At least you know where you are with Newsshite.
Interview with Geert Wilders. The Beard starts with usual relativisation of Islamic terror. Nothing asked about Islam as an ideology.
In the studio Dateless asks the Three Stooges questions based solely on her bizarre ideological idees fixes and ingrained BBC prejudices.
“Would a victory for Wilders be a threat?”
A threat to whom or what?
Why would a legitimate, democratic party with the support of a quarter of the Dutch people be a threat? Would she ever ask whether electing the Labour party was a threat?
Of course, the only threat is that a European parliament might actually represent the views of the electorate. Pre-referendum the BBC was always whining that parliament was unrepresentative because, compared to the country as a whole, there were too few women, lesbian foot-fetishists, etc. Now it does not matter that the majority view on Brexit is underrepresented. If you have to look like the people you represent, it might also be a good idea to share the views of your constituents, not oppose them.
A list of ten questions from Lord Hall about the threat to the BBC Licence fee.
(1) “Would a victory for Wilders be a threat?”
(2) “Would a victory for Le Pen be a threat?”
(3) “Would a victory for Beppe Grillo be a threat?”
(4) “Would a victory for Nikolaos Michaloliakos be a threat?”
(5) “Would a victory for Putin be a threat?”
(6) “Would a victory for Trump be a threat?”
(7) “Would a victory for Farage be a threat?”
(8) “Would a victory for Nuttall be a threat?”
(9) “Would a victory for Brexit be a threat?”
(10) “Would a victory for Freedom be a threat?”
Newsnights interview with Geert Wilders really was bizarre.
This man, an elected politician was asked “how long has it been since you last went for a walk on your own?” he then described the security regime that he has to live with.
The beeboids then managed to fail to name the threat to his safety and made him out to be the risk to the safety of Holland…..,this was full on appeasement verging on sympathising with the enemy, the enemy being Islamic anti democrats and their lefty, liberal allies who have already murdered Pim Fortuyn.
As for Krishnan Gurumurthys lamentable “interview” with Ann Coulter on C4 s part public funded “news”….delays on the line were used to his full advantage to talk over everything she said in answer to his aggressively biased questioning. He even claimed to be speaking for his nation at one point, oh yeah Krishnan…..elected by who?
Have either the BBC or C4 covered the planned vote of no confidence in speaker Bercow yet?
Krishnan and Laura could get a room. All talk and no…
If all these people are all speaking for the nation, it is indeed fortunate they are as in step as they are uniquely funded to avoid the nation backing them by choice rather than compulsion.
This illustrates the problems that the Trump Administration face in the U.S. The new Secretary for Education is prevented by a mob from visiting a school in D.C. and the police just stand there and let it happen; the article includes footage of the incident.
We see the same here, where the likes of Hope Not Hate or their alter egos Unite Against Fascism seem to get free reign to agitate and intimidate without police reaction. In the end the silent majority see what is happening, who is allowing it to happen and vote accordingly. No matter what the MSM tries to tell them.
What Trump needs to do is what the BBC persuaded Treezer to do.
When a bunch of thugs in house can’t be controlled, and threaten to trash the place even more if they don’t get their way, you cave in over and over and ban free speakers to appease them. Works every time, which is why it keeps getting repeated.
Trickier with a national all ready in country, but BLM have learned from Cameron’s Black Balaclavas here.
It appears criticism of the Beeb is gathering momentum in the Press. It started as a drip by the odd columnist, but I see its a daily occurrence by those who know their punctuation to vent their feelings on the bias reporting. TV critic Christopher Stevens in the D/Mail wrote a cracking piece on the ‘After Brexit; The Battle for Europe’ programme. This is just his opening few lines…….
“Talk about sore losers. Some people (and the BBC is full of them) are tying themselves in knots to prove that Brexit is, as the Corporation’s own Europe Editor – Katya Adler, puts it, ‘an irrelevance’……..
“The BBC insists, of course, that its Europe editor is strictly impartial, but since she boasted in her online CV, before she took the TV post three years ago, that she had chaired debates “including for the EU Commission and the Austrian government during its EU Presidency” we can judge her impartiality for ourselves. ”
Do those at the Beeb not chew their knuckles every time they read reporting like that?
Please be upstanding, ladies and gents., to mark the Death of Irony. According to the BBC’s in-house journal (Bafta awards: BBC braced for podium protests against Trump), concerns are being raised that winners at the BAFTAs this Sunday may reflect on recent events in the US. The following snippet from the article is breathtaking:
There is no specific mention of live events in the BBC’s impartiality rules, and a press officer refused to speculate on whether a large number of speeches that all sided with a particular stance would be problematic for the corporation.
They added: ‘We’ve been broadcasting the Baftas for years and years and years. There’s always something going on in the world and we’ve always got it right.’
So it will be a racist hate fest of hatred for Americans, Russians, Israelis and the majority of the British people.
But a love fest for Lords and Lovvies, Islam and terrorists, Immoral European Commissioners and violent perverts who live in the Thames water area.
Also a possible announcement that Bob Geldof is to buy a British Isle, to house thousands of refuges, at his own cost.
Or more likely, the morally dysfunctional Bob Geldof, is to angrily demand that the Tories spend taxpayers money to buy up houses in white working class areas of England, that do not want to be culturally and criminally destroyed by Islamic refugees, and a long way from Geldofs Battersea home in the Thames water area, which I believe is a soft water area, unlike Yorkshire which is a hard Brexit water area.
The anonymous drone really said ‘got it right’? Bless.
It is possible this may backfire. Luvvies are not notoriously great when unscripted, and an uncoordinated gaggle of virtue signallers in the UK trying to outworthy one another over a recently democratically elected leader elsewhere during a mutual millionaire back patting outing about make believe may not play as well outside the bubble.
Hope the first few hundred rows were reserved for the BBC.
Heaven forfend a dip in the markets sees the need for money being diverted from programming to, worse, the new fact checking unit, to prop up their meagre pensions.
“If liberty means anything, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Today’s news bulletin on Five Live leads with . . . under-funded parks! You stick it to the man, BBC! It’s not like there’s much else going on we should be worried about. You are just like Winston Smith – daring to take on the rottenid tn establishment with your request for more park wardens! Just pray the Thought Police do not track you down and torture you into no longer being such a rebel!
I am looking for the outrage, the protests, the petitions , the endless hype from the BBC, Bercows bile, the luvvies laments but none can I find. Mad cow Merkel is proposing to deport hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants, sorry refugees , fleeing persecution and war back where they came from only a year or so after inviting them all to Germany. But do we hear a squeak of protest from the BBC? No we do not. The contrast with their extreme over reaction when President Trump proposes to ban people from a few countries entering the USA , says all you need to know about the bias of the BBC. Merkel is one of their own and they suppressed the news about the dire consequences of her disasterous open door policy in the first place. Now they are covering up for her and trying not to admit that her U turn confirms what we all knew, it was madness to invite Muslims into your country.
Even the most stupid of the snowflakes must be able to work this out. But come on get out on the streets , waving your silly placards, shouting you dumb slogans. Where is your solidarity with these victims? Where is your Hope Not Hate ? Where is your virtue signalling. You really are a useless bunch of fools.
BBC sport headline: “Wales are plotting to end England’s winning run”
This is what puts me off the BBC’s rugby coverage – the constant framing of an anti-English, pro-regions narrative. The sporting rivalry is there already. The BBC is supposed to be even-handed, not condescendingly and tokenistically anti-metropolitan.
What are the chances, do you think, of the warm and unbiased tones of commentator Eddie Butler, helping us to understand the weaknesses of England and the strengths of Wales?
I watched the match, and Mr Butler did just what you predicted. Together with the strange tones of Jonathan Davies screeching about “numbers”. I played rugby a long time ago, and numbers were what was on the back of your shirt to identify you to the ref. Why is Jonathan so fascinated by them?
The whole commentary and production was presented as if England was some foreign country that had come here from abroad to stick it to the natives. Wake up BBC, most of the people watching were English, even though the match was in Wales.
What are the chances of finding an English rugby commentator? Or would that be too nasty for the poor downtrodden plucky non English countries of the UK to cope with? Give them some credit please. They can’t even find one for the matches against France and Italy.
I wouldn’t mind so much if they could find another Bill McClaren, who had a wonderful Scottish accent but managed to be virtually even-handed and neutral in his commentaries, even when Scotland were playing.
And they treat Brian Moore as a joke with disdainful sneers at his punditry
Actually the bBBC’s scoreboard briefly added the last England try to Wales, showing a score of 21-14 instead of 16-19. Wishful thinking for the anti-English bBBC.
quote from this article which might wet your appetites ” Mr Vaz said members of the Asian community financially supported MPs, including Mr Bercow, due to admiration for their commitment to diversity.”
Rotherham : “more than 100 active investigations into child sexual exploitation (CSE) in the town.”
– But lead councillor says keep quiet cos “far-right extremists’ continuing attempts to stir up racial divisions, ”
– Move along all healed now “Coun Read, the leader of Rotherham Council, has spoken of how the town has recovered in the wake of the scandal that thrust it into the headlines.”
Spiked magazine is doing its annual campaign about restriction of freedom of speech at universities
94% have some restrictions.
but the Times just focus on fancy dress party bans eg No vicars and tarts.
That the BBC are totally thick and unthinking in terms of efforts to indoctrinate us is only to our benefit, yet we pay for this wilful show of ignorance and cliche.
1. The BBC laid a daisy chain of anti-Brexit stories on Today yesterday morning.
a) We might not get our NHS drugs as quickly as Muslims in Mollenbeeck-so says an ex Drugs Czar who will be well padded by the EU I`m certain
b) The City may no longer be gateway to financial services-so says the German EBU chief.
Vested interests?…tsk, you cynics!
This was sandwiched by some advert for yet ANOTHER BBC excuse to trash Brexit- a series coming up, who KNOWS what the BBC might be saying?
AS yet-not ONE programme has ever been made by the BBC to show either why Brexit got the vote and why it might be good.
But,as I say-they`re thick.
Because PM daisy chained their stories on child “refugees” not getting funneled into the country with those four Pakistanis who may well be deported having fucked “Rochdales kids in care” some time back.
Did they MEAN to link these back to back-or has somebody already been sacked for not finding a Shami. Emily or Imran, Anyat to tell us why we`re so much BETTER than deporting vulnerable businessmen who were only taking drugged and bound schoolgirls halfway to paradise with themselves?
Have been to London quite a bit recently-truly frightening just how thick and captive their young people now are re Brexit and Trump etc
So maybe the BBC are going over our heads and straight into their laundry baskets…tomorrow belonging to them an` all.
Jail them and who pays the price the British tax payer-why should this tax payer have said money collected by the government shoved into keeping this load of filth out of circulation and not be deported? Are we still so weak and feeble, are we still ruled by the softy liberal establishment? America is seeing someone in its president showing some guts-but for the United Kingdom, where it appears post WW2 after about 1960 we seemed to lose the patriotism we so genuinely held onto during WW2. The British people as we now know were conned by Edward Heath et al into believing we were entering an inter trading mixed with some military involvement with another 6-7 european countries-but through stealth over the next twenty years we were all fooled and bamboozled into entering the most devious, enslaving & subjugating project imaginable-encased in a financial cleft of debt especially designed by the banking elites to hold us all in place. This elitist group are desperate to ensure that they are able to continue the financial agression uponn us-so lets bring in our own money as we did in 1914, Bradbury Pound. Without debt the Banks will fall and so will the controllers of the money.
There were some interesting stats on Guido a few weeks ago regarding the prison population. There was a breakdown of those in prison by religion and this was compared to the wider population. The percentage in prison compared very closely with the population outside for all religions, except one. Yes, you’ve guessed it, Islam.
The figures were from 2015 and were for those aged 15+. Apparently the Muslim population in this country is 4% but Muslims in prison account for 15% of the total. Religion of peace?
Noticed how pathetically short the sentences are.
To say they are considered dangerous men, they won’t be inside long and once released they will be even more determined to get “vengeance”.
No doubt whilst in prison they will be able to “radicalise” some of the other inmates.
They should be deported. Really wish Donald Trump was in charge here he wouldn’t mess about!
I’m in Kent now & it’s snowing. There were no bluebell shortages last year.
(Kent woods are famous for them) I’m not predicting any problems this year either.
It`s paywalled any chance of you posting the full content on here for us to read please??? I have to read the full text…. That first paragraph was unreal!!!
I won’t break the entire paywall, but just post the first four paragraphs which end with the real reason why she did it:
Over Christmas I read in a newspaper about an organisation called Refugees at Home, which places homeless refugees with host families. Since I was feeling seasonably charitable and I rattle around the house when my daughters are away at university, I got in touch with them.
They sent a nice woman round to inspect us. The main thing she wanted to find out was whether everybody in the household was keen on having a refugee: there had, it seemed, been a few cases of a wife inviting the tired, the poor and the huddled masses into the family home and failing to inform her husband that he was going to be staring at them over the marmalade at breakfast-time.
Since I was keen, the girls were going back to their universities and the dog was not consulted, the wheels started turning. A few weeks later, Mohammedain arrived with a small rucksack and a large smile. He’s from Darfur, he’s 28, and he’s a delight. Even the dog, which has shown embarrassing racist tendencies in the past, has taken to him.
Having Mohammedain around is a bonus in several ways. First, he wins me brownie points. People’s eyes widen with amazement at my virtue when I tell them I’ve got a Sudanese refugee living in the house.
If he came here from Calais isn’t he an economic migrant rather than a refugee? And whilst it’s up to you who you take into your house, we may all express a view about who we take into our country. My view is not to take in an adult who has already been through various safe countries, travels on public transport without paying, and entered our country illegally.
Teresa Hughes 13 hours ago
So basically you have taken in someone who has lied, cheated and scammed his way to get into this country. Someone who is no more a refugee than I am. If he were a true refugee he would have claimed asylum as soon as he got to safety. The odds are also very high that relatively speaking he was a well off Sudenese in order to have the money to pay the people smugglers.
This man is nothing more than a criminal. Honest people do not do the things he has done. I also imagine by the way you are speaking of him a relationship has formed.
If you had a spare room, why not give it to a homeless Brit. An ex soldier perhaps, or a teenager just leaving the care system.
Years ago people such as yourself boasted shout getting a hostess trolley, now getting involved with refugees AKA economic migrants is the trendy thing – to the detriment of all. You have been and are being scammed. Idiot.
SKD 20 hours ago
But why is a Muslim ‘refugee’ (in fact, economic migrant) from the Sudan in England in the first place? Why not in a neighbouring country like Egypt, or indeed in other parts of the Sudan that aren’t a ‘war zone’, or indeed any of the European countries he passed through on the way here?
michael sanders 15 hours ago
@SKD Because he lied and cheated his way here breaking international laws and putting others at risk including the lorry driver who probably unwittingly smuggled him in.
