I visited the BBC news web site today and was invited to complete a survey. One of the first questions was , did I trust BBC news, you could score it 1 to 10 , with 10 as the highest trust level possible. There wasn’t a box for a negative score so I gave it 1. I am sure that most other visitors to this site would not score it higher than that. Of course lots of visitors to BBC news will give a high score and the BBC will proudly announce that this self selecting group would trust the BBC with their lives.
Am I so angry with the BBC that I losing my judgement when I say that I trust Breitbart a great deal more than I do the BBC, or for that matter the rest of the MSM? Yet ,as noted by other posters the Government is spending tax payers money , trying to undermine The credibility of news sources such as Breitbart because they accuse them of spreading fake news. I believe that Breitbart tell us the truth about things that liberal left governments right across the West don’t want us to know. So any clamp down on Breitbart is censorship . Breitbart’s slogan should be ‘ If you want to know , what they don’t want you to know , visit our site’.
The democratic revolution ,let’s call it ‘the democratic spring’ is threatening the liberal left globalists and they are fighting back using all the weapons they have in their extensive arsenal. The snowflakes are their unwitting foot soldiers and protests their up front weapon . They have been using the likes of the BBC to propagandise for years and to manage the news in their interests. But they didn’t anticipate that the internet would allow ordinary people to hear the truth and so they are scrambling to get control of it. If they do , the democratic spring will wither away. So President Trump must make it illegal to censor the net and he should throw it open to all and encourage as many news sites as possible to be started. Of course there will be a free for all and no doubt lots of ‘false news’ stories will be generated so people will need to be alert to separate fact from fiction. But the alternative is that the only source of news is from sources controlled by the liberal left. In the USA the media are determined to bring President Trump down and certainly to prevent a second term . He needs a censorship free internet to create an alternative news source to the MSM and so allow his supporters to hear the truth and help him roll back the liberal left which has penetrated every nook and cranny of western society.
This Tory government paying £30 million of taxpayers money to censor Breitbart is the same as New Labour and the Democrats in America using taxpayers money to create what Trump calls, the “swamp“. So Teresa May is trying to prop up the “Swamp” in Britain, and she even lectured the Republican Party on her support for loony Liberal left policies, such as Man-made Global Warming.
The “swamp” is a taxpayer funded barrier between two groups. In a scientific subject without a swamp, you usually have Journalists directly questioning scientists on scientific subjects, but in Climate science you have an impenetrable barrier between Causational Climate scientists and Journalists. This barrier is made up of a “swamp” of Environmental activists, Liberal Politicians and BBC Journalists. These low IQ middle-class ignorant social parasites are rarely scientifically qualified but inhabit taxpayer funded Scientific advisory bodies, institutes and seminars such as the Grantham Institute or the Tyndall Centre.
Unlike previous Presidents, Donald Trump has had meetings with Atmospheric Physicists about draining this swamp, with suggestions about cutting the funding of environmental agencies and making it a legal requirement to appoint scientists with PhDs in Atmospheric Physicist and Solar Astronomy in charge of the remnants of these organisations, and with a remit to drain the swamp of scientifically unqualified social parasites from these organisations.
Then it would be possible for experts to explain to you on the telly, why man-made Climate Change is a hoax.
When you make a claim that the government is spending £30 million to censor news sites, then you do need to provide a link to the source of that to maintain credibility and to help other people who post elsewhere.
Plenty of people have made claims on this site which have no credible sources and without the proof it is now difficult to take these claims seriously.
Whenever I have read Breitbart, I’ve noticed that they run some stories by-lined Reuters. It’s going to be very hard to claim those are Fake News.
News from the world-respected Reuters agency that the BBC, Sky and the Guardian do not want to run as it offers insights that are counter to their “narrative”, perhaps. But that is a different issue.
Evidence that the Government and BBC are singing from the same sheet, drawing from discredited Moslem sources such as Tell Mama.
Home Secretary, amber Amber praises Tell Mama in her statement and promises to stand together tackling hatred. Be warned. This government is hell bent on supporting Islam.
From the Home Secretary’s statement
‘Tell MAMA are a key partner in our work to address anti-Muslim hatred. They have developed initiatives to improve reporting of anti-Muslim hatred, provided training for those who support victims and produced reports on the drivers and impact of anti-Muslim hatred that have helped to inform Government policy.
We must all stand together and send a clear message that hate crime will not be tolerated. I am grateful for the support of organisations such as Tell MAMA for the work they continue to do to tackle hatred.”
Only a couple of years back Tell Mama had its grant witheld
‘A controversial project claiming to measure anti-Muslim attacks will not have its government grant renewed after police and civil servants raised concerns about its methods.
The project, called Tell Mama, claimed that there had been a “sustained wave of attacks and intimidation” against British Muslims after the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby, with 193 “Islamophobic incidents” reported to it, rising to 212 by last weekend.
The group’s founder, Fiyaz Mughal, said he saw “no end to this cycle of violence”, describing it as “unprecedented”. The claims were unquestioningly repeated in the media.
Tell Mama and Mr Mughal did not mention, however, that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity that took place only online, mainly offensive postings on Twitter and Facebook, or that a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified. Not all the online abuse even originated in Britain.
Contrary to the group’s claim of a “cycle of violence” and a “sustained wave of attacks”, only 17 of the 212 incidents, 8 per cent, involved the physical targeting of people and there were no attacks on anyone serious enough to require medical treatment.’
Remember Rudd has that brother of hers who is globalist in spades. She looks an authoritarian by nature and inclination as is Mrs May.
Despite the charade of the visit to President Trump these two are diametrically opposed to everything he stands for. They do like power though and they would love to censor us and everyone on the net.
Amber Rudd or Elmer Fudd?
Yep!, More Islamic appeasement from Appeaser May and co, seems like a done deal from the Tories, already sidelining millions from the that shameful Saatchi stitch up … to erm protect the vulnerable community, at risk mosques ya da ya da.
Against free expression/free speech by those paragons of honesty and integrity Saatchi s, along with most incompetent, underhand, deceitful and devious crooks ever to infest No10 … made for each other, and that money will be siphoned down into communities causing more division, into the hands of sh-tbags like the UAF/Hope Not Hate, end result targeted demonization.
Tell Lies!!! oops I mean MAMA … and Elmer Fudd (hand-forehead-slap) its almost unbelievable.
There has to be a clear out, imminently our nation depends on it.
The No10 liars have got to go, they are selling us out … to the Chinese, to the Saudi s, now to the States a behind closed door NHS give away for grasping short term gain for those bastards who have no right to do so.
That s the one reason “tastrophe” Teresa got to the states, wasn t a “special relationship” she and her cronies know the mood is for change, change that is impossible for the Tory F-ckwits they ARE the architects of the problem, as above the only answer they have is lying, falsifying stats and division.
Unfortunately it could have bad side effects on Britain.
As for that Speaker who should learn to keep his mouth shut.
I hope that the American press hasn’t picked it up. The last thing we want is Pres Trump’s spokesman announcing, that as parliament is supreme in the UK, he feels that accepting the Queen’s invitation would beembarrassing to the PM, and he would not want to do that.
Of course the American press has picked it up. The US Speaker, Paul Ryan was equally scathing about Trump – until of course Trump won – now it’s all forgotten.
Hideously white : how can it be that the features on Blackburn NHS Trust shown the last two nights on BBC 6 News had no representation from ethnic communities or even illustrated their existence as patients. Other than a few medical staff every patient or relative “interviewed” or in camera shot were largely elderly white people. This cannot be a true representation of Blackburn’s population make up , which I know is wonderfully diverse : or is it , more sinisterly , evidence of an apartheid policy regarding NHS admissions to hospital in Blackburn . I have addressed a complaint to the BBC asking for an explanation regarding this unacceptable bias against ethnic minorities and in favour of indigenous geriatrics causing pressure on our beloved NHS
Sarc mode- off
The BBC’s fake news site has a feature on the NHS and among the 10 reasons given for problems with meeting targets, etc, there is mention of the ageing population and the increased cost of treating them (rather than, say, 30-year olds) here and across Europe, and of the increased demands on A&E. What isn’t explained is WHY demand on A&E might be higher – have we all suddenly become more accident-prone or have pavements been very icy? No mention of gross immigration of > 600,000 every year, the nett increase of ~ 350,000 or the higher likelihood of new arrivals’ resorting to A&E rather than GPs.
You haven’t been listening have. So one more time.
What Immigrants Don’t Do
Immigrants do not live in houses and so do not contribute to the housing problem.
Immigrants do not get sick and so cannot be responsible for the NHS pressure.
Immigrants do not commit crime and so cannot be responsible for prison overcrowding.
Immigrants do not rape young white girls allover our country. That was a fake news story.
What Immigrants Do Do
Immigrants enrich our society in so many ways there is no need to detail them
Immigrants do valuable jobs that Brits won’t do
Immigrants pay massive amounts of tax and because they do not use any public services( see above) this is great for the public purse
Immigrants bake marvellous cakes and are just so nice. Oh and most them are aero space engineers , medical doctors or surgeons all fleeing from persecution.
I too wondered how the BBC could find a background of a Blackburn hospital with mainly (read almost totally) white patients. I could only assume it is the only hospital for many miles around and that patients who have flown to rural areas are using this hospital. Still haven’t come up with a reasonable explanation why other ethnicities did not appear to be present.
I did have the misfortune to have to pass through Blackburn a few times until recently. A dismal place and the only shiny bits were the mosques.
A quick Google search provides some interesting facts. The population in 2015 was 113,000 and it apparently has the third highest Muslim population in the UK with a total of 45 mosques. So quite how the bBC managed to miss them all during their programme on the hospital is a bit of a mystery!
Well Fred, it could be that they don’t want to give the viewing public anymore excuses to blame the migrants, so kept all the non-whites out of camera shot, in the hope that we believe its purely white people who are bed blocking and clogging up the system !
At the other end of the scale, during exam result time, the tv screens are awash with students in schools opening their envelopes, and then its a case of “are there no white pupils in that school ???”
Do you know I thought the exact same thing. Blackburn, but the patients all lined up appeared to all be white and a majority percentage “older”, I did spot one or two non-whites in the very corner of the view. It looked to me like the good old classic selective filming and creative angles in action again.
47 per cent of Britons want to stop immigration from Muslim majority countries
An average of 55 per cent of people across the 10 European countries surveyed wanted to stop all future immigration from mainly Muslim countries.
The BBC were forced to apologise after failing to ‘notice’ (more like ignored) the peoples concerns over mass immigration under the BLiar years, now it’s happening again, how many more times can the BBC ignore the people on a Fascist crusade for Islam, and expect to just apologise and carry on as before.
Muslim immigration is a much bigger threat to our society than that from Eastern Europe , but exiting the EU does nothing directly to control and then reduce it. The only hope is indirect – that an annual visa restriction system prioritises skills shortages such that the chancers from Pakistan, Afghanistan, sub- Saharan Africa, North Africa etc are kept out . A direct ban on Muslim majority countries stands no chance In a UK still dominated by the liberal elite aided by gormless rent a mob snowflakes protesting on the streets at every opportunity.
But will it keep them out? The border police programmes (now no longer shown) showcased the expert forgery of convincing certificates and it has been reported (no, not on Al Beeb, silly) that even medical qualifications are available at little cost, let alone passports and wage advices.
An old-ish report, but one that I only just stumbled across and is amongst the most ridiculous reports I have seen from the BBC in a long long time, perhaps ever…
Anyone with any knowledge of the precious metals sector knows that in all likelihood Gold nuggets come in unrefined form, which means that they are not the same as bullion. In order to convert them into marketable bullion they need to be refined. Refineries are located all over the world, but most will want to know about the origin of the product that is being delivered to them to ensure that it doesn’t come from an illegal source. If Carswell were receiving this he would want to be assured too. Unrefined gold has no value until someone can test the purity and value it accordingly and not everyone can do this as prices move intra-day. Its not like he can just take it down to the local Cash for Gold outlet.
Honestly, the most basic research by the reporter would have revealed this and more.
Carswell has children, in his cellar, pedalling bikes connected to dynamos for his electricity supply.
His walls are lined with the fur of murdered cats and he dines on blood squeezed from kidnapped dogs.
Get fact checking BBC!
I am already part of the Boycott. But then I have a technologically engineered set-up that looks as though I can only receive analogue TV, which is no longer transmitted in my area. So you can then let the twit from Capita look at your TV, DVD and Video player set-up, and then say that you did not bother with the changeover to digital, because of BBC bias.
So buy an old “analogue only” TV on eBay, and then conceal a tiny freeview box inside the TV, power source and remote receiver included, and then boycott the licence fee payments.
Does India have a problem with false rape claims? After the infamous 2012 gang rape of a student on a bus in Delhi, the number of rape cases reported to police in India rose sharply. But one survey concluded that in Delhi, in 2013-14, more than half of these reports were “false” – fuelling claims by male activists that women are alleging rape in order to extort money from men.
Contrast the BBC’s concern over Indian men with what happens here, the BBC often pushing the ‘all men are rapists, they just haven’t all been caught yet’ meme. The self-same BBC that can spin a yarn about the ‘offence’ of naming a paint Rape Seed Yellow.
Well, there’s a turn around – OFCOM are attempting to emulate Stalin’s habits. Free speech just ain’t free while we have the likes of OFCOM.
WTF is OFCOM anyway? Bunch of lickspittles, no doubt, well heeled and Left leaning, it appears.
“said it had tried to book guests with different views but they had all refused to appear.”
BBC often has loaded debates, but doesn’t have the same excuse.
Other comment by Paul Compton about the Telegraph article
“I see what you did there. You put a picture of Nigel Farage at the top of an article critical of alleged bias at RT, yet the article doesn’t even mention him, and is not about him.
And you complain at alleged bias in the Russian media!”
RT were in trouble for reporting the BBC to Ofcom: Ofcom accuse BBC of airing ‘propaganda films’ Regulators claim BBC World News has breached sponsorship rules 20 times by airing ‘propaganda films’ promoting charities, NGO’s and foreign governments.
A 112-page report from media regulator Ofcom censures the broadcaster for what the Daily Mail has called a “blatant breach” of broadcast rules.
Ofcom warned of an “inherent risk to the BBC’s independence and integrity” as it emerged the state broadcaster purchased films funded by outside bodies and foreign governments for as little as £1.
All these so unfunny left wing “comedians” taking up valuable air space on the box, guffaw and pat themselves on the back at their ‘comedic’ derision of Trump, Brexit and their spoof like situations.
What would really be funny would be talented comedians taking the p..s out of Question Time and the Andrew Marr show for a change. Sadly in reality this wont happen, because all the so called ‘comedians’ have been nurtured in the nursery of left wing Yuni’s where the audiences are so juvenile they’d laugh if a fly landed on them.
Oh for the days when the likes of Bernard Manning et al and his proper humour. Yes he would take the Mick out of Trump, but in a way that Trump himself would laugh, and as for Brexit, the mind boggles with what he would do with the frogs, Pakis and Krauts ! (incidentally, if I can be called a ‘Brit’, I have every right to call someone from Pakistan a Paki !!!!)
You hit the nail on the head with Manning who could take the Mick out of Trump in a way that Trump would laugh. A genuine skill lost on the BBC
Do you think that scene in the restaurant, where the chap upped and left when he discovered his date (played by Ullman) was “a Christian” would have been shown on al beebus if it was laughing at the followers of any other religion? In particular the one whose followers tend to react rather violently to being mocked.
