If you visit the BBC Home news portal, it’s just one anti-Trump story after another. The hysteria from the BBC is a joy to behold. They cannot bring themselves to accept that all he is doing s enacting the will of those who ELECTED him. So instead they use every possible angle to undermine him. What a bunch of deplorables they are.
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Did the BBC ever correct the fake news of an Iraqi’s mother dying after being denied a flight to the US?
Her son Mike Hagar apparently got the date wrong.
It was before the 90-day ban!
Sad too that Conservative MPs like Stratford’s Nadhim Zahawi have been joining the lynch mob despite the ban never applying to him.
Or that story about lady feds who had hit twitter to stick it to the man?
We never wanted him (Zahawi) as our MP !!!!!
It’s an absolute pleasure to be at home in the warm with a nice cuppa, watching the rancid left on tv out in the cold losing their collective marbles besides themselves with rage and hate in their hearts, a joy to behold.
I’m sure the spectacle of all those happy hijabs will do wonders for Trump’s support in fly-over territory (and elsewhere) in the US. Moreover, contrary to what the BBC obviously believes, I suspect that deepest England envies the US voters having a leader who, once in office, immediately puts in place those temporary restrictions he was voted in to impose. On that note, it appears that the BBC considers that those grown-ups not demonstrating against the POTUS in the UK actually give more than a flying f*** for what the President of a foreign country does to control entry into that country. If pressed, I guess the grown-ups would opt for similar – but more permanent and more widespread – restrictions to be introduced here.
A response to the anti Trump Leftists from a working class Trumper. Worth watching.
Wow what an inspiring young guy, speaking in such a gentle, civil voice – without need for a mask – but in a tone which clearly tells the viewer: we deplorables have had enough and are about to turn. If ever the phrase ‘walk softly but carry a big stick’ was written for one man, and if ever an anonymous young man spoke for his country, it was this one..
It started off well, but however I do not want to be on the liberal side, I do not want to be convinced they are right, because they are wrong!
David, I’m proud to be a deplorable, as Hitlery labeled us. I’d suggest that the bbc is populated with despicables.
Every time the BBC R4 refers to the ban, it’s a ban on 7 “mainly muslim countries”. Very clearly this is BBC’s way of stoking the anti-Trump fires. It’s very dangerous.
This is the only time the bBBC uses the M word.
I totally agree, today I hear them changing to predominantly Muslim. There is no need to mention this at all. They could say 7 Arab countries, or 7 middle eastern countries. But they don’t, they have to make POTUS out to be anti Muslim.
The latest trick being used by BBC Radio Scotland after the recent terrorist knife attack in Paris is to report not that the terrorist shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ but to distance the connection with Muslim Terrorism by saying he shouted, ‘God is Great.’ in Arabic instead hoping people don’t link the two.
They are seven failed states which cannot co-operate with US Homeland Security. They may be failed states because they were muslim, that is another matter. However, muslim states with functioning governments, which are able to vet visa applicants properly, are not included in the TEMPORARY ban.
BBC = Fake news.
News at 6 – Speaker of the house Belcrow minor accusing Trump of being a racist & sexist – this nasty little height challenged person needs putting in his place.
Major item was on overcrowded hospitals – again the usual mantra of ageing population and never a mention on an ever expanding population due to immigration both legal and illegal
Facts and the BBC go together like leftards and intelligence. And over and over again it has been proved that the BBC and leftards go togeter like glue. Still watching the BBC news programs and their anti-Trump agenda along with the BBC and its anti-Brexit agenda is still more funny than the BBC’s efforts at comedy especially at the sheep like mentality of the leftards who seem to be still under the delusion that the BBC is still a professional news and current affairs provider and which the leftards who sheeple like still believe that if its reported by the BBC then it must be true though those of us who’s IQs get beyond our shoe sizes know that the BBC does news and journalism in the same way that I as a Mechanical Engineer does Brain Surgery. Leftards just be good compliant sheeple and believe everythin that Auntie beeb feeds you as when the BBC house of cards will collapse then maybe you will start to actually think for the first time in your lives as the truth is finally releived to you PS it wont be found on the BBC
And, of course, the BBC headline intimates that, if the courts decide that Donald Trump was entirely correct, and acted totally within the statutes of the US Constitution, and within his rights (in fact in accordance his dutiess as US President, to protect his country) in issuing this Executive Order in the first place, and that it should not have been challenged and blocked…..
…. then the next line of attack will be that, if the Executive Order is re-instated, that he will be the one to have caused chaos by getting so doing.
Only in the poisonous left-wing, hate-fest, mindset can such logic exist.
