I am not a member of any political party but I see that the BBC anti UKIP bias has gone into overdrive ahead of Thursdays By-election at Stoke.Two officials from Liverpool resign from the party mainly over comments made by the party’s financial supporter Aaron Banks and in the opinion of the BBC it is so important that it could have an impact on the result of the by-election (or so they believe). In an interview with one of the officials who resigned he was asked by the BBC News Channel reporter how he was going to vote in the by-election notwithstanding the fact that he lived in Liverpool many miles away from the Stoke Constituency. Surely in the last few days before any election the BBC should maintain a neutral stance but I suppose I am asking too much of such a biased organisation.
Al Beeb is about as impartial as ‘Berco the boiler’ get rid of both.
As I posted earlier, Al Beeb have a long track record of backing the wrong horse.
I wish I had backed DT at 200-1 for the nomination. By the time I got my money on he was 4-1 for POTUS, but at least I had the satisfaction of being right.
“In an interview with one of the officials who resigned he was asked by the BBC News Channel reporter how he was going to vote in the by-election notwithstanding the fact that he lived in Liverpool many miles away from the Stoke Constituency.”
If he said he was going to vote Labour the BBC reporter would have given him a spare postal vote.
Those of us who live in the NorthWest have to put up with the bBBC hype but does anyone care about Hillsborough apart from the whingeing Scousers and their adoring bBBC supporters?
As with their leftie politics, the bBBC should get out of their bubble and report the real world.
How long was the UK ban from all European Cup competition? (5yrs)
“Thirty years after 39 fans died at the European Cup final in Brussels the hurt is impossible to erase, partly thanks to the silent and bungling response.”
North West has been going over the top on this story. Funny isn’t it than at crucial moments in certain parties some chose to bring the roof in. It’s almost like they had been planted there.
I realise this is 3 minutes of your lives you’ll never get back but I found the lyrics to this new Katy Perry song rather interesting. I doubt she wrote them anyway but maybe whoever did is waking up!
I might rename it the snowflake song or the elitist song!
The only trouble is the lyrics will go unnoticed by the typical audience.
Check out this utterly pathetic and puerile garbage from the toilet roll of a rag, the Independent; I mean, people actually get payed to write this poorly-written shit? No wonder the paper had to fold its prin edition. Anyway, I’m banned for life on their comments section so can no longer take the p@ss out of their scummy, self-important and sanctimonious readers.
What a despicable, vile, childish and pathetic bunch lefties are. These scum DO NOT speak for Britain. They only speak for the noisy, unruly, spoiled and affluent left-wing middle classes.
The draining of the swamp continues
Trump v media .
We often see the media lampooning politicians as Al Beeb does now with President Trump but can anyone remember St Obama ever being lampooned by Al Beeb in all the years he was in office ?
Bias, what bias ?
The BBC has 8 years of fawning to make up for, but in Trump they face a President who’s happy to take the fight to them. They don’t think that’s fair and we just sit here and laugh at their stupidity, malice and incompetence.
So, the expected 20,000 protesters didn’t materialise in London, just a thousand or so – enough for a bun fight in McDonalds apparently. Of course the journos decided to ‘interview’ some of the participants, and, as usual, a couple of mixed race ladies were chosen, neither of whom could articulate, so when asked why they were marching, it was “cos he’s racist aint ‘ee, and sexist ‘as to ‘ow ‘ee treats wimmen”.
Dear God, I don’t know about the claims that the poor and uneducated voted Brexit, but they sure as hell are turning out to protest against Trump – and probably have trouble spelling his name. What a bunch.
If nothing else, I do wish the educators in our schools, (all over the country), would teach their pupils to speak the Queen’s English properly. Articulation is everything – even with an accent, and puts you ahead of the queue for a job !
Brissles, that whole “Sexism”,”Racism” schtick is hardly more (in most cases) than a measure of how far the brainwashing has taken hold.
Classic example from BBC South East that I was unfortunate enough to catch this lunchtime. Presenter’s first words to introduce a story (intones in serious mode): “Kelly xxxx has experienced sexism and racism” (or that’s what I thought he said, though as Kelly looked white to me, maybe I misheard ‘ageism’) “in her chosen career.”
This turned out to be rather a jolly story about a sassy young woman who is forging a career as a classic car expert, dealer and restorer. She was laughing as she said that she loved how she wasn’t at all what customers and dealers expected, and relished the challenge of confounding the norm. She was obviously sensible and fun, and absolutely did not say anything about being the victim of sexism.
The BBC bods just cannot help themselves. Do they have a Marxist checklist they have to sign off with every item?
Brissles-The “Usual Suspects” were chosen to interview. The BBC is more brazenly getting their reporters to interview “folk” who agree with their points of view.
There is no way that these embedded Trotskyists at the BBC would ever be elected. So they use the medium of television to get THEIR views put over by the members of the general public whom they have “sorted out.”
Have a watch of this, yes I know it’s long but it is worthwhile, and even the introduction by David Horovitz explaining why the US media is so biased is well worth watching.
Well the Labour Party are truly stuffed now. John McDonnell at the anti Trump demonstration tonight stating that he will not welcome Donald Trump to a State visit, invited by the Queen no less. Minor Fart was also there – both absolutely idiots. Both anti Queen I think?
Couple of twats.
“Winter pressure ‘busts NHS budget” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-39029265
HYS running now ! Top comment……
“When will someone in government wake up and realise the main issue is immigration. 300,000 more people a year is killing hospitals, roads, schools, housing and pretty much every other public service. Councils are cutting back but more and more people arrive daily. We are going to end up a 3rd world country before long if this continues.”
Taffman. Exactly. The BBC mantra has been “its the fault of those bed-blocking oldies” but a Briefing Paper very recently added to the House of Commons Library on A & E statistics begins to reveal a different story (paper 6964). Between 2004 and 2015 patient visits went up from around 18million to about 22.5 million (23.5 million last year). Attendance at major A&E departments has risen since 2005, but relatively modestly (10%). The big change has been at minor injury units and urgent care centres over the same period where attendance has nearly doubled. While it is self evidently true that people in their eighties and over are the most likely group to attend A&E this does not mean that this is reflected in absolute numbers- in fact the biggest growth rates in numbers are in children aged 0-4 and adults in the 20-29 age group. Now you can wonder why numbers have increased substantially in these groups and why walk-in urgent care centres are under such pressure. {Attendance rates at walk-in centres in England are also much higher than other parts of the UK}. We can wonder why there is such an increase in numbers of visits in the 20-29 age group who you would expect to be relatively fit. Needless to say the BBC does not seem very interested in looking beneath the surface. Perhaps the answers might be uncomfortable ?? ps the above does not mean that bed-blocking is not a problem it clearly is, but this also raises a question about the spending priorities of local government, and that is another story entirely.
My brother is a senior paramedic in the North West Ambulance Service. When working he covers the whole of GM and when on call after hours the whole of the North West region. Although the BBC tells us it’s the elderly bed blockers causing the problems he tells a very different story. When ambulances are queuing twelve deep at GM hospitals he has to negotiate with A and E consultants to get patients admitted and his staff released to attend yet more emergencies. He says the city A and E depts are now like third world war zones. Virtually all black and asian who present with minor ailments and who can’t go to GPs because they are illegals and don’t or can’t provide adresses. They fill the A and Es and prevent proper functioning requiring interpreters, social services and the rest of the free services we tax payers provide. The NWAS has established that in the Longsight corridor of Manchester 64 different languages are spoken. Their first point of contact with medical care is via the 999 call. Because paramedics can’t speak the languages the default safety position is A and E. And then there are all the walk ins. The NHS problem is not rocket science. There are too many people in the country making unreasonable demands on the services we pay for. Immigrants get it for free and cock up the balance.
I think that I might have solved the NHS staffing ‘crisis’. Listening to Gameshow’s Stoke on Trent Central special this morning, as with QT, I noticed that his audience was full of NHS workers and people from various charities.
If only they were all at work like the rest of us…!
Amid much hilarity at twitter-mocking of Trump, according to Christian Fraser and Jon Sopel crime has gone DOWN in Sweden in recent years, ‘according to government figures’.
Ha ha ha, who said the bibistan don’t have a sense of humour?
(Couldn’t be because it’s illegal to report crime by ethnicity and religion I suppose?)
Madam, are you SURE you were raped and he wasn’t just being charmingly ethnic and friendly? Careful how you answer now, or you could be done for Hate Crime.
(Coming soon: …”and the penalty for being raped is a good lashing, you know?”)
Wouldn’t it be interesting if an enterprising journalist did a bit of research into the crime stats throughout Sweden on Friday, when ‘nothing happened’.
I bet it would throw up a not very pretty picture of a typical day and night in that culturally enriched country.
But who’s going to do that, and are the figures even available when the authorities suppress all such info and call it hate crime? I doubt it.
They never mentioned this though…
The Jews who immigrated to Palestine with the First Aliyah introduced cultivation methods that spurred the ‘Jaffa’ orange industry. According to the Hope Simpson Enquiry of 1930,
“The cultivation of the orange, introduced by the Arabs before the commencement of Jewish settlement, has developed to a very great extent in consequence of that settlement. There is no doubt that the pitch of perfection to which the technique of plantation and cultivation of the orange and grapefruit have been brought in Palestine is due to the scientific methods of the Jewish agriculturist.”
Nor did they mention this….
Partnerships in growing and exporting these oranges was an example of Palestinian-Jewish cooperation despite rising political tensions
It reminds of the Scarlett Johansson / Sodastream controversy not so long back where she was accused of being anti Palestinian and was forced to resign from her UN role when the truth was the company provided Palestinian families and thier actual Palestinian workforce with Housing, Healthcare, Education and also equal opportunities for workers within their apparently `illegal` building of a factory and housing etc on Palestinian lands… Everyone including the BBC demanded the closure of the Sodastream factory along with demolition of all the buildings and housing and also wanted the palestinian families evictions and return to reliance on handouts after thier employment had been taken away….
Instead thier focus seems only to wish to highlight an imagined `TAX` scam relating to thier CAKE/BISCUIT definition… A subject which nobody actually gives a f**k about!!!
I don’t mean to question your figures, but I reckon a majority have taken the blue pill and just want to dream on, and take whatever gloop the msm feed them.
And bibistan are all too willing to feed them gloop.
Yes, who’d have thought that in the age of the internet and 24/7 news people could be so ignorant.
Some out of choice and some that are just too trusting of MSM.
Al Beeb have finally opened a HYS on the Trump visit. Get yours in now !……….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39021333
They warned us that the uncertainty of Brexit referendum would hit the economy.
The uncertainty debate on Brexit will hit the economy
Turning our backs on Trump will hit the economy. Do the libtards really care about the economy ?
“Do the libtards really care about the economy ?” – Fraid’ no more so than the UKIP ‘leading lights’ in Manchester do in pursuing their first, ‘pure’ MP. Saw a similar stance back in the Seventies’ when Clyde side workers were on strike every other day of the week. Turkeys voting for Xmas! Shipbuilding in Scotland? we all know who destroyed virtually all that industry.
“back in the Seventies’ when Clyde side workers were on strike every other day of the week.”
Goes back further than that. Don’t know whether you remember the farce surrounding the building of QE2 at John Brown in the 1960s?
The company at Clydebank had built HMS Hood, RMS Queen Mary and RMS Queen Elizabeth. After QE2, it was downhill all the way.
