Funny old world as the BBC twists and turns and contorts itself in a desperate attempt to maintain its grip on the news agenda.
Fake news is big news these days and the BBC is at the forefront of peddling it whilst at the same time presenting itself as the defender of truth and accuracy…as James Purnell so helpfully informs us…
When there is so much information and misinformation, the BBC can be a trusted guide through that abundance.
That’ll be right.
You may have noticed recently a curious tic the BBC has…when the accusation of fake news is directed at itself or one of its friends it laughs the idea of fake news off as a fanciful invention of Trump…there is no such thing as fake news. However when it suits the BBC Trump is the creator fake news and the father of the post truth age. Last week we had Nick Robinson tell us that it wasn’t Putin who was spreading lies and and misinformation creating a post truth era it was Trump….a pretty astonishing statement from a puffed up, preening presenter about the President of the USA. Later Robinson interviewed two experts on cyber security and information wars…they told us that there was ‘nothing fundamentally different happening now to what happened previously.’ In other words truth was always a commodity that could be bought and sold….ie we are not in a post truth era at all…the BBC is lying to us…as usual.
Such a revelation did not stop the trailer for Any Questions stating that we are in such a post truth, post fact, alternate fact era. Isn’t it great that the supposedly impartial, accurate and trustworthy BBC is such a dishonest and corrupt peddler of misinformation?
The BBC has teemed up with Buzzfeed as you know…which is remarkable as Buzzfeed is possibly worse than the hated Mail being a click-bait site in essence. The BBC held its nose in the search for the ‘youth’ audience and to have a useful idiot it could use to do the dirty work the BBC couldn’t be seen to be doing…such as the publishing of the fake and very dodgy dossier on Trump created by an anti-Trump snooper.
The so-called dossier was patently suspect as even Buzzfeed admitted..and now Buzzfeed is being sued for falsely naming someone in relation to the dossier...
A Russian-tied tech firm named in a controversial dossier containing uncorroborated allegations about President Donald Trump and the hacking of Democratic National Committee email accounts announced late Friday that it has filed defamation suits against the online news site BuzzFeed, its editor in chief and a former British intelligence agent.
The lawsuits were brought by XBT Holdings, a Cyprus-based company owned by Russian tech magnate Aleksej Gubarev. Lawyers for his firm filed complaints Friday in London against the former spy and his company, and against BuzzFeed and its editor in chief, Ben Smith, in Broward County Circuit Court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where XBT’s subsidiary Webzilla is headquartered.
“The dossier included libelous, unverified and untrue allegations regarding XBT, Webzilla and Gubarev. The lawsuits seek yet undetermined compensation for the damages suffered by XBT, Webzilla and Gubarev as the result of the publication of the dossier,” a statement said.
Buzzfeed ironically, or sinisterly, was the frontman chosen by the BBC to create the narrative about fake news….the BBC wanting a bit of distance between itself and the data creation in case people started asking questions and pointing out that the BBC itself is one of the biggest generators of fake news and so might have a dog in this fight.
The notion of a post truth era is highly political and intended by the BBC to cast doubt on its opponents in the media, on the internet and in politics, with the aim of discrediting and silencing them. The BBC’s ‘post-truth era’ is the biggest lie itself…a lie worthy of any Orwellian dystopian regime…one Stalin or Hitler would have been proud to take ownership of.
The BBC is extremely sinister as it manipulates the news and tries to influence politics and direct the social and cultural undercurrents towards the liberal conspiracy’s agenda.
The BBC is the real enemy of the people, the real danger to democracy and the instigator and inciter of racism and division in Britain as it sets races, nations and religions against one another.
Trusted guide?
The BBC, views their own; may contain nuts.
#DespiteBrexit #expertssay
Good for Katie Hopkins! The sly BBC bias here depends on the word ‘after’.
I am still alive after Brexit. Thus, when I die, it too will be after Brexit, but not necessarily because of it. Remember the logical fallacy:
This can be corrected with:
The ‘leftie intern’ needs some more education in critical thinking. In fact the same goes for many BBC staff who seem unable to think.
Long ago, when I was a student, I read a review of the new Larousse encyclopaedia. One of the points the reviewer made was the difference in the way Winston Churchill was defined, as opposed to how de Gaulle was. Although French was way outside my subject area, I made a detour to the new Larousse encyclopaedia and there was the proof: de Gaulle was “homme d’etat” (statesman), while Churchill was nothing but “un homme de politique” (a politician). Larousse was still maintaining that angle, plenty of years later.
This is a pretty good simile for Beebyanka junk. It really isn’t hard to imagine the giggles in whichever Stalinist hell-hole the Beeboids currently find themselves (Shepherds Ford, Salbush… wherever) at the idea that the half-American Brit can be “dissed”, in favour of the “European” Frenchman.
A couple of weeks ago in an energy piece on the lunchtime news Roger Harrabin claimed that we get energy from wind turbines ‘almost for free’.
That’s not fake news, it’s a lie.
On my continuum of BBC bias (1 = omission, 2 = misdirection, 3 = falsification) I would put this claim between points 2 and 3.
It isn’t an outright lie, as once you have paid for and installed the wind turbine, the costs are fairly low, though not zero and there are associated costs of backup facilities that burn fossil fuels, for when the wind doesn’t blow. If I buy a washing-line to dry clothes, I can operate it ‘almost free’ of charge, save the odd wipe with a wet cloth or re-tightening the sagging cord where it attaches to something like a fence or hook in a wall. Wind turbines require more money than this.
I believe the Concorde actually operated at a profit – if you discount the cost of developing it! Wonderful though that aircraft was, this were very high and about 11 times the estimated £100 million (values of 1959-60?). So it all depends what Harrabin meant by ‘almost free’ and from when you do the accounting.
“The question of balance is really important – particularly if you’re a public service broadcaster,” says Ben Nimmo, a research fellow at the Atlantic Council, an international affairs think tank based in Washington DC. “Balance is where so much of the time I see broadcaster x. It will quote one side but it won’t give an appropriate screen time, column inches or airtime to the other side and that’s the big difference.”
Oh, the irony. That is from an article on the BBC ‘news’ website ( Only – and please, you must believe me – broadcaster x isn’t actually the BBC. The article is about a small Russian media outlet called Sputnik who have done such terrible things as running articles that are not anti-Trump. Is this an example of the BBC trying to atone for it’s own sins by attributing them to someone else?