Der Spiegel seems a bit behind the times as it suggests..
It’s High Time for a European Broadcasting Service
Propaganda spreads faster on social media than serious information and we’ve just experienced what an election looks like in the post-factual world. The European Union should launch its own broadcasting channel to counter the lies, draw Europe together and defend democracy.
The EBC would not be, and should not be perceived to be, a propaganda instrument of the European Union. Firm safeguards will need to be put in place to ensure its independence and impartiality and this should be an integral part of its governance structure.
We already have an EBS….it’s pronounced BBC…and as with much of the EU infrastructure its paid for by us Brits. Speaking of which….the Today show told us this morning that Cornish pasties are under threat #duetoBrexit…EU funding for all sorts of protections for UK products will be cut off…..’EU funding’? Hmmm…when Boris and Co said we sent £350 million per week to the EU the BBC said oh no we don’t because we get so much of that back and accused Boris of having stolen the referendum…but now the BBC uses similar book cooking accountancy to say the money we get back is from the EU when it is in fact money we have sent to the EU…the same money that the BBC told us Boris was lying about…so now the BBC is lying. Fake news, post truth? You bet.
Trump says in his latest Press conference [from 48 mins]…
“The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t talk about it we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. Tremendous disservice. We have to talk about it. We have to find out what’s going on because the press honestly is out of control.”
Guess he is talking about ‘The Beauty’ that is the BBC. Guess he’s right too.
Actually if there were an EBC and it was modelled on the BBC that would be a ‘good’ thing.
Imagine, constantly criticising the Commission, (think government), and trying to set the various member nations against each other, (think scotland v England v Wales v Ireland), the EU might not survive.
The downside would be that every hour, on the hour, there would heart-rending stories of individuals that we ‘need’ to bring into Europe, and by logical extension, the other 4 billion that would like to join them.
We already have an EBS….it’s pronounced BBC…and as with much of the EU infrastructure its paid for by us Brits. Speaking of which….the Today show told us this morning that Cornish pasties are under threat #duetoBrexit…EU funding for all sorts of protections for UK products will be cut off…..’EU funding’? Hmmm…when Boris and Co said we sent £350 million per week to the EU the BBC said oh no we don’t because we get so much of that back and accused Boris of having stolen the referendum…but now the BBC uses similar book cooking accountancy to say the money we get back is from the EU when it is in fact money we have sent to the EU…the same money that the BBC told us Boris was lying about…so now the BBC is lying. Fake news, post truth? You bet
The BBC does Facts in the same way that I as a Mechanical Engineer does Brain Surgery
Money paid into the EU as in for every £1 we the UK pays into the bloated EU we might get back 49 pence. WE would kill two birds with one stone with Brexit and article 50 as we would no longer pay £1 pound in to the EU instead we could still pay 50 pence direct to UK infrastructure and the other 50 pence that got lost in the EU pigtrough we could reduce the deficit instead
EBS – Al Beeb’s ambition and dream!
It is why it has been frantically pushing the ‘Remain’ propaganda – all that funding from the great bureaucratic white elephant we are escaping from, now disappearing up in smoke .
It’s been commented about the EU that it’s so deliberately boring in detail that it can pass measures by inducing a coma into anyone critical trying to monitor it .
So how can an EBS excite people about this project ? It will be either be the boring minutiae , or the equally boring Glittering Generalities . After one year of broadcasting I can see only Clegg , Eddie Izzard and Justin Welby watching it .
Just had one of those BBC ‘Breaking News’ emails.
Breaking News
Facebook chief in global call to action
Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg tells BBC of concern that tide may be turning against globalisation
No denying this Herbert has created a social media platform for the age, but him and the BBC in cahoots on what is concerning when it comes to their ambitions strikes one as a bit dubious.
Especially when ‘calling for action’.
* .. draw Europe together and defend democracy.*
It’s hard to know whether to laugh or to cry, given that the EU is the largest anti-democratic institution on the planet.
They are channelling Andy Capp, who once said: “What’s the use of democracy if the bloke you vote for doesn’t get in?”
As always with the “progressive” Left, the instinct is to control and suppress, control and suppress…..
I listened to Trump’s speech last night. All very calm and collected. A Jewish reporter said asked an unpleasant question about him being racist. trump replied ( I paraphrase.. ‘there is no one less anti semitic than me, there is no one less racist than me, what an unfriendly question’.
Today’s mail talks about ‘Trumps strange rant against a Jewish reporter’. It wasn’t.
Further it was said that he thought the best thing was to ‘blow up the Russian boat off their waters’ He didn’t. In fact I wonder if I was watching the same speech such was the twisting and outright lies told about him.
Sky had a bit on an American ‘history professor’ ( no qualifications given ) in that we are edging closer to a World War in light of ‘Trump and the referendum’. Blair likewise is hankering after civil disorder in asking people to ‘rise up against brexit’. We are living in fast moving times where the left are now after physical street action, history shows they are good at that.
Maybe we need to learn from them, we may need it soon.
These reporters like to use a device that goes as follows.
1 – Accuse their victim (Farage, Trump etc) of some alleged misdemeanour such as racism.
2 – Listen to the rebuttal and report it as “Farage/Trump was today forced to deny claims that he is racist”.
So childish.
The BBC is an organisation that fosters and hides paedophiles.
Watching the bigotry and vanity of left-wing journalists (and left wing academics and left wing actors) when it comes to Brexit and Trump would be worrying were it not so amusing. Their credibility is zero, and they bring forward the wonderful day when we are not going to be forced to pay for the BBC.
I bet the BBC are gutted, they thought they’d be a shoe-in for preferred broadcaster of the EU.
Now there’ll be a new giant on the scene, EUTV is coming.
. The European Union should launch its own broadcasting channel to counter the lies, draw Europe together and defend democracy.
They mean destroy democracy and freedom while defending entrenched oligarchy and nepotism.
Defend democracy? Like NATO has done for 70 years? Of course it would help a it if rich Germany paid its way, let alone the other European members, we being an honourable exception.
But just like in every other way, the UK pays up. Just read this and understand why our EU ‘friends’ are always happy to leech off us and abuse us at the same time.
“But Mr Juncker said he was “very much against letting ourselves be pushed into” an increase in defence spending. He said: “I don’t like our American friends narrowing down this concept of security to the military.” Germany would lose its budget surplus if it increased defence spending to 2 per cent of GDP from 1.22 percent, he said.
He went on: “If you look at what Europe is doing in defence, plus development aid, plus humanitarian aid, the comparison with the United States looks rather different. Modern politics cannot just be about raising defence spending.”
Poor old Deutschland might forego its budget SURPLUS!!
EBS: hahaha! If a camel is a horse designed by a committee, this tower-of-babel euro-camel would be a Frankensteinian monster in a league of its own.
It would either be euro-bland as dishwater, middle of the road, ‘acceptable’ to all 28 countries in a lowest common denominator sort of way, OR, more likely, 24/7 euro-propaganda, the likes of which the beeb can only dream of, like old Soviet media ‘news’ reports about the record breaking output of tractor factory XP189/T6 or the wheat crop of State Farm PZX25/U9. And every news item would end with a roundup of the latest Enemies of the People, with Farage topping the list.