Jeez – a quick scan of news reports show that Russia had spy ships off the same area on the eastern coast of the US, launched multiple missiles and has been testing this new cruise missile for years (although perhaps hasn’t launched one until now), and has buzzed US warships many times….. all during the Obama administration – and his response was….. ?
And Katty Kay’s journalistic investigation into such issues produced ? A big fat zero ?
So it seems Katty has the brains of a sea cucumber, the professional ability of Diane Abbott, and the journalistic integrity of the average BBC reporter.
Why should we want Trump to do anything about anything? After all the BBC has severed diplomatic ties with America. Surely they should be saying, “Reaction from the EU? Zero.” All the situations, that Trump is presently ‘not addressing’, were quite apparent during the Obama Merkel era and what was their reaction? Zero.
…and Katty Kay’s analysis of the number of times, in the whole 8 years of his presidency, Mr Obama called on conservative news outlets for questions ? Maybe Mr Trump is only trying to re-establish the balance a bit.
What a bloody hypocritical reporter this object is. What am I saying – she’s a beeboid – what else would she be ?
But, as for leaving her politics at the door when reporting….really ? – you just have to be kidding, BBC.
(P.S. Guest Who….I know precisely what you mean by the ‘Dateline London’ comment – the number of times I have been in hotels round the world, and just about the only English-language TV Channel is BBC World News…. which inevitably leads to daily playing and re-playing of this programme…. torture.
When I think about it, can I get some compensation ?)
I know the answer, but worth it just to see if they refuse to answer on compo for bent broadcasting by compulsion on the basis of journalism, art, or literature.
Of course. President Trump knows that it is a real cultural war and why give any breaks to the enemy. WE who back him are just not going to listen to any of the rubbish from the enemy MSM. Not here and certainly not in the proper states of the USA.
The new First Lady of the United States was looking stunning in Israel. It’s odd that the media isn’t obsessed with her beauty. They were besotted by Michelle Obama.
My theory is that she’s an immigrant, possibly from a ‘normal’ background (ie not born super rich/privileged), worked her way up, so she doesn’t fit with the liberal lefty target. Her profile is also low at present – not much sight of her in the White House. They are waiting in the wings though – rumours/fake news, but I don’t think they dare at the moment.
Yes sorry, I only realised they weren’t in Israel (but the US) later. I was just seeing the still images. I hadn’t watched any TV news last night.
I still think she’s stunning though.
Well, after seeing the life and conditions in Kochi, where 8 sleb pensioners have to live for a month (Real Marigold Hotel), I doubt I’d last 4 days let alone 4 weeks ! Who’d want to retire to a place where water is only safe out of a bottle, delhi belly a daily symptom, and to use Lionel Blair’s words ‘the place is a shanty town’. Er Lionel, you don’t have to leave this country to be in that environment – its called the Bury Park area of Luton !!!!
Its interesting the camera work and angles when in such places like India, you only get very fleeting glimpses of the dirt and street life detritus, attempting to focus the viewer’s attention on the colour and heritage. Ok for young backpackers, but again as Lionel Blair said ‘he likes to be clean and have cleanliness around him’; which set me thinking…… little wonder we have to resort to deep cleaning hospitals, something unheard of before the influx of clinicians from the third world countries.
Isn’t India the world power where 300 million people still do in the woods what bears do in the woods. And where women doing what bears do in the woods are liable to be molested.
As I often think, if it is so good there, why are they itching to come here in their thousands?
Actually they do it around and on the floor of the public toilets provided by the Government. There’s a widespread belief that demons reside down the toilet!
But yes, India is a world power – they have atom bombs a space programme and everything. And they have lots of call centres because one just phoned me to say he needs to fix my computer because it’s being hacked! Ah, that good old Indian tradition – banditry.
If you were to believe bibistan (big mistake) everybody in UK and Europe hates Trump and his policies. But here’s a funny thing: according to an in-depth survey by internationally respected Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs) an overwhelming majority agree with his immigration policy in every single European country.
Surely the bibstan haven’t been lying to us?
In fact the true figures are probably higher, as the msm et al have made it shameful to publicly admit to holding or expressing such views.
The bar charts below say it all:
Riots in Paris, now spreading to other towns, but try finding a whiff of them on bibistan webshite. (Bet they’d be over it like a swarm of flies if they were anti-Trump riots.)
I’m not sure if you can get re-runs of R5Live news bulletins, but the 2:00am one this morning was appalling, and had the usual squeaking toxic reference to President Trump by Jon ‘Washyourmouthoutwith’ Sopel. He was asked to comment on quite a serious issue, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard such fatuous, vacuous nonsense, with no facts, no figures, no story even, just another sneering non-reference to President Trump (who is actually doing something, which will never ever get reported of course), being in The White House!
JS really is a disgrace, and should be recalled to do something meaningful like an equal opportunities auto-cue reader’s course in – say Rotherham.
Luckily, a few minutes of Rhod Sharp afterwards sent me off in a peaceful slumber – he’s so boring…
By chance I met some one from Rotherham yesterday
They told me “It’s unbelievable that’s why I had to get out and live here.
I was working for government allocating grants which are for people who meet the criteria whether white black whatever, but we had a problem with ethnic Asians taking the pass. I told them hey you are taking the grant which should go to a more deserving person.
I complained to the bosses, but they said *don’t rock the boat*”
By chance I met some one from Rotherham yesterday
They told me “It’s unbelievable that’s why I had to get out and live here.
I was working for government allocating grants which are for people who meet the criteria whether white black whatever, but we had a problem with ethnic Asians taking the pass. I told them hey you are taking the grant which should go to a more deserving person.
I complained to the bosses, but they said *don’t rock the boat*”
The Today programme keeps saying the Supreme Court needs to be more ‘diverse.’ Why? Surely the ability to do your job is more important than skin colour. Nearly all the psychiatrists I have seen have been Asian. Would I dare complain that I needed to see someone white? As long as they can do the job properly who cares about skin colour? It’s the same with the Police. I just want them to prevent crime, who gives a toss about whether they are ‘diverse’? The rule of law is and must be the same for everyone whatever their race; we have seen the disastrous consequences when certain communities are treated differently. I wish we could just get on with it and stop whining.
The supreme court reflects the staff who started training in law firms 35 years ago, that respect it is representative.
that is why it is not yet 50% black.
As long as they can do the job properly who cares about skin colour? ….
It wasn’t so much skin colour as conflicting heritage and culture when I saw a female Asian psychotherapist in the early 80’s. I was sent to see her by my GP, however there were a couple of issues that I found uncomfortable. a) I spent most of the appointment saying “sorry”, or “excuse me” because she was hard to understand, and then of course … b)she was a single lady and not able to fully understand the Western marital culture. My GP apologised as he too had not realised, so I was referred to someone else.
And therein lies the problem – its not skin colour, but an understanding of the Western way of life, in particular when it comes to medical issues with ladies.
More BBC hypocrisy and bias this morning on Today….an interview with the Supreme Court Judge Neuberger talking about the hurt and upset caused and the “damage caused to the rule of law” by the Daily Mail headline “Enemies of the people”
Then a piece about an American politician who has withdrawn his standing for nomination for labour secretary because …..he employed “an immigrant who didn’t have the necessary papers to seek employment”.
Might that be an “illegal immigrant”?
Rule of law must always be respected except immigration law it seems, since the BBC has started using the left wing formulation “undocumented migrant” rather than “illegal”.
As we know, three of the judges on the Supreme Court panel did not agree with the other judges on the legal meaning of Article 50. Therefore the law is demonstrably not clear and unambiguous. And if that is the case, then judges must have based their conclusions to some extent on non-legal criteria. Since we also know, by their past actions, speech and legal ties that many of the judges on the panel have strongly pro-EU views, it is a perversion of common sense to suppose that those views did not help to formulate their conclusions on the meaning of Article 50. In my view, criticism of the Supreme Court panel is merited because it was highly skewed on the pro-EU side.
Oh no! We all could have done without this! Another racist, Islamaphobic, evil ban on citizens from a mostly Muslim country! This time it’s Pakistanis, who are being singled out for the bigotry!
Looks like we are going to have mass protests again, throughout the world, is solitary with our Muslim brothers and sisters, to show this hatred and Islamaphobic treatment of Muslims is born out of ignorance, and a complete lack of understanding of how peaceful and tolerant Islam is…….
?Warning! Biblical levels of double standards & hypocrisy overload about to take place!! ?
Not one single reference on the Islamic Al Beeb! Not on their propaganda filled webshite! Not maniacally shown 24 hrs a day for 2 weeks on their propaganda TV channels like they did with Trump. ONCE AGAIN not one single protest group of mentally ill psychopath lefties, who are so fucking stupid that they still haven’t worked out Islam = death to all infidels. Not 1 Jihadi/Islamic group banging on about how Muslims are unfairly victimized by racist, evil white people who hate Islam…….
Just caught the last couple of minutes with an interview with, sorry I mean a chance to lecture us by, an ex-aide of Obama who was allowed to tell us how dangerous Trump is. I didn’t catch his name, but recognised his voice so he is obviously a regular, but that is not important here. What I noticed was how Nick Robinson concluded the conversation, in a manner to convey apparent impartiality he had to put him on the stop with at least one question …
“Some may say … ” he began before giving the chap a chance to bat away the soft delivery.
Some may say? Not possibly me, not possibly the BBC.
Unutterable drivel on ‘Socialism Today’ this morning R4 around 0730 with Bilko et al.
First a very long anti Brexit piece about Cornwall and the EU regional aid it receives. A new car park in Truro. Wow. But not a mention of where the EU gets the money from in the first place. Or the idea that regional aid could be domestically managed. Doh!
