Someone in the BBC is having a laugh.
The bBBC London News tonight is being presented by a white able bodied man !!!!!! I cannot remember the last time this happened. Perhaps all the right-on producers and editors are away on half term holiday and some junior thought he would take the piss. The presenter is definitely in the second division but even so. Amazing. Surely Dianne Flabbott, Harriet Harperson, Dame Tanni Grey Thomson, et al should be asking questions.
But let us not get too carried away. The actual news (pollution by evil private cars), the death of a virtuous cyclist, whose other half was clearly Eastern European, were fully on-bBBC-message.
But the trump card (sorry) is, what is his sexual orientation, and also, how does “he” define his gender? There could be several hidden reasons why this person is suitable or more correctly “appropriate” to deliver the news despite his outward appearance.
All this -when did Trump know whatever the Russians might have known what Flynn said or not-is exactly what consumes the political idiots and processing peas of the media.
Which means they`re learning nothing.
But the BBC take twenty five minutes per show to tell us this.
Thankfully, it keeps them from doing any more damage as the rest of us see the new world coming.
And administrative push me pull you is just what the media obsess on-well if Trump gets his Muslims sorted as they chase the fade, then things will be fine.
AS to your comment above Sluff.
Surely being a BBC talking head requires no brain, no body and no education or command of English.
If ever we needed a load of Remploy Joeys put to useful work at gig economy wages-then the BBC studios surely would let wheelchair wheels whizz between weather maps.
An ideal place for migrants to practice their empowering BBC lexicon.
Just watched C4 news after listening to likeable Eddie Mair on R4, both full on consternation and outrage that Flynn’s indiscretion has been known about for three weeks and yet Trump had him in post. Is it me ? when you know your man has compromised himself to the point that he can be blackmailed and you know why, then he can’t be blackmailed ,so where’s the risk.
C4 now moving on to Steve Bannon and really going for it.
Oh, wait a minute, now moving onto inflation post brexit, plummeting pound etc. etc. I think the BBC are writing the “narrative” here. I note the FTSE250 is at an all time high but we are not hearing about that anymore, strange, they loved it on June 24th 2016.
Now we have some artist chap (Wolfgang somebody) telling us how populism is threatening the liberal elite/EU control we have “enjoyed” for the last twenty odd years, Krishna is appalled. So, artists, actors are not happy, why is there opinion worth more than ours ?
Just take a look at todays EU debate. It’s around two hours but you can dip in and scroll thru’.
Hardly anyone in attendance but Farage was there making some squirm a pull sulky faces. The subject. “The Future of the European Union”.
Farage mentioned that on LBC tonight.
He was mostly concerned about a “Muslim ban”. A Chatham House poll with a sample size of 10,000 in 10 EU countries shows that 70% of Poles asked were in favour of a complete ban.
At the end of the programme Farage says “We do not want to go to war with the whole of Islam”. This begs the question of whether Islam wants to go to war with the West or not. Farage’s statement also shows how much he himself has been cowed and mentally enslaved by the implicit threat of ever escalating Muslim violence if concessions are not made to Muslim demands. Some people keep repeating the mantras about “moderate Muslims” and “Islam is the religion of peace” but this seems to be a feeble attempt at self-hypnosis to reduce anxiety. With the Coué method of autosuggestion you were supposed to repeat “Every day, in every way I am getting better and better” at every opportunity to ensure your wellbeing.
The Muslim world does not need to resort to open warfare, if the West concedes everything Islam wants in the name of multiculturalism. One enricher who phoned in justified her right to be in Britain on the grounds that Britain had been a colonial power. She saw herself as an instrument of revenge and punishment. A highly perverse reason for going to any country, but it shows that the claim some immigrants come to Britain for a better life may be true, but it is not the whole truth.
If I had any advice for St Nigel-it would be to get himself clued up on Islam.
A well-argued bloke from Liverpool gave him a real education on what he`d heard at his local mosque. Nigel clearly was discomfited and didn`t really have any answer apart from to whistle and be embarrassed.
Nigel is a great cove…and would hate to pile more of the national burden on him..but his lack of awareness of what Islam says, represents etc does him no favours.
No excuses these days-plenty websites and the lifelong learning of Tommy Robinson ought to do it.
I think Nigel is being very careful in his choice of words so that the media can’t create more fake news stories to help Labour in Stoke. The BBC is working overtime to smear Nuttall, but it’s too obviously a smear to have any effect, so Nigel has to avoid giving them an alternative anti-UKIP story to run with.
C4 definitely going for it.
Half assed comment by Paul Nuttall several years ago about claiming to know victims of Hillsborough.
No mention of Gareth Snell tweets tho.
Winifred “my grandfather was a docker” Robinson wailed about NHS local commissioning groups saving money by cutting back on IVF treatment. Then a lot of blather from some pen-pusher about consultation with stakeholders: yes there was a bit of money-saving going on, but there wasn’t much actual cutting back on IVF services so nothing to worry about.
Annoyingly nobody made the argument that perhaps fertility treatment shouldn’t be available on the NHS at all.
Surely a childless couple who can’t stump up between £2K and £6K (the “cost” varies wildly between NHS regions) for IVF treatment either don’t want a child badly enough, or won’t be able to afford to support one should the treatment prove successful?
Meanwhile some 4,000 children wait in foster care unable to live with their birth families.
The more I get to know of Stephen Bannon-the more I love him.
Like Ted Malloch-these bogeymen are EXACTLY what the liberal left need stuffed up their night shirts, so they can feign an attack of the vapours.
Bunch of Lady Windermere fannies-the Honey Badgers are on the march!
AND-thanks to ole Inigo on Channel 4( do these posh fops have names or what?)-turns out that he even worked with the gorgeous Joan the Baptist figure of Sarah Palin too, in her fearless Tea Party efforts of 2012.
The more the BBC and Channel 4 loath them-the more we know we`re to love them!
Hope Sarah got my Valentine card!…keeping Ted away from my wife, now that Playboy are finally bringing back nudes and hunks…
Yet more Trump Derangement Syndrome from Jon Sopel today on the BBC’s (fake) news website. Puffed up with his own self-righteouusness, Sopel pens the sort of snide takedown that would have been justfied… if he had presented so much as a shred of evidence that President Trump is in any way compromised by his relationship (if any) with the Russian government. As it is, all Sopel is doing is revealing the depth of his childish animus and his determination to do down the man the people of the USA recently decided should be their president.
Still, perhaps Sopel can’t help himself. Perhaps he is one of those insane Leftists who would rather we were at war with Russia? Something must be wrong in his mind as I can’t recall anything like such agitation when the House committee accused the Obama administration in general, and Hilary Clinton in particular, of lying through their teeth about Benghazi.
What’s up, Sopel? Is the savage murder of US diplomats being lied about and covered up by the US government of no great concern to you?
This is a good article about L’affaire Flynn; that what it is – is the beginning of the assault against the Trump Administration by the Deep State, embedded within the organs of state of the United States.
Sean Spicer talked in his White House press briefing today about the danger of leaks from within the U.S. government, which is quite different than the leaks from Wikileaks; that sneering Sopel was implying about Trump’s seeming double standards, due to his use of Wikileaks against Hillary Clinton during the election campaign yet his (Trump’s) annoyance at these Flynn leaks to the Washington Post from within the C.I.A.
The 6pm “News” was lashing itself into a frenzy over the resignation of a senior functionary to POTUS over some misalignment with the truth. “Trump is doomed !” What in God’s name has this got to do with us on this side of the pond except to furnish BBC with another session of Trump hate. When will they get over the fact that they cannot change the US election result and that he was voted in by people they despise.
Also , some more oldie & UKIP bashing as a dessert.
OK, Flynn embarrassed the VP BUT his phone had been tapped by the NSA and then Leaked to the press.
While they fantasise about deals with Russia to elect Trump with the pay-off of lifting sanctions, some miss the point that security services were bugging his phone. Why? Is that normal? How can diplomacy and Government function if all calls are monitored and may be leaked?
The BBC does Eco-propaganda like an addict does heroin.
They’ve put this video about Barcelona anti-traffic in 4 places across website/FB. No text page so they have not bothered to mention the protests against the scheme. The Superblock scheme means pedestrianising each 9 block city area, forcing traffic onto the edges, thus discouraging vehicle use and in theory getting everyone to walk or bike. Except each actual vehicle movement is now longer and slower, cos of the diversions and less roadspace.