Oddly the BBC never explain why the Executive Order was unconstitutional or indeed illegal despite the endless repetition of the phrase by Katty et al.
Maybe the BBC in the sprite of that legendary BBC balance and impartiality could do us a documentry on all of obama’s executive orders….Or would that embarass the BBC when they find all the obama executive orders that show up the BBC agenda ??
I note from US sites that the word “chaos” is the one that is being constantly blathered in the media there, as the anti-Trump outlets perpetually parrot each other, reporting the “news” as they wish it to be.
On the Beebyanka’s film review programme, “Film 2017”, where, in an average week, a journalist from the “Grauniad” discusses new releases with two other journalists from the “Grauniad”, Trump is a recurrent theme. Recently, the film “Denial” was reviewed, concerning the trial involving Deborah Lipstadt, of the Anti-Defamation League, and Holocaust denier David Irving. I had no trouble supporting Lipstadt at the time, because she was plainly in the right. It also helped me to realise what a vile character the late John Keegan was, when he supported Irving in the “Daily Telegraph”.
Now, however, although not intended as such, the film, “Denial”, is blatantly being exploited as a supposed parable for our not so much later time. Deborah Lipstadt herself recently accused Donald Trump of Holocaust denial and was gratifyingly told off by the World Jewish Congress.
On the “Film 2017” programme, though, Timothy Spall (Irving, in the film) was shown saying, in interview:
“When we were making it, obviously, we were pre-Brexit and pre the election of Donald Trump, so it couldn’t be more timely, yer know. Obviously, in an age that has never been so riddled with information and so difficult to find the truth within that information, yer know, information, opinion and fact are different things.”
Now, if I’d been asked to interview anyone who talks like Timothy Spall, I’d probably have gone into a coma after twenty-three seconds, too, but I’m guessing the Beebyanka actually had rather more footage than that to choose from and that the association of Brexit and Mr Trump’s election with the Holocaust was the Beeboids’ “opinion”, as well as his.
I heard that Holocaust denier David Irving did not deny the Holocaust, but only underestimates the victims by a million or so. So a debate as dim and misinformed by left-wing morons as Climate science.
Oh, did he pretend only that Auschwitz wasn’t a death camp? That’s all right, then… Errrm, no.
Not only was Auschwitz the biggest death camp, it was also the only permanent one. At Belzec, Chelmno and Treblinka, the nazis could cover their tracks almost completely, but Auschwitz left what it is fashionable today to term a “footprint”. If someone were able to get the incredible idea past a court that Auschwitz was somehow not a death camp, then the physical and testimonial evidence of the other death camps would be hard to sustain, in court, too. Denying Auschwitz is denying the Holocaust in toto.
It’s not actually illegal to deny the happening of the Holocaust in English law (or Scottish, as far as I know), but there is a bizarre notion that historical questions and scientific ones can be decided by juries, so Irving could sue for being denounced accurately as a Holocaust denier and potentially build a factually impossible, but legally supported, case for denial.
You do climate sceptics, of whom I have always been one, no favours, by linking us with David Irving.
Congratulations: alongside Brexit-voters and Trump-supporters, you have appropriated climate-realists as Holocaust deniers.
Irving was suing for libel was he not?
He had been called a holocaust denier, which he must have felt was libellous, which surely implies that he must have thought the holocaust happened? If he thought the holocaust had not happened, then he could hardly have sued for being called a holocaust denier.
All very odd. Still, at least the lawyers got paid.
Just for the record, there is no truth to the rumour that three Labour MPs knew about the mass rape of English girls by muslim rape gangs in Rotherham. It has now been proved in court that these three MPs in fact knew nothing at all about one of the worst crimes ever committed in modern Britain, which was taking place under their noses. I only wish I could earn £54,000 by dint of being ignorant and incompetent at my job.
Funny old world.
Irving was sent to prison for his denial in Austria. Go to Graz and argue the toss there.
I’d rather not. Do you have a point to make?
Bill Warner on the Louvre attacks
In their 100 day Trump onslaught, the BBC do get some American to come and condemn Pres Trump.
What The BBC does not realise, is that most Americans are patriotic. They may criticise America, or the the president, within America, but they don’t like it when some foreigner does so.
When that happens, one cam see the scowl coming on their once happy faces. I also think that this will the last time that American will be getting our money
Do the BBC honestly believe that a temporary halt to the import of illiterate Somalis and similar 3rd worlders will bring on armageddon? The continuation is more likely to do so, IMHO.
Silicon Valley up in arms
i didnt realise the Yemen and Somalia was full of IT genius’s, that’s some reflection on western education 😉
What about ohbuma doing the same things for upto 3 months.
