Some satire for you. Or is it…? This via The Codpiece, a friend of Biased BBC.
John Bercow insists it’s “literally impossible” for him to be politically partial because he reads The Guardian and watches BBC news.
Speaker of the House Bercow is expected to be politically neutral. But a series of massively partial outbursts have brought his position into disrepute, prompting calls for his sacking.
Mr Bercow believes the attacks are themselves politically motivated, instigated by “Daily Mail reading Tories”.
He said: “As an avid Guardian reader and BBC news consumer – TV, radio and digital – it’s literally impossible for me to be politically biased, so pure are my sources of information.
“My opponents, on the other hand, are clearly nothing more than rabble rousing, Daily Mail reading Tories who most definitely are motivated by rabid bias.”
Paraphrasing impartial Guardian and BBC narratives, Mr Bercow concluded: “Fuck Brexit. Fuck Trump. And Fuck you right-wing Conservative retards who are trying to oust me.”
Mr Bercow called rumours that he was once a Conservative MP himself “fake news”.
He is obviously looking for a retirement job with the liberal left media. I used to think that Speakers were supposed to be impartial , both when in post and when in retirement. But as with the BBC impartiality doesn’t preclude being overwhelmly biased to the left.
The BBC and Guardian censorship of reality must be causing the Speaker to be unaware of when fake news is fake news.
He therefore could become the first Speaker to recommend the banning of Political parties who are biased against none biased Political parties such as the Labour party.
This thought process is why China still bans Political parties that are biased against the unbiased Communist party.
So, This must be why the BBC is biased against Political parties that are biased against the unbiased Labour party. Or, why the unbiased BBC censors climate science, scientists and scientific debate, but not unbiased Environmental activists.
I think history shows that this “loony thinking process”, is evidence for the last days of perfect, blameless and unbiased people like Robespierre, Hitler and Stalin. And is also evidence of an affliction that is now effecting Prince Charles and Lord Hall.
Titch Speaker – “Whee haaar, time to go and beat up the plebs a bit”!
(Door opens, ‘wife’ walks in with some bloke in tow).
Wife – “Any tea Speaker? God you’re stupid! Shane ‘ere says you don’t know nuffing about guvverment”!
Titch Speaker – “Oi know ‘ow to deal wiv Diana Abborright! She toooowled me what to say to Jeremeremer Crokin, so’s I’d know”!
Bloke in tow – “Oooh are you little guy, wanna fight doooyah”?
Titch Speaker: “I know all about you chaps, you nasty people”!
(To be continued if anyone can be arsed to want to read any more…)
I saw Alibhai Brown on Bercow (Sky I think) . She defended him and her grounds seemed to be that any attack on President Trump was in the natural order of things and perfectly natural.
The arrogance of the liberal who cannot grasp any other view.
It is this single thing that will destroy the BBC and the MSM. An inability to accept contrary views.
Ah but the bBBC thinks it’s OK as long as the same views come from people with different coloured skin. That’s what they think is ‘diversity’.
If this report is factual and if Mr Bercow believes what he says then by his own words he is unfit to hold the post of Speaker of the HoC. He is at least stupid and at worst has some mental problems.
I’m drawn to the word ‘literally’ in the first line so suspect that this whole piece might be the work of our friend Leftie! Having said that I’ve thought for a long time that Bercow is the worst Speaker ever and should be removed at the earliest opportunity.
He’s equal worst with Michael Martin.