t exist for them”
Exactly right lady. For the Davos crowd and the wannabees.
And when borders do not exist for you, guess what else doesn’t matter for you? Think: governments, rule of law, taxes, democracy. You can pretty do as you please.
Whatever happened to all those women who were interviewed on American tv whilst choking back the tears, and accusing Trump of every assault imaginable whilst he was canvassing ?
Those idiots on the Morning Show Schofield & Willoughby were visibly distressed at the Beckham scandal and ‘didn’t want to talk about it’. Schofield appeared outraged that the leaked emails were akin to having a private conversation down the pub with your mates’
OK, so by the same token why did thousands take to the streets when an illegally recorded private conversation by Trump years ago cause such outrage ? Answer that Schofield ! (sorry its not the Beeb, but the rhetoric from ITV is the same)
I am still trying to process the fact that Bercow, Speaker of the House, stood in the Mother of Parliaments and acknowledged the ‘fact’ of Trump’s racism and sexism while presenting no evidence, no witnesses and none of the legal niceties he would consider, honest and honourable. Maybe someone should check his emails and bank transactions?
The message I am getting this morning is that Al Beeb is fighting a war on two fronts. Trump and Brexit . They are worried, very worried . Holland and France next ?
Dump the licence fee.
The BBC is fighting a war on two fronts World War 2 its what happened to Germany with UK and US on one side and the USSR on the other just like BBC and Brexit and Trump
Imay – Unfortunately the beeb will be hard to kill off. It has huge ‘goodwill’ for historical reasons and for all the ‘popular’ programmes it churns out (most of which I personally hate, but they are popular) and as the ‘news’ progs are all part and parcel of the grotesque whole, where will the impetus come from to dismantle it? The shrieks from the sheeple (orchestrated by bibistan) will be even more deafening than the anti-Trump howls.
I think any reasonable person would settle for a subscription only service with splitting up and selling off as necessary. After all we’ve seen most of our industry decimated with a,”Ah well, it’s the way of the world” and “hard economic reality” excuses.
Still can’t figure how they get past the Competitions Commission – Divine Right I suppose?
I hear Germany is, as we speak, upping production of broom stales and putting monies aside to cover army overtime. The Fourth Reich WILL last for a thousand years!
Le Pen is very close now but the second round does present a hurdle.
I so hope it happens the Beebies will have to boycott, cheese, wine and that Leftenant’s Woman.
Dont know if anyone else has seen it but I found on Twitter but there is a lovely article in the Daily Express in whiuch someone says that a mass boycott of the BBC viewing tax {which I havent paid for the last four years and never will} will kill off the BBC……………You know what you have to do and the Daily Express comments on this article make for some most satifiying reading enjoy !! I did
I’m not sure an organised boycott of the BBC would succeed. What’s more likely is a gradual dropping off of revenue, as young people used to watching Iplayer never bother to sign up for a licence when leaving home, the number of immigrants increases (who are not likely to understand or bother about the licence) and the older, BBC-loyal generation gradually dies off. The BBC will then either have to move to a subscription only model, or be funded by general taxation.
We can’t expect any help from the Government to help rein in the BBC. Maybe the on demand subscription services – Netflix and Amazon could do a public service and have a massive anti-licence publicity campaign. But alas they buy programmes from the BBC so probably wouldn’t want to upset the apple cart.
Cranmer is right – eventually England and Wales will run out of old white people so it will die a natural death anyway – but I’d like to hurry its demise along!
At the moment I just advise friends/acquaintances etc stop paying – they are usually busy people who have little spare time for live TV but have paid their direct debit by default. I’ve had only a couple of successes so far I must admit.
Germany’s International broadcasting service DW decayed before the BBC did.
See the distraction technique they use -“Bubbleworld? Not us, look over there at ‘FarRight'”(A loaded word itself)
Well, my heating bill is up but I’m forgetting that Global Warming could result in the UK suffering either, massive amounts of rain OR a massive rise in sea level OR drought OR an ice age or a massive rise in temperature and desertification. So just what to do about my heating bill direct debit?
The BBC response to Carswell as quoted by the Express was the usual triumph of smug, complacent, arrogance:
A BBC Spokesperson said: “Douglas Carswell opposing the licence fee is nothing new, but the public supports the licence fee as the best way of funding the BBC and there was overwhelming backing for a strong and independent BBC during the Government’s recent consultation.
“It was widely acknowledged that the BBC covered the referendum campaign impartially and we have continued to do so since.”
I truly hope Carswell is right, but only the left have a tradition of mass civil disobedience in this country. I’m thinking of the Poll Tax in particular but also the miners’ strike. The rest of us have a tendency to moan and pay up!
So, exactly on what evidence does the BBC assert what the public think?
Have we had a referendum on it that maybe I’ve forgotten?
Oh and has the word ‘impartial’ had a change of definition?
They asked everyone within half a mile of W1 1AA and the whole staff of the Guardian, G. who complained, if anything they thought the BBC is a little too much to the right, no doubt.
This is a few lines from a reply I received about the BBC not fulfilling its charter obligations. This came into force in 2015, obviously, the powers that be haven’t had the memo yet
“The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.”
“the public supports the licence fee as the best way of funding the BBC ” That is a lie. Maybe if it was only Islingtonians asked they may get that response.
“overwhelming backing for a strong and independent BBC” – It would be nice if it was independent from the Labour Party/Guardian/Soros control.
“It was widely acknowledged that the BBC covered the referendum campaign impartially ” No it isn’t!
“we have continued to do so since”. No they haven’t.
BBC fake news purveyors. Even talking about themselves they are fake story-telling.
One of our posters here, wronged, kept a running tally of the leavers and remainers on question time for the whole series run up to the referendum. There were double the amount of remainers to leavers.
Just like the ‘specially selected’ audience in Clacton where ukip had won on something like 60 percent of the vote yet they couldn’t find a ukip voter in the audience.
Impartial, yeah right.
Last week’s session was from Wallasey. A hateful labour cow, who hit every branch on the way down when she fell out of the ugly tree compairing Trump and the holocaust (around 2:00) and a good follow up a few minutes later. And how that slanderous bastard, Nick Hewer, is still walking around free is a mystery as well! 5 panellists and 4 admitting they voted remain. When the question come up about is labour an efective opposition, one audience member stuck up his hand and said that UKIP is the opposition, to the sound of tumble weed blowing through the hall. Biased audience?
Toobiwan, the woman at 2.00 who makes the Primo Levi quote is so dim she can’t see that it could just as easily refer to blind obedience of lefties like her as it does to Trump supporters.
Dim’s the word and hatred personified and it beggars belief that this harpy is shadow chief secretary to the treasury, but who is the dimmest, her or those who voted for her?
My constituency was saddled with an “expert” in “social and gender studies” and is currently the Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, (FFS and looks about 12!) when the none labour vote was split between the incumbent tory and the rising UKIP vote.
