The Today show managed a whole segment without mentioning Trump by name [08:24], though he loomed large over the discussion….the unnamed boogeyman disrupting the civilised party who must be exorcised.
A discussion about a female SOE operative in WWII made a massive leap of association by connecting her heroics in her fight against the Nazi’s fascism to the battle against the new fascist world order…Trumpism.
The world needs role models like her who know which is the right path, what is the acceptable, ‘civilised’ behaviour, what is wrong with the world…you must fight what is wrong….. as barriers are going up, movement stopped and people described by their religion or race…wrong, wrong, wrong. Naturally that didn’t stop them telling us it was the SOE agent’s sufi [Muslim] religion that kept her going as she was abused by the Fascists.
Might suggest the real Fascists are those liberals who don’t believe in democracy and will say and do anything to subvert it, including supporting Islamist terrorism [though of course they don’t in such cases like to make an association with Islam as they do when it suits a pro-Muslim narrative]….or killing Trump.
“though of course they don’t in such cases like to make an association with Islam as they do when it suits a pro-Muslim narrative”
If it wasn’t leading to the destruction of our way of life, I would find the lefts psychopathic infatuation with team slaughter hilarious! It’s like a friend trying to convince you that their new partner who has a history of violence, murder and hatred, is really a sweet, kind, gentle person, who is just misunderstood…..but then tells you “whatever you do, don’t upset them, and we have to do everything to make them feel welcome, or they wil kill you”…..
Two great petitions to sign and get your point over v the Anti Trump bias:
Two great petitions to sign and get your point over v the Anti Trump bias:
Isn’t it fantastic that Trump has got all the msm running around in circles simply by using twitter to inform us instead of announcing it to the media and them putting their spin on it.
A simple message from the Donald, a simple truth, and they have no answer. They are wrong footed and take a while to get their response against him.
Twitter, the net, Breitbart and other places, the truth is out there and more are finding it.
Trump is playing a blinder and the msm are lost.
By the way, aren’t all our women lovely. Melania is stunning, Marion is gorgeous, the Danish girl, Pernille, is a beauty, Isabel Oakshott is a real pretty lass. We have the good looks AND a sense of humour. We really are much better than these lefty miserable moaning shits.
By US I mean the 17.4 million of us who are apparently racists, bigots, nazis, mysogenists and we didn’t know what we were voting for anyway. I mean, who knew that voting leave meant also leaving the single market, there I was thinking that a vote to leave meant we all stayed in the eu because leaving the single market wasn’t written in the question of if I wanted to stay in or leave the eu. At least, that’s what I’m told by the likes of farron.
In a way, the situation at the moment is a bit like Gorbachev when the wall came down. This is a temporary phase and May will be swept away to be replaced by a party (or at least politicians) that actually represents the people.
Serious mistake : you forgot that we are also ‘ fruitcakes and loonies !
By US I mean the 17.4 million of us who are apparently racists, bigots, nazis, mysogenists
You forgot “deplorables”.
Report to the nearest labour camp. Bring your own shovel.
Our Government led by appeasing Treezer, has hired Saatchi at a cost of £60 million to combat Twitter, the Net, especially Breibart, cos the latter is far right extremism.
Here you are. We are paying taxes to a Government who has decided that Breibart is enemy propaganda.
‘The Times uncovered evidence of the government’s crackdown on rightwing extremism following freedom of information requests. It quoted an insider as saying that the government would challenge “people who read Breitbart and stuff like that, the conspiratorial media”.
Breitbart, the US news outlet, has become a gathering point for extremists from the “alt-right”. Fears that conversations previously conducted on the fringes might enter the political mainstream multiplied after Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart CEO, was appointed as Donald Trump’s chief strategist and now plays a fundamental role in the president’s administration.’
What are the odds that Biased BBC will be on Treezer’s list? Government insiders may be watching
Could this be why ‘every’ advert on TV has become multi-racial?
Advertising in cinemas has for a long time been pushing the Coca-Cola ‘One World’ theme across just about all brands. I might believe it if all countries encouraged mass immigration, mixed sex dancing in the streets and consumption of alcohol.
That’s something I’ve been considering lately. We may have cause for concern.
