Does it strike anyone as ironic that the name of the favourite movie at the BAFTAs was La La Land? Does anyone know anyone who went to the cinema to watch this film?
And at the Grammys, have we now reached Virtue Signal overload where the winning white performer feels the need to say I’m sorry, I can’t be the winner – give the prize to the black person.
I watch BBC news and current affairs shows this morning and apparently there is no irony or any problem with this nonsense. In fact it is celebrated. Yes the BBC is living in La La Land too.
What amazes me is why these show business people feel qualified to lecture us on how the world should work, when most of them can’t look after themselves and spend regular spells in detox, falling out of taxis, or in court.
What next? “Amy Winehouse would have been anti-Trump, her drug addict former husband declared.” Are we really smart to be getting our political wisdom from someone who calls himself Busta Rhymes?
What both politicians and actors need is a PA to walk beside them constantly whispering “memento homo”. The Romans understood this to mean “you are not a god”. I know they will find that surprising but perhaps it will get through to them on some level.
The BBC is just one long Davos Break Out zone these days.
Maybe somebody could work out the average salary “earned” and property prices “owned” by any random days “contributors and guests” to , say Newshite or Toady.
When the public sector trough hounds and liberal Oxbridge greasers are made to see what liberal lollards and padded hypocrites they actually ARE to those of us who get them funneled into our IV systems, then-and only then might we get the true talent like Farage, Wilders, Murray and Bannon.
Instead of the Davos daleks who spout this cybertrolling hologram crap 24/7.
AsIseeIt….. yep I went to see it.
Polytropic….. there was only one tune.
I commented on this in the Weekend Thread. It was a travesty calling LaLa Land a ‘musical’ (which being a huge fan of this genre is the reason I went), the singing was dreadful and the dancing was an embarrassment to watch. Emperors New Clothes this definitely is. The other films nominated for Best Picture must be absolute rubbish if this was the best.
My recommendation ? don’t waste your money, you’ll be asleep before the end, and certainly not a film you want to sit through again.
I thought it was strange that in all the hype and advertising they never play any of the tunes. Unlike every other musical where the tunes are the first thing they shove down your throat in the adverts. I suspect they know the tunes in La La Land are really bad and will never catch on.
Classic repeats on the ‘Today’ programme this morning, with David Lord Willetts (as they insist on calling him) of the left-leaning Resolution Foundation, and Caroline Lucas (Greens) given more or less free-rein to push their agenda. Willetts (the faux Conservative) saying that pensioners are better off than working people, therefore all their benefits should be cut (and Webb pushing hard that this is done), and Lucus saying that leaving the EU means that this or that could… might… perhaps… probably… will… mean that Britain’s Green & Pleasant land will be trashed (faint murmurings from Humphreys). No opposing spokesmen, as usual. On pensions, apparently no account is taken of the fact that baby-boomers spent 30-40 years carefully husbanding their resources, denying themselves luxuries, in order to keep themselves out of poverty in their old age.
I never understood why center left “Tory” Willets was nicknamed “Two brains”. He always seemed a bit dim to me. Nice to see that another failed politician has cushy job, though.
Double First at a dumbed down Yooni, much beloved of Labour, called Whatsbridge or Dullsford?
His contributions to Conservative and Coalition governments always seemed to me to have something of a negative quality about them, too academically minded to be of any earthly, practical use.
This is actually becoming a worrying trend, bashing the old folks. How many times are we told the NHS is in crisis because of an aging population? Then we are told the housing crisis is due to old people having the cheek to live in their own family home instead of doing the decent thing and downsizing. The only thing they don’t blame on the elderly is a lack of school places, but I’m sure they are working on it.
Sky news ran an NHS in crisis day last week and one of the reporters actually asked an old lady in hospital how she felt about blocking a bed which could be used for some one else! What a scum bag!
The BBC is strangely silent regarding the impact 330,000 immigrants a year are having on the NHS. housing supply and school places.
The reason they’re sideling the elderly is simple – they just hate that demographic (despite the fact they’ll be belonging to this demographic at some point themselves, the short-sighted sods).
But we all know one of the largest reasons everything is in serious trouble isn’t because of the old people (though that isn’t to say it doesn’t bring challenges), it’s because of the artificially inflated population via mass third world immigration. They prefer the worst excesses of backward nations and cultures against older people who, for the most part, have worked most of their lives and paid their dues. These people really know how to prioritize don’t they?!
In regard of the constant attack on pensioners.
Edmund Burke said they we are forever in a social contract between those yet to be born-and those who are old.
And even when dead(abortion or euthanasia) this will hold IMHO.
Hence the need to abort-and to usher people off to Dignitas so the “Forever Young” idiots can get away with sex without babies-and coin in the pensioners lifes work and savings before sticking it all up their arses or their noses via eBay.
In the meantime-before we get rid of the baby wrinklies and the older ones at the end of life-let`s quake before migrants because to do anything else would involve courage, decision and discriminating between good and evil-and they`ve no spines, eyes or brains-let alone wisdom or experience in doing these-unless it`s Jade Goody or Eric Bristow.
(With thanks to Roger Scruton).
Baftas and Grammys, more excuses for Lefty self-centered luvvies so spout irrelevant bullshit. All egged on by the dumbed down luvvies at the BBC. Pass the sick bag.
I’m just watching the vomit fest at he moment. Perhaps these lovees should take a few steps in the real world not their own little bubbles. Complete crap I won’t be watching any of these films or buying music from any of these “artists”. Meanwhile the BBc continues it’s war on pensioners. As apparently pensioners are better of than people in work according to yes exactly who? More like a reflection of how incomes have fallen and failed to increase on the back of unrestricted immigration, but of course we don’t have more than one view point on the BBc anymore.
Baftas Hypocrisy.
How lame is it that people feel the need to say “my brother, my father, my blah blah blah was a refugee as if that in some way aligns them with the real world and real refugees and then go back to their tables and sup their oaked chardonnays and eat their smoked salmon and asparagus and feel misguidedly that they are part of the solution when, in fact, they are part of the problem.
It’s like saying’ some of my best friends are black’, it’s lamer than lame. We all know how much of a futile, capitulatory climbdown that is at a dinner party. There is no need for it.
The other side of the coin was Ben Affleck, who was very proud to have an ancestor who fought with distinction in the Civil War, but tried to hush up the ancestor who was a slave owner.
It turned into the standard Leftie bitchy name-calling debacle.
I suppose to call someone, black is insulting for no reason I know. You’re supposed to say, coloured, person of colour, Afro American, Caribbean etc,.
That being the case, why it’s OK to call white people, white, that is the greater the mystery?
If all these luvvies and lefties feel so passionate about their opinions, wouldn’t they feel more at home in the old communist countries ? oh, perhaps not, wouldn’t be able to get their particular brand of champagne, although the hired help would be cheaper !
Had this lot spoke of their allegiances back in the McCarthy era they would have been kicked out of the U.S for un-American activities.
I thought hard about this one too, and I don’t have any black friends either. In fact I’ve only half a dozen friends, but shedloads of ‘acquaintances’.
My wife is black African and , when I first met her, she was ” skin bleaching ” to make her skin whiter. I asked her ” why ? ” . She said ” to make her more beautiful and become wealthy “.
Many African ladies do that. Yet another topic for a BBC documentary .
I believe it’s a logical fallacy, a variation of ‘guilty by association’ (in this case, we can call it ‘absolution by association’).
There’s nothing wrong with saying you have black friends, but if it’s as a way of proving you aren’t racist, it’s considered a weak argument. So if your argument is thus: ‘I can’t be racist, because some of my best friends are black’, you are committing a logical fallacy.
That said, I don’t think it’s a serious fallacy, because it’s highly unlikely you would be a racist if you had black friends. It’s just not a very strong rhetorical device.
However, I think it is disliked by some ‘progressives’ because they don’t like the idea that someone with right wing views might have black friends, because that in turn suggests that some black people might have right wing views, and we can’t have that!
Radio 2 seems to have morphed into a feminised Radio One today, Nikki Chapman – Sara Cox – Fern Cotton followed by Fatty Feltz.
The project continues, Britain’s most listened to station, once staffed by intelligent entertaining people like Ray Moore, Terry Wogan and the like has become like the rest of the BBC staffed by vacuous airheads bigging up ‘music’ made by virtue signalling tw@ts
The difference on TV of course is that the women can be ethnic as well . If they don’t have this attribute a strong Irish brogue will suffice. What we really want now is an
ethnic scouser with the same dulcet tones of Jamie Carragher reading the news, and why not? On my beloved Londonostan programme all we have are these Indian sub continent and West Indian presenters and reporters all with London accents. Why not say the
equivalent of our Steph McGovern, but with a true sub continent accent, like Gupta from the film North West Frontier. Now that would be diversity!
As a Trotskyist my TV station of choice of course is the BBC. Just as it would be FOX in the USA if I was a god fearing Republican.Fellow fifth columnist editors, sub editors, researchers,and hierarchy have become more and more emboldened by getting their vacuous presenters to do their bidding. So the most important item from the BAFTA’S is the virulent attack by Ken Loach on the government. And that is why I watch the BBC. My boy’s have complete control of it. You aint seen nothing yet!!
BBC News service during last night on World Service interviews a female Mexican re Trump. Three or four minutes of pure anti-Trump rant precipitated as a result of the forced removal of an Mexican illegal immigrant who has been resident in the US for 20 years. The interviewee is a ‘leader’ within a group of Mexicans (in Mexico) formed and devoted to bringing Trump down by any means. Apparently the World should unite to destroy the evil Trump. Why? Indeed, why should it not be the case that the US Government exercises its absolute right to remove people illegally residing in the US?
We all know about the growing movements in and out the US anxious to condemn Trump at every opportunity but hey! this is being broadcast on the World Service (“The Worlds Radio Station”/”The Worlds Most Trusted..”) no less.
No objective response to the interviewees rant. No simple question posed – ‘but surely if you or anyone else is residing in a country, illegally, doesn’t that Government have a right, indeed a legal duty to remove that person/people?’ No, the BBC World Service does not objectively report balanced news to the World.
G, And apparently WS output doesn’t come under Ofcom.
And yes, it is just about as valid as me complaining about some shoddy shoes I bought twenty years ago. Yet the BBC can work it up into some great cause celebre while conveniently ignoring real injustices. Scum.
R4 Today this morning around 6.40. A rare BBC exclusive into…dodgy pricing and offers at Tesco. Yes, Auntie sent a fearless undercover reporter into Tesco for a period of weeks to secretly record the ruthless and possibly dangerous Tesco staff rigging 3 for the price of 2 deals on Custard Creams, or something. Perhaps an item for a slow edition of You and Yours rather than for Radio 4’s “flagship news programme”?
Maybe there are rather more pressing issues to cover (I suspect readers of BBBC know fine well what they are) by our national treasure four billion quid a year broadcaster?
How can the fact that supermarkets try and get you to spend more money by offering deals that on closer inspection aren’t be news? That’s not news that’s just bloody obvious upselling and if you walk around the shop and cant be bothered to check the price of things, then that’s your lookout.
I suspect these were honest mistakes by Tesco. And, yes, if people don’t check prices and till roles, it suggests that they have too much money. I don’t think that most supermarkets deliberately set out to cheat people, unlike the BBC.
They do here in France – several items are marked up as “on offer” at a cheaper price, but when you go to the checkout, the original price is charged. When you remonstrate, there is much huffing and puffing by the checkout operator, and she traipses off to check (which takes ages, much to the consternation of others in the queue) – we are invariably right, but there’s never an apology or expression of regret, or promise to sort it out. On the next visit, the same performance. They don’t bother to rectify the problem, mainly due to laziness, but also the desire to screw the customer, which is endemic, here.
The best in the world are the Japanese. They smile, bow when they take your money and bow again when they give you change – which is on a little tray !!! The women in my local Co-op could learn a thing or two.
But the Japs don’t do “diversity”. The BBC don’t have much to say about that. The Thais are very welcoming , but they don’t do muslim “diversity”. As for the Chinese ……. ! Some great BBC documentaries on these countries. Not coming to a town near you !
Very true Grant. During my 2 week holiday I was amongst other tourists who mainly comprised Korean, Chinese and other Japanese ! I only saw one black face in all that time, and he worked behind a bar. My fellow travellers mentioned this more than once, as it appear to be one of the few places on Earth where ethnic minorities do not have a foothold.
That does not surprise me ! I have a very similar experience in Gambia. That God, not too many ethnic minorities. Indians are ok but the Lebanese are shit !
Brissles. I love Japan. Such a civilised and welcoming country – which does not want to be forcibly assimilated into any other culture, thank you ! (and who could blame them ?).
I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone who is even remotely thinking of visiting the country to just get on with it ! If you get into difficulties (and that is rare, given that English seems to be the second language – signs, etc. – across the country)…. then stop, open a map, and almost wherever you happen to be, within a few seconds, someone will come up to you and politely ask if they can be of any help – in pretty good English. If they can’t help, they will take the time to find someone who can.
As you intimated, the customer is definitely ‘king’ there. Loved the train staff who, when walking through the train, stopped at the end of each carriage and bowed to the patrons.
South Korea is quite similar, certainly in Seoul. One thing that amazed me there was in the underground food hall (common) of a major international department store chain, there was a huge queue which wound around several shopping ‘islands’, which, intrigued, I eventually tracked back to the sales point – to find that it sold….scones ?????
I have said to so many friends that they may well look with amusement upon the tourists from that part of the world, photographing everything in sight – OK, I agree they go totally overboard in taking each others’ photos (multiple) everywhere – but I can pretty much guarantee that visitors to that part of the world will find even the tiniest of things just so different from our own experience, that they will ‘become’ the equivalent of the Asian tourist in our country – photographing such mundane things as the tiles/gutters on the roofs and manhole covers (I kid you not – they are incredible in their variety).
Loved the toilet cubicles with glass surrounds which go opaque when you lock them…scary, or what ? – and the ones which play the sound of running water – just to help the process, and to preserve privacy, very important is a very small, densely-populated country… and the toilet seats with the equivalent of a set of helicopter controls to hand…
Enough…. just go and have a look ! You will not regret it.
They don’t bother to rectify the problem, mainly due to laziness, but also the desire to screw the customer, which is endemic, here.
Never had a problem shopping abroad apart from grumpiness (most prevalent amongst the Greeks).
That was until we went to France for the first time (if you exclude Corsica) 6 years ago. Stiffed over 3 times, including getting my card scammed which the scumbags used to pay for flights and accommodation for their own holiday.
I think that supermarkets in general, will always try to cheat you, as will the power companies, the train companies and probably anyone who obfuscates their ‘offer’ with volumes of different choices.
I’ve just had a new ‘deal’ offer from M and S Energy, and I haven’t a clue what on earth they’re talking about – it’s absolute gibberish!
Expect to be ripped off by these people, then at least try to be smarter, you may well win…
The Co-Op have been doing it for years.
I have to check every time I buy a bit of fruit in there, in that their “special offer fruit” inevitqably has been sold or moved out of the bargain slots.
And you then pay full whack if you`re not careful at the checkout.
This is the Co-Op….not seen anybody else do it so slyly yet.
Will the BBC look into THEM?…course not, the anti-Semitic scum!
Can’t have the multi-culti love-fest that is the elite’s concept of modern europe disturbed by factual reporting, that just wouldn’t do.
All those thick, old, racist brexiteers might think themselves justified, and all the snowflakes would melt in the harsh bright light of reality.
Radio 4’s “The Cold Swedish Winter” fits your description very well.
Listening to this ‘comedy’ series recorded on location in Sweden, you would have no idea of the massive problems that immigration has caused. Every real video clip I see on line has burning cars and police out in force, yet the series is stuck in a time warp of decades ago, a comment that has been made about the imaginary London of ‘Eastenders’ too.
A little worrying to find the lead news item on BBC Radio 4’s TODAY programme at 8.10am is a yet to be broadcast Panorama programme by the BBC. It is not a new thing, BBC Radio 4 has done this before, trailing items in News programmes that will be broadcast at a later time or date.
It is a little more worrying that it follows a week of highlighting the winter shortcomings of the NHS (and by inference the Government of the day) and features another state institution, Her Majesty’s Prison Service. Not just that but also following on from the sudden surge in interest and concern over FakeNews.
I am not suggesting that the yet-to-be-broadcast Panorama programme is faked.
It has not been publicly aired. I have not seen it and will not have an opportunity to watch it. The viewing public can have no idea what the programme contains other than what they are told in advance. Critics of the programme cannot form a view. Those who have personal experience in the field cannot support what has been shown. It is – at 8.10am on Monday morning – effectively a piece of FakeNews. At this point in time, the programme is immune from validation and correction. It only exists in its recorded form and the minds of those who have conceived it and those who have had privileged advance viewing.
It is, right now, a form of FakeNews from the BBC.
Does anyone else think that Adele is just a fat, foul-mouthed, overrated bore? Her music along with every other current pop star is utter shit. It is boring, talantless and repetitive crap. Music is all about style over substance these days. What a bunch of sanctimonious, self-important, talentless and puerile leftie Cecils. If they want to help the poor why not help our homeless war heroes or elderly folk who have no-one? These exhibitionist children are a bunch of self-serving braindead narcissists.
I had never heard of her until today. I gave up listening to “pop” music many years ago for the very reasons you give. Mindless, talentless, wallpaper. I still enjoy some of the older stuff, jazz, blues, classical and African, so it can’t be me. Just been listening to Paul Simon “Stranger to stranger”. But then he knows how to write music and lyrics, record a CD and perform in concerts.