EE, “A BBC Spokesperson said: “Douglas Carswell opposing the licence fee is nothing new, but the public supports the licence fee as the best way of funding the BBC and there was overwhelming backing for a strong and independent BBC during the Government’s recent consultation.”
Well done, Sir .. or Madam, it appears you have caught the BBC resorting to that awful ‘populism’ again!
Lefty protesters full of hate are resorting to their usual Alinsky tactics to stop legally approved fracking. Threats force firms to quit fracking site
\\ Notes were left for construction workers at Cuadrilla’s site near Blackpool saying
“watch out, we know where you live”//
A guard was knocked down but uninjured as he tried to move a protester who was obstructing a small truck reversing. Mail
Interesting – here and in the US, the media has become the official political opposition filling the vacuum created by the collection of sulky and irrational types we have on both sides of the pond.
BTW I caught the prog red-handed.
8 mins in whilst trying to build narrative they said ClimateGate was a Wikileaks scoop..false cos other people already had the leaked emails
Segment’s FalseNarrative
‘Climategate leak selective, other emails debunk, so @wikileaks not reliable’
In the AlBeebRemora section today.
“I ran Clinton’s campaign, and I fear Russia is meddling with more than elections”
Robby Mook
BBBC readers are far too busy to read this lying, misdirecting, nonsense, so here is a synopsis.
#1 Hillary Clinton, being guilty of both treason and causing the deaths of US embassy staff, responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
#2 Hillary Clinton, being too arrogant to follow advice, jeopardised US security, responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
#3 Barack Obama, being guilty of encouraging illegal immigrants to vote for Clinton, responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
#4 The Democratic party having been discovered, yet again, of fiddling the election in their favour, by vote rigging, responsibilty for this rests with the Kremlin.
#5 The Democratic party, having been discovered rigging their own, “democratic” process in favour of Clinton, responsibilty for this rests with the Kremlin.
#6 The Democratic party, unwilling to blame themselves for the inadequacies they have shown for over a century, flails about in a failed attempt to blame WikiLeaks/Putin/anyone for their solied linen being displayed in public. Very soiled as usual. Responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
Lately I have been shown to be crying Wolf and claiming that “today’s” offering from the beggars is so bad that it surpasses anything that could be created. Every time one of the “opinionated” shows how wrong I am.
This patent rubbish is being savaged BTL, warms my old heart.
Again confusion – The Left just can’t make up it’s mind whether we need to go to war with Russia OR Russia is planning war on us BUT Trump wants war with Russia OR Trump wants co-operation with Russia and that’s a bad thing?
The mass hysteria is becoming, mass psychosis.
Grant, Orwell wrote that when Russia signed the non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, a similar sense of confusion reigned amongst the left. So much so that it spawned his idea of ‘doublethink’, the ability to hold two conflicting opinions at the same time.
Yes, Orwell summed up the Leftist mind perfectly. They can never be happy until the day they die, and even then … That is fine with me, but why do they have to bore the rest of us with their crap ?
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1896930796310806835
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://preview.redd.it/day-41-44-of-britain-colonising-europe-british-denmark-v0-6w86d9rzn88a1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03788bfc8d74bb318d13bb730ceb502ea44289df[/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men: https://www.youtube.com/live/GrdmA0VWGSE
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists https://twitter.com/runews/status/1897230271659041182
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
DocmaroonedMar 5, 17:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Such bravery! Must have fought well for this collection of meaningless nonsense.
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 First to the Ukraine Frontline? [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/06/05/16/85752695-13498029-image-m-49_1717601797482.jpg[/img]
Sad news it seems… unless that ‘might’ that did not make it into the headline is heftier than the Graun subs assign. Here’s hoping.
Was not so impressed with some media show apologia, or the Parliamentary inquiry dissembling, but some recent shares suggest he is going down fighting, and prepared to ask some awkward questions.
I seem to get a twitter summary in the evening. How chosen, no idea.
This was one:
Ross of course has BBC political correspondent. My views, not the BBC’s
Safe to say he seems OK with the feelings of those in the house who agree with Mr. Bercow and the BBC.
One day there will be another secret ballot for them and no unique funding for you, Ross.
Shock. Horror. Are you sitting down?
In the bBBC1 6pm end of new summary, the NHS crisis was attributed in part to the ‘Growing Population’.
Good job I was sitting down.
This was immediately followed in my local region by the local bBBC news talking about the Housing Crisis.
But strangely, the 300,000 annual nett migration figure did not get mentioned.
The left continue in total denial of the elephant in the room that everyone else can see.
‘Growing population’ – Lucky for the BBC we’re all too working class and ill educated to make the connection. Phew!
Never in the history of this country has the birth rate of the indigenous population been so low. We read everyday that women are leaving it longer to have a family (if at all) in pursuit of a career, sooooooo it doesn’t take a genius to work out why there is a housing shortage or who needs them ! There is a need however for single occupancy housing, as relationships/marriages breakdown there is never enough in the financial ‘pot’ to split the proceeds and start again.
Brissles, in liberal la-la-land, there is no such thing as an ‘indigenous population.’ We are all immigrants…there are no borders, nobody is ‘illegal’ and a family of 15 Somalis who arrived yesterday has just as much right to a house as someone whose forebears lived in England since before the Conquest and who has paid taxes all their lives.
Of course, it’s difficult for young Tristran and Fenella to buy even a small Georgian townhouse somewhere as downmarket as Highbury, but with help from the bank of mum and dad and their trust funds they’ve just about managed, and they’re not huge earners, on £70k each, so it’s not as if there’s any sort of real housing crisis. If there is, it’s all the fault of the Tories so don’t start blaming immigrants!
Maybe if they stop counting students coming in, as many daft Tory MPs want, the numbers will reduce significantly.
How they would not count students leaving again – in considerably fewer numbers – remains to be clarified.
UNICEF..Urgent action needed in South Sudan main news story.
Victims of a vicious ethnic conflict…
Next wave of refugees?
Sudan is on the list of seven – might be a coincidence?
A woman “In fear of men with machetes who will break down their door in the night and kill the women and children.”
No it’s not Rotherham…
And in other news:
‘A BBC spokesman said on December 7 “We have now submitted our response to this claim and will defend ourselves vigorously.”‘
Maybe Jimbo should have fact checked it? “We’re all still on a winter holiday…”
‘When there is so much information and misinformation, the BBC can be a trusted guide through that abundance”.
Tell it often enough, Jim.
Envy of the world.
ps: There’s an open HYS.
Speaking of trust and transparency, here’s a rare BBC FOI answer:
Sorry, no, it’s refused, plus:
‘the almost-full manual for TV licence enforcement officers employed by Capita, released, with some redactions’
Now, imagine if those powers the BBC likes to think it holds to account on the public’s behalf behaved like this?
BBC ‘Face the Facts’ with John Waite might cover it? Maybe not.
Bombs still going off in Iraq and Afghan markets. It may not be ‘hot’ news and ‘cool’ for protestors and luvvies – but it continues.
