Is this a false dawn?
Just listened to TODAY from 07:00 to 07:30 and the words Trump and BREXIT were not uttered by the guests and presenters.
There were opportunities: an article about Europe’s leading wall covering company setting up an R&D facility in Northumbria inevitably drew in the weak pound as a factor in rising prices, but is was explained as “post European Referendum”.
There was also an article about Iran’s anger at renewed sanctions, but that drew no mention of Trump. I suspect that the interview with an Iranian foreign minister was pre-recorded and the questions and responses had been heavily edited.
What is going on? Is it just that an edict been issued to hide the bias, or is there a genuine change of heart?
Got a feeling over the weekend that the MSM had trying to reduce their coverage of Trump.That may be because they are re-evaluating how they cover Trump or that viewers may be getting bored of MSM wall-to wall coverage of him and MSM are wiseing upto that.
Dreadful BBC programmes like Dateline and Newsnight have massively overdone coverage of Trump vis-vis other issues either domestic or the rest of Europe
Yesterday driving with my wife I listened to Globals News on Classic FM at 1.00pm. Not a mention of Trump. “Amazing”, I said, let’s try Radio 4”, and switched over. Immediately after headlines guess what? Back to Classic FM
Jeremy Vine has Ken Loach on spouting his left wing rubbish but first we had to suffer about ten minutes of a recital of his on about solidarity of some of his pet causes around the world. He comes across and sounds like Corbyn. Hardly and discussion on his films and plays, just a free platform for his political views. I wish I had some of his millions of £s
BBC London News, usually home to agitprop, community reporting and socialistic campaigning, shows us this morning that corporate commercial priorities will win out by promoting to their top headline an advertisement for a football match to be aired on BBC One this evening. I call foul, BBC. I note your Newswatch programme admitted there were viewer concerns about BBC national news bulletin headlines acting as trailers for upcomming editions of Panorama. Apparently you know what you are doing and know viewers don’t like it yet you carry on regardless. Bad show.
Think we`re already seeing it AISI.
The Mark Zuckenberg “Manifesto” the other day was a call to globalised consensual brain massage and lockdown for free thinking. Merkels Mediation announced.
We`ve seen this crap over anything Bill Gates says, Branson and Michale O Leary(as long as its Remoaning anyway).
Less so Tim Martin.
Blair is a classic mouthpiece-stuff his chops with stolen gold, and he`ll say anything that enhances the pension from Brussels.
Very sinister-when Zuckenberg gets such fawning, whereas Farage and Le Pen get such roastings…we vote for one option they`d rather give us their nice and gilded mock up of a technological fix.
Davos Man is Dead says Ted Malloch-anybody told Zuckenberg,Blair and the BBC?
We need that stake through their hearts and minds don`t we?
Amazingly perfect clones of one-another. The mad pixie, Caroline Lucas at the top in her stripey trousers and a talking-doll pixie at the bottom. As with all talking-dolls it is restricted to repeating and repeating the same meaningless words over and over again and again and again and ag….
To be fair though Guest Who.
I have long told the girls at church and at work that we “beige Christian types” that run hospital shops, feed the old and raise money etc ought to do what the Greens are highlighting.
If all Christians simply pulled the plug on Easter Saturday and nobody did all those jobs for the State and the shops that they take so much for granted-no flip flops on Exmouth beach for the drunks, no safe spaces for the druggies to come down in(let the NHS and the social workers do it all)-then people might see all those charity shop workers in a new light.
But no church will do it-so we`ll do it ourselves i`m sure.
My mother tried to get an appointment to see a GP at our local health centre. They gave her a date in 11 days’ time. So it seems we are expected to go 11 days without the NHS. One day would be a luxury indeed.
EU is not (yet) a nation. So-called EU nationals are Poles, Bulgarians, Portuguese etc.
If they want to remain (geddit!) in the UK, they should apply to become British citizens.
Well the Remoaners are mounting yet another offensive against the democratic referendum decision , this time spearheaded by Blair and Mandelson. The BBC and the Remoaner Times are firing off a full supporting barrage. On Marr yesterday Mandelson was given free ten minute advert for Open Britain and was even allowed to beg for donations. Marr predictably didn’t ask him about the £40k pa EU pension he receives . Imagine if the roles were reversed , would the BBC have avoided this embarrassing question of Nigel Farage. You can be certain that Marr would have flogged the question to death.
This new offensive will have been done in full consultation with the EU. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brussels made an offer in the next week or so involving some concession designed to reinforce Blairs ‘ think again’ message. The HoL will attempt to slow things down, water things down, anything to buy time for the scheme cooked up by Remoaners and Brussels to take effect. We can be sure that BBC will be key in publicising the offer and in lying on its behalf. They may even stop calling Leavers facist, racist , thick knuckledraggers, at least for a while.
Of course whatever the concession is it will not result in us regaining our full sovereignty nor will it free us from the clutches of the ECJ, which I think are the only two things which matter. We must stick to our guns and if we win through and Brexit delivers the two key objectives above , all Leavers must remember that the BBC believes that we are all racist, thick etc etc, but are still happy to take our money. We should consider if we want to go on paying for this appalling service, I think not.l
“Spokesman for Oldham council, cabinet member for education Amanda Chadderton, said: ‘We take any allegations about our schools very seriously. The report into an Oldham primary school found no basis to the “Trojan Horse” allegations.”
No Basis? what with :-
“Death Threats”?
“harassment and intimidation’ by Islamic parents?
‘aggressive verbal abuse’?
‘threats to blow up her car’?
furious as “her dress is offensive”?
even that “her own daughters photo s are offensive”?
… no basis??, nothing to see???
One supposes they ve asked Islamic teachers, and Islamic parents,
and they erm, know nothing about it?
Hopelessly compromised and infested Oldham council, there s nothing to see?
This harassment and abuse deserves much stronger scrutiny,
compromised Oldham council doubly so.
Can you imagine if a headmaster was Islamic? just one of that list above?
… The Biased Broadcasting Cresent would be camped outside the school gates!
Th bBC having a go about Trump and his Sweden comments; with the aim of making him look a fool. This will backfire big time for anyone who looks at what is going on in Sweden with the immigrants. BBC = far left socialist = stupid idiots.
At least LBC Ferrari, had a discussion this morning about it. An ex Swede said their are big problems. Then a Brit living in Malmo said there were no problems. I googled the Rosengard district, where he said he lived and there were riots there in 2013. I can only conclude that the second caller is a big liar.
Basically Trump was right about Sweden
I wonder how far ahead Trump actually is in the battle with the media? He mentions Sweden in the context of warning against immigration. He makes a mistake and the media jump on it pointing out that nothing happened on that night. But now attention is turned on Sweden and everyone is made aware of the rapes, riots, and stupidity of the Swedish government and of the media who pretend that all is well in that shit hole.
Trump wins, and proves that following Europe is not the path to take
No Cassandra, nothing on Oldham ‘Trojan horse’ school on bibistan, despite it being a hugely important and topical news item with alleged abuse, harassment and death threats to the head by muslim parents.
But thank goodness they are covering another crucial topic: “How do you do a wee when it is -40C?”
What would we do without Al beeb?
I’m a Speccie subscriber and although I certainly can’t identify with Taki’s lifestyle, I can certainly identify with most of his commonse attitude to today’s reporting of Nazi/racist/fascist activity, i.e. that it doesn’t exist to any significant degree but is rather the product of Leftoid indoctrination of our extremely bright, over-performing (but really thick as shit and twice as ignorant) students. There is a link on Guido to Taki’s magazine which I have never seen referenced before and I have found reading some of its contributions to be a real joy. I’ve bookmarked it and will certainly go back to it.
Couldn’t agree more PG, much of the mag could have been written by contributors to this site, and certainly the underlying messages are the same. The only dissenting voice is the menopausal spite of Matthew Paris but he plays a useful role in illustrating the significance of freedom of speech – an attribute lost from the Guardian and BBC.
It will be interesting to follow the Oldham school story as it develops , not on the BBC of course. I could never believe that Trojan Horse tactics were going to be confined to Muslim ghettos in Birmingham. Inevitably Muslims in ghetto area such as those the former mill towns of the North must be working on similar lines. Exposing their children to a traditional British education and to liberal Westen values must be a huge threat to those who want to drive non Muslims from their areas, see the rule of Sharia law established and, as their population grows, take over more and more of England.
Incidentally I am surprised at how limited the powers are that Ofsted has to permanently close down private Muslim schools that are reinforcing medieval Muslim values . Something needs to be done about this too. Our governments are so slow to act in matters that are crying out for attention if the corrosive effect of Islam on
our country is to be countered .
…….as their population grows, take over more and more of England……
This is the crucial part of your comment. The migrant numbers here now are bad enough, but as they breed and become 3rd and 4th generations, as in other European countries, then we are seriously doomed. All those that now pontificate the welcoming of migrants and that they are good for the country etc etc are either so bloody short sighted or couldn’t care less that their kids could be made to wear a hijab in years to come, no nightclubs, or alcohol, and Sharia Law abounding from No.10
Those in authority are running scared to open their mouths because of the sh.t storm it will create by ‘everyone from luvvies to labour do gooders’ condemning the non-pc comments. The primary school kids of today will be wondering why we didn’t do anything to stop this horrendous situation in 30 years time.
I am surprised that no one seems to have taken from this, the almost carbon copy reaction by Labour to Muslim misbehaviour which it exhibited in the Birmingham Trojan horse plot.
Here are the criticisms of the council:
“There is incontrovertible evidence that both senior officials and elected members of Birmingham council were aware of activities that bear a striking resemblance to those described in the Trojan horse letter many months before it surfaced.”
It said that the council had been aware of the extremist activities as early as the end of 2012, and that discussions had taken place between officials as early as July 2013, half a year before the emergence of the Trojan Horse letter. Yet, “eight weeks after the letter was received there was no systematic attempt to deal with the issue.” Instead, the report concluded, the council was focused on community cohesion. It said that there was never a serious effort to ascertain what was happening in school governing bodies, and that council’s approach had been described as one of “appeasement and a failure in their duty of care towards their employees.”
Take note also of the vile Debbie Abrahams, MP for the area failure to condemn the threats and to support the headmistress, on account of her ethnic background.
Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, said the duty placed on teachers to carry out the Government’s counter-terrorism Prevent strategy was ‘fraught with difficulties.’
Speaking to the MEN, Ms Abrahams said: “I understand that investigations into harassment of the head teacher at Clarksfield Primary School have been undertaken by Oldham Council and also Greater Manchester Police (GMP).
“I also understand that allegations that this amounted to a ‘Trojan horse’ plot have been investigated by Oldham Council, linking in with GMP’s Counter Terrorism Unit, and the Department for Education’s Compliance Unit, who concluded that there was no evidence to support this claim.
“We must, of course, be vigilant to any issues that could conflate community tensions. This is why, along with the council, other Oldham MPs, organisations and leaders, we continually work across our diverse communities whilst tackling underlying inequalities which ultimately fuel these tensions.
“Unfortunately the new Prevent duty placed on educators to report people at risk of radicalisation is fraught with difficulties, as has been raised by David Anderson, the independent reviewer of terrorist legislation.”
As we have come to expect, Labour has simply become the mirror image of the BNP with statements & policies which are almost the same save for the ethnic groups which they support.
What a silly thing to complain about. It’s almost as though all these people with hearing difficulties were unaware of the fact that the BBC produces its carefully crafted programmes after lengthy and diligent research. The next thing these people will be suggesting is that our BBC doesn’t know best!
I have the subtitles on permanently now for all the dramas, and agree about the movies. The latest Bourne picture and the awful LaLa Land were the same, crashing music but the dialogue was as though they were talking through a sieve. I’ll have to wait for the DVD or re-run on the box to see what they were on about !!
The subtitles for the news can be very entertaining, while they can get an foreign surname right they fail on simple phrases.
For films they can be quite useful, ‘sound of butterfly flapping wings 200 miles away’, etc. and the title of the tune playing in the background.
The faint sound and dark lighting makes me think that the production team spends years thinking about the story so they know it backwards. The audience then gets presented with 90 minutes of changing scenes shot in the dark with mumbling actors. Various young men with dark glasses and dark suits are seen looking at other young men in dark glasses, or are they the same men?
In the last five minutes it is explained that some of the men are working for the CIA, some for the FBI and some are White House bodyguards. They are all corrupt and that is explained by a 200 millisecond shot of a smart phone text screen sandwiched between the producer’s name and the main title!
“The audience then gets presented with 90 minutes of changing scenes shot in the dark with mumbling actors. Various young men with dark glasses and dark suits are seen looking at other young men in dark glasses, or are they the same men?”
Perfect summary of modern movie making. For years, I thought my inability to follow a plot were a sign of early dementia.
Totally agree about the music. The sub titles are an excellent tool for those of us who struggle to name the singer/band/song being played as background noise.
Knocking these two off their clearly top of viewers’ concerns list:
Responses to recent complaints
Radio 2 Logo16 FEBRUARY 2017
Sounds of the 60s, BBC Radio 2
We received complaints from some listeners who are unhappy that from 4 March 2017 the programme is moving in the schedule from 08.00-10.00 to 06.00-08.00 on Saturday mornings.