Placing all the blame on management didn’t work, taking into account the absurd number of unions they had to deal with. It was 30 – 40 from memory, probably higher than the average IQ.
Ship of fools, except that since then the ships have been built elsewhere and we just provide the fools.
Before work beckons, can anyone tell me and my mates why there is a disproportionate number of ethnic minorities presenting news and other programmes on Al Beeb?
The latest victim of a smear campaign, Milo. No one is safe as no one is perfect. You have to give the scum left credit for persistence in finding shit and building up a smear campaign, they must put so much resource into it.
Five youths have been arrested in London on terrorist charges. Today’s challenge is to find
this news on the BBC Website. It is there but lets see if you can find it.
It says they are ‘males’ and ‘teenagers’ who had plans to ‘travel to join a proscribed organisation.’ Presumably they are far-righters, going to Holland to join the youth wing of the Geert Wilders Freedom Party?
On Today……UN warning of famines looming….Yemen, South Sudan, Northern Nigeria…..children especially at risk…..wars and rumours of wars.
Spotted the common denominator? Yemen….war between muslims, South Sudan…….muslims invading non muslims territories, Northern Nigeria…..muslims invading non muslims territories. (this is “the religion of peace” we’re talking about)
Keep the food aid supplies coming was the message, or the muslims will be too hungry to fight……went unsaid.
HSBC “may need to relocate some 1,000 roles from London to Paris ”
That’s assuming they can find 1000 bankers who want to go work in a city where you can only drive your BMWs and Porches into town every other day. That’s also assuming that said cars haven’t already been torched by the marauding muslim rioters promoting the religion of peace (while the police slowly drift back from their 3 hour lunch with wine).
For once, a gladdening story on Toady R4 this morning.
Birmingham Children’s Hospital has transormed itself from a poor to an outstanding rating over the last 8 years. Well done to them.
The lead manager was being interviewed by Sarah Montague at her funereal worst.
The lead manager consistently explained that the transformation was down essentially to good management. Listening, consistent vision, teamwork, continuous improvement. Hardly any of it was down to funding.
This was obviously NOT the narrative expected.
So Our Sarah kept plugging away like a one-trick pony, hoping and hoping the manager would say something about how much extra funding they had received and how much of a crisis they were about to get into through cuts.
But the excellent manager was having none of it and maintained her stance, putting almost none of the improvement and ratings down to funding and all of it to staff and good practice, with few agency staff required.
So it’s Good NHS Management 1 Useless bBBC Tossers 0
Though I doubt said manager will be asked back onto the programme.
Was the Chief Executive the Sarah Jane Marsh who was formerly an assistant to unlamented ex NHS Chief Executive David Nicholson who in turn presided over, but shrugged off responsibility for, the Mid-Staffs scandal? Her subsequent rise through the management ranks was ” meteoric”. She is now married to a retired D Nicholson whose pension could be laid out end to end and encircle the earth several times. Her interview was an exercise in bland management speak. No idea where she got that from. All credit for improving the ratings but in what industry other than nationalised healthcare would it be considered exceptional to listen to feedback from customers and employees?
In my Wife’s hospital they banned all spending on stationery – to save money. In her Department they spent £180,000 on a machine, a prototype in effect, with crazy servicing and maintenance requirements. It breaks down constantly but was supposed to be labour saving.
Yes, it’s not all about funding and the NHS can waste money like it grows on trees.
My name is Amira Islem and I have applied to the BBC in the name
of diversity and positive discrimination to take over from Gary
Lineker to present Match of the Day. Please would you on this website
show your support. I now nothing about Soccer or whatever its called.
But every day I turn on my screen and I watch the news and sports
presenters on the BBC and I feel that I am back home on the Indian
Sub Continent.Mind you we don’t have many girls reporting on soccer.
I just wish the programmes were in Hindi or Urdu.
If you are transgender and used to be known as Amir it will help your application enormously.
Even better if you use a wheelchair.
Disabled transgender sport is currently ‘under-represented’ and role models are needed.
Loved this piece of BBC shit-stirring. Real mini-drama. Woman being interviewed not getting to the point quickly enough. Could it be changes in the exchange rate? Yes, Yes. It’s Brexit then, Brexit? Yes, Brexit and nothing but Brexit. Those evil unpatriotic Brexiteers. So echoing the words of the Clegg-Turd. The true patriot votes for remain.
Very often people refer to the, ‘New World Order’ (‘NWO’), the clandestine group of highly influential rich people devoted to business Globalism, (the prime driver) and assisting immense people movement around the globe. Personally, I only partly subscribe to this kind of thinking but, for me, the principal enemy is the UN, International Charities and the likes of George Soros who is a synonymous financier of the latter. But, (and it is a big ‘But’) if you accept the concept of the NWO, you cannot miss the fact that the NWO’s momentum has been hijacked by Islam. There could be a connection between the two but, in my view, the business concept of Globalism is not compatible with fundamental Islam. No, for me, Islam and its controllers sat in the Gulf region of the Middle East, spotted the opportunity to ‘cadge a ride’. Islam is on the move Worldwide and in a big way. I used to visit Malaysia quite regularly for work purposes at one time. A more tolerant form of Islam could not be found. Yet, right now – https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/02/moderate-malaysia-tens-of-thousands-rally-to-support-adoption-of-islamic-penal-code
Apparently, the political will is there for change so I don’t rate the Christian’s and other religions’ chances of continuing unaffected in the long term.
Why do I have to keep on writing about Saudi & its partners in the Arab league being behind virtually all of this?
Spending so much on the promotion of Wahabism that the Kingdom despite all its oil wealth has nearly bankrupted itself.
You can of course look this up and find out for yourself if it’s true or not.
They are financing the building of Mosques in the West, Madrassahs, and so called ‘faith schools’ all with the proviso of the promotion of Wahabism.
Saudi is the second largest funder of UK Universities after the UK government with over £ 1 billion being given in the last decade alone. Again all for the promotion of Islam, and they expect results for their money.
Western politicians have been receiving massive amount in bribes – after they have left office of course, and for dubious political work. Where do you think all Tony Blairs money came form?
Equally why would Merkel make so many inexplicable U turns over Muslim migrants?
It is no secret that the Clinton foundation was in receipt of hundreds of millions of dollars from Saudi which stopped when she lost the election. What is your explanation for this if it was not a bribe?
It does appear that there is some prima facie evidence Soros has some connection to Saudi, but at this time I am unable to say exactly what it is.
Almost every bad thing you see going on around you can be linked to Saudi money manipulating society around the world.
Did I really hear again this morning on the Today programme about the plight of children not being able to get into Britain? Interviewed was a young man who didn’t like France (but was not asked why) and who wanted to come illegally to the UK (not asked why he thought the UK would be better than France). We were told he was 13 years of age but his voice was definitely almost broken. We were not told where his parents were, why they had let him taken such a dangerous journey alone and whether they hoped to join him once he had arrived in the UK. The charity worker who was telling us how awful all this was, was not asked how much it would cost the tax payers of the UK to keep a child aged 13 until he was 25 (when I understand they are released into the general population), who would pay for this child’s education, or indeed why this child could not stay in France. So many questions that could have been asked (and for the BBC, it would have been for the first time) and the opportunity was lost. There is a surprise.
Deborah, I find it staggering that any family in this country who let their kid wander off across 6 countries at the age of 12, would be hounded by every social and police authority possible – and identified. Yet all the joined up resources of every European country cannot identify and send these kids back to their parents ! So the easy way out is to let them just enter the country.
Remember those Islamic teenage girls who decided to sod off to Syria, how the police went into meltdown trying to locate them on their route !
Deborah, once again the art of ommission displayed by the BBC.
A similar thing on Sky News yesterday when a young woman carrying a placard against Trump’s visit to Britain was asked what her reasons were. She replied that she did’nt like ‘Trump’s policy towards women’ The interviewer conveniently missed the opportunity to ask what that ‘policy’ might be?
So the viewers were left with a statement that suggested quite unequivocally that Trump actually has a concerted policy against women.
Sky News have obviously read the BBC manual.
In case you were thinking all of America had lost it’s mind. Our MSM make it appear all Americans hate Trump. Especially black people. You won’t hear about this on the Beeb. HEY LIBTARDS! You don’t speak for gays, Asians & women. And you don’t speak for black people. Let this lady tell you. Finally someone is outraged at the right thing!
There’s a clip of her speech here. http://theblacksphere.net/2017/02/black-trump-supporter-blasts-mexican-legislators-sanctuary-cities/
A partial transcript:
“Sanctuary cities are racist.
All the jobs are going to illegals, and to certain denominations. That is wrong.
You’re not going to be allowed to get away with it. Your time is going to be up. You want us to feel for your family, but you don’t feel for our families.
Again, the black community has literally been destroyed by racist, illegal immigration. And we’re not gonna have it.
When my people do a crime, we get three strikes.
Your people do a crime, they get amnesty. They get benefits; and they’re not paying taxes!
OK. Publication 17 IRS. They’re allowing you people to claim people in Mexico.
I couldn’t even claim people in New Orleans, when there was a flood.
I couldn’t claim my people. I ended up moving down there.
But it’s over. It’s over.
Thank God for Trump. Thank God for Sessions.
And you should, you should be ashamed of yourselves. How dare you! Look up IRS Publication 17, pages 25 and 26.
How in the HELL are you allowed to claim people in Mexico and get away with not paying taxes?
I am outraged.”
They got Milo. The lib/left establishment had their knives out (not to mention the far left, feminazis, blm, and every grievance / identity group he offended – and he offended them all ), they were just looking for an excuse, and they conveniently found it in an old interview where he appears to condone gay sex between men and boys. He counter-argues that ‘boys’ means young men in gayspeak, but no-one’s listening. (Strangely his critics don’t speak out on paedophilia in dozens of UK towns on an industrial scale, or certain holy books that advocate it).
The hyenas will now rip him to shreds and the vultures will finish off the carcass. Already he’s lost his mega book deal for Dangerous and everyone’s disinviting him.
Will he rise from the ashes in the future?
Confusing, as “Leslie” is the normal male spelling, women are normally called “Lesley”. Given that they all now insist on being called “actors” (except during award season of course, when the Best Actress award is always most welcome), then things get very confusing indeed. Who is this person, and how are we meant to tell which gender they are/identify as?
I’ve noticed this too Rob, female performers are called ‘actors’, why ? perhaps we should shout ‘waiter’ to a female server instead of ‘waitress’ in future – I wonder how that would go down.
Its the same with the propensity of tv presenters to refer to everyone as ‘guys’ – another Americanism that’s crept in. My friend and I turned up to a hotel ‘do’ – clearly dressed up as females do, and the maitre’d referred to us as ‘guys’ ! WHAT !!!?? After I put him right on the niceties of etiquette he didn’t do it again !!!! (he was released from hospital 2 days later)
In all seriousness I find it rude and disrespectful to refer to mature ladies and gentlemen as ‘guys’. Its not matey its just lazy not to refer to them by name.
Fitting Mr Yianopoulis up as a nonce is about the only weapon the establishment have left to silence him. I don’t think it will work though, he is clever enough to counter-act this sort of thing and doesn’t have to rely on mainstream media to get his message across, so it doesn’t matter if a mainstream publisher won’t take his book. I think his fans also are intelligent enough to realise what’s going on.
Milo Yiannopoulos: Who is the alt-right writer and provocateur?