Next up. Thought for the day. A paean against poverty and by strong inference the market economy. Just remind me, which economic system takes more people out of poverty, Communism, Socialism, or Capitalism? How is Venezuela doing, these days?
Next up. A strong anti Trump piece referencing Russia.
Just totally relentless sick-inducing left wing crap.
Yes Cornwall – Now I was half asleep but I’m sure I heard some bloke needing to know the future for the next 24 years but he couldn’t because of Brexit?
Communist and socialist countries; that would be the ones where the leaders are not in favour of open borders because otherwise all the citizens would escape to the nasty capitalist countries to be ruthlessly exploited. It’s for their own good, you see.
“US actor Ashton Kutcher urges end to child sexual exploitation”…state’s the Islamic Al Beeb webshite today.
“At a senate hearing on Wednesday, a visibly emotional Ashton Kutcher urged US lawmakers to support efforts to help bring an end to child sexual exploitation”
Another virtue signalling, holier than thou wankers, that has never read the Koran, knows absolutely nothing about the life of mad mo, and has completely ignored acts of evil like happened in Rotherham and in every Islamic community on earth
Toady programme, 8.20 and Brit/US hating Justin Webb trying to get Lord Justice Neuberger to agree that putative appointees to the Supreme Court should be interviewed as to their beliefs, politics etc so as to ensure ‘diversity’.
Typical Al Beeb wanting more in their illiberal, multiculti like but Neuburger demurred!
BBC TV News fretting about our vitamin D levels this morning. It’s our climate – is there anything about Britain that’s ok with the BBC ? I’m used to it. Not enough sunshine for us apparently – so maybe now we can stop worrying about Global Warming ? Guest GP Farrah Sheikh takes suppements hereself – good for her. Why doesn’t she suggest we spend more time outdoors and do that a little less covered up ? That would be the natural healthly way to go. Oh just a minure, could there be a section of community we are pussyfooting around here?
Remind me why we’re paying Jenny Hill to report for us from Berlin ?
Ahead of (yes, it’s not happened yet) the new US Secretary of State meeting with G20 leaders our Jenny wastes minutes of our time and pounds of our money to tell us just about nothing. Oh wait, she did editorialise the idea that President Trump’s early period in office was “Chaos”. So is this our Jenny’s personal opinion ? Is this perhaps BBC corporate opinion ? Or is this the political opinion of Merkel and her European allies – whose opinion our Jenny seems to favour ? Either way it is opinion presented as fact. Fake News. I would complain but what’s the point – ‘some people say’ the BBC always gets it ‘about right’.
Journalists have had a long standing reputation for being lazy, expense fiddling, party animals who just made stuff up at the last minute.
But the BBC has refined that to level of a fine art. Newspapers rely on readers choosing their content and take. Luckily the BBC doesn’t have those concerns so is freed up to be completely independent. Independent of the truth, facts, national interests, it’s license payers and anything that resembles integrity.
Head of the Supreme Court, President Neuberger complains of the potential ‘undermining of the justice system’ after some newspapers have the temerity to question the imbalanced structure of the judging panel. Well, four out of five with known and fully accredited sympathies for and payments from the EU do tend to ‘weaken’ his argument.
Criticising the media, the government and anyone showing evidence of patriotism is apparently acceptable, but the judiciary is above such earthly trivia.
Yes, ‘criticism from sections of the press’ – sections? The Daily Mail. The judge said it was a threat to democracy and the rule of law? Heck, no one likes criticism but that’s what the legal appeals process is about. So, Judges are beyond criticism and that is democracy at work?
Glad he’s retiring.
They want, ‘more diversity’ but just how do you appoint a judge who lives in the real world with the rest of us? Tricky!
In respect of the aforementioned Paris in flames story being a no show on BBC news – there’s a bush fire in New Zealand which seems to have knocked the European story right out of the headlines.
The NZ footage will probably turn up in some scary BBC climate change / weather weirding documentary at some stage.
BBC Newsroom: Sparks from the Paris riots, carried on freak gusts created by climate change and accidentally directed by an overlapping series of wind-farms, have ignited bush fires in New Zealand. More follows…
Surely now they can have whale barbecue-and maybe the whales were selflessly offering themselves up so the Kiwis would not continue to keep all those lambs and their hideous methane emissions.
Got my PhD there haven`t I Prof Harrabin?
Last night almost 15 minutes of the ten o’clock news was related to Trump. This morning we are back to one of those stories that likes to bob to the top in the toilet of BBc breakfast stories. Shall we dance around the bush? Let’s begin. Yes it’s vitamin D, again, should it be added to food?. The Doctor informs us there is not enough sunshine here. Yes there is not enough sunshine in the UK even with extra added climate change. Of course this would tend to apply to non indigenous types of which the Doctor, surprise, just happens to be. “As far back as the 1960s, the biochemist W. Farnsworth Loomis had suggested that skin color is determined by the body’s need for vitamin D. The vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and deposit it in bones, an essential function, particularly in fast-growing embryos. (The need for vitamin D during pregnancy may explain why women around the globe tend to have lighter skin than men.) Unlike folate, vitamin D depends on ultraviolet light for its production in the body. Loomis believed that people who live in the north, where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultraviolet light and that people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations”
“Yes it’s vitamin D, again, should it be added to food?”
“…people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations”
So ‘climate change’ and extra vitamin D in the food should finally rid northern Europe of the ‘hideous whites’?
Strange that Neuberger chose the BBC as a vehicle to communicate his complaints. Since it was the BBC that was quite vocal in it’s criticism of the Judge in the Ched Evans case, and even had at least one programme discussing the Judge’s decision to allow character witnesses. Strange then that the BBC seems to be sympathetic to Neuberger’s stance that the Judges should be above criticism.
Criticising the Judges is okay when the BBC do it, but undermining the justice system when others do it.
Lies and propaganda is okay when the BBC do it, but “fake news” when others do it.
I’d like to see a law that says that all Supreme Court decisions must be costed out and published by eg the ONS.
Example. The decision that unmarried partners can access the public sector pensions of their partners on death. Never factored in to any past pension fund calculations. What’s the new extra liability to taxpayers? £5bn? £10bn?
We need to know.
The totality of extra public spending arising from Supreme Court decisions needs to be made clear, and thus their ‘money tree’ credentials exposed.
But we are always told that public sector employees earn less than the private sector, which fact is used to justify everything from extortionately expensive public sector salary based pension schemes to the fact that the Honours List contains many fold more public sector than private sector representatives.
Listening to so-called, ‘News’ features on the BBC R4 Today programme is fascinating. I always know when the interviewee’s position on some issue chimes with the BBC propaganda policy. Take for example, the ex-Obama US Ambassador to Moscow, McFaul earlier. In what was a supremely one-sided interview by the BBC in which McFaul’s intense dislike and condemnation (verging hatred) of the Trump regime, the BBC’s interviewer simply shut up and allowed McFaul to rant. It was obviously music to the ears of the BBC. Moral of the tale? When the BBC interviewer fails to interject and/or carry out detailed questioning, the interviewees position on the topic is coincident with that of the BBC.
Exhibit A: Hardeep Singh Kohli – Exposed as a dodgy landlord, and admitted to inappropriate sexual behaviour against a female colleague.
Exhibit B: Boy George – Multiple criminal offences, including one of unlawful imprisonment and torture, for which he was sentenced to 15 months.
Exhibit C: Dave Lee Travis – Travis was found guilty by a majority verdict of 10–2 of indecently assaulting a female researcher working on the Mrs Merton Show in 1995. He was sentenced to three months in prison, suspended for two years.
A and B still appear regularly on the BBC, whilst C is no longer to be seen even to the point of being edited out of archive footage.
Clear which ones will always have a future with the idiot left and its organs.
And which one will be banished from history for ever.
Boy Georges case was particularly serious-yet he`s bouncing around the BBC like a national treasure.
And how come Tom Robinson was gay once-but is now a married father in Wolverhampton(metaphorically)…did he go to church in the interim or what?
Shock horror! Evil Trump just isn’t sorting out the World quick enough for the BBC!
Oh, how wonderful to have a nice media job where all you have to do is offer criticism but NEVER solutions.
Remember their prophet Obama AKA Dindoo Nutting:-
“Trouble? There’s always trouble in the World”.
“ISIS? They’re a junior league team.”
gaxvil and Lucy.
Spent the whole hour listening to Melvyn(Islamic maths, and how much we owe them) and our anti-American friend who`s reading his “Age Of Anger” book..between 9-10 am, Radio 4 just now.
And-following the news headlines-we now have feminists fighting IS in Syria-one of who has abruptly chosen not to speak to Jane Garvey ” on legal advice”.
Well worth a listen-especially Melvyn. If you want to hear eggshells being trod upon, red herrings sliding around a studio etc-this is as apologetic for Islam as it gets. But-all you need do-seeing we`re a thinking bunch here-is look at what stages, motivations and peoples get omitted…no Jews, Romans…we go from Egypt, to Abbisads via Babylon with a nod to Alexander and the Greeks( no avoiding them, I guess if you need to use the word geometry I guess). The thing is we all KNOW what the game is-and we can predict it too.
Sinister and/or stupid…wilful and/or wish upon a crescent moon?…you decide.
Off to hear what Tariq said last night…wonder what he`ll say then?
I watch BBC Breakfast tv from 6.00am to 6.25am before work, what the hell is going on lately, it all seems to be knockabout comedy and private jokes between the team, are they trying something new?
My ex visited South today many years ago when she was on a journalism course. All the supposed ad-lobbing and supposed off the cuff remarks were all scripted. I wonder if anything has changed.