Sorry to name-drop but yes Grant, give me some jazz, blues or classical… some Nina Simone, Sandy Denny or Janis Joplin etc… I love music but cannot stand much of today’s pop garbage. Much prefer Bach, BB King, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, The Who, Led Zep….. ?I enjoy a lot of English folk music,too… Bert Jansch etc. Everyone always talks about Scottish or Irish folk, which I love, but English folk is great too. Fairport and Steeleye Span and Pentangle. Real ale too ?
All class acts ! I also forgot to mention folk music. I wonder if “pop” musicians of today ever listen to any of these artists and,if so, what do they think ? Hard to know. And this is without mentioning Jimi !
I gave up the pop scene around the mid 70’s, but at least we had an amazing ‘choice’ of pop artists to listen to. In recent decades the choice has been somewhat limited. For years it was either Kylie Minagogue or manic Robbie Williams, and if you didn’t like them you were stuffed. Various loners have appeared in the years thereafter, and now the must have and only choice is Adele ! Pitch her against the likes of Dusty Springfield, Cilla Black at her peak, even Sandie Shaw or Shirley Bassey, Dionne Warwick, Mary Wilson – I could go on, and she’d be outclassed every time.
Of course every generation has their top liner, but Dusty, Cilla or Shirley never had a foul mouth on stage, and so, where do we go from here ? Madonna likes to reveal the flesh at over 50 – not a pretty sight anymore, and like the hits of the 60s and 70s that are still lovingly remembers, I cant imagine the stuff today being sung in 30 years time !
Following on from your video I tried to watch the sketch she did on the Morecambe and Wise Show – but ‘it has been blocked by BBC Worldwide in your country on copyright grounds’. Who paid for it in the first place? Strange thing is that relatives in foreign countries can tune in for free to many BBC broadcasts, even local ones.
Oh Hendrix, best of the best! Especially the Experience.
As for folk. I’m a big Simon & Garfunkel & Leonard Cohen fan myself. And perhaps not strictly folk but Jethro Tull. My list is way long but most of my favourite music was created long ago. I haven’t yet found a need to resort to the tripe they are producing currently.
Jimi had a lot of luck, apart from being a brilliant musician , he had Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell, both great musicians. And Chas Chandler.
When he first came to London, unknown , Eric Clapton went to see him play. The quote may not be genuine , but ” You told me he was good, you did tell me he was THAT good ” !
My Cd collection is currently standing at 3,375 I finally got round to cataloguing it on top of that there is probably another 2,000 bits of vinyl. I still buy new releases but I don’t buy the music the BBc and media in general promote. I actually seek it out and watch live bands. It’s still out there but the media would rather promote the dirge of Adele, Beyoncé & the like. This week I bought the new Black Star Rider lp (yes I even bought the vinyl version) which is essentially the spirit of Thin Lizzy carrying on. Did BBc promote it? Even if they did I wouldn’t know because I couldn’t sit and listen to their playlist on the off chance. The new Jesus and Mary Chain album is out next month I’ve had it on pre-order for weeks and I expect it will come and go without much press interest. Oh how many Beyoncé / Adele records do I possess? That’s easy zero.
Now in my seventieth year, rarely a day passes without a dip into the Ipad for a Genesis song…
Great guys, hugely talented, probably ignored by the BBC in the seventies, when they needed everything they could earn to try and improve on the flared rubbish starting up and culminating with the dreadful ‘punk’ era!
(Actually, I think ‘Turn it on again’ did get onto ‘Top of the pops’ so someone at bBeeb had some style at some stage. Probably pensioned off soon afterwards…)!
Haven’t listened to her much but my impression is of yet another clone, singing invariably about herself (“my life” blah blah blah “my life” blah blah blah), belting it out with that almost ubiquitous fake American drawl.
People can, of course, listen to whatever they want, but I’m certainly not impressed with what’s on offer. The whole scene is a nauseating, obsequious, irrelevance as far as I’m concerned.
Auto-Tune and aggressive PR has saved many of them from obscurity.
I agree. It annoys me when they call themselves musicians just because they’ve learnt to strum strum some guitar chords in their bedroom. It’s insulting to proper musicians who can play their instruments properly after years of study.
“It annoys me when they call themselves musicians just because they’ve learnt to strum strum some guitar chords in their bedroom”
The biggest jokers are those two Gallagher Brothers! I can’t remember the name of their band (laugh) A while back there was a programme about their personal life showing very close-up shots of them (trying) to play their many (expensive) guitars! What a joke it was! The programme makers tried to cover-up their mistakes by playing over their music with a orchestral type tune! Still spotted their non-talents though! John Lennon copy-cats/Plagerists!
With you 100%, it says a lot about the record buying public of today that buy her insidious, tuneless, boring, self absorbed repetitive drivel and worse still have made a relatively untalented fowl mouthed obese nobody into a multi-millionaire (£85m).
I think the last time I laughed when listening to a Radio 4 “comedy” show (it might have been Deadringers, I really can’t remember) was the line: “coming up next, Adele sings a happy song”.
Some of the best “popular” (in its widest sense) singers this country has produced rarely get any credit these days. Two names spring to mind – Dame Vera Lynn, and Marti Webb, who I haven’t seen or heard for years. Both stand out to me for their perfect phrasing. At the risk of being even more uncool, Julie Andrews deserves credit for her remarkably clear diction, although I’ve never been particularly drawn to her musicals. Too sugary for me.
You’re all sounding like my father on a Thursday night when I would be trying to listen to Top of the Pops, often with my cassette recorder at the ready. “What a bloody din! Turn it off!”
Haha my father was the opposite – he liked a lot of pop music and when I was trying to be cool and impress friends by playing the latest ’45’, he would come into the room, start dancing a ‘twist’ and exclaim ‘this is the video!’
Adele, like her or loathe her has talent. IMO “Someone like you” is one of the best UK “pop” records of the last 25 years. Having said that I avoid hearing her voice on anything other than a record!
Sadly we are now at a time when this generation barely know who Frank Sinatra was.
Yes, we may sound like our parents wanting to turn off the bloody din, but we at least have got ‘proper’ rock/pop music to compare the current stuff to ! Whereas my parents were comparing Gerry & the Pacemakers/ Hollies/ Searchers etc to the likes of Glen Miller/Dorsey Brothers/ Benny Goodman/ Artie Shaw. Great musicians also, of whom todays bunch of kids wouldn’t have a clue !
Fantastic. Nothing more intolerant than a lefty railing against intolerance. In other news, the climate activists of California are left scratching their heads after predicting climate induced drought would blight them forever:
Notice the little detail in there of the Sikh community centre billeting people flooded out. It says other community groups were contacted, so why focus on them in particular? Next best thing to Muslims, I suppose.
Steve – as ever, a little bit of Googling and getting outside their climate bubble would reveal this for the BBC:
Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.
I would have thought that was newsworthy for many reasons. Especially the racist attacks on her in the twitter comments. I think that many “minorities” voted for Trump. Presumebly, in the eyes of Lefties, they are all stupid just like those of us who voted “Leave “.
Up2Snuff, Start the week was followed by Book of the Week, Age of Anger, read by its author Pankaj Mishra. He had a very strong non British accent so was quite difficult to understand but there was plenty of mention of Trump and Islamaphobia. Certainly Trump’s election was not seen as a good thing, I think it was described as a disaster and I think all the terrorist attacks in the West by Muslims are the fault of the west but. Mr Mishras’s train of thought was so complicated and his sentences so long that I couldn’t always follow his arguments. But a programme to miss if you want to keep your blood pressure low.
My attempt at The typical leftist response to your very sensible observation is given below. I am auditioning for a play next week and hope to win a BAFTA next month, they are awarded monthly aren’t they ? Interested if you give me any advice an the content and tips on delivery .
‘You sneeringly refer to this author’s non British accent. An appalling example of racism. It is the height of arrogance to imagine that just because someone is reading a book on BBC Radio 4 that you , a typical white person , should be able to understand what he is saying. Anyway you later concede that his sentences were too complex for your racist , facist , Brexit loving , tiny undeveloped brain , to comprehend. My ancestors were foreigners you know and a thousand generations ago may have been people of colour before they moved out of Africa , so in my heart I feel the pain of the oppressed victims of white imperialism and of The criminal clown in the White House and his side kick Farage. My best friend is a black , transgender , homeless ,Muslim refugee, who I have given a sleeping bag to and allowed to live in my bin store ‘.
BBC Radio has always had the problem that in order to show ‘diversity’ they have to have ‘ethnics’ on the radio. However, if the accent is too thick, people won’t be able to understand them, but if there is no trace of an accent, then people may not realise they are ethnics, particularly if they are West Indians, who, being Christian, have names that are usually indistinguishable from white Britons. It’s a difficult balance to achieve but they seem to have managed it with that West Indian gentleman who announces on Radio Four (by the way he speaks very well).
A big problem for Lefties and Beeboids is that many West Indians and Africans are devout Christians. No doubt a result of white , colonial indoctrination. And they must be cured of that disease. But why do so few Leftists convert to their beloved Islam ?
Deborah, I listened to that (but was losing concentration due to reading posts on here!) and I think it shed some interesting light on the relationships of Muslims to the non-Muslim world. I will need to listen again to Part 1.
I got a hint that at last an academic had done a bit of really useful research, so I will persist with it.
Pankaj Mishra’s accent and voice was not good for broadcast radio (I’m fairly used to Indian accents) & agree it was slightly hard work to listen to. Nowhere near as bad as a couple of other ‘presenters’ in the lunchtime 1.45-2pm Radio 4 slot just before Christmas and just after New Year.
The first had a speech impediment, which was quite beguiling but that was the problem. I was listening for and to the lisp and not to what was being said. In the New Year programme about paintings, the presenter had either had throat surgery or damage due to therapy (similar to Nick Robinson) or a bad attack of influenza or laryngitis while recording parts of the programme.
In those situations, you need a Producer (and Engineering back-up) with experience AND authority who can say “I’m sorry but this is not going to be a good listener experience and will detract from your work. We need to delay broadcast until you are well/bring in another presenter or reader/use some engineering tricks to improve this.”
I’m sure that used to happen but BBC standards are not what they used to be. I’m not saying that I want the BBC to return to the age of 1935-1965s ‘posh’ or ‘Received Pronunciation’ presentation and narration. I just want good delivery. I feel for the producer of the work when it reaches me in less than good condition. That includes ‘the famous author’ who read his own latest fiction on Book of the Week in 2016 or 2015 and did it truly, dismally, awfully badly.
I guess that the Producer in that situation was over-awed by the author’s fame and reputation and didn’t have the courage to say “You haven’t got the pace and phrasing right. We may need to get an actor in to do this.”
Agreed up2nuff.
Really good in that it got me to think of sport, education and creativity in a new way.
AND-it now means I can leave all my mess around the house and tell my wife that I`m a creative, and not an anally retentive Konn Mari Japanese minimalist weirdie like her.
Suffice to say-I`m telling YOU this, not yet ready to tell HER that!
King of My Own Kitchen-that`s me!
chrisH, get the lisp right, and the voice a little husky and the good Mrs chrisH could/may/possibly/probably will not just be hanging on to every one of your words but hanging on to you, as well, clutter or no clutter.
BBC – Pensioner incomes ‘outstrip those of working families’ just as I stated a few weeks ago pensioners next on the “blame” hitlist.
BBC again not scrutinising factually, not “really” questioning, regurgitating No10 spin.
“But the [triple-lock] is a very powerful ratchet pushing up pensions at a time when incomes of the less affluent half of working households are barely rising at all.”
Wages have been driven down, its the No10 lying crooks pipedream, its not “dear old grannies” fault. With typical Tory spin and media control
On it goes … “enabled today’s pensioners to be so prosperous” the operative word missing is SOME … many, many are not, erm “prosperous” in comparison to wages that are deliberately compressed, the political narrative, a transient low pay workforce
“I wonder if we can stop using Jeremy Hunt’s favourite phrase, “an ageing population”? In the past month I have heard it used by politicians to explain
the crisis in the NHS (“too many old people needing care and blocking hospital beds”),
the crisis in the economy (“pensions are too expensive”),
the crisis in the prison service (“too many older prisoners is leading to overcrowding”),
the housing crisis (“too many old people are living in houses too big for them and they ought to downsize”) and
the crisis in the provision of social care (“too many older people need help at home”).”
Nearly forgot The erm … “ageing population” also blamed for Brexit – those older people voted for it you see, and younger people didn t
The report being exploited by the BBC is from the Resolution Foundation. The BBC often use the Resolution Foundation (or, alternatively, the Joseph Rowntree Trust) to back up their left wing broadcastig ideology. The organisation is chaired by David Willets, ex Tory MP with an agenda about inter-generational unfairness. See his various programmes and interviews on the BBC.
While the report may not be lying, the BBC may be quoting selectively from it to make its point, hardly a surprise to us on this site lol.
I’ve not read the original piece of work but clearly many pensioners are not in receipt of generous pensions from final salary schemes and some are even still paying off mortgages. Also the numbers who are in a fortunate position regarding final salary schemes/no mortgages are being temporarily inflated as baby-boomers retire. These are the last group to benefit from the commonality of final salary schemes in the private sector. All that was killed off by our old friend Gordon Brown some years ago. By around 2030 it will have worked is way through the system.
Of course Brown and indeed Cameron, never had the guts to kill off gold plated public sector pensions alongside the massacre of private sector pensions. So we have a permanent two tier pensioner class which will persist even when baby boomers are no longer around.
Reducing all pensioner benefits, whether you are one of the privileged or not, seems unfair to me.
Marxism, pure and simple, EE. Marxism relies on societal inequalities to succeed. Where none previously existed, they would have to be created. So, we have the situation of the growing racial conflicts between blacks versus whites, gender conflictions where those of a different flavour see discrimination everywhere they look, rabid feminism, etc. What we are seeing is the next stage, the young (disadvantaged) versus the old (privaleged. People see the BBC as being of the left, they are far more dangerous that that!
As is their want, Muslims bring crime, rape and other serious criminality to Europe. Now rioting –
When oh when will the French or other Europeans say, ‘enough is enough’ and stand up to the Islamic terraforming?
The Euro media is working overtime, trying to convince the populous that the EU has the moral high ground and secondly that no matter how bad it may be – the EU can be rebuilt and become a force to reckon with.
If that don’t work, the media can push the fact that, they might be scared, the real World is much, much scarier.
That said gaxvil. did see a few minutes of the “Future of the EU” debate live on BBC Parliament earlier this morning.
Most of those who spoke clearly know that the game is up, Brexit getting lots of mentions.
But-their elite and sandbagging saddos and lickspittles( the Greens, Centrist pew fillers)-are clearly around to prevent debate, and laud up Juncker and Verhofstad.
Still-if you want to see what the Italians and Dutch were saying-it would warm your cockles, they TOO have electorates who despise the EU as it currently collapses around their ears.
Sinn Fein of course spoke in Gaelic-no wonder THEY want to stay in the EU, who else will indulge their Semtex recipes as well as pay BBC fellow travellers to translate their crap…Gaelic for that anybody?
Thanks for that – I’ve just whizzed through it and there are some very choice and encouraging phrases there.
Some still desperately trying to hold onto the dream, I’m afraid.
#1 In April the RAC report put the cost at £800m
– for 3.2% reduction in pollution *
#2 I see quote in Dr Griggs report doubting NOx can harm children.
London’s pollution problem appears to have followed closely on the adoption of widespread 20mph speed limits by many London boroughs and the massive growth in cycling together with the installation of Boris Johnson’s Cross-London Cycle Lanes.
What an eloquent and well-argued rebuff from Mr Wilders – and not even in his own language! I can’t think of anyone on the BBC who could do something like that. No wonder they’ve got it in for people like Wilders.
To be fair to Libby, I used to hate the very idea of her and her job for life show Midweek.
But-crap show though it is-she is relatively courageous in BBC terms, so we should back her.
To us this will be pap-but to BBC luvvies this will enrage them…so let`s be kind as we can.
BBC News – Adele really wants to take Lily Allans SJW Mantle, makes a balls up singing out of tune on a G Micheal tribute apologises, swears apologises, gets some award virtue signals then apologises, can t accept it apologises … some virtue signalling empowering black brothers palava, apologises please (virtue signal) give it to black sister Beyoncé
… who I believe hasn t apologised (yet).
What an utter embarrassment … Not a bad singer, bit like Beyoncé overrated.
Gives the superficial, out of control, needless congratulatory, over inflated, self important, ego has landed, talent desert awards a erm … bad name
Disagree, poly. Her early stuff was outstanding. Real ear grabbing stuff. Mind you her contemporaries were not putting out much good work according to my ears, so that helped her stand out. Not so familiar with what she has done of late.
“boo hoo, I shouldn’t have won these prizes, boo hoo…Beyoncé should have won for all that she does, for her music, for the way she makes my black friends feel…she makes them feel empowered”
99% of ‘pop’ music is manufactured pap, carefully calibrated to appeal to particular market segments. I suspect ‘Adele’ is no different; she fills a particular gap in the market. Any music with any pretensions to intelligence is nearly always left wing, and nearly always utter complacency dressed up as ‘rebellion’.
Exactly Cranmer, which is why she was so successful when she started out. She wasn’t manufactured pap. She broke the mould for a while. Seems like she has fallen into line now. Maybe it is to satisfy the taxman!