Ultra-conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos has been uninvited from speaking at a US conservative conference, which will also host President Donald Trump, after footage emerged of him appearing to condone paedophilia. Mr Yiannopoulos has denied the allegations, but is known to thrive on provoking offence and controversy. Publisher Simon & Schuster has announced it is cancelling his forthcoming book, Dangerous, after the latest outcry. The writer calls himself the “most fabulous supervillain on the internet”. His critics call him a purveyor of hate speech. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39026870
They got him – but, in fairness, he got himself. He said some very daft and ill-advised things in a couple of podcasts a while back which at the time nobody seemed to notice. The funny thing about forgotten landmines is that one day someone is going to stumble across them and set them off. And so it comes to pass.
Milo clearly has a problem with Age of Consent laws and no amount of disingenuous mumbling from him around the issue can excuse his comments (made more than once) on the issue. His words were a gift to his enemies – I’m just surprised they took so long to cash them in.
So it’s over for him. The book deal has been cancelled and he becomes a persona non grata, having made himself guilty by association of the greatest crimen exceptum.
I’m reminded of this:
“It was like feasting with panthers; the danger was half the excitement… I did not know that when they were to strike at me it was to be at another’s piping and at another’s pay.” – Oscar Wilde
Except the fault is all his and his alone. The left get to own this victory – but it was one they barely had to fight for in the end.
Agree Obi, yet his comments are open to the media to crow over when others, especially prominent Labour figures who have associated in the past with what was called the “PIE” are allowed a free pass, there`s also the case of Roman Polanski, who has never faced a court.
Milo has always been a more ambiguous figure among the internet manifestations of the right than the BBC appear to understand. Hence he frequently disowned the “alt right” tag as some of them disowned him.
It`s possible he`s been done over by an informal alliance of the Alt right and the liberal left, or by shills in both camps who were united in that they didn`t want him getting any further into the mainstream.
He made the mistake of thinking his gayness, and victim status would protect him no matter what he said, or had said. Rough old game politics, and likely to get rougher in due course.
I agree wholeheartedly re: Roman Polanski. The left, who are currently crowing over Milo’s (self-inflicted) take-down, have nothing to say about the steady stream of liberal luvvies who regularly cross the pond to go and work for a convicted child rapist on the run from US justice. They also like to give Polanski awards.
Polanski gets a get-out-of-jail (literally) from the liberal-left cos he’s ‘one of ours’ and ‘arty’.
Moral: if you want to be a pedophile, be a lefty pedophile and you’ll get a lot less heat.
And of course not forgetting the luvvies darling – Woody Allen who decided to have an affair with his adopted daughter. And of course the tangled web of the Redgraves – a drama of lesbian/gay relationships within the family, and Lynn Redgrave had the humiliation of discovering that the boy she considered her grandson was actually her husband’s son by her daughter-in-law. Work that one out !
No desire to defend Woody Allen, but Soon-Yi was adopted by Mia Farrow and Andre Previn at the end of the 1970s when they were living near Dorking.
Some tabloids implied that she was underage when the affair with Allen started, but that is highly unlikely, although Previn’s hostility was well known.
Never understood Farrow’s appeal, frankly. Must have had something.
How do you know it is not Fake News ? OK, I was brought up near Dorking ( That is a town in Surrey, not a sport ), and Andre and Mia were quite near neighbours. Not friends, but I must say that, for a young teenage boy, Mia was very beautiful. I mean I was the teenage boy.
Andre always looked as if he needed a shower and clean clothes. But , a great musician. I still listen to his recordings today.
“He made the mistake of thinking his gayness, and victim status would protect him…” It did up to a point, but even gayness is trumped by pedophilia.
However his real crime of course was of being to the right. Now that is truly unforgivable.
gax – If he’d been a gay muslim he’d have been untouchable by the bibistan, but murdered by his co-religionists. Isn’t choosing one’s victimhood complicated these days, what’s a man to do?
By man I mean of course Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex.
In the good ol’ days you just had to be black.
‘when . . . prominent Labour figures who have associated in the past with what was called the “PIE” are allowed a free pass’
The following is the text of a letter published in the Guardian in 1997. For several reasons, it deserves to be much better known. A sub-editor headlined it ‘Tatchell on sex with children’:
Ros Coward (Why Dares to Speak says nothing useful, June 23) thinks it is ‘shocking’ that Gay Men’s Press has published a book, Dares To Speak, which challenges the assumption that all sex involving children and adults is abusive. I think it is courageous.
The distinguished psychologists and anthropologists cited in this book deserve to be heard. Offering a rational, informed perspective on sexual relations between younger and older people, they document examples of societies where consenting inter-generational sex is considered normal, beneficial and enjoyable by old and young alike.
Prof Gilbert Herdt points to the Sambia tribe of Papua New Guinea, where all young boys have sex with older warriors as part of their initiation into manhood. Far from being harmed, Prof Herdt says the boys grow up to be happy, well-adjusted husbands and fathers.
The positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to non-Western cultures. Several of my friends, gay and straight, male and female, had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy.
While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.
Peter Tatchell
Rockingham Street
London SE1.
For those too young to remember, PT was a Labour Party candidate in the early 1980s, and was at least 45 when he wrote the letter above (he wasn’t a teenager, in other words, being tiresomely edgy). He’s subsequently become an energetic (and physically quite brave) human-rights activist (he’s tangled with Robert Mugabe’s bodyguards more than once, to his loss). PT’s website claims at very great length that the paper misleadingly edited his letter and it’s not quite what he wrote:
Off topic .. I have an 83 years old friend who relocated a few years back, from northern England, to go and live in a granny flat with her daughter’s family in the countryside around Paisley which is near to Glasgow. She gets about a bit .. tai chi, visits to Australia, Walsingham .. as she has been a life long C of E attender and church warden. She was speaking to another elderly lady she knows who goes weekly to a catholic church in Nicola Sturgeon’s constituency in Glasgow. Her friend said that it was very unpleasant going to church these days as groups of “Asian” men all stand around outside the church entrance honking and spitting on the floor as the worshipers walk by them.
Wonder if Nicola Sturgeon knows about this intimidation and when she will do something about it?
oldcrone – can you get details of the location of this racist intimidation and Christianophobia hate crime so the bibistan can get one of their intrepid reporters onto it? Front page news, I’d have thought, for our valiant Defender of Oppressed Minorities. (Or is that just so long as they’re not hideously white.)
Unfortunately people who go to church are told to “turn the other cheek” 😉 and certainly don’t know how to video people and probably would be too scared to put their head above the parapet anyway. I will attempt to find out the location.
It will be interesting to see if and how the mighty Milo rises again from his forthcoming crucifixion by the mob. (As a Catholic he might approve of the imagery.)
Will he be fired from Breitbart? Will someone else publish Dangerous?
If nothing else, the latest ‘scandal’ and manufactured outrage will have increased his fame, or infamy to some.
As said a very ‘traditional’ and ‘quaint’ way to try and get rid of someone. But the more exalted have gotten away with far more and for far longer and I’m talking genuine criminality.
I’m a bit concerned about a definition of, “Fake News”. So far there is nothing clear cut, something which a lawyer would appreciate. Its sorely needed as all I see so far is insufficient to cover a simply dishonest broadcaster like the BBC who, as a result of its own propaganda policies, has become skilled in manipulation, suppression through omission, massaging and embroidery. It is one thing to simply lie (and the BBC is good at this in any event) but its another to have a broad definition of, ‘Fake News’ that encompasses the typical daily fare the BBC pumps out to its mostly uninformed, unquestioning viewers/listeners – Worldwide.
To openly state that the BBC will research ‘Fake News’ and expose it for what it is, is simply corrupt and is designed to lead the viewer/listener to actually believe the BBC is honest when in fact it is probably the most skilled manipulator of news Worldwide.
The problem right now is that if the BBC are allowed to produce its own definition of ‘Fake News’ and that becomes accepted as ‘the’ definition, it will be guaranteed to be conveniently narrow enough to exclude their own form of fakery.
Fake News is a clumsy, ill-defined catch-all term that often just means ‘inconvenient news i don’t like’.
The bibistan rarely put out really ‘fake’ news in the sense that it’s demonstrably false: they have an army of researchers and lawyers to make sure they won’t be caught out by simple fact-checking.
The huge and constant bias lies in the emphasis given to certain news items, the subtle distortions, and even more in what’s under-reported or ignored altogether.
Paris anyone? Sweden? Rotherham?
Not sure I agree: “…make sure they won’t be caught out by simple fact-checking.” No ‘fact checking’ needed when two weeks before the US election, Sarah Montague told the Today listener that the next President will be “Hilary”.
A bit on Fox last night (and don’t lefties all have that same look?) a lefty, not answering the question and trotting out the, ‘Trump lies and Trump is in chaos’ etc..
Really weird and concerning and looking more and more like brainwashing all the time.
I hope this link works, it is an address to the biased UN about Trump’s support for Israel. No wonder the left and BBC want him out. No wonder Treezer is not backing him.
“Haley’s Comet” | Editorial of The New York Sun | February 16, 2017 | on Nikki Haley
A star is born is our reaction to the first press briefing by President Trump’s new ambassador at the United Nations. The ex-governor of South Carolina was ridiculed by the Left when the president first sent her nomination up to the Hill, owing to her alleged lack of foreign policy chops. She certainly rang the wake up gong for that crowd this morning, after emerging from her first Security Council monthly meeting devoted to the Middle East. Tough as nails but with a smile and a layer of Southern charm.
The ambassador had just come from the regular monthly Security Council on Middle East issues. She said it was her first such meeting, and “it was a bit strange.” The Security Council, she said, is supposed to discuss how to maintain international peace and security. But the meeting, she said, was not about Hezbollah’s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, it was not about the money and weapons Iran provides to terrorists, it was not how we defeat ISIS, it was not how we hold Beshar al-Assad accountable for the slaughter of thousands of civilians.
“No,” she said, “instead the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East. I am new around here, but I understand that’s how the Council has operated month after month for decades. I am here to say the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore. I am here to underscore to the ironclad support of the United States for Israel. I am here to emphasize that the United States is determined to stand up to the U.N.’s anti-Israel bias.”
The ambassador made clear that the Trump administration will not support the kind of resolution from which the Obama administration’s ambassador — Samantha Power — shamefully abstained, though Mrs. Haley was too polite to name the humiliated Ms. Power. “The outrageously biased resolutions from the Security Council and the General Assembly only make peace harder to attain by discouraging one of the parties from going to the negotiating table.”
“Incredibly,” Mrs. Haley said, “the U.N. department of political affairs has an entire division devoted entirely to Palestinian affairs. Imagine that. There is no division devoted to illegal missile launches form North Korea. There is no division devoted to the world’s number one state sponsor of terror, Iran. The prejudiced approach to Israeli-Palestinian issues does the peace process no favors, and it bears no relationship to the reality of the world around us. The double standards are breathtaking.”
The ambassador warned that it is “the U.N.’s anti-Israel bias that is long overdue for change,” and said America will not hesitate to speak out in defense of its friend in Israel. All this was going on while the press was questioning President Trump on what he was going to do about anti-Semitism. If his ambassador to the world body is any example, the answer is plenty. She has the principles of a Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the grit of a John Bolton, and the star power of a Jeane Kirkpatrick, and in her first press briefing she certainly made her point
Thank you for bringing that heartening news to my attention. I hope that Trump will back up his objection to the actions of the UN by chopping them off at the knees by ceasing (or threatening to cease) to provide the bulk of the funding to the corrupt organisation.
