“Brexit vote: Clive Lewis quits shadow cabinet as MPs back bill”
Note the headline , no Rejoicing there . Rule Britannia! 😀
Their propaganda did not work again. How’s about that then Maxicony ?
There is a HYS running – some interesting comments . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38902484
You can just imagine the twisted spittle-drenched lips of a raving petulant little typist, spurting bile as they have to conjure up such a negative article, can’t you, Taffman!
Luckily for us, and sadly for the lefties, ‘dig the dirt’ equates well with ‘drain the swamp’, and isn’t President Trump doing so well! I love to hear the beeb in dribbling turmoil as every new name appears, and of course, the new arrivals ‘have no experience in their job’.
The body language of little chaps like Jon Sopel betray their personal emotions so quickly, I even have time to get up, stroll over and turn off the news using the switch on the TV and not even bother with the remote control!
Plenty more fun to look forward to as well! This is going to be a great time for the United States!
There is just so much wrong with that article but it’s what we expect from al beebus reporting on anything that President Trump does, fortunately they have no influence over events in the U.S. so they rage impotently on screen and over the air.
Al Shubtill, the article doesn’t clarify that, from what I understand from other sources, the accusations of racism were shut down because they are the equivalent of ‘unparliamentary language’, not because the accuser was being gagged in some way.
The USA civil servants have now got encrypted phones, anonymous websites and an organization like the French Resistance, so they can resist the tyrannical, Donald Trump. It’s that bad but I guess they like their paycheque or are so noble they stay in order to topple the tyrant!
2 subjects that completely sum up the Islamic Al Shabeeb’s lobbying platforms for the last 12 months, and more crucially, their magnificent failures…Brexit and King Trump
Al Qabeeba have gone balls out to influence and win both of their highly divisive and politicised campaigns. Losing wasn’t an option for them, which is why the lunatics are still pathetically and embarrassingly fighting to influence both. Like Hiroo Onoda fighting 29 years after the Japanese surrender in WW2, cult leftlam just cannot except defeat.
Islamic State of Iraq, the Levant and Beebistan’s (ISILB) fanatical support for the 4th Reich (EU) and team Killary has exposed them for what they are….devious, British hating bastards! The fact President Trump is embarrassing these pathetic deviants every single day, and he isn’t even British, makes it even more sweet!
Voting largely followed party lines, with just one Democratic senator – Joe Manchin of West Virginia – voting for Mr Sessions.
Any decent journalist would have interviewed Senator Manchin to discover his views, but not the bBBC.
Oh, but Sir Arthur you are being very unfair! There was only one Tory who voted against Article 50, but in that case the RemainBBC were very diligent and interviewed him many, many times!
I am being told by the populist BBC Radio4 that the TODAY programme on the BBC is more popular than ever before in this era of FakeNews. (Take that whichever way you will.)
Meanwhile, the NHS bashing still remains popular on the populist BBC Radio but asking sensible, serious fact-finding questions is … well, … not so popular. The obvious question that most people (whether they have University degrees or not) would ask is “How many A&E Departments have been closed by the Department of Health in England in the last twenty years?” Sophie Long is not bright or sharp enough to ask this. A great shame because it impacts greatly on patient waiting times. Nick Robinson does not ask about A&E closures, either, despite being the former Politics Editor as well as presenting the NHS segments in today’s programme.
Of course, increasing UK population – mostly in England – is never attributed as a cause of increased A&E waits, despite the fairly obvious fact that three to five years net immigration requires the building of at least two new hospitals with A&E Departments.
This lack of enquiring minds at the populist BBC in general, and the TODAY programme in particular, may be due to populism. They obviously think lots of taxpayer funded research has it all done for them and is popular for the programme’s listeners.
They present us with some from Serge Wich, a professor(!) at Liverpool John Moores University and co-author of the study published in Nature Human Behaviour. In an item that seemed like the TODAY programme getting spoofed again by FakeScience, apparently OrangUtan noises are too complex for Professors to study overall, so they have to specialise either in vowels or consonants. In their attempts to make monkeys out of us all (and change us from being descended from OrangUtans instead of chimpanzees or gorillas – I wish this particular strain of Evolutionists would make their minds up!) the populist BBC did not ask many penetrating questions of the Professor. Which is a shame. We – the listeners – might have learned something in return for our taxpayer money.
Unfortunately, asking serious fact-finding questions is too much for the bananas (please refer to Prof Steve Jones at UCL) at the populist BBC TODAY programme.
Towards the end of this programme (26:17) the presenter Andrea Catherwood was discussing Twitter’s plans to curb abuse with Nick Thomas, Practice Leader for Digital Media at Ovum, when she said:
“I wonder if Twitter is taking this more seriously now because of the high profile that it’s getting from the president of the United States using this as a primary form of communication, on the one sense it’s very good to have this high profile, but could it put advertisers off if there is too much of a thought that there’s too much hate around Twitter?”
So there you have it, directly comparing President Trump’s tweets with hate speech. Just to check that it’s not me being ultra-sensitive I’ve played this clip to numerous colleagues at work and they all agreed that it was comparing Trump’s tweets to hate speech.
The tag team of the hyperactive Aussie Aaron Heslehurst and BBC beta male Ben Bland (no really, that’s his name) take over today from the anti-Brexit girls who were fronting BBC Business yesterday.
They’re jumping up and down in the studio (in Aaron’s case almost literally) because Trump is about to meet with US airline industry chiefs (that’s right, it hasn’t happened yet) and get this… Trump will keep his campaign promise to push a policy of “Buy American, Hire American”
Quick, pass the smelling salts, BBC staffers are hyperventilating…
Of course the globalist corporate mugs are getting their message across for free via our national airwaves. (European) Airbus insist just like Boeing they employ Americans and Norwegian Airways insist they are American employers in some way because the Obama administration said they could be…?
Qatar, Emirates and Etihad… No, calm down, it’s not Match of the Day… that lot are three big airlines getting lashings of petro shiekh assistance to compete unfairly with US airlines.
Our Aaron and Ben worry that the Arab airlines might get banned from US airports. A guest industry expert tells them not to worry and that orders for new planes are in the pipeline for years – so no panic there either.
But there’s something the BBC guys haven’t mentioned, according to the expert. My ears prick up.
‘Iran plans to buy 114 aircraft from the European company Airbus by March, and is looking for other deals, senior Iranian officials said on Sunday as their country emerges from sanctions and international isolation’
Now I’m not exactly a keen conspiracy theorist – but it’s funny isn’t it how this anti-Trump hysteria is not just a thing of the daft left, but rather semi-officially sanctioned and most noticable through the medium of the BBC.
Always think, who is it who might be upset if and when it’s not business as usual?
Oh absolutely spot on. The corporatists and globalists who make money from keeping labour cheap are against Trump. They know how to “play” the BBC to keep their message going.
The problem with that is that is wouldn’t stop the bias. If Government was forced through public opinion to end the licence fee I suspect they would just fund it from general taxation instead.
What we need is genuine choice whether we want it or not. It’s only through proper market forces that we can end the untouchable lecturing stance that the BBC takes.
quisquose, I believe you are correct – the government would fund the BBC through general taxation if licence fee revenues fall too low. I believe the current situation is actually quite favourable. I don’t own a television and I don’t watch the BBC online, so I have the choice of not paying a penny towards the BBC; but I can watch non-BBC content online free of charge. If the BBC were funded through general taxation I would have no way of avoiding my money going to them.
Maybe so, but I think that funding from general taxation would be a better situation than at present. Because then there would be some democratic accountability for the BBC’s ways via our MPs. And we could say to them – hey spend that billion on A&E, not on funding yet more trips to the USA for BBC “journalists”.
At present the BBC answers to NO ONE. BBC has an ELEVEN year charter!!! The BBC is far more secure than a Government. It stinks.
“but I think that funding from general taxation would be a better situation than at present.”
I wouldn’t want that at all. Once introduced, we’d never get rid of it. The Conservatives express relatively little concern about BBC bias at present so I doubt if democratic accountability would work in practice. I fear the BBC, feeling secure, would become even bolder.
The Government should not be involved, directly or indirectly, in facilitating the likes of Strictly Come Dancing. It’s a commercial product and that’s how it should be financed – IMO.
In the age of Netflix etc, I think any form of BBC tax is a backward step.
Belgium, rather like Luxembourg and Malta is a non-country that sees the EU as the only way it can strut its stuff. Unfortunately we have to blame ourselves for Belgium. We created it after 1815 as a buffer state to stop the French heading east ( again). In the end all Belgium did was make pathetic attempts to stop the Germans heading west. So we can thank Belgium for dragging us into World War One, as well as giving us prats like Verhofstadt, who clearly think that Belgium owes Britain nothing. Luxembourg has of course given us the unsavoury Jean-Claude Druncker. What we did to deserve that, I am still unsure. I feel better about Malta however. After their heroics during 1941-43, they asked to join the UK. We turned them down. A shame really, considering we decided instead to let in every ignorant Kashmiri or Bangladeshi cousin- marrying Muslim who wanted to come here.
I’ll never forget traipsing round Brussels trying to find that ‘Mannikin Pis’. Eventually I found this little insignificant puppet thing wearing the EU flag and pissing up a wall – it kind of summed up the EU for me!
Belgium did produce Tintin and Georges Simenon though, so it’s not all bad.
Coming 8pm R4 Ted Malloch
In the second part of The Briefing Room’s two-part series on Trump’s economy, David Aaronovitch explores what the President’s trade policies might mean in practice.
Ref up2 stuff yesterday evening on bBBC still moaning about Brexit.
Quote ….(the BBC.like to…)..,paint the great majority who voted to leave as grumpy, old, disadvantaged, unemployed or under-employed, non-metropolitan white racists.
Here’s some cheer in the Telegraph today
Quote ” if you even contemplate voting for Brexit, you must be either ignorant, uneducated, stupid, or racist. My response was I’m none of these, and I resent being described in thise terms…”
The words of ‘stupid, ignorant, racist, uneducated’…..errrr……Mervyn King, ex Governor of the Bank of England !!!!!!!
Seems the so-called, “refugees” are getting on with their mission even before the taxi service arrives. More to fill the Trojan Horse. https://gatestone.eu/coastline-allah-akbar/
Usual BBC stuff where they interview anyone who supports their narrow minded view (like Tim Farron daily) and in the case of Lady Gaga they see a protest against Trump when there isn’t one at all.
I’m tempted to call the BBC News desk saying I’ve written an anti-brexit song just to see if they will interview me.