I recall on one of those ‘Britain’s Got X Talent Idol’ programmes a girl-trio being asked if they could sing in harmony. One said ‘What’s harmony?’ and the other replied ‘Oh…I think that’s when, like, one of us sings high, one of us sings low and the other sort of sings in the middle.’
Dear Mr Trump,
we are very sorry for all our nasty, slanderous and libelous comments recently – it wasn’t us, it was all those activists and all those media companies who thought they should be political instead of just reporting the news. So, in view of the fact that North Korea is getting a bit dodgy right now and scaring everybody, could you see your way clear to helping us confront this tyrannical despot. – yes I know that’s exactly what we called you but we were only joking. This North Korean chap isn’t joking.
Yours Sincerely,
All the liberal flakes on planet earth.
Half an hour of Jeremy Whine’s programme (it is his programme, but he is now far too important to host it) devoted to tonight’s Panorama, and another half hour devoted to tonight’s Inside Out (whatever that is) which will tell us all about Tesco’s outrageous ripping-off of its customers. Well, I think that was the agenda that was being shoved down my throat. And this from the BBC, the finest purveyor of black pots and kettles and that fails to mention its own Digital Media Initiative which wasted millions of pounds of TV tax payers’ money.
I would love it if Trump included all the UK luvvies who have slagged him off in his immigration ban, except instead of making it 90 days he made it permanent. That would bugger up some of their careers.
The outrage would be tremendous, although I’m sure the likes of Emma Thompson wouldn’t mind as she is totally opposed to flying anyway.
Friends! You’ll doubtless be pleased to hear that I have supported Our Zoe’s (Williams) coruscating Guardian piece which attacked the literally Fascist Daily Fail’s vicious character assassination of Our Gary (Lineker), whose only crime is to have taken literally hundreds of Our Refugee Children – some barely in to their thirties – in to his home, and to have minimised his tax bill in order that he could have sufficient funds to look after them properly.
Anyway, I have reproduced my piece in my Blog, along with a link to the original piece, all of which can be found here:
Following the success of ‘Citizen Khan’, the BBC is remaking old comedies for 21st Century Britain:-
1) Hamas’s Half Hour
2) Daud’s Army
3) The Burkas Way
4) The Men from the Mosque
5) I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Rational Thought
6) Hello Cheeky – Apostate
7) I’m Sorry I’ll Behead Them Again
Gax – I’m sure they could do a remake of ‘Allo ‘Allo called ‘Allah ‘Allah set in a curry house in Bradford.
Mind you, the “Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies” would have to wear a burqua.
Mr. Mujahideen
Imam About the House
Up Mecca!
You Rang Mullah?
That Mitchell and Webb Caliph
Are You Being Severed?
One for the ladies….Not Going Out
and a comedy game show…Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs.
Ready, Steady, Ramadan! (stop cooking!)
And Mother Makes 19
Allepo Allepo!
The Hitchhikers Guide Into the UK
Michael Portillo’s Great Railway Journeys – Calais to Londinistan
Something Sunni Happened on the Way To the Mosque
Childrens Hour
Going Straight – to the ECHR
Do Not Adjust Your Niqab
That’s all for now folks…promise!
So G, an avalanche of rape and other sex crimes in Germany (despite being under-reported, under-investigated and under-prosecuted) not to mention our very own sex gangs all over the country. Surprisingly none of the Sistas and other virtue signalling luvvies expressed any indignation at the DAFTAS, sorry BAFTAS. Instead they reserve their scorn and hatred for the one politician trying to do something about it. As does the bibistan, natch.
Is there a name for systematically pointing the finger at the wrong enemy?
(Apart from simple cowardice and stupidity – something more technical like Stockholm Syndrome. Mmm, Stockholm, that’s in Sweden isn’t it? I think I’ve answered my own question.)
You probably sussed it. Stockholm syndrome is about right.
Bow to the “inevitable “, submit to your oppressors, in the hope that they will throw you some crumbs of comfort. And they won’t rape you too much. After all, with a bit of luck, you can have children with them.
Displacement behaviour re. Trump. Hope that it gets you some “kudos” with your enemies.
Matt Ridley in the Times writes about a number of issues culminating in how Lefties resort to fascism to stop Milo speaking and howLefties align with homohating Islam.
“In Britain and the US, it’s time for a rebellion against the ‘snowflake’ generation and its censoring of campus debate”
\\ Speaker John Bercow’s call to “no platform” President Trump was not based on any claim that he might incite violence//
BBC & others are reporting on this Lake Oroville Dam spillover. Thousands being evacuated in California.
Unfortunately it’s in the North of the state. A shame it’s not threatening the LA and/or Hollywood libtard stronghold. 😉
I was listening to this on Radio 4 and found it utterly unbelievable that they chose to interview one of the members of the Sikh centre to comment on how it was affecting them.
Sod news reporting there’s an effnik minority being inconvenienced, and sod reporting that the Obamessiah failed to attend to Americas infrastructure during his 8 years, to such an extent that such things are happening, and Sod reporting that one of Trumps promises was to rebuild the worn out infrastructure too !
The immediate story is the problem with the physical infrastructure, but there is also an issue with the management of the water level, and whether the Californian obsession with “Global Warming induced drought” meant that the lake was allowed to fill up while there was still a heavy snowpack still to melt. I don’t expect the BBC to cover this element of the story.
Gaxvil, mental health services went through this several years ago with the “Count Me In Census”. This started as an attempt to identify the ethnicity of all inpatients in mental health units, but over the years was expanded to include every possible category of personal details, including sexuall orientation. The problem was that staff had to record the replies without any attemp to ensure they were correct. We had a Scottish patient who insisted on having an galic interpreter present for the interview although he didn’t speak galic and a number of patients who insisted they were Black-African despite all the visual evidence to the contrary. We also had patients who became very agitated because they were being asked such personal questions and for them the staff just made up the answers.
A few years ago there were reports of pressure being put on museum to increase the numbers of visitors from ethnic minorities. I’ve never been asked for any details when I’ve visited a museum, but if I ever am I’ll give a suitable answer – after all, I’ll not be on oath.
RJ, I remember hearing of someone who, when made to fill in one of those diversity forms (White British, Asian British etc) simply scrawled HUMAN over it in large letters. Fortunately I now run my own business and hopefully will never have to bother again with that nonsense to get a job.
On the subject of ‘diversity questionnaires’ I’ve never lived or worked abroad, but for those who have (eg worked in the middle east or Africa) – what box do you get to tick? White European? Or do they just not bother with the whole nonsense anyway?
In Saudi you had to state your religion on entering the country, the advice I took was to keep it simple and just put “Christian” as it was thought that being too forthcoming could attract unwelcome attention or even exclusion…Serbian Orthodox for example, and some others such as Sikhs were in and out of favour depending on current affairs and politics in the wider Islamic world.
I never remember diversity questionnaires on entering any country. Lived in Turkey 2 years and no-one ever asked me. In 15 years in Gambia , I have never been asked, except one time, in a bar, a Gambian muslim, who was drinking beer, asked me and I said ” Atheist”. He looked puzzled , but with true Gambian politeness replied ” That’s nice ” !
Sorry, guys, but this woman is talking nonsense. She says the muslim hordes were turned back at the battle of Vienna on 11th September ( 9/11 ). The battle of Vienna was actually a day later on 12th September. She goes on to state that the countries of Europe had gone through the industrial revolution and this was why the had the funds to build large armies with which to fight the heathen throng. But the battle took place in 1683 and most agree that the industrial revolution didn’t start until 100 years later.
She is also a bit sketchy when describing the evolution of islam into a powerful force. Her version is mo had his revelation in mecca but failed to grow the new religion in the following 12 years. Fine. So then mo went to medina to try to sell it to the 4x2s, but they weren’t having it. Fine. Next islam is an all concurring power enslaving 4x2s and Christians alike. Not fine. How did that transformation take place from a minor cult with few followers one minute to being a regional power able to spread over most of the ancient world the next?
I wouldn’t put too much faith in this ladies version of history, at least not from this showing.
Have a read of Tom Holland’s “In the Shadow of the Sword” Comprehensive cover of the founding of Islam and its early rise . The author got a bit of stick from “certain quarters” for his views.
gaxvil February 13, 2017 at 2:31 pm
“…I suppose to call someone, black is insulting for no reason I know. You’re supposed to say, coloured, person of colour, Afro American, Caribbean etc,.
That being the case, why it’s OK to call white people, white, that is the greater the mystery?”
White people are referred to as such because that is a superficial dismissive description. White people aren’t allowed to refer to their own ethnicity.
Years ago I attended a course at a further education college.
The tutor and ‘diverse’ students routinely referred to ethnic minority people as ‘of ethnic origin’ to which I (as a white man) responded ‘where do you think I came from, out of a test-tube?’.
I’m not sure I could get away with that now in these enlightened times.
And the opposite of the PC descriptor ” of colour” is “colourless”. Therefore white people are colourless. A quick look at the thesaurus reveals synonyms such as drab, dull, ghastly, weak. Nothing complimentary, therefore expect to see BBBC start using it instead of white, which has connotations of pure, clean, untouched etc.
It will come as no surprise to anyone that the ‘envy of the world’ and their serried ranks of ‘world class, impartial journalists and assorted news editors’ are giving this story the widest possible birth.
As of now, not one word.
Oh how different when David Davis made the amusing aside that “He’s not blind” in relation to the fat munter. The BBC certainly gave that the fullest coverage they could, dragging in the usual trash from the loony lefties to condemn him.
Well guess what, it’s finally turned up.
Not on the front page.
Not on the UK main page.
Not even on the politics page.
It appears as a minor link on the England page, where it’s the tenth story (at the time of writing).
It’s actually located in UK > England > Regions > Stoke and Staffordshire.
A clear case of being able to say they covered it, whilst putting it where very few will find it.
His tweets are appalling, as is the Beebs lack of coverage. How does this foul mouth man who seems to spend a lot of time watching TV, get selected as a candidate!
Hopefully this will be enough to sink labour in Stoke, come on Paul!
7:30 Inside Out
South West – As the South West debates how best to aid Syrian migrants, Ben Woolvin investigates the cost of helping the region’s existing asylum seekers and refugees.
East – examines whether the company evicting over 70 families from an estate in Peterborough is failing in its legal duties as a landlord, and asks why the city council would do a deal to house homeless people with the landlord.
N East – Celebrate 90 yrs of amateur movie making on Tyneside
East-Mids ; Shock-absorbing Loopwheels are the brain-child of Nottinghamshire design engineer Sam Pearce
West – How safe are vulnerable children in Weston-super-Mare?
and we go underground into Bristol’s secret cave
NWest – We examine the mystery surrounding the discovery of an unidentified body in one of the most remote parts of the north west – and look at how cold case detectives are working to give names to hundreds more unidentified bodies across the country
London – investigates the Airbnb boom and asks if it’s damaging the capital’s rental market.
Yorkshire – Paul Rose discovers the hidden archaeological gems in the Yorkshire Wolds,
– And how Scunthorpe Council is so rich they’ve given £10K in gold to artits to bury away around the town in an art treasure hunt.
SE edition they are with migrants who take a bus 501 into Calais suburbs to try to jump into the lorry park .
They don’t do the train cos the police regularly stop them.
Ones in other places in Calais are intercepted by police also.
I know what you mean, another example of the leftist misuse of language.
Ethnicity means just that. Your ethnic heritage might be Estonian, English, Ghanaian, Samoan, German, Finnish, Argentinian. Whatever. It’s just a category. Ethnic doesn’t mean you have brown or black skin. It just means you are human. In Britain we might want to celebrate our Anglo or Cymraeg ethnicity. But that would likely be racist huh?
Am I the only one that has been wondering what unwavering contribution to industry immigrants have been making? One particular industry? Crime. Even I would concede that if your house guests were being a bit too liberal with your drinks cabinet it would be impolite to focus on that too much at the expense of all the lovely things they brought to your household. But surely that doesn’t seem to mean that you shouldn’t be counting the bottles. Despite our obvious societal cowardice about this subject, I am still amazed that not a single politician or ‘think tank’ or any other such organisation has had the courage or stupidity to ask the right questions.
We have all been told a million times about immigrants’ contribution to society, and some brave souls have even engaged in debate on a sort of contribution/cost basis (that to me seems to be a bit futile. What really matters is quality of life – and that has deteriorated sharply at least in the south of England and large cities, purely on a numbers and crowding of places, roads and services basis).
But what about hard facts about crime? Aside from the fact reported on this website – but I have heard elsewhere -that 15% of the prison population is Muslim, it seems to absolutely impossible to find any statistics whatsoever on this subject. It seems that it is not just that we aren’t being told, but no official of any description anywhere has ever asked the question. I genuinely believe that no-one has the answer.
And to show just how far the political queasiness has gone, surely it isn’t about race? What we want to know about is what has been imported? i.e. if as we are told – even by the left now (10 years after their official policy was to exactly accuse you of it) ‘It’s not racist to want to talk about immigration’, surely it’s OK to look at all the good and all the ill that immigration has brought with it.
So if you want an anecdotal depiction of the impact of immigration on crime, check out the Crimestoppers website: ‘What can you do to help stop Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?’ – Yes, you Mrs Smith of Rose Cottage Budleigh Salterton, shame on you. ‘Drug dealers don’t care – but Keighley residents do!’ – well some do, but they are increasingly in the minority.
‘What do you know about the whereabouts of Karzan Mahamad? or or Jiri Bagjer? or Robertas Vaiciuknya? or Slawomir Szeklinski?’
The issue with a website like this is that it lays bare a reality that is never spoken of, never asked about (in ‘polite’ circles like those the BBC inhabit). Criminal profiles are added without fear nor favour because they are simply the ‘Most Wanted’.
Isn’t it about time someone did ask what the truth was? Maybe a non fake news organisation?
You are absolutely right: the ‘Crimestopers’ website is an invaluable reality check of the most wanted in the UK. I haven’t visited the website for a while but then, it was roughly half the mugshots and attached names that were foreigners. Thanks for reminding me. Just visited the link, roughly now over half foreigners.
The BBC is known to have received many complaints from the North-East of England from people who complain about the BBC running up to the North-East for negative social interest stories. The BBC has just done this again with its report on Prisons.
The reason for this seems to be that any other area of England would pose a problem for the editor. The North-East of England has the lowest number of ethnics in the inner-city areas of England, which means editing out ethnics is much easier for the BBC editing team. Although Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can be even easier for the editor, the BBC regards these areas as, one hundred percent ethnic non-English areas.
Also I remember a statistical analysis that was released because it showed that ethnics were seven times more likely to be imprisoned, implying that institutional racism was the cause. But this was debunked by the finding that this also correlated with the ratio of murderers in prison. So this statistic plus the ratio of indigenous white English in London, would mean that only one out of eight prisoners in London are English.
So no wonder the BBC runs up to the North East of England for negative social interest stories about the Prison service.
BBC News anchor (that’s anchor) Simon McCoy tells viewers: “You always need a box of tissues handy when you’re doing a report on Adele”
Let me explain. I think our Simon has a cold and a film clip from the Grammys ending abruptly caught our news presenter in an impromptu on screen Kleenex product placement situation.
Not that our BBC presenters don’t have their own special favourites whom they seem to, let’s say – over celebrate – celebs that often leave the rest of us cold.
Good Lord.
Who the heck is going to wank over Adele?
Looks like Margaret Becketts eldest niece to me.
Should really have packed up after Skyfall I`d say…
LOL ! Reminds me of the Bob Monkhouse joke about some Pope kissing the airport tarmac when he lands in a new country. ” How desperate can a man get ? “.
Well then, the politically motivated BBC spent the entirety of last week implying that the Tories, the elderly, the obese and so on are responsible for the apparent collapse in the NHS. In effect the BBC became the opposition. But disgracefully and predictably, the BBC completely ignored the real reasons why the NHS is at crisis: gimmiegrants and scrounging health-tourist scum who willfully freeload off us.
“Why don’t the BBC tackle some of the obesity among their own staff ?”
Or the NHS come to that, Grant.
My local hospital recently had a multi million pound overhaul and the improvements included a state of the art “eat-a-rama” and an MS food hall. Judging by the number of land whales shuffling about in nurses (is it deemed sexist to say that there seems to be more fat females than fat males in these places?) and other staffs uniforms, these additions aren’t helping when it comes to reducing staff waist lines. (I’m a 32″ BTW)
You’re spot on ToobiWan. Its noticeable in most hospitals, that a lot of nurses are bursting out of their uniforms, and actually ‘waddle’ along. Whereas years ago it took 2 nurses to help a patient in and out of bed if needed, now they rely on hoists and other equipment to do the job – cos the fat nurses can barely pick up a safety pin let alone help another human being without going into cardiac arrest themselves !!
I know I bang on about the ‘past’, but its true – you barely saw a remotely overweight nurse back in the day when they wore ‘proper’ uniforms and white hats. Perhaps it was all the exercise in climbing stairs in the Nurses Home instead of driving home after a shift, like they do now.
Its the bBBC 6pm news and the main story is…….exactly the same as all day.
The secret undercover secret filming inside a prison which reveals…..errr…..that they are violent places with a lot of driugs being used.
Which is just a giant all day advert for Panorama tonight on….a secret undercover investigation into a PRIVATEly (of course, gotta make sure the private sector get a hammering from the statist bBBC) run prison.
We pay £4bn a year for this absolute drivel. Have they got no crises in the NHS to report?
The BBC. Giving you the news they want you to get. And only that..