You expect the BBC to only be dreamy about eco stories. They seem to have spent good money on a PR advert for the scheme (& not mentioned the protests)
Never mind the shop keepers who might lose biz cos no passing trade.
– Culturally I wonder if locals might be accustomed to treating laws laxly.
Negative I can see : Ambulance times might increase a lot due to higher traffic density on the driveable routes and more obstructions in the pedestrian zones.
French BBC Europe News – French Vogue gets first transgender cover star
French Real News – RT More Paris car burning? and rioting? no go areas? reporters attacked? anti police riots? or, South Korea Warns Against Visiting Paris Migrant Suburbs After Men Loot, Try to Set Fire to a Coach of Tourists
Gay Paree! The Romance, nip out and grab a croissant … until they re banned.
I have an old mate who has lived in Paris for over 20 years and slowly the frequency of my visits has reduced because the Montmartre area just feels like any old London inner city hellhole (except they’re shouting in French or Arabic).
Panhandlers, muggers, drug dealers and dodgy African gentlemen harassing you in the street. I haven’t been back in six years and I don’t think I ever will again.
I see team Hillary are still massively in credit with the ITV News-verts they bought.
First 10 mins of News@10 was anti-Trump news.
They haven’t mentioned the Paris riots yet ..they are just doing “rubbish dumped in UK country lanes”
Much of my antipathy to the BBC is derived from the compulsory extraction of the licence fee for the privilege of being allowed to watch broadcast TV.
I increasingly feel the same about ITV because the adverts which we all pay for almost subliminally fund the programmes. We therefore cannot avoid paying, even if we don’t watch any ITV at all. They are now almost as bad as the BBC in news programmes, not yet so bad with the digs and innuendos dropped into drama programmes.
Subscription model seems the only fair way to go for all TV.
They had an anti-Nutthal News-Vert at the end
Whole 3 minutes, which shows him expressing surprise that his website says he had close friends die at Hillsborough when actually only acquaintances
..He seemed very credible despite, ITV claiming the opposite.
If you listen to anyone in Liverpool, half a million of them were at Hillsborough that day, although of course none of them were pushing their way in. But now Nuttall has claimed the same, they have a great excuse to slag off UKIP. bBBC Radio Merseyside is going to be intolerable again. It’s full of whingeing Scousers at the best of times, wallowing in something that happened 28 years ago and taking any excuse for ‘Hillsborough’ to be their main ‘news’.
“High unemployment and racial tension blight several struggling neighbourhoods on the outskirts of Paris – commonly called the “banlieues”. Police have been accused of heavy-handed methods in areas with large immigrant populations.”
What’s this…..BBC reporting on Muslims attacking Christians in Bambari?
Christian civilians being murdered by Muslim warlords (Ali Darassa) “but it’s not as simple as just a battle of religions”
Are they trying to show the importance of the UN protection force?
“Without the UN there would be slaughter here”.
Ah hang on Gaytan the Christian warlord must be to blame?
But the BBC are keen to point out thre main differences between Muslim and Islam. Take for example a recent report by Ofsted on the failures of the Al-Hudaa college for young Islamists. The BBC reported that they had made an ‘investigation last year that found that the pupils were uncertain of the purpose of parliament and had little idea of careers apart from teaching Islamic studies’… reported in The TIMES (09/Feb/17). It is left to The Times to reveal that the school is run by Rafi Usmani, a cleric believed to belong to the ‘Harkut-ul-Jihad-ul-Islami. Ofsted siad that the school was ‘failing’ in it’s duties (bloody obvious, surely). But no! The principal complained (to Ofsted) and said “We think we are meeting the standards”. But that is not the end of it The Times had to ‘clarify’ this report as a “Correction and Clarification’ in a later edition – as follows….
The Times had to apologise:
‘Owing to an editing error we said that the BBC had found that pupils at Jamai Al-Hudaa colege “were uncertain of the purpose of parliament and had little idea of careers apart from teaching Islamic studies” (news feb 9th). (So The bald fact was that the BBC did not actually INVESTIGATE this at all, (so the BBC issued the complaint, it seems). The Times had to issue and apologise for this technicality. This was (in fact) a finding by Ofsted itself. (The Times can reveal) (!) Unbelievable arrogance of Muslims and BBC toadies. Basically the facts are not disputed and Islam gets to continue ‘teaching’.
BBC West main point tonight, ten minutes harping on about a minor UKIP councillor in Bristol suspended over ‘racist’ tweet. The story also heads the BBC West ‘News’ page, but strangely not headline worthy in the local press…
He claims his Twitter was hacked, wouldn’t be the first time….
Quite a few indigenous English people I know profess support for this notion that people from our former Empire are entitled to come here “because we stole their land”. A notion that is reinforced almost universally in the press and the state education system.
My responses to that:
1 If it was so wrong for us to invade their lands, then why is it right for them to do it to us?
2 We relinquished most of our Empire voluntarily and most of the white British withdrew from the countries we gave independence. Are the Africans, West Indians, South Asians going to withdraw from this country if we say we don’t want them?
3 How long does this guilt for past misdeeds have to last before it is assuaged? Another poster has referred to cruelties inflicted on the English, Welsh, Scots, Irish etc by for instance Vikings, Normans, Barbary pirates. Any chance we could settle in their lands to pay them back?
RM – The people of those former Empire dominions threw off colonialism, yet their descendants now seek the reverse-colonization of our country.
If colonialism was iniquitous when carried out by the British, in countries and territories against the will of the indigenous majorities there: why is it then not equally iniquitous, when conducted by them contrary to the resolve of the autochthonous majority here in Britain?
We English could blame the Romans for their invasion here and demand restitution and compensation and then going further back) English were also captured and sold as child slaves for the Roman emperor himself. And then again the entire Ottoman empire ran on slave labour also. No compensation there either! At some point it is just stupid claiming compensation for previous generations ‘lifestyles’ that the BBC (if around then) would have made their own and employ slaves to peddle the radio transmitters with propaganda victories that may of may not have ever happened.
Look , if the British Empire was so bad why are there so many nation members of the Commonwealth of Nations? If they had disliked us so much they would never joined or remained.
Just look at the size of Africa, India or China and the distance to them from the UK. Consider also the size of the UK population in the colonial days. There is no way that the UK could have held an empire ‘where the sun never sets’ logistically unless it was an empire of the willing, or at least willing local leaders.
I believe that once the UK ‘held’ China with three gun boats, nowadays we would struggle to keep the southern English coast free from drug and people runners with that number of ships.
India could lose 5% of its population and never notice but if they came here it would double our population.
Sky, out BBCing the BBC. 10 O’clock News. Item on the increased chance of a major cyber attack on the UK…wait for it… similar to the Russian cyber attack on the American elections. As far as I was aware, there is no evidence of a Russian cyber attack on the American elections. And here it is, presented as yesterday’s news (which by inference must be true).
The Russian attack was looking at Hillary’s emails from her unsecured private server. No way could the Russians hack the vote machines or the counting process.
Tonights propaganda offering is Thee Forgotten Children , about allegedly orphan child refugees in Europe. Unsurprisingly although theyve found some tragic stories of children allegedly orphaned NONE IS UNACCOMPANIED BY A CLOSE RELATIVE.
One group of seven ‘orphans’ accompanied by an aunt, is visited by a brother who has very poor English but now lives in Wales (presumably the forerunner of the clan). He insists he should be able to bring the entire family to join him (obviously to live in a huge house on benefits).
Much demonsttrating of their desire to assimilate, kids wearing ‘Wales’ T shirts hmmm, and being taught to cheer ‘Swansea, Swansea,’ (wrongly pronounced). The uncles efforts or the ITV producer?
I was in a central Cardiff mall some month’s ago and checked my phone. Having noticed several ethnics in strange dress taking interest, said phone rapidly returned to an inside pocket. Said ethnics lost interest on having been spotted………. My pseudonym has a rugby connection.
I was in Cardiff a few years ago and shocked to see huge numbers of immigrants from all over the world. It no longer feels like a Welsh city. It sounds as if Swansea is going the same way.
I was flicking around the various news channels with the tv remote this evening (not near the top of the hour). I discovered that at one stage channel 4, sky and of course bbbc news were all running ‘specials’ all at the same time about the new POTUS….. surprise, surprise not one of them had anything good to say about him.