Shame that the United Nations has become so ineffectual after its post war performance in the 50s and early 60s. I can understand why the US is tired of bankrolling it in its present format .
I saw on Sky this morning a couple of California zombies interviewed, the first was a blonde girl who claimed that Trump was acting illegally (she was not challenged on this ridiculous claim). She had that supercilious, smug look that middle-class lefties have, with the rictus grin. Next was a black man with completely bonkers eyes, and just as I was about to say that to Mrs D. he started talking about the fight against Trump was for sanity – clearly too late in his case.
The third interview was more telling: a man who wore large sunglasses to hide his face was asked what he had to say to these people who were “fighting against Trump” and he said words to the effect “Nothing. I live in Bel Air.” (Or whichever posh neighbourhood). He said that if he made his opinions known he would likely lose his job! Who are the fascists?! – Most on here know the answer.
Shades of climate change sceptics. They dare not raise their heads above the parapet. Until Trumpy came along, that is – now, suddenly, their bravery is slowly returning.
Remember the vast, all consuming story of, “What Colour is the Dress?”
For a lot of anti- Trumpers – it’s about as profound and transitory as that was.
“Matt Le Blanc says humour is the key to success for the show… Unfortunately, humour is so far lacking in the first trail, with an “insurance man”, and in the series ‘puffs’ – Matt eats a horse penis.”
No mention if the horse was alive or dead. Or if Evan consulted.
See Junckers threatening a huge post Brexit bill for us. He is such a vile, spiteful and mean spirited little shit.
Characteristics that do seem to prevail on the Left.
BBC are all over this 2 reports in the last 20 mins.
Muslim teacher denied entry to US story.
“A Muslim teacher from Neath Port Talbot has been denied entry to the United States while on a school trip. Juhel Miah had flown to Reykjavik, Iceland, with the party from Llangatwg Community before boarding an onward flight to New York. Before the plane took off on 16 February, he was escorted off by security staff”.
… BBC Wales has asked the US Embassy in London to comment.
… Neath Port Talbot council has written to the US Embassy to “express its dismay” at the treatment of Mr Miah.
… The local authority stated had a valid visa to travel.
… The matter has been raised with our local MP.
… The Foreign and Commonwealth Office providing support to a British man who was prevented from boarding a flight
… Abdul-Azim Ahmed, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Wales, said he was “deeply troubled” by the incident, etc etc
… The school trip continued as planned but Mr Miah’s removal left pupils and colleagues “shocked and distressed,” a spokesman said.
Al BBC understands “he feels belittled and upset at what appears to be an unjustified act of discrimination.”
“What we do know is quite troubling and in the context of a school trip and the children being left with one less teacher because of this,” he said.
This is the latest in a series of incidents where Muslims have been denied entry to the US which date before even Trump was elected.” The school party returned to the UK on Monday after the week-long trip”.
So compare all of the above, with … this time a senior Head Teacher
That the AL BBC did not bother to report at all.
“Spokesman for Oldham council, cabinet member for education Amanda Chadderton, said: ‘We take any allegations about our schools very seriously. The report into an Oldham primary school found no basis to the “Trojan Horse” allegations.”
No Basis? what with :-
“Death Threats”?
“harassment and intimidation’ by Islamic parents?
‘aggressive verbal abuse’?
‘threats to blow up her car’?
furious as “her dress is offensive”?
even that “her own daughters photo s are offensive”?
… no basis??, nothing to see???
One supposes they ve asked Islamic teachers, and Islamic parents,
and they erm, know nothing about it?
Hopelessly compromised and infested Oldham council, there s nothing to see?
This harassment and abuse deserves much stronger scrutiny,
compromised Oldham council doubly so.
Can you recall? I stated then
Imagine if a headmaster was Islamic? with just one of that list above?
… The Biased Broadcasting Cresent would literally be camped outside the
school gates!
First of all, Trump’s moratorium has not been brought in due to the inappropriate actions of some over-politicised judges. So to blame that on this “Welsh” teacher is a complete lie. Secondly, if he was from Wales then he wouldn’t have been banned as Wales is not, yet, one of the “Muslim Majority” countries on Obamam’s list.
Which leads me to conclude there is a lot more that we are not being told about this individual – there is probably a very good reason why he’s not being allowed into the USA, we’re just not being given that important bit of the truth. The BBC lying by omission. Fake News again.
On BBC TV news this lunchtime – some moronic story about a thick looking footballer, manager, or something, and a bet about eating a pie (with less finesse than a pig).
So nothing happening elsewhere then? Certainly not in Paris or Malmo.
And why does football get a slot in the news every single day, regardless of whether there’s anything newsworthy to report?
Somebody (I think it may have been sci-fi writer John Christopher) said that the time to worry is not when there is only bad news in the papers, but only ‘good’ news.
I was listening to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 at lunchtime. There was a bit called “What Makes Us Human” and for this they had Ken Loach the film maker on doing something like “Thought For The Day” where he mused about this subject for a few minutes. Apparently the key word for him is “Solidarity” – that is what makes us human. He talked about the heroes of the Spanish Civil War (the nationalists), the heroes of Palestine, the heroes of Nicaragua (plus the evil Contras and the evil USA), the heroes of the miners’ strike and all the other strikes and the heroes looking after illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. Strangely he didn’t talk about “Solidarity” the organisation in Poland as I would have expected him to who surely were heroes too? Or is that because they were fighting against the evil of a Socialist government and therefore could not be heroes. Even by the BBC’s standards this was 5 minutes (or so) of undiluted and unchallenged propaganda.
Yes today was ‘a beauty’ starting with the husband of St. Jo Cox pushing his ideas of ‘solidarity’ and then Ken Loach with his party political for the Communist Party.
What is it that drives these people to hate so much? Maxine Peake is another, it just drips out of them as if they have been steeped in the stuff from birth.
It goes beyond disagreement. I don’t believe that any Conservative politician has a hatred of the ‘working class’. I might be persuaded that some might act to favour their own, but that is a common ‘what makes us human’ characteristic. But listen to Loach, he just ‘knew’ who the Cameron and Osbornes were, (by accent?), and they were the enemy, people who would probably be running gas chambers, if only the price was right.
Loach was like an old record, the Spanish Civil War, We’ve Never Had Proper Communism and, of course, Everything Went Wrong With Thatcher.
There was one amusing moment when Vine tried to suggest that winning BAFTAs etc. was a bit elitist. Apparently it is OK when we achieve things ‘for the common good’.
Rather than watch Loach’s film, I, Daniel Blake, The Measure Of A Man, delivers a similar message, but with humour, something that dried up in Loach at birth.
BBC News – “An “influential” imam accused of encouraging support for the Islamic State at a mosque has appeared in court. Kamran Sabir Hussain faces … 8 terrorism charges in connection with his work in Tunstall, Stoke on Trent.
He is accused of influencing his congregation to carry out terrorist acts”.
Yep! religion of peace …
I think we can ask Tory f-ckwit M Fabricant if he was terrified at mass this weekend.
Anyway … British ISIS fighter carries out a suicide bomb attack at military HQ outside Mosul, maybe it was “global warming,” that turned him, the worlds premier newssource hasn t found it yet,
“Influential” in Beeboidspeak indicates someone they like. Trump, Farage, Wilders, Le Pen etc could never be “influential” in the twisted mind of a Beeboid.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
I am not a member of any political party but I see that the BBC anti UKIP bias has gone into overdrive ahead of Thursdays By-election at Stoke.Two officials from Liverpool resign from the party mainly over comments made by the party’s financial supporter Aaron Banks and in the opinion of the BBC it is so important that it could have an impact on the result of the by-election (or so they believe). In an interview with one of the officials who resigned he was asked by the BBC News Channel reporter how he was going to vote in the by-election notwithstanding the fact that he lived in Liverpool many miles away from the Stoke Constituency. Surely in the last few days before any election the BBC should maintain a neutral stance but I suppose I am asking too much of such a biased organisation.
Al Beeb is about as impartial as ‘Berco the boiler’ get rid of both.
As I posted earlier, Al Beeb have a long track record of backing the wrong horse.
Time to put your money on UKIP then seeing as they said Donald Trump had no chance.
Wish I’d put a few quid on him well before he got elected.
Way to go !
I wish I had backed DT at 200-1 for the nomination. By the time I got my money on he was 4-1 for POTUS, but at least I had the satisfaction of being right.
“In an interview with one of the officials who resigned he was asked by the BBC News Channel reporter how he was going to vote in the by-election notwithstanding the fact that he lived in Liverpool many miles away from the Stoke Constituency.”
If he said he was going to vote Labour the BBC reporter would have given him a spare postal vote.
Those of us who live in the NorthWest have to put up with the bBBC hype but does anyone care about Hillsborough apart from the whingeing Scousers and their adoring bBBC supporters?
As with their leftie politics, the bBBC should get out of their bubble and report the real world.
What was that incident in a European Cup game?
How long was the UK ban from all European Cup competition? (5yrs)
“Thirty years after 39 fans died at the European Cup final in Brussels the hurt is impossible to erase, partly thanks to the silent and bungling response.”
North West has been going over the top on this story. Funny isn’t it than at crucial moments in certain parties some chose to bring the roof in. It’s almost like they had been planted there.
I realise this is 3 minutes of your lives you’ll never get back but I found the lyrics to this new Katy Perry song rather interesting. I doubt she wrote them anyway but maybe whoever did is waking up!
I might rename it the snowflake song or the elitist song!
The only trouble is the lyrics will go unnoticed by the typical audience.
What a load of rubbish. Anyway, Katy Perry is another of the Hightower virtue signallers
Check out this utterly pathetic and puerile garbage from the toilet roll of a rag, the Independent; I mean, people actually get payed to write this poorly-written shit? No wonder the paper had to fold its prin edition. Anyway, I’m banned for life on their comments section so can no longer take the p@ss out of their scummy, self-important and sanctimonious readers.
What a despicable, vile, childish and pathetic bunch lefties are. These scum DO NOT speak for Britain. They only speak for the noisy, unruly, spoiled and affluent left-wing middle classes.
Jesus, is that all they have to write about ? What do they have to say about Hillary’s dress sense ? Or Merkel’s ? Pathetic.
Not every leader can achieve a Corbynesque level of sartorial taste.
Apologies to those of a weak stomach.
The draining of the swamp continues
Trump v media .
We often see the media lampooning politicians as Al Beeb does now with President Trump but can anyone remember St Obama ever being lampooned by Al Beeb in all the years he was in office ?
Bias, what bias ?
Obama had a free ride but, after 8 years, it was as if he never existed. Trump does exist and the Lefties and Beeboids don’t like it !
Perhaps our Beeboid Trolls can tell us why when they come out of their “safe space”?
The BBC has 8 years of fawning to make up for, but in Trump they face a President who’s happy to take the fight to them. They don’t think that’s fair and we just sit here and laugh at their stupidity, malice and incompetence.
So, the expected 20,000 protesters didn’t materialise in London, just a thousand or so – enough for a bun fight in McDonalds apparently. Of course the journos decided to ‘interview’ some of the participants, and, as usual, a couple of mixed race ladies were chosen, neither of whom could articulate, so when asked why they were marching, it was “cos he’s racist aint ‘ee, and sexist ‘as to ‘ow ‘ee treats wimmen”.