Boudicca 13 hours ago
@michael sanders @SKD
Yes. And the stupid woman who took him in and wrote this article is just encouraging even more people trafficking….. with thousands dying in the process.
Sir Arthur
“People’s eyes widen with amazement at my virtue when I tell them I’ve got a Sudanese refugee living in the house” !!!!!
Wow!! What an example of unashamed virtue signalling. I presume she gave other reasons as to why having a 28 year old Muslim “refugee” in her home is a bonus, but clearly “winning me brownie points” is the most important.
Construction of a new subsea power link to France that was thrown into doubt by the Brexit vote will begin in September, National Grid has said.
The £590 million IFA2 interconnector is due to run 127 miles between the Normandy and Hampshire coasts, enabling 1 gigawatt of electricity to be imported and helping to bolster security of supply”
I do not think that anyone takes the BBC seriously any more. Even friends of mine who were not aware of the bias and the Fake News, are now noticing it. The BBC have gone too far and are just an expensive joke now.
I agree that the BBC’s behaviour over Brexit, the EU generally and now President Trump has alienated a lot of people who would previously have supported it, Grant.
Sadly, I find there are still many who take its output unquestioningly – even members of my own family – though I feel the tide is certainly turning. They’ve overplayed their hand.
After suffering a ‘we know best’ barrage from bbc news about how to eat healthily, sermons about sugar, the cost to the beloved NHS from obesity and diabetes, Saturday Morning Kitchen gives us every dish cooked in butter and a some rather suspect fried strawberry scones served up with crusted clotted cream.
Get your story straight.
Good report from Katya Adler on the current political scene in Europe. She covered it as unbiasedly as was possible, nevertheless the position of many of the countries in the EU are positioning themselves for getting out of the EU as per Britain, or looking to formulate a re-nogiating stance, either way the future of the European Union is on very unsafe ground. As Katya said at the end of her study- with the possiblility of three or four countries (France, Holland, Italy, Hungary) voting for OUT of the EU, what would then be the point of Britain bothering to negotiate directly with the EU? With three of the main players out, the EU as is will simply crumble away as another expert implied.
I watched half of this after a recommendation, but found it disappointingly trite and the usual pro EU hogwash, so I gave up.
Katya laboured under the delusion that Viktor Orban was a dictator because he wouldn’t speak to the BBC. Boo Hoo. Why should he? Suck it up bBBC no-one thinks you are relevant or important.
Oh yes, and what is this “EU money” that was used to build Budapest’s shiny new metro line, the one that makes the old Soviet era lines look antiquated? Is there an EU money tree somewhere, or does the money come from UK and German taxpayers (with a large commission skimmed off the top to keep Mr Juncker et al in well paid employment?
And didn’t the bBBC make a huge ricket in showing Federica Mogherini, EU Vice President making the case for an EU defence force, aka Army? Weren’t we told by the Remain side prior to the referendum that this was a fantasy dreamt up by swivel-eyed Brexiteers to scare the public into believing that their sons and daughters might be conscripted into such a force?
Big fail, BBC, but keep them coming.
A joy to hear Ann Coulter tear Guru Murthys playbook up live on air last night on their News Pony.
Murthy looked hunted, racing round to quote Pillitzer prize websites on air, looked winded and seeking help at various points as Coulter destroyed his presumptions, pretensions, his lies on air and slithering failure to do anything but roll his marbles round the empty room.
Great telly.
So many highlights-but for me there were two.
1. “I don`t know if you`re a lawyer or not like me etc”…and Ann said “Yes I am”…a balloon went up, Ann was merciful and let him seek out his laptop at that point.
2 “You`e not going to wheel out that St Cloud” story again are you? Well yes, because I was involved in generating this story in the first place-don`t know that YOU did”
AND she quoted Brexit…AND she repeatedly mocked his “Fake News” meme-him being THE Fake News before her-AND she scorned laughed waved goodbye having told him that he CERTAINLY was in no position to “speak for the British people”, and that the views of Bercow might be HIS-but the British People sure as hell were with Trump!
Oh I love Ann-and rather hoping that a Katie Hopkins might see a future here.
Ta Al!
An endless loop of love!
Yet Krish will STILL pop up to work on Monday…shameless, spineless and an Islamic carpet rug with cowardy custard where a brain might once have been expected.
And having heard Emma Barnett get flattened by Ted Malloch, it`s pretty clear that the lefty media oafs who presume to interview “the Right”-really have no idea about argument, reason.
Too many years in the liberal hen house I guess.
This is likely to be a golden age for comedy and a search for irony, unintended comedy and sheer stupidity.
Krishnan being a Silver Medallist thus far…hope Snow “trumps” this sterling first effort from Cathy Newmans empty gourd, dressed as a chihuahua.
Or shitzu?…shitzu poo?…WGAF?
Throughout the interview the volume setting on her microphone was much lower than on his. This enabled him to talk over her whenever she was making an important point, and continually to disrupt the flow of her arguments. Almost every one of her answers was interupted by a snide comment. He’s wasted on Ch4 – his natural home is the BBC.
Murthy looking rather stuffed must be consuming too many false facts.
Ann Coulter is wonderful! Like an adult talking to a fibbing and not too bright child.
BTW, thank you very much for the tip about Swiss Classic radio the other week. I have been tuning in regularly and it is a real treat not to have to suffer the mindless adverts on Classic FM – not to mention the endless film and TV theme tunes being passed off as serious music!
Great viewing. Coulter on top form.
At least C4 News, which is totally biased, allows opposition voices on occasionally.
The BBC would never permit such an interview being biased and unbalanced.
And at the first hint of an attack on the Beeb, their interviewers are trained to go into shout and screech mode and close down the discussion.
What a useless interviewer that man is. He’s basically just repeating the Band Wagon Fallacy over and over again – ie, everybody knows Trump is awful, it must be true because everybody says so. Coulter wipes the floor with him.
And why is she referred to as a ‘conservative commentator’? Do they refer to Yasmin or Polly as ‘socialist commentators’?
From being a Bosnian-Muslim refugee to becoming a Lord via being a friend of the wife of Conservative cabinet minister John Nott
Baroness Helic 2 page story
Title: ‘Britain isn’t Farage. It’s normal people doing amazing things’
The following is something I received on email. To check it wasn’t Fake News, it apparently was mentioned last year on the BBC website but cant remember it being on the air time news!
Switzerland – What’s in a handshake?
Sometimes it’s the little things that are most telling. At first glance this may seem like a trivial story but what lies hidden beneath it could have serious consequences for our children
and grandchildren.
In Switzerland it has long been customary for students to shake the hands of their teachers at the beginning and end of the school day. It’s a sign of solidarity and mutual respect between teacher and pupil, one that is thought to encourage the right classroom atmosphere. Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga recently felt compelled to further explain that shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life. And the reason she felt compelled to speak out about the handshake is that two Muslim brothers, aged 14 and 15, who have lived in Switzerland for several years (and thus are familiar with its mores), in the town of Therwil, near Basel, refused to shake the hands of their teacher, a woman, because, they claimed, this would violate Muslim teachings that contact with the opposite sex is allowed only with family members.
At first the school authorities decided to avoid trouble, and initially granted the boys an exemption from having to shake the hand of any female teacher. But an uproar followed, as Mayor Reto Wolf explained to the BBC: “the community was unhappy with the decision taken by the school. In our culture and in our way of communication a handshake is normal and sends out respect for the other person, and this has to be brought home to the children in school.” Therwil’s Educational Department reversed the school’s decision, explaining in a statement on May 25 that the school’s exemption was lifted because “the public interest with respect to equality between men and women and the integration of foreigners significantly outweighs the freedom of religion.” It added that a teacher has the right to demand a handshake.
Furthermore, if the students refused to shake hands again “the sanctions called for by law will be applied,” which included a possible fine of up to 5,000 dollars. This uproar in Switzerland, where many people were enraged at the original exemption granted to the Muslim boys, did not end after that exemption was itself overturned by the local Educational Department. The Swiss understood quite clearly that this was more than a little quarrel over handshakes; it was a fight over whether the Swiss would be masters in their own house, or whether they would be forced to yield, by the granting of special treatment, to the Islamic view of the proper relations between the sexes. It is one battle – small but to the Swiss significant – between overweening Muslim immigrants and the indigenous Swiss. Naturally, once the exemption was withdrawn, all hell broke loose among Muslims in Switzerland.
The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland, instead of yielding quietly to the Swiss decision to uphold the handshaking custom, criticized the ruling in hysterical terms, claiming that the enforcement of the handshaking is “totalitarian” (!) because its intent is to “forbid religious people from meeting their obligations to God.” That, of course, was never the “intent” of the long-standing handshaking custom, which was a nearly-universal custom in Switzerland, and in schools had to do only with encouraging the
right classroom atmosphere of mutual respect between instructor and pupil, of which the handshake was one aspect. The Swiss formulation of the problem – weighing competing claims — will be familiar to Americans versed in Constitutional adjudication. In this case “the public interest with respect to equality” of the sexes and the “integration of foreigners” (who are expected to adopt Swiss ways, not force the Swiss to exempt them from some of those ways) were weighed against the “religious obligations to God” of Muslims, and the former interests found to outweigh the latter.
What this case shows is that even at the smallest and seemingly inconsequential level, Muslims are challenging the laws and customs of the Infidels among whom they have been allowed
to settle [i.e., stealth jihad toward sharia dominance]. Each little victory, or defeat, will determine whether Muslims will truly integrate into a Western society or, instead, refashion that society to meet Muslim requirements.
The handshake has been upheld and, what’s more, a stiff fine now will be imposed on those who continue to refuse to shake hands with a female teacher. This is a heartening sign of non-surrender by the Swiss. But the challenges of the Muslims within Europe to the laws and customs of the indigents have no logical end and will not stop. And the greater the number of Muslims allowed to settle in Europe, the stronger and more frequent their challenges will be. They are attempting not to integrate, but rather to create, for now, a second, parallel society, and eventually, through sheer force of numbers from both migration and by out breeding the Infidels, to fashion not a parallel society but one society — now dominated by Muslim sharia.
The Swiss handshaking dispute has received some, but not enough, press attention. Presumably, it’s deemed too inconsequential a matter to bother with. But the Swiss know better. And so should we.
There’s an old Scottish saying that in one variant reads: “Many a little makes a mickle.” That is, the accumulation of many little things leads to one big thing. That’s what’s happening in Europe today. This was one victory for the side of sanity. There will need to be a great many more.
Great post Brissles. It illustrates the conclusion that an increasing number of people in the West have reached: Islam and its adherents are toxic to European societies and their presence serves absolutely no beneficial purpose within them.
What have Muslim immigrants brought with them to the UK for example, apart from food poisoning and sex crimes that is?
Great post Brissels.
Your write up knocks spots off the BBCs mealy mouthed dancing around the chick pea.
But-having read the BBCs report itself as you`ve linked it- it`s hard not to disagree with the Fundis of Islam who say
“One minute we`re told to get away from contact with women (as in Cologne)-the next we`re getting forced to get even closer to them as we`re made to shake hands with them”.
What`s a liberal BBC eejit to do?….
And I liked the union oaf in Basel saying that the Islam refusal to shake the hand of a female is “sexual discrimination”.
Guess that`ll bring in a campaign for more hand amputations now.
Glad I`m no loner a liberal idiot-my head would spin and I`d spout shit all day and forever.
As opposed to the BBC, Guardian, EU, Lib Dems, Welby……
We haven’t got long to go then before becoming Islamified – Debenhams have announced they are to begin selling hijabs ! Clearly this department store don’t feel that the variety of hijabs in the Islamic shopping areas of some of our cities don’t quite cut it. In the name of equality I wonder if they will be selling the Jewish Kippah (male skull cap) as well, and if not why not !
Be interesting to see if family concerns of pork butchers will set up shop in the Islamic High Streets !!
As a taster: “The reason the Swiss have had the luxury of being neutral through two World Wars and a Franco-Prussian conflict is because these guys are so over-the-top hardcore badass as hell that nobody would dare screw with them. They’re a tough-as-shit, patriotic population with one simple rule of war – if you come into Swiss territory, we will show you No Quarter, take no prisoners, and kill every last motherhumping invader who would dare set foot on our soil. Every single man in Switzerland has been given hardcore professional militia training, been handed a government-issued SiG-550 assault rifle, taught how to use it in live-fire exercises, and keeps it in his home just in case anyone ever decides to step to his country’s Badass Neutrality clause. The idea is simple – don’t step to us, and we won’t bash your head in with a magazine full of 5.56mm NATO ammunition.”
Not so sure about every male having an assault rife. I was in a relationship with a Swiss guy with 2 adult sons, and none had a weapon of any description. They did however do compulsory community service – by being on the rota of the fire service and mountain medical helicopter rescue.
30 years ago I camped overnight in a small town (forget it’s name) in Switzerland over the east side near Austria, I was sat in the bar of the only hotel watching tv when two blokes walked in carrying rifles, they casually leant them against the bar and ordered a beer.
Brissles – excellent post, and I think it’s worth me posting this again as it’s very relevant to what you say.
It’s the short, or shortened, report about Blackburn by a German reporter, and this is what one of the Muslim women interviewees says:
‘Maybe it will look like this in Germany 30 years from now. Let the Muslims learn their religion and practice it and bring their culture to the country then it will work there like it does here for us.’
‘Or else’ was implicit, given what has happened in Germany.
At my sons graduation from the University of Manchester there was a Muslim girl who graduated from ‘Islamic History’, (what a surprise) and brought her all entourage along,one thing I noticed was that ALL the students shook hands with the professor as they received their certificates. Except her.
Still though.
Let`s pity the BBC at such times as these.
Clearly bombing Yemen as they do is bad-but the Saudis ARE the font of Islamic terror in 90% of cases-and have sharp swords for Charles to wave with?
So let`s send Lyse Doucett over to giggle with the Saudi young women under their black hessian sacks in the mid-day sun in Jeddah, with the whirring of hairdryers or oil derricks nearby( no visuals on radio-and would YOU trust the BBC not to make it all up anyway?). Lyse does her bit-can`t really make her out under all that echoing abaya garb she`s made to wear. But this is a “conservative country”-so don`t vote for may will ya?
Utter crap from Lyse and Eddie Mairs sisters on PM-FGM, can`t drive, can`t vote, no jobs and Friday stonings…but Lyse has met Kim-Jong Al Joanna who`s the one female engineer allowed to speak to Lyse…and Saudi is grand, great nail bars etc.
Have a listen from yesterdays PM-think Lyse thinks it`s now OK to sell them warplanes once more, because the Corniche has strolling Pakistanis eating Saudi toe jam before getting packed off to die for FIFA in 2022.