It was typical al beebus “comedy” dross and her impressions were dreadful too, dear me – she couldn’t get wee Krankie right, who I would have thought was a dream of a character for female impressionists.
Pakistan translates as “land of the pure”, Briss, so calling someone a paki would be akin to calling them a “pure”. I could think of more appropriate descriptive nouns.
They also go for the educated / uneducated divide. Apparently you are only “educated” nowadays if you hold a degree. When I left grammar school 45 years ago only half went on to university, say 1/8 of school leavers.
Now 50% of the brain boxes brought up under the comprehensive system are deemed bright enough for university. LOL?
So if a poll tells you that younger people vote one way would you be wholly surprised if “educated” people also vote that way? I would not. The same specious reasoning has been used for the Brexit result too.
My experience is that many Remainers have no idea why they voted as they did , other than it was the fashionable thing to do. Most them wouldn’t know how the EU works, why it isn’t democratic , that its aim is the abolition of nation states ( they probably don’t know what a nation state is) and creation of a federal Europe. Their ignorance is astonishing. But what else can you expect after 40 years of liberal left education. In other words the ignorant dunces are the Remainers not the Leavers.
Exactly my experience too, Doublethinker. Remainers brainwashed by Radio 4 and desperate to be thought part of the elite, parroting an acceptable view but with very little understanding of the facts about the EU. Leavers are the free thinkers and those who have enough faith in their own intelligence and logic to swim against the tide.
The “unintelligent” and “uneducated” jibes are calculated insults from the losers. Laugh and tell ’em to grow up.
I can certainly understand the ‘youth’ holding the opinions they do after years of progressive brainwashing. Unfortunately some old dogs can’t learn new tricks either. Every so often I meet up with old friends and acquaintances who, despite being around 50-65 years of age still think they’re on Maggie’s Poll Tax demo.
More recently they have begun to display the most outrageous anti-working class and anti-American prejudice – for daring to vote for Brexit and for devil incarnate Trump. The poor dears are beside themselves, sheltered as they are in their nice middle-class homes and comfortable professional jobs.
As the token ‘right-winger’ in the group I’m seriously considering calling a moratorium on attending our get-togethers as the atmosphere is getting quite unpleasant now.
Very few of the youngsters that I know actually bothered to vote, being too busy taking selfies and posting them to their thousands of so-called friends.
But the reasons for voting ‘remain’ included getting cheap roaming phone calls, and having the ability to travel around Europe. None of the dim kids believed that I travelled all over the continent before the EU was invented. Their indoctrination and lack of education is appalling.
It is so insulting to us ill educated, working class folk – the BBC carry as though the bbc was the one and only news and information source on the whole planet – it ain’t.
The educated voted to remain. ‘Fraid so. Marc Mardell attended my lectures as an undergraduate and he supported remain. But I who was clever enough to teach him voted to leave. Perhaps I taught him badly.
BBC Euro News – Belgium ‘wrong to deny’ Syrians visas, Europe court told
BBC Euro News – Louvre attack: Suspect ‘confirms’ he is Egyptian
… I m shocked at the news, SHOCKED! I tell you.
Despite their groveling Islamophilia, concern about “hate attacks” I have not seen this given any space at all.
France: Anti-Christian attacks rise 245 percent
Attacks on Christian places of worship more than doubled in this period of time, France’s interior ministry reported last week. Le Figaro reported that acts which target Christians now account for 90 per cent assaults on places of worship.
It’s probably safe to say there’s a lot going on in the world, but the BBC’s editorial integrity antennae seem pretty much fixated on Trump, Brexit, or both.
So when a notification popped up that a new ‘BBC Breaking News’ email had arrived, I was resigned to more of the usual. But no…
Socialite Tara Palmer-Tomkinson dies
Socialite and reality TV star Tara Palmer-Tomkinson has died aged 45
It terribly sad when anyone dies, and especially at a young age, but I do wonder what saw this poor young lady’s demise elevated to the status the BBC has. Are they now the socialite channel too?
GW, they (BBC) are populist and as T P-T was very popular, apparently, with everyone – even Royals – then the BBC do not wish to risk unpopularity by not covering her death widely.
Don’t you think he’s the wrong colour Brissles?
Had he been the right colour or the BBC preferred religion or even better, both, he would have had his honour before you could say Sir Mohammed Farah.
Yes Stew, but he wasn’t content with that, in his own words, he was worthy of an ‘upgrade’, “nothing less than a f……g knighthood will do”. Nice.
Sadly the press have been complicit in the marketing of his ‘brand’ from the outset. When Diana died there was a vacancy to fill in column inches – step forward ‘Posh’. In no time at all her face was plastered all over the planet with her variety of boob sizes, hair styles – his hair styles, and joint fashion; the merry go round had begun. The kids came along, and after all the boys, she was ‘desperate’ for a girl – lo and behold she got one. Call me cynical, but around that time there was huge publicity surrounding gender selection in the laboratory. Not saying nuffink, but they are rich enough to……….. (just seems a coincidence to me)
No it’s right-ring radicalisation is a bigger problem’
Is the narrative of SJWs like BBC Trending
… like again on Sunday
That’s an important deception cos while ALL non-self-defense violence is wrong Islamic culture provides special framework where contemplated violence is not called out by the community.
“BBC Trending”=”BBC Mind-bending”
as they seek to tell you what should be trending instead of what is.
Sunday they tackled the Quebec killer, but tried a new technique … softly, softly
– They admitted his Facebook page was mixed not just right wing stuff
– gave examples of him trolling
…then went on to talk about lonely people being radicalised by right wing campaigning
Whoa ! They gave no evidence that this is what had happened
Just 6 people were killed
– he’s been arrested.
This week was in other aspects totally different from the normal spin, as if they were trying to not get called out about hiding how the story rumours spread. They were almost fair in reporting those machinations.
Don’t believe this news received the attention due:-
‘EU leaders approve additional €200 million for projects to close down Libya migrant route. (Using the Libyan Coast Guard)
Many of the EU leaders have also expressed their concerns at US President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. Mr Trump recently announced a ban on immigrants from seven Muslim countries.’
So how does the Trump action differ from the EU action. The EU is attempting to stem the flow of ME and African immigrants. Bound to be ‘mainly Muslim’.
Hypocrisy at it’s very, very best.
For two months, using marinetraffic.com, we have been monitoring the movements of ships owned by a couple of NGOs, and, using data from data.unhcr.org. We have kept track of the daily arrivals of African immigrants in Italy. It turned out we were witness of a big scam and an illegal human traffic operation.
NGOs, smugglers, the mafia in cahoots with the European Union have shipped thousands of illegals into Europe under the pretext of rescuing people, assisted by the Italian coast guard which coordinated their activities.
Basically the EU and NGO’s has been implicated in the import of mass migration. The fact that Libyan Coast guards are also paid by criminal gangs to import same, only to be picked up our Navy of Italian Navy on ‘rescue missions’ which brings them all back to the EU…
‘…defends its record for ‘risky’ programme making…’
Er, like what? Gender segregation? Gender-based abortions (and the lack of a single prosecution)? FGM (and the lack of a single prosecution)? Honour crimes? Arranged marriages? Violent, racist paedohpile rape gangs? The burka in a free and open society? The breakdown in social cohesion? etc etc
More like: ‘…defends its record for hitting easy targets….’
Don’t believe this news received the attention due:-
‘EU leaders approve additional €200 million for projects to close down Libya migrant route. (Using the Libyan Coast Guard)
Many of the EU leaders have also expressed their concerns at US President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. Mr Trump recently announced a ban on immigrants from seven Muslim countries.’
So how does the Trump action differ from the EU action. The EU is attempting to stem the flow of ME and African immigrants. Bound to be ‘mainly Muslim’.
Hypocrisy at it’s very, very best.
Blah blah blah, shameful, blah blah blah….we will tell you what to think!
The BBC reports that the Government is stopping the import of child migrants, under the Dubs amendment, as of end March (cue stampede). Now that theyve done the calculations on the back of a stamp and realised how much it will cost the taxpayer, along with the fact that they aren’t actually children. Did I read somewhere that the average age was 29? Duhhhhhhh
Perversely I believe that the Trump hoo hah will actually reduce their vote as people turn away from “controversial” candidates to those perceived as “safer”.
Interestingly the German polls are moving quite quickly towards the socialists since one Martin (Hard Brexit) Schulz (ex EU Parliament President) became leader.
The long running Greek Euro saga will make an interesting impact on the German election too as they will need another bailout in the summer. The IMF are putting the ball in the EU’s court and it will be nigh impossible for Angela to chip in more cash in the election run up, which leads to a Euro crisis, again. EU inflation is creeping up which means the ECB will start to taper off QE which will mean no one to buy Italian debt.
Spreads on EU country borrowing rates are widening quickly for Italy and others.
All in all an interesting time coming up, but I do not think PVV and FN will prevail, but in Italy Five Star and N. League just might.
AlBeeb on one Mark Frost, jailed for life, sexual abuse etc.
Probably deserved it, I have not read the details.
Frost is white.
I guessed that before I clicked on the report.
Because the AlBeeb headline said “Paedophile”, because that’s what they do.
If the Izzzzy paedophiles are jailed they are “men”.
Usually named David from Norway who, in the AlBeeb files, look like Paul Newman did when he was 25.
Not that the Muzzzy scum are jailed often because left wing Labour councillors, lefty public sector workers, police forces led by lefty common purpose MegaRozzzerz, spend most of their time in interior decoration improvements. By which I mean creating lumpy carpets, mountains of shredded documents, bins full of deleted hard drives, baskets full of SD memory cards. All collected while practising their innocent “not me guv” smiles for an investigation which will not happen.
Listened to some of a programme on Radio 4 this morning. It may have been “wimmins hour” – (actually it couldnt have been because Harriet Harmon wasnt mentioned!) They were interviewing an investigator who had been involved in examining what had happened in the Rotherham child abuse scandal.
She did at least this time refer to men of “Pakistani heritage” rather than referring to the normal BBC term of non specified “asians”
Despite all the normal BBC pc tip toeing through the tulips I was just beginning to think – Ok BBC you gave it a fair go despite your lack of comfort on the issue when at the end the “investigator” told us “Of course far more acts of child abuse are committed by white men in this country”
Since we are still the majority in this country – it seemed bloody obvious that this would be the case. I suppose this was the BBCs idea of “balance”. But I see it also as an attempt to lessen the importance of the crime. There really is no depth these bastards will not sink to to protect their favourite religion. Underage marriage and hence sex, fgm, oppression of women all are ok if you belong to the “Religion of Peace”
At this point had to switch off the radio quick and had steam coming out of my ears. I was only saved by Classic FM playing Allegris Miserere = phew.
maxicony, presumably zero, hello again.
Still stalking those who disagree.
“Some brave Canadian patriots joining the most desirable process of expelling members of the nastiest organisation in history from the Occident. Most welcome”
I stand by every word of this. Where are these reliable statistics about any other, nay all other historical organisations, with a higher death count than you Muzzzzzzzies?
Your carefully maintained records will show how much time has elapsed since you last failed to address this question.
By finding justification for murder and by celebrating the mass killing of innocents in a place of worship by an arsehole with a gun (“Most welcome”) you remove yourself from all civilised discourse.
Regardless of any political viewpoint or petty point scoring argument that takes here or on any other blog site; you are expressing disgusting, repulsive filth.
And still not one other person on this site has the courage to speak out. What sort of place is this?
“How easily people avert their eyes whenever it’s most convenient.”
We haven’t seen any comments about Al Beeb’s bias from you, so where are your eyes ?
You are either biased yourself, have a vested interest , or just a Troll.
The standard post from our usual low-grade duty trolling officer, presumably in a dusty back office in the BBC, like some sort of bored national service erk listening in to Russian broadcasts in West Berlin c.1955 usually goes something like this:
1. Somebody on this site said something horrible.
2. Nobody condemned it.
3. You are all therefore equally horrible, vicious, amoral etc.
4. I refuse to engage in any meaningful debate and if challenged simply repeat steps 1-4.
Cranmer, so you can’t be be bothered enough to say anything about TruthSeeker’s celebration of murder but when I object you wake up and decide to attack me instead? Apparently I am more worthy of criticism than someone who described the mass killing of Canadians as a “desirable process”.
You want a “meaningful debate” as to whether or not it was “most welcome”? Go right ahead, I’ll debate you all you want…
And whilst you’re at it, let us know if you’re in favour of gender-based abortions and tell us why there hasn’t yet been a single prosecution (what exactly is meant by ‘not in the public interest’ – any ideas?)
And what about the segregated audience at that Labour Party r’cultural enrichment’? If not, how do we stop it?
Muslim woman in Blackburn being interviewed for German TV. We are told in the video that the indigenous and Muslim ‘communities’ live peacably alongside each other but never together – the town is divided as if by a ‘hidden wall’. It also reveals that as Muslims move into an area and populate it the whites move out.
Maybe it will look like this in Germany 30 years from now. Let the Muslims learn their religion and practice it and bring their culture to the country then it will work there like it does here for us.
In other words, let us move into your advanced western country and enjoy all the benefits of its prosperity whilst living our lives as though we’re back in Pakistan, Bangladesh….(name your own Islamic shithole) – or else.
As Ozzie Osbourne would say ‘That’s totally fucking terrifying’.
Oh brilliant!
The supreme court has ruled that millions of partners of public sector workers even if not in civil partnerships or marriages between any combination of sex are nevertheless entitled to a pension when their partner dies.
None of this has ever been factored in to employee or employer pension contributions or provision. The result is a multi billion liability none of us ever knew we had, and for which no financial planning has ever taken place.
No prizes for guessing who will have to pay the future bills. That’s right. You and me. And then we will have to pay for our own pensions !!!!
The piblic sector. The bottomless money pit. Defended by the Supreme Court.The institution that looks after its own.
Alternative pension choices were offered about 15 years back for those who wanted to make exactly this kind of arrangement. If they chose not to take up the offer and sign up accordingly, or if their circumstances subsequently changed, tough titty.
Except this is 21st century Britain where unfunded (i.e. has to be met through current taxation/borrowing) public sector pension liabilities already stand at £1,500,000,000,0000.
Sluff- Supreme Court – Dont you mean that collection of over educated, interfering no-bodies who have the dress sense of Ronald Mcdonald crossed with Dracula and who probably believe that democracy should only apply to the more educated , well off and progressive elements in society. Ive got it “Some are more equal than others”
In ‘the olden days’ men got married to women and had families. The wife stayed at home doing all the non-paid work that was needed there while the husband worked all the hours that he could to provide the cash.
When the man reached retirement age his wage was replaced by a pension which, again, provided the cash needed by the home, including the no-income wife.
But what happens when the husband dies? Answer: Continue to pay part of the husband’s pension to the widow.
In the ‘progressive’ modern age there is no wife, perhaps a ‘partner’. She doesn’t stay at home, she is out getting an ‘equal’ wage. So what is the justification for extending a practice more fitted to 1917 than 2017? And why does the ‘partnered’ employee get more out of the system than the single employee? Equality? Ha!
Mrs S and I watched PMQs today. We thought Treezer did pretty well. There was a question about Surrey Council and social care payments. She did not answer unambiguosly but then when does this ever happen? We thought she was well on top of Corbyn.
