AN IMMIGRANT in Germany has been given a mild 20 month suspended jail sentence for sexually abusing a little girl in an asylum seekers home in Berlin that led to her father actually being gunned down by police.
“I did it, it just happened spontaneously,” he said. “It wasn’t planned.”
The victim’s mother Zaman burst into tears when she heard the verdict and cried out in the courtroom: “How can this be? He should be locked up in a place where he cannot do this again. He destroyed my life on this day. The court heard how the 27-year-old man lured the six-year-old girl away to a quiet spot where he could assault her away from prying eyes. The attacker, Pakistani refugee Tayyab M. told the court in Germany it “didn’t’ matter” to him whether he had sex with a child or an adult – just that the act itself was completed for his gratification.
When police arrived at the migrant home in the Moabit district of Berlin to arrest the Pakistani suspect her father tried to lunge at him with a knife.
Iraqi Husam, 29, had been in Berlin with his family for four months when he died in a hail of gunfire in a bid to exact revenge on his daughter’s abuser.
Nog – strangely, unreported on bibistan webshite.
(Don’t want to give ammo to the nasty right, do we? So let’s keep lying and burying the wrong sort of inconvenient news, to hell with facts.)
‘An Indian couple currently living in London are now being hunted down by the authorities for allegedly planning the murder of a boy that they adopted in their home country.
The Times of India reported that local Indian police have filed a complaint against Arti Loknath, 53, and her husband Kanwaljitsinh Raijada, 28. Both are non-resident Indians (NRI) who have temporarily moved to the UK.
The couple has been accused of conspiring to kill Gopal, 13, whom they adopted in 2015. They worked with a certain Nitish Mund to adopt the boy, get him insured and then kill him for the insurance money, said Ashok Tilva, a police inspector in Keshod City in the Indian state of Gujarat.
Mund, who previously lived in London before returning to India, had planned the crime along with the couple since 2015, according to Tilva.
The report said Gopal was attacked with a knife by two people hired by Mund on the night of February 8. The boy died in a hospital on Monday.
Mund was arrested on the same day. It led to the revelation of the couple’s role in the incident, according to the Times of India.
“We have initiated process to arrest the NRI couple who are at present in UK,” the report quoted the local police as saying.’
BBC – “No motive was given, but the government often blames Muslim separatists for such attacks. Xinjiang, an autonomous region, is home to China’s Uighur ethnic minority, which is predominantly Muslim.
The region has suffered years of unrest. Rights groups say the violence is due to the tight controls by the government on the religion and culture of Uighurs”.
BBC Bias by omission, by projection, and by deflection
You have only NOT noticed that Gay Paree is suffering riots, coachjacking, en masse
car burnings, anti police battles and at least 3 reporters have been attacked
… if you use the Al BBC for news
Squat from France, apart from
What makes Marine Le Pen far right?,
‘Why Marine Le Pen won’t do a Donald’
Viewsnight is BBC Newsnight’s new place for ideas and opinion.
Here, French-Algerian journalist Nabila Ramdani argues Marine Le Pen will not win in France.
In the real world – PARIS RIOTS: Tourists ordered to STAY AWAY/Paris Riots. (Refugees Burn Parts Of Fallen Paris)/Immigrants Riot in Paris Suburbs, Smash Store Windows and Cars in Saint-Seine-Denis)
Thanks for all of your help Francais …
I am still behind on Pankaj Mishra’s ‘Age of Anger’ Book of the Week but listened anyway. While the voice is still no problem, I now have to concede to and agree with Deborah on Monday’s ‘StW Thread’ @ 10.33am that it is an apologetic for Islam. The disguise slipped on Day 4 but I still haven’t heard Monday’s episode again, nor listened to parts 2 & 3.
May not bother now.
It appeared to me today that he really is trying to excuse 21st century terrorism as being ‘Nothing to do with Islam’
Yesterdays very much blamed the US and mentioned, Trump and racism and white supremacy and Islamophobia etc., BUT what made me think I was tuned to an Islamic Radical station, “Europe will become a force for justice through Islam”.
There is a narrative, but its “veiled” 😀 behind a plethora of
differing aspects to make it appear relevant, ie pap!
Same old, same old I m afraid … the last review I saw for this book said
“Slogging through this book is Like wading through cold vomit”
Thanks Up2; usually I listen to Radio4 whilst doing other things and can reasonably understand what is being said. Mr Mishra required concentration which may not be a bad thing but I feel his essays are just all over the place, he has his ideas, but then presents suggestions as facts without being able to justify them. He jumps from Middle Ages, to Ancient Greece to present day in the blink of an eye or at least half a sentence. His work is just not very good but because he is pro Islam, anti Brexit and anti Trump he gets to read his book on the BBC with all the free publicity that entails.
If anyone is injured or even killed in these riots, can an action be brought against the government or somebody for covering this up or does the foreign office agree that there is no danger there and recommend we can all travel there and roam freely.
Will it be like Cologne and the msm will only start reporting it when everyone already knows about it.
Afternoon Drama BBC Radio 4 16 February 2.15pm. Part 3 out of 3 of separate stories about a Disaster Management Company. I had listened to Part 1 on 2 February. It used an obvious, trite and, frankly, boring storyline. I switched off. Thought I’d try again today but no better with some laughable scripting and – yet again – an obvious, trite and extremely boring, non-real world, conflict scenario. I switched off again.
My take on this week on the BBC. The stuff they are outputting on Brexit, Trump, non reporting of major incidents (e.g. Paris) if they don’t fit the narrative is driving me mad.
\\BBCRadio4 Inside Science “Alt Facts” just presented
There’s No legal req. to turn off car engine at level crossing//
(BTW many new cars have Start-stop tech cuts engine automatiically)
Alt Facts presented in opener to @BBCRadio4 Inside Science. No legal req. to turn off car engine at level crossing
So, to get things straight Dr Gorka’s father could not physically, have been a Nazi sympathiser, he was too young even for the Hitler Youth, and he was actually awarded this medal long after the war for peacefully opposing Stalinist Sovietism, and suffering imprisonment and torture, in occupied Hungary. All this is attested fact.
Doing a little bit of digging online (of the kind I’d expect from any half way decent reporter) the Vitzei Rend (which actually means ‘Order of Chivalry’) was originally set up by a Nazi sympathiser, but has since the fall of Hitler reinvented itself as a generic Order of Hungarian Chivalry. Since the war it has issued awards and medals to many Hungarians who have put their country before themselves and clearly has nothing to do with Nazism, ‘Far Right’, or any political ideology actually – other than ‘for the benefit of the Hungarian People’.
Here are the bald facts from that well known ‘Far Right’ organisation Wikipedia:
Is it just me, or do the Independent and certain other News organisations owe Sebastian Gorka an apology?
I’d never heard of the man before he became associated with Trump, but he seems to have spent some of his life in the UK, and from what I’ve seen is a very level headed and reasonable individual… especially when contrasted with the rather hysterical reporters from the likes of the BBC.
I knew Seb and his father Paul back in the 1980s. Paul (or Pal in Hungarian) was a patriot who had had to flee to Austria after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. There, he was recruited by MI6, and undertook missions, at great personal risk, back into Hungary to establish contacts with Hungarian resisters.
After his MI6 service in Austria, Paul moved to Britain and became a British citizen. I do not know what his subsequent career was, though I assume it had an intelligence aspect. In short, he was a proud, anti-Communist patriot, who moved to Britain as a genuine refugee, after risking his life in the cause of freedom. He lived in Britain as a law abiding and productive citizen.
I can’t begin to think why the BBC and assorted MSM leftists would wish to denigrate the memory of a man like that, it really is a mystery to me.
Although my French is really terrible I thought I’d look at Le Monde and Liberation to see what they had to say about the Paris riots. I could be wrong but it amounts to a big fat RIEN, it isn’t anywhere obvious on the front pages at least.
Cranmer – yes you’re right, I looked earlier this morning so they got there eventually – and now it’s top news in Le Monde too. Still not seeing anything jump out from the BBC’s main page however, although you’d think they’d be like a dog with a bone about any ‘violent cops vs ethnic minorities’ stories .
Le Monde is left-leaning so no surprise there. Liberation was founded by the odious Soviet-loving Sartre which tells you all you need to know.
Even the right-leaning Figaro have avoided the topic as much as poss. But sooner or later they’ll all have to address it, it’s there for all to see, especially now that it’s no longer in the isolated banlieues but in central Paris and other towns. Bibistan still ignoring it, but when they do cover it, it’ll be all the wicked racist police’s fault.
I wonder if the bibistan are deliberately NOT reporting the Paris riots because they fear Le Pen might win and are gearing up to portray her as a racist/ islamophobe – the riots would spoil their narrative of baseless racism, as opposed to a very sensible defensive reaction to events on the ground?
I think you’re absolutely right.
I’m some distance away here in the western Dordogne, but the French news medai have been exceeding slow in picking this up, or at least in putting it where you can actually find it.
I wondered why, because most French media is far more comprehensive in its reporting than al-Beeb, but I think you’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head.
The elections over here are in May, and the media have been very busy trying to bring down the erstwhile favourite, Fillon, in a corruption scandal, in the hope I think of giving a so-called centrist a place on the final ballot against Le Pen. This seemed to me to be a useless tactic but you’re right:
Concentrate on other news rather than prove Le Pen to have been right all along.
I wonder why the bBeeb don’t learn from their past mistakes in doing this diversion thing?
They’ve failed three times already, (GE, Leaving EU, and election of Donald Trump)! Perhaps there’s a right-wing plot to take over the Beeb, and install a small puppet propaganda machine, so they think we’ll all like lefties again – if we ever did…
‘Facebook now employs independent fact-checkers here. Correctiv is a smart outfit whose employees are mostly young. Correctiv monitors suspicious stories, looking at how much they are being liked and shared.
‘If the headline looks suspicious, or it appears on a website known to be dubious, the Correctiv team will contact the original sources for the story, to verify if it’s true or not. They then mark it true or false, and send a message to all German users of the social media platform, indicating its rectitude or otherwise.
The Stasi would be proud! What exactly constitutes a ‘suspicious’ story? Could it be one which goes against the prevailing narrative that the German government wants to promote? And why does it matter that they are ‘mostly young’. I suspect that’s code for ‘left wing’.
Factchecker not required. You see that bit near the beginning of the address, the ‘bbc’ bit, that tells you it is complete bollocks.
Always happy to help out with any technical issues!
To be honest I find this absolutely terrifying. The BBC seems to have no concept of bias, nuance or of a story having two sides. It’s either ‘real’ or ‘fake’ news.
The Breitbart church story they mention is a case in point. How is it possible to label that ‘real’ or ‘fake’ news?
It describes a mixture of events which are objectively proveable, but attributes motives which are open to interpretation and subject to bias. So does that make it ‘real’ or ‘fake’?
Anyone with an iota of intelligence should realise that everyone is subject to biases and that any news story should be judged in light of the bias of the person reporting the news, and weighed against our own biases and prejudices, of which we should be careful also.
This idea that you can somehow give a stamp of official approval to news stories and everyone can turn their brains off is like something out of Soviet Russia. I think actually it will backfire because if stories get labelled true and turn out to be false (and vice versa) people will simply stop paying any attention to the official guidance.
Seems to be only “officially-licensed news” as and when the BBC give it their seal of approval.
Cologne last year was only the most clear case of news being deliberately sat on by our national broadcaster-their ducks had to be got in a row, their narrative needed stitching up firstly-hence the Jess Phillips, Tariq Ramadans and the usual Guardian harpies circling the wagons.
Since then , only the Internet gives me Paris, Gothenburg and Duisburg,the BBC gives me Nuttalls laundry basket.
And now we find that “Is Trump A Fascist” is the headline on the European-and it`s Tim Farron, Alastair Campbell and Bonnie Greer, AC Grayling telling me whether he is or not….can`t guess!
The BBC seem to think they know that fake news is what they don`t like-no news is what they prefer to give when it upsets their world view and global plans-and BBC News is the very opposite of the truth I need.
Earlier the bibistan website was asking: Are Fashion and Politics the perfect fit? (Meaning leftie politics of course) and drooling over pictures like below.
I know it’s not the BBC but lately the MSM are all as bad as each other..