The only ‘long overdue dose of politics’ that pop needs is a right wing one. How about an angry protest song about Brussels doing over the Greeks? But we’re not likely to hear that on the BBC very soon, are we?
I don’t know if anyone caught the second part of Michael Scott’s programme on Sicily. The last 10/15 minutes of the programme was devoted to those wonderful people rescuing the migrants streaming in across the Mediterranean. Michael inteviewed 2 members of the Italian navy who pronounced themselves proud and moved to be helping/rescuing these (hundreds of thousands of) immigrants. There was no suggestion that maybe the Italian navy should return the immigrants to the shore of North Africa where they’d embarked. Michael harped on the legal duty to rescue people in distress on the sea: he failed to comment that there is no similar duty to help them to land in the place to which they’re travelling. The moral (and legal?) duty is solely to save lives in immediate danger not to enable illegal immigration.
Also, in the same overtly propagandist section of the programme, the Mayor of Palermo claimed (in unvoiced contrast to those racists in the UK) that not one anti-immigrant incident – spoken or physical – had occurred in that paradise of tolerance which is Sicily. He added that, in order to reassure us non-Sicilian racists who consider that illegal immigration from Africa/Middle East might not be 100% beneficial for the indigenous populations of Europe, all that’s required is for the politicians to pronounce that it’s all wonderful. Mind you – fair do’s – Michael reduced the mayor to incoherence when Michael noted that none of the immigrants actually stay in Sicily but swiftly move north – to the Italian mainland and thence to the UK and elsewhere. I must say that the world has really turned and/or the BBC is at the end of its collective tether, when a politician from Sicily – representative of a country and profession notorious for corruption, crookery and thuggish violence – is brought on to give us a lecture on how to be tolerant and generous.
You see, according to Michael (and this was the argument made persistently in both parts of the mini-series), the tide of 21st century immigration is analogous to the waves of conquerers of Sicily: Romans, Phoenicians, (10/11th century) Arabs, Normans, Spaniards and the Italians lead by Garibaldi in the 19th century). He – and the BBC – don’t realise what he/it has admitted: that today’s migrants come not as seekers of integration and a quiet life but as conquerers.
I’m waiting for some of those Muslims who use Sicily as a transit camp to get into mainland Italy,to decide to lob a few bombs from St Peter’s piazza in the general direction of the Pope’s balcony. As Italy gradually becomes more Muslim, I see the RoPers increasingly turning on the Catholic church. They will achieve what the Arabs and the Turks attempted but never achieved – occupy and destroy the heart of European Christian civilisation.
I’ve long suspected the coastal towns of Italy, and particularly Sicily, are actively encouraging migrants to land there because there is some sort of (probably mafia-influenced) organised racket to ship them out to other parts of the country and the rest of the EU.
I’ve noticed that apart from the BBC/Sky TV etc having a disproportionate number of female/Scottish/black/brown number of ‘so called’ presenters.
Likewise, adverts now have such a high number of blacks/browns – it’s almost a game of ‘spot the white person’. A visitor from another planet would form the opinion that Brits are black/brown with a few ‘whites’ thrown in which must be some form of genetic disorder.
We are being ‘edited out’ (or in at Blackburn hospital – I wonder why?) of our own country which represents a far more sinister agenda.
Don’t forget, mixed marriages (or relationships black & brown/white) which appear now so often. Are they trying to tell us something akin to, ‘get with the programme’?
I’m starting to wonder whether the editors/producers/directors/cameramen/casting directors/productions companies/scriptwriters/sound engineers/ etc are all non-white, – a case of getting their own back, because at times we could be living in Africa or the Caribbean by the programmes we’re watching.
“Grooming Gang Deportation Bid Rejected”.
This is the headline on the bbc.con landing page.
Deliberate ambuguity? Has the bid to deport them been rejected? because that’s what the headline conveys to me. In fact an appeal to stop the deportation has been rejected. Am I suffering from RBS – repetitive bias syndrome and find fault with everything the bbc reports? Why can’t they make it clear? Oh I know why, they are still muslims.
Not immediate BBC bias but I was reminded of how they tried to stir up trouble over Nigel Farrage’s perfectly sensible comments about hearing English spoken in.. , well, England.
Yesterday on two different occasions I passed mothers with pre-school girls in tow, both little ones turned and said, “Hiya!”. A lot nicer than screams of “A man! A man!” that the BBC encourages. I must have been on a roll because a brief interaction with a woman parking her shopping trolley finished with her adding “my love” to her reply. Very non-BBC. But a lot nicer and isn’t that what Nigel Farrage was alluding to?
“A common language and a common way of living unite our varied people”
Two and a half hours after the accident at the nuclear facility in North West France and you would never know its happened on the BBC. Russian RT has been all over the story for the past hour, just what do I pay my licence fee for once again?
A friend supportive of this website has advised me of an opportunity too good to miss.
I’m sure readers have nothing to do at the end of March.
So why not go to the BBC Arabic Festival 2017!!! https://bbcarabicfestival.pilots.bbcconnectedstudio.co.uk/#/
Go on. You know you want to.
What better way to spend our licence fee?
10 charts that show why the NHS is in trouble
Except that the bBBC’s charts are nearly all about wanting more of our money, with none showing, for instance:
the number of patients who need extra care because they can’t speak English;
or the number of drunks who fill A&E each weekend;
or the number of students and others who don’t register with a GP snd use A&E instead;
or the number of foreigners who use our free InterNational Health Service;
or the number of lawyers who encourage claims for damages because something goes wrong;
or the number of lifestyle treatments like cosmetic surgery or fertility treatment;
Radio 5 dead this morning coming up to ‘fake news at eleven’ a bit on Carswell knocking Farage, but surely they meant to talk about Diane Abbotopotomus telling David Davis to ‘f**k off’ last night!
Then a bit on their beloved NHS (which is of course fake, as they use it only as a battering ram to the tories). They stated.. and I quote, ‘leaked documents allege’.. and I will leave out the various things the ‘leaked documents’ allege, but the words ‘allege’ and ‘suggest’ were used often, needless to say we had no inkling of where the documents came from, possibly maxicone above!. Can anyone tell me how a leaked document can ‘suggest’ something.. rhetorical question by the way.
They then had a bit on the governments ‘battering’ ( my word!) of remainers last night, but rather than interviewing a victor they interviewed a loser allowing him time to tell us how brexit was going to destroy the economy. I switched of then as I realized that if I put some wet paint on a wall and watched it dry my day could be quite exciting in comparison.
Well, both BBC and Sky are in overdrive today about the NHS.
I felt dismayed and outraged when I watched the Sky reporter approach an old lady in her hospital bed in Milton Keynes(she looked in her 80s with mobility problems), and asked her outright…
“how do you feel about being in a bed that another person is waiting for ?”.
The poor lady could hardly reply anything else but “guilty” faced with a camera and microphone under her nose; – dear God what have we come to when the media are allowed to bamboozle the elderly into feeling sodding guilty through no fault of their own ? She looked like someone’s Grandma, and I would have punched the reporter had he asked an elderly relative of mine those probing questions.
The elderly are in the hands of others – they are not where they are by choice. EVERYONE should remember that ‘this will be us one day’ – an idea that doesn’t seem to sink in to those under 60. It is worth thinking though that a 20 year period goes by very quickly, so when you’re 60 and think back 20 years you were 40 – that same time span and you’re 80 in no time !!!!!
“how do you feel about being in a bed that another person is waiting for ?”
This sort of attitude makes me angry. Although it is rarely expressed so crassly it is exactly the attitude held by the BBC.
This is an example of the disgusting depths to which our journalists have descended. They ignore or they deliberately forget first principles. That elderly lady will have either paid a lifetime of National Insurance contributions herself or her husband and children will have done so. Her father or uncles may well have served in WW2 – all with the promise of a NATIONAL Health Service paid for via an unwritten contract between the community and the government. The NHS was never sold to us as a way to tackle Ebola or other WORLD issues. It was not sold to us an INTERNATIONAL Health Service giving free health care to all comers as some Human Right. These things – if they are to be done – should be done with charitable donations given by the public by choice.
I worked in the NHS for around thirty five years. I’m appalled at what they’ve done to it. I used to get such a buzz just walking the corridors and feeling part of such a wonderful organization. It has been so used as a political football, being kicked this way, then that way it’s had the life kicked out of it. Nowadays promoting genderism is just as important as saving lives.
There are still plenty of good, caring people in the NHS but these days they work under the cosh of double dyed, useless fuckers – very much akin to our beloved BBC types.
I caught the sky advert for their NHS program.
How on earth can anyone take them serious if they don’t even mention the herd of elephants in the wards.
They gave out results of surveys asking about NHS performance, not one hint of the huge increase in population since Blair.
I wish someone, anyone, would provide an honest list of how the money is spent. For instance, how much do non uk births cost, how much do exotic diseases (non uk, at least for now) like TB cost, how much does the language services cost, spoken and printed, the questions that we would like answered and not questions like is the NHS better now than last year or is it worse.
Facts are needed, not asking people, some who may have had a good (or bad) experience with the NHS recently, and anyway, these results will be manipulated as are all of these results to suit the media purpose, currently the government cutbacks and old people not dying quick enough.
Oh for an honest news channel.
The old lady should have replied ‘That depends, dear. Has the other party paid their stamp, or have they just got off the plane from Addis Abbaba?’ Then they could have given her a bed in prison for ‘hate crime’. Problem solved!
When I saw that incident this morning, it was going out ‘live’ from Milton Keynes hospital. I’ve noticed in further repeats throughout the day, that that particular line of questioning to Georgina – the lady in question, has not been shown. Clearly someone in production had a conscience.
Usual BBC pro-Islam stuff. These men are only ‘Muslims’ when the BBC report something negative about being a Muslim i.e.
“conspiracy to “scapegoat” Muslims.”
“It’s become fashionable to blame everything on Muslims these days.”
At no time does the BBC use a phrase “Muslim sex gang”. I would love to hear what Tim Farron has to say about this.
And again the bBBC website has hidden this away under local news, so that they can say they have covered it, but with as few people as possible knowing about the Muslim rape gangs.
Quite, this is standard Beeb policy now. Fresh news today but impossible for any casual user to the website to find. I had to type “rochdale” into the search feature to find it!
Today’s media is “the greatest educational resource the world has ever seen” and he wants the BBC to become a “trusted guide” through this abundance of “information and misinformation…..
That would be this James Purnell, would it, not averse to a little fake newsery himself:
and our trusted friend Purnell continues ….It won’t be the Auntie that dispensed culture from on high. It will be much more of a thoughtful friend. Prodding us to keep our resolutions, helping us ask and find answers.