Off button.
i have never seen any of the tv newsmedia finish a report with a positive comment about Trump or Brexit
Here in Australia, all the TV channels (commercial and state-funded) push the same line of Trump-bashing, PC, multiculturalism, pro-Islam etc. The move leftward has been quite striking in the last two or three years. It raises interesting questions:
(a) Why don’t the advertisers complain about bias that may alienate viewers? (Perhaps we should protest to the advertisers, not the programme-makers?)
(b) Why the hell doesn’t some enterprising media boss see that there’s money to be made in setting up a new channel that appeals to disgruntled conservatives?
The advertising agencies are an integral part of the Establishment and every bit as important to it as the broadcasting media, law, education, civil service and so on. This month, the UK government hired M&C Saatchi in its fight against ‘extremism’ (and if you want to know what an extremist is, it is a person “who reads Breitbart and stuff like that”). See Many agencies are dependent upon advertising contracts from the public sector and are pressured to promote diversity in their material. Large corporations have diversity officers, whose input is sought on advertising and marketing campaigns. Also, the people working in advertising are disproportionately young, urban and metrosexual and probably believe that the landscape they see around them in London and New York etc reflects the country as a whole.
G’day Helena! Somehow I get the impression that some of the programmes airing today were commissioned to ‘coincide’ with the inauguration of the first female POTUS. The aim seems to be to rub ‘the Right’s nose in diversity [in order to] render their arguments out of date’, as Andrew Neather, former adviser to Tony Blair put it in 2009.
A case in point: ‘Neighbours’ used to be a lightly humorous, family-friendly series about pretty ordinary people and their lives in Aussie suburbia but, over the last couple of years, it has metamorphosed into an agenda-driven narrative where storylines, lacking any ‘natural’ development, require residents to spy, eavesdrop, read each other’s private letters and emails, rummage through each other’s handbags or business files, and lie to each other continuously. A narrative is imposed on characters rather than evolving ‘naturally’ from the relationships of the characters to each other. They include a ‘superwoman’ lady mayoress who, while looking after her council duties, has time to run her own gardening business, look after a four year old child and still has the time and energy to take on becoming a surrogate mother. Other characters include a newly-pregnant, breast-baring feminist, a pathetic male policeman (seemingly set up by the scriptwriters to become the father of a child with 2 ‘mothers’), a schoolgirl who wants to become the first female Australian fighter pilot, a gay male dancer cum media entrepreneur and his mixed race ‘not yet out of the closet’ boyfriend, a lesbian female counsellor and a lesbian couple bringing up a teenage daughter. Ethnic African ‘extras’ feature in many scenes.
In spite of the programme possessing an obvious appeal for the likes of the BBC, they declined to renew the show’s contract two or three years ago. The ‘handover’ of the soap to Channel 5 coincided with the appearance of the Apple logo featuring regularly and prominently in many scenes – computers, iPads, phones etc. Advertising revenue for a TV company screening the show is a secondary requirement if the programme itself is the commercial. Stories and agendas can be manipulated at will by companies such as Apple and, at the same time, the series becomes a company advertisement worldwide.
Just watched Katya Adler on the end of the EU. At least I hope so. Apart from her trite observations why on earth is it necessary to show her in a number of new outfits parading here there and everywhere. Typical BBC. Style over substance every time. Now that interview with Marine Le Pen did not go very well . Sorry Katya she is out of your league.
AS for Victor Orban just because he won’t talk to a tinpot outfit like the BBC that is no reason to throw a hissy fit and slag off a fine country and a fine people who have endured much.
Score? 1 out of 10 and I am being kind.
Theyve now found an alleged (bearded) fifteen year old, who has traveled alone from Turkey and is now ‘in detention’ in Greece (yet has a mobile phone).
Where politics of the least bad is the sorry option we are presented with, he stands out.
Sadly Nuttal seems a calibre below, and prone to mis speaking with the worst of them.
Still, interesting how the BBC is losing its mind over his recollections of a footy match versus being very understanding of a presidential candidate who conjured up a helo landing under sniper fire.
The discussion above about about leftist clergy has reminded me of a hard-hitting TV comedy sketch from 25 or 30 years ago. It featured a vicar who took multi-faith and morally relativist doctrine to its ultimate extreme: he welcomed practising Satanists into his church. He said something like: ‘Our policy is not so much, “Get thee behind me, Satan!” as, “Come on in, my old mate, and have a cup of tea!” ‘
I think it was on ‘Not the Nine O’Clock News’. The odd thing is that NTNON was – like Monty Python – viewed as rather leftist in its time. And yet both shows were so politically incorrect they’d never get made today. They mocked anything – the left as well as the right. Remember the NTNON sketch about the mosque worshippers on their knees looking for the Ayatollah Khomeini’s contact lens? And Python’s philosophers’ football match, with a ludicrous tubby little Karl Marx running around in a track suit?
A fearless, no-holds-barred comedy like those of old would bring the whole politically correct edifice crashing down in a heap of dust. I mean, imagine what Python would have made of the BBC’s historical dramas featuring Somalis in 12th century Britain.
So that’s why the BBC won’t give you anything really funny any longer. Humour to PC is like sunlight to vampires.
I think NTNON was verging on manic anarchy for a time, Helena! But it was very funny as well as irreverent. We still watch the Youtube clips, and also the DVDs, and still hoot!
One of the most arrogant statements I heard regarding the vote to leave the EU, came from one of the people from Spitting Image, when he said that if the programme had been around last year, the result would have gone the other way!
I used to watch it occasionally; it wasn’t that good back in its day, and pretty unkind as well.
The BBC reported from Northern Norway this morning. In the report one sentence really stood out,
“Russia is developing oil fields in the Arctic region that reputedly hold reserves greater than Saudi Arabias”.
Now why does that news coincide with an upsurge in anti Russian paranoia in the guise of “news stories” from inside President Trumps administration and elsewhere?
Whose interest is served? …….that’s right…….the Saudi interest…….the Islamic interest in keeping the west tied to Saudi and Qatari oil supplies and the Wahabbi “cultural exchange” that accompanies Islamic financial clout in the west.
Diane Abbott is a vile, racist, angry, dangerous, and utterly moronic human who has spent her entire career being causing as much division and anger as possible, and creating a culture where white people are the enemy, just for having white skin
Her entire existence is built on victimhood and offence farming, and today is no different, of course ecstatically received by the greatest grievance hustlers of them all…the Islamic Al Beeb
Politicizing and conflating the justified use of the very same tactics that the hideously disgusting, fat fuck Abbott uses on everyone else? Perfectly sums up the weaponised, fake news militant cult that is the Islamic Al Beeb
But only Labour would even THINK of sending this black blimp of privilege and handmaiden of Corbyns “oop north” to win the Metric Martys back into the Labour hell house.
The very embodiment of race baiting empty hypocrisy-bad as Lady Nugee or Baroness Scotland, Queen Shami for that matter.
Labour-scions of the working classes?…but of course Lord Prescott!
We live in a golden age-and these lefty oafs think that means we seek an Obama, an Umunna or a Lewis by way of Bennetton Unity.
We are REALLY lucky in our enemies-50 years of Oxbridge inbreeding and no history books has served US well.
As Nick Robinson desperately tried to fill twenty minutes of “chaos in the White House” on their “flagship” this morning, I found myself laughing.
They have no news-Trump and his REAL team are telling them nothing.
Hence Pelosi and McCain who will trash Trump for fun as the impotent unwanted fops and flops that they now turn out to be.
I thank Kuennsberg myself-yes, the BBC are “another beauty”, but her approach to Trump and May clearly showed the real Trump team, the “international media” for what they are these days.
So why bother to give them houseroom?
Hence Sopel and Robinson sit in the corner of the playground torturing ants, eating worms and all in the hope that someone from the staffroom will pop out with a crust or a crumb for their NEXT 24 hour cycle of noise…hardly news is it?
But Trump gives them nothing…and if you want to see his REAL views, you need Stephen Miller as he destroys Clintons ex Boy Wonder George Snuffalophogus on ABC.
For there Miller tells us about the arrests and coming deportations of the crims-no mention by the BBC, but he`s got the filming.
He knocks George out of the ballpark(as they`d say)…and THERE is where the battle lies.
Not in colonial weirdies and invalids like Nick hoping to bring us back to the dog days of Leveson-buggers needed never to leave the building back then.
