Anybody else think this to be the biggest non-story of the year thus far.
I mean-New Zealand-what the heck are we supposed to do?
Not allowed to pray, not sure how to spell Maori for the hashtag.
I don`t give a stuff.
Nor would the BBC unless it can be linked to
b) Despite Brexit
c) Because of Brexit
d) Bleeding climate changiness.
Reckon it was a mass protest against Trumps horrid phone call with Malcolm Trunchball only a week before-guessing they`re all called Aylan Kurdi now the poor blubbering wrecks.
Poor blubbering wrecks-now I know why the liberal media can feel the pain of these bloated stranded shallow paddlers who are out of their depths now.
chrisH .. Well actually I happen to like whales and like to feel good when they are helped back into the sea!! IMHO you’re too clever for your own good .. never read your posts .. too cliquey and super intelligent for the likes of me .. God knows why people on here voted you poster of the year ?? 🙁
Some of you may remember that on the day of the US Presidential results Jenny Hill penned a report on the BBC News website (also broadcast on BBC News). The report started with a report on Berliners lighting candles in the doorways of former Jewish homes to commemorate Kristallnacht. She then launched into a diatribe about how this resonated with Germans. This is what she wrote;
“But both events – and all that they represent of this country’s past – explain,
partially at least, why Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump’s election
rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll’s reckoning) wanted him in the White
I was so incensed I lodged a complaint. The initial response was this was connected to his attitude to immigration. I raised another complaint and in their response they acknowledged they got it wrong on this but felt the report was fair and unbiased.
I then filed a complaint with the Trust. I have had their response today and the gist was they never actually mentioned the word “Holocaust” therefore the report was unbiased.
So when you mention Kristallnacht in BBC speak it is completely unconnected to the Holocaust. So what is the relevance of lighting candles? I also pointed out that the quoted survey could never be correct since AfD are polling in the double digits and they support Trump.
A clear example of why it is useless to ever complain. I am sure they know that the whole set up is a charade but so far gone into unreality is the BBC elite that it just cannot admit it even in private to themselves. Once again abolition is the only answer .
It is worth complaining to the BBC if only to continually remind those who work for it that not everybody in the world shares their opinions. Intelligent, well worded, polite but firm complaints are therefore important, even if they achieve no ‘official’ result.
Without Scotland, the working classes, and I feel Wales will desert it, who does the Labour Party left have left to have vote for it? BBC and Guardian employees. That’s not that many.
Oddly, Farage, UKIP and Trump have no major TV networks or media outlets on their side and win major support in their countries. (Fox news only reluctantly supported Trump AFTER he won the nomination).
“who does the Labour Party left have left to have vote for it?
BBC and Guardian employees. That’s not that many.”
Don’t forget the Left wing activist loons, Muslims on the make, …………that’s it.
scribblings – ‘75% of UK people get their news from the BBC’: what a terrifying statistic! And the liberal lefties want to intimidate, shut down or muzzle The Mail and The Sun, which would give the bibistan near total monopoly and licence to brainwash at will.
Is there an emoticon for Absolute Horror???
🙁 x 1000
“Without Scotland, the working classes, and I feel Wales will desert it, who does the Labour Party left have left to have vote for it? BBC and Guardian employees. That’s not that many.”
You’ve forgotten those employed in the public sector. Labour doesn’t care about them but will justify its own existance by promising to throw lots money at public services. The public sector employers can then afford to promise everyone a pay rise (if Labour get elected), although to maintain differentials they will, inevitably, be forced to give themselves a very big increase.
When in doubt follow the money – until it runs out.
RJ don`t fall for the line that the public sector is full of Labour loyalists. I can assure you it isn`t, especially at middle and lower grades.
Public sector workers have seen up close the phenomenon of “new Public Management” the method that New Labour employed to damage everything it touched.
Public service workers are also daily brought into contact with the products of Labours dependency culture, the liberal assault on personal responsibility and the overcrowding brought about by “population growth”. No illusions there.
Teachers though, they are still a bit of an outlier in their continued faith in left-liberalism.
My view is that it was the BBC Support that got Blair elected and kept New Labour in power for those 13 dreadful years in which untold damage, possibly terminal , was done to our country. The BBC suppressed news about immigration and the way in which Labour policy was becoming less Centred on the traditional working class and more centred on liberal left internationalism. Only slowly did the working class begin to realise this change was bad for them. This realisation began to speed up under Miliband and was thrown into stark relief when dear old Jezza was elected. Even the BBC operating at full bore couldn’t hide the truth any longer , Labour hates Britain , loves migrants, doesn’t care about its old traditional voting base . The cat is out of the bag and no amount of BBC propagandising for Labour will get it back in. Therefore we can expect the BBC to desert Labour and put its weight behind the putative Progressive Alliance of none Corbyn Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, SNP and other bits and bobs.
UKIP is the obvious alternative for patriotic left of centre voters. Step forward Paul Nuttal , step up to the plate Stoke. As we heard last night on PM the BBC and Guardian hate UKIP due to its patriotism and of course to their warped minds patriotism is indistinguishable from racism. They are trying to undermine Nuttal , not with attacks on UKIP policy, which they know will appeal to the voters of Stoke, but with trivial stories which are most likely outright lies about Mr Nuttal personally. Fake News writ large , I suspect that it will back fire. Paul Nuttal is a man of the British people in ways London based lefties never could be and cant understand
Having said all that, whilst I hope UKIP win and do well at the next general election. I am not a socialist and so many UKIP policies do not appeal to me, but a truly British left of centre party is a thousand times better than internationalist Labour and the entirely bogus Progressive Alliance.
Think you are right on BBC support for Blair, Doublethinker, but a lot of Conservative voters were thoroughly fed up with Major, Lamont, Clark, Howard, etc., anyway so it was always going to be a landslide for Labour in 1997.
As for the BBC and Labour now, I think they are hoping to get their placeman Lewis into the Labour Leader spot. Just listen out for references to Clive Lewis and count the links to ‘Labour leadership’. Nearly 100% of the time at present.
BTW, think it is two Ts and two Ls for Paul Nuttall.
I think that you under estimate the impact of the prolonged assault on Majors government by the BBC. Every whiff of sleaze was ruthlessly exposed, every disagreement over Europe exploited to the full, not by Labour but by the state funded BBC. The same degree of scrutiny was not applied by the BBC to Blair et al, and apart from Iraq, never was throughout the New Labour years. I think they helped Blair enormously and the country paid the price , and will continue to pay the price for generations.
Thanks for the extra L.
Good analysis Doublethinker. I think it takes a couple of generations for a ‘dead’ ideology to gradually be dropped. This is now happening with old fashioned, trade union Labour. For a while, people voted Labour out of tribal loyalty (‘Allus voted Labour, so did me faither, and his faither afore him’ etc) but this is now dying. Brexit was the catalyst that made the traditional Labour support base realise their party wasn’t representing their best interests anymore.
Sorry to disagree but bear with me…old trade unionism…i.e. the trade unionism that supports workers being unjustly treated in their place of employment and in extremis offers legal support to members in dispute with their employers is alive and well.
It was the political levy that people detested, as Labour moved ever more liberal and into extremist activism against patriotism, against freedom and putting climate change, no borders activism and light touch regulation of employment and finance laws etc at the top of their agenda…union members no longer wanted to pay for it and stopped doing so in droves.
Labour has deserted the working people of this country.
That’s why they are losing votes.
fairness and the defence of people against bad employers will, sadly, never go out of fashion.
Properly run and regulated Trade unions working for the interests of their members and under their democratic control are a good in society.
Embolden, essentially I agree with you. My point is that Labour are no longer the political representatives of the trade unions – the days of ‘beer and sandwiches at Number Ten’ did not come back under Blair, as some thought they might.
…For a while, people voted Labour out of tribal loyalty (‘Allus voted Labour, so did me faither, and his faither afore him’ etc) but this is now dying…
I agree with both you Cranmer and Embolden, you’ve hit the spot at the leaking of Labour support.
Like many, I was brought up in staunch Labour surroundings (father and g/fathers were miners), and to have anything but Labour beliefs because we were ‘working class’ was akin to committing high treason. To be fair, the Labour Party begun for all the right reasons, as did the NHS, and up until the 80’s in general Labour voters were still in that category of ‘working class’. The 80’s brought a sea change in the City and suddenly we saw images of yuppy financiers whizzing around London in Ferraris as the loadsamoney generation came into being. House ownership was on the rise, and suddenly the ‘working class’ had a new status – which wasn’t what the Labour movement was all about ! Blair in 1997 arrived giving a new mood to the country, but despite still voting Labour, things were beginning to change. Migration was high on the agenda, Blair and his awful wife went, Brown arrived and the death knell for me was when he called Gillian Duffy a ‘bigot’. Labour voters aren’t stupid, they can see with their own eyes what’s going on around them. I stopped voting Labour years ago, and transferred my allegiance to UKIP.
My own brother is a Labour councillor, and even within his own party they are fighting the growth of Momentum, says it all really.
As for it taking a couple of generations for the ‘dead’ ideology to be dropped, I doubt it will take that long.
Indeed, Brissles. I recall on ‘Til Death Us Do Part’, one of the many things that we were supposed to hate Alf Garnett for (although it turned out many actually agreed with him) was because he was that most loathed of traitors – a working class Tory!
Labour really ceased to be a socialist party when they dropped Clause Four (common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange) in 1995, but the transition to a centrist, metropolitan social liberal party started under Kinnock in the 80s, helped by Alastair Campbell.
Thanks Brissles and Cranmer.
I don`t think that the “dead ideology” is going away anytime soon.
The old, decent British Labour party played two important roles, representation in Parliament for the British working class and as a bulwark against revolutionary Marxism.
It is revolutionary Marxism that is the “dead ideology” that refuses to die…despite the history of tyranny, mass murder, and economic and social incompetence…still its adherents push their lines…disrupt and divide society with grievances, undermine its traditions, mock or rewrite its history, infiltrate its organisations, agitate to create a “revolutionary situation” in which power can be wrested into the hands of the self appointed Marxist elite.
They’ve never been democratic socialists… that was for useful idiots…they were held in check by the Labour and Trade Union movements when they were mass movements…now who openly opposes the Marxists and their debasement and degeneration of our society?
The globalists? the social justice warriors? the pale pink cuckservatives who took over the Tory party with Major? now the decent, old school, Christian Socialists have gone.
No. the resistance is everyday people working, creating businesses, marrying, raising families, keeping the UK functioning, disregarding political correctness but maintaining their common decency… and those politicians who can clearly see who wants to destroy the west from within and without and are unafraid to spell this out, and stand or fall by making arguments and winning votes.
“Like many, I was brought up in staunch Labour surroundings (father and g/fathers were miners)”
My grandad hated his next door neighbours because they were Labour. He and his mates were communists.
What a load of tosh,my wife has seen 4 people forced to leave their jobs because of bullying and undue pressure by management.Many have 25 years plus service as LGO’s in a office,the unions are useless and do nothing. People in the office can’t talk,eat or drink,monitored all the time.she said its like being at school again but worse.Out of 120 people in the office only 8 belong to the union.After 25 years plus of subs she expects more from the union but I told her its a waste of money.
Petebogtrott: It depends on the union, sometimes it depends on the individual capability of the local branch rep and/or the full time rep. If the service is poor escalate up the union hierarchy…if its really bad…call on the certification officer (ombudsman) to press the union to fulfill its obligations to its membership.
I`ve seen good and bad. Successful and unsuccessful management of cases.
Still worth the money unless you can individually pay for access to your own employment lawyer.
Most employers/ managers think twice about bullshi**ery once they know they`re dealing with a brave, rights aware worker…. with the exception that in some parts of the public sector the unions and HR departments are a bit too closely enmeshed.
It is on the BBC Website where they are still reporting the allegations as rape by a French policeman, although it is now referred to as “rape”. I have no idea of the truth of the matter, but it does seem a bit unlikely to be.
I think the BBC seriously believes that if they don’t report something, that means it hasn’t happened.
Of course, with all the alternative news sources around, it just means that every day the number of people who believe anything they hear on the BBC, diminishes.
Personally, I gave up believing it – literally – years ago.
BBC News Canada – Trudeau ‘won’t lecture Trump on refugees’
Canada,(racing to be the next Sweden) under the “shiny pony” himself Justin Trudeau, has the BBC just all pent up, as he visits the POTUS Don himself.
“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has emphatically reaffirmed his support for feminism, immigration and Muslim nationals”. On display perfectly with feminist premiers donning the Hijab, sucking up to Iran and obediently sitting in the corner as the men pray at the mosque.
“The Canadian prime minister has said he will not “lecture” the US president over his controversial immigration ban”. 😀 (shakes Head)
2 BBC Comedy producers have turned up at our Facebook discussion.
So if you wanna tell them what you think you can click here
Their claims
– There isnt any canned laughter, so stuff you !
– They don’t see a big audience drop off at 6:30pm, so stuff you !
– We can’t please all people, so stuff you !
– By their own questionable figures 90% of population don’t listen to R4 comedy
Yep, definitely worth a look.
Perhaps Al Beeb will discuss on ‘The Big Questions’ next Sunday?
You all know the answer to that one, so does Maxiconey.
We were all warned about the continual dangers to the economy caused by Brexit. Well, what about the damage to the economy caused by this idiot and his outspoken views on the President of the USA ?
