Study Reveals 72 Terrorists* Came From Countries Covered by Trump Vetting Order
In the US since 911
* By terrorist they include people who did money raising/laundering planning etc. Not just the guy with the gun
About 350 terrorists came from outside those 7 countries
Milo speaks on Netflix racebaiting
By releasing series based on 2014 film Dear White People
As of this writing, with just over 2.1 million views, the YouTube TRAILER has 267,000 dislikes to just 25,000 likes.
Mail has a conspiracy theory that it was 1m but Netflix deleted many along with negative comments.
A rancid piece here from the BBCs print arm,
Horrific crimes taking place in Dunkirk’s refugee camp,
“Children and women are being raped by traffickers”
“children and women are forced to have sex by traffickers in return for blankets…”
Just traffickers then? An ex NGO worker hints at something different taking place a little further into the article,
“You see women in a male environment with men that are disconnected from reality, so there are serious incidents such as rape. ”
” disconnected from reality” Is she offering a defence for them?
There probably are very serious crimes being committed against women and children in the camp, however, blaming only traffickers does leave one open to a charge of fake news.This does look a little like an attempt to skirt around the truth in order to protect the narrative.
I expect the Guardian would have us believe that Sweden’s large influx of migrants were almost exclusively traffickers. Cologne New Year? Traffickers.
On BBC’s ‘Sunday’, Bishops are outraged that the Government has halted the influx of so-called, “child refugees” whilst claiming that they, inter alia, are being sexually abused in Calais. Question: is it because the Bishops long for the exclusive right of the clergy to sexually abuse and they are being deprived of that ambition?
Often times guesting on BBC and Sky, the left-leaning Metro freebie newspaper’s movie critic Larushka Ivan-Zadeh (nice exotic name) sort of is actually accusing BAFTA of racism… “Denzel Washington has never won a BAFTA, what’s that about?”
If the Oxbridge liberal arts elite will insist on tying themselves up in knots over race in this way then I’m afraid unless an ethnic person ‘wins’ every category of every award then, on their terms, there will still be room for implied racism.
But don’t worry too much. Our approved BBC guest and guide to the BAFTAs Larushka (who apperas to be as white a sheet) assures concerned viewers there will be plenty of ‘diversity’. I’m imagining that every time that word is uttered in a BBC studio someone gets to ring the big bell in the BBC boardroom.
I’m sure there will be lashings of diversity – if by diversity you mean complete uniform unanimous agreement that conservatism in general and President Trump in particular are terrible things and overpaid overwrought luvvies are just the right tribunes of the people to make the point.
Oh by the way our Larushka has done her bit, she has ‘served on the board of’ the Urban Film Festival. By the way, just incase you’re a bit slow with the lingo ‘Diversity’ and ‘Urban’ are codewords for Black. I know, all this endless boring talk of race, it’s all sounding a bit racist. Don’t you just wish they would make some good movies!
This headline (BBC News 24) is currently scrolling across the bottom of my telly word for word. I’m typing exacly:
“North Korea has fired a ballistic missile into The Sea of Japan. The first such test since Donald Trump took office.”
What exactly is the second sentence doing in this report? I think we can all see this is a leading headline. Another false accusation. “The world is a more unstable place and it’s Trump’s doing.” The BBC is just EVIL.
(And I notice yet again their stubborn omission of the Man’s title. PRESIDENT.)
I’m going to go with my own thoughts. The world is a more unstable place & it’s the BBC’s doing.
A young muslim is speaking on the Big Question – he is married and now looking to have another wife because he wants a large family, thus believing in Polygamy – hence the discussion. Why are we even condoning this ? anyone else gets charged with bigamy. So in essence he just has one wife in UK law, but he believes religiously its ok to breed and enjoy sex with other women ! Oh yes Islam is really good for this country !
I caught this sh-tbag on that J Gaunt IT radio thing … with questions from his audience they wiped the floor with him.
But its a big laugh on the Al BBC, as just like transgender its his nature, so everyone has to consider it … utter b-llox.
Again NHS/Social Care … no scrutiny, no mention of privatisation, tow the line BBC.
You’re far braver than me for even attempting to watch that tripe. If they want to cover “big questions” they should start discussing demographic decline, undemocratically imposed social engineering and how one is able to be for women’s and gay rights (not to mention opposed to anti-Semitism) while at the same time being an Islamic apologist! Now those are thorny issues!
Alas, the BBC and their acute cognitive dissonance.
“Commons Speaker John Bercow insists his impartiality has not been affected after he revealed he had voted Remain in the EU referendum.”
The watchman of our democracy wants us to stay in an undemocratic European Union that weakens the very thing he is supposed to represent…….
At least Corbyn supported the wishes of the people and democracy.
BBC 1 – The Big Questions.
Topical debate from (surprise, surprise, eicester. BBC wants to talk Israel
Should … the UK trade with Israel now settlements are recognised
Should? that’s very racist isn t it BBC?
1st point, talk about the housing situation then … ala apartheid, concentration camp, oppression, take away Palestinians land, illegal state etc
… when were the erm “Palestinian” invented? no one asks, illegal state?.
Why social care is in crisis? how should it be paid for?
On to social care, the abhorrent cost of privatisation/marketisation? no one asks no mention of the defunding process, no mention of the deliberate running down/failure by design
Spent nearly £10 billion on the “internal” market, these needless reforms which benefit no one but commercial interests,(and probably politicians who have vested interests or will serve on boards in the future).
The IEA turn up waffling about “care” 😀 that nauseating snake Kate Andrews … the same IEA from the large event at the Tory Party Conference with J Hunt which
discussed the future of the NHS: under the misleading moniker “putting patients first” interesting, because the IEA thinks the NHS should be abolished. But don’t take my word for it. The IEA has openly published articles on its website describing how to do it: Hunts laughable erm lecture in the US titled “putting patients first”
and “care in the community” Oh come on please any merger is simply code for service removal, and department closure.