I’d guess Lord Clark’s original ‘Civilisation’ might contain a few too many inconvenient truths for today’s BBC, so crank up the Memory Hole….
There may be more power output than you think. After all the power input from Sturgeon and Salmond will alone be equivalent to a nuclear power station. Add in the other SNP members and the worlds energy shortage may be solved.
I just spotted this corker on there.
143. Posted by Denier_Buster on Just now
Give me a while to process Buster’s profound and innovative plan.
Ah yes, I get it and appreciate that this is the Leftist intelligencer at its very best.
Two fantastic news items reported this lunchtime by the BBC through gritted teeth. 4 members if tbe Rochdale Pakistani grooming gang/ rapists have lost their second appeal and will be deported. How many more such rapists could be sent back to Pakistan? I’d love to know .
Also, the lunatic Dubbs scheme that could have allowed 3000 30 year old child refugees dumped on our local authorities will be scrapped . No more elderly children with blankets on their heads will be seen in Croydon.Rowan Williams will have to find something else to do instead of welcoming them .
Norman Smith emoting in his usual, if high pitched, mode on the dastardly Tory cancellation of the ‘immigrant children’ facility, thereby denying a basic humanitarian service to dispossessed, needy and defenceless children.
Except, of course, he overlooked mentioning that the reason for cut is that most of the children are proving to be 5ft 9in with beards – applicable to both sexes (transgender etc does not apply).
That’s tough on the genuine kids, no doubt, but if the RoP were not so shameless in abusing our naivety, the problem would not exist.
Bad luck Norm, have to find some other artificial axe to grind – bet it won’t take him long.
If you cannot get passed the paywall then all you need to know is …
Some members of House of Lords are paid substantial EU pensions.
Matt Ridley points out “In 2007, a Lords subcommittee said that because their contracts oblige them to support the EU, an EC pensioner who made ‘intemperate criticism of the commission’ would have contravened their obligations under the Treaty of Rome ‘and therefore could in theory damage his pension’.”
However the sub committee who looked into this conflict of interests decided that the members of the House of Lords would be too noble to act/speak in the interests of their own pockets.
So, as an added thought, surely anyone coming on to the BBC to extoll the virtues of that festering, unelected, corrupt, stagnant and incompetent mess called the EU, should offer up how much money they have made and could lose from us leaving the EU.
We are told that the BBC Today programme has increased its listeners by 400,000 from 7 million on a daily basis since last year. How? For the life of me, I cannot see an announcement such as this from one of the best at broadcasting misinformation (not to mention polls that go horribly wrong and are completely inaccurate!) being taken seriously.
More ‘Fake News’?
Never sure how those figures works.
It is right that Radio Joint Audience Research (Rajar) put the Today weekly audience in excess of 7 million, but what does that mean? Does it imply that 7 million different people listen, or is it the same people tuning in every day? Have the methods of measuring the audience changed? The internet audience will surely grow. It probably includes people dipping in and out of the program which lasts 3 hours.
Also, who has the boxes for measuring these programs? I don’t know a single person who has one. If the ad for them appeared in the Guardian, where BBC jobs are advertised, then that would skew the audience figures in Today’s favour.
I’ve often wondered how a radio news channel of the centre, or even of the right would fare, as an alternative to the soft left output of Radio 4.
Agreed, without knowing how, statistically, they work out the claimed increase, how could anyone trust the figures (or even, indeed, the base figure of 7 million)?
“Last week we heard from American muslim women about the impact of some of the statements made by President Trump”.
This week it’s the lesbians’ turn. Presenter Jenny Murray launches the piece by admitting that: “He’s never said anything specifically to worry the LGBT community”.
Not that that stops a number of them getting their knickers in a twist in the interview that follows. It is far funnier than anything intentionally comedic that I have heard on BBC radio recently, and well worth a listen from 18:05 at:
I suppose, “Make America Great” could be offensive to anyone who hates America – freedom of speech, patriotism and all that.
But face it, Trump has all his time taken up with other stuff. Being a racist and mysoganist is a full time job!
Thanks to Tom_Kenny for posting the link to Woman’s Hour.
The women on it from northern California were unbelievably stupid and intellectually incoherent.
If they think Trump is bad, they should go and live in an Islamic state. The lazy references to the Nazi Holocaust demeaned that episode and were nonsensical: if they want to see a Holocaust of gays, Jews, Christians, kuffar, ‘brazen’ women et al, then they should go on arguing for letting all and sundry Muslims into the USA. The talk of asking a Holocaust survivor about ‘when it was the time to go’ and fleeing to Canada (one of them had dual citizenship) was even more stupid: what on earth do they imagine that country will be like with Islamophile playboy Justin Trudeau in charge, when it has already had religious tensions and even Jihad attacks?
I noticed a total lack of any critical questioning whatsoever from the BBC woman. At the end there was the promise of an interview with Trump-supporting women at some point in the future; I wonder if they will get such an easy ride?
The best thing about this site is that I don’t have to put my health in danger by actually imbibing any BBC drivel whatsoever – I just sit back and read the comments from those brave souls who choose to.
I haven’t had a TV Licence for 3 years, have had two visits from TVL (culminating in silence from me, and some remonstration from them as the door was closed in their faces), and a monthly letter promising doom.
I work amongst sheep who actually believe that the BBC tells the truth, and spend lots of the day swallowing what the website says hook, line and sinker.
I put them right on brexit, Trump and that little sh*t Bercow when I can, but am fighting a losing battle so far.
Thank you all for your sterling efforts on my behalf – you are doing your bit to prevent more bed-blocking in the NHS.
It is pleasing to note the DM lays into James Purnell today. Charles Moore in the DT is no fan. More and more mentions in the press and on websites are negative towards the BBC. If the left can use the “If you say it often enough people believe it’s true” then it seems to be building nicely for the BBC where they are becoming the story more and more often.
Keep chipping away! I do with family, friends and anyone who will listen.
Rather than stating “The BBC were biased in favour of Hillary” , perhaps ask “Who did you think the BBC wanted to win?” “Do you think the BBC like Nigel Farage / UKIP?” etc.
The similarities between the Matrix film and our realisation of what the so-called BBC truly are, is staggering! I have no doubt we all felt something wasn’t quite right with what we were being told across all the so-called BBC’s platforms, realised that they portrayed a world that looked nothing like he world we knew, and found this magnificent website!
Once you take that red pill from Morpheus, things deteriorate pretty quickly as the reality of what institutions like ISILB are relentlessly doing to its own people, every day, becomes clear! Things are never the same once you re-condition yourself to reality, and I am so glad I found this website, as apathy and denial are what’s allowing the enemies of our people win.
Keep up the debates and discussions with as many people as you can. The reason why cult leftlam is so intolerant and violant is because their entire debate is based on emotion and not fact, which is why people like Milo are only taken on with violence and not debate. Once we sow the seeds of truth in a person’s mind, another opinion to the world they see, an answer to their genuine fears that are constantly ignored, once a doubt is there, the bigotry and hatred of the British hating militants at the Islamic Al Been will do the rest
Yes, loved the article. The Mail is derided by many, but they pull no punches on occasions. They’ve had a field day this week, what with Beckham, Bercow and Lineker ! Its been great reading !
After the passage of the Article 50 bill through the House of Commons is it time to be thinking of changing our view of arch democrat Gina Miller.
If it passes though Parliament unamended, which looks increasingly likely, a large prop under the remoaners “legitimacy” case will have been kicked away, hence a potentially great own goal to celebrate.
The following is a personal note prompted by the Saatchi offensive against Breitbart and free speech by our “government” and the Wikipedia decision about the Daily Mail. I hope it may be useful to somebody.
I read Wikipedia, frequently.
English Wikipedia, that is. I know nothing about editions in other languages, though I suspect the remarks that follow about English Wikipedia also apply to them.
I edit Wikipedia, occasionally (fewer than one edit per month).
I think Wikipedia is an astoundingly successful creation.
It has one major fault, its creators gave birth to Siamese Twins.
Anyone who knows little or nothing about English Wikipedia may be forgiven for not knowing about this congenital birth defect. They may not know that Wikipedia consists of two parts.
I shall describe them as normal and abnormal Wikipedia.
Normal Wikipedia (NW), which is most of the entries, is, as its name suggests, normal. It does what it says on the tin. It provides facts, generally reliable facts. Together with reliable suggestions where further factual information may be found.
NW is edited by normal people, or at least they behave normally when in NW mode. These NW editors give of their time, unpaid and do their best to perform a first class job. If the entries they produce contain errors, these errors are due to normal weaknesses, and not due to ill intentions. These editors are frequently aware of inadequacies, incompleteness and other imperfections in the NW, as notes in tens of thousands of NW articles testify.
I thank these editors.
Attached to NW, gaining an undeserved reputation from its success, living on the nutrients provided by NW to the bloodstream of Wikipedia, is its parasitic evil twin, abnormal Wikipedia (AW).
AW consists mostly of historical and political articles.
What is abnormal about AW is it is based on ill intentions. Its editors are not interested in the truth or in facts. Their task is that of the early rhetoricians, and their methods are eristic. Their goal is to persuade the reader, ideally to convert the reader to their political viewpoint. If the reader learns some real facts during this process this is a bonus.
These AW editors never publicise their goals or biases, actually they will argue until universal heat death occurs that they are neutral (together with other spurious claims, just like those made by Islamic AlBeeb). All lack of neutrality
is ascribed to their enemies (who are other AW editors with a differing viewpoint).
The biases of AW are in the articles, if the reader has sufficient knowledge, but they are more difficult to discover, since the point of AW is to hide the bias, than they are in background Wikipedia administration activities, particularly the “talk” pages.
Talk pages are where the editors of AW disagree unendingly about article content. The current content of an AW article depends on how many, how industious, how vocal, how well organised the editors are. The AW editor organisation exists to defeat their opponents and keep certain material out of the articles.
The majority of organised AW editors are lefties, active lefties, with some resources behind them not available to a “normal” Wikipedia editor. This is reflected in AW articles, nearly all of them are biased towards the left, often far to the left.
This bias will be denied on a mound of Bibles larger that the Great Pyramid, but the deniers are lying.
Only to be expected when information is so freely available out there.
Nothing has really changed – you still have to dig a deep well to find the sweet water.
Stewgreen, I think we should compile a list of least-deserving Brexit/Trump ‘travel ban’ sympathy cases. So far recently we’ve had Oscar winners, and understudies for opera performances. I read today that the RIBA is claiming that there would be a shortage of architects if we leave the EU. This is nonsense as there are thousands of British architects and related professionals looking for work.