And now we`ll find that they`re forever reduced to phoning lefty failed blowhards in DC to get an opinion on what REAL news they`ll fail to tell us about. Bring our boys back Colonel Hall-they`re neither use nor ornament out there.
Stephen Miller and Ted Malloch, Steve Bannon retrospectives-THAT`S where all the mood music is taking me…NOT the fetid hen house of scratching posts and battery hens that is the BBC today…and for a long time to come.
Thanks to a poster on this site, I now enjoy Classic Swiss all day on the PC. However, the kitchen radio is on a local station. Only the deranged world that gives us BBC and SKy News could see a ‘story’ explaining Gary Lineker’s mental condition being placed ahead of an explosion in Oxford with several still unaccounted for.
The BBC online report of the Oxford explosion states that the cause is ‘unknown’, but goes on to say ‘an onlooker said it was caused by gas canisters’.
I’m pretty sure ‘onlookers’ could be found to say it was caused by any number of things! Speculation on other sites include:
1. The usual suspects – those ‘men’ again.
2. Gas bottles for nearby boats stored indoors.
3. Insurance job connected with dodgy council deal over flat sales.
4. Polish vodka still.
BBC – please send a reporter to investigate these claims!
the Westeren pro-Globalist liberal faction has had decades to plot and manipulate the political landscape to suit the process of attaining their goal ably assisted by various lobby groups working clandestinely behind the scenes.
Ignoring the current migration events, suppose that if a completely new, fresh plan was conceived today to flood the West with people from the Third World, principally those of an Islamic persuasion, what would the major hurdles to that plan be? I submit the first principal hurdle, particularly when the plan was to be imposed undemocratically on the population, would be, the non-acceptance by indigenous peoples of the States/countries to be flooded. So, when planning this hypothetical ‘new’ invasion, the Globalist/liberals would plan to overcome this threat by:
Persuading the Liberal pro-Globalist press that it was, ‘good for the country’ and sell them the concept of the benefits of ‘multiculturalism’. The prime mover will be – the National Broadcaster;
Ushering the Third World in surreptitiously (Blair strategy) in the hope it will not be recognised;
Work toward achieving a range of very serious legal penalties for those of the population that object whilst developing the concept of ‘Political Correctness’;
Smoothing the way for those arriving to avoid the fundamental principles of Free Enterprise by creating preferential lists and call it, ‘Positive Discrimination’
There, that’s sorted then! Anything else we, the Liberal Globalists, should plan for? like, infrastructure capacity for the hordes incoming – hospitals and GP’s, housing, roads, transportation etc.? Well that’s a difficult one. If we were to plan increases in those fundamental services in preparation wouldn’t the public be alerted to our clandestine plan?
The point being, the Liberal Globalists are well ensconced in their cosy existences, oblivious to the real world and this is what President Trump has to overcome. It will be hard work.
Euripides’ Medea was a scorned woman, rejected by her husband and seeking revenge. Enter Viki Pryce, stage left, into BBC studios yet again descending on her golden chariot this morning as the Greek chorus of hyperactive Aaron Heslehurst and sidekick Ben Bland (no, really, that’s his name) on BBC Business Live are oblidged to fret once again over EU Greek debt. Medea murdered her children and so too the EU is sacrificing Greece in the name of EU unity. Outback Aaron wonders could we now consider Grexit since Brexit has allowed us to think the unthinkable? Au contraire, says our Viki, now Brussels will be even more determined to keep the Greeks in the Euro.
‘ [Medea] hates her sons […] I dread to think of what is hatching in her mind’
Found myself in role of GCSE Economics teacher yesterday on BBC w/s which carried an article ‘UK inflation highest since June 2014.’
It was interesting to see what was being posted as Comments and led me to wonder whether there is a ‘cut & paste’ FakeNews industry out there. Some comments were obvious repeats of what had been posted by others. One poster even appeared to change name during the day in order to post misleading information that had been debunked the first time around.
The BBC is going to have a very difficult future if it maintains its FakeNews crusade. I have wondered in the past how many in-house Commenters there are. Its own operations may start to attract attention.
8pm R4 Moral Maze is about illegal migramt kids and Empathy judgements
\\The government’s decision to end the scheme that let unaccompanied migrant children into the UK has provoked an outcry. Many had hoped that we could offer a home to thousands of child refugees and the closure of the scheme has been branded “shameful”.//
\\But what if, in the very act of helping, we make matters worse? The resettlement scheme has been halted because it’s feared that it will just encourage child trafficking.//
Titled “A third of UK lives on inadequate income, says think tank”
Hello B-BBC regulars do you think you have adequate income ?
I anticipate the result
“A survey says 80% of B-BBC regulars, don’t have adequate income”
AS Nick Robinson chewed on the fat from Jenni Murrays latest lipo-with Jon Sopel-I wondered what was the average salary of these two as they floundered and puffed up their liberal nonsense and ignorance for twenty minutes.
How much per minute are they leeching from us I wondered?
About time, the BBC shut up about “the poor”-yes we are, but we sure as hell don`t want ourselves used like Karen Matthews.
As windsocks for the BBC teams to mince around like Lady Elizabeth Fry-let alone her useless fragile son.
Come on BBC-on an average day-as you play at Davos Daleks cogitating about the poor-how much are YOU getting, how much are your GUESTS getting-who`s paying the taxis, the croissants and how much are your houses worth-and how , when could you afford to get them?
OUR BBC-not theirs. John Birt said so.
Russia Today is reporting that Hamburg University is a hub for left-wing radicals plotting to hijack G20 summit.
Left-wing radicals? If they existed at all surely the BBC would mention them sometimes. No, not a hint of suspicion about the black-hooded darlings at the anti-president protests.
Harrison Ford ‘in near-miss’ at US airport
It’s strange but if it was anyone else except a liberal luvvie the bbc would have been all over it like a rash with their opinionated, politicised trash. But here we have a famous 74 year-old actor who, it would appear, can’t tell a taxiway from a runway, has a history of crashing aircraft but is “A long-time aviation enthusiast”
Maybe it’s time for Harrison Ford to hang up his flying jacket and for the bbc to be a bit more subjective and stop asking if the story is about one of theirs or not.
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Someone in the BBC is having a laugh.
The bBBC London News tonight is being presented by a white able bodied man !!!!!! I cannot remember the last time this happened. Perhaps all the right-on producers and editors are away on half term holiday and some junior thought he would take the piss. The presenter is definitely in the second division but even so. Amazing. Surely Dianne Flabbott, Harriet Harperson, Dame Tanni Grey Thomson, et al should be asking questions.
But let us not get too carried away. The actual news (pollution by evil private cars), the death of a virtuous cyclist, whose other half was clearly Eastern European, were fully on-bBBC-message.
“presented by a white able bodied man”
Yes, but “NOT presented by ABLE-MINDED” person of any sex, or skin colour
as per usual.
But the trump card (sorry) is, what is his sexual orientation, and also, how does “he” define his gender? There could be several hidden reasons why this person is suitable or more correctly “appropriate” to deliver the news despite his outward appearance.
Dad’s watching “Channel 4lse News”
All this -when did Trump know whatever the Russians might have known what Flynn said or not-is exactly what consumes the political idiots and processing peas of the media.
Which means they`re learning nothing.
But the BBC take twenty five minutes per show to tell us this.
Thankfully, it keeps them from doing any more damage as the rest of us see the new world coming.
And administrative push me pull you is just what the media obsess on-well if Trump gets his Muslims sorted as they chase the fade, then things will be fine.
AS to your comment above Sluff.
Surely being a BBC talking head requires no brain, no body and no education or command of English.
If ever we needed a load of Remploy Joeys put to useful work at gig economy wages-then the BBC studios surely would let wheelchair wheels whizz between weather maps.
An ideal place for migrants to practice their empowering BBC lexicon.
Just watched C4 news after listening to likeable Eddie Mair on R4, both full on consternation and outrage that Flynn’s indiscretion has been known about for three weeks and yet Trump had him in post. Is it me ? when you know your man has compromised himself to the point that he can be blackmailed and you know why, then he can’t be blackmailed ,so where’s the risk.
C4 now moving on to Steve Bannon and really going for it.