The BBC…truly inconsequential, mad and incoherent.
Lyse Doucett part Minnie Ha Ha and the rest is Lady Haw Haw.
Kate Adie was a stooge-but NOT on this scale.
Be fascinating, wouldn’t it, to see the box-tick list for approval as a female BBC Foreign Correspondent.
Incomprehensible, plain and dispiriting and all given – but could there be one or two less obvious points required to ensure the salary and pension? Perhaps Lyse and Orla in the process of gender realignment, for instance, or the even more exciting prospect of a civil partnership?
Don’t forget that the candidate should ideally have an anti-British animus:
Lyse Doucet is of French Canadian origin and so could claim historical grievance; Orla Guerin is Irish and could claim similar victimhood, as might Fergal K.
Every time al-bibistan report tut-tuttingly about the ban on ‘mainly muslim countries’, the wording is obviously meant to send a shiver of disapproval (or blind rage) down the backs of the bien-pensants. And maybe it does, throughout vast swathes of Islington. But I wonder what people think in normal parts of once Great Britain, Rotherham, say, or Rochdale? (Not to mention Nice, Paris, Brussels, Cologne or Berlin.)
And I wonder if the bibistan isn’t thereby unwittingly promoting Trump to millions.
Wouldn’t that be a delicious irony?
Peter – In my part of the world (the Black Country) I think I’ve only met one person who disapproves of what President Trump is doing – the rest think he’s doing an impressive job.
Naturally, the person who disapproves reads the Guardian. He must be the only one who does in a 25 mile radius.
Quote Lobby – “Naturally, the person who disapproves reads the Guardian. He must be the only one who does in a 25 mile radius” – He works in a Travel-Binn & got it for free and used it to pick up some dog shit near the foyer.
They haven’t, that’s the problem. Many of the worst affected places have been voting Labour for decades whilst jobs have been disappearing around them (eg coal mine closures under H Wilson) and their neighbourhoods have been changing beyond recognition.
There are signs that they are coming to their senses. About time.
Labour, with backs to the wall, now have to increasingly rely on the Muslim vote and to hell with the white working class and Blair’s business people.
Jobs need a functioning economy, investment and controlled immigration and so does health and Social Care. All Labour can do is panda to those busy building Mosul in Moseley.
The best thing Labour could do to dispel any fears of pro-Islam/anti-Semitism in its ranks is to commission a report by a highly respected, totally impartial, member of the peerage.
Oh wait…
Is the News Quiz more distasteful than the Now Show ?
I switched off after the Line Up Landlords And Shoot Them quip .
I suppose it’s because workers and retired workers are now landlords rather than university professors , TV journalist , approved celebrities and all the other lefties Gramscians aren’t .
“Ha ha ha, you said it!” enthuses female BBC anchor on the News Channel as an obviously anti-Trump US academic (introduced as a ‘political analyst’) quips:
“Many people around the world roll their eyes when confronted by Donald Trump”.
That clearly amused her and summed up the short interview nicely. BBC editors no doubt making a note to book that guy again.
His joke came about as our BBC gal tried, at the close of a boring BBC interview about the travel ban, to get a response to her petty observation that the Japanese PM had apparently rolled his eyes when shaking hands with the US President. Leading question, you Honour! But it would make sense to try to make something of it if your news organisation was somewhat… anti-Trump.
Give it a rest BBC. We’ve got Trump coming out of our ears now. Enough, already!
Even the clearly pro-Democrat guest who referred to Impeachment should Trump keep challenging Judges (a tactic which Obama was perfectly comfortable in using when it suited him) at least said “That will be something for later”
Oh dear.
Poor Sarah Montague was given the shit stick on Today yesterday morning in the “Flagship 8.10 Interview” wasn`t she?
No NHS to squauk about?…no Trump Tweets, No Despite/Because of Brexit ship to tow around the liberal millpond?
So the poor preppy Montessori moaning mum got the “Spesh Kids” not getting enough anti-dyslexia multivitamins in their CoCo pops at Breakfast Clubs ( Cleggs Konditoreis formerly.
A BBC surefire this one. But no-the twist in the twirl was that Private School Kids were getting all the extra help, counselling and laptops to read Obamas windsocks.
As opposed to Bog Standard Comps who can`t be arsed to pick up and phone and tell OFSTED that their kids are no thicker than the teachers these days!
So Sarah had to confect something about the toffs getting all the abuse, thick sticks and Ritalin…which only shows they`re MORE needy than the rest of the population…and, er…need even MORE resourcings, given that many Private schools are aimed at the “Special Ones”-who simply CAN`T defend themselves against Labour Union headteachers like Mr Gripper Stebson and Prof Scrufward Mc Guff up in the Scottish Parliament!
Oh poor Sarah didn` know a Dunces Cap from a Dutch one-and our clueless Labour love bird and our Selsdon Prep School Snake Oil Merchant couldn`t help the Bluestockinged Private School user out of her hole of pointlessness.
Thought I heard an “Abandon Ship” call to the top deck boulevardiers as they gaily sailed into the parked car nose first…but I might have been making it all up, as the BBC do.
My mind now wanders that they`re lying all the time now-got to be be good for the songs and poetry eh?
BBC News – “Trump warns Israel over settlement growth”
Sheesh! sounds like Buraq Hussein Obama, Muslim Brotherhood stylee
Until you go to the page itself, “Trump urges Israel to ‘act reasonably’ on settlements” – urge to act reasonably? the Trump Warning!.
Israel does anyway, so Statesman Trump re iterates the obvious, just stereotypical politi-speak… OK Act reasonably :-
Point 1.
“On the Destruction of Israel: ‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”, no good beating around the bush this is the common aim of the Jordanian arab entity the so called Palestinians, in fact its hardly hidden at all. Its taught to young children,
in their mosques and on Pallywood tv, hardly hidden in the politics.
“Act Reasonably” BBC report the situation factually.
Tomorrow morning Al BBC1 The Big Questions comes from … Leicester
“Should the UK trade with Israel now settlements are recognised?”
“Act Reasonably” BBC
Well remember Michael Crick giving out Paul Nuttalls address as he did his clownish “doorstepping” of UKIP up in Stoke a few weeks ago.
And now the BBC tell me that he`s now had to move address, due to security concerns.
The BBC and Channel 4 acting in concert to ensure that the likes of Farage and Nuttall aren`t safe…then they can pretend to merely be mere bystanders as the Lefty terrorists run riot.
Welcome to the New Left-AND don`t be surprised if Nuttall DOES win-that his moving house today will be used to stop him becoming an MP because his Stoke address was not continuous, by his being forced to move out tonight.
It is reported that the PM is annoyed that the BBC have devoted much of the week to fanning the flames in the NHS. I seem to remember that it is only a few months ago that she was extolling the cultural virtues of the over mighty corporation. When will Tory politicians learn that the BBC is their sworn enemy. It will always seek to damage the Tories at every opportunity and of course use tax payers money to do so. Sucking up to the BBC will not get Mrs May any further than it has any other Tories. President Trump is at war with the Us media , which is commercially funded , so he doesn’t have the power that a British PM has over a state funded organisation. Come Treezer follow DT into the fight and close the snivelling lefties down.
“BBC have devoted much of the week to fanning the flames in the NHS”
“close the snivelling lefties” … FFS The Al BBC/No10 and its cronies/those treacherous Red Tories they are ALL the establishment, they ARE the problem
NHS? … Exposing the situation yes, exposing the real issue, the real reason no.
They have carefully avoided the privatisation/marketization issue no mention of the defunding process, no mention of this deliberate running down, this failure by design. Bleating about funding, when that funding is being siphoned away to various private interests
It is in crisis, a deliberately manufactured crisis and the all the facts that show it have been avoided by the BBC, this is disgraceful, it can only be
in collusion with No10 lets face it any damn fool can wave knickers, and blowhard.
This allows the No10 lying, slimy, crooks an escape route, it is both unacceptable and disgraceful.
The last time a BBC employee exposed anything within the NHS was Jimmy Saville getting his c**k out prior to raping terminally ill and comatise children !! `I suppose the BBC got it about right` then too !!! Anyone who trusts the BBC is my opinion enabling peadophilia and also at the same time just as morally corrupt and guilty as those who carried out these depraved and horrific acts and TBH probably still do due to the protections the BBCs legal bodies provide them with!!
The NHS is a state monopoly and like all state monopolies it is grossly inefficient and run for its employees not its customers. Privatising as much of it as possible as quickly as possible would give its customers the best deal. Of course this is even more politically impossible than privatising the BBC is, no politicians dare even say it. I agree with Al below Treezer hasn’t the guts to roll back the state and its greedy employees. Just the opposite in fact, I think she is intent on increasing the role of the state. People who deplore socialism have no representation in this country. The Tories are the least bad option.
My wife is having treatment for a condition – not trivial, not life threatening either. She spent much of Wednesday and Thursday on the phone trying to find out what happened to her (routine) biopsy results and follow up appointment. Appointment now made, biopsy still missing.
It always seems to go this way. The administration is incompetent resulting in everybody’s time and money being wasted. No “can do” attitude from the NHS to sort the problem out. “Try phoning back tomorrow” is a typical response.
I know that some people are luckier and have only good things to say about the NHS. In our experience however, virtually everything seems to go wrong one way or another, but there’s no concept of failure, only lack of funding.
Iain Muir
“only lack of funding”
When they get more funding we get more admin people creeping round the corridors and wards with clip boards in hand, when we should get more doctors, nurses and beds?
The advent of computers meant ‘paperless offices’- what happened to that ?
Given the opportunity, and in the absence of constraints, administrators will empire build. That’s the problem – they seem to be experts at justifying what they do, and in avoiding censure when things go wrong.
The only constraint would be if their “customers” could go somewhere else. It works in the private sector where there is choice, and less well where there isn’t. The complete absence of choice is a nightmare.
Just before I left the NHS, in the hospital where I worked many medical secretaries of long standing experience were being ‘let go’. Why ? Because some pen pusher in his wisdom decided it would be cheaper to farm out the admin work – letters etc to India. Yep that’s right, India. The Consultant would dictate his letters in the same way but they would be transcribed by a bank of typists on the sub continent. However, to be on the safe side a few mature secretaries were retained in the hospital to double check for errors when the documents were returned. As expected the trial didn’t last long – too many errors, so those redundant secretaries were re-instated in their jobs. The waste of money was breathtaking, and admin staff and clinicians alike were as one in their opinions of Management !
State Monopoly? – Incorrect that has already changed to its huge detriment, and that of patients …but that is the aim, the perceived failure is by design, i ll repeat its hard to sell/force private insurance, if its running adequately.
As a whole Private is not viable on cost and not viable on patient service. I have already stated these “Trusts mergers” are simply code for service removal, and department closure.
Privatisation is at least a third more expensive because it goes on the suckling of the market, on aiding private providers steal vital care funding from all … ALL of us,
It maybe hard for some folks on here, but the games changed politics and media its not even Left and Right really … its them and us
… it just so happens that the lying, crooked, self serving, bastards we have in No10 are particularly odious because they know the games up and in typical slimy Tory style are lining their pockets as quick as possible.
The deluded on here lauding private sector healthcare, are very sad indeed … if you only knew the ongoing implications which to be honest I can t even be bothered to type out
… I m alright Jack? eh! FFS (shakes head) how very erm “blue” of you
Just seen Alf Dubs on the news, and reckoned it might be good to get used to it.
Clearly the go-to guy for more migrants and associated platitudes.
But one question stuck with me in regard of the useful tool himself.
Does he look more like Mark E Smith or Alex Higgins?
“The agencies promised to find homes for all the children. They also promised to fund the operation and to ensure that none of the refugees would become a financial burden on the public. Every child would have a guarantee of £50 sterling to finance his or her eventual re-emigration, as it was expected the children would stay in the country only temporarily.”
These were “…unaccompanied children ranging from infants up to the age of 17…”
The agencies promised to find homes for all the children. They also promised to fund the operation and to ensure that none of the refugees would become a financial burden on the public.
Unless he means non-British agencies, they will be precisely a burden on the public.
It costs £220,000 a year for a kid to be kept in care. The authorities don’t have enough places for our own let alone stubbled adolescents with third world ‘customs’ and religious ‘differences’.
That aroused my curiosity so I did a crude experiment. I had a look at the cheapest room at Claridge’s for 22nd February. A Deluxe Studio worked out at £1620 per night for two. That works out at £295,650 per person per year. Compares well with £220,000.
Yes, I know it is possible to poke holes in the comparison, and the rates will increase in Summer, but it still raises questions IMO.
I read it in a newspaper some months ago but damned if I can find the source now.
I was gobsmacked by the figure, which is why it stuck in my mind.
Don’t forget this is more than accommodation we’re talking about (itself never cheap when council-run) – it’s live-in 24/7 carers, food, clothing, health care, education, social workers, advocates, translators, psychologists and anyone else you can think of from rank upon rank of public support personnel that are at the beck and call to protect and develop ‘vulnerable’ children (unless they are English, white, female and under sixteen and live in culturally-enriched places like Rotherham).
‘Does he look more like Mark E Smith or Alex Higgins?’
Alicia, I can’t let a Fall reference go without reply.. they used to say Mark E looked as though he were aged anywhere between 15 and 45 (just like those Syrian refugees) now he looks 15 multiplied by 45.
I avoid all BBC news all week and find myself more clued up then ever. I used to live in Wapping and regularly saw that little tosspot Norton walking his dogs said hello to him a few times but he is so up his own arse , think that Dame Mirren lived near me too what a horrid woman . Anyways I moved out when the son of a bus driver chief rag head Khan became Mayor. What a shithole London is now
Yes, Khan was the 5th of 8 children, born in 1970. His family came to Britain from Pakistan shortly before he was born. Therefore his parents and 4 kids migrated here around 1969 and moved straight into a 3 bed flat in London !!! (wouldn’t we ALL like a 3 bed flat in London eh ?, although I read somewhere the family went to Exeter first but wanted to be near ‘family’ in London, so were moved) the late 60s onwards was little different to now regarding housing – a generation of youngsters trying to buy or rent their own homes albeit waiting less time for a Council house, but we could have waited less time if migrants weren’t at the front of the queue – like the Khans, the Javids (another 1 of 5 kids and bus driver father from Pakistan) the Alibaba-Browns, oh and Baroness Scotland who is 1 of TEN children of a Dominican mother and Antiguan father who emigrated to Walthamstow – London again!!
The British Muslim Awards announced Khan as the British Politician of 2016 – I bet they bloody did !!!
Well, not counting Alibaba, the parents of Khan, Javid and B.Scotland have contributed 24 TWENTY FOUR children for the UK to feed, house and educate. That’s just 3 families of migrants from the past 4 decades – well, do the maths for yourselves. But with the white population not contributing to that sort of breeding programme, of course we will be wiped out before the turn of the next century.