… This narrative put out by mackinzies to cover privatization, they did this scam in 80s and got rid of mental hospitals, sold off of loads of the sites, and all of the revenues? Where did they go?
Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising health reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent.
BBC news channel just now. Some round table rubbish with Ali baba brown, Muslim guy and a pile of lefty shite – utter Trump rubbishing. Not a single voice or point of balance.
Brown – ‘shame on the muslims who voted for Trump – shame on them !’
“Oh it’s already in the public domain”
…Lots of people’s addresses are in the public domain, but that doesn’t mean it’s responsible for a journalist to highlight it.
World Service – Doing it’s best but the stress of performing the same script day after day, after week, after month is beginning to show.
We have a defence by Katty(very appropriate) Kay that because the media is accused of telling lies, they offer all sorts of lines from Trump that they assert are lies.
For example, the Yemen raid he declared a success BUT the media KNOWS it was a failure. The media has now reached the height of, “Please sir, I did push Donald but Donald had said we were smelly, so there.”
Something else, maybe it’s always been but I don’t recall it from the days of John Timpson, Brian Redhead and so on. News people now demonstrate an unbelievable level of, arrogance, self importance and rudeness I don’t recall in the past. They were always just people doing a job and that came over but now there seems this, quite inappropriate, personal vendetta which I find hard to comprehend.
A star is born: Tomi Lahren, a recent addition to the growing ranks of young, cool, smart Libertarians / Alt Right / Progressive Right or whatever you want to call them. And fearless with balls of steel.
And amazingly she’s on the bibistan website, though so tucked away I defy anyone to find her without the link. I suppose with 66 million hits they thought they couldn’t altogether ignore her, so to tick the ‘impartiality’ box they posted a clip but buried it as deep as possible…
The commenters supporting the BBC, and accusing Hitchens (and Kenneth Clark) of ignoring non Western civilisations (not entirely justified) are missing the essential point that Hitchens knows the BBC very well, and understands its true motives.
I don’t believe for one minute that the BBC is producing “Civilisations” in order to educate and inform. It is trying to redress what it sees as bigoted Eurocentrism.
And just one other point. We know about algebra, the pyramids, Angkor Wat, ancient India and China etc. What makes European civilisation exceptional, IMO, is the wide range of areas in which it excels and exerts influence.
A bit of satire: John Bercow insists it’s “literally impossible” for him to be impartial because he reads The Guardian and watches BBC news.
Speaker of the House Bercow is expected to be politically neutral. But a series of massively partial outbursts have brought his position into disrepute, prompting calls for his sacking.
The BBC can barely contain its excitement about this evening’s BAFTAs. What might they be excited about? Seeing talent getting rewarded for contributing to the overall well being of mankind? Er…no. They can’t wait for some luvvie to take it upon themselves to slag off President Trump for something or other and it matters not what. Of course this is the perfect scenario for the BBC as they can avoid any criticism by stating they were only broadcasting events they have no control over. The BAFTA story on the BBC website included this comment,’If Meryl Streep’s criticism of President Trump at the Golden Globes is anything to go by, though, the biggest headlines of the night could well come from the acceptance speeches.’ I am sure they weren’t trying to influence anybody or, heaven forbid, give a publicity hungry celeb any ideas.
Since when did we turn into East Germany?
They TOO used to obsess about sports achievements and endless state stroking for their artists, actors and pliable spokesmen. Endless awards and velvet ropes for the state mouthpieces, paste medals and Olympic processions for the drug-addled intersex mutants, deviants and hybrids that the State required.
Is there a week where these sporty charity luvvies in media glare do NOT have some kind of massage or stroking for doing what they get highly paid and exalted to do anyway?
All will have prizes indeed.
Not the drabs like us though-we only live and work here, caring for kids and elderly parents for a pittance.
Farage and Trump have hit a rich seam if they drill deeper. Let the luvvies hang themselves with BBC old tapes….
Oh God, if LaLa Land sweeps the board, then something is rotten in the state of Denmark. A film where the 2 lead characters can neither sing nor dance, and they have the nerve to call it a ‘musical’. The fish eyed lead actress sings / hums whatever, the same tune all the way through, and by the end I couldn’t have cared less whether the characters were blasted into space or fell off a cliff. How our esteemed film critics in the national press gave this 5 stars is beyond amazement.
£1.3 million would buy urgently needed gender sensitivity training for staff.
What’s that? That’s taken care of?
Well, maybe it could have been spent on healthcare for those who have and do pay in.
Foreign patients owe Black Country hospitals more than £1.3 million
Examples include a pregnant mother who had a premature birth at Walsall Manor Hospital and now owes more than £50,000.
Surely THIS is the kind of add-on extra indulgence that a Registered Charity might care to run for, sing for or otherwise parade their virtues.
But no-that`ll be the State that can stump up for THIS.
How come the charity sector isn`t asked to pay for all those transgendered toilets that seem to be our human rights today?
Children In Need of visits to the new big portaloos?…right up the Lefty street I`d have thought…plenty room for the passion to be shared, I`d have thought.
WUWT shows the NYT has a quiz to detect how brainwashed about Climate you are.
The lower the score the more you know about the ACTUAL science than the NYT does
“I clicked it…the quiz is thinly veiled excuse for another fact free rant on the certainty of CAGW, and equating CO2 with environmental destruction.”
Just started watching the France Scotland rugby match on BBC. What a surprise to hear that the commentator is Scottish, accompanied by a Scottish and a NZ pundit. Compare and contrast with the commentators on England matches, blissfully free of English accents
If Labour need mass therapy as they do-I fail to see why WE should be paying for it.