Robert Moore Washington correspondent ITV really makes my blood boil with his constant slagging off of President Trump and his administration. What a pompous self righteous pr1ck he is!
hi Guys i have a response from the fucking BBC about their openly misandristic storyline in their shitty daytime drama ‘Doctors’ just for those who didn’t see it, three females sat around a table announced ‘MEN are MORONS even in their SLEEP’ here is their reply. I refer to myself as MR vai se-foda ( fuck yourself) because i detest their nasty organization so much and it pleases me when they are forced to address me as such. Here is their reply :
Dear mr Vai se-Foda
Reference CAS-4211108-KJY2VW
Thank you for contacting us regarding BBC One’s ‘Doctors’ broadcast on 3 February.
I understand you felt it was sexist for the character Ayesha to say that “men are morons”.
The three female characters were talking of a time when they had been dumped by their ex-boyfriends. Ayesha was recalling the time she dumped an ex-boyfriend while he was asleep due to him talking in his sleep of how he was in love with Ayesha’s best friend. Ayesha then says, “Even in their sleep, men are morons”. The character, Emma did however add: “There’s got to be some decent ones out there”.
It’s worth pointing out that ‘Doctors’ is a fictional drama but, like society, it is made up of many different character types, and although we don’t always condone the things our fictional characters do or say all of the time, we don’t believe they shouldn’t express opinions that not everyone would agree with or approve of.
We strive to be true to our characters and to keep their language and views as authentic as possible. Ayesha is a kind character, but she’s also known to be feisty, sarcastic and sulky, and we hope that’s how viewers would perceive her.
We do value your feedback about the programme. All complaints are sent to senior management and in this case the ‘Doctors’ programme every morning, and I’ve included your points in our overnight report of audience reaction.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thank you once again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind regards
Neil Salt ( beta cuck)
BBC Complaints Team
As you can see their response defends their position again stating fiction and the storyline being in context.
The character ‘EMMA’ in their defense states ‘ There must be some decent men out there’ well guess what ? I turned on the tv the other day and the character ‘EMMA’ was coming onto another woman in a swimming pool furthering their nasty man hating female superiority agenda.
Also i notice they have vomited another nasty storyline in Eastenders. Typical BBC let’s give a male character depression to give people the impression we ‘care’ of course if it were a female character everyone would be walking on egg shells and checking on up them etc. The next part is where the BBC’s sick agenda comes into play -as it always does. We will give him depression then turn him into monster that hits women. I hope other people are carefully watching the BBC because at the moment they are getting away with open misandry and actually defending it.
There was something in The Sun today about a storyline on Coronation Street, where a 16 year old girl is being groomed by a man 10 years her quotes something on the lines of “he prostitutes her out to gangs of men similar to what happened in Rochdale…” Apparently it has caused arguments amongst the programme writers and cast of the programme.
They are however, missing one vital point. The actor portraying the ‘man’ in question is WHITE!
To me that report says “Media are STILL covering up for paedophiles” We all know the root cause of this problem. The MSM is still in collusion by withholding information. These girls are still being let down.
Still being let down? … its worse than ever simply because its out in the open … and still the political establishment refuse to come clean, its deliberate, and hidden behind No10 liars like A Rudd
“I have decided to write a personal account of an attempt I made to find out how many girls have been groomed, gang-raped, and prostituted by organised gangs in England over the last five years. I do it obviously not to provide ground-breaking statistics – but to contribute to the national discussion on the phenomenon of so-called “Asian” grooming gangs that has been taking place since the publication of the Jay Report in to widespread sexual abuse, gang-rape, and torture of at least 1,400 young girls in the town of Rotherham in Yorkshire.
The first thing to report is that this figure is simply not obtainable by a member of the public, at least not if you hope to be in any way close to accurate. I am not the first to undertake this effort.
A similar attempt was made by the office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012. That investigation also concluded that an accurate figure could not be obtained.
However, in investigating the matter myself,
I found widespread and continuing (despite the Jay Report) lack of any coherent recording of or response to organised gang-rape.
What stands out particularly is the lack of data held by local authorities, who in almost all cases, kept no numeric data on children under their care who have reported sexual assault or rape. In almost all cases, I was informed that this information could not be provided as it would take authority staff outside of the 18 hour working time they are obliged to perform on freedom of information requests.
The reason it would take longer than 18 hours to provide the data, is that it would entail reading separately through the individual files of all children in their care.
In other words, even post-Rotherham, most councils are not attempting to separately record sexual assaults on children under their care, or to paint a broader picture of the problem.
Police records present the same problems. Recording of ethnicity or nationality is widely inconsistent; in many cases the ethnicity of the alleged offender is not recorded, and it is not recorded for victims at all.
It is impossible therefore to know just how often this happens, or how many times it has happened.
What we do know is that some police officers and public sector workers have publicly stated that this child grooming by Muslim men has been occurring for decades, and with almost complete impunity.
The reasons for this I intend to explore.
My guess is that some justification for the fact that the ethnic identity of alleged offenders is not recorded is that many in the public sector believe it to be irrelevant.
Religion of offenders is not recorded, again I suspect because of an underlying and cultural view within the public sector that religion is irrelevant as well”.
BBCReject – “what impression would you have of the perpetrators of this horrible abuse after watching that?” That the perps were MEN, just men, horrible nasty men. Just men. Of no particular ethnicity or religion. Just men. You know, like, men.
The Beeb are sneeringly reporting that Pres’ Trump has accused the media of dishonesty. The way this is reported you could imagine nothing is further from the truth. Butter wouldn’t melt… And then you realise there have been days of mayhem, arson and rioting in a nearby European capital and there’s a media lock down on it. This is Soviet style propaganda. Bias isn’t just how you report something, it’s also bias by omission. Blimey, when some black geezer got shoved off a train in Paris the Beeb gave us weeks of it. It’s an utter disgrace.
If it wasn’t for sites like this I would never have known about the riots. I might even have been thinking of popping over. A nice relaxed, late Valentines jaunt. That really would have gone down well. A candle lit dinner, a wander along by the Moulin Rouge and a trip on the Seine as we try to avoid being murdered, burnt alive or raped.
The BBC did exactly the same thing with Cologne. They kept a lid on it for a week and then we got a reluctant nine second report about a “disturbance” involving “men”.
I have no doubt that eventually, when everyone knows about it, they will give us some whitewashed, politically skewed version of events.
Now let’s see, how can we blame this on Brexit?
No Al BBC trumpeting … YET!
The new Sweden races to cement its place in history
The Liberal Party of Canada has opted to support an “anti-Islamophobia” motion (M-103) in Parliament which calls on the government to, (wait for it)
… “condemn Islamophobia and study the best ways to quell an ‘increasing public climate of hate and fear.’”
M-103 is the second anti-Islamophobia motion tabled.
The first was unanimously approved and passed.
Get this
“When the debate began in Parliament yesterday, Khalid refused to remove the word “Islamophobia” from the motion, although it is supposedly intended to fight all forms of racism.
If that is so, why single out “Islamophobia,” particularly after one such motion was already passed?
In attempting to defend her refusal, Khalid obscenely and brazenly compared the victimization and suffering of Muslims to that of the Jews during the Holocaust”
“Justin Trudeau says people who are opposed to M-103 are fringe
Yes the BBC is bad in reporting on President Trump, but Channel 4 News is something else. Remember that we the taxpayers fund Jon Snow and his acolytes . He is responsible to all taxpayers, not just his lefty liberal constituency. Will the government do anything about Channel 4, or will it continue to be ineffectual , as it is with the BBC? Who will stand up for taxpayers ?
Voice For Justice UK:-
“Following our post yesterday, many of you have contacted us asking for an appropriately worded letter of complaint about Margot James’ attempt to get VfJUK banned, that can be either personalised or sent as is to MPs. We have pleasure in including this below.
It is with shock and dismay that I recently learnt of an attempt to block a legitimate Christian lobby group, Voice for Justice UK, from access to the Houses of Parliament, as result of a covert complaint made by the Conservative MP Margot James in respect of a meeting at which Revd Lynda Rose, CEO of VfJUK, was scheduled to speak. The complaint was discovered after a Freedom of Information request, made after the Group had been alerted to a serious but unspecified complaint.
In email correspondence to the Lord Speaker, Ms James said she found the views expressed by Revd Rose ‘offensive’, an opinion that she said she believed would be shared by many of her constituents. The views in question are simply an affirmation of Christian belief – as set down in the Bible – that all sexual relations outside marriage are prohibited, and that marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Ms James appears also to have taken exception to a book on the ideological reframing of Education over the last sixty years, recently published by VfJUK and entitled What are they Teaching the Children?.
Ms James accuses the Group of homophobia, but in fact the book is a carefully researched analysis of the UK’s cultural shift since the Second World War, using Government produced data and statistics demonstrating adverse health and social outcomes as result of new policies, many of which are prematurely and dangerously sexualizing children.
For Ms James to seek to silence both traditional Christian belief and Government data by making undisclosed (and therefore unanswerable) allegations smacks of totalitarianism, suggesting the wilful and deliberate suppression of free thought and free speech, and of any and all who may disagree with her. Even worse, Ms James’ attempt to have a member of the clergy banned because she herself takes issue with the Bible would appear to demonstrate an unacceptable and worrying opposition to Christianity – still, at this time, the established religion of the UK.
No Member of Parliament should be allowed to abuse his or her position to attack individual citizens or their beliefs in this way. As justification for her complaint, Ms James claims many on her constituents would share her views – but what of those who don’t? Do Christians in Stourbridge form such a minority as to justify being completely ignored, or is Ms James, as MP, neither prepared nor willing to represent those whose views differ from her own?
The conclusion is inescapable that Margot James has, for personal reasons, abused her position by making an unfounded and unjustified clandestine attack on a member of the public, who by definition was given no chance to respond. Such behaviour is scandalous. It is an abuse of the rights to freedom of belief and of speech, and an affront to democracy. The responsibility and duty of an elected Member of Parliament is to represent, defend, and protect the best interests of all UK citizens.
For the protection and maintenance of democracy and the reputation of Parliament as representing all UK citizens, I am therefore writing to ask you to use your influence to call for Ms James to be censured for conduct unbecoming that of an elected representative of the people.
I’ve just been watching President Trump’s latest press conference, which was thoroughly enjoyable. The Meeja representatives just don’t seem to get that they need him more than he needs them, and he was generous with his praise and criticism to each outlet’s representative as appropriate. The BBC News chap stood up and started asking a question but was soon stopped dead in his tracks as the President asked where he was from. “BBC News” was the reply, and the President repeated his “There’s another beauty” comment from a few weeks ago. The BBC chap looked as though he’d just been given a good slap but pressed on with his question before being stopped half way through by a President who had heard enough and answered his question. There is no doubt, repeat, no doubt in my mind that President Trump has the BBC’s card well and truly marked and knows exactly how to deal with them. Good man!
I felt like a rant, and I nearly ran out of characters when submitting this complaint:
I have watched the whole of President Trump’s press conference held this evening. You will note that I refer to the democratically-elected US leader by his proper title, not just by his surname as appears to be the norm on the BBC. Anyway, the BBC were quick off the mark with the news page referred to above but sadly you make no mention of the highlight of the conference: The use again by the President of the term “There’s another beauty” when the appalling BBC correspondent Jon Sopel was pulled up and asked where he was from. I laughed. Oh, how I laughed. And then I laughed some more. A priceless moment of live TV, again. And the President is right. BBC News is Fake News. It seems to be unknown to the BBC that riots are occurring in Paris. The police are in running battles, vehicles and property are being destroyed and many areas are now “no go” areas, but there is not a peep about ANY of this on the BBC. A quick check of the Top Ten news stories on your web site tells me that the thimble has been dropped from Monopoly, a Bishop pressed a wrong button, a girl of 7 got a letter from Google, oh, and “Experts question Trump’s mental health” (quelle surprise, and which does not contain the phrase “President Trump” in its text, see above). A search for “Paris riots” gives me a page from November 2015, so not relevant to what is happening in Paris right now. Even going to “Europe news” tells me nothing. So just for once, how about you drop the “Oh look, Trump’s getting annoyed with us again and we don’t like it – mwaaahhh!!!” crocodile tears, eh? And how about you report the REAL NEWS, such as Paris, and not tell me about losing the thimble in Monopoly? Perhaps then you might stand a chance of not being the complete embarrassment you are to this country and those of us who are forced by the power of an outdated law to pay for your appalling service. And where do I get my news from? There’s this thing, and it’s free.