What with the undercover reporting of prisons, and the undercover reporting of Tesco pricing, it seems that we are now paying the BBC £4bn a year to give us ‘news’ of the Roger Cook variety.
At least Roger Cook didn’t have a political agenda.
When you strip away the political husk from the bbc there isn’t much left inside.
Supermarkets are ripping us off.
Prisons have violent, drug taking inmates.
No sh!t sherlock
PM tonight had a piece on Paul Nuttal’s claim to have been at Hillsborough on the day of the disaster. Sadly, after a few minutes, it became obvious the BBC had no evidence either way. I mean not one jot of evidence, no not even what a friend’s friend, once overhead someone say in a chip shop in Knowsley. Not one iota of fact.
However it did smear Mr Nuttall, so job done.
And no, I do not support UKIP, but I do support news over fake news.
So there’s an election. And it’s natural that the left-wing media want to spin things for their man, and the right-wing media want to spin things for theirs. From the left-wing media there are smears and allegations about Paul Nuttall’s claims to have been at Hillsborough on 15 April 1989. From the right-wing media we have the offensive, sweary, sexist tweets from Gareth Snel, and his tweets that call most of his electorate racists.
So what is an impartial state broadcaster supposed to do? Oh yes, go with the smears against Paul Nuttall.
I don’t know who to cheer for: UKIP win showing that Labour’s support at bedrock is crumbling and piles on further electoral pressure; or Labour win and the tenure of ‘Corbyn The Unelectable’ is unassailable, so he remains and hopefully inflicts terminal damage to Labour being a potential party of government in the future.
Could be the same Adele who started a song at the Grammys, sang off key, and had to start again. ! I never heard of her before, but I listened to a few of her songs today on You Toubabe, sorry, Youtoube, and they all sound off key .
I see that Al Beeb are fond of making under cover programmes. They recently did one on Tesco and Jails, Isn’t it time they made one about themselves or even their so called Trustees on why they are so biased ?
Over to you ‘Scotty’ or whatever you call yourself these days ………
You make a good point. Trolls have been few and far between for a few months. Maxiboy has raised his head a and made us all laugh, but not many others. Where are they hiding ?
Bias at its best… The BBC news is not real news! it’s just self-promotional drivel. FFS if I want to know about the so-called declining prison service I’d watch Panorama the very program the “news” is so eager to promote.
And now we have ‘Undercover Britain’s homeless’…..
Women sleeping rough. Its all about ‘vulnerable’ women, what about equality ? they always claim to be equal what about vulnerable men ? worse of all, ex service men ?
Finally what about the shortage of houses and the mass invasion the nation has suffered over the last ten years ? Yes that elephant in the room eating all the houses up – unfettered immigration .
Will that pop up in this evenings programme ? Al Beeb 4
Bias what bias? over to Maxicooney who will now prove that he is unbiased by letting us know what Right Wing bias there is on Al Beeb.
It is often said, especially by the BBC that migrants are a net benefit to this country, but the facts are sketchy to say the least. Some studies find that migrants do indeed benefit the country financially while others find that they do not. What all of the studies agree with however is that the benefit/cost is very small either way.
But all these studies group all immigrants into the same basket, with no filter on immigrants from EU or Pakistan. They are all immigrants and should be treated equally.
But if you dig into the figures you will find migrant earnings to be very different depending on country of origin. Take a look at this study, particularly table 2,Average hourly wage (£) by country of birth, 2014.
If we take a native UK born earnings as a base line and anything above that is a benefit and anything bellow that is a cost to the system, we can see those coming from Australia, America, EU14 and India are earning more than native UK men while those from Bangladesh, A8 ( Eastern European countries like Estonia, etc.), Pakistan, Other Asia and Africa earn less than native born UK men.
So when you hear some upper middle class ponce on the BBC telling you immigrants are a net benefit to the UK economy, just bear in mind that this is only half true. Some are but many are not. We need to encourage migration from those countries which benefit us and block it from those countries who do not benefit us. Not racist, just common sense.
BBC’s very own More Or Less tried to determine the truth for themselves about two years ago, and calculated that European immigrants paid slightly more in taxes than they received in benefits, whilst immigrants from South Asia paid less in taxes than they received in benefits.
I recall this programme was refreshingly honest, and the BBC researcher admitted that any analysis made in this area will always be flawed since there is absolutely no way to determine the cost by immigrant type for security, policing, healthcare, transport, housing, services and education.
No definite conclusions were made in the programme, but any listener could have been left in no doubt that there is absolutely no way that immigration is a net benefit to the UK. Of course we all know that most people have worked this out for themselves by now.
However even the positive view of the contribution of highly skilled immigrants doesnt allow for the ageing factor.
Immigrants age too, they have children here who cost a great deal to be born and to educate, and then they grow old and become a financial cost. A ‘snapshot’ over just on year when the majority are recent arrivals and contributing is a false impression.
Nor does it allow for their use of the infrastructure which our parents and grandparents paid for.
Something else which is never mentioned, S, is that in the majority of cases any monies earned by immigrants is not spent in the local economy, but sent instead back “home” to keep the families who haven’t made the trip yet but are, no doubt, in receipt of UK benefits as well. A loss to the local economy and the treasury.
I’m sure there are numbers in the thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands who have made a net positive contribution to the Exchequer – up to the Blair years at least.
Since then with the advent of working tax credit, the low-wage immigrant will be a burden, as will his unemployed/unemployable countrymen plus the wives and children.
Let alone the cost in welfare just look at the crimes committed. That’s enough to convince me immigration has been a complete and utter con, and the ones who have suffered are working class natives – the UK population demographic successive Governments have obviously loathed.
There is more analysis on the nett benefits/costs of migration in the above posts than you ever get on Al Beeb.
Here’s a quick couple of add to that.
A 1000 pupil school costs in rough terms £5million a year to run, not including the £20million costs of building it in the first place. (Which with mass immigration is a huge cost and almost always forgotten about btw)
That’s £5000 per pupil per year.
To pay £5000 in income tax, you have to earn over £35000.
So what % of immigrants with schoolage kids earn that much?
And that’s just ecucation costs.
I could then add that for every year they work, they earn £230 in state pension entitlement, which at current annuity rates is equivalent to a pension pot entitlement of £7000.
Nett benefit? I doubt it.
I’ve been banging on about this for years. Any single immigrant on MW pays less in NHI and tax than the average cost per capita of the NHS so they ‘contribute’ absolutely fuckall. If they have children they may easily, as Boy Dave reluctantly confessed pre-referendum, RECEIVE £10k net. That is before the cost of education etc.
I’m ok about EE doctors (of medicine), nurses, investors coming here but it’s the dross of low-paid benefit recipients who are taking the jobs of indigenous workers and/or keeping their wages down and sucking up benefits who are the problem.
Al Beeb is never going to acknowledge this. Perhaps we should all email Brillo, who is the only one who might possibly challenge the lies about ‘contribution’, asking him to calculate the figures for a MW immigrant. These are the ones we need to stop.
Public spending, both by central and local government is approximately £12,025 per head per year. It varies from area to area by quite a bit but this is an average UK figure and acts as an illustrative figure. To reach this figure in personal income tax and NI in addition to employers NI contributions one must earn a salary of £35,500.
But remember that does not include VAT, fuel duty, duty on fags and beer etc. etc.
First feature described the conviction of a 17 year old living in Bradford for making an explosive device. His bedroom walls were draped in Nazi Waffen SS flags etc.
Last feature was about a German man in Germany who dressed in a similar way to Hitler. He called himself Harold Hitler, wore a small moustache and had a side parting. He was photographed outside Hitler’s birthplace. He has been convicted in Germany of an offence of glorifying Nazis.
The announcer drooled over these features as if to say, ‘here’s your international right wing backlash’.
“Jessica Hart, prosecuting, said the case would not be proceeding under the terrorism protocol. “WTF!!! Carry a pipe bomb into an airport and it isn’t terrorist related? Don’t tell me, he will have mental issues. What do these people have to do in multi culti Britain before their actions may be deemed to have terrorist motives?
His bad luck he was probably stopped by one of the few baggage checkers not wearing a hijab, if the last time I went through there is anything to go by!
And the irony is that the MSM is going in exactly the right way to generate one. It’s been quite noticeable that a ‘well the Nazis might have been genocidal psychopaths but they weren’t all wrong…’ sentiment is starting to appear now and then.
I read somewhere that someone had looked at the average IQ in the seven countries subject to the “Muslim travel ban”, this was in response to the claim that the U.S. was missing out on “talent” by preventing people from those countries going there.
The IQ average in those countries was 80 – I don’t think America is missing out on all that much really.
Grant – Assuming that is true – For thikkies , I do think they are all doing a pretty good job of disintegrating our own civilisation and culture and replacing it with their own.
It always amazes me that many of our own “intellectuals” with brains the size of Jupiter such as Schama and Bearded Mary are incapable of comprehending just what they are helping to incubate and encourage within our own society.
As historians you would think they would be able to see the big picture and the fact that yet again history is repeating itself with the expansion of Islam and the futile desperate attempts at appeasement by the societies being invaded.
But no – the only picture these over educated idiots can focus on are dead children lying on a beech or clinging to wreckage at sea despite the fact that in truth the majority of these are males and and seem to have five o clock shadows.
I doubt if idiots like Schama, Beard and the others have ever lived with Arabs outside posh hotels and seen the reality. May I suggest a topic for a BBC fearless documentary ? The treatment of Filipina maids in Arab countries. Not just the normal rapes but the hundreds who just disappear each year.
It would tick the Asian/female box. But against that is the Arab/muslim box. And, oh, of course, most Filipinas are Catholics. BBC decision, just leave this one alone.
What about the Filipina slaves in Edgware Road, dutifully walking behind their Arab masters wearing the full head and body covering symbols of oppression? Love to know what goes on behind closed doors there. Don’t expect an in-depth bibistan investigation any time soon. And the poor Philippine authorities daren’t speak out for fear of losing vital source of remittance sent home to poor families. Home Office? Ha ha ha.
Spot on. And right on the BBC’s doorstep. I would assume that the atrocities that muslim Arabs commit in Arab countries against Filipinas are mirrored all round the world.
And we know that the BBC will say nothing. And the useless British Police will do nothing.
Far Easterners are very low on the ‘progressives’ order of trumps:
black, Muslim brown, Arabs, non Muslim brown, yellow, white Eastern European, white non British, True Brits.
I’ve worked a lot in the middle East too, but have not found the Arabs particularly thick. However they are very lazy and will never ever commit to making a decision and cannot work on their own initiative. They are obsequious when working under you but a real pain when they are your boss.
If you want thick, go to Africa. Jesus wept, they are dumb as a bag of rocks down there.
The Palestinian militant group Hamas has elected a hardline commander of its armed wing as the movement’s overall leader in the Gaza Strip. So no election for Gaza overall just for Hamas. Worth noting. The United Kingdom have designated the military wing of Hamas as a terrorist organization. It’s a little harder to justify a distinction between military and political when the military leader becomes the political leader.
Mr Sinwar was jailed in Israel for murder Mr.??? Why does the BBC feel obliged to give him this mark of respect? Surely this sentence requires some further expansion. Sinwar was given four life sentences in 1989 for his involvement in killing Palestinian collaborators with Israel.
Some Hamas leaders have suggested a long truce with Israel if it completely withdraws to pre-1967 ceasefire lines and lifts its blockade of Gaza. Actually they have suggested a hudna. They offered a 10 year ceasefire that may be broken by Muslims when it suits. Sinwar wasn’t one of those leaders.
Missing in this story but surely interesting enough to be included. The man whose stated aim is to eliminate Israel had his life saved by Israel when they removed a brain tumor, during his period of imprisonment.
Also missing in this story. The Hamas military wing rejects both compromise with Israel and conceding to the Palestinian leadership’s conditions for joining the PLO.
Hamas has a lot in common with Sinn Fein/IRA, who the BBC supported and continue to support. Actually, I cannot think of any terrorist organisations which the BBC do not support. Which explains why terrorists never target the BBC.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
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non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
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Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Does it strike anyone as ironic that the name of the favourite movie at the BAFTAs was La La Land? Does anyone know anyone who went to the cinema to watch this film?
And at the Grammys, have we now reached Virtue Signal overload where the winning white performer feels the need to say I’m sorry, I can’t be the winner – give the prize to the black person.
I watch BBC news and current affairs shows this morning and apparently there is no irony or any problem with this nonsense. In fact it is celebrated. Yes the BBC is living in La La Land too.
I just heard a clip on the radio from Adele’s speech. It was like listening to Virtue Signalling By Numbers.
“My black friends feel empowered.”
No one uses the word “empowered” in normal speech. Unless they’re virtue signalling or otherwise speaking from the Book Of Lefty Cliches.
And does she really think of her friends in terms of whether they’re black? Sounds a bit, well, racist to me.
And hands up all those of you who have seen Ken Loach’s latest masterpiece. What, no-one ! Come on people, get with the programme….
Actors – a group of unelected ‘politicians’.
Politicians – a group of elected ‘actors’.
What amazes me is why these show business people feel qualified to lecture us on how the world should work, when most of them can’t look after themselves and spend regular spells in detox, falling out of taxis, or in court.
What next? “Amy Winehouse would have been anti-Trump, her drug addict former husband declared.” Are we really smart to be getting our political wisdom from someone who calls himself Busta Rhymes?
What both politicians and actors need is a PA to walk beside them constantly whispering “memento homo”. The Romans understood this to mean “you are not a god”. I know they will find that surprising but perhaps it will get through to them on some level.
I’d like to see it, Gunner. Might get to do so one day. Sounds a bit like a Mike Leigh film. I like his work.
Yes. And correct. It is a masterpiece
Here`s a fine piece on Ken Leech.
The BBC is just one long Davos Break Out zone these days.
Maybe somebody could work out the average salary “earned” and property prices “owned” by any random days “contributors and guests” to , say Newshite or Toady.
When the public sector trough hounds and liberal Oxbridge greasers are made to see what liberal lollards and padded hypocrites they actually ARE to those of us who get them funneled into our IV systems, then-and only then might we get the true talent like Farage, Wilders, Murray and Bannon.
Instead of the Davos daleks who spout this cybertrolling hologram crap 24/7.
Beautifully put, Friend Alicia. My “pet” name for him, which sounds a little bit as though a Chinese person is saying it, is Ken “Cock” Loach.
And can anyone hum a single tune from this memorable musical?
AsIseeIt….. yep I went to see it.
Polytropic….. there was only one tune.
I commented on this in the Weekend Thread. It was a travesty calling LaLa Land a ‘musical’ (which being a huge fan of this genre is the reason I went), the singing was dreadful and the dancing was an embarrassment to watch. Emperors New Clothes this definitely is. The other films nominated for Best Picture must be absolute rubbish if this was the best.
My recommendation ? don’t waste your money, you’ll be asleep before the end, and certainly not a film you want to sit through again.
I thought it was strange that in all the hype and advertising they never play any of the tunes. Unlike every other musical where the tunes are the first thing they shove down your throat in the adverts. I suspect they know the tunes in La La Land are really bad and will never catch on.
Classic repeats on the ‘Today’ programme this morning, with David Lord Willetts (as they insist on calling him) of the left-leaning Resolution Foundation, and Caroline Lucas (Greens) given more or less free-rein to push their agenda. Willetts (the faux Conservative) saying that pensioners are better off than working people, therefore all their benefits should be cut (and Webb pushing hard that this is done), and Lucus saying that leaving the EU means that this or that could… might… perhaps… probably… will… mean that Britain’s Green & Pleasant land will be trashed (faint murmurings from Humphreys). No opposing spokesmen, as usual. On pensions, apparently no account is taken of the fact that baby-boomers spent 30-40 years carefully husbanding their resources, denying themselves luxuries, in order to keep themselves out of poverty in their old age.
I never understood why center left “Tory” Willets was nicknamed “Two brains”. He always seemed a bit dim to me. Nice to see that another failed politician has cushy job, though.
Double First at a dumbed down Yooni, much beloved of Labour, called Whatsbridge or Dullsford?
His contributions to Conservative and Coalition governments always seemed to me to have something of a negative quality about them, too academically minded to be of any earthly, practical use.
Didn’t one of the dinosaurs have two brains, one to control each end? Both were quite small but neither helped in the long run, did they?
They have got it in for the pensioners because they think they voted leave
And pensioners are easy to bully and unlikely to fight back.
“And pensioners are easy to bully and unlikely to fight back.”
Grant, I think last June 23rd proved you wrong on that point.
Well we don’t know which way pensioners voted in the Referendum. But, if racism , sexism and various other isms are offences, why not pensionerism ?
This is actually becoming a worrying trend, bashing the old folks. How many times are we told the NHS is in crisis because of an aging population? Then we are told the housing crisis is due to old people having the cheek to live in their own family home instead of doing the decent thing and downsizing. The only thing they don’t blame on the elderly is a lack of school places, but I’m sure they are working on it.
Sky news ran an NHS in crisis day last week and one of the reporters actually asked an old lady in hospital how she felt about blocking a bed which could be used for some one else! What a scum bag!
The BBC is strangely silent regarding the impact 330,000 immigrants a year are having on the NHS. housing supply and school places.
The Idiot Cnuts at the BBC are so stupid that they haven’t worked out that they may be old one day. Morons.
The reason they’re sideling the elderly is simple – they just hate that demographic (despite the fact they’ll be belonging to this demographic at some point themselves, the short-sighted sods).
