It’s so transparent, isn’t it? I’m talking about the BBC’s desperation to try and prop up Comrade Corbyn. Labour is melting down around Brexit, with feverish talk of rebellion and resignations, and the BBC prefers to run on the crunch issue of….a Council tax rise or lack of! This non event is being given maximum publicity by the Comrades even as Labour burns. Delightful
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The Labour part is completely finished. It’s membership is completely overun with the very same violent, intolerant, hate filled fascists that are trying to destroy democracy in the US.
These militants will never allow a centrist politician run their organization again. Anti-British, anti-white, anti-democratic, anti-Semitic, pro division is mandatory to these lunatics, and those who do not want to live in the shithole, dictatorship these traitorous bastards are fanatically trying to create, have already abandoned the party.
Brexit is the defining moment in Labours history. Created for the workers and yet doing everything to fuck them over. Its MP’s are self-serving, virtue signalling, cowards, who have absolutely nothing in common with the working man, and do not give 2 fucks about us. The next general election will wipe Labour out, and it cannot come quickly enough as this country needs a political party to represent the people of this magnificent country, not just themselves and a death cult created to destroy us
UKIP is a possibility, but it has to come up with good people.
Completely agree NCBBC.
What’s driving those to become MP’s in the first place is key. Lord Emperor King Nigel of the Farage clearly went into politics because he knew we were being royally f*cked over by a cult like elite who were fanatically pursuing a self-serving doctrine with an end game that destroyed the nation state, and gave unlimited power to these untouchable tyrants.
The vast majority of the people desperate for power or doing so because they are arrogant, delusional, self-opinionated wankers that see themselves as destined to make their mark in the world, but uncaring for what that mark should be. They reel out the cliches and group think mentality bullshit, looking for a pat on the back from their self-righteous friends and doing everything to not look controversial. Back they go again to the people they represent, promising the world, delivering nothing, knowing that if they scratch the back of the kings and queens of the snake pit, they will be back again to screw us over.
We need Farages, not brainwashed production line cucks who will continue us down this suicidal path of pandering to our enemies
We need carnivores, not herbivores.
That is, independent people who stand for something bigger than what adherence to ‘the system’ can give them.
Trump is the arch-carnivore, the first to achieve political power in 30 years, and he sure has spooked the herd.
Every Trumpian tweet has the MSM running around in a blind panic trying to protect themselves from nameless demons of their own imagination.
“Brexit is the defining moment in Labours history. Created for the workers and yet doing everything to fuck them over.”
Corbyn knows this, a lot who voted for Brexit are working class people, and he has to be seen to support them, he doesn’t like it,but he has no option.
Labour is not finished at all, the traitors who voted against brexit are hoping by the next election brexit is a done deal and their treachery forgotten , never underestimate the pavlovian response the sight of a red rosette has on labour voters especially if they think that they might lose their free stuff .
Dick R, although I liked the above optimistic posts, being a natural pessimist I feel that what you say is more likely. There have been many times when the Labour Party has looked finished and even deserved to be finished for what they have done to the working class, but they are still there and will continue.
The further left they go, the more blatant the support is from the MSM for the disgusting shambles that is the Labour Party now.
Back in the day, the SDP looked to be the genuine centre-left replacement but the Liberal Party had already moved there. Due to the fact that three of the four leaders of the SDP were more interested in being in Parliament than proving they had decent principles; they jumped ship to the Liberals to form the current Liberal-Democrat Party, although it shows no liberal tendencies and it hates democracy.
Prior to the SDP, there was a chap called Dick Taverne who created his own party, the Democratic Labour Party. He won one bi-election, but that was it – he disappeared without trace after the unions and the Labour Party machine rolled over him.
It would be nice to think a modern centre-left party would be formed and replace the dinosaur Labour Party, but it seems the centre-left is now occupied by the left-wing of the Conservative Party but the MSM campaigns against them claiming that they are racists, fascists etc. As a result, the less-intelligent Labour Party supporters still believe the BBC lies and would never support the Conservatives, whereas the young have been brainwashed into believing the BBC lies that extreme-left is purely virtuous.
I can’t see the Labour Party dying any time soon. I can’t see them moving to the centre-right any time soon either. It may become more difficult for them to be elected for now, but one day it will come and unless a miracle has happened in the mean-time we’re all f***ed.
Our only hope is the like of Milo Yiannopolis and other young, charismatic people who will attract the thinking young to them like pied pipers. Other than that happening the future is frightening.
Tothepoint – great post! I feel more and more we are governed by a theocracy; of the secular religion of political correctness. The BBC is the imam wailing the message from the minarets.