Demographic decline is one of the most unsettling trends of the post-war decades and let its coverage is minimal to say the least. Has anyone discussed this issue with people they know? I have and apart from one sensible person the best you’ll normally get is it’ll go in one ear and out the other. I don’t think some people even believe it (or more precisely, don’t believe in its tangible manifestations within society. The illusion of permanency and all that.). Very disturbing.
Mind you, I live in the South West – Plymouth specifically (though I’m from Bristol originally) – and though the impact of all the twenty-first century social engineering shenanigans are increasingly becoming more and more evident, it’s still not as far gone here so people are even less inclined to pay attention to such issues.
Exactly. I work for a generic supermarket chain and the work force (what’s left of it) as it stands is almost exclusively locals and white British people. For a few months now we’ve had a Nigerian guy working as a security guard and I’ve noticed how many people stop to talk to him. Fair enough and all perfectly amicable one might reasonably conclude. However, the only reason people are going out of their way to talk to him is because he appears to be the lone black face in a predominately white crowd. This got me thinking that this is how it starts. It’s easy to be welcoming and accommodating when it appears you’re in the majority, and suspect this is how it started in many other parts of the country. However, when those numbers start to exponentially increase the novelty for many people wears off.
All the customers who make special time out to talk to him leave me wondering if they would talk to every person of differing ethnicity if they visited a supermarket in another part of the country? If they went to Birmingham or London they’d never get anything done because they’d be talking to all the damn staff by virtue of their race!
The last time I visited my hometown of Bristol back in February 2011 (due to my grandfather’s death) was the first time I had paid a visit to the city centre since 2004. I didn’t recognize the place. The amount of change (within the make-up of the people) in such a compressed amount of time staggered me. In fact, it was a major moment in my transition from parroting “liberal” and “progressive” nonsense and adopting conservative values (the authentic kind, not to be confused with the political party that appears to have very little to do with conservatism). Sure, I was already re-evaluating my position on a great many things, but I think witnessing vast swarms of Somalis (Bristol has the largest number of Somalis in all of Britain’s cities apparently) and other ethnicities from various Muslim territories really helped accelerate my much needed ideological transition.
Apologies for being off-topic here but I guess in one form or another it all overlaps with BBC propaganda.
Am only grateful that he was the son of a bus driver( did he mention that?)-as opposed to being a HGV-approved driver.
Islam seems to be having problems with those bigger lorries in places like Berlin and Nice.
Alicia, I think the term of ‘bus driver’ from those long ago times, equates to ‘engineer’ today. The loose term of bus driver in India/Pakistan could apply to the navigator of a tuc tuc, or a rickety rustbucket coach full of live poultry, and not our double decker Routemasters – had we been more enlightened in the swinging 60’s we could have been seriously worried !
But I take your point about the articulated lorries, they seem to be au fait with the back end of them for breaking into, but have a problem with finding the brakes at the front.
I am really upset to see the decline of Rotherham over the past 40 years. Because we couldn’t afford holidays in my childhood days, living in the south we would go to our grandparents for holidays in Rotherham. The only black faces were the miners or steel workers coming home from their shifts. Community spirit abounded, hard work during the week and a good drink at the weekends. The men scrubbed up well in suits and trilbies, the women wore curlers during the day ready for their night out at the working mens club to watch the ‘turn’ and play Bingo. My gran was of the generation who helped bring babies into the world and laid out those who were departing it, did her own baking and her washing was done in the sink. All this sounds like fairyland now, but Rotherham town centre was full of born and bred Yorkshire folk, not full of signposts to the many mosques, or Eastern Europeans on every corner, or Asian taxi drivers. For me there is something ‘weird’ seeing an Asian speaking with a broad Yorkshire accent – it just doesn’t gel. The few relatives I have left, tell me I wouldn’t recognise Rotherham now, and on a recent visit I didn’t. My childhood memories of buses run with overhead cables, the market, the steelworks and their furnaces, the pit houses, have all long gone.
Watch out the southern counties, because it wont be long before the Khans and the Javids will be infiltrating your county, not with taxi drivers, it will be far more cunning that that.
I come from Cumbria we are lucky to still have a population 97.5% White British,(not being racist but seeing what is happening elsewhere we are lucky) in the late 70s me and some mates took a ride on our motorbikes to visit a friends Aunty in Blackburn, just for a run out,she lived in a terraced street, while we waited at the door for for her to answer we were gobsmacked at all the heads looking out of the neighbours doors to see who we were. Pakistanis in headscarves all of them.
Brissles, I used to visit my father’s parents in Rotherham as a child in the fifties and sixties. I remember the town felt very British then. (The buses you describe were called trolley buses, I believe, and I’ve never seen them anywhere but Rotherham.)
What has happened is tragic. My father served (as 17-year-old) with his dad in the town’s home guard in 1941. His diary show they both took it all very seriously. If their town was invaded, it would have been over their dead bodies! Perhaps it’s just as well they’re not around to see how things turned out.
Helena, you may very well have been there at the same time as me! Yes, we called the trolley buses, tracklesses, and my granddad served as an Air raid Warden after his shift at Silverwood Mine. We spent many happy holidays at Thrybergh. Not somewhere I feel comfortable to visit anymore, very sad. Back then it was a totally different environment from my home by the seaside in East Kent !!
Now, even my old stomping grounds in Thanet have undergone a sea change, first with the B & B’s being taken over by housing benefit people, and then Eastern Europeans not getting any further than Margate !
Brissles, you probably saw me. I was that naughty little girl who disobediently went paddling in the pond in Clifton Park. Granddad was a miner for a while, but later had a little tailoring shop. (He always claimed he still had coal dust trapped under his skin, though.)
I grew up in clean, genteel Epsom (Surrey), but had a certain fondness for sooty, industrial Rotherham with its cooling towers.
Mr Hand-Basket and I left for Australia in 2002 – before the damage Blair had done was all that apparent. I am rather afraid to return now!
I’m from Rochdale but haven’t lived there since childhood. More recently I moved from the town I had lived in for 20 years in “Greater London” though we had always considered ourselves in Kent, London encroached more as time wore on. 4 years ago we moved further down into Kent proper to get out of proximity to Southeast London. The change over the last decade is visible. In the nineties you hardly encountered a single black person let alone a hijab. The town was very English suburban. Now it’s looking like Brixton. And it’s sad. There is nothing wrong with wanting England to be English. I’m passed caring if I’m tagged waycist anymore. I would never have been considered racist when I said I didn’t like Spain because there were too many English people & chip shops there. If I’m in Italy I want to see it Italian otherwise what’s the point in traveling? I could say that about many places & the same applies to England & Britain. We should retain our cultures. One of the reasons I voted Brexit.
Lucy, one of the loonier aspects of the lefty mentality is their failure to realise their policies destroy the true diversity of Europe. Tourists want to see the French sporting berets and onion bunches. They go to England for quaint pubs and cream teas in Tudor tea-rooms. What’s the point of touring just to see one more city full of vibrant ethnic ghettoes? I have tried explaining this to the multiculti nutjobs, but it is no use.
BBC R4 news at 7pm and the Corporation is bigging-up some horror story about what might (or might not) be government plans to impose a new law that makes the Official Secrets Act look like a gentleman’s agreement enforced by the threat of a raised eyebrow.
And to whom does the BBC rush, breathless, for a comment? ‘Bill Noggins, former Guardian…’ click.
Are there no other newspapers? No other journalists?
Surely, surely if I switch on ‘Farming Today’ they can’t be doing yet another Project Fear piece?
There it was. Some geezer worried about World trade Organisation tariffs for his imports. ‘And presumably you face a lot of uncertainty over the next two years?’ asks our totally impartial and fake-news-free Charlotte.
Wonder how she keeps her face straight? Oh, hang on – it’s radio, she doesn’t need to. Lots of Common Purpose winking going on between the two of them as well, I’d wager – or whatever secret code it is they use between themselves (a wiggly finger handshake is so, like, regressive…..)
“”The mother-of-two deported from the US to Mexico on Thursday says Donald Trump’s crack down on illegal immigrants is “unfair”.
“”Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, who has lived in the US for more than 20 years, was issued with a deportation order in 2013, but allowed to remain under President Barack Obama’s policy of leniency towards undocumented migrants who had entered the US as children””
yep the morphing of ‘Invaders’ to Illegal Immigrants to Migrants and finally to undocumented migrants . What next , “children” ?
Oh! we have that already.
The Devil whispered in Presidents Trumps ear,
“You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm.”
President Trump whispered in the Devil’s ear,
“I am the storm”
If the BBC are really going to war against FakeNews, I’m not sure that the Directors and Senior Managment have thought through the ‘what ifs?’ and the terrible implications of such a conflict for the BBC.
I have no idea how reliable or accurate Breitbart or any other on-line news sources may be and tend to treat all news sources with a slight to moderate to near-extreme degrees of scepticism. If the BBC wades into a head-on conflict with Breitbart and all similar sources, then they will have to make sure that they are right, totally truthful, all the time. Only one slip and they (the BBC) and their allies will be tarred with a FakeNews brush that will attract feathers from the spitting public for a very long time.
The BBC are a large organisation. Opportunities for slip-ups multiply with size. The BBC covers a lot of information areas. They frequently make mistakes in one that I keep an eye on – the financial news. They may well make errors in other News & Current Affairs coverage. They have a recent tendency to pick up on stories second-hand, from the Guardian for example. That makes them vulnerable to errors they have no control over. They have been known to have been spoofed, especially by fake ‘academic studies’ and by careless or otherwise ‘News Press Releases’ from campaigning groups and NGOs that contain errors or false information.
It might have been better for the BBC to ‘bite its lip’ on the issue of FakeNews and stay observant but silent on the sidelines, while seeking to tighten their own operation. The BBC really haven’t thought this one through and are playing a dangerous game.
I think Censored News is still more of a problem for the BBC than Fake News, but then Fake News is produced by the BBC by using selected facts about an event, and then leaving out facts that would reveal the opposite of an assumption made by the viewer. Therefore if the viewer discovered that the BBC news item was Fake News, and they complained, then the BBC can prove that it only used the facts.
For the highly qualified people that send me emails, the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate has been seen as the main producer of fake news by omitting the known basic core facts about Climate Science. Complaints to the BBC have revealed how poorly qualified its scientific advisers are. In fact, none have been known to be causational Climate Scientists. So the BBC has actually been protected by the fact that their advisers are too ignorant and unqualified to be able to understand a complaint from a complainant who was surprised to find that he was more relevantly qualified than anyone advising the BBC.
President Trumps statement that he thinks man-made Climate Change is a hoax, gives hope that Climate science can now be returned to well respected Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers. And to clean out the swamp of fake scientists, called Environmental activists, from the scientific community.
“And to clean out the swamp of fake scientists, called Environmental activists, from the scientific community.”
Perhaps they can join/merge with the Flat Earth Society?
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Annual national holiday on Article 50 day – INDEPENDANCE DAY.
Yes, gaxvil, although in some years it would run into conflict with Easter. How about a summer date, instead?
23rd June?
At least you know where you are with Newsshite.
Interview with Geert Wilders. The Beard starts with usual relativisation of Islamic terror. Nothing asked about Islam as an ideology.
In the studio Dateless asks the Three Stooges questions based solely on her bizarre ideological idees fixes and ingrained BBC prejudices.
“Would a victory for Wilders be a threat?”
A threat to whom or what?
Why would a legitimate, democratic party with the support of a quarter of the Dutch people be a threat? Would she ever ask whether electing the Labour party was a threat?
Of course, the only threat is that a European parliament might actually represent the views of the electorate. Pre-referendum the BBC was always whining that parliament was unrepresentative because, compared to the country as a whole, there were too few women, lesbian foot-fetishists, etc. Now it does not matter that the majority view on Brexit is underrepresented. If you have to look like the people you represent, it might also be a good idea to share the views of your constituents, not oppose them.
A list of ten questions from Lord Hall about the threat to the BBC Licence fee.
(1) “Would a victory for Wilders be a threat?”
(2) “Would a victory for Le Pen be a threat?”
(3) “Would a victory for Beppe Grillo be a threat?”
(4) “Would a victory for Nikolaos Michaloliakos be a threat?”
(5) “Would a victory for Putin be a threat?”
(6) “Would a victory for Trump be a threat?”
(7) “Would a victory for Farage be a threat?”
(8) “Would a victory for Nuttall be a threat?”
(9) “Would a victory for Brexit be a threat?”
(10) “Would a victory for Freedom be a threat?”
No, only a victory of a mass boycott of the licence fee, as predicted by
would threaten the BBC Licence fee.
Richard Pinder
Yep, but how many posters on this site have the ‘balls to do it ?’
Newsnights interview with Geert Wilders really was bizarre.
This man, an elected politician was asked “how long has it been since you last went for a walk on your own?” he then described the security regime that he has to live with.
The beeboids then managed to fail to name the threat to his safety and made him out to be the risk to the safety of Holland…..,this was full on appeasement verging on sympathising with the enemy, the enemy being Islamic anti democrats and their lefty, liberal allies who have already murdered Pim Fortuyn.
As for Krishnan Gurumurthys lamentable “interview” with Ann Coulter on C4 s part public funded “news”….delays on the line were used to his full advantage to talk over everything she said in answer to his aggressively biased questioning. He even claimed to be speaking for his nation at one point, oh yeah Krishnan…..elected by who?
Have either the BBC or C4 covered the planned vote of no confidence in speaker Bercow yet?
Krishnan and Laura could get a room. All talk and no…
If all these people are all speaking for the nation, it is indeed fortunate they are as in step as they are uniquely funded to avoid the nation backing them by choice rather than compulsion.
Yes, it was like watching a Guardian column. Reminded me why I don’t watch Newsnight much anymore, it was very bubble-oriented.
Maitliss and her 3 stooges kept referring to populism as through it is a well-known, well-understood threat to democracy.
No, you clowns, populism is just the name you have given to democracy when it delivers results you don’t agree with.
The BBC has become a GBP 4 billion “social services” for left liberal, middle class, Londoners.
This illustrates the problems that the Trump Administration face in the U.S. The new Secretary for Education is prevented by a mob from visiting a school in D.C. and the police just stand there and let it happen; the article includes footage of the incident.
We see the same here, where the likes of Hope Not Hate or their alter egos Unite Against Fascism seem to get free reign to agitate and intimidate without police reaction. In the end the silent majority see what is happening, who is allowing it to happen and vote accordingly. No matter what the MSM tries to tell them.
What Trump needs to do is what the BBC persuaded Treezer to do.
When a bunch of thugs in house can’t be controlled, and threaten to trash the place even more if they don’t get their way, you cave in over and over and ban free speakers to appease them. Works every time, which is why it keeps getting repeated.