I bought some cheap shoes a few years ago and within a month the soles were coming away. I have approached all the mainstream media outlets but no one seems care – they’re just all too busy. Goodness know why?
I’ll try again but mention Trump and Brexit.
R4Today listening figs
“Weekly reach
Number of individuals listening to a station for at least 5 consecutive minutes in an average week”
So 7.4m isn’t impressive for something that’s on 17hours/week over 6 days
I wonder if listening to 1x excerpt online counts as 1 weekly listener ?
“NHS Health Check: A&E waits for January ‘worst ever”
Record numbers of patients spent more than four hours in accident and emergency units in England in January, figures leaked to the BBC suggest. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38907492
No mention of the elephant in the room. There is a HYS running on this, Highest Rated so far ……….
“And yet we still send over £12 billion in foreign aid.
Which currently has 439 cases of fraud underway “
For Dystopian and Brissles and any other ‘oldies’ or ‘about to be oldies’ or ‘sooner to be oldies than you ever think or imagine’ or ‘soon to be old because life moves ever faster’,(Snuffy fits in at least ONE of those categories) then the web-site Acronym Finder is very helpful.
PS. I worked out HYS when it first started appearing, but if it is any comfort to you both, I had to look up MSM.
The MSM dog has got a new bone – and it’s called the NHS
I know it’s off topic (Sky News) as such but wouldn’t it have been nice to hear that woman in A&E tell Fisal Islam that you are a lovely young man but I do wish you would stick to reporting facts and stop trying to be a political party. Presenting a poll that favours a 1% rise in income tax to add more funds to the inefficient dinosaur that is the NHS is a political gesture and is not what media outlets should be about.
Stop Press – Andy Burnham was interviewed. Please ignore.
Probably some “oh dear you’re gonna pay for health care now look at the lies they put on that bus let’s blame old people and Brexit” agenda.
No mention of the fact that it’s supply and demand due to more people in the country due to immigration!
Sorry – that was my suggestion some weeks ago but a good one for sure and desperate times call for desperate measures – the BBC keep telling us just how DESPERATE the NHS is.
It’s all to do with the money the UK will save when we get out of the failed EU.
All they’re doing (apart from pissing off working staff an awful lot), is staking a claim for all the more money staying in the UK, whether it’s the NHS or any other over-managed state employer.
Licence tax to be included in the rush for more cash of course. They’ll argue for more local council spending, more houses by HAs, more money for every Tom, Dick, Harriet and Mohammed, and everyone who knows me…
1 the so called bbc,s so called majority being 40%
2 just out of interest isnt 40% the number of people who dont pay tax?
3 1% this year what about next year or the year after?
According to wikipedia NI has risen from 5.5% to 12% since 1975
never mind the employers portion at 13.8% which i assume has followed the same trend
we all know this NHS stealth tax would do exactly the same, what really pisses me off is all the NHS workers who would support the government sticking there hand further in my pocket, but cant be arsed collecting fees from foreign nationals.
and no doubt some virtue signalling tax avoider will be wheeled out to agree with them later.
They still keep referring to “radical Islam” as if there are different kinds. It is all one religion and people need to wake up and realise that jihad is an obligation upon ALL Muslims. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim and any part of the Qur’an requiring peace and tolerance are cancelled out by “abrogation”.
The only way to eradicate “radical Islam” is to eradicate Islam period!
Taken from meforum.org:
“Suyuti said that everything in the Qur’an about forgiveness and peace is abrogated by verse 9:5, which orders Muslims to fight the unbelievers and to establish God’s kingdom on earth.”
Sure thing – Islam in its entirety is ‘radical’ as you say.
Maybe the bbc will give us a documentary explaining how Islam, in all it’s forms, is totally irreconcilable with Western culture and Judeo Christian beliefs. It is especially unforgiving of ALL liberal/lefty causes.
There are moderate Muslims, men and women, who are in effect apostates, but they’re too scared to leave the ‘religion’ in case they get knifed, or worse, by their relatives.
Tuned into R4 #bbcInsideScience with
@GarethM but item1&2 were Eco-begging
item #1 Anthropocene guy wasn’t interested in Geology at all but rather Climate Alarmism
item #2 Lord Martin Rees Climate Alarmist preaching doom
IMPARTIAL BBC Presenter @GarethM previously tweeted sneering offence
“Climate change deniers rendered irrelevant by intl community &weight of scientific evidence. Only the start but at least it’s a start #COP21
9:55 PM · Dec 12, 2015”
Climate change deniers rendered irrelevant by intl community &weight of scientific evidence. Only the start but at least it’s a start #COP21
“Four members of a child sex grooming gang have lost a legal battle to maintain British citizenship.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-38909352
“Despite the ruling, the legal battle to deport the men could drag on for some time as there are further steps the Home Office must complete.”
Yes taf, we, or rather our representatives and authorities are as soft as shit and smell just like it.
But heck, they do bring in the full force of the law to act when an old white woman steps on the cracks in the pavement.
Dont feel to bad for allah’s messengers their 12 wives and 37 children will still be here sending benefits home to support them till they can sneak back in on a lorry.
Or have a shave and come back as children if Yvette Cooper has her way.
Incidentally R4 was discussing the demise of the “kinder transport” today with full violins and the “how could you” accusations of our cold hearted government. Had to listen to Cooper and Dubbs normal wide eyed over sentimental arguments. But surprise surprise not one of them mentioned that perhaps they may have lost a lot of our sympathy because a large proportion of these vulnerable children clearly were not.
Who needs rational arguments when you can play on peoples emotions. However dont get upset when people wise up and tell you to piss off.
You know those moments when you’re watching BBC news and your mind wanders to other things so you’re only half listening, then you hear something and you think ‘What? What did he just say?’
Had one of those moments at the gym today during the lunchtime news. It was just one in an endless series of dissections of Trump’s day-to-day actions (and no, I don’t remember O’ Bama being subjected to this level of scrutiny either) – which is probably why I started to lose interest – and it was to do with Trump and Erdogan (are they due to meet or something?). All of a sudden the reporter had slipped in the comparability of their attitude to ‘freedom of the press’ – though he semi-qualified it by saying Erdogan was actually jailing journalists, or words to that effect – then moved swiftly on.
Damage done. Trump is restricting press freedom and he’s nearly as bad as Erdogan because the BBC said so – at least if you still trust the BBC to be truthful. That is what will stick in your mind, regardless of how it was qualified.
I needed to hear it again just to be sure my mind wasn’t playing tricks but I am unable to find the BBC1 lunchtime news on iPlayer. If anyone out there can do so it’s around 15 – 20 minutes in.
I once had a moment at the gym, but luckily, the bBeeb weren’t involved at all… I can easily lend you my Ipod and you can hear some of the best music ever recorded!
Totally agree with you about freedom of the press! When bBeeb starts wailing on, it’s so easy to just switch off and grab a glass of something then read a good book!
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
“Brexit vote: Clive Lewis quits shadow cabinet as MPs back bill”
Note the headline , no Rejoicing there . Rule Britannia! 😀
Their propaganda did not work again. How’s about that then Maxicony ?
There is a HYS running – some interesting comments .
Interesting call out feature on Diane Abbott.
Clearly the BBC remains smitten.
“Senate confirms Trump attorney general pick Jeff Sessions”
The swamp is beginning to drain.
You can just imagine the twisted spittle-drenched lips of a raving petulant little typist, spurting bile as they have to conjure up such a negative article, can’t you, Taffman!
Luckily for us, and sadly for the lefties, ‘dig the dirt’ equates well with ‘drain the swamp’, and isn’t President Trump doing so well! I love to hear the beeb in dribbling turmoil as every new name appears, and of course, the new arrivals ‘have no experience in their job’.
The body language of little chaps like Jon Sopel betray their personal emotions so quickly, I even have time to get up, stroll over and turn off the news using the switch on the TV and not even bother with the remote control!
Plenty more fun to look forward to as well! This is going to be a great time for the United States!
There is just so much wrong with that article but it’s what we expect from al beebus reporting on anything that President Trump does, fortunately they have no influence over events in the U.S. so they rage impotently on screen and over the air.
Al Shubtill, the article doesn’t clarify that, from what I understand from other sources, the accusations of racism were shut down because they are the equivalent of ‘unparliamentary language’, not because the accuser was being gagged in some way.
The USA civil servants have now got encrypted phones, anonymous websites and an organization like the French Resistance, so they can resist the tyrannical, Donald Trump. It’s that bad but I guess they like their paycheque or are so noble they stay in order to topple the tyrant!
2 subjects that completely sum up the Islamic Al Shabeeb’s lobbying platforms for the last 12 months, and more crucially, their magnificent failures…Brexit and King Trump
Al Qabeeba have gone balls out to influence and win both of their highly divisive and politicised campaigns. Losing wasn’t an option for them, which is why the lunatics are still pathetically and embarrassingly fighting to influence both. Like Hiroo Onoda fighting 29 years after the Japanese surrender in WW2, cult leftlam just cannot except defeat.
Islamic State of Iraq, the Levant and Beebistan’s (ISILB) fanatical support for the 4th Reich (EU) and team Killary has exposed them for what they are….devious, British hating bastards! The fact President Trump is embarrassing these pathetic deviants every single day, and he isn’t even British, makes it even more sweet!
Voting largely followed party lines, with just one Democratic senator – Joe Manchin of West Virginia – voting for Mr Sessions.
Any decent journalist would have interviewed Senator Manchin to discover his views, but not the bBBC.
Oh, but Sir Arthur you are being very unfair! There was only one Tory who voted against Article 50, but in that case the RemainBBC were very diligent and interviewed him many, many times!
One can see why the BBC is coy when sources are clarified.
I am being told by the populist BBC Radio4 that the TODAY programme on the BBC is more popular than ever before in this era of FakeNews. (Take that whichever way you will.)
Meanwhile, the NHS bashing still remains popular on the populist BBC Radio but asking sensible, serious fact-finding questions is … well, … not so popular. The obvious question that most people (whether they have University degrees or not) would ask is “How many A&E Departments have been closed by the Department of Health in England in the last twenty years?” Sophie Long is not bright or sharp enough to ask this. A great shame because it impacts greatly on patient waiting times. Nick Robinson does not ask about A&E closures, either, despite being the former Politics Editor as well as presenting the NHS segments in today’s programme.
Of course, increasing UK population – mostly in England – is never attributed as a cause of increased A&E waits, despite the fairly obvious fact that three to five years net immigration requires the building of at least two new hospitals with A&E Departments.