Chris Evans is just as bad on Radio 2, can’t resist idiotic snide remarks against Trump, even suggesting this morning that Trump is going to be impeached soon, and doesn’t really want to be President anyway. Funnily enough he said something similar during the election campaign, that Trump didn’t really want to win the election. Yeah see how that worked out.
Chris Evans is just as bad on Radio 2, can’t resist idiotic snide remarks against Trump, even suggesting this morning that Trump is going to be impeached soon, and doesn’t really want to be President anyway. Funnily enough he said something similar during the election campaign, that Trump didn’t really want to win the election. Yeah see how that worked out.
Chris Evans…..idiotic. Nuff said.
The cult like mass hysteria that has utterly engulfed the self-styled liberal communities of the west is everything we could have hoped for. All of us on this website have longed for the day where someone could actually take on these hate filled, self-serving, leftoid supremacists who have used and abused their own people to solely benefit themselves.
The regressive left and militant MSM, including the fascist bastards at Islamic Al Beeb, have declared war on Donald Trump, as for the first time in decades they actually have a real person and not a ideal to hate. I am going to list some points on why I believe this war will be the defeat of cult Leftlam…
1: The vast majority of the regressive left are privileged, self-righteous, self-identified intellectual supremacists, who have been brainwashed by the self protecting system to believe the doctrine they follow is morally, intellectually and economically superior than all other belief systems. The institutions that prepare them for adulthood not only encourage intolerance and utter bigotry of opposing views, it has created micro-aggressions and trigger subjects to authorise threats and intimations to protect their views. All of these regressives peers that go into business, politics, and media have been brainwashed to fanatically believe the doctrine, which is why this violent mass hysteria has been triggered.
2: The rest of the population are made up of the following:
= People who are weak and believe cult Leftlams lie that looking and acting virtueous, regardless of what damage is being done to your own people, is the key to happiness and success. ..
= People like us wonderful men and women on here, who have seen though the lies, the deceit, the incompetent leadership, the disastrous policies, that are soley to the benifit of the elite and WILL destroy our country in the progress..
=The silent majority, who are generally apathetic, and believe that the people in charge (political and media) are doing what’s best for their countries and have the people’s interests at heart…..these are the people that Trump is going for. The other groups are already settled, and to control the majority, wins the war.
3: The media constantly portrait President Trump as being out of control, out of his depth, and having no idea what he is doing. This false narrative is part of the left’s war on their enemies to control the majority. The flaw of the left’s plan is their team of career politicians and media prostitutes who are at best mildly intelligent, and all lack in common sense and realism are against team Trump, who are intellectual geniuses and business giants, and are superior in every way to the brainwashed lunatics of Leftlam cultists.
4: Trump is 10 steps ahead of those at war with him. He was voted in on a agressive manifesto and knows he has the public on board to carry those very things out. What he is doing however is going less extreme with his actions, yet all the while knowing that his enemies will attack it like its the most evil policy ever put forward. Cult Leftlams utter hatred is so total, that they are attacking good, sound policies the American people want, slandering, abusing and therefore winning the silent majority to Trump. With every attack it becomes clear that the media are not interested in what’s right for America, its about fucking over President Trump, the man who is their President, who is doing everything to put them first, is trying to make their lives better, yet is being attacked for doing so. This is the brilliance of Trumps team, because this war between Trump and the media is now so indiscriminate, that everything Trump does is evil, therefore the American people who agree with his policies are evil!
We all knew it was going to be a war. The war of ideologies is underway and we have a team put together by Trump thats kicking the all powerful enemies ass! Those with the majority win….and for the first time in decades we have a champion that knows how to reach them
Great post.I look on President Trump’s executive orders as akin to probing attacks on the enemy. Let them waste their energies on these and then when the real reforms come they will have over reached themselves.
As for the Bercow virtue signalling what can a rational man say other than it is the action of a genuine fool.
I still think it very important for us that the President cancels his trip and explains exactly why so that the gathering fightback in Europe will see he is on our side.
The Speaker of the Commons reminds me of a recording of a NAZI Judge dispensing NAZI Justice by screaming moral superiority to a defendant whose crime was to allowed his daughter to marry a Jew. It proves the point that Moral perverts like Bercow use politically correct words to compensate for an Immoral lifestyle.
I think Bercow must be upset about Trump allowing his daughter to marry a Jew.
“I think Bercow must be upset about Trump allowing his daughter to marry a Jew.“?
I’m not sure what you’re saying here. I thought Bercov was Jewish. Are you saying he’s upset that Trump has allowed his daughter to ‘dilute’ her husband’s line? Besides, is it Trump’s place—or anyone else’s for that matter—to “allow” her to do anything?