Has anyone noticed any white-witch hunting on the Beeb today? I’ll be surprised if they don’t jump on the bandwagon as they normally love this sort of thing. I’ve seen 3 different reports in the last 24 hrs from various MSM sources alleging that the real danger to us is not Islamic extremism but “far-right” or “nationalist” or “white supremacist”. I know this is far from being a new ploy in the MSM propaganda industry. I’m just wondering why the sudden surge yesterday/today.
How come they only ever mention Hitler’s rightist mass murder but conveniently forget, the greater, Soviet leftist mass murder.
Hang on, is the clue in the left, right terms?
May I correct you? Hitler’s was also ‘leftist’ mass murder. Clues are in the name ‘National Socialist Party’ and the domestic policies of that party. It was a great triumph of post-war socialism that the common herd were persuaded that Hitler was on the extreme right-wing.
No offence and a good point.
Franco – a Right winger and fascist fought Socialists/Communists?
So I did look up the, ‘Definition of Fascism’ on Wiki and it first appears in Italy between the wars. And now I’ll shut up.
It’s not new the real “threat” is the “far” right has been a running narrative for years. Along with the much reported “far” right backlash that’s been expected for so long. The reality is the “far” right is probably more disorganised and ineffectual than it has been for many years. Still much easier to try and deflect the issue rather than deal with what is actually the real problem.
Something fishy going on here, no doubt. Seems like the EU wants to have its plaice and eat it. Well, according to our fishermen, they can just mussel off.
The European Parliament is threatening to deny the UK “market access” in a Brexit deal unless it can keep control of Britain’s lucrative fishing waters. MEPs have drafted seven demands to be included in a Brexit deal, including “no increase to the UK’s share of fishing opportunities” and “maintaining the existing quota distribution in UK and EU waters”.
The leaked Union (EU) document, obtained by The Guardian, lays out plans to force the UK to abide by the EU’s widely despised common fisheries policy (CFP) after Brexit by not “granting… access to the EU domestic market” if the UK refuses to accept its continuation. They claim the UK cannot revive its fishing industry without violating United Nations (UN) targets. “It is difficult to see any alternative to the continued application of the common fisheries policy,” the document says.
However, the Fishing For Leave campaign told Breitbart London the EU was “playing hardball” because “64 per cent of all fish caught in North West Europe are taken in UK waters” and Brexit would be “a huge loss to the EU and a multi-billion pound gain to the UK”. They explained in a statement that “the CFP will cease to apply automatically” after Brexit “as per the terms of Article 50, Section 3”.
“The UK will return to being an independent coastal state subject to international law on fisheries (UNCLOS 3) just like [the Faroe islands], Norway and Iceland”, they said, insisting the UK could continue to meet UN sustainability targets independently.
Taking back control of the fishing industry was a key part of the referendum campaign. Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage tweeted this morning: “The British people voted to take back control of our fishing waters. This is unacceptable.” The issue was brought into focus when Mr. Farage and Labour MP Kate Hoey led a flotilla of fishermen up the Thames, days before the June referendum, where they clashed with rival boats led by the singer Bob Geldof. “The Common Fisheries Policy is sorted out on the principle of equal access to a common resource – which means what is rightfully ours, we share with the rest of the European Union”, Mr. Farage explained at the time. “We’re only allowed to catch 20 per cent by value of the fish that swim in what should be our territorial waters,” he added.
UKIP Fisheries Spokesman Mike Hookem MEP slammed what he called “desperate attempts” by MEPs to “grab” British fish stocks following Brexit. He said: “UK waters and fish stocks must return to UK control, post-Brexit.” The leaked EU document says the Brexit deal must include measures “ensuring the maintenance of the same legal conditions for UK-registered vehicles, without requiring stronger economic links that could virtually make it impossible for EU vessel-owners managing UK flagged vessels to continue operating in the UK”. It concludes: “The nature of future EU-UK relations in fisheries needs to be seen in relation to the UK’s ambition in keeping close ties with its European partners and the common market…
“Every agreement that guarantees UK access to the EU domestic market has to guarantee an access to the UK fishing grounds for the EU fleet.”
Of course, our grand broadcasting unit won’t dare report this. But I bet our fishermen are somewhat “hake-ed off”.
I see the Guardian are already defeatist as regards the fishing policy,
“The hopes of British fishermen that the UK can win its “waters back” after Brexit are expected to be dashed by the European parliament,”.
No way should we be giving in to any such threats from the EU,this is one of the main reasons for leaving, the UK has the longest coastline of all countries in Europe and we must take back control of it.
lovely get the gun boats out, use the 20% domestically, give the fish a rest whilst we rebuild our fleet, starve the EU market for a while drive the prices through the roof
Better ask Iceland for the plans of their 1970s Gunboats and build a few so we can defend our post Brexit fishing waters from Johnny Foreigner.
” HMS Yarmouth had its bow torn off, HMS Diomede had a forty foot gash ripped its hull and HMS Eastbourne suffered such structural damage from ramming by Icelandic gunboats that it had to be reduced to a moored operational training frigate” Wiki.
More stats on attitudes to Muslim immigration the bibistan won’t tell you, by the respected Chatham House. So most people agree with Trump then? Who’d have thought.
All these new-fangled referendums and opionion polls are all fine and good, but the political elites have not moved on from Cicero.
“It is the duty of men of high rank to oppose the fickle disposition of the multitude”
Could be Fatso Clark dilating on Brexit.
A joy for the Today Show to rub our faces in their empty privilges.
One of their team braved an awayday from Chorlton to “do a peace/piss” on the “Door TO Door” Poet who wanders around such places as Gateshead and Stockton on Tees(oh, how outre, how brave!)
Need I say that he`s Arts Council funded?…the BBC wanted to clearly tell me of this( up yours taxpaying chavs!)
One bloke asks him to come up with a ditty on immigration and how/why there`s too many of `em in the country.
A few doors down is some pansy who wants a rhyme to “homophobia”-so NOW our poet gets his nubby little pencil out from behind his wet ears-and lauds the old queens mum who got swastikas painted on the door(who didn`t?) for being German just after World War 2 in this country.
THIS is what the BBC do to enrage us-I`d never think of being nasty to gays, but if they choose to let the BBC use them to mock the rest of us-gay or straight-then we need to put them right.
Utterly insulting patronising sachet-waving contempt in all senses.
I listened to 75 min’s of ‘Today’ from 7:45, which served only to remind me why I have largely given up on it.
The Arts-Council-funded wandering minstrel bit from the North East was funny and the bias shown, in the treatment of the two who mentioned immigration, was revealing. I wonder just how many doors the biased BBC interviewer had to knock on with the itinerant poet, before they found someone who fitted the agenda, a gay man whose mother had allegedly been a victim of xenophobia?
Mr G (above) has pointed out the bias in the interview with former US Ambassador McFaul and makes the obvious but important point that the lack of interruption signals BBC agreement with the anti-Trump position taken.
Two consecutive items from around 8:30 showed yet more bias:
(1) There was a piece from Cornwall, full of praise for EU funding for some centre in Truro, EU regulations of water quality on beaches and EU protection for Cornish Pasties. Cornwall had voted for Brexit, the reporter said, but he quickly added that many had voted to remain (a bit like everywhere else, then!) No mention that the EU money was really only UK money, since the UK is a large nett contributor.
(2) Then a piece on the EU’s warning to the UK over air quality, NOx emissions, etc; apparently the main thing we need to do now is to get diesel engine cars out of city centres. Nobody reminded listeners that diesel engines were promoted as being LESS polluting a while ago and that the EU was keen to push them (I can’t imagine why, when Germany made lots of them!) It’s comical how the EU was not mentioned in this bad news story.
Yea the door to door “poet” was on breakfast including the man who supposedly suffered from “Xenophobia” because his Mum was German. We were “treated” by part of his ode to hatred as well.
Wow he even visits a mosque
Yep – diesel was price cut and promoted by, scientists. Yes, scientists like the ones that gave us, Global Warming and alternately say, coffee cures cancer and coffee causes cancer.
Still nothing about the Paris riots on the so-called BBC news website. Have been trying to find information on this as my 9-year-old granddaughter is due to go to Paris on a school trip in early April.
Have discovered from other sources that the rioting has moved close to the centre of Paris and a tour bus full of South Korean tourists has been attacked. Of course if this same rioting had been the work of right-wing extremists the BBC would be all over it.
“University buildings were evacuated when a student accidentally made the same highly explosive substance that was used in the Paris terror attacks.”………
How’s about that then guys and galls ?
The Today Team on R4 were keen to give Lord Chief Justice Living-Fossil a chance to slag off freedom of expression. The Beebling doing the interview, however, was too thick to see his zeal and fervour for “diversity” would bring m’lud onto shaky ground.
The classic BBC line that anything as “male, pale and stale” as the judiciary needs an injection of diversity to better reflect the views of minorities was put to m’lud.
M’lud, of course, could not admit to being “out of touch” in this way. The myth to be maintained is that the m’luds are intellectual giants interpreting the law as written. These Übermenschen are unswayed by personal prejudices, self interest, group or class affiliations, public opinion, political pressure, etc. So pushing for judges of colour to tilt the scales of justice in the favour of persons of colour, undermines the claim that only the law matters. So m’lud has to argue that diversity is not about getting different views on the law, because interpreting the law is like formulsting a mathematical proof, views don’t matter. It’s all about increasing the supply of talent. But then why does m’lud think that if a white and a non-white candidate for the Supreme Court are judged to be of equal potential, the non-white candidate will get the job. In dubio pro PC. Fiat iustitia, ruat Brexitus. Great legal principles.
Sky news are reporting the death of Kim Jong Nam as murder, pure and simple. Not suspicious, not possibly murder, not even likely murder but plain old murder.
The facts are that they don’t even have the autopsy results yet and so have no way of knowing his cause of death let alone if he was murdered.