BBC Online – Travel site
Closure of the BBC Travel site.
Who first coined the phrase “dumbed down” university education? We have living proof now surely. With so-called students demonstrating against Fascism by er…behaving like Fascists.
The UC Berkeley students trying to shut down free speech by preventing Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking gathered in Mario Savio Square, a place dedicated to an activist who spent his career defending and promoting free speech.
But the Left doesn’t do irony at all, of course. Or history. Only hypocrisy.
I am deeply suspicious of the outfit behind this petition, 38 Degrees. Let’s have a look at the board of directors…
Andrea Cooper: She worked for Common Purpose as Operations Director – a not for profit international development organisation, and the BBC as Project Manager.
Nicola Reindorp: Oxfam and now Campaign Director at Crisis Action, which catalyses coalition campaigns to protect civilians from Syria to South Sudan.
Ben Brandzel: Director of New Media Campaigns and Fundraising for Barack Obama’s Organizing for America.
Clare Algar: Clare worked as a litigator in a commercial law firm for eight years, where she was made partner at the age of 28 and led significant pieces of civil litigation. Clare then made the obvious career progression from corporate law firm to human rights NGO: she moved to Reprieve in 2008 as its Executive Director.
I fear you could be right.
Notice when you sign the pet ion it asks for your full name.
I know someone who filled it in and the tvlicence goons tipped up at the door the very next day-and they knew his name despite nobody giving it.
They fail because the Electorate is not clever enough to appreciates the benefits of Socialism. We really must leave it to our Left wing intellectual superiors to do the thinking and voting for us. After all, they know what’s best for us all !!!!
Despite the systematic 24/7 demonization of Trump on every single broadcast channel and most msm, I suspect a lot of people in Britain do support him and that proportion will grow.
Haven’t seen any polls yet, but the Chatham House survey on attitudes to muslim immigration show a large majority back policies similar to Trump’s.
Who carried out the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks?
What about Paris, Nice, Brussels and almost daily bombs in Turkey, Pakistan, Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan etc., etc., etc..?
Who is it that carries out genocide, rape, torture and enslavement?
I hear the, ‘Coalition to Stop Trump’ will be in action today, outside Parliament and all fired up.
We still don’t have a coalition to stop ISIS do we? Or a coalition to stop Islamic, sexism, racism and homophobia – do we?
Donald Trump doesn’t like John McCain and I wondered why?
We watching an 80s documentary and there he was implicated with four other Senators in a massive fake and junk bond selling scam.
He was so involved and so corrupt and so got away with it.
Recently we see him Trump bashing in Germany and defending MSM.
Contrary to his tales of “torture” at the hands of the NVA he was given preferred treatment by the Vietnamese in exchange for giving information to his captors; this earned him the nickname: “the songbird”.
Radio Four Open Book, invited guest, Britains second most famous cake maker Nadia Hussain.
Now why is she, alone among the many winners of the bake off, propelled into celebrity status and wealth while others are allowed to sink into obscurity?
Anyone remember the 2016 winner? No thought not!
The only other comparable amateur cook to receive a similar (though smaller) leg up is Jack Monroe, and she is a lesbian single mother with a Greek mother so also part immigrant.
Tainted ! I’m crossing everything that he’s down and out and finished, but it sadly didn’t stop the weekend Mail and Express from publishing photos of him and daughter in fashionable outfits on the ski slopes of Canada ! I wrote to the Mail expressing my displeasure.
According to the BBC, Angelina Jolie is making a movie for Netflix about ‘the genocide’ in Cambodia. One assumes by this the BBC actually means the period (roughly 1975-79) during which the fiercely communist Khmer Rouge ran riot through Cambodia (they re-named it ‘Kampuchea’), arresting and executing anyone it deemed ‘intellectual’, whilst burning books and terrorising and and enslaving the rest of the population at gunpoint, to be marched back out into the fields.
Pol Pot – yet another insane genocidal communist murderer – emptied the cities and towns and embarked on what he saw as a grand communist agrarian utopia based on a feudal, medieval system of society in which everyone was to become ‘equal’ – by force, if necessary. (Hint: force was very necessary).
“Angelina Jolie has spoken about how Cambodia was her “awakening”, as she premiered her new film in the country.The actress was speaking exclusively to the BBC before the screening of ‘First They Killed My Father’, a true-life account of the Khmer Rouge genocide through the eyes of a child. She said she hoped the film, which she directed, would help Cambodians to speak more openly about the trauma of the period. Two million people died. Jolie, now a UN refugee agency special envoy, first visited Cambodia for the filming of 2001 hit Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. She later adopted Maddox, her oldest son, from Cambodia.”
The fragrant Ms Jolie will doubtless explain to all her liberal friends how the resulting genocide – estimated by some to be perhaps as many as 2 million lives lost (men, women and children) – can be directly blamed on yet another failed communist experiment. Then again…
“…I came to this country and I fell in love with its people and learned its history, and in doing so learned, how little I actually knew about the world,” she told the BBC’s Yalda Hakim. “This country, for me was my awakening. “I’ll always be very grateful to this country. I don’t think I ever could give back as much as this country has given me.”
…Okay. But what about the communists, Angelina? You do know that the terrible crimes committed against the country and its people were undeniably the direct result of an insane communist regime..?
‘Not properly understood’
‘First They Killed My Father’ is based on a book of the same name by Loung Ung. Ms Ung was five when she and her family were forced to leave their home in the capital, Phnom Penh, by the Khmer Rouge, the regime which ran the country between 1975 and 1979, under Pol Pot. It is estimated that about two million people, around a quarter of the population, were either murdered by the regime or died from starvation and overwork.
Angelina Jolie says her first trip to Cambodia was an “awakening”, and later adopted her son Maddox (pictured together) from the country “I thought that this war that happened 40 years ago, and what happened to these people, was not properly understood,” said Jolie.
…Has anyone spotted yet that so far the BBC hasn’t mentioned ‘communism’ once? It’s as if Cambodia back in the 70s went collectively mad for no particular reason (can’t even blame it on the Nazis). Who knew why? Just can’t figure it out.
I can’t wait to see how Jolie confronts the Big C in the room on this one. There is no other explanation for the miserable terror and destruction Cambodia and its people were subjected to for five terrible years than ideological totalitarian communism forced upon a weak and defenceless population.
What worries me here is the sly way in which certain historical facts are carefully rewritten by regressives – inconvenient truths which might compromise their dreams of a happy-clappy socialist utopia. Communism, which failed continuously and catastrophically through the last century, exacted a terrible price on humanity. Regressives do not want to ever have to admit this (they disassociate ‘socialism’ from communism as often as possible even though they know the far left these days would have us all back in the gulags in a heartbeat).
What Pol Pot did in Cambodia was a gigantic stain on humanity – a mass-killing so enormous in ambition that to this day the true extent of his genocide is not known. No discussion of what happened in Cambodia’s killing fields can ever be had that does not place ideological communism as the only culprit front and centre from the very start.
Communism, or Soviet Socialism if you prefer, has been tried in several countries since 1917, always at the point of a bayonet. Everywhere it has been tried, it invariably leads to oppression, mass murder and economic disaster. The extent of these is governed only by the zeal of the new government to impose Communism. Thus, in the USSR in the 1930s, China in the 1950s and Cambodia in the 1970s, millions died. Today in Venezuela, you “merely” have a country with the biggest oil reserves in the world reduced to economic destruction and the reintroduction of barter.
I am looking forward to a BBC programme where prominent British leftists are invited to discuss how they can support this murderous doctrine. I am sure Jeremy Hardy, Maxine Peake and Vanessa Redgrave et al would be delighted to give us the benefit of their wisdom.
Of course, the scum who you refer to never actually had to suffer under communism. They all have the benefit of a cushy, wealthy, capitalist, lifestyle. Verminous hypocrites, the whole lot of them .
Rob in Cheshire, such a programme could simply be summed up in four words, which are always used by lefties intelligent enough to have thought about it: ‘That wasn’t REAL communism.’
Know it`s not the BBC-but Peston On Sunday was yet another libtard disgrace.
Heard his panel-Liz Kendall, that fat Tory Remoaner(Soames) and one Lucy Porter-no, me neither-but a comedian so she said.
She blathered on about being a former serious lefty for Labour-oh how we all japed, got lazy and successful so won`t march any more.
Can`t imagine ex NF-types who are now Labour or Liberals would get such a joshing revision of their early days.
Castro, Chavez, Maduro?…they`re OK…whereas Farage, Trump and Nuttall get their every previous utterance trashed and contrived.
Living standards for the common people in pre-socialist Venezuela were already very low, notwithstanding the country’s vast oil reserves.
Whilst Chavez led a failed military coup in 1992, it’s not fair to say that he imposed socialism “at the point of a bayonet”. He was ELECTED president of Venezuela in 1998. He was re-elected in 2000 and again in 2006 with over 60% of the votes.
IMO Chavez was brave and sincere, although his left wing revolution eventually ran out of puff, as they all do.
I have Venezuelan friends for whom Chavez is a figure of hate, but that is because they are drawn from a thin layer of very fat cats who pre-Chavez had gotten used to hogging all the cream, and with all that oil there was a lot of cream.
Venezuela is an economic disaster area. You cannot argue with that fact.
The imposition of socialist policies never, ever works. Soviet socialism has failed in every single country where it has ever been imposed. There are no exceptions.
I don’t disagree, but arguably a rich elite were to blame for failing to share fairly (or even at all) the benefits of the country’s massive endowment of natural resources. That was what fostered an appetite for socialism amongst the electorate as a whole, hence Chavez.
Years ago I saw Jeremy Corbyn MP speak on this at a Labour Party Conference fringe meeting. The crowd loved him and he spoke v well! NB I was at the conference in a professional capacity only 🙂
Obiwan – Currently Cambodia is still suffering in the world arena because of the Communist Khmer Rouge regime’s genocidal tendency. It got so ridiculous in those days, that people who wore spectacles were killed just for doing that.
The logic ran… why do you need spectacles? – ah, you need spectacles to read – so you’re either trying to be, or you are already an intellectual – that means you are part of the ‘enemy within’ – you will be summarily executed – after you have been tortured to tell us who your family and friends are – and then they will also be ‘assessed’. And so many were.
Critically, this meant that a whole generation or two of people with skills and abilities necessary to help their country compete in world markets today were just wiped out – and crucially – along with their genes.
Today one nation is rapidly embedding itself into Cambodia, because the skills and abilities are missing. For instance, it has been noticed that tourism is a big earner for Cambodia, particularly with Chinese travellers. With all sorts of government-supported deals, the Chinese are rapidly buying up waterside hotels and properties, demolishing the older ones and building huge replacements, but building into each and every one, massive casinos. Only the lower-grade staff (lower-paid, of course), are locals. They are then buying local bus companies, and slightly more remote ‘artisan complexes’ and tourist shops. They already own the airlines. So now, the Chinese tourists fly into and out of Cambodia on Chinese-owned airlines – stay in, gamble in, and are entertained in, Chinese-owned all-inclusive hotel complexes – tour bits of Cambodia in Chinese-owned transport – visit the Chinese-owned artisan shops, and return to their Chinese-owned hotels. The Cambodians, naturally get some income from the ancient monuments, and from lower-paid workers – but the rest, the vast bulk of the income generated from this practice, reverts to China, one way or another.
Chinese Communist imperialism, but for the US President to suggest that Taiwan and other South East Asian nations might be worth protecting from this process and the BBC slide into Trump derangement syndrome.
the BBC line….Imperialism bad, except Chinese Communist Imperialism.
Another failed brexit scare story hits the dust. But conspicuous by it’s absence is any reference to the original scaremongering brexit story. We haven’t even triggered Article 50 yet but the bbc brexit bullshit is crumbling like a bake-off runner up cake .
Shame on you bbc.
A star is born is our reaction to the first press briefing by President Trump’s new ambassador at the United Nations. The ex-governor of South Carolina was ridiculed by the Left(read fake news biased BBC) when the president first sent her nomination up to the Hill, owing to her alleged lack of foreign policy chops. She certainly rang the wake up gong for that crowd this morning, after emerging from her first meeting of the Security Council. Tough as nails but with a smile and a layer of Southern charm.
The ambassador had just come from the regular monthly Security Council on Middle East issues. She said it was her first such meeting, and “it was a bit strange.” The Security Council, she said, is supposed to discuss how to maintain international peace and security. But the meeting, she said, was not about Hezbollah’s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, it was not about the money and weapons Iran provides to terrorists, it was not how we defeat ISIS, it was not how we hold Beshar al-Assad accountable for the slaughter of thousands of civilians.
It makes me laugh that the likes of the bbc and sky news report the backlash against the liberal biased media as if it somehow doesn’t apply to them.
I was at movies when the bank was robbed.
G – whilst I have no doubt that there is currently violence of this magnitude currently occouring in Paris – we should make it clear that these shots were taken in the summer as the leaves are on the trees. Seems blindingly obvious I know but I am afraid that our little troll friends love stuff like that so they can play the “fake news” card!