Dear God, I don’t know about the claims that the poor and uneducated voted Brexit, but they sure as hell are turning out to protest against Trump – and probably have trouble spelling his name. What a bunch.
If nothing else, I do wish the educators in our schools, (all over the country), would teach their pupils to speak the Queen’s English properly. Articulation is everything – even with an accent, and puts you ahead of the queue for a job !
“and puts you ahead of the queue for a job”
Do they work ? How did they get the time off?
I agree. To take 2 rather disparate individuals who articulate in the English Language, I would suggest Milo and Paul Joseph Watson.
Brissles, that whole “Sexism”,”Racism” schtick is hardly more (in most cases) than a measure of how far the brainwashing has taken hold.
Classic example from BBC South East that I was unfortunate enough to catch this lunchtime. Presenter’s first words to introduce a story (intones in serious mode): “Kelly xxxx has experienced sexism and racism” (or that’s what I thought he said, though as Kelly looked white to me, maybe I misheard ‘ageism’) “in her chosen career.”
This turned out to be rather a jolly story about a sassy young woman who is forging a career as a classic car expert, dealer and restorer. She was laughing as she said that she loved how she wasn’t at all what customers and dealers expected, and relished the challenge of confounding the norm. She was obviously sensible and fun, and absolutely did not say anything about being the victim of sexism.
The BBC bods just cannot help themselves. Do they have a Marxist checklist they have to sign off with every item?
Brissles-The “Usual Suspects” were chosen to interview. The BBC is more brazenly getting their reporters to interview “folk” who agree with their points of view.
There is no way that these embedded Trotskyists at the BBC would ever be elected. So they use the medium of television to get THEIR views put over by the members of the general public whom they have “sorted out.”
Have a watch of this, yes I know it’s long but it is worthwhile, and even the introduction by David Horovitz explaining why the US media is so biased is well worth watching.
Milo on cracking form and not alone. We have to fight the Fascism of the Left and I salute Milo and his colleagues for doing it.
A genuine, assimilated refugee to Sweden speaks about the country’s many problems –
here’s the guy’s latest video on the Trump “Sweden remarks”
Well the Labour Party are truly stuffed now. John McDonnell at the anti Trump demonstration tonight stating that he will not welcome Donald Trump to a State visit, invited by the Queen no less. Minor Fart was also there – both absolutely idiots. Both anti Queen I think?
Couple of twats.
John who ???
Oh yes – a nobody
Grant, I’m going to send you a Who’s Who book (you’re starting to sound like an owl ! who who who
LOL !! Funnily , Owls are a favourite of mine. I hope to see Pel’s Fishing Owl before I croak ! So to speak.
Twatt, Orkney

Twinned with this town in Austria
How’s that for a European Union?
Lucy – I’ve always said the EU was a cock-up.
Nice one.
Lucy, I recently read that Shetland has become the most popular place in the UK for property enquiries ! Makes you think.
They also do a nice line in beer as well, Lucy.
A great summing up of the snooty, metro-trendy snowflakes who aim to convey their self-righteousness through noisy and childish protests…
I do enjoy the Spectator.
Yes I like The Spectator too. Good article.
“Winter pressure ‘busts NHS budget”
HYS running now ! Top comment……
“When will someone in government wake up and realise the main issue is immigration. 300,000 more people a year is killing hospitals, roads, schools, housing and pretty much every other public service. Councils are cutting back but more and more people arrive daily. We are going to end up a 3rd world country before long if this continues.”
Taffman. Exactly. The BBC mantra has been “its the fault of those bed-blocking oldies” but a Briefing Paper very recently added to the House of Commons Library on A & E statistics begins to reveal a different story (paper 6964). Between 2004 and 2015 patient visits went up from around 18million to about 22.5 million (23.5 million last year). Attendance at major A&E departments has risen since 2005, but relatively modestly (10%). The big change has been at minor injury units and urgent care centres over the same period where attendance has nearly doubled. While it is self evidently true that people in their eighties and over are the most likely group to attend A&E this does not mean that this is reflected in absolute numbers- in fact the biggest growth rates in numbers are in children aged 0-4 and adults in the 20-29 age group. Now you can wonder why numbers have increased substantially in these groups and why walk-in urgent care centres are under such pressure. {Attendance rates at walk-in centres in England are also much higher than other parts of the UK}. We can wonder why there is such an increase in numbers of visits in the 20-29 age group who you would expect to be relatively fit. Needless to say the BBC does not seem very interested in looking beneath the surface. Perhaps the answers might be uncomfortable ?? ps the above does not mean that bed-blocking is not a problem it clearly is, but this also raises a question about the spending priorities of local government, and that is another story entirely.
My brother is a senior paramedic in the North West Ambulance Service. When working he covers the whole of GM and when on call after hours the whole of the North West region. Although the BBC tells us it’s the elderly bed blockers causing the problems he tells a very different story. When ambulances are queuing twelve deep at GM hospitals he has to negotiate with A and E consultants to get patients admitted and his staff released to attend yet more emergencies. He says the city A and E depts are now like third world war zones. Virtually all black and asian who present with minor ailments and who can’t go to GPs because they are illegals and don’t or can’t provide adresses. They fill the A and Es and prevent proper functioning requiring interpreters, social services and the rest of the free services we tax payers provide. The NWAS has established that in the Longsight corridor of Manchester 64 different languages are spoken. Their first point of contact with medical care is via the 999 call. Because paramedics can’t speak the languages the default safety position is A and E. And then there are all the walk ins. The NHS problem is not rocket science. There are too many people in the country making unreasonable demands on the services we pay for. Immigrants get it for free and cock up the balance.
pete ongyo
And the thanks go to Mr Bliar for leaving the doors open .
Peter, you need to send this to the Nationals, particularly the D/Express, its the type of story that would interest them, and they would print it.
I think that I might have solved the NHS staffing ‘crisis’. Listening to Gameshow’s Stoke on Trent Central special this morning, as with QT, I noticed that his audience was full of NHS workers and people from various charities.
If only they were all at work like the rest of us…!
Amid much hilarity at twitter-mocking of Trump, according to Christian Fraser and Jon Sopel crime has gone DOWN in Sweden in recent years, ‘according to government figures’.
Ha ha ha, who said the bibistan don’t have a sense of humour?
(Couldn’t be because it’s illegal to report crime by ethnicity and religion I suppose?)
Madam, are you SURE you were raped and he wasn’t just being charmingly ethnic and friendly? Careful how you answer now, or you could be done for Hate Crime.
(Coming soon: …”and the penalty for being raped is a good lashing, you know?”)
Great piece on the BBC/MSM twisting of Trump’s Sweden comments, including a chat with Raheem Kassam, on Jon Gaunt’s show today –
UK COLUMN has brilliant article on BBC and FAKE news:
WHAT A JOKE: BBC left wing / liberal bias is written in its DNA – as Peter Sissons wrote in his book:
Wouldn’t it be interesting if an enterprising journalist did a bit of research into the crime stats throughout Sweden on Friday, when ‘nothing happened’.
I bet it would throw up a not very pretty picture of a typical day and night in that culturally enriched country.
But who’s going to do that, and are the figures even available when the authorities suppress all such info and call it hate crime? I doubt it.
No, nothing ever happens in Sweden! But, as we all know, thing’s are far from that –
Yes, that Sweden.
The BBC are positively evil in their relentless efforts to deny viewers/listeners the real news.
BBC Online News:
“”Cake or biscuit? Why Jaffa Cakes excite philosophers””
Who writes this rubbish and why?
Dover Sentry
They do have some garbage articles on there, but that one takes the f@cking biscuit!
or cake!
They never mentioned this though…
The Jews who immigrated to Palestine with the First Aliyah introduced cultivation methods that spurred the ‘Jaffa’ orange industry. According to the Hope Simpson Enquiry of 1930,
“The cultivation of the orange, introduced by the Arabs before the commencement of Jewish settlement, has developed to a very great extent in consequence of that settlement. There is no doubt that the pitch of perfection to which the technique of plantation and cultivation of the orange and grapefruit have been brought in Palestine is due to the scientific methods of the Jewish agriculturist.”
Nor did they mention this….
Partnerships in growing and exporting these oranges was an example of Palestinian-Jewish cooperation despite rising political tensions
It reminds of the Scarlett Johansson / Sodastream controversy not so long back where she was accused of being anti Palestinian and was forced to resign from her UN role when the truth was the company provided Palestinian families and thier actual Palestinian workforce with Housing, Healthcare, Education and also equal opportunities for workers within their apparently `illegal` building of a factory and housing etc on Palestinian lands… Everyone including the BBC demanded the closure of the Sodastream factory along with demolition of all the buildings and housing and also wanted the palestinian families evictions and return to reliance on handouts after thier employment had been taken away….
Instead thier focus seems only to wish to highlight an imagined `TAX` scam relating to thier CAKE/BISCUIT definition… A subject which nobody actually gives a f**k about!!!
BBC Newsbeat educates and informs the youth of the U.K., non commercially of course
“Meet Nadia Gray – the woman who convinced Maybelline to sell darker foundation in the UK”
This is an interesting article by John Derbyshire, asking – why is there all this hatred for Russia?
You hate what you fear but people should realise that Russia fears the West, greatly.
My wife said at work, ‘How about the rioting in France?’
‘What riots?’ most said.
Although I can offer no evidence. I reckon one third know what’s going on, one third are in denial, one third don’t know and don’t care.
The final third being the metrosexual, champagne socialists.
For example-
I don’t mean to question your figures, but I reckon a majority have taken the blue pill and just want to dream on, and take whatever gloop the msm feed them.
And bibistan are all too willing to feed them gloop.
Even less know about the recent troubles in Melbourne caused solely by Africans.
Yes, who’d have thought that in the age of the internet and 24/7 news people could be so ignorant.
Some out of choice and some that are just too trusting of MSM.
Al Beeb have finally opened a HYS on the Trump visit. Get yours in now !………..
They warned us that the uncertainty of Brexit referendum would hit the economy.
The uncertainty debate on Brexit will hit the economy
Turning our backs on Trump will hit the economy. Do the libtards really care about the economy ?
“Do the libtards really care about the economy ?” – Fraid’ no more so than the UKIP ‘leading lights’ in Manchester do in pursuing their first, ‘pure’ MP. Saw a similar stance back in the Seventies’ when Clyde side workers were on strike every other day of the week. Turkeys voting for Xmas! Shipbuilding in Scotland? we all know who destroyed virtually all that industry.
“back in the Seventies’ when Clyde side workers were on strike every other day of the week.”
Goes back further than that. Don’t know whether you remember the farce surrounding the building of QE2 at John Brown in the 1960s?
The company at Clydebank had built HMS Hood, RMS Queen Mary and RMS Queen Elizabeth. After QE2, it was downhill all the way.
Placing all the blame on management didn’t work, taking into account the absurd number of unions they had to deal with. It was 30 – 40 from memory, probably higher than the average IQ.
Ship of fools, except that since then the ships have been built elsewhere and we just provide the fools.
Compare and contrast the headlines on the debate on the visit of our closest ally.
“UK defends Trump state visit offer despite protest”……….
“Donald Trump: MPs clash over UK state visit”
Before work beckons, can anyone tell me and my mates why there is a disproportionate number of ethnic minorities presenting news and other programmes on Al Beeb?
Easy: lefty agenda. Always preference ethnics.