More fake news from the MSM in order to advance to MWO global government narrative.
Friend Lefty! I am intrigued by mention of Friend Ed’s cousin,’Saveed Milliband’. I think there is scope for a BBC documentary investigating his ‘roots’ in the so-called Raj, doubtless there will be some connection to the evil jackboot of British imperialism, perhaps a connection with the far-right post-colonial lickspittles of American free market capitalism, aka Ghandi and Nehru!
I think Friend Jasmin Alibi Brown (or Friend Polly Toynbee if she fancies a change from the Tuscan villa) should immediately be despatched with a camera crew!
Friend Cranmer! You are correct: the Far-Right BBC should investigate Saveed’s – literally – roots, as a matter of urgency! It could indeed form part of the new and improved “Civilisation” series they’re planning.
And I am quite sure that all here at B-BBC will agree that both Friend Alibi and Friend Polly should be – literally – despatched.
It’s happening in police forces right across the country. There has such a concerted effort to recruit black and Asian (Muslim) officers that they have recruited bent and dishonest crap. It’s not rocket science when it all goes wrong. Police professional standards departments and the IPCC are investigating a hugely disproportionate number of black and Asian officers. And the PSDs are now being investigated for being RACIST. You couldn’t make it up.
This time they have combined their campaign to oust football manager Arsène Wenger, with their venomous hate campaign against Donald Trump. This time they unashamedly present fake news in doctoring video images of Donald Trump holding up an executive order with the words “Wenger Out” faked in. The “Wenger Out” video itself is representative of all the pile of sheet videos the BBC produce in their own “stylised” way to dumb down and emotionalise news and sports stories in order to propagate their own perverse and egocentric agendas.
On the Radio 4 ‘Today’ Programme this morning, some ‘wandering poet’ in the North-East of England is now being given public money to go around and ask people if they’d like a poem written for them. (it wouldn’t be so bad if the people who disbursed this money gave it to, I don’t know, the NHS or Community Care budgets – but what the hey, this is poetry, you know – clearly of a higher priority.)
So this little public employee whizzes around asking people what matters to them, and he’ll write a poem about it for them. First up, a lady with a love of horses, so he’s written a poem about Red Rum for her, a portion of which we’re treated to hearing. Second, a guy that says what really matters to him is immigration…when asked for a further explanation, he says there are too many immigrants, and that is what is uppermost in his mind. Cue the BBC’s usual “Nothing to see here, let’s move on….” approach. So – no offer of a poem for him, and certainly not broadcast by the BBC even if there was one. Then next we get some guy who’s most concerned about homophobia (being a homosexual himself) and other prejudices. Cue poem for him, obviously, with dire comments about ‘concentration camps’, and ‘the rule of the far right’. His mother moved to the UK from Germany when he was a kid, with all sorts of poor behaviour by some in the UK – but, of course, concentration camps and National Socialist (i.e. far left) behaviour are reminiscent of the UK and the politically right-leaning, and not Nazi Germany. Clearly the tick-meter went off the scale for the BBC on that one.
Bias by omission, BBC…..yet again, and again, and again.
I very rarely listen to Toady but today I did. I heard two items – that was one, the other was how leaving the EU could threaten the Cornish pasty. Really.
Let me guess.
The poems did not rhyme, or scan.
But were written
Like this.
And were spoken
In that special Radio Four
Poetry voice
A sort of droning monotone
Preferably in a regional or Commonwealth accent
Which tells us
That what we are hearing is ‘poetry’
And therefore important
And not just
Badly written prose.
Ah – apologies Alicia… you preceded me on this one with your post above. I have only just got round to reading the thread sequentially and found your comment.
The bBBC indoctrinating children with their leftie bias.
Their selection of photos of politicians includes one with David Cameron and a kid going to sleep “It became a defining image of the Cameron era”; two of Donald Trump’s 10-year-old son looking bored; then “But there is one political guy who always nails it…”. Yes, you’ve guessed it, three images of Barack Obama looking cool with children.
This morning our Sky owned local station (working on getting Swiss classic Wifi’d around… they also have a great Jazz option) DJ was wittering away about Sherlock being the world’s favourite fictional character, and helpfully added this was because of being beamed out by BBC Worldwide, which is a commercial channel and runs ads…. on content attracting views created off the back of licence fee payers.
As we say in the banlieus… ‘Salud, suckers!’. Or… ‘ou eat le expunger de flambe, j’ais spillais mon Molotov’.
Paris – they look like the same, rent-a-scum you see here and the US. Less about politics and social justice, more about looting, mugging, assaulting and filling the empty hours.
Can I claim a prize for the first BBC news statement framed as Despite Trump?
Call it a BBC Brexit/Trump mash up
Turns out that corrupt supranational organisation FIFA has announced that the 2026 World Cup could be shared by up to four countries – why settle for bribes from one nation when you can multiply your grease by 4?
Speccie BBC chap Richard Conway says since the USA was favourite to host the 2026 tournament it might now be shared with Canada and Mexico “Despite Trump!!”
As both USA and Mexico would be hosts, they would both automatically qualify for the competition. They may even meet in the later stages of the tournament. If Mexico get a free-kick just outside the box, would the USA defence be allowed to build a wall?
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
pussy gate
touchy rapey gate
russian hackers gate
popular vote gate
piss gate
mostly muslim gate
talkin to russians gate
a “democrat” lol describing it as bigger than watergate
any mention of paris fireworks displays ???
i really am getting tired of this shite
BBC’s HRC correspondent really handling the new reality well. Impartially, of course.
Jeez – a quick scan of news reports show that Russia had spy ships off the same area on the eastern coast of the US, launched multiple missiles and has been testing this new cruise missile for years (although perhaps hasn’t launched one until now), and has buzzed US warships many times….. all during the Obama administration – and his response was….. ?
And Katty Kay’s journalistic investigation into such issues produced ? A big fat zero ?
So it seems Katty has the brains of a sea cucumber, the professional ability of Diane Abbott, and the journalistic integrity of the average BBC reporter.
Truly, unique.
‘Truly unique’ ? I wish !
Why should we want Trump to do anything about anything? After all the BBC has severed diplomatic ties with America. Surely they should be saying, “Reaction from the EU? Zero.” All the situations, that Trump is presently ‘not addressing’, were quite apparent during the Obama Merkel era and what was their reaction? Zero.
…and when not trying to provoke a war, the BBC also does still have time to throw lots of toys out of the pram…
Is this peroxide sink for real?
Maybe get her on Dateline London to feel safe.
That’s right Katty the Klown – I remember oh, so well when Obama used to call on Breitbart for a question every day or so.
Or maybe I dreamt that…
Get the feeling the BBC hive has had a memo to push a narrative…?
Boo hoo, they had a vote and….sob…..things changed……sob…..s’not fair….waaaaaaaaaah!
…and Katty Kay’s analysis of the number of times, in the whole 8 years of his presidency, Mr Obama called on conservative news outlets for questions ? Maybe Mr Trump is only trying to re-establish the balance a bit.
What a bloody hypocritical reporter this object is. What am I saying – she’s a beeboid – what else would she be ?
But, as for leaving her politics at the door when reporting….really ? – you just have to be kidding, BBC.
(P.S. Guest Who….I know precisely what you mean by the ‘Dateline London’ comment – the number of times I have been in hotels round the world, and just about the only English-language TV Channel is BBC World News…. which inevitably leads to daily playing and re-playing of this programme…. torture.
When I think about it, can I get some compensation ?)
Higher life forms can be found under your toilet rim.
You could try an FOI.
I know the answer, but worth it just to see if they refuse to answer on compo for bent broadcasting by compulsion on the basis of journalism, art, or literature.
Of course. President Trump knows that it is a real cultural war and why give any breaks to the enemy. WE who back him are just not going to listen to any of the rubbish from the enemy MSM. Not here and certainly not in the proper states of the USA.
mind your pronunciation
This s**t just gets deeper and deeper. FFS!
It’s a good job he didn’t make the same comment about Flabbot.
Look Kaiser, he just made a silly mistake and said guerrilla when he clearly meant gorilla. Could happen to anyone.
It’s ok, Tarquin NaughtieMarr is no longer a Labour Minister.
The new First Lady of the United States was looking stunning in Israel. It’s odd that the media isn’t obsessed with her beauty. They were besotted by Michelle Obama.
My theory is that she’s an immigrant, possibly from a ‘normal’ background (ie not born super rich/privileged), worked her way up, so she doesn’t fit with the liberal lefty target. Her profile is also low at present – not much sight of her in the White House. They are waiting in the wings though – rumours/fake news, but I don’t think they dare at the moment.
They aren’t in Israel – White House. She looks pretty serious, maybe nervous. Probably worried about spilling ketchup on that lovely white suit.
Yes sorry, I only realised they weren’t in Israel (but the US) later. I was just seeing the still images. I hadn’t watched any TV news last night.
I still think she’s stunning though.
Lucy – Michelle was black and Democrat, ergo beautiful and newsworthy.
Melania is white and Republican, therefore neither.
(Unless it’s a story aimed at destroying the marriage; it’s already started with allegations he slights her and prefers his daughter.)
Well, after seeing the life and conditions in Kochi, where 8 sleb pensioners have to live for a month (Real Marigold Hotel), I doubt I’d last 4 days let alone 4 weeks ! Who’d want to retire to a place where water is only safe out of a bottle, delhi belly a daily symptom, and to use Lionel Blair’s words ‘the place is a shanty town’. Er Lionel, you don’t have to leave this country to be in that environment – its called the Bury Park area of Luton !!!!
