In case you were wondering the sort of criteria that can get a Conservative MP onto the esteemed Question Time panel. Claire Perry was on last night….here is her view on Brexit.
Brexit Debate Sees MP Claire Perry Compare Hard Brexiters To ‘Jihadis’
‘No Brexit is hard enough. Be gone you evil Europeans’.
I think the days of an ‘esteemed’ QT panel are long gone. The level of debate continues to base out into a clucky popularity contest with the audience. I only listen to it if they have someone of the ilk of Douglas Murray on. Someone who is willing and able to speak hard truths to the inevitable leftist audience.
Is ‘Question Time’ still around.. how quaint!
What is even quainter is that Dimblebore is still around. Well past his sell-by date and should be pensioned off. Sanctimonious prat.
The QT line-up claims Billy Bragg is a musician, maybe they just spelt Marxist wrong
I think it’s possible for him to be called a musician. What’s fake is that they’d have us believe he’s popular. In the real world, apart from the collectivist hive, no one else likes him or his music.
Let’s get it straight, if he was on ‘Blind Date’ ( about to be remade )it would be.. ‘I’m Biwwy Bwagg and I’m a wich land owning Marxist fwom hideously white Devon’.
I know that his surname is mispelt…. Billy Blag…
The problem with his ideal of Marxism is that his definition of equality is that he should always be more equal than the rest of society… Imagine how awful it would be if you found yourself in a lifeboat with Billy Blag, Lily Allen and a Muslim wearing a suicide bombers vest having to make your mind up which one out of the group including yourself had to leave the boat?? I reckon i would probably just detonate the guys `bomber` jacket before Lilys` tears flooded the boat, Billy `bored` a hole in the hull or Bono attempted to navigate the boat towards the nearest offshore tax haven as for the other guy i`d have to be quick enough to do him out of his wish to end his life in his race to get to rape heaven…
Be careful what you wish for. The BBC would probably replace him with Diane Abbott.
The General ,
I hadn’t thought of that. Arrrggghhh !!! Bring back Dimblebore !
It would be an extremely hard job to find a replacement for Diane Abbott that woman is priceless and impossible to match in the political sphere surely??
The fragrant Diane is unique !
I started watching QT on iplayer while having lunch, I had to turn it off after 10 minutes,they are just going over and over the same old crap,for instance a girl in the audience who is 16 years old moaning that the BREXIT vote didn’t go her way, tough shit, you weren’t old enough to vote.
Many young people have been so brainwashed about the EU that they do not realise that it is history. It is the past. The world has moved on and left the EU behind.
Question time is nothing more than BBC Propaganda.
If a person has fairly strong character they will see through the bias in this programme, but to the very ordinary person who does not have strong opinions or does not think too hard about anything or votes like their parents does or did because what was good for them must be right.
This latter group, which is a huge section of the population will go with the flow and be literally brain washed and believe everything they see and hear.
I personally look forward to the day when we can have a variety of news channels on our airwaves to choose from, but when the BBC control all British radio stations and influence most British TV networks, I may have to wait a long time.
I am proud to say that whenever they host the programme in our town (Grimsby) the usual bussed in fake audience members do not get a free reign and the BBC have to draft in extra security as the usual venue is about twenty yards away (across the road) from one of the worst sh**hole estates known in the country… Full of thieving skiprats and chavs who will like a magpie suffering kleptomania steal even the rusty nails from holding up the `Warning` Signs along its` perimeter… Due to the Nunsthorpe Estates residents we are one of the few areas which do not seem to have a massive problem with migrants flooding the area we don`t even have a recognised Mosque either… Even though we live with three major shipping points within the region they don`t seem to want to come settle here… haha
JC, I’m from Grimsby too. What you say is absolutely true. I’ve often thought that people selling their properties in our area (there are some nice areas too, you know) should put in the sales blurb ‘This property is in a town of approximately 98% white northern european ethnicity’ which would be a great selling point, and being truthful, I don’t think it would be actionable. I don’t think we have any mosques as such, just an Islamic Community Centre, and a prayer room at errrrrmm ‘The Diana Princess of Wales Hospital’. UTM.
There is a prayer room at the Diana Princess of Wales Hospital ??? I never knew that, it would explain the current status that within the building there are invariably more unused items of cleaning equipment than there are sucessful outcomes of patients illnesses there….. It`s budget seems to be being spent on upgrades to thier parking meter collection boxes and CCTV equipment around the complex due to the residents of Nunsthorpe…. It also explains the high number of MRSA occurences there as they use temporary foriegn labour to clean the place and as you will know already it`s almost as bad the Crimean Hospitals prior to Florence Nightingale arriving with the first bar of soap …. Here`s a question… Outside of the Hospital in your opinion which of these two groups have the lesser population? Actual police officers or Muslims??