Really resent Andrew Marr( a casualty himself) feeding red herrings and sprats to Tom Watson-who always looks like he`s already been dining well.
Saw a bit of his crap show this morning-gentle lobs lots of”absolutelys” and “We`d expect nothing less” kind of noises off as Watson slurried around to no discernible purpose.
The BBC stiffs may WELL want to know how best to make their Labour memberships affect anything-but we don`t.
Labour died with Jim Callaghan. That they let Blair shanghai their rotten hulk was their decision.
Marr needs to get nurse to email Watson for the inside track on how best to excise Labour from any meaningful discussions on politics…I don`t want to hear any more lefty tripe at my expense on how best to embalm Corbyn for 2020.
These clowns clearly weren`t listening to John Grays excellent “Point Of View” only a few minutes beforehand. He describes their effete useless irrelevance as a candid fellow-traveller, and shows insight at how pointless their shenanigans have now become to the “working clarss chappies”.
In recent years Labour have done really well where they’ve offered loads of ‘free’ stuff. Sure Start was a fine example, prams, baby gates and you name it for those living in supposed poverty. Sadly the stuff was far from free for those taxed to pay for it – the age old Socialist conundrum.
BBC pet issues
“Arts and Ideas
30 years ago There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack: The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation was published. Philip Dodd talks to the author Professor Paul Gilroy about its impact and whether discussions about race and culture in Britain have moved on or not.’
Just catching up on the BBC’s busy weekend on Facebook. seems they have been busy:
Raheem Kassam shared BBC Three’s video.
Britain’s public broadcaster thinks “satire” is now slapping an NHS logo on the Titanic and then basically just playing clips from the film for its propaganda purposes.
Leave aside the fact they’re using a tragedy in which many died to make party political points, this is creativity at its lowest ebb.
Well, at least they leave their politics on the poop deck.
Oh, and BBC ‘Pop Up’, at least four of them (nicely diverse mixture, if a bit ageist) are in Lebanon. For what is doubtless a fabulously good reason.
I see the Labour party in the form of Nick Lowles have been dishing out their latest form of democracy in Stoke today….I wonder if the BBC report it (LOL)
Channel 4 news tonight about 10 minutes in showed an American comedy sketch about Trump, Jesus Christ!, is that news, is that the best they can come up with?
For sure – if they’re not being bribed and not being threatened with death or had lobotomies or maybe been given psychotropic drugs or hypnotised then we are just left with the alien implant theory OR they’ve been replaced by low quality alien replicates?
Trump might address huge rally in Midlands, heartland of Brexit, and bypass Westminster. Savour the last line about berk-o 🙂
The change of location is apparently being considered to allow the President to address a rally and raise money for veterans through ticket sales.
It is thought the reasoning behind the move is to allow Mr Trump to face a more sympathetic crowd in the Brexit heartland.
One source close to the president said: “It would be his biggest rally with 85,000 people coming together to celebrate the US-UK special relationship,” a source close to Mr Trump said, according to the Telegraph.
“If he is not speaking to the Houses of Parliament, let’s go to the people. The only person who gets screwed is the Speaker of the House of Commons.”
BBC News covers Church of England Synod debate on same sex “marriage” by interviewing 2 clergy – both on the side of the LBGTQ lobby. You would almost think the mind of the BBC was made up on this issue!
Do you ever think that the Church will ever be asked again about the great schism between those of their clergy believe in God-and those who care more about the planet being saved long enough for Muslims to lop their heads off?
The BBC seem never to be interested in THIS question-but there again, neither are the Church of England, the Protestants or Catholics.
BAFTAS and right on cue our entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba feeds JK Rowling the line: How strongly do you feel about the political situation in the world at the moment (translation: isn’t Trump a bastard?). To which our leftie writer obligingly replies: let’s just say it’s a very interesting time to be writing a franchise about the rise of a populist maniac. (Ooo, edgy dahling, so daring, what a free thinker!)
So, the beebistan get their dig in via a third party (not us guv). Job done. It’s a wrap.
Any questions rather gave away another one of the reasons the political class don’t like Donald Trump being president.
He’s not part of the club !
All professions are protectionist whether they care to admit it or not. Right from the tradesmen like electricians who write complex needless revisions to regulations to limit entry, or lawyers who make sure that non lawyers can’t represent others by rights of audience.
Trumps we were told on Radio 4’s any questions is not a career politician so therefore he is dangerous – doesn’t understand how the system works and how things are done.
In other word he is not part of the club and therefore he is not & never will be welcome.
Democracy is not for the people, but for the elite professionals to manage, and they are not at all pleased at the prospect of their carefully cultivated swamp being drained.
Watching the BBC One news this evening I noted that President Trump was being criticised by the reporter for not ‘condemning’ the Korean missile launch. We were shown the Japanese prime minister making his remarks about it then President Trump essentially said that he was supporting Japan. What more needed to be said?
And there we have it, as you said, he is not of the political class, he said what any normal person would have said. But the journalists have in recent years got to write the script for the politicians, “President Condemns Missile Launch”, is the headline, all they have to do now is get the politician to say it. Anyone who is fool enough to fall for that trick finds that they have been boxed into a corner that will haunt them for years and can ruin international relations.
The Andrew Marr show is a prime example of this with its embedded news. It stands out a mile that ‘so and so said xxxx on this programme’ was in Marr’s script, so much so that it is often obvious that the politician said no such thing, but then why ruin a good (fake) news story?
People forget that Japan has changed it’s policy on defence. No longer limiting itself to the Japanese homelands but authorising military action anywhere it’s security is threatened.