It must be another one of those jobs that the Brits won’t do.
Clearly, who would want to be paid a mere £90k for reading an autocue?
The latest victim of a smear campaign, Milo. No one is safe as no one is perfect. You have to give the scum left credit for persistence in finding shit and building up a smear campaign, they must put so much resource into it.
Ps this sort of story is right up bBBC alley, so I look forward to a lengthy copied article when the lazy sods there catch onto it
Five youths have been arrested in London on terrorist charges. Today’s challenge is to find
this news on the BBC Website. It is there but lets see if you can find it.
Found it!
I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding, probably an Islamic Boyband looking to go on tour.
Although it does look like they had applied to become UKIP members. I’m not surprised the police are questioning them.
Where would we be without the BBC to keep us informed?
It says they are ‘males’ and ‘teenagers’ who had plans to ‘travel to join a proscribed organisation.’ Presumably they are far-righters, going to Holland to join the youth wing of the Geert Wilders Freedom Party?
On Today……UN warning of famines looming….Yemen, South Sudan, Northern Nigeria…..children especially at risk…..wars and rumours of wars.
Spotted the common denominator? Yemen….war between muslims, South Sudan…….muslims invading non muslims territories, Northern Nigeria…..muslims invading non muslims territories. (this is “the religion of peace” we’re talking about)
Keep the food aid supplies coming was the message, or the muslims will be too hungry to fight……went unsaid.
Forgot, the fourth country mentioned by the UN spokesman on Today as being at risk of famine was……Somalia.
Absolutely nothing in common with the other three!
HSBC “may need to relocate some 1,000 roles from London to Paris ”
That’s assuming they can find 1000 bankers who want to go work in a city where you can only drive your BMWs and Porches into town every other day. That’s also assuming that said cars haven’t already been torched by the marauding muslim rioters promoting the religion of peace (while the police slowly drift back from their 3 hour lunch with wine).
“marauding muslim rioters”. When did this happen? Have I been asleep for the last year?
Perhaps I was, I don’t recall the BBC reporting the results of the EU referendum or the POTUS election either. /s
So true – you have to feel sorry for the poor bankers facing deportation from Brexit UK.
For once, a gladdening story on Toady R4 this morning.
Birmingham Children’s Hospital has transormed itself from a poor to an outstanding rating over the last 8 years. Well done to them.
The lead manager was being interviewed by Sarah Montague at her funereal worst.
The lead manager consistently explained that the transformation was down essentially to good management. Listening, consistent vision, teamwork, continuous improvement. Hardly any of it was down to funding.
This was obviously NOT the narrative expected.
So Our Sarah kept plugging away like a one-trick pony, hoping and hoping the manager would say something about how much extra funding they had received and how much of a crisis they were about to get into through cuts.
But the excellent manager was having none of it and maintained her stance, putting almost none of the improvement and ratings down to funding and all of it to staff and good practice, with few agency staff required.
So it’s Good NHS Management 1 Useless bBBC Tossers 0
Though I doubt said manager will be asked back onto the programme.
Was the Chief Executive the Sarah Jane Marsh who was formerly an assistant to unlamented ex NHS Chief Executive David Nicholson who in turn presided over, but shrugged off responsibility for, the Mid-Staffs scandal? Her subsequent rise through the management ranks was ” meteoric”. She is now married to a retired D Nicholson whose pension could be laid out end to end and encircle the earth several times. Her interview was an exercise in bland management speak. No idea where she got that from. All credit for improving the ratings but in what industry other than nationalised healthcare would it be considered exceptional to listen to feedback from customers and employees?
In my Wife’s hospital they banned all spending on stationery – to save money. In her Department they spent £180,000 on a machine, a prototype in effect, with crazy servicing and maintenance requirements. It breaks down constantly but was supposed to be labour saving.
Yes, it’s not all about funding and the NHS can waste money like it grows on trees.
My name is Amira Islem and I have applied to the BBC in the name
of diversity and positive discrimination to take over from Gary
Lineker to present Match of the Day. Please would you on this website
show your support. I now nothing about Soccer or whatever its called.
But every day I turn on my screen and I watch the news and sports
presenters on the BBC and I feel that I am back home on the Indian
Sub Continent.Mind you we don’t have many girls reporting on soccer.
I just wish the programmes were in Hindi or Urdu.
If you are transgender and used to be known as Amir it will help your application enormously.
Even better if you use a wheelchair.
Disabled transgender sport is currently ‘under-represented’ and role models are needed.
Toady sport piece 8.25 today.
Brexit is responsible for lower Olympic funding!
Loved this piece of BBC shit-stirring. Real mini-drama. Woman being interviewed not getting to the point quickly enough. Could it be changes in the exchange rate? Yes, Yes. It’s Brexit then, Brexit? Yes, Brexit and nothing but Brexit. Those evil unpatriotic Brexiteers. So echoing the words of the Clegg-Turd. The true patriot votes for remain.
ID, I know he deserves to be attacked at every opportunity, but surely we can be polite enough to give Mr Gonzalez Durantez his correct name.
The bbc and ‘interesting timing’ of programming around key votes? The very idea.
Very often people refer to the, ‘New World Order’ (‘NWO’), the clandestine group of highly influential rich people devoted to business Globalism, (the prime driver) and assisting immense people movement around the globe. Personally, I only partly subscribe to this kind of thinking but, for me, the principal enemy is the UN, International Charities and the likes of George Soros who is a synonymous financier of the latter. But, (and it is a big ‘But’) if you accept the concept of the NWO, you cannot miss the fact that the NWO’s momentum has been hijacked by Islam. There could be a connection between the two but, in my view, the business concept of Globalism is not compatible with fundamental Islam. No, for me, Islam and its controllers sat in the Gulf region of the Middle East, spotted the opportunity to ‘cadge a ride’. Islam is on the move Worldwide and in a big way. I used to visit Malaysia quite regularly for work purposes at one time. A more tolerant form of Islam could not be found. Yet, right now –
Apparently, the political will is there for change so I don’t rate the Christian’s and other religions’ chances of continuing unaffected in the long term.
Why do I have to keep on writing about Saudi & its partners in the Arab league being behind virtually all of this?
Spending so much on the promotion of Wahabism that the Kingdom despite all its oil wealth has nearly bankrupted itself.
You can of course look this up and find out for yourself if it’s true or not.
They are financing the building of Mosques in the West, Madrassahs, and so called ‘faith schools’ all with the proviso of the promotion of Wahabism.
Saudi is the second largest funder of UK Universities after the UK government with over £ 1 billion being given in the last decade alone. Again all for the promotion of Islam, and they expect results for their money.
Western politicians have been receiving massive amount in bribes – after they have left office of course, and for dubious political work. Where do you think all Tony Blairs money came form?
Equally why would Merkel make so many inexplicable U turns over Muslim migrants?
It is no secret that the Clinton foundation was in receipt of hundreds of millions of dollars from Saudi which stopped when she lost the election. What is your explanation for this if it was not a bribe?
It does appear that there is some prima facie evidence Soros has some connection to Saudi, but at this time I am unable to say exactly what it is.
Almost every bad thing you see going on around you can be linked to Saudi money manipulating society around the world.
Did I really hear again this morning on the Today programme about the plight of children not being able to get into Britain? Interviewed was a young man who didn’t like France (but was not asked why) and who wanted to come illegally to the UK (not asked why he thought the UK would be better than France). We were told he was 13 years of age but his voice was definitely almost broken. We were not told where his parents were, why they had let him taken such a dangerous journey alone and whether they hoped to join him once he had arrived in the UK. The charity worker who was telling us how awful all this was, was not asked how much it would cost the tax payers of the UK to keep a child aged 13 until he was 25 (when I understand they are released into the general population), who would pay for this child’s education, or indeed why this child could not stay in France. So many questions that could have been asked (and for the BBC, it would have been for the first time) and the opportunity was lost. There is a surprise.
Deborah, I find it staggering that any family in this country who let their kid wander off across 6 countries at the age of 12, would be hounded by every social and police authority possible – and identified. Yet all the joined up resources of every European country cannot identify and send these kids back to their parents ! So the easy way out is to let them just enter the country.
Remember those Islamic teenage girls who decided to sod off to Syria, how the police went into meltdown trying to locate them on their route !
Deborah, once again the art of ommission displayed by the BBC.
A similar thing on Sky News yesterday when a young woman carrying a placard against Trump’s visit to Britain was asked what her reasons were. She replied that she did’nt like ‘Trump’s policy towards women’ The interviewer conveniently missed the opportunity to ask what that ‘policy’ might be?
So the viewers were left with a statement that suggested quite unequivocally that Trump actually has a concerted policy against women.
Sky News have obviously read the BBC manual.
In case you were thinking all of America had lost it’s mind. Our MSM make it appear all Americans hate Trump. Especially black people. You won’t hear about this on the Beeb. HEY LIBTARDS! You don’t speak for gays, Asians & women. And you don’t speak for black people. Let this lady tell you. Finally someone is outraged at the right thing!
There’s a clip of her speech here.
A partial transcript:
“Sanctuary cities are racist.
All the jobs are going to illegals, and to certain denominations. That is wrong.
You’re not going to be allowed to get away with it. Your time is going to be up. You want us to feel for your family, but you don’t feel for our families.
Again, the black community has literally been destroyed by racist, illegal immigration. And we’re not gonna have it.
When my people do a crime, we get three strikes.
Your people do a crime, they get amnesty. They get benefits; and they’re not paying taxes!
OK. Publication 17 IRS. They’re allowing you people to claim people in Mexico.
I couldn’t even claim people in New Orleans, when there was a flood.
I couldn’t claim my people. I ended up moving down there.
But it’s over. It’s over.
Thank God for Trump. Thank God for Sessions.
And you should, you should be ashamed of yourselves. How dare you! Look up IRS Publication 17, pages 25 and 26.
How in the HELL are you allowed to claim people in Mexico and get away with not paying taxes?
I am outraged.”
If you watch Fox much you see a lot of this but then who watches Fox when you have the mighty British Bull Crappers?
They got Milo. The lib/left establishment had their knives out (not to mention the far left, feminazis, blm, and every grievance / identity group he offended – and he offended them all ), they were just looking for an excuse, and they conveniently found it in an old interview where he appears to condone gay sex between men and boys. He counter-argues that ‘boys’ means young men in gayspeak, but no-one’s listening. (Strangely his critics don’t speak out on paedophilia in dozens of UK towns on an industrial scale, or certain holy books that advocate it).
The hyenas will now rip him to shreds and the vultures will finish off the carcass. Already he’s lost his mega book deal for Dangerous and everyone’s disinviting him.
Will he rise from the ashes in the future?
Though i did object to one of Milo’s comments: when he said the actress Leslie Jones looked like a man, i found it highly offensive – to men.
Confusing, as “Leslie” is the normal male spelling, women are normally called “Lesley”. Given that they all now insist on being called “actors” (except during award season of course, when the Best Actress award is always most welcome), then things get very confusing indeed. Who is this person, and how are we meant to tell which gender they are/identify as?
I’ve noticed this too Rob, female performers are called ‘actors’, why ? perhaps we should shout ‘waiter’ to a female server instead of ‘waitress’ in future – I wonder how that would go down.