But we all know one of the largest reasons everything is in serious trouble isn’t because of the old people (though that isn’t to say it doesn’t bring challenges), it’s because of the artificially inflated population via mass third world immigration. They prefer the worst excesses of backward nations and cultures against older people who, for the most part, have worked most of their lives and paid their dues. These people really know how to prioritize don’t they?!
It’s evil, plain and simple.
New word to answer the snowflakes with……..
Pensionerphobia! Use it, and scare them with it.
In regard of the constant attack on pensioners.
Edmund Burke said they we are forever in a social contract between those yet to be born-and those who are old.
And even when dead(abortion or euthanasia) this will hold IMHO.
Hence the need to abort-and to usher people off to Dignitas so the “Forever Young” idiots can get away with sex without babies-and coin in the pensioners lifes work and savings before sticking it all up their arses or their noses via eBay.
In the meantime-before we get rid of the baby wrinklies and the older ones at the end of life-let`s quake before migrants because to do anything else would involve courage, decision and discriminating between good and evil-and they`ve no spines, eyes or brains-let alone wisdom or experience in doing these-unless it`s Jade Goody or Eric Bristow.
(With thanks to Roger Scruton).
Baftas and Grammys, more excuses for Lefty self-centered luvvies so spout irrelevant bullshit. All egged on by the dumbed down luvvies at the BBC. Pass the sick bag.
I’m just watching the vomit fest at he moment. Perhaps these lovees should take a few steps in the real world not their own little bubbles. Complete crap I won’t be watching any of these films or buying music from any of these “artists”. Meanwhile the BBc continues it’s war on pensioners. As apparently pensioners are better of than people in work according to yes exactly who? More like a reflection of how incomes have fallen and failed to increase on the back of unrestricted immigration, but of course we don’t have more than one view point on the BBc anymore.
Baftas Hypocrisy.
How lame is it that people feel the need to say “my brother, my father, my blah blah blah was a refugee as if that in some way aligns them with the real world and real refugees and then go back to their tables and sup their oaked chardonnays and eat their smoked salmon and asparagus and feel misguidedly that they are part of the solution when, in fact, they are part of the problem.
It’s like saying’ some of my best friends are black’, it’s lamer than lame. We all know how much of a futile, capitulatory climbdown that is at a dinner party. There is no need for it.
The other side of the coin was Ben Affleck, who was very proud to have an ancestor who fought with distinction in the Civil War, but tried to hush up the ancestor who was a slave owner.
It turned into the standard Leftie bitchy name-calling debacle.
These people are self-obsessed and pathetically shallow, which is presumably why the BBC gives them so much airtime.
I never did get why it’s meant to be bad to say that you have black friends.
Can someone fill me in on this?
I suppose to call someone, black is insulting for no reason I know. You’re supposed to say, coloured, person of colour, Afro American, Caribbean etc,.
That being the case, why it’s OK to call white people, white, that is the greater the mystery?
If all these luvvies and lefties feel so passionate about their opinions, wouldn’t they feel more at home in the old communist countries ? oh, perhaps not, wouldn’t be able to get their particular brand of champagne, although the hired help would be cheaper !
Had this lot spoke of their allegiances back in the McCarthy era they would have been kicked out of the U.S for un-American activities.
White = ‘People without colour’?
Would seem logical.
I can’t answer that one. I don’t have any black friends.
I thought hard about this one too, and I don’t have any black friends either. In fact I’ve only half a dozen friends, but shedloads of ‘acquaintances’.
My wife is black African and , when I first met her, she was ” skin bleaching ” to make her skin whiter. I asked her ” why ? ” . She said ” to make her more beautiful and become wealthy “.
Many African ladies do that. Yet another topic for a BBC documentary .
I believe it’s a logical fallacy, a variation of ‘guilty by association’ (in this case, we can call it ‘absolution by association’).
There’s nothing wrong with saying you have black friends, but if it’s as a way of proving you aren’t racist, it’s considered a weak argument. So if your argument is thus: ‘I can’t be racist, because some of my best friends are black’, you are committing a logical fallacy.
That said, I don’t think it’s a serious fallacy, because it’s highly unlikely you would be a racist if you had black friends. It’s just not a very strong rhetorical device.
However, I think it is disliked by some ‘progressives’ because they don’t like the idea that someone with right wing views might have black friends, because that in turn suggests that some black people might have right wing views, and we can’t have that!
Radio 2 seems to have morphed into a feminised Radio One today, Nikki Chapman – Sara Cox – Fern Cotton followed by Fatty Feltz.
The project continues, Britain’s most listened to station, once staffed by intelligent entertaining people like Ray Moore, Terry Wogan and the like has become like the rest of the BBC staffed by vacuous airheads bigging up ‘music’ made by virtue signalling tw@ts
The difference on TV of course is that the women can be ethnic as well . If they don’t have this attribute a strong Irish brogue will suffice. What we really want now is an
ethnic scouser with the same dulcet tones of Jamie Carragher reading the news, and why not? On my beloved Londonostan programme all we have are these Indian sub continent and West Indian presenters and reporters all with London accents. Why not say the
equivalent of our Steph McGovern, but with a true sub continent accent, like Gupta from the film North West Frontier. Now that would be diversity!
On the nail, Geoff.
The barking voices and false, shrieking laughter feel like a chainsaw through my brain.
As a Trotskyist my TV station of choice of course is the BBC. Just as it would be FOX in the USA if I was a god fearing Republican.Fellow fifth columnist editors, sub editors, researchers,and hierarchy have become more and more emboldened by getting their vacuous presenters to do their bidding. So the most important item from the BAFTA’S is the virulent attack by Ken Loach on the government. And that is why I watch the BBC. My boy’s have complete control of it. You aint seen nothing yet!!
BBC News service during last night on World Service interviews a female Mexican re Trump. Three or four minutes of pure anti-Trump rant precipitated as a result of the forced removal of an Mexican illegal immigrant who has been resident in the US for 20 years. The interviewee is a ‘leader’ within a group of Mexicans (in Mexico) formed and devoted to bringing Trump down by any means. Apparently the World should unite to destroy the evil Trump. Why? Indeed, why should it not be the case that the US Government exercises its absolute right to remove people illegally residing in the US?
We all know about the growing movements in and out the US anxious to condemn Trump at every opportunity but hey! this is being broadcast on the World Service (“The Worlds Radio Station”/”The Worlds Most Trusted..”) no less.
No objective response to the interviewees rant. No simple question posed – ‘but surely if you or anyone else is residing in a country, illegally, doesn’t that Government have a right, indeed a legal duty to remove that person/people?’ No, the BBC World Service does not objectively report balanced news to the World.
G, And apparently WS output doesn’t come under Ofcom.
And yes, it is just about as valid as me complaining about some shoddy shoes I bought twenty years ago. Yet the BBC can work it up into some great cause celebre while conveniently ignoring real injustices. Scum.
R4 Today this morning around 6.40. A rare BBC exclusive into…dodgy pricing and offers at Tesco. Yes, Auntie sent a fearless undercover reporter into Tesco for a period of weeks to secretly record the ruthless and possibly dangerous Tesco staff rigging 3 for the price of 2 deals on Custard Creams, or something. Perhaps an item for a slow edition of You and Yours rather than for Radio 4’s “flagship news programme”?
Maybe there are rather more pressing issues to cover (I suspect readers of BBBC know fine well what they are) by our national treasure four billion quid a year broadcaster?
How can the fact that supermarkets try and get you to spend more money by offering deals that on closer inspection aren’t be news? That’s not news that’s just bloody obvious upselling and if you walk around the shop and cant be bothered to check the price of things, then that’s your lookout.
I suspect these were honest mistakes by Tesco. And, yes, if people don’t check prices and till roles, it suggests that they have too much money. I don’t think that most supermarkets deliberately set out to cheat people, unlike the BBC.
They do here in France – several items are marked up as “on offer” at a cheaper price, but when you go to the checkout, the original price is charged. When you remonstrate, there is much huffing and puffing by the checkout operator, and she traipses off to check (which takes ages, much to the consternation of others in the queue) – we are invariably right, but there’s never an apology or expression of regret, or promise to sort it out. On the next visit, the same performance. They don’t bother to rectify the problem, mainly due to laziness, but also the desire to screw the customer, which is endemic, here.
France is home to the world’s most curmudgeonly shop assistants.
Anyone know why?
They’re French.
The best in the world are the Japanese. They smile, bow when they take your money and bow again when they give you change – which is on a little tray !!! The women in my local Co-op could learn a thing or two.
But the Japs don’t do “diversity”. The BBC don’t have much to say about that. The Thais are very welcoming , but they don’t do muslim “diversity”. As for the Chinese ……. ! Some great BBC documentaries on these countries. Not coming to a town near you !
Very true Grant. During my 2 week holiday I was amongst other tourists who mainly comprised Korean, Chinese and other Japanese ! I only saw one black face in all that time, and he worked behind a bar. My fellow travellers mentioned this more than once, as it appear to be one of the few places on Earth where ethnic minorities do not have a foothold.
That does not surprise me ! I have a very similar experience in Gambia. That God, not too many ethnic minorities. Indians are ok but the Lebanese are shit !
Brissles. I love Japan. Such a civilised and welcoming country – which does not want to be forcibly assimilated into any other culture, thank you ! (and who could blame them ?).
I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone who is even remotely thinking of visiting the country to just get on with it ! If you get into difficulties (and that is rare, given that English seems to be the second language – signs, etc. – across the country)…. then stop, open a map, and almost wherever you happen to be, within a few seconds, someone will come up to you and politely ask if they can be of any help – in pretty good English. If they can’t help, they will take the time to find someone who can.
As you intimated, the customer is definitely ‘king’ there. Loved the train staff who, when walking through the train, stopped at the end of each carriage and bowed to the patrons.
South Korea is quite similar, certainly in Seoul. One thing that amazed me there was in the underground food hall (common) of a major international department store chain, there was a huge queue which wound around several shopping ‘islands’, which, intrigued, I eventually tracked back to the sales point – to find that it sold….scones ?????
I have said to so many friends that they may well look with amusement upon the tourists from that part of the world, photographing everything in sight – OK, I agree they go totally overboard in taking each others’ photos (multiple) everywhere – but I can pretty much guarantee that visitors to that part of the world will find even the tiniest of things just so different from our own experience, that they will ‘become’ the equivalent of the Asian tourist in our country – photographing such mundane things as the tiles/gutters on the roofs and manhole covers (I kid you not – they are incredible in their variety).
Loved the toilet cubicles with glass surrounds which go opaque when you lock them…scary, or what ? – and the ones which play the sound of running water – just to help the process, and to preserve privacy, very important is a very small, densely-populated country… and the toilet seats with the equivalent of a set of helicopter controls to hand…
Enough…. just go and have a look ! You will not regret it.
They don’t bother to rectify the problem, mainly due to laziness, but also the desire to screw the customer, which is endemic, here.
Never had a problem shopping abroad apart from grumpiness (most prevalent amongst the Greeks).
That was until we went to France for the first time (if you exclude Corsica) 6 years ago. Stiffed over 3 times, including getting my card scammed which the scumbags used to pay for flights and accommodation for their own holiday.
I think that supermarkets in general, will always try to cheat you, as will the power companies, the train companies and probably anyone who obfuscates their ‘offer’ with volumes of different choices.
I’ve just had a new ‘deal’ offer from M and S Energy, and I haven’t a clue what on earth they’re talking about – it’s absolute gibberish!
Expect to be ripped off by these people, then at least try to be smarter, you may well win…
The Co-Op have been doing it for years.
I have to check every time I buy a bit of fruit in there, in that their “special offer fruit” inevitqably has been sold or moved out of the bargain slots.
And you then pay full whack if you`re not careful at the checkout.
This is the Co-Op….not seen anybody else do it so slyly yet.
Will the BBC look into THEM?…course not, the anti-Semitic scum!
It’s the pinnacle of bbc journalism. A baked bean scandal. If we weren’t paying for this bullshit it would be funny.
Meanwhile massive riots in Paris and evacuation of Hamburg airport gets ignored.
Can’t have the multi-culti love-fest that is the elite’s concept of modern europe disturbed by factual reporting, that just wouldn’t do.
All those thick, old, racist brexiteers might think themselves justified, and all the snowflakes would melt in the harsh bright light of reality.
Radio 4’s “The Cold Swedish Winter” fits your description very well.
Listening to this ‘comedy’ series recorded on location in Sweden, you would have no idea of the massive problems that immigration has caused. Every real video clip I see on line has burning cars and police out in force, yet the series is stuck in a time warp of decades ago, a comment that has been made about the imaginary London of ‘Eastenders’ too.
A little worrying to find the lead news item on BBC Radio 4’s TODAY programme at 8.10am is a yet to be broadcast Panorama programme by the BBC. It is not a new thing, BBC Radio 4 has done this before, trailing items in News programmes that will be broadcast at a later time or date.
It is a little more worrying that it follows a week of highlighting the winter shortcomings of the NHS (and by inference the Government of the day) and features another state institution, Her Majesty’s Prison Service. Not just that but also following on from the sudden surge in interest and concern over FakeNews.
I am not suggesting that the yet-to-be-broadcast Panorama programme is faked.
It has not been publicly aired. I have not seen it and will not have an opportunity to watch it. The viewing public can have no idea what the programme contains other than what they are told in advance. Critics of the programme cannot form a view. Those who have personal experience in the field cannot support what has been shown. It is – at 8.10am on Monday morning – effectively a piece of FakeNews. At this point in time, the programme is immune from validation and correction. It only exists in its recorded form and the minds of those who have conceived it and those who have had privileged advance viewing.
It is, right now, a form of FakeNews from the BBC.
A well-argued point, U2S, and far too logical for the BBC/Left to understand.
Does anyone else think that Adele is just a fat, foul-mouthed, overrated bore? Her music along with every other current pop star is utter shit. It is boring, talantless and repetitive crap. Music is all about style over substance these days. What a bunch of sanctimonious, self-important, talentless and puerile leftie Cecils. If they want to help the poor why not help our homeless war heroes or elderly folk who have no-one? These exhibitionist children are a bunch of self-serving braindead narcissists.
Yes I do I also fail to see any merit on the output of Beyonce or Lady Ga Ga.
I had never heard of her until today. I gave up listening to “pop” music many years ago for the very reasons you give. Mindless, talentless, wallpaper. I still enjoy some of the older stuff, jazz, blues, classical and African, so it can’t be me. Just been listening to Paul Simon “Stranger to stranger”. But then he knows how to write music and lyrics, record a CD and perform in concerts.
Sorry to name-drop but yes Grant, give me some jazz, blues or classical… some Nina Simone, Sandy Denny or Janis Joplin etc… I love music but cannot stand much of today’s pop garbage. Much prefer Bach, BB King, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, The Who, Led Zep….. ?I enjoy a lot of English folk music,too… Bert Jansch etc. Everyone always talks about Scottish or Irish folk, which I love, but English folk is great too. Fairport and Steeleye Span and Pentangle. Real ale too ?
All class acts ! I also forgot to mention folk music. I wonder if “pop” musicians of today ever listen to any of these artists and,if so, what do they think ? Hard to know. And this is without mentioning Jimi !
I gave up the pop scene around the mid 70’s, but at least we had an amazing ‘choice’ of pop artists to listen to. In recent decades the choice has been somewhat limited. For years it was either Kylie Minagogue or manic Robbie Williams, and if you didn’t like them you were stuffed. Various loners have appeared in the years thereafter, and now the must have and only choice is Adele ! Pitch her against the likes of Dusty Springfield, Cilla Black at her peak, even Sandie Shaw or Shirley Bassey, Dionne Warwick, Mary Wilson – I could go on, and she’d be outclassed every time.
Of course every generation has their top liner, but Dusty, Cilla or Shirley never had a foul mouth on stage, and so, where do we go from here ? Madonna likes to reveal the flesh at over 50 – not a pretty sight anymore, and like the hits of the 60s and 70s that are still lovingly remembers, I cant imagine the stuff today being sung in 30 years time !
Yes totally agree.
Wonderful fun with Shirley and “Barnsley’s answer to Andre Previn”
Following on from your video I tried to watch the sketch she did on the Morecambe and Wise Show – but ‘it has been blocked by BBC Worldwide in your country on copyright grounds’. Who paid for it in the first place? Strange thing is that relatives in foreign countries can tune in for free to many BBC broadcasts, even local ones.
Oh Hendrix, best of the best! Especially the Experience.
As for folk. I’m a big Simon & Garfunkel & Leonard Cohen fan myself. And perhaps not strictly folk but Jethro Tull. My list is way long but most of my favourite music was created long ago. I haven’t yet found a need to resort to the tripe they are producing currently.
Jimi had a lot of luck, apart from being a brilliant musician , he had Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell, both great musicians. And Chas Chandler.
When he first came to London, unknown , Eric Clapton went to see him play. The quote may not be genuine , but ” You told me he was good, you did tell me he was THAT good ” !
I believe Eric’s back stage comment was, understandably, ‘I’m fucked.’
My Cd collection is currently standing at 3,375 I finally got round to cataloguing it on top of that there is probably another 2,000 bits of vinyl. I still buy new releases but I don’t buy the music the BBc and media in general promote. I actually seek it out and watch live bands. It’s still out there but the media would rather promote the dirge of Adele, Beyoncé & the like. This week I bought the new Black Star Rider lp (yes I even bought the vinyl version) which is essentially the spirit of Thin Lizzy carrying on. Did BBc promote it? Even if they did I wouldn’t know because I couldn’t sit and listen to their playlist on the off chance. The new Jesus and Mary Chain album is out next month I’ve had it on pre-order for weeks and I expect it will come and go without much press interest. Oh how many Beyoncé / Adele records do I possess? That’s easy zero.