President Trump will know this. All he needs to say is that he has Japan’s back and that is enough.
His audience is in the far East not on our TV.
Has the European elite no sense at all? The President has zero interest in our opinions on anything now. We have blown it for good.
Dave S
“Has the European elite no sense at all? The President has zero interest in our opinions on anything now. We have blown it for good.”
Not so fast Dave .
Trump has Nigel Farage, Mr Brexit himself, to advise him on the politics of the people of GB.
Steinmeier, the newly elected German president, has publicly referred to Trump as a “hate preacher”. Smugly, he explains that he is all for contacts with Trump so that “our values” can be explained to him. The arrogance of scum like this is breathtaking. He is similarly dismissive about Brexit and the “populist menace” He even thinks that Germany should step up and defend “European values”
militarily as the USA is isolating itself and has succumbed to “national egotism”. Must be channelling Verhofstadt there.
Thank God we are leaving the EU presided over by German meglomaniac zombies.
What joy a Wilders and/or Le Pen victory would bring.
Yes ID, thank God we’re leaving. Anyone who’d looked at European history should’ve known better than to think France, Germany etc., would ever really change character for the better.
Just had to borrow this which I just found on BB…. credit to “WatchYourSixHobbits”…..
President Trump invited the Pope for lunch on his mega yacht.
The Pope accepted and during lunch, a puff of wind blew the Pontiff’s
hat off, right into the water.
It floated off about 50 feet, then the wind died down and it just
floated in place.
The crew and the secret service were scrambling to launch a boat to go
get it, when Trump waved them off, saying “Never mind, boys, I’ll get
The Donald climbed over the side of the yacht, walked on the water to
the hat, picked it up, walked back on the water, climbed onto the
yacht, and handed the Pope his hat.
The crew was speechless.
The security team and the Pope’s entourage were speechless.
No one knew what to say, not even the Pope.
But that afternoon, the BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, the
Washington Post and the LA Times all knew how to cover the story.
Their banner headlines read, “TRUMP CAN’T SWIM!”
Beebistan ‘news’ pleased to report German authorities believe a ‘prankster’ let off a pepper spray canister at Hamburg airport. They know nothing about him, but are confident it was a prankster, not a terrorist. So that’s all right then.
Had my Government petition (Require BBC to Customer Survey All License Payers and Publish in Full) rejected because, “The BBC is an independent body governed by a Royal Charter. Under the terms of that Charter, the BBC is operationally and editorially independent of government and there is no provision for the government to intervene in the BBC’s day-to-day operations. You can find out how to give feedback to the BBC about programmes and services here:”
Well, I did try but, “governed by a Royal Charter”? Sorry, the BBC is governed by two things, jack and shit.
The Papers, liberal-fest, 2 leftie journos and leftie Nicolas Owen, all sniggering at Justice Secretary’s speech reported in DT, in particular her use of the word ‘wicked’ criminals, how judgmental! Tony Grew asks ‘why has the prison pop gone up from 42 to 85,000, is it cos we’re getting more wicked (ha ha) or because we’re locking up people that shouldn’t be locked up?
Er, there is another possibility – what else has soared in those decades?
No doubt all 3 did the same Marxist Sociology course, it’s all society’s fault, capitalism, bla bla.
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men:
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
DocmaroonedMar 5, 17:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Such bravery! Must have fought well for this collection of meaningless nonsense.
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 First to the Ukraine Frontline? [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 WE ARE ALL EQUAL! Except when we are not equal. “Robert Jenrick raised the issue in the Commons and asked…
Fedup2Mar 5, 16:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Double – I don’t bother with a lot of lefty journos the DT employ now – the majority are rabid…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 16:43 Midweek 5th March 2025 I have just watched Camilla Tominey of the Telegraph tell a blatant lie about what JD Vance said re countries…
Potential threats .
From people who may or not be murderous from 7 countries which , shall we say are not normal .
Or people who are armed within your own nation , some of whom , % small , are not normal .
If you want to extinguish the latter , you should definitely extinguish the former .
Study Reveals 72 Terrorists* Came From Countries Covered by Trump Vetting Order
In the US since 911
* By terrorist they include people who did money raising/laundering planning etc. Not just the guy with the gun
About 350 terrorists came from outside those 7 countries
A call to arms from Milo.
Milo speaks on Netflix racebaiting
By releasing series based on 2014 film Dear White People
As of this writing, with just over 2.1 million views, the YouTube TRAILER has 267,000 dislikes to just 25,000 likes.
Mail has a conspiracy theory that it was 1m but Netflix deleted many along with negative comments.
BBC Tr(uth B)ending have it
“Alt-right’s war on Netflix and Trump court memes”
First FakeNarrative is that anyone who is concerned must be Alt-Right ie Far Right.
A rancid piece here from the BBCs print arm,
Horrific crimes taking place in Dunkirk’s refugee camp,
“Children and women are being raped by traffickers”
“children and women are forced to have sex by traffickers in return for blankets…”
Just traffickers then? An ex NGO worker hints at something different taking place a little further into the article,
“You see women in a male environment with men that are disconnected from reality, so there are serious incidents such as rape. ”
” disconnected from reality” Is she offering a defence for them?
There probably are very serious crimes being committed against women and children in the camp, however, blaming only traffickers does leave one open to a charge of fake news.This does look a little like an attempt to skirt around the truth in order to protect the narrative.
I expect the Guardian would have us believe that Sweden’s large influx of migrants were almost exclusively traffickers. Cologne New Year? Traffickers.
On BBC’s ‘Sunday’, Bishops are outraged that the Government has halted the influx of so-called, “child refugees” whilst claiming that they, inter alia, are being sexually abused in Calais. Question: is it because the Bishops long for the exclusive right of the clergy to sexually abuse and they are being deprived of that ambition?