Opinion, in The Advertiser.
Their opinion is that the 100,000,000 murders by their LeniStaliTrottyidols were insufficient.
Their opinion is that to make up for this insufficiency it is now necessary to praise
the IzzlamoNasties. Because they have a greater historical murder toll.
Well, greater to date, doubtless the lefties are working a new mass murder offensive that will make the Muzzzzzie efforts look like a water pistol contest.
Meanwhile their “Opinion” columns have a new tactic; well new to me at least. The policy of showing how many comments have been received BTL (praising their infinite wisdom?) has been, at least temporarily, abandonded. No such numbers are currently available.
Which is not the same as the absence of comments: comments there are aplenty demonstrating the extra mendacity, nastiness and illimited hatred the HoChiPolPotties now have towards the infidels.
These extra examples of LeftyGigaHate BTL have, however, been dwarfed by the plethora of calm, factual, reasoned contributions from neutral observers exposing the hatred, the bias, the lies, the non-factual comedy which is the pathetically inadequate lefty version of the truth.
These accurate comments BTL, destroy this lefty nonsense. From UKIP supporters like myself and others able to hold a proper job whilst simultaneously recreating the genius of Bach on the organ and harpsichord, demonstrates our infinite superiority.
This visible plethora would have been far larger had not the freedomophobes “moderated”, these valid, sensible, irrefutable, logical proofs of the MaxiLeftyBollox, at a rate which exceeded the ability of Uncle Joe to make commissars disappear.
Summary. AlBeeb and the other traitors need a one party state, with one version of the truth, theirs.
Now they no longer have this monopoly they are floundering like beached whales unable to save themselves from the inevitable extinction which they so richly deserve.
Can anybody recall the sacking/resignation of any Obama or Clinton aide receiving the same sort of attention that Michael Flynn is receiving on the BBC this morning?
Jon Sopel was talking to Nick Robinson in such an excited joyous way on Today I thought he might be playing with himself at the same time.
Brussels Broadcasting in all-out shock-horror mode on Rolls Royce 2016 results this morning. “Loss of £4.6 billion, massive fines for corruption” etc etc. As usual, however, when there is any reporting from Brussels on economic or financial matters they fail utterly to present the full, or true picture.
In fact RR had a decent year in 2016, with underlying profits of £813 million. Outstanding claims from UK and US regulators on historic charges of corruption were resolved and the fines will be paid over several years.The new management team are making significant improvements and the company has a £80 billion order book. So what of the “massive loss” ? Well this was almost entirely due to a £4.4 billion in-year non-cash mark-to-market valuation adjustment for RR’s currency hedge book as part of their reported financing costs of £(4,677)m . This adjustment relates to the fall in sterling in 2016, but in fact the company will benefit in future from significant US dollar revenues.
This morning Bloomberg, covering the same story, correctly focussed on RR’s underlying performance, something which Brussels broadcasting either chose to ignore, or failed to understand.
Yes the key point is the BBC’s highly negative reporting is doing enormous reputational damage to the UK’s economy as they talk down our performance and lower consumer and investor confidence.
e.g. The Bloomberg headline “RR profits beat forecasts”
Manufacturing costs in sterling and sales revenues in dollars is always potentially risky. Seems like hedging doesn’t always protect either. But as you say this is a great British company with world leading products. Its the equivalent in aero engines of taking on the likes of IBM and Microsoft in computers and software – and winning. Of course we failed dismally at that so lets be proud when we are a success. Wish the BBC was interested in that too. BTW do American and say French international companies never pay bribes? Or do their governments just turn a blind eye?
I am lucky enough to have a reasonably holding of some mining shares. Last week the Australian man on the Today programme reported breathlessly….’news just in, a problem with this company in Mozambique’. What happened to the shares? Over the next two days they rose by £2.00 per share. Fortunately I hadn’t lost any sleep over it.
The delightful humanitarian, Nadeem Muhammed, is in court accused of trying to carry a pipe bomb onto a plane leaving Manchester airport.
Now forgive me, but isn’t the attempted murder of 300 people for a religious/political campaign main news?
So. what is main news on the BBC web site:
Trump advisor quitting,
Steam service returns to Settle-Carlisle
Disney dropping someone called PewDiepie over anti-Semitism.
Still, I’m sure there will be an item soon on the fake news everyone else puts out.
The bbc seem more than adept at the suppression aspect of their editorial integrity at the moment.
Doubtless still pondering what, if anything, they can run about the Labour PPC for Stoke at this difficult time, when he is not really winning Twitter either.
On R4 re boy aged 9 who told class he backed IS, the reporter said many people would think there should have been no intervention. Really?
No mention on the BBC report of any action against the parents, siblings and other close personal contacts of this kid.
It is far, far too easy to blame “internet radicalization”, when personal contact is a so much more powerful element of radicalization.
Hence the distribution of recruits for IS is not evenly spread but geographically clustered which suggests it depends on local, face to face contacts with charismatic persons of influence.
There`s a really interesting recent book called “the Way of the Strangers” by Graeme Wood that discusses how IS gets its message out to those it seeks to recruit.
I heard this piece on R4 with incredulity. As ever, the BBC misses the elephant in the room. If this kid was properly integrated into British culture he would not be remotely interested in IS. But of course, in the multi culti world of London he has his own ‘community’. No doubt reinforced by parental attitudes, which were not explored at all in the report.
I think the lying/obfuscation has become so bad now, I don’t trust any of these mainstream media outfits. In fact I feel that the BBC is actually having a laugh at winding people up with these stories – hence wheeling out the luvvies? They know it will irritate the plebs.
‘Hidden out of sight on the BBC News website… trying to carry a pipe bomb onto a plane leaving Manchester airport’
Didn’t our BBC reporters go apoplectic the other day when President Trump suggested there might be many Terror Attacks which the media was not reporting?
the nice lady used a “social work tool”, which showed the poor little chap was being bullied at school, and that’s what made him watch videos of people having their heads cut off.
On Today, they said his “researches” started on the BBC and Channel 4 websites.
An admission of something that has long concerned me (and others on here)….the use of the BBC and Channel 4 to carry taxpayer funded enemy propaganda disguised as “balance”.
” You can tell he is intelligent because he asks questions- lots of them “.
The whole tone of this article is typical of the BBC. Soft touch on a muslim. Imagine if the boy had been talking about so-called “right-wing” terrorism !
“For obvious reasons we are not revealing the identity of this boy, but let’s call him Haaruun”. What’s the betting that his actual name begins with M and ends in D. But we wouldn’t want to tar a million similar males in this country with the same brush, would we?
Yesterday on WatO (1pm Radio 4), Martha Kearney demonstrated some short-term memory loss. She was talking about prison overcrowding as part of her duties in presenting FakeNe .. er, sorry .. promoting the BBC revelations of disgraceful Conservative Government …. umhh, maybe better to say… er …. trailling the yet to be broadcast Panorama programme.
She completely forgot that only last week a High Court Judge had jailed a vicious, evil, highly dangerous criminal for two years for stealing a Log Book*. Yes, our prisons are overcrowded. That creates all sorts of problems, not least for Prison Officers and management. But our highly paid presenter should really be asking why the public needed to be protected from LogBook Crime and criminals who commit it when they are unlikely to machine gun the police or attack the public with knives or rape young girls.
Time to get some help for that memory, Martha? Time to retire and spend more time with the bees?
* Yes, the theft of the deceased war hero’s Log Book was a nasty crime, according to Judge and Jury. But worthy of incarceration? At high cost to the taxpayer and with no reparation for the injured parties.
Seems a bit like the service we Viewers & Listeners receive at the hands of the BBC and its presenters and journalists at the present time.
The BBC isn’t the only British institution that has been taken over from the inside. The Church of England continues to write its own epitaph by its obsessions with feminism, homosexuality, left wing social justice concepts – and pandering to Islam, which opposes all liberal values and destroys Christianity wherever it is given the power to do so.
After the lamentable and simply pathetic Rowan Williams, I hoped that Justin Welby would represent an improvement. Alas no. Of course he hates Trump and opposes Brexit and controlled borders, but its the comments below from his speech yesterday that caught my eye:
“The Archbishop also told the Synod that the economic and social picture of Britain’s future looked bleak, but with the Church’s help things could be turned around, adding: ‘This is a moment to reimagine Britain, a moment of potential opportunity, certainly combined with immensely hard work and heavy lifting.’ ” ( Mail)
I can do without the Church of England’s heavy lifting, thank you. I’d be interested in its views on Christianity, however – if it has any, that is.
I remember year ago, Brass that hilarious Timothy West vehicle covered that. For those that don’t know, among the characters the mill owner had two stupid and weak sons (Austin the evil capitalist like his father, and Morris the gay, communist one). Morris was trying to work out what to do for the cause and thought of joining MI5 or 6 but his handler told him they had got that covered but a good idea would be for them to take over the church. So Morris became a left-wing vicar. It shows that even back in the eighties the left were blatant about their take over of institutuons, NB the C of E in this instance.
Brass was a great series , but lefties may not understand it .
While the capitalist right was seen as avaricious and heartless , the left was seen as that too plus hypocritical and devious .
Remember the left wing firebrand mother throwing out the unmarried pregnant lodger , reminding her to vote socialist as they proposed benefits for single mothers .
Runcie was OK too. Formerly a Tank Corps officer known as ‘Killer Runcie’ who was awarded the MC, when Archbishop he said ‘While recognising that a truly pluralistic society should not merely tolerate diversity but value and nurture it, I must also express the fear that at times we seem tempted to sacrifice too much of our native Christian tradition on the altar of multi-culturalism.’
I would be very surprised to hear today’s lot coming out with something like that.
According to the Guardian, he also suggested that Brexit was in a “Fascist tradition”. I wrote a comment BTL there which I’ve posted in my blog, which I’ll be providing a link for shortly …
I understand that Justin the Pinhead, has not had the time to address minor issues like the slaughter of Christians by Followers of the “Religion of Peace” because –
He is very busy with lots of “heavy lifting” modernising the C of E. Apparently in the next few years he wants to introduce to all C of E churches five prayer sessions a day.
Separate services for males and females, also in future female members of the congregations will no longer be welcome to worship unless they re escorted by a male family member. (for their own safety) they will also be required to wear a some sort of head covering (for modesty reasons)
Sunday services are to be phased out with the new emphasis on new “community” prayers on Fridays at around noon. Also additional funds are to be raised for the diocese by melting down the bells and replacing them with a Muezzin who will call the christian faithful to prayer approximately five times a day.
And in addition to save wear and tear on the churches stone floors, all worshipers will be required to remove footwear before entering the premises.
I for one am extremely excited by Justins new changes and I think it will go a long way to stop the decline of the C of E and also show that we have all rejected fascism and are becoming far more inclusive.
Justin reckons that providing the changes go smoothly, he may well be able to increase church membership by approximately 330, 000 new worshipers a year – Inshallah!
More Anti Brexit
“The UK economy will slow down sharply over the next couple of years says the European Commission.”
The important bit …..”says the European Commission.”
Remember all those pre Brexit economic forecasts?
Hmm, now let me think. A club into which we pay billions of pounds towards the salaries of various unelected apparatchiks. If we ask those club members whether we’d be better off if we left their club, I wonder what they’d say?
What a pointless piece of propaganda that article is. It’s a secular version of ‘extra Ecclesiam nulla salus’, (outside the church there is no salvation).
No one can actually forecast events for longer than three months ahead. So predicting what’ll happen two years hence is nonsense. Do you know how you’ll be in two years?
– On the right, *some see* Russia as a spiritual beacon.
– Others, both on the right and left, simply think the threat from the East is much exaggerated – and are warming to Russia as a protest against the Western establishment.
…see that linguistic trick? “some see” which probably means “almost no one”
The correct reposte… OK name them
Friends! As I mentioned above to EnglandExpects, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said that Brexit is in the “Fascist tradition”, and naturally I have written in his support, in the Far-Right Guardian!
As ever, I have also copied my piece in my Blog, which can be found here:
On Fox yesterday, (Gutfeldt on ‘The Five’) they showed a clip of Obama saying illegals, especially criminals must be deported and that borders and security were a priority. Then they played a clip of Bill Clinton saying the same.
And that comprehensively and irrevocably closes down the Trump immigration and deportation protests.
This film was made( or at least heavily influenced by) Steve Bannon.
He formerly of Breitbart, Trumps adviser and the Lefts/BBC most hated threat to all they stand for.
Turns out his dad lost all his money in 2008, a lifes work flushed into Obamas commode.
Well worth watching-as long as he`s THIS furious at what he`s seen happen to the USA, then Trump will continue to appall the right people as he`s doing every day.
Heard Isabelle Huppert-one of my favourite French actresses-being pumped with the Brexit/Le Pen/Trump BS from Nick Robinson on Today this morning.
She said the usual, as all luvvies do.
Why then do the BBC insist on doing this to everybody?…Will Gompertz would have done the same, but they`re so bloody obvious.
Would it not be REALLY newsworthy or rebellious if they managed to find anyone NOT dependent on Hollywood, Cannes or The South Bank who DID back Trump or Brexit?
Won`t hold my breath.
They won’t ask any pro Trump, pro Brexit arty types, because such people have already risked career suicide by holding such views openly, and will have come to those views through deep personal conviction and a rational thought process rather than simply jumping on a bandwagon. They will not, therefore, be easy targets for the average BBC journalist.