How wrong we were. Apparently. Roll on to the 6pm bBBC1 news. Laura Kuntsberg is apoplectic. May is apparently banged to rights because of some leaked texts, which Corbyn mentioned at PMQs. Treezer is on the back foot having been ambushed. The gloating smile on Kuntsberg’s face is utterly unconcealed.
Now let’s be clear. political duplicty is defensible but only on a case by case basis. This example, if true, is probably not defensible..
The issue here is the bBBC’s own fake news and alternative reality. Or more Orwellianly their selective and bastardised version of real events. I say the bBBC should be on the back foot.
PS And just in case we have been insufficiently brainwashed on this, straight after the main news, bBBC London has a go as well, with rentaleftgob quotes from the lefties in Lambeth.
How many sharks do Channel 4 have to jump these days?
To see Jon Snow mocking his alter ago for some “fake news” that Channel 4 seem to regard as a Threat-given how Snow and his whirly turd of a “News Show”-have serially lied, cavilled, chiselled and connived to create THEIR lies as news?
We`re beyond irony now-and,in fact I go to Al Jaz,RT and ANYBODY but the BBC and its special needs incest-bred sister that lubes Snows bank balance as ever since 1982.
Sluff, I just started to watch ITVs 10pm news. It is every bit as bad as the BBC. The gloating newsreaders about Jeremy’s ambush of Mrs May was just like you describe the BBC.
This followed an ITV special report about the NHS – so it just so happens that the BBC and ITV are concentrating on the NHS in the same week ? No collusion there then. The lady who needs social care needs our taxes to pay someone to put her socks and slippers on because it is too much for her 71 year old husband to do for her. The 71 year old men I know are capable of walking 10 miles and then putting on the odd pair of socks on someone else if it were needed and would not expect carers at someone else’s expense to come in to do it.
I saw that too. Apparently the state should now be responsible for caring for your husband and wife, or civil partner, rather than you yourself.
What amazes me is how few people appear to have £23k in assets, the self financing threshold, according to all the tv reports, which all therefore seem to presume the state ie other taxpayers, should be paying for care.. Given home ownership levels, and final salary pension schemes for that age group, especially ex public sector workers, I find this very dubious indeed.
People could always dip into their own pockets for a bit of respite care. What else are they going to spend their money on? A new car? Foreign holidays? Donations to the Labour Party?
the old mans 84 still paying tax and can still put his socks on and wipe his own arse. When he had a knee op last year (bupa) i took two weeks off to care for him , till he sent me home lol 🙂
hes always looked after me and mine, i will look after him, if your family dont work that way tough shit for you , what you sow is what you reap.
I have a few grand in assets because I have worked all my life, even before I left school I was working, same with my wife and 3 kids, so why should my assets (which I want to pass to my kids) have to pay for me to go into care if I have to, whereas the bloke down the street who has done bugger all since he left school will get his care for free off the taxpayer?
I would rather kill myself than that happen.
Saw keunsberg on DP straight after PMQ’S and the delight was all over her face over this surrey thing. Telling us Theresa was on the back foot and the labour idiot beside her saying that this was going to run and run. Well that didnt work out too well as the brexit vote pushed this story well down the running order. But then the beeb are well used to covering up labour woes and these are big woes so today they are back on their fav hobby horse the beloved NHS again with the begging bowl.
The BBC, unsurprisingly, do not seem to entertain the possibility that the court may find in the POTUS favor.
“And the independence of the courts is so essential to the US way of governing, that moving to attack judges on behalf of the president would be a drastic step.
Nonetheless, with two of the three powers in conflict, the decision may fall to Congress eventually – unless Mr Trump modifies his order.
That may be the most prudent move, in keeping with his predecessors who have often backed off in the face of judicial opposition.”
End Quote
My gripe is the presumption -“unless Mr Trump modifies his order” He may not need to, he may have acted fully within the spirit of the law.
The construction industry is expected to create 19000 jobs in London in the next 3 years.
What is the bBBC’s line on this.
Yep, you’re right.
Doom and gloom caused by the ‘uncertainties over Brexit’.
In my industrial experience business is ALWAYS uncertain. The winners are those who cope and react to the ever changing circumstances. Something of which the snowflakes in bBBC la la land have no experience or comprehension. Tossers!
This week on the BBC news we’ve being told relentlessly the NHS is failing because of an ageing population. However, what the BBC would really like to say is ‘The ageing population is a drain on the NHS, regardless that the vast majority of older people have paid into it. What the BBC won’t tell you is, the NHS is failing because of all the freeloaders who use it, those who have never paid a penny for it.
Next Weeks BBC news narrative. Assisted Dying a do it yourself job to save the NHS!
And did I hear yesterday, was it on You and Yours or another News & Current Affairs programme, that the greatest use of the NHS is by women aged 39 years old!
As BBC presenters go I generally like Steve Hewlett and find his reporting to be reasonably fair, so I always listen to The Media Show. Because of his illness, the programme has frequently been presented by Andrea Catherwood recently, as it was earlier today.
In a section where she discussed Twitter’s plans to curb abuse, I was stunned to hear her compare President Trump’s tweets with “hate speech”. It was a casual, almost throw-away comparison, which makes it all the more telling.
Just heard Jon Sopel on a bit of the BBC saying that “Donald Trump is desperately trying to curry favour with those who voted for him”.
Words to that effect-certainly nobody listens to them properly anymore seeing as we all KNOW what they`ll say.
And there was me thinking that it was a GOOD thing for politicians to make good on their promises-thought we were all made cynical and disillusioned after years of piecrust promises by the political class.
Funny that-years of cynicism about the managerial effete types that the BBC bemoans-suddenly it`s “populist and playing to the gallery” if Trump DOES does what he says he`ll do.
Wrong rebellion I`m afraid…let`s run to the judges to ban it eh?
Democracy?…overrated so we`re now finding.
Being of the Left-means you decide the rules.
Not so much bias, today, but this relates to bias: BBC bias. It comes at the expense of the BBC themselves, together with their ‘Freedom of Information Specialist’, Martin Rosenbaum. Martin had done a study of the EU Referendum voting across different parts of the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38762034 Why? Who knows? We know the result.
I guess the BBC wish to understand what went wrong, why their side did not win and I also guess the best way for them to do that in good PostTruth and FakeNews style is to build a false narrative around populism, globalisation and to paint the great majority who voted to leave as grumpy, old, disadvantaged, unemployed or under-employed, non-metropolitan white racists. Oh, and ignorant ones at that, not having a single University degree, let alone a Masters or Doctorate to rub between all 17,410,742 of them.
Unfortunately, in their valedictory eulogy for Professor Hans Rosling today, they included this: ‘ Mr Rosling presented Don’t Panic: The Truth About Population on BBC2 in 2013, which included a demonstration of how British university graduates would be outperformed by chimpanzees in a test of knowledge about developing countries. ‘ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-38900572
Paul Wood appears to be the most demented of the BBC’s correspondents. During the campaign he majored on the Trump/KGB watersporting. Now he parrots the ramblings of the Democratic Party’s gerontocratic tendency and throws in everything including assassination.
Re Wood and the Democratic Party – he quotes Congresswoman Maxine Waters as if she were some sort of constitutional authority – she is such an in-tune old biddy that she thinks that Putin is invading Korea!
The TV taxpayer funded Wood is a fellow of the New American Foundation – a Soros funded “non-partisan” think tank.
NISA, does that not constitute a hate crime? I do not like Trump but suggesting he could be assassinated in a UK publication appears to fall foul of recent UK legislation.
AAAH! but the peasants appear to be revolting
ps. are they “hideously white”?
Maybe times are a changing (not before time) … like I always said when I first came on this site
… it won t be long
“Swedish Spring”: Citizens Demand National Conversation on Migrant Crimes After Top Cop Goes Public
Over 130,000 sign up for Facebook support page in less than a week
I mean, and it was all going so well 😀
“Swedish school that received “Peace prize” for enrolling the most migrants … its now a war zone with barbed wire, and checkpoints”
Norman Smith did not hold back as newly appointed Shadow Minister for Health in the BBC-We-Are-Labour-Now, Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition to anything Conservative, on the 6pm BBC R4 News today. He contained his venom, just, by turning it into a state of urgency declaring that “the Government had had several days of bad headlines about the NHS” but completely omitting to mention that the BBC had created more than their fare share of those headlines, both on air and on-line. Those headlines were backed up by possible BBC bias, as outlined near the top of this Thread, in the programme about Blackburn NHS Trust.
I’m afraid for good or bad I judge people on what use they’d be in a crisis.
People with practical skills, able to organize, plan and motivate. Those that can offer care, support, advice and knowledge.
Norman Smith and his buddies don’t come within a million miles.
“Berserk News @berserk_news
No ruling today on Trump travel ban, US court says. Court official says up to 90 minutes advance notice will be given before ruling issued.”
3000 Jobs coming to Arizona. Mmmm Another campaign pledge fulfillment. Some of us have been pointing out for a long time that Trump’s business acumen might make him a decent manager of the economy. That move doesn’t help Trump live up to the BBC villain characterisation though does it? Shhhh Best keep that one quiet.
The agenda is relentless in ‘The Archers’ on BBC Radio 4.
Recently, we had the dénouement of the Helen and Rob affair. White alpha male middle class heterosexual all-round bad guy Rob Titchener tried to kidnap Jack, who is his son by drippy Helen, but was foiled by both fate – in the shape of a fallen tree blocking his getaway – and the great sisterhood of Helen, her Guardianista mum Pat and feisty little Kirsty Miller. It really was a case of ‘the sisters doing it for themselves’, with no man to help in the final showdown with the demon Rob; but then we all know that men are not good for much.
Helen drove up behind him, when his car was blocked and stuck in some mud, and tried to get Jack back from out of his car. He could have smacked her down (after all, he is supposed to be a male chauvinist pig … and she did nearly kill him with a kitchen knife!) and used her car to make off back the way he came, but the scriptwriters made it that his nerve failed him. Then the cavalry arrived in the form of mum and best friend Kirsty.
Helen faced him down and told him he was useless. She revealed how he had diverted the flood waters into Ambridge during a flood a while before, by blocking a drain, and said there was nothing left for him in the village. He must have driven away after that and was reported by the police as having taken a flight to Minneapolis (visa?).
Kirsty meanwhile is carrying Helen’s younger brother’s baby, after a careless one-night stand; not that she needs or wants Tom really, other than for reproductive fluids anyway (ok, so he did jilt her at the altar a while back). Helen herself would sympathize, having had her first son Henry by AI; Jack was the result of intra-marital rape by Rob.
As if all this wasn’t enough, Fallon (a woman) ticked off her policeman partner PC Harrison Burns for sexism, when he was getting frustrated about a lack of players for the village cricket team: there was only a lack of MALE players, he was overlooking 50% of the talent pool, the girls were just as good. A Eureka moment! Harrison dutifully went off to check with the League Secretary to see if a mixed team would be ok.
I expect this one to run and run. Maybe an appearance in a Lord’s final, with wristy middle-order batswoman Anisha Jayakody scoring the winning runs after beguiling the hideously White, racist and sexist all-male opposition with her crafty leg-spin bowling, thus confounding the Patriarchy. Perhaps they can discuss it on Test Match Special later this year; I’m sure that vibrant commentator Ebony Rainford Brent would have something of value to say. Who needs Brian Close?
On Call the Midwife aka Call the Socialists this week.
Evil Tory Enoch Powell as Minister of Health was being blamed for moving maternity units to larger general hospitals where there was a critical mass of specialisms.
60 years on, nothing has changed. The legions of vested interest groups still want things left just the way they are with no control or assessment or accountability and an infinite supply of taxpayer money.
What ingratitude! They ought to love Enoch: as a junior health minister, he recruited nurses from the West Indies, thereby meeting shortages within the NHS and promoting diversity in the UK generally.
Sluff, there were good reasons for having maternity units in Community (a.k.a. at the time Cottage) Hospitals, not least they were close to the people who needed their services. Their staff lived locally. They knew and worked with the local GPs. It was an integrated service.
The Thatcher Government and/or the Civil Servants at DoH at the time, insisted on closing Cottage Hospitals along with their Maternity Units and other specialised, locally required and accessed services and spending money expanding larger hospitals much further away from their potential patients. Twenty years later and the Government & Civil Servants were spending money closing facilities at large hospitals and spending even more money expanding GP services, in locations where there is space building local health facilities – Medical Centres – that are, for want of a better label, Cottage Hospitals.
A lot of the rot, the serious infection of incompetence, in the present-day NHS and the Dept. of Health stems from the 1980s and Thatcher. It was barmy. We protested at the time. We predicted that the closed facilities would eventually have to be resurrected at great cost. We were not listened to.
We were right.
The Government was wrong. The Civil Service was wrong.
(Probably be right on Brexit, too, eh Dave? What’s that you say, George? Got anything to add, Mark Carney?)
You silly boy.
Common sense will tell you that there has been an extremely large influx of population into Great Britain over the last ten years. It cannot be denied that this has had a detrimental effect on the resources and infrastructure of the nation such as hospitals, doctors surgeries, health tourism, schools , housing , crime , jails , transport and security, need I add more ?
Now where is you example of Al Beeb’s Bias – Have you any ?
“Common sense will tell you that there has been an extremely large influx of population into Great Britain over the last ten years.”
That’s simply a statement of fact; nothing to do with “common sense”.
“It cannot be denied that this has had a detrimental effect on the resources and infrastructure of the nation…”
Please provide evidence that the current NHS crisis is caused by migration. How much do migrants cost the NHS compared to how much they pay into the system through taxation?
You must know this already, or you wouldn’t be blaming migrants would you?
Unless immigrants to Britain are unlike people anywhere in the world, they get ill, have accidents and have children.
You agree that mass immigration is a fact, so mass immigration must increase the demand for NHS resources, at least pro rata. If they had not come to Britain there would not be this extra demand. Whether you blame then or not, you cannot deny they must cause an additional demand for NHS resources and services.
“…mass immigration must increase the demand for NHS resources, at least pro rata. If they had not come to Britain there would not be this extra demand.”
Yes, but NHS resources are not a fixed amount. More migrants (who tend to be young) pay more in tax; thereby increasing the NHS resources. And the vast majority of those resources are spent looking after the elderly who pay less in tax.
I’m still waiting for some evidence (facts & figures) that the NHS crisis is caused by migration. So far I’ve not seen any; just correlation, a call to “common sense”, and a convenient scapegoat.
The UK is now second only to Finland in Europe for the %age of families with four or more children, largely due to the propensity of (non-EU) migrants to have larger families.
The old canard of migrants paying in more than they receive applies only to EU migrants and then in the short term only. Think of them like Auf Widersehen Pet building workers, but they stay, bring the wife over, have children etc., so very quickly become a negative to the pay in take out balance.
You may also be unaware that the number of children per female has risen from a low of 1.7 in the space of 15 years to more than 1.9, and a hugely disproportionate number of live births are to mothers not born in this country.
So no extra pressure on the NHS then – I think not.
Maxi, recieved wisdom is not that they ‘tend’ to be young, but are in fact just children.
And once here need to bring over their parents in support.
Plus, oddly, their spouses and progeny.
The tax revenue is of course nearly limitless, like BBC pension top ups when investments do not perform as hoped.
As to evidence, what are your feelings about the BBC exempting itself from providing any when basing stories on ‘sources’, ‘critics’ and ‘people who say’?