“Disconnected from reality”. Is this a euphemism for Muslim?
Apologies if this has already been shared – thank goodness for Brexit.
This World, After Brexit: The Battle for Europe: via @bbciplayer
You need one to watch any BBC programme on iPlayer – live, catch-up or on-demand. It’s the law.
Katty comments.
The BBC news presenter was white this morning! How hideous!
It’s obviously a fascist takeover.
“I’m not suggesting the BAFTAs are racist”
Often times guesting on BBC and Sky, the left-leaning Metro freebie newspaper’s movie critic Larushka Ivan-Zadeh (nice exotic name) sort of is actually accusing BAFTA of racism… “Denzel Washington has never won a BAFTA, what’s that about?”
If the Oxbridge liberal arts elite will insist on tying themselves up in knots over race in this way then I’m afraid unless an ethnic person ‘wins’ every category of every award then, on their terms, there will still be room for implied racism.
But don’t worry too much. Our approved BBC guest and guide to the BAFTAs Larushka (who apperas to be as white a sheet) assures concerned viewers there will be plenty of ‘diversity’. I’m imagining that every time that word is uttered in a BBC studio someone gets to ring the big bell in the BBC boardroom.
I’m sure there will be lashings of diversity – if by diversity you mean complete uniform unanimous agreement that conservatism in general and President Trump in particular are terrible things and overpaid overwrought luvvies are just the right tribunes of the people to make the point.
Oh by the way our Larushka has done her bit, she has ‘served on the board of’ the Urban Film Festival. By the way, just incase you’re a bit slow with the lingo ‘Diversity’ and ‘Urban’ are codewords for Black. I know, all this endless boring talk of race, it’s all sounding a bit racist. Don’t you just wish they would make some good movies!
These BAFTA things are about one tiny group of the community getting excited about itself.
Their activities are hyped by the media, another tiny part of the community, trying to make it seem important.
It isn’t important at all. I’d rather attend the Annual Dinner of the Order of Real Bearded Santas, it would be much more fun.
Rick Bradford
An unelected mutual appreciation society of ‘Libtards’ . Simples.
Well, he at least chose the right place to look less of one in relative terms.
That was like an SJW virtue signalling waffle update on the Monty Python Northerners skit.
The NHS has plenty of work ahead of them then ?
This headline (BBC News 24) is currently scrolling across the bottom of my telly word for word. I’m typing exacly:
“North Korea has fired a ballistic missile into The Sea of Japan. The first such test since Donald Trump took office.”
What exactly is the second sentence doing in this report? I think we can all see this is a leading headline. Another false accusation. “The world is a more unstable place and it’s Trump’s doing.” The BBC is just EVIL.
(And I notice yet again their stubborn omission of the Man’s title. PRESIDENT.)
I’m going to go with my own thoughts. The world is a more unstable place & it’s the BBC’s doing.
Lucy Pevensey
“North Korea has fired a ballistic missile into The Sea of Japan.”
Its was a ‘Brexit’. 😉
A young muslim is speaking on the Big Question – he is married and now looking to have another wife because he wants a large family, thus believing in Polygamy – hence the discussion. Why are we even condoning this ? anyone else gets charged with bigamy. So in essence he just has one wife in UK law, but he believes religiously its ok to breed and enjoy sex with other women ! Oh yes Islam is really good for this country !
I caught this sh-tbag on that J Gaunt IT radio thing … with questions from his audience they wiped the floor with him.
But its a big laugh on the Al BBC, as just like transgender its his nature, so everyone has to consider it … utter b-llox.
Again NHS/Social Care … no scrutiny, no mention of privatisation, tow the line BBC.
You’re far braver than me for even attempting to watch that tripe. If they want to cover “big questions” they should start discussing demographic decline, undemocratically imposed social engineering and how one is able to be for women’s and gay rights (not to mention opposed to anti-Semitism) while at the same time being an Islamic apologist! Now those are thorny issues!
Alas, the BBC and their acute cognitive dissonance.
“Commons Speaker John Bercow insists his impartiality has not been affected after he revealed he had voted Remain in the EU referendum.”
The watchman of our democracy wants us to stay in an undemocratic European Union that weakens the very thing he is supposed to represent…….
At least Corbyn supported the wishes of the people and democracy.
BBC 1 – The Big Questions.
Topical debate from (surprise, surprise, eicester. BBC wants to talk Israel
Should … the UK trade with Israel now settlements are recognised
Should? that’s very racist isn t it BBC?
1st point, talk about the housing situation then … ala apartheid, concentration camp, oppression, take away Palestinians land, illegal state etc
… when were the erm “Palestinian” invented? no one asks, illegal state?.
Why social care is in crisis? how should it be paid for?
On to social care, the abhorrent cost of privatisation/marketisation? no one asks no mention of the defunding process, no mention of the deliberate running down/failure by design
Spent nearly £10 billion on the “internal” market, these needless reforms which benefit no one but commercial interests,(and probably politicians who have vested interests or will serve on boards in the future).
The IEA turn up waffling about “care” 😀 that nauseating snake Kate Andrews … the same IEA from the large event at the Tory Party Conference with J Hunt which
discussed the future of the NHS: under the misleading moniker “putting patients first” interesting, because the IEA thinks the NHS should be abolished. But don’t take my word for it. The IEA has openly published articles on its website describing how to do it: Hunts laughable erm lecture in the US titled “putting patients first”
and “care in the community” Oh come on please any merger is simply code for service removal, and department closure.
… This narrative put out by mackinzies to cover privatization, they did this scam in 80s and got rid of mental hospitals, sold off of loads of the sites, and all of the revenues? Where did they go?
Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising health reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent.