A good example is the comedian Andrew Lawrence, who has some acerbic routines on Youtube relating to what happened when he made a vaguely supportive comment about UKIP, which effectively banned him from mainstream comedy.
Even the Democrats’ Chairman is saying, it’s time to grow up and move on because just being constantly ‘offended’ by Trump is no answer to working people who are hurting. WOW!
And another saying, ‘We thought the media was our friend – it’s not’. GOSH!
Hopefully this attitude might filter down to this country?
Trudeaus boy-a liberal pet to the BBC etc-visits Trump to tell him how to behave.
Today Mike Flynn resigns from Trumps team.
I`d have thought that Channel 4 will already be linking these two events to cheer themselves up. Sure FGM will lead with it on his 7pm grot spot.
Great article from Douglas Murray here, where he contrasts the Fourth Reich indulgence of Berkeley a week or so back, with the tumbleweed blowing across Georgetown Uni in regard of Muslims keeping slaves.
I`ll bet Zuckerberg and Merkel will be gunning for The Gatestone Institute as we speak, so enjoy them whilst you can.
We rejected the petition you created – “Petition for the resignation of the Speaker of the House.”.
It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for.
The resignation of the Speaker is a personal decision for the Speaker, and is therefore not the responsibility of the Government or Parliament. If you like, you could sign the petition below, which asks the House of Commons to debate a vote of no confidence in the Speaker:
Click this link to see your rejected petition:
View your rejected petition
If the BBC report this it will be on an obscure website page.
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.”.
Government responded:
HM Government believes the President of the United States should be extended the full courtesy of a State Visit. We look forward to welcoming President Trump once dates and arrangements are finalised.
HM Government supports this petition.
During her visit to the United States on 27 January 2017, the Prime Minister, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, invited President Trump for a State Visit to the UK later this year. The invitation was accepted. This invitation reflects the importance of the relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom. At this stage, final dates have not yet been agreed for the State Visit.
This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
To be fair to the BBC, they are reporting on the counter-petition welcoming Mr Trump, which was started by a Mr Alan Brown of Dover.
Saw that Trump isn`t arsed re Parliament and wants to see US-the people of this country who thank him and love him even.
I mean-that nature of his enemies automatically makes him a great already.
He is outraging all the right people-so a true Man of Destiny!
Apparently he hopes to speak to us in Brexitland Stadiums, hopes to flog us his tat as well as raise money for the British Legion.
It`s just GOT to open up in Sunderland-and end on a helipad in Media City!
My God-the guy is a marketing genius-all power to his elbow.
Imagine the horror if he does a Modhi-and brings on Nigel Farage as his closing act….
How`s that petition to rename Islington as Trumpville going then?
I thought of Trumpton, but Trumpville got in first!
His existance brings out the genius and comedy enterprise in we mere mortals.
The Future is indeed Orange-and we shall ALL Overcomb some day!
Our dearly despised Archbish Welby slyly links Trump and Brexit to fascism in a craftily worded speech that allows just enough wriggle room for deniability (‘my words have been twisted’) while clearly making the link.
He said: ‘There are a thousand ways to explain the Brexit vote, or the election of President Trump, or the strength in the polls… of Geert Wilders or in France of Madame Le Pen and many other leaders in a nationalist, populist, or even fascist tradition of politics.’
DM: “As the leader of the established Church, the Archbishop would be certain to figure in the planning for the President’s state visit, and his attack on Trump yesterday will bring new complications for Mrs May.”
He had the nerve to add that the ‘language of public life is at present deeply, savagely divided’ – Indeed so Justin you moron and insinuating snide accusations of fascism against Trump and Brexit ain’t helping.
By the way, how’s church attendance numbers doing these days, and when did YOU last get millions of votes in an election?
And when did you last make a speech defending the millions of Christians worldwide being oppressed or murdered by the ROP?
Keep up the limp wristed hand-wringing while your Church sinks ever further into irrelevance.
As we speak THOUSANDS of Nigerian Christians( as well as others) are getting wiped out, enslaved and tortured by the Nigerian government via their Muslim Fulani butchers in the north of the country.
Baroness Caroline Cox is a well-known and trustworthy chronicler and visitor to such evil frontlines where Christians are getting slaughered.
Ah well-shit happens eh Justin?
And as long as Michelle Obama still has that “Bring Back Our Girls” placard and hashtag at Palm Springs?….well Welby`s in the clear.
How come it`s only the likes of Caroline Cox-and the atheist(but fearless) Douglas Murray who are telling us all this?
Where are Vincent Nichols and Justin Welby?
In their own Hermit Kingdom-but it`ll be hell for them if they do NOT get out of their Media Berths very soon.
Be fair Chris, our Archbish doesn’t have time to defend Nigerian Christians, he’s much too busy attacking the one politician on earth trying to defend what’s left of Christendom from the Invaders.
Anyway Anglicans long since stopped believing in anything other than Socialism.
Chris H
We have plenty of Christian Nigerian immigrants in the UK that bear witness to the situation in Nigeria. It’s funny how the liberal media aren’t pushing their cause night & day. Aren’t the Nigerians suffering a “humanitarian crisis?” Aren’t they “black” enough to warrant some attention? It just goes to prove how liberal regressives have no principles and no real interest in the various groups they claim to represent. Being black & oppressed never really was an outrage for them. It all depends on who is doing the oppressing.
Cos media is afraid of getting fingers burnt.
Today’s Times shows there’s all kinds of nuts in Nigeria.
The difference is in free societies rogue Christians can be called out
It was a sermon that could have come from the playbook of any number of jihadist groups. “Kill him, kill him. Cut his head,” the preacher told his followers to cheers and laughter.
This call to arms was not urging Isis wannabes to go after infidels but called on the preacher’s fellow Christians to rise up against Muslims moving across their land in Nigeria’s middle-belt. “If they are busy killing Christians and nothing is happening, we will kill them and nothing will happen,” said Apostle Johnson Suleman, a firebrand cleric, founder and head of the Nigerian-based Omega Fire Ministry.
Thanks to the AoC we now know that America has two parties – the good party and the evil party.
Maybe he should be asked his views on late term abortion or citizens being murdered by known illegals.
And in the home of democracy the Democratic Obama is heading up a shady, ‘guerrilla’ group, not to just oppose Trump but to sabotage Trump – isn’t that treason? I’m sure the AoC is having secret talks with German ‘freedom fighters’ as we speak.
I am watching a series on BBC Parliament by Steve Richards on Lessons of Leadership based on recent British .PMs The first programme in the series was about Wilson , who Richards barely criticised and praised much. Richards of course is a New Labour globalist. The second episode was about Lady Thatcher. All of her achievements were criticised , none were praised.. His view was that MT provoked the miners strike deliberately , that she then victimised the miners families . That she was responsible for creating conditions that brought about the 2008 crash. That she wasn’t being politically brave about the decision to go to war with Argentina but that it would have been political suicide not to do so. He goes on and on steadily painting the leftist view of the Thatcher years. Yet this is presented as an objective series. If Wilson , who was notable for achieving nothing other than allowing the monster of union power to grow and wreck our country, is only praised , and yet our greatest ever Leader is only criticised , there is a massive lack of objectivity. Once again the BBC cannot be trusted to deliver any view other than the liberal left interpretation of history. Having lived through both these premierships I can tell you that during Wilsons time the country went from bad to worse and it took Lady Thatcher to reverse that trend. President Trump is trying to make America great again . Lady Thatcher did make an ailing Britain great again from a much worse starting point.
Richards and the BBC make me so angry. When we get to Blair I have no doubt that praise will be heaped on him as the greatest ever leader, the great teacher , the man who transformed our little Britaininto an international Utopia , Cool Britannia. The man whose achievements will only be fully recognised and appreciated in a hundred years. I agree with the last bit , by then we should be an Islamic republic thanks to Bastard Blair , the BBC and people like Richards.
“Throughout the 1960s, with a Labour Government in office from 1964, the pit closure programme accelerated; it decimated the industry. During this period, nearly 300 more pits were closed, and the total workforce slumped from over 750,000 in the late 1950s down to 320,000 by 1968.”
Did the vile Richards condemn Wilson’s support, politically and militarily for the Nigerian Genocide of Biafrans ? A crime for which the evil bastard Wilson was never tried. May he rot in hell.
The series, ‘Bought with Love’ the story of the great art collectors from around 1700.
How refreshing, a white English woman who does not say, ‘Bwitish’ or ‘free’ instead of three. She can walk in her shoes and doesn’t look like she’s been dressed from the kids’ dress-up box. And no mention of ethnics or the evil British Empire!
Lucy Worsley – watch and learn.
BBC R4 – After a 10 yr old boy, gets into ISIS video s (with another 8 of his school friends)… Al BBC investigates
1hr 40 mins
A clever bright boy, who wanted answers says the BBC, watched “BBC – children of the caliphate”.
This is Al BBC, so of course, he d seen a “far right” site … that “denigrated Islam” that of course made him get into ISIS … errr right!
I hope this “clever, bright boy who wanted answers” didn t erm, look in the Koran the find the real Islam? (which I m sure he must have)
… because he d find ISIS and Hezbollah (who he had already looked into), and indeed Hamas ARE the perfectly Islamic in their set up and methods.
Anyway the chocolate fireguard of Prevent, says he s no problem anymore, despite knowing all of ISISs leadership structure etc.
Sooooo! box ticked, nothing to see, move on.
… the other eight schoolkids?, relaxxxx, no one asks.
His “community” are showing him how to integrate properly so that’s alright
This is interesting, exposes both BBCs overt bias and Islamophilia, along with the abject cluelessness of Prevent.
Dubs rule put child refugees at greater risk
“Despite the howls of outrage, the home secretary is right to stop taking children from Calais”
Everyone knows it’s bollocks, except the elite and their agenda (what is it again..?). Didn’t someone post that the average age of the last lot of migrant ‘children’ was 29?? or is that fake news.
High Blood Pressure Alert –
Template for bBBC website:
– negative article on TRUMP
– negative article on BREXIT
– article about Muslims (other religions need not apply)
– article about migrants (preferably Muslims – yesterday’s – interesting, parallel’s with Europe??
– random article about third world country (preferably Muslim)
– titillating sex-related article
– optional idiotic article
– fill out with other meaningless crap/twitter/facebook rubbish
FFS, the BBC wasting more money flogging a dead horse with added diversity. Will they ever learn? no one watched the last series, still its not their money…
Actually, if you look closely, you can see a little corner of the Stig’s hijab showing at the back of her helmet. No double-entendre intended – or in fact, thanks to FGM.
BBC Website. “Georgian Priest is arrested for plotting to kill a church leader”. Told you so, the christians are just as bad as the muslims. Meanwhile the Genocide of christians by muslims continues, mostly unreported by the cnuts at the BBC.
2 items on radio 4 Today programme 14th Feb shows again how the BBC is losing it’s grip on reality. We heard fro a British Muslim school boy who had been radicalised by watching the BBC and Channel 4 programmes about Isis and then migrated to hardcore ISIS radicalisation video’s. It took a whole year to de- programme him. But the BBC completely failed to link this to hundreds of thousands of incidents of child radicalisation happening in the Gaza strip, UNWRA schools and on Palestinian Authority TV.
Immediately afterwards Angela Tilby a vicar from Portsmouth on Thought for the Day extolled the exemplary ethical policies of the Co- op bank from its original founding to the current day. We must trust organisations like this she said. Yes ,we must trust an organisation that boycotts products from the only democratic country in the Middle east and the only country that is doing so much to make the world a better place See
My thoughts also turned to the Crystal Methodist when I heard Angela Tilby’s eulogy of the Co-op this morning . Maybe she’s just naive. What would the Rochdale Pioneers and all those loyal customers over the years, often the poorer sections of society , thought of that reprehensible creature Paul Flowers? His louche lifestyle , record of expenses fraud at Bradford Council, a Housing Society and the Co-op bank ( who all hushed it up and failed to bring charges) are all the opposite of cooperative principles . The bank showed a complete failure of corporate governance in appointing Flowers to its board.
If society gets the institutions and leaders it deserves, what have we done to deserve the BBC , the modern day Co-op, and troughers like Bercow?
Apparently our ISIS chum went to the Diqab website to see his beheadings, but got there via a “far right website”.
Yes, I too see this logic…but funnily enough, he got to THAT via the BBCs own website.
Er…whistle down the wind anybody?
…now that the evidence has had time to accumulate, it’s also become clear that the extravagant promises made by anti-smoking groups—that implementing bans would bring about extraordinary improvements in cardiac health—never materialized. Newer, better studies with much larger sample sizes have found little to no correlation between smoking bans and short-term incidence of heart attacks, and certainly nothing remotely close to the 60 percent reduction that was claimed in Helena Study hyped and published in the BMJ
Hmm… I don’t support smoking anyway but expensive measures should not be forced thru if the results will be tiny.
Hmm the case of Roy Castle was crucial.
It being argued that if he hadnt done so many gigs in over smokey working men’s clubs he wouldn’t have ended up as a non smoker with lung cancer.
I’d never work in a smokey workplace.
commenter says
As the website notes, the lung cancer risk from secondhand smoke is relatively small compared to the risk from direct smoking. However, unlike a smoker who chooses to smoke, the nonsmoker’s risk is often involuntary.