If Comrade Corbyn appoints the ten Brexit voting Labour MP’s to the front benches, and puts his brother into the House of Lords, and then appoints him into the shadow cabinet as Science Minister. He could beat the Tories and challenge UKIP for a party leadership surrounded by people with Brains. But then that would make the BBC mad about the unpopulist Tyranny of the minority policies of the Libdems
I doubt it (hope not)as a lot of Labour and Liberal voters are anti Brexit,(not all by a long chalk,but a lot).
Is Diane Abbot going to turn up and vote tonight?
No, Greggs have a BOGOF offer.
A good opinion piece on leftist hatred here. I think we’ve all come up against this -people who can’t be reasoned with & the seething contempt that radiates from them.
The so called anti-fascists don’t even have the intelligence to realise that by definition of their actions they are now actually fascists.
cmon please MARXISTS, fascist are better dressed
For a moment I thought that I was reading the local Town Hall news here in the UK! This is a good write up of the hard left (now mirror imaged back in the UK is uncannily accurate). Its as though there is clear collusion of the left to create there ‘new world order’ top down, was both unstoppable and clearly co-ordinated. It starts with the UN which has been infiltrated by fringe groups of the left (determining Gender identity, climate change and green issues, all hijacked by the left into effective non-sense) trying to cultural advantage over smaller nations by re-directing (UK) financial Aid of Western Nations (we donate the most) by promoting Marxist ‘values’ which they call ‘diversity’ and ‘equality’ but in non western countries leads to instability and Marxism (not unlike Venuzuela). The BBC gets its ethical ‘moral mandate’ from the UN in the knowledge that the UN has been ‘infiltrated’ by Marxists which can be broadcast as part of its (once largely impartial) ‘World Service’ and local regional UK stations as ‘World News’ however partial to UN and Left causes. False News makes up the BBC news output, as it revolves interminably around what the Left ‘should do’ to counteract the threat of the ‘right’ – as they see it (everything that is not ‘equal’ to a liberalised form of Marxism the BBC proffer and accept as George Orwell ‘truth’).
Anyway coming back to that website link above (TOWN HALL). Its not just that we can access US news (as they can see our UK main BBC media dross) but the fact that so many of the lefts ‘tenants’ are identical in what was once called UK ‘AgitProp’ is now a mainstream BBC media effort across all its channels, both here and in the US is revealing. The BBC has teamed up with CNN (Canada) or any other public funded corp or institution to speak with ‘one public voice’. The new Mantra, The Mecca of our age. The left want it all, not realising that they have already had it all (financially), and wasted everything (they previously wanted) and forgotten about all the well documented historical failures of Marxism. The hated ‘western values’ (which they all benefit) pay for (ironically) paying for the best public places, the best Universities, and (it is argued) the best Broadcasters to ensure their LIBERAL ‘voice’ are heard. The trouble is for most of us its ALL we hear on what was once proper ‘equality’ of opinion, ‘diversity’ of ‘opinion’ and ‘unbiased’ news reporting have all been sacraficed for the lost new age travellers on a Karl Marx (paid for by public funds) non-stop trek to oblivion. At least now we all realise what the hard left (both UK and US) have been trying to do since the last War. They are trying to start another, except BREXIT and TRUMP are in the way. So by that it may never happen, they are defeated by the power of democracy. Those hated ‘Western values’ again.
A very good article.
It could have gone one step further and noted that Leftists are full of hate because somewhere deep down, they hate themselves.
That’s an uncomfortable, even life-threatening emotion for anyone, and so they subconsciously project it outwards, maintaining the comfortable fiction that it is something outside of them that is making them so unhappy, and if they could just ‘fix’ that, then they would find peace. They never will, because they’re looking in quite the wrong place.
My friends are all very different from one another, but have one thing in common — a healthy sense of humour, much of it amiably directed towards themselves. Leftists don’t know what being comfortable in your own skin feels like.
Seconded Rick.
When Philip_2 does a piece like this, I need only read it and spout it for the next few days.
Like the Nonce-sense notion implied here, for much of what we hear from the Left/BBC and its Global Black Rocks like the EU. UN and IPCC etc is only nonce talk before the Muslims make bitches of them all.
But not us.
We`re beyond desperate aren`t we?
Corbyn blathers over some texts he`s been leaked in Surrey( that legal then?).
And the “oohs and ahs” are blown up loud, amplified with what appears to be Frankie Howard channeling Gyles Brandreth in a Russell Grant waistcoat.
And all for Eddie Mair to whip up a “Great Day to be Corbyns camp follower” kinda meme.
Desperate rally didn`t do it justice on PM earlier on the 5PM headlines.