Its the same with the propensity of tv presenters to refer to everyone as ‘guys’ – another Americanism that’s crept in. My friend and I turned up to a hotel ‘do’ – clearly dressed up as females do, and the maitre’d referred to us as ‘guys’ ! WHAT !!!?? After I put him right on the niceties of etiquette he didn’t do it again !!!! (he was released from hospital 2 days later)
In all seriousness I find it rude and disrespectful to refer to mature ladies and gentlemen as ‘guys’. Its not matey its just lazy not to refer to them by name.
Not familiar with “gayspeak” but, presumebly, fellow gays could confirm this ?
Fitting Mr Yianopoulis up as a nonce is about the only weapon the establishment have left to silence him. I don’t think it will work though, he is clever enough to counter-act this sort of thing and doesn’t have to rely on mainstream media to get his message across, so it doesn’t matter if a mainstream publisher won’t take his book. I think his fans also are intelligent enough to realise what’s going on.
The BBC are ecstatic:
Milo Yiannopoulos: Who is the alt-right writer and provocateur?
Ultra-conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos has been uninvited from speaking at a US conservative conference, which will also host President Donald Trump, after footage emerged of him appearing to condone paedophilia. Mr Yiannopoulos has denied the allegations, but is known to thrive on provoking offence and controversy. Publisher Simon & Schuster has announced it is cancelling his forthcoming book, Dangerous, after the latest outcry. The writer calls himself the “most fabulous supervillain on the internet”. His critics call him a purveyor of hate speech.
They got him – but, in fairness, he got himself. He said some very daft and ill-advised things in a couple of podcasts a while back which at the time nobody seemed to notice. The funny thing about forgotten landmines is that one day someone is going to stumble across them and set them off. And so it comes to pass.
Milo clearly has a problem with Age of Consent laws and no amount of disingenuous mumbling from him around the issue can excuse his comments (made more than once) on the issue. His words were a gift to his enemies – I’m just surprised they took so long to cash them in.
So it’s over for him. The book deal has been cancelled and he becomes a persona non grata, having made himself guilty by association of the greatest crimen exceptum.
I’m reminded of this:
“It was like feasting with panthers; the danger was half the excitement… I did not know that when they were to strike at me it was to be at another’s piping and at another’s pay.” – Oscar Wilde
Except the fault is all his and his alone. The left get to own this victory – but it was one they barely had to fight for in the end.
Have we not moved on from Profumo then?
Agree Obi, yet his comments are open to the media to crow over when others, especially prominent Labour figures who have associated in the past with what was called the “PIE” are allowed a free pass, there`s also the case of Roman Polanski, who has never faced a court.
Milo has always been a more ambiguous figure among the internet manifestations of the right than the BBC appear to understand. Hence he frequently disowned the “alt right” tag as some of them disowned him.
It`s possible he`s been done over by an informal alliance of the Alt right and the liberal left, or by shills in both camps who were united in that they didn`t want him getting any further into the mainstream.
He made the mistake of thinking his gayness, and victim status would protect him no matter what he said, or had said. Rough old game politics, and likely to get rougher in due course.
I agree wholeheartedly re: Roman Polanski. The left, who are currently crowing over Milo’s (self-inflicted) take-down, have nothing to say about the steady stream of liberal luvvies who regularly cross the pond to go and work for a convicted child rapist on the run from US justice. They also like to give Polanski awards.
Funny old world, ain’t it?
Polanski gets a get-out-of-jail (literally) from the liberal-left cos he’s ‘one of ours’ and ‘arty’.
Moral: if you want to be a pedophile, be a lefty pedophile and you’ll get a lot less heat.
And of course not forgetting the luvvies darling – Woody Allen who decided to have an affair with his adopted daughter. And of course the tangled web of the Redgraves – a drama of lesbian/gay relationships within the family, and Lynn Redgrave had the humiliation of discovering that the boy she considered her grandson was actually her husband’s son by her daughter-in-law. Work that one out !
No desire to defend Woody Allen, but Soon-Yi was adopted by Mia Farrow and Andre Previn at the end of the 1970s when they were living near Dorking.
Some tabloids implied that she was underage when the affair with Allen started, but that is highly unlikely, although Previn’s hostility was well known.
Never understood Farrow’s appeal, frankly. Must have had something.
Woody who ?
C’mon Grant, you let it slip you’re 61 – so don’t come it that you’re too young to know !!!! Your card has been marked !
How do you know it is not Fake News ? OK, I was brought up near Dorking ( That is a town in Surrey, not a sport ), and Andre and Mia were quite near neighbours. Not friends, but I must say that, for a young teenage boy, Mia was very beautiful. I mean I was the teenage boy.
Andre always looked as if he needed a shower and clean clothes. But , a great musician. I still listen to his recordings today.
Didn’t Ralph Vaughan Williams live around there as well? Before your time, obviously.
I think so, but before my time there. Love his music though !
God, I wish the fact I am in my 60’s was fake news !!!
“He made the mistake of thinking his gayness, and victim status would protect him…” It did up to a point, but even gayness is trumped by pedophilia.
However his real crime of course was of being to the right. Now that is truly unforgivable.
The Left have picked up some tricks from the Soviets and China and other regressive regimes.
I guess if he’d been a gay Muslim ………………………….
gax – If he’d been a gay muslim he’d have been untouchable by the bibistan, but murdered by his co-religionists. Isn’t choosing one’s victimhood complicated these days, what’s a man to do?
By man I mean of course Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex.
In the good ol’ days you just had to be black.
It’s the old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.”
‘when . . . prominent Labour figures who have associated in the past with what was called the “PIE” are allowed a free pass’
The following is the text of a letter published in the Guardian in 1997. For several reasons, it deserves to be much better known. A sub-editor headlined it ‘Tatchell on sex with children’:
Ros Coward (Why Dares to Speak says nothing useful, June 23) thinks it is ‘shocking’ that Gay Men’s Press has published a book, Dares To Speak, which challenges the assumption that all sex involving children and adults is abusive. I think it is courageous.
The distinguished psychologists and anthropologists cited in this book deserve to be heard. Offering a rational, informed perspective on sexual relations between younger and older people, they document examples of societies where consenting inter-generational sex is considered normal, beneficial and enjoyable by old and young alike.
Prof Gilbert Herdt points to the Sambia tribe of Papua New Guinea, where all young boys have sex with older warriors as part of their initiation into manhood. Far from being harmed, Prof Herdt says the boys grow up to be happy, well-adjusted husbands and fathers.
The positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to non-Western cultures. Several of my friends, gay and straight, male and female, had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy.
While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.
Peter Tatchell
Rockingham Street
London SE1.
For those too young to remember, PT was a Labour Party candidate in the early 1980s, and was at least 45 when he wrote the letter above (he wasn’t a teenager, in other words, being tiresomely edgy). He’s subsequently become an energetic (and physically quite brave) human-rights activist (he’s tangled with Robert Mugabe’s bodyguards more than once, to his loss). PT’s website claims at very great length that the paper misleadingly edited his letter and it’s not quite what he wrote:
At such great length, in fact, that one might think he was now embarrassed by its content.
Never mind, Harriett Harman will be along soon to defend him.
Gender Identity Bill? What interesting times we live in.
Off topic .. I have an 83 years old friend who relocated a few years back, from northern England, to go and live in a granny flat with her daughter’s family in the countryside around Paisley which is near to Glasgow. She gets about a bit .. tai chi, visits to Australia, Walsingham .. as she has been a life long C of E attender and church warden. She was speaking to another elderly lady she knows who goes weekly to a catholic church in Nicola Sturgeon’s constituency in Glasgow. Her friend said that it was very unpleasant going to church these days as groups of “Asian” men all stand around outside the church entrance honking and spitting on the floor as the worshipers walk by them.
Wonder if Nicola Sturgeon knows about this intimidation and when she will do something about it?
oldcrone – can you get details of the location of this racist intimidation and Christianophobia hate crime so the bibistan can get one of their intrepid reporters onto it? Front page news, I’d have thought, for our valiant Defender of Oppressed Minorities. (Or is that just so long as they’re not hideously white.)
A possible answer is: smartphone video then YouTube.
That is the way battles are fought these days.
What is Glasgow coming to? A few years ago, “other solutions” would have been employed.
Unfortunately people who go to church are told to “turn the other cheek” 😉 and certainly don’t know how to video people and probably would be too scared to put their head above the parapet anyway. I will attempt to find out the location.
It will be interesting to see if and how the mighty Milo rises again from his forthcoming crucifixion by the mob. (As a Catholic he might approve of the imagery.)
Will he be fired from Breitbart? Will someone else publish Dangerous?
If nothing else, the latest ‘scandal’ and manufactured outrage will have increased his fame, or infamy to some.
As said a very ‘traditional’ and ‘quaint’ way to try and get rid of someone. But the more exalted have gotten away with far more and for far longer and I’m talking genuine criminality.
Anyone watch the Trump Visit Debate? I recorded it but I’m not sure I have the required blood pressure right now.
Daily Politics today and Owen Jones has become an expert on the NHS!
Problems are, as always, because of an ageing population.
Oh Mr. Jones get a job delivering flyers – it only pays £5 a 1000 but it’ll give your brain the rest it so urgently needs.
Read all about it –
Boy Jones is a polymath and expert in anything with which he can beat the Tories.
He certainly got a lot of time to speak, uninterrupted as well, unlike the other guests who had different views to his and coburns lefty politics.
I’m a bit concerned about a definition of, “Fake News”. So far there is nothing clear cut, something which a lawyer would appreciate. Its sorely needed as all I see so far is insufficient to cover a simply dishonest broadcaster like the BBC who, as a result of its own propaganda policies, has become skilled in manipulation, suppression through omission, massaging and embroidery. It is one thing to simply lie (and the BBC is good at this in any event) but its another to have a broad definition of, ‘Fake News’ that encompasses the typical daily fare the BBC pumps out to its mostly uninformed, unquestioning viewers/listeners – Worldwide.
To openly state that the BBC will research ‘Fake News’ and expose it for what it is, is simply corrupt and is designed to lead the viewer/listener to actually believe the BBC is honest when in fact it is probably the most skilled manipulator of news Worldwide.
The problem right now is that if the BBC are allowed to produce its own definition of ‘Fake News’ and that becomes accepted as ‘the’ definition, it will be guaranteed to be conveniently narrow enough to exclude their own form of fakery.
Fake News is a clumsy, ill-defined catch-all term that often just means ‘inconvenient news i don’t like’.
The bibistan rarely put out really ‘fake’ news in the sense that it’s demonstrably false: they have an army of researchers and lawyers to make sure they won’t be caught out by simple fact-checking.
The huge and constant bias lies in the emphasis given to certain news items, the subtle distortions, and even more in what’s under-reported or ignored altogether.
Paris anyone? Sweden? Rotherham?
When I was a kid I knew lying was wrong so I became adept at telling the truth in such a way that, well yes, just like the BBC.
Not sure I agree: “…make sure they won’t be caught out by simple fact-checking.” No ‘fact checking’ needed when two weeks before the US election, Sarah Montague told the Today listener that the next President will be “Hilary”.
A part time reserve goalkeeper eats a pie at half time, headline news.
It joins ‘proportionate’, ‘fair’, ‘acceptable’ and several other weasels as whatever who controls the edit suite wants it to be.
A bit on Fox last night (and don’t lefties all have that same look?) a lefty, not answering the question and trotting out the, ‘Trump lies and Trump is in chaos’ etc..
Really weird and concerning and looking more and more like brainwashing all the time.