Its interesting the camera work and angles when in such places like India, you only get very fleeting glimpses of the dirt and street life detritus, attempting to focus the viewer’s attention on the colour and heritage. Ok for young backpackers, but again as Lionel Blair said ‘he likes to be clean and have cleanliness around him’; which set me thinking…… little wonder we have to resort to deep cleaning hospitals, something unheard of before the influx of clinicians from the third world countries.
Isn’t India the world power where 300 million people still do in the woods what bears do in the woods. And where women doing what bears do in the woods are liable to be molested.
As I often think, if it is so good there, why are they itching to come here in their thousands?
Actually they do it around and on the floor of the public toilets provided by the Government. There’s a widespread belief that demons reside down the toilet!
I pooh-pooh that belief. It’s cr*p.
But yes, India is a world power – they have atom bombs a space programme and everything. And they have lots of call centres because one just phoned me to say he needs to fix my computer because it’s being hacked! Ah, that good old Indian tradition – banditry.
Does your everything include foreign aid from the UK?
Otish, but as I hit the sack, any inside scoop on this Oxford blast?
For something so serious, accident or nefarious, the coverage since the initial mentions has been oddly muted.
Guest they’ll wait till it’s ‘safe’ to cover that story.
Still nothing? Methinks a silence that is eloquent in its intensity.
If you were to believe bibistan (big mistake) everybody in UK and Europe hates Trump and his policies. But here’s a funny thing: according to an in-depth survey by internationally respected Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs) an overwhelming majority agree with his immigration policy in every single European country.
Surely the bibstan haven’t been lying to us?
In fact the true figures are probably higher, as the msm et al have made it shameful to publicly admit to holding or expressing such views.
The bar charts below say it all:
Strange, Paris in flames but no mention on bibistan.
But what’s this? “French Vogue gets first transgender cover star.”
So that’s all right then.
The Joan of Arc remake is going to get messy.
I love the smell of multiculturalism in the morning.
I love Paris in the springtime…
Another million voters for Le Pen.
Check out the top video on the top tweet of this post of mine regards the French Riots:
France: Riots continue across Paris.
Riots in Paris, now spreading to other towns, but try finding a whiff of them on bibistan webshite. (Bet they’d be over it like a swarm of flies if they were anti-Trump riots.)
I’m not sure if you can get re-runs of R5Live news bulletins, but the 2:00am one this morning was appalling, and had the usual squeaking toxic reference to President Trump by Jon ‘Washyourmouthoutwith’ Sopel. He was asked to comment on quite a serious issue, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard such fatuous, vacuous nonsense, with no facts, no figures, no story even, just another sneering non-reference to President Trump (who is actually doing something, which will never ever get reported of course), being in The White House!
JS really is a disgrace, and should be recalled to do something meaningful like an equal opportunities auto-cue reader’s course in – say Rotherham.
Luckily, a few minutes of Rhod Sharp afterwards sent me off in a peaceful slumber – he’s so boring…
Scroblene – Rotherham henceforth to be known as Rogerham in an affectionate homage to multiculturism.
By chance I met some one from Rotherham yesterday
They told me “It’s unbelievable that’s why I had to get out and live here.
I was working for government allocating grants which are for people who meet the criteria whether white black whatever, but we had a problem with ethnic Asians taking the pass. I told them hey you are taking the grant which should go to a more deserving person.
I complained to the bosses, but they said *don’t rock the boat*”
By chance I met some one from Rotherham yesterday
They told me “It’s unbelievable that’s why I had to get out and live here.
I was working for government allocating grants which are for people who meet the criteria whether white black whatever, but we had a problem with ethnic Asians taking the pass. I told them hey you are taking the grant which should go to a more deserving person.
I complained to the bosses, but they said *don’t rock the boat*”
Yes the entire 3 Hours of Spin All Night is available online.
Either fast forward 1 hour or add #playt=1h0m to the URL
Many thanks, Stewgreen! From the safety of the next room, I am losing the will to live with Gary O’Donoghue waffling on – again with hardly any news!
But fortified by some choice vino, I’ll soldier on no doubt!
The Today programme keeps saying the Supreme Court needs to be more ‘diverse.’ Why? Surely the ability to do your job is more important than skin colour. Nearly all the psychiatrists I have seen have been Asian. Would I dare complain that I needed to see someone white? As long as they can do the job properly who cares about skin colour? It’s the same with the Police. I just want them to prevent crime, who gives a toss about whether they are ‘diverse’? The rule of law is and must be the same for everyone whatever their race; we have seen the disastrous consequences when certain communities are treated differently. I wish we could just get on with it and stop whining.
Come on Chilleden, everyone knows “diversity” is code for anti-White.
The supreme court reflects the staff who started training in law firms 35 years ago, that respect it is representative.
that is why it is not yet 50% black.
As long as they can do the job properly who cares about skin colour? ….
It wasn’t so much skin colour as conflicting heritage and culture when I saw a female Asian psychotherapist in the early 80’s. I was sent to see her by my GP, however there were a couple of issues that I found uncomfortable. a) I spent most of the appointment saying “sorry”, or “excuse me” because she was hard to understand, and then of course … b)she was a single lady and not able to fully understand the Western marital culture. My GP apologised as he too had not realised, so I was referred to someone else.
And therein lies the problem – its not skin colour, but an understanding of the Western way of life, in particular when it comes to medical issues with ladies.
More BBC hypocrisy and bias this morning on Today….an interview with the Supreme Court Judge Neuberger talking about the hurt and upset caused and the “damage caused to the rule of law” by the Daily Mail headline “Enemies of the people”
Then a piece about an American politician who has withdrawn his standing for nomination for labour secretary because …..he employed “an immigrant who didn’t have the necessary papers to seek employment”.
Might that be an “illegal immigrant”?
Rule of law must always be respected except immigration law it seems, since the BBC has started using the left wing formulation “undocumented migrant” rather than “illegal”.
On this morning’s Today propaganda programme.
News headline: Supreme Court Judge Neuberger is upset about criticism. The Supreme Court is impartial and beyond criticism.
15 mins later …
News article: BBC criticises the Supreme Court for being too white and too male.
quisquose: in the shifting sands of the modern, islamophiliac BBC left, it seems that Jewish is now the wrong kind of diversity.
As we know, three of the judges on the Supreme Court panel did not agree with the other judges on the legal meaning of Article 50. Therefore the law is demonstrably not clear and unambiguous. And if that is the case, then judges must have based their conclusions to some extent on non-legal criteria. Since we also know, by their past actions, speech and legal ties that many of the judges on the panel have strongly pro-EU views, it is a perversion of common sense to suppose that those views did not help to formulate their conclusions on the meaning of Article 50. In my view, criticism of the Supreme Court panel is merited because it was highly skewed on the pro-EU side.
Oh no! We all could have done without this! Another racist, Islamaphobic, evil ban on citizens from a mostly Muslim country! This time it’s Pakistanis, who are being singled out for the bigotry!
Looks like we are going to have mass protests again, throughout the world, is solitary with our Muslim brothers and sisters, to show this hatred and Islamaphobic treatment of Muslims is born out of ignorance, and a complete lack of understanding of how peaceful and tolerant Islam is…….
Oh, wait…….
?Warning! Biblical levels of double standards & hypocrisy overload about to take place!! ?
Not one single reference on the Islamic Al Beeb! Not on their propaganda filled webshite! Not maniacally shown 24 hrs a day for 2 weeks on their propaganda TV channels like they did with Trump. ONCE AGAIN not one single protest group of mentally ill psychopath lefties, who are so fucking stupid that they still haven’t worked out Islam = death to all infidels. Not 1 Jihadi/Islamic group banging on about how Muslims are unfairly victimized by racist, evil white people who hate Islam…….
….silence. Absolutely nothing at all
They are too busy showing all the lone wolves rioting and burning Paris. Oh, wait a moment…..
Just caught the last couple of minutes with an interview with, sorry I mean a chance to lecture us by, an ex-aide of Obama who was allowed to tell us how dangerous Trump is. I didn’t catch his name, but recognised his voice so he is obviously a regular, but that is not important here. What I noticed was how Nick Robinson concluded the conversation, in a manner to convey apparent impartiality he had to put him on the stop with at least one question …
“Some may say … ” he began before giving the chap a chance to bat away the soft delivery.
Some may say? Not possibly me, not possibly the BBC.
“And here… Is the BBC News… some may say”
Unutterable drivel on ‘Socialism Today’ this morning R4 around 0730 with Bilko et al.
First a very long anti Brexit piece about Cornwall and the EU regional aid it receives. A new car park in Truro. Wow. But not a mention of where the EU gets the money from in the first place. Or the idea that regional aid could be domestically managed. Doh!
Next up. Thought for the day. A paean against poverty and by strong inference the market economy. Just remind me, which economic system takes more people out of poverty, Communism, Socialism, or Capitalism? How is Venezuela doing, these days?
Next up. A strong anti Trump piece referencing Russia.
Just totally relentless sick-inducing left wing crap.
Yes Cornwall – Now I was half asleep but I’m sure I heard some bloke needing to know the future for the next 24 years but he couldn’t because of Brexit?
Communist and socialist countries; that would be the ones where the leaders are not in favour of open borders because otherwise all the citizens would escape to the nasty capitalist countries to be ruthlessly exploited. It’s for their own good, you see.
“US actor Ashton Kutcher urges end to child sexual exploitation”…state’s the Islamic Al Beeb webshite today.
“At a senate hearing on Wednesday, a visibly emotional Ashton Kutcher urged US lawmakers to support efforts to help bring an end to child sexual exploitation”
At last!! Someone bloody gets it amongst the sheltered, mind blowingly privileged, multimillionaire celebrities!!!
Oh, wait…..