Still reckon there would be some really quite interesting stuff revealed were the BBC to be hacked.
The basement car park loo doors alone could tell a story or two.
“RAF Typhoon jets escort Pakistan plane to Stansted”
Nothing to see here , now move along Sir ……….
“Essex Police said the diversion had been due to reports of a disruptive passenger and was “not believed to be a hijack situation or terror matter”.
In an unrelated matter, a passenger due to be arrested by police on arrival at Heathrow was held at Stansted instead.
Al BBC News – As desperate shortage of Pak Balti Chefs in Greater Stansted area bites 😀 , the RAF were at hand to ensure that crap curries with substandard halal meat can erm “enjoyed” this weekend.
… What do you mean “fake news”? … Well, its worked before
BBC – Chef shortage sparks curry crisis (where s K Vaz aline)
they need 2000 chefs per year trained in pakistan to their renowned food quality standards, where exactly do the the previous 2000 go prey tell?
Ever noticed they are all blokes, ever seen a pakistani bloke cook at home, no me neither the woman does that.
Kaiser, having inadvertently walked into the back kitchen area of a local Curry house, and seeing some not very nice things (cleanliness was clearly not a priority), I only eat curries that I make in my own kitchen !
Absolutely Brissles!
But Mrs O’Blene is the master (should that be mistress) of curry-making, and therefore I don’t actually make them – just marvel…
I don’t think I’ve (knowingly ?) been in curry house since 1997, when our local place totally ruined our Daught’s 21st birthday party. We arrived on time to find a yob sitting at our booked table with a fag on, waiting for a takeaway. It then got worse, so zilch tip and never been back!
What this has to do with bBeeb, I don’t really know, but it seems important somehow!
I know, I’ll blame Trump and Brexit…
Here’s a post from an American on Fox re. Bercow: “Bercow is the symbol of England’s decay as a society. The once-great nation filled with brave freedom-lovers has degenerated into a country being overrun with Muslims, and whose citizens prefer the dole instead of work. Best ones died in WWII.”
Embarrassing much.
Gaxvil – I think in some ways there is a lot of truth in what this bloke says. As a nation we seem incapable of any joined up thinking any more.
Take housing or NHS waiting lists. We know what the main problem is but we seem to lack the courage to “tell it like it is”
We have become an infantilised society with the majority of our leaders, politicians and judiciary afraid or unwilling to speak the harsh truth of what will eventually result from this slow motion destruction of our society and culture by an alien and hostile medieval religion and belief system which only knows how to take and not how to give.
This has been aided and abetted by a toxic and manipulative MSM, cheer led by the BBC which realises the weakness of our leaders and takes every opportunity to undermine those who speak the truth and dripfeed poison into the veins of the rest of the population, so we slowly lose pride and confidence in our country, culture and traditions. Subsequently we then become totally dependent on these MSM “opinion shapers because we are afraid to have any opinions of our own anymore, in case we are seen as waycist/sexist/xenophobic or any other these mortal media sins which they keep on inventing for us.
In effect our good nature and concern for the underdog has been turned by the liberals into a weapon which will be used against us.
Because they live separate lives to the rest of us they either do not care or do not realise how these “invaders” will change our society for the worse.
These days media “gesture” politics is the only game in town (as the poisonous parliamentary gnome demonstrated yesterday).
This means that there will never be any serious attempt to tackle migration by the mainstream politicians. Hopefully UKIP will be able to get their act together enough to put up some sort of serious opposition. However while they still harbour “cuckoos such as Carswell and Neil Hamilton it is unlikely they will be able to formulate enough serious policies to be a real threat to the current status quo.
I am afraid that in the long run people will finally realise what is happening to them and if we have not lost all of our societal cohesion then things will get very messy.
One thing is for sure those in the media and especially the BBC bear a lot of responsibility for what is happening. I can only hope that one day there will be some sort of reckoning.
However I expect these cynical “cultural traitors” such as Lord Hall will by this time be no longer reachable enjoying their well earned retirement in Necker Island or some similar celebrity refuge – leaving the rest of us to get on with it.
God help us and God damm these bastards!
Sadly I have to agree but, “cultural traitors”?
They are traitors plain and simple.
Or ‘Post patriots’, Gaxvil…
I agree in some ways with what you are saying Gaxvil. But what I suppose I was trying to do was emphasise that all of these traitors operate on different levels.
1 It is governments, politicians and the judiciary that make the decision whether to allow people into our country or not.
2 It is the media that has facilitated the creation of conditions where many of us have lost our sense of British identity and no longer have any interest in defending our nation and culture from these aggressors.
Whilst I do not hold any grudge over anyones skin colour. At the end of the day it is about whether incomers want to identify and embrace our culture or not. (and I do not include media “creations” as “culture”) . The ultra loyal immigrant family in the “Simpsons” though silly was actually making a serious point, though no-one wants immigrants to be deferential – I do expect a degree of appreciation when they move here and certainly not demanding with menaces.
As far as I am concerned the BBC can stick all its confected multkulty rainbow nation ideas up “Lord” Halls arse.
So yeah – traitors all but different types in my book.
Real News US –
Canada Free Press Assoc- EXCLUSIVE: House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised By Rogue IT Staff
DNC Leaks – Home Intel, Foreign Affairs Committee Compromised – Rogue IT Staff
International Political Forum – Foreign Affairs Committee Members Compromised
US Conservative Angle.com – Rogue IT Staff Compromised The Computer Networks Belonging To Committee Members.
GOPbriefingroom.com – Foreign Affairs Committee Members Intel Compromised
… Considering the recent hacking claims, intelligence pilfering, emails and heightened concerns over Islam re terrorism etc, right at the top of news agenda.
“Three brothers who managed office information technology for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other lawmakers were abruptly relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission. Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned”.
So … BBC US News –
Pennsylvania woman dies with arm trapped in donation bin
Barack Obama goes kite-surfing with Richard Branson
Madonna can adopt Malawi children
Obamas to get Freedom of the City of Dublin … Dublin? Irish news surely?
Hmmm Anything on (boo hiss) D Trump today?
… Oh yes
Trump ‘real face’ of US – Iran leader
See you in court … Meeeoow!
Trump’s travel ban legal battle explained
DeVos dissent – Why is Trump’s education pick so unpopular?
Three Muslim women protest Donald Trump’s immigration order.
What Trump team has said about Islam. Will the rhetoric come with a price?
Apart from most of this news is not top news, the differential in emphasis on Obama and then Trump is startling … and where is the “Compromised Intel” story?
When the BBC showed the Obama clip kite surfing with Branson, he was referred to by the newsreader as ‘Mr Obama’, – rather more deferential than ‘Trump’ !!
As an antidote to BBC “facts”. The hypocrisy of the BBC is so stunning I am beyond any emotions. Never heard anything when their man god was in office. (not power, “some say” that was Soros “allegedly”)
Via Stefan Molineux.
rush! open forum on brexit now. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38895007
Non BBC (at present)
STV – Teenager jailed for trying to remove Muslim mother’s headscarf
Leighton MacKenzie carried out the religiously prejudiced attack at a shopping centre in Stirling.