Sure we [mostly] have the freedom of the internet now but for how long? How long before it is all regulated & controlled? Dissenting voices silenced? The establishment is afraid of losing the control they thrive on. They know they are rumbled and they are not liking it at all.
I think we should all be saving as much information & evidence as we can, documents, articles, pictures, film clips, everything on our own hard drives, sticks etc. Who knows what may disappear & be denied later. It’s suspicious for example, that google search won’t throw up a link to the Bring-Donald-Trump-To-The-UK petition. The only results I could get were for a closed petition or the one against Trump. I could only get to that petition via the link someone provided here. I think we should stay alert. Whether we can take action to prevent censorship I have no idea. Until we are out of the EU properly we don’t even know if our democracy is worth anything.
I agree entirely. Many posts, including mine, which appear on this site are probably contravening this or that law, after all , as the story in today’s Telegraph shows, even the chap who winds up the Brief Encounter clock at Carnforth station is in trouble for remarks he made to a friend which were overheard by someone else. In a year or two going into the station buffet and ordering a bacon roll will probably be illegal. The internet was a bastion of free speech , perhaps the last bastion, and it is now under direct assault by the liberal left elite and their lipspittles in the MSM. The Thought Police are round every corner and for the dreaded Hate Crime law they don’t even have to have any proof. Another of Blair’s attacks on British identity. I wonder how long it will be before those who run this site get pulled over for a quiet word by the authorities. Also how secure are our identities on this site?
I wish you were exaggerating, but ,sadly, it is true. Freedom is dying. RIP.
The true motive of the snoopers charter.
We will all be ambushed in “Minority Report” style raids for ‘crimes’ we might commit but haven’t.
No Google found the petition for me
:support trump petition :
#4 got me to a similar petition which gave me the correct link
im pretty sure PREVENT will be knocking on all our doors soon, the germans are already at it.
I agree.
Make contact with US groups who have similar views and an interest in UK politics and feed them information. Keep it rolling.
The BBC remains in its comfort zone still…
What is interesting is the choice of a serene young beauty as opposed to the shrieking old harridans that could be more realistically be represented.
The scourge of backendofbusism is alive and well at the BBC, and no amount of token Abbott, Toynbee, JAB or Soubry as guests in the studio can offset this.
“cover your hair!” as the Saudi religious police howl, waving their canes as western women walk by.
Feminists in the west have lost their marbles where islam is concerned.
But in their warped, backwards world they regard the niqab and hijab as empowering. I suppose when all women are dressed in the same black tent it is not so easy to see who are the good looking ones and who are the feminists, so it may be a bit of a leveller for them.
I saw what you did there Demon, so funny yet true.
Maybe my bit about us having the good looking ones has some foundation to it if all the mingers are the ones covering themselves up.
I don’t know if this link will work. Maybe it is best if it does not.
It shows two RoPers beating the bejasus out of a woman wearing the full black bin liner.
And I thought, as she screamed, the advantage of the bin liner is that it conceals the cuts and bruises inflicted by Allah’s lads.
And this is what feminists support.
I wonder what her crime was? Getting raped? Resisting rape? Tut tut.
They are mentally deranged. If they love Islam so much they should convert and go and live in Saudi. No-one will miss them. I doubt if any psychiatric treatment can cure them .
The BBC seem oddly all OK! now with the Barry in the sand activities now having been coy to the point of watertight oversight when he was on the links as Prez… a lot.
Barak spent most of his time on the golf course. He can now do so full time.
NCBBC……Will barak obozo mooch of people like branson for his golf trips now he cant mooch of the American taxpayer anymore ???
The BBC trades in lies and half truths, in their desperation to find a “nice” islam, and to attack President Trump.
If a Sufi intelligence operative was captured by Islamic state he or she would be killed in short order as an apostate.
Sufism is simply not recognized as Islam by the Islamic mainstream that is increasingly dominated by Salafist thinking.
The greatest irony is that the globalist nexus of corporate and supra-national state “rules based” power is closer to the world totalitarian order dreamed of by both Nazis and Communists than Donald Trumps vision of small government, independent nation state, democratic, capitalist economies trading with each other.