PS. I actually live in Cleethorpes near the roundabout which borders Grimsby on Clee Road… My wife was brought up in the expensive area of Grimsby just off Bargate… They are very nice houses round there but compare the prices with the same in other towns the difference in prices is astounding… We really do live in a s***hole don`t we mate?? 🙂
The last FOI figure for police officers in Grimsby was 209 I believe. I think there are more than that number of Muslims (why the capital M?!!) who work at the hospital, hence the prayer room. House prices here are at least affordable, problem is lack of investment, used to be a Great town. While I’m on my hobby horse I’m gonna have a moan about Melanie Onn, the Grimsby MP selected by the local labour party from a female only candidate list. I saw her speak in the House recently, I thought she might fight for the rebuilding of some of our lost fishing industry now we are leaving the EU (20,000 direct and indirect jobs lost in Grimsby alone), but she was only interested in the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK. I lived in Grimsby for 30 years, and am now in Waltham, but still a Grimbarian at heart.
the capital `M` represents the fact our capitol city is inhabited by a majority of Muslims rather than non muslim racists mate… hahaha
On the subject of Melanie Onn MP … I happen to know some quite well hidden facts regarding her time living in Healing and will of course be releasing full and source linked evidence based infos during the time when she next plans to campaign for votes at election time… Don`t you worry my friend…. I have some enlightening snippets regarding Anomoly Onn… She isn`t a very nice person you know…… not nice at all…..
Oh now that’s just cruel Justin – feeding us a snippet about Ms Onn’s dubious past then withholding the juicy stuff!! As a fellow Grimbarian (well, a few miles outside) I insist you keep me in the loop! Lol
Nice to see a local on here, Northern – if you’re in Waltham Im about 4 miles away! Maybe we should start a club?!
I’m itching to see what dirt your other replyer has on Ms Onn…shall keep watching!
Don’t you just love QT on the odd occasion they allow Dr David Starkey on? He’s clever, he only talk facts, he gets huffy, stroppy and takes no cr@p from his almost entirely upper middle class fellow panellists – and I LOVE the man!
To make matters worse, he’s gay and came from nothing which of course are both very dear to the hearts of his liberal opponents which never sits easy with them in an adversary. (Same goes for Milo).
My favourite quote of his, when Islam entered the conversation regarding its contribution to the world:
“Nothing has been written in Arabic worth reading in 500 years” after which he described it as backward, Stone Age and various other unwelcome truths. The reply was momentary stunned silence, and the whole episode was
an utter delight! It’s on YouTube…well worth a look if you haven’t seen it..
Here`s a question for my two local Grimbarians….. Read this…..
Now I challenge you to find anyone who knows what schools she actually went to and also knew her back then….
If you do find someone, ask them about he disabled (Polish I think) lodger who lived with her and her Great Aunt and the circumstances surrounding his demise which was just before melanie was thrown out of the house by her Great Aunt who never had anything to do with her for the rest of her life… Healing is a very small place and although it isn`t readily available online there are residents who can provide detailed information regarding this topic as thier knowledge is first hand… The same can be done if you ask some of the old ex fishermen and dockworkers too…. The reason why this information isn`t readily available is due to legal rules regarding the indentification of people under the age of adulthood by name etc… However as i`ve already stated I can be quite dillegent when I find it worth my time… Like i said, I am looking forward to the next election campaign and I`m half tempted to turn up somewhere with a huge sign at one of her `photoshoots` meant to sure her `caring` attitude to social care and charities looking like someone carrying one of those huge cheques for donations she seems to like being seen with… I`m sick and tired of seeing her blatant hypocrisy and her stupid virtue signalling ingnorant and myopic facile opinions and I`m also not very happy that her expenses claims last year totalled over £120,000 either !!! As for her Windfarm obsession it`s truly beyond the pale…. The woman is a complete opposite of what she pretends to be…. And i have proof and I will keep collating the details for the next two years…She deserves it for what she did…
One more question…. in this picture what do you think is missing???

is it..
A – A massive Windfarm and Renewable Energies Hub?
B – The largest fishing fleet in the world?
C – A future for our region with melanie Onn as MP?