Switched on Radio 4 about 30 minutes ago. It was a play, a lady talking to a young girl. “We want to build a Caliphate”. So I switched off. It is relentless on the BBC , but why ?
So how do they stand at the moment? More afraid of Trump or Putin and who is the most evil?
Maybe they’ll start calling for sanctions against the US, it’s only fare.
Mrs.Trump could be banned from shopping in Harrods – that should work and make him mend his ways.
So how do they stand at the moment? More afraid of Trump or Putin and who is the most evil?
Maybe they’ll start calling for sanctions against the US, it’s only fare.
Mrs.Trump could be banned from shopping in Harrods – that should work and make him mend his ways.
When the Mayflower left for America, Europe was embarked upon the Thirty Years War.
Seen by many as presaging the end of the World.
We’re getting there.
The most apposite quotation from the Thirty Years War was made by the Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus. He invaded Germany “to take up arms for the oppressed” against the Emperor Ferdinand. The Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg wanted to remain neutral but after a period of negotiation the final ultimatum from Gustavus was “God and the Devil are fighting here”. If that spirit still exists in Sweden it’s well hidden.
BBC News View – Paul Joseph Watson, UK-based editor of far-right, conspiracy website Infowars, has donated $2,000 to one of the hundreds of reporters who took him up on his Twitter offer to pay “any journalist claiming Sweden is safe” to stay in Malmo.
… Malmo has a large immigrant population.
Last October, the so-called Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a fire at a Muslim community centre there, an incident cited by the White House in the list of incidents it claimed had been under-reported by the media.
In a follow-up post, subsequently deleted, Mr Watson wrote: “All you lefty idiots accepting a ‘trip to Sweden’. Can you read? I said you’d be staying here. Good luck”.
The post featured a number of images to illustrate his point, including a photograph of anti-Israel protesters from the 2009 Davis Cup tennis match between Sweden and Israel.
Hundreds of people offered their services, including comedian Al Murray and journalist Laurie Penny. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39033165
Meanwhile …
SWEDEN RIOT: Police forced to shoot at protesters as violence erupts – yet PM is in denial http://www.express.co.uk-shoot-rioters-violence-erupts-no-go-zone-PM-denies-Sweden-crisis
Sweden. Terrifying scenes took place just hours after the country’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, slammed Donald Trump for claiming Sweden was in crisis as a result of its liberal refugee policy.
Stockholm police were forced to fire a shot into the rampaging crowd in the hard-hit suburb of Rinkeby, after a mob of around 30 thugs started attacking the officers with rocks. Violence erupted after the police had tried to arrest a wanted person on the subway … while former Swedish PM Carl Bildt roared on Twitter:
“Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.”
“Paul Joseph Watson, UK-based editor of far-right, conspiracy website”
how ever did they miss out far right, waycist, islamo-faux-bic, bigoted, dangerous, fringe, conspiracy website
😀 … they re slipping!
PJW is a star of reasoned destruction of the SJW mob hysteria. A mortal enemy of Fake News conglomerates like Al Beeb and the US alphabet MSM. Well worth catching him on Utub.
Oaknash – possibly – but I don’t think Mr Watson, as a white heterosexual Englishman, is considered as much of a ‘threat’ as Mr Yianopolous, who as gay man of mixed nationality is more of a ‘class traitor’. He also speaks a lot in public, which raises the uncomfortable problem of campuses trying to ban him (and thus show themselves as being opposed to free speech, something held in much higher esteem in the US. As far as I know Mr Watson isn’t a public speaker.
I notice the following segment in one of the articles provided by nogginator….“….officials have placed more than 50 areas on a ‘no-go zone’ list where they admit they do not have control.”
Now, normally the BBC would leap, with glee, on any report which has been based on what ‘officials’ have said, much as they do with what ‘many people’ have said, or ‘reports we have seen’ have said, or ‘leaked documents’ have said, or any one of a hundred other so-designated ‘authoritative bodies’ has said – many of whom are, of course, amazingly anonymous.
But reports of no-go zones in European cities ? Somehow, I don’t think the BBC is going to be headlining any of its news bulletins, or any newspaper reports segments, with a report on what these particular ‘officials’ have said. They’re just the wrong sort of people, I guess, and anything these people may say can just be discarded as with any other ‘fake news’ – as opposed to BBC sources, which are always the real deal, of course.
“The BBC has learned” is another classic they use.
I think that’s fake news as they clearly haven’t learnt very much about what’s really going on, or if they have they don’t want to share some of it with us.
I’ve been refreshing “Rinkeby” in the BBC website search box – brings up riots in 2010 and 2013 but nothing about last night. Yet they were in a frenzy to trash Trump yesterday. Today – zilch. Inconvenient truths – like it never happened.
Afternoon guys I`ve just logged in for the first time in a week so not had time to read what i`ve missed… However, I read this earlier on and i am wondering whether or not the BBC has jumped on this `news` about Lindsay Lohan being `racially profiled` yet… http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/actress-lindsay-lohan-claimed-she-was-racially-profiled-and-asked-to-remove-headscarf-at-heathrow-a3471906.html
And yes, this actually happened according to Lindsay… and No, she wasn`t high, drunk or recovering from being high nor did she have a hangover…
She has not as yet decided on whether to blame BREXIT, DONALD TRUMP OR CLIMATE CHANGE as she is too busy reading the Quran and appearing on Breakfast TV ATM….