This lack of enquiring minds at the populist BBC in general, and the TODAY programme in particular, may be due to populism. They obviously think lots of taxpayer funded research has it all done for them and is popular for the programme’s listeners.
They present us with some from Serge Wich, a professor(!) at Liverpool John Moores University and co-author of the study published in Nature Human Behaviour. In an item that seemed like the TODAY programme getting spoofed again by FakeScience, apparently OrangUtan noises are too complex for Professors to study overall, so they have to specialise either in vowels or consonants. In their attempts to make monkeys out of us all (and change us from being descended from OrangUtans instead of chimpanzees or gorillas – I wish this particular strain of Evolutionists would make their minds up!) the populist BBC did not ask many penetrating questions of the Professor. Which is a shame. We – the listeners – might have learned something in return for our taxpayer money.
Unfortunately, asking serious fact-finding questions is too much for the bananas (please refer to Prof Steve Jones at UCL) at the populist BBC TODAY programme.
Did someone mention ‘fake news’?
I love the sound of a circular firing squad (H/T: Jimbo) in the morning.
The Media Show
16:30 BBC Radio 4 Wednesday 8 February 2016
Towards the end of this programme (26:17) the presenter Andrea Catherwood was discussing Twitter’s plans to curb abuse with Nick Thomas, Practice Leader for Digital Media at Ovum, when she said:
“I wonder if Twitter is taking this more seriously now because of the high profile that it’s getting from the president of the United States using this as a primary form of communication, on the one sense it’s very good to have this high profile, but could it put advertisers off if there is too much of a thought that there’s too much hate around Twitter?”
So there you have it, directly comparing President Trump’s tweets with hate speech. Just to check that it’s not me being ultra-sensitive I’ve played this clip to numerous colleagues at work and they all agreed that it was comparing Trump’s tweets to hate speech.
What you haven’t mentioned yet, BBC Business
The tag team of the hyperactive Aussie Aaron Heslehurst and BBC beta male Ben Bland (no really, that’s his name) take over today from the anti-Brexit girls who were fronting BBC Business yesterday.
They’re jumping up and down in the studio (in Aaron’s case almost literally) because Trump is about to meet with US airline industry chiefs (that’s right, it hasn’t happened yet) and get this… Trump will keep his campaign promise to push a policy of “Buy American, Hire American”
Quick, pass the smelling salts, BBC staffers are hyperventilating…
Of course the globalist corporate mugs are getting their message across for free via our national airwaves. (European) Airbus insist just like Boeing they employ Americans and Norwegian Airways insist they are American employers in some way because the Obama administration said they could be…?
Qatar, Emirates and Etihad… No, calm down, it’s not Match of the Day… that lot are three big airlines getting lashings of petro shiekh assistance to compete unfairly with US airlines.
Our Aaron and Ben worry that the Arab airlines might get banned from US airports. A guest industry expert tells them not to worry and that orders for new planes are in the pipeline for years – so no panic there either.
But there’s something the BBC guys haven’t mentioned, according to the expert. My ears prick up.
‘Iran plans to buy 114 aircraft from the European company Airbus by March, and is looking for other deals, senior Iranian officials said on Sunday as their country emerges from sanctions and international isolation’
Now I’m not exactly a keen conspiracy theorist – but it’s funny isn’t it how this anti-Trump hysteria is not just a thing of the daft left, but rather semi-officially sanctioned and most noticable through the medium of the BBC.
Always think, who is it who might be upset if and when it’s not business as usual?
Oh absolutely spot on. The corporatists and globalists who make money from keeping labour cheap are against Trump. They know how to “play” the BBC to keep their message going.
Please sign and share.
The problem with that is that is wouldn’t stop the bias. If Government was forced through public opinion to end the licence fee I suspect they would just fund it from general taxation instead.
What we need is genuine choice whether we want it or not. It’s only through proper market forces that we can end the untouchable lecturing stance that the BBC takes.
quisquose, I believe you are correct – the government would fund the BBC through general taxation if licence fee revenues fall too low. I believe the current situation is actually quite favourable. I don’t own a television and I don’t watch the BBC online, so I have the choice of not paying a penny towards the BBC; but I can watch non-BBC content online free of charge. If the BBC were funded through general taxation I would have no way of avoiding my money going to them.
Maybe so, but I think that funding from general taxation would be a better situation than at present. Because then there would be some democratic accountability for the BBC’s ways via our MPs. And we could say to them – hey spend that billion on A&E, not on funding yet more trips to the USA for BBC “journalists”.
At present the BBC answers to NO ONE. BBC has an ELEVEN year charter!!! The BBC is far more secure than a Government. It stinks.
“but I think that funding from general taxation would be a better situation than at present.”
I wouldn’t want that at all. Once introduced, we’d never get rid of it. The Conservatives express relatively little concern about BBC bias at present so I doubt if democratic accountability would work in practice. I fear the BBC, feeling secure, would become even bolder.
The Government should not be involved, directly or indirectly, in facilitating the likes of Strictly Come Dancing. It’s a commercial product and that’s how it should be financed – IMO.
In the age of Netflix etc, I think any form of BBC tax is a backward step.
BBC is the ‘Do be that Guy’ channel.
Filthy creature and mentally deranged. What kind of a country is Belgium ? A joke. Guy, why don’t you just piss off ? We are sick of you parasites.
Belgium, rather like Luxembourg and Malta is a non-country that sees the EU as the only way it can strut its stuff. Unfortunately we have to blame ourselves for Belgium. We created it after 1815 as a buffer state to stop the French heading east ( again). In the end all Belgium did was make pathetic attempts to stop the Germans heading west. So we can thank Belgium for dragging us into World War One, as well as giving us prats like Verhofstadt, who clearly think that Belgium owes Britain nothing. Luxembourg has of course given us the unsavoury Jean-Claude Druncker. What we did to deserve that, I am still unsure. I feel better about Malta however. After their heroics during 1941-43, they asked to join the UK. We turned them down. A shame really, considering we decided instead to let in every ignorant Kashmiri or Bangladeshi cousin- marrying Muslim who wanted to come here.
BELGIUM: Chocolates, piddling statue, useless in two wars, Belgian buns, Claude Junckers, child torture and murder rings – that’s about it.
Belgium also: rains all the time.
But on the plus side they have got Hercule Poirot ……
Agatha Christie wrote that she never liked Poirot.
I’ll never forget traipsing round Brussels trying to find that ‘Mannikin Pis’. Eventually I found this little insignificant puppet thing wearing the EU flag and pissing up a wall – it kind of summed up the EU for me!
Belgium did produce Tintin and Georges Simenon though, so it’s not all bad.
Who put “defenSe” in the picture caption?
Oh dear BBC.
Coming 8pm R4 Ted Malloch
In the second part of The Briefing Room’s two-part series on Trump’s economy, David Aaronovitch explores what the President’s trade policies might mean in practice.
Other Guests Arthur Laffer, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Professor and Monique Ebell (Brexit Doomster)
Ref up2 stuff yesterday evening on bBBC still moaning about Brexit.
Quote ….(the BBC.like to…)..,paint the great majority who voted to leave as grumpy, old, disadvantaged, unemployed or under-employed, non-metropolitan white racists.
Here’s some cheer in the Telegraph today
Quote ” if you even contemplate voting for Brexit, you must be either ignorant, uneducated, stupid, or racist. My response was I’m none of these, and I resent being described in thise terms…”
The words of ‘stupid, ignorant, racist, uneducated’…..errrr……Mervyn King, ex Governor of the Bank of England !!!!!!!
Seems the so-called, “refugees” are getting on with their mission even before the taxi service arrives. More to fill the Trojan Horse.
A song for Syria: Why soul star Jodie Abacus is singing about refugees
“Pop is getting a long overdue dose of politics.”
Yawn! Never heard of him!
Usual BBC stuff where they interview anyone who supports their narrow minded view (like Tim Farron daily) and in the case of Lady Gaga they see a protest against Trump when there isn’t one at all.
I’m tempted to call the BBC News desk saying I’ve written an anti-brexit song just to see if they will interview me.
Jodie Abacus? I suppose they can always count on him ……
I’ll get me coat.
The only ‘long overdue dose of politics’ that pop needs is a right wing one. How about an angry protest song about Brussels doing over the Greeks? But we’re not likely to hear that on the BBC very soon, are we?
A song for Syria ? are they in the Eurovision Song Contest ?
How about this for a song for Eurovision? From the whole of Europe.
I don’t know if anyone caught the second part of Michael Scott’s programme on Sicily. The last 10/15 minutes of the programme was devoted to those wonderful people rescuing the migrants streaming in across the Mediterranean. Michael inteviewed 2 members of the Italian navy who pronounced themselves proud and moved to be helping/rescuing these (hundreds of thousands of) immigrants. There was no suggestion that maybe the Italian navy should return the immigrants to the shore of North Africa where they’d embarked. Michael harped on the legal duty to rescue people in distress on the sea: he failed to comment that there is no similar duty to help them to land in the place to which they’re travelling. The moral (and legal?) duty is solely to save lives in immediate danger not to enable illegal immigration.
Also, in the same overtly propagandist section of the programme, the Mayor of Palermo claimed (in unvoiced contrast to those racists in the UK) that not one anti-immigrant incident – spoken or physical – had occurred in that paradise of tolerance which is Sicily. He added that, in order to reassure us non-Sicilian racists who consider that illegal immigration from Africa/Middle East might not be 100% beneficial for the indigenous populations of Europe, all that’s required is for the politicians to pronounce that it’s all wonderful. Mind you – fair do’s – Michael reduced the mayor to incoherence when Michael noted that none of the immigrants actually stay in Sicily but swiftly move north – to the Italian mainland and thence to the UK and elsewhere. I must say that the world has really turned and/or the BBC is at the end of its collective tether, when a politician from Sicily – representative of a country and profession notorious for corruption, crookery and thuggish violence – is brought on to give us a lecture on how to be tolerant and generous.
You see, according to Michael (and this was the argument made persistently in both parts of the mini-series), the tide of 21st century immigration is analogous to the waves of conquerers of Sicily: Romans, Phoenicians, (10/11th century) Arabs, Normans, Spaniards and the Italians lead by Garibaldi in the 19th century). He – and the BBC – don’t realise what he/it has admitted: that today’s migrants come not as seekers of integration and a quiet life but as conquerers.
I’m waiting for some of those Muslims who use Sicily as a transit camp to get into mainland Italy,to decide to lob a few bombs from St Peter’s piazza in the general direction of the Pope’s balcony. As Italy gradually becomes more Muslim, I see the RoPers increasingly turning on the Catholic church. They will achieve what the Arabs and the Turks attempted but never achieved – occupy and destroy the heart of European Christian civilisation.