MacKenzie, who could be seen in the recording committing the offence, was traced a week later. He told police it had been “a prank” and added: “It was stupid, aye.”
… they spent A WEEK scrutinising CCTV, searching around for some kid who pulled a scarf? and then got him jailed!
Police Scotland tearing themselves away from their PCs eventually?
In the event of a Burqa ban being introduced, boffins have been working on possible ways to enforce it.
Just watched the BBC drama “Moorside” about the horrendous kidnapping of Shannon Mathews. Showing an awful dysfunctional family living in a dreadful sinkhole estate.
Guess what, the first scene of Karron Mathews partner, shows him playing on his games station with a cross of St George flag clearly shown hanging over his head. It was only shown on one scene and disappeared for the rest of the episode.
Obviously the bbc’s opinion of the type of people who voted brexit.
Perhaps Emily Thornberry was the set design consultant.
I’m looking forward to al beebus making a similarly realistic drama about the victims of the Muslim child-rape gangs in Rotherham, who prey on indigenous girls many of them from similar families and areas as those portrayed in this Dewsbury programme; how they are affected by the abuse and also the behaviour of the “authorities” towards those victims and their families.
I think I may be waiting some time for that though.
CBS Poll: Most Democrats Think Christianity Is as Violent as Islam
Only one-in-seven registered Democrats in America believe that Islam is more violent as a whole than Christianity, according to a new CBS poll.
Catastrophes such as September 11th, the War on Terror, and recent attacks throughout the world were not enough to make a difference between Christianity and Islam for some. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban were also overwritten.
Republicans had a much different perspective on the matter however. Over six-in-ten believe that Islam is more violent in nature than other religions.
“Republicans had a much different perspective on the matter however. Over six-in-ten believe that Islam is more violent in nature than other religions.”
Only 6 in 10???
What’s a matter with them? Haven’t they read a single page of the koran? Haven’t they watched the news for 20 years? And they’re Republicans??
Amazing! Newsshite is giving its penetrating analysis of the housing crises and has not yet mentioned the ever increasing demand for housing due to immigration.
One home every five minutes needs to be built to accommodate Britain’s booming migrant population, the House of Lords has been told.
Government figures reveal that almost half of all new households will accommodate immigrants between now and 2039.
The Department for Communities and Local Government’s household projections show there will be an average of 243,000 new households forming each year for the next 22 years – meaning an extra 5.3 million new homes could be needed to meet the needs of the growing population.
Net migration accounts for an estimated 45 per cent of this growth, meaning an extra 2.4 million new homes will be needed to house the UK’s booming migrant population over the next 22 years. …
The statistics were released in response to a question by Lord Green of Deddington, Chairman of Migration Watch, who claims that even based on a conservative estimate 300 homes a day would need to be built to accommodate new arrivals.
The bBBC never mentions any of the reasons for the ‘housing crisis’, because they all contradict their leftie mindset.
1. Lots of women choose to live separately from the father(s) of their children. The men have to live somewhere, so the number of houses needed goes up.
2. Millions of foreigners have been encouraged to come here, being paid minimum wages to do menial jobs to support the extravagant metropolitan lfestyles.
3. There is no such thing as a property market. Prices don’t reflect supply and demand. No-one ever sells below the highest number they can think of. People are encouraged to think that property is the only asset that will never go down in value.
4. House prices in London and the southeast have been pushed to ridiculous levels by the greedy people who live in that part of the country, which includes nearly all bBBC staff and other media people. Lots of parents bemoan the fact that their children can’t buy a house, whilst boasting about the inflated figure that they’ll try to sell their own property for, too stupid to make a connection.
5. They never talk about having somewhere to live, it’s always ‘getting on the property ladder’, thus reinforcing the idea that prices will keep going up. We need a few ‘property snakes’.
Most beeboids live in a city and hate the rural areas, so they keep advertising the housebuilders’ view that they should be allowed to despoil the countryside to build more houses.
Immigration? What immigration? News to us….
Anyone seen this (sorry if it’s already been posted)
Murky stuff about a BBC reporter allegedly being prevented from revealing damaging stuff about a lefty charity by BBC managers
That’s the kind of thing hackers should be after.
This video is brilliant! Michael Wolff absolutely annihilates CNN super-cuck Stelter about how embarrassing he is making himself look when constantly attacking Trump. This really is incredible stuff, especially as that arrogant, self-worshipping sociopath Stelter could have been replaced by any of the Islamic Al Beeb nutjobs and it would have been just as true.
Very good and it does prove we are not completely alone in thinking as we do.
Again, for whatever reason, these people like Stelter don’t appear all the ticket – drugged? bribed? hypnotized? psychotic?
MSM in meltdown. You know something is happening, but you don’t know what it is, Do you, bbc?
Great interview Tothepoint.
BBC did False-Narrative about Climategate in a prog “Can You Believe What You Read on WikiLeaks?”
8m45 “It was a huge scoop for Wikileaks” Que ? As I understand it, Wikileaks DID NOT publish the Climategate emails.
(timings taken from podcast version)
7m54 “There is also the problem of missing information, how to spot what you don’t see
.. in 2009 The Year before Collateral Murder (Wikileaks big Iraq war video leak) Wikileaks published a bundle of SHOCKING emails LEAKED (note that word) from inside the Climatic Research Unit at UEA in the UK, one of the worlds leading authorities on Global Temperatures.”
Next German Daniel who used to work with Asange “appeared to be a a collection of documents that suggested that the whole issue of climate had been overrated …..blah blah ..SHARP EDIT” (Not true the main thing was that it exposed scientists cheating)
Narr “Climate Skeptics like US Senator Jim Inhofe appeared on Fox (Why pick Fox? he would have appeared elsewhere also) to claim they’d been right all along”
JI “I ‘ve talked about the scientists coming to me, ‘look they’re cooking this thing, they’re withholding data’ …….(like) in these hacked emails now”
narr “The emails appeared to called into question the whole integrity of climate science. It was a huge scoop for Wikileaks BUT then”
GD “The researchers from the Uni said ‘sorry but this is not the full story’..”
Narr “Investigators later agreed, concluding that collection of emails was incomplete* and taken out of context”
* But everyone knew the batch was incomplete and the hacker promised a second batch
-………….Them saying “taken out of context” is mere assertion
GD :”And that is one way how you can manipulate info” (I wonder if this has been edited in cos it doesn’t fit the Climategate bit)
9:20 The climate gate emails han’t been fake, but they hadn’t given the full picture either”
Narr “GD said that makes clear Wikileaks was struggling under the weight of documents.”
..(again this is misleading cos Climategate wasn’t a Wikileak op ..plenty of other people were looking
..prog continues ..I’m off to bed
Nothing to do with Wikileaks Stew.