It’s like Team Hillary took out a £2bn advertising contract with the BBC and still have lots of credit.
I don’t know what’s really going on, but even their election campaigning for Labour isnt as big as their campaign against Trump.
Sarah Palin will be jealous !
BBC infant puts ‘true’ in to make it so; forgets link. Professionally of course; it is in their DNA
The MSM here and in the US has become the opposition to President Trump and to the freedom movements in Europe . The BBC is now committed. This will end very badly for it. Remember the old USSR. The official media was at one with a discredited regime and was ignored and then destroyed. Here the reverse applies. The official media is at war with the democratically expressed will of the majority. This can only end one way and it will be the BBC’s own fault.
Perhaps there are some there who sense the danger and will try to avert it. I hope not as if there is one over privileged facet of British life that deserves it’s fate it is the BBC.
I saw a Tory MP being interviewed over President Trump’s state visit. He was in favour- Britain’s ally, trade blah blah. But like other MPs in favour he did the virtue signalling bit, adding how he disagreed with Trump’s racism, sexism and temporary ban on Allah’s people. Such mealy mouthed cowards.
Daniel Greenfield’s article here reminds us that Teddy Roosevelt imposed a total ban on Moslems. I do wish that the MPs who did the Oxford PPE managed to read a little history.
‘Unlike modern presidents, Roosevelt did not view Islam as a force for good. Instead he had described Muslims as “enemies of civilization”, writing that, “The civilization of Europe, America and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of civilized man over the enemies of civilization”, praising Charles Martel and John Sobieski for throwing back the “Moslem conquerors” whose depredations had caused Christianity to have “practically vanished from the two continents.”
Maybe that’s the answer then to be more subtle and only ban polygamists, as well as, of course, rapists, paedophiles, wife beaters etc
Trump bashing, pro EU, anti Brexit,pro Remain, dubious reporting on Islam,scare mongering stories about the NHS, shocking under reporting on Pakistani gangs in northern towns.
An emerging picture is developing of an organisation continually on the wrong side of the current arguments………….oh yes and Climate Warmism.
And funded by a hated Licence Tax.
Remind you of anything……..Peter’s Pence, a tax imposed by Rome prior to the Reformation.
The BBCs continual onslaught of the President is indeed disgraceful.
All we hear about is the ban on travellers from certain dangerous countries and the BBC keep bringing every lefty and his dog on to rubbish this policy.
We have heard nothing at all about his anti globalisation policies. He wants to stop companies moving to cheaper manufacturing based countries and keep his own countrymen in work. What’s wrong with that, nothing as far I can see.
For instance what has globalisation done for Britain?
Answer: Almost ruined this country.
Its made more skilled men and women redundant than any other policy.
Sheffield use to be a huge steel manufacturing base, making everything from machine tools, files, lathes, pedal cycles, engines and cutlery to name a few, all now gone.
There were factories where skilled men taught apprentices on a grand scale, not just there but other large manufacturing towns too, all ruined by cheap imports.
The Lancashire cotton industry decimated by cheap imports.
Farming and growers. Thirty years ago we use to grow and sell all our own vegetables, until the late 70s when the Dutch, then the Spanish started importing Iceberg Lettuce at far cheaper rates than we could produce them. The Dutch had heavily subsidised heating for the greenhouses and the Spanish have a better growing climate anyway. And it has continued from elsewhere too.
Governments did nothing to stop this trend only stood by while men and woman lost their jobs.
If we had had somebody like the President and his policy then I don’t think we would have been so poorly off as we are now.
It would be nice if the BBC produced a programme about the pros and cons of globalisation and its effects on Britain, but I suspect it would be one sided and they would continue to rubbish anything the President suggests.
Newsbeat at least seems to have morphed into the Barry Home Movie channel.
One is sure the youth of Great Britain are educated and informed like never before by the merry japes of an ex-pol on a billionaire’s play island.
I wonder if the BBC will be creating a The One Correspondent to match whoever tails Madge?
Worth reading
Chronicles of frothing hysteria
Aw man! Way too many “niggaz” in that!
I think this guy is confused about their origins?
must of been listening to his dad’s Richard Pryor LP’s