I’ve long suspected the coastal towns of Italy, and particularly Sicily, are actively encouraging migrants to land there because there is some sort of (probably mafia-influenced) organised racket to ship them out to other parts of the country and the rest of the EU.
I’ve noticed that apart from the BBC/Sky TV etc having a disproportionate number of female/Scottish/black/brown number of ‘so called’ presenters.
Likewise, adverts now have such a high number of blacks/browns – it’s almost a game of ‘spot the white person’. A visitor from another planet would form the opinion that Brits are black/brown with a few ‘whites’ thrown in which must be some form of genetic disorder.
We are being ‘edited out’ (or in at Blackburn hospital – I wonder why?) of our own country which represents a far more sinister agenda.
Yes, we notice that too. Maybe the broadcasters and advertisers don’t wish to address us white folks – that’s fine ‘cus we ain’t listening.
Don’t forget, mixed marriages (or relationships black & brown/white) which appear now so often. Are they trying to tell us something akin to, ‘get with the programme’?
They also keep the camera on them longer if you time it’s about 5-10 secs.We turn the volume down and count how many WPH that’s (whites per hour)
I noticed that the jury in Apple Tree Yard the other night were about 80% non white. The barristers were either female or black.
btw Where’s Pounce ?
I thought I would give ATY a chance the other day, but the PC casting was so in your face and denied the program an authentic feel that I gave up.
I’m starting to wonder whether the editors/producers/directors/cameramen/casting directors/productions companies/scriptwriters/sound engineers/ etc are all non-white, – a case of getting their own back, because at times we could be living in Africa or the Caribbean by the programmes we’re watching.
“Grooming Gang Deportation Bid Rejected”.
This is the headline on the bbc.con landing page.
Deliberate ambuguity? Has the bid to deport them been rejected? because that’s what the headline conveys to me. In fact an appeal to stop the deportation has been rejected. Am I suffering from RBS – repetitive bias syndrome and find fault with everything the bbc reports? Why can’t they make it clear? Oh I know why, they are still muslims.
Not immediate BBC bias but I was reminded of how they tried to stir up trouble over Nigel Farrage’s perfectly sensible comments about hearing English spoken in.. , well, England.
Yesterday on two different occasions I passed mothers with pre-school girls in tow, both little ones turned and said, “Hiya!”. A lot nicer than screams of “A man! A man!” that the BBC encourages. I must have been on a roll because a brief interaction with a woman parking her shopping trolley finished with her adding “my love” to her reply. Very non-BBC. But a lot nicer and isn’t that what Nigel Farrage was alluding to?
“A common language and a common way of living unite our varied people”
Two and a half hours after the accident at the nuclear facility in North West France and you would never know its happened on the BBC. Russian RT has been all over the story for the past hour, just what do I pay my licence fee for once again?
Modern slavery. Madonna posts Instagram pictures of adopted Malawi twins
In days gone by, real benefactors built and funded whole orphanages. They didn’t just buy a couple of ‘pet’ kids for their staff to care for.
A friend supportive of this website has advised me of an opportunity too good to miss.
I’m sure readers have nothing to do at the end of March.
So why not go to the BBC Arabic Festival 2017!!!
Go on. You know you want to.
What better way to spend our licence fee?
£145 would fund our sons school trips with some left to go in the school fund but hey, I so prefer a compulsory fee for stuff I don’t consume.
10 charts that show why the NHS is in trouble
Except that the bBBC’s charts are nearly all about wanting more of our money, with none showing, for instance:
the number of patients who need extra care because they can’t speak English;
or the number of drunks who fill A&E each weekend;
or the number of students and others who don’t register with a GP snd use A&E instead;
or the number of foreigners who use our free InterNational Health Service;
or the number of lawyers who encourage claims for damages because something goes wrong;
or the number of lifestyle treatments like cosmetic surgery or fertility treatment;
You’re talking about the, gigantic hippopotamus in the room that remains and doesn’t go absent with a migraine.
Sir, A,
Not forgetting FGM for which the NHS is happily setting up clinics for all over the UK.
Radio 5 dead this morning coming up to ‘fake news at eleven’ a bit on Carswell knocking Farage, but surely they meant to talk about Diane Abbotopotomus telling David Davis to ‘f**k off’ last night!
Then a bit on their beloved NHS (which is of course fake, as they use it only as a battering ram to the tories). They stated.. and I quote, ‘leaked documents allege’.. and I will leave out the various things the ‘leaked documents’ allege, but the words ‘allege’ and ‘suggest’ were used often, needless to say we had no inkling of where the documents came from, possibly maxicone above!. Can anyone tell me how a leaked document can ‘suggest’ something.. rhetorical question by the way.
They then had a bit on the governments ‘battering’ ( my word!) of remainers last night, but rather than interviewing a victor they interviewed a loser allowing him time to tell us how brexit was going to destroy the economy. I switched of then as I realized that if I put some wet paint on a wall and watched it dry my day could be quite exciting in comparison.
Muslims, coming to the West, must think they’ve died and gone to heaven – they even get the virgins, after some drugs and a little grooming.
Well, both BBC and Sky are in overdrive today about the NHS.
I felt dismayed and outraged when I watched the Sky reporter approach an old lady in her hospital bed in Milton Keynes(she looked in her 80s with mobility problems), and asked her outright…
“how do you feel about being in a bed that another person is waiting for ?”.
The poor lady could hardly reply anything else but “guilty” faced with a camera and microphone under her nose; – dear God what have we come to when the media are allowed to bamboozle the elderly into feeling sodding guilty through no fault of their own ? She looked like someone’s Grandma, and I would have punched the reporter had he asked an elderly relative of mine those probing questions.
The elderly are in the hands of others – they are not where they are by choice. EVERYONE should remember that ‘this will be us one day’ – an idea that doesn’t seem to sink in to those under 60. It is worth thinking though that a 20 year period goes by very quickly, so when you’re 60 and think back 20 years you were 40 – that same time span and you’re 80 in no time !!!!!
“how do you feel about being in a bed that another person is waiting for ?”
This sort of attitude makes me angry. Although it is rarely expressed so crassly it is exactly the attitude held by the BBC.
This is an example of the disgusting depths to which our journalists have descended. They ignore or they deliberately forget first principles. That elderly lady will have either paid a lifetime of National Insurance contributions herself or her husband and children will have done so. Her father or uncles may well have served in WW2 – all with the promise of a NATIONAL Health Service paid for via an unwritten contract between the community and the government. The NHS was never sold to us as a way to tackle Ebola or other WORLD issues. It was not sold to us an INTERNATIONAL Health Service giving free health care to all comers as some Human Right. These things – if they are to be done – should be done with charitable donations given by the public by choice.
I worked in the NHS for around thirty five years. I’m appalled at what they’ve done to it. I used to get such a buzz just walking the corridors and feeling part of such a wonderful organization. It has been so used as a political football, being kicked this way, then that way it’s had the life kicked out of it. Nowadays promoting genderism is just as important as saving lives.
There are still plenty of good, caring people in the NHS but these days they work under the cosh of double dyed, useless fuckers – very much akin to our beloved BBC types.
I caught the sky advert for their NHS program.
How on earth can anyone take them serious if they don’t even mention the herd of elephants in the wards.
They gave out results of surveys asking about NHS performance, not one hint of the huge increase in population since Blair.
I wish someone, anyone, would provide an honest list of how the money is spent. For instance, how much do non uk births cost, how much do exotic diseases (non uk, at least for now) like TB cost, how much does the language services cost, spoken and printed, the questions that we would like answered and not questions like is the NHS better now than last year or is it worse.
Facts are needed, not asking people, some who may have had a good (or bad) experience with the NHS recently, and anyway, these results will be manipulated as are all of these results to suit the media purpose, currently the government cutbacks and old people not dying quick enough.
Oh for an honest news channel.
The old lady should have replied ‘That depends, dear. Has the other party paid their stamp, or have they just got off the plane from Addis Abbaba?’ Then they could have given her a bed in prison for ‘hate crime’. Problem solved!
When I saw that incident this morning, it was going out ‘live’ from Milton Keynes hospital. I’ve noticed in further repeats throughout the day, that that particular line of questioning to Georgina – the lady in question, has not been shown. Clearly someone in production had a conscience.
Rochdale sex grooming gang deportation appeal fails
Usual BBC pro-Islam stuff. These men are only ‘Muslims’ when the BBC report something negative about being a Muslim i.e.
“conspiracy to “scapegoat” Muslims.”
“It’s become fashionable to blame everything on Muslims these days.”
At no time does the BBC use a phrase “Muslim sex gang”. I would love to hear what Tim Farron has to say about this.
You don’t seem to understand. “Mainly Muslim” applies only to stuff President Trump wants to do.
And again the bBBC website has hidden this away under local news, so that they can say they have covered it, but with as few people as possible knowing about the Muslim rape gangs.
Quite, this is standard Beeb policy now. Fresh news today but impossible for any casual user to the website to find. I had to type “rochdale” into the search feature to find it!
More tales of nonsense or, call it, Fake News. This time, Amnesty International-
Apologies if this has already been covered…..(h/t to ‘Is the BBC Biased’ but also reported in newspapers yesterday)
Today’s media is “the greatest educational resource the world has ever seen” and he wants the BBC to become a “trusted guide” through this abundance of “information and misinformation…..
That would be this James Purnell, would it, not averse to a little fake newsery himself:
and our trusted friend Purnell continues ….It won’t be the Auntie that dispensed culture from on high. It will be much more of a thoughtful friend. Prodding us to keep our resolutions, helping us ask and find answers.
I’d guess Lord Clark’s original ‘Civilisation’ might contain a few too many inconvenient truths for today’s BBC, so crank up the Memory Hole….
We love you big brother!
Sinister or what.
“Prodding” sounds remarkably akin to Common Purpose’ favoured “nudge” approach to government.
A mandatory “thoughtful guide” travelling at my expense? No thank you JP, I’d rather choose my own guide or travel solo.
As usual
GreenNews=SubsidyGetter PR
“BBC Scotland business
Wind energy to be created using lamp-posts”
No KWh power output is mentioned cos it will be rubbish.
There is a reason why magic solutions not already being done.
I wonder if they would short-circuit when dogs start peeing up them?
Lovestruck, fallen for a lamp-post…
There may be more power output than you think. After all the power input from Sturgeon and Salmond will alone be equivalent to a nuclear power station. Add in the other SNP members and the worlds energy shortage may be solved.