Oh, wait a minute, now moving onto inflation post brexit, plummeting pound etc. etc. I think the BBC are writing the “narrative” here. I note the FTSE250 is at an all time high but we are not hearing about that anymore, strange, they loved it on June 24th 2016.
Now we have some artist chap (Wolfgang somebody) telling us how populism is threatening the liberal elite/EU control we have “enjoyed” for the last twenty odd years, Krishna is appalled. So, artists, actors are not happy, why is there opinion worth more than ours ?
Just take a look at todays EU debate. It’s around two hours but you can dip in and scroll thru’.
Hardly anyone in attendance but Farage was there making some squirm a pull sulky faces. The subject. “The Future of the European Union”.
Farage mentioned that on LBC tonight.
He was mostly concerned about a “Muslim ban”. A Chatham House poll with a sample size of 10,000 in 10 EU countries shows that 70% of Poles asked were in favour of a complete ban.
At the end of the programme Farage says “We do not want to go to war with the whole of Islam”. This begs the question of whether Islam wants to go to war with the West or not. Farage’s statement also shows how much he himself has been cowed and mentally enslaved by the implicit threat of ever escalating Muslim violence if concessions are not made to Muslim demands. Some people keep repeating the mantras about “moderate Muslims” and “Islam is the religion of peace” but this seems to be a feeble attempt at self-hypnosis to reduce anxiety. With the Coué method of autosuggestion you were supposed to repeat “Every day, in every way I am getting better and better” at every opportunity to ensure your wellbeing.
The Muslim world does not need to resort to open warfare, if the West concedes everything Islam wants in the name of multiculturalism. One enricher who phoned in justified her right to be in Britain on the grounds that Britain had been a colonial power. She saw herself as an instrument of revenge and punishment. A highly perverse reason for going to any country, but it shows that the claim some immigrants come to Britain for a better life may be true, but it is not the whole truth.
i believe the mongols wreaked havoc on the muslims, why are they not heading there??
Maybe we northerners should be entitled to revenge in normandy for the harrying of the north
Or perhaps the scandinavians should repay the danegeld plus interest
this list could go on for a long time
If I had any advice for St Nigel-it would be to get himself clued up on Islam.
A well-argued bloke from Liverpool gave him a real education on what he`d heard at his local mosque. Nigel clearly was discomfited and didn`t really have any answer apart from to whistle and be embarrassed.
Nigel is a great cove…and would hate to pile more of the national burden on him..but his lack of awareness of what Islam says, represents etc does him no favours.
No excuses these days-plenty websites and the lifelong learning of Tommy Robinson ought to do it.
I think Nigel is being very careful in his choice of words so that the media can’t create more fake news stories to help Labour in Stoke. The BBC is working overtime to smear Nuttall, but it’s too obviously a smear to have any effect, so Nigel has to avoid giving them an alternative anti-UKIP story to run with.
C4 definitely going for it.
Half assed comment by Paul Nuttall several years ago about claiming to know victims of Hillsborough.
No mention of Gareth Snell tweets tho.
You & Yours this morning:
Winifred “my grandfather was a docker” Robinson wailed about NHS local commissioning groups saving money by cutting back on IVF treatment. Then a lot of blather from some pen-pusher about consultation with stakeholders: yes there was a bit of money-saving going on, but there wasn’t much actual cutting back on IVF services so nothing to worry about.
Annoyingly nobody made the argument that perhaps fertility treatment shouldn’t be available on the NHS at all.
Surely a childless couple who can’t stump up between £2K and £6K (the “cost” varies wildly between NHS regions) for IVF treatment either don’t want a child badly enough, or won’t be able to afford to support one should the treatment prove successful?
Meanwhile some 4,000 children wait in foster care unable to live with their birth families.
And God alone knows how many are aborted.
185,284 abortions in UK annually.
50 women had had 8 terminations each.
no ivf whilst any child sits in foster care!!!
talk about selfish OAPs get a load of youseleves
My great uncle was a docker in Liverpool. They were led by a KGB “useful idiot”.
PS. His nickname was Diesel.
Translation – Dees’l do fur our lad, Dees’l do fur our lass.
No smiley – it’s true.
The more I get to know of Stephen Bannon-the more I love him.
Like Ted Malloch-these bogeymen are EXACTLY what the liberal left need stuffed up their night shirts, so they can feign an attack of the vapours.
Bunch of Lady Windermere fannies-the Honey Badgers are on the march!
AND-thanks to ole Inigo on Channel 4( do these posh fops have names or what?)-turns out that he even worked with the gorgeous Joan the Baptist figure of Sarah Palin too, in her fearless Tea Party efforts of 2012.
The more the BBC and Channel 4 loath them-the more we know we`re to love them!
Hope Sarah got my Valentine card!…keeping Ted away from my wife, now that Playboy are finally bringing back nudes and hunks…
Yet more Trump Derangement Syndrome from Jon Sopel today on the BBC’s (fake) news website. Puffed up with his own self-righteouusness, Sopel pens the sort of snide takedown that would have been justfied… if he had presented so much as a shred of evidence that President Trump is in any way compromised by his relationship (if any) with the Russian government. As it is, all Sopel is doing is revealing the depth of his childish animus and his determination to do down the man the people of the USA recently decided should be their president.
Still, perhaps Sopel can’t help himself. Perhaps he is one of those insane Leftists who would rather we were at war with Russia? Something must be wrong in his mind as I can’t recall anything like such agitation when the House committee accused the Obama administration in general, and Hilary Clinton in particular, of lying through their teeth about Benghazi.
What’s up, Sopel? Is the savage murder of US diplomats being lied about and covered up by the US government of no great concern to you?
This is a good article about L’affaire Flynn; that what it is – is the beginning of the assault against the Trump Administration by the Deep State, embedded within the organs of state of the United States.
Sean Spicer talked in his White House press briefing today about the danger of leaks from within the U.S. government, which is quite different than the leaks from Wikileaks; that sneering Sopel was implying about Trump’s seeming double standards, due to his use of Wikileaks against Hillary Clinton during the election campaign yet his (Trump’s) annoyance at these Flynn leaks to the Washington Post from within the C.I.A.
The 6pm “News” was lashing itself into a frenzy over the resignation of a senior functionary to POTUS over some misalignment with the truth. “Trump is doomed !” What in God’s name has this got to do with us on this side of the pond except to furnish BBC with another session of Trump hate. When will they get over the fact that they cannot change the US election result and that he was voted in by people they despise.
Also , some more oldie & UKIP bashing as a dessert.
OK, Flynn embarrassed the VP BUT his phone had been tapped by the NSA and then Leaked to the press.
While they fantasise about deals with Russia to elect Trump with the pay-off of lifting sanctions, some miss the point that security services were bugging his phone. Why? Is that normal? How can diplomacy and Government function if all calls are monitored and may be leaked?
ok “leaked” surely has to be the real problem here, the words mole , traitor come to mind personally, drain the swamp
The BBC does Eco-propaganda like an addict does heroin.
They’ve put this video about Barcelona anti-traffic in 4 places across website/FB. No text page so they have not bothered to mention the protests against the scheme. The Superblock scheme means pedestrianising each 9 block city area, forcing traffic onto the edges, thus discouraging vehicle use and in theory getting everyone to walk or bike. Except each actual vehicle movement is now longer and slower, cos of the diversions and less roadspace.
You expect the BBC to only be dreamy about eco stories. They seem to have spent good money on a PR advert for the scheme (& not mentioned the protests)
Never mind the shop keepers who might lose biz cos no passing trade.
– Culturally I wonder if locals might be accustomed to treating laws laxly.
Negative I can see : Ambulance times might increase a lot due to higher traffic density on the driveable routes and more obstructions in the pedestrian zones.
French BBC Europe News – French Vogue gets first transgender cover star
French Real News – RT More Paris car burning? and rioting? no go areas? reporters attacked? anti police riots? or, South Korea Warns Against Visiting Paris Migrant Suburbs After Men Loot, Try to Set Fire to a Coach of Tourists
Gay Paree! The Romance, nip out and grab a croissant … until they re banned.
It’s a good job that there is a shortage of mud, straw and cowshit in Paris.
By now the “refugees” would have built a village.
“It’s a good job that there is a shortage of mud, straw and cowshit in Paris.” Only a matter of time, #7.
Plenty of other faecal matter to hand I would think.
“Too hand”.
Too much information – you put me off my Pen Deryn.