A brief search revealed a link to climategate2.
Should you wish to spend several hours confirming BBC “False News”.
As a matter of information. It is generally accepted that the original Climategate post came through a Russian proxy server and was a result of “someone” inside the CRU (University of East Anglia).
What was the Professor’s name? I can’t remember, Jones possibly? Anybody heard of him recently?(sarc.)
If you happen to have a spare week or two.
This program must have been a BBC Censorship fest. I was under the impression that the Climategate emails where originally sent by an insider to Paul Hudson at the BBC, but Hudson who is in fact thought to be the most relevantly qualified scientist employed by the BBC, put it under censorship for fear of being sacked by the BBC, on the advice of the thugs at the University of East Anglia. The BBC program would have censored the mentioned BBC staff in almost two hundred of the emails, such facts as Harrabin being appointed to the advisory board of Tyndall Centre, despite having the scientific qualifications of a moron.
Ten reasons why you cannot believe what you see and hear on the BBC:
(1) You can know what has been censored
(2) You are not sure that something has been censored
(3) You think about Questions not asked, which imply censorship
(4) Relevantly qualified People not invited imply censorship
(5) Brexit majority is not represented on BBC, implying censorship
(6) Bill Cash, Lord Owen and Mensa member Gerard Batten who all produced Brexit plans are never interviewed on the BBC, implying censorship of Brexit plans
(7) The two Members of Parliament who are also scientists. Tory MP Peter Lilley and Labour MP Graham Stringer are never interviewed by the BBC, implying censorship
(8) (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009) is censored by the BBC/UEA
(9) (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) which replaces the formula in Computer models, is censored by the BBC/UEA
(10) Details of the roll of the BBC in Climategate have been censored by that BBC program
Oooh, pass the sick bag. Obama having fun in the sun with Branson. Obama won a race but Branson said, “After all he’s(Obama) done for the World, I forgive him.” Strangely they were on one of Branson’s islands rather than having their fun riding Virgin trains.
I find it easier to comprehend the mind-set of ISIS rather than I do the likes of Branson.
How bad is that?
I think you may be peddling “fakenews” here.
What he actually said was
“After all, he’s done for the world. I forgive him”
I see that Evans played 8 Madonna records on the trot this morning, obviously happy to throw licence payers dosh (royalties) at the Trump hating ‘lets blow up the Whitehouse’ slapper….
Scroll down to music played…
To help pay for more African children.
Under Malawi Law, it is illegal for foreigners to adopt Malawi children. But a lot of money goes a long way !!!
Home page of bibistan website: huge photo exhibition called Over the Wall: a photographer’s journey with the people struggling to cross the US-Mexican border.
Pictures of men, women and children, and close-ups of bleeding blistered feet.
Sole purpose: to stick it in to Trump and show how heartless he is.
So the US should let the whole of Central and South America in? In cases like Venezuela reduced to starvation by the socialist policies beloved by Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.
Same old dull Rhod Sharp on 5Live this morning…
Turned on to hear of some charity getting refugees into Canada away from the nasty US, then immediately after the ‘news’, (containing a sneer at President Trump’s new Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, saying ‘she never has had any experience in public schools’, so what?), then straight into a boring pityfest from Amnesty about Syria!
All of this is anti-President Trump! Long may it last, as eventually, (hopefully) the long-suffering public will just never bother to turn on their sets, and will justread comments from good sites like here.
If the Benighted Broadcasting Corp, the politicos and the howling mob keep vilifying Trump, he will understandably say Go to hell, turn his back on us, and we’ll have lost our best hope and ally post Brexit.
Nice one beeboids. Keep destroying this country. It’s what you’re good at.
Totally agree Peter – I think that has been the main thrust of the BBC ever since Trump has been elected. They do not want brexit to succeed so like all good traitors and fifth columnists do, they are doing their level best to poison the well in the hopes that Trump will eventually wash his hands of us and we are forced to approach Junkers rapidly diminishing table in sack cloth and ashes and holding a begging bowl.
It is quite telling that in her normal gutless style Theresa has not said a word to admonish either the BBC or the Poison dwarf Bercow for their recent septic conduct with regard to Trump.
As I have said before The Teezer is true to form in backing two horses at once. Unfortunately both horses are tied together and one of the horses now carries a terminal infection of parasites whilst the other is health and wants to head for sunny pastures. Because Theresa will not release the rope if the diseased horse falls it will drag the healthy one down with it.
The BBC and the MSM try to pretend it is all about race and colour when the truth is that it is all about freedom and ideas. Not since WW2 have we faced such a major threat to our culture and society. Aided and abetted by a perfidious and lying media.
Now is the time for brave decisions and political visionaries and I am afraid all we have got leading us is a low grade clerk!
(No offense to clerks I used to be one myself!)
Peter and Oak,
I think that Trump is smarter than that. At least I hope so !
Hopefully so Grant – but how much violent abuse can a red-blooded Alpha male take before he hits back?
Well, I would not blame him ! I think he should make the BBC and the British politicians who are against him suffer. He could start with a travel ban to the USA. Don’t know if that is within his power. They would miss their Disneyland !
Grant and Peter – just popped into the office before my site visits. Full of i reading snowflakes in full trump bashing mode blah blah blah will lead to a dictatorship, blah blah WW3 – You get the drift – I then said I quite liked him which really stirred the hornets nest and created snorts of derision.
I then said maybe the press all hate him because he is the first US President to actually do what he said he would do. To which someone lamely replied “That doesnt make it right” I then said “Its called democracy!” Nothing was then said just the slow rustle of tumbleweed rolling through the office.
Ah Snowflakes – dont you just love em!
To quote my hero, Corporal Jones from “Dad’s Army “, ” They don’t like it up ’em ” !!
Oak, “That doesn’t make it right”. I’m curious to know just what they and others think, is not right? Tightening vetting for reasons of national security? Stating that no one from a foreign country has a legal or divine right of entry to another country?
One hopes that Mr Trump can tell the difference between the professional political class and media, who make a lot of ‘sound and fury, signifying nothing’ and the wealth-creating, hard-working types who keep industry and commerce going. One good sign is that Mr Farage was invited to speak with Mr Trump long before Mrs May – which suggests that Mr Trump doesn’t particularly care about what UK politicians/media think.
I only encounter the BBC via radio and I’m starting to sense blowback via call-ins and even guests. Case in point was the late show on 5Live(5th) with Steven Nolan. After Nolan, Edwina Currie and some other shill were lambasting Trump relentlessly some caller had clearly had enough and burst the echochamber bubble. It was sweet to hear and the Trump bashing was notably toned down after.
Question is will the moderators and vetters allow this to continue or will intelligent opinion calling out the BBC be allowed to air in the future. I’m not optimistic.
CubaBlue, I definitely sense that there is widespread, if discrete, support for Mr Trump across Britain, generally by those who dig a little deeper into stories than the mainstream media. Interestingly, the Guardian ran a story on the government’s various crackdowns on the ‘far right’. The top rated comment said that if immigration was properly controlled, none of this would be an issue. So if even the liberal left are thinking along those lines, Mr T may have more support than we think.