Another virtue signalling, holier than thou wankers, that has never read the Koran, knows absolutely nothing about the life of mad mo, and has completely ignored acts of evil like happened in Rotherham and in every Islamic community on earth
Tothepoint – Rotherham (now affectionately known as Roger’em) AND dozens of towns across the land!
Toady programme, 8.20 and Brit/US hating Justin Webb trying to get Lord Justice Neuberger to agree that putative appointees to the Supreme Court should be interviewed as to their beliefs, politics etc so as to ensure ‘diversity’.
Typical Al Beeb wanting more in their illiberal, multiculti like but Neuburger demurred!
BBC TV News fretting about our vitamin D levels this morning. It’s our climate – is there anything about Britain that’s ok with the BBC ? I’m used to it. Not enough sunshine for us apparently – so maybe now we can stop worrying about Global Warming ? Guest GP Farrah Sheikh takes suppements hereself – good for her. Why doesn’t she suggest we spend more time outdoors and do that a little less covered up ? That would be the natural healthly way to go. Oh just a minure, could there be a section of community we are pussyfooting around here?
Remind me why we’re paying Jenny Hill to report for us from Berlin ?
Ahead of (yes, it’s not happened yet) the new US Secretary of State meeting with G20 leaders our Jenny wastes minutes of our time and pounds of our money to tell us just about nothing. Oh wait, she did editorialise the idea that President Trump’s early period in office was “Chaos”. So is this our Jenny’s personal opinion ? Is this perhaps BBC corporate opinion ? Or is this the political opinion of Merkel and her European allies – whose opinion our Jenny seems to favour ? Either way it is opinion presented as fact. Fake News. I would complain but what’s the point – ‘some people say’ the BBC always gets it ‘about right’.
Bring our girl home.
Jenny is a one trick pony. ITTB has a whole section devoted to her special focus. She and Katty have both sides of the Atlantic covered in peroxide.
“Jenny is a one trick pony.”
That’s a bit harsh, she can’t help the way she looks!
Journalists have had a long standing reputation for being lazy, expense fiddling, party animals who just made stuff up at the last minute.
But the BBC has refined that to level of a fine art. Newspapers rely on readers choosing their content and take. Luckily the BBC doesn’t have those concerns so is freed up to be completely independent. Independent of the truth, facts, national interests, it’s license payers and anything that resembles integrity.
Don’t forget careless. Every Winterval, the entire cubicle gardens stage a mass loss of iPads.
Head of the Supreme Court, President Neuberger complains of the potential ‘undermining of the justice system’ after some newspapers have the temerity to question the imbalanced structure of the judging panel. Well, four out of five with known and fully accredited sympathies for and payments from the EU do tend to ‘weaken’ his argument.
Criticising the media, the government and anyone showing evidence of patriotism is apparently acceptable, but the judiciary is above such earthly trivia.
Yes, ‘criticism from sections of the press’ – sections? The Daily Mail. The judge said it was a threat to democracy and the rule of law? Heck, no one likes criticism but that’s what the legal appeals process is about. So, Judges are beyond criticism and that is democracy at work?
Glad he’s retiring.
They want, ‘more diversity’ but just how do you appoint a judge who lives in the real world with the rest of us? Tricky!
In respect of the aforementioned Paris in flames story being a no show on BBC news – there’s a bush fire in New Zealand which seems to have knocked the European story right out of the headlines.
The NZ footage will probably turn up in some scary BBC climate change / weather weirding documentary at some stage.
It’s all about the narrative and the agenda.
BBC Newsroom: Sparks from the Paris riots, carried on freak gusts created by climate change and accidentally directed by an overlapping series of wind-farms, have ignited bush fires in New Zealand. More follows…
Surely now they can have whale barbecue-and maybe the whales were selflessly offering themselves up so the Kiwis would not continue to keep all those lambs and their hideous methane emissions.
Got my PhD there haven`t I Prof Harrabin?
Last night almost 15 minutes of the ten o’clock news was related to Trump. This morning we are back to one of those stories that likes to bob to the top in the toilet of BBc breakfast stories. Shall we dance around the bush? Let’s begin. Yes it’s vitamin D, again, should it be added to food?. The Doctor informs us there is not enough sunshine here. Yes there is not enough sunshine in the UK even with extra added climate change. Of course this would tend to apply to non indigenous types of which the Doctor, surprise, just happens to be. “As far back as the 1960s, the biochemist W. Farnsworth Loomis had suggested that skin color is determined by the body’s need for vitamin D. The vitamin helps the body absorb calcium and deposit it in bones, an essential function, particularly in fast-growing embryos. (The need for vitamin D during pregnancy may explain why women around the globe tend to have lighter skin than men.) Unlike folate, vitamin D depends on ultraviolet light for its production in the body. Loomis believed that people who live in the north, where daylight is weakest, evolved fair skin to help absorb more ultraviolet light and that people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations”
“Yes it’s vitamin D, again, should it be added to food?”
“…people in the tropics evolved dark skin to block the light, keeping the body from overdosing on vitamin D, which can be toxic at high concentrations”
So ‘climate change’ and extra vitamin D in the food should finally rid northern Europe of the ‘hideous whites’?
Seems the scientists who say have been out with research that suggests again.
Second slot on Sky News on our local radio, with the added gem that vits should be on the NHS for anyone forced to wear a bin liner.
First of course was UK SECURITY UNDER THREAT!!!!!!………….. DUE TO BREXIT!!!!!….. says place man unaware of current situation in Paris.
Strange that Neuberger chose the BBC as a vehicle to communicate his complaints. Since it was the BBC that was quite vocal in it’s criticism of the Judge in the Ched Evans case, and even had at least one programme discussing the Judge’s decision to allow character witnesses. Strange then that the BBC seems to be sympathetic to Neuberger’s stance that the Judges should be above criticism.
Criticising the Judges is okay when the BBC do it, but undermining the justice system when others do it.
Lies and propaganda is okay when the BBC do it, but “fake news” when others do it.
I’d like to see a law that says that all Supreme Court decisions must be costed out and published by eg the ONS.
Example. The decision that unmarried partners can access the public sector pensions of their partners on death. Never factored in to any past pension fund calculations. What’s the new extra liability to taxpayers? £5bn? £10bn?
We need to know.
The totality of extra public spending arising from Supreme Court decisions needs to be made clear, and thus their ‘money tree’ credentials exposed.
I don’t remember this astonishing fact about the BBC having been posted on here in the last six months.
BBC journalists are paid 40% above the sector average
You could understand that there might be some discrepancy between BBC & private sector but 40% ?????
But we are always told that public sector employees earn less than the private sector, which fact is used to justify everything from extortionately expensive public sector salary based pension schemes to the fact that the Honours List contains many fold more public sector than private sector representatives.
The BBC. Where entitlement is a way of life.
In good, Dick Turpin style.
That’s why they get patsies. ‘You pays your money and get’s what you pay’s for.
Not forgetting those market rate pensions that can only go up as well as really up, thanks to the unique way the licence fee is diverted.
Actually, the BBC seems keen that IS forgotten too.
And now the winner of the LEAST VALUE FOR MONEY award goes to……….
Listening to so-called, ‘News’ features on the BBC R4 Today programme is fascinating. I always know when the interviewee’s position on some issue chimes with the BBC propaganda policy. Take for example, the ex-Obama US Ambassador to Moscow, McFaul earlier. In what was a supremely one-sided interview by the BBC in which McFaul’s intense dislike and condemnation (verging hatred) of the Trump regime, the BBC’s interviewer simply shut up and allowed McFaul to rant. It was obviously music to the ears of the BBC. Moral of the tale? When the BBC interviewer fails to interject and/or carry out detailed questioning, the interviewees position on the topic is coincident with that of the BBC.
One sided? From the Balanced BC? Surely you jest?
Exhibit A: Hardeep Singh Kohli – Exposed as a dodgy landlord, and admitted to inappropriate sexual behaviour against a female colleague.
Exhibit B: Boy George – Multiple criminal offences, including one of unlawful imprisonment and torture, for which he was sentenced to 15 months.
Exhibit C: Dave Lee Travis – Travis was found guilty by a majority verdict of 10–2 of indecently assaulting a female researcher working on the Mrs Merton Show in 1995. He was sentenced to three months in prison, suspended for two years.
A and B still appear regularly on the BBC, whilst C is no longer to be seen even to the point of being edited out of archive footage.
And the difference in treatment is because …?
Clear which ones will always have a future with the idiot left and its organs.
And which one will be banished from history for ever.
Boy Georges case was particularly serious-yet he`s bouncing around the BBC like a national treasure.
And how come Tom Robinson was gay once-but is now a married father in Wolverhampton(metaphorically)…did he go to church in the interim or what?
Alicia, Tom Robinson says he’s BISEXUAL but, “Sing if you’re glad to be bisexual” didn’t scan.
If someone is married but describes themselves as bi-sexual doesn’t that imply that they want to be unfaithful?
Oh I don’t know Gaxvil. How about:
‘Sing, if you’re glad to be bi
Sing if you’ll give it a try’.
Courtesy of ITTB:
‘Incorrect reference’ seems a polite way of saying James O’Brien is a fake news pusher.
Does Mr. Harding’s unit know this?
Shock horror! Evil Trump just isn’t sorting out the World quick enough for the BBC!
Oh, how wonderful to have a nice media job where all you have to do is offer criticism but NEVER solutions.
Remember their prophet Obama AKA Dindoo Nutting:-
“Trouble? There’s always trouble in the World”.
“ISIS? They’re a junior league team.”
Anyone listening – Radio 4 – a Muslim telling us that ISIS is nothing to do with Islam and ISIS came about because of George Bush.
Who knew?
George Bush is one clever fellow! He must have a TARDIS at his disposal too.