(I add : Yes they massively overclaimed the benefits, but there is a benefit and bottomline is you can’t risk damaging life quality of employees)
I used to smoke but TB put an end to that, however, I just don’t get that alcohol has equal adverse effects but it’s not given the same attention. My Father smoked and drunk heavily – the smoking never bothered me too much.
Stewgreen. Good exposé. I often wonder whether some laws are introduced with all sorts of claims of (pretty much guaranteed )benefits, but rarely see any plan to follow up the results to see if the law was just an ass in speciifc cases, and should be repealed immediately.
One that I’d really like to hear about is the ban on multi-buy offers on alcohol in Scotland. It was claimed that those who were being offered, for example, ‘three bottles for the price of two’ sales of wine were creating huge increases in alcohol-related deaths and illness in Scotland. This has now been Scottish Government policy for a number of years, and I wonder if the results of this ‘experiment’ have proved to be the success they were claimed to be about to create. If so, I am surprised that other UK legislatures have not implemented the ruling in Scotland.
Or, could it just be that there is absolutely NO significant improvement in mortality and illness rates – and the only people who have suffered have been the ones who have a quiet glass of wine at home, rather than blitzing bottles of liquor before going out, or hammering the booze in bars.
That’ll be the ‘ethical’ CoOp bank that lends money at cheap rates to the Labour party and its accolytes.
And the one that has been brought to its knees by McDoom’s insistence on a merger with the Britannia BS.
Trouble is the Co-op is run by a few ‘whizz kids’ who wheel out the geriatric ,board members in their conti-pads and wheelchairs, knowing they’ll agree to anything.
Excellent! The designer of the ‘Make America Great Again’ dress at the Grammys is a Filippino immigrant (almost certainly gay, but hey, don’t want to judge by appearance..)
Oh bugger! you have burst my bubble! Yeh, scientology is just cuckoo and IMHO says a lot about a person’s personality. That aside, Tom Cruise does ok, and she did say some commendable things – I think one of them is that the US looks very divided/disjointed and is vulnerable in that state, if they do not unite. Clearly some want that state of affairs. Worrying, especially as a Russian ship has been spotted off the coast of Delaware. Are they just positioning for better reception? Is it all a massive conspiracy to oust Trump? It’s now getting that you can’t trust anyone.
Still – hopefully the dress designer wasn’t a scientologist??!
BBC – Ultimate Hell Week … which was last series quite good, this series goes down hill not quite I m a celebrity get me out of here … yet.
Last time out Freddie Flintoff hosted, this time some coloured kid with designer clothes and an inability to grow stubble yet.
Twerking instructors, the exactly precise BBC mix of diversity at all times prevails … the annoying habit, of ominous music, constantly reviewing back to someone pulling a face, or worse still someone s “journey”.
Look I can attest to the difficulty of Log PT and rifle drilling but not enough was shown of these items, and a totally out of place host rushing in with his microphone for a “how do you feel” shot.
Green Berets this week who repeated teamwork hint!, as a team hint hint! … always work as a team hint hint hint!
Onto the last man drill, biggest guy is last, so gets a drink, 30 mins rest.
Can I share the drink with the … “team” – of course!
Can I join the … “team” and continue – you most certainly can!
Now because of that … cue celebratory music
Log PT is over … Hurrah!
I m sure you get the picture, BBC had a winner and, like only the BBC can “ballsed” it up.
I think the Navy Seals last time around were a little erm harsh
on the poor dears,
“Why do populist politicians across the West want warmer relations with Russia? Are they just Kremlin agents? Or are they tapping into a growing desire to find common cause with Moscow – and end East-West tension? Tim Whewell travels from Russia to America and across Europe to unravel the many different strands of pro-Moscow thinking, and offer a provocative analysis which challenges conventional thinking about the relationship between Russia and the West.
Donald Trump is just one of a new breed of Western politicians who want warmer relations with Vladimir Putin. Most Western experts say that’s dangerous: an aggressive Russia is plotting to divide and weaken the West. But Trump and others seem to have tapped into a popular desire to reduce tension and discover what Moscow and the West have in common. Could Moscow now lead a “Conservative International”, promoting traditional social values and national sovereignty around the world? On the right, some see Russia as a spiritual beacon. Others, both on the right and left, simply think the threat from the East is much exaggerated – and are warming to Russia as a protest against the Western establishment. Maybe it’s time for a new way of understanding relations between the old superpowers.
Fancy that, people wanting to live the traditional western life!
When will we get The Pull of Islam to explain why the western media and politicians seem determined to import that alien, supremacist culture?
It used to be “On the left, *some see* Russia as a spiritual beacon for Communism”
Now it must be “On the right, *some see* Russia as a spiritual beacon for free speech”
Or “On the Levant, *some see* Russia as a spiritual beacon for Christianity”
Also “Others, both on the right and left, simply think the threat from the East is much exaggerated – and are warming to Russia as a protest against the Western establishments expansionist politically correct cultural imperialism, a NATO trying to justify its gravy train by provocative warmongering, an expansionist and undemocratic EU causing the loss of democracy in the Ukraine, and manipulating the Pro-EU useful idiots at the BBC with “Project Fear of Russia”.
@JimS scroll up, I mentioned it above at 10:33 am
BBC Trending just did a hit piece against Sputnik in Edinburgh, it was total projection.. I’ll put some notes on the other thread BBC = FAKE NEWS.
– The other FalseNarrative building prog is the Inquiry
– which tried to push that Trump declared war on the media
….. when the truth is they started it.
More than 50 million Muslims are willing to support those who carry out terror attacks to defend their religion, migration expert warns the EU
Professor Ruud Koopmans of the Netherlands warned the EU on Monday to block the entry of any refugees whose identity cannot be categorically confirmed.
Koopmans said that of the 1 billion adult Muslims in the world, ‘half of them are attached to an arch-conservative Islam which places little worth on the rights of women, homosexuals, and people of other faiths’.
In an interview with a German news website he claimed that of these 500 million conservative Muslims, at least – and probably more – than 50 million are willing to sanction violence.
Had to leave the fireside yet again, as spitting Jon Sopel tries to make an issue about someone resigning in Washington, sneering as usual.
Then an anti UKIP ‘story’ or as bBeeb usually does, invent a rumour and call it fact.
Much better to sit here with a glass of vino and a chat with good people.
The bBeeb are truly awful now, losing their grip by the day. They’d never make any money as a commercial business, as advertisers would leave them in their droves because nobody wants to watch such drivel.
I’m the same, Scroblene. Like many on here, used to be a news junkie, now cannot watch or listen to anything that comes out of the BBC’s so-called newsrooms.
I simply have no interest in their warped, negative and depressing opinions on the state of the world.
Yes, Nuttall is an idiot if he`s daft enough to over egg his history.
But -on the scale of “mis-speaking”-is his rubbish any worse or better that Blair and his Jackie Milburn/Carribean flights stuff…or Hillary and her “Serbian gunfire” lies?
To hear John Pienaar dolefully hoping for the end of Nuttall was sheer biased crap-what of the endless misogyny and abuse aimed at women by his Labour oppo-one Gareth Snell?
Or are we now expected to excuse his vile rants because he`s Labour til he dies?
PS-hardly vile…but in BBC feminazi terms it gets no worse-so why no BBC calling oit?
Because the Labour Family must be protected….that`s why.
Not bias, just an observation, had a brief conversation with an early twenty something (University educated, and bright with it, grammar and spelling worse than mine) who has been watching ‘vintage movies’, actually 80s films.
TS. “Saw Beverley hills cop,” looks around furtively, “This is going to sound terrible but Eddie Murphy looks blacker than I remember him in Haunted Mansion.”
Me. “Terrible, how?”
TS. “Well, racist…”
I did ask how a personal objective observation or perception regarding tone could possibly be racist, TS looked unconvinced. Just another reminder of how insidious leftist pc mind control has become, people too frightened to say what’s right in front of them.
Have just switched on PM R4 to hear Mair ask if listeners can detect “fakenews”
Yes, it’s the Paul Nutall slurs and slanders that are being peddled to influence the Stoke by-election in the direction the BBC deems ideologically satisfying.
It’s the usual tactics report a false claim about target person, continue commenting on the false claim about target person, find a trivial false statement made by target person and suggest that this in some way substantiates the major false claim by revealing a propensity to lie. Supposedly, this is the problem with social media platforms, They are a conduit for information, but do not verify whether statements are true or not.
This is only my second post so please bear with me……I have been watching the Six O’Clock Tripe……….When are they ever going to talk about something POSITIVE!! Almost every topic NEGATIVE!! Trump this, Brexit inflation that, the French taking over our car manufacturing…..Isn’t our economy in general doing well in comparison to the EUSSR?
I REALLY hate our State News with a passion.
AND….they are always going on about Eco this, Eco that and although I like the bit about the coal fired steam train. Remember, we had to close (was it Kellingley pit?). This pit still has coal and has (had) a direct link to Drax Power Station about 15 miles away. But no….we close it and convert the Drax to wood chip and ship in the supplies….how eco is that? I’m afraid we’re all going to hell in a handcart. RANT OVER!
On a positive note! I really like this site……and yesterday’s **lamic programme renaming had me in stitches, with tears rolling down my face, hadn’t laughed like that for a long time, so thanks to the contributors!
I think exactly the exactly the same about the BBC’s “news” output – all negative! If there ever is a positive story, it concerns one of their “special promotions” like Obama. Concerning Britain, most of it falls into the categories of “Warnings of blah, blah” and “Fears of blah, blah” and “Criticism of blah, blah”. This is NOT NEWS!!
The poor souls who pump out all this rubbish must be very depressed. They never see the positive in anything about this country: not in the historical referendum vote to regain our independence, when all kinds of people from every background joined forces to make it happen; not in our hard work in challenging times and our amazing exporters and innovators; not in the amazing piece of unexpected luck in having a new US President who supports the UK at a crucial time. No, it’s all the worst of all possible worlds for them. Perhaps a talking therapy might help, or at least getting out more to meet people like us!
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
About 200 beached whales in New Zealand have been helped back to sea.
Meanwhile, Diane Abbott is still on dry land.
No Sir Arthur, Flabbott’s all at sea.
Washed up
Anybody else think this to be the biggest non-story of the year thus far.
I mean-New Zealand-what the heck are we supposed to do?
Not allowed to pray, not sure how to spell Maori for the hashtag.
I don`t give a stuff.
Nor would the BBC unless it can be linked to
b) Despite Brexit
c) Because of Brexit
d) Bleeding climate changiness.
Reckon it was a mass protest against Trumps horrid phone call with Malcolm Trunchball only a week before-guessing they`re all called Aylan Kurdi now the poor blubbering wrecks.
Poor blubbering wrecks-now I know why the liberal media can feel the pain of these bloated stranded shallow paddlers who are out of their depths now.
chrisH .. Well actually I happen to like whales and like to feel good when they are helped back into the sea!! IMHO you’re too clever for your own good .. never read your posts .. too cliquey and super intelligent for the likes of me .. God knows why people on here voted you poster of the year ?? 🙁
Some of you may remember that on the day of the US Presidential results Jenny Hill penned a report on the BBC News website (also broadcast on BBC News). The report started with a report on Berliners lighting candles in the doorways of former Jewish homes to commemorate Kristallnacht. She then launched into a diatribe about how this resonated with Germans. This is what she wrote;
“But both events – and all that they represent of this country’s past – explain,
partially at least, why Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump’s election
rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll’s reckoning) wanted him in the White
I was so incensed I lodged a complaint. The initial response was this was connected to his attitude to immigration. I raised another complaint and in their response they acknowledged they got it wrong on this but felt the report was fair and unbiased.
I then filed a complaint with the Trust. I have had their response today and the gist was they never actually mentioned the word “Holocaust” therefore the report was unbiased.
So when you mention Kristallnacht in BBC speak it is completely unconnected to the Holocaust. So what is the relevance of lighting candles? I also pointed out that the quoted survey could never be correct since AfD are polling in the double digits and they support Trump.
A clear example of why it is useless to ever complain. I am sure they know that the whole set up is a charade but so far gone into unreality is the BBC elite that it just cannot admit it even in private to themselves. Once again abolition is the only answer .
Complaining to the BBC must rank as one of the most futile activities mankind has ever indulged in.
Maybe you could write to the Queen and ask her to peruse her BBC Royal Charter, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one either.
They really do often reply to tweets and emails
… Seemingly often unaware they live in a bubbleworld.
It is worth complaining to the BBC if only to continually remind those who work for it that not everybody in the world shares their opinions. Intelligent, well worded, polite but firm complaints are therefore important, even if they achieve no ‘official’ result.
All, I do appreciate it is necessary to be the thorn in a BBC side and keep up the complaints.
I’m wondering if we’ll be able to put complaints directly to OFCOM?
Explain something to me, oh wise folk of BiasedBBC
The labour Party has on its side, the Observer, the Mirror, Guardian and the BBC, (75% of UK people get their news from the BBC).
Yet for all that media support labour is sinking fast.
Without Scotland, the working classes, and I feel Wales will desert it, who does the Labour Party left have left to have vote for it? BBC and Guardian employees. That’s not that many.
Oddly, Farage, UKIP and Trump have no major TV networks or media outlets on their side and win major support in their countries. (Fox news only reluctantly supported Trump AFTER he won the nomination).
Can anyone explain?