Trickier with a national all ready in country, but BLM have learned from Cameron’s Black Balaclavas here.
It appears criticism of the Beeb is gathering momentum in the Press. It started as a drip by the odd columnist, but I see its a daily occurrence by those who know their punctuation to vent their feelings on the bias reporting. TV critic Christopher Stevens in the D/Mail wrote a cracking piece on the ‘After Brexit; The Battle for Europe’ programme. This is just his opening few lines…….
“Talk about sore losers. Some people (and the BBC is full of them) are tying themselves in knots to prove that Brexit is, as the Corporation’s own Europe Editor – Katya Adler, puts it, ‘an irrelevance’……..
“The BBC insists, of course, that its Europe editor is strictly impartial, but since she boasted in her online CV, before she took the TV post three years ago, that she had chaired debates “including for the EU Commission and the Austrian government during its EU Presidency” we can judge her impartiality for ourselves. ”
Do those at the Beeb not chew their knuckles every time they read reporting like that?
No. Hence their unrequited love for ‘La La Land’.
There’s also the block order of 20,000 for the new iCanthearu Apple wireless earbuds tuned solely to Radio 4… just in case.
These people should be deported after their jail term is completed ……..
Too PC taffman, not like your normal comments.
IMHO, several shotguns and a wall might be an interesting combination.
Please be upstanding, ladies and gents., to mark the Death of Irony. According to the BBC’s in-house journal (Bafta awards: BBC braced for podium protests against Trump), concerns are being raised that winners at the BAFTAs this Sunday may reflect on recent events in the US. The following snippet from the article is breathtaking:
There is no specific mention of live events in the BBC’s impartiality rules, and a press officer refused to speculate on whether a large number of speeches that all sided with a particular stance would be problematic for the corporation.
They added: ‘We’ve been broadcasting the Baftas for years and years and years. There’s always something going on in the world and we’ve always got it right.’
I think you have just defined a definition of the word plonker. – or should that be plonquers?
So it will be a racist hate fest of hatred for Americans, Russians, Israelis and the majority of the British people.
But a love fest for Lords and Lovvies, Islam and terrorists, Immoral European Commissioners and violent perverts who live in the Thames water area.
Also a possible announcement that Bob Geldof is to buy a British Isle, to house thousands of refuges, at his own cost.
Or more likely, the morally dysfunctional Bob Geldof, is to angrily demand that the Tories spend taxpayers money to buy up houses in white working class areas of England, that do not want to be culturally and criminally destroyed by Islamic refugees, and a long way from Geldofs Battersea home in the Thames water area, which I believe is a soft water area, unlike Yorkshire which is a hard Brexit water area.
The anonymous drone really said ‘got it right’? Bless.
It is possible this may backfire. Luvvies are not notoriously great when unscripted, and an uncoordinated gaggle of virtue signallers in the UK trying to outworthy one another over a recently democratically elected leader elsewhere during a mutual millionaire back patting outing about make believe may not play as well outside the bubble.
Hope the first few hundred rows were reserved for the BBC.
There’s going to be a lifetime BAFTA award for Mel Brooks. Will the bBBC show the highlights from Blazing Saddles?
The Guardian speculated about a pay rise for BBC deputy director Anne Bulford back in July,
It is reported to have deen awarded in November by the Mail,
£395,000 to £435,000, not bad for a job with deputy in the title, no cause for concern though because “Through Anne’s work, the BBC has already saved hundreds of millions of pounds”
Really, well I can think of at least one way to save a few more.
Well, they are unique.
Now that is what I call ‘getting about right’.
Heaven forfend a dip in the markets sees the need for money being diverted from programming to, worse, the new fact checking unit, to prop up their meagre pensions.
Red, red, everywhere, and not a drop of thought.
It’s like the BBC is locked in a world inhabited by a trot version of Johnny from the Fast Show.
“If liberty means anything, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Today’s news bulletin on Five Live leads with . . . under-funded parks! You stick it to the man, BBC! It’s not like there’s much else going on we should be worried about. You are just like Winston Smith – daring to take on the rottenid tn establishment with your request for more park wardens! Just pray the Thought Police do not track you down and torture you into no longer being such a rebel!
Please help.
I am looking for the outrage, the protests, the petitions , the endless hype from the BBC, Bercows bile, the luvvies laments but none can I find. Mad cow Merkel is proposing to deport hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants, sorry refugees , fleeing persecution and war back where they came from only a year or so after inviting them all to Germany. But do we hear a squeak of protest from the BBC? No we do not. The contrast with their extreme over reaction when President Trump proposes to ban people from a few countries entering the USA , says all you need to know about the bias of the BBC. Merkel is one of their own and they suppressed the news about the dire consequences of her disasterous open door policy in the first place. Now they are covering up for her and trying not to admit that her U turn confirms what we all knew, it was madness to invite Muslims into your country.
Even the most stupid of the snowflakes must be able to work this out. But come on get out on the streets , waving your silly placards, shouting you dumb slogans. Where is your solidarity with these victims? Where is your Hope Not Hate ? Where is your virtue signalling. You really are a useless bunch of fools.
BBC sport headline: “Wales are plotting to end England’s winning run”
This is what puts me off the BBC’s rugby coverage – the constant framing of an anti-English, pro-regions narrative. The sporting rivalry is there already. The BBC is supposed to be even-handed, not condescendingly and tokenistically anti-metropolitan.
What are the chances, do you think, of the warm and unbiased tones of commentator Eddie Butler, helping us to understand the weaknesses of England and the strengths of Wales?
I watched the match, and Mr Butler did just what you predicted. Together with the strange tones of Jonathan Davies screeching about “numbers”. I played rugby a long time ago, and numbers were what was on the back of your shirt to identify you to the ref. Why is Jonathan so fascinated by them?
The whole commentary and production was presented as if England was some foreign country that had come here from abroad to stick it to the natives. Wake up BBC, most of the people watching were English, even though the match was in Wales.
What are the chances of finding an English rugby commentator? Or would that be too nasty for the poor downtrodden plucky non English countries of the UK to cope with? Give them some credit please. They can’t even find one for the matches against France and Italy.
I wouldn’t mind so much if they could find another Bill McClaren, who had a wonderful Scottish accent but managed to be virtually even-handed and neutral in his commentaries, even when Scotland were playing.
And they treat Brian Moore as a joke with disdainful sneers at his punditry
BBC sport headline: “Wales are plotting to end England’s winning run”
There’s ANOTHER result the bBBC got wrong – LOL.
Actually the bBBC’s scoreboard briefly added the last England try to Wales, showing a score of 21-14 instead of 16-19. Wishful thinking for the anti-English bBBC.
Interesting article in which the BBC supports the, “work” of the Muslim Council of Britain. Can the old saying, “The Devil finds work for idle hands” fit the MCB like a glove……
Sorry if this has been posted before but interesting link to a story in the Daily Express today regarding John Bercow
quote from this article which might wet your appetites ” Mr Vaz said members of the Asian community financially supported MPs, including Mr Bercow, due to admiration for their commitment to diversity.”
Drain the swamp!
As usual, I log on to the BBC Website and ,as usual, the first word is “Trump”. What would Beeboids do without him ?
Rotherham : “more than 100 active investigations into child sexual exploitation (CSE) in the town.”
– But lead councillor says keep quiet cos “far-right extremists’ continuing attempts to stir up racial divisions, ”
– Move along all healed now “Coun Read, the leader of Rotherham Council, has spoken of how the town has recovered in the wake of the scandal that thrust it into the headlines.”
Read more at:
These days pointing out facts is stirring up racial divisions. However we all know what happens if you try to hold the lid on boiling liquid
Pointing out facts… Emily M is your girl, proudly taking up the banner of the BIJ. And happily too.
Spiked magazine is doing its annual campaign about restriction of freedom of speech at universities
94% have some restrictions.
but the Times just focus on fancy dress party bans eg No vicars and tarts.
Best read Spiked itself as it explains restrictions have gone up
63.5% now code Red, up from 40%
Pg10 Bercow helped coverup for Vaz by denying FOI requests
Vaz associates donated to Bercow
That the BBC are totally thick and unthinking in terms of efforts to indoctrinate us is only to our benefit, yet we pay for this wilful show of ignorance and cliche.
1. The BBC laid a daisy chain of anti-Brexit stories on Today yesterday morning.
a) We might not get our NHS drugs as quickly as Muslims in Mollenbeeck-so says an ex Drugs Czar who will be well padded by the EU I`m certain
b) The City may no longer be gateway to financial services-so says the German EBU chief.
Vested interests?…tsk, you cynics!
This was sandwiched by some advert for yet ANOTHER BBC excuse to trash Brexit- a series coming up, who KNOWS what the BBC might be saying?
AS yet-not ONE programme has ever been made by the BBC to show either why Brexit got the vote and why it might be good.
But,as I say-they`re thick.
Because PM daisy chained their stories on child “refugees” not getting funneled into the country with those four Pakistanis who may well be deported having fucked “Rochdales kids in care” some time back.
Did they MEAN to link these back to back-or has somebody already been sacked for not finding a Shami. Emily or Imran, Anyat to tell us why we`re so much BETTER than deporting vulnerable businessmen who were only taking drugged and bound schoolgirls halfway to paradise with themselves?
Have been to London quite a bit recently-truly frightening just how thick and captive their young people now are re Brexit and Trump etc
So maybe the BBC are going over our heads and straight into their laundry baskets…tomorrow belonging to them an` all.
Five jailed for terrorism offences, Luton
….noticed any bbc coverage ?
“Extremists jailed for boosting Isis support”
” An officer infiltrated the Luton branch of the banned group Al- Muhajiroun (ALM) and recorded speeches ”
Jail them and who pays the price the British tax payer-why should this tax payer have said money collected by the government shoved into keeping this load of filth out of circulation and not be deported? Are we still so weak and feeble, are we still ruled by the softy liberal establishment? America is seeing someone in its president showing some guts-but for the United Kingdom, where it appears post WW2 after about 1960 we seemed to lose the patriotism we so genuinely held onto during WW2. The British people as we now know were conned by Edward Heath et al into believing we were entering an inter trading mixed with some military involvement with another 6-7 european countries-but through stealth over the next twenty years we were all fooled and bamboozled into entering the most devious, enslaving & subjugating project imaginable-encased in a financial cleft of debt especially designed by the banking elites to hold us all in place. This elitist group are desperate to ensure that they are able to continue the financial agression uponn us-so lets bring in our own money as we did in 1914, Bradbury Pound. Without debt the Banks will fall and so will the controllers of the money.
There were some interesting stats on Guido a few weeks ago regarding the prison population. There was a breakdown of those in prison by religion and this was compared to the wider population. The percentage in prison compared very closely with the population outside for all religions, except one. Yes, you’ve guessed it, Islam.
The figures were from 2015 and were for those aged 15+. Apparently the Muslim population in this country is 4% but Muslims in prison account for 15% of the total. Religion of peace?
Is this the same Luton where the EDL was born because townspeople were sick of Muslims activity?
Ah already @Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling February 10, 2017 at 8:04 pm
Explained BBC put that one down as minor local news.
Noticed how pathetically short the sentences are.
To say they are considered dangerous men, they won’t be inside long and once released they will be even more determined to get “vengeance”.
No doubt whilst in prison they will be able to “radicalise” some of the other inmates.
They should be deported. Really wish Donald Trump was in charge here he wouldn’t mess about!
GreenPea Rar
“Stunning spring carpets of bluebells under threat because of global warming”
It’s too early you muppets our woods will have them in 4-6 weeks
I’m in Kent now & it’s snowing. There were no bluebell shortages last year.
(Kent woods are famous for them) I’m not predicting any problems this year either.
Darling “you simply must get yourself a refugee”
writes Emma Duncan pg23 romantic and totally uncritical half page article.
Jesus Christ what planet are these people living on, does she not think she will be putting her daughters at risk when they come home in the hols?
Note the quotation marks, those were her actual words.
Stupidity beyond belief
It`s paywalled any chance of you posting the full content on here for us to read please??? I have to read the full text…. That first paragraph was unreal!!!
I won’t break the entire paywall, but just post the first four paragraphs which end with the real reason why she did it:
Over Christmas I read in a newspaper about an organisation called Refugees at Home, which places homeless refugees with host families. Since I was feeling seasonably charitable and I rattle around the house when my daughters are away at university, I got in touch with them.
They sent a nice woman round to inspect us. The main thing she wanted to find out was whether everybody in the household was keen on having a refugee: there had, it seemed, been a few cases of a wife inviting the tired, the poor and the huddled masses into the family home and failing to inform her husband that he was going to be staring at them over the marmalade at breakfast-time.
Since I was keen, the girls were going back to their universities and the dog was not consulted, the wheels started turning. A few weeks later, Mohammedain arrived with a small rucksack and a large smile. He’s from Darfur, he’s 28, and he’s a delight. Even the dog, which has shown embarrassing racist tendencies in the past, has taken to him.
Having Mohammedain around is a bonus in several ways. First, he wins me brownie points. People’s eyes widen with amazement at my virtue when I tell them I’ve got a Sudanese refugee living in the house.
The most recommended comments are worth reading …
Simon Harris 20 hours ago
If he came here from Calais isn’t he an economic migrant rather than a refugee? And whilst it’s up to you who you take into your house, we may all express a view about who we take into our country. My view is not to take in an adult who has already been through various safe countries, travels on public transport without paying, and entered our country illegally.
Teresa Hughes 13 hours ago
So basically you have taken in someone who has lied, cheated and scammed his way to get into this country. Someone who is no more a refugee than I am. If he were a true refugee he would have claimed asylum as soon as he got to safety. The odds are also very high that relatively speaking he was a well off Sudenese in order to have the money to pay the people smugglers.
This man is nothing more than a criminal. Honest people do not do the things he has done. I also imagine by the way you are speaking of him a relationship has formed.
If you had a spare room, why not give it to a homeless Brit. An ex soldier perhaps, or a teenager just leaving the care system.
Years ago people such as yourself boasted shout getting a hostess trolley, now getting involved with refugees AKA economic migrants is the trendy thing – to the detriment of all. You have been and are being scammed. Idiot.
SKD 20 hours ago
But why is a Muslim ‘refugee’ (in fact, economic migrant) from the Sudan in England in the first place? Why not in a neighbouring country like Egypt, or indeed in other parts of the Sudan that aren’t a ‘war zone’, or indeed any of the European countries he passed through on the way here?
michael sanders 15 hours ago
@SKD Because he lied and cheated his way here breaking international laws and putting others at risk including the lorry driver who probably unwittingly smuggled him in.
Boudicca 13 hours ago
@michael sanders @SKD
Yes. And the stupid woman who took him in and wrote this article is just encouraging even more people trafficking….. with thousands dying in the process.