BBC news channel just now. Some round table rubbish with Ali baba brown, Muslim guy and a pile of lefty shite – utter Trump rubbishing. Not a single voice or point of balance.
Brown – ‘shame on the muslims who voted for Trump – shame on them !’
“Paul Nuttall had to move address due to security threat. Can you imagine outrage if this was Labour or Tory Leader? ”
“Oh it’s already in the public domain”
…Lots of people’s addresses are in the public domain, but that doesn’t mean it’s responsible for a journalist to highlight it.
World Service – Doing it’s best but the stress of performing the same script day after day, after week, after month is beginning to show.
We have a defence by Katty(very appropriate) Kay that because the media is accused of telling lies, they offer all sorts of lines from Trump that they assert are lies.
For example, the Yemen raid he declared a success BUT the media KNOWS it was a failure. The media has now reached the height of, “Please sir, I did push Donald but Donald had said we were smelly, so there.”
Something else, maybe it’s always been but I don’t recall it from the days of John Timpson, Brian Redhead and so on. News people now demonstrate an unbelievable level of, arrogance, self importance and rudeness I don’t recall in the past. They were always just people doing a job and that came over but now there seems this, quite inappropriate, personal vendetta which I find hard to comprehend.
How many and what is the extent of more fake, “Refugees” in Germany are doing likewise? Seems it could be thousands.
Is the media and their pals:-
1)Under a death threat from Islamics or 2)Being paid a lot of money by them?
Because there can be no other explanation for their behaviour?
Hungary: Now prepared to take refugees – Europeans fleeing from multiculturalism. But note what’s said about Soros’ et al efforts to Islamicise Europe and the West.
Might as well get in before the rush starts. Property prices seem reasonable too …
A star is born: Tomi Lahren, a recent addition to the growing ranks of young, cool, smart Libertarians / Alt Right / Progressive Right or whatever you want to call them. And fearless with balls of steel.

And amazingly she’s on the bibistan website, though so tucked away I defy anyone to find her without the link. I suppose with 66 million hits they thought they couldn’t altogether ignore her, so to tick the ‘impartiality’ box they posted a clip but buried it as deep as possible…
This, and the comments below it, are interesting:
PETER HITCHENS: The BBC isn’t trying to revive Civilisation – it’s destroying it
The commenters supporting the BBC, and accusing Hitchens (and Kenneth Clark) of ignoring non Western civilisations (not entirely justified) are missing the essential point that Hitchens knows the BBC very well, and understands its true motives.
I don’t believe for one minute that the BBC is producing “Civilisations” in order to educate and inform. It is trying to redress what it sees as bigoted Eurocentrism.
And just one other point. We know about algebra, the pyramids, Angkor Wat, ancient India and China etc. What makes European civilisation exceptional, IMO, is the wide range of areas in which it excels and exerts influence.
A bit of satire: John Bercow insists it’s “literally impossible” for him to be impartial because he reads The Guardian and watches BBC news.
Speaker of the House Bercow is expected to be politically neutral. But a series of massively partial outbursts have brought his position into disrepute, prompting calls for his sacking.
Typo which wrongly says “impartial” in opening paragraph has been corrected to “politically partial” on actual article. Silly error.
The BBC can barely contain its excitement about this evening’s BAFTAs. What might they be excited about? Seeing talent getting rewarded for contributing to the overall well being of mankind? Er…no. They can’t wait for some luvvie to take it upon themselves to slag off President Trump for something or other and it matters not what. Of course this is the perfect scenario for the BBC as they can avoid any criticism by stating they were only broadcasting events they have no control over. The BAFTA story on the BBC website included this comment,’If Meryl Streep’s criticism of President Trump at the Golden Globes is anything to go by, though, the biggest headlines of the night could well come from the acceptance speeches.’ I am sure they weren’t trying to influence anybody or, heaven forbid, give a publicity hungry celeb any ideas.
Since when did we turn into East Germany?
They TOO used to obsess about sports achievements and endless state stroking for their artists, actors and pliable spokesmen. Endless awards and velvet ropes for the state mouthpieces, paste medals and Olympic processions for the drug-addled intersex mutants, deviants and hybrids that the State required.
Is there a week where these sporty charity luvvies in media glare do NOT have some kind of massage or stroking for doing what they get highly paid and exalted to do anyway?
All will have prizes indeed.
Not the drabs like us though-we only live and work here, caring for kids and elderly parents for a pittance.
Farage and Trump have hit a rich seam if they drill deeper. Let the luvvies hang themselves with BBC old tapes….
Oh God, if LaLa Land sweeps the board, then something is rotten in the state of Denmark. A film where the 2 lead characters can neither sing nor dance, and they have the nerve to call it a ‘musical’. The fish eyed lead actress sings / hums whatever, the same tune all the way through, and by the end I couldn’t have cared less whether the characters were blasted into space or fell off a cliff. How our esteemed film critics in the national press gave this 5 stars is beyond amazement.
£1.3 million would buy urgently needed gender sensitivity training for staff.
What’s that? That’s taken care of?
Well, maybe it could have been spent on healthcare for those who have and do pay in.
Foreign patients owe Black Country hospitals more than £1.3 million
Examples include a pregnant mother who had a premature birth at Walsall Manor Hospital and now owes more than £50,000.
Cash strapped they maybe, G, but they can find the funds to retrain staff and provide one to one sessions to soothe the feelings of offended lesbians in a parentcraft session.
Surely THIS is the kind of add-on extra indulgence that a Registered Charity might care to run for, sing for or otherwise parade their virtues.
But no-that`ll be the State that can stump up for THIS.
How come the charity sector isn`t asked to pay for all those transgendered toilets that seem to be our human rights today?