By god they have milked this poor sacrificial cow to death, but now we are seeing the greatest display of back-peddling the world has ever know.
Because the Islamic Al Beeb feel such unimaginable prejudice, anger, intolerance and bigotry towards President Trump, they desperately snatch at every negative story about him, regardless of the facts or from whatever source.
The Islamic Al Beeb utterly despise President Trump, and that hatred has led them to shoot their load all over their cuck wife Islam, as this debate in court will be proven legally justified, and will set the precedent for banning terrorists from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan…..because all terrorists are Muslim, and Islam is terrorism
Brilliant stuff President Trump! You and your team are truly magnificent!
P.S: At the very bottom of the article is this hilarious statement….
“Polls suggest that US public opinion is sharply divided on the issue”
Which in English means that once again the majority back Trump. Brillant stuff Al Shabeeb! Never seen the very definition of politics itself used to justify your hatred
And of course bibistan peddling heart-breaking ‘human interest’ stories of photogenic families with cute kids, desperate to get into US, doctors and engineers of course, or in this case a brave translator. Milk it beeb, milk it.
The BBC is shedding tears over a Democratic woman, Elizabeth Warren, being bullied by a horrible, nasty, smelly republican. She has, the BBC item says, been prevented from speaking during a debate because she tried to read a letter from Martin Luther Kings widow.
Ah, the shame, the racism, the evil , the misogyny …yawn, yawn.
Except that the BBC forgot to actually say why she has been banned from speaking. Easily done I guess. Apparently. She was trying to accuse a member of the house of racism, the equivalent of non parliamentary behaviour in the UK. She tried a number of times and then was using the words in the letter to make the same allegation, hence why, after repeated warnings, she was banned from speaking.
BTW The BBC would be better entertaining us with Warren’s delightful presentation of herself as a woman of colour. “A 1997 Fordham Law Review piece described her as Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color,” based upon an August 6, 1996 phone interview with the news director at Harvard Law, Michael Chmura. The claim is based upon having ancestry of 1/32nd American Indian which she was unable to support”
This is what Ms Warren thinks a woman of colour looks like:
I had to laugh at Ms Warren’s claim of 1/32 American Indian blood!
It reminds me of the old joke. Tonto and the Lone Ranger are surrounded by hostile Indians. The Lone Ranger says ‘Looks like we’re in a lot of trouble, old friend!’ Tonto replies ‘What do you mean “we”, Paleface?’
LOL !!!
Reminds me of my late uncle who was a really good man in many ways but, as is common with many Glaswegian/ West Coast people, was anti-semitic. He paid for a genealogist to research his ancestry and circulated the bound copy to his family.
I read it and was delighted to inform him ” Uncle, how does it feel to be one sixteenth Jewish ? “
“Teenagers accused of planning terror attack in Australia”
interesting. I wonder what their motives were?, were they in any way connected to some sort of religious ideology? If only there was more information available.
Oh look, there is!
“The charge carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, the Australian Federal Police said.”
Send them down!
Doncha love the bibistan pic of aussie terror suspects?
Strange, cos ABC post a different pic, below.
How far is the UK down this road? –
Aspects of this policeman’s statements already ring a bell…………
G – Deserves highlighting: Thousands of crimes kept secret by Swedish police. Guess why?
The Code 291 Åsenlöv mentions is a special ‘refugee code’, used when the police are called for anything related to refugees. Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet has an article on the topic, which reveals the code (R291) has been used since October 2016 to effectively hide 5000 incidents, ranging from illness and missing persons, to cases of assault, rapes and deaths. And what is most shocking, is that all these cases were deliberately kept secret:
“The National Operational Department (NOA) of the Swedish Police wrote in a document this newspaper noticed that each and every notification ‘in which the victim, the suspect or anyone questioned is a migrant, must be labelled with the specific code 291’. And that the same has to be done to to crimes or events linked to buildings or places where refugees are received.”
Things are bad in Sweden. So bad, nobody is allowed to know.
I wonder if our Police (or any EU police) also have a ‘special code’ to sweep muslim crimes under the carpet?
Was the “News Director” at Harvard Obama , by any chance ?
BBC WEbsite. ” Does Donald Trump believe Islam is a religion ? “. BBC manage to get their 2 favourite words into the same headline ! Assholes !
Does BBC and the Bercow crowd believe Islam is a religion? It seems not.
I listened to the BBC’s Hugh Pym’s lengthy feature 1800 Hrs yesterday evening on the BBC 1 news. It related to the NHS and Care in the Community. Pym’s report was dire by any stretch of the imagination.
I have to go into hospital later this year for major surgery so all and any report on the state of the NHS will impinge on my thinking and perhaps growing apprehension. I actually felt better after Pym’s report had ended believe it or not. My reasoning? Well, the so-called “news” from the BBC is so distorted and biased (if not very relevant issues and aspects omitted altogether) that it has, for me, well dropped beneath the point of credibility. Its accuracy simply cannot be trusted. Any vestige of balanced reporting has long gone. It may help the viewers/listeners if the BBC published a list of their propaganda headings so the licence fee payer was alerted to the bias during broadcast. I suppose I am really suggesting that, along with the warnings pre news item about, “scenes which may upset some viewers” and “viewers are warned that this item contains flashing lights”, the viewer/listener should be given notice that the following news item(s) have been massaged/distorted by the BBC Editorial Team and will very likely be seen by some viewers/listeners as not being credible when considered objectively.
“viewers are warned that this item contains flashing lights”
They usually say ‘flash photography’ and I mentally respond, “Let me be the judge of that!”.
As to your subject, how long before NHS performance index figures get added to the news – “…the FTSE was down 100 points, the pound fell 13 cents and is now worthless against the Euro, while NHS waiting time is up 18 minutes, the worst since records began…”?
You forgot to add tractor production figures as well, JimS.
G, good luck with the surgery.
When reading stories about the NHS at this time of year keep in mind that there are only a few weeks left before the budget, so this is the point when the spending departments pitch for more money. The NHS reinforces its reasoned case for money with the emotional pressure of endless sad stories of individuals and organisational stories of crisis. In the trade it’s known as “shroud waving”. The usual result is that the Chancellor decides to improve his “caring image” by throwing more money at the NHS – much of which will be wasted before it reaches the clinical services that genuinely need it.
The BBC makes the most of all these stories because its political stance is that more public spending is good, even if the funds are wasted, and that the answer to any problem is more money.
Imagine there’s no countries, John Lennon, BBC Business, and the very top people do
BBC Business News stumbles and stutters when it comes to understanding economics and markets but when the subject of politics pops up the show knows exactly where it stands.
This morning we have a guest British-based Australian-accented businesswoman apparently in the headhunting business making it her business to moan and wail about the supposedly Trump and Brexit bad news for business on the BBC’s Business News.
