Remarkable….the BBC has become the seeker of Truth, a warrior cutting down falsehood and lies in order to protect us from the evil doers.
Once, not so long ago, the much fêted Victoria Derbyshire would sit in mute silence as obvious Muslim radicals used her programme to spread their propaganda, Derbyshire herself often backing what they said and indeed on one occasion, Phil Shiner-like, told us that British troops were murderers of civilians who were accidentally killed in military strikes against the Taliban.
That relaxed attitude has gone, she’s a changed woman, a changed journalist, now she scours the world for stories of injustice or extremism that she can do her bit to rectify…in fact all the way to a small, remote village in a very remote part of Europe…
Muslims and gays ‘are unwelcome here’
Muslim dress and “homosexual propaganda” have been banned in a remote village in southern Hungary. The BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme reports.
Where would we be without VD in the nether regions of the EU?
It’s hilarious how cult leftlams militants have to go so far to find a example of intolerance against the utterly intolerant! It’s the left’s kryptonite…supply and demand! There’s just no examples to find amongst their own people, so off they travel, to a part of the world untainted by the disease that is ‘islamaphobia-phobia’ and ‘political correctness’.
The irony here all along is cult leftlams militants only had to ask questions of any death cult follower here in the UK to find all the intolerance, hatred, supremacy they could ever wish for
VD wouldn’t have to travel far from her studio if she was dressed naturally as a western women, to find out where she would not be welcome.And a bus or local train would get her there in less than an hour. But most of you know where many of these places are.
Gosh, if she travelled to a remote corner of Pakistan I wonder if she might be able to find a village where Christianity and Homosexual propaganda are banned? No of course not. Not because it doesn’t exist. But because the BBC are not prepared to look under those stones. Anyway, I’d love to have a Muslim ban in my local area and I suspect many other people would.
Yes, in Pakistan, there is a Christian woman on Death Row, for drinking out of a flask that was supposedly for muslims only. The Beebyanka encourages nonsensical talk about “segregation” in Israel (where it doesn’t exist), but ignores the very lethal version in muslim states.
You might be wondering why all of a sudden, the Pakistani government has a Peace train touring the country, to educate Muslims that they should respect and tolerate Christians.
Could it be that they are scared President Trump might put a stop to Pakistan’s Hijra to the USA.
Yes a good little jolly at our expense most likely staying in the best hotels and business class flights.
Next maybe a village on the Australian NE coast near the Great Barrier Reef for some well deserved R&R once finished hunting down some white Islamphopbics.
Mathew Hopkin (the famous witch finder general) could have learned a few lessons from the BBC if he was still around these days.
‘fêted Victoria Derbyshire’ surely you mean ‘fetid Victoria Derbyshire’?
I wonder if anyone had thought to let Prime Minister Orban know about Mrs Derbyshire’s little fact finding trips and the use she is making of what she finds? I’m not sure he’d be as tolerant of her subversive activities as we seem to be.
There is method in the apparent rather odd obsession with Hungary. The order must have gone out from Hive Central. Victor Orban and his country are to be vilified and pilloried as he is the only EU leader to welcome President Trump without reservation.
The BBC think we are stupid and cannnot see through this pathetic attempt to create a climate of Hungary hatred. I heard some of it on R4 tonight .
Just more moaning from the beaten snowflakes of the elite. F off . Nobody gives a damn and President Trump has your card well and truly marked. Still bet you at the BBc never get an interview.
and they incidentally mentioned it was on the serbian border, and couldnt link up why they didnt want any muslims … feckin idiots.
Yet parts of blackburn are all paki as they chase the whitey out, and thats lovely multi-culti
complete and utterly useless traitorous twats
No item on this ANYWHERE on the BBC web (of misinformation) site. Obviously very unwelcome news to Beeboids. The majority of Europeans are also averse to further muslim immigration and erosion of their own culture.
Islam is an ideology in the same way that Communism is an ideology. Would we have welcomed millions of practising communists into western Europe, without vetting, in the 1950’s?
Mr latte,
Good spot. This report, particularly in the current febrile anti Trump tirade, is absolute dynamite and proves that not only was Trump on the money in the US but that he is ahead of public opinion throughout the EU. If this report has veracity, and I have no reason to believe it has not then the anti Trump marchers are shown yet again to be in the minority and that this is the only agenda which enjoys widespread media coverage and promotion at cost to the calm and moderate majority whose interests and opinions are dangerously ignored and pilloried. The MSM, especially our state broadcaster, are misguided if they believe misrepresentation and outright bias are the solutions to the awakening of the silent majority. it will only hold for so long before something gives and the results will be far from pleasant.