Your claim is based on a false assumption as you have simply left out the extra burden of mass immigration that started 60 years ago. Presumably those who arrived 60 years ago and after are not blessed with eternal youth and have not remained childless. So immigrants are amongst those old people who are clogging up the NHS. Are some immigrant demographics more susceptible to, say, diabetes, than the indigenous population?
Yes, but NHS resources are not a fixed amount. More migrants (who tend to be young) pay more in tax; thereby increasing the NHS resources. And the vast majority of those resources are spent looking after the elderly who pay less in tax.
Jeez, where to start with that one.
‘More migrants pay more tax’. More tax than what or whom? How do you know they all pay tax? Where is the evidence they pay enough even to cover their own share of services and infrastructure? What about those with children (a family of two adults and two children need to be earning £40k a year before they become net contributors)? And I thought they were all here to do the menial jobs the Brits don’t want to do? And were you aware of the amount of money immigrants send out of the country each year? Here’s some help for you:
So there’s your starting point. Tell us how much tax immigrants are paying then subtract £11 billion and take it from there with your calculation of how much they contribute to their keep.
And as for migrants ‘increasing NHS resources’, what planet are you on? Where on earth is your evidence? Net migration is running at 330,000 per year. That’s equivalent to the population of a city the size of Coventry. Coventry has two major hospitals and, as on average nationally there is one doctor’s surgery per 12000 people, it would have approx. 30 surgeries. Are we building the equivalent of those every year, financed by the extra taxes these migrants allegedly pay? What about the costs of translation services which we still generously and unnecessarily provide because so many immigrants can’t be bothered to learn English? Last time I had a hospital appointment letter there were translation services being offered in 16 (that’s SIXTEEN) different languages.
Then there are schools, roads, railways etc etc etc. – all under immense strain because services and infrastructure are not coping. Have you not noticed?
And then there are the dependent elderly relatives immigrants are allowed to bring over, large numbers of dependent children, women who are not allowed to work for ‘cultural’ reasons etc.
Wake up before the country collapses around your ears – or maybe that’s what you want.
a fair fucking few, cos they dont get fucking pregnant and dont get ill cos they are all fuckin peter pan and never going to grow old and want a pension, and dont even start me about a certain type of migrant who are never seen without a walking stick cos they are all fuckin “disabled” by 50 and claiming the benefits.
where the fuck do you live that you cant actually see this shit!
I don’t actually walk around keeping count of how many people I see using a walking stick, let alone stop and ask everyone I might or not notice whether they are a migrant.
But then again my life is obviously far less exciting than yours.
Bowen: Ahm…I think that Mrs May is so tied up with issues of Brexit that I don’t see her trying to do her own solo Middle East peace bid. But, you know, the key…the difficulty of trying to make Middle Eastern peace is that you have to be tough on both sides and Western governments – particularly the Americans, the British – find it very easy to be tough on the Palestinians and they find it very difficult to be tough on the Israelis.”
Ah, that would be the ‘Palestinians’ (or was it Arabs?) who refused a two-state solution on the most generous terms in 1937 (how many Jews might have been saved from the Holocaust if they had had their own state to return to?), 1948, (the Arabs decided it would be easier to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the map’ – failed) 1993, 2000….
The BBC – giving the version of history IT wants YOU to hear
Who keeps the NHS going, me and others here born and bred in the UK who have paid into the NHS all their working lives or recent arrivals?
Health tourism costs the NHS millions if not billions a year, would the NHS be better off without health tourism?
Your assertion that immigrants pay more into the NHS as they are younger is garbage. Most from East Europe are low wage earners with benefit supplements, further they tend to work for enough years here sending their money out of our economy home, till they have enough for a comfortable life back home.
Immigrants form the third world have much lager families and thus cost the NHS more than indigenous people in child birth and care etc. Further unemployment amongst third worlders is very high Somalians and Bangladeshis running at around 60% unemployed. Thus they are net takers.
Your arguments come straight form the Daily Mirror try some of your own.
Recognise the style, the insertion of personal abuse within his/her post.
Maxicony is Zero
Hey Zero aka Maxicony, how are ya making out in Camden public toilets?
Political correctness means that NHS management would not plan for an increase in population of 350,000 immigrants per annum, and health tourism, because such managers would face accusations of racism if they did bring the issue up. But there is obviously no politically correct barrier for management to plan for accommodating the number of indigenous white elderly patients, using estimates for life expectancy of 50 year olds, ten years ago or 40 year olds, twenty years ago. So therefore by definition, any hole in the future plans of NHS management caused by the repressive blindness of political correctness must be caused by immigrants and foreign health tourists, with any evidence that the current NHS crisis is caused by migration either not collected or under censorship by NHS Management. But we do know that NHS patients and their families as well as NHS staff and journalists themselves do provide evidence in newspapers that do not censor evidence. While on the other hand you would expect the BBC and the Guardian to censor the evidence, due to the politically correct need to blame the elderly white patients, of racism.
I suggest the statement that 75% of admissions are those over 65 years of age, was for people who suffered a stroke. So if you complain to the BBC for misleading you on this issue, then they will point out the fact that this was only for people who suffered a stroke.
The morons at the BBC can seem very canny when it comes to planning the propaganda, but that must be because they now have the help of Maxincony at the Saatchi agency.
Richard, logic suggests that potential or actual end-of-life events among the elderly are much more likely to result in admissions when compared, say, to the Saturday afternoon footballer with a broken arm. Logic is in short supply at the BBC. They are not so canny at remembering that despite ever greater Government made, taxpayer expenditure, the Civil Servants at the Department of Health think that the solution to very NHS hospital crisis is to close facilities.
This might have a bearing – it’s all to do with better use of resources and educating the children who pass for young adults these days they don’t need to go to A and E just because they’ve got a bit of a sniffle. (One hospital I read about has an on-site triage service which includes it’s own GP surgery. Result: A and E treats only genuine emergency cases, much better flow of patients and reduced waiting times. Do they roll this out across the NHS on a ‘best practice’ basis? Do they f***.)
What of the trivial, possibly timewasting, cases? Remarkably, 52 per cent of those who come to A&E are sent away without needing treatment, or given only “guidance and advice”. Equally interestingly, among the heaviest users are people in their twenties. This age group is among the healthiest in society – but they visit A&E more often than people in their sixties and seventies.
Was up in London recently.
Noticed that every NHS story-and boy do the BBC love to yank THAT chain?-had all migrant staff being interviewed.
Or all “of colour” if they`re native to this country.
Didn`t see a white person in sight, let alone get an interview. Think the London liberal media would like me to draw their conclusions for them.
Still-you do wonder how we ever coped when we had white people working for the NHS who could be relied upon to tell the truth. Can only imagine that they`re the hated whistleblowers or antsy ever-snarky junior doctors these days.
Subtle?…the BBC?…
I still say we had a cleaner attitude in our hospitals when the nursing staff were all dressed in their spotlessly Persil white uniforms, and the doctors wore white coats. Now hospital staff are nowhere near as smart or professional looking as they once were and sadly its a truth that those coming from third world countries have a suspect cleanliness regime. We have outbreaks of MSRA and TB and whooping cough are rife again; so, who DO we blame for this ? if not those coming in from another culture and climate.
Brissles, as an “ex-nurse” you should be ashamed of yourself.
The increases in MSRA and TB have been caused by anti-bacterial resistance which in turn has been caused by the casual and chronic over-use of Antibiotics in western countries.
Furthermore, cases of MSRA have fallen dramatically over the last ten years; so your ridiculous scapegoating of “non-Persil-white uniforms” and “dirty third-worlders” are based on nothing but your own prejudice.
(1) It’s MRSA = Methicillin-Resistant Straphylococcus Aureus. It’s quite a mouthful to say – I admit to looking it up to check the spelling.
(2) I agree that both over-prescription and incorrect use of Antibiotics is a factor but so is the loss of so-called Herd Immunity by the arrival of new populations not here from birth and thus not subject to mass public health measures such as vaccinations in schools, etc.
“Developing countries show increase in antibiotic resistance”
“Misuse and overuse of antibiotic drugs has already created a huge challenge in developed parts of the world, and now low and middle income countries are catching up.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34276557
Hysterical, yesterday’s Global Warming PR was “Think of the cricket pitches”
Now think about it, where are cricket pitches situated ?
Example http://applebyedencc.hitscricket.com/location/default.aspx
On prime building land ?
Or on a flat piece of land next to a river, that no one wants cos every so often it floods, particularly if the Environmental Agency screw up ?
So again, at least half the people have not been conned. The problem might be that they have us down to about half. Unless there is a sizeable ‘silent’ section that doesn’t vote in polls. Fingers crossed.
I suspect the actual percentage is much higher, if they actually surveyed some people outside Chatham House I’m sure it would be; most of the people I have spoken to, for a number of years now, about the “Islamic question” (across a range of socio-economic groups) want Muslim immigration into Britain to end.
World Service and a bit of offhand, unchallenged racism:-
American football is dominated by black players 70% but whites predominate as quarter backs. The black player says, ‘We still have a way to go.”
What? To get to a point where American Football is entirely black?
There’s a nice tweet about some idiot ad Netflix decided to run, from a man of colour telling them he was cancelling his sub (Ed: not an option with some state propaganda outlets) as it was blatantly racist and served the cause of integration poorly.
I remember Clarke Carlisle (he who traumatised a hard working truck driver by jumping in front his truck) being interviewed on TV and complaining bitterly that there were too few black managers in British football. The interviewer commented that in the premier league black players were massively Over represented. Carlisle, without even understanding the irony, replied “That’s because they’re the best”.
Has anyone analysed this? The bBBC has listed scores of terrorist attacks that President Trump says were ignored by the media, going through the list and concluding ‘Did we cover it? Yes’ for nearly all of them. But what it needs is an analysis of where, and in what depth, they were covered. For instance, we all know that the Muslim rape gangs are hidden away under ‘local news’.
I don’t have the time or the skill to go through their long list. Where is Craig when you want him?
I just felt so embarrassed that each ‘event’ had been covered, but remembered that silly journalistic squealing girl (can’t remember her name), spouting numbers from a page, and after she’d run out of breath, Nigel Farage said just “Not true”!
Like you, I can’t be arsed to check each article, I just assume the bBeeb didn’t cover the story because nobody else will be arsed to check either.
The BBC interviewing Mr Trump is about as likely as Laura Doomsberg popping out of a big cake in front of him and singing ‘Happy Birthday Mr President’ in a seductive voice.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlONESyXsAAbWQL?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
I visited the BBC news web site today and was invited to complete a survey. One of the first questions was , did I trust BBC news, you could score it 1 to 10 , with 10 as the highest trust level possible. There wasn’t a box for a negative score so I gave it 1. I am sure that most other visitors to this site would not score it higher than that. Of course lots of visitors to BBC news will give a high score and the BBC will proudly announce that this self selecting group would trust the BBC with their lives.
Am I so angry with the BBC that I losing my judgement when I say that I trust Breitbart a great deal more than I do the BBC, or for that matter the rest of the MSM? Yet ,as noted by other posters the Government is spending tax payers money , trying to undermine The credibility of news sources such as Breitbart because they accuse them of spreading fake news. I believe that Breitbart tell us the truth about things that liberal left governments right across the West don’t want us to know. So any clamp down on Breitbart is censorship . Breitbart’s slogan should be ‘ If you want to know , what they don’t want you to know , visit our site’.
The democratic revolution ,let’s call it ‘the democratic spring’ is threatening the liberal left globalists and they are fighting back using all the weapons they have in their extensive arsenal. The snowflakes are their unwitting foot soldiers and protests their up front weapon . They have been using the likes of the BBC to propagandise for years and to manage the news in their interests. But they didn’t anticipate that the internet would allow ordinary people to hear the truth and so they are scrambling to get control of it. If they do , the democratic spring will wither away. So President Trump must make it illegal to censor the net and he should throw it open to all and encourage as many news sites as possible to be started. Of course there will be a free for all and no doubt lots of ‘false news’ stories will be generated so people will need to be alert to separate fact from fiction. But the alternative is that the only source of news is from sources controlled by the liberal left. In the USA the media are determined to bring President Trump down and certainly to prevent a second term . He needs a censorship free internet to create an alternative news source to the MSM and so allow his supporters to hear the truth and help him roll back the liberal left which has penetrated every nook and cranny of western society.
A comprehensive survey sent to EACH license payer, with results published IN FULL. That is what the ‘customers’ demand and deserve.
Good idea and have it reviewed and published by ofcom or some independent group.
The problem is that most people don’t realise they are watching unfettered, biased crap. They believe what they are presented with.
I think with most things it’s thirds – a third do, a third don’t, a third are indifferent.
I have 100% trust in the BBC — but not in the way that they would wish.
This Tory government paying £30 million of taxpayers money to censor Breitbart is the same as New Labour and the Democrats in America using taxpayers money to create what Trump calls, the “swamp“. So Teresa May is trying to prop up the “Swamp” in Britain, and she even lectured the Republican Party on her support for loony Liberal left policies, such as Man-made Global Warming.
The “swamp” is a taxpayer funded barrier between two groups. In a scientific subject without a swamp, you usually have Journalists directly questioning scientists on scientific subjects, but in Climate science you have an impenetrable barrier between Causational Climate scientists and Journalists. This barrier is made up of a “swamp” of Environmental activists, Liberal Politicians and BBC Journalists. These low IQ middle-class ignorant social parasites are rarely scientifically qualified but inhabit taxpayer funded Scientific advisory bodies, institutes and seminars such as the Grantham Institute or the Tyndall Centre.
Unlike previous Presidents, Donald Trump has had meetings with Atmospheric Physicists about draining this swamp, with suggestions about cutting the funding of environmental agencies and making it a legal requirement to appoint scientists with PhDs in Atmospheric Physicist and Solar Astronomy in charge of the remnants of these organisations, and with a remit to drain the swamp of scientifically unqualified social parasites from these organisations.
Then it would be possible for experts to explain to you on the telly, why man-made Climate Change is a hoax.
When you make a claim that the government is spending £30 million to censor news sites, then you do need to provide a link to the source of that to maintain credibility and to help other people who post elsewhere.
Plenty of people have made claims on this site which have no credible sources and without the proof it is now difficult to take these claims seriously.
Here you go. Not £30 million but £60 million. Easily found.
Also covered here
We’re the BBC as prompt and open when a claim of theirs is merely asked to be supported.
Oh good, the Saatchis — the official agency of the Remain campaign. What a great job they did on that one.
This one’s going to backfire, as well.
Something else
Soros Media Matters $13.4 million to “stop” Breitbart News.
Then Twitter is full of bullying of Breitbart advertisers
Whenever I have read Breitbart, I’ve noticed that they run some stories by-lined Reuters. It’s going to be very hard to claim those are Fake News.
News from the world-respected Reuters agency that the BBC, Sky and the Guardian do not want to run as it offers insights that are counter to their “narrative”, perhaps. But that is a different issue.
Evidence that the Government and BBC are singing from the same sheet, drawing from discredited Moslem sources such as Tell Mama.
Home Secretary, amber Amber praises Tell Mama in her statement and promises to stand together tackling hatred. Be warned. This government is hell bent on supporting Islam.