“who does the Labour Party left have left to have vote for it?
BBC and Guardian employees. That’s not that many.”
Don’t forget the Left wing activist loons, Muslims on the make, …………that’s it.
Who vote for it?
Immigrants; the descendants of immigrants and welfare dependants.
scribblings – ‘75% of UK people get their news from the BBC’: what a terrifying statistic! And the liberal lefties want to intimidate, shut down or muzzle The Mail and The Sun, which would give the bibistan near total monopoly and licence to brainwash at will.
Is there an emoticon for Absolute Horror???
🙁 x 1000
“Without Scotland, the working classes, and I feel Wales will desert it, who does the Labour Party left have left to have vote for it? BBC and Guardian employees. That’s not that many.”
You’ve forgotten those employed in the public sector. Labour doesn’t care about them but will justify its own existance by promising to throw lots money at public services. The public sector employers can then afford to promise everyone a pay rise (if Labour get elected), although to maintain differentials they will, inevitably, be forced to give themselves a very big increase.
When in doubt follow the money – until it runs out.
RJ don`t fall for the line that the public sector is full of Labour loyalists. I can assure you it isn`t, especially at middle and lower grades.
Public sector workers have seen up close the phenomenon of “new Public Management” the method that New Labour employed to damage everything it touched.
Public service workers are also daily brought into contact with the products of Labours dependency culture, the liberal assault on personal responsibility and the overcrowding brought about by “population growth”. No illusions there.
Teachers though, they are still a bit of an outlier in their continued faith in left-liberalism.
My view is that it was the BBC Support that got Blair elected and kept New Labour in power for those 13 dreadful years in which untold damage, possibly terminal , was done to our country. The BBC suppressed news about immigration and the way in which Labour policy was becoming less Centred on the traditional working class and more centred on liberal left internationalism. Only slowly did the working class begin to realise this change was bad for them. This realisation began to speed up under Miliband and was thrown into stark relief when dear old Jezza was elected. Even the BBC operating at full bore couldn’t hide the truth any longer , Labour hates Britain , loves migrants, doesn’t care about its old traditional voting base . The cat is out of the bag and no amount of BBC propagandising for Labour will get it back in. Therefore we can expect the BBC to desert Labour and put its weight behind the putative Progressive Alliance of none Corbyn Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, SNP and other bits and bobs.
UKIP is the obvious alternative for patriotic left of centre voters. Step forward Paul Nuttal , step up to the plate Stoke. As we heard last night on PM the BBC and Guardian hate UKIP due to its patriotism and of course to their warped minds patriotism is indistinguishable from racism. They are trying to undermine Nuttal , not with attacks on UKIP policy, which they know will appeal to the voters of Stoke, but with trivial stories which are most likely outright lies about Mr Nuttal personally. Fake News writ large , I suspect that it will back fire. Paul Nuttal is a man of the British people in ways London based lefties never could be and cant understand
Having said all that, whilst I hope UKIP win and do well at the next general election. I am not a socialist and so many UKIP policies do not appeal to me, but a truly British left of centre party is a thousand times better than internationalist Labour and the entirely bogus Progressive Alliance.
Think you are right on BBC support for Blair, Doublethinker, but a lot of Conservative voters were thoroughly fed up with Major, Lamont, Clark, Howard, etc., anyway so it was always going to be a landslide for Labour in 1997.
As for the BBC and Labour now, I think they are hoping to get their placeman Lewis into the Labour Leader spot. Just listen out for references to Clive Lewis and count the links to ‘Labour leadership’. Nearly 100% of the time at present.
BTW, think it is two Ts and two Ls for Paul Nuttall.
I think that you under estimate the impact of the prolonged assault on Majors government by the BBC. Every whiff of sleaze was ruthlessly exposed, every disagreement over Europe exploited to the full, not by Labour but by the state funded BBC. The same degree of scrutiny was not applied by the BBC to Blair et al, and apart from Iraq, never was throughout the New Labour years. I think they helped Blair enormously and the country paid the price , and will continue to pay the price for generations.
Thanks for the extra L.
Good analysis Doublethinker. I think it takes a couple of generations for a ‘dead’ ideology to gradually be dropped. This is now happening with old fashioned, trade union Labour. For a while, people voted Labour out of tribal loyalty (‘Allus voted Labour, so did me faither, and his faither afore him’ etc) but this is now dying. Brexit was the catalyst that made the traditional Labour support base realise their party wasn’t representing their best interests anymore.
Sorry to disagree but bear with me…old trade unionism…i.e. the trade unionism that supports workers being unjustly treated in their place of employment and in extremis offers legal support to members in dispute with their employers is alive and well.
It was the political levy that people detested, as Labour moved ever more liberal and into extremist activism against patriotism, against freedom and putting climate change, no borders activism and light touch regulation of employment and finance laws etc at the top of their agenda…union members no longer wanted to pay for it and stopped doing so in droves.
Labour has deserted the working people of this country.
That’s why they are losing votes.
fairness and the defence of people against bad employers will, sadly, never go out of fashion.
Properly run and regulated Trade unions working for the interests of their members and under their democratic control are a good in society.
Embolden, essentially I agree with you. My point is that Labour are no longer the political representatives of the trade unions – the days of ‘beer and sandwiches at Number Ten’ did not come back under Blair, as some thought they might.
…For a while, people voted Labour out of tribal loyalty (‘Allus voted Labour, so did me faither, and his faither afore him’ etc) but this is now dying…
I agree with both you Cranmer and Embolden, you’ve hit the spot at the leaking of Labour support.
Like many, I was brought up in staunch Labour surroundings (father and g/fathers were miners), and to have anything but Labour beliefs because we were ‘working class’ was akin to committing high treason. To be fair, the Labour Party begun for all the right reasons, as did the NHS, and up until the 80’s in general Labour voters were still in that category of ‘working class’. The 80’s brought a sea change in the City and suddenly we saw images of yuppy financiers whizzing around London in Ferraris as the loadsamoney generation came into being. House ownership was on the rise, and suddenly the ‘working class’ had a new status – which wasn’t what the Labour movement was all about ! Blair in 1997 arrived giving a new mood to the country, but despite still voting Labour, things were beginning to change. Migration was high on the agenda, Blair and his awful wife went, Brown arrived and the death knell for me was when he called Gillian Duffy a ‘bigot’. Labour voters aren’t stupid, they can see with their own eyes what’s going on around them. I stopped voting Labour years ago, and transferred my allegiance to UKIP.
My own brother is a Labour councillor, and even within his own party they are fighting the growth of Momentum, says it all really.
As for it taking a couple of generations for the ‘dead’ ideology to be dropped, I doubt it will take that long.
Indeed, Brissles. I recall on ‘Til Death Us Do Part’, one of the many things that we were supposed to hate Alf Garnett for (although it turned out many actually agreed with him) was because he was that most loathed of traitors – a working class Tory!
Labour really ceased to be a socialist party when they dropped Clause Four (common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange) in 1995, but the transition to a centrist, metropolitan social liberal party started under Kinnock in the 80s, helped by Alastair Campbell.
Thanks Brissles and Cranmer.
I don`t think that the “dead ideology” is going away anytime soon.
The old, decent British Labour party played two important roles, representation in Parliament for the British working class and as a bulwark against revolutionary Marxism.
It is revolutionary Marxism that is the “dead ideology” that refuses to die…despite the history of tyranny, mass murder, and economic and social incompetence…still its adherents push their lines…disrupt and divide society with grievances, undermine its traditions, mock or rewrite its history, infiltrate its organisations, agitate to create a “revolutionary situation” in which power can be wrested into the hands of the self appointed Marxist elite.
They’ve never been democratic socialists… that was for useful idiots…they were held in check by the Labour and Trade Union movements when they were mass movements…now who openly opposes the Marxists and their debasement and degeneration of our society?
The globalists? the social justice warriors? the pale pink cuckservatives who took over the Tory party with Major? now the decent, old school, Christian Socialists have gone.
No. the resistance is everyday people working, creating businesses, marrying, raising families, keeping the UK functioning, disregarding political correctness but maintaining their common decency… and those politicians who can clearly see who wants to destroy the west from within and without and are unafraid to spell this out, and stand or fall by making arguments and winning votes.
“Like many, I was brought up in staunch Labour surroundings (father and g/fathers were miners)”
My grandad hated his next door neighbours because they were Labour. He and his mates were communists.
What a load of tosh,my wife has seen 4 people forced to leave their jobs because of bullying and undue pressure by management.Many have 25 years plus service as LGO’s in a office,the unions are useless and do nothing. People in the office can’t talk,eat or drink,monitored all the time.she said its like being at school again but worse.Out of 120 people in the office only 8 belong to the union.After 25 years plus of subs she expects more from the union but I told her its a waste of money.
Petebogtrott: It depends on the union, sometimes it depends on the individual capability of the local branch rep and/or the full time rep. If the service is poor escalate up the union hierarchy…if its really bad…call on the certification officer (ombudsman) to press the union to fulfill its obligations to its membership.
I`ve seen good and bad. Successful and unsuccessful management of cases.
Still worth the money unless you can individually pay for access to your own employment lawyer.
Most employers/ managers think twice about bullshi**ery once they know they`re dealing with a brave, rights aware worker…. with the exception that in some parts of the public sector the unions and HR departments are a bit too closely enmeshed.
I can’t recall any of this being reported by al beebus:
Al ,
It is on the BBC Website where they are still reporting the allegations as rape by a French policeman, although it is now referred to as “rape”. I have no idea of the truth of the matter, but it does seem a bit unlikely to be.
Yes, it is the sort of story that guaranteed to rile the Left and seems a little ‘convenient’.
I think the BBC seriously believes that if they don’t report something, that means it hasn’t happened.
Of course, with all the alternative news sources around, it just means that every day the number of people who believe anything they hear on the BBC, diminishes.
Personally, I gave up believing it – literally – years ago.
You haven’t been listening. If the BBC doesn’t report and another media organisation does it is Fake News.
Oops! Sorry, got it now!
BBC News Canada – Trudeau ‘won’t lecture Trump on refugees’
Canada,(racing to be the next Sweden) under the “shiny pony” himself Justin Trudeau, has the BBC just all pent up, as he visits the POTUS Don himself.
“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has emphatically reaffirmed his support for feminism, immigration and Muslim nationals”. On display perfectly with feminist premiers donning the Hijab, sucking up to Iran and obediently sitting in the corner as the men pray at the mosque.
“The Canadian prime minister has said he will not “lecture” the US president over his controversial immigration ban”. 😀 (shakes Head)
2 BBC Comedy producers have turned up at our Facebook discussion.
So if you wanna tell them what you think you can click here
Their claims
– There isnt any canned laughter, so stuff you !
– They don’t see a big audience drop off at 6:30pm, so stuff you !
– We can’t please all people, so stuff you !
– By their own questionable figures 90% of population don’t listen to R4 comedy
“– By their own questionable figures 90% of population don’t listen to R4 comedy”
Surely that should be 99.9%?
The Britisher, worth a look
Yep, definitely worth a look.
Perhaps Al Beeb will discuss on ‘The Big Questions’ next Sunday?
You all know the answer to that one, so does Maxiconey.
We were all warned about the continual dangers to the economy caused by Brexit. Well, what about the damage to the economy caused by this idiot and his outspoken views on the President of the USA ?
This chap knows which side of his bread is buttered …….
Time to drain the swamp.
Opinion, in The Advertiser.
Their opinion is that the 100,000,000 murders by their LeniStaliTrottyidols were insufficient.
Their opinion is that to make up for this insufficiency it is now necessary to praise
the IzzlamoNasties. Because they have a greater historical murder toll.
Well, greater to date, doubtless the lefties are working a new mass murder offensive that will make the Muzzzzzie efforts look like a water pistol contest.
Meanwhile their “Opinion” columns have a new tactic; well new to me at least. The policy of showing how many comments have been received BTL (praising their infinite wisdom?) has been, at least temporarily, abandonded. No such numbers are currently available.
Which is not the same as the absence of comments: comments there are aplenty demonstrating the extra mendacity, nastiness and illimited hatred the HoChiPolPotties now have towards the infidels.
These extra examples of LeftyGigaHate BTL have, however, been dwarfed by the plethora of calm, factual, reasoned contributions from neutral observers exposing the hatred, the bias, the lies, the non-factual comedy which is the pathetically inadequate lefty version of the truth.
These accurate comments BTL, destroy this lefty nonsense. From UKIP supporters like myself and others able to hold a proper job whilst simultaneously recreating the genius of Bach on the organ and harpsichord, demonstrates our infinite superiority.
This visible plethora would have been far larger had not the freedomophobes “moderated”, these valid, sensible, irrefutable, logical proofs of the MaxiLeftyBollox, at a rate which exceeded the ability of Uncle Joe to make commissars disappear.
Summary. AlBeeb and the other traitors need a one party state, with one version of the truth, theirs.
Now they no longer have this monopoly they are floundering like beached whales unable to save themselves from the inevitable extinction which they so richly deserve.
Can anybody recall the sacking/resignation of any Obama or Clinton aide receiving the same sort of attention that Michael Flynn is receiving on the BBC this morning?
Jon Sopel was talking to Nick Robinson in such an excited joyous way on Today I thought he might be playing with himself at the same time.
No one else would.