Just watched the whole of the President Trump press briefing. OUCH! It had me laughing. The BBC really did get hung out to dry. President sees them for what they are, Fake News. President Trump knows he has the American people on his side, the press will have to be very very careful. If they carry on the way they are, the majority of them will be signing their own death warrant. Wonderful to see. (It was Jon Sopel that got short shrift!) (All available on You Tube)
OB Couldn’t agree more, Sopel was Wile E Cayote running on thin air in the middle of the canyon. One second he was there, and then whoosh, he was gone.
Sopel should be sacked. I don’t know his background but he comes across as an over promoted writer for the Socialist Worker Party newspaper. Knows the party line but not the subject matter.
Water off a duck’s back for the BBC News “100 days” presenters Katty Kay and the smug Christian Fraser. They mock Trumps answers as incorrect, dispute his denial of chaos and ignore his statement that his team had no dealings with the Russians during the election campaign, in fact they go further and state such contacts existed. They then try to get a Russian opponent of Putin to confirm “pissgate”, he says he knows nothing, but that gets lost in their post interview spin.
They are far more contemptuous of Trump than what he displays to the odious Sopel. I hope Trump turns up the spiteometer.
Fraser calls Trump a liar for claiming his 306 electoral college votes was a strong result. Fraser sneers that Obama & Clinton did far better. Trump is perhaps meaning that he did better than George W and you have to go back to Daddy Bush in 1988 for a better Republican result. 28 years is a long time for a youngster like Trump, but the BBC will attack on all fronts at all times.
Wasn’t one of the reasons that Obama got the Peace Prize, (for not being Bush), was that he had spent months wandering around the Middle East to assess the situation first hand? Surely he must have got involved with US foreign policy with ‘foreign powers’ then?
Once he became president, we had weeks of inaction over the next Middle East ‘crisis’, as if he hadn’t got a clue what to do. And so it continued for eight years for pretty much everything else, except for ‘race issues’ where he jumped in feet first before the facts were established.
“Another Beauty” …
Sopel – “a good line, impartial free and fair”
From the mouth of the BBC????
“Look on the travel ban” ….”wait”
“I am” …. “I know who you are, just wait”
Free? Last time I checked it costs £140 a year with serious penalties if you do not pay.
And therefore by definition , given this falsehood, not impartial or fair either!
Trump dripping with disdain and loathing for Sopel / bibstan. Excellent.
But why give him the mic even? At the very least he should put Al bibira on probation for a few months to humble them, and to change their odious biased reporting. If they mend their ways, give them the mic.
(Though my preferred option would be a blanket ban on them even entering the conference room, in perpetuity.)
Sopel is around the 2:00 hour mark with his snide little asides. Can’t help feeling he’s playing to the gallery of his colleagues in the news studio back home – I showed him eh? Didn’t I, eh? Creep.
A couple of months ago I was suggesting that President Trump should simply remove press accreditation from the BBC and other far Left news organisations.
Now I’ve watched him in action, I think he may have chosen a better course. Treat them with publicly expressed disdain and contempt. They surely deserve it!
Thanks Peter for posting that – Just enjoyed some of Trumps press conference and particularly enjoyed Little Johny Sopels verbal thrashing by teacher.
You can just see the confusion and hopelessness etched on the faces of some of these smug bastards. Who for the last few years have been used to Obamas schmoozing and verbal mutual masturbation. Now to be replaced by someone who dares to pour these self righteous, hectoring priggs back into their poisoned chalice of deceit whence they originated from.
They are like scolded puppies, when admonished they let off a few impotent whines and whimpers and then tails between their legs they rush back to suckle at the teat of the BBC/MSM brood bitch leaving a trail of widdle behind them! Oh yeah Johny – “BBC free and fair” Please Dont cry Johnny because mummy still loves you!
What Trump has done is rip up the rule book and throw it into the air and watch all these snowflakes come drifting down and in their normal arrogant fashion hoping to settle and suffocate any meaningful policies under tons of waffle, disingenuous interpretation and false accusations.
Trump has now turned on the underfloor heating which is starting to make life very difficult for these libtard journos, who are now starting to melt and get a little worried in case they end up going down the drain.
Reminds me of when we were kids. If it snowed we would be out in the garden with the dog rolling snow to make a snow man. At the time it looked great. Unfortunately come the next morning it had generally melted and all that would be left would be a small pile of damp dog turds, Seems somewhat symbolic of what is happening to these journalists. The mask has now slipped and Trump is showing them up for what they truly are -shite and generally unpleasant! – Lets hope he can keep it up.
I have to say originally I never really liked him (he seemed too brash and merely the best of two bad candidates) But he is certainly showing his mettle now – More power to his elbow!
To be honest, I’m quite surprised by Mr Trump’s response to Jon Sopel – he pulls no punches whatsoever; in stark contrast to the soft-soap of the Obama years. For a moment I even thought Mr Trump was a bit harsh. Now…we understand Mr Trump’s attitude because we know how the BBC operates. But imagine how the BBC must feel – Jon Sopel must think he’s looked into the hot, fire breathing face of Ol’ Nick himself. No wonder they hate him!
President Trump is just ignoring the press gang where he thinks – correctly in my opinion, that they are trying to set the agenda, as they usually try and do over here.
Classic put-down of Sopel, and reminiscent of his other ‘What a beauty’ admonishment.
I know this is the biased BBC website, but boy is its little sister Channel 4 catching up.
Jon Snow on the C4 7pm news said in funeral tones that tomorrow there will be a special feature on Autism in the UK Somalian community.
Errr………..Nope, I still don’t care.
Then it was the ad break and first up we had Euan Macgregor asking for £3 to buy blankets for Syrian refugees. Next it was an advertorial for a programme tomorrow on the impact of Brexit on the cost of our supermarket shopping.
Bang Bang Bang, Agenda. Agenda. Agenda.
Auntie would be so proud.
Now I need to get to the toilet………..quick…………uuuuurrrrrrggggghhhhhh.
Absolutely agree, channel 4 news and that pompous fat indian , Jon Snow and the aggressive blonde…jesus fucking christ what a nightmare. OH McGregor yes that bastard is everywhere at the moment begging for money from the Great British working class and poor to feed his future terrorist west hating Syrians.
That cunt should be forced to live on the streets in the U.K giving up his home and wealth to homeless and disadvantaged WHITE BRITISH people.
Have just watched the press conference , the best hour + so far this year. I could almost see the lefty press melting away ala ” the wizard of oz” . You could tell they didn’t understand how a President could not fall at their feet and worship them, CNN and BBC were particularly devastated to be called out on their fake news.
Dave S, what I find truly remarkable is that the President of the United States has now called out our “fair and balanced” BBC twice now, and yet they plunge straight on without a thought. Indeed Sopel will probably get a Purple Heart from W1A for the cluster bomb which the President dropped on him. In fact in BBCland they have clearly decided that they are taking on the anti-Christ and that, as with Brexit, democracy does not count when they don’t like the outcome.
If they were a private news organisation this wouldn’t be an issue, we just wouldn’t have them switched on. But unfortunately they are a public entity, which we pay for, required by royal charter to be even-handed, which patently they are not ( at least not in the eyes of the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, and many licence fee payers). As Mr Trump said it is the destructive tone of the( left wing) media which is so corrosive and which we suffer here from the BBC every single day. It would be nice to see some backbone from our politicians here, but they are mostly so cowed by political correctness they just won’t stand up and be counted. Maybe Mr Trump will show them the way but I wouldn’t bet on it.
One thing in this whole sorry affair that is absolutely certain is that the far Left media (BBC, Guardian, CNN, NYT) have no capacity for self-doubt. They are absolutely certain they are right.
Like the idea in principle but the reality is that if we did this, there would be no money at all going out in actual overseas aid to anyone genuinely in need- but still a hefty expenditure on civil service bods, managers, advisors and consultants who would be literally doing nothing.
Sir Humphrey would see to that.
That is an outrage, and so typical of the BBC. They did exactly the same thing to Trump, and are now shocked, shocked I tell you, that he treats them with utter contempt. I hope Paul Nuttall wins, and can show the BBC leftoids the same level of disdain.
“Brexit: NHS ‘may struggle’ without more non-UK staff”
May Struggle ?
Over the last month or two I have been given the impression by Al Beeb that after Brexit, EU workers would not come here any more. Now let’s get this right , EU workers do not come here out of the charity and kindness of their poor little hearts. They come here for the money and the jobs, as there is a dearth of the same in Europe.
There is no reason to suppose that they could not come here, albeit with visas and work permits, just like other nations operate – Australia, Canada and the USA .
This applies to those fruit and veg pickers that come across the channel every harvest time – or are they really volunteer gardeners helping us out for nothing ?
I haven’t seen any of the BBC’s news today, as I generally try to avoid it these days. You simply don’t know what to believe so end up believing nothing. I did, however, catch ITV’s 10:00 offering re President Trump’s press conference and I can’t believe the BBC was worse. The presenters all acted like an old lady who’d heard someone fart in church. You could actually see the tribal reaction of the press when other members of their tribe had been attacked.
Apparently they saw nothing wrong with informing Iran or North Korea what the USA was going to do in advance. No, it was the President who had committed an unpardonable sin by refusing to do so. Then they went on to attack the President for some alleged connection to Israeli settlers. I can’t tell you what it was, though as I’d given up listening. You don’t know what you can believe, as I’ve said.
But at least they reported on the Paris riots. And said they’d been going on for days, though I don’t know if ITV have reported previously. I left none the wiser as to who it was actually rioting. Though maybe I’d stopped listening again.
The Today Programme laid into the entire country of Cornwall this morning. The Beeb is filled with hate for Cornwall, as it is a relatively impoverished region which is supposed be orgasmically gratefully for EU handouts, and yet voted Leave by a large margin. Therefore, Cornwall had to be punished, and the Today Programme duly launched Project Fear 2.0 this morning. All that lovely EU money pouring into Cornwall will stop you know – the end of the Bodmin Park & Ride is at hand don’t you know (never mind that the UK is a net EU contributor). Falmouth University (one of the three great British universities) is going to collapse you know. The beaches will become dirty, as the British are too stupid to keep them clean you know. All farming in Cornwall will cease without those hardworking Latvians and Bulgarians – it can’t possibly survive with the lazy British workforce. Some tiny shopping shopping centre somewhere was partly funded by EU money (or OUR money as it’s sometimes called.) And worst of all, the Cornish Pasty will cease to exist! Yes, the centuries old Cornish pasty will die out because the EU appellation of origin will disappear. Never mind that WTO and Paris Convention rules will still protect it. Dribbling and drooling their doom-mongering hate, the BBC rubbish went on for at least 15 minutes. Just glad my money isn’t funding the BBC’s treacherous garbage.
Only an organisation which receives £4 billion a year by sending single mothers to prison could think it is a good idea to send £10 to Brussels to get £5 back.
Not True : ITV 10pm News finally did a report
BBC did web report Feb 13 .. But maybe trick of disproportionality under reporting …cos I can’t find story via Europe newspage
Video : Riots against police in Paris suburbs after ‘rape’ case – BBC News
Dated Feb 13 – “Police in Argenteuil, Paris, have made several arrests after rioters protested against the alleged police rape of a man.”
Web: Theo ‘rape’ case fuels clashes with police in Paris area – BBC News
Feb 13 – “Protesters have attacked a police station on the southern outskirts of Paris amid anger over the alleged rape of a young black man by French police. … Tension has gripped some Paris suburbs since 2 February, when a man called Theo was allegedly beaten up and raped.”
Sorry Stew , only just noticed your reply. there is nothing untrue about saying that on feb 16th , when I posted, there was no news about the continuing riots in Paris. As they were spreading in area and worsening in intensity, they deserved at least a mention.
Not talking about ITN, cannot remember when I last saw an ITN news report, nor about Feb 13th.
Lefty Liberals help organize a day of strikes and protests by illegal immigrants to show Americans how much they contribute.
How thoughtful of them to out themselves in this way, so they can be identified and arrested.
Never mind, the latte drinking celebs and lefties will be safe.
Will Sebastian Gorka PLEASE tell us all next time he`s back on the BBC or Channel 4?
