Mehdi Hasan admitted that the Muslim community’s ‘dirty little secret’ was anti-Semitism, the BBC’s dirty little secret is it’s anti-England racism. Naturally it isn’t actually much of a secret. Its constant attempts to undermine ‘Britain’ is part of the long march to trample over English history intended to diminish or demonise England’s past achievements so that people start to feel guilt or even disgust at being English. All part of a campaign to destroy any feeling of loyalty or belonging to the nation state…paradoxically the BBC does this by encouraging nationalist feelings and fostering anti-English resentments in the other nations of Britain. The end game is of course to break up the UK and serve us up on a plate to the EU…divide and rule….another reason they want mass immigration of people who have no loyalty or history of belonging to Britain….the same reason the EU forces freedom of movement upon us…it’s not economic but political….the intention to create people not loyal to England or Poland or Germany but loyal, obedient citizens of the EU….an inverted kind of ethnic cleansing.
The BBC’s own racism is so often apparent…..think how it reacted after Brexit when it denounced ‘Britain’ as a nastier more racist place…of course it was pointing the finger not at all ‘Britons’ but solely at the white population..the hideously white population. The same BBC that is happy to demonise white males as ‘pale, male and stale’….how they laugh when they say it…only today we heard it in reference to the FA.
Then of course there is the NHS…run by different governments in the devolved nations….hard to find the BBC criticising their failures…indeed the BBC will do its best to hide the truth…not so long ago when attention was being drawn to the Labour run Welsh NHS’s failings the BBC told us that all was pretty wonderful and better than in England…when that was just not true…as current figures show on waiting times for A&E.
You may have noted the BBC’s little survey on A&E released just in time for Corbyn to use it in PMQ’s. This survey was just of the English A&E…we are told that this is because Welsh and Scottish A&E figures are collated differently…that doesn’t stop the BBC at other times comparing them when it suits….and the government seems perfectly able to do such a comparison. Any chance the BBC are intent on providing ammunition to Labour to attack May and the Tory ‘English’ government and are not really interested in the NHS’s performance at all really?
What is the real problem with the NHS? The BBC pushes relentlessly the narrative that it is all about care in the communtiy blocking beds…but the real problem is at the other end, the vast increase in patients using A&E as well as more elderly patients with more complex needs….however the government says that the proportion of patients with complex needs has not increased…so it is not that there are more elderly patients by proportion as the BBC keeps telling us…just more because there are more patients in total…
The recent QualityWatch report on A&E found little evidence that the
complexity of cases in A&E has increased. The proportion of people with
one or more long-term conditions attending A&E has not changed
Up to 2003 the number of patients calling into A&E was around 14 million, now it is around 23 million…spot the difference?
The King’s Fund tells us that around 2/3rds of delayed discharges are due to internal NHS issues, the rest can be attributed to problems in finding places for patients in care homes….however look at this graph…it shows that the ‘bed-blocking’ was actually worse in 2008…consider that in 2008 there were fewer patients using A&E and you might think the government now is doing better than Labour….
The BBC and the rest of the Left lie as a matter of course – or even of strategy. They lie because they know their real agenda is unpalatable to all decent people, so they have to create fake reasons for pushing their ideas.
Imagine there was a proposal that in all state schools, the day would start with the singing of the National Anthem.
The Left would go berserk.
But they would lie about their reasons, using words like ‘divisive’, ‘marginalising’ (who? deaf people?).
Their hatred of it would be as a symbol of a shared identity, of something that binds a community together, and hence at odds with their urgent need to balkanise society and shred it of any meaning and structure.
But they could never admit to that. And so they lie. About everything. All the time.
It’s an organisation riddled with Gramscians .
There’s nothing secret about the Muslim war against Israel, just like its no secret that for 1400 years Mad Mo’ declared war on all infidels, and authorised mass slaughter, mass rape, and even genocide against the Kafir!
Let’s see how ‘secret’ anti-Israelis hatred is in this video….of course, our friendly, tolerant jihadis are once again fanatically supported by western society’s psychopathic terrorist organisations that hilariously self-title themselves as ‘anti-fascist’ and ‘anti-hate’
There are cultural differences in the use of national health provision. It is common practice in Central and Eastern Europe to go to A&E rather than their GP, so no doubt they are doing the same in the UK, perhaps more so if they haven’t got a UK GP.
I had occasion to accompany an elderly relative to A&E last Boxing Day. I’d say the experience was anthropological.
I don’t know if the BBC have reported this but Bob Geldof has condemned Norway for putting a cap of 8000 on Syrian refugees. “It is a very wealthy country”. That moron does not see the irony. What a wanker !
PS, sorry, meant to post on the midweek thread !
Not at all,
Such sentiment is appropriate at any time.
Maybe Sir Bob could just tell Norway to “give us yer fockin money”.
Or give him a Nobel Peace prize to go with his knighthood and tell him where to stick both of them.
Hasn’t Trump got his Nobel Peace prize yet? Obama got one while bombing the hell out of Muslims yet Trump has killed no one.. I’ll give it more time..
Well it is all politics , innit ?
What a marvellous, succulent, descriptive insult is wanker. In relation to the half wit in question Grant, I can think of no better word….he really is unbearable in every sense. You might have put it in capitals, but other than that, perfect post!
You can see the kind of Europe he has in mind. Really makes you wish you had voted remain doesn’t it?
I feel that I have been unfairly been getting a good verbal kicking from the BBC lately. In every report the BBC seems to lay all the blame for the woes of the NHS on the “ageing population”. Although I am one of that demographic I am fortunate to manage to live alone without unduly troubling the NHS and I know many others who do the same. Yet every BBC broadcast from a Hospital shows a bed with an elderly white occupant. Of course we have to acknowledge that old age sadly is often accompanied by increasing infirmities even amongst those who were robust in former days. But in recent BBC portrayals has anyone seen anyone other than an elderly white person in Hospital? No-one suffering from a condition that affects people of all ages? No-one suffering from the effects of excessive drinking, smoking, drug-taking? They were all there in my nursing days so please look at the bigger picture BBC and give us a fairer picture of what’s going on in the NHS.