Brussels Broadcasting in all-out shock-horror mode on Rolls Royce 2016 results this morning. “Loss of £4.6 billion, massive fines for corruption” etc etc. As usual, however, when there is any reporting from Brussels on economic or financial matters they fail utterly to present the full, or true picture.
In fact RR had a decent year in 2016, with underlying profits of £813 million. Outstanding claims from UK and US regulators on historic charges of corruption were resolved and the fines will be paid over several years.The new management team are making significant improvements and the company has a £80 billion order book. So what of the “massive loss” ? Well this was almost entirely due to a £4.4 billion in-year non-cash mark-to-market valuation adjustment for RR’s currency hedge book as part of their reported financing costs of £(4,677)m . This adjustment relates to the fall in sterling in 2016, but in fact the company will benefit in future from significant US dollar revenues.
This morning Bloomberg, covering the same story, correctly focussed on RR’s underlying performance, something which Brussels broadcasting either chose to ignore, or failed to understand.
The BBC do not understand anything beyond Strictly and Bake-off.
Yes the key point is the BBC’s highly negative reporting is doing enormous reputational damage to the UK’s economy as they talk down our performance and lower consumer and investor confidence.
e.g. The Bloomberg headline “RR profits beat forecasts”
Yes, that is what they are trying to do, but I think they overestimate their influence, as they do in most serious matters.
It is entirely possible that BBC doings are engineered by Putin’s staff.
Manufacturing costs in sterling and sales revenues in dollars is always potentially risky. Seems like hedging doesn’t always protect either. But as you say this is a great British company with world leading products. Its the equivalent in aero engines of taking on the likes of IBM and Microsoft in computers and software – and winning. Of course we failed dismally at that so lets be proud when we are a success. Wish the BBC was interested in that too. BTW do American and say French international companies never pay bribes? Or do their governments just turn a blind eye?
I do not know if it is still the case, but German companies used to get tax relief on bribes paid !
I am lucky enough to have a reasonably holding of some mining shares. Last week the Australian man on the Today programme reported breathlessly….’news just in, a problem with this company in Mozambique’. What happened to the shares? Over the next two days they rose by £2.00 per share. Fortunately I hadn’t lost any sleep over it.
Hidden out of sight on the BBC News website.
The delightful humanitarian, Nadeem Muhammed, is in court accused of trying to carry a pipe bomb onto a plane leaving Manchester airport.
Now forgive me, but isn’t the attempted murder of 300 people for a religious/political campaign main news?
So. what is main news on the BBC web site:
Trump advisor quitting,
Steam service returns to Settle-Carlisle
Disney dropping someone called PewDiepie over anti-Semitism.
Still, I’m sure there will be an item soon on the fake news everyone else puts out.
The bbc seem more than adept at the suppression aspect of their editorial integrity at the moment.
Doubtless still pondering what, if anything, they can run about the Labour PPC for Stoke at this difficult time, when he is not really winning Twitter either.
No mention on the BBC report of any action against the parents, siblings and other close personal contacts of this kid.
It is far, far too easy to blame “internet radicalization”, when personal contact is a so much more powerful element of radicalization.
Hence the distribution of recruits for IS is not evenly spread but geographically clustered which suggests it depends on local, face to face contacts with charismatic persons of influence.
There`s a really interesting recent book called “the Way of the Strangers” by Graeme Wood that discusses how IS gets its message out to those it seeks to recruit.
I heard this piece on R4 with incredulity. As ever, the BBC misses the elephant in the room. If this kid was properly integrated into British culture he would not be remotely interested in IS. But of course, in the multi culti world of London he has his own ‘community’. No doubt reinforced by parental attitudes, which were not explored at all in the report.
I think the lying/obfuscation has become so bad now, I don’t trust any of these mainstream media outfits. In fact I feel that the BBC is actually having a laugh at winding people up with these stories – hence wheeling out the luvvies? They know it will irritate the plebs.
‘Hidden out of sight on the BBC News website… trying to carry a pipe bomb onto a plane leaving Manchester airport’
Didn’t our BBC reporters go apoplectic the other day when President Trump suggested there might be many Terror Attacks which the media was not reporting?
Yes and according to today’s paper, Nadeem Muhammed was ALLOWED to continue his journey !!!! You couldn’t make it up.
“The boy who watched IS beheading videos”
the nice lady used a “social work tool”, which showed the poor little chap was being bullied at school, and that’s what made him watch videos of people having their heads cut off.
yeah, and I’m the queen of f@cking sheba!
On Today, they said his “researches” started on the BBC and Channel 4 websites.
An admission of something that has long concerned me (and others on here)….the use of the BBC and Channel 4 to carry taxpayer funded enemy propaganda disguised as “balance”.
” You can tell he is intelligent because he asks questions- lots of them “.
The whole tone of this article is typical of the BBC. Soft touch on a muslim. Imagine if the boy had been talking about so-called “right-wing” terrorism !
“For obvious reasons we are not revealing the identity of this boy, but let’s call him Haaruun”. What’s the betting that his actual name begins with M and ends in D. But we wouldn’t want to tar a million similar males in this country with the same brush, would we?
He was being bullied by the Nazi offspring of UKIP supporters you see.
Yesterday on WatO (1pm Radio 4), Martha Kearney demonstrated some short-term memory loss. She was talking about prison overcrowding as part of her duties in presenting FakeNe .. er, sorry .. promoting the BBC revelations of disgraceful Conservative Government …. umhh, maybe better to say… er …. trailling the yet to be broadcast Panorama programme.
She completely forgot that only last week a High Court Judge had jailed a vicious, evil, highly dangerous criminal for two years for stealing a Log Book*. Yes, our prisons are overcrowded. That creates all sorts of problems, not least for Prison Officers and management. But our highly paid presenter should really be asking why the public needed to be protected from LogBook Crime and criminals who commit it when they are unlikely to machine gun the police or attack the public with knives or rape young girls.
Time to get some help for that memory, Martha? Time to retire and spend more time with the bees?
* Yes, the theft of the deceased war hero’s Log Book was a nasty crime, according to Judge and Jury. But worthy of incarceration? At high cost to the taxpayer and with no reparation for the injured parties.
Seems a bit like the service we Viewers & Listeners receive at the hands of the BBC and its presenters and journalists at the present time.
Yes, compare with the outcome of court case for this lovely specimen
Romanian, of no fixed address. Maybe that’s why she used the NHS toilet instead of the delivery suite
The BBC isn’t the only British institution that has been taken over from the inside. The Church of England continues to write its own epitaph by its obsessions with feminism, homosexuality, left wing social justice concepts – and pandering to Islam, which opposes all liberal values and destroys Christianity wherever it is given the power to do so.
After the lamentable and simply pathetic Rowan Williams, I hoped that Justin Welby would represent an improvement. Alas no. Of course he hates Trump and opposes Brexit and controlled borders, but its the comments below from his speech yesterday that caught my eye:
“The Archbishop also told the Synod that the economic and social picture of Britain’s future looked bleak, but with the Church’s help things could be turned around, adding: ‘This is a moment to reimagine Britain, a moment of potential opportunity, certainly combined with immensely hard work and heavy lifting.’ ” ( Mail)
I can do without the Church of England’s heavy lifting, thank you. I’d be interested in its views on Christianity, however – if it has any, that is.
I remember year ago, Brass that hilarious Timothy West vehicle covered that. For those that don’t know, among the characters the mill owner had two stupid and weak sons (Austin the evil capitalist like his father, and Morris the gay, communist one). Morris was trying to work out what to do for the cause and thought of joining MI5 or 6 but his handler told him they had got that covered but a good idea would be for them to take over the church. So Morris became a left-wing vicar. It shows that even back in the eighties the left were blatant about their take over of institutuons, NB the C of E in this instance.
Brass was a great series , but lefties may not understand it .
While the capitalist right was seen as avaricious and heartless , the left was seen as that too plus hypocritical and devious .
Remember the left wing firebrand mother throwing out the unmarried pregnant lodger , reminding her to vote socialist as they proposed benefits for single mothers .
There were several things to remember about the firebrand Agnes – two in particular…
‘Son of mine’…
It was one of the funniest programmes ever brought out back then, and well worth having to pay again for the DVD!
Did Welby have anything to say about the Genocide of christians by muslims in the Middle East ?
“nothing to do with Islam which is a religion of peace”
*Wrings hands humbly*
Not that I’m aware. George Carey is your man for that. Best recent Archbishop of Canterbury by a mile.
Runcie was OK too. Formerly a Tank Corps officer known as ‘Killer Runcie’ who was awarded the MC, when Archbishop he said ‘While recognising that a truly pluralistic society should not merely tolerate diversity but value and nurture it, I must also express the fear that at times we seem tempted to sacrifice too much of our native Christian tradition on the altar of multi-culturalism.’
I would be very surprised to hear today’s lot coming out with something like that.
How about Charteris ?
According to the Guardian, he also suggested that Brexit was in a “Fascist tradition”. I wrote a comment BTL there which I’ve posted in my blog, which I’ll be providing a link for shortly …
Heavy lifting? I thought this bunch was more into shirt lifting, historically, EE.
Give a bloke a break wont you!
I understand that Justin the Pinhead, has not had the time to address minor issues like the slaughter of Christians by Followers of the “Religion of Peace” because –
He is very busy with lots of “heavy lifting” modernising the C of E. Apparently in the next few years he wants to introduce to all C of E churches five prayer sessions a day.
Separate services for males and females, also in future female members of the congregations will no longer be welcome to worship unless they re escorted by a male family member. (for their own safety) they will also be required to wear a some sort of head covering (for modesty reasons)
Sunday services are to be phased out with the new emphasis on new “community” prayers on Fridays at around noon. Also additional funds are to be raised for the diocese by melting down the bells and replacing them with a Muezzin who will call the christian faithful to prayer approximately five times a day.
And in addition to save wear and tear on the churches stone floors, all worshipers will be required to remove footwear before entering the premises.
I for one am extremely excited by Justins new changes and I think it will go a long way to stop the decline of the C of E and also show that we have all rejected fascism and are becoming far more inclusive.
Justin reckons that providing the changes go smoothly, he may well be able to increase church membership by approximately 330, 000 new worshipers a year – Inshallah!
More Anti Brexit
“The UK economy will slow down sharply over the next couple of years says the European Commission.”
The important bit …..”says the European Commission.”
Remember all those pre Brexit economic forecasts?
Well they would say that, wouldn’t they ? But they don’t go on to say that the other EU countries will have massive growth, or do they ?
Hmm, now let me think. A club into which we pay billions of pounds towards the salaries of various unelected apparatchiks. If we ask those club members whether we’d be better off if we left their club, I wonder what they’d say?
What a pointless piece of propaganda that article is. It’s a secular version of ‘extra Ecclesiam nulla salus’, (outside the church there is no salvation).
No one can actually forecast events for longer than three months ahead. So predicting what’ll happen two years hence is nonsense. Do you know how you’ll be in two years?
I can confidently predict that Christmas Day 2017, will fall upon a Monday, and that the following year will be known as 2018.
8pm R4 Tonight : The Pull of Putin
…see that linguistic trick? “some see” which probably means “almost no one”
The correct reposte… OK name them
My rule is that, if a journalist does not give a source, I assume it is fabrication.
Friends! As I mentioned above to EnglandExpects, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said that Brexit is in the “Fascist tradition”, and naturally I have written in his support, in the Far-Right Guardian!
As ever, I have also copied my piece in my Blog, which can be found here:
On Fox yesterday, (Gutfeldt on ‘The Five’) they showed a clip of Obama saying illegals, especially criminals must be deported and that borders and security were a priority. Then they played a clip of Bill Clinton saying the same.
And that comprehensively and irrevocably closes down the Trump immigration and deportation protests.
This film was made( or at least heavily influenced by) Steve Bannon.
He formerly of Breitbart, Trumps adviser and the Lefts/BBC most hated threat to all they stand for.
Turns out his dad lost all his money in 2008, a lifes work flushed into Obamas commode.
Well worth watching-as long as he`s THIS furious at what he`s seen happen to the USA, then Trump will continue to appall the right people as he`s doing every day.
Heard Isabelle Huppert-one of my favourite French actresses-being pumped with the Brexit/Le Pen/Trump BS from Nick Robinson on Today this morning.
She said the usual, as all luvvies do.
Why then do the BBC insist on doing this to everybody?…Will Gompertz would have done the same, but they`re so bloody obvious.
Would it not be REALLY newsworthy or rebellious if they managed to find anyone NOT dependent on Hollywood, Cannes or The South Bank who DID back Trump or Brexit?
Won`t hold my breath.
They could ask, Bruce Willis, Matthew McConnaughey, John Voight for starters.
They won’t ask any pro Trump, pro Brexit arty types, because such people have already risked career suicide by holding such views openly, and will have come to those views through deep personal conviction and a rational thought process rather than simply jumping on a bandwagon. They will not, therefore, be easy targets for the average BBC journalist.
A good example is the comedian Andrew Lawrence, who has some acerbic routines on Youtube relating to what happened when he made a vaguely supportive comment about UKIP, which effectively banned him from mainstream comedy.
The banning of Lawrence – how Stalinist, how Nazi?
Even the Democrats’ Chairman is saying, it’s time to grow up and move on because just being constantly ‘offended’ by Trump is no answer to working people who are hurting. WOW!
And another saying, ‘We thought the media was our friend – it’s not’. GOSH!
