The BBC is always keen to press the ‘Brexit what done it‘ button when it comes to finding a cause for hate crime…perhaps they should think again before spreading such politically motivated slurs ….[H/T Guido]…
ESSEX Police has refused to blame the vote to leave the EU for the rise in hate crime despite reporting the biggest rise since comparable records began.
The majority of the nation’s police forces reported the highest number of incidents in the three months following the Brexit vote than in any quarter since 2012.
Essex Police claimed greater awareness and confidence in the police response was the reason why 33 of the country’s 42 forces experienced the highest number of reports on record at the same time.
A spokesman for the force said: “There is no evidence to suggest any increase has been specifically and directly caused by any one event or issue”.“There has been an increase in reports of alleged hate crime across Essex, which mirrors a national trend.
“Hate crime is significantly under-reported and we believe that greater awareness and confidence in the police response has contributed to these increases in reporting.
“Whether it’s an incident that takes place online or in the street, it’s important to let us know about hate crime to give us a chance to investigate and prosecute offenders and to ensure that victims and the wider community are protected.
“We can’t deal with the problem unless it is reported to us.
“We have also introduced 28 hate incident reporting centres where victims or witnesses can report crimes to specially trained hate crime ambassadors.”
The reporting of “hate crime” in this country is a disgrace which seems tailor made for any hard done to chip on their shoulder group to cause trouble.
Anyone can report an incident, it does not even have to be the victim. Very few details need be given of the incident, in fact it can be reported completely anonymously. It need not even be in relation to a criminal offense, although one bloke reported his bike being stolen as a hate crime. The police are not allowed to question why the author regards the incident as a hate crime, but if they do so then the police have to accept it at face value. So anyone so inclined, like a bitter remainer out to prove that all Brexitiers are racist, can make as many reports as they like and they are all recorded and all are included in the statistics, no matter how outlandish the report may be, how unsubstantiated it is or how petty and trivial. THEY ALL COUNT!!
How many of the ‘Hate Crime Ambassadors” are called Mohammed or wear a hijab?
I believe I have been a victim of hate crime on many occasions by the BBC who have targeted me for the way I voted in the referendum. They are quite happy to label me in derogatory terms, without any concern for being held to account, so quite hypocritical do as I say, not what I do reporting.
Don’t forget the Grauniad staff and readership, they all hate Brexiteers.
Yesterday I was the victim of a post Brexit hate crime.
I was taking some photographs of an Emu when it lunged at me and bit my hand causing me to drop my camera.
I should point out that before the referendum I had never been attacked by an Emu. In fact I had never been close to one before yesterday. But I should hate that fact to spoil hate crime statistics.
I did hear Spacemonkey that 1% of all hate crime reported is bicycle theft. It’s not hard to see why. Someone pinches your bike – you call plod. Response? well you can guess. Someone pinches your bike and you want to get some proper attention – call the police and tell them your bike was stolen and it’s a hate crime. It’s like a new variation on the joke about the man who calls the police because he has been burgled. No real response. So he calls them back and tells them he has the burglar at gunpoint and will shoot him if he moves. Trigger fully tooled-up armed response unit which arrives promptly – to arrest the householder. . .
Except it was not a joke.
Certainly happened on at least one occasion.
North East England from memory.
Man burgled several times, no response from police, except a crime number.
It happens again, reported again, told “sorry we do not have any officers able to respond”, caller then tells 999 he has killed the burglar.
Two minutes later several thousand flashing blue lights arrive outside the scene of the “death”. Police “you told us you had killed someone” Homeowner “you told me you had nobody to respond”.
From memory so not verbatim, Google should find it.
I do not blame the lower ranks in the police force, it is the Common Purpose traitors, fast-tracked to seniority through the gravy train, because of their socialist zeal, who need eradicating, literally.
As I remember it, said aggrieved householder, waited a few minutes and then phoned back, saying something along the lines of “Don’t worry, I just shot him”.
The result was a full armed response. Plod must have been too busy surfing the Internet before hitting the panic button.
Anyone other than the BBC, C4 and the Gauniad would regard these hate crime statistics as meaningless. I wonder how much police time is wasted in recording such non- crimes ?