As we would expect from the BBC there was absolutely no pushback and no challenge from the BBC presenters about this person’s views which match what the BBC thinks.
We’re supposed to accept that for the world of high tech innovation and of fashion – the sectors which this woman claimed to know best – Trump’s temporary travel ban applicable to a handful of failed and terror infested states was going to do great harm.
Well, I suppose if Trump gets his way the US will indeed have to do without the next Somali Bill Gates or the next Yemani Alexander McQueen. Of course they will still be more than welcome to the UK, so bully for us.
The message was overtly political not economic but this woman was not a politician so unlike our pro-globalist politicians she was not so careful to avoid spelling out the bottom line to her world vision…
In her own words here’s why Brexit upset this woman:
“For the very top people, borders were beginning not to exist, in fact they still don’t exist for them”
AISI, Says it all really, “In her own words here’s why Brexit upset this woman:
“For the very top people, borders were beginning not to exist, in fact they still don’t exist for them.” ”
Think I saw a piece, probably on the BBC w/s that Kiwis are upset that American millionaires and billionaires are waltzing in to the country, little or no questions asked, and buying residences as possible bolt-holes because they do not like Trump or should Trump turn nasty.
The right to migrate to the US is probably highly restricted for the ordinary Kiwi, especially if of white, British stock.
‘They’ just don’t get it, do they? ‘They’ obviously skew the system to advantage and privilege themselves and now voters have seen it and know it, the electorate are possibly starting to vote and elect for changes to the system.
“For the very top people, borders were beginning not to exist, in fact they still don’t exist for them”
Exactly right lady. For the Davos crowd and the wannabees.
And when borders do not exist for you, guess what else doesn’t matter for you? Think: governments, rule of law, taxes, democracy. You can pretty do as you please.
Whatever happened to all those women who were interviewed on American tv whilst choking back the tears, and accusing Trump of every assault imaginable whilst he was canvassing ?
Those idiots on the Morning Show Schofield & Willoughby were visibly distressed at the Beckham scandal and ‘didn’t want to talk about it’. Schofield appeared outraged that the leaked emails were akin to having a private conversation down the pub with your mates’
OK, so by the same token why did thousands take to the streets when an illegally recorded private conversation by Trump years ago cause such outrage ? Answer that Schofield ! (sorry its not the Beeb, but the rhetoric from ITV is the same)
I am still trying to process the fact that Bercow, Speaker of the House, stood in the Mother of Parliaments and acknowledged the ‘fact’ of Trump’s racism and sexism while presenting no evidence, no witnesses and none of the legal niceties he would consider, honest and honourable. Maybe someone should check his emails and bank transactions?
The message I am getting this morning is that Al Beeb is fighting a war on two fronts. Trump and Brexit . They are worried, very worried . Holland and France next ?
Dump the licence fee.
The BBC is fighting a war on two fronts World War 2 its what happened to Germany with UK and US on one side and the USSR on the other just like BBC and Brexit and Trump
Let’s hope the BBC face plenty more El Alameins, Midways, Stalingrads and finally Hiroshimas to finish the buggers off.
Imay – Unfortunately the beeb will be hard to kill off. It has huge ‘goodwill’ for historical reasons and for all the ‘popular’ programmes it churns out (most of which I personally hate, but they are popular) and as the ‘news’ progs are all part and parcel of the grotesque whole, where will the impetus come from to dismantle it? The shrieks from the sheeple (orchestrated by bibistan) will be even more deafening than the anti-Trump howls.
I think any reasonable person would settle for a subscription only service with splitting up and selling off as necessary. After all we’ve seen most of our industry decimated with a,”Ah well, it’s the way of the world” and “hard economic reality” excuses.
Still can’t figure how they get past the Competitions Commission – Divine Right I suppose?
I scrapped my TV about a year ago and informed the Licence people. They replied with the usual death threats.
I wrote a letter to them about 6 months ago. ” Dear Sir or Madam , F… off. Yours faithfully, Grant.
They replied with a letter saying that they would ” review my case in 2 years time “.
I, politely, replied ” You can still F… off then “. No further correspondence.
Grant – Oscar Wilde would have been proud of you!
Hey, I am not Milo !
I love the Oscar Wilde joke at Customs, arriving in the USA . ” Have you anything to declare ? ” . ” Only my genius “. !
Pure poetry Grant.
Music to my ears anyway.
Am tempted to get a tv just so I can do the same.
I hear Germany is, as we speak, upping production of broom stales and putting monies aside to cover army overtime. The Fourth Reich WILL last for a thousand years!
If France ‘falls’ to Le Pen, the BBC will certainly be worried. Think of all the French second homes that will suddenly become unfashionable to visit!
Le Pen is very close now but the second round does present a hurdle.
I so hope it happens the Beebies will have to boycott, cheese, wine and that Leftenant’s Woman.
Dont know if anyone else has seen it but I found on Twitter but there is a lovely article in the Daily Express in whiuch someone says that a mass boycott of the BBC viewing tax {which I havent paid for the last four years and never will} will kill off the BBC……………You know what you have to do and the Daily Express comments on this article make for some most satifiying reading enjoy !! I did
@JosF you Just paste the tweets URL to share here.
Good for posting videos here as well.
He does look like Tarantino though?
StewGreen thanx for that Now I will now how to link to any articles I find that might be of use
How can we get some kind of organised boycott underway?
If you cut off the funding, it couldn’t survive in the real world.
Perhaps start with a ‘switch off’ day where everyone who is sick of their bias to ensure no BBC output is viewed.
These things have a habit of snowballing.
I’m not sure an organised boycott of the BBC would succeed. What’s more likely is a gradual dropping off of revenue, as young people used to watching Iplayer never bother to sign up for a licence when leaving home, the number of immigrants increases (who are not likely to understand or bother about the licence) and the older, BBC-loyal generation gradually dies off. The BBC will then either have to move to a subscription only model, or be funded by general taxation.
We can’t expect any help from the Government to help rein in the BBC. Maybe the on demand subscription services – Netflix and Amazon could do a public service and have a massive anti-licence publicity campaign. But alas they buy programmes from the BBC so probably wouldn’t want to upset the apple cart.
Cranmer is right – eventually England and Wales will run out of old white people so it will die a natural death anyway – but I’d like to hurry its demise along!
At the moment I just advise friends/acquaintances etc stop paying – they are usually busy people who have little spare time for live TV but have paid their direct debit by default. I’ve had only a couple of successes so far I must admit.
Germany’s International broadcasting service DW decayed before the BBC did.
See the distraction technique they use -“Bubbleworld? Not us, look over there at ‘FarRight'”(A loaded word itself)
Blast from the past
David Bellamy in 2013
Well, my heating bill is up but I’m forgetting that Global Warming could result in the UK suffering either, massive amounts of rain OR a massive rise in sea level OR drought OR an ice age or a massive rise in temperature and desertification. So just what to do about my heating bill direct debit?