Sir Arthur
“People’s eyes widen with amazement at my virtue when I tell them I’ve got a Sudanese refugee living in the house” !!!!!
Wow!! What an example of unashamed virtue signalling. I presume she gave other reasons as to why having a 28 year old Muslim “refugee” in her home is a bonus, but clearly “winning me brownie points” is the most important.
Just what I was going to say, what an imbecile.
“Even the dog, which has shown embarrassing racist tendencies in the past…” Yes, I’ve noticed that about dogs. Quick, call the police.
Quite Stew. Refugees are the new black this season.
Construction of a new subsea power link to France that was thrown into doubt by the Brexit vote will begin in September, National Grid has said.
The £590 million IFA2 interconnector is due to run 127 miles between the Normandy and Hampshire coasts, enabling 1 gigawatt of electricity to be imported and helping to bolster security of supply”
A similar Brexit scare story is on the BBC’s fake news website now, claiming cancer drugs could be ‘delayed’ due to Brexit.
There are no depths to which this lying, treacherous organisation will not stoop.
I do not think that anyone takes the BBC seriously any more. Even friends of mine who were not aware of the bias and the Fake News, are now noticing it. The BBC have gone too far and are just an expensive joke now.
I agree that the BBC’s behaviour over Brexit, the EU generally and now President Trump has alienated a lot of people who would previously have supported it, Grant.
Sadly, I find there are still many who take its output unquestioningly – even members of my own family – though I feel the tide is certainly turning. They’ve overplayed their hand.
Yes. They have gone to far and, for them , it is like a drug. They cannot stop now !
After suffering a ‘we know best’ barrage from bbc news about how to eat healthily, sermons about sugar, the cost to the beloved NHS from obesity and diabetes, Saturday Morning Kitchen gives us every dish cooked in butter and a some rather suspect fried strawberry scones served up with crusted clotted cream.
Get your story straight.
seismicboy it’s what the BBC do best – hypocrisy!
Good report from Katya Adler on the current political scene in Europe. She covered it as unbiasedly as was possible, nevertheless the position of many of the countries in the EU are positioning themselves for getting out of the EU as per Britain, or looking to formulate a re-nogiating stance, either way the future of the European Union is on very unsafe ground. As Katya said at the end of her study- with the possiblility of three or four countries (France, Holland, Italy, Hungary) voting for OUT of the EU, what would then be the point of Britain bothering to negotiate directly with the EU? With three of the main players out, the EU as is will simply crumble away as another expert implied.
tarien- maybe they are starting to realise that they are clinging onto a sinking ship.
I watched half of this after a recommendation, but found it disappointingly trite and the usual pro EU hogwash, so I gave up.
Katya laboured under the delusion that Viktor Orban was a dictator because he wouldn’t speak to the BBC. Boo Hoo. Why should he? Suck it up bBBC no-one thinks you are relevant or important.
Oh yes, and what is this “EU money” that was used to build Budapest’s shiny new metro line, the one that makes the old Soviet era lines look antiquated? Is there an EU money tree somewhere, or does the money come from UK and German taxpayers (with a large commission skimmed off the top to keep Mr Juncker et al in well paid employment?
And didn’t the bBBC make a huge ricket in showing Federica Mogherini, EU Vice President making the case for an EU defence force, aka Army? Weren’t we told by the Remain side prior to the referendum that this was a fantasy dreamt up by swivel-eyed Brexiteers to scare the public into believing that their sons and daughters might be conscripted into such a force?
Big fail, BBC, but keep them coming.
A joy to hear Ann Coulter tear Guru Murthys playbook up live on air last night on their News Pony.
Murthy looked hunted, racing round to quote Pillitzer prize websites on air, looked winded and seeking help at various points as Coulter destroyed his presumptions, pretensions, his lies on air and slithering failure to do anything but roll his marbles round the empty room.
Great telly.
So many highlights-but for me there were two.
1. “I don`t know if you`re a lawyer or not like me etc”…and Ann said “Yes I am”…a balloon went up, Ann was merciful and let him seek out his laptop at that point.
2 “You`e not going to wheel out that St Cloud” story again are you? Well yes, because I was involved in generating this story in the first place-don`t know that YOU did”
AND she quoted Brexit…AND she repeatedly mocked his “Fake News” meme-him being THE Fake News before her-AND she scorned laughed waved goodbye having told him that he CERTAINLY was in no position to “speak for the British people”, and that the views of Bercow might be HIS-but the British People sure as hell were with Trump!
Oh I love Ann-and rather hoping that a Katie Hopkins might see a future here.
cH – Here’s the clip.
Ta Al!
An endless loop of love!
Yet Krish will STILL pop up to work on Monday…shameless, spineless and an Islamic carpet rug with cowardy custard where a brain might once have been expected.
And having heard Emma Barnett get flattened by Ted Malloch, it`s pretty clear that the lefty media oafs who presume to interview “the Right”-really have no idea about argument, reason.
Too many years in the liberal hen house I guess.
This is likely to be a golden age for comedy and a search for irony, unintended comedy and sheer stupidity.
Krishnan being a Silver Medallist thus far…hope Snow “trumps” this sterling first effort from Cathy Newmans empty gourd, dressed as a chihuahua.
Or shitzu?…shitzu poo?…WGAF?
Throughout the interview the volume setting on her microphone was much lower than on his. This enabled him to talk over her whenever she was making an important point, and continually to disrupt the flow of her arguments. Almost every one of her answers was interupted by a snide comment. He’s wasted on Ch4 – his natural home is the BBC.
Murthy looking rather stuffed must be consuming too many false facts.
Ann Coulter is wonderful! Like an adult talking to a fibbing and not too bright child.
How the hell does he have the right to say most of Britain are opposed to Trump visiting?
“Snotty and sarcastic” sums up that twat, to a tee.
Well said, Old Goat!
BTW, thank you very much for the tip about Swiss Classic radio the other week. I have been tuning in regularly and it is a real treat not to have to suffer the mindless adverts on Classic FM – not to mention the endless film and TV theme tunes being passed off as serious music!
Great viewing. Coulter on top form.
At least C4 News, which is totally biased, allows opposition voices on occasionally.
The BBC would never permit such an interview being biased and unbalanced.
And at the first hint of an attack on the Beeb, their interviewers are trained to go into shout and screech mode and close down the discussion.
What a useless interviewer that man is. He’s basically just repeating the Band Wagon Fallacy over and over again – ie, everybody knows Trump is awful, it must be true because everybody says so. Coulter wipes the floor with him.
And why is she referred to as a ‘conservative commentator’? Do they refer to Yasmin or Polly as ‘socialist commentators’?
Incisive, probing, knowledgeable, impartial, intelligent, witty?
THe media’s interviewers are not any of these things.
From being a Bosnian-Muslim refugee to becoming a Lord via being a friend of the wife of Conservative cabinet minister John Nott
Baroness Helic 2 page story
Title: ‘Britain isn’t Farage. It’s normal people doing amazing things’
(“Normal people” having the right friends is what she means, surely?)
Nothing more irritating or ridiculous than a tea-towelled, veiled or enburkaed woman telling everyone what being British is all about.
The following is something I received on email. To check it wasn’t Fake News, it apparently was mentioned last year on the BBC website but cant remember it being on the air time news!
Switzerland – What’s in a handshake?
Sometimes it’s the little things that are most telling. At first glance this may seem like a trivial story but what lies hidden beneath it could have serious consequences for our children
and grandchildren.
In Switzerland it has long been customary for students to shake the hands of their teachers at the beginning and end of the school day. It’s a sign of solidarity and mutual respect between teacher and pupil, one that is thought to encourage the right classroom atmosphere. Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga recently felt compelled to further explain that shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life. And the reason she felt compelled to speak out about the handshake is that two Muslim brothers, aged 14 and 15, who have lived in Switzerland for several years (and thus are familiar with its mores), in the town of Therwil, near Basel, refused to shake the hands of their teacher, a woman, because, they claimed, this would violate Muslim teachings that contact with the opposite sex is allowed only with family members.
At first the school authorities decided to avoid trouble, and initially granted the boys an exemption from having to shake the hand of any female teacher. But an uproar followed, as Mayor Reto Wolf explained to the BBC: “the community was unhappy with the decision taken by the school. In our culture and in our way of communication a handshake is normal and sends out respect for the other person, and this has to be brought home to the children in school.” Therwil’s Educational Department reversed the school’s decision, explaining in a statement on May 25 that the school’s exemption was lifted because “the public interest with respect to equality between men and women and the integration of foreigners significantly outweighs the freedom of religion.” It added that a teacher has the right to demand a handshake.
Furthermore, if the students refused to shake hands again “the sanctions called for by law will be applied,” which included a possible fine of up to 5,000 dollars. This uproar in Switzerland, where many people were enraged at the original exemption granted to the Muslim boys, did not end after that exemption was itself overturned by the local Educational Department. The Swiss understood quite clearly that this was more than a little quarrel over handshakes; it was a fight over whether the Swiss would be masters in their own house, or whether they would be forced to yield, by the granting of special treatment, to the Islamic view of the proper relations between the sexes. It is one battle – small but to the Swiss significant – between overweening Muslim immigrants and the indigenous Swiss. Naturally, once the exemption was withdrawn, all hell broke loose among Muslims in Switzerland.
The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland, instead of yielding quietly to the Swiss decision to uphold the handshaking custom, criticized the ruling in hysterical terms, claiming that the enforcement of the handshaking is “totalitarian” (!) because its intent is to “forbid religious people from meeting their obligations to God.” That, of course, was never the “intent” of the long-standing handshaking custom, which was a nearly-universal custom in Switzerland, and in schools had to do only with encouraging the
right classroom atmosphere of mutual respect between instructor and pupil, of which the handshake was one aspect. The Swiss formulation of the problem – weighing competing claims — will be familiar to Americans versed in Constitutional adjudication. In this case “the public interest with respect to equality” of the sexes and the “integration of foreigners” (who are expected to adopt Swiss ways, not force the Swiss to exempt them from some of those ways) were weighed against the “religious obligations to God” of Muslims, and the former interests found to outweigh the latter.
What this case shows is that even at the smallest and seemingly inconsequential level, Muslims are challenging the laws and customs of the Infidels among whom they have been allowed
to settle [i.e., stealth jihad toward sharia dominance]. Each little victory, or defeat, will determine whether Muslims will truly integrate into a Western society or, instead, refashion that society to meet Muslim requirements.
The handshake has been upheld and, what’s more, a stiff fine now will be imposed on those who continue to refuse to shake hands with a female teacher. This is a heartening sign of non-surrender by the Swiss. But the challenges of the Muslims within Europe to the laws and customs of the indigents have no logical end and will not stop. And the greater the number of Muslims allowed to settle in Europe, the stronger and more frequent their challenges will be. They are attempting not to integrate, but rather to create, for now, a second, parallel society, and eventually, through sheer force of numbers from both migration and by out breeding the Infidels, to fashion not a parallel society but one society — now dominated by Muslim sharia.
The Swiss handshaking dispute has received some, but not enough, press attention. Presumably, it’s deemed too inconsequential a matter to bother with. But the Swiss know better. And so should we.
There’s an old Scottish saying that in one variant reads: “Many a little makes a mickle.” That is, the accumulation of many little things leads to one big thing. That’s what’s happening in Europe today. This was one victory for the side of sanity. There will need to be a great many more.
Great post Brissles. It illustrates the conclusion that an increasing number of people in the West have reached: Islam and its adherents are toxic to European societies and their presence serves absolutely no beneficial purpose within them.
What have Muslim immigrants brought with them to the UK for example, apart from food poisoning and sex crimes that is?
Great post Brissels.
Your write up knocks spots off the BBCs mealy mouthed dancing around the chick pea.
But-having read the BBCs report itself as you`ve linked it- it`s hard not to disagree with the Fundis of Islam who say
“One minute we`re told to get away from contact with women (as in Cologne)-the next we`re getting forced to get even closer to them as we`re made to shake hands with them”.
What`s a liberal BBC eejit to do?….
And I liked the union oaf in Basel saying that the Islam refusal to shake the hand of a female is “sexual discrimination”.
Guess that`ll bring in a campaign for more hand amputations now.
Glad I`m no loner a liberal idiot-my head would spin and I`d spout shit all day and forever.
As opposed to the BBC, Guardian, EU, Lib Dems, Welby……
While the, ‘mainly Muslim’ countries don’t do concessions or accommodations and that is just accepted – headscarves and arms, legs covered = OK.
We haven’t got long to go then before becoming Islamified – Debenhams have announced they are to begin selling hijabs ! Clearly this department store don’t feel that the variety of hijabs in the Islamic shopping areas of some of our cities don’t quite cut it. In the name of equality I wonder if they will be selling the Jewish Kippah (male skull cap) as well, and if not why not !
Be interesting to see if family concerns of pork butchers will set up shop in the Islamic High Streets !!
It’s not a good idea to go to Switzerland and annoy the Swiss.
I might have linked to this one before:
As a taster: “The reason the Swiss have had the luxury of being neutral through two World Wars and a Franco-Prussian conflict is because these guys are so over-the-top hardcore badass as hell that nobody would dare screw with them. They’re a tough-as-shit, patriotic population with one simple rule of war – if you come into Swiss territory, we will show you No Quarter, take no prisoners, and kill every last motherhumping invader who would dare set foot on our soil. Every single man in Switzerland has been given hardcore professional militia training, been handed a government-issued SiG-550 assault rifle, taught how to use it in live-fire exercises, and keeps it in his home just in case anyone ever decides to step to his country’s Badass Neutrality clause. The idea is simple – don’t step to us, and we won’t bash your head in with a magazine full of 5.56mm NATO ammunition.”
Not so sure about every male having an assault rife. I was in a relationship with a Swiss guy with 2 adult sons, and none had a weapon of any description. They did however do compulsory community service – by being on the rota of the fire service and mountain medical helicopter rescue.
30 years ago I camped overnight in a small town (forget it’s name) in Switzerland over the east side near Austria, I was sat in the bar of the only hotel watching tv when two blokes walked in carrying rifles, they casually leant them against the bar and ordered a beer.
Brissles – excellent post, and I think it’s worth me posting this again as it’s very relevant to what you say.
It’s the short, or shortened, report about Blackburn by a German reporter, and this is what one of the Muslim women interviewees says:
‘Maybe it will look like this in Germany 30 years from now. Let the Muslims learn their religion and practice it and bring their culture to the country then it will work there like it does here for us.’
‘Or else’ was implicit, given what has happened in Germany.
An interesting analogy Johnnie, but something tells me the above photo was over-text by an American – that’s the way they spell Labor !
At my sons graduation from the University of Manchester there was a Muslim girl who graduated from ‘Islamic History’, (what a surprise) and brought her all entourage along,one thing I noticed was that ALL the students shook hands with the professor as they received their certificates. Except her.