I have an old mate who has lived in Paris for over 20 years and slowly the frequency of my visits has reduced because the Montmartre area just feels like any old London inner city hellhole (except they’re shouting in French or Arabic).
Panhandlers, muggers, drug dealers and dodgy African gentlemen harassing you in the street. I haven’t been back in six years and I don’t think I ever will again.
I see team Hillary are still massively in credit with the ITV News-verts they bought.
First 10 mins of News@10 was anti-Trump news.
They haven’t mentioned the Paris riots yet ..they are just doing “rubbish dumped in UK country lanes”
Much of my antipathy to the BBC is derived from the compulsory extraction of the licence fee for the privilege of being allowed to watch broadcast TV.
I increasingly feel the same about ITV because the adverts which we all pay for almost subliminally fund the programmes. We therefore cannot avoid paying, even if we don’t watch any ITV at all. They are now almost as bad as the BBC in news programmes, not yet so bad with the digs and innuendos dropped into drama programmes.
Subscription model seems the only fair way to go for all TV.
They had an anti-Nutthal News-Vert at the end
Whole 3 minutes, which shows him expressing surprise that his website says he had close friends die at Hillsborough when actually only acquaintances
..He seemed very credible despite, ITV claiming the opposite.
If you listen to anyone in Liverpool, half a million of them were at Hillsborough that day, although of course none of them were pushing their way in. But now Nuttall has claimed the same, they have a great excuse to slag off UKIP. bBBC Radio Merseyside is going to be intolerable again. It’s full of whingeing Scousers at the best of times, wallowing in something that happened 28 years ago and taking any excuse for ‘Hillsborough’ to be their main ‘news’.
“High unemployment and racial tension blight several struggling neighbourhoods on the outskirts of Paris – commonly called the “banlieues”. Police have been accused of heavy-handed methods in areas with large immigrant populations.”
What’s this…..BBC reporting on Muslims attacking Christians in Bambari?
Christian civilians being murdered by Muslim warlords (Ali Darassa) “but it’s not as simple as just a battle of religions”
Are they trying to show the importance of the UN protection force?
“Without the UN there would be slaughter here”.
Ah hang on Gaytan the Christian warlord must be to blame?
No, wait “the UN is impartial”
Not like the BBC then…
But the BBC are keen to point out thre main differences between Muslim and Islam. Take for example a recent report by Ofsted on the failures of the Al-Hudaa college for young Islamists. The BBC reported that they had made an ‘investigation last year that found that the pupils were uncertain of the purpose of parliament and had little idea of careers apart from teaching Islamic studies’… reported in The TIMES (09/Feb/17). It is left to The Times to reveal that the school is run by Rafi Usmani, a cleric believed to belong to the ‘Harkut-ul-Jihad-ul-Islami. Ofsted siad that the school was ‘failing’ in it’s duties (bloody obvious, surely). But no! The principal complained (to Ofsted) and said “We think we are meeting the standards”. But that is not the end of it The Times had to ‘clarify’ this report as a “Correction and Clarification’ in a later edition – as follows….
The Times had to apologise:
‘Owing to an editing error we said that the BBC had found that pupils at Jamai Al-Hudaa colege “were uncertain of the purpose of parliament and had little idea of careers apart from teaching Islamic studies” (news feb 9th). (So The bald fact was that the BBC did not actually INVESTIGATE this at all, (so the BBC issued the complaint, it seems). The Times had to issue and apologise for this technicality. This was (in fact) a finding by Ofsted itself. (The Times can reveal) (!) Unbelievable arrogance of Muslims and BBC toadies. Basically the facts are not disputed and Islam gets to continue ‘teaching’.
BBC West main point tonight, ten minutes harping on about a minor UKIP councillor in Bristol suspended over ‘racist’ tweet. The story also heads the BBC West ‘News’ page, but strangely not headline worthy in the local press…
He claims his Twitter was hacked, wouldn’t be the first time….…
Quite a few indigenous English people I know profess support for this notion that people from our former Empire are entitled to come here “because we stole their land”. A notion that is reinforced almost universally in the press and the state education system.
My responses to that:
1 If it was so wrong for us to invade their lands, then why is it right for them to do it to us?
2 We relinquished most of our Empire voluntarily and most of the white British withdrew from the countries we gave independence. Are the Africans, West Indians, South Asians going to withdraw from this country if we say we don’t want them?
3 How long does this guilt for past misdeeds have to last before it is assuaged? Another poster has referred to cruelties inflicted on the English, Welsh, Scots, Irish etc by for instance Vikings, Normans, Barbary pirates. Any chance we could settle in their lands to pay them back?
RM – The people of those former Empire dominions threw off colonialism, yet their descendants now seek the reverse-colonization of our country.
If colonialism was iniquitous when carried out by the British, in countries and territories against the will of the indigenous majorities there: why is it then not equally iniquitous, when conducted by them contrary to the resolve of the autochthonous majority here in Britain?
We English could blame the Romans for their invasion here and demand restitution and compensation and then going further back) English were also captured and sold as child slaves for the Roman emperor himself. And then again the entire Ottoman empire ran on slave labour also. No compensation there either! At some point it is just stupid claiming compensation for previous generations ‘lifestyles’ that the BBC (if around then) would have made their own and employ slaves to peddle the radio transmitters with propaganda victories that may of may not have ever happened.
Look , if the British Empire was so bad why are there so many nation members of the Commonwealth of Nations? If they had disliked us so much they would never joined or remained.
Just look at the size of Africa, India or China and the distance to them from the UK. Consider also the size of the UK population in the colonial days. There is no way that the UK could have held an empire ‘where the sun never sets’ logistically unless it was an empire of the willing, or at least willing local leaders.
I believe that once the UK ‘held’ China with three gun boats, nowadays we would struggle to keep the southern English coast free from drug and people runners with that number of ships.
India could lose 5% of its population and never notice but if they came here it would double our population.
Sky, out BBCing the BBC. 10 O’clock News. Item on the increased chance of a major cyber attack on the UK…wait for it… similar to the Russian cyber attack on the American elections. As far as I was aware, there is no evidence of a Russian cyber attack on the American elections. And here it is, presented as yesterday’s news (which by inference must be true).
The Russian attack was looking at Hillary’s emails from her unsecured private server. No way could the Russians hack the vote machines or the counting process.
Corbyn’s “dark secret” weapon in the fight against the rise of UKIP. 🙂
Melanie Phillips just posted that comparing today’s refugees with the Holocaust situation
…is “A most deplorable analogy”
ITV is every bit as biased as the BBC.
Tonights propaganda offering is Thee Forgotten Children , about allegedly orphan child refugees in Europe. Unsurprisingly although theyve found some tragic stories of children allegedly orphaned NONE IS UNACCOMPANIED BY A CLOSE RELATIVE.
One group of seven ‘orphans’ accompanied by an aunt, is visited by a brother who has very poor English but now lives in Wales (presumably the forerunner of the clan). He insists he should be able to bring the entire family to join him (obviously to live in a huge house on benefits).
Much demonsttrating of their desire to assimilate, kids wearing ‘Wales’ T shirts hmmm, and being taught to cheer ‘Swansea, Swansea,’ (wrongly pronounced). The uncles efforts or the ITV producer?
Surely I am not the only cynical person in Britain?
Cardiff/Swansea seem to be changing!
I was in a central Cardiff mall some month’s ago and checked my phone. Having noticed several ethnics in strange dress taking interest, said phone rapidly returned to an inside pocket. Said ethnics lost interest on having been spotted………. My pseudonym has a rugby connection.
WTF is happening to this country?
We’ve been invaded!
I was in Cardiff a few years ago and shocked to see huge numbers of immigrants from all over the world. It no longer feels like a Welsh city. It sounds as if Swansea is going the same way.
It already has!
Mind you burkas on the beaches of West Wales tends to produce “some raised eyebrows”. – They don’t stop for long!!!!!!!!!!!
I was flicking around the various news channels with the tv remote this evening (not near the top of the hour). I discovered that at one stage channel 4, sky and of course bbbc news were all running ‘specials’ all at the same time about the new POTUS….. surprise, surprise not one of them had anything good to say about him.