Quite likely G it, it probably has not really stopped. When you import large numbers of hostiles into your country rioting is just a natural adjunct to these enrichers especially when they dont get their nutella or gummi bears.
This is similar to the BBC, where it is now rapidly becoming associated with distortion and news manipulation when covering any sort of political story.
I admit I am probably being overfussy – as we all know what has been going on in Paris (apart from OUR World Class broadcaster it would seem).
But as the Paul Nuttall scenario proves the BBC and its inhouse imps and famil-liars need very little to confect a “fake news” scenario which then has to be rebutted.
I am sure I am a bit ocd of these sort of things – but I just felt the point needed to be made.
More engineered embarrassment for UKIP and another vehicle for Norman Smith to shriek his approval. Two Liverpudlians precisely time their resignations – using the recognised and well rehearsed uber-umbrage-syndrome created and perfected by the area – and our Norm queries if Paul Nuttall is suitable leadership material. Expect more before Thursday.
Norman Smith – what does he personally want? That is the question. What is his vision for the future then?
Life under Corbyn’s Labour OR Farron’s Liberals OR the Tories to return to sanity and do precisely what the BBC says?
What does he, and all his fellow correspondents at the BBC, Guardian et al, actually want, gaxvil? Really difficult to say, isn’t it? They simply cannot be so prejudiced, ignorant and conceited, so convinced of their unassailably right-on message, so far above rational acceptance of reality, that what is happening or building up to happen, here and all over Europe, is simply a figment of UKIP/Le Pen/Brexit/Wilders’ distorted and alt-Right immaturity? I fear they will be cruelly disappointed.
I know – I just have to keep asking. It’s because we, as humans usually come down to two choices. I know what our choice is and I see the logic of it. All we seem to get from them is a choice of either life under a Nazi style jack-boot or their vision of life in La La Land.
That’s the problem isn’t it, gaxvil? They see themselves as the only ‘humans’ while the rest of us stumble along in the dark, vainly aspiring to do better. The fundamental weakness of their stance is that what they seem to see as ‘human’ and showing ‘human nature’ are one and the same.
Whilst no-one will ever forget Hillsborough, didn’t the campaigners get what they wanted in the end ? vindication ? but now this tragedy is continually being picked like a scab on a wound, and according to Liverpool, everyone is guilty of all offences. They need to take a leaf out of the book of those parents of the children of Aberfan, no less a tragedy but dealt with with a more measured quiet dignity – and this was a whole generation wiped out.
Hillsborough was a classic example of fake news, though the term didn’t exist at the time. Now that ‘justice has been served’, the police blamed and a legend created, the fact that Liverpool fans were behaving in a very well-established way – as those in the Heysel area, and Juventas fans know to their cost – and were in no small way responsible, can be consigned to non-accessible history. Now, thanks to some of the media and especially the BBC, their drunken hooliganism can be ignored or even – and how ironic to say this – regarded as a grossly unfair vilification of a noble group of sportspersons.
‘ . . . fake news . . . Liverpool fans were behaving in a very well-established way . . . drunken hooliganism’
25. From the documents provided to the Panel it is clear that the crush at the Leppings Lane turnstiles outside the stadium was not caused by fans arriving ‘late’ for the kick-off. The turnstiles were inadequate to process the crowd safely, and the rate of entry insufficient to prevent a dangerous build-up outside the ground.
72. There was no evidence to support the proposition that alcohol played any part in the genesis of the disaster and it is regrettable that those in positions of responsibility created and promoted a portrayal of drunkenness as contributing to the occurrence of the disaster and the ensuing loss of life without substantiating evidence.
153. Consistent with Lord Justice Taylor’s findings, the Panel found no evidence among the vast number of disclosed documents and many hours of video material to verify the serious allegations of exceptional levels of drunkenness, ticketlessness or violence among Liverpool fans. There was no evidence that fans had conspired to arrive late at the stadium and force entry and no evidence that they stole from the dead and dying. Documents show that fans became frustrated by the inadequate response to the unfolding tragedy. The vast majority of fans on the pitch assisted in rescuing and evacuating the injured and the dead.
From the report of the panel whose members included the notoriously slapdash Sarah Tyacke, in other words, and that doyen of the politically correct, Peter Sissons. But you go on believing what you want to believe.
Pointless to argue I know, but by what wild stretch of the imagination do you conclude that fans whose behaviour had been documented and chronicled all over Europe and the UK for decades would collectively decide to avoid alcohol and stick to soft drinks on this one, sadly memorable occasion?
Of course their behaviour was not unique, most football clubs of the period had similar problems, but to pretend that it did not apply at Hillsborough is utter and shameful nonsense.
Beltane: I didn’t conclude that fans ‘collectively decid[ed] to avoid alcohol and stick to soft drinks’ on the day in question, and I’m not sure that an inference of that kind could be drawn from my first post. Indeed, I cited paragraph 153 of the summary, which mentions that alcohol certainly was consumed: that’s the import of ‘no evidence . . . of exceptional levels of drunkenness’ (my emphasis), cited in my first post above.
But that report also concluded, after examining 450,000 pages of evidence and dozens of hours of videotape, that alcohol was not a contributory factor to the episode. I mentioned a couple of the members of the panel whose professional bona fides seem (to me) to be unimpeachable; I could also have mentioned Christine Gifford and Paul Leighton. Perhaps I’m being naïve in placing confidence in their ability to resist political influence. Together with their colleagues, they nonetheless reached certain conclusions based on the wealth of evidence before them. If you know differently, please supply that evidence: I’ll read it and respond.
No; pretty much as above. My conclusions on the episode are based on confidence—of course it might be misplaced—in the independence of the members of the panel. That’s why I mentioned a couple of them in the original post, and have mentioned a couple more in the second. If you have evidence that the panel members were compromised in some way, please supply it, and I’ll respond.
Sorry, but the old “evidence” argument doesn’t work. You know perfectly well that an ordinary member of the public doesn’t carry around evidence in support of his or her beliefs. It’s a judgement call and I’ve been around long enough to know a rat when I smell one. Tractor factory output and all that.
Free thinking people who are not so easily duped, and who don’t worship football, clearly remember the state of the game at that time, Heysel (which nobody wants to talk about), self righteous attitudes among many in Liverpool, and the fact that other gatherings didn’t attract the same sort of trouble. Football was diseased, and still doesn’t exactly scale the heights IMO.
The Hillsborough Enquiry was simply expiation for Liverpudlians. They needed someone to blame and they got it: it was the police – and better still, it was senior police officers, ‘The Bosses’, who ground more honest sons of toil into the dust. And, since they are now blamed, others must be blameless. QED.
Except that the mindless, unmanaged and unmanageable mob, fuelled by Fanta and 7Up, were responsible for crushing the lives from their fellow citizens. They were there, no one else was involved, not even Everton supporters.
Yes well, Jump, there is video evidence on you tube from CCTV footage at the time that shows a huge throng outside the ground pushing and swaying, knocking coppers helmets off, and climbing over the gates within minutes of kick off time.
lest we forget, all gates were open at 12.00,(some opened earlier) the tickets had a printed request on them for supporters to be in the ground at 14.45 at the latest.
The ground organization and Police had handled large crowds many times before.
The Polices subsequent behaviour has been politicised to the extent that no other contributory factors can be considered without howls of protest from those who have managed to make their partial narrative stick.
All sympathy for those who died. They were truly innocent parties in this nightmare.
So in the US they had a strike day for immigrants to, ‘show Trump how vital they are to the country’s economy’. Turns out most have been fired.
Abbott wants Facebook, Twitter etc., to stop people from being nasty to her.
Never mind them being used by terrorists and radicalisers and spreading fake news – stop people from being nasty to Diane Abbott NOW!
Now, having achieved equality (and kudos to you for that), you are treated as horribly as say, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn or Nigel Farage….you want to be treated unequally and differently.
This is not how equality works.
Equality now seems to include political opponents throwing a party on the day of your funeral as they did for the first ever woman Prime Minister of this country.
I don`t remember any protests on your part against that despicable behaviour. You reap what you sow.
Clearly @BBCNews we're called up on their fake news headline & were forced to change the headline adding the word some which changes concept
Yep! well worth a re run from … Saturday lunchtime
The Al BBC misleading the news
BBC News Main Page – Dutch populist calls Moroccans ‘scum’ ie racist.
That s the link
On the Page header – Dutch populist Geert Wilders calls SOME Moroccans ‘scum’
diluted but he s still racist
As you read down this, “so called” journalism
“There is a lot of Moroccan scum in Holland who make the streets unsafe,”
he said. “If you want to regain your country, make the Netherlands for the people of the Netherlands again, then you can only vote for one party.”
With a Al BBC addition of … He emphasised that he thought “not all are scum”.
So now we have … not all are “scum” pretty much like people would talk about any youth gangs terrorising an area.
“Mr Wilders addressed his supporters on Saturday amid tight security in his party’s stronghold of Spijkenisse, an ethnically-diverse area near Rotterdam”.
Why BBC? no one asks.
The BBC’s Anna Holligan, in The Hague, said Mr Wilders’ championing of US President Donald Trump’s policies appears to be backfiring, as many Dutch voters believe Mr Trump is bad for global stability”.
and … many who support Trumps style, and are sick and tired of detrimental immigration, and weak neo liberal leadership will support him,
…But hey, why say that eh? “free and impartial BBC”
I hear the BBC have lined up some interesting new drama projects – taking full advantage of their own special in-house acting style and the corporation’s renowned production values –
In the US they’ve hired, “sensitivity readers” to check and censor books for ‘”offensive material”.
Not sure if that will give us, ‘Coal Black and the Seven People of Restricted Height’?
I have an idea that censoring or banning, previously perfectly acceptable, books might not be in line with freedom of speech and democracy but maybe I’m wrong.
Seems they have twigged the youth of today are thicker than the Speaker’s heels and more impressionable than Di’s memory foam reinforced shrink’s chaise lounge.
I’ve never watched it ! all that faux unfunny stuff with all the usual suspects makes teeth extraction a pleasant option. I only ever watched Children in Need a couple of times in the early days, and that was enough – all those millions in even the first 5 years should have kept every kid afloat in the UK until they left school ! so where have all the millions gone to since ?
Thinking of parallels in the lead up to WW2.
There were many who knew how things in Europe were shaping and a great many in denial and others who wanted peace at any price.
Today we certainly can’t say that the President is not on board but my oh my, this time we have oh so many Fifth Columnists.
I remember a salient quote from the Hollywood film director Billy Wilder (Jewish) concerning how the Jews reacted to the pre-war Nazi threats to the Jews. “The optimists are corpses in the gas-chambers, the pessimists are sitting by the pools in Palm Beach”.
I don’t know if the appeasers are just optimists and hope that eventually the nasty ones will become nice, or whether they want Western society disrupted and destroyed as they think anything will be better than what we have now (the Marxist view). Whatever, both views are lunacy.
I just got back from Malmo and Stockholm suburbs and what is happening there *IS* unbelievable … R Kassam
For any deluded journalist claiming Sweden is safe;
“I will pay for travel costs & accommodation for you to stay in crime ridden migrant suburbs of Malmo” … JP Watson
Of course every one in the ene-media knows how peaceful Sweden is? 😀
Its not as if, its got a history or anything … I mean its only got better
Get over there BBC they ll love you
“The Confederation for British Industry’s monthly reading of the factory sector underscored how the decision to leave the European Union has so far failed to hurt the country’s economy, confounding the forecasts of a quick, sharp hit to output. ”
Not Al Beeb news !
The Swedish policeman in the vid is a tad baffled by the spate of assault and rape cases: “What is also curious is that none of the perpetrators have been intoxicated… they have been completely sober.”
Now, who could they possibly be? Randy members of the Temperance Society? Lusty Salvation Army members? The local chapter of the AA? Clearly a case for Clouseau if he can be seconded from his investigation into who might possibly be behind the Paris riots (Jehovah’s Witnesses?).
What baffling times we live in, eh?
Or… might he be slipping out a coded message past the state censors and enforcers at the Thought Police?
Once again our public service broadcaster has avoided factually scrutinising health reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent.
It is orchestrated to divert funding away from patients, deliberate strategy to run it down.
It is deliberate, a massive funding crisis is due to marketization/privatisation of services, revenue streams have been deliberately set up that fund the market and not patients, no good shouting about extra funding if it is siphoned away on intermediaries.
BBC once again refuses to mention this, and simply regurgitates the No10 line.
It is only a matter of time before the Tory Home Secretary aided by the police and their back up internet Islamic spy group, Tell Mama, focus on comments here. Cops and Tell Mama working hand in glove to expose anti Moslem hate crime in such places as Rochdale and Greater Manchester.