Jon Snow put under the rug live yesterday-and now poor Evan Davis is a weeping puddle, and would lose his job given what Gorka was able to level at the BBC with every scripted Fake News question.
A masterclass against Davis a few minutes ago-poor Evan led around the pillory and stocks by his Prince Albert-and as he said at the end” we don`t like being the centre of attention”. You betcha.
Davis destroyed live and Sebastian is now getting close to Mighty Ted Malloch as my next hubby…brilliant….and we`ve even got Stephen Miller on the subs bench too!
Great times.
We need him to rubbish Evan Davies again and again. It was brilliant tonight. Evan Davies went into complete melt down whilst Gorka gave fact after fact – when he wasn’t being interrupted by Evan who had a great deal to say himself.
I think I’m going to enjoy these Trump’s lads taking on the press.
President Trump could have made the press conference very short with, ‘You are a bunch of arrogant, opinionated, hacks who do nothing for the betterment of people. Your contribution to society is in the minus.
I am the lawfully elected President of America and am doing my best to do good for all.
You go write your drivel without my input – it hasn’t sopped you so far.
Good Day.’
But I think he enjoyed himself today.
And Sopel, you are an embarrassment – top Political Correspondent? Oh come on.
I like Trumps approach, and most of the things he stands for, but watching him speak in those conferences can be cringey. Has anyone else noticed how similar he is to Austin Powers and his nemesis Dr Evil?
How can our Prime Minister stand by and watch our state broadcaster make such comments about the democratically elected leader of our closest ally and potentially one of our biggest trading partners ?
Drain the swamp.
She is committed to Europe, possibly an Arab’Europe alliance, and is ruled by the BBC. She needs to go. We have a chance of a great future with the US if she would only quit.
Is she dragging her feet in activating article 50 to allow the press and media’s propaganda to do its dishonest, dirty work?
Are the Brexiteers not as daft as the media and libtards are trying make out ?
Need to tell our American friends that THIS is what our BBC are DARING to put up on their website(albeit with their weasly “some might say, experts have said” cop outs as they do.
But we KNOW what the BBC intend by this.
Where`s Marjorie Wallace and her “stigmatising the mentally-ill” ever ready campaign at such irresponsible and lying re her cohort?
The BBC have GOT to pay for this….after that bloke who killed Jo Cox, all those Muslims who get the BBC diagnosis to cover their evil…how ARE they getting away with this.
Only excuse-the BBC are sociopathic schizoid themselves-that Farage/Trump rout of all they hold dear in 2016 clearly has them with a case of shellshock, and delusional outbursts.
And- they maybe even believe their OWN fake news, poor dears.
Well-let`s not fund them-only goes on drugs and manic crap anyway.
Just seen the story. They have a link to it on their news page under the heading “Explainers” where they “explain” the “news”. The BBC are truly scum. The whole lot of them should be sent to the tower and have their heads put to the chopper – or at least the license fee should be stopped and this dreadful organisation broken up.
I couldn’t stop laughing ! poor old Sopel stood to ask a question, and Trump didn’t know him – he asked where he was from !!! I bet that nearly made old Sopel’s dyed hair go back to its natural colour ! He mumbled BBC, and oh the bliss of it – Trump replied ‘there’s another beaut’.
This is a non-political President who is not courting the Press, – such a refreshing change, no wonder his supporters in the US are loving him.
Did I just imagine it or did Sopel sound a bit sheepish about being from the bibistan, like he was hoping the Don wouldn’t notice? Hopefully the day will come when bibi ‘journos’ will rather admit to being drug smuggling paedo pimps than working for the beeb.
Oh happy day.
In this disingenuous piece the beebistan imply Trump is bonkers with their old ploy of quoting others (not me guv) and even tut-tutting the ‘experts’ for saying so. But of course they got the message out: he’s nuts. Job done.
“Trump’s mental health debate: What is it about?
It seems an incredible question to ask of a man who ran a multi-billion-dollar business and vanquished seasoned political opponents on his way to highest office in the US. But experts are debating the mental health of the US president.
The discussion of Donald Trump’s mental health has come to the fore following an open letter from dozens of professionals who say his “grave emotional instability” make him unfit for the presidency.
The call seems to break a long-standing rule among experts of not diagnosing public people, and has been condemned by a leading psychiatrist, who described the “psychiatric name-calling” as an insult to the mentally ill.
What is it about?
Debate over Mr Trump’s mental fitness is nothing new, and existed even before his election, last November.
But the majority of mental health professionals have refrained from making public statements, following a self-imposed principle known as the “Goldwater rule”, adopted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1973.
It prohibits psychiatrists from giving diagnosis about someone they have not personally evaluated. It was instated after a magazine asked thousands of experts in 1964 whether Republican nominee Barry Goldwater was psychologically fit to be president.
The APA warned last year that breaking the rule in trying to analyse the candidates in the presidential election was “irresponsible, potentially stigmatising, and definitely unethical”.
The Left turns a blind eye to Islamic rape
Islamic Slavery – good
Whitey Slavery – bad
“Professor Jonathan Brown (a Muslim convert) of Georgetown University argued life as a slave to sharia law was all fine, dandy and totally legit. Brown boasted that it is “not immoral for one human to own another human” because “the Prophet of God [Mohammed] had slaves”. He also, obviously, said that this sort of slavery was better than slavery in the US South because it was Islamic and not controlled by white people.”
Stand by for warnings about EUROPOL when we leave the EU.
Well, given the amount of terrorist attacks in the EU they are not doing too well are they ?
They get more ‘intel’ from us than we get from them. We don’t have to be in the EU to get intel., just like The US, Canada, Australia and NZ.
Just more propaganda on its way from remianers..
BBC FakeNews about Southern Rail Strike
2 Feb 2017 – Aslef reaches deal with Southern to avert strikes – BBC News
-The long-running dispute between Southern and Aslef is “over”, according to the
(widely reported, no hint of caution)
(turned out to be FAKE NEWS)
6 Feb 2017 – Southern rail: Could drivers reject deal?
– (buried in the text) “will be a resounding ‘no’ vote ….. the union has sold us out.”
(not widely reported)
Feb 16 – Aslef members reject Southern rail deal
BBC News
(widely reported)
(public thinks “hey Trump’s right about media”)
BBC FakeNarrative “FakeNews that’s a Rightwing Internet conspiracy thing”
R5Live WUTM :US shares expert explained the Trump share rises
“More than 50% of corp reports are using the word OPTIMISTIC due to Trump’s energy market freedoms and promised tax cuts)
“Is the President on the verge of a nervous breakdown?” Thus the totally impartial Evan Davis opens Newsshite. Given his own appearance one might ask the same question of our Evan, who looks sallow, pallid, drawn, grey, skinny, unshaved, tieless, scruffy and downright skeletal. One very much hopes he hasn’t contracted some STD.
Sebastian Gorka robustly countered his snide allegations. They’ve got the bbc’s number all right.
The next overlong item was a paean of praise for some film about a poor gay black man. Poor, gay and black? Three boxes ticked right there. But is it ‘news’?
Then a round table discussion about May’s strategy of ‘going dark’ vis a vis the press.
So we have a President standing up to the mendacious press and a PM ignoring it, both doing very well. Things are looking up.
The whole point of this website is to call out the lies, the deciect, the fake news, the utter bullshit (its getting worse), the mental illness, the partisan militancy, that’s constantly spraying our of every orifice working (at our expense FFS!!) for Al Qabeeba!
But now we have the White House, the Government of the most powerful Country on earth, and the most powerful man on earth (who’s listened to by more people than anyone else on earth) attacking the traitorous bastards!!!!
This is the exchange taken from the militants webshite. …incredible viewing
The clip the BBC have included in the above Newsnight link does not start at the beginning of the interview. The first question to Gorka being “do you think his press conference was a bit unhinged? The presenter had earlier posed this question to the audience, “is the president on the verge of a nervous breakdown?”
And then the BBC rolls its eyes when accused of being fake news!!?
They of course still control the edit suite and the transmitters, but the signal is diluted and easily countered by a system originally designed to maintain communication even in the face of massive infrastructure loss.
Plus the BBC’s armoury is limited and deployed so obviously and frequently to look like a Zero trying to fend off a Gatling. Must dig out ‘Final Countdown’ again.
1) ‘Sources close to the BBC are saying’ (FOI exempted anything they’d like to make up)
2) ‘Quotes’. BBC code for something BBC staff said that may not be true but has a deniability buffer.
3) “Quotes”. Probably uttered by a third party and pounced on as a headline if it suits.
4) BBC ‘Question as a headline statement’. The desperate last gasp of a buck naked media empire, seen for what it is.
But still all overseen internally and by a toothless quango and pathetic government.
No wonder so much is got about wrong without consequence.
vladMar 5, 04:18 Midweek 5th March 2025 Prime Minister marks Ramadan at ‘difficult time for Muslims in the UK’ FFS !
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
BBC Europe – Woman gives birth to twins in Spain, looks like they need some more important news, maybe migrant news?, that normally gets guaranteed coverage.
From Merkel s madhouse …
AN IMMIGRANT in Germany has been given a mild 20 month suspended jail sentence for sexually abusing a little girl in an asylum seekers home in Berlin that led to her father actually being gunned down by police.
“I did it, it just happened spontaneously,” he said. “It wasn’t planned.”
The victim’s mother Zaman burst into tears when she heard the verdict and cried out in the courtroom: “How can this be? He should be locked up in a place where he cannot do this again. He destroyed my life on this day. The court heard how the 27-year-old man lured the six-year-old girl away to a quiet spot where he could assault her away from prying eyes. The attacker, Pakistani refugee Tayyab M. told the court in Germany it “didn’t’ matter” to him whether he had sex with a child or an adult – just that the act itself was completed for his gratification.
When police arrived at the migrant home in the Moabit district of Berlin to arrest the Pakistani suspect her father tried to lunge at him with a knife.
Iraqi Husam, 29, had been in Berlin with his family for four months when he died in a hail of gunfire in a bid to exact revenge on his daughter’s abuser.
Nog – strangely, unreported on bibistan webshite.
(Don’t want to give ammo to the nasty right, do we? So let’s keep lying and burying the wrong sort of inconvenient news, to hell with facts.)
Obviously this is nothing compared to leaving a bacon sandwich somewhere near a mosk.
Today’s Murder
‘An Indian couple currently living in London are now being hunted down by the authorities for allegedly planning the murder of a boy that they adopted in their home country.
The Times of India reported that local Indian police have filed a complaint against Arti Loknath, 53, and her husband Kanwaljitsinh Raijada, 28. Both are non-resident Indians (NRI) who have temporarily moved to the UK.
The couple has been accused of conspiring to kill Gopal, 13, whom they adopted in 2015. They worked with a certain Nitish Mund to adopt the boy, get him insured and then kill him for the insurance money, said Ashok Tilva, a police inspector in Keshod City in the Indian state of Gujarat.
Mund, who previously lived in London before returning to India, had planned the crime along with the couple since 2015, according to Tilva.
The report said Gopal was attacked with a knife by two people hired by Mund on the night of February 8. The boy died in a hospital on Monday.
Mund was arrested on the same day. It led to the revelation of the couple’s role in the incident, according to the Times of India.
“We have initiated process to arrest the NRI couple who are at present in UK,” the report quoted the local police as saying.’
China: Muslim murders eight in knife attack in Xinjiang
“This BBC article does make clear what happened, but only indirectly. The uninformed and hurried may read this account and have no idea that this was one more skirmish in a global war”.
BBC – “No motive was given, but the government often blames Muslim separatists for such attacks. Xinjiang, an autonomous region, is home to China’s Uighur ethnic minority, which is predominantly Muslim.
The region has suffered years of unrest. Rights groups say the violence is due to the tight controls by the government on the religion and culture of Uighurs”.
BBC Bias by omission, by projection, and by deflection
Well, that’s all right then. As long as its nothing to do with Islam we can all rest safely………..
Dungan revolt, Xingjiang, China, nineteenth century.
The expressly stated policy of the revolting Muzzies was “to exterminate all the Buddhists”.
This is old but……reminds me why i like The Donald
I wonder if the Islamic-child-sex-abuse friendly BBC will report this?
It will be on after the full coverage of the riots in Paris.
The attacker, Pakistani refugee Tayyab M …
Pakistani refugee?