I see the BBC has decided not to report the story in today’s Times, exposing those two charmers Vaz and Bercow.
Why do I get the feeling that their silence isn’t because they fear a law suit from the bombastic twerp and his rentboy hiring chum?
Still though.
Let`s pity the BBC at such times as these.
Clearly bombing Yemen as they do is bad-but the Saudis ARE the font of Islamic terror in 90% of cases-and have sharp swords for Charles to wave with?
So let`s send Lyse Doucett over to giggle with the Saudi young women under their black hessian sacks in the mid-day sun in Jeddah, with the whirring of hairdryers or oil derricks nearby( no visuals on radio-and would YOU trust the BBC not to make it all up anyway?). Lyse does her bit-can`t really make her out under all that echoing abaya garb she`s made to wear. But this is a “conservative country”-so don`t vote for may will ya?
Utter crap from Lyse and Eddie Mairs sisters on PM-FGM, can`t drive, can`t vote, no jobs and Friday stonings…but Lyse has met Kim-Jong Al Joanna who`s the one female engineer allowed to speak to Lyse…and Saudi is grand, great nail bars etc.
Have a listen from yesterdays PM-think Lyse thinks it`s now OK to sell them warplanes once more, because the Corniche has strolling Pakistanis eating Saudi toe jam before getting packed off to die for FIFA in 2022.
The BBC…truly inconsequential, mad and incoherent.
Lyse Doucett part Minnie Ha Ha and the rest is Lady Haw Haw.
Kate Adie was a stooge-but NOT on this scale.
Be fascinating, wouldn’t it, to see the box-tick list for approval as a female BBC Foreign Correspondent.
Incomprehensible, plain and dispiriting and all given – but could there be one or two less obvious points required to ensure the salary and pension? Perhaps Lyse and Orla in the process of gender realignment, for instance, or the even more exciting prospect of a civil partnership?
Don’t forget that the candidate should ideally have an anti-British animus:
Lyse Doucet is of French Canadian origin and so could claim historical grievance; Orla Guerin is Irish and could claim similar victimhood, as might Fergal K.
Every time al-bibistan report tut-tuttingly about the ban on ‘mainly muslim countries’, the wording is obviously meant to send a shiver of disapproval (or blind rage) down the backs of the bien-pensants. And maybe it does, throughout vast swathes of Islington. But I wonder what people think in normal parts of once Great Britain, Rotherham, say, or Rochdale? (Not to mention Nice, Paris, Brussels, Cologne or Berlin.)
And I wonder if the bibistan isn’t thereby unwittingly promoting Trump to millions.
Wouldn’t that be a delicious irony?
Peter – In my part of the world (the Black Country) I think I’ve only met one person who disapproves of what President Trump is doing – the rest think he’s doing an impressive job.
Naturally, the person who disapproves reads the Guardian. He must be the only one who does in a 25 mile radius.
That’s a big 10-4!
Quote Lobby – “Naturally, the person who disapproves reads the Guardian. He must be the only one who does in a 25 mile radius” – He works in a Travel-Binn & got it for free and used it to pick up some dog shit near the foyer.
They’ve got sense Oop North.
They haven’t, that’s the problem. Many of the worst affected places have been voting Labour for decades whilst jobs have been disappearing around them (eg coal mine closures under H Wilson) and their neighbourhoods have been changing beyond recognition.
There are signs that they are coming to their senses. About time.
Labour, with backs to the wall, now have to increasingly rely on the Muslim vote and to hell with the white working class and Blair’s business people.
Jobs need a functioning economy, investment and controlled immigration and so does health and Social Care. All Labour can do is panda to those busy building Mosul in Moseley.
The best thing Labour could do to dispel any fears of pro-Islam/anti-Semitism in its ranks is to commission a report by a highly respected, totally impartial, member of the peerage.
Oh wait…
Is the News Quiz more distasteful than the Now Show ?
I switched off after the Line Up Landlords And Shoot Them quip .
I suppose it’s because workers and retired workers are now landlords rather than university professors , TV journalist , approved celebrities and all the other lefties Gramscians aren’t .
Both programmes are like what you see when you lift a damp rock.
Save something for later
“Ha ha ha, you said it!” enthuses female BBC anchor on the News Channel as an obviously anti-Trump US academic (introduced as a ‘political analyst’) quips:
“Many people around the world roll their eyes when confronted by Donald Trump”.
That clearly amused her and summed up the short interview nicely. BBC editors no doubt making a note to book that guy again.
His joke came about as our BBC gal tried, at the close of a boring BBC interview about the travel ban, to get a response to her petty observation that the Japanese PM had apparently rolled his eyes when shaking hands with the US President. Leading question, you Honour! But it would make sense to try to make something of it if your news organisation was somewhat… anti-Trump.
Give it a rest BBC. We’ve got Trump coming out of our ears now. Enough, already!
Even the clearly pro-Democrat guest who referred to Impeachment should Trump keep challenging Judges (a tactic which Obama was perfectly comfortable in using when it suited him) at least said “That will be something for later”
Oh dear.
Poor Sarah Montague was given the shit stick on Today yesterday morning in the “Flagship 8.10 Interview” wasn`t she?
No NHS to squauk about?…no Trump Tweets, No Despite/Because of Brexit ship to tow around the liberal millpond?
So the poor preppy Montessori moaning mum got the “Spesh Kids” not getting enough anti-dyslexia multivitamins in their CoCo pops at Breakfast Clubs ( Cleggs Konditoreis formerly.
A BBC surefire this one. But no-the twist in the twirl was that Private School Kids were getting all the extra help, counselling and laptops to read Obamas windsocks.
As opposed to Bog Standard Comps who can`t be arsed to pick up and phone and tell OFSTED that their kids are no thicker than the teachers these days!
So Sarah had to confect something about the toffs getting all the abuse, thick sticks and Ritalin…which only shows they`re MORE needy than the rest of the population…and, er…need even MORE resourcings, given that many Private schools are aimed at the “Special Ones”-who simply CAN`T defend themselves against Labour Union headteachers like Mr Gripper Stebson and Prof Scrufward Mc Guff up in the Scottish Parliament!
Oh poor Sarah didn` know a Dunces Cap from a Dutch one-and our clueless Labour love bird and our Selsdon Prep School Snake Oil Merchant couldn`t help the Bluestockinged Private School user out of her hole of pointlessness.
Thought I heard an “Abandon Ship” call to the top deck boulevardiers as they gaily sailed into the parked car nose first…but I might have been making it all up, as the BBC do.
My mind now wanders that they`re lying all the time now-got to be be good for the songs and poetry eh?
BBC News – “Trump warns Israel over settlement growth”
Sheesh! sounds like Buraq Hussein Obama, Muslim Brotherhood stylee
Until you go to the page itself, “Trump urges Israel to ‘act reasonably’ on settlements” – urge to act reasonably? the Trump Warning!.
Israel does anyway, so Statesman Trump re iterates the obvious, just stereotypical politi-speak… OK Act reasonably :-
Point 1.
“On the Destruction of Israel: ‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”, no good beating around the bush this is the common aim of the Jordanian arab entity the so called Palestinians, in fact its hardly hidden at all. Its taught to young children,
in their mosques and on Pallywood tv, hardly hidden in the politics.
“Act Reasonably” BBC report the situation factually.
Tomorrow morning Al BBC1 The Big Questions comes from … Leicester
“Should the UK trade with Israel now settlements are recognised?”
“Act Reasonably” BBC
Given what has been lost from the UK screens in name of PC oversight of satire, it is interesting what those in the US have gained:
Golly, it is like large chunk of the broadcast and dead tree media are in self-boosting lockstep.
Hope the BBC is not too upset at them snagging the ‘vital’ title.
Well remember Michael Crick giving out Paul Nuttalls address as he did his clownish “doorstepping” of UKIP up in Stoke a few weeks ago.
And now the BBC tell me that he`s now had to move address, due to security concerns.
The BBC and Channel 4 acting in concert to ensure that the likes of Farage and Nuttall aren`t safe…then they can pretend to merely be mere bystanders as the Lefty terrorists run riot.
Welcome to the New Left-AND don`t be surprised if Nuttall DOES win-that his moving house today will be used to stop him becoming an MP because his Stoke address was not continuous, by his being forced to move out tonight.
It is reported that the PM is annoyed that the BBC have devoted much of the week to fanning the flames in the NHS. I seem to remember that it is only a few months ago that she was extolling the cultural virtues of the over mighty corporation. When will Tory politicians learn that the BBC is their sworn enemy. It will always seek to damage the Tories at every opportunity and of course use tax payers money to do so. Sucking up to the BBC will not get Mrs May any further than it has any other Tories. President Trump is at war with the Us media , which is commercially funded , so he doesn’t have the power that a British PM has over a state funded organisation. Come Treezer follow DT into the fight and close the snivelling lefties down.
“BBC have devoted much of the week to fanning the flames in the NHS”
“close the snivelling lefties” … FFS The Al BBC/No10 and its cronies/those treacherous Red Tories they are ALL the establishment, they ARE the problem
NHS? … Exposing the situation yes, exposing the real issue, the real reason no.
They have carefully avoided the privatisation/marketization issue no mention of the defunding process, no mention of this deliberate running down, this failure by design. Bleating about funding, when that funding is being siphoned away to various private interests
It is in crisis, a deliberately manufactured crisis and the all the facts that show it have been avoided by the BBC, this is disgraceful, it can only be
in collusion with No10 lets face it any damn fool can wave knickers, and blowhard.
This allows the No10 lying, slimy, crooks an escape route, it is both unacceptable and disgraceful.
The last time a BBC employee exposed anything within the NHS was Jimmy Saville getting his c**k out prior to raping terminally ill and comatise children !! `I suppose the BBC got it about right` then too !!! Anyone who trusts the BBC is my opinion enabling peadophilia and also at the same time just as morally corrupt and guilty as those who carried out these depraved and horrific acts and TBH probably still do due to the protections the BBCs legal bodies provide them with!!
The NHS is a state monopoly and like all state monopolies it is grossly inefficient and run for its employees not its customers. Privatising as much of it as possible as quickly as possible would give its customers the best deal. Of course this is even more politically impossible than privatising the BBC is, no politicians dare even say it. I agree with Al below Treezer hasn’t the guts to roll back the state and its greedy employees. Just the opposite in fact, I think she is intent on increasing the role of the state. People who deplore socialism have no representation in this country. The Tories are the least bad option.
My wife is having treatment for a condition – not trivial, not life threatening either. She spent much of Wednesday and Thursday on the phone trying to find out what happened to her (routine) biopsy results and follow up appointment. Appointment now made, biopsy still missing.
It always seems to go this way. The administration is incompetent resulting in everybody’s time and money being wasted. No “can do” attitude from the NHS to sort the problem out. “Try phoning back tomorrow” is a typical response.
I know that some people are luckier and have only good things to say about the NHS. In our experience however, virtually everything seems to go wrong one way or another, but there’s no concept of failure, only lack of funding.
Iain Muir
“only lack of funding”
When they get more funding we get more admin people creeping round the corridors and wards with clip boards in hand, when we should get more doctors, nurses and beds?
The advent of computers meant ‘paperless offices’- what happened to that ?
Given the opportunity, and in the absence of constraints, administrators will empire build. That’s the problem – they seem to be experts at justifying what they do, and in avoiding censure when things go wrong.
The only constraint would be if their “customers” could go somewhere else. It works in the private sector where there is choice, and less well where there isn’t. The complete absence of choice is a nightmare.
Just before I left the NHS, in the hospital where I worked many medical secretaries of long standing experience were being ‘let go’. Why ? Because some pen pusher in his wisdom decided it would be cheaper to farm out the admin work – letters etc to India. Yep that’s right, India. The Consultant would dictate his letters in the same way but they would be transcribed by a bank of typists on the sub continent. However, to be on the safe side a few mature secretaries were retained in the hospital to double check for errors when the documents were returned. As expected the trial didn’t last long – too many errors, so those redundant secretaries were re-instated in their jobs. The waste of money was breathtaking, and admin staff and clinicians alike were as one in their opinions of Management !
And hence UKIP.
State Monopoly? – Incorrect that has already changed to its huge detriment, and that of patients …but that is the aim, the perceived failure is by design, i ll repeat its hard to sell/force private insurance, if its running adequately.
As a whole Private is not viable on cost and not viable on patient service. I have already stated these “Trusts mergers” are simply code for service removal, and department closure.
Privatisation is at least a third more expensive because it goes on the suckling of the market, on aiding private providers steal vital care funding from all … ALL of us,
It maybe hard for some folks on here, but the games changed politics and media its not even Left and Right really … its them and us
… it just so happens that the lying, crooked, self serving, bastards we have in No10 are particularly odious because they know the games up and in typical slimy Tory style are lining their pockets as quick as possible.
The deluded on here lauding private sector healthcare, are very sad indeed … if you only knew the ongoing implications which to be honest I can t even be bothered to type out
… I m alright Jack? eh! FFS (shakes head) how very erm “blue” of you
“and in typical slimy Tory style are lining their pockets as quick as possible”
Which no Labour PM would ever dream of doing.
“Come Treezer follow DT into the fight and close the snivelling lefties down.”
No way – she hasn’t the guts.
Just seen Alf Dubs on the news, and reckoned it might be good to get used to it.
Clearly the go-to guy for more migrants and associated platitudes.
But one question stuck with me in regard of the useful tool himself.
Does he look more like Mark E Smith or Alex Higgins?
“The agencies promised to find homes for all the children. They also promised to fund the operation and to ensure that none of the refugees would become a financial burden on the public. Every child would have a guarantee of £50 sterling to finance his or her eventual re-emigration, as it was expected the children would stay in the country only temporarily.”
These were “…unaccompanied children ranging from infants up to the age of 17…”
Alf’s 50quid has lasted well.
The agencies promised to find homes for all the children. They also promised to fund the operation and to ensure that none of the refugees would become a financial burden on the public.
Unless he means non-British agencies, they will be precisely a burden on the public.
It costs £220,000 a year for a kid to be kept in care. The authorities don’t have enough places for our own let alone stubbled adolescents with third world ‘customs’ and religious ‘differences’.
How f***ing much ????? It that’s correct I should love to see a breakdown of the figure. Where do they care for them – in Claridges?
That aroused my curiosity so I did a crude experiment. I had a look at the cheapest room at Claridge’s for 22nd February. A Deluxe Studio worked out at £1620 per night for two. That works out at £295,650 per person per year. Compares well with £220,000.
Yes, I know it is possible to poke holes in the comparison, and the rates will increase in Summer, but it still raises questions IMO.
I read it in a newspaper some months ago but damned if I can find the source now.