He went back & dictated a rule book to a Bedouin Arab 1400 years ago.
gaxvil and Lucy.
Spent the whole hour listening to Melvyn(Islamic maths, and how much we owe them) and our anti-American friend who`s reading his “Age Of Anger” book..between 9-10 am, Radio 4 just now.
And-following the news headlines-we now have feminists fighting IS in Syria-one of who has abruptly chosen not to speak to Jane Garvey ” on legal advice”.
Well worth a listen-especially Melvyn. If you want to hear eggshells being trod upon, red herrings sliding around a studio etc-this is as apologetic for Islam as it gets. But-all you need do-seeing we`re a thinking bunch here-is look at what stages, motivations and peoples get omitted…no Jews, Romans…we go from Egypt, to Abbisads via Babylon with a nod to Alexander and the Greeks( no avoiding them, I guess if you need to use the word geometry I guess). The thing is we all KNOW what the game is-and we can predict it too.
Sinister and/or stupid…wilful and/or wish upon a crescent moon?…you decide.
Off to hear what Tariq said last night…wonder what he`ll say then?
Yes indeed – first Radio 4 I’ve heard for a while (off now).
Jane Garvie sounding embarrassed and confused so no change there.
I watch BBC Breakfast tv from 6.00am to 6.25am before work, what the hell is going on lately, it all seems to be knockabout comedy and private jokes between the team, are they trying something new?
Maybe Naga’s rellies were not happy at her car crash on Newsnight, so the gang trying to lighten the mood?
My ex visited South today many years ago when she was on a journalism course. All the supposed ad-lobbing and supposed off the cuff remarks were all scripted. I wonder if anything has changed.
Has anyone noticed any white-witch hunting on the Beeb today? I’ll be surprised if they don’t jump on the bandwagon as they normally love this sort of thing. I’ve seen 3 different reports in the last 24 hrs from various MSM sources alleging that the real danger to us is not Islamic extremism but “far-right” or “nationalist” or “white supremacist”. I know this is far from being a new ploy in the MSM propaganda industry. I’m just wondering why the sudden surge yesterday/today.
How come they only ever mention Hitler’s rightist mass murder but conveniently forget, the greater, Soviet leftist mass murder.
Hang on, is the clue in the left, right terms?
May I correct you? Hitler’s was also ‘leftist’ mass murder. Clues are in the name ‘National Socialist Party’ and the domestic policies of that party. It was a great triumph of post-war socialism that the common herd were persuaded that Hitler was on the extreme right-wing.
Socialist Nationalist Party, just like in Scotland.
I stand corrected.
Loose language. I should have said “may I offer another view?”. It is presumptive of me to ‘correct’ anyone!
To be pedantic, it was a workers party. A bit like the Socialist Workers Party so adored by the BBC
National Socialist German Workers’ Party, German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
No offence and a good point.
Franco – a Right winger and fascist fought Socialists/Communists?
So I did look up the, ‘Definition of Fascism’ on Wiki and it first appears in Italy between the wars. And now I’ll shut up.
It’s not new the real “threat” is the “far” right has been a running narrative for years. Along with the much reported “far” right backlash that’s been expected for so long. The reality is the “far” right is probably more disorganised and ineffectual than it has been for many years. Still much easier to try and deflect the issue rather than deal with what is actually the real problem.
Something fishy going on here, no doubt. Seems like the EU wants to have its plaice and eat it. Well, according to our fishermen, they can just mussel off.
The European Parliament is threatening to deny the UK “market access” in a Brexit deal unless it can keep control of Britain’s lucrative fishing waters. MEPs have drafted seven demands to be included in a Brexit deal, including “no increase to the UK’s share of fishing opportunities” and “maintaining the existing quota distribution in UK and EU waters”.
The leaked Union (EU) document, obtained by The Guardian, lays out plans to force the UK to abide by the EU’s widely despised common fisheries policy (CFP) after Brexit by not “granting… access to the EU domestic market” if the UK refuses to accept its continuation. They claim the UK cannot revive its fishing industry without violating United Nations (UN) targets. “It is difficult to see any alternative to the continued application of the common fisheries policy,” the document says.
However, the Fishing For Leave campaign told Breitbart London the EU was “playing hardball” because “64 per cent of all fish caught in North West Europe are taken in UK waters” and Brexit would be “a huge loss to the EU and a multi-billion pound gain to the UK”. They explained in a statement that “the CFP will cease to apply automatically” after Brexit “as per the terms of Article 50, Section 3”.
“The UK will return to being an independent coastal state subject to international law on fisheries (UNCLOS 3) just like [the Faroe islands], Norway and Iceland”, they said, insisting the UK could continue to meet UN sustainability targets independently.
Taking back control of the fishing industry was a key part of the referendum campaign. Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage tweeted this morning: “The British people voted to take back control of our fishing waters. This is unacceptable.” The issue was brought into focus when Mr. Farage and Labour MP Kate Hoey led a flotilla of fishermen up the Thames, days before the June referendum, where they clashed with rival boats led by the singer Bob Geldof. “The Common Fisheries Policy is sorted out on the principle of equal access to a common resource – which means what is rightfully ours, we share with the rest of the European Union”, Mr. Farage explained at the time. “We’re only allowed to catch 20 per cent by value of the fish that swim in what should be our territorial waters,” he added.
UKIP Fisheries Spokesman Mike Hookem MEP slammed what he called “desperate attempts” by MEPs to “grab” British fish stocks following Brexit. He said: “UK waters and fish stocks must return to UK control, post-Brexit.” The leaked EU document says the Brexit deal must include measures “ensuring the maintenance of the same legal conditions for UK-registered vehicles, without requiring stronger economic links that could virtually make it impossible for EU vessel-owners managing UK flagged vessels to continue operating in the UK”. It concludes: “The nature of future EU-UK relations in fisheries needs to be seen in relation to the UK’s ambition in keeping close ties with its European partners and the common market…
“Every agreement that guarantees UK access to the EU domestic market has to guarantee an access to the UK fishing grounds for the EU fleet.”
Of course, our grand broadcasting unit won’t dare report this. But I bet our fishermen are somewhat “hake-ed off”.
I see the Guardian are already defeatist as regards the fishing policy,
“The hopes of British fishermen that the UK can win its “waters back” after Brexit are expected to be dashed by the European parliament,”.
No way should we be giving in to any such threats from the EU,this is one of the main reasons for leaving, the UK has the longest coastline of all countries in Europe and we must take back control of it.
UK v EU fishing needs to utilise the FO. (I don’t mean Foreign Office).
lovely get the gun boats out, use the 20% domestically, give the fish a rest whilst we rebuild our fleet, starve the EU market for a while drive the prices through the roof
The EU people are idiots. In any trade war, they will be the losers, whether it is fisheries or anything else. There is nothing to negotiate.
Better ask Iceland for the plans of their 1970s Gunboats and build a few so we can defend our post Brexit fishing waters from Johnny Foreigner.
” HMS Yarmouth had its bow torn off, HMS Diomede had a forty foot gash ripped its hull and HMS Eastbourne suffered such structural damage from ramming by Icelandic gunboats that it had to be reduced to a moored operational training frigate” Wiki.
..and start recruiting for the Royal Navy. Press gangs next . 😉
More stats on attitudes to Muslim immigration the bibistan won’t tell you, by the respected Chatham House. So most people agree with Trump then? Who’d have thought.
It is odd – that is not in any way alluded to by the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation. Wonder why? It looks like news? I must be wrong.
All these new-fangled referendums and opionion polls are all fine and good, but the political elites have not moved on from Cicero.
“It is the duty of men of high rank to oppose the fickle disposition of the multitude”
Could be Fatso Clark dilating on Brexit.
A joy for the Today Show to rub our faces in their empty privilges.
One of their team braved an awayday from Chorlton to “do a peace/piss” on the “Door TO Door” Poet who wanders around such places as Gateshead and Stockton on Tees(oh, how outre, how brave!)
Need I say that he`s Arts Council funded?…the BBC wanted to clearly tell me of this( up yours taxpaying chavs!)
One bloke asks him to come up with a ditty on immigration and how/why there`s too many of `em in the country.
A few doors down is some pansy who wants a rhyme to “homophobia”-so NOW our poet gets his nubby little pencil out from behind his wet ears-and lauds the old queens mum who got swastikas painted on the door(who didn`t?) for being German just after World War 2 in this country.
THIS is what the BBC do to enrage us-I`d never think of being nasty to gays, but if they choose to let the BBC use them to mock the rest of us-gay or straight-then we need to put them right.
Utterly insulting patronising sachet-waving contempt in all senses.
I listened to 75 min’s of ‘Today’ from 7:45, which served only to remind me why I have largely given up on it.
The Arts-Council-funded wandering minstrel bit from the North East was funny and the bias shown, in the treatment of the two who mentioned immigration, was revealing. I wonder just how many doors the biased BBC interviewer had to knock on with the itinerant poet, before they found someone who fitted the agenda, a gay man whose mother had allegedly been a victim of xenophobia?
Mr G (above) has pointed out the bias in the interview with former US Ambassador McFaul and makes the obvious but important point that the lack of interruption signals BBC agreement with the anti-Trump position taken.
Two consecutive items from around 8:30 showed yet more bias:
(1) There was a piece from Cornwall, full of praise for EU funding for some centre in Truro, EU regulations of water quality on beaches and EU protection for Cornish Pasties. Cornwall had voted for Brexit, the reporter said, but he quickly added that many had voted to remain (a bit like everywhere else, then!) No mention that the EU money was really only UK money, since the UK is a large nett contributor.