Off button.
i have never seen any of the tv newsmedia finish a report with a positive comment about Trump or Brexit
Here in Australia, all the TV channels (commercial and state-funded) push the same line of Trump-bashing, PC, multiculturalism, pro-Islam etc. The move leftward has been quite striking in the last two or three years. It raises interesting questions:
(a) Why don’t the advertisers complain about bias that may alienate viewers? (Perhaps we should protest to the advertisers, not the programme-makers?)
(b) Why the hell doesn’t some enterprising media boss see that there’s money to be made in setting up a new channel that appeals to disgruntled conservatives?
The advertising agencies are an integral part of the Establishment and every bit as important to it as the broadcasting media, law, education, civil service and so on. This month, the UK government hired M&C Saatchi in its fight against ‘extremism’ (and if you want to know what an extremist is, it is a person “who reads Breitbart and stuff like that”). See Many agencies are dependent upon advertising contracts from the public sector and are pressured to promote diversity in their material. Large corporations have diversity officers, whose input is sought on advertising and marketing campaigns. Also, the people working in advertising are disproportionately young, urban and metrosexual and probably believe that the landscape they see around them in London and New York etc reflects the country as a whole.
Fascism is the harnessing of business to the state, formerly in the national interest.
Now globalisation and multiculturalism is the states ideology in the supra national interest.
Exactly. Murdoch owns Sky but it’s just a pale imitation of the BBC and nothing like his Fox in the US.
G’day Helena! Somehow I get the impression that some of the programmes airing today were commissioned to ‘coincide’ with the inauguration of the first female POTUS. The aim seems to be to rub ‘the Right’s nose in diversity [in order to] render their arguments out of date’, as Andrew Neather, former adviser to Tony Blair put it in 2009.
A case in point: ‘Neighbours’ used to be a lightly humorous, family-friendly series about pretty ordinary people and their lives in Aussie suburbia but, over the last couple of years, it has metamorphosed into an agenda-driven narrative where storylines, lacking any ‘natural’ development, require residents to spy, eavesdrop, read each other’s private letters and emails, rummage through each other’s handbags or business files, and lie to each other continuously. A narrative is imposed on characters rather than evolving ‘naturally’ from the relationships of the characters to each other. They include a ‘superwoman’ lady mayoress who, while looking after her council duties, has time to run her own gardening business, look after a four year old child and still has the time and energy to take on becoming a surrogate mother. Other characters include a newly-pregnant, breast-baring feminist, a pathetic male policeman (seemingly set up by the scriptwriters to become the father of a child with 2 ‘mothers’), a schoolgirl who wants to become the first female Australian fighter pilot, a gay male dancer cum media entrepreneur and his mixed race ‘not yet out of the closet’ boyfriend, a lesbian female counsellor and a lesbian couple bringing up a teenage daughter. Ethnic African ‘extras’ feature in many scenes.
In spite of the programme possessing an obvious appeal for the likes of the BBC, they declined to renew the show’s contract two or three years ago. The ‘handover’ of the soap to Channel 5 coincided with the appearance of the Apple logo featuring regularly and prominently in many scenes – computers, iPads, phones etc. Advertising revenue for a TV company screening the show is a secondary requirement if the programme itself is the commercial. Stories and agendas can be manipulated at will by companies such as Apple and, at the same time, the series becomes a company advertisement worldwide.
Mentioned a few times on Google particularly in 2011
A reminder why I, and so many others, no longer watch TV.
Just watched Katya Adler on the end of the EU. At least I hope so. Apart from her trite observations why on earth is it necessary to show her in a number of new outfits parading here there and everywhere. Typical BBC. Style over substance every time. Now that interview with Marine Le Pen did not go very well . Sorry Katya she is out of your league.
AS for Victor Orban just because he won’t talk to a tinpot outfit like the BBC that is no reason to throw a hissy fit and slag off a fine country and a fine people who have endured much.
Score? 1 out of 10 and I am being kind.
Theyve now found an alleged (bearded) fifteen year old, who has traveled alone from Turkey and is now ‘in detention’ in Greece (yet has a mobile phone).
This is very good from Farage at the EU Parliament, someone higher up the thread referred to it.
Farage – thank the Lord he’s been there leading us to Brexit, but he’s just one man for goodness sake. Time some others stepped up.
And Paul Nuttall is nowhere near the calibre.
But he may be more acceptable in the Northern Territories.
Where politics of the least bad is the sorry option we are presented with, he stands out.
Sadly Nuttal seems a calibre below, and prone to mis speaking with the worst of them.
Still, interesting how the BBC is losing its mind over his recollections of a footy match versus being very understanding of a presidential candidate who conjured up a helo landing under sniper fire.
He was talking about this tonight on the LBC phone in (7 till 8 Mon to Thurs)
In my ideal world, he’d be talking about it as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Perchance, the new United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland?
Now the ‘mud slinging’ starts………………
“Nuttall aide offers to quit over Hillsborough mistakes”
They don’t like it up em. C. Dad’s Army.
In the case of the BBC it might not be the true.
This looks suspicious ?……….
Interesting reporting by the BBC.
Osney Lane and Gibbs Crescent are on different sides of the river.
Seems they hedged their bets with ‘area’, albeit a large one.
Sorry mate. Not on Google Maps they are not:¬)
The discussion above about about leftist clergy has reminded me of a hard-hitting TV comedy sketch from 25 or 30 years ago. It featured a vicar who took multi-faith and morally relativist doctrine to its ultimate extreme: he welcomed practising Satanists into his church. He said something like: ‘Our policy is not so much, “Get thee behind me, Satan!” as, “Come on in, my old mate, and have a cup of tea!” ‘
I think it was on ‘Not the Nine O’Clock News’. The odd thing is that NTNON was – like Monty Python – viewed as rather leftist in its time. And yet both shows were so politically incorrect they’d never get made today. They mocked anything – the left as well as the right. Remember the NTNON sketch about the mosque worshippers on their knees looking for the Ayatollah Khomeini’s contact lens? And Python’s philosophers’ football match, with a ludicrous tubby little Karl Marx running around in a track suit?
A fearless, no-holds-barred comedy like those of old would bring the whole politically correct edifice crashing down in a heap of dust. I mean, imagine what Python would have made of the BBC’s historical dramas featuring Somalis in 12th century Britain.
So that’s why the BBC won’t give you anything really funny any longer. Humour to PC is like sunlight to vampires.
I think NTNON was verging on manic anarchy for a time, Helena! But it was very funny as well as irreverent. We still watch the Youtube clips, and also the DVDs, and still hoot!
One of the most arrogant statements I heard regarding the vote to leave the EU, came from one of the people from Spitting Image, when he said that if the programme had been around last year, the result would have gone the other way!
I used to watch it occasionally; it wasn’t that good back in its day, and pretty unkind as well.
‘Cup of tea’ as a stout defence against evil seems the genius plan in reality now.
Seems the show was ahead of its time.
The BBC reported from Northern Norway this morning. In the report one sentence really stood out,
“Russia is developing oil fields in the Arctic region that reputedly hold reserves greater than Saudi Arabias”.
Now why does that news coincide with an upsurge in anti Russian paranoia in the guise of “news stories” from inside President Trumps administration and elsewhere?
Whose interest is served? …….that’s right…….the Saudi interest…….the Islamic interest in keeping the west tied to Saudi and Qatari oil supplies and the Wahabbi “cultural exchange” that accompanies Islamic financial clout in the west.
Diane Abbott is a vile, racist, angry, dangerous, and utterly moronic human who has spent her entire career being causing as much division and anger as possible, and creating a culture where white people are the enemy, just for having white skin
Her entire existence is built on victimhood and offence farming, and today is no different, of course ecstatically received by the greatest grievance hustlers of them all…the Islamic Al Beeb
Politicizing and conflating the justified use of the very same tactics that the hideously disgusting, fat fuck Abbott uses on everyone else? Perfectly sums up the weaponised, fake news militant cult that is the Islamic Al Beeb
I did not think the BBC could self inflict any worse than when they open a HYS.
I was wrong….
Considering promoting a woman to a top job ? But when it comes to that crucial meeting, what if she suddenly developes a migraine ..?
Guest Who.
That went well for her……not.
A little part of me feels so… no, it really doesn’t.
Or those in the BBC who appeared to think this would go better.
But only Labour would even THINK of sending this black blimp of privilege and handmaiden of Corbyns “oop north” to win the Metric Martys back into the Labour hell house.
The very embodiment of race baiting empty hypocrisy-bad as Lady Nugee or Baroness Scotland, Queen Shami for that matter.