From the Tell Mama Facebook site, photo included
Greater Manchester Police’s Commendation to Tell MAMA for Partnership Working Against Hate Crimes. We are extremely grateful for the enormous work that Greater Manchester Police do on supporting victims and this is truly an honour for the team at Tell MAMA. GMP Bury SouthGMP Manchester NorthGMP Trafford NorthGMP StockportGMP Rochdale
Tell Lies again! … they literally have no shame, how well they seem to be slyly fitting in with the police, the politicians, they are laughable charlatans, and yet, there they are.
This weekend the EDL and others are marching in Rotherham to protest the child rapes. The UAF, trades Unions and faith leaders are to protest against the fascists coming to their town.
I’m surprised the EDL haven’t retaliated with banners proclaiming that “English girls who have been raped by Muslims matter” – then see what the reaction would be.
I remember Phony Fiyaz taking Tim Burton an outspoken radio host to court for “Aggravated Racial Harassment” Since Mr. Burton did nothing of the sort, the whole case was thrown out.
The number of influential links Mr Fiyaz has … are many
The Chief Constable in the above photo is on £150k per year and looking forward to his pension.He will say anything to progress his pension date.
The other two hate him and us.
VP Pence just ended the press conference at NATO HQ.
Questions from the usual, drunk, drugged, brain injured and arrogant press.
Pence went to great lengths to emphasise that a 2% of GDP had been the agreed contribution to NATO and the US does not have infinite patience.
Merkel has said that 2% is unrealistically ambitious.
So there you have it, how does the German led EU Army hope to invade America and topple evil Trump if they’re not upping arms spending?
The EU relies on the USA’s military support whether they like it or not . Russia would have swallowed up the EU long ago had it not been for the Yanks and GB.
Its time the EU put their hand in their pockets and paid up .
As ex-US ambassador to Germany Kornblum has pointed out recently – during the coldwar Nato was the main forum for Western defence strategy discussions. When the USSR collapsed, the usual EU suspects began talking about an European army, independent EU foreign policy and so on and were happy to marginalise NATO and reduce contributions. Putin’s revanchism has put the wind up a number of EU countries, but Merkel still thinks that hard power is not key to a strong European defence. She still thinks that foreign aid and moral lectures from the very rarefied high moral ground she thinks she occupies will bribe and shame Europe’s enemies into seeing the error of their ways. The EU is playing a dangerous game freeloading on US hard power, believing that it can act on the world stage “at eye level” with a declining USA, and call on the USA to defend it without hesitation when one of its provocations goes too far. A bad deal for the USA.
Think what we could have done with the money if we had not ponied up 2% of our GDP for the past 50 years? I know that BlairBrown would have pissed it up the wall anyway, but mighty Deutschland currently spends only 1.3% on defence and last week Juncker JU87 was quoted as saying that to spend 2% would remove Germany’s budget surplus, although why he was their spokesidiot I’m damned if I know.
WTF!! It’s ok for us to spend to protect them whilst they use their defence spending shortfall to support their industry.
Peter, look on the bright side. If Germany is spending only 1.3% of GDP on defence Merkel must know beyond any doubt that Russia isn’t a threat to anyone and that Putin spends his days cuddling puppies and kittens.
The downside for us is that if Russia is so friendly the EU no longer needs NATO to defend its eastern frontier, and so the UK can be punished for Brexit, even if that means we withdraw our troops from the mainland.
They all know something we don’t – although as we have GCHQ and are a member of The Five Eyes I rather doubt that.
I think the Russians don’t like how they have been lied to about NATO expansion.
In 1990, in return for assurances that the USSR wouldn’t oppose the reunification of Germany: the U.S. (led by Bush Snr.) promised that NATO membership would never extend “one inch to the east.”
This would include the former Warsaw Pact countries; yet by 1999 Poland, Hungary and the Czech republic were all part of NATO; with the potential for missile installations and military bases far further eastward than ever before.
In 2004, Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Slovenia; Slovakia; Bulgaria and Romania all became members of NATO.
Why is it in any way surprising that Putin and the Russians don’t like this and like even less the idea of the Ukraine going the same way? Whilst attempting to take (majority Russian) Crimea with it.
Justin Webb,evidently time rich but cash poor, writes in today’s Times on his speciality, US politics. He is drooling over the next great brown hope for president Could the right candidate pull it off? If the Democrats decide it is the right approach, they will probably opt for a man named Keith Ellison, a black Muslim congressman who represents an entire city: Minneapolis in the northern state of Minnesota.
Keith Ellison’s pitch: he gets modern politics, and has an offer to the party of city-based, Muslim-embracing, socialist-friendly policies and endeavours that can energise enough voters to win
Ex Nation of Islam, sounds like just the fella the BBC could support.
As the By elections approach the anti UKIP flak from Al Beeb gets more intense……
On a positive note, so far Al Beeb have a track record of backing the wrong horse. 😀
Good luck Paul Nuttal !
On a lighter note.
Even my mother who is in her eighties has wised up to the BBC.
She was talking about spring coming and said “we’ll get the daffodils out in March”. She then followed up with “If you were the BBC I suppose that would be reported about me wanting to evict Welsh people”.
“Even my mother who is in her eighties has wised up to the BBC.”
Some of the older people here in Taff Land are of the same opinion about Al Beeb but what confounds me is the fact that the ‘so called’ Tory government do nothing to get rid of the biased Fake News channel that foists out an unfair tax to look at other TV stations .
Google jk Rowling petition and it’s about 3 or so down.
It’s only a laugh really. I signed it but it’s our ‘right’ humour.
I would rather she housed 18 British homeless but they are no good as they will be white so not worth much in the virtue signalling circles, just like Rotherham little girls, they are all slags and were asking for it from the lovely benevolent brown boys.
Watching sky news, did you all know that Sweden is perfectly safe and nothing bad is happening. It’s all hunky dory over there, just, according go their prime minister, a few challenges, that’s all.
All these made up pictures from malmo eh!
Earlier on sky news, it’s like BBC so it works on here as well, a debate about Trump where both of the debaters hated Trump. The republican one, Kate Andrews or something like that, kept slagging him off but defending decent Americans. Both being fed questions obviously phrased to make Trump look bad.
When will they all realise, We don’t believe them anymore.
At least there is a sense of reality, and understanding that not everything will be 100% perfect from the get go. In fact Tucker makes some legitimate points on where Pres. Trump has been lax and needs to shape up.
This… is key. The howler monkeys from most of the MSM, especially the BBC, have so blown public faith in their objectivity, actual necessary holding of power to account by an intelligent, professional fourth estate is next to being ignored.
Checks and balances are needed. But as here, an inept opposition leaves a void that absolutely should not be filled by the media.
Excellent post GB. An honest analysis. The only one I’ve seen on msm.
I would like to think that all the ridicule of Trump on Sweden just MIGHT have the unintended consequence of getting a few people to open their eyes and see what’s really going on. After all, it’s all over the internet and YouTube for those who have eyes to see – which excludes bibistan natch.
Useless. Totally useless.
BBC news leading on the likely 5% rise in council taxes to pay for elderly social care.
But what is not mentioned is that many care workers are on minimum wage.
And the minimum wage, aka living wage, is going up from £7.20 to £7.50 per hour, an increase of over 4%.
So actually the council tax increase is to pay for Osborne’s increase in the living wage.
And where do we get low paid workers from? Why, immigration of course. Thus we are making immigration more attractive and you and me are paying for it all through our council taxes.
Meanwhile the extra money actually available for better social care vanishes to next to nothing.
What a shame the bBBC choose not to join the dots.
Enjoy your evening.
I happened to be in Whitehall this afternoon as the anti-Trump demo got underway. There were more cops around than demonstrators and I have a nice snap of of piles of unused, neatly printed Socialist Party protest signs stacked in a corner of Parliament Square. Brussels Broadcasting seem strangely silent on their 6 o’clock fake news concerning this protest of the people. but no doubt the numbers will have grown to “thousands” by 9pm or just maybe forgotten entirely.
RIP. Fought to the end. At least there was Media Show and on occasion he put another view, which from within is rare. Also seemed to want to set a few things straight(er) of late.
With apologies for the double post (also in a reply to Guest Who at 10.38 this morning)…
I am deeply suspicious of the outfit behind the ‘scrap the BBC licence’ petition, 38 Degrees. Let’s have a look at the board of directors…
Andrea Cooper: She worked for Common Purpose as Operations Director – a not for profit international development organisation, and the BBC as Project Manager.
Nicola Reindorp: Oxfam and now Campaign Director at Crisis Action, which catalyses coalition campaigns to protect civilians from Syria to South Sudan.
Ben Brandzel: Director of New Media Campaigns and Fundraising for Barack Obama’s Organizing for America.
Clare Algar: Clare worked as a litigator in a commercial law firm for eight years, where she was made partner at the age of 28 and led significant pieces of civil litigation. Clare then made the obvious career progression from corporate law firm to human rights NGO: she moved to Reprieve in 2008 as its Executive Director.
Maybe a cutting last word on the ene-media … Trump s “nothing to do with Sweden” circus
“The Establishment media mocks Trump for Sweden comment, while Swedish MP’s demand billions for police amid growing crisis”
The establishment propaganda media is indeed, as President Trump said, “the enemy of the American people.” The latest is that Trump is a fool for referring to trouble in Sweden, because everything is going swimmingly there.
And the news story below has this: “In February 2016, the National Criminal Investigation Service was forced to admit more than 50 areas in were now labelled as “no-go zones” as sex crimes, attacks on police, drug dealing and children carrying weapons were common occurrences”
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Is this a false dawn?
Just listened to TODAY from 07:00 to 07:30 and the words Trump and BREXIT were not uttered by the guests and presenters.
There were opportunities: an article about Europe’s leading wall covering company setting up an R&D facility in Northumbria inevitably drew in the weak pound as a factor in rising prices, but is was explained as “post European Referendum”.
There was also an article about Iran’s anger at renewed sanctions, but that drew no mention of Trump. I suspect that the interview with an Iranian foreign minister was pre-recorded and the questions and responses had been heavily edited.
What is going on? Is it just that an edict been issued to hide the bias, or is there a genuine change of heart?
Got a feeling over the weekend that the MSM had trying to reduce their coverage of Trump.That may be because they are re-evaluating how they cover Trump or that viewers may be getting bored of MSM wall-to wall coverage of him and MSM are wiseing upto that.
Dreadful BBC programmes like Dateline and Newsnight have massively overdone coverage of Trump vis-vis other issues either domestic or the rest of Europe
Yesterday driving with my wife I listened to Globals News on Classic FM at 1.00pm. Not a mention of Trump. “Amazing”, I said, let’s try Radio 4”, and switched over. Immediately after headlines guess what? Back to Classic FM
Jeremy Vine has Ken Loach on spouting his left wing rubbish but first we had to suffer about ten minutes of a recital of his on about solidarity of some of his pet causes around the world. He comes across and sounds like Corbyn. Hardly and discussion on his films and plays, just a free platform for his political views. I wish I had some of his millions of £s
BBC London News, usually home to agitprop, community reporting and socialistic campaigning, shows us this morning that corporate commercial priorities will win out by promoting to their top headline an advertisement for a football match to be aired on BBC One this evening. I call foul, BBC. I note your Newswatch programme admitted there were viewer concerns about BBC national news bulletin headlines acting as trailers for upcomming editions of Panorama. Apparently you know what you are doing and know viewers don’t like it yet you carry on regardless. Bad show.
Think we`re already seeing it AISI.
The Mark Zuckenberg “Manifesto” the other day was a call to globalised consensual brain massage and lockdown for free thinking. Merkels Mediation announced.
We`ve seen this crap over anything Bill Gates says, Branson and Michale O Leary(as long as its Remoaning anyway).
Less so Tim Martin.
Blair is a classic mouthpiece-stuff his chops with stolen gold, and he`ll say anything that enhances the pension from Brussels.
Very sinister-when Zuckenberg gets such fawning, whereas Farage and Le Pen get such roastings…we vote for one option they`d rather give us their nice and gilded mock up of a technological fix.
Davos Man is Dead says Ted Malloch-anybody told Zuckenberg,Blair and the BBC?
We need that stake through their hearts and minds don`t we?
Please let the BBC pick up on this genius PR stunt…
It is going really well.
I’m supporting #1oYearsWithoutThem. Pixies should stay at the bottom of the garden.
Talking of pixies, I think Caroline Lucas, MP for Gaza and Brighton, is a pixie.
Some would say that. I just made two independent statements. A lesson I learnt from the BBC!
Amazingly perfect clones of one-another. The mad pixie, Caroline Lucas at the top in her stripey trousers and a talking-doll pixie at the bottom. As with all talking-dolls it is restricted to repeating and repeating the same meaningless words over and over again and again and again and ag….
To be fair though Guest Who.
I have long told the girls at church and at work that we “beige Christian types” that run hospital shops, feed the old and raise money etc ought to do what the Greens are highlighting.
If all Christians simply pulled the plug on Easter Saturday and nobody did all those jobs for the State and the shops that they take so much for granted-no flip flops on Exmouth beach for the drunks, no safe spaces for the druggies to come down in(let the NHS and the social workers do it all)-then people might see all those charity shop workers in a new light.
But no church will do it-so we`ll do it ourselves i`m sure.