The BBC response to Carswell as quoted by the Express was the usual triumph of smug, complacent, arrogance:
A BBC Spokesperson said: “Douglas Carswell opposing the licence fee is nothing new, but the public supports the licence fee as the best way of funding the BBC and there was overwhelming backing for a strong and independent BBC during the Government’s recent consultation.
“It was widely acknowledged that the BBC covered the referendum campaign impartially and we have continued to do so since.”
I truly hope Carswell is right, but only the left have a tradition of mass civil disobedience in this country. I’m thinking of the Poll Tax in particular but also the miners’ strike. The rest of us have a tendency to moan and pay up!
So, exactly on what evidence does the BBC assert what the public think?
Have we had a referendum on it that maybe I’ve forgotten?
Oh and has the word ‘impartial’ had a change of definition?
‘Dirty, Lying, Filthy – Your BBC’
They asked everyone within half a mile of W1 1AA and the whole staff of the Guardian, G. who complained, if anything they thought the BBC is a little too much to the right, no doubt.
This is a few lines from a reply I received about the BBC not fulfilling its charter obligations. This came into force in 2015, obviously, the powers that be haven’t had the memo yet
“The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.”
Don’t the pompous, self-satisfied, BBC wankers just piss you off ? Total assholes.
Apologies to all posters here. My language is deteriorating !
Grant, I like to think they might read some of this with similar effect.
“the public supports the licence fee as the best way of funding the BBC ” That is a lie. Maybe if it was only Islingtonians asked they may get that response.
“overwhelming backing for a strong and independent BBC” – It would be nice if it was independent from the Labour Party/Guardian/Soros control.
“It was widely acknowledged that the BBC covered the referendum campaign impartially ” No it isn’t!
“we have continued to do so since”. No they haven’t.
BBC fake news purveyors. Even talking about themselves they are fake story-telling.
One of our posters here, wronged, kept a running tally of the leavers and remainers on question time for the whole series run up to the referendum. There were double the amount of remainers to leavers.
Just like the ‘specially selected’ audience in Clacton where ukip had won on something like 60 percent of the vote yet they couldn’t find a ukip voter in the audience.
Impartial, yeah right.
Last week’s session was from Wallasey. A hateful labour cow, who hit every branch on the way down when she fell out of the ugly tree compairing Trump and the holocaust (around 2:00) and a good follow up a few minutes later. And how that slanderous bastard, Nick Hewer, is still walking around free is a mystery as well! 5 panellists and 4 admitting they voted remain. When the question come up about is labour an efective opposition, one audience member stuck up his hand and said that UKIP is the opposition, to the sound of tumble weed blowing through the hall. Biased audience?
Toobiwan, the woman at 2.00 who makes the Primo Levi quote is so dim she can’t see that it could just as easily refer to blind obedience of lefties like her as it does to Trump supporters.
Dim’s the word and hatred personified and it beggars belief that this harpy is shadow chief secretary to the treasury, but who is the dimmest, her or those who voted for her?
My constituency was saddled with an “expert” in “social and gender studies” and is currently the Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, (FFS and looks about 12!) when the none labour vote was split between the incumbent tory and the rising UKIP vote.
EE, “A BBC Spokesperson said: “Douglas Carswell opposing the licence fee is nothing new, but the public supports the licence fee as the best way of funding the BBC and there was overwhelming backing for a strong and independent BBC during the Government’s recent consultation.”
Well done, Sir .. or Madam, it appears you have caught the BBC resorting to that awful ‘populism’ again!
Lefty protesters full of hate are resorting to their usual Alinsky tactics to stop legally approved fracking.
Threats force firms to quit fracking site
\\ Notes were left for construction workers at Cuadrilla’s site near Blackpool saying
“watch out, we know where you live”//
A guard was knocked down but uninjured as he tried to move a protester who was obstructing a small truck reversing. Mail
Previously 2014 Indy reported a petrol bomb attack in Northern Ireland
The Navy Lark on R4 Xtra – so very un-PC.
So refreshing!
Left hand down a bit!
Interesting – here and in the US, the media has become the official political opposition filling the vacuum created by the collection of sulky and irrational types we have on both sides of the pond.
Wow I’m posting a story from the proCorbyn Canary website.
“The BBC just tried to call out WikiLeaks. It did not end well.”
BTW I caught the prog red-handed.
8 mins in whilst trying to build narrative they said ClimateGate was a Wikileaks scoop..false cos other people already had the leaked emails
Segment’s FalseNarrative
‘Climategate leak selective, other emails debunk, so @wikileaks not reliable’
In the AlBeebRemora section today.
“I ran Clinton’s campaign, and I fear Russia is meddling with more than elections”
Robby Mook
BBBC readers are far too busy to read this lying, misdirecting, nonsense, so here is a synopsis.
#1 Hillary Clinton, being guilty of both treason and causing the deaths of US embassy staff, responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
#2 Hillary Clinton, being too arrogant to follow advice, jeopardised US security, responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
#3 Barack Obama, being guilty of encouraging illegal immigrants to vote for Clinton, responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
#4 The Democratic party having been discovered, yet again, of fiddling the election in their favour, by vote rigging, responsibilty for this rests with the Kremlin.
#5 The Democratic party, having been discovered rigging their own, “democratic” process in favour of Clinton, responsibilty for this rests with the Kremlin.
#6 The Democratic party, unwilling to blame themselves for the inadequacies they have shown for over a century, flails about in a failed attempt to blame WikiLeaks/Putin/anyone for their solied linen being displayed in public. Very soiled as usual. Responsibility for this rests with the Kremlin.
Lately I have been shown to be crying Wolf and claiming that “today’s” offering from the beggars is so bad that it surpasses anything that could be created. Every time one of the “opinionated” shows how wrong I am.
This patent rubbish is being savaged BTL, warms my old heart.
Again confusion – The Left just can’t make up it’s mind whether we need to go to war with Russia OR Russia is planning war on us BUT Trump wants war with Russia OR Trump wants co-operation with Russia and that’s a bad thing?
The mass hysteria is becoming, mass psychosis.
You are right on the button as usual. The Lefties are so confused, they cannot even find their own assholes. Many apologies for my bad launguage.
Grant, Orwell wrote that when Russia signed the non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, a similar sense of confusion reigned amongst the left. So much so that it spawned his idea of ‘doublethink’, the ability to hold two conflicting opinions at the same time.
Yes, Orwell summed up the Leftist mind perfectly. They can never be happy until the day they die, and even then … That is fine with me, but why do they have to bore the rest of us with their crap ?
That’s not strictly true Grant my esteemed friend! The mentally ill left find Quim Farron and Nick Clag-nut often enough
The NUS says that if students refuse to say what they think of their university, the government won’t be able to “raise tuition fees”.
Bercow was wrong
– You don’t no-platform people
You let them speak and then defeat their arguments in debate.
His action sets a bad precedent to bullying students.
Bercow is a Fascist. He would have been at home in Nazi Germany. He is a total cnut.