From the Home Secretary’s statement
‘Tell MAMA are a key partner in our work to address anti-Muslim hatred. They have developed initiatives to improve reporting of anti-Muslim hatred, provided training for those who support victims and produced reports on the drivers and impact of anti-Muslim hatred that have helped to inform Government policy.
We must all stand together and send a clear message that hate crime will not be tolerated. I am grateful for the support of organisations such as Tell MAMA for the work they continue to do to tackle hatred.”
Only a couple of years back Tell Mama had its grant witheld
‘A controversial project claiming to measure anti-Muslim attacks will not have its government grant renewed after police and civil servants raised concerns about its methods.
The project, called Tell Mama, claimed that there had been a “sustained wave of attacks and intimidation” against British Muslims after the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby, with 193 “Islamophobic incidents” reported to it, rising to 212 by last weekend.
The group’s founder, Fiyaz Mughal, said he saw “no end to this cycle of violence”, describing it as “unprecedented”. The claims were unquestioningly repeated in the media.
Tell Mama and Mr Mughal did not mention, however, that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity that took place only online, mainly offensive postings on Twitter and Facebook, or that a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified. Not all the online abuse even originated in Britain.
Contrary to the group’s claim of a “cycle of violence” and a “sustained wave of attacks”, only 17 of the 212 incidents, 8 per cent, involved the physical targeting of people and there were no attacks on anyone serious enough to require medical treatment.’
Remember Rudd has that brother of hers who is globalist in spades. She looks an authoritarian by nature and inclination as is Mrs May.
Despite the charade of the visit to President Trump these two are diametrically opposed to everything he stands for. They do like power though and they would love to censor us and everyone on the net.
Amber Rudd or Elmer Fudd?
Yep!, More Islamic appeasement from Appeaser May and co, seems like a done deal from the Tories, already sidelining millions from the that shameful Saatchi stitch up … to erm protect the vulnerable community, at risk mosques ya da ya da.
Against free expression/free speech by those paragons of honesty and integrity Saatchi s, along with most incompetent, underhand, deceitful and devious crooks ever to infest No10 … made for each other, and that money will be siphoned down into communities causing more division, into the hands of sh-tbags like the UAF/Hope Not Hate, end result targeted demonization.
Tell Lies!!! oops I mean MAMA … and Elmer Fudd (hand-forehead-slap) its almost unbelievable.
There has to be a clear out, imminently our nation depends on it.
The No10 liars have got to go, they are selling us out … to the Chinese, to the Saudi s, now to the States a behind closed door NHS give away for grasping short term gain for those bastards who have no right to do so.
That s the one reason “tastrophe” Teresa got to the states, wasn t a “special relationship” she and her cronies know the mood is for change, change that is impossible for the Tory F-ckwits they ARE the architects of the problem, as above the only answer they have is lying, falsifying stats and division.
You do have to consider the amount of merchant banker toffs and the like who became Tory MPs and always wonder at their loyalties.
I hope they cross Pres Trump.
Unfortunately it could have bad side effects on Britain.
As for that Speaker who should learn to keep his mouth shut.
I hope that the American press hasn’t picked it up. The last thing we want is Pres Trump’s spokesman announcing, that as parliament is supreme in the UK, he feels that accepting the Queen’s invitation would beembarrassing to the PM, and he would not want to do that.
Of course the American press has picked it up. The US Speaker, Paul Ryan was equally scathing about Trump – until of course Trump won – now it’s all forgotten.
The islam cult was founded by a man who, by any modern standard, was a murderer, a paedophile, a rapist, a homophobe and a rabid anti-Semite.
Is it now illegal to “hate” these things, or are we meant to “love” them when they come wrapped in the black flag of islam?
Hideously white : how can it be that the features on Blackburn NHS Trust shown the last two nights on BBC 6 News had no representation from ethnic communities or even illustrated their existence as patients. Other than a few medical staff every patient or relative “interviewed” or in camera shot were largely elderly white people. This cannot be a true representation of Blackburn’s population make up , which I know is wonderfully diverse : or is it , more sinisterly , evidence of an apartheid policy regarding NHS admissions to hospital in Blackburn . I have addressed a complaint to the BBC asking for an explanation regarding this unacceptable bias against ethnic minorities and in favour of indigenous geriatrics causing pressure on our beloved NHS
Sarc mode- off
The BBC’s fake news site has a feature on the NHS and among the 10 reasons given for problems with meeting targets, etc, there is mention of the ageing population and the increased cost of treating them (rather than, say, 30-year olds) here and across Europe, and of the increased demands on A&E. What isn’t explained is WHY demand on A&E might be higher – have we all suddenly become more accident-prone or have pavements been very icy? No mention of gross immigration of > 600,000 every year, the nett increase of ~ 350,000 or the higher likelihood of new arrivals’ resorting to A&E rather than GPs.
You haven’t been listening have. So one more time.
What Immigrants Don’t Do
Immigrants do not live in houses and so do not contribute to the housing problem.
Immigrants do not get sick and so cannot be responsible for the NHS pressure.
Immigrants do not commit crime and so cannot be responsible for prison overcrowding.
Immigrants do not rape young white girls allover our country. That was a fake news story.
What Immigrants Do Do
Immigrants enrich our society in so many ways there is no need to detail them
Immigrants do valuable jobs that Brits won’t do
Immigrants pay massive amounts of tax and because they do not use any public services( see above) this is great for the public purse
Immigrants bake marvellous cakes and are just so nice. Oh and most them are aero space engineers , medical doctors or surgeons all fleeing from persecution.
Are you angling for a cushy BBC job?
And don’t forget they are good for the economy – or at least the economy they left ‘back home’, when they are sending their wages to their families !!
Good spot. Blackburn must have at lest a 30% Rop population.
I too wondered how the BBC could find a background of a Blackburn hospital with mainly (read almost totally) white patients. I could only assume it is the only hospital for many miles around and that patients who have flown to rural areas are using this hospital. Still haven’t come up with a reasonable explanation why other ethnicities did not appear to be present.
I did have the misfortune to have to pass through Blackburn a few times until recently. A dismal place and the only shiny bits were the mosques.
A quick Google search provides some interesting facts. The population in 2015 was 113,000 and it apparently has the third highest Muslim population in the UK with a total of 45 mosques. So quite how the bBC managed to miss them all during their programme on the hospital is a bit of a mystery!
Well Fred, it could be that they don’t want to give the viewing public anymore excuses to blame the migrants, so kept all the non-whites out of camera shot, in the hope that we believe its purely white people who are bed blocking and clogging up the system !
At the other end of the scale, during exam result time, the tv screens are awash with students in schools opening their envelopes, and then its a case of “are there no white pupils in that school ???”
Do you know I thought the exact same thing. Blackburn, but the patients all lined up appeared to all be white and a majority percentage “older”, I did spot one or two non-whites in the very corner of the view. It looked to me like the good old classic selective filming and creative angles in action again.
47 per cent of Britons want to stop immigration from Muslim majority countries
An average of 55 per cent of people across the 10 European countries surveyed wanted to stop all future immigration from mainly Muslim countries.
The BBC were forced to apologise after failing to ‘notice’ (more like ignored) the peoples concerns over mass immigration under the BLiar years, now it’s happening again, how many more times can the BBC ignore the people on a Fascist crusade for Islam, and expect to just apologise and carry on as before.
Muslim immigration is a much bigger threat to our society than that from Eastern Europe , but exiting the EU does nothing directly to control and then reduce it. The only hope is indirect – that an annual visa restriction system prioritises skills shortages such that the chancers from Pakistan, Afghanistan, sub- Saharan Africa, North Africa etc are kept out . A direct ban on Muslim majority countries stands no chance In a UK still dominated by the liberal elite aided by gormless rent a mob snowflakes protesting on the streets at every opportunity.
But will it keep them out? The border police programmes (now no longer shown) showcased the expert forgery of convincing certificates and it has been reported (no, not on Al Beeb, silly) that even medical qualifications are available at little cost, let alone passports and wage advices.
An old-ish report, but one that I only just stumbled across and is amongst the most ridiculous reports I have seen from the BBC in a long long time, perhaps ever…
Where do they get this rubbish from?
Anyone with any knowledge of the precious metals sector knows that in all likelihood Gold nuggets come in unrefined form, which means that they are not the same as bullion. In order to convert them into marketable bullion they need to be refined. Refineries are located all over the world, but most will want to know about the origin of the product that is being delivered to them to ensure that it doesn’t come from an illegal source. If Carswell were receiving this he would want to be assured too. Unrefined gold has no value until someone can test the purity and value it accordingly and not everyone can do this as prices move intra-day. Its not like he can just take it down to the local Cash for Gold outlet.
Honestly, the most basic research by the reporter would have revealed this and more.
And whilst on the subject of Douglas Carswell he has been reported as saying the following..
All I can say is, I sincerely hope it happens.
Carswell has children, in his cellar, pedalling bikes connected to dynamos for his electricity supply.
His walls are lined with the fur of murdered cats and he dines on blood squeezed from kidnapped dogs.
Get fact checking BBC!
I am already part of the Boycott. But then I have a technologically engineered set-up that looks as though I can only receive analogue TV, which is no longer transmitted in my area. So you can then let the twit from Capita look at your TV, DVD and Video player set-up, and then say that you did not bother with the changeover to digital, because of BBC bias.
So buy an old “analogue only” TV on eBay, and then conceal a tiny freeview box inside the TV, power source and remote receiver included, and then boycott the licence fee payments.
The BBC being so understanding of others:
Does India have a problem with false rape claims?
After the infamous 2012 gang rape of a student on a bus in Delhi, the number of rape cases reported to police in India rose sharply. But one survey concluded that in Delhi, in 2013-14, more than half of these reports were “false” – fuelling claims by male activists that women are alleging rape in order to extort money from men.
Contrast the BBC’s concern over Indian men with what happens here, the BBC often pushing the ‘all men are rapists, they just haven’t all been caught yet’ meme. The self-same BBC that can spin a yarn about the ‘offence’ of naming a paint Rape Seed Yellow.
my oh my seems ofcom do actually do something
OFCOM investigates RT
Well, there’s a turn around – OFCOM are attempting to emulate Stalin’s habits. Free speech just ain’t free while we have the likes of OFCOM.
WTF is OFCOM anyway? Bunch of lickspittles, no doubt, well heeled and Left leaning, it appears.
“said it had tried to book guests with different views but they had all refused to appear.”
BBC often has loaded debates, but doesn’t have the same excuse.
Other comment by Paul Compton about the Telegraph article
“I see what you did there. You put a picture of Nigel Farage at the top of an article critical of alleged bias at RT, yet the article doesn’t even mention him, and is not about him.
And you complain at alleged bias in the Russian media!”
RT were in trouble for reporting the BBC to Ofcom: Ofcom accuse BBC of airing ‘propaganda films’ Regulators claim BBC World News has breached sponsorship rules 20 times by airing ‘propaganda films’ promoting charities, NGO’s and foreign governments.
A 112-page report from media regulator Ofcom censures the broadcaster for what the Daily Mail has called a “blatant breach” of broadcast rules.
Ofcom warned of an “inherent risk to the BBC’s independence and integrity” as it emerged the state broadcaster purchased films funded by outside bodies and foreign governments for as little as £1.
Well, well, what a surprise!
Ooooooooh! is all I can say.
All these so unfunny left wing “comedians” taking up valuable air space on the box, guffaw and pat themselves on the back at their ‘comedic’ derision of Trump, Brexit and their spoof like situations.
What would really be funny would be talented comedians taking the p..s out of Question Time and the Andrew Marr show for a change. Sadly in reality this wont happen, because all the so called ‘comedians’ have been nurtured in the nursery of left wing Yuni’s where the audiences are so juvenile they’d laugh if a fly landed on them.
Oh for the days when the likes of Bernard Manning et al and his proper humour. Yes he would take the Mick out of Trump, but in a way that Trump himself would laugh, and as for Brexit, the mind boggles with what he would do with the frogs, Pakis and Krauts ! (incidentally, if I can be called a ‘Brit’, I have every right to call someone from Pakistan a Paki !!!!)
Yup! Just about sums it up (or at least did in about 2006, when I stopped watching it altogether).
I bet theyre both leftie libtards though! Who voted remain (I’m not bitter!)
You hit the nail on the head with Manning who could take the Mick out of Trump in a way that Trump would laugh. A genuine skill lost on the BBC
I thought the recent Tracey Ullman show an oasis in the BBC comedic desert.
You’re kidding! It was f*****g awful.
Do you think that scene in the restaurant, where the chap upped and left when he discovered his date (played by Ullman) was “a Christian” would have been shown on al beebus if it was laughing at the followers of any other religion? In particular the one whose followers tend to react rather violently to being mocked.
It was typical al beebus “comedy” dross and her impressions were dreadful too, dear me – she couldn’t get wee Krankie right, who I would have thought was a dream of a character for female impressionists.
Pakistan translates as “land of the pure”, Briss, so calling someone a paki would be akin to calling them a “pure”. I could think of more appropriate descriptive nouns.
Anyone think this report will lead the BBC news anytime soon?
They also go for the educated / uneducated divide. Apparently you are only “educated” nowadays if you hold a degree. When I left grammar school 45 years ago only half went on to university, say 1/8 of school leavers.
Now 50% of the brain boxes brought up under the comprehensive system are deemed bright enough for university. LOL?
So if a poll tells you that younger people vote one way would you be wholly surprised if “educated” people also vote that way? I would not. The same specious reasoning has been used for the Brexit result too.
Not just stopped but reversed.Or else Western civilisation is finished.
Repatriate Muslims in exchange for persecuted Christians in Islamic countries.
My experience is that many Remainers have no idea why they voted as they did , other than it was the fashionable thing to do. Most them wouldn’t know how the EU works, why it isn’t democratic , that its aim is the abolition of nation states ( they probably don’t know what a nation state is) and creation of a federal Europe. Their ignorance is astonishing. But what else can you expect after 40 years of liberal left education. In other words the ignorant dunces are the Remainers not the Leavers.
Exactly my experience too, Doublethinker. Remainers brainwashed by Radio 4 and desperate to be thought part of the elite, parroting an acceptable view but with very little understanding of the facts about the EU. Leavers are the free thinkers and those who have enough faith in their own intelligence and logic to swim against the tide.
The “unintelligent” and “uneducated” jibes are calculated insults from the losers. Laugh and tell ’em to grow up.
I can certainly understand the ‘youth’ holding the opinions they do after years of progressive brainwashing. Unfortunately some old dogs can’t learn new tricks either. Every so often I meet up with old friends and acquaintances who, despite being around 50-65 years of age still think they’re on Maggie’s Poll Tax demo.
More recently they have begun to display the most outrageous anti-working class and anti-American prejudice – for daring to vote for Brexit and for devil incarnate Trump. The poor dears are beside themselves, sheltered as they are in their nice middle-class homes and comfortable professional jobs.
As the token ‘right-winger’ in the group I’m seriously considering calling a moratorium on attending our get-togethers as the atmosphere is getting quite unpleasant now.
Very few of the youngsters that I know actually bothered to vote, being too busy taking selfies and posting them to their thousands of so-called friends.
But the reasons for voting ‘remain’ included getting cheap roaming phone calls, and having the ability to travel around Europe. None of the dim kids believed that I travelled all over the continent before the EU was invented. Their indoctrination and lack of education is appalling.
It is so insulting to us ill educated, working class folk – the BBC carry as though the bbc was the one and only news and information source on the whole planet – it ain’t.