Quick! A new HYS has just opened.
NHS Health Check: A&E waits for January ‘worst ever’
Quick is the operative word.
A few are already noticing what BBC editorial integrity is playing up and what it is quietly avoiding.
I just spotted this corker on there.
143. Posted by Denier_Buster on Just now
Honestly it makes you bloody weep.
Buster has named himself well.
Give me a while to process Buster’s profound and innovative plan.
Ah yes, I get it and appreciate that this is the Leftist intelligencer at its very best.
Two fantastic news items reported this lunchtime by the BBC through gritted teeth. 4 members if tbe Rochdale Pakistani grooming gang/ rapists have lost their second appeal and will be deported. How many more such rapists could be sent back to Pakistan? I’d love to know .
Also, the lunatic Dubbs scheme that could have allowed 3000 30 year old child refugees dumped on our local authorities will be scrapped . No more elderly children with blankets on their heads will be seen in Croydon.Rowan Williams will have to find something else to do instead of welcoming them .
Let the church and Dubbs support them TOTALLY. Not to mention bunk beds in Canterbury Cathedral.
Norman Smith emoting in his usual, if high pitched, mode on the dastardly Tory cancellation of the ‘immigrant children’ facility, thereby denying a basic humanitarian service to dispossessed, needy and defenceless children.
Except, of course, he overlooked mentioning that the reason for cut is that most of the children are proving to be 5ft 9in with beards – applicable to both sexes (transgender etc does not apply).
That’s tough on the genuine kids, no doubt, but if the RoP were not so shameless in abusing our naivety, the problem would not exist.
Bad luck Norm, have to find some other artificial axe to grind – bet it won’t take him long.
Norman Smith needs a hobby!
‘Norman Smith needs a hobby’ Swimming with dolphins possibly, or perhaps crocodiles?
If you cannot get passed the paywall then all you need to know is …
Some members of House of Lords are paid substantial EU pensions.
Matt Ridley points out “In 2007, a Lords subcommittee said that because their contracts oblige them to support the EU, an EC pensioner who made ‘intemperate criticism of the commission’ would have contravened their obligations under the Treaty of Rome ‘and therefore could in theory damage his pension’.”
However the sub committee who looked into this conflict of interests decided that the members of the House of Lords would be too noble to act/speak in the interests of their own pockets.
So, as an added thought, surely anyone coming on to the BBC to extoll the virtues of that festering, unelected, corrupt, stagnant and incompetent mess called the EU, should offer up how much money they have made and could lose from us leaving the EU.
We are told that the BBC Today programme has increased its listeners by 400,000 from 7 million on a daily basis since last year. How? For the life of me, I cannot see an announcement such as this from one of the best at broadcasting misinformation (not to mention polls that go horribly wrong and are completely inaccurate!) being taken seriously.
More ‘Fake News’?
Never sure how those figures works.
It is right that Radio Joint Audience Research (Rajar) put the Today weekly audience in excess of 7 million, but what does that mean? Does it imply that 7 million different people listen, or is it the same people tuning in every day? Have the methods of measuring the audience changed? The internet audience will surely grow. It probably includes people dipping in and out of the program which lasts 3 hours.
Also, who has the boxes for measuring these programs? I don’t know a single person who has one. If the ad for them appeared in the Guardian, where BBC jobs are advertised, then that would skew the audience figures in Today’s favour.
I’ve often wondered how a radio news channel of the centre, or even of the right would fare, as an alternative to the soft left output of Radio 4.
Agreed, without knowing how, statistically, they work out the claimed increase, how could anyone trust the figures (or even, indeed, the base figure of 7 million)?
Are there BBC widgets in every radio and TV then – transmitting info to the BBC statistics department ?
Precisely, Gax.
Check the 5Live numbers. Bet they’ve gone down. ‘Wake Up To Despite Brexit’ is a painful experience.
I found LBC on my digital radio my drive to work is much more pleasant.
And there’s less advertising on LBC.
BBC R4 Woman’s Hour this morning.
“Last week we heard from American muslim women about the impact of some of the statements made by President Trump”.
This week it’s the lesbians’ turn. Presenter Jenny Murray launches the piece by admitting that: “He’s never said anything specifically to worry the LGBT community”.
Not that that stops a number of them getting their knickers in a twist in the interview that follows. It is far funnier than anything intentionally comedic that I have heard on BBC radio recently, and well worth a listen from 18:05 at:
I suppose, “Make America Great” could be offensive to anyone who hates America – freedom of speech, patriotism and all that.
But face it, Trump has all his time taken up with other stuff. Being a racist and mysoganist is a full time job!
“…knickers in a twist…”
I’m no expert but isn’t that sort of the definition of the LGBT community?
You have to admire the way that despite their bleating these worry worts dodge the fact that Trump is undoubtedly the most pro-LGBT President ever.
They do let slip thatthe sainted Obama ran as a candidate against pantomime marriage.
And as for the do you feel “safe” fretting, I’m reminded of that scene from the movie Marathon Man.. ‘is it safe…?’
Thanks to Tom_Kenny for posting the link to Woman’s Hour.
The women on it from northern California were unbelievably stupid and intellectually incoherent.
If they think Trump is bad, they should go and live in an Islamic state. The lazy references to the Nazi Holocaust demeaned that episode and were nonsensical: if they want to see a Holocaust of gays, Jews, Christians, kuffar, ‘brazen’ women et al, then they should go on arguing for letting all and sundry Muslims into the USA. The talk of asking a Holocaust survivor about ‘when it was the time to go’ and fleeing to Canada (one of them had dual citizenship) was even more stupid: what on earth do they imagine that country will be like with Islamophile playboy Justin Trudeau in charge, when it has already had religious tensions and even Jihad attacks?
I noticed a total lack of any critical questioning whatsoever from the BBC woman. At the end there was the promise of an interview with Trump-supporting women at some point in the future; I wonder if they will get such an easy ride?
The best thing about this site is that I don’t have to put my health in danger by actually imbibing any BBC drivel whatsoever – I just sit back and read the comments from those brave souls who choose to.
I haven’t had a TV Licence for 3 years, have had two visits from TVL (culminating in silence from me, and some remonstration from them as the door was closed in their faces), and a monthly letter promising doom.
I work amongst sheep who actually believe that the BBC tells the truth, and spend lots of the day swallowing what the website says hook, line and sinker.
I put them right on brexit, Trump and that little sh*t Bercow when I can, but am fighting a losing battle so far.
Thank you all for your sterling efforts on my behalf – you are doing your bit to prevent more bed-blocking in the NHS.
From little acorns ….
It is pleasing to note the DM lays into James Purnell today. Charles Moore in the DT is no fan. More and more mentions in the press and on websites are negative towards the BBC. If the left can use the “If you say it often enough people believe it’s true” then it seems to be building nicely for the BBC where they are becoming the story more and more often.
Keep chipping away! I do with family, friends and anyone who will listen.
Rather than stating “The BBC were biased in favour of Hillary” , perhaps ask “Who did you think the BBC wanted to win?” “Do you think the BBC like Nigel Farage / UKIP?” etc.
Welcome Dover68.
The similarities between the Matrix film and our realisation of what the so-called BBC truly are, is staggering! I have no doubt we all felt something wasn’t quite right with what we were being told across all the so-called BBC’s platforms, realised that they portrayed a world that looked nothing like he world we knew, and found this magnificent website!
Once you take that red pill from Morpheus, things deteriorate pretty quickly as the reality of what institutions like ISILB are relentlessly doing to its own people, every day, becomes clear! Things are never the same once you re-condition yourself to reality, and I am so glad I found this website, as apathy and denial are what’s allowing the enemies of our people win.
Keep up the debates and discussions with as many people as you can. The reason why cult leftlam is so intolerant and violant is because their entire debate is based on emotion and not fact, which is why people like Milo are only taken on with violence and not debate. Once we sow the seeds of truth in a person’s mind, another opinion to the world they see, an answer to their genuine fears that are constantly ignored, once a doubt is there, the bigotry and hatred of the British hating militants at the Islamic Al Been will do the rest
Suprise Suprise Lineker is a hypocrite
But he is a footballer. They’re not noted for their intelligence.
Yes, loved the article. The Mail is derided by many, but they pull no punches on occasions. They’ve had a field day this week, what with Beckham, Bercow and Lineker ! Its been great reading !
After the passage of the Article 50 bill through the House of Commons is it time to be thinking of changing our view of arch democrat Gina Miller.
If it passes though Parliament unamended, which looks increasingly likely, a large prop under the remoaners “legitimacy” case will have been kicked away, hence a potentially great own goal to celebrate.
Where’s Grant today ? having a day off, or lying down in a darkened room somewhere.
The following is a personal note prompted by the Saatchi offensive against Breitbart and free speech by our “government” and the Wikipedia decision about the Daily Mail. I hope it may be useful to somebody.
I read Wikipedia, frequently.
English Wikipedia, that is. I know nothing about editions in other languages, though I suspect the remarks that follow about English Wikipedia also apply to them.
I edit Wikipedia, occasionally (fewer than one edit per month).
I think Wikipedia is an astoundingly successful creation.
It has one major fault, its creators gave birth to Siamese Twins.
Anyone who knows little or nothing about English Wikipedia may be forgiven for not knowing about this congenital birth defect. They may not know that Wikipedia consists of two parts.
I shall describe them as normal and abnormal Wikipedia.
Normal Wikipedia (NW), which is most of the entries, is, as its name suggests, normal. It does what it says on the tin. It provides facts, generally reliable facts. Together with reliable suggestions where further factual information may be found.
NW is edited by normal people, or at least they behave normally when in NW mode. These NW editors give of their time, unpaid and do their best to perform a first class job. If the entries they produce contain errors, these errors are due to normal weaknesses, and not due to ill intentions. These editors are frequently aware of inadequacies, incompleteness and other imperfections in the NW, as notes in tens of thousands of NW articles testify.
I thank these editors.
Attached to NW, gaining an undeserved reputation from its success, living on the nutrients provided by NW to the bloodstream of Wikipedia, is its parasitic evil twin, abnormal Wikipedia (AW).
AW consists mostly of historical and political articles.
What is abnormal about AW is it is based on ill intentions. Its editors are not interested in the truth or in facts. Their task is that of the early rhetoricians, and their methods are eristic. Their goal is to persuade the reader, ideally to convert the reader to their political viewpoint. If the reader learns some real facts during this process this is a bonus.