Do you do all that yourself ? Get a Gofor. Thin Lizzy. Saw them about 1977 Aderdeen. They know to play their instruments.
Now in my seventieth year, rarely a day passes without a dip into the Ipad for a Genesis song…
Great guys, hugely talented, probably ignored by the BBC in the seventies, when they needed everything they could earn to try and improve on the flared rubbish starting up and culminating with the dreadful ‘punk’ era!
(Actually, I think ‘Turn it on again’ did get onto ‘Top of the pops’ so someone at bBeeb had some style at some stage. Probably pensioned off soon afterwards…)!
Haven’t listened to her much but my impression is of yet another clone, singing invariably about herself (“my life” blah blah blah “my life” blah blah blah), belting it out with that almost ubiquitous fake American drawl.
People can, of course, listen to whatever they want, but I’m certainly not impressed with what’s on offer. The whole scene is a nauseating, obsequious, irrelevance as far as I’m concerned.
Auto-Tune and aggressive PR has saved many of them from obscurity.
And yes, Adele is rough.
Ah the difference between Adele and a bucket of diarrhoea?
I agree. It annoys me when they call themselves musicians just because they’ve learnt to strum strum some guitar chords in their bedroom. It’s insulting to proper musicians who can play their instruments properly after years of study.
“It annoys me when they call themselves musicians just because they’ve learnt to strum strum some guitar chords in their bedroom”
The biggest jokers are those two Gallagher Brothers! I can’t remember the name of their band (laugh) A while back there was a programme about their personal life showing very close-up shots of them (trying) to play their many (expensive) guitars! What a joke it was! The programme makers tried to cover-up their mistakes by playing over their music with a orchestral type tune! Still spotted their non-talents though! John Lennon copy-cats/Plagerists!
With you 100%, it says a lot about the record buying public of today that buy her insidious, tuneless, boring, self absorbed repetitive drivel and worse still have made a relatively untalented fowl mouthed obese nobody into a multi-millionaire (£85m).
See my comment about Radio 2 above.
I think the last time I laughed when listening to a Radio 4 “comedy” show (it might have been Deadringers, I really can’t remember) was the line: “coming up next, Adele sings a happy song”.
The Christmas Dead Ringers was surprisingly balanced – you won’t hear them again.
Some of the best “popular” (in its widest sense) singers this country has produced rarely get any credit these days. Two names spring to mind – Dame Vera Lynn, and Marti Webb, who I haven’t seen or heard for years. Both stand out to me for their perfect phrasing. At the risk of being even more uncool, Julie Andrews deserves credit for her remarkably clear diction, although I’ve never been particularly drawn to her musicals. Too sugary for me.
Not an exhaustive list, obviously.
Most of todays so called stars, remind me of thirteen year olds in their bedroom. Mildly talented but not for the real World.
Apparently her next song is called “I’m fat I’m boring I got dumped I got over it and now I’m f***ing rich”
You’re all sounding like my father on a Thursday night when I would be trying to listen to Top of the Pops, often with my cassette recorder at the ready. “What a bloody din! Turn it off!”
Oh yes, this takes me back. The one that really got dad going was Yellow Submarine. It was turned off if he was around.
Haha my father was the opposite – he liked a lot of pop music and when I was trying to be cool and impress friends by playing the latest ’45’, he would come into the room, start dancing a ‘twist’ and exclaim ‘this is the video!’
Adele, like her or loathe her has talent. IMO “Someone like you” is one of the best UK “pop” records of the last 25 years. Having said that I avoid hearing her voice on anything other than a record!
Sadly we are now at a time when this generation barely know who Frank Sinatra was.
Yes, we may sound like our parents wanting to turn off the bloody din, but we at least have got ‘proper’ rock/pop music to compare the current stuff to ! Whereas my parents were comparing Gerry & the Pacemakers/ Hollies/ Searchers etc to the likes of Glen Miller/Dorsey Brothers/ Benny Goodman/ Artie Shaw. Great musicians also, of whom todays bunch of kids wouldn’t have a clue !
Frank who ?
Don’t start Grant. You’re at it again ! did not see this covered on cnn and british ewuivalent bbc
Fantastic. Nothing more intolerant than a lefty railing against intolerance. In other news, the climate activists of California are left scratching their heads after predicting climate induced drought would blight them forever:
Notice the little detail in there of the Sikh community centre billeting people flooded out. It says other community groups were contacted, so why focus on them in particular? Next best thing to Muslims, I suppose.
Steve – as ever, a little bit of Googling and getting outside their climate bubble would reveal this for the BBC:
Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.
But then, maybe they do know of it but choose not to divulge to their brainwashed listeners.
I would have thought that was newsworthy for many reasons. Especially the racist attacks on her in the twitter comments. I think that many “minorities” voted for Trump. Presumebly, in the eyes of Lefties, they are all stupid just like those of us who voted “Leave “.
Who said the best looking women are on the right? It’s true again.
I did not catch all of Start the Week, BBC Radio 4, 9-9.45am, but it was something of a pleasure, a delight even.
I don’t think there was one single reference to Trump or Brexit nor any ‘Virtue Signalling’, at least in my hearing, throughout the whole programme.
Highly recommended.
Up2Snuff, Start the week was followed by Book of the Week, Age of Anger, read by its author Pankaj Mishra. He had a very strong non British accent so was quite difficult to understand but there was plenty of mention of Trump and Islamaphobia. Certainly Trump’s election was not seen as a good thing, I think it was described as a disaster and I think all the terrorist attacks in the West by Muslims are the fault of the west but. Mr Mishras’s train of thought was so complicated and his sentences so long that I couldn’t always follow his arguments. But a programme to miss if you want to keep your blood pressure low.
My attempt at The typical leftist response to your very sensible observation is given below. I am auditioning for a play next week and hope to win a BAFTA next month, they are awarded monthly aren’t they ? Interested if you give me any advice an the content and tips on delivery .
‘You sneeringly refer to this author’s non British accent. An appalling example of racism. It is the height of arrogance to imagine that just because someone is reading a book on BBC Radio 4 that you , a typical white person , should be able to understand what he is saying. Anyway you later concede that his sentences were too complex for your racist , facist , Brexit loving , tiny undeveloped brain , to comprehend. My ancestors were foreigners you know and a thousand generations ago may have been people of colour before they moved out of Africa , so in my heart I feel the pain of the oppressed victims of white imperialism and of The criminal clown in the White House and his side kick Farage. My best friend is a black , transgender , homeless ,Muslim refugee, who I have given a sleeping bag to and allowed to live in my bin store ‘.
BBC Radio has always had the problem that in order to show ‘diversity’ they have to have ‘ethnics’ on the radio. However, if the accent is too thick, people won’t be able to understand them, but if there is no trace of an accent, then people may not realise they are ethnics, particularly if they are West Indians, who, being Christian, have names that are usually indistinguishable from white Britons. It’s a difficult balance to achieve but they seem to have managed it with that West Indian gentleman who announces on Radio Four (by the way he speaks very well).
A big problem for Lefties and Beeboids is that many West Indians and Africans are devout Christians. No doubt a result of white , colonial indoctrination. And they must be cured of that disease. But why do so few Leftists convert to their beloved Islam ?
Deborah, I listened to that (but was losing concentration due to reading posts on here!) and I think it shed some interesting light on the relationships of Muslims to the non-Muslim world. I will need to listen again to Part 1.
I got a hint that at last an academic had done a bit of really useful research, so I will persist with it.
Pankaj Mishra’s accent and voice was not good for broadcast radio (I’m fairly used to Indian accents) & agree it was slightly hard work to listen to. Nowhere near as bad as a couple of other ‘presenters’ in the lunchtime 1.45-2pm Radio 4 slot just before Christmas and just after New Year.
The first had a speech impediment, which was quite beguiling but that was the problem. I was listening for and to the lisp and not to what was being said. In the New Year programme about paintings, the presenter had either had throat surgery or damage due to therapy (similar to Nick Robinson) or a bad attack of influenza or laryngitis while recording parts of the programme.
In those situations, you need a Producer (and Engineering back-up) with experience AND authority who can say “I’m sorry but this is not going to be a good listener experience and will detract from your work. We need to delay broadcast until you are well/bring in another presenter or reader/use some engineering tricks to improve this.”
I’m sure that used to happen but BBC standards are not what they used to be. I’m not saying that I want the BBC to return to the age of 1935-1965s ‘posh’ or ‘Received Pronunciation’ presentation and narration. I just want good delivery. I feel for the producer of the work when it reaches me in less than good condition. That includes ‘the famous author’ who read his own latest fiction on Book of the Week in 2016 or 2015 and did it truly, dismally, awfully badly.
I guess that the Producer in that situation was over-awed by the author’s fame and reputation and didn’t have the courage to say “You haven’t got the pace and phrasing right. We may need to get an actor in to do this.”
Agreed up2nuff.
Really good in that it got me to think of sport, education and creativity in a new way.
AND-it now means I can leave all my mess around the house and tell my wife that I`m a creative, and not an anally retentive Konn Mari Japanese minimalist weirdie like her.
Suffice to say-I`m telling YOU this, not yet ready to tell HER that!
King of My Own Kitchen-that`s me!
chrisH, get the lisp right, and the voice a little husky and the good Mrs chrisH could/may/possibly/probably will not just be hanging on to every one of your words but hanging on to you, as well, clutter or no clutter.
President Trump has it 100% bang-on again –
Slowly but surely, the Canadians are coming round to the reality of what they have let in to their country –
A fifth of Canadian imports come from the US. Most of all Canada’s output goes to the US.
Be an interesting meeting Trump and Trudeau.
BBC – Pensioner incomes ‘outstrip those of working families’ just as I stated a few weeks ago pensioners next on the “blame” hitlist.
BBC again not scrutinising factually, not “really” questioning, regurgitating No10 spin.
“But the [triple-lock] is a very powerful ratchet pushing up pensions at a time when incomes of the less affluent half of working households are barely rising at all.”
Wages have been driven down, its the No10 lying crooks pipedream, its not “dear old grannies” fault. With typical Tory spin and media control
On it goes … “enabled today’s pensioners to be so prosperous” the operative word missing is SOME … many, many are not, erm “prosperous” in comparison to wages that are deliberately compressed, the political narrative, a transient low pay workforce
“I wonder if we can stop using Jeremy Hunt’s favourite phrase, “an ageing population”? In the past month I have heard it used by politicians to explain
the crisis in the NHS (“too many old people needing care and blocking hospital beds”),
the crisis in the economy (“pensions are too expensive”),
the crisis in the prison service (“too many older prisoners is leading to overcrowding”),
the housing crisis (“too many old people are living in houses too big for them and they ought to downsize”) and
the crisis in the provision of social care (“too many older people need help at home”).”
Nearly forgot The erm … “ageing population” also blamed for Brexit – those older people voted for it you see, and younger people didn t
Mentally Ill next, then probably the Homeless.
The report being exploited by the BBC is from the Resolution Foundation. The BBC often use the Resolution Foundation (or, alternatively, the Joseph Rowntree Trust) to back up their left wing broadcastig ideology. The organisation is chaired by David Willets, ex Tory MP with an agenda about inter-generational unfairness. See his various programmes and interviews on the BBC.
While the report may not be lying, the BBC may be quoting selectively from it to make its point, hardly a surprise to us on this site lol.
I’ve not read the original piece of work but clearly many pensioners are not in receipt of generous pensions from final salary schemes and some are even still paying off mortgages. Also the numbers who are in a fortunate position regarding final salary schemes/no mortgages are being temporarily inflated as baby-boomers retire. These are the last group to benefit from the commonality of final salary schemes in the private sector. All that was killed off by our old friend Gordon Brown some years ago. By around 2030 it will have worked is way through the system.
Of course Brown and indeed Cameron, never had the guts to kill off gold plated public sector pensions alongside the massacre of private sector pensions. So we have a permanent two tier pensioner class which will persist even when baby boomers are no longer around.
Reducing all pensioner benefits, whether you are one of the privileged or not, seems unfair to me.
Marxism, pure and simple, EE. Marxism relies on societal inequalities to succeed. Where none previously existed, they would have to be created. So, we have the situation of the growing racial conflicts between blacks versus whites, gender conflictions where those of a different flavour see discrimination everywhere they look, rabid feminism, etc. What we are seeing is the next stage, the young (disadvantaged) versus the old (privaleged. People see the BBC as being of the left, they are far more dangerous that that!
As is their want, Muslims bring crime, rape and other serious criminality to Europe. Now rioting –
When oh when will the French or other Europeans say, ‘enough is enough’ and stand up to the Islamic terraforming?
“When oh when will the French or other Europeans say, ‘enough is enough’ and stand up to the Islamic terraforming?”
If they have the guts to vote for Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen and AfD this year. If not, game over.
The Euro media is working overtime, trying to convince the populous that the EU has the moral high ground and secondly that no matter how bad it may be – the EU can be rebuilt and become a force to reckon with.
If that don’t work, the media can push the fact that, they might be scared, the real World is much, much scarier.
That said gaxvil. did see a few minutes of the “Future of the EU” debate live on BBC Parliament earlier this morning.
Most of those who spoke clearly know that the game is up, Brexit getting lots of mentions.
But-their elite and sandbagging saddos and lickspittles( the Greens, Centrist pew fillers)-are clearly around to prevent debate, and laud up Juncker and Verhofstad.
Still-if you want to see what the Italians and Dutch were saying-it would warm your cockles, they TOO have electorates who despise the EU as it currently collapses around their ears.
Sinn Fein of course spoke in Gaelic-no wonder THEY want to stay in the EU, who else will indulge their Semtex recipes as well as pay BBC fellow travellers to translate their crap…Gaelic for that anybody?
Thanks for that – I’ve just whizzed through it and there are some very choice and encouraging phrases there.
Some still desperately trying to hold onto the dream, I’m afraid.
Today’s PR
“Sadiq Khan says Government must pay drivers £3,500 to ditch diesel cars”
They copied from Sunday’s Observer
Claims – cost £515m
– Cut London “NOx from road transport” by 40%
(Note that cherry picking phrasing that misses the vast majority of London air pollution)
#1 In April the RAC report put the cost at £800m
– for 3.2% reduction in pollution *
#2 I see quote in Dr Griggs report doubting NOx can harm children.
Our discussion
London’s pollution problem appears to have followed closely on the adoption of widespread 20mph speed limits by many London boroughs and the massive growth in cycling together with the installation of Boris Johnson’s Cross-London Cycle Lanes.
Another HYS that is not going the Beeb’s way.
Looks like the vacuous celeb-BBC axis has now been rumbled as well. It just gets better and better.
Veteran BBC journalist asks Geert Wilders ‘ARE YOU A FASCIST?’ in Newsnight interview
What an eloquent and well-argued rebuff from Mr Wilders – and not even in his own language! I can’t think of anyone on the BBC who could do something like that. No wonder they’ve got it in for people like Wilders.
Those that ‘can’, do – those that ‘can’t’ work in the media.
Emily Stone fighting back the tears because with Obama gone she’s no longer living in La La Land. Oh dear!
Beebleworld”s Libby Purves amazing enlightenment on FakeNews:
‘It’s not just a RightWing thing’
Later she recounts going into a school in 1992 and being astonished to find that by 8years old children believed every in newspapers was made up.
Now she says we have a tolerance of lies cos media poke their noses into celebrities forcing them to lie.
She doesn’t mention LibMob’s Saul Alinsky tactics.
To be fair to Libby, I used to hate the very idea of her and her job for life show Midweek.
But-crap show though it is-she is relatively courageous in BBC terms, so we should back her.
To us this will be pap-but to BBC luvvies this will enrage them…so let`s be kind as we can.
BBC News – Adele really wants to take Lily Allans SJW Mantle, makes a balls up singing out of tune on a G Micheal tribute apologises, swears apologises, gets some award virtue signals then apologises, can t accept it apologises … some virtue signalling empowering black brothers palava, apologises please (virtue signal) give it to black sister Beyoncé
… who I believe hasn t apologised (yet).
What an utter embarrassment … Not a bad singer, bit like Beyoncé overrated.
Gives the superficial, out of control, needless congratulatory, over inflated, self important, ego has landed, talent desert awards a erm … bad name
Adele herself is a virtue signalling role model (for obese female SJW’s)
How can someone collecting 5 awards start a song again after cocking it up the first time. She is talentless.
Disagree, poly. Her early stuff was outstanding. Real ear grabbing stuff. Mind you her contemporaries were not putting out much good work according to my ears, so that helped her stand out. Not so familiar with what she has done of late.
What she`s done of late?
“boo hoo, I shouldn’t have won these prizes, boo hoo…Beyoncé should have won for all that she does, for her music, for the way she makes my black friends feel…she makes them feel empowered”
Self hating white person, tragic to see and hear.
99% of ‘pop’ music is manufactured pap, carefully calibrated to appeal to particular market segments. I suspect ‘Adele’ is no different; she fills a particular gap in the market. Any music with any pretensions to intelligence is nearly always left wing, and nearly always utter complacency dressed up as ‘rebellion’.
It could be worse, if Billy Bragg was involved…
It would be a lot worse. Don’t even mention it.