(2) Then a piece on the EU’s warning to the UK over air quality, NOx emissions, etc; apparently the main thing we need to do now is to get diesel engine cars out of city centres. Nobody reminded listeners that diesel engines were promoted as being LESS polluting a while ago and that the EU was keen to push them (I can’t imagine why, when Germany made lots of them!) It’s comical how the EU was not mentioned in this bad news story.
Yea the door to door “poet” was on breakfast including the man who supposedly suffered from “Xenophobia” because his Mum was German. We were “treated” by part of his ode to hatred as well.
Wow he even visits a mosque
Yep – diesel was price cut and promoted by, scientists. Yes, scientists like the ones that gave us, Global Warming and alternately say, coffee cures cancer and coffee causes cancer.
Still nothing about the Paris riots on the so-called BBC news website. Have been trying to find information on this as my 9-year-old granddaughter is due to go to Paris on a school trip in early April.
Have discovered from other sources that the rioting has moved close to the centre of Paris and a tour bus full of South Korean tourists has been attacked. Of course if this same rioting had been the work of right-wing extremists the BBC would be all over it.
Is Paris a closed city?
Surely the beeb can parachute in one of their illustrious reporters?
Where’s Kate Adie when you need her?
“University buildings were evacuated when a student accidentally made the same highly explosive substance that was used in the Paris terror attacks.”………
How’s about that then guys and galls ?
Home Ec… splosive.
What are the chances that this student is named Muhammed?
The Today Team on R4 were keen to give Lord Chief Justice Living-Fossil a chance to slag off freedom of expression. The Beebling doing the interview, however, was too thick to see his zeal and fervour for “diversity” would bring m’lud onto shaky ground.
The classic BBC line that anything as “male, pale and stale” as the judiciary needs an injection of diversity to better reflect the views of minorities was put to m’lud.
M’lud, of course, could not admit to being “out of touch” in this way. The myth to be maintained is that the m’luds are intellectual giants interpreting the law as written. These Übermenschen are unswayed by personal prejudices, self interest, group or class affiliations, public opinion, political pressure, etc. So pushing for judges of colour to tilt the scales of justice in the favour of persons of colour, undermines the claim that only the law matters. So m’lud has to argue that diversity is not about getting different views on the law, because interpreting the law is like formulsting a mathematical proof, views don’t matter. It’s all about increasing the supply of talent. But then why does m’lud think that if a white and a non-white candidate for the Supreme Court are judged to be of equal potential, the non-white candidate will get the job. In dubio pro PC. Fiat iustitia, ruat Brexitus. Great legal principles.
Sky news are reporting the death of Kim Jong Nam as murder, pure and simple. Not suspicious, not possibly murder, not even likely murder but plain old murder.
The facts are that they don’t even have the autopsy results yet and so have no way of knowing his cause of death let alone if he was murdered.
More fake news from the MSM in order to advance to MWO global government narrative.
did TRUMP do it? or is it because of BREXIT?
I think you’ll find it was Farage and Nuttall dressed as women.
Space, MWO? Or NWO?
Friends! My second compilation of Guardian pieces authored by Our Ed’s Indian cousin, Saveed, is now available, literally here:
Friend Lefty! I am intrigued by mention of Friend Ed’s cousin,’Saveed Milliband’. I think there is scope for a BBC documentary investigating his ‘roots’ in the so-called Raj, doubtless there will be some connection to the evil jackboot of British imperialism, perhaps a connection with the far-right post-colonial lickspittles of American free market capitalism, aka Ghandi and Nehru!
I think Friend Jasmin Alibi Brown (or Friend Polly Toynbee if she fancies a change from the Tuscan villa) should immediately be despatched with a camera crew!
Friend Cranmer! You are correct: the Far-Right BBC should investigate Saveed’s – literally – roots, as a matter of urgency! It could indeed form part of the new and improved “Civilisation” series they’re planning.
And I am quite sure that all here at B-BBC will agree that both Friend Alibi and Friend Polly should be – literally – despatched.
Whats happening to our police ?
“West Midlands police officers face drug dealing charges”
In all fairness to the Beeb, they are publishing their names.
Police corruption is as old as the police force. Remember the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad – ‘disbanded’ in the 80s.
It’s happening in police forces right across the country. There has such a concerted effort to recruit black and Asian (Muslim) officers that they have recruited bent and dishonest crap. It’s not rocket science when it all goes wrong. Police professional standards departments and the IPCC are investigating a hugely disproportionate number of black and Asian officers. And the PSDs are now being investigated for being RACIST. You couldn’t make it up.
Unbelievable those BBC feckers are at it again.
This time they have combined their campaign to oust football manager Arsène Wenger, with their venomous hate campaign against Donald Trump. This time they unashamedly present fake news in doctoring video images of Donald Trump holding up an executive order with the words “Wenger Out” faked in. The “Wenger Out” video itself is representative of all the pile of sheet videos the BBC produce in their own “stylised” way to dumb down and emotionalise news and sports stories in order to propagate their own perverse and egocentric agendas.
Here is the link, be warned:
That is a disgrace. A ten year old could do a better Photoshop.
Sorry Broadcasting-on-Behalf, I accidentally reported your comment. Unable to retract.
I’m guessing the beeb probably won’t be covering this story
Expect a lot more of this in the years to come. Wouldn’t be surprised if intimidation like this hasn’t been going on for years.
New movie by Indian woman about the partition of India and ensuing bloodbath. Seems it was all our fault – there’s a shock.
On the Radio 4 ‘Today’ Programme this morning, some ‘wandering poet’ in the North-East of England is now being given public money to go around and ask people if they’d like a poem written for them. (it wouldn’t be so bad if the people who disbursed this money gave it to, I don’t know, the NHS or Community Care budgets – but what the hey, this is poetry, you know – clearly of a higher priority.)
So this little public employee whizzes around asking people what matters to them, and he’ll write a poem about it for them. First up, a lady with a love of horses, so he’s written a poem about Red Rum for her, a portion of which we’re treated to hearing. Second, a guy that says what really matters to him is immigration…when asked for a further explanation, he says there are too many immigrants, and that is what is uppermost in his mind. Cue the BBC’s usual “Nothing to see here, let’s move on….” approach. So – no offer of a poem for him, and certainly not broadcast by the BBC even if there was one. Then next we get some guy who’s most concerned about homophobia (being a homosexual himself) and other prejudices. Cue poem for him, obviously, with dire comments about ‘concentration camps’, and ‘the rule of the far right’. His mother moved to the UK from Germany when he was a kid, with all sorts of poor behaviour by some in the UK – but, of course, concentration camps and National Socialist (i.e. far left) behaviour are reminiscent of the UK and the politically right-leaning, and not Nazi Germany. Clearly the tick-meter went off the scale for the BBC on that one.
Bias by omission, BBC…..yet again, and again, and again.
I very rarely listen to Toady but today I did. I heard two items – that was one, the other was how leaving the EU could threaten the Cornish pasty. Really.
This contemptible organisation must go.
Let me guess.
The poems did not rhyme, or scan.
But were written
Like this.
And were spoken
In that special Radio Four
Poetry voice
A sort of droning monotone
Preferably in a regional or Commonwealth accent
Which tells us
That what we are hearing is ‘poetry’
And therefore important
And not just
Badly written prose.
Cranmer, you have a fine ear for tone and rhythm. I am putting forward your name as Poet Laureate for Radio 4. Subvert from the inside!
Ah – apologies Alicia… you preceded me on this one with your post above. I have only just got round to reading the thread sequentially and found your comment.
I see the BBC no longer has a correspondent, or any news gathering resources, in Paris…
Kate Adie has gone – position unfilled due to frozen License fee induced cut backs. But freeze ends March so maybe the rioters can hang on ’till then?
The bBBC indoctrinating children with their leftie bias.
Their selection of photos of politicians includes one with David Cameron and a kid going to sleep “It became a defining image of the Cameron era”; two of Donald Trump’s 10-year-old son looking bored; then “But there is one political guy who always nails it…”. Yes, you’ve guessed it, three images of Barack Obama looking cool with children.
BBC has advertising.
DMail has a coupon to buy the BBC Earth Magazine 3rd edition for £1
So BBC brand is licensed via BBCworldwide to commercial magazine publishing companies.
Which then produce glossy mags full of advertising. more
I note its Facebook promo page has no GW alarmism as if it puts the public off.
This morning our Sky owned local station (working on getting Swiss classic Wifi’d around… they also have a great Jazz option) DJ was wittering away about Sherlock being the world’s favourite fictional character, and helpfully added this was because of being beamed out by BBC Worldwide, which is a commercial channel and runs ads…. on content attracting views created off the back of licence fee payers.
As we say in the banlieus… ‘Salud, suckers!’. Or… ‘ou eat le expunger de flambe, j’ais spillais mon Molotov’.
Paris – they look like the same, rent-a-scum you see here and the US. Less about politics and social justice, more about looting, mugging, assaulting and filling the empty hours.
I hope French voters (unlike the BBC) are paying attention.
“Despite Trump !!”
Can I claim a prize for the first BBC news statement framed as Despite Trump?
Call it a BBC Brexit/Trump mash up
Turns out that corrupt supranational organisation FIFA has announced that the 2026 World Cup could be shared by up to four countries – why settle for bribes from one nation when you can multiply your grease by 4?
Speccie BBC chap Richard Conway says since the USA was favourite to host the 2026 tournament it might now be shared with Canada and Mexico “Despite Trump!!”
As both USA and Mexico would be hosts, they would both automatically qualify for the competition. They may even meet in the later stages of the tournament. If Mexico get a free-kick just outside the box, would the USA defence be allowed to build a wall?
If the US are awarded the free kick can the Mexicans appeal to a 9th Circuit Judge?
And is the referee a green card holder?
AsI – why settle for bribes from one nation when you can multiply your grease by 4?