Children In Need of visits to the new big portaloos?…right up the Lefty street I`d have thought…plenty room for the passion to be shared, I`d have thought.
WUWT shows the NYT has a quiz to detect how brainwashed about Climate you are.
The lower the score the more you know about the ACTUAL science than the NYT does
“I clicked it…the quiz is thinly veiled excuse for another fact free rant on the certainty of CAGW, and equating CO2 with environmental destruction.”
Just started watching the France Scotland rugby match on BBC. What a surprise to hear that the commentator is Scottish, accompanied by a Scottish and a NZ pundit. Compare and contrast with the commentators on England matches, blissfully free of English accents
Very interesting article – albeit lengthy – but really worth a read, “The end of European democracy” –
If Labour need mass therapy as they do-I fail to see why WE should be paying for it.
Really resent Andrew Marr( a casualty himself) feeding red herrings and sprats to Tom Watson-who always looks like he`s already been dining well.
Saw a bit of his crap show this morning-gentle lobs lots of”absolutelys” and “We`d expect nothing less” kind of noises off as Watson slurried around to no discernible purpose.
The BBC stiffs may WELL want to know how best to make their Labour memberships affect anything-but we don`t.
Labour died with Jim Callaghan. That they let Blair shanghai their rotten hulk was their decision.
Marr needs to get nurse to email Watson for the inside track on how best to excise Labour from any meaningful discussions on politics…I don`t want to hear any more lefty tripe at my expense on how best to embalm Corbyn for 2020.
These clowns clearly weren`t listening to John Grays excellent “Point Of View” only a few minutes beforehand. He describes their effete useless irrelevance as a candid fellow-traveller, and shows insight at how pointless their shenanigans have now become to the “working clarss chappies”.
In recent years Labour have done really well where they’ve offered loads of ‘free’ stuff. Sure Start was a fine example, prams, baby gates and you name it for those living in supposed poverty. Sadly the stuff was far from free for those taxed to pay for it – the age old Socialist conundrum.
BBC pet issues
“Arts and Ideas
30 years ago There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack: The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation was published. Philip Dodd talks to the author Professor Paul Gilroy about its impact and whether discussions about race and culture in Britain have moved on or not.’
Bulgarian thug battered pregnant London hotel worker leaving her in a vegetative state
Just catching up on the BBC’s busy weekend on Facebook. seems they have been busy:
Raheem Kassam shared BBC Three’s video.
Britain’s public broadcaster thinks “satire” is now slapping an NHS logo on the Titanic and then basically just playing clips from the film for its propaganda purposes.
Leave aside the fact they’re using a tragedy in which many died to make party political points, this is creativity at its lowest ebb.
Well, at least they leave their politics on the poop deck.
Oh, and BBC ‘Pop Up’, at least four of them (nicely diverse mixture, if a bit ageist) are in Lebanon. For what is doubtless a fabulously good reason.
This link may already have been posted, worth a look if you haven’t seen it, getting a lot of views.
All the blood, all the treasure and who was it that pulled the plug on Iraq – that well known golfer and kite surfer, Dundu Nuttin.
New York looks like London. London looks like ….Tehran?
Thanks to the psychosis of regressive liberalism. You can’t tell the difference.
I see the Labour party in the form of Nick Lowles have been dishing out their latest form of democracy in Stoke today….I wonder if the BBC report it (LOL)
So he is a member of the NUT so probably a teacher, so he will probably loose his job now for being a UKIP member.
Channel 4 news tonight about 10 minutes in showed an American comedy sketch about Trump, Jesus Christ!, is that news, is that the best they can come up with?
I am trying to figure out what is the worst when dealing with beebiods and guardianistas
#1 Their peanut sized brains or
#2 Their planet sized egos
If anyone can help me answers on a post card to
22 Acacia Avenue
The Punjab
For sure – if they’re not being bribed and not being threatened with death or had lobotomies or maybe been given psychotropic drugs or hypnotised then we are just left with the alien implant theory OR they’ve been replaced by low quality alien replicates?
If you want to live among foreigners and be immersed in THEIR culture – you go abroad.
100% correct.
Who wants to be a tourist in their own country?
Stand by your beds! BAFTAS about to spill out all over BBC1. I think we all know where this is going…
Crash helmets on, sickbags at the ready.
Trump might address huge rally in Midlands, heartland of Brexit, and bypass Westminster. Savour the last line about berk-o 🙂
The change of location is apparently being considered to allow the President to address a rally and raise money for veterans through ticket sales.
It is thought the reasoning behind the move is to allow Mr Trump to face a more sympathetic crowd in the Brexit heartland.
One source close to the president said: “It would be his biggest rally with 85,000 people coming together to celebrate the US-UK special relationship,” a source close to Mr Trump said, according to the Telegraph.
“If he is not speaking to the Houses of Parliament, let’s go to the people. The only person who gets screwed is the Speaker of the House of Commons.”
BBC News covers Church of England Synod debate on same sex “marriage” by interviewing 2 clergy – both on the side of the LBGTQ lobby. You would almost think the mind of the BBC was made up on this issue!
Do you ever think that the Church will ever be asked again about the great schism between those of their clergy believe in God-and those who care more about the planet being saved long enough for Muslims to lop their heads off?
The BBC seem never to be interested in THIS question-but there again, neither are the Church of England, the Protestants or Catholics.
And yet old JK didn’t seem to feel any guilt about the promotion of slavery in her Harry Potter books !
Sorry Thoughtful, I re-posted below, struggling with images as usual!
BAFTAS and right on cue our entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba feeds JK Rowling the line: How strongly do you feel about the political situation in the world at the moment (translation: isn’t Trump a bastard?). To which our leftie writer obligingly replies: let’s just say it’s a very interesting time to be writing a franchise about the rise of a populist maniac. (Ooo, edgy dahling, so daring, what a free thinker!)