My mother tried to get an appointment to see a GP at our local health centre. They gave her a date in 11 days’ time. So it seems we are expected to go 11 days without the NHS. One day would be a luxury indeed.
lol could they not have picked someone other than a ginger, or is this a warning of what happens when scotland leaves the uk
Aren’t we all ‘EU Nationals’, at least until Brexit?
EU is not (yet) a nation. So-called EU nationals are Poles, Bulgarians, Portuguese etc.
If they want to remain (geddit!) in the UK, they should apply to become British citizens.
Well the Remoaners are mounting yet another offensive against the democratic referendum decision , this time spearheaded by Blair and Mandelson. The BBC and the Remoaner Times are firing off a full supporting barrage. On Marr yesterday Mandelson was given free ten minute advert for Open Britain and was even allowed to beg for donations. Marr predictably didn’t ask him about the £40k pa EU pension he receives . Imagine if the roles were reversed , would the BBC have avoided this embarrassing question of Nigel Farage. You can be certain that Marr would have flogged the question to death.
This new offensive will have been done in full consultation with the EU. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brussels made an offer in the next week or so involving some concession designed to reinforce Blairs ‘ think again’ message. The HoL will attempt to slow things down, water things down, anything to buy time for the scheme cooked up by Remoaners and Brussels to take effect. We can be sure that BBC will be key in publicising the offer and in lying on its behalf. They may even stop calling Leavers facist, racist , thick knuckledraggers, at least for a while.
Of course whatever the concession is it will not result in us regaining our full sovereignty nor will it free us from the clutches of the ECJ, which I think are the only two things which matter. We must stick to our guns and if we win through and Brexit delivers the two key objectives above , all Leavers must remember that the BBC believes that we are all racist, thick etc etc, but are still happy to take our money. We should consider if we want to go on paying for this appalling service, I think not.l
Can’t see any report on the BBC about the latest Trojan Horse school scandal, strangely enough its all over the newspapers.
“Spokesman for Oldham council, cabinet member for education Amanda Chadderton, said: ‘We take any allegations about our schools very seriously. The report into an Oldham primary school found no basis to the “Trojan Horse” allegations.”
No Basis? what with :-
“Death Threats”?
“harassment and intimidation’ by Islamic parents?
‘aggressive verbal abuse’?
‘threats to blow up her car’?
furious as “her dress is offensive”?
even that “her own daughters photo s are offensive”?
… no basis??, nothing to see???
One supposes they ve asked Islamic teachers, and Islamic parents,
and they erm, know nothing about it?
Hopelessly compromised and infested Oldham council, there s nothing to see?
This harassment and abuse deserves much stronger scrutiny,
compromised Oldham council doubly so.
Can you imagine if a headmaster was Islamic? just one of that list above?
… The Biased Broadcasting Cresent would be camped outside the school gates!
Th bBC having a go about Trump and his Sweden comments; with the aim of making him look a fool. This will backfire big time for anyone who looks at what is going on in Sweden with the immigrants. BBC = far left socialist = stupid idiots.
Fred – Worse than stupid idiots: wilful idiots. Knowing idiots. Useful idiots.
At least LBC Ferrari, had a discussion this morning about it. An ex Swede said their are big problems. Then a Brit living in Malmo said there were no problems. I googled the Rosengard district, where he said he lived and there were riots there in 2013. I can only conclude that the second caller is a big liar.
Basically Trump was right about Sweden
I wonder how far ahead Trump actually is in the battle with the media? He mentions Sweden in the context of warning against immigration. He makes a mistake and the media jump on it pointing out that nothing happened on that night. But now attention is turned on Sweden and everyone is made aware of the rapes, riots, and stupidity of the Swedish government and of the media who pretend that all is well in that shit hole.
Trump wins, and proves that following Europe is not the path to take
MSM – always clutching at straws.
No Cassandra, nothing on Oldham ‘Trojan horse’ school on bibistan, despite it being a hugely important and topical news item with alleged abuse, harassment and death threats to the head by muslim parents.
But thank goodness they are covering another crucial topic: “How do you do a wee when it is -40C?”
What would we do without Al beeb?
That reminds me, I must nip into Tesco for some frozen pees …….
I’m a Speccie subscriber and although I certainly can’t identify with Taki’s lifestyle, I can certainly identify with most of his commonse attitude to today’s reporting of Nazi/racist/fascist activity, i.e. that it doesn’t exist to any significant degree but is rather the product of Leftoid indoctrination of our extremely bright, over-performing (but really thick as shit and twice as ignorant) students. There is a link on Guido to Taki’s magazine which I have never seen referenced before and I have found reading some of its contributions to be a real joy. I’ve bookmarked it and will certainly go back to it.
Just a taste here –
Couldn’t agree more PG, much of the mag could have been written by contributors to this site, and certainly the underlying messages are the same. The only dissenting voice is the menopausal spite of Matthew Paris but he plays a useful role in illustrating the significance of freedom of speech – an attribute lost from the Guardian and BBC.
Not only Matthew Parris. Nick Cohen, Alex Massie…?
It will be interesting to follow the Oldham school story as it develops , not on the BBC of course. I could never believe that Trojan Horse tactics were going to be confined to Muslim ghettos in Birmingham. Inevitably Muslims in ghetto area such as those the former mill towns of the North must be working on similar lines. Exposing their children to a traditional British education and to liberal Westen values must be a huge threat to those who want to drive non Muslims from their areas, see the rule of Sharia law established and, as their population grows, take over more and more of England.
Incidentally I am surprised at how limited the powers are that Ofsted has to permanently close down private Muslim schools that are reinforcing medieval Muslim values . Something needs to be done about this too. Our governments are so slow to act in matters that are crying out for attention if the corrosive effect of Islam on
our country is to be countered .
…….as their population grows, take over more and more of England……
This is the crucial part of your comment. The migrant numbers here now are bad enough, but as they breed and become 3rd and 4th generations, as in other European countries, then we are seriously doomed. All those that now pontificate the welcoming of migrants and that they are good for the country etc etc are either so bloody short sighted or couldn’t care less that their kids could be made to wear a hijab in years to come, no nightclubs, or alcohol, and Sharia Law abounding from No.10
Those in authority are running scared to open their mouths because of the sh.t storm it will create by ‘everyone from luvvies to labour do gooders’ condemning the non-pc comments. The primary school kids of today will be wondering why we didn’t do anything to stop this horrendous situation in 30 years time.
I am surprised that no one seems to have taken from this, the almost carbon copy reaction by Labour to Muslim misbehaviour which it exhibited in the Birmingham Trojan horse plot.
Here are the criticisms of the council:
“There is incontrovertible evidence that both senior officials and elected members of Birmingham council were aware of activities that bear a striking resemblance to those described in the Trojan horse letter many months before it surfaced.”
It said that the council had been aware of the extremist activities as early as the end of 2012, and that discussions had taken place between officials as early as July 2013, half a year before the emergence of the Trojan Horse letter. Yet, “eight weeks after the letter was received there was no systematic attempt to deal with the issue.” Instead, the report concluded, the council was focused on community cohesion. It said that there was never a serious effort to ascertain what was happening in school governing bodies, and that council’s approach had been described as one of “appeasement and a failure in their duty of care towards their employees.”
Take note also of the vile Debbie Abrahams, MP for the area failure to condemn the threats and to support the headmistress, on account of her ethnic background.
Debbie Abrahams, MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth, said the duty placed on teachers to carry out the Government’s counter-terrorism Prevent strategy was ‘fraught with difficulties.’
Speaking to the MEN, Ms Abrahams said: “I understand that investigations into harassment of the head teacher at Clarksfield Primary School have been undertaken by Oldham Council and also Greater Manchester Police (GMP).
“I also understand that allegations that this amounted to a ‘Trojan horse’ plot have been investigated by Oldham Council, linking in with GMP’s Counter Terrorism Unit, and the Department for Education’s Compliance Unit, who concluded that there was no evidence to support this claim.
“We must, of course, be vigilant to any issues that could conflate community tensions. This is why, along with the council, other Oldham MPs, organisations and leaders, we continually work across our diverse communities whilst tackling underlying inequalities which ultimately fuel these tensions.
“Unfortunately the new Prevent duty placed on educators to report people at risk of radicalisation is fraught with difficulties, as has been raised by David Anderson, the independent reviewer of terrorist legislation.”
As we have come to expect, Labour has simply become the mirror image of the BNP with statements & policies which are almost the same save for the ethnic groups which they support.
Another area in which the BBC is demonstrating its incompetence:
SS-GB: BBC Nazi drama criticised for ‘mumbling’ as viewers say it is the ‘worst since Jamaica Inn’
Not confined to the BBC though. Many movies are the same. Actors, or rather celebrities, who can’t act.
What a silly thing to complain about. It’s almost as though all these people with hearing difficulties were unaware of the fact that the BBC produces its carefully crafted programmes after lengthy and diligent research. The next thing these people will be suggesting is that our BBC doesn’t know best!
I have the subtitles on permanently now for all the dramas, and agree about the movies. The latest Bourne picture and the awful LaLa Land were the same, crashing music but the dialogue was as though they were talking through a sieve. I’ll have to wait for the DVD or re-run on the box to see what they were on about !!
The subtitles for the news can be very entertaining, while they can get an foreign surname right they fail on simple phrases.
For films they can be quite useful, ‘sound of butterfly flapping wings 200 miles away’, etc. and the title of the tune playing in the background.
The faint sound and dark lighting makes me think that the production team spends years thinking about the story so they know it backwards. The audience then gets presented with 90 minutes of changing scenes shot in the dark with mumbling actors. Various young men with dark glasses and dark suits are seen looking at other young men in dark glasses, or are they the same men?
In the last five minutes it is explained that some of the men are working for the CIA, some for the FBI and some are White House bodyguards. They are all corrupt and that is explained by a 200 millisecond shot of a smart phone text screen sandwiched between the producer’s name and the main title!
“The audience then gets presented with 90 minutes of changing scenes shot in the dark with mumbling actors. Various young men with dark glasses and dark suits are seen looking at other young men in dark glasses, or are they the same men?”
Perfect summary of modern movie making. For years, I thought my inability to follow a plot were a sign of early dementia.
(Could be both, of course.)
Totally agree about the music. The sub titles are an excellent tool for those of us who struggle to name the singer/band/song being played as background noise.
“was a sign”
That dementia again.
Blame the French – although it’s not really their fault if we choose to misinterpret ‘Cinema Noir’.
I think most of it these days is “Cinema Merde”.
That’s a point, though some might poo-poo the suggestion.
Bugger. That’s the next month’s top ‘What you were complaining about’ sorted for here:
Knocking these two off their clearly top of viewers’ concerns list:
Responses to recent complaints
Radio 2 Logo16 FEBRUARY 2017
Sounds of the 60s, BBC Radio 2
We received complaints from some listeners who are unhappy that from 4 March 2017 the programme is moving in the schedule from 08.00-10.00 to 06.00-08.00 on Saturday mornings.
BBC Online – Travel site
Closure of the BBC Travel site.
Another view on the conspiracy surrounding Michael Flynn’s resignation last week –
Who first coined the phrase “dumbed down” university education? We have living proof now surely. With so-called students demonstrating against Fascism by er…behaving like Fascists.
It gets even better.
The UC Berkeley students trying to shut down free speech by preventing Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking gathered in Mario Savio Square, a place dedicated to an activist who spent his career defending and promoting free speech.
But the Left doesn’t do irony at all, of course. Or history. Only hypocrisy.
The BBC usually likes competing petitions.
I am deeply suspicious of the outfit behind this petition, 38 Degrees. Let’s have a look at the board of directors…
Andrea Cooper: She worked for Common Purpose as Operations Director – a not for profit international development organisation, and the BBC as Project Manager.
Nicola Reindorp: Oxfam and now Campaign Director at Crisis Action, which catalyses coalition campaigns to protect civilians from Syria to South Sudan.
Ben Brandzel: Director of New Media Campaigns and Fundraising for Barack Obama’s Organizing for America.
Clare Algar: Clare worked as a litigator in a commercial law firm for eight years, where she was made partner at the age of 28 and led significant pieces of civil litigation. Clare then made the obvious career progression from corporate law firm to human rights NGO: she moved to Reprieve in 2008 as its Executive Director.
These are the resumes of pro-BBC people.
I fear you could be right.
Notice when you sign the pet ion it asks for your full name.
I know someone who filled it in and the tvlicence goons tipped up at the door the very next day-and they knew his name despite nobody giving it.
Yes, the reason for failed Communism was ‘not enough Communism’.
The answer to failed Communism is ‘more communism’. The answer to the failed EU is ‘more EU’. The answer to failed multiculturalism is …. etc etc.
The answer to ‘failed X’ is always ‘more X’ in the minds of the self-Anointed.
They fail because the Electorate is not clever enough to appreciates the benefits of Socialism. We really must leave it to our Left wing intellectual superiors to do the thinking and voting for us. After all, they know what’s best for us all !!!!
BBC Website “The people v Trump . Do Brits back him ? “. No comment required !