Labour-scions of the working classes?…but of course Lord Prescott!
We live in a golden age-and these lefty oafs think that means we seek an Obama, an Umunna or a Lewis by way of Bennetton Unity.
We are REALLY lucky in our enemies-50 years of Oxbridge inbreeding and no history books has served US well.
The comments thus far suggest Labour and its PR agency speak for few in the country
As Nick Robinson desperately tried to fill twenty minutes of “chaos in the White House” on their “flagship” this morning, I found myself laughing.
They have no news-Trump and his REAL team are telling them nothing.
Hence Pelosi and McCain who will trash Trump for fun as the impotent unwanted fops and flops that they now turn out to be.
I thank Kuennsberg myself-yes, the BBC are “another beauty”, but her approach to Trump and May clearly showed the real Trump team, the “international media” for what they are these days.
So why bother to give them houseroom?
Hence Sopel and Robinson sit in the corner of the playground torturing ants, eating worms and all in the hope that someone from the staffroom will pop out with a crust or a crumb for their NEXT 24 hour cycle of noise…hardly news is it?
But Trump gives them nothing…and if you want to see his REAL views, you need Stephen Miller as he destroys Clintons ex Boy Wonder George Snuffalophogus on ABC.
For there Miller tells us about the arrests and coming deportations of the crims-no mention by the BBC, but he`s got the filming.
He knocks George out of the ballpark(as they`d say)…and THERE is where the battle lies.
Not in colonial weirdies and invalids like Nick hoping to bring us back to the dog days of Leveson-buggers needed never to leave the building back then.
And now we`ll find that they`re forever reduced to phoning lefty failed blowhards in DC to get an opinion on what REAL news they`ll fail to tell us about. Bring our boys back Colonel Hall-they`re neither use nor ornament out there.
Stephen Miller and Ted Malloch, Steve Bannon retrospectives-THAT`S where all the mood music is taking me…NOT the fetid hen house of scratching posts and battery hens that is the BBC today…and for a long time to come.
Thanks to a poster on this site, I now enjoy Classic Swiss all day on the PC. However, the kitchen radio is on a local station. Only the deranged world that gives us BBC and SKy News could see a ‘story’ explaining Gary Lineker’s mental condition being placed ahead of an explosion in Oxford with several still unaccounted for.
Lineker has a brain? Now that’s news.
Enough to wisely not comment… as yet.
The BBC online report of the Oxford explosion states that the cause is ‘unknown’, but goes on to say ‘an onlooker said it was caused by gas canisters’.
I’m pretty sure ‘onlookers’ could be found to say it was caused by any number of things! Speculation on other sites include:
1. The usual suspects – those ‘men’ again.
2. Gas bottles for nearby boats stored indoors.
3. Insurance job connected with dodgy council deal over flat sales.
4. Polish vodka still.
BBC – please send a reporter to investigate these claims!
the Westeren pro-Globalist liberal faction has had decades to plot and manipulate the political landscape to suit the process of attaining their goal ably assisted by various lobby groups working clandestinely behind the scenes.
Ignoring the current migration events, suppose that if a completely new, fresh plan was conceived today to flood the West with people from the Third World, principally those of an Islamic persuasion, what would the major hurdles to that plan be? I submit the first principal hurdle, particularly when the plan was to be imposed undemocratically on the population, would be, the non-acceptance by indigenous peoples of the States/countries to be flooded. So, when planning this hypothetical ‘new’ invasion, the Globalist/liberals would plan to overcome this threat by:
Persuading the Liberal pro-Globalist press that it was, ‘good for the country’ and sell them the concept of the benefits of ‘multiculturalism’. The prime mover will be – the National Broadcaster;
Ushering the Third World in surreptitiously (Blair strategy) in the hope it will not be recognised;
Work toward achieving a range of very serious legal penalties for those of the population that object whilst developing the concept of ‘Political Correctness’;
Smoothing the way for those arriving to avoid the fundamental principles of Free Enterprise by creating preferential lists and call it, ‘Positive Discrimination’
There, that’s sorted then! Anything else we, the Liberal Globalists, should plan for? like, infrastructure capacity for the hordes incoming – hospitals and GP’s, housing, roads, transportation etc.? Well that’s a difficult one. If we were to plan increases in those fundamental services in preparation wouldn’t the public be alerted to our clandestine plan?
The point being, the Liberal Globalists are well ensconced in their cosy existences, oblivious to the real world and this is what President Trump has to overcome. It will be hard work.
I fully expect soon to tune to Today and hear nothing but the sound of tumbleweed blowing to and fro, to and fro.
Let’s get into the classics….
The BBC’s very own Greek Medea
Euripides’ Medea was a scorned woman, rejected by her husband and seeking revenge. Enter Viki Pryce, stage left, into BBC studios yet again descending on her golden chariot this morning as the Greek chorus of hyperactive Aaron Heslehurst and sidekick Ben Bland (no, really, that’s his name) on BBC Business Live are oblidged to fret once again over EU Greek debt. Medea murdered her children and so too the EU is sacrificing Greece in the name of EU unity. Outback Aaron wonders could we now consider Grexit since Brexit has allowed us to think the unthinkable? Au contraire, says our Viki, now Brussels will be even more determined to keep the Greeks in the Euro.
‘ [Medea] hates her sons […] I dread to think of what is hatching in her mind’
Found myself in role of GCSE Economics teacher yesterday on BBC w/s which carried an article ‘UK inflation highest since June 2014.’
It was interesting to see what was being posted as Comments and led me to wonder whether there is a ‘cut & paste’ FakeNews industry out there. Some comments were obvious repeats of what had been posted by others. One poster even appeared to change name during the day in order to post misleading information that had been debunked the first time around.
The BBC is going to have a very difficult future if it maintains its FakeNews crusade. I have wondered in the past how many in-house Commenters there are. Its own operations may start to attract attention.
8pm R4 Moral Maze is about illegal migramt kids and Empathy judgements
\\The government’s decision to end the scheme that let unaccompanied migrant children into the UK has provoked an outcry. Many had hoped that we could offer a home to thousands of child refugees and the closure of the scheme has been branded “shameful”.//
\\But what if, in the very act of helping, we make matters worse? The resettlement scheme has been halted because it’s feared that it will just encourage child trafficking.//
\\does empathy cloud our judgment? //
That intro is quite balanced for the BBC.
Oh look, it’s another press release from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Titled “A third of UK lives on inadequate income, says think tank”
Hello B-BBC regulars do you think you have adequate income ?
I anticipate the result
“A survey says 80% of B-BBC regulars, don’t have adequate income”
AS Nick Robinson chewed on the fat from Jenni Murrays latest lipo-with Jon Sopel-I wondered what was the average salary of these two as they floundered and puffed up their liberal nonsense and ignorance for twenty minutes.
How much per minute are they leeching from us I wondered?
About time, the BBC shut up about “the poor”-yes we are, but we sure as hell don`t want ourselves used like Karen Matthews.
As windsocks for the BBC teams to mince around like Lady Elizabeth Fry-let alone her useless fragile son.
Come on BBC-on an average day-as you play at Davos Daleks cogitating about the poor-how much are YOU getting, how much are your GUESTS getting-who`s paying the taxis, the croissants and how much are your houses worth-and how , when could you afford to get them?
OUR BBC-not theirs. John Birt said so.
That’s a lot to bite off.
4:30pm Media Show
I wonder if bbc-media-regulation will be the topic
Russia Today is reporting that Hamburg University is a hub for left-wing radicals plotting to hijack G20 summit.
Left-wing radicals? If they existed at all surely the BBC would mention them sometimes. No, not a hint of suspicion about the black-hooded darlings at the anti-president protests.
Harrison Ford ‘in near-miss’ at US airport
It’s strange but if it was anyone else except a liberal luvvie the bbc would have been all over it like a rash with their opinionated, politicised trash. But here we have a famous 74 year-old actor who, it would appear, can’t tell a taxiway from a runway, has a history of crashing aircraft but is “A long-time aviation enthusiast”
Maybe it’s time for Harrison Ford to hang up his flying jacket and for the bbc to be a bit more subjective and stop asking if the story is about one of theirs or not.
Interesting article highlighted in our friendly ‘Watts Up With That’ site – not just the lefty media but Donald’s dodgy predecessor hasn’t given up just yet: