Jon Sopel in the role of snotty school boy refusing to accept the dressing down from the teacher after his class has been called out for their general misbehaviour.
Now that we can see the whole of these Pressers on You Tube and – crucially – make up own minds about how it went the likes of Sopel see their power over the control of the narrative drain away – like you might drain a swamp.
A specific charge against the collective liberal press corps was Trump’s assertion that the media was characterising his administration as in a state of “Chaos”.
As I pointed out hereabouts earlier in the day the BBC’s Berlin-based mouthpiece Jenny Hill had unreasonably editorialised that very word : “Chaos”. I questioned whether this was her own, her employer’s or perhaps the political opinion of those such as Frau Merkel (whose opinions Jenny Hill of the BBC tends to channel) expressed as though it were fact. Importantly it is also the opposition US Democrat Party line so admiringly favoured by the BBC. Fake News.
On another point of fact, President Trump correctly predicted how the press would charcterise the news conference in a highly negative way – and sure enough Sopel chooses the term “Tempestuous” to editorialise his take on proceedings.
Sopel really flounders when he attempts to underline his editorial take on the President as a liar. Sopel’s example is lame and unconvincing – some tosh about the degree of Donald Trump’s election victory. Politicians will hedge and hoo and ha about election results until the cows come home and Sopel knows this. His own BBC colleague John Pienaar can call the London Mayoral race of 2012 a close run thing and yet describe the French Presidential election held a week later as a landslide when the two winning results were within 100ths of a percentage point of each other – it all depends on your political point of view. Pienaar the leftist was upset by Boris the Tory winning and excited about Hollande the Socialist.
The US President made the point that the “tone” of the media was negative toward him. Sopel exemplifies the point as he sneers at Donald Trump – “I was surprised at how much TV and newspapers he reads, how does he find time?” Really, Sopel? That’s the best you’ve got? In fact it is a bugbear of mine that conservative politicians seem to fail to notice how negative the BBC is toward their point of view. Stop trying to placate the liberal media – call them out on their bias! I wish our own Tories would binge watch some BBC – it might wake them up. I used to joke hereabouts that I would like to lock David Cameron in room for eight hours with nothing but BBC Radio 4 and a few biscuits. He might grow some. I realise now that was a futile wish – Cameron is a bought and sold liberal.
Then Sopel ‘goes low’ as Hillary Clinton might have said. Our Jon Sopel tells us that the press event was unusual in that there was “heckling” of the US President. Now if I hadn’t watched the thing and I believed what Sopel was telling me I might imagine a scene sounding something like a stuttering consevative comedian braving the stage at the comedy club. In fact the film clip of a lefty journo shouting a question – really a Democrat talking point linking the old Russia smear with Trump’s tax returns occurred at the end of an extended session of questions as the President was leaving the room. We’ve seen this parting shot stuff many times at such events and Sopel knows it.
Excellent post AsIseeit.
The worrying thing is that most people don’t have time to listen to a press conference on u tube lasting over an hour . They rely on reports and so Sopel and his chums both on BBC and Channel 4 are going to influence perceptions of the Trump Presidency. I think this misreporting of Trump has become so obsessive since his inauguration that it’s highly dangerous for democracy and the conservatives can’t continue to do nothing tangible about blatant bias in both of our publicly funded news broadcasters – BBC and C4.
Trump says it`s not chaos-Gorka scorns Evan Davis for fun and we all go to bed knowing that Trump licked them all as ever-the live conference is great-his folks see it as do we-and we`re NOT getting edited splices and carrot chunks from the vomited contents of the Liberal digester sac.
Up next morning-but it`s as if Trump never said a dickie.
Because a Navy Bloke turns down a job for fear of his health, family-or , guess what-he thinks Trumps not the guy to work for?
Who knows or cares-but its a twiglet to bash Trump with, so the BBC hurtle down their worm hole into their publicly funded hell.
Disgusting-when I want to know runners and riders in the US navy, I`ll ask…until then, Trump, Gorka and Malloch, Conway and Miller have done more good re the global media disembowelling than ANY few folks in my lifetime.
This is not Farage by pass surgery-this is ritual heart transplants with no anaesthetic by Trump and his Coronary Committee…get the ides he`s somehow reversing the lethal injection order of I.V drugs.
Potassium Chloride is normally the third one-Trump seems to be administering it first…genius, great science too!
Chlorate might be worth a go Dr Nuttall!
Scott Adams pointed out the use of the word “chaos” a week or so ago. It is a deliberate ploy of persuasion by the President’s opponents and the fact the BBC uses it is far from coincidental.
God Bless , keep and preserve you SOL!
The garlands and tributes thrown lightly at your perfumed feet.
Those of us who know your greatness, courage to stick it to the Guardian-and your destiny/sense of a Leader in exile-can only wish that you`ll give us notice in future so we can lay the fronds before your riding in on Shergar…
Why, thank you, Friend Chris! Great to see you here, haven’t seen you for a while. Hope all’s good? Will try and give you more notice in future, promise!
Nomadic teacher and door to door poet-I stay informed of your campaigns, and look forward to how Blair will be portrayed by Saveed the Natural Law Yogi, and UN Ambassador to India and Southall!
Thank you, Friend Chris! I would write a piece this morning but alas I have to go out soon … if the story is still “live” tomorrow and the Far-Right Guardian gives me an opportunity to comment, well, I have an idea of what I could say – or, rather, Saveed does!
BTW, Singer Beneath Bridges hasn’t commented on the blog today … normally he pops up regular as clockwork around 8am. He did sort of threaten to go away, yesterday – hope he didn’t mean it!
Blair calling for Anti-Democratic Revolution (Isn’t that still a crime? Oh no! Blair made it legal when he was in government.), Peter Oborne calling out the TOADY programme over their campaigning against Trump and the TOADY prog themselves attacking another media giant, Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.
What a great way to start off your Friday with Bliar’s face plastered all over the bBC. I think the people should rise up to put him in jail. I do hope there is a HYS on this one.
Interesting, GW. Not being sure what you were refering to I clicked the provided link. The photo the BBC used for the EU-Ref result was not from the ones that they used last June. Those showed young people celebrating. Today, the photo used shows a group celebrating Brexit who are all middle-aged or older.
The BBC. Propagandising like mad.
Or spreading FakeNews, rather like the Facebook that the BBC used to love when it was eyeing up a possible link/merger/take-over but now appears to hate.
Yes, GW, I felt they were getting so cosy last year (BBC + Twitter/Facebook) that some sort of Joint Ventures were almost sure to be announced soon. It seemed to me that after the initial shock of Trump (for the BBC) drained away in the run-up to Christmas, there has been a marked change with the Corporation starting to wage its war on FakeNews and now directing fire at Facebook. Whether it will take on Twitter, too, remains to be seen.
Think they cannot really attack Twitter for two reasons. They rely on it for Question Time and Any Questions/Any Answers responses, along with some other ‘phone-ins. They also get their food for attacking Trump via Twitter.
The Blair thing has been interesting, too. I popped into the Thread three times during the day. It definitely wasn’t going Blair’s or the BBC’s way. There were lots and lots of posting names that were new to me (in addition to some from the regular Politics/Economics crowd) and I wonder whether the BBC’s messing around with their Registration & Sign-In post-1 September 2016 has made it easier for people to create new Registrations and Posting Names to comment under multiple identities.
Whether or not that is going on, I do not know. What WAS apparent was that Blair’s intervention was attracting support from about 1 in 20 comments. I wonder whether there will be any mention on BBC News about the marked hostility to Blair from most of the other 19 out of 20 comments?
That must be newsworthy, I would have thought, in a non-FakeNews sort of way?
How much money-how much pension-is this popinjay getting for all he`s doing?
Can he even walk down a street in this country yet?…so how the hell is he getting to Bloomberg?
Soros Airways?
To be honest-it suits me-yes it`s a red jamrag to the bull…but as long as we can see the very face of the Remainiacs tied to his St Sebastian sapling, we can embarrass them all , and all times and for ever…they don`t like to be reminded what shills for Iraq they used to be on his behalf.
Follow the money…and let`s keep Blair and Corbyn shackled to the Remoaners, as well as Farron and Clegg.
Electoral kryptonite and hogweed, does European Knotweed exist yet?
“Previously, Mr Blair has called for the views of the “16 million” people who had backed remaining in the EU not to be ignored.”
And on how many occasions during your premiership, Mr. Blair, did you decide to take into account the views of Conservative and UKIP voters?
He’s considered that all of us who voted to leave are complete idiots ! saying that we didn’t know the full implications of exiting. Who does he think he is ?
This was flagged as ‘Analysis’ in the Graun morning media summary, which is a framing that one doubts they realise means something different to readers nowadays to what they think it does:
Needs to be remembered that nobodies like Kuennsberg and Sopel will one day leave their holograms to science with only one achievement…that they asked the US President a question, when others actually might have asked something of value.
Anyone who saw the live feed of President Trump owning the media last night knows that the BBC are openly lying this morning.
And Sopel….why was your question about a travel ban that does not affect British citizens? you could have asked a question about an Anglo-US issue but chose to ask one relevant only to the Ummah. Remind me Jon, who pays your wages?…Yep, British people. Leave Ummah questions to Al Jazeerah.
I see the usual BBC hatchet job was done on the President’s press conference for this morning’s so-called “news”. They didn’t quite manage to save Sopel from looking like a pr@tt though. I switched off at the suggestion that “further anal-ysis” was forthcoming. Further analysis. Again, I do not need your opinion BBC!
Sopel’s emergence from the Press Conference was a wonderful sight to behold – he was positively spitting venom when “Hughie” questioned what his thoughts were following.
The leftist MSM are so stupid that they think that they can lie about a press conference.
The point they have forgotten is that we can all see what happens at a press conference. Thus, we know that President Trump was relaxed, calm, and enjoying himself calling out the left wing bias of the MSM. We know that he was not ranting, out of control or mentally ill.
That’s the problem with liars, they lie so much that they end up believing their own lies. Sadly for them, we don’t believe their squalid lies any more.
Australia political elite are sadly following Canada s road to ruin re Islam
There are odd bumps in that road …
“A face-off occurred after an audience member asked if it was time to define new rules surrounding migration to avoid community conflict, leading Senator Lambie to reaffirm her position that anyone that supports sharia law be deported from Australia”
Just as an addition – The Islamic adherent in the video, is of course (apologies for again having to re affirm it) lying.
Muslims are not meant to be ruled by non-Muslims, that is to spite Islamic teaching. The Quran is very clear that they are to resist unbelievers by any means, until Islam establishes political supremacy. This doesn’t mean that everyone must be forced to become Muslim, but rather that everyone eventually must submit to the supremacy of Islam.
… Sadly, ABC have already apologised – Q&A and ABC both apologise to Muslim community for breaching its ABC values (Open letter)
Headscarf blatantly goes for a strawman arguement
“Me praying 5 times a day is Sharia Law”
That’s the trick of redefining language from its normal use.
That’s not what Lambie meant and headscarf knows it.
The suggestion that that is all Sharia Law is is an insult to hundreds of millions who suffer under it in Saudi Pakistan etc.
Women deserve fairness in all especially rape crimes etc.
Is Blair mad? At the very time the EUSSR is going up in flames (literally in the case of Paris) and could fall apart within months after some key Euro elections, Blair is arguing for Remain??
Tony Blair calls for people to ‘rise up’ against Brexit
Tony Blair is announcing his “mission” to persuade Britons to “rise up” and change their minds on Brexit. Speaking in the City of London, the former PM claims in a speech that people voted in the referendum “without knowledge of the true terms of Brexit”. He says he wants to “build support for finding a way out from the present rush over the cliff’s edge”.
£multimillionaire property dealer and hedge fund investor – a man who notionally called himself a ‘democratic socialist’ but seems to have spent the past ten years amassing a huge personal fortune and property portfolio, whilst travelling the world propagating Common Purpose (regressive speak for champagne socialism) – refuses to accept a democratic result he personally finds unacceptable.
Blair is a particularly egregious, toxic and slippery specimen. The trouble is, his brand of meaningless, valueless, anti-British, globalist, pro-EU, pro-climate change, pro-immigrant ‘progressive values’ chime so perfectly with not just the BBC, but almost the entirety of the bien pensant chattering media class and their followers. In truth, the BBC and its fellow travellers never stopped grieving for the end of New Labour and all the largess it represented, all the opportunity it presented to dominate the narrative in Government, Media, Education (especially Education) and the Arts. The BBC hopes against hope that the Once And Future King will return, bathed in god rays, to restore order to its broken dreams of a borderless Europe, a carbon-free agrarian nirvana and a cosy place back on the Big Table at the EU.
Tony Blair is a cancer on British politics. The BBC is, as always, his breathless little helper, always ready to extend the hand of free publicity (at taxpayer’s expense) to The Dear Leader (now and forever, comrades).
Blair is preaching sedition. He is subverting the democratic process and attempting to undermine the legitimate authority of government.
Pity he can’t be arrested, he ought to be, along with anyone who supports him. We have had the debate, we have had the vote, the government has the authority of parliament. He seems to think it is right to overthrow all this.
If he can’t be arrested, or the police don’t wish to do it, he needs to leave the country again, and be quick about.
Still on the subject of the BBC editorialising of press conferences to suit their own BBC narrative – this morning we have a wonderful bit of ad lib self-revealing riffing from Joanna Gosling in the studio linking back from a clip from the Tony Blair pro EU event:
“We’ll be going back to that press conference… err.. if there are any questions err… which we will go back for”
Don’t we just know it. And presumably the BBC will not go back for any questions which… err they won’t go back for!
Watching Bliar answering planted questions. One question I’d like to see asked is this… ‘Bliar, did you know we have had this debate, and the people voted to Leave?
edit: he has just said he accepts the vote. He wants a 2nd referendum. Fuck Off Bliar.
Here’s hoping for a HYS on this, will the bBBC allow one?
Blair said ‘who made the rule that we cannot debate Brexit, despite the result” – Ironic that mental health issues have come to the fore in recent weeks, because this man is insane and clearly in need of help ! he’s been out of the limelight, no longer a force in the Middle East (is he STILL an envoy), so cashing his chips in to speak for the Remoaners. And yes he’s right, he will be criticised because he knows by opening the sodding doors to the world, he’s created the situation.
Why should we listen to a corrupt, lying, warmonger like Blair ? He represents everything repulsive about the EU. It is scum like him that we are trying to escape from !
There was a nice moment on R4’s ‘Today’, towards 9 a.m., where Peter Obourne was commenting about that Trump press conference where he called out media bias – and ‘dissed’ the BBC’s very own Sopel, among others. Obourne said he thought the MSM had gone easy on Blair and Obama for years, not asking awkward questions, because they broadly approved of them. Justin Webb laughed at the suggestion of bias towards the BBC’s preferred politicians, citing the fallout over Iraq and WMD, but it was good to see the rotten BBC called out live on air.
The Peugeot/Vauxhall affair. Muppet Vince Cable on Today earlier – it’s all to do with Brexit. No, Mr Muppet, its all to do with Globalism where business is controlled from another country and, at a virtual stroke, a factory or two is closed half-way around the world with no care whatever for the workers. In fact, on second thoughts, Mr Muppet may be right: it really is all to do with Brexit – the voter voted Brexit to get away from Globalisation and this sort of negative effect.
Quite right. If Peugeot-Citroen buys Vauxhall-Opel, they will close a far off car plant in North West England without a second thought. Nothing to do with Brexit or the single market.
Peugeot used to have a car plant at Ryton in Coventry where they made 206s. When it suited them, they closed it. The French are chauvinists and economic nationalists, they could not care less about a British factory or a British workforce.
My 92-year old mum, who had never heard of Paul and does not approve of bad language, just watched it and loved it. I asked her if she thinks she would ever see that on the BBC ( she still has some vestigial affection for the Beeb ) and she replied ” They would never allow that “. !!!!
Great antidote to Radio Scotlands Media Review which yesterday spent 30 mins Cheerleading JK Rowling*
And sneering at PiersMorgan
In their MetroBubbleworld anyone who dares say”snowflake” is Alt-Right (even though that actually is the term for White-America people)
* Despite her being English and them normally expressing racism towards English.
BBC’s Carole Walker does her best to polish a turd following Blair’s hopeless one-man-band busking on behalf of Jean Claude Juncker’s claret-tinted vision of a perpetual EUSSR pension scheme for failed politicians. Just to add balance well-fed Blair-babe sychophant Heidi Alexander Labour MP for Lewisham gives a further post-speech bum-up for Blair.
I think we sussed Blair’s politics were more about message than substance some time ago. I think we know he cheats and does things through the back door and lies and lies and lies.
Our Tony says “ don’t have to listen to me..”
Oh the irony Tony, yes we can turn off but we bloody-well still have to pay for your ugly mug and uglier message to be endlessly beamed out across our airwaves.
“The Blair Bitch Project”
Well Tone, the ‘house move’ you allude to – sorry it’s a no brainer, the house is decayed, beyond repair and infested. We’re moving out!
I respectfully suggest you learn German and effucicay off.
Taken from the transcript of yesterday’s press conference…
“And I’ll tell you what else I see. I see tone. You know the word “tone.” The tone is such hatred. I’m really not a bad person, by the way. No, but the tone is such — I do get good ratings, you have to admit that — the tone is such hatred.”
Blair is mainline news on the BBC, which did all it could to discredit him when he disobeyed them and invaded Iraq.
The reason they have fallen back in love, like an elderly divorcee suddenly realising she misses her ex hubbie? Because he agrees with the BBC in that those who voted for Brexit were stupid, ignorant, uneducated, and didn’t understand the question. Thus, they must be forced to vote again to achieve the ‘correct’ answer.
Oddly we had a referendum to take us in to the EU, (EEC it was called then), and no one demanded a second vote.
We had a referendum for devolution of powers to Scotland and Wales and no one felt it should be rerun – even though the one in Wales was as narrow as the BBC’s political coverage of Brexit.
The Irish voted against the Nice treaty (2001), so were told they got it wrong and had to revote until they got the answer right, which was to agree with the Nice treaty (2002). Oddly, then the Irish no longer had to vote for it.
The Irish people again got it wrong by voting against the Lisbon Treaty (2008) but they got it right in voting for it (2009). After that they no longer had to vote for it.
This is how the establishment works. We must agree with them else we live in a Groundhog Day of referendums until we see sense.
So, bring it on. I will fight, and argue and vote for exit from the EU in the hundredth referendum.
Blair et al are under a delusion (but what’s new about that?). They don’t realise that while some Leavers might vote Remain if there were another referendum, there will be many Remainers who would vote Leave. After all, the sky hasn’t fallen in on us as we were warned would happen by yesterday’s chicken-licken men, Cameron and Osborne.
Yes and when they see what is happening in Paris folks will be even more likely to vote Brexit.
No doubt the reason why this isn’t being reported by the BBC.
We never had a referendum on joining the EEC in 1973, all we got was a referendum on whether to stay in, in 1975.
In 1975 the “Common Market” seemed like the future. All of the press backed it, all mainstream politicians backed it, only Enoch Powell and Wedgewood Benn were against it. It was a forgone conclusion.
But the British people are nothing if not fair. We tried the EEC/EU for 43 years, and then decided to leave.
Wrong answer! Quick let’s have another referendum says Tony Blair.
I’ll make him a fair offer. The day Tony Blair agrees to spend a day living like an ordinary British citizen, not protected by a phalanx of armed cops, then and only then, let’s have another referendum. I reckon Brexit will win 60/40 easily!
Scribbling “Blair is mainline news on the BBC, which did all it could to discredit him when he disobeyed them and invaded Iraq.
The reason they have fallen back in love, like an elderly divorcee suddenly realising she misses her ex hubbie? Because he agrees with the BBC in that those who voted for Brexit were stupid, ignorant, uneducated, and didn’t understand the question. Thus, they must be forced to vote again to achieve the ‘correct’ answer.”
Quite so. I think also that the BBC would quite like to have Blair back in charge of Labour AND back in No.10 Downing Street.
Corbyn & McDonnell, especially McDonnell, make the BBC nervous.
Once again I have managed to avoid the Beeb’s broadcast news but did see a TV screen with Sky News on when in a shopping centre.
“Trump: my administration runs like clockwork even although I can’t fill my cabinet places” ran the ticker tape (or very similar wording). I’m prepared to bet good money that’s not what he actually said, but the MSM is happy to give the impression he did. No doubt someone will tell me if I’ve lost the bet but right now the MSM looks about to self destruct in an orgy of fake anti Trump news.
TDS seems, if anything, even more rampant at Sky than at the BBC.
What I can’t yet work out is what impact this mania is having on the average man or woman. Experience in recent years has showed me that people seem to stick doggedly to their usual sources of news and retain a faith in their reliability for far longer than an objective outsider would say is wise. They carry on trusting the BBC, Sky and their preferred dead tree press despite all the evidence that they are hopelessly corrupted.
Will Trump prove the straw that breaks this camel’s back? I hope so, because if we can’t have honest and impartial media then we are never going to have honest governments.
The more dogged the faith, the angrier the person is when they realise they’ve been betrayed. The question is whether enough people will realise in time they’ve been betrayed.
We live in dangerous times I fear, and I’m not sure of the outcome.
You know what? Today I was thinking about all of this and how I found this website. I was thinking about the way that Gorka and co are calling out the MSM.
I have watched the President’s press conferences in full rather than the distortions offered up on the “news”.
Then it hit me..I realised that my whole “understanding” of the world, the very foundation of my view of the world around me, the “way things are” the complete history of the planet and my education has ALL been force fed to me through the eyes of the MSM and the BBC and their twisted, distorted f***ed up biased bulls1t and an education system that is also heavily geared towards their agenda.
I figure if they can twist all this Brexit stuff and the US stuff and now I’m seeing it for what it really is…then what really is the truth about anything?
The world as I think I know/knew it is just very likely NOT to be what has been TOLD to me through that little rectangular box in the corner!
To be fair to bibistan (not something I often say) they do give plenty of coverage to Trump’s attacks on the msm on their webshite. But I think they assume all right thinking people will be appalled by the oaf. Many will, no doubt, but I wonder if many others will think, ‘Mmm, he’s got a point’.
Interesting times – in the US the media is now the official opposition – we beat them to it though.
No wonder they’re all so cocky and speak as though they were on a par with PMs and Presidents. In the face of flaccid and vacuous opposition parties it was inevitable.
The only other current opposition can be seen on the streets of Paris, right now.
For many years I was an estate agent – considered to be only one rung up from a car salesman. Glad to know that admitting to be a Journalist has taken the hot spot from estate agents !!!
Blair. LOL
Isn’t he the guy who let leash uncontrolled immigration? The same immigration that people are still suffering from? The same immigration that has fucked over our schools, our health service, our everything.
Isn’t he the guy who, arguably, as a result of his illegal war, spawned Iraqi asylum seekers arriving in the UK and patriotic servicemen and servicewomen getting hounded in the courts for doing their duty?
When you consider that brexit is essentially about who gets to come into the UK he’s on a sticky wicket trying to convince people they were wrong to want to take back control.
Even the MSM ripped him a new one and that’s saying something these days.
Margaret Thatcher was asked what she regarded as her greatest achievement, she is said to have replied: “New Labour” … Tony Blair.
But Blair! yuk … I always shudder 😀 Seismic, achievement? “Red” Tories?
But don t get caught in a erm “blue” fog, “tastrophe” Treezer will have (deliberately)failed on immigration targets every year right up to the next election, that’s quite a few years
… and where is the scrutiny of the catalogue of failure? I thought there was a by election in Stoke … is she in hiding again?
Trump’s spokesman , Sebastian Gorka, roasted wee Evan on Newsnight. Can’t remember his exact words but ” Just because you have 65 years and a letterhead…. ” Great stuff.
I was also re-watching a BBC interview with Milo before Trump was elected. In the pre-amble, Milo said to the dim BBC inteviewer ” I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you ” ( Expletives deleted ).
I think the BBC have been sussed. Have people been reading this website !
Like most BBC editorial, it is because they want it to be rather than backed by much actual evidence. The main sources of things going awry seem more a nationally hostile media estate willing to sacrifice their country on the altar of ideology.
Not keen, myself.
Still, BBC BFF Zuckster (rhymes with..) has a manifesto…
To quote my hero from “Dad’s Army “, Cpl. Jones, ” They do not like it up ’em “.
I think the BBC are getting seriously rattled now. The criticism is becoming more open. And the more it is pushed , the more absurd and extreme the BBC become. Disappearing up their own orifices.
BBC R4 – Mark Zuckerberg, “Facebook founder, has revealed his concern that the tide is turning against globalisation”
… Well of course they are you move a shedload
of people out of a failed state into another without integration or infrastructure all you get is two failed states.
His reasoned analysis “people had just been left behind by global growth”
(hand – forehead – slap).
Wonder what Zuckerberg means, understands even, by ‘globalisation’? To those who are wealthy, especially with great riches early in life, it means being able to trot around the globe, enjoying the finest things including houses & residence permits at the drop of a hat, without worrying how to pay for it all.
For those who voted to Leave the EU, ‘globalisation’ is a means of trading around the world to the mutual advantage of both parties to the deal, helping to eliminate poverty, shortages and military conflicts while contributing with profits to health care, education and more civilised society, eventually removing the need for aid programmes and thereby achieving true equality.
You can do it the Zuckerberg/BBC way or you can do it the Brexit way but not both, whether at the same time or not.
yes its reforming into an ever more violent obvious statement of what it is, it no longer needs to hide, this is what happens when it becomes emboldened,
give it an inch it will take a mile our government gave it a mile now it wants the country.
Suave, slippery intellectual. Aka Taqiya (lying in the cause of spreading Islam).
One problem Tariq: Islam simply CANNOT reform because its most objectionable tenets of anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, conquest, supremacy, Jihad, subjugation, intolerance, death for apostasy, cruelty etc are written in stone. They’re God’s final revelation to His final prophet, not one word of which can be changed, remember?
Final – doesn’t the word itself sound ominous!
The End. The end of thought. The end of evolution. Which might explain the sorry state of the Muslim world, and our very own Muslim communities.
Bonsoir Rotherham – nul points.
This is an object lesson in what is going wrong with our media & our country.
12 Pakis turn up at the house of a single white woman and attempt to gain entry by force. Failing to do so they turned up again two days later and fired shots at a window.
From reports it would appear that the political correctness enforcement squad we used to call ‘The Police’ have not even recorded it as a so called hate incident, nor a race hate incident, but can you imagine the outrage from the Fascists if the races were reversed? Highly unlikely of course because white people don’t behave like that.
“12 Pakis turn up at the house of a single white woman and attempt to gain entry by force. Failing to do so they turned up again two days later and fired shots at a window.”
Nothing in the report you link to says the 12 men were “Pakistanis”.
It doesn’t say they attempted to gain entry by force.
It doesn’t say they turned up again “two days later”.
It doesn’t say the woman in the house was white.
It doesn’t say she was single; the only person in the house the time; or whether anyone was targeted because of their race.
Your post is complete garbage.
As to; “white people don’t behave like that”. White people (like you) behave just like that:
Here folks is the prime example of the bigoted Left gleefully jumping on some post when they believe it has unsupported comment, and that they can pick it apart.
Well I got news for you maxincony, I ain’t that stupid.
Unlike you I bothered to search other sources and read the comments people had written, read the Twitter feeds of people who live in the area, and are only too well aware of the background of the perpetrators, and the victim.
They’re aware of the racism of the anti white Fascist Left, and they don’t much like it.
On top of all that there’s the cultural baggage which goes with this, because I’ve never heard of Bangladeshi’s or Indians ever going round to someone’s house mob handed, but there are far too many times when Pakistanis have.
As for people like me doing things like that, have you taken your medication today ?
And which other “sources” are those? Special-secret-sources?
“…and read the comments people had written, read the Twitter feeds of people who live in the area… ”
“…They’re aware of the racism of the anti white Fascist Left, and they don’t much like it.”
Ah I see, your “extra-special-secret-sources” all just coincidentally happen to think that anyone who questions their motives is “anti-white”. Are these the same “extra-special-super-secret-sources” that confirmed the identity of the Glasgow Bin Lorry driver as being “a Muslim immigrant”?
“As for people like me doing things like that, have you taken your medication today?“”
Of course; racial, sectarian stereotypes only ever apply to other peo
Nights again Maxi boy , Its a bummer isn’t it ?
Any Al Beeb bias to report or do you have to defend them all the time and waffle on ?
Its a futile waste of your time and resources.
Go on tell us, what’s bugging you about Al Beeb. ?
THE facebook broadcast on Today 7.15am. On the website and news headline on Radio 4, said Facebook gave an interview to the BBC. As I have complained to the website and Today, Facebook MZ did not give an interview, MZ telephoned Kamal, and Kamal repeated verbatim what he said. No interview. No questions or response from Toady. This is not an interview, but MZ just using the BBC as his mouthpiece propaganda, henace phoning Kamal. BBC too stupid to realise. Also Trump press conference shown complete distain and contempt for BBC (jon Sopel) and it is entirely the BBC and what they deserve. However it is not what we the public licence paying deserve. The BBC was panned in front of world press. I have written to my MP time they cleaned up the BBC. The BBC should be journalists and professional.
THE facebook broadcast on Today 7.15am. On the website and news headline on Radio 4, said Facebook gave an interview to the BBC. As I have complained to the website and Today, Facebook MZ did not give an interview, MZ telephoned Kamal, and Kamal repeated verbatim what he said. No interview. No questions or response from Toady. This is not an interview, but MZ just using the BBC as his mouthpiece propaganda, henace phoning Kamal. BBC too stupid to realise. Also Trump press conference shown complete distain and contempt for BBC (jon Sopel) and it is entirely the BBC and what they deserve. However it is not what we the public licence paying deserve. The BBC was panned in front of world press. I have written to my MP time they cleaned up the BBC. The BBC should be journalists and professional.
Agreed. Europe is only Europe when it is populated by a large majority of Europeans. Admitting significant numbers of Africans will turn it into a version of Africa.
As the stated aim of all economic migrants and refugees is to move to where they will have a better life, it follows that life is worse in Africa than in Europe. Ergo, turning Europe into Africa by immigration will worsen life for the indigenous Europeans.
The socialist’s dream: equality of misery for all.
Hilarious Lucy. But are you sure it’s Paris? He looks surprisingly like their correspondents in Stockholm, Malmo, Cologne, Berlin, Brussels, Milan, not to mention our very own Rotherham, Rochdale and dozens of others.
Maybe they clone their reporters now.
It looks like the BBC is censoring the fact that the EU and the Euro are falling off the “Cliff Edge”
The Commonwealth (excluding Malta and Cyprus) and the rest of the World are on top of the Cliff, and the 27 other EU members are turning into rubble at the foot of the Cliff.
Coming 4:30pm R4 Feedback
Who will they be monstering this week
Let me check their Twitter feed
“ @BBCR4Feedback We’re covering Le Pen coverage in our audience feedback programme.”
And glorifying the play “Hashtag Love is the story of sunny Archers producer and social media fan Flora (played by Ruth Jones) and crusty sound engineer and committed Luddite Teddy (played by Stephen Tompkinson). The play WAS performed live which means that the cast can react during the action to social media comment.”
Sounds incestuous like R4 is up itself
Was it the, good ol’ Archbishop of Canterbury (and pretty well all other lefty/liberal/multiculturalists) that declared it was a sad day that Britain was suspending the so-called, “assisting child Refugee” programme. Germany is a country who would doubtless willingly shed a few in the direction of Britain for the Archbishop to ‘take care of’ (no, silly, I don’t mean that kind of, ‘taking care of’!) –
And how many “child refugees ” has Wanker Welby housed in Lambeth Palace or any of his other houses ? To quote Paul Joseph Weston ” Welby, either put up or shut the F up “
I hold no brief for Justin Welby, but one Syrian family was housed in an empty cottage in the grounds of Lambeth Palace last year. Dunno if they’re still there.
And a number of posters upthread or on an earlier thread were wondering why JW fails to denounce the persecution of Christians in Nigeria. Given his former life as an oil executive with interests in West Africa, it would be surprising if he’d done as little as has been reported. He has, in fact, as I understand it, recently made a number of low-key visits to Nigeria for precisely those ends. Despite his public pronouncements, I’d be inclined to cut him a smidgen of slack.
What we can probably agree on, though, is to regret having only twenty fingers, thumbs and toes to count all the refugee families Sir Bob, Yvette and Lily were loudly going to take in.
A truly excellent post Lurkio. Both for the quality of Asra Nomani’s measured, dignified response to crude O’Brien’s rancid, bullying, partisan questions (or ‘provocations’); as well as the accompanying article by the always excellent Douglas Murray.
Highly recommended.
Something missing from our Biased BBC blog is a column for jobs. Yes, real jobs with salaries.
May I draw your attention to this post which, if conducted successfully could lead to regular BBC interviews, a place on Any Questions, and maybe a position in the Labour Party akin to Shameless Shami.
We offer you a full time job working for the Stop Trump Coalition.
“After the mid-term election, I read every commentator saying – this administration is effectively over now, the Presdient is a dead man walking and nothing is going to happen until 2016 – except that you’ve kind of got this deal (Iran), Cuba diplomatic relations, healthcare reform embedded, made a new trade deal with Asia… so it’s not a question a journalist often asks – what’s gone right?”
The BBC does see itself as superior to everyone, even leaders of countries.
Our country and a number of people in it continue to facilitate their false belief – time they stopped.
On tolerance for ‘alternative facts’ in the climate change debate
M Mann says crazy untrue things yet fellow scientists refuse to call him out
The fact is that Michael Mann must still support the NOAA pause buster paper, even after its secrets are being revealed by whistleblowers.
But the normal none-secret world of science has produced data that shows that Global warming ended in 1997. People at the Met Office do not think they can get away with supporting the fraudulent pause buster paper.
So this paper would explain the (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009)
The paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Mercury and the Moon are used to prove that the Grey body temperature and the average surface temperature are equal when there is no Atmosphere.
This would then open the door to the need of an alternative explanation for Climate Change, which already exists. Firstly known as Sunspot Number, and then Length of the Solar Cycle, and then the cause of the Length of the Solar Cycle, which is the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, this in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets. Short Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun, and therefore a larger number of Sun spots. Long Solar Cycles have lower Solar Magnetic activity and therefore a smaller number of Sun spots. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds.
This explanation, seems to be the consensus of the Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Mensa members that I am in touch with.
The problem seems to be that most so called sceptics are trapped like rats in a barrel, issuing very long and boring diatribes about temperature, and the fraudsters at NOAA and the University of East Anglia.
It was interesting that Tony Blair employed the analogy of house purchase to express his desire to connect with middle class liberals and to attempt to engender in us all the feeling of buyer’s remorse over the EU Referendum vote.
Seems his own property buying instinct is pretty strong.
‘Tony and Cherie Blair’s property empire worth estimated £27m. Former prime minister, his wife and children are registered owners of at least 10 houses and 27 flats between them, including several in central London’
They could house a lot of economic migrants – sorry I meant vulnerable refugees, of course! – in those 37 properties. If Cherie Booth QC has been successful in winning the right to remain in the UK for some of her clients, at our expense through legal aid and under legislation enacted by her husband’s government, then what better way to house them and practise what she has preached?
I urge readers to watch the Newsnight interview between Evan Davis and Sebastian Gorka which somebody kindly posted on here. Dr Gorka walks all over Mr Davis and pre-empts the biased questions, causing Mr Davis to end with embarrassed laughter about how the BBC doesn’t like to be the centre of attention. I bet it doesn’t! He seems an interesting character – Hungaro-British, now an American citizen, but was an intelligence officer in the Territorials. Mr Trump does seem to have a very good team around him.
Brilliant interview. I look forward to seeing more of Dr Gorka, though I suspect it will be a while before the BBC schedule another interview with him. Slowly but surely we deplorables (by which I mean the opposition to the globalist liberal left establishment) are getting the truth out there into the public forum. It just needs a majority of the general public to see the BBC for what they are, and action will then have to be taken.
What I particularly liked was the way Dr Gorka pre-empted Davis’ question about what Trump will do to the media. He was obviously fishing for a headline – something like ‘Trump to clamp down on free press’ etc, but didn’t get it. These beeboids make me think of some sort of snowflake trainee barrister just out of law school trying to cross-examine Hannibal Lector!
Hilarious interview. I get the impression that Davis lives in tax funded media bubble of Leftist Trump haters, and has absolutely no idea how bigoted he sounds. We are forced to pay for this Newsnight journalists wages because…..?
Davis was completely out of his league with regards to intelligence .
Interesting that Davis brought up the subject of “gaming” questions?? Is that a BBC concept….asking if they all got together and said “these are the questions we are going to ask /be asked.” Sounds like a briefing they might have right before Question Time
Gorka using his live broadcasts to tell us what to google!
apologies, if this has already been mentioned, but the biggest fake news story to come out today must be when President Trump at the presidential Press Conference asked BBC reporter ”
Jon Sopel “where are you from “? and he replied The BBC. Free! impartial! and fair! well I laughed…
The BBC is not going to report that over 87,000 have signed a new petition stating; Abolish the tv licence, it shouldn’t be a legal requirement. Sign here: Its one of many, the BBC should consider that fake news is in clear breach of its Charter. We should not have to be forced to pay for it.
Are the BBC discussing the Paris riots yet?
Today Radio 4 mentioned Paris and the danger of Le Pen. I’m having real trouble processing this level of enforced censorship – it smacks of the most extreme totalitarian regimes.
Winchester Thu Feb 23: How Violent is Islam Really
The Winchester Discovery Centre
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
the guys done the talk before, you could look it up.
Could the green shoots of reality be breaking through in the stoney ground of the BBC?
Today Vanessa Feltz, standing in for Jeremy Vine, was discussing the presidential news conference with Mark Lawson, who played a bit of the role of Devil’s Advocate. He pointed out how the media had been anti-Trump from the off and that in recent months they had got ‘everything’ wrong so perhaps a bit of humility was in order. Also many of the ‘without precedent’ things that the president had done had, in fact, been done before. There are clearly facts and facts.
Later on a professor in Texas was lecturing us on Holocaust denial, which she then extended to anti-semitism. This, apparently, was because of ‘prejudice’, which she defined as judging ahead of knowing the facts. Just to illustrate this, perhaps, she launched into a thinly veiled attack on President Trump and his voters, linking in just about everything that she clearly didn’t like and finally attempting to bolt on ‘Brexit’, at which point, Vanessa, to give her her due, grabbed the reins and pulled her up short. No doubt if she had been allowed to go on we would have added middle-lane driving and toilet seat raising to the list of the deniers crimes!
I don’t deny that the Holocaust happened but I don’t think the permanent victim line by some Jews does them or us any favours. We can see how this professor has been poisoned by it, her hate has grown and extended into other areas. It also hides other mass exterminations in Russia, China, Africa, India and elsewhere.
As to making it illegal to deny the truth, where do we stop? What is the truth? Soon it might be illegal to deny that a donkey flew over Jerusalem.
ScrobleneMar 5, 19:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 I sometimes wonder whether the poor/weak sort of politicians we have to bear here have any idea about proper negotiation…
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 I can’t speak or understand Ukranian so can’t be certain but it’s being reported that Zelensky has backed out of…
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People”
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German???
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll.
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
Jon Sopel in the role of snotty school boy refusing to accept the dressing down from the teacher after his class has been called out for their general misbehaviour.
Now that we can see the whole of these Pressers on You Tube and – crucially – make up own minds about how it went the likes of Sopel see their power over the control of the narrative drain away – like you might drain a swamp.
A specific charge against the collective liberal press corps was Trump’s assertion that the media was characterising his administration as in a state of “Chaos”.
As I pointed out hereabouts earlier in the day the BBC’s Berlin-based mouthpiece Jenny Hill had unreasonably editorialised that very word : “Chaos”. I questioned whether this was her own, her employer’s or perhaps the political opinion of those such as Frau Merkel (whose opinions Jenny Hill of the BBC tends to channel) expressed as though it were fact. Importantly it is also the opposition US Democrat Party line so admiringly favoured by the BBC. Fake News.
On another point of fact, President Trump correctly predicted how the press would charcterise the news conference in a highly negative way – and sure enough Sopel chooses the term “Tempestuous” to editorialise his take on proceedings.
Sopel really flounders when he attempts to underline his editorial take on the President as a liar. Sopel’s example is lame and unconvincing – some tosh about the degree of Donald Trump’s election victory. Politicians will hedge and hoo and ha about election results until the cows come home and Sopel knows this. His own BBC colleague John Pienaar can call the London Mayoral race of 2012 a close run thing and yet describe the French Presidential election held a week later as a landslide when the two winning results were within 100ths of a percentage point of each other – it all depends on your political point of view. Pienaar the leftist was upset by Boris the Tory winning and excited about Hollande the Socialist.
The US President made the point that the “tone” of the media was negative toward him. Sopel exemplifies the point as he sneers at Donald Trump – “I was surprised at how much TV and newspapers he reads, how does he find time?” Really, Sopel? That’s the best you’ve got? In fact it is a bugbear of mine that conservative politicians seem to fail to notice how negative the BBC is toward their point of view. Stop trying to placate the liberal media – call them out on their bias! I wish our own Tories would binge watch some BBC – it might wake them up. I used to joke hereabouts that I would like to lock David Cameron in room for eight hours with nothing but BBC Radio 4 and a few biscuits. He might grow some. I realise now that was a futile wish – Cameron is a bought and sold liberal.
Then Sopel ‘goes low’ as Hillary Clinton might have said. Our Jon Sopel tells us that the press event was unusual in that there was “heckling” of the US President. Now if I hadn’t watched the thing and I believed what Sopel was telling me I might imagine a scene sounding something like a stuttering consevative comedian braving the stage at the comedy club. In fact the film clip of a lefty journo shouting a question – really a Democrat talking point linking the old Russia smear with Trump’s tax returns occurred at the end of an extended session of questions as the President was leaving the room. We’ve seen this parting shot stuff many times at such events and Sopel knows it.
Nice try Sopel but Fake News.
Excellent post AsIseeit.
The worrying thing is that most people don’t have time to listen to a press conference on u tube lasting over an hour . They rely on reports and so Sopel and his chums both on BBC and Channel 4 are going to influence perceptions of the Trump Presidency. I think this misreporting of Trump has become so obsessive since his inauguration that it’s highly dangerous for democracy and the conservatives can’t continue to do nothing tangible about blatant bias in both of our publicly funded news broadcasters – BBC and C4.
Trump says it`s not chaos-Gorka scorns Evan Davis for fun and we all go to bed knowing that Trump licked them all as ever-the live conference is great-his folks see it as do we-and we`re NOT getting edited splices and carrot chunks from the vomited contents of the Liberal digester sac.
Up next morning-but it`s as if Trump never said a dickie.
Because a Navy Bloke turns down a job for fear of his health, family-or , guess what-he thinks Trumps not the guy to work for?
Who knows or cares-but its a twiglet to bash Trump with, so the BBC hurtle down their worm hole into their publicly funded hell.
Disgusting-when I want to know runners and riders in the US navy, I`ll ask…until then, Trump, Gorka and Malloch, Conway and Miller have done more good re the global media disembowelling than ANY few folks in my lifetime.
This is not Farage by pass surgery-this is ritual heart transplants with no anaesthetic by Trump and his Coronary Committee…get the ides he`s somehow reversing the lethal injection order of I.V drugs.
Potassium Chloride is normally the third one-Trump seems to be administering it first…genius, great science too!
Chlorate might be worth a go Dr Nuttall!
Scott Adams pointed out the use of the word “chaos” a week or so ago. It is a deliberate ploy of persuasion by the President’s opponents and the fact the BBC uses it is far from coincidental.
What was that one the BBC liked when the Tories were in a muddle, but then dropped when it got out of its cage as friendly fire?
Friends! Dedicated to all my good friends here on B-BBC:
God Bless , keep and preserve you SOL!
The garlands and tributes thrown lightly at your perfumed feet.
Those of us who know your greatness, courage to stick it to the Guardian-and your destiny/sense of a Leader in exile-can only wish that you`ll give us notice in future so we can lay the fronds before your riding in on Shergar…
Why, thank you, Friend Chris! Great to see you here, haven’t seen you for a while. Hope all’s good? Will try and give you more notice in future, promise!
Nomadic teacher and door to door poet-I stay informed of your campaigns, and look forward to how Blair will be portrayed by Saveed the Natural Law Yogi, and UN Ambassador to India and Southall!
Thank you, Friend Chris! I would write a piece this morning but alas I have to go out soon … if the story is still “live” tomorrow and the Far-Right Guardian gives me an opportunity to comment, well, I have an idea of what I could say – or, rather, Saveed does!
BTW, Singer Beneath Bridges hasn’t commented on the blog today … normally he pops up regular as clockwork around 8am. He did sort of threaten to go away, yesterday – hope he didn’t mean it!
Paris, now that’s what I call chaos!
Indeed! But the BBC thinks that, just so long as it doesn’t report it, everything is fine!
Reminds one of the old Soviets when they put news bans on things that didn’t suit their cause.
Phew, the gloves are really off this morning!
Blair calling for Anti-Democratic Revolution (Isn’t that still a crime? Oh no! Blair made it legal when he was in government.), Peter Oborne calling out the TOADY programme over their campaigning against Trump and the TOADY prog themselves attacking another media giant, Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.
Not sure who or what they are referring to, but luckily it applies to both:
What a great way to start off your Friday with Bliar’s face plastered all over the bBC. I think the people should rise up to put him in jail. I do hope there is a HYS on this one.
He wants the remain camp to “rise up and fight”
Is that not inciting violence?
I would expect little less from a terrorist.
Interesting, GW. Not being sure what you were refering to I clicked the provided link. The photo the BBC used for the EU-Ref result was not from the ones that they used last June. Those showed young people celebrating. Today, the photo used shows a group celebrating Brexit who are all middle-aged or older.
The BBC. Propagandising like mad.
Or spreading FakeNews, rather like the Facebook that the BBC used to love when it was eyeing up a possible link/merger/take-over but now appears to hate.
U2N – equally interesting is Media Lens is hardly of the alt-right end of opinion.
Their loathing of Blair’s Iraq adventure simply trumps all.
But they can on occasion see blatant media twisting for what it is and call it out. Often when the BBC is up to its tricks again.
The BBC is inexorably bound to both Facebook and Twitter, and there is clearly more than a little common ground editorially.
The trouble for the BBC is the latter two exist on exchange, and restricting that will end very badly for all of them.
Yes, GW, I felt they were getting so cosy last year (BBC + Twitter/Facebook) that some sort of Joint Ventures were almost sure to be announced soon. It seemed to me that after the initial shock of Trump (for the BBC) drained away in the run-up to Christmas, there has been a marked change with the Corporation starting to wage its war on FakeNews and now directing fire at Facebook. Whether it will take on Twitter, too, remains to be seen.
Think they cannot really attack Twitter for two reasons. They rely on it for Question Time and Any Questions/Any Answers responses, along with some other ‘phone-ins. They also get their food for attacking Trump via Twitter.
The Blair thing has been interesting, too. I popped into the Thread three times during the day. It definitely wasn’t going Blair’s or the BBC’s way. There were lots and lots of posting names that were new to me (in addition to some from the regular Politics/Economics crowd) and I wonder whether the BBC’s messing around with their Registration & Sign-In post-1 September 2016 has made it easier for people to create new Registrations and Posting Names to comment under multiple identities.
Whether or not that is going on, I do not know. What WAS apparent was that Blair’s intervention was attracting support from about 1 in 20 comments. I wonder whether there will be any mention on BBC News about the marked hostility to Blair from most of the other 19 out of 20 comments?
That must be newsworthy, I would have thought, in a non-FakeNews sort of way?
How much money-how much pension-is this popinjay getting for all he`s doing?
Can he even walk down a street in this country yet?…so how the hell is he getting to Bloomberg?
Soros Airways?
To be honest-it suits me-yes it`s a red jamrag to the bull…but as long as we can see the very face of the Remainiacs tied to his St Sebastian sapling, we can embarrass them all , and all times and for ever…they don`t like to be reminded what shills for Iraq they used to be on his behalf.
Follow the money…and let`s keep Blair and Corbyn shackled to the Remoaners, as well as Farron and Clegg.
Electoral kryptonite and hogweed, does European Knotweed exist yet?
“Previously, Mr Blair has called for the views of the “16 million” people who had backed remaining in the EU not to be ignored.”
And on how many occasions during your premiership, Mr. Blair, did you decide to take into account the views of Conservative and UKIP voters?
He’s considered that all of us who voted to leave are complete idiots ! saying that we didn’t know the full implications of exiting. Who does he think he is ?
This was flagged as ‘Analysis’ in the Graun morning media summary, which is a framing that one doubts they realise means something different to readers nowadays to what they think it does:
It’s ok, Jon is back in his safe space, surrounded by friends….
But he has forgotten, like HYS editors, comments can go down as well as up.
I fear a blocking may ensue.
Jon, Jon, Nick, etc may have clung on too long before bailing out. There is an ominous glow in the Beebinburg’s gas bags and they are still aboard.
Needs to be remembered that nobodies like Kuennsberg and Sopel will one day leave their holograms to science with only one achievement…that they asked the US President a question, when others actually might have asked something of value.
Thing is, the BBC seldom asks questions designed to shed light.
It grandstands opinion to stir heat.
“others actually might have asked something of value” …………..or actually done something vaguely, even slightly, beneficial to society.
Where others might have actually got an answer, not just a wave away to a proper journalist’s question!
Anyone who saw the live feed of President Trump owning the media last night knows that the BBC are openly lying this morning.
And Sopel….why was your question about a travel ban that does not affect British citizens? you could have asked a question about an Anglo-US issue but chose to ask one relevant only to the Ummah. Remind me Jon, who pays your wages?…Yep, British people. Leave Ummah questions to Al Jazeerah.
I see the usual BBC hatchet job was done on the President’s press conference for this morning’s so-called “news”. They didn’t quite manage to save Sopel from looking like a pr@tt though. I switched off at the suggestion that “further anal-ysis” was forthcoming. Further analysis. Again, I do not need your opinion BBC!
Sopel’s emergence from the Press Conference was a wonderful sight to behold – he was positively spitting venom when “Hughie” questioned what his thoughts were following.
The leftist MSM are so stupid that they think that they can lie about a press conference.
The point they have forgotten is that we can all see what happens at a press conference. Thus, we know that President Trump was relaxed, calm, and enjoying himself calling out the left wing bias of the MSM. We know that he was not ranting, out of control or mentally ill.
That’s the problem with liars, they lie so much that they end up believing their own lies. Sadly for them, we don’t believe their squalid lies any more.
Non Al BBC
Australia political elite are sadly following Canada s road to ruin re Islam
There are odd bumps in that road …
“A face-off occurred after an audience member asked if it was time to define new rules surrounding migration to avoid community conflict, leading Senator Lambie to reaffirm her position that anyone that supports sharia law be deported from Australia”
Just as an addition – The Islamic adherent in the video, is of course (apologies for again having to re affirm it) lying.
Muslims are not meant to be ruled by non-Muslims, that is to spite Islamic teaching. The Quran is very clear that they are to resist unbelievers by any means, until Islam establishes political supremacy. This doesn’t mean that everyone must be forced to become Muslim, but rather that everyone eventually must submit to the supremacy of Islam.
… Sadly, ABC have already apologised – Q&A and ABC both apologise to Muslim community for breaching its ABC values (Open letter)
ABC = another regressive front teeming with Islamist sympathisers and globalist bullies. Cowards and fools.
Jesus, that video put me in a bad mood.
Headscarf blatantly goes for a strawman arguement
“Me praying 5 times a day is Sharia Law”
That’s the trick of redefining language from its normal use.
That’s not what Lambie meant and headscarf knows it.
The suggestion that that is all Sharia Law is is an insult to hundreds of millions who suffer under it in Saudi Pakistan etc.
Women deserve fairness in all especially rape crimes etc.
On Australian affairs always go to The Andrew Bolt blog and see what he says
#1 His first post he says “Peaceful religion? So why all the shouting?”
#2 Oz \\Government paid pet Muslim Yassmin Abdel-Magied to tour some of the world’s most repressive Islamic regimes. Having returned from Saudi Arabia, she tells the ABC – which employs her
– Islam is “the most feminist faith”.//
Lambies follow up TV interview
Bolt posts are best found thru@BoltRSS on Twitter
Tweets by Bolt_RSS
Is Blair mad? At the very time the EUSSR is going up in flames (literally in the case of Paris) and could fall apart within months after some key Euro elections, Blair is arguing for Remain??
Tony Blair calls for people to ‘rise up’ against Brexit
Tony Blair calls for people to ‘rise up’ against Brexit
Tony Blair is announcing his “mission” to persuade Britons to “rise up” and change their minds on Brexit. Speaking in the City of London, the former PM claims in a speech that people voted in the referendum “without knowledge of the true terms of Brexit”. He says he wants to “build support for finding a way out from the present rush over the cliff’s edge”.
£multimillionaire property dealer and hedge fund investor – a man who notionally called himself a ‘democratic socialist’ but seems to have spent the past ten years amassing a huge personal fortune and property portfolio, whilst travelling the world propagating Common Purpose (regressive speak for champagne socialism) – refuses to accept a democratic result he personally finds unacceptable.
Blair is a particularly egregious, toxic and slippery specimen. The trouble is, his brand of meaningless, valueless, anti-British, globalist, pro-EU, pro-climate change, pro-immigrant ‘progressive values’ chime so perfectly with not just the BBC, but almost the entirety of the bien pensant chattering media class and their followers. In truth, the BBC and its fellow travellers never stopped grieving for the end of New Labour and all the largess it represented, all the opportunity it presented to dominate the narrative in Government, Media, Education (especially Education) and the Arts. The BBC hopes against hope that the Once And Future King will return, bathed in god rays, to restore order to its broken dreams of a borderless Europe, a carbon-free agrarian nirvana and a cosy place back on the Big Table at the EU.
Tony Blair is a cancer on British politics. The BBC is, as always, his breathless little helper, always ready to extend the hand of free publicity (at taxpayer’s expense) to The Dear Leader (now and forever, comrades).
Blair is preaching sedition. He is subverting the democratic process and attempting to undermine the legitimate authority of government.
Pity he can’t be arrested, he ought to be, along with anyone who supports him. We have had the debate, we have had the vote, the government has the authority of parliament. He seems to think it is right to overthrow all this.
If he can’t be arrested, or the police don’t wish to do it, he needs to leave the country again, and be quick about.
Were this a few years back he’d either be on a spike on Tower Hill or hanging from a lamppost.
Shows how ignorant the bBeeb is!
Why side with a scheming pernicious liar and make even more citizens hate both them and this arsehole much, much more!
He and bloody Brown stuffed this country good and proper, and deserve no credit for their views other than just piss off and be hated forever.
Still on the subject of the BBC editorialising of press conferences to suit their own BBC narrative – this morning we have a wonderful bit of ad lib self-revealing riffing from Joanna Gosling in the studio linking back from a clip from the Tony Blair pro EU event:
“We’ll be going back to that press conference… err.. if there are any questions err… which we will go back for”
Don’t we just know it. And presumably the BBC will not go back for any questions which… err they won’t go back for!
Watching Bliar answering planted questions. One question I’d like to see asked is this… ‘Bliar, did you know we have had this debate, and the people voted to Leave?
edit: he has just said he accepts the vote. He wants a 2nd referendum. Fuck Off Bliar.
Here’s hoping for a HYS on this, will the bBBC allow one?
Yaaaay!!!! HYS is going brilliantly…go on, fill yer boots!!!!
I just have! Get on there quick before they close it down.
Be like Sam.
22. Sam Crow
I voted Remain. If Blair agrees then I backed the wrong horse.
The BBC agrees with Tony. Don’t be like The BBC.
Blair said ‘who made the rule that we cannot debate Brexit, despite the result” – Ironic that mental health issues have come to the fore in recent weeks, because this man is insane and clearly in need of help ! he’s been out of the limelight, no longer a force in the Middle East (is he STILL an envoy), so cashing his chips in to speak for the Remoaners. And yes he’s right, he will be criticised because he knows by opening the sodding doors to the world, he’s created the situation.
Why should we listen to a corrupt, lying, warmonger like Blair ? He represents everything repulsive about the EU. It is scum like him that we are trying to escape from !
There was a nice moment on R4’s ‘Today’, towards 9 a.m., where Peter Obourne was commenting about that Trump press conference where he called out media bias – and ‘dissed’ the BBC’s very own Sopel, among others. Obourne said he thought the MSM had gone easy on Blair and Obama for years, not asking awkward questions, because they broadly approved of them. Justin Webb laughed at the suggestion of bias towards the BBC’s preferred politicians, citing the fallout over Iraq and WMD, but it was good to see the rotten BBC called out live on air.
But, how much is his fee? I believe he charges top-dollar for speeches. No doubt he is on EU expenses at least. Did any one ask him?
The Peugeot/Vauxhall affair. Muppet Vince Cable on Today earlier – it’s all to do with Brexit. No, Mr Muppet, its all to do with Globalism where business is controlled from another country and, at a virtual stroke, a factory or two is closed half-way around the world with no care whatever for the workers. In fact, on second thoughts, Mr Muppet may be right: it really is all to do with Brexit – the voter voted Brexit to get away from Globalisation and this sort of negative effect.
Quite right. If Peugeot-Citroen buys Vauxhall-Opel, they will close a far off car plant in North West England without a second thought. Nothing to do with Brexit or the single market.
Peugeot used to have a car plant at Ryton in Coventry where they made 206s. When it suited them, they closed it. The French are chauvinists and economic nationalists, they could not care less about a British factory or a British workforce.
Blair said “who made the rule that we cannot debate Brexit, despite the result”
Answer, the BBC. But only with those politicians who had plans for Brexit, such as Bill Cash, Lord Owen and Gerard Batten.
Paul Joseph Watson having a go at hypocritical virtue-signalling celebs. Worth a chuckle.
Brilliant !
Now that really is, “Impartial, free and fair”.
My 92-year old mum, who had never heard of Paul and does not approve of bad language, just watched it and loved it. I asked her if she thinks she would ever see that on the BBC ( she still has some vestigial affection for the Beeb ) and she replied ” They would never allow that “. !!!!
Grant, here’s another video from Paul to show your mum. I wonder if she will love this one just as much?
”They would never allow that “. !!!!
Great antidote to Radio Scotlands Media Review which yesterday spent 30 mins Cheerleading JK Rowling*
And sneering at PiersMorgan
In their MetroBubbleworld anyone who dares say”snowflake” is Alt-Right (even though that actually is the term for White-America people)
* Despite her being English and them normally expressing racism towards English.
“Anna Burnside and Stuart Cosgrove discus the big media stories of the week”
Can I say ‘Brilliant’ again?
BBC’s Carole Walker does her best to polish a turd following Blair’s hopeless one-man-band busking on behalf of Jean Claude Juncker’s claret-tinted vision of a perpetual EUSSR pension scheme for failed politicians. Just to add balance well-fed Blair-babe sychophant Heidi Alexander Labour MP for Lewisham gives a further post-speech bum-up for Blair.
I think we sussed Blair’s politics were more about message than substance some time ago. I think we know he cheats and does things through the back door and lies and lies and lies.
Our Tony says “ don’t have to listen to me..”
Oh the irony Tony, yes we can turn off but we bloody-well still have to pay for your ugly mug and uglier message to be endlessly beamed out across our airwaves.
Tone seems to have turned today into a bit of a Beeboshambles for Aunty.
“The Blair Bitch Project”
Well Tone, the ‘house move’ you allude to – sorry it’s a no brainer, the house is decayed, beyond repair and infested. We’re moving out!
I respectfully suggest you learn German and effucicay off.
Even president Trump doesn’t like the Tone!
Taken from the transcript of yesterday’s press conference…
“And I’ll tell you what else I see. I see tone. You know the word “tone.” The tone is such hatred. I’m really not a bad person, by the way. No, but the tone is such — I do get good ratings, you have to admit that — the tone is such hatred.”
Blair is mainline news on the BBC, which did all it could to discredit him when he disobeyed them and invaded Iraq.
The reason they have fallen back in love, like an elderly divorcee suddenly realising she misses her ex hubbie? Because he agrees with the BBC in that those who voted for Brexit were stupid, ignorant, uneducated, and didn’t understand the question. Thus, they must be forced to vote again to achieve the ‘correct’ answer.
Oddly we had a referendum to take us in to the EU, (EEC it was called then), and no one demanded a second vote.
We had a referendum for devolution of powers to Scotland and Wales and no one felt it should be rerun – even though the one in Wales was as narrow as the BBC’s political coverage of Brexit.
The Irish voted against the Nice treaty (2001), so were told they got it wrong and had to revote until they got the answer right, which was to agree with the Nice treaty (2002). Oddly, then the Irish no longer had to vote for it.
The Irish people again got it wrong by voting against the Lisbon Treaty (2008) but they got it right in voting for it (2009). After that they no longer had to vote for it.
This is how the establishment works. We must agree with them else we live in a Groundhog Day of referendums until we see sense.
So, bring it on. I will fight, and argue and vote for exit from the EU in the hundredth referendum.
Blair et al are under a delusion (but what’s new about that?). They don’t realise that while some Leavers might vote Remain if there were another referendum, there will be many Remainers who would vote Leave. After all, the sky hasn’t fallen in on us as we were warned would happen by yesterday’s chicken-licken men, Cameron and Osborne.
Yes and when they see what is happening in Paris folks will be even more likely to vote Brexit.
No doubt the reason why this isn’t being reported by the BBC.
We never had a referendum on joining the EEC in 1973, all we got was a referendum on whether to stay in, in 1975.
In 1975 the “Common Market” seemed like the future. All of the press backed it, all mainstream politicians backed it, only Enoch Powell and Wedgewood Benn were against it. It was a forgone conclusion.
But the British people are nothing if not fair. We tried the EEC/EU for 43 years, and then decided to leave.
Wrong answer! Quick let’s have another referendum says Tony Blair.
I’ll make him a fair offer. The day Tony Blair agrees to spend a day living like an ordinary British citizen, not protected by a phalanx of armed cops, then and only then, let’s have another referendum. I reckon Brexit will win 60/40 easily!
Rob, the left in the labour party, Kinnock, Foot., etc, were dead set against the EEC.
Kinnock only changed his mind when the EU made him a millionaire after 4 strenuous years working there.
Scribbling “Blair is mainline news on the BBC, which did all it could to discredit him when he disobeyed them and invaded Iraq.
The reason they have fallen back in love, like an elderly divorcee suddenly realising she misses her ex hubbie? Because he agrees with the BBC in that those who voted for Brexit were stupid, ignorant, uneducated, and didn’t understand the question. Thus, they must be forced to vote again to achieve the ‘correct’ answer.”
Quite so. I think also that the BBC would quite like to have Blair back in charge of Labour AND back in No.10 Downing Street.
Corbyn & McDonnell, especially McDonnell, make the BBC nervous.
These two bit hacks really think they can get one over on the President of the USA.
PS: Theresa May – Watch, listen and learn.
Once again I have managed to avoid the Beeb’s broadcast news but did see a TV screen with Sky News on when in a shopping centre.
“Trump: my administration runs like clockwork even although I can’t fill my cabinet places” ran the ticker tape (or very similar wording). I’m prepared to bet good money that’s not what he actually said, but the MSM is happy to give the impression he did. No doubt someone will tell me if I’ve lost the bet but right now the MSM looks about to self destruct in an orgy of fake anti Trump news.
Trump said the first bit, they added the second bit on in a sort of #despitebrexit manner
TDS seems, if anything, even more rampant at Sky than at the BBC.
What I can’t yet work out is what impact this mania is having on the average man or woman. Experience in recent years has showed me that people seem to stick doggedly to their usual sources of news and retain a faith in their reliability for far longer than an objective outsider would say is wise. They carry on trusting the BBC, Sky and their preferred dead tree press despite all the evidence that they are hopelessly corrupted.
Will Trump prove the straw that breaks this camel’s back? I hope so, because if we can’t have honest and impartial media then we are never going to have honest governments.
The more dogged the faith, the angrier the person is when they realise they’ve been betrayed. The question is whether enough people will realise in time they’ve been betrayed.
We live in dangerous times I fear, and I’m not sure of the outcome.
You know what? Today I was thinking about all of this and how I found this website. I was thinking about the way that Gorka and co are calling out the MSM.
I have watched the President’s press conferences in full rather than the distortions offered up on the “news”.
Then it hit me..I realised that my whole “understanding” of the world, the very foundation of my view of the world around me, the “way things are” the complete history of the planet and my education has ALL been force fed to me through the eyes of the MSM and the BBC and their twisted, distorted f***ed up biased bulls1t and an education system that is also heavily geared towards their agenda.
I figure if they can twist all this Brexit stuff and the US stuff and now I’m seeing it for what it really is…then what really is the truth about anything?
The world as I think I know/knew it is just very likely NOT to be what has been TOLD to me through that little rectangular box in the corner!
Roland, sorry to burst your bubble but you lost the bet.
This is a direct quote from the news conference:
“This administration is running like a fine tuned machine despite the fact that I can’t get my cabinet approved.”
Do we really, really, have to fall over ourselves to help the mudslimes? –
To be fair to bibistan (not something I often say) they do give plenty of coverage to Trump’s attacks on the msm on their webshite. But I think they assume all right thinking people will be appalled by the oaf. Many will, no doubt, but I wonder if many others will think, ‘Mmm, he’s got a point’.
Interesting times – in the US the media is now the official opposition – we beat them to it though.
No wonder they’re all so cocky and speak as though they were on a par with PMs and Presidents. In the face of flaccid and vacuous opposition parties it was inevitable.
The only other current opposition can be seen on the streets of Paris, right now.
For many years I was an estate agent – considered to be only one rung up from a car salesman. Glad to know that admitting to be a Journalist has taken the hot spot from estate agents !!!
Blair. LOL
Isn’t he the guy who let leash uncontrolled immigration? The same immigration that people are still suffering from? The same immigration that has fucked over our schools, our health service, our everything.
Isn’t he the guy who, arguably, as a result of his illegal war, spawned Iraqi asylum seekers arriving in the UK and patriotic servicemen and servicewomen getting hounded in the courts for doing their duty?
When you consider that brexit is essentially about who gets to come into the UK he’s on a sticky wicket trying to convince people they were wrong to want to take back control.
Even the MSM ripped him a new one and that’s saying something these days.
It is said, “follow the money” to unravel any mystery.
“Fake Refugee Invasion Absorbs Entire German Budget Surplus” –
Margaret Thatcher was asked what she regarded as her greatest achievement, she is said to have replied: “New Labour” … Tony Blair.
But Blair! yuk … I always shudder 😀 Seismic, achievement? “Red” Tories?
But don t get caught in a erm “blue” fog, “tastrophe” Treezer will have (deliberately)failed on immigration targets every year right up to the next election, that’s quite a few years
… and where is the scrutiny of the catalogue of failure? I thought there was a by election in Stoke … is she in hiding again?
James O’Brien on Newsnight up against someone who can see through him (video in very good article by Douglas Murray):
Lurkio and others,
Is there a more repulsive Beeboid that O’Brien ? Even Evan Davis has some redeeming features. But O’Brien just seems to be pure filth.
Grant – I thought I’d reached No 11 on the off switch with Evan Davis but I realised there is a 12 with J.O.B.
Great to see that some of Trump’s people and others are attacking the BBC’s Fake News. Beeboids can’t handle it.
Trump’s spokesman , Sebastian Gorka, roasted wee Evan on Newsnight. Can’t remember his exact words but ” Just because you have 65 years and a letterhead…. ” Great stuff.
I was also re-watching a BBC interview with Milo before Trump was elected. In the pre-amble, Milo said to the dim BBC inteviewer ” I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you ” ( Expletives deleted ).
I think the BBC have been sussed. Have people been reading this website !
Seems more like they are getting utterly panned.
Interesting that Evan and Co. are in lockstep with…
Like most BBC editorial, it is because they want it to be rather than backed by much actual evidence. The main sources of things going awry seem more a nationally hostile media estate willing to sacrifice their country on the altar of ideology.
Not keen, myself.
Still, BBC BFF Zuckster (rhymes with..) has a manifesto…
‘In an interview with the BBC, the Facebook founder said that fake news, polarised views and “filter bubbles” were damaging “common understanding”.’
Kamal… right words, wrong target. Look in a mirror, you cretin.
Oo. it has an HYS too…
To quote my hero from “Dad’s Army “, Cpl. Jones, ” They do not like it up ’em “.
I think the BBC are getting seriously rattled now. The criticism is becoming more open. And the more it is pushed , the more absurd and extreme the BBC become. Disappearing up their own orifices.
BBC R4 – Mark Zuckerberg, “Facebook founder, has revealed his concern that the tide is turning against globalisation”
… Well of course they are you move a shedload
of people out of a failed state into another without integration or infrastructure all you get is two failed states.
His reasoned analysis “people had just been left behind by global growth”
(hand – forehead – slap).
Zuckerberg is a moron who only exists because facebook has a virtual monopoly. Almost reminds me of a certain broadcaster. They have a lot in common.
Zuckerberg is a moron who only exists because facebook has a virtual monopoly. Almost reminds me of a certain broadcaster. They have a lot in common.”
Wonder what Zuckerberg means, understands even, by ‘globalisation’? To those who are wealthy, especially with great riches early in life, it means being able to trot around the globe, enjoying the finest things including houses & residence permits at the drop of a hat, without worrying how to pay for it all.
For those who voted to Leave the EU, ‘globalisation’ is a means of trading around the world to the mutual advantage of both parties to the deal, helping to eliminate poverty, shortages and military conflicts while contributing with profits to health care, education and more civilised society, eventually removing the need for aid programmes and thereby achieving true equality.
You can do it the Zuckerberg/BBC way or you can do it the Brexit way but not both, whether at the same time or not.
Tariq Ramadan: Islam’s quiet intellectual revolution
– Viewsnight – BBC Newsnight
Don t hold anything fragile
yes its reforming into an ever more violent obvious statement of what it is, it no longer needs to hide, this is what happens when it becomes emboldened,
give it an inch it will take a mile our government gave it a mile now it wants the country.
Sharper knives? Sex slaves down on Excel?
Suave, slippery intellectual. Aka Taqiya (lying in the cause of spreading Islam).
One problem Tariq: Islam simply CANNOT reform because its most objectionable tenets of anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, conquest, supremacy, Jihad, subjugation, intolerance, death for apostasy, cruelty etc are written in stone. They’re God’s final revelation to His final prophet, not one word of which can be changed, remember?
Final – doesn’t the word itself sound ominous!
The End. The end of thought. The end of evolution. Which might explain the sorry state of the Muslim world, and our very own Muslim communities.
Bonsoir Rotherham – nul points.
This is an object lesson in what is going wrong with our media & our country.
12 Pakis turn up at the house of a single white woman and attempt to gain entry by force. Failing to do so they turned up again two days later and fired shots at a window.
From reports it would appear that the political correctness enforcement squad we used to call ‘The Police’ have not even recorded it as a so called hate incident, nor a race hate incident, but can you imagine the outrage from the Fascists if the races were reversed? Highly unlikely of course because white people don’t behave like that.
“12 Pakis turn up at the house of a single white woman and attempt to gain entry by force. Failing to do so they turned up again two days later and fired shots at a window.”
Nothing in the report you link to says the 12 men were “Pakistanis”.
It doesn’t say they attempted to gain entry by force.
It doesn’t say they turned up again “two days later”.
It doesn’t say the woman in the house was white.
It doesn’t say she was single; the only person in the house the time; or whether anyone was targeted because of their race.
Your post is complete garbage.
As to; “white people don’t behave like that”. White people (like you) behave just like that:
Maxicony, out of idol curiosity but do you have to practice being a gimp or does it come naturally to you?
Here folks is the prime example of the bigoted Left gleefully jumping on some post when they believe it has unsupported comment, and that they can pick it apart.
Well I got news for you maxincony, I ain’t that stupid.
Unlike you I bothered to search other sources and read the comments people had written, read the Twitter feeds of people who live in the area, and are only too well aware of the background of the perpetrators, and the victim.
They’re aware of the racism of the anti white Fascist Left, and they don’t much like it.
On top of all that there’s the cultural baggage which goes with this, because I’ve never heard of Bangladeshi’s or Indians ever going round to someone’s house mob handed, but there are far too many times when Pakistanis have.
As for people like me doing things like that, have you taken your medication today ?
“Unlike you I bothered to search other sources…”
And which other “sources” are those? Special-secret-sources?
“…and read the comments people had written, read the Twitter feeds of people who live in the area… ”
“…They’re aware of the racism of the anti white Fascist Left, and they don’t much like it.”
Ah I see, your “extra-special-secret-sources” all just coincidentally happen to think that anyone who questions their motives is “anti-white”. Are these the same “extra-special-super-secret-sources” that confirmed the identity of the Glasgow Bin Lorry driver as being “a Muslim immigrant”?
“As for people like me doing things like that, have you taken your medication today?“”
Of course; racial, sectarian stereotypes only ever apply to other peo
Nights again Maxi boy , Its a bummer isn’t it ?
Any Al Beeb bias to report or do you have to defend them all the time and waffle on ?
Its a futile waste of your time and resources.
Go on tell us, what’s bugging you about Al Beeb. ?
“And which other “sources” are those? Special-secret-sources?”
Don’t tell him, Thoughtful!
Then he’ll be forced to ask Nick Robinson, who will refer him to CECUTT or BBC DPA, and we all know how that works out.
THE facebook broadcast on Today 7.15am. On the website and news headline on Radio 4, said Facebook gave an interview to the BBC. As I have complained to the website and Today, Facebook MZ did not give an interview, MZ telephoned Kamal, and Kamal repeated verbatim what he said. No interview. No questions or response from Toady. This is not an interview, but MZ just using the BBC as his mouthpiece propaganda, henace phoning Kamal. BBC too stupid to realise. Also Trump press conference shown complete distain and contempt for BBC (jon Sopel) and it is entirely the BBC and what they deserve. However it is not what we the public licence paying deserve. The BBC was panned in front of world press. I have written to my MP time they cleaned up the BBC. The BBC should be journalists and professional.
THE facebook broadcast on Today 7.15am. On the website and news headline on Radio 4, said Facebook gave an interview to the BBC. As I have complained to the website and Today, Facebook MZ did not give an interview, MZ telephoned Kamal, and Kamal repeated verbatim what he said. No interview. No questions or response from Toady. This is not an interview, but MZ just using the BBC as his mouthpiece propaganda, henace phoning Kamal. BBC too stupid to realise. Also Trump press conference shown complete distain and contempt for BBC (jon Sopel) and it is entirely the BBC and what they deserve. However it is not what we the public licence paying deserve. The BBC was panned in front of world press. I have written to my MP time they cleaned up the BBC. The BBC should be journalists and professional.
Our Nigel being his usual diplomatic restrained self in a recent speech to the EUSSR about Muslim immigration and ‘more Europe’.
Well said that man!
Again he will be proved correct.
The first real signs that a start may be being made on halting the Islamisation of Europe? –
Wilders is correct, we cannot continue to let Africa move into Europe, it isn’t racist, it’s just logic.
Agreed. Europe is only Europe when it is populated by a large majority of Europeans. Admitting significant numbers of Africans will turn it into a version of Africa.
As the stated aim of all economic migrants and refugees is to move to where they will have a better life, it follows that life is worse in Africa than in Europe. Ergo, turning Europe into Africa by immigration will worsen life for the indigenous Europeans.
The socialist’s dream: equality of misery for all.
The greater part of Africa has land and resources a plenty. They just have to stop macheteing each other and exploit them.
Are they up to it?
Some are but in the meantime the Chinese are in there getting what they can.
For those that missed question time last night, guess what. All on the panel were anti Trump.
How unusual is that?
BBC Paris correspondent
Hilarious Lucy. But are you sure it’s Paris? He looks surprisingly like their correspondents in Stockholm, Malmo, Cologne, Berlin, Brussels, Milan, not to mention our very own Rotherham, Rochdale and dozens of others.
Maybe they clone their reporters now.
It looks like the BBC is censoring the fact that the EU and the Euro are falling off the “Cliff Edge”
The Commonwealth (excluding Malta and Cyprus) and the rest of the World are on top of the Cliff, and the 27 other EU members are turning into rubble at the foot of the Cliff.
Coming 4:30pm R4 Feedback
Who will they be monstering this week
Let me check their Twitter feed
“ @BBCR4Feedback We’re covering Le Pen coverage in our audience feedback programme.”
And glorifying the play “Hashtag Love is the story of sunny Archers producer and social media fan Flora (played by Ruth Jones) and crusty sound engineer and committed Luddite Teddy (played by Stephen Tompkinson). The play WAS performed live which means that the cast can react during the action to social media comment.”
Sounds incestuous like R4 is up itself
people who liked “The Pull of Putin” conspiracy doco
“TimWhewell examines why populist Western politicians want warmer relations with Vladimir”
Apparently they screwed up that interactive play hashtagLove by asking listeners to choose the ending and then ignoring them.
Was it the, good ol’ Archbishop of Canterbury (and pretty well all other lefty/liberal/multiculturalists) that declared it was a sad day that Britain was suspending the so-called, “assisting child Refugee” programme. Germany is a country who would doubtless willingly shed a few in the direction of Britain for the Archbishop to ‘take care of’ (no, silly, I don’t mean that kind of, ‘taking care of’!) –
And how many “child refugees ” has Wanker Welby housed in Lambeth Palace or any of his other houses ? To quote Paul Joseph Weston ” Welby, either put up or shut the F up “
Don’t go giving Welby ideas G, those poor kids have suffered enough abuse already.
I hold no brief for Justin Welby, but one Syrian family was housed in an empty cottage in the grounds of Lambeth Palace last year. Dunno if they’re still there.
And a number of posters upthread or on an earlier thread were wondering why JW fails to denounce the persecution of Christians in Nigeria. Given his former life as an oil executive with interests in West Africa, it would be surprising if he’d done as little as has been reported. He has, in fact, as I understand it, recently made a number of low-key visits to Nigeria for precisely those ends. Despite his public pronouncements, I’d be inclined to cut him a smidgen of slack.
What we can probably agree on, though, is to regret having only twenty fingers, thumbs and toes to count all the refugee families Sir Bob, Yvette and Lily were loudly going to take in.
A truly excellent post Lurkio. Both for the quality of Asra Nomani’s measured, dignified response to crude O’Brien’s rancid, bullying, partisan questions (or ‘provocations’); as well as the accompanying article by the always excellent Douglas Murray.
Highly recommended.
Something missing from our Biased BBC blog is a column for jobs. Yes, real jobs with salaries.
May I draw your attention to this post which, if conducted successfully could lead to regular BBC interviews, a place on Any Questions, and maybe a position in the Labour Party akin to Shameless Shami.
We offer you a full time job working for the Stop Trump Coalition.
Jon Sopel in interview with President Obama 2015:
“After the mid-term election, I read every commentator saying – this administration is effectively over now, the Presdient is a dead man walking and nothing is going to happen until 2016 – except that you’ve kind of got this deal (Iran), Cuba diplomatic relations, healthcare reform embedded, made a new trade deal with Asia… so it’s not a question a journalist often asks – what’s gone right?”
Are there still any questions about Sopel’s bias?
The BBC does see itself as superior to everyone, even leaders of countries.
Our country and a number of people in it continue to facilitate their false belief – time they stopped.
Allegedly Green anti-pipeline protesters trashed the site
On tolerance for ‘alternative facts’ in the climate change debate
M Mann says crazy untrue things yet fellow scientists refuse to call him out
The fact is that Michael Mann must still support the NOAA pause buster paper, even after its secrets are being revealed by whistleblowers.
But the normal none-secret world of science has produced data that shows that Global warming ended in 1997. People at the Met Office do not think they can get away with supporting the fraudulent pause buster paper.
So this paper would explain the (Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009)
The paper (Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011) shows that the average surface temperature divided by the grey body temperature gives you the magnitude of the Thermal inertia which resembles the response of the temperature/potential temperature ratio to the altitudinal changes of pressure described by the Poisson formula, with predictions matching evidence for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan, Triton and the Moon, to prove that the physical nature of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is in fact a Pressure-induced Thermal Enhancement or Thermal Inertia which is independent of the atmospheric chemical composition. Mercury and the Moon are used to prove that the Grey body temperature and the average surface temperature are equal when there is no Atmosphere.
This would then open the door to the need of an alternative explanation for Climate Change, which already exists. Firstly known as Sunspot Number, and then Length of the Solar Cycle, and then the cause of the Length of the Solar Cycle, which is the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, this in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets. Short Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun, and therefore a larger number of Sun spots. Long Solar Cycles have lower Solar Magnetic activity and therefore a smaller number of Sun spots. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds.
This explanation, seems to be the consensus of the Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Mensa members that I am in touch with.
The problem seems to be that most so called sceptics are trapped like rats in a barrel, issuing very long and boring diatribes about temperature, and the fraudsters at NOAA and the University of East Anglia.
That would explain why I read on WUWT, some years ago, that the warming in the 1990s was also evident on Mars & Venus.
I did have a problem associating said warming with CO2 emissions from Industry and 4WDs.
?????? 🙂
It was interesting that Tony Blair employed the analogy of house purchase to express his desire to connect with middle class liberals and to attempt to engender in us all the feeling of buyer’s remorse over the EU Referendum vote.
Seems his own property buying instinct is pretty strong.
‘Tony and Cherie Blair’s property empire worth estimated £27m. Former prime minister, his wife and children are registered owners of at least 10 houses and 27 flats between them, including several in central London’
They could house a lot of economic migrants – sorry I meant vulnerable refugees, of course! – in those 37 properties. If Cherie Booth QC has been successful in winning the right to remain in the UK for some of her clients, at our expense through legal aid and under legislation enacted by her husband’s government, then what better way to house them and practise what she has preached?
No thanks I’d rather have a Paki landlord. Plenty to choose from.
I urge readers to watch the Newsnight interview between Evan Davis and Sebastian Gorka which somebody kindly posted on here. Dr Gorka walks all over Mr Davis and pre-empts the biased questions, causing Mr Davis to end with embarrassed laughter about how the BBC doesn’t like to be the centre of attention. I bet it doesn’t! He seems an interesting character – Hungaro-British, now an American citizen, but was an intelligence officer in the Territorials. Mr Trump does seem to have a very good team around him.
Crannie ,
I posted similar. BBC are in melt-down .
Brilliant interview. I look forward to seeing more of Dr Gorka, though I suspect it will be a while before the BBC schedule another interview with him. Slowly but surely we deplorables (by which I mean the opposition to the globalist liberal left establishment) are getting the truth out there into the public forum. It just needs a majority of the general public to see the BBC for what they are, and action will then have to be taken.
What I particularly liked was the way Dr Gorka pre-empted Davis’ question about what Trump will do to the media. He was obviously fishing for a headline – something like ‘Trump to clamp down on free press’ etc, but didn’t get it. These beeboids make me think of some sort of snowflake trainee barrister just out of law school trying to cross-examine Hannibal Lector!
Hilarious interview. I get the impression that Davis lives in tax funded media bubble of Leftist Trump haters, and has absolutely no idea how bigoted he sounds. We are forced to pay for this Newsnight journalists wages because…..?
“Davis lives in tax funded media bubble of Leftist Trump haters”.
Holland Park/Notting Hill – now the latter has been “gentrified”.
Absolutely brilliant!
Davis was completely out of his league with regards to intelligence .
Interesting that Davis brought up the subject of “gaming” questions?? Is that a BBC concept….asking if they all got together and said “these are the questions we are going to ask /be asked.” Sounds like a briefing they might have right before Question Time
Gorka using his live broadcasts to tell us what to google!
I want to see more of this.
apologies, if this has already been mentioned, but the biggest fake news story to come out today must be when President Trump at the presidential Press Conference asked BBC reporter ”
Jon Sopel “where are you from “? and he replied The BBC. Free! impartial! and fair! well I laughed…
Fake news right there!
The BBC is not going to report that over 87,000 have signed a new petition stating; Abolish the tv licence, it shouldn’t be a legal requirement. Sign here: Its one of many, the BBC should consider that fake news is in clear breach of its Charter. We should not have to be forced to pay for it.
Are the BBC discussing the Paris riots yet?
Today Radio 4 mentioned Paris and the danger of Le Pen. I’m having real trouble processing this level of enforced censorship – it smacks of the most extreme totalitarian regimes.
As Henry IV of France almost said:
“Paris is well worth a massive coverup!”
No doubt saving all that footage for the fake “anti Le Pen” riots later!
Winchester Thu Feb 23: How Violent is Islam Really
The Winchester Discovery Centre
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
the guys done the talk before, you could look it up.
Could the green shoots of reality be breaking through in the stoney ground of the BBC?
Today Vanessa Feltz, standing in for Jeremy Vine, was discussing the presidential news conference with Mark Lawson, who played a bit of the role of Devil’s Advocate. He pointed out how the media had been anti-Trump from the off and that in recent months they had got ‘everything’ wrong so perhaps a bit of humility was in order. Also many of the ‘without precedent’ things that the president had done had, in fact, been done before. There are clearly facts and facts.
Later on a professor in Texas was lecturing us on Holocaust denial, which she then extended to anti-semitism. This, apparently, was because of ‘prejudice’, which she defined as judging ahead of knowing the facts. Just to illustrate this, perhaps, she launched into a thinly veiled attack on President Trump and his voters, linking in just about everything that she clearly didn’t like and finally attempting to bolt on ‘Brexit’, at which point, Vanessa, to give her her due, grabbed the reins and pulled her up short. No doubt if she had been allowed to go on we would have added middle-lane driving and toilet seat raising to the list of the deniers crimes!
I don’t deny that the Holocaust happened but I don’t think the permanent victim line by some Jews does them or us any favours. We can see how this professor has been poisoned by it, her hate has grown and extended into other areas. It also hides other mass exterminations in Russia, China, Africa, India and elsewhere.
As to making it illegal to deny the truth, where do we stop? What is the truth? Soon it might be illegal to deny that a donkey flew over Jerusalem.
If it is, not many.
Here is what BBC World have decided people should know:
I thought his “travel ban” had been suspended by the federal courts? We therefore don’t know if it has worked.
Doesn’t Sopel listen to the news?
He was not asking a question; he was playing to a crowd and provoking.
Hence his being handed his sorry arse on a plate.
Some challenge. Tell to often enough BBC World.
Too much time in the pub ……….. or men’s toilets?