The educated voted to remain. ‘Fraid so. Marc Mardell attended my lectures as an undergraduate and he supported remain. But I who was clever enough to teach him voted to leave. Perhaps I taught him badly.
my somewhat lovely friends decided to “REMAIN” because they love the eurovision song contest go fucking figure
Ah, but you may be old, in case your education doesn’t count. If you are also northern and white, then you can be disregarded altogether.
Perhaps I should hand them my PhD to wipe their perfect asses on.
BBC Euro News – Belgium ‘wrong to deny’ Syrians visas, Europe court told
BBC Euro News – Louvre attack: Suspect ‘confirms’ he is Egyptian
… I m shocked at the news, SHOCKED! I tell you.
Despite their groveling Islamophilia, concern about “hate attacks” I have not seen this given any space at all.
France: Anti-Christian attacks rise 245 percent
Attacks on Christian places of worship more than doubled in this period of time, France’s interior ministry reported last week. Le Figaro reported that acts which target Christians now account for 90 per cent assaults on places of worship.
Ah but a woman in Bolton had her headscarf tweaked – so that evens it out.
It’s probably safe to say there’s a lot going on in the world, but the BBC’s editorial integrity antennae seem pretty much fixated on Trump, Brexit, or both.
So when a notification popped up that a new ‘BBC Breaking News’ email had arrived, I was resigned to more of the usual. But no…
Socialite Tara Palmer-Tomkinson dies
Socialite and reality TV star Tara Palmer-Tomkinson has died aged 45
It terribly sad when anyone dies, and especially at a young age, but I do wonder what saw this poor young lady’s demise elevated to the status the BBC has. Are they now the socialite channel too?
Booze, coke, cigarettes, parties and living off daddy’s money – very sad.
GW, they (BBC) are populist and as T P-T was very popular, apparently, with everyone – even Royals – then the BBC do not wish to risk unpopularity by not covering her death widely.
(As the popular expression goes.)
And the BBC still hasn’t mentioned the scandal surrounding Beckham !
They just explained the injunction on R4MediaShow other media ignored it
Don’t you think he’s the wrong colour Brissles?
Had he been the right colour or the BBC preferred religion or even better, both, he would have had his honour before you could say Sir Mohammed Farah.
He’s already got an OBE
Yes Stew, but he wasn’t content with that, in his own words, he was worthy of an ‘upgrade’, “nothing less than a f……g knighthood will do”. Nice.
Sadly the press have been complicit in the marketing of his ‘brand’ from the outset. When Diana died there was a vacancy to fill in column inches – step forward ‘Posh’. In no time at all her face was plastered all over the planet with her variety of boob sizes, hair styles – his hair styles, and joint fashion; the merry go round had begun. The kids came along, and after all the boys, she was ‘desperate’ for a girl – lo and behold she got one. Call me cynical, but around that time there was huge publicity surrounding gender selection in the laboratory. Not saying nuffink, but they are rich enough to……….. (just seems a coincidence to me)
Wrong colour EG ? he’s got so many bloody colours on his skin, he’s just about covered every ethnic group (and then some) on the planet !
No it’s right-ring radicalisation is a bigger problem’
Is the narrative of SJWs like BBC Trending
… like again on Sunday
That’s an important deception cos while ALL non-self-defense violence is wrong Islamic culture provides special framework where contemplated violence is not called out by the community.
“BBC Trending”=”BBC Mind-bending”
as they seek to tell you what should be trending instead of what is.
Sunday they tackled the Quebec killer, but tried a new technique … softly, softly
– They admitted his Facebook page was mixed not just right wing stuff
– gave examples of him trolling
…then went on to talk about lonely people being radicalised by right wing campaigning
Whoa ! They gave no evidence that this is what had happened
Just 6 people were killed
– he’s been arrested.
This week was in other aspects totally different from the normal spin, as if they were trying to not get called out about hiding how the story rumours spread. They were almost fair in reporting those machinations.
Vote 0 likes
Don’t believe this news received the attention due:-
‘EU leaders approve additional €200 million for projects to close down Libya migrant route. (Using the Libyan Coast Guard)
Many of the EU leaders have also expressed their concerns at US President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. Mr Trump recently announced a ban on immigrants from seven Muslim countries.’
So how does the Trump action differ from the EU action. The EU is attempting to stem the flow of ME and African immigrants. Bound to be ‘mainly Muslim’.
Hypocrisy at it’s very, very best.
Posted below – please ignore this one.
For two months, using marinetraffic.com, we have been monitoring the movements of ships owned by a couple of NGOs, and, using data from data.unhcr.org. We have kept track of the daily arrivals of African immigrants in Italy. It turned out we were witness of a big scam and an illegal human traffic operation.
NGOs, smugglers, the mafia in cahoots with the European Union have shipped thousands of illegals into Europe under the pretext of rescuing people, assisted by the Italian coast guard which coordinated their activities.
Basically the EU and NGO’s has been implicated in the import of mass migration. The fact that Libyan Coast guards are also paid by criminal gangs to import same, only to be picked up our Navy of Italian Navy on ‘rescue missions’ which brings them all back to the EU…
If you are going to RT a brown nose it is best to ponder the comments it may garner from outside the executive orifice…
‘…defends its record for ‘risky’ programme making…’
Er, like what? Gender segregation? Gender-based abortions (and the lack of a single prosecution)? FGM (and the lack of a single prosecution)? Honour crimes? Arranged marriages? Violent, racist paedohpile rape gangs? The burka in a free and open society? The breakdown in social cohesion? etc etc
More like: ‘…defends its record for hitting easy targets….’
Hive congratulates hive. Bodysnatched the lot of them.
Don’t believe this news received the attention due:-
‘EU leaders approve additional €200 million for projects to close down Libya migrant route. (Using the Libyan Coast Guard)
Many of the EU leaders have also expressed their concerns at US President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. Mr Trump recently announced a ban on immigrants from seven Muslim countries.’
So how does the Trump action differ from the EU action. The EU is attempting to stem the flow of ME and African immigrants. Bound to be ‘mainly Muslim’.
Hypocrisy at it’s very, very best.
Double post I’m afraid – this site does seem creaky.
“The Media Show” on @BBCRadio4 a long puff piece on @guardian & its financial difficulties @acatherwoodnews speaks of “we, the readers”
That’s the BBC presenter saying
“we, the Guardian readers”
But didn’t you like the bit 20 minutes in where we were told that “people on the left feel unrepresented”?
Read it in The Guardian, hear it on the BBC, why pay twice?
Blah blah blah, shameful, blah blah blah….we will tell you what to think!
The BBC reports that the Government is stopping the import of child migrants, under the Dubs amendment, as of end March (cue stampede). Now that theyve done the calculations on the back of a stamp and realised how much it will cost the taxpayer, along with the fact that they aren’t actually children. Did I read somewhere that the average age was 29? Duhhhhhhh
Just wait until Geert Wilders and Marie Le Pen win their respective elections.
The BBC really will go into meltdown then.
I’m afraid that both will be a bridge too far.
Perversely I believe that the Trump hoo hah will actually reduce their vote as people turn away from “controversial” candidates to those perceived as “safer”.
Interestingly the German polls are moving quite quickly towards the socialists since one Martin (Hard Brexit) Schulz (ex EU Parliament President) became leader.
The long running Greek Euro saga will make an interesting impact on the German election too as they will need another bailout in the summer. The IMF are putting the ball in the EU’s court and it will be nigh impossible for Angela to chip in more cash in the election run up, which leads to a Euro crisis, again. EU inflation is creeping up which means the ECB will start to taper off QE which will mean no one to buy Italian debt.
Spreads on EU country borrowing rates are widening quickly for Italy and others.
All in all an interesting time coming up, but I do not think PVV and FN will prevail, but in Italy Five Star and N. League just might.
AlBeeb on one Mark Frost, jailed for life, sexual abuse etc.
Probably deserved it, I have not read the details.
Frost is white.
I guessed that before I clicked on the report.
Because the AlBeeb headline said “Paedophile”, because that’s what they do.
If the Izzzzy paedophiles are jailed they are “men”.
Usually named David from Norway who, in the AlBeeb files, look like Paul Newman did when he was 25.
Not that the Muzzzy scum are jailed often because left wing Labour councillors, lefty public sector workers, police forces led by lefty common purpose MegaRozzzerz, spend most of their time in interior decoration improvements. By which I mean creating lumpy carpets, mountains of shredded documents, bins full of deleted hard drives, baskets full of SD memory cards. All collected while practising their innocent “not me guv” smiles for an investigation which will not happen.
Well worth 4.5 billion GBP.
Listened to some of a programme on Radio 4 this morning. It may have been “wimmins hour” – (actually it couldnt have been because Harriet Harmon wasnt mentioned!) They were interviewing an investigator who had been involved in examining what had happened in the Rotherham child abuse scandal.
She did at least this time refer to men of “Pakistani heritage” rather than referring to the normal BBC term of non specified “asians”
Despite all the normal BBC pc tip toeing through the tulips I was just beginning to think – Ok BBC you gave it a fair go despite your lack of comfort on the issue when at the end the “investigator” told us “Of course far more acts of child abuse are committed by white men in this country”
Since we are still the majority in this country – it seemed bloody obvious that this would be the case. I suppose this was the BBCs idea of “balance”. But I see it also as an attempt to lessen the importance of the crime. There really is no depth these bastards will not sink to to protect their favourite religion. Underage marriage and hence sex, fgm, oppression of women all are ok if you belong to the “Religion of Peace”
At this point had to switch off the radio quick and had steam coming out of my ears. I was only saved by Classic FM playing Allegris Miserere = phew.
“TruthSeeker”; speculating about who might be responsible for the murder of six people at a Mosque in Quebec, January 30, 2017 at 10:21 am:
“Second explanation.
Some brave Canadian patriots joining the most desirable process of expelling members of the nastiest organisation in history from the Occident.
Most welcome.”
19 Likes. Not one single condemnation from any of the regular posters here.
How easily people avert their eyes whenever it’s most convenient.
? ok i will bite
every action has consequences, if thats the case frankly its long overdue
reality bites and it bites in the ass, somewhere, sometime there is going to be a backlash
so what
its all whiteys, imperialists, capitalists, the wests, the crusades, israel’s , blah blahs fault, we all deserve it
maybe the sad quebec fucker was radicalised by reality, or maybe he was just a norwegian mental patient
maxicony, presumably zero, hello again.
Still stalking those who disagree.
“Some brave Canadian patriots joining the most desirable process of expelling members of the nastiest organisation in history from the Occident. Most welcome”
I stand by every word of this. Where are these reliable statistics about any other, nay all other historical organisations, with a higher death count than you Muzzzzzzzies?
Your carefully maintained records will show how much time has elapsed since you last failed to address this question.
By finding justification for murder and by celebrating the mass killing of innocents in a place of worship by an arsehole with a gun (“Most welcome”) you remove yourself from all civilised discourse.
Regardless of any political viewpoint or petty point scoring argument that takes here or on any other blog site; you are expressing disgusting, repulsive filth.
And still not one other person on this site has the courage to speak out. What sort of place is this?
How easily people avert their eyes whenever it’s most convenient.
And when it comes to FGM, in which direction are your eyes pointing when you are spouting your support for ‘multiculturalism’?
“How easily people avert their eyes whenever it’s most convenient.”
We haven’t seen any comments about Al Beeb’s bias from you, so where are your eyes ?
You are either biased yourself, have a vested interest , or just a Troll.
The standard post from our usual low-grade duty trolling officer, presumably in a dusty back office in the BBC, like some sort of bored national service erk listening in to Russian broadcasts in West Berlin c.1955 usually goes something like this:
1. Somebody on this site said something horrible.
2. Nobody condemned it.
3. You are all therefore equally horrible, vicious, amoral etc.
4. I refuse to engage in any meaningful debate and if challenged simply repeat steps 1-4.
Cranmer, so you can’t be be bothered enough to say anything about TruthSeeker’s celebration of murder but when I object you wake up and decide to attack me instead? Apparently I am more worthy of criticism than someone who described the mass killing of Canadians as a “desirable process”.
You want a “meaningful debate” as to whether or not it was “most welcome”? Go right ahead, I’ll debate you all you want…
In which case, answer my question above.
And whilst you’re at it, let us know if you’re in favour of gender-based abortions and tell us why there hasn’t yet been a single prosecution (what exactly is meant by ‘not in the public interest’ – any ideas?)
And what about the segregated audience at that Labour Party r’cultural enrichment’? If not, how do we stop it?
A few little early morning ‘sharpeners’ for you.
Looking forward to the ‘debate’.
Now away you go, the floor is yours….
@Maxi above at 5:29pm I said about the Quebec case
“ALL non-self-defense violence is wrong”
Yet you didn’t mention that
Instead you dug up someone’s from way back on Jan 30 which I don’t endorse, vigilantism is not OK.
Muslim woman in Blackburn being interviewed for German TV. We are told in the video that the indigenous and Muslim ‘communities’ live peacably alongside each other but never together – the town is divided as if by a ‘hidden wall’. It also reveals that as Muslims move into an area and populate it the whites move out.
Maybe it will look like this in Germany 30 years from now. Let the Muslims learn their religion and practice it and bring their culture to the country then it will work there like it does here for us.
In other words, let us move into your advanced western country and enjoy all the benefits of its prosperity whilst living our lives as though we’re back in Pakistan, Bangladesh….(name your own Islamic shithole) – or else.
As Ozzie Osbourne would say ‘That’s totally fucking terrifying’.
(H/T to whoever posted this link yesterday.)
Oh brilliant!
The supreme court has ruled that millions of partners of public sector workers even if not in civil partnerships or marriages between any combination of sex are nevertheless entitled to a pension when their partner dies.
None of this has ever been factored in to employee or employer pension contributions or provision. The result is a multi billion liability none of us ever knew we had, and for which no financial planning has ever taken place.
No prizes for guessing who will have to pay the future bills. That’s right. You and me. And then we will have to pay for our own pensions !!!!
The piblic sector. The bottomless money pit. Defended by the Supreme Court.The institution that looks after its own.
Alternative pension choices were offered about 15 years back for those who wanted to make exactly this kind of arrangement. If they chose not to take up the offer and sign up accordingly, or if their circumstances subsequently changed, tough titty.
Except this is 21st century Britain where unfunded (i.e. has to be met through current taxation/borrowing) public sector pension liabilities already stand at £1,500,000,000,0000.
Still, not the judges’ worry, eh?
Sluff- Supreme Court – Dont you mean that collection of over educated, interfering no-bodies who have the dress sense of Ronald Mcdonald crossed with Dracula and who probably believe that democracy should only apply to the more educated , well off and progressive elements in society. Ive got it “Some are more equal than others”
Where have I heard that before?
In ‘the olden days’ men got married to women and had families. The wife stayed at home doing all the non-paid work that was needed there while the husband worked all the hours that he could to provide the cash.
When the man reached retirement age his wage was replaced by a pension which, again, provided the cash needed by the home, including the no-income wife.
But what happens when the husband dies? Answer: Continue to pay part of the husband’s pension to the widow.
In the ‘progressive’ modern age there is no wife, perhaps a ‘partner’. She doesn’t stay at home, she is out getting an ‘equal’ wage. So what is the justification for extending a practice more fitted to 1917 than 2017? And why does the ‘partnered’ employee get more out of the system than the single employee? Equality? Ha!