You’re right about him though. He’s a puffed-up, repulsive, smug, little slug. It’s a shame he’s in a safe Tory seat.
This is what Lefties do as a matter of form, when they are not rioting, burning and beating up ordinary people.
Which country was that,it wouldn’t be allowed here?
Please tell me that she is faking it. Please !
If only the BBC could be placed under President Trump’s tender, loving care:
TV tax targeted — THUMP! — TV tax torpedoed
Done! Next!
I think Trump should use US foreign aid to pay for a non-payment of the licence fee campaign, were people who refuse to pay the licence fee are given a £300 reward, and staff in Darlington are rewarded with a £1,000 bonus for every week they are on strike.
That executive order would linger on his desk for about 5 seconds !
Liberals act like Trump is going to kill gays, make slavery legal again, and erase women’s rights. As if he’s Muslim or something.
LOL ! Spot on !
Haha! A round of applause for that one! 🙂
A very neat encapsulation.
BBC Website headline ” Farage dodges egg on campaign trail “. Then banging on about him seperating from his wife. It is relentless. Do the BBC not realise how boring and predictable they are ?
Wonder how they will report a UKIP win in Stoke, and it seems likely. Vote-rigging ?
We all know what people do first when organising a Coup – they attack the radio/TV stations in order to own them as our own! These people don’t need such things as guns nor RPGs – pink flags and men dressed like old men with beards will do!
As we all know, the BBC/MSM has totally surrended to the rainbow fascist’s ow those gender benders own the airwaves and you and myself can’t do a thing about it!
These people don’t need such things as guns nor RPGs!
Even though it was at around 4.30am when I switched on World Service, I still feel nauseous at 1.30pm.
The first thing I hear is an obviously rigged story about a man whose gone to the airport to collect his wife from Iraq.
She was no where in site this was of course due to President Trumps BAN. Then she turns up to the applause of IRAQIS WELCOME HERE. Then there is a soldier involved who served over there and gives her one of his Purple Hearts. The timeline of how the soldier got there and how he knew or whether he found them afterwards was confusing however how all this was conveniently recorded and highlighted by the BBC. Interesting!
Then we have a story on the obnoxious speaker of the house attacking Mr Trump. Then we have an Interview with a Trump supporter abroad but the BBC presenter was going for Mr Trump like she had alligator jaws and was having none of what the Presidents supporter had to say. If this wasn’t all bad enough the next piece of throw up shit was over the names on a job resume and would either using Adam or Mohamed make a difference when applying for a job. It was suggested that applications should be submitted blind with no names attached. This is purely one sided pot stirring frenzied crazy. It continues with two more pieces. The controversial settlement laws passed by Israel which of course are connected with the election of Donald. Finally before switching off in disgust there are angry soldiers currently serving in Iraq who are not pleased with White House policy. Please make of all this what you will.
Something URGENTLY needs to be done to the BBC so that it can not continue on this one sided, biased and unbalanced reporting. They call it news I call it rubbish.
The BBC website gives prominence to this criticism of Trump’s list of under-reported terrorist incidents
The mother of a backpacker who was stabbed to death in Australia has criticised the White House for labelling her death a “terror attack”.
Mia Ayliffe-Chung, 20, who was killed at a hostel in Queensland in August, did not die as a result of terrorism, police have said.
So not terrorism, neither is this case (which I cannot see covered by the BBC)
Innocent pensioner died after four fraudsters rammed into car in ‘crash for cash’ plot, court hears
Not terrorism but still a good reason not to allow third world practices into this country.
The “hysteria” continues unabated.. Out of touch with the “will” of the people the BBC continues with it’s non stop bias.
Bearing in mind the “Poisonous Pygmies” outrageous and defamatory attack on The US president yesterday. Back Trump’s visit to the UK & sign the petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/180040
That the left can dare to bleat about ‘hate speech’ is preposterous. Even Orwell could not have envisioned something this extreme. Instead of 2 minutes hate it is 24 hours a day. I used to love the 6.30 comedy shows on Radio 4 but there has been so much sneering and hatred it is unbearable.
Michael Wolff nailed it when he said the media was having a collective nervous breakdown over Trump. They’ve completely abandoned the idea of reporting the news in favour of the ‘grail’ of bringing Trump down.
And given that, every time they manage to dent Trump’s credibility, they damage their own credibility as news organisations just as much. Look at them running around like headless chickens trying to ‘fact-check’ the Trump statement that Muslim atrocities were under-reported.
Trump has the media under control in the same way that Pavlov had his dogs. At every tweet, they go nuts and run in circles for days.