Despite the systematic 24/7 demonization of Trump on every single broadcast channel and most msm, I suspect a lot of people in Britain do support him and that proportion will grow.
Haven’t seen any polls yet, but the Chatham House survey on attitudes to muslim immigration show a large majority back policies similar to Trump’s.
A question for anyone?
A question for everyone?
Who carried out the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks?
What about Paris, Nice, Brussels and almost daily bombs in Turkey, Pakistan, Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan etc., etc., etc..?
Who is it that carries out genocide, rape, torture and enslavement?
I hear the, ‘Coalition to Stop Trump’ will be in action today, outside Parliament and all fired up.
We still don’t have a coalition to stop ISIS do we? Or a coalition to stop Islamic, sexism, racism and homophobia – do we?
Donald Trump doesn’t like John McCain and I wondered why?
We watching an 80s documentary and there he was implicated with four other Senators in a massive fake and junk bond selling scam.
He was so involved and so corrupt and so got away with it.
Recently we see him Trump bashing in Germany and defending MSM.
John McCain is an @ssh0le!
Contrary to his tales of “torture” at the hands of the NVA he was given preferred treatment by the Vietnamese in exchange for giving information to his captors; this earned him the nickname: “the songbird”.
Radio Four Open Book, invited guest, Britains second most famous cake maker Nadia Hussain.
Now why is she, alone among the many winners of the bake off, propelled into celebrity status and wealth while others are allowed to sink into obscurity?
Anyone remember the 2016 winner? No thought not!
Seems she is also a columnist for the Times!
The only other comparable amateur cook to receive a similar (though smaller) leg up is Jack Monroe, and she is a lesbian single mother with a Greek mother so also part immigrant.
Fantastic – the country needs a new hero and role model now Beckham is tainted!
…Beckham is tainted!…
Tainted ! I’m crossing everything that he’s down and out and finished, but it sadly didn’t stop the weekend Mail and Express from publishing photos of him and daughter in fashionable outfits on the ski slopes of Canada ! I wrote to the Mail expressing my displeasure.
According to the BBC, Angelina Jolie is making a movie for Netflix about ‘the genocide’ in Cambodia. One assumes by this the BBC actually means the period (roughly 1975-79) during which the fiercely communist Khmer Rouge ran riot through Cambodia (they re-named it ‘Kampuchea’), arresting and executing anyone it deemed ‘intellectual’, whilst burning books and terrorising and and enslaving the rest of the population at gunpoint, to be marched back out into the fields.
Pol Pot – yet another insane genocidal communist murderer – emptied the cities and towns and embarked on what he saw as a grand communist agrarian utopia based on a feudal, medieval system of society in which everyone was to become ‘equal’ – by force, if necessary. (Hint: force was very necessary).
“Angelina Jolie has spoken about how Cambodia was her “awakening”, as she premiered her new film in the country.The actress was speaking exclusively to the BBC before the screening of ‘First They Killed My Father’, a true-life account of the Khmer Rouge genocide through the eyes of a child. She said she hoped the film, which she directed, would help Cambodians to speak more openly about the trauma of the period. Two million people died. Jolie, now a UN refugee agency special envoy, first visited Cambodia for the filming of 2001 hit Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. She later adopted Maddox, her oldest son, from Cambodia.”
The fragrant Ms Jolie will doubtless explain to all her liberal friends how the resulting genocide – estimated by some to be perhaps as many as 2 million lives lost (men, women and children) – can be directly blamed on yet another failed communist experiment. Then again…
“…I came to this country and I fell in love with its people and learned its history, and in doing so learned, how little I actually knew about the world,” she told the BBC’s Yalda Hakim. “This country, for me was my awakening. “I’ll always be very grateful to this country. I don’t think I ever could give back as much as this country has given me.”
…Okay. But what about the communists, Angelina? You do know that the terrible crimes committed against the country and its people were undeniably the direct result of an insane communist regime..?
‘Not properly understood’
‘First They Killed My Father’ is based on a book of the same name by Loung Ung. Ms Ung was five when she and her family were forced to leave their home in the capital, Phnom Penh, by the Khmer Rouge, the regime which ran the country between 1975 and 1979, under Pol Pot. It is estimated that about two million people, around a quarter of the population, were either murdered by the regime or died from starvation and overwork.
Angelina Jolie says her first trip to Cambodia was an “awakening”, and later adopted her son Maddox (pictured together) from the country “I thought that this war that happened 40 years ago, and what happened to these people, was not properly understood,” said Jolie.
…Has anyone spotted yet that so far the BBC hasn’t mentioned ‘communism’ once? It’s as if Cambodia back in the 70s went collectively mad for no particular reason (can’t even blame it on the Nazis). Who knew why? Just can’t figure it out.
I can’t wait to see how Jolie confronts the Big C in the room on this one. There is no other explanation for the miserable terror and destruction Cambodia and its people were subjected to for five terrible years than ideological totalitarian communism forced upon a weak and defenceless population.
What worries me here is the sly way in which certain historical facts are carefully rewritten by regressives – inconvenient truths which might compromise their dreams of a happy-clappy socialist utopia. Communism, which failed continuously and catastrophically through the last century, exacted a terrible price on humanity. Regressives do not want to ever have to admit this (they disassociate ‘socialism’ from communism as often as possible even though they know the far left these days would have us all back in the gulags in a heartbeat).
What Pol Pot did in Cambodia was a gigantic stain on humanity – a mass-killing so enormous in ambition that to this day the true extent of his genocide is not known. No discussion of what happened in Cambodia’s killing fields can ever be had that does not place ideological communism as the only culprit front and centre from the very start.
I blame Trump.
Communism, or Soviet Socialism if you prefer, has been tried in several countries since 1917, always at the point of a bayonet. Everywhere it has been tried, it invariably leads to oppression, mass murder and economic disaster. The extent of these is governed only by the zeal of the new government to impose Communism. Thus, in the USSR in the 1930s, China in the 1950s and Cambodia in the 1970s, millions died. Today in Venezuela, you “merely” have a country with the biggest oil reserves in the world reduced to economic destruction and the reintroduction of barter.
I am looking forward to a BBC programme where prominent British leftists are invited to discuss how they can support this murderous doctrine. I am sure Jeremy Hardy, Maxine Peake and Vanessa Redgrave et al would be delighted to give us the benefit of their wisdom.
Of course, the scum who you refer to never actually had to suffer under communism. They all have the benefit of a cushy, wealthy, capitalist, lifestyle. Verminous hypocrites, the whole lot of them .
Rob in Cheshire, such a programme could simply be summed up in four words, which are always used by lefties intelligent enough to have thought about it: ‘That wasn’t REAL communism.’
Know it`s not the BBC-but Peston On Sunday was yet another libtard disgrace.
Heard his panel-Liz Kendall, that fat Tory Remoaner(Soames) and one Lucy Porter-no, me neither-but a comedian so she said.
She blathered on about being a former serious lefty for Labour-oh how we all japed, got lazy and successful so won`t march any more.
Can`t imagine ex NF-types who are now Labour or Liberals would get such a joshing revision of their early days.
Castro, Chavez, Maduro?…they`re OK…whereas Farage, Trump and Nuttall get their every previous utterance trashed and contrived.
A comedian on a political panel – now that IS funny!
Living standards for the common people in pre-socialist Venezuela were already very low, notwithstanding the country’s vast oil reserves.
Whilst Chavez led a failed military coup in 1992, it’s not fair to say that he imposed socialism “at the point of a bayonet”. He was ELECTED president of Venezuela in 1998. He was re-elected in 2000 and again in 2006 with over 60% of the votes.
IMO Chavez was brave and sincere, although his left wing revolution eventually ran out of puff, as they all do.
I have Venezuelan friends for whom Chavez is a figure of hate, but that is because they are drawn from a thin layer of very fat cats who pre-Chavez had gotten used to hogging all the cream, and with all that oil there was a lot of cream.
Venezuela is an economic disaster area. You cannot argue with that fact.
The imposition of socialist policies never, ever works. Soviet socialism has failed in every single country where it has ever been imposed. There are no exceptions.
I don’t disagree, but arguably a rich elite were to blame for failing to share fairly (or even at all) the benefits of the country’s massive endowment of natural resources. That was what fostered an appetite for socialism amongst the electorate as a whole, hence Chavez.
Years ago I saw Jeremy Corbyn MP speak on this at a Labour Party Conference fringe meeting. The crowd loved him and he spoke v well! NB I was at the conference in a professional capacity only 🙂
Obiwan – Currently Cambodia is still suffering in the world arena because of the Communist Khmer Rouge regime’s genocidal tendency. It got so ridiculous in those days, that people who wore spectacles were killed just for doing that.
The logic ran… why do you need spectacles? – ah, you need spectacles to read – so you’re either trying to be, or you are already an intellectual – that means you are part of the ‘enemy within’ – you will be summarily executed – after you have been tortured to tell us who your family and friends are – and then they will also be ‘assessed’. And so many were.
Critically, this meant that a whole generation or two of people with skills and abilities necessary to help their country compete in world markets today were just wiped out – and crucially – along with their genes.
Today one nation is rapidly embedding itself into Cambodia, because the skills and abilities are missing. For instance, it has been noticed that tourism is a big earner for Cambodia, particularly with Chinese travellers. With all sorts of government-supported deals, the Chinese are rapidly buying up waterside hotels and properties, demolishing the older ones and building huge replacements, but building into each and every one, massive casinos. Only the lower-grade staff (lower-paid, of course), are locals. They are then buying local bus companies, and slightly more remote ‘artisan complexes’ and tourist shops. They already own the airlines. So now, the Chinese tourists fly into and out of Cambodia on Chinese-owned airlines – stay in, gamble in, and are entertained in, Chinese-owned all-inclusive hotel complexes – tour bits of Cambodia in Chinese-owned transport – visit the Chinese-owned artisan shops, and return to their Chinese-owned hotels. The Cambodians, naturally get some income from the ancient monuments, and from lower-paid workers – but the rest, the vast bulk of the income generated from this practice, reverts to China, one way or another.
Communism with a modern face.
And ALL intellectuals, even people who just wore glasses, were disappeared.
Chinese Communist imperialism, but for the US President to suggest that Taiwan and other South East Asian nations might be worth protecting from this process and the BBC slide into Trump derangement syndrome.
the BBC line….Imperialism bad, except Chinese Communist Imperialism.
Another failed brexit scare story hits the dust. But conspicuous by it’s absence is any reference to the original scaremongering brexit story. We haven’t even triggered Article 50 yet but the bbc brexit bullshit is crumbling like a bake-off runner up cake .
Shame on you bbc.
Editorial of The New York Sun
A star is born is our reaction to the first press briefing by President Trump’s new ambassador at the United Nations. The ex-governor of South Carolina was ridiculed by the Left(read fake news biased BBC) when the president first sent her nomination up to the Hill, owing to her alleged lack of foreign policy chops. She certainly rang the wake up gong for that crowd this morning, after emerging from her first meeting of the Security Council. Tough as nails but with a smile and a layer of Southern charm.
The ambassador had just come from the regular monthly Security Council on Middle East issues. She said it was her first such meeting, and “it was a bit strange.” The Security Council, she said, is supposed to discuss how to maintain international peace and security. But the meeting, she said, was not about Hezbollah’s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, it was not about the money and weapons Iran provides to terrorists, it was not how we defeat ISIS, it was not how we hold Beshar al-Assad accountable for the slaughter of thousands of civilians.
Drain the swamp. Clean the Stables. Return to Sanity.
It makes me laugh that the likes of the bbc and sky news report the backlash against the liberal biased media as if it somehow doesn’t apply to them.
I was at movies when the bank was robbed.
Real footage of what’s happening in Paris –
Soon throughout Europe?
An insight into the future of the UK – a demographic certainty –
Ahh, Paris in the springtime…
So romantic.
Coming to a town near you soon. And the useless British police will do nothing.
Why don’t they just shoot the tossers ?
G – whilst I have no doubt that there is currently violence of this magnitude currently occouring in Paris – we should make it clear that these shots were taken in the summer as the leaves are on the trees. Seems blindingly obvious I know but I am afraid that our little troll friends love stuff like that so they can play the “fake news” card!
Should we assume that the rioting has been going on since last summer?
Quite likely G it, it probably has not really stopped. When you import large numbers of hostiles into your country rioting is just a natural adjunct to these enrichers especially when they dont get their nutella or gummi bears.
This is similar to the BBC, where it is now rapidly becoming associated with distortion and news manipulation when covering any sort of political story.
I admit I am probably being overfussy – as we all know what has been going on in Paris (apart from OUR World Class broadcaster it would seem).
But as the Paul Nuttall scenario proves the BBC and its inhouse imps and famil-liars need very little to confect a “fake news” scenario which then has to be rebutted.
I am sure I am a bit ocd of these sort of things – but I just felt the point needed to be made.
You have a point but just send them to YouTube. There are many current videos of Paris Riots 2017 to choose from.
Why have the BBC not been showing this ?
Napoleon must be rotating in his tomb like a f*****g lawn sprinkler.