You have only NOT noticed that Gay Paree is suffering riots, coachjacking, en masse
car burnings, anti police battles and at least 3 reporters have been attacked
… if you use the Al BBC for news
Squat from France, apart from
What makes Marine Le Pen far right?,
‘Why Marine Le Pen won’t do a Donald’
Viewsnight is BBC Newsnight’s new place for ideas and opinion.
Here, French-Algerian journalist Nabila Ramdani argues Marine Le Pen will not win in France.
In the real world – PARIS RIOTS: Tourists ordered to STAY AWAY/Paris Riots. (Refugees Burn Parts Of Fallen Paris)/Immigrants Riot in Paris Suburbs, Smash Store Windows and Cars in Saint-Seine-Denis)
Thanks for all of your help Francais …
Then REAL news discussion, on France s Islam problem …
I am still behind on Pankaj Mishra’s ‘Age of Anger’ Book of the Week but listened anyway. While the voice is still no problem, I now have to concede to and agree with Deborah on Monday’s ‘StW Thread’ @ 10.33am that it is an apologetic for Islam. The disguise slipped on Day 4 but I still haven’t heard Monday’s episode again, nor listened to parts 2 & 3.
May not bother now.
It appeared to me today that he really is trying to excuse 21st century terrorism as being ‘Nothing to do with Islam’
Yesterdays very much blamed the US and mentioned, Trump and racism and white supremacy and Islamophobia etc., BUT what made me think I was tuned to an Islamic Radical station, “Europe will become a force for justice through Islam”.
There is a narrative, but its “veiled” 😀 behind a plethora of
differing aspects to make it appear relevant, ie pap!
Same old, same old I m afraid … the last review I saw for this book said
“Slogging through this book is Like wading through cold vomit”
Thanks Up2; usually I listen to Radio4 whilst doing other things and can reasonably understand what is being said. Mr Mishra required concentration which may not be a bad thing but I feel his essays are just all over the place, he has his ideas, but then presents suggestions as facts without being able to justify them. He jumps from Middle Ages, to Ancient Greece to present day in the blink of an eye or at least half a sentence. His work is just not very good but because he is pro Islam, anti Brexit and anti Trump he gets to read his book on the BBC with all the free publicity that entails.
If anyone is injured or even killed in these riots, can an action be brought against the government or somebody for covering this up or does the foreign office agree that there is no danger there and recommend we can all travel there and roam freely.
Will it be like Cologne and the msm will only start reporting it when everyone already knows about it.
See they’re shouting, Allah U Akbar, but might that just be a cover?
Afternoon Drama BBC Radio 4 16 February 2.15pm. Part 3 out of 3 of separate stories about a Disaster Management Company. I had listened to Part 1 on 2 February. It used an obvious, trite and, frankly, boring storyline. I switched off. Thought I’d try again today but no better with some laughable scripting and – yet again – an obvious, trite and extremely boring, non-real world, conflict scenario. I switched off again.
BBC! You are losing listeners.
My take on this week on the BBC. The stuff they are outputting on Brexit, Trump, non reporting of major incidents (e.g. Paris) if they don’t fit the narrative is driving me mad.
BBC keeping up the anti Trump campaign and their followers plan a bare arsed protest.
Imagine the smell from hundreds of unwashed leftie arses. I wonder whether Diane will be leading the demonstration.
Bl**dy wonderful! But now I’ve got to clean the coffee off my keyboard…
GWF you’ve put me off tea… and breakfast lunch and dinner.
When SJWs try to beat Trump, they can’t do so by intellectual argument, so all they can do is show their ar*ses to him, like baboons.
Says it all, really.
\\BBCRadio4 Inside Science “Alt Facts” just presented
There’s No legal req. to turn off car engine at level crossing//
(BTW many new cars have Start-stop tech cuts engine automatiically)
Haven’t seen any post on this particular subject yet, apologies if it’s already been mentioned, but I really feel this needs to be commented on:
So, to get things straight Dr Gorka’s father could not physically, have been a Nazi sympathiser, he was too young even for the Hitler Youth, and he was actually awarded this medal long after the war for peacefully opposing Stalinist Sovietism, and suffering imprisonment and torture, in occupied Hungary. All this is attested fact.
Doing a little bit of digging online (of the kind I’d expect from any half way decent reporter) the Vitzei Rend (which actually means ‘Order of Chivalry’) was originally set up by a Nazi sympathiser, but has since the fall of Hitler reinvented itself as a generic Order of Hungarian Chivalry. Since the war it has issued awards and medals to many Hungarians who have put their country before themselves and clearly has nothing to do with Nazism, ‘Far Right’, or any political ideology actually – other than ‘for the benefit of the Hungarian People’.
Here are the bald facts from that well known ‘Far Right’ organisation Wikipedia:
And a Hungarian perspective on the same:
Is it just me, or do the Independent and certain other News organisations owe Sebastian Gorka an apology?
I’d never heard of the man before he became associated with Trump, but he seems to have spent some of his life in the UK, and from what I’ve seen is a very level headed and reasonable individual… especially when contrasted with the rather hysterical reporters from the likes of the BBC.
I knew Seb and his father Paul back in the 1980s. Paul (or Pal in Hungarian) was a patriot who had had to flee to Austria after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. There, he was recruited by MI6, and undertook missions, at great personal risk, back into Hungary to establish contacts with Hungarian resisters.
After his MI6 service in Austria, Paul moved to Britain and became a British citizen. I do not know what his subsequent career was, though I assume it had an intelligence aspect. In short, he was a proud, anti-Communist patriot, who moved to Britain as a genuine refugee, after risking his life in the cause of freedom. He lived in Britain as a law abiding and productive citizen.
I can’t begin to think why the BBC and assorted MSM leftists would wish to denigrate the memory of a man like that, it really is a mystery to me.
Still nowt on bibistan webshite about this: PARIS RIOTS MAPPED: 20 no-go zones located as violence spreads ACROSS FRANCE…
Remember those no-go areas that don’t exist and that Trump was so mocked about?
Welcome to multi-culti Europe, coming to a town near you soon.
Gay Paree? Not for long, they’ll be throwing them off buildings soon.
Although my French is really terrible I thought I’d look at Le Monde and Liberation to see what they had to say about the Paris riots. I could be wrong but it amounts to a big fat RIEN, it isn’t anywhere obvious on the front pages at least.
My French is a bit rusty too but there seems to be quite a bit about the rioting in ‘Le Parisien’ newspaper.
Cranmer – yes you’re right, I looked earlier this morning so they got there eventually – and now it’s top news in Le Monde too. Still not seeing anything jump out from the BBC’s main page however, although you’d think they’d be like a dog with a bone about any ‘violent cops vs ethnic minorities’ stories .
8:20 pm and STILL nothing on the BBC News Europe page about Paris.
Still, it’s not as if there hasn’t been other news of world import, for instance this:
“Stolen Humboldt penguin found dead in Germany”
Time for Napoleon’s “whiff of grapeshot”.
Le Monde is left-leaning so no surprise there. Liberation was founded by the odious Soviet-loving Sartre which tells you all you need to know.
Even the right-leaning Figaro have avoided the topic as much as poss. But sooner or later they’ll all have to address it, it’s there for all to see, especially now that it’s no longer in the isolated banlieues but in central Paris and other towns. Bibistan still ignoring it, but when they do cover it, it’ll be all the wicked racist police’s fault.
Big headline on the totally crap BBC Website ” Bishop presses wrong button in gay vote “.
So I scrolled around, but could not find anything about Imams and gays.
The BBC , what a bunch of total wankers .
Grant that’s highly offensive to wankers to compare them to beeboids.
I apologise, I had not thought that through before I posted it. I wonder if Maxiboy would care to comment !
I suspect he’s got his hands full.
I wonder if the bibistan are deliberately NOT reporting the Paris riots because they fear Le Pen might win and are gearing up to portray her as a racist/ islamophobe – the riots would spoil their narrative of baseless racism, as opposed to a very sensible defensive reaction to events on the ground?
Al Beeb can be relied upon to tell you everything that you DON’T really need to know about, but nothing about what you DO need to know.
They will be saving up the coverage to create fake news and try and pass it off as rioting against Le Pen during the elections!
I think you’re absolutely right.
I’m some distance away here in the western Dordogne, but the French news medai have been exceeding slow in picking this up, or at least in putting it where you can actually find it.
I wondered why, because most French media is far more comprehensive in its reporting than al-Beeb, but I think you’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head.
The elections over here are in May, and the media have been very busy trying to bring down the erstwhile favourite, Fillon, in a corruption scandal, in the hope I think of giving a so-called centrist a place on the final ballot against Le Pen. This seemed to me to be a useless tactic but you’re right:
Concentrate on other news rather than prove Le Pen to have been right all along.
Absolutely right, Peter.
I wonder why the bBeeb don’t learn from their past mistakes in doing this diversion thing?
They’ve failed three times already, (GE, Leaving EU, and election of Donald Trump)! Perhaps there’s a right-wing plot to take over the Beeb, and install a small puppet propaganda machine, so they think we’ll all like lefties again – if we ever did…
Can someone run this story by the “independent fact checkers”, having read it myself, I’m pretty sure the majority of it is complete bollocks!
‘Facebook now employs independent fact-checkers here. Correctiv is a smart outfit whose employees are mostly young. Correctiv monitors suspicious stories, looking at how much they are being liked and shared.
‘If the headline looks suspicious, or it appears on a website known to be dubious, the Correctiv team will contact the original sources for the story, to verify if it’s true or not. They then mark it true or false, and send a message to all German users of the social media platform, indicating its rectitude or otherwise.
The Stasi would be proud! What exactly constitutes a ‘suspicious’ story? Could it be one which goes against the prevailing narrative that the German government wants to promote? And why does it matter that they are ‘mostly young’. I suspect that’s code for ‘left wing’.
Factchecker not required. You see that bit near the beginning of the address, the ‘bbc’ bit, that tells you it is complete bollocks.
Always happy to help out with any technical issues!
To be honest I find this absolutely terrifying. The BBC seems to have no concept of bias, nuance or of a story having two sides. It’s either ‘real’ or ‘fake’ news.
The Breitbart church story they mention is a case in point. How is it possible to label that ‘real’ or ‘fake’ news?
It describes a mixture of events which are objectively proveable, but attributes motives which are open to interpretation and subject to bias. So does that make it ‘real’ or ‘fake’?
Anyone with an iota of intelligence should realise that everyone is subject to biases and that any news story should be judged in light of the bias of the person reporting the news, and weighed against our own biases and prejudices, of which we should be careful also.
This idea that you can somehow give a stamp of official approval to news stories and everyone can turn their brains off is like something out of Soviet Russia. I think actually it will backfire because if stories get labelled true and turn out to be false (and vice versa) people will simply stop paying any attention to the official guidance.
Seems to be only “officially-licensed news” as and when the BBC give it their seal of approval.
Cologne last year was only the most clear case of news being deliberately sat on by our national broadcaster-their ducks had to be got in a row, their narrative needed stitching up firstly-hence the Jess Phillips, Tariq Ramadans and the usual Guardian harpies circling the wagons.
Since then , only the Internet gives me Paris, Gothenburg and Duisburg,the BBC gives me Nuttalls laundry basket.
And now we find that “Is Trump A Fascist” is the headline on the European-and it`s Tim Farron, Alastair Campbell and Bonnie Greer, AC Grayling telling me whether he is or not….can`t guess!
The BBC seem to think they know that fake news is what they don`t like-no news is what they prefer to give when it upsets their world view and global plans-and BBC News is the very opposite of the truth I need.
Steve Jones
Got it, cheers!
Earlier the bibistan website was asking: Are Fashion and Politics the perfect fit? (Meaning leftie politics of course) and drooling over pictures like below.
Gambaccini attacks BBC over its ‘out of place’ women: DJ says corporation is ‘airlifting’ in female celebrities to Radio 2 because its priority is to provide a ‘gender balance’
I know it’s not the BBC but lately the MSM are all as bad as each other..
Robert Moore Washington correspondent ITV really makes my blood boil with his constant slagging off of President Trump and his administration. What a pompous self righteous pr1ck he is!
And his constant arm waving! Don’t TV reporters act like prima donnas?