I was gobsmacked by the figure, which is why it stuck in my mind.
Don’t forget this is more than accommodation we’re talking about (itself never cheap when council-run) – it’s live-in 24/7 carers, food, clothing, health care, education, social workers, advocates, translators, psychologists and anyone else you can think of from rank upon rank of public support personnel that are at the beck and call to protect and develop ‘vulnerable’ children (unless they are English, white, female and under sixteen and live in culturally-enriched places like Rotherham).
‘Does he look more like Mark E Smith or Alex Higgins?’
Alicia, I can’t let a Fall reference go without reply.. they used to say Mark E looked as though he were aged anywhere between 15 and 45 (just like those Syrian refugees) now he looks 15 multiplied by 45.
I avoid all BBC news all week and find myself more clued up then ever. I used to live in Wapping and regularly saw that little tosspot Norton walking his dogs said hello to him a few times but he is so up his own arse , think that Dame Mirren lived near me too what a horrid woman . Anyways I moved out when the son of a bus driver chief rag head Khan became Mayor. What a shithole London is now
Yes, Khan was the 5th of 8 children, born in 1970. His family came to Britain from Pakistan shortly before he was born. Therefore his parents and 4 kids migrated here around 1969 and moved straight into a 3 bed flat in London !!! (wouldn’t we ALL like a 3 bed flat in London eh ?, although I read somewhere the family went to Exeter first but wanted to be near ‘family’ in London, so were moved) the late 60s onwards was little different to now regarding housing – a generation of youngsters trying to buy or rent their own homes albeit waiting less time for a Council house, but we could have waited less time if migrants weren’t at the front of the queue – like the Khans, the Javids (another 1 of 5 kids and bus driver father from Pakistan) the Alibaba-Browns, oh and Baroness Scotland who is 1 of TEN children of a Dominican mother and Antiguan father who emigrated to Walthamstow – London again!!
The British Muslim Awards announced Khan as the British Politician of 2016 – I bet they bloody did !!!
Well, not counting Alibaba, the parents of Khan, Javid and B.Scotland have contributed 24 TWENTY FOUR children for the UK to feed, house and educate. That’s just 3 families of migrants from the past 4 decades – well, do the maths for yourselves. But with the white population not contributing to that sort of breeding programme, of course we will be wiped out before the turn of the next century.
Demographic decline is one of the most unsettling trends of the post-war decades and let its coverage is minimal to say the least. Has anyone discussed this issue with people they know? I have and apart from one sensible person the best you’ll normally get is it’ll go in one ear and out the other. I don’t think some people even believe it (or more precisely, don’t believe in its tangible manifestations within society. The illusion of permanency and all that.). Very disturbing.
Mind you, I live in the South West – Plymouth specifically (though I’m from Bristol originally) – and though the impact of all the twenty-first century social engineering shenanigans are increasingly becoming more and more evident, it’s still not as far gone here so people are even less inclined to pay attention to such issues.
“so people are even less inclined to pay attention to such issues.”
Which has been the problem for decades. When places like Bradford were being taken over from the 1950s onwards, nobody took any notice.
Clue: Immigrants move, just like everybody else. Give it time.
Exactly. I work for a generic supermarket chain and the work force (what’s left of it) as it stands is almost exclusively locals and white British people. For a few months now we’ve had a Nigerian guy working as a security guard and I’ve noticed how many people stop to talk to him. Fair enough and all perfectly amicable one might reasonably conclude. However, the only reason people are going out of their way to talk to him is because he appears to be the lone black face in a predominately white crowd. This got me thinking that this is how it starts. It’s easy to be welcoming and accommodating when it appears you’re in the majority, and suspect this is how it started in many other parts of the country. However, when those numbers start to exponentially increase the novelty for many people wears off.
All the customers who make special time out to talk to him leave me wondering if they would talk to every person of differing ethnicity if they visited a supermarket in another part of the country? If they went to Birmingham or London they’d never get anything done because they’d be talking to all the damn staff by virtue of their race!
The last time I visited my hometown of Bristol back in February 2011 (due to my grandfather’s death) was the first time I had paid a visit to the city centre since 2004. I didn’t recognize the place. The amount of change (within the make-up of the people) in such a compressed amount of time staggered me. In fact, it was a major moment in my transition from parroting “liberal” and “progressive” nonsense and adopting conservative values (the authentic kind, not to be confused with the political party that appears to have very little to do with conservatism). Sure, I was already re-evaluating my position on a great many things, but I think witnessing vast swarms of Somalis (Bristol has the largest number of Somalis in all of Britain’s cities apparently) and other ethnicities from various Muslim territories really helped accelerate my much needed ideological transition.
Apologies for being off-topic here but I guess in one form or another it all overlaps with BBC propaganda.
Am only grateful that he was the son of a bus driver( did he mention that?)-as opposed to being a HGV-approved driver.
Islam seems to be having problems with those bigger lorries in places like Berlin and Nice.
Alicia, I think the term of ‘bus driver’ from those long ago times, equates to ‘engineer’ today. The loose term of bus driver in India/Pakistan could apply to the navigator of a tuc tuc, or a rickety rustbucket coach full of live poultry, and not our double decker Routemasters – had we been more enlightened in the swinging 60’s we could have been seriously worried !
But I take your point about the articulated lorries, they seem to be au fait with the back end of them for breaking into, but have a problem with finding the brakes at the front.
“What a shithole London is now”
If you want to see a real shithole, go to Bradford, Rotherham, Oldham etc. No jobs, and without £18m international visitors a year.
These places were going down the toilet long before the “London is a shithole” brigade cottoned on to what is really happening.
I am really upset to see the decline of Rotherham over the past 40 years. Because we couldn’t afford holidays in my childhood days, living in the south we would go to our grandparents for holidays in Rotherham. The only black faces were the miners or steel workers coming home from their shifts. Community spirit abounded, hard work during the week and a good drink at the weekends. The men scrubbed up well in suits and trilbies, the women wore curlers during the day ready for their night out at the working mens club to watch the ‘turn’ and play Bingo. My gran was of the generation who helped bring babies into the world and laid out those who were departing it, did her own baking and her washing was done in the sink. All this sounds like fairyland now, but Rotherham town centre was full of born and bred Yorkshire folk, not full of signposts to the many mosques, or Eastern Europeans on every corner, or Asian taxi drivers. For me there is something ‘weird’ seeing an Asian speaking with a broad Yorkshire accent – it just doesn’t gel. The few relatives I have left, tell me I wouldn’t recognise Rotherham now, and on a recent visit I didn’t. My childhood memories of buses run with overhead cables, the market, the steelworks and their furnaces, the pit houses, have all long gone.
Watch out the southern counties, because it wont be long before the Khans and the Javids will be infiltrating your county, not with taxi drivers, it will be far more cunning that that.
I come from Cumbria we are lucky to still have a population 97.5% White British,(not being racist but seeing what is happening elsewhere we are lucky) in the late 70s me and some mates took a ride on our motorbikes to visit a friends Aunty in Blackburn, just for a run out,she lived in a terraced street, while we waited at the door for for her to answer we were gobsmacked at all the heads looking out of the neighbours doors to see who we were. Pakistanis in headscarves all of them.
Brissles, I used to visit my father’s parents in Rotherham as a child in the fifties and sixties. I remember the town felt very British then. (The buses you describe were called trolley buses, I believe, and I’ve never seen them anywhere but Rotherham.)
What has happened is tragic. My father served (as 17-year-old) with his dad in the town’s home guard in 1941. His diary show they both took it all very seriously. If their town was invaded, it would have been over their dead bodies! Perhaps it’s just as well they’re not around to see how things turned out.
Helena, you may very well have been there at the same time as me! Yes, we called the trolley buses, tracklesses, and my granddad served as an Air raid Warden after his shift at Silverwood Mine. We spent many happy holidays at Thrybergh. Not somewhere I feel comfortable to visit anymore, very sad. Back then it was a totally different environment from my home by the seaside in East Kent !!
Now, even my old stomping grounds in Thanet have undergone a sea change, first with the B & B’s being taken over by housing benefit people, and then Eastern Europeans not getting any further than Margate !
Brissles, you probably saw me. I was that naughty little girl who disobediently went paddling in the pond in Clifton Park. Granddad was a miner for a while, but later had a little tailoring shop. (He always claimed he still had coal dust trapped under his skin, though.)
I grew up in clean, genteel Epsom (Surrey), but had a certain fondness for sooty, industrial Rotherham with its cooling towers.
Mr Hand-Basket and I left for Australia in 2002 – before the damage Blair had done was all that apparent. I am rather afraid to return now!
I’m from Rochdale but haven’t lived there since childhood. More recently I moved from the town I had lived in for 20 years in “Greater London” though we had always considered ourselves in Kent, London encroached more as time wore on. 4 years ago we moved further down into Kent proper to get out of proximity to Southeast London. The change over the last decade is visible. In the nineties you hardly encountered a single black person let alone a hijab. The town was very English suburban. Now it’s looking like Brixton. And it’s sad. There is nothing wrong with wanting England to be English. I’m passed caring if I’m tagged waycist anymore. I would never have been considered racist when I said I didn’t like Spain because there were too many English people & chip shops there. If I’m in Italy I want to see it Italian otherwise what’s the point in traveling? I could say that about many places & the same applies to England & Britain. We should retain our cultures. One of the reasons I voted Brexit.
Lucy, one of the loonier aspects of the lefty mentality is their failure to realise their policies destroy the true diversity of Europe. Tourists want to see the French sporting berets and onion bunches. They go to England for quaint pubs and cream teas in Tudor tea-rooms. What’s the point of touring just to see one more city full of vibrant ethnic ghettoes? I have tried explaining this to the multiculti nutjobs, but it is no use.
BBC R4 news at 7pm and the Corporation is bigging-up some horror story about what might (or might not) be government plans to impose a new law that makes the Official Secrets Act look like a gentleman’s agreement enforced by the threat of a raised eyebrow.
And to whom does the BBC rush, breathless, for a comment? ‘Bill Noggins, former Guardian…’ click.
Are there no other newspapers? No other journalists?
Don’t suppose anyone has seen this one on the BBC.
If a First World country imports enough people from the Third World, eventually that country will become a Third World country.
Al – simples!
A mantra that I often use whenever anyone can be bothered to listen to me!
“eventually that country will become a Third World country.”
And, as an intermediate phase, Third World roads, estates, neighbourhoods, towns and cities are created. Then we get Rotherham etc.
6.50 am today, shortly after waking.
Surely, surely if I switch on ‘Farming Today’ they can’t be doing yet another Project Fear piece?
There it was. Some geezer worried about World trade Organisation tariffs for his imports. ‘And presumably you face a lot of uncertainty over the next two years?’ asks our totally impartial and fake-news-free Charlotte.
Wonder how she keeps her face straight? Oh, hang on – it’s radio, she doesn’t need to. Lots of Common Purpose winking going on between the two of them as well, I’d wager – or whatever secret code it is they use between themselves (a wiggly finger handshake is so, like, regressive…..)
BBC Online News:
“‘Trump has taken a mother from her children'”
“”The mother-of-two deported from the US to Mexico on Thursday says Donald Trump’s crack down on illegal immigrants is “unfair”.
“”Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, who has lived in the US for more than 20 years, was issued with a deportation order in 2013, but allowed to remain under President Barack Obama’s policy of leniency towards undocumented migrants who had entered the US as children””
Quite a misleading BBC headline?
But what do you expect from the Anti-Trump BBC??
Having been issued with the deportation order , what actions and plans had this mother (and father ? ) been doing in the meantime ?
undocumented migrants
Another piece of Newspeak that is rapidly gaining acceptance in our Brave New, politically-correct, censorial world.
yep the morphing of ‘Invaders’ to Illegal Immigrants to Migrants and finally to undocumented migrants . What next , “children” ?
Oh! we have that already.
The Devil whispered in Presidents Trumps ear,
“You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm.”
President Trump whispered in the Devil’s ear,
“I am the storm”
Sky news just said many Americans have found the first weeks of Trump’s presidency “terrifying”.
So if you are using terrifying to describe Trump what words are left to describe how people felt under stalin, Castro, Saddam Hussein, etc?
When will the soft left realise how ridiculous they have become?
If the BBC are really going to war against FakeNews, I’m not sure that the Directors and Senior Managment have thought through the ‘what ifs?’ and the terrible implications of such a conflict for the BBC.
I have no idea how reliable or accurate Breitbart or any other on-line news sources may be and tend to treat all news sources with a slight to moderate to near-extreme degrees of scepticism. If the BBC wades into a head-on conflict with Breitbart and all similar sources, then they will have to make sure that they are right, totally truthful, all the time. Only one slip and they (the BBC) and their allies will be tarred with a FakeNews brush that will attract feathers from the spitting public for a very long time.
The BBC are a large organisation. Opportunities for slip-ups multiply with size. The BBC covers a lot of information areas. They frequently make mistakes in one that I keep an eye on – the financial news. They may well make errors in other News & Current Affairs coverage. They have a recent tendency to pick up on stories second-hand, from the Guardian for example. That makes them vulnerable to errors they have no control over. They have been known to have been spoofed, especially by fake ‘academic studies’ and by careless or otherwise ‘News Press Releases’ from campaigning groups and NGOs that contain errors or false information.
It might have been better for the BBC to ‘bite its lip’ on the issue of FakeNews and stay observant but silent on the sidelines, while seeking to tighten their own operation. The BBC really haven’t thought this one through and are playing a dangerous game.
Remember Gilligan?
I think Censored News is still more of a problem for the BBC than Fake News, but then Fake News is produced by the BBC by using selected facts about an event, and then leaving out facts that would reveal the opposite of an assumption made by the viewer. Therefore if the viewer discovered that the BBC news item was Fake News, and they complained, then the BBC can prove that it only used the facts.
For the highly qualified people that send me emails, the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate has been seen as the main producer of fake news by omitting the known basic core facts about Climate Science. Complaints to the BBC have revealed how poorly qualified its scientific advisers are. In fact, none have been known to be causational Climate Scientists. So the BBC has actually been protected by the fact that their advisers are too ignorant and unqualified to be able to understand a complaint from a complainant who was surprised to find that he was more relevantly qualified than anyone advising the BBC.
President Trumps statement that he thinks man-made Climate Change is a hoax, gives hope that Climate science can now be returned to well respected Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers. And to clean out the swamp of fake scientists, called Environmental activists, from the scientific community.
“And to clean out the swamp of fake scientists, called Environmental activists, from the scientific community.”
Perhaps they can join/merge with the Flat Earth Society?
I’m not, as a rule, a fan of Piers Morgan but he is very good here in this interview with Tucker Carlson.
And every criticism Piers makes of CNN is applicable to our very own, dearly behated, bibistan.
Thanks for posting the video, Al.
Good interview.