More engineered embarrassment for UKIP and another vehicle for Norman Smith to shriek his approval. Two Liverpudlians precisely time their resignations – using the recognised and well rehearsed uber-umbrage-syndrome created and perfected by the area – and our Norm queries if Paul Nuttall is suitable leadership material. Expect more before Thursday.
Must have been ‘plants’ from the outset. Just waiting their opportunity to wreak havoc.
Norman Smith – what does he personally want? That is the question. What is his vision for the future then?
Life under Corbyn’s Labour OR Farron’s Liberals OR the Tories to return to sanity and do precisely what the BBC says?
What does he, and all his fellow correspondents at the BBC, Guardian et al, actually want, gaxvil? Really difficult to say, isn’t it? They simply cannot be so prejudiced, ignorant and conceited, so convinced of their unassailably right-on message, so far above rational acceptance of reality, that what is happening or building up to happen, here and all over Europe, is simply a figment of UKIP/Le Pen/Brexit/Wilders’ distorted and alt-Right immaturity? I fear they will be cruelly disappointed.
I know – I just have to keep asking. It’s because we, as humans usually come down to two choices. I know what our choice is and I see the logic of it. All we seem to get from them is a choice of either life under a Nazi style jack-boot or their vision of life in La La Land.
That’s the problem isn’t it, gaxvil? They see themselves as the only ‘humans’ while the rest of us stumble along in the dark, vainly aspiring to do better. The fundamental weakness of their stance is that what they seem to see as ‘human’ and showing ‘human nature’ are one and the same.
Understandable – since they believe they are our superiors, morally, intellectually and in many cases financially.
Well put Beltain, uber-umbrage-syndrome !
Whilst no-one will ever forget Hillsborough, didn’t the campaigners get what they wanted in the end ? vindication ? but now this tragedy is continually being picked like a scab on a wound, and according to Liverpool, everyone is guilty of all offences. They need to take a leaf out of the book of those parents of the children of Aberfan, no less a tragedy but dealt with with a more measured quiet dignity – and this was a whole generation wiped out.
Hillsborough was a classic example of fake news, though the term didn’t exist at the time. Now that ‘justice has been served’, the police blamed and a legend created, the fact that Liverpool fans were behaving in a very well-established way – as those in the Heysel area, and Juventas fans know to their cost – and were in no small way responsible, can be consigned to non-accessible history. Now, thanks to some of the media and especially the BBC, their drunken hooliganism can be ignored or even – and how ironic to say this – regarded as a grossly unfair vilification of a noble group of sportspersons.
Liverpool – Europe’s premier whine region.
I think you should apologise for that stupid attempt at poking fun at the lovely people of liverpool
‘ . . . fake news . . . Liverpool fans were behaving in a very well-established way . . . drunken hooliganism’
25. From the documents provided to the Panel it is clear that the crush at the Leppings Lane turnstiles outside the stadium was not caused by fans arriving ‘late’ for the kick-off. The turnstiles were inadequate to process the crowd safely, and the rate of entry insufficient to prevent a dangerous build-up outside the ground.
72. There was no evidence to support the proposition that alcohol played any part in the genesis of the disaster and it is regrettable that those in positions of responsibility created and promoted a portrayal of drunkenness as contributing to the occurrence of the disaster and the ensuing loss of life without substantiating evidence.
153. Consistent with Lord Justice Taylor’s findings, the Panel found no evidence among the vast number of disclosed documents and many hours of video material to verify the serious allegations of exceptional levels of drunkenness, ticketlessness or violence among Liverpool fans. There was no evidence that fans had conspired to arrive late at the stadium and force entry and no evidence that they stole from the dead and dying. Documents show that fans became frustrated by the inadequate response to the unfolding tragedy. The vast majority of fans on the pitch assisted in rescuing and evacuating the injured and the dead.
From the report of the panel whose members included the notoriously slapdash Sarah Tyacke, in other words, and that doyen of the politically correct, Peter Sissons. But you go on believing what you want to believe.
Pointless to argue I know, but by what wild stretch of the imagination do you conclude that fans whose behaviour had been documented and chronicled all over Europe and the UK for decades would collectively decide to avoid alcohol and stick to soft drinks on this one, sadly memorable occasion?
Of course their behaviour was not unique, most football clubs of the period had similar problems, but to pretend that it did not apply at Hillsborough is utter and shameful nonsense.
I have no knowledge of the details, but I would not believe anything in a Government Report.
Are you seriously suggesting that reports like Macpherson, for instance, might not be entirely dependable?
That’s an appalling thing to say.
Beltane: I didn’t conclude that fans ‘collectively decid[ed] to avoid alcohol and stick to soft drinks’ on the day in question, and I’m not sure that an inference of that kind could be drawn from my first post. Indeed, I cited paragraph 153 of the summary, which mentions that alcohol certainly was consumed: that’s the import of ‘no evidence . . . of exceptional levels of drunkenness’ (my emphasis), cited in my first post above.
But that report also concluded, after examining 450,000 pages of evidence and dozens of hours of videotape, that alcohol was not a contributory factor to the episode. I mentioned a couple of the members of the panel whose professional bona fides seem (to me) to be unimpeachable; I could also have mentioned Christine Gifford and Paul Leighton. Perhaps I’m being naïve in placing confidence in their ability to resist political influence. Together with their colleagues, they nonetheless reached certain conclusions based on the wealth of evidence before them. If you know differently, please supply that evidence: I’ll read it and respond.
“But you go on believing what you want to believe.”
Following your example?
No; pretty much as above. My conclusions on the episode are based on confidence—of course it might be misplaced—in the independence of the members of the panel. That’s why I mentioned a couple of them in the original post, and have mentioned a couple more in the second. If you have evidence that the panel members were compromised in some way, please supply it, and I’ll respond.
Sorry, but the old “evidence” argument doesn’t work. You know perfectly well that an ordinary member of the public doesn’t carry around evidence in support of his or her beliefs. It’s a judgement call and I’ve been around long enough to know a rat when I smell one. Tractor factory output and all that.
Free thinking people who are not so easily duped, and who don’t worship football, clearly remember the state of the game at that time, Heysel (which nobody wants to talk about), self righteous attitudes among many in Liverpool, and the fact that other gatherings didn’t attract the same sort of trouble. Football was diseased, and still doesn’t exactly scale the heights IMO.
Official Government reports? Don’t make me laugh.
The Hillsborough Enquiry was simply expiation for Liverpudlians. They needed someone to blame and they got it: it was the police – and better still, it was senior police officers, ‘The Bosses’, who ground more honest sons of toil into the dust. And, since they are now blamed, others must be blameless. QED.
Except that the mindless, unmanaged and unmanageable mob, fuelled by Fanta and 7Up, were responsible for crushing the lives from their fellow citizens. They were there, no one else was involved, not even Everton supporters.
Yes well, Jump, there is video evidence on you tube from CCTV footage at the time that shows a huge throng outside the ground pushing and swaying, knocking coppers helmets off, and climbing over the gates within minutes of kick off time.
lest we forget, all gates were open at 12.00,(some opened earlier) the tickets had a printed request on them for supporters to be in the ground at 14.45 at the latest.
The ground organization and Police had handled large crowds many times before.
The Polices subsequent behaviour has been politicised to the extent that no other contributory factors can be considered without howls of protest from those who have managed to make their partial narrative stick.
All sympathy for those who died. They were truly innocent parties in this nightmare.
So in the US they had a strike day for immigrants to, ‘show Trump how vital they are to the country’s economy’. Turns out most have been fired.
Abbott wants Facebook, Twitter etc., to stop people from being nasty to her.
Never mind them being used by terrorists and radicalisers and spreading fake news – stop people from being nasty to Diane Abbott NOW!
Dear Ms Flabbott please stop being a sickie pulling, race baiting hypocrite , and then perhaps people might have something nice to say about you.
Diane, all your life you have sought “equality”.
Now, having achieved equality (and kudos to you for that), you are treated as horribly as say, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn or Nigel Farage….you want to be treated unequally and differently.
This is not how equality works.
Equality now seems to include political opponents throwing a party on the day of your funeral as they did for the first ever woman Prime Minister of this country.
I don`t remember any protests on your part against that despicable behaviour. You reap what you sow.
“This is not how equality works.”
Nail firmly on head there.
Too often those who plead for equality actually want, superiority.
“Too often those who plead for equality actually want, superiority.”
Fat chance.
Yep! well worth a re run from … Saturday lunchtime
The Al BBC misleading the news
BBC News Main Page – Dutch populist calls Moroccans ‘scum’ ie racist.
That s the link
On the Page header – Dutch populist Geert Wilders calls SOME Moroccans ‘scum’
diluted but he s still racist
As you read down this, “so called” journalism
“There is a lot of Moroccan scum in Holland who make the streets unsafe,”
he said. “If you want to regain your country, make the Netherlands for the people of the Netherlands again, then you can only vote for one party.”
With a Al BBC addition of … He emphasised that he thought “not all are scum”.
So now we have … not all are “scum” pretty much like people would talk about any youth gangs terrorising an area.
“Mr Wilders addressed his supporters on Saturday amid tight security in his party’s stronghold of Spijkenisse, an ethnically-diverse area near Rotterdam”.
Why BBC? no one asks.
The BBC’s Anna Holligan, in The Hague, said Mr Wilders’ championing of US President Donald Trump’s policies appears to be backfiring, as many Dutch voters believe Mr Trump is bad for global stability”.
and … many who support Trumps style, and are sick and tired of detrimental immigration, and weak neo liberal leadership will support him,
…But hey, why say that eh? “free and impartial BBC”
Remember when Abbott said…
“blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls were not suitable to be nurses because they had never met a black person before.”
Not a peep from the BBC.
(BTW if anyone bumps into Maxiconey, that well know purveyor of vintage fur coats can you remind him to answer my question…
“… do you share or question the general views held by contributors on this site about BBC bias?”)
“(BTW if anyone bumps into Maxiconey, that well know purveyor of vintage fur coats can you remind him to answer my question…”
He’s gone to buy more tissues…then he won’t be on here for a few minutes..
I hear the BBC have lined up some interesting new drama projects – taking full advantage of their own special in-house acting style and the corporation’s renowned production values –
An new adaptation of the Hoarse Whisperer
Emily Bronte’s Mumbling Heights
Did You Catch That In The Rye
They’re re-writing the ”Allo ‘Allo’ script as we speak;
”Allo Nighthawk, listen very carefully…I shall mumble this only once…’
Dr Who?
And what the hell did he say?
In the US they’ve hired, “sensitivity readers” to check and censor books for ‘”offensive material”.
Not sure if that will give us, ‘Coal Black and the Seven People of Restricted Height’?
I have an idea that censoring or banning, previously perfectly acceptable, books might not be in line with freedom of speech and democracy but maybe I’m wrong.
Get ’em while they are slightly less young…
Seems they have twigged the youth of today are thicker than the Speaker’s heels and more impressionable than Di’s memory foam reinforced shrink’s chaise lounge.
It’s going to be a cold day in Hell before I watch or donate to the crap fest that is red nose day.
I’ve never watched it ! all that faux unfunny stuff with all the usual suspects makes teeth extraction a pleasant option. I only ever watched Children in Need a couple of times in the early days, and that was enough – all those millions in even the first 5 years should have kept every kid afloat in the UK until they left school ! so where have all the millions gone to since ?
Where’s the money gone? To Paedos in need… of children in need.
How come Geldof is so rich, he’s done nothing since, ‘I don’t Like Mondays’?
Midday fake news at BBc. A reporter informs us in the latest anti-Trump report that Sweden has had no terrorist attacks despite taking in large numbers of migrants. Oh hang on.
The BBc said so it must be true
Dave, surely all the rest are wrong?
Speaking of shrinks…
‘A long-standing code of ethics prohibits diagnosing public figures from afar’
Ethics are for pussies. Depending.
Go on, BBC, you know you want to…
Sorry, make that… ‘have’…
Nick Robinson, Norman Smith – their mental health I think highly questionable.
She needs a razor……….
Thinking of parallels in the lead up to WW2.
There were many who knew how things in Europe were shaping and a great many in denial and others who wanted peace at any price.
Today we certainly can’t say that the President is not on board but my oh my, this time we have oh so many Fifth Columnists.
That is SO true… it deliberate, or are they just blind?
“…my oh my, this time we have oh so many Fifth Columnists.” – In Westminster !!
I remember a salient quote from the Hollywood film director Billy Wilder (Jewish) concerning how the Jews reacted to the pre-war Nazi threats to the Jews. “The optimists are corpses in the gas-chambers, the pessimists are sitting by the pools in Palm Beach”.
I don’t know if the appeasers are just optimists and hope that eventually the nasty ones will become nice, or whether they want Western society disrupted and destroyed as they think anything will be better than what we have now (the Marxist view). Whatever, both views are lunacy.
As you say, it’s sensible to hope for the best BUT (and this is where they loose the plot) prepare for the worst.