He permanently squints into the camera, like someone just squirted the entire contents of a Jif lemon into them.
hi Guys i have a response from the fucking BBC about their openly misandristic storyline in their shitty daytime drama ‘Doctors’ just for those who didn’t see it, three females sat around a table announced ‘MEN are MORONS even in their SLEEP’ here is their reply. I refer to myself as MR vai se-foda ( fuck yourself) because i detest their nasty organization so much and it pleases me when they are forced to address me as such. Here is their reply :
Dear mr Vai se-Foda
Reference CAS-4211108-KJY2VW
Thank you for contacting us regarding BBC One’s ‘Doctors’ broadcast on 3 February.
I understand you felt it was sexist for the character Ayesha to say that “men are morons”.
The three female characters were talking of a time when they had been dumped by their ex-boyfriends. Ayesha was recalling the time she dumped an ex-boyfriend while he was asleep due to him talking in his sleep of how he was in love with Ayesha’s best friend. Ayesha then says, “Even in their sleep, men are morons”. The character, Emma did however add: “There’s got to be some decent ones out there”.
It’s worth pointing out that ‘Doctors’ is a fictional drama but, like society, it is made up of many different character types, and although we don’t always condone the things our fictional characters do or say all of the time, we don’t believe they shouldn’t express opinions that not everyone would agree with or approve of.
We strive to be true to our characters and to keep their language and views as authentic as possible. Ayesha is a kind character, but she’s also known to be feisty, sarcastic and sulky, and we hope that’s how viewers would perceive her.
We do value your feedback about the programme. All complaints are sent to senior management and in this case the ‘Doctors’ programme every morning, and I’ve included your points in our overnight report of audience reaction.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Thank you once again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind regards
Neil Salt ( beta cuck)
BBC Complaints Team
As you can see their response defends their position again stating fiction and the storyline being in context.
The character ‘EMMA’ in their defense states ‘ There must be some decent men out there’ well guess what ? I turned on the tv the other day and the character ‘EMMA’ was coming onto another woman in a swimming pool furthering their nasty man hating female superiority agenda.
Also i notice they have vomited another nasty storyline in Eastenders. Typical BBC let’s give a male character depression to give people the impression we ‘care’ of course if it were a female character everyone would be walking on egg shells and checking on up them etc. The next part is where the BBC’s sick agenda comes into play -as it always does. We will give him depression then turn him into monster that hits women. I hope other people are carefully watching the BBC because at the moment they are getting away with open misandry and actually defending it.
There was something in The Sun today about a storyline on Coronation Street, where a 16 year old girl is being groomed by a man 10 years her quotes something on the lines of “he prostitutes her out to gangs of men similar to what happened in Rochdale…” Apparently it has caused arguments amongst the programme writers and cast of the programme.
They are however, missing one vital point. The actor portraying the ‘man’ in question is WHITE!
I caught Channel 5 News tonight and there was a reference to Rotherham… here
If you didn’t know any better what impression would you have of the perpetrators of this horrible abuse after watching that?
To me that report says “Media are STILL covering up for paedophiles” We all know the root cause of this problem. The MSM is still in collusion by withholding information. These girls are still being let down.
Still being let down? … its worse than ever simply because its out in the open … and still the political establishment refuse to come clean, its deliberate, and hidden behind No10 liars like A Rudd
“I have decided to write a personal account of an attempt I made to find out how many girls have been groomed, gang-raped, and prostituted by organised gangs in England over the last five years. I do it obviously not to provide ground-breaking statistics – but to contribute to the national discussion on the phenomenon of so-called “Asian” grooming gangs that has been taking place since the publication of the Jay Report in to widespread sexual abuse, gang-rape, and torture of at least 1,400 young girls in the town of Rotherham in Yorkshire.
The first thing to report is that this figure is simply not obtainable by a member of the public, at least not if you hope to be in any way close to accurate. I am not the first to undertake this effort.
A similar attempt was made by the office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2012. That investigation also concluded that an accurate figure could not be obtained.
However, in investigating the matter myself,
I found widespread and continuing (despite the Jay Report) lack of any coherent recording of or response to organised gang-rape.
What stands out particularly is the lack of data held by local authorities, who in almost all cases, kept no numeric data on children under their care who have reported sexual assault or rape. In almost all cases, I was informed that this information could not be provided as it would take authority staff outside of the 18 hour working time they are obliged to perform on freedom of information requests.
The reason it would take longer than 18 hours to provide the data, is that it would entail reading separately through the individual files of all children in their care.
In other words, even post-Rotherham, most councils are not attempting to separately record sexual assaults on children under their care, or to paint a broader picture of the problem.
Police records present the same problems. Recording of ethnicity or nationality is widely inconsistent; in many cases the ethnicity of the alleged offender is not recorded, and it is not recorded for victims at all.
It is impossible therefore to know just how often this happens, or how many times it has happened.
What we do know is that some police officers and public sector workers have publicly stated that this child grooming by Muslim men has been occurring for decades, and with almost complete impunity.
The reasons for this I intend to explore.
My guess is that some justification for the fact that the ethnic identity of alleged offenders is not recorded is that many in the public sector believe it to be irrelevant.
Religion of offenders is not recorded, again I suspect because of an underlying and cultural view within the public sector that religion is irrelevant as well”.
BBCReject – “what impression would you have of the perpetrators of this horrible abuse after watching that?” That the perps were MEN, just men, horrible nasty men. Just men. Of no particular ethnicity or religion. Just men. You know, like, men.
These complaint procedures just aren’t good enough. We are paying for this tripe right? We ought to have more control over it.
The Beeb are sneeringly reporting that Pres’ Trump has accused the media of dishonesty. The way this is reported you could imagine nothing is further from the truth. Butter wouldn’t melt… And then you realise there have been days of mayhem, arson and rioting in a nearby European capital and there’s a media lock down on it. This is Soviet style propaganda. Bias isn’t just how you report something, it’s also bias by omission. Blimey, when some black geezer got shoved off a train in Paris the Beeb gave us weeks of it. It’s an utter disgrace.
If it wasn’t for sites like this I would never have known about the riots. I might even have been thinking of popping over. A nice relaxed, late Valentines jaunt. That really would have gone down well. A candle lit dinner, a wander along by the Moulin Rouge and a trip on the Seine as we try to avoid being murdered, burnt alive or raped.
The BBC did exactly the same thing with Cologne. They kept a lid on it for a week and then we got a reluctant nine second report about a “disturbance” involving “men”.
I have no doubt that eventually, when everyone knows about it, they will give us some whitewashed, politically skewed version of events.
Now let’s see, how can we blame this on Brexit?
No Al BBC trumpeting … YET!
The new Sweden races to cement its place in history
The Liberal Party of Canada has opted to support an “anti-Islamophobia” motion (M-103) in Parliament which calls on the government to, (wait for it)
… “condemn Islamophobia and study the best ways to quell an ‘increasing public climate of hate and fear.’”
M-103 is the second anti-Islamophobia motion tabled.
The first was unanimously approved and passed.
Get this
“When the debate began in Parliament yesterday, Khalid refused to remove the word “Islamophobia” from the motion, although it is supposedly intended to fight all forms of racism.
If that is so, why single out “Islamophobia,” particularly after one such motion was already passed?
In attempting to defend her refusal, Khalid obscenely and brazenly compared the victimization and suffering of Muslims to that of the Jews during the Holocaust”
“Justin Trudeau says people who are opposed to M-103 are fringe
Yes the BBC is bad in reporting on President Trump, but Channel 4 News is something else. Remember that we the taxpayers fund Jon Snow and his acolytes . He is responsible to all taxpayers, not just his lefty liberal constituency. Will the government do anything about Channel 4, or will it continue to be ineffectual , as it is with the BBC? Who will stand up for taxpayers ?
Voice For Justice UK:-
“Following our post yesterday, many of you have contacted us asking for an appropriately worded letter of complaint about Margot James’ attempt to get VfJUK banned, that can be either personalised or sent as is to MPs. We have pleasure in including this below.
It is with shock and dismay that I recently learnt of an attempt to block a legitimate Christian lobby group, Voice for Justice UK, from access to the Houses of Parliament, as result of a covert complaint made by the Conservative MP Margot James in respect of a meeting at which Revd Lynda Rose, CEO of VfJUK, was scheduled to speak. The complaint was discovered after a Freedom of Information request, made after the Group had been alerted to a serious but unspecified complaint.
In email correspondence to the Lord Speaker, Ms James said she found the views expressed by Revd Rose ‘offensive’, an opinion that she said she believed would be shared by many of her constituents. The views in question are simply an affirmation of Christian belief – as set down in the Bible – that all sexual relations outside marriage are prohibited, and that marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Ms James appears also to have taken exception to a book on the ideological reframing of Education over the last sixty years, recently published by VfJUK and entitled What are they Teaching the Children?.
Ms James accuses the Group of homophobia, but in fact the book is a carefully researched analysis of the UK’s cultural shift since the Second World War, using Government produced data and statistics demonstrating adverse health and social outcomes as result of new policies, many of which are prematurely and dangerously sexualizing children.
For Ms James to seek to silence both traditional Christian belief and Government data by making undisclosed (and therefore unanswerable) allegations smacks of totalitarianism, suggesting the wilful and deliberate suppression of free thought and free speech, and of any and all who may disagree with her. Even worse, Ms James’ attempt to have a member of the clergy banned because she herself takes issue with the Bible would appear to demonstrate an unacceptable and worrying opposition to Christianity – still, at this time, the established religion of the UK.
No Member of Parliament should be allowed to abuse his or her position to attack individual citizens or their beliefs in this way. As justification for her complaint, Ms James claims many on her constituents would share her views – but what of those who don’t? Do Christians in Stourbridge form such a minority as to justify being completely ignored, or is Ms James, as MP, neither prepared nor willing to represent those whose views differ from her own?
The conclusion is inescapable that Margot James has, for personal reasons, abused her position by making an unfounded and unjustified clandestine attack on a member of the public, who by definition was given no chance to respond. Such behaviour is scandalous. It is an abuse of the rights to freedom of belief and of speech, and an affront to democracy. The responsibility and duty of an elected Member of Parliament is to represent, defend, and protect the best interests of all UK citizens.
For the protection and maintenance of democracy and the reputation of Parliament as representing all UK citizens, I am therefore writing to ask you to use your influence to call for Ms James to be censured for conduct unbecoming that of an elected representative of the people.
Yours faithfully,
Trump’s press conference as it will not be represented by the BBC
Fake news in the news (not the BBC kind), as it were…
Top rated comments should give Lord Hall Hall and whichever twerp is heading up the DCMS pause, but won’t, because why?
And finally, it could always be worse:
Looking good there, HRC. Yay!
Isn’t that a photo of the bride of Chucky?
I’ve just been watching President Trump’s latest press conference, which was thoroughly enjoyable. The Meeja representatives just don’t seem to get that they need him more than he needs them, and he was generous with his praise and criticism to each outlet’s representative as appropriate. The BBC News chap stood up and started asking a question but was soon stopped dead in his tracks as the President asked where he was from. “BBC News” was the reply, and the President repeated his “There’s another beauty” comment from a few weeks ago. The BBC chap looked as though he’d just been given a good slap but pressed on with his question before being stopped half way through by a President who had heard enough and answered his question. There is no doubt, repeat, no doubt in my mind that President Trump has the BBC’s card well and truly marked and knows exactly how to deal with them. Good man!
I felt like a rant, and I nearly ran out of characters when submitting this complaint:
I have watched the whole of President Trump’s press conference held this evening. You will note that I refer to the democratically-elected US leader by his proper title, not just by his surname as appears to be the norm on the BBC. Anyway, the BBC were quick off the mark with the news page referred to above but sadly you make no mention of the highlight of the conference: The use again by the President of the term “There’s another beauty” when the appalling BBC correspondent Jon Sopel was pulled up and asked where he was from. I laughed. Oh, how I laughed. And then I laughed some more. A priceless moment of live TV, again. And the President is right. BBC News is Fake News. It seems to be unknown to the BBC that riots are occurring in Paris. The police are in running battles, vehicles and property are being destroyed and many areas are now “no go” areas, but there is not a peep about ANY of this on the BBC. A quick check of the Top Ten news stories on your web site tells me that the thimble has been dropped from Monopoly, a Bishop pressed a wrong button, a girl of 7 got a letter from Google, oh, and “Experts question Trump’s mental health” (quelle surprise, and which does not contain the phrase “President Trump” in its text, see above). A search for “Paris riots” gives me a page from November 2015, so not relevant to what is happening in Paris right now. Even going to “Europe news” tells me nothing. So just for once, how about you drop the “Oh look, Trump’s getting annoyed with us again and we don’t like it – mwaaahhh!!!” crocodile tears, eh? And how about you report the REAL NEWS, such as Paris, and not tell me about losing the thimble in Monopoly? Perhaps then you might stand a chance of not being the complete embarrassment you are to this country and those of us who are forced by the power of an outdated law to pay for your appalling service. And where do I get my news from? There’s this thing, and it’s free.