Exactly Cranmer, which is why she was so successful when she started out. She wasn’t manufactured pap. She broke the mould for a while. Seems like she has fallen into line now. Maybe it is to satisfy the taxman!
“makes a balls up singing out of tune”
Probably because outside the recording studio, and away from the engineers, she has only a vague idea what “in tune” is.
She’s not the only one, mind.
I recall on one of those ‘Britain’s Got X Talent Idol’ programmes a girl-trio being asked if they could sing in harmony. One said ‘What’s harmony?’ and the other replied ‘Oh…I think that’s when, like, one of us sings high, one of us sings low and the other sort of sings in the middle.’
Newsbaaaaa on FB today:
Move over Ivanka – Joe Biden’s daughter has a new fashion range
Trump should love Ashley Biden’s new fashion line
Impressive. Guessing Ms. B is set to enjoy less dedicated support from the media in the boycotting stakes?
Dear Mr Trump,
we are very sorry for all our nasty, slanderous and libelous comments recently – it wasn’t us, it was all those activists and all those media companies who thought they should be political instead of just reporting the news. So, in view of the fact that North Korea is getting a bit dodgy right now and scaring everybody, could you see your way clear to helping us confront this tyrannical despot. – yes I know that’s exactly what we called you but we were only joking. This North Korean chap isn’t joking.
Yours Sincerely,
All the liberal flakes on planet earth.
Once again the BBBC is pretending an advert for tonight’s Panorama is a major news item.Shame on them.
Half an hour of Jeremy Whine’s programme (it is his programme, but he is now far too important to host it) devoted to tonight’s Panorama, and another half hour devoted to tonight’s Inside Out (whatever that is) which will tell us all about Tesco’s outrageous ripping-off of its customers. Well, I think that was the agenda that was being shoved down my throat. And this from the BBC, the finest purveyor of black pots and kettles and that fails to mention its own Digital Media Initiative which wasted millions of pounds of TV tax payers’ money.
I would love it if Trump included all the UK luvvies who have slagged him off in his immigration ban, except instead of making it 90 days he made it permanent. That would bugger up some of their careers.
The outrage would be tremendous, although I’m sure the likes of Emma Thompson wouldn’t mind as she is totally opposed to flying anyway.
Great idea, and how about keeping the bBeeb out as well!
What a beauty!
Friends! You’ll doubtless be pleased to hear that I have supported Our Zoe’s (Williams) coruscating Guardian piece which attacked the literally Fascist Daily Fail’s vicious character assassination of Our Gary (Lineker), whose only crime is to have taken literally hundreds of Our Refugee Children – some barely in to their thirties – in to his home, and to have minimised his tax bill in order that he could have sufficient funds to look after them properly.
Anyway, I have reproduced my piece in my Blog, along with a link to the original piece, all of which can be found here:
Following the success of ‘Citizen Khan’, the BBC is remaking old comedies for 21st Century Britain:-
1) Hamas’s Half Hour
2) Daud’s Army
3) The Burkas Way
4) The Men from the Mosque
5) I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Rational Thought
6) Hello Cheeky – Apostate
7) I’m Sorry I’ll Behead Them Again
Imams Hour
Gax – I’m sure they could do a remake of ‘Allo ‘Allo called ‘Allah ‘Allah set in a curry house in Bradford.
Mind you, the “Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies” would have to wear a burqua.
Another, Yes!
We haven’t had one of these threads for a while so here’s my schedule:
‘The Three Mosque-attirs’
‘FGM Friday’
‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum Due to Global Warming’
‘Womans Hour (Of Silence)’
‘Djinn’ll Fix It’
“FGM Friday” Now that is superb. That’ll have me chuckling for the rest of the afternoon!
Mind you the way things are going, in a few years time…
Could I add to the list….
It’s That Imam Again
Hijab Got News For You
Rabbani’s Suicide Vest
The Jihad Life
Spitting Islamist
Yes Mullah
Loving it!
It Ain’t Half Hot Imam
I’m Saudi, I Haven’t A Clue
Some Mullahs Do Flog Em
The talent!
Sometimes the title already says it all:
‘Men’ Behaving Badly
People Just Do Nothing
SJ – or “Men Beheaded Badly”?
Mr. Mujahideen
Imam About the House
Up Mecca!
You Rang Mullah?
That Mitchell and Webb Caliph
Are You Being Severed?
One for the ladies….Not Going Out
and a comedy game show…Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs.
That last one…brilliant.
Homes under the Amir
Have I got nukes for you (NK)
Mohammedale Farm
I’m an illegal – get me out of here!
Qur’annation Street
Fatah Mad-Doner-Kebab-maker with the big bombas
Just a Minaret
Ready, Steady, Ramadan! (stop cooking!)
And Mother Makes 19
Allepo Allepo!
The Hitchhikers Guide Into the UK
Michael Portillo’s Great Railway Journeys – Calais to Londinistan
Something Sunni Happened on the Way To the Mosque
Childrens Hour
Going Straight – to the ECHR
Do Not Adjust Your Niqab
That’s all for now folks…promise!
Keep going, you are on a roll!
The rape crisis in Germany –
So G, an avalanche of rape and other sex crimes in Germany (despite being under-reported, under-investigated and under-prosecuted) not to mention our very own sex gangs all over the country. Surprisingly none of the Sistas and other virtue signalling luvvies expressed any indignation at the DAFTAS, sorry BAFTAS. Instead they reserve their scorn and hatred for the one politician trying to do something about it. As does the bibistan, natch.
Is there a name for systematically pointing the finger at the wrong enemy?
(Apart from simple cowardice and stupidity – something more technical like Stockholm Syndrome. Mmm, Stockholm, that’s in Sweden isn’t it? I think I’ve answered my own question.)
You probably sussed it. Stockholm syndrome is about right.
Bow to the “inevitable “, submit to your oppressors, in the hope that they will throw you some crumbs of comfort. And they won’t rape you too much. After all, with a bit of luck, you can have children with them.
Displacement behaviour re. Trump. Hope that it gets you some “kudos” with your enemies.
All in the face of the evidence of history.
Sad and sick.
Matt Ridley in the Times writes about a number of issues culminating in how Lefties resort to fascism to stop Milo speaking and howLefties align with homohating Islam.
“In Britain and the US, it’s time for a rebellion against the ‘snowflake’ generation and its censoring of campus debate”
\\ Speaker John Bercow’s call to “no platform” President Trump was not based on any claim that he might incite violence//
Paywalled in the Times but free on his blog 7 days later
Last weeks THUMB ON THE SCALE OF TEMPERATURE TRENDS? whistleblower exposes political bias in data recording
BBC & others are reporting on this Lake Oroville Dam spillover. Thousands being evacuated in California.
Unfortunately it’s in the North of the state. A shame it’s not threatening the LA and/or Hollywood libtard stronghold. 😉
I was listening to this on Radio 4 and found it utterly unbelievable that they chose to interview one of the members of the Sikh centre to comment on how it was affecting them.
Sod news reporting there’s an effnik minority being inconvenienced, and sod reporting that the Obamessiah failed to attend to Americas infrastructure during his 8 years, to such an extent that such things are happening, and Sod reporting that one of Trumps promises was to rebuild the worn out infrastructure too !
It’s good to see that the BBC are so up to date with their news reporting. Wattsupwiththat had its first report on the Oroville dam last Friday.
The most recent report is here:
The immediate story is the problem with the physical infrastructure, but there is also an issue with the management of the water level, and whether the Californian obsession with “Global Warming induced drought” meant that the lake was allowed to fill up while there was still a heavy snowpack still to melt. I don’t expect the BBC to cover this element of the story.
The BBC is almost always behind any other news outlet on everything.
Every except the stuff they MAKE UP in-house.
That’s 25% and another 50% is made up for them by the Guardian and PR depts
Yes, I meant the news that they “report”, not the Fake News that they invent.
Oroville overspill overkill?
If the Police stop someone, they are required to ask them, “What is your appropriated gender?” Endless fun to be had in our, PC, sensitive Britain.
I think most people will reply ” What do mean ? “.
Or even “Yeah, man, whatevva.”
LOL ! You have invented a new gender, ” Whatevva” !
Gaxvil, mental health services went through this several years ago with the “Count Me In Census”. This started as an attempt to identify the ethnicity of all inpatients in mental health units, but over the years was expanded to include every possible category of personal details, including sexuall orientation. The problem was that staff had to record the replies without any attemp to ensure they were correct. We had a Scottish patient who insisted on having an galic interpreter present for the interview although he didn’t speak galic and a number of patients who insisted they were Black-African despite all the visual evidence to the contrary. We also had patients who became very agitated because they were being asked such personal questions and for them the staff just made up the answers.
A few years ago there were reports of pressure being put on museum to increase the numbers of visitors from ethnic minorities. I’ve never been asked for any details when I’ve visited a museum, but if I ever am I’ll give a suitable answer – after all, I’ll not be on oath.
RJ, I remember hearing of someone who, when made to fill in one of those diversity forms (White British, Asian British etc) simply scrawled HUMAN over it in large letters. Fortunately I now run my own business and hopefully will never have to bother again with that nonsense to get a job.
On the subject of ‘diversity questionnaires’ I’ve never lived or worked abroad, but for those who have (eg worked in the middle east or Africa) – what box do you get to tick? White European? Or do they just not bother with the whole nonsense anyway?
In Saudi you had to state your religion on entering the country, the advice I took was to keep it simple and just put “Christian” as it was thought that being too forthcoming could attract unwelcome attention or even exclusion…Serbian Orthodox for example, and some others such as Sikhs were in and out of favour depending on current affairs and politics in the wider Islamic world.
Needless to say Jewish…absolute no no.
I never remember diversity questionnaires on entering any country. Lived in Turkey 2 years and no-one ever asked me. In 15 years in Gambia , I have never been asked, except one time, in a bar, a Gambian muslim, who was drinking beer, asked me and I said ” Atheist”. He looked puzzled , but with true Gambian politeness replied ” That’s nice ” !
Looking forward to the day this is taught in R.E. classes in our schools. And on the bibistan indoctrination – sorry education – sites.
Sorry, guys, but this woman is talking nonsense. She says the muslim hordes were turned back at the battle of Vienna on 11th September ( 9/11 ). The battle of Vienna was actually a day later on 12th September. She goes on to state that the countries of Europe had gone through the industrial revolution and this was why the had the funds to build large armies with which to fight the heathen throng. But the battle took place in 1683 and most agree that the industrial revolution didn’t start until 100 years later.
She is also a bit sketchy when describing the evolution of islam into a powerful force. Her version is mo had his revelation in mecca but failed to grow the new religion in the following 12 years. Fine. So then mo went to medina to try to sell it to the 4x2s, but they weren’t having it. Fine. Next islam is an all concurring power enslaving 4x2s and Christians alike. Not fine. How did that transformation take place from a minor cult with few followers one minute to being a regional power able to spread over most of the ancient world the next?
I wouldn’t put too much faith in this ladies version of history, at least not from this showing.
Have a read of Tom Holland’s “In the Shadow of the Sword” Comprehensive cover of the founding of Islam and its early rise . The author got a bit of stick from “certain quarters” for his views.
You have to love Brigitte. A very courageous lady who doesn’t want to see America go the same way as Lebanon.
The Donald ain’t no fool.
No better adviser on the subject of evil Islam will Donald obtain. Her books are well worth a read.
gaxvil February 13, 2017 at 2:31 pm
“…I suppose to call someone, black is insulting for no reason I know. You’re supposed to say, coloured, person of colour, Afro American, Caribbean etc,.
That being the case, why it’s OK to call white people, white, that is the greater the mystery?”
White people are referred to as such because that is a superficial dismissive description. White people aren’t allowed to refer to their own ethnicity.
Years ago I attended a course at a further education college.
The tutor and ‘diverse’ students routinely referred to ethnic minority people as ‘of ethnic origin’ to which I (as a white man) responded ‘where do you think I came from, out of a test-tube?’.
I’m not sure I could get away with that now in these enlightened times.
SR, Sad but true.
And the opposite of the PC descriptor ” of colour” is “colourless”. Therefore white people are colourless. A quick look at the thesaurus reveals synonyms such as drab, dull, ghastly, weak. Nothing complimentary, therefore expect to see BBBC start using it instead of white, which has connotations of pure, clean, untouched etc.
What happens if you have an excess of freckles?
Or ginger hair?
Or both?
Guy Fawkes blog is giving extensive coverage to comments expressed by the labour parliamentary candidate in the Stoke by election.
It will come as no surprise to anyone that the ‘envy of the world’ and their serried ranks of ‘world class, impartial journalists and assorted news editors’ are giving this story the widest possible birth.
As of now, not one word.
Oh how different when David Davis made the amusing aside that “He’s not blind” in relation to the fat munter. The BBC certainly gave that the fullest coverage they could, dragging in the usual trash from the loony lefties to condemn him.
Well guess what, it’s finally turned up.
Not on the front page.
Not on the UK main page.
Not even on the politics page.
It appears as a minor link on the England page, where it’s the tenth story (at the time of writing).
It’s actually located in UK > England > Regions > Stoke and Staffordshire.
A clear case of being able to say they covered it, whilst putting it where very few will find it.
His tweets are appalling, as is the Beebs lack of coverage. How does this foul mouth man who seems to spend a lot of time watching TV, get selected as a candidate!
Hopefully this will be enough to sink labour in Stoke, come on Paul!
Classic case of BBC bias and irrefutable !
7:30 Inside Out
South West – As the South West debates how best to aid Syrian migrants, Ben Woolvin investigates the cost of helping the region’s existing asylum seekers and refugees.
East – examines whether the company evicting over 70 families from an estate in Peterborough is failing in its legal duties as a landlord, and asks why the city council would do a deal to house homeless people with the landlord.
N East – Celebrate 90 yrs of amateur movie making on Tyneside
East-Mids ; Shock-absorbing Loopwheels are the brain-child of Nottinghamshire design engineer Sam Pearce
West – How safe are vulnerable children in Weston-super-Mare?
and we go underground into Bristol’s secret cave
NWest – We examine the mystery surrounding the discovery of an unidentified body in one of the most remote parts of the north west – and look at how cold case detectives are working to give names to hundreds more unidentified bodies across the country
London – investigates the Airbnb boom and asks if it’s damaging the capital’s rental market.
Yorkshire – Paul Rose discovers the hidden archaeological gems in the Yorkshire Wolds,
– And how Scunthorpe Council is so rich they’ve given £10K in gold to artits to bury away around the town in an art treasure hunt.
SE edition they are with migrants who take a bus 501 into Calais suburbs to try to jump into the lorry park .
They don’t do the train cos the police regularly stop them.
Ones in other places in Calais are intercepted by police also.
I know what you mean, another example of the leftist misuse of language.
Ethnicity means just that. Your ethnic heritage might be Estonian, English, Ghanaian, Samoan, German, Finnish, Argentinian. Whatever. It’s just a category. Ethnic doesn’t mean you have brown or black skin. It just means you are human. In Britain we might want to celebrate our Anglo or Cymraeg ethnicity. But that would likely be racist huh?
Am I the only one that has been wondering what unwavering contribution to industry immigrants have been making? One particular industry? Crime. Even I would concede that if your house guests were being a bit too liberal with your drinks cabinet it would be impolite to focus on that too much at the expense of all the lovely things they brought to your household. But surely that doesn’t seem to mean that you shouldn’t be counting the bottles. Despite our obvious societal cowardice about this subject, I am still amazed that not a single politician or ‘think tank’ or any other such organisation has had the courage or stupidity to ask the right questions.
We have all been told a million times about immigrants’ contribution to society, and some brave souls have even engaged in debate on a sort of contribution/cost basis (that to me seems to be a bit futile. What really matters is quality of life – and that has deteriorated sharply at least in the south of England and large cities, purely on a numbers and crowding of places, roads and services basis).
But what about hard facts about crime? Aside from the fact reported on this website – but I have heard elsewhere -that 15% of the prison population is Muslim, it seems to absolutely impossible to find any statistics whatsoever on this subject. It seems that it is not just that we aren’t being told, but no official of any description anywhere has ever asked the question. I genuinely believe that no-one has the answer.
And to show just how far the political queasiness has gone, surely it isn’t about race? What we want to know about is what has been imported? i.e. if as we are told – even by the left now (10 years after their official policy was to exactly accuse you of it) ‘It’s not racist to want to talk about immigration’, surely it’s OK to look at all the good and all the ill that immigration has brought with it.
So if you want an anecdotal depiction of the impact of immigration on crime, check out the Crimestoppers website: ‘What can you do to help stop Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?’ – Yes, you Mrs Smith of Rose Cottage Budleigh Salterton, shame on you. ‘Drug dealers don’t care – but Keighley residents do!’ – well some do, but they are increasingly in the minority.
‘What do you know about the whereabouts of Karzan Mahamad? or or Jiri Bagjer? or Robertas Vaiciuknya? or Slawomir Szeklinski?’
The issue with a website like this is that it lays bare a reality that is never spoken of, never asked about (in ‘polite’ circles like those the BBC inhabit). Criminal profiles are added without fear nor favour because they are simply the ‘Most Wanted’.
Isn’t it about time someone did ask what the truth was? Maybe a non fake news organisation?
You are absolutely right: the ‘Crimestopers’ website is an invaluable reality check of the most wanted in the UK. I haven’t visited the website for a while but then, it was roughly half the mugshots and attached names that were foreigners. Thanks for reminding me. Just visited the link, roughly now over half foreigners.