Journalist Investigating Rape Epidemic in Sweden Beaten By Migrants Speaking Arabic in a “no go zone”
I just got back from Malmo and Stockholm suburbs and what is happening there *IS* unbelievable … R Kassam
For any deluded journalist claiming Sweden is safe;
“I will pay for travel costs & accommodation for you to stay in crime ridden migrant suburbs of Malmo” … JP Watson
Of course every one in the ene-media knows how peaceful Sweden is? 😀
Its not as if, its got a history or anything … I mean its only got better
Get over there BBC they ll love you
“disaffected migrants” !
They don’t behave at all like people saved from certain death?
No, nothing wrong with Sweden, unless you count child marriage & endless violent rape jihad. P Condell
“Another Beauty!”
“The Confederation for British Industry’s monthly reading of the factory sector underscored how the decision to leave the European Union has so far failed to hurt the country’s economy, confounding the forecasts of a quick, sharp hit to output. ”
Not Al Beeb news !
The Swedish policeman in the vid is a tad baffled by the spate of assault and rape cases: “What is also curious is that none of the perpetrators have been intoxicated… they have been completely sober.”
Now, who could they possibly be? Randy members of the Temperance Society? Lusty Salvation Army members? The local chapter of the AA? Clearly a case for Clouseau if he can be seconded from his investigation into who might possibly be behind the Paris riots (Jehovah’s Witnesses?).
What baffling times we live in, eh?
Or… might he be slipping out a coded message past the state censors and enforcers at the Thought Police?
Merde Alors!
Winter pressure ‘busts NHS budget’
How much is wasted in bureaucracy? There is a HYS running …………..
Once again our public service broadcaster has avoided factually scrutinising health reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent.
It is orchestrated to divert funding away from patients, deliberate strategy to run it down.
It is deliberate, a massive funding crisis is due to marketization/privatisation of services, revenue streams have been deliberately set up that fund the market and not patients, no good shouting about extra funding if it is siphoned away on intermediaries.
BBC once again refuses to mention this, and simply regurgitates the No10 line.
It is only a matter of time before the Tory Home Secretary aided by the police and their back up internet Islamic spy group, Tell Mama, focus on comments here. Cops and Tell Mama working hand in glove to expose anti Moslem hate crime in such places as Rochdale and Greater Manchester.
From the Tell Mama Facebook site, photo included
Greater Manchester Police’s Commendation to Tell MAMA for Partnership Working Against Hate Crimes. We are extremely grateful for the enormous work that Greater Manchester Police do on supporting victims and this is truly an honour for the team at Tell MAMA. GMP Bury SouthGMP Manchester NorthGMP Trafford NorthGMP StockportGMP Rochdale
They look like they need their Mama.
Tell Lies again! … they literally have no shame, how well they seem to be slyly fitting in with the police, the politicians, they are laughable charlatans, and yet, there they are.
It won t be long
I’m guessing that blowing the whistle on Mohammedan child rapists will be deemed a “hate crime”
This weekend the EDL and others are marching in Rotherham to protest the child rapes. The UAF, trades Unions and faith leaders are to protest against the fascists coming to their town.
“Muslim lives matter “. But not to most muslims, it seems !
I’m surprised the EDL haven’t retaliated with banners proclaiming that “English girls who have been raped by Muslims matter” – then see what the reaction would be.
I remember Phony Fiyaz taking Tim Burton an outspoken radio host to court for “Aggravated Racial Harassment” Since Mr. Burton did nothing of the sort, the whole case was thrown out.
The number of influential links Mr Fiyaz has … are many
Mr Burton
The Chief Constable in the above photo is on £150k per year and looking forward to his pension.He will say anything to progress his pension date.
The other two hate him and us.
Ever get the impression that the race card is being pulled?
I wonder if he will call his brother as a character witness?
VP Pence just ended the press conference at NATO HQ.
Questions from the usual, drunk, drugged, brain injured and arrogant press.
Pence went to great lengths to emphasise that a 2% of GDP had been the agreed contribution to NATO and the US does not have infinite patience.
Merkel has said that 2% is unrealistically ambitious.
So there you have it, how does the German led EU Army hope to invade America and topple evil Trump if they’re not upping arms spending?
The EU relies on the USA’s military support whether they like it or not . Russia would have swallowed up the EU long ago had it not been for the Yanks and GB.
Its time the EU put their hand in their pockets and paid up .
As ex-US ambassador to Germany Kornblum has pointed out recently – during the coldwar Nato was the main forum for Western defence strategy discussions. When the USSR collapsed, the usual EU suspects began talking about an European army, independent EU foreign policy and so on and were happy to marginalise NATO and reduce contributions. Putin’s revanchism has put the wind up a number of EU countries, but Merkel still thinks that hard power is not key to a strong European defence. She still thinks that foreign aid and moral lectures from the very rarefied high moral ground she thinks she occupies will bribe and shame Europe’s enemies into seeing the error of their ways. The EU is playing a dangerous game freeloading on US hard power, believing that it can act on the world stage “at eye level” with a declining USA, and call on the USA to defend it without hesitation when one of its provocations goes too far. A bad deal for the USA.
Think what we could have done with the money if we had not ponied up 2% of our GDP for the past 50 years? I know that BlairBrown would have pissed it up the wall anyway, but mighty Deutschland currently spends only 1.3% on defence and last week Juncker JU87 was quoted as saying that to spend 2% would remove Germany’s budget surplus, although why he was their spokesidiot I’m damned if I know.
WTF!! It’s ok for us to spend to protect them whilst they use their defence spending shortfall to support their industry.
Peter, look on the bright side. If Germany is spending only 1.3% of GDP on defence Merkel must know beyond any doubt that Russia isn’t a threat to anyone and that Putin spends his days cuddling puppies and kittens.
The downside for us is that if Russia is so friendly the EU no longer needs NATO to defend its eastern frontier, and so the UK can be punished for Brexit, even if that means we withdraw our troops from the mainland.
They all know something we don’t – although as we have GCHQ and are a member of The Five Eyes I rather doubt that.
I think the Russians don’t like how they have been lied to about NATO expansion.
In 1990, in return for assurances that the USSR wouldn’t oppose the reunification of Germany: the U.S. (led by Bush Snr.) promised that NATO membership would never extend “one inch to the east.”
This would include the former Warsaw Pact countries; yet by 1999 Poland, Hungary and the Czech republic were all part of NATO; with the potential for missile installations and military bases far further eastward than ever before.
In 2004, Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Slovenia; Slovakia; Bulgaria and Romania all became members of NATO.
Why is it in any way surprising that Putin and the Russians don’t like this and like even less the idea of the Ukraine going the same way? Whilst attempting to take (majority Russian) Crimea with it.
Justin Webb,evidently time rich but cash poor, writes in today’s Times on his speciality, US politics. He is drooling over the next great brown hope for president Could the right candidate pull it off? If the Democrats decide it is the right approach, they will probably opt for a man named Keith Ellison, a black Muslim congressman who represents an entire city: Minneapolis in the northern state of Minnesota.
Keith Ellison’s pitch: he gets modern politics, and has an offer to the party of city-based, Muslim-embracing, socialist-friendly policies and endeavours that can energise enough voters to win
Ex Nation of Islam, sounds like just the fella the BBC could support.
And Ellison is also anti-semitic, so for the BBC , that is the icing on the cake. A disgusting individual. Perfect for the BBC !! All cnuts together.
As the By elections approach the anti UKIP flak from Al Beeb gets more intense……
On a positive note, so far Al Beeb have a track record of backing the wrong horse. 😀
Good luck Paul Nuttal !
Nuttall really needs Eddie Izzard to step up and denounce him, the pink beret stamp of disapproval should be worth thousands of votes to UKIP.
Yes they were going after that story big time on North West at lunchtime.
I have money on UKIP winning. I also won with Brexit and Trump.
On a lighter note.
Even my mother who is in her eighties has wised up to the BBC.
She was talking about spring coming and said “we’ll get the daffodils out in March”. She then followed up with “If you were the BBC I suppose that would be reported about me wanting to evict Welsh people”.
It has an element of truth about it though.
“Even my mother who is in her eighties has wised up to the BBC.”
Some of the older people here in Taff Land are of the same opinion about Al Beeb but what confounds me is the fact that the ‘so called’ Tory government do nothing to get rid of the biased Fake News channel that foists out an unfair tax to look at other TV stations .
Maybe you would care to sign this petition.
I clicked on the link but can’t see where to sign ?
Google jk Rowling petition and it’s about 3 or so down.
It’s only a laugh really. I signed it but it’s our ‘right’ humour.
I would rather she housed 18 British homeless but they are no good as they will be white so not worth much in the virtue signalling circles, just like Rotherham little girls, they are all slags and were asking for it from the lovely benevolent brown boys.
Watching sky news, did you all know that Sweden is perfectly safe and nothing bad is happening. It’s all hunky dory over there, just, according go their prime minister, a few challenges, that’s all.
All these made up pictures from malmo eh!
Earlier on sky news, it’s like BBC so it works on here as well, a debate about Trump where both of the debaters hated Trump. The republican one, Kate Andrews or something like that, kept slagging him off but defending decent Americans. Both being fed questions obviously phrased to make Trump look bad.
When will they all realise, We don’t believe them anymore.
The BBC truly, madly, deeply, do not do irony….
The rebuttal. At least there is an attempt at analysis. Already the BBC and ITV are dismissing this without checking.
That is worth a wider audience.
At least there is a sense of reality, and understanding that not everything will be 100% perfect from the get go. In fact Tucker makes some legitimate points on where Pres. Trump has been lax and needs to shape up.
This… is key. The howler monkeys from most of the MSM, especially the BBC, have so blown public faith in their objectivity, actual necessary holding of power to account by an intelligent, professional fourth estate is next to being ignored.
Checks and balances are needed. But as here, an inept opposition leaves a void that absolutely should not be filled by the media.
“Swedens in denial”
Like every other European country then!
Excellent post GB. An honest analysis. The only one I’ve seen on msm.
I would like to think that all the ridicule of Trump on Sweden just MIGHT have the unintended consequence of getting a few people to open their eyes and see what’s really going on. After all, it’s all over the internet and YouTube for those who have eyes to see – which excludes bibistan natch.
Friends! My good friend Saveed Miliband has just written a very brave and original piece in the Far-Right Guardian in support of Protest Marches!
As ever, I have copied it in to my Blog, which can be found – literally – here:
Useless. Totally useless.
BBC news leading on the likely 5% rise in council taxes to pay for elderly social care.
But what is not mentioned is that many care workers are on minimum wage.
And the minimum wage, aka living wage, is going up from £7.20 to £7.50 per hour, an increase of over 4%.
So actually the council tax increase is to pay for Osborne’s increase in the living wage.
And where do we get low paid workers from? Why, immigration of course. Thus we are making immigration more attractive and you and me are paying for it all through our council taxes.
Meanwhile the extra money actually available for better social care vanishes to next to nothing.
What a shame the bBBC choose not to join the dots.
Enjoy your evening.
I happened to be in Whitehall this afternoon as the anti-Trump demo got underway. There were more cops around than demonstrators and I have a nice snap of of piles of unused, neatly printed Socialist Party protest signs stacked in a corner of Parliament Square. Brussels Broadcasting seem strangely silent on their 6 o’clock fake news concerning this protest of the people. but no doubt the numbers will have grown to “thousands” by 9pm or just maybe forgotten entirely.
RIP. Fought to the end. At least there was Media Show and on occasion he put another view, which from within is rare. Also seemed to want to set a few things straight(er) of late.
With apologies for the double post (also in a reply to Guest Who at 10.38 this morning)…
I am deeply suspicious of the outfit behind the ‘scrap the BBC licence’ petition, 38 Degrees. Let’s have a look at the board of directors…
Andrea Cooper: She worked for Common Purpose as Operations Director – a not for profit international development organisation, and the BBC as Project Manager.
Nicola Reindorp: Oxfam and now Campaign Director at Crisis Action, which catalyses coalition campaigns to protect civilians from Syria to South Sudan.
Ben Brandzel: Director of New Media Campaigns and Fundraising for Barack Obama’s Organizing for America.
Clare Algar: Clare worked as a litigator in a commercial law firm for eight years, where she was made partner at the age of 28 and led significant pieces of civil litigation. Clare then made the obvious career progression from corporate law firm to human rights NGO: she moved to Reprieve in 2008 as its Executive Director.
These are the resumes of pro-BBC people.
38 Degrees should be avoided. Other petitioning sites are available.
I think you need to reevaluate your definition of Common Purpose and its “aims”.
Maybe a cutting last word on the ene-media … Trump s “nothing to do with Sweden” circus
“The Establishment media mocks Trump for Sweden comment, while Swedish MP’s demand billions for police amid growing crisis”
The establishment propaganda media is indeed, as President Trump said, “the enemy of the American people.” The latest is that Trump is a fool for referring to trouble in Sweden, because everything is going swimmingly there.
And the news story below has this: “In February 2016, the National Criminal Investigation Service was forced to admit more than 50 areas in were now labelled as “no-go zones” as sex crimes, attacks on police, drug dealing and children carrying weapons were common occurrences”