Like a dog on its hind legs giving a sermon…but the BBC can do no other but blow its flatus into Corbyns arid lungs and try to convince us that his nakka of a Party can live without the BBCs Life Support System. I sense they all KNOW they`re going the way of the mincer…but chin up eh?
Feel like somebody still expected to send my kids onto their bouncy castle, as Savile lurks minding the flip flops. The families have LONG given up visiting the Beeb for anything other than to paintball the tombstones of public interest broadcasting.
Those texts that Corbyn got were hacked by Russia. Corbyn should resign for accepting this from Putin. Corbyn is clearly Putin’s greaty buddy.
I passionately hope Corbyn survives long as leader of Labour, and completes his excellent work of destroying it utterly from within.
Hail to the Leader.
Sorry David, but I disagree with your view that “Labour is melting down around Brexit…”
What is actually happening is this:
Corbyn knows full well that the majority of EU Leavers were Labour voters and that – irrespective of how his party members behave or what their position is on the EU – as long as he remains committed to leaving the EU, he will get more votes than the scum who walked out of his party. In fact, the more scum that leaves Labour, the more sanitised that party becomes. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
The only obstacle in the way of Corbyn is Theresa May, which is a healthy stretching of the political dough. But May needs to make a success of Brexit – that is imperative.
Don’t write off Corbyn!
I’d agree Edward, as the Corbers effect drives away what little depth and talent Labour have left (left, heh) he will become, de facto, the best they have.
“But May needs to make a success of Brexit – that is imperative.”
I think the country will make a success of Brexit, because there’s no reason why it shouldn’t.
All we’re doing is leaving the EU, and putting ourselves in a position that we used to occupy, and that other countries like Australia and NZ still do. We’re not relocating to the moon.
The only way it could be scuppered, IMO, is if May agreed to a ridiculously bad deal or did something even more stupid like listened to the obnoxious SNP. I don’t think that will happen because level headed people like David Davis will not let it happen. Then there’s Nigel Farage waiting to pounce. In any case, I can’t imagine anything much worse than what we have now or, more significantly, what we would be heading for if we remained.
I’m not worried about Brexit. We’ll be OK. Even the remainers are not worried about Brexit per se, they’re worried about the demise of their no-borders, internationalist, multicultural fantasy. The only exceptions to that are the young snowflakes who’ve never known anything better and, frankly, know bugger-all about anything.
Brilliant post Iain.
Spot on. The Remainers who don’t like it can bugger off and live in the EU and good riddance to these parasites. We don’t need them .
I am looking forward to see how the BBC {And the labour party} will spin the news if UKIP win in Stoke-On-Trent, If UKIP can get some decent people to put up against the labour party it has an open goal
Oh, they’ll think of something Jos.
They can’t blame Brexit because Stoke wanted it anyway, so it’ll probably be another anto President Trump tirade.
I’m hugely enjoying learning new ways for the bBeeb to smear the USA. I also hope that there will be another bBeeb disaster in asking him a question, because he’ll probably just start to ignore the squeals of hate from mental lightweights, and concentrate on what he was voted in for, to get rid of spongers in Washington, and rebuild a broken economy.
Pity we don’t have someone like that here…
(Perhaps we will after the Stoke vote)!
Have you noticed you don’t hear the Liberal Party harping on about (RP) Proportional Representation like they use to a few years ago when it was a three party race and they always came third. That was until UKIP came on the scene. If PR was introduced before the last general election the Liberal Party would have been completely wiped out if it was based on numbers that is.
The Republican guard which passes itself as bBC Scotland ( although some call bBC Oirland) seemed praiseworthy of that mob of SNP oxygen thieves and their cringe- worthy display in the Commons.
What an opportunity for the bBC to put a spotlight on this crew and reveal the true nature of them………..
As they run Scotland into the ground they deflect and deny.
Tactics imported from their republican “surge”……
Why were they singing the music from ‘A Clockwork Orange’ anyway.
Alex de Salmond?
If UKIP can win 50 or 60 seats in Labour’s white working class Northern and Midland heartlands then Labour will just become a sub-national party in England, representing muti-culti inner London and certain constuencues dominated by university staff/students, public sector middle managers etc. it will no longer be able to form a government and will barely merit being deemed the official opposition in Parliament.
Politics will be a bit like the period of transition from Liberal to Labour in the 1920s. This allowed the Conservatives to dominate politics in the inter- war period. Clearly this is not what the BBC wants, hence it’s desperate attempts to prop up Corbynite Labour and belittle UKIP.
Sooner or later a new social democratic party will be formed but whether it will be able to re- establish a truly national centre-left party is anyone’s guess . As pointed out above , Dick Taverne failed as did the Gang of Four with the SDP.