The BBC is known to have received many complaints from the North-East of England from people who complain about the BBC running up to the North-East for negative social interest stories. The BBC has just done this again with its report on Prisons.
The reason for this seems to be that any other area of England would pose a problem for the editor. The North-East of England has the lowest number of ethnics in the inner-city areas of England, which means editing out ethnics is much easier for the BBC editing team. Although Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can be even easier for the editor, the BBC regards these areas as, one hundred percent ethnic non-English areas.
Also I remember a statistical analysis that was released because it showed that ethnics were seven times more likely to be imprisoned, implying that institutional racism was the cause. But this was debunked by the finding that this also correlated with the ratio of murderers in prison. So this statistic plus the ratio of indigenous white English in London, would mean that only one out of eight prisoners in London are English.
So no wonder the BBC runs up to the North East of England for negative social interest stories about the Prison service.
Spot on.
BBC News anchor (that’s anchor) Simon McCoy tells viewers: “You always need a box of tissues handy when you’re doing a report on Adele”
Let me explain. I think our Simon has a cold and a film clip from the Grammys ending abruptly caught our news presenter in an impromptu on screen Kleenex product placement situation.
Not that our BBC presenters don’t have their own special favourites whom they seem to, let’s say – over celebrate – celebs that often leave the rest of us cold.
Good Lord.
Who the heck is going to wank over Adele?
Looks like Margaret Becketts eldest niece to me.
Should really have packed up after Skyfall I`d say…
LOL ! Reminds me of the Bob Monkhouse joke about some Pope kissing the airport tarmac when he lands in a new country. ” How desperate can a man get ? “.
Well then, the politically motivated BBC spent the entirety of last week implying that the Tories, the elderly, the obese and so on are responsible for the apparent collapse in the NHS. In effect the BBC became the opposition. But disgracefully and predictably, the BBC completely ignored the real reasons why the NHS is at crisis: gimmiegrants and scrounging health-tourist scum who willfully freeload off us.
Why don’t the BBC tackle some of the obesity among their own staff ?
“Why don’t the BBC tackle some of the obesity among their own staff ?”
Or the NHS come to that, Grant.
My local hospital recently had a multi million pound overhaul and the improvements included a state of the art “eat-a-rama” and an MS food hall. Judging by the number of land whales shuffling about in nurses (is it deemed sexist to say that there seems to be more fat females than fat males in these places?) and other staffs uniforms, these additions aren’t helping when it comes to reducing staff waist lines. (I’m a 32″ BTW)
You’re spot on ToobiWan. Its noticeable in most hospitals, that a lot of nurses are bursting out of their uniforms, and actually ‘waddle’ along. Whereas years ago it took 2 nurses to help a patient in and out of bed if needed, now they rely on hoists and other equipment to do the job – cos the fat nurses can barely pick up a safety pin let alone help another human being without going into cardiac arrest themselves !!
I know I bang on about the ‘past’, but its true – you barely saw a remotely overweight nurse back in the day when they wore ‘proper’ uniforms and white hats. Perhaps it was all the exercise in climbing stairs in the Nurses Home instead of driving home after a shift, like they do now.
Its the bBBC 6pm news and the main story is…….exactly the same as all day.
The secret undercover secret filming inside a prison which reveals…..errr…..that they are violent places with a lot of driugs being used.
Which is just a giant all day advert for Panorama tonight on….a secret undercover investigation into a PRIVATEly (of course, gotta make sure the private sector get a hammering from the statist bBBC) run prison.
We pay £4bn a year for this absolute drivel. Have they got no crises in the NHS to report?
The BBC. Giving you the news they want you to get. And only that..
What with the undercover reporting of prisons, and the undercover reporting of Tesco pricing, it seems that we are now paying the BBC £4bn a year to give us ‘news’ of the Roger Cook variety.
At least Roger Cook didn’t have a political agenda.
When you strip away the political husk from the bbc there isn’t much left inside.
Supermarkets are ripping us off.
Prisons have violent, drug taking inmates.
No sh!t sherlock
On the 6 o’clock main news, some guy reporting on prisons said something like:
“How is it possible that our prison population has doubled during the same period in which our crime rate has halved?”
Notice what he did there? You can spin that how you want.
Would that mean that our crime rate would double if our prison population was halved?
Yes, or maybe would could halve the crime rate again if we double the prison population.
At the very least I want my ‘impartial’ BBC reporters to actually remain impartial.
PM tonight had a piece on Paul Nuttal’s claim to have been at Hillsborough on the day of the disaster. Sadly, after a few minutes, it became obvious the BBC had no evidence either way. I mean not one jot of evidence, no not even what a friend’s friend, once overhead someone say in a chip shop in Knowsley. Not one iota of fact.
However it did smear Mr Nuttall, so job done.
And no, I do not support UKIP, but I do support news over fake news.
You just beat me to it scribblingscribe.
So there’s an election. And it’s natural that the left-wing media want to spin things for their man, and the right-wing media want to spin things for theirs. From the left-wing media there are smears and allegations about Paul Nuttall’s claims to have been at Hillsborough on 15 April 1989. From the right-wing media we have the offensive, sweary, sexist tweets from Gareth Snel, and his tweets that call most of his electorate racists.
So what is an impartial state broadcaster supposed to do? Oh yes, go with the smears against Paul Nuttall.
More Fake News from the BBC. They are now really shitting themselves that UKIP will win Stoke !
I don’t know who to cheer for: UKIP win showing that Labour’s support at bedrock is crumbling and piles on further electoral pressure; or Labour win and the tenure of ‘Corbyn The Unelectable’ is unassailable, so he remains and hopefully inflicts terminal damage to Labour being a potential party of government in the future.
It’s a win-win!
at least paul got the details right and who can actually find reason to doubt him?
unlike bliar who remembers sitting in the at the time “standing” end of a football ground.
Its all just more baseless ukip smears, they havent worked out no one is listening anymore.
Re comments above about Adele.
Is that the same Adele who got a ninety-minute free advertisement for a new album on the advertising-free BBC?
Could be the same Adele who started a song at the Grammys, sang off key, and had to start again. ! I never heard of her before, but I listened to a few of her songs today on You Toubabe, sorry, Youtoube, and they all sound off key .
Pub singer.
Don’t insult pub singers, please.
She confuses warbling with singing. Horribly overrated.
Just another skipping-rope imitator, I’m afraid!
Our girls could do much better with theirs!
I see that Al Beeb are fond of making under cover programmes. They recently did one on Tesco and Jails, Isn’t it time they made one about themselves or even their so called Trustees on why they are so biased ?
Over to you ‘Scotty’ or whatever you call yourself these days ………
You make a good point. Trolls have been few and far between for a few months. Maxiboy has raised his head a and made us all laugh, but not many others. Where are they hiding ?
Bias at its best… The BBC news is not real news! it’s just self-promotional drivel. FFS if I want to know about the so-called declining prison service I’d watch Panorama the very program the “news” is so eager to promote.
You’re right – our so called news programming is like a magazine you flick through in the dentists.
And now we have ‘Undercover Britain’s homeless’…..
Women sleeping rough. Its all about ‘vulnerable’ women, what about equality ? they always claim to be equal what about vulnerable men ? worse of all, ex service men ?
Finally what about the shortage of houses and the mass invasion the nation has suffered over the last ten years ? Yes that elephant in the room eating all the houses up – unfettered immigration .
Will that pop up in this evenings programme ? Al Beeb 4
Bias what bias? over to Maxicooney who will now prove that he is unbiased by letting us know what Right Wing bias there is on Al Beeb.
It is often said, especially by the BBC that migrants are a net benefit to this country, but the facts are sketchy to say the least. Some studies find that migrants do indeed benefit the country financially while others find that they do not. What all of the studies agree with however is that the benefit/cost is very small either way.
But all these studies group all immigrants into the same basket, with no filter on immigrants from EU or Pakistan. They are all immigrants and should be treated equally.
But if you dig into the figures you will find migrant earnings to be very different depending on country of origin. Take a look at this study, particularly table 2,Average hourly wage (£) by country of birth, 2014.
If we take a native UK born earnings as a base line and anything above that is a benefit and anything bellow that is a cost to the system, we can see those coming from Australia, America, EU14 and India are earning more than native UK men while those from Bangladesh, A8 ( Eastern European countries like Estonia, etc.), Pakistan, Other Asia and Africa earn less than native born UK men.
So when you hear some upper middle class ponce on the BBC telling you immigrants are a net benefit to the UK economy, just bear in mind that this is only half true. Some are but many are not. We need to encourage migration from those countries which benefit us and block it from those countries who do not benefit us. Not racist, just common sense.
You mean, engineers, doctors, investors. Not, old ‘children’, illiterate and innumerate primitives, freeloaders and jihadis?
BBC’s very own More Or Less tried to determine the truth for themselves about two years ago, and calculated that European immigrants paid slightly more in taxes than they received in benefits, whilst immigrants from South Asia paid less in taxes than they received in benefits.
I recall this programme was refreshingly honest, and the BBC researcher admitted that any analysis made in this area will always be flawed since there is absolutely no way to determine the cost by immigrant type for security, policing, healthcare, transport, housing, services and education.
No definite conclusions were made in the programme, but any listener could have been left in no doubt that there is absolutely no way that immigration is a net benefit to the UK. Of course we all know that most people have worked this out for themselves by now.
However even the positive view of the contribution of highly skilled immigrants doesnt allow for the ageing factor.
Immigrants age too, they have children here who cost a great deal to be born and to educate, and then they grow old and become a financial cost. A ‘snapshot’ over just on year when the majority are recent arrivals and contributing is a false impression.
Nor does it allow for their use of the infrastructure which our parents and grandparents paid for.
Something else which is never mentioned, S, is that in the majority of cases any monies earned by immigrants is not spent in the local economy, but sent instead back “home” to keep the families who haven’t made the trip yet but are, no doubt, in receipt of UK benefits as well. A loss to the local economy and the treasury.
Indeed – hence the sudden appearance of all those Western Union signs!
And they are so stupid and their British advisors do not understand that WU is the worst way to send money ! Low exchange rates and high fees.
I’m sure there are numbers in the thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands who have made a net positive contribution to the Exchequer – up to the Blair years at least.
Since then with the advent of working tax credit, the low-wage immigrant will be a burden, as will his unemployed/unemployable countrymen plus the wives and children.
Let alone the cost in welfare just look at the crimes committed. That’s enough to convince me immigration has been a complete and utter con, and the ones who have suffered are working class natives – the UK population demographic successive Governments have obviously loathed.
There is more analysis on the nett benefits/costs of migration in the above posts than you ever get on Al Beeb.
Here’s a quick couple of add to that.
A 1000 pupil school costs in rough terms £5million a year to run, not including the £20million costs of building it in the first place. (Which with mass immigration is a huge cost and almost always forgotten about btw)
That’s £5000 per pupil per year.
To pay £5000 in income tax, you have to earn over £35000.
So what % of immigrants with schoolage kids earn that much?
And that’s just ecucation costs.
I could then add that for every year they work, they earn £230 in state pension entitlement, which at current annuity rates is equivalent to a pension pot entitlement of £7000.
Nett benefit? I doubt it.
I’ve been banging on about this for years. Any single immigrant on MW pays less in NHI and tax than the average cost per capita of the NHS so they ‘contribute’ absolutely fuckall. If they have children they may easily, as Boy Dave reluctantly confessed pre-referendum, RECEIVE £10k net. That is before the cost of education etc.
I’m ok about EE doctors (of medicine), nurses, investors coming here but it’s the dross of low-paid benefit recipients who are taking the jobs of indigenous workers and/or keeping their wages down and sucking up benefits who are the problem.
Al Beeb is never going to acknowledge this. Perhaps we should all email Brillo, who is the only one who might possibly challenge the lies about ‘contribution’, asking him to calculate the figures for a MW immigrant. These are the ones we need to stop.
Public spending, both by central and local government is approximately £12,025 per head per year. It varies from area to area by quite a bit but this is an average UK figure and acts as an illustrative figure. To reach this figure in personal income tax and NI in addition to employers NI contributions one must earn a salary of £35,500.
But remember that does not include VAT, fuel duty, duty on fags and beer etc. etc.
BBC Radio 2. 8pm News.
First feature described the conviction of a 17 year old living in Bradford for making an explosive device. His bedroom walls were draped in Nazi Waffen SS flags etc.
Last feature was about a German man in Germany who dressed in a similar way to Hitler. He called himself Harold Hitler, wore a small moustache and had a side parting. He was photographed outside Hitler’s birthplace. He has been convicted in Germany of an offence of glorifying Nazis.
The announcer drooled over these features as if to say, ‘here’s your international right wing backlash’.
Dover Sentry
And to balance things out for them – was this one in the main news on tonight’s TV ?…….
“Jessica Hart, prosecuting, said the case would not be proceeding under the terrorism protocol. “WTF!!! Carry a pipe bomb into an airport and it isn’t terrorist related? Don’t tell me, he will have mental issues. What do these people have to do in multi culti Britain before their actions may be deemed to have terrorist motives?
His bad luck he was probably stopped by one of the few baggage checkers not wearing a hijab, if the last time I went through there is anything to go by!
ah yes bury and the reasons i left there
And the irony is that the MSM is going in exactly the right way to generate one. It’s been quite noticeable that a ‘well the Nazis might have been genocidal psychopaths but they weren’t all wrong…’ sentiment is starting to appear now and then.
I read somewhere that someone had looked at the average IQ in the seven countries subject to the “Muslim travel ban”, this was in response to the claim that the U.S. was missing out on “talent” by preventing people from those countries going there.
The IQ average in those countries was 80 – I don’t think America is missing out on all that much really.
Al ,
In my experience in Arab Countries and with Arabs the saying ” Thick as an Arab ” is pretty true.
Grant – Assuming that is true – For thikkies , I do think they are all doing a pretty good job of disintegrating our own civilisation and culture and replacing it with their own.
It always amazes me that many of our own “intellectuals” with brains the size of Jupiter such as Schama and Bearded Mary are incapable of comprehending just what they are helping to incubate and encourage within our own society.
As historians you would think they would be able to see the big picture and the fact that yet again history is repeating itself with the expansion of Islam and the futile desperate attempts at appeasement by the societies being invaded.
But no – the only picture these over educated idiots can focus on are dead children lying on a beech or clinging to wreckage at sea despite the fact that in truth the majority of these are males and and seem to have five o clock shadows.
I doubt if idiots like Schama, Beard and the others have ever lived with Arabs outside posh hotels and seen the reality. May I suggest a topic for a BBC fearless documentary ? The treatment of Filipina maids in Arab countries. Not just the normal rapes but the hundreds who just disappear each year.
It would tick the Asian/female box. But against that is the Arab/muslim box. And, oh, of course, most Filipinas are Catholics. BBC decision, just leave this one alone.
What about the Filipina slaves in Edgware Road, dutifully walking behind their Arab masters wearing the full head and body covering symbols of oppression? Love to know what goes on behind closed doors there. Don’t expect an in-depth bibistan investigation any time soon. And the poor Philippine authorities daren’t speak out for fear of losing vital source of remittance sent home to poor families. Home Office? Ha ha ha.
Spot on. And right on the BBC’s doorstep. I would assume that the atrocities that muslim Arabs commit in Arab countries against Filipinas are mirrored all round the world.
And we know that the BBC will say nothing. And the useless British Police will do nothing.
Far Easterners are very low on the ‘progressives’ order of trumps:
black, Muslim brown, Arabs, non Muslim brown, yellow, white Eastern European, white non British, True Brits.
I’ve worked a lot in the middle East too, but have not found the Arabs particularly thick. However they are very lazy and will never ever commit to making a decision and cannot work on their own initiative. They are obsequious when working under you but a real pain when they are your boss.
If you want thick, go to Africa. Jesus wept, they are dumb as a bag of rocks down there.
Hamas hardliner Yehiya Sinwar elected as Gaza leader The headline implies there is such a thing as a Hamas moderate. If one existed, that would be news.
The Palestinian militant group Hamas has elected a hardline commander of its armed wing as the movement’s overall leader in the Gaza Strip. So no election for Gaza overall just for Hamas. Worth noting. The United Kingdom have designated the military wing of Hamas as a terrorist organization. It’s a little harder to justify a distinction between military and political when the military leader becomes the political leader.
Mr Sinwar was jailed in Israel for murder Mr.??? Why does the BBC feel obliged to give him this mark of respect? Surely this sentence requires some further expansion. Sinwar was given four life sentences in 1989 for his involvement in killing Palestinian collaborators with Israel.
Some Hamas leaders have suggested a long truce with Israel if it completely withdraws to pre-1967 ceasefire lines and lifts its blockade of Gaza. Actually they have suggested a hudna. They offered a 10 year ceasefire that may be broken by Muslims when it suits. Sinwar wasn’t one of those leaders.
Missing in this story but surely interesting enough to be included. The man whose stated aim is to eliminate Israel had his life saved by Israel when they removed a brain tumor, during his period of imprisonment.
Also missing in this story. The Hamas military wing rejects both compromise with Israel and conceding to the Palestinian leadership’s conditions for joining the PLO.
Hamas has a lot in common with Sinn Fein/IRA, who the BBC supported and continue to support. Actually, I cannot think of any terrorist organisations which the BBC do not support. Which explains why terrorists never target the BBC.
And why the BBC supports terrorists; a mutual appreciation society/symbiotic parasitic relationship.