Hopefully this attitude might filter down to this country?
Trudeaus boy-a liberal pet to the BBC etc-visits Trump to tell him how to behave.
Today Mike Flynn resigns from Trumps team.
I`d have thought that Channel 4 will already be linking these two events to cheer themselves up. Sure FGM will lead with it on his 7pm grot spot.
Great article from Douglas Murray here, where he contrasts the Fourth Reich indulgence of Berkeley a week or so back, with the tumbleweed blowing across Georgetown Uni in regard of Muslims keeping slaves.
I`ll bet Zuckerberg and Merkel will be gunning for The Gatestone Institute as we speak, so enjoy them whilst you can.
Democracy denied.
Dear Number 7,
We rejected the petition you created – “Petition for the resignation of the Speaker of the House.”.
It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for.
The resignation of the Speaker is a personal decision for the Speaker, and is therefore not the responsibility of the Government or Parliament. If you like, you could sign the petition below, which asks the House of Commons to debate a vote of no confidence in the Speaker:
Click this link to see your rejected petition:
View your rejected petition
We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards:
If you want to try again, click here to start a petition:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
The “No Confidence” petition, however, is up to 936 should anyone wish to support it.
‘Stop Trump state visit’ petition rejected :
HYS comments are open on this one.
The other one got accepted though.
If the BBC report this it will be on an obscure website page.
The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.”.
Government responded:
HM Government believes the President of the United States should be extended the full courtesy of a State Visit. We look forward to welcoming President Trump once dates and arrangements are finalised.
HM Government supports this petition.
During her visit to the United States on 27 January 2017, the Prime Minister, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, invited President Trump for a State Visit to the UK later this year. The invitation was accepted. This invitation reflects the importance of the relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom. At this stage, final dates have not yet been agreed for the State Visit.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Click this link to view the response online:
This petition has over 100,000 signatures. The Petitions Committee will consider it for a debate. They can also gather further evidence and press the government for action.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
To be fair to the BBC, they are reporting on the counter-petition welcoming Mr Trump, which was started by a Mr Alan Brown of Dover.
Saw that Trump isn`t arsed re Parliament and wants to see US-the people of this country who thank him and love him even.
I mean-that nature of his enemies automatically makes him a great already.
He is outraging all the right people-so a true Man of Destiny!
Apparently he hopes to speak to us in Brexitland Stadiums, hopes to flog us his tat as well as raise money for the British Legion.
It`s just GOT to open up in Sunderland-and end on a helipad in Media City!
My God-the guy is a marketing genius-all power to his elbow.
Imagine the horror if he does a Modhi-and brings on Nigel Farage as his closing act….
How`s that petition to rename Islington as Trumpville going then?
I thought of Trumpton, but Trumpville got in first!
His existance brings out the genius and comedy enterprise in we mere mortals.
The Future is indeed Orange-and we shall ALL Overcomb some day!
Have you heard about the BBC’s new series aimed at Bridge players?
It’s called “Seven No Trumps”.
Forget Beeb Not…
The bBBC forgot Transgender Queer etc in the weird LGBTQXYZ world.
They also forgot, the paedo’s and trainee Jihadis.
The BBC never forget young boy Jihads !
I don’t see any transgender stuff on that BBC web page
That that non BBC Twitter account Newsround Blog points at.
“Fire up the Outrage Bus Grayson…”
For God’s sake, I told you never to post my photo on this website. I am consulting my lawyers right now.
Phil’s bunch? Shared with Keith Vaz? I am setting up a fighting fund as we speak.
Its put me off my tea !
Future labour party leader
Fine picture there of our Ed(what the heck is WRONG with that name these days?)
A Valentines Day card for us all…
“kids” Sick sods.
Purnell and the rest of the BBC are now engaged in a major re-writing of British history and culture to make it accord with its prevailing liberal-Left approval of multiculturalism, immigration, and moral relativity.
Our dearly despised Archbish Welby slyly links Trump and Brexit to fascism in a craftily worded speech that allows just enough wriggle room for deniability (‘my words have been twisted’) while clearly making the link.
He said: ‘There are a thousand ways to explain the Brexit vote, or the election of President Trump, or the strength in the polls… of Geert Wilders or in France of Madame Le Pen and many other leaders in a nationalist, populist, or even fascist tradition of politics.’
DM: “As the leader of the established Church, the Archbishop would be certain to figure in the planning for the President’s state visit, and his attack on Trump yesterday will bring new complications for Mrs May.”
He had the nerve to add that the ‘language of public life is at present deeply, savagely divided’ – Indeed so Justin you moron and insinuating snide accusations of fascism against Trump and Brexit ain’t helping.
By the way, how’s church attendance numbers doing these days, and when did YOU last get millions of votes in an election?
And when did you last make a speech defending the millions of Christians worldwide being oppressed or murdered by the ROP?
Keep up the limp wristed hand-wringing while your Church sinks ever further into irrelevance.
As we speak THOUSANDS of Nigerian Christians( as well as others) are getting wiped out, enslaved and tortured by the Nigerian government via their Muslim Fulani butchers in the north of the country.
Baroness Caroline Cox is a well-known and trustworthy chronicler and visitor to such evil frontlines where Christians are getting slaughered.
Ah well-shit happens eh Justin?
And as long as Michelle Obama still has that “Bring Back Our Girls” placard and hashtag at Palm Springs?….well Welby`s in the clear.
How come it`s only the likes of Caroline Cox-and the atheist(but fearless) Douglas Murray who are telling us all this?
Where are Vincent Nichols and Justin Welby?
In their own Hermit Kingdom-but it`ll be hell for them if they do NOT get out of their Media Berths very soon.
Be fair Chris, our Archbish doesn’t have time to defend Nigerian Christians, he’s much too busy attacking the one politician on earth trying to defend what’s left of Christendom from the Invaders.
Anyway Anglicans long since stopped believing in anything other than Socialism.
Welby is a gutless, hypocritical wanker. Don’t expect anything from him except bullshit.
Chris H
We have plenty of Christian Nigerian immigrants in the UK that bear witness to the situation in Nigeria. It’s funny how the liberal media aren’t pushing their cause night & day. Aren’t the Nigerians suffering a “humanitarian crisis?” Aren’t they “black” enough to warrant some attention? It just goes to prove how liberal regressives have no principles and no real interest in the various groups they claim to represent. Being black & oppressed never really was an outrage for them. It all depends on who is doing the oppressing.
Cos media is afraid of getting fingers burnt.
Today’s Times shows there’s all kinds of nuts in Nigeria.
The difference is in free societies rogue Christians can be called out
Thanks to the AoC we now know that America has two parties – the good party and the evil party.
Maybe he should be asked his views on late term abortion or citizens being murdered by known illegals.
And in the home of democracy the Democratic Obama is heading up a shady, ‘guerrilla’ group, not to just oppose Trump but to sabotage Trump – isn’t that treason? I’m sure the AoC is having secret talks with German ‘freedom fighters’ as we speak.
Not sure that Welby is “limp wristed “. I am sure that one of his wrists gets lots of exercise, depending on whether he is right or left-handed.
Yep Welby lives in Bubbleworld
And is projecting
Did he visit Rotherham recently?
#ThinkOfTheChildren #NotInThatWayYouPervs
So you can complain to OFCOM about the BBC. But you can’t complain about BBC bias?
I am watching a series on BBC Parliament by Steve Richards on Lessons of Leadership based on recent British .PMs The first programme in the series was about Wilson , who Richards barely criticised and praised much. Richards of course is a New Labour globalist. The second episode was about Lady Thatcher. All of her achievements were criticised , none were praised.. His view was that MT provoked the miners strike deliberately , that she then victimised the miners families . That she was responsible for creating conditions that brought about the 2008 crash. That she wasn’t being politically brave about the decision to go to war with Argentina but that it would have been political suicide not to do so. He goes on and on steadily painting the leftist view of the Thatcher years. Yet this is presented as an objective series. If Wilson , who was notable for achieving nothing other than allowing the monster of union power to grow and wreck our country, is only praised , and yet our greatest ever Leader is only criticised , there is a massive lack of objectivity. Once again the BBC cannot be trusted to deliver any view other than the liberal left interpretation of history. Having lived through both these premierships I can tell you that during Wilsons time the country went from bad to worse and it took Lady Thatcher to reverse that trend. President Trump is trying to make America great again . Lady Thatcher did make an ailing Britain great again from a much worse starting point.
Richards and the BBC make me so angry. When we get to Blair I have no doubt that praise will be heaped on him as the greatest ever leader, the great teacher , the man who transformed our little Britaininto an international Utopia , Cool Britannia. The man whose achievements will only be fully recognised and appreciated in a hundred years. I agree with the last bit , by then we should be an Islamic republic thanks to Bastard Blair , the BBC and people like Richards.
A pity he didn’t ask the NUM:
“Throughout the 1960s, with a Labour Government in office from 1964, the pit closure programme accelerated; it decimated the industry. During this period, nearly 300 more pits were closed, and the total workforce slumped from over 750,000 in the late 1950s down to 320,000 by 1968.”
NUM: Butchery of an Industry
Did the vile Richards condemn Wilson’s support, politically and militarily for the Nigerian Genocide of Biafrans ? A crime for which the evil bastard Wilson was never tried. May he rot in hell.
The series, ‘Bought with Love’ the story of the great art collectors from around 1700.
How refreshing, a white English woman who does not say, ‘Bwitish’ or ‘free’ instead of three. She can walk in her shoes and doesn’t look like she’s been dressed from the kids’ dress-up box. And no mention of ethnics or the evil British Empire!
Lucy Worsley – watch and learn.
BBC R4 – After a 10 yr old boy, gets into ISIS video s (with another 8 of his school friends)… Al BBC investigates
1hr 40 mins
A clever bright boy, who wanted answers says the BBC, watched “BBC – children of the caliphate”.
This is Al BBC, so of course, he d seen a “far right” site … that “denigrated Islam” that of course made him get into ISIS … errr right!
I hope this “clever, bright boy who wanted answers” didn t erm, look in the Koran the find the real Islam? (which I m sure he must have)
… because he d find ISIS and Hezbollah (who he had already looked into), and indeed Hamas ARE the perfectly Islamic in their set up and methods.
Anyway the chocolate fireguard of Prevent, says he s no problem anymore, despite knowing all of ISISs leadership structure etc.
Sooooo! box ticked, nothing to see, move on.
… the other eight schoolkids?, relaxxxx, no one asks.
His “community” are showing him how to integrate properly so that’s alright
This is interesting, exposes both BBCs overt bias and Islamophilia, along with the abject cluelessness of Prevent.
Dubs rule put child refugees at greater risk
“Despite the howls of outrage, the home secretary is right to stop taking children from Calais”
Everyone knows it’s bollocks, except the elite and their agenda (what is it again..?). Didn’t someone post that the average age of the last lot of migrant ‘children’ was 29?? or is that fake news.
High Blood Pressure Alert –
Template for bBBC website:
– negative article on TRUMP
– negative article on BREXIT
– article about Muslims (other religions need not apply)
– article about migrants (preferably Muslims – yesterday’s – interesting, parallel’s with Europe??
– random article about third world country (preferably Muslim)
– titillating sex-related article
– optional idiotic article
– fill out with other meaningless crap/twitter/facebook rubbish
This article beggars belief, don’t know if anyone else saw it, it was late on..then had to Google to find it again:
Over 400 shot in ‘Sanctuary City’ Chicago this year so far.
Evil, Donald Trump wants to tackle this.
“I am outraged, offended, deeply hurt and threatened – what can I do? Maybe go on a rampage of violence, destruction and looting?”.
But, not quite as outraged, offended, deeply hurt and threatened as those who’ve been shot.
FFS, the BBC wasting more money flogging a dead horse with added diversity. Will they ever learn? no one watched the last series, still its not their money…
I thought the old Top Gear was that it was too blokey?
Top Gear PC? – a black one, a white one and one with a bit of …………?
No lesbians, no hijabs, no trannies? It just won’t do.
Good grief, they have female commentators on rugby and cricket but, thank God, Top Gear is sacred.
Actually, if you look closely, you can see a little corner of the Stig’s hijab showing at the back of her helmet. No double-entendre intended – or in fact, thanks to FGM.
Top Gear would not be Top Gear without Nadiya !
Do not fear, coming soon – ‘Top Burka’.
Personally, I would prefer “Top Gurkha”, but don’t expect to see that on the BBC.
‘Top Twerka’?
I understand the BBC books are full for the new series,
‘Top Jerker’.
LOL ! It is an internal freefall in the BBC. And they are unaware of how bizarre they have become.
re brand it “Hot wire”
BBC Website. “Georgian Priest is arrested for plotting to kill a church leader”. Told you so, the christians are just as bad as the muslims. Meanwhile the Genocide of christians by muslims continues, mostly unreported by the cnuts at the BBC.
Bias by disproportionality.
Exactly !
2 items on radio 4 Today programme 14th Feb shows again how the BBC is losing it’s grip on reality. We heard fro a British Muslim school boy who had been radicalised by watching the BBC and Channel 4 programmes about Isis and then migrated to hardcore ISIS radicalisation video’s. It took a whole year to de- programme him. But the BBC completely failed to link this to hundreds of thousands of incidents of child radicalisation happening in the Gaza strip, UNWRA schools and on Palestinian Authority TV.