I hope this link works, it is an address to the biased UN about Trump’s support for Israel. No wonder the left and BBC want him out. No wonder Treezer is not backing him.
“Haley’s Comet” | Editorial of The New York Sun | February 16, 2017 | on Nikki Haley
A star is born is our reaction to the first press briefing by President Trump’s new ambassador at the United Nations. The ex-governor of South Carolina was ridiculed by the Left when the president first sent her nomination up to the Hill, owing to her alleged lack of foreign policy chops. She certainly rang the wake up gong for that crowd this morning, after emerging from her first Security Council monthly meeting devoted to the Middle East. Tough as nails but with a smile and a layer of Southern charm.
The ambassador had just come from the regular monthly Security Council on Middle East issues. She said it was her first such meeting, and “it was a bit strange.” The Security Council, she said, is supposed to discuss how to maintain international peace and security. But the meeting, she said, was not about Hezbollah’s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, it was not about the money and weapons Iran provides to terrorists, it was not how we defeat ISIS, it was not how we hold Beshar al-Assad accountable for the slaughter of thousands of civilians.
“No,” she said, “instead the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East. I am new around here, but I understand that’s how the Council has operated month after month for decades. I am here to say the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore. I am here to underscore to the ironclad support of the United States for Israel. I am here to emphasize that the United States is determined to stand up to the U.N.’s anti-Israel bias.”
The ambassador made clear that the Trump administration will not support the kind of resolution from which the Obama administration’s ambassador — Samantha Power — shamefully abstained, though Mrs. Haley was too polite to name the humiliated Ms. Power. “The outrageously biased resolutions from the Security Council and the General Assembly only make peace harder to attain by discouraging one of the parties from going to the negotiating table.”
“Incredibly,” Mrs. Haley said, “the U.N. department of political affairs has an entire division devoted entirely to Palestinian affairs. Imagine that. There is no division devoted to illegal missile launches form North Korea. There is no division devoted to the world’s number one state sponsor of terror, Iran. The prejudiced approach to Israeli-Palestinian issues does the peace process no favors, and it bears no relationship to the reality of the world around us. The double standards are breathtaking.”
The ambassador warned that it is “the U.N.’s anti-Israel bias that is long overdue for change,” and said America will not hesitate to speak out in defense of its friend in Israel. All this was going on while the press was questioning President Trump on what he was going to do about anti-Semitism. If his ambassador to the world body is any example, the answer is plenty. She has the principles of a Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the grit of a John Bolton, and the star power of a Jeane Kirkpatrick, and in her first press briefing she certainly made her point
Thank you for bringing that heartening news to my attention. I hope that Trump will back up his objection to the actions of the UN by chopping them off at the knees by ceasing (or threatening to cease) to provide the bulk of the funding to the corrupt organisation.
Go girl, go!
She is a normal, right thinking person – how strange, how refreshing, how WONDERFUL!
The UN gravy train, just like the EU gravy, has encountered the, ‘Wrong kind of snow.’
Shame that the United Nations has become so ineffectual after its post war performance in the 50s and early 60s. I can understand why the US is tired of bankrolling it in its present format .
I saw on Sky this morning a couple of California zombies interviewed, the first was a blonde girl who claimed that Trump was acting illegally (she was not challenged on this ridiculous claim). She had that supercilious, smug look that middle-class lefties have, with the rictus grin. Next was a black man with completely bonkers eyes, and just as I was about to say that to Mrs D. he started talking about the fight against Trump was for sanity – clearly too late in his case.
The third interview was more telling: a man who wore large sunglasses to hide his face was asked what he had to say to these people who were “fighting against Trump” and he said words to the effect “Nothing. I live in Bel Air.” (Or whichever posh neighbourhood). He said that if he made his opinions known he would likely lose his job! Who are the fascists?! – Most on here know the answer.
Shades of climate change sceptics. They dare not raise their heads above the parapet. Until Trumpy came along, that is – now, suddenly, their bravery is slowly returning.
Remember the vast, all consuming story of, “What Colour is the Dress?”
For a lot of anti- Trumpers – it’s about as profound and transitory as that was.
A few bits of ‘other news’ for lunch…
First up we learn how new BBC staff embrace ‘tell it often enough’ as the best way to down out all else, and fail:
“Matt Le Blanc says humour is the key to success for the show… Unfortunately, humour is so far lacking in the first trail, with an “insurance man”, and in the series ‘puffs’ – Matt eats a horse penis.”
No mention if the horse was alive or dead. Or if Evan consulted.
There is always the NHS for any disappointed.
‘you can find out what {Rona} thinks about “Truth, power and responsibility: the BBC’s future”.
On top of £145.50 saved annually, their output I garner legally via other means, means I also save £15.
See Junckers threatening a huge post Brexit bill for us. He is such a vile, spiteful and mean spirited little shit.
Characteristics that do seem to prevail on the Left.
BBC are all over this 2 reports in the last 20 mins.
Muslim teacher denied entry to US story.
“A Muslim teacher from Neath Port Talbot has been denied entry to the United States while on a school trip. Juhel Miah had flown to Reykjavik, Iceland, with the party from Llangatwg Community before boarding an onward flight to New York. Before the plane took off on 16 February, he was escorted off by security staff”.
… BBC Wales has asked the US Embassy in London to comment.
… Neath Port Talbot council has written to the US Embassy to “express its dismay” at the treatment of Mr Miah.
… The local authority stated had a valid visa to travel.
… The matter has been raised with our local MP.
… The Foreign and Commonwealth Office providing support to a British man who was prevented from boarding a flight
… Abdul-Azim Ahmed, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Wales, said he was “deeply troubled” by the incident, etc etc
… The school trip continued as planned but Mr Miah’s removal left pupils and colleagues “shocked and distressed,” a spokesman said.
Al BBC understands “he feels belittled and upset at what appears to be an unjustified act of discrimination.”
“What we do know is quite troubling and in the context of a school trip and the children being left with one less teacher because of this,” he said.
This is the latest in a series of incidents where Muslims have been denied entry to the US which date before even Trump was elected.” The school party returned to the UK on Monday after the week-long trip”.
So compare all of the above, with … this time a senior Head Teacher
That the AL BBC did not bother to report at all.
Second ‘Trojan Horse’ scandal feared after Oldham Headteacher reports death threats.
The report refers to the activities of Nasim Ashraf, a former parent governor and the brother of Shasta Khan, who is serving an eight-year prison sentence for her part in a plot to target Jewish targets in Manchester.
“Spokesman for Oldham council, cabinet member for education Amanda Chadderton, said: ‘We take any allegations about our schools very seriously. The report into an Oldham primary school found no basis to the “Trojan Horse” allegations.”
No Basis? what with :-
“Death Threats”?
“harassment and intimidation’ by Islamic parents?
‘aggressive verbal abuse’?
‘threats to blow up her car’?
furious as “her dress is offensive”?
even that “her own daughters photo s are offensive”?
… no basis??, nothing to see???
One supposes they ve asked Islamic teachers, and Islamic parents,
and they erm, know nothing about it?
Hopelessly compromised and infested Oldham council, there s nothing to see?
This harassment and abuse deserves much stronger scrutiny,
compromised Oldham council doubly so.
Can you recall? I stated then
Imagine if a headmaster was Islamic? with just one of that list above?
… The Biased Broadcasting Cresent would literally be camped outside the
school gates!
Well, heck it’s not like Muslims have killed thousands with airliners and threaten to destroy America on a daily basis is it – actually it is.
If after 9/11 etc., the US had acted against all Muslims living there and not in a nice way – I would have quite understood.
First of all, Trump’s moratorium has not been brought in due to the inappropriate actions of some over-politicised judges. So to blame that on this “Welsh” teacher is a complete lie. Secondly, if he was from Wales then he wouldn’t have been banned as Wales is not, yet, one of the “Muslim Majority” countries on Obamam’s list.
Which leads me to conclude there is a lot more that we are not being told about this individual – there is probably a very good reason why he’s not being allowed into the USA, we’re just not being given that important bit of the truth. The BBC lying by omission. Fake News again.
There’s a chance, being a Teacher, she ran her mouth at the Immigration Officers – they don’t take kindly to that.
Demon, perhaps they thought he told them he was from Abu Dovey instead of Aberdovey.
Or confusing Nice with Neath-maybe a lisp?
On BBC TV news this lunchtime – some moronic story about a thick looking footballer, manager, or something, and a bet about eating a pie (with less finesse than a pig).
So nothing happening elsewhere then? Certainly not in Paris or Malmo.
And why does football get a slot in the news every single day, regardless of whether there’s anything newsworthy to report?
Somebody (I think it may have been sci-fi writer John Christopher) said that the time to worry is not when there is only bad news in the papers, but only ‘good’ news.
I was listening to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 at lunchtime. There was a bit called “What Makes Us Human” and for this they had Ken Loach the film maker on doing something like “Thought For The Day” where he mused about this subject for a few minutes. Apparently the key word for him is “Solidarity” – that is what makes us human. He talked about the heroes of the Spanish Civil War (the nationalists), the heroes of Palestine, the heroes of Nicaragua (plus the evil Contras and the evil USA), the heroes of the miners’ strike and all the other strikes and the heroes looking after illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. Strangely he didn’t talk about “Solidarity” the organisation in Poland as I would have expected him to who surely were heroes too? Or is that because they were fighting against the evil of a Socialist government and therefore could not be heroes. Even by the BBC’s standards this was 5 minutes (or so) of undiluted and unchallenged propaganda.
Yes today was ‘a beauty’ starting with the husband of St. Jo Cox pushing his ideas of ‘solidarity’ and then Ken Loach with his party political for the Communist Party.
What is it that drives these people to hate so much? Maxine Peake is another, it just drips out of them as if they have been steeped in the stuff from birth.
It goes beyond disagreement. I don’t believe that any Conservative politician has a hatred of the ‘working class’. I might be persuaded that some might act to favour their own, but that is a common ‘what makes us human’ characteristic. But listen to Loach, he just ‘knew’ who the Cameron and Osbornes were, (by accent?), and they were the enemy, people who would probably be running gas chambers, if only the price was right.
Loach was like an old record, the Spanish Civil War, We’ve Never Had Proper Communism and, of course, Everything Went Wrong With Thatcher.
There was one amusing moment when Vine tried to suggest that winning BAFTAs etc. was a bit elitist. Apparently it is OK when we achieve things ‘for the common good’.
Rather than watch Loach’s film, I, Daniel Blake, The Measure Of A Man, delivers a similar message, but with humour, something that dried up in Loach at birth.
BBC News – “An “influential” imam accused of encouraging support for the Islamic State at a mosque has appeared in court. Kamran Sabir Hussain faces … 8 terrorism charges in connection with his work in Tunstall, Stoke on Trent.
He is accused of influencing his congregation to carry out terrorist acts”.
Yep! religion of peace …
I think we can ask Tory f-ckwit M Fabricant if he was terrified at mass this weekend.
Anyway … British ISIS fighter carries out a suicide bomb attack at military HQ outside Mosul, maybe it was “global warming,” that turned him, the worlds premier newssource hasn t found it yet,
AH! but this headlines … Homepage, World, and MEast pages
Israeli soldier gets 18 months for killing wounded Palestinian attacker
Some things never change
“Influential” in Beeboidspeak indicates someone they like. Trump, Farage, Wilders, Le Pen etc could never be “influential” in the twisted mind of a Beeboid.