Very good, LL. Nail on head.
Just watched the whole of the President Trump press briefing. OUCH! It had me laughing. The BBC really did get hung out to dry. President sees them for what they are, Fake News. President Trump knows he has the American people on his side, the press will have to be very very careful. If they carry on the way they are, the majority of them will be signing their own death warrant. Wonderful to see. (It was Jon Sopel that got short shrift!) (All available on You Tube)
OB Couldn’t agree more, Sopel was Wile E Cayote running on thin air in the middle of the canyon. One second he was there, and then whoosh, he was gone.
Sopel should be sacked. I don’t know his background but he comes across as an over promoted writer for the Socialist Worker Party newspaper. Knows the party line but not the subject matter.
Water off a duck’s back for the BBC News “100 days” presenters Katty Kay and the smug Christian Fraser. They mock Trumps answers as incorrect, dispute his denial of chaos and ignore his statement that his team had no dealings with the Russians during the election campaign, in fact they go further and state such contacts existed. They then try to get a Russian opponent of Putin to confirm “pissgate”, he says he knows nothing, but that gets lost in their post interview spin.
They are far more contemptuous of Trump than what he displays to the odious Sopel. I hope Trump turns up the spiteometer.
Fraser calls Trump a liar for claiming his 306 electoral college votes was a strong result. Fraser sneers that Obama & Clinton did far better. Trump is perhaps meaning that he did better than George W and you have to go back to Daddy Bush in 1988 for a better Republican result. 28 years is a long time for a youngster like Trump, but the BBC will attack on all fronts at all times.
Wasn’t one of the reasons that Obama got the Peace Prize, (for not being Bush), was that he had spent months wandering around the Middle East to assess the situation first hand? Surely he must have got involved with US foreign policy with ‘foreign powers’ then?
Once he became president, we had weeks of inaction over the next Middle East ‘crisis’, as if he hadn’t got a clue what to do. And so it continued for eight years for pretty much everything else, except for ‘race issues’ where he jumped in feet first before the facts were established.
“Another Beauty” …
Sopel – “a good line, impartial free and fair”
From the mouth of the BBC????
“Look on the travel ban” ….”wait”
“I am” …. “I know who you are, just wait”
You ve just gotta love it
Free? Last time I checked it costs £140 a year with serious penalties if you do not pay.
And therefore by definition , given this falsehood, not impartial or fair either!
Trump dripping with disdain and loathing for Sopel / bibstan. Excellent.
But why give him the mic even? At the very least he should put Al bibira on probation for a few months to humble them, and to change their odious biased reporting. If they mend their ways, give them the mic.
(Though my preferred option would be a blanket ban on them even entering the conference room, in perpetuity.)
Sopel is around the 2:00 hour mark with his snide little asides. Can’t help feeling he’s playing to the gallery of his colleagues in the news studio back home – I showed him eh? Didn’t I, eh? Creep.
A couple of months ago I was suggesting that President Trump should simply remove press accreditation from the BBC and other far Left news organisations.
Now I’ve watched him in action, I think he may have chosen a better course. Treat them with publicly expressed disdain and contempt. They surely deserve it!
Thanks Peter for posting that – Just enjoyed some of Trumps press conference and particularly enjoyed Little Johny Sopels verbal thrashing by teacher.
You can just see the confusion and hopelessness etched on the faces of some of these smug bastards. Who for the last few years have been used to Obamas schmoozing and verbal mutual masturbation. Now to be replaced by someone who dares to pour these self righteous, hectoring priggs back into their poisoned chalice of deceit whence they originated from.
They are like scolded puppies, when admonished they let off a few impotent whines and whimpers and then tails between their legs they rush back to suckle at the teat of the BBC/MSM brood bitch leaving a trail of widdle behind them! Oh yeah Johny – “BBC free and fair” Please Dont cry Johnny because mummy still loves you!
What Trump has done is rip up the rule book and throw it into the air and watch all these snowflakes come drifting down and in their normal arrogant fashion hoping to settle and suffocate any meaningful policies under tons of waffle, disingenuous interpretation and false accusations.
Trump has now turned on the underfloor heating which is starting to make life very difficult for these libtard journos, who are now starting to melt and get a little worried in case they end up going down the drain.
Reminds me of when we were kids. If it snowed we would be out in the garden with the dog rolling snow to make a snow man. At the time it looked great. Unfortunately come the next morning it had generally melted and all that would be left would be a small pile of damp dog turds, Seems somewhat symbolic of what is happening to these journalists. The mask has now slipped and Trump is showing them up for what they truly are -shite and generally unpleasant! – Lets hope he can keep it up.
I have to say originally I never really liked him (he seemed too brash and merely the best of two bad candidates) But he is certainly showing his mettle now – More power to his elbow!
To be honest, I’m quite surprised by Mr Trump’s response to Jon Sopel – he pulls no punches whatsoever; in stark contrast to the soft-soap of the Obama years. For a moment I even thought Mr Trump was a bit harsh. Now…we understand Mr Trump’s attitude because we know how the BBC operates. But imagine how the BBC must feel – Jon Sopel must think he’s looked into the hot, fire breathing face of Ol’ Nick himself. No wonder they hate him!
Quite – I reckon Sopel felt Trump did not give him the respect he thinks he so deserves.
Many thanks Peter, and Oak.
President Trump is just ignoring the press gang where he thinks – correctly in my opinion, that they are trying to set the agenda, as they usually try and do over here.
Classic put-down of Sopel, and reminiscent of his other ‘What a beauty’ admonishment.
And after only a month!
Fabulous times to come yet!
Sopel – “a good line, impartial free and fair”
President Trump” yeah…right. Just like CNN?…”
Class! The BBC are busted!
I know this is the biased BBC website, but boy is its little sister Channel 4 catching up.
Jon Snow on the C4 7pm news said in funeral tones that tomorrow there will be a special feature on Autism in the UK Somalian community.
Errr………..Nope, I still don’t care.
Then it was the ad break and first up we had Euan Macgregor asking for £3 to buy blankets for Syrian refugees. Next it was an advertorial for a programme tomorrow on the impact of Brexit on the cost of our supermarket shopping.
Bang Bang Bang, Agenda. Agenda. Agenda.
Auntie would be so proud.
Now I need to get to the toilet………..quick…………uuuuurrrrrrggggghhhhhh.
Absolutely agree, channel 4 news and that pompous fat indian , Jon Snow and the aggressive blonde…jesus fucking christ what a nightmare. OH McGregor yes that bastard is everywhere at the moment begging for money from the Great British working class and poor to feed his future terrorist west hating Syrians.
That cunt should be forced to live on the streets in the U.K giving up his home and wealth to homeless and disadvantaged WHITE BRITISH people.
Have just watched the press conference , the best hour + so far this year. I could almost see the lefty press melting away ala ” the wizard of oz” . You could tell they didn’t understand how a President could not fall at their feet and worship them, CNN and BBC were particularly devastated to be called out on their fake news.
The BBC asked for it and are going to regret the way the President was and is treated. A tinpot news outfit gets it’s long overdue putdown.
Dave S, what I find truly remarkable is that the President of the United States has now called out our “fair and balanced” BBC twice now, and yet they plunge straight on without a thought. Indeed Sopel will probably get a Purple Heart from W1A for the cluster bomb which the President dropped on him. In fact in BBCland they have clearly decided that they are taking on the anti-Christ and that, as with Brexit, democracy does not count when they don’t like the outcome.
If they were a private news organisation this wouldn’t be an issue, we just wouldn’t have them switched on. But unfortunately they are a public entity, which we pay for, required by royal charter to be even-handed, which patently they are not ( at least not in the eyes of the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, and many licence fee payers). As Mr Trump said it is the destructive tone of the( left wing) media which is so corrosive and which we suffer here from the BBC every single day. It would be nice to see some backbone from our politicians here, but they are mostly so cowed by political correctness they just won’t stand up and be counted. Maybe Mr Trump will show them the way but I wouldn’t bet on it.
One thing in this whole sorry affair that is absolutely certain is that the far Left media (BBC, Guardian, CNN, NYT) have no capacity for self-doubt. They are absolutely certain they are right.
And that’s why they cannot be trusted.
At last.
Some sense coming on a BBC webpage
Foreign aid: UKIP calls for 80% cut in annual spending
Like the idea in principle but the reality is that if we did this, there would be no money at all going out in actual overseas aid to anyone genuinely in need- but still a hefty expenditure on civil service bods, managers, advisors and consultants who would be literally doing nothing.
Sir Humphrey would see to that.
I don’t think they like UKIP ?
The picture the BBC have chosen to use of Nuttall as part of a gallery of parliamentary candidates in Stoke would appear to indicate they do not.
That is an outrage, and so typical of the BBC. They did exactly the same thing to Trump, and are now shocked, shocked I tell you, that he treats them with utter contempt. I hope Paul Nuttall wins, and can show the BBC leftoids the same level of disdain.
BBC = Fake News.
“Brexit: NHS ‘may struggle’ without more non-UK staff”
May Struggle ?
Over the last month or two I have been given the impression by Al Beeb that after Brexit, EU workers would not come here any more. Now let’s get this right , EU workers do not come here out of the charity and kindness of their poor little hearts. They come here for the money and the jobs, as there is a dearth of the same in Europe.
There is no reason to suppose that they could not come here, albeit with visas and work permits, just like other nations operate – Australia, Canada and the USA .
This applies to those fruit and veg pickers that come across the channel every harvest time – or are they really volunteer gardeners helping us out for nothing ?
There’s a HYS running on that one.
For your viewing pleasure
Seems like a riot.
Not a French one, obvs.
Especially if the BBC are handling the coverage.
I haven’t seen any of the BBC’s news today, as I generally try to avoid it these days. You simply don’t know what to believe so end up believing nothing. I did, however, catch ITV’s 10:00 offering re President Trump’s press conference and I can’t believe the BBC was worse. The presenters all acted like an old lady who’d heard someone fart in church. You could actually see the tribal reaction of the press when other members of their tribe had been attacked.
Apparently they saw nothing wrong with informing Iran or North Korea what the USA was going to do in advance. No, it was the President who had committed an unpardonable sin by refusing to do so. Then they went on to attack the President for some alleged connection to Israeli settlers. I can’t tell you what it was, though as I’d given up listening. You don’t know what you can believe, as I’ve said.
But at least they reported on the Paris riots. And said they’d been going on for days, though I don’t know if ITV have reported previously. I left none the wiser as to who it was actually rioting. Though maybe I’d stopped listening again.
ITV is awful, but at least we don’t have to pay for it under threat of prison.
Tom Bradby is a smug little twerp who isn’t nearly as clever as he obviously thinks he is.
Trump stuffs the Beeboid wanker Sopel. Great !!!
The Today Programme laid into the entire country of Cornwall this morning. The Beeb is filled with hate for Cornwall, as it is a relatively impoverished region which is supposed be orgasmically gratefully for EU handouts, and yet voted Leave by a large margin. Therefore, Cornwall had to be punished, and the Today Programme duly launched Project Fear 2.0 this morning. All that lovely EU money pouring into Cornwall will stop you know – the end of the Bodmin Park & Ride is at hand don’t you know (never mind that the UK is a net EU contributor). Falmouth University (one of the three great British universities) is going to collapse you know. The beaches will become dirty, as the British are too stupid to keep them clean you know. All farming in Cornwall will cease without those hardworking Latvians and Bulgarians – it can’t possibly survive with the lazy British workforce. Some tiny shopping shopping centre somewhere was partly funded by EU money (or OUR money as it’s sometimes called.) And worst of all, the Cornish Pasty will cease to exist! Yes, the centuries old Cornish pasty will die out because the EU appellation of origin will disappear. Never mind that WTO and Paris Convention rules will still protect it. Dribbling and drooling their doom-mongering hate, the BBC rubbish went on for at least 15 minutes. Just glad my money isn’t funding the BBC’s treacherous garbage.