Immediately afterwards Angela Tilby a vicar from Portsmouth on Thought for the Day extolled the exemplary ethical policies of the Co- op bank from its original founding to the current day. We must trust organisations like this she said. Yes ,we must trust an organisation that boycotts products from the only democratic country in the Middle east and the only country that is doing so much to make the world a better place See
The Co-op bank will never live down the “Crystal Methodist”.
My thoughts also turned to the Crystal Methodist when I heard Angela Tilby’s eulogy of the Co-op this morning . Maybe she’s just naive. What would the Rochdale Pioneers and all those loyal customers over the years, often the poorer sections of society , thought of that reprehensible creature Paul Flowers? His louche lifestyle , record of expenses fraud at Bradford Council, a Housing Society and the Co-op bank ( who all hushed it up and failed to bring charges) are all the opposite of cooperative principles . The bank showed a complete failure of corporate governance in appointing Flowers to its board.
If society gets the institutions and leaders it deserves, what have we done to deserve the BBC , the modern day Co-op, and troughers like Bercow?
Apparently our ISIS chum went to the Diqab website to see his beheadings, but got there via a “far right website”.
Yes, I too see this logic…but funnily enough, he got to THAT via the BBCs own website.
Er…whistle down the wind anybody?
BBC drama queening and over claiming science were used to push laws thru.
From Slate Magazine
but …We Used Terrible Science to Justify Smoking Bans
Will we look at the new evidence for long enough to at least consider whether we’ve gone too far?
…now that the evidence has had time to accumulate, it’s also become clear that the extravagant promises made by anti-smoking groups—that implementing bans would bring about extraordinary improvements in cardiac health—never materialized. Newer, better studies with much larger sample sizes have found little to no correlation between smoking bans and short-term incidence of heart attacks, and certainly nothing remotely close to the 60 percent reduction that was claimed in Helena Study hyped and published in the BMJ
Hmm… I don’t support smoking anyway but expensive measures should not be forced thru if the results will be tiny.
Hmm the case of Roy Castle was crucial.
It being argued that if he hadnt done so many gigs in over smokey working men’s clubs he wouldn’t have ended up as a non smoker with lung cancer.
I’d never work in a smokey workplace.
commenter says
As the website notes, the lung cancer risk from secondhand smoke is relatively small compared to the risk from direct smoking. However, unlike a smoker who chooses to smoke, the nonsmoker’s risk is often involuntary.
(I add : Yes they massively overclaimed the benefits, but there is a benefit and bottomline is you can’t risk damaging life quality of employees)
I used to smoke but TB put an end to that, however, I just don’t get that alcohol has equal adverse effects but it’s not given the same attention. My Father smoked and drunk heavily – the smoking never bothered me too much.
Stewgreen. Good exposé. I often wonder whether some laws are introduced with all sorts of claims of (pretty much guaranteed )benefits, but rarely see any plan to follow up the results to see if the law was just an ass in speciifc cases, and should be repealed immediately.
One that I’d really like to hear about is the ban on multi-buy offers on alcohol in Scotland. It was claimed that those who were being offered, for example, ‘three bottles for the price of two’ sales of wine were creating huge increases in alcohol-related deaths and illness in Scotland. This has now been Scottish Government policy for a number of years, and I wonder if the results of this ‘experiment’ have proved to be the success they were claimed to be about to create. If so, I am surprised that other UK legislatures have not implemented the ruling in Scotland.
Or, could it just be that there is absolutely NO significant improvement in mortality and illness rates – and the only people who have suffered have been the ones who have a quiet glass of wine at home, rather than blitzing bottles of liquor before going out, or hammering the booze in bars.
Q: “Should every illegal immigrant who has committed a crime be deported?”
A: “Yes err… it depends what you define as a crime.”
That’ll be the ‘ethical’ CoOp bank that lends money at cheap rates to the Labour party and its accolytes.
And the one that has been brought to its knees by McDoom’s insistence on a merger with the Britannia BS.
Coop that is biggest lender to price increasing GreenEnergy projects
… and funds anti-fracking filmshows.
Trouble is the Co-op is run by a few ‘whizz kids’ who wheel out the geriatric ,board members in their conti-pads and wheelchairs, knowing they’ll agree to anything.
Excellent! The designer of the ‘Make America Great Again’ dress at the Grammys is a Filippino immigrant (almost certainly gay, but hey, don’t want to judge by appearance..)
Take that, liberal lefties. Also thought Joy Villa’s words were very appropriate.
Sadly Joy Villa is also into scientology. Pity.
Oh bugger! you have burst my bubble! Yeh, scientology is just cuckoo and IMHO says a lot about a person’s personality. That aside, Tom Cruise does ok, and she did say some commendable things – I think one of them is that the US looks very divided/disjointed and is vulnerable in that state, if they do not unite. Clearly some want that state of affairs. Worrying, especially as a Russian ship has been spotted off the coast of Delaware. Are they just positioning for better reception? Is it all a massive conspiracy to oust Trump? It’s now getting that you can’t trust anyone.
Still – hopefully the dress designer wasn’t a scientologist??!
BBC – Ultimate Hell Week … which was last series quite good, this series goes down hill not quite I m a celebrity get me out of here … yet.
Last time out Freddie Flintoff hosted, this time some coloured kid with designer clothes and an inability to grow stubble yet.
Twerking instructors, the exactly precise BBC mix of diversity at all times prevails … the annoying habit, of ominous music, constantly reviewing back to someone pulling a face, or worse still someone s “journey”.
Look I can attest to the difficulty of Log PT and rifle drilling but not enough was shown of these items, and a totally out of place host rushing in with his microphone for a “how do you feel” shot.
Green Berets this week who repeated teamwork hint!, as a team hint hint! … always work as a team hint hint hint!
Onto the last man drill, biggest guy is last, so gets a drink, 30 mins rest.
Can I share the drink with the … “team” – of course!
Can I join the … “team” and continue – you most certainly can!
Now because of that … cue celebratory music
Log PT is over … Hurrah!
I m sure you get the picture, BBC had a winner and, like only the BBC can “ballsed” it up.
I think the Navy Seals last time around were a little erm harsh
on the poor dears,
This evening Radio 4 offers The Pull of Putin
“Why do populist politicians across the West want warmer relations with Russia? Are they just Kremlin agents? Or are they tapping into a growing desire to find common cause with Moscow – and end East-West tension? Tim Whewell travels from Russia to America and across Europe to unravel the many different strands of pro-Moscow thinking, and offer a provocative analysis which challenges conventional thinking about the relationship between Russia and the West.
Donald Trump is just one of a new breed of Western politicians who want warmer relations with Vladimir Putin. Most Western experts say that’s dangerous: an aggressive Russia is plotting to divide and weaken the West. But Trump and others seem to have tapped into a popular desire to reduce tension and discover what Moscow and the West have in common. Could Moscow now lead a “Conservative International”, promoting traditional social values and national sovereignty around the world? On the right, some see Russia as a spiritual beacon. Others, both on the right and left, simply think the threat from the East is much exaggerated – and are warming to Russia as a protest against the Western establishment. Maybe it’s time for a new way of understanding relations between the old superpowers.
Fancy that, people wanting to live the traditional western life!
When will we get The Pull of Islam to explain why the western media and politicians seem determined to import that alien, supremacist culture?
It used to be “On the left, *some see* Russia as a spiritual beacon for Communism”
Now it must be “On the right, *some see* Russia as a spiritual beacon for free speech”
Or “On the Levant, *some see* Russia as a spiritual beacon for Christianity”
Also “Others, both on the right and left, simply think the threat from the East is much exaggerated – and are warming to Russia as a protest against the Western establishments expansionist politically correct cultural imperialism, a NATO trying to justify its gravy train by provocative warmongering, an expansionist and undemocratic EU causing the loss of democracy in the Ukraine, and manipulating the Pro-EU useful idiots at the BBC with “Project Fear of Russia”.
@JimS scroll up, I mentioned it above at 10:33 am
BBC Trending just did a hit piece against Sputnik in Edinburgh, it was total projection.. I’ll put some notes on the other thread BBC = FAKE NEWS.
– The other FalseNarrative building prog is the Inquiry
– which tried to push that Trump declared war on the media
….. when the truth is they started it.
More than 50 million Muslims are willing to support those who carry out terror attacks to defend their religion, migration expert warns the EU
Professor Ruud Koopmans of the Netherlands warned the EU on Monday to block the entry of any refugees whose identity cannot be categorically confirmed.
Koopmans said that of the 1 billion adult Muslims in the world, ‘half of them are attached to an arch-conservative Islam which places little worth on the rights of women, homosexuals, and people of other faiths’.
In an interview with a German news website he claimed that of these 500 million conservative Muslims, at least – and probably more – than 50 million are willing to sanction violence.
That’s 50 million supporters of terrorism; what about the Muslim rape gangs?
Had to leave the fireside yet again, as spitting Jon Sopel tries to make an issue about someone resigning in Washington, sneering as usual.
Then an anti UKIP ‘story’ or as bBeeb usually does, invent a rumour and call it fact.
Much better to sit here with a glass of vino and a chat with good people.
The bBeeb are truly awful now, losing their grip by the day. They’d never make any money as a commercial business, as advertisers would leave them in their droves because nobody wants to watch such drivel.
I’m the same, Scroblene. Like many on here, used to be a news junkie, now cannot watch or listen to anything that comes out of the BBC’s so-called newsrooms.
I simply have no interest in their warped, negative and depressing opinions on the state of the world.
Yes, Nuttall is an idiot if he`s daft enough to over egg his history.
But -on the scale of “mis-speaking”-is his rubbish any worse or better that Blair and his Jackie Milburn/Carribean flights stuff…or Hillary and her “Serbian gunfire” lies?
To hear John Pienaar dolefully hoping for the end of Nuttall was sheer biased crap-what of the endless misogyny and abuse aimed at women by his Labour oppo-one Gareth Snell?
Or are we now expected to excuse his vile rants because he`s Labour til he dies?
PS-hardly vile…but in BBC feminazi terms it gets no worse-so why no BBC calling oit?
Because the Labour Family must be protected….that`s why.
Not bias, just an observation, had a brief conversation with an early twenty something (University educated, and bright with it, grammar and spelling worse than mine) who has been watching ‘vintage movies’, actually 80s films.
TS. “Saw Beverley hills cop,” looks around furtively, “This is going to sound terrible but Eddie Murphy looks blacker than I remember him in Haunted Mansion.”
Me. “Terrible, how?”
TS. “Well, racist…”
I did ask how a personal objective observation or perception regarding tone could possibly be racist, TS looked unconvinced. Just another reminder of how insidious leftist pc mind control has become, people too frightened to say what’s right in front of them.
Did he remember when Michael Jackson used to be black?
Have just switched on PM R4 to hear Mair ask if listeners can detect “fakenews”
Yes, it’s the Paul Nutall slurs and slanders that are being peddled to influence the Stoke by-election in the direction the BBC deems ideologically satisfying.
It’s the usual tactics report a false claim about target person, continue commenting on the false claim about target person, find a trivial false statement made by target person and suggest that this in some way substantiates the major false claim by revealing a propensity to lie. Supposedly, this is the problem with social media platforms, They are a conduit for information, but do not verify whether statements are true or not.
Spot on, ID.
Mair was memorably described by another poster on this forum as a “sly leftist”. His smear of Nutall today was one for the connoisseur, including:
* delivery in Mair’s characteristic butter-wouldn’t-melt tone;
* took 2 plus 2 and made 5;
* aimed squarely at a politician whose line is at odds with Al Beeb’s;
* timed for maximum damage shortly before a bye-election.
Hello all,
This is only my second post so please bear with me……I have been watching the Six O’Clock Tripe……….When are they ever going to talk about something POSITIVE!! Almost every topic NEGATIVE!! Trump this, Brexit inflation that, the French taking over our car manufacturing…..Isn’t our economy in general doing well in comparison to the EUSSR?
I REALLY hate our State News with a passion.
AND….they are always going on about Eco this, Eco that and although I like the bit about the coal fired steam train. Remember, we had to close (was it Kellingley pit?). This pit still has coal and has (had) a direct link to Drax Power Station about 15 miles away. But no….we close it and convert the Drax to wood chip and ship in the supplies….how eco is that? I’m afraid we’re all going to hell in a handcart. RANT OVER!
On a positive note! I really like this site……and yesterday’s **lamic programme renaming had me in stitches, with tears rolling down my face, hadn’t laughed like that for a long time, so thanks to the contributors!
Welcome !
You have summed up everything we have been saying on this site for about 10 years !
Bonsoir Franglais, et welcome.
I think exactly the exactly the same about the BBC’s “news” output – all negative! If there ever is a positive story, it concerns one of their “special promotions” like Obama. Concerning Britain, most of it falls into the categories of “Warnings of blah, blah” and “Fears of blah, blah” and “Criticism of blah, blah”. This is NOT NEWS!!
The poor souls who pump out all this rubbish must be very depressed. They never see the positive in anything about this country: not in the historical referendum vote to regain our independence, when all kinds of people from every background joined forces to make it happen; not in our hard work in challenging times and our amazing exporters and innovators; not in the amazing piece of unexpected luck in having a new US President who supports the UK at a crucial time. No, it’s all the worst of all possible worlds for them. Perhaps a talking therapy might help, or at least getting out more to meet people like us!