These AW editors never publicise their goals or biases, actually they will argue until universal heat death occurs that they are neutral (together with other spurious claims, just like those made by Islamic AlBeeb). All lack of neutrality
is ascribed to their enemies (who are other AW editors with a differing viewpoint).
The biases of AW are in the articles, if the reader has sufficient knowledge, but they are more difficult to discover, since the point of AW is to hide the bias, than they are in background Wikipedia administration activities, particularly the “talk” pages.
Talk pages are where the editors of AW disagree unendingly about article content. The current content of an AW article depends on how many, how industious, how vocal, how well organised the editors are. The AW editor organisation exists to defeat their opponents and keep certain material out of the articles.
The majority of organised AW editors are lefties, active lefties, with some resources behind them not available to a “normal” Wikipedia editor. This is reflected in AW articles, nearly all of them are biased towards the left, often far to the left.
This bias will be denied on a mound of Bibles larger that the Great Pyramid, but the deniers are lying.
Haven’t you just described the BBC ?
#2 The Climategate article begins with with loaded and insulting language “the denialists”
Only to be expected when information is so freely available out there.
Nothing has really changed – you still have to dig a deep well to find the sweet water.
‘White Helmets’ Director Says Subjects Can’t Oscars Because of Trumps travel Ban
Daft idea anyway to fly people from a warzone to Hollywood and then back
It’s not so much Trump as Assad would block it anyway.
Stewgreen, I think we should compile a list of least-deserving Brexit/Trump ‘travel ban’ sympathy cases. So far recently we’ve had Oscar winners, and understudies for opera performances. I read today that the RIBA is claiming that there would be a shortage of architects if we leave the EU. This is nonsense as there are thousands of British architects and related professionals looking for work.
I bought some cheap shoes a few years ago and within a month the soles were coming away. I have approached all the mainstream media outlets but no one seems care – they’re just all too busy. Goodness know why?
I’ll try again but mention Trump and Brexit.
Say that the shoe problem was caused by global warming and you’ll be granted an interview tomorrow..
White Helmets banned. What would Jo say?
The white helmets would be right at home with the out of touch Hollywood elite
Title of a bBBC News web site article…”How do fake news sites make money?”.
There is a compulsory license tax.
That deserves a Basil Brush, “Boom boom!”
Nice one, Melky 😀
Well, there is the hashtag industry:
‘hashtags don’t make things social. Engaging content and experiences that make people want to share, make things social.’
Then there’s framing the narrative:
Something the BBC would never do. Allegedly.
Of course, the BBC may need to fact check it. Then fact check its fact checkers.
Oh, and…
There’s always the unique variety that cuts out the advertiser part.
R4Today listening figs
“Weekly reach
Number of individuals listening to a station for at least 5 consecutive minutes in an average week”
So 7.4m isn’t impressive for something that’s on 17hours/week over 6 days
I wonder if listening to 1x excerpt online counts as 1 weekly listener ?
“NHS Health Check: A&E waits for January ‘worst ever”
Record numbers of patients spent more than four hours in accident and emergency units in England in January, figures leaked to the BBC suggest.
No mention of the elephant in the room. There is a HYS running on this, Highest Rated so far ……….
“And yet we still send over £12 billion in foreign aid.
Which currently has 439 cases of fraud underway “
For those of us who are new to this site…what is a HYS please?
A BBC news topic which allows ordinary folks to comment on it – a Have Your Say, hence HYS.
P.S. Welcome.
I’ve been on here a while, and still trying to work out what MSM means – tried Googling to no avail, please someone, tell me !
Er, mainstream media? Keep up Brissles!
Duh ! wish I was clever, like some !
It could be worse , you could be like Maxi.
For Dystopian and Brissles and any other ‘oldies’ or ‘about to be oldies’ or ‘sooner to be oldies than you ever think or imagine’ or ‘soon to be old because life moves ever faster’,(Snuffy fits in at least ONE of those categories) then the web-site Acronym Finder is very helpful.
PS. I worked out HYS when it first started appearing, but if it is any comfort to you both, I had to look up MSM.
It can and usually means Horror! Yank Soonest, as comments go very off piste from the outset.
I always go off pissed after seeing anything on bBeeb…
The MSM dog has got a new bone – and it’s called the NHS
I know it’s off topic (Sky News) as such but wouldn’t it have been nice to hear that woman in A&E tell Fisal Islam that you are a lovely young man but I do wish you would stick to reporting facts and stop trying to be a political party. Presenting a poll that favours a 1% rise in income tax to add more funds to the inefficient dinosaur that is the NHS is a political gesture and is not what media outlets should be about.
Stop Press – Andy Burnham was interviewed. Please ignore.
Probably some “oh dear you’re gonna pay for health care now look at the lies they put on that bus let’s blame old people and Brexit” agenda.
No mention of the fact that it’s supply and demand due to more people in the country due to immigration!
I have a solution.
Seeing as the BBC are so bothered about the NHS.
I for one would be happy to see the BBC closed down instead of the NHS and for all of their funding to be diverted to the NHS.
Sorry – that was my suggestion some weeks ago but a good one for sure and desperate times call for desperate measures – the BBC keep telling us just how DESPERATE the NHS is.
It’s all to do with the money the UK will save when we get out of the failed EU.
All they’re doing (apart from pissing off working staff an awful lot), is staking a claim for all the more money staying in the UK, whether it’s the NHS or any other over-managed state employer.
Licence tax to be included in the rush for more cash of course. They’ll argue for more local council spending, more houses by HAs, more money for every Tom, Dick, Harriet and Mohammed, and everyone who knows me…
I heard the poll story too
1 the so called bbc,s so called majority being 40%
2 just out of interest isnt 40% the number of people who dont pay tax?
3 1% this year what about next year or the year after?
According to wikipedia NI has risen from 5.5% to 12% since 1975
never mind the employers portion at 13.8% which i assume has followed the same trend
we all know this NHS stealth tax would do exactly the same, what really pisses me off is all the NHS workers who would support the government sticking there hand further in my pocket, but cant be arsed collecting fees from foreign nationals.
and no doubt some virtue signalling tax avoider will be wheeled out to agree with them later.
Simple solution: reform public sector pensions into line with the private sector that pays for them.
But only if you believe yet more money is the answer.
President Trumps National Security Adviser talks a lot of sense. Pity there’s no one in the UK stepping forward to do likewise. I note the terminology significantly shifting toward, “….the Global War Against Radical Islam…”. At least the American leadership now recognises a war is looming which the European elite (and UK) seem oblivious to.
They still keep referring to “radical Islam” as if there are different kinds. It is all one religion and people need to wake up and realise that jihad is an obligation upon ALL Muslims. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim and any part of the Qur’an requiring peace and tolerance are cancelled out by “abrogation”.
The only way to eradicate “radical Islam” is to eradicate Islam period!
Taken from meforum.org:
“Suyuti said that everything in the Qur’an about forgiveness and peace is abrogated by verse 9:5, which orders Muslims to fight the unbelievers and to establish God’s kingdom on earth.”
Sure thing – Islam in its entirety is ‘radical’ as you say.
Maybe the bbc will give us a documentary explaining how Islam, in all it’s forms, is totally irreconcilable with Western culture and Judeo Christian beliefs. It is especially unforgiving of ALL liberal/lefty causes.
There are moderate Muslims, men and women, who are in effect apostates, but they’re too scared to leave the ‘religion’ in case they get knifed, or worse, by their relatives.
Tuned into R4 #bbcInsideScience with
@GarethM but item1&2 were Eco-begging
item #1 Anthropocene guy wasn’t interested in Geology at all but rather Climate Alarmism
item #2 Lord Martin Rees Climate Alarmist preaching doom
IMPARTIAL BBC Presenter @GarethM previously tweeted sneering offence
“Climate change deniers rendered irrelevant by intl community &weight of scientific evidence. Only the start but at least it’s a start #COP21
9:55 PM · Dec 12, 2015”
“Four members of a child sex grooming gang have lost a legal battle to maintain British citizenship.”
“Despite the ruling, the legal battle to deport the men could drag on for some time as there are further steps the Home Office must complete.”
Are we too soft?
taffman, I bet President Trump isn’t too soft when it comes to deporting criminals from other nations!
Yes taf, we, or rather our representatives and authorities are as soft as shit and smell just like it.
But heck, they do bring in the full force of the law to act when an old white woman steps on the cracks in the pavement.
Dont feel to bad for allah’s messengers their 12 wives and 37 children will still be here sending benefits home to support them till they can sneak back in on a lorry.
Or have a shave and come back as children if Yvette Cooper has her way.
Incidentally R4 was discussing the demise of the “kinder transport” today with full violins and the “how could you” accusations of our cold hearted government. Had to listen to Cooper and Dubbs normal wide eyed over sentimental arguments. But surprise surprise not one of them mentioned that perhaps they may have lost a lot of our sympathy because a large proportion of these vulnerable children clearly were not.
Who needs rational arguments when you can play on peoples emotions. However dont get upset when people wise up and tell you to piss off.
Yes we are, why have they had two appeals already? And any others involved in this childrape should be looking at deportation too, soon as possible.
We are not alone…
You know those moments when you’re watching BBC news and your mind wanders to other things so you’re only half listening, then you hear something and you think ‘What? What did he just say?’
Had one of those moments at the gym today during the lunchtime news. It was just one in an endless series of dissections of Trump’s day-to-day actions (and no, I don’t remember O’ Bama being subjected to this level of scrutiny either) – which is probably why I started to lose interest – and it was to do with Trump and Erdogan (are they due to meet or something?). All of a sudden the reporter had slipped in the comparability of their attitude to ‘freedom of the press’ – though he semi-qualified it by saying Erdogan was actually jailing journalists, or words to that effect – then moved swiftly on.
Damage done. Trump is restricting press freedom and he’s nearly as bad as Erdogan because the BBC said so – at least if you still trust the BBC to be truthful. That is what will stick in your mind, regardless of how it was qualified.
I needed to hear it again just to be sure my mind wasn’t playing tricks but I am unable to find the BBC1 lunchtime news on iPlayer. If anyone out there can do so it’s around 15 – 20 minutes in.
I once had a moment at the gym, but luckily, the bBeeb weren’t involved at all… I can easily lend you my Ipod and you can hear some of the best music ever recorded!
Totally agree with you about freedom of the press! When bBeeb starts wailing on, it’s so easy to just switch off and grab a glass of something then read a good book!
The BBC wondering how fake news sites make money…..erm….licence fee? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38919403
At last – practical common sense on climate change.
Rex Tillerson – USA Secretary of State –
Excellent Mr Jones! Common sense at last!
Thank you for the link!