So, the beebistan get their dig in via a third party (not us guv). Job done. It’s a wrap.
JK Rowling, another great socialist.
Why was she there ? does she act ?
Any questions rather gave away another one of the reasons the political class don’t like Donald Trump being president.
He’s not part of the club !
All professions are protectionist whether they care to admit it or not. Right from the tradesmen like electricians who write complex needless revisions to regulations to limit entry, or lawyers who make sure that non lawyers can’t represent others by rights of audience.
Trumps we were told on Radio 4’s any questions is not a career politician so therefore he is dangerous – doesn’t understand how the system works and how things are done.
In other word he is not part of the club and therefore he is not & never will be welcome.
Democracy is not for the people, but for the elite professionals to manage, and they are not at all pleased at the prospect of their carefully cultivated swamp being drained.
Watching the BBC One news this evening I noted that President Trump was being criticised by the reporter for not ‘condemning’ the Korean missile launch. We were shown the Japanese prime minister making his remarks about it then President Trump essentially said that he was supporting Japan. What more needed to be said?
And there we have it, as you said, he is not of the political class, he said what any normal person would have said. But the journalists have in recent years got to write the script for the politicians, “President Condemns Missile Launch”, is the headline, all they have to do now is get the politician to say it. Anyone who is fool enough to fall for that trick finds that they have been boxed into a corner that will haunt them for years and can ruin international relations.
The Andrew Marr show is a prime example of this with its embedded news. It stands out a mile that ‘so and so said xxxx on this programme’ was in Marr’s script, so much so that it is often obvious that the politician said no such thing, but then why ruin a good (fake) news story?
People forget that Japan has changed it’s policy on defence. No longer limiting itself to the Japanese homelands but authorising military action anywhere it’s security is threatened.
President Trump will know this. All he needs to say is that he has Japan’s back and that is enough.
His audience is in the far East not on our TV.
Has the European elite no sense at all? The President has zero interest in our opinions on anything now. We have blown it for good.
Dave S
“Has the European elite no sense at all? The President has zero interest in our opinions on anything now. We have blown it for good.”
Not so fast Dave .
Trump has Nigel Farage, Mr Brexit himself, to advise him on the politics of the people of GB.
Steinmeier, the newly elected German president, has publicly referred to Trump as a “hate preacher”. Smugly, he explains that he is all for contacts with Trump so that “our values” can be explained to him. The arrogance of scum like this is breathtaking. He is similarly dismissive about Brexit and the “populist menace” He even thinks that Germany should step up and defend “European values”
militarily as the USA is isolating itself and has succumbed to “national egotism”. Must be channelling Verhofstadt there.
Thank God we are leaving the EU presided over by German meglomaniac zombies.
What joy a Wilders and/or Le Pen victory would bring.
They just can’t leave it alone. Germany – today Europe, tomorrow the World. Being lectured by those blood soaked fuckers takes the biscuit.
Yes ID, thank God we’re leaving. Anyone who’d looked at European history should’ve known better than to think France, Germany etc., would ever really change character for the better.
The latest Sky Arts in the series on the Eighties covered Reagan.
Striking similarities between then and now, him and Trump.
Just had to borrow this which I just found on BB…. credit to “WatchYourSixHobbits”…..
President Trump invited the Pope for lunch on his mega yacht.
The Pope accepted and during lunch, a puff of wind blew the Pontiff’s
hat off, right into the water.
It floated off about 50 feet, then the wind died down and it just
floated in place.
The crew and the secret service were scrambling to launch a boat to go
get it, when Trump waved them off, saying “Never mind, boys, I’ll get
The Donald climbed over the side of the yacht, walked on the water to
the hat, picked it up, walked back on the water, climbed onto the
yacht, and handed the Pope his hat.
The crew was speechless.
The security team and the Pope’s entourage were speechless.
No one knew what to say, not even the Pope.
But that afternoon, the BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, the
Washington Post and the LA Times all knew how to cover the story.
Their banner headlines read, “TRUMP CAN’T SWIM!”
Beebistan ‘news’ pleased to report German authorities believe a ‘prankster’ let off a pepper spray canister at Hamburg airport. They know nothing about him, but are confident it was a prankster, not a terrorist. So that’s all right then.
Calls for BerkCow to stand down due to his blatant lack of impartiality….
So what about the BBC and the MSM ?
Had my Government petition (Require BBC to Customer Survey All License Payers and Publish in Full) rejected because, “The BBC is an independent body governed by a Royal Charter. Under the terms of that Charter, the BBC is operationally and editorially independent of government and there is no provision for the government to intervene in the BBC’s day-to-day operations. You can find out how to give feedback to the BBC about programmes and services here:”
Well, I did try but, “governed by a Royal Charter”? Sorry, the BBC is governed by two things, jack and shit.
Is it just me or do those NK missiles on the back of those military vehicles in the news look as fake as the moon landing craft?
The Church’s stance on gays criticised by the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. community, or to give them their proper name: I’ll F*** Anything That Moves.
I’m getting my kids to learn something of the rudiments of guerrilla warfare – no, I’m not kidding.
The Papers, liberal-fest, 2 leftie journos and leftie Nicolas Owen, all sniggering at Justice Secretary’s speech reported in DT, in particular her use of the word ‘wicked’ criminals, how judgmental! Tony Grew asks ‘why has the prison pop gone up from 42 to 85,000, is it cos we’re getting more wicked (ha ha) or because we’re locking up people that shouldn’t be locked up?
Er, there is another possibility – what else has soared in those decades?
No doubt all 3 did the same Marxist Sociology course, it’s all society’s fault, capitalism, bla bla.