Only an organisation which receives £4 billion a year by sending single mothers to prison could think it is a good idea to send £10 to Brussels to get £5 back.
BBC = Fake News and Financial Illiteracy.
French riots going on for a week, nothing on UK BBC News site nor their World News website – not even their European news web site
Not True : ITV 10pm News finally did a report
BBC did web report Feb 13 .. But maybe trick of disproportionality under reporting …cos I can’t find story via Europe newspage
Video : Riots against police in Paris suburbs after ‘rape’ case – BBC News
Dated Feb 13 – “Police in Argenteuil, Paris, have made several arrests after rioters protested against the alleged police rape of a man.”
Web: Theo ‘rape’ case fuels clashes with police in Paris area – BBC News
Feb 13 – “Protesters have attacked a police station on the southern outskirts of Paris amid anger over the alleged rape of a young black man by French police. … Tension has gripped some Paris suburbs since 2 February, when a man called Theo was allegedly beaten up and raped.”
“But maybe trick of disproportionally under reporting….”
Most definitely, its just like ‘burying it under bad news’.
Sorry Stew , only just noticed your reply. there is nothing untrue about saying that on feb 16th , when I posted, there was no news about the continuing riots in Paris. As they were spreading in area and worsening in intensity, they deserved at least a mention.
Not talking about ITN, cannot remember when I last saw an ITN news report, nor about Feb 13th.
Lefty Liberals help organize a day of strikes and protests by illegal immigrants to show Americans how much they contribute.
How thoughtful of them to out themselves in this way, so they can be identified and arrested.
Never mind, the latte drinking celebs and lefties will be safe.
So if that was today, I didn’t even notice. I saw it on tv and thought that the only sector affected by immigrant workers was….restaurants. Big deal.
Will Sebastian Gorka PLEASE tell us all next time he`s back on the BBC or Channel 4?
Jon Snow put under the rug live yesterday-and now poor Evan Davis is a weeping puddle, and would lose his job given what Gorka was able to level at the BBC with every scripted Fake News question.
A masterclass against Davis a few minutes ago-poor Evan led around the pillory and stocks by his Prince Albert-and as he said at the end” we don`t like being the centre of attention”. You betcha.
Davis destroyed live and Sebastian is now getting close to Mighty Ted Malloch as my next hubby…brilliant….and we`ve even got Stephen Miller on the subs bench too!
Great times.
Totally bang on Alicia
We need him to rubbish Evan Davies again and again. It was brilliant tonight. Evan Davies went into complete melt down whilst Gorka gave fact after fact – when he wasn’t being interrupted by Evan who had a great deal to say himself.
I think I’m going to enjoy these Trump’s lads taking on the press.
President Trump could have made the press conference very short with, ‘You are a bunch of arrogant, opinionated, hacks who do nothing for the betterment of people. Your contribution to society is in the minus.
I am the lawfully elected President of America and am doing my best to do good for all.
You go write your drivel without my input – it hasn’t sopped you so far.
Good Day.’
But I think he enjoyed himself today.
And Sopel, you are an embarrassment – top Political Correspondent? Oh come on.
I like Trumps approach, and most of the things he stands for, but watching him speak in those conferences can be cringey. Has anyone else noticed how similar he is to Austin Powers and his nemesis Dr Evil?
Just in case anyone had any doubt what we are dealing with here:
“Trump’s mental health debate. What is it about ?”
Just about their most shameful hatchet job to date. For God’s sake May dump the licence fee and put this crew behind a pay wall…
How can our Prime Minister stand by and watch our state broadcaster make such comments about the democratically elected leader of our closest ally and potentially one of our biggest trading partners ?
Drain the swamp.
She is committed to Europe, possibly an Arab’Europe alliance, and is ruled by the BBC. She needs to go. We have a chance of a great future with the US if she would only quit.
Is she dragging her feet in activating article 50 to allow the press and media’s propaganda to do its dishonest, dirty work?
Are the Brexiteers not as daft as the media and libtards are trying make out ?
im just hoping they push it far enough to land a massive law suit
Need to tell our American friends that THIS is what our BBC are DARING to put up on their website(albeit with their weasly “some might say, experts have said” cop outs as they do.
But we KNOW what the BBC intend by this.
Where`s Marjorie Wallace and her “stigmatising the mentally-ill” ever ready campaign at such irresponsible and lying re her cohort?
The BBC have GOT to pay for this….after that bloke who killed Jo Cox, all those Muslims who get the BBC diagnosis to cover their evil…how ARE they getting away with this.
Only excuse-the BBC are sociopathic schizoid themselves-that Farage/Trump rout of all they hold dear in 2016 clearly has them with a case of shellshock, and delusional outbursts.
And- they maybe even believe their OWN fake news, poor dears.
Well-let`s not fund them-only goes on drugs and manic crap anyway.
Just seen the story. They have a link to it on their news page under the heading “Explainers” where they “explain” the “news”. The BBC are truly scum. The whole lot of them should be sent to the tower and have their heads put to the chopper – or at least the license fee should be stopped and this dreadful organisation broken up.
President Donald Trump Loves his country
Our media hates ours.
Our people are slowly getting the message.
Is Sopel a Beaut?
Well posters here have been saying it for months ……….
The war with the media goes on – Trump is draining the swamp.
I couldn’t stop laughing ! poor old Sopel stood to ask a question, and Trump didn’t know him – he asked where he was from !!! I bet that nearly made old Sopel’s dyed hair go back to its natural colour ! He mumbled BBC, and oh the bliss of it – Trump replied ‘there’s another beaut’.
This is a non-political President who is not courting the Press, – such a refreshing change, no wonder his supporters in the US are loving him.
Sopel’s dyed hair – Black shoe polish. 😀 !
The press are confounded.
Did I just imagine it or did Sopel sound a bit sheepish about being from the bibistan, like he was hoping the Don wouldn’t notice? Hopefully the day will come when bibi ‘journos’ will rather admit to being drug smuggling paedo pimps than working for the beeb.
Oh happy day.
In this disingenuous piece the beebistan imply Trump is bonkers with their old ploy of quoting others (not me guv) and even tut-tutting the ‘experts’ for saying so. But of course they got the message out: he’s nuts. Job done.
“Trump’s mental health debate: What is it about?
It seems an incredible question to ask of a man who ran a multi-billion-dollar business and vanquished seasoned political opponents on his way to highest office in the US. But experts are debating the mental health of the US president.
The discussion of Donald Trump’s mental health has come to the fore following an open letter from dozens of professionals who say his “grave emotional instability” make him unfit for the presidency.
The call seems to break a long-standing rule among experts of not diagnosing public people, and has been condemned by a leading psychiatrist, who described the “psychiatric name-calling” as an insult to the mentally ill.
What is it about?
Debate over Mr Trump’s mental fitness is nothing new, and existed even before his election, last November.
But the majority of mental health professionals have refrained from making public statements, following a self-imposed principle known as the “Goldwater rule”, adopted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1973.
It prohibits psychiatrists from giving diagnosis about someone they have not personally evaluated. It was instated after a magazine asked thousands of experts in 1964 whether Republican nominee Barry Goldwater was psychologically fit to be president.
The APA warned last year that breaking the rule in trying to analyse the candidates in the presidential election was “irresponsible, potentially stigmatising, and definitely unethical”.
What’s the man who let in so many immigrants and took us into war up to now ?
Strangely not covered by Al Beeb yet?
Shwm mae taffman.
From where I stand, all the remoaners are already revolting.
Shwm mae Rhf Saith.
By the time the remainers finish their revolting it will be all over, the ‘EU empire’ will implode. Vive Le Pen!
Fait accompli !
Er, top story now. What a cheeky Cnut. Didn’t some people want to have him accused of war crimes? That seems to have gone quiet.
Where’s the petition to say how ashamed We Diverse-British-people are of the BBC/MSM’s unfair and unbalanced coverage of the 45th US President ?
ITV 10pm News continued its love-in with the President.
I guess that is cos he’s always appeasing the media.
The Left turns a blind eye to Islamic rape
Islamic Slavery – good
Whitey Slavery – bad
“Professor Jonathan Brown (a Muslim convert) of Georgetown University argued life as a slave to sharia law was all fine, dandy and totally legit. Brown boasted that it is “not immoral for one human to own another human” because “the Prophet of God [Mohammed] had slaves”. He also, obviously, said that this sort of slavery was better than slavery in the US South because it was Islamic and not controlled by white people.”
“Some say” that the duty HYS ‘moderators’ working for AL Beeb are the Trolls posting on this site?
What say you Maxiconey ?
Stand by for warnings about EUROPOL when we leave the EU.
Well, given the amount of terrorist attacks in the EU they are not doing too well are they ?
They get more ‘intel’ from us than we get from them. We don’t have to be in the EU to get intel., just like The US, Canada, Australia and NZ.
Just more propaganda on its way from remianers..
#MSMfn – 7 nonEU countries are in Europol.
It’s not an EU body.
BBC FakeNews about Southern Rail Strike
2 Feb 2017 – Aslef reaches deal with Southern to avert strikes – BBC News
-The long-running dispute between Southern and Aslef is “over”, according to the
(widely reported, no hint of caution)
(turned out to be FAKE NEWS)
6 Feb 2017 – Southern rail: Could drivers reject deal?
– (buried in the text) “will be a resounding ‘no’ vote ….. the union has sold us out.”
(not widely reported)
Feb 16 – Aslef members reject Southern rail deal
BBC News
(widely reported)
(public thinks “hey Trump’s right about media”)
BBC FakeNarrative “FakeNews that’s a Rightwing Internet conspiracy thing”
R5Live WUTM :US shares expert explained the Trump share rises
“More than 50% of corp reports are using the word OPTIMISTIC due to Trump’s energy market freedoms and promised tax cuts)
“Is the President on the verge of a nervous breakdown?” Thus the totally impartial Evan Davis opens Newsshite. Given his own appearance one might ask the same question of our Evan, who looks sallow, pallid, drawn, grey, skinny, unshaved, tieless, scruffy and downright skeletal. One very much hopes he hasn’t contracted some STD.
Sebastian Gorka robustly countered his snide allegations. They’ve got the bbc’s number all right.
The next overlong item was a paean of praise for some film about a poor gay black man. Poor, gay and black? Three boxes ticked right there. But is it ‘news’?
Then a round table discussion about May’s strategy of ‘going dark’ vis a vis the press.
So we have a President standing up to the mendacious press and a PM ignoring it, both doing very well. Things are looking up.
This is magical stuff Peter.
The whole point of this website is to call out the lies, the deciect, the fake news, the utter bullshit (its getting worse), the mental illness, the partisan militancy, that’s constantly spraying our of every orifice working (at our expense FFS!!) for Al Qabeeba!
But now we have the White House, the Government of the most powerful Country on earth, and the most powerful man on earth (who’s listened to by more people than anyone else on earth) attacking the traitorous bastards!!!!
This is the exchange taken from the militants webshite. …incredible viewing
The clip the BBC have included in the above Newsnight link does not start at the beginning of the interview. The first question to Gorka being “do you think his press conference was a bit unhinged? The presenter had earlier posed this question to the audience, “is the president on the verge of a nervous breakdown?”
And then the BBC rolls its eyes when accused of being fake news!!?
They of course still control the edit suite and the transmitters, but the signal is diluted and easily countered by a system originally designed to maintain communication even in the face of massive infrastructure loss.
Plus the BBC’s armoury is limited and deployed so obviously and frequently to look like a Zero trying to fend off a Gatling. Must dig out ‘Final Countdown’ again.
1) ‘Sources close to the BBC are saying’ (FOI exempted anything they’d like to make up)
2) ‘Quotes’. BBC code for something BBC staff said that may not be true but has a deniability buffer.
3) “Quotes”. Probably uttered by a third party and pounced on as a headline if it suits.
4) BBC ‘Question as a headline statement’. The desperate last gasp of a buck naked media empire, seen for what it is.
But still all overseen internally and by a toothless quango and pathetic government.
No wonder so much is got about wrong without consequence.