It’s quite simple. If they want the benefits of being married, get married. If not, tough!
Mrs S and I watched PMQs today. We thought Treezer did pretty well. There was a question about Surrey Council and social care payments. She did not answer unambiguosly but then when does this ever happen? We thought she was well on top of Corbyn.
How wrong we were. Apparently. Roll on to the 6pm bBBC1 news. Laura Kuntsberg is apoplectic. May is apparently banged to rights because of some leaked texts, which Corbyn mentioned at PMQs. Treezer is on the back foot having been ambushed. The gloating smile on Kuntsberg’s face is utterly unconcealed.
Now let’s be clear. political duplicty is defensible but only on a case by case basis. This example, if true, is probably not defensible..
The issue here is the bBBC’s own fake news and alternative reality. Or more Orwellianly their selective and bastardised version of real events. I say the bBBC should be on the back foot.
PS And just in case we have been insufficiently brainwashed on this, straight after the main news, bBBC London has a go as well, with rentaleftgob quotes from the lefties in Lambeth.
How many sharks do Channel 4 have to jump these days?
To see Jon Snow mocking his alter ago for some “fake news” that Channel 4 seem to regard as a Threat-given how Snow and his whirly turd of a “News Show”-have serially lied, cavilled, chiselled and connived to create THEIR lies as news?
We`re beyond irony now-and,in fact I go to Al Jaz,RT and ANYBODY but the BBC and its special needs incest-bred sister that lubes Snows bank balance as ever since 1982.
Sluff, I just started to watch ITVs 10pm news. It is every bit as bad as the BBC. The gloating newsreaders about Jeremy’s ambush of Mrs May was just like you describe the BBC.
This followed an ITV special report about the NHS – so it just so happens that the BBC and ITV are concentrating on the NHS in the same week ? No collusion there then. The lady who needs social care needs our taxes to pay someone to put her socks and slippers on because it is too much for her 71 year old husband to do for her. The 71 year old men I know are capable of walking 10 miles and then putting on the odd pair of socks on someone else if it were needed and would not expect carers at someone else’s expense to come in to do it.
I saw that too. Apparently the state should now be responsible for caring for your husband and wife, or civil partner, rather than you yourself.
What amazes me is how few people appear to have £23k in assets, the self financing threshold, according to all the tv reports, which all therefore seem to presume the state ie other taxpayers, should be paying for care.. Given home ownership levels, and final salary pension schemes for that age group, especially ex public sector workers, I find this very dubious indeed.
People could always dip into their own pockets for a bit of respite care. What else are they going to spend their money on? A new car? Foreign holidays? Donations to the Labour Party?
the old mans 84 still paying tax and can still put his socks on and wipe his own arse. When he had a knee op last year (bupa) i took two weeks off to care for him , till he sent me home lol 🙂
hes always looked after me and mine, i will look after him, if your family dont work that way tough shit for you , what you sow is what you reap.
I have a few grand in assets because I have worked all my life, even before I left school I was working, same with my wife and 3 kids, so why should my assets (which I want to pass to my kids) have to pay for me to go into care if I have to, whereas the bloke down the street who has done bugger all since he left school will get his care for free off the taxpayer?
I would rather kill myself than that happen.
That’s the issue, isn’t it? Why bother saving, why be responsible?
If you need care, it means that your assets are effectively taxed at 100%, subject to a threshold of £23k.
I’m well aware of the problems we are facing, but that can’t be right.
Saw keunsberg on DP straight after PMQ’S and the delight was all over her face over this surrey thing. Telling us Theresa was on the back foot and the labour idiot beside her saying that this was going to run and run. Well that didnt work out too well as the brexit vote pushed this story well down the running order. But then the beeb are well used to covering up labour woes and these are big woes so today they are back on their fav hobby horse the beloved NHS again with the begging bowl.
During WW2 we had just the one Lord Haw Haw – the BBC is replete with them that WE pay for – how ‘effed up is that?
I have just been reading through ‘Taking on Trump: Is the US facing a constitutional crisis?’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38881119
The BBC, unsurprisingly, do not seem to entertain the possibility that the court may find in the POTUS favor.
“And the independence of the courts is so essential to the US way of governing, that moving to attack judges on behalf of the president would be a drastic step.
Nonetheless, with two of the three powers in conflict, the decision may fall to Congress eventually – unless Mr Trump modifies his order.
That may be the most prudent move, in keeping with his predecessors who have often backed off in the face of judicial opposition.”
End Quote
My gripe is the presumption -“unless Mr Trump modifies his order” He may not need to, he may have acted fully within the spirit of the law.
The construction industry is expected to create 19000 jobs in London in the next 3 years.
What is the bBBC’s line on this.
Yep, you’re right.
Doom and gloom caused by the ‘uncertainties over Brexit’.
In my industrial experience business is ALWAYS uncertain. The winners are those who cope and react to the ever changing circumstances. Something of which the snowflakes in bBBC la la land have no experience or comprehension. Tossers!
And I hope all these construction jobs go to our own young people to get Britain back on it’s feet.
This week on the BBC news we’ve being told relentlessly the NHS is failing because of an ageing population. However, what the BBC would really like to say is ‘The ageing population is a drain on the NHS, regardless that the vast majority of older people have paid into it. What the BBC won’t tell you is, the NHS is failing because of all the freeloaders who use it, those who have never paid a penny for it.
Next Weeks BBC news narrative. Assisted Dying a do it yourself job to save the NHS!
And did I hear yesterday, was it on You and Yours or another News & Current Affairs programme, that the greatest use of the NHS is by women aged 39 years old!
As BBC presenters go I generally like Steve Hewlett and find his reporting to be reasonably fair, so I always listen to The Media Show. Because of his illness, the programme has frequently been presented by Andrea Catherwood recently, as it was earlier today.
In a section where she discussed Twitter’s plans to curb abuse, I was stunned to hear her compare President Trump’s tweets with “hate speech”. It was a casual, almost throw-away comparison, which makes it all the more telling.
Seems the soft purge continues. Next, JoCo for Andrew Neil?
Just heard Jon Sopel on a bit of the BBC saying that “Donald Trump is desperately trying to curry favour with those who voted for him”.
Words to that effect-certainly nobody listens to them properly anymore seeing as we all KNOW what they`ll say.
And there was me thinking that it was a GOOD thing for politicians to make good on their promises-thought we were all made cynical and disillusioned after years of piecrust promises by the political class.
Funny that-years of cynicism about the managerial effete types that the BBC bemoans-suddenly it`s “populist and playing to the gallery” if Trump DOES does what he says he`ll do.
Wrong rebellion I`m afraid…let`s run to the judges to ban it eh?
Democracy?…overrated so we`re now finding.
Being of the Left-means you decide the rules.
Not so much bias, today, but this relates to bias: BBC bias. It comes at the expense of the BBC themselves, together with their ‘Freedom of Information Specialist’, Martin Rosenbaum. Martin had done a study of the EU Referendum voting across different parts of the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38762034 Why? Who knows? We know the result.
I guess the BBC wish to understand what went wrong, why their side did not win and I also guess the best way for them to do that in good PostTruth and FakeNews style is to build a false narrative around populism, globalisation and to paint the great majority who voted to leave as grumpy, old, disadvantaged, unemployed or under-employed, non-metropolitan white racists. Oh, and ignorant ones at that, not having a single University degree, let alone a Masters or Doctorate to rub between all 17,410,742 of them.
Unfortunately, in their valedictory eulogy for Professor Hans Rosling today, they included this: ‘ Mr Rosling presented Don’t Panic: The Truth About Population on BBC2 in 2013, which included a demonstration of how British university graduates would be outperformed by chimpanzees in a test of knowledge about developing countries. ‘ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-38900572
Oh dear!
Paul Wood appears to be the most demented of the BBC’s correspondents. During the campaign he majored on the Trump/KGB watersporting. Now he parrots the ramblings of the Democratic Party’s gerontocratic tendency and throws in everything including assassination.
Re Wood and the Democratic Party – he quotes Congresswoman Maxine Waters as if she were some sort of constitutional authority – she is such an in-tune old biddy that she thinks that Putin is invading Korea!
The TV taxpayer funded Wood is a fellow of the New American Foundation – a Soros funded “non-partisan” think tank.
Interesting to note that, a few posts down, the bbc quoted as citing the publication the BBC writes in as ‘quality journalism’.
Coincidence? I think not.
NISA, does that not constitute a hate crime? I do not like Trump but suggesting he could be assassinated in a UK publication appears to fall foul of recent UK legislation.
Why do I always suspect a hidden sneer behind every BBC piece about ‘quality journalism’. They wouldn’t know quality if it bit them in the arse.
They fact check it first.
Then edit out facts that don’t suit, and enhance those they do.
That used to be called censorship and propaganda, but it was a different time.
“Sweden police officer says migrants are to blame for most serious crime”
“Sweden police officer says migrants are to blame for most serious crime”
No shit sherlock!
Who did you think it was?
Update: Police Officer Who Spoke out on Migrant Crime Now Under Investigation for Racial Hatred
A police officer who broke ranks to reveal that migrants are to blame for the vast majority of serious crime in Sweden is now under investigation for incitement to racial hatred.
So free speech and the truth have now been officially outlawed in Sweden?
No room for complacency here either:
No wonder Brits are scared to say what they think! OAP banned in clock row over migrants
(I’m wary of Express articles but it seems credible enough.)
AAAH! but the peasants appear to be revolting
ps. are they “hideously white”?
Maybe times are a changing (not before time) … like I always said when I first came on this site
… it won t be long
“Swedish Spring”: Citizens Demand National Conversation on Migrant Crimes After Top Cop Goes Public
Over 130,000 sign up for Facebook support page in less than a week
I mean, and it was all going so well 😀
“Swedish school that received “Peace prize” for enrolling the most migrants … its now a war zone with barbed wire, and checkpoints”
Norman Smith did not hold back as newly appointed Shadow Minister for Health in the BBC-We-Are-Labour-Now, Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition to anything Conservative, on the 6pm BBC R4 News today. He contained his venom, just, by turning it into a state of urgency declaring that “the Government had had several days of bad headlines about the NHS” but completely omitting to mention that the BBC had created more than their fare share of those headlines, both on air and on-line. Those headlines were backed up by possible BBC bias, as outlined near the top of this Thread, in the programme about Blackburn NHS Trust.
I’m afraid for good or bad I judge people on what use they’d be in a crisis.
People with practical skills, able to organize, plan and motivate. Those that can offer care, support, advice and knowledge.
Norman Smith and his buddies don’t come within a million miles.
“Berserk News @berserk_news
No ruling today on Trump travel ban, US court says. Court official says up to 90 minutes advance notice will be given before ruling issued.”
I haven’t seen any mention of this by al beebus, which is surprising considering how obsessed they are with all things Trump.
3000 Jobs coming to Arizona. Mmmm Another campaign pledge fulfillment. Some of us have been pointing out for a long time that Trump’s business acumen might make him a decent manager of the economy. That move doesn’t help Trump live up to the BBC villain characterisation though does it? Shhhh Best keep that one quiet.
The agenda is relentless in ‘The Archers’ on BBC Radio 4.
Recently, we had the dénouement of the Helen and Rob affair. White alpha male middle class heterosexual all-round bad guy Rob Titchener tried to kidnap Jack, who is his son by drippy Helen, but was foiled by both fate – in the shape of a fallen tree blocking his getaway – and the great sisterhood of Helen, her Guardianista mum Pat and feisty little Kirsty Miller. It really was a case of ‘the sisters doing it for themselves’, with no man to help in the final showdown with the demon Rob; but then we all know that men are not good for much.
Helen drove up behind him, when his car was blocked and stuck in some mud, and tried to get Jack back from out of his car. He could have smacked her down (after all, he is supposed to be a male chauvinist pig … and she did nearly kill him with a kitchen knife!) and used her car to make off back the way he came, but the scriptwriters made it that his nerve failed him. Then the cavalry arrived in the form of mum and best friend Kirsty.
Helen faced him down and told him he was useless. She revealed how he had diverted the flood waters into Ambridge during a flood a while before, by blocking a drain, and said there was nothing left for him in the village. He must have driven away after that and was reported by the police as having taken a flight to Minneapolis (visa?).
Kirsty meanwhile is carrying Helen’s younger brother’s baby, after a careless one-night stand; not that she needs or wants Tom really, other than for reproductive fluids anyway (ok, so he did jilt her at the altar a while back). Helen herself would sympathize, having had her first son Henry by AI; Jack was the result of intra-marital rape by Rob.
As if all this wasn’t enough, Fallon (a woman) ticked off her policeman partner PC Harrison Burns for sexism, when he was getting frustrated about a lack of players for the village cricket team: there was only a lack of MALE players, he was overlooking 50% of the talent pool, the girls were just as good. A Eureka moment! Harrison dutifully went off to check with the League Secretary to see if a mixed team would be ok.
I expect this one to run and run. Maybe an appearance in a Lord’s final, with wristy middle-order batswoman Anisha Jayakody scoring the winning runs after beguiling the hideously White, racist and sexist all-male opposition with her crafty leg-spin bowling, thus confounding the Patriarchy. Perhaps they can discuss it on Test Match Special later this year; I’m sure that vibrant commentator Ebony Rainford Brent would have something of value to say. Who needs Brian Close?
On Call the Midwife aka Call the Socialists this week.
Evil Tory Enoch Powell as Minister of Health was being blamed for moving maternity units to larger general hospitals where there was a critical mass of specialisms.
60 years on, nothing has changed. The legions of vested interest groups still want things left just the way they are with no control or assessment or accountability and an infinite supply of taxpayer money.
What ingratitude! They ought to love Enoch: as a junior health minister, he recruited nurses from the West Indies, thereby meeting shortages within the NHS and promoting diversity in the UK generally.
At least the nurses he recruited could speak English.
And at least they weren’t hideously White Finnish women, who might upset Black British patients, according to the racist Diane Abbott.
Sluff, there were good reasons for having maternity units in Community (a.k.a. at the time Cottage) Hospitals, not least they were close to the people who needed their services. Their staff lived locally. They knew and worked with the local GPs. It was an integrated service.
The Thatcher Government and/or the Civil Servants at DoH at the time, insisted on closing Cottage Hospitals along with their Maternity Units and other specialised, locally required and accessed services and spending money expanding larger hospitals much further away from their potential patients. Twenty years later and the Government & Civil Servants were spending money closing facilities at large hospitals and spending even more money expanding GP services, in locations where there is space building local health facilities – Medical Centres – that are, for want of a better label, Cottage Hospitals.
A lot of the rot, the serious infection of incompetence, in the present-day NHS and the Dept. of Health stems from the 1980s and Thatcher. It was barmy. We protested at the time. We predicted that the closed facilities would eventually have to be resurrected at great cost. We were not listened to.
We were right.
The Government was wrong. The Civil Service was wrong.
(Probably be right on Brexit, too, eh Dave? What’s that you say, George? Got anything to add, Mark Carney?)
BBC2 hospital documentary started tonight at 9pm.
Opening was of an 86 year old white woman who had suffered a stroke. Voice over told us that 75% of admissions are those over 65 years of age.
We were told that the NHS is in crisis, of course.
No mention of an extra 350,000 migrants every year.
All blame on the ageing population who can’t die quick enough and thereby stop voting Tory/UKIP.
“All blame on the ageing population…
Except it didn’t blame the ageing population, it simply stated the fact that “75% of admissions are those over 65 years of age”.
Meanwhile, you are trying to blame migrants for causing the NHS crisis with no facts at all.
What percentage of NHS admissions are migrants? Five, ten, twenty percent? You must know, surely?
You silly boy.
Common sense will tell you that there has been an extremely large influx of population into Great Britain over the last ten years. It cannot be denied that this has had a detrimental effect on the resources and infrastructure of the nation such as hospitals, doctors surgeries, health tourism, schools , housing , crime , jails , transport and security, need I add more ?
Now where is you example of Al Beeb’s Bias – Have you any ?
“Common sense will tell you that there has been an extremely large influx of population into Great Britain over the last ten years.”
That’s simply a statement of fact; nothing to do with “common sense”.
“It cannot be denied that this has had a detrimental effect on the resources and infrastructure of the nation…”
Please provide evidence that the current NHS crisis is caused by migration. How much do migrants cost the NHS compared to how much they pay into the system through taxation?
You must know this already, or you wouldn’t be blaming migrants would you?
Unless immigrants to Britain are unlike people anywhere in the world, they get ill, have accidents and have children.
You agree that mass immigration is a fact, so mass immigration must increase the demand for NHS resources, at least pro rata. If they had not come to Britain there would not be this extra demand. Whether you blame then or not, you cannot deny they must cause an additional demand for NHS resources and services.
“…mass immigration must increase the demand for NHS resources, at least pro rata. If they had not come to Britain there would not be this extra demand.”
Yes, but NHS resources are not a fixed amount. More migrants (who tend to be young) pay more in tax; thereby increasing the NHS resources. And the vast majority of those resources are spent looking after the elderly who pay less in tax.
I’m still waiting for some evidence (facts & figures) that the NHS crisis is caused by migration. So far I’ve not seen any; just correlation, a call to “common sense”, and a convenient scapegoat.
The UK is now second only to Finland in Europe for the %age of families with four or more children, largely due to the propensity of (non-EU) migrants to have larger families.
The old canard of migrants paying in more than they receive applies only to EU migrants and then in the short term only. Think of them like Auf Widersehen Pet building workers, but they stay, bring the wife over, have children etc., so very quickly become a negative to the pay in take out balance.
You may also be unaware that the number of children per female has risen from a low of 1.7 in the space of 15 years to more than 1.9, and a hugely disproportionate number of live births are to mothers not born in this country.
So no extra pressure on the NHS then – I think not.
Maxi, recieved wisdom is not that they ‘tend’ to be young, but are in fact just children.
And once here need to bring over their parents in support.
Plus, oddly, their spouses and progeny.
The tax revenue is of course nearly limitless, like BBC pension top ups when investments do not perform as hoped.
As to evidence, what are your feelings about the BBC exempting itself from providing any when basing stories on ‘sources’, ‘critics’ and ‘people who say’?
Your claim is based on a false assumption as you have simply left out the extra burden of mass immigration that started 60 years ago. Presumably those who arrived 60 years ago and after are not blessed with eternal youth and have not remained childless. So immigrants are amongst those old people who are clogging up the NHS. Are some immigrant demographics more susceptible to, say, diabetes, than the indigenous population?
Yes, but NHS resources are not a fixed amount. More migrants (who tend to be young) pay more in tax; thereby increasing the NHS resources. And the vast majority of those resources are spent looking after the elderly who pay less in tax.
Jeez, where to start with that one.
‘More migrants pay more tax’. More tax than what or whom? How do you know they all pay tax? Where is the evidence they pay enough even to cover their own share of services and infrastructure? What about those with children (a family of two adults and two children need to be earning £40k a year before they become net contributors)? And I thought they were all here to do the menial jobs the Brits don’t want to do? And were you aware of the amount of money immigrants send out of the country each year? Here’s some help for you:
So there’s your starting point. Tell us how much tax immigrants are paying then subtract £11 billion and take it from there with your calculation of how much they contribute to their keep.
And as for migrants ‘increasing NHS resources’, what planet are you on? Where on earth is your evidence? Net migration is running at 330,000 per year. That’s equivalent to the population of a city the size of Coventry. Coventry has two major hospitals and, as on average nationally there is one doctor’s surgery per 12000 people, it would have approx. 30 surgeries. Are we building the equivalent of those every year, financed by the extra taxes these migrants allegedly pay? What about the costs of translation services which we still generously and unnecessarily provide because so many immigrants can’t be bothered to learn English? Last time I had a hospital appointment letter there were translation services being offered in 16 (that’s SIXTEEN) different languages.
Then there are schools, roads, railways etc etc etc. – all under immense strain because services and infrastructure are not coping. Have you not noticed?
And then there are the dependent elderly relatives immigrants are allowed to bring over, large numbers of dependent children, women who are not allowed to work for ‘cultural’ reasons etc.
Wake up before the country collapses around your ears – or maybe that’s what you want.
a fair fucking few, cos they dont get fucking pregnant and dont get ill cos they are all fuckin peter pan and never going to grow old and want a pension, and dont even start me about a certain type of migrant who are never seen without a walking stick cos they are all fuckin “disabled” by 50 and claiming the benefits.
where the fuck do you live that you cant actually see this shit!
Go for it don’t hold back.
I don’t actually walk around keeping count of how many people I see using a walking stick, let alone stop and ask everyone I might or not notice whether they are a migrant.
But then again my life is obviously far less exciting than yours.
So, by your logic maxicony, does an extra 350,000 people added to the population annually REDUCE demands on the NHS?
Maxicony- what utter b@llox!
More migrants (who tend to be young) pay more in tax;
Really? Is that the ones who are on benefits or the ones who earn minimum wage and are therefore below the tax threshold?
Too busy spending time with all your friends and family, Maxi?
All clustered around the iBox nodding.
Bowen: Ahm…I think that Mrs May is so tied up with issues of Brexit that I don’t see her trying to do her own solo Middle East peace bid. But, you know, the key…the difficulty of trying to make Middle Eastern peace is that you have to be tough on both sides and Western governments – particularly the Americans, the British – find it very easy to be tough on the Palestinians and they find it very difficult to be tough on the Israelis.”
Ah, that would be the ‘Palestinians’ (or was it Arabs?) who refused a two-state solution on the most generous terms in 1937 (how many Jews might have been saved from the Holocaust if they had had their own state to return to?), 1948, (the Arabs decided it would be easier to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the map’ – failed) 1993, 2000….
The BBC – giving the version of history IT wants YOU to hear
“The BBC – giving the version of history IT wants YOU to hear”
What worries me is that it is probably the same version being taught in our schools.
Who keeps the NHS going, me and others here born and bred in the UK who have paid into the NHS all their working lives or recent arrivals?
Health tourism costs the NHS millions if not billions a year, would the NHS be better off without health tourism?
Your assertion that immigrants pay more into the NHS as they are younger is garbage. Most from East Europe are low wage earners with benefit supplements, further they tend to work for enough years here sending their money out of our economy home, till they have enough for a comfortable life back home.
Immigrants form the third world have much lager families and thus cost the NHS more than indigenous people in child birth and care etc. Further unemployment amongst third worlders is very high Somalians and Bangladeshis running at around 60% unemployed. Thus they are net takers.
Your arguments come straight form the Daily Mirror try some of your own.
Recognise the style, the insertion of personal abuse within his/her post.
Maxicony is Zero
Hey Zero aka Maxicony, how are ya making out in Camden public toilets?
Have Maxiboy and any of the Trolls given an example of Right-wing bias on the BBC ?
That was a rhetorical question I presume!
Political correctness means that NHS management would not plan for an increase in population of 350,000 immigrants per annum, and health tourism, because such managers would face accusations of racism if they did bring the issue up. But there is obviously no politically correct barrier for management to plan for accommodating the number of indigenous white elderly patients, using estimates for life expectancy of 50 year olds, ten years ago or 40 year olds, twenty years ago. So therefore by definition, any hole in the future plans of NHS management caused by the repressive blindness of political correctness must be caused by immigrants and foreign health tourists, with any evidence that the current NHS crisis is caused by migration either not collected or under censorship by NHS Management. But we do know that NHS patients and their families as well as NHS staff and journalists themselves do provide evidence in newspapers that do not censor evidence. While on the other hand you would expect the BBC and the Guardian to censor the evidence, due to the politically correct need to blame the elderly white patients, of racism.
I suggest the statement that 75% of admissions are those over 65 years of age, was for people who suffered a stroke. So if you complain to the BBC for misleading you on this issue, then they will point out the fact that this was only for people who suffered a stroke.
The morons at the BBC can seem very canny when it comes to planning the propaganda, but that must be because they now have the help of Maxincony at the Saatchi agency.
Richard, logic suggests that potential or actual end-of-life events among the elderly are much more likely to result in admissions when compared, say, to the Saturday afternoon footballer with a broken arm. Logic is in short supply at the BBC. They are not so canny at remembering that despite ever greater Government made, taxpayer expenditure, the Civil Servants at the Department of Health think that the solution to very NHS hospital crisis is to close facilities.
This might have a bearing – it’s all to do with better use of resources and educating the children who pass for young adults these days they don’t need to go to A and E just because they’ve got a bit of a sniffle. (One hospital I read about has an on-site triage service which includes it’s own GP surgery. Result: A and E treats only genuine emergency cases, much better flow of patients and reduced waiting times. Do they roll this out across the NHS on a ‘best practice’ basis? Do they f***.)
What of the trivial, possibly timewasting, cases? Remarkably, 52 per cent of those who come to A&E are sent away without needing treatment, or given only “guidance and advice”. Equally interestingly, among the heaviest users are people in their twenties. This age group is among the healthiest in society – but they visit A&E more often than people in their sixties and seventies.
Was up in London recently.
Noticed that every NHS story-and boy do the BBC love to yank THAT chain?-had all migrant staff being interviewed.
Or all “of colour” if they`re native to this country.
Didn`t see a white person in sight, let alone get an interview. Think the London liberal media would like me to draw their conclusions for them.
Still-you do wonder how we ever coped when we had white people working for the NHS who could be relied upon to tell the truth. Can only imagine that they`re the hated whistleblowers or antsy ever-snarky junior doctors these days.
Subtle?…the BBC?…
I still say we had a cleaner attitude in our hospitals when the nursing staff were all dressed in their spotlessly Persil white uniforms, and the doctors wore white coats. Now hospital staff are nowhere near as smart or professional looking as they once were and sadly its a truth that those coming from third world countries have a suspect cleanliness regime. We have outbreaks of MSRA and TB and whooping cough are rife again; so, who DO we blame for this ? if not those coming in from another culture and climate.
Whenever I visit a hospital I ofter wonder what happened to the strong smell of disinfectant that used to be all pervading.
Good point about TB etc should have included it in my post to maxicony the mirror reader above!
Why are so many hospital staff so GROSSLY overweight?
You’d think being surrounded day in day out by all those doctors and dieticians they’d be getting better advice than any of us….
Brissles, as an “ex-nurse” you should be ashamed of yourself.
The increases in MSRA and TB have been caused by anti-bacterial resistance which in turn has been caused by the casual and chronic over-use of Antibiotics in western countries.
Furthermore, cases of MSRA have fallen dramatically over the last ten years; so your ridiculous scapegoating of “non-Persil-white uniforms” and “dirty third-worlders” are based on nothing but your own prejudice.
(1) It’s MRSA = Methicillin-Resistant Straphylococcus Aureus. It’s quite a mouthful to say – I admit to looking it up to check the spelling.
(2) I agree that both over-prescription and incorrect use of Antibiotics is a factor but so is the loss of so-called Herd Immunity by the arrival of new populations not here from birth and thus not subject to mass public health measures such as vaccinations in schools, etc.
“Developing countries show increase in antibiotic resistance”
“Misuse and overuse of antibiotic drugs has already created a huge challenge in developed parts of the world, and now low and middle income countries are catching up.”
Hysterical, yesterday’s Global Warming PR was “Think of the cricket pitches”
Now think about it, where are cricket pitches situated ?
Example http://applebyedencc.hitscricket.com/location/default.aspx
On prime building land ?
Or on a flat piece of land next to a river, that no one wants cos every so often it floods, particularly if the Environmental Agency screw up ?
100 mad NGOs are in the PR campaign.
Paul Homewod has more
Every minute
of every hour
Of every day
A BBC sneeralist is sneering at Donald Trump.
It’s gone beyond a joke now.
What started as, upset became hysteria is now, straight up, insanity.
A mass delusional paranoid psychosis.
There is a tide in the affairs of man ………………
“Most Europeans want immigration ban from Muslim-majority countries, poll reveals
47 per cent of Britons want to stop immigration from Muslim majority countries.
A Chatham House poll conducted before Trump’s Executive Order.
An average of 55 per cent of people across the 10 European countries surveyed wanted to stop all future immigration from mainly Muslim countries.”
So again, at least half the people have not been conned. The problem might be that they have us down to about half. Unless there is a sizeable ‘silent’ section that doesn’t vote in polls. Fingers crossed.
The UK and one other polled the lowest. Then again, there is the British reserve or even paranoia playing into the result.
I suspect the actual percentage is much higher, if they actually surveyed some people outside Chatham House I’m sure it would be; most of the people I have spoken to, for a number of years now, about the “Islamic question” (across a range of socio-economic groups) want Muslim immigration into Britain to end.
World Service and a bit of offhand, unchallenged racism:-
American football is dominated by black players 70% but whites predominate as quarter backs. The black player says, ‘We still have a way to go.”
What? To get to a point where American Football is entirely black?
There’s a nice tweet about some idiot ad Netflix decided to run, from a man of colour telling them he was cancelling his sub (Ed: not an option with some state propaganda outlets) as it was blatantly racist and served the cause of integration poorly.
I remember Clarke Carlisle (he who traumatised a hard working truck driver by jumping in front his truck) being interviewed on TV and complaining bitterly that there were too few black managers in British football. The interviewer commented that in the premier league black players were massively Over represented. Carlisle, without even understanding the irony, replied “That’s because they’re the best”.
Has anyone analysed this? The bBBC has listed scores of terrorist attacks that President Trump says were ignored by the media, going through the list and concluding ‘Did we cover it? Yes’ for nearly all of them. But what it needs is an analysis of where, and in what depth, they were covered. For instance, we all know that the Muslim rape gangs are hidden away under ‘local news’.
I don’t have the time or the skill to go through their long list. Where is Craig when you want him?
Yes, it was excruciatingly petulant, Sir Arthur!
I just felt so embarrassed that each ‘event’ had been covered, but remembered that silly journalistic squealing girl (can’t remember her name), spouting numbers from a page, and after she’d run out of breath, Nigel Farage said just “Not true”!
Like you, I can’t be arsed to check each article, I just assume the bBeeb didn’t cover the story because nobody else will be arsed to check either.
Doing great work in complement to this site over at http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/
As the nation’s premier broadcasting station, when is Al Beeb going to have the privilege of interviewing President Donald Trump ?
In eight years when he’s left office, maybe?
The BBC interviewing Mr Trump is about as likely as Laura Doomsberg popping out of a big cake in front of him and singing ‘Happy Birthday Mr President’ in a seductive voice.
LOL ! If only Trump and more politicians, like Nigel, for example, would totally boycott the BBC it would cut them down to size.