This comment caught my attention though….
I was stopped for wearing a leather coat a while back. Only drug dealers wear such things apoarently. Presumably, I should have written to the media to complain.
and this one…
He’s off again with the Lily Allen technique, I got a suntan once so I know how it feels to be black BS.
Once I lost the keys to my mansion and had to wait for a locksmith so I know how it feels to be homeless.
Reminds me of the interview with Frank Bruno many years ago when Frank said he was having a holiday in West Indies ” Just to top up my tan , Harry. Know what I mean ? ” .
It pains me to tell you this but my late husband was encyclopaedic in his knowledge of heavyweight boxers – truly ! (so of course I know who ‘arry’ was)
Wall to wall on BBC Facebook, on every channel, of course including Newsbeat…
BBC Radio 4
A Muslim teacher filmed what happened after he was escorted off a flight to New York after being denied entry while on a school trip.
Juhel Miah gave the footage to BBC.
The US Embassy in London has been asked to comment.
Amongst many questions commenters have posed is why Juhel headed straight for the BBC.
The BBC has so far made no comment. Because…. ‘journalism’?
This Muslim teacher still doesn’t know why he was denied US entry http://bbc.in/2l3Qon2
Check out the video he filmed while being chucked off the plane
He seems to be given a remarkable amount of support. Why is it assumed that ‘Muslim’ is the key here? Perhaps he has the same name as someone else on a ‘stop’ list? Maybe he lost his passport in the past and it got copied?
Clearly the purpose of reporting this story is to upset Muslims in the UK, yet if a Muslim in the UK does something ‘bad’ the BBC is at pains either not to report it or to sanitise it, (a ‘Welsh’ man), supposedly to avoid inciting the hidden army of British Nazis, (Daily Mail readers), from rising up and murdering all Muslims in their beds.
“…Amongst many questions commenters have posed is why Juhel headed straight for the BBC….” Like the bloke who Harry Webb was supposed to have diddled years ago, GW, who did he report the “crime” to? Police, nah! A BBC journalist in Manchester! Tell Mama? No, tell Aunty!
I’m not sure how many, if any, Archers devotees there are on this esteemed site. if you do habitually listen, as I do, you’ll be only too aware at how appallingly politically correct the world’s longest running soap opera has become.
At the moment I’m quietly chuckling over the ludicrous story line involving a dynamic new vet. She’s an “Asian” lass from Scotland and in a matter of weeks has transformed the tired old veterinary practice. It had been run by a middle aged white chap (so clearly it was boring / hopeless / not diverse etc) and then the glamorous Anisha arrived. She has taken Ambridge by storm. Some of the comments from the locals are, “My word, how did we cope without her?” “She’s an absolute wonder.” “Thank heavens for Anisha!” You get the picture.
One afternoon she cured a lame horse, indeed had the creature back on its hooves when it appeared to be on its way to the knackers yard. “She’s astonishing!” I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they don’t enter the beast for The Derby, so extraordinary are Anisha’s healing powers.
Only one character, an elderly bigoted farmer hasn’t taken to Anisha. He doesn’t want her treating his cattle. Probably not just a racist but a misogynist as well (think Donald Trump in a shabby coat and flat cap). The old vet is up in arms, but the serene Anisha has taken the slight in her elegant stride.
There’s an interesting little story just beginning. Ambridge are having trouble getting sufficient men to don their whites for the cricket team, so they are asking some of the girls. Now, what’s the betting a certain beautiful, talented, intelligent female Asian vet will come to the aid of the team? She’ll score a century and bowl out the opposition for 36.
I’m waiting for the transgender, refugee doctor to turn up…
How will she cope if she has to go to a farm where there are pigs??? Also what substance did she cure the animals with?? The Quran recommends drinking of Camel Urine for all ailmants…
I don’t think she is a Muslim, as she had a drinking contest in the local, with another Scot on Burns night (and although she cheated she did get a few vodka’s down her neck)
Also being a vet in a country practise might be problematic what with Dogs being Haram and all that.
Having said that the Archers has a gay marriage, and the Vicar is married to an Asian too, he also has a mixed race daughter from his first marriage. So the quota of Beeb box ticking is well on track.
GWF she already has a magic carpet that has time travelling capabilities so even if they lose she will be able to travel back and revise the scoreline afterwards…
Anyway, if they decide to recruit female players the venue would have to change to allow her to compete, and hitting the ball over the boundary isn`t difficult when the match takes plce in your average Muslims` compound, I do think wearing a Burkha whilst batting might put them at a disadvantage though especially if batting against a spin bowler..
Not taking your name in vain, but shame that Jeff Thompson will not be bowling to her !
No doubt, in the make believe world of the BBC , she would score six sixes in the over !
I am currently watching a 4OD series called ‘No Offence’.
Not bad for UK TV, and especially about cops. Well funded, good acting and not afraid to mix humour in with the grief. Also addresses various ‘dilemmas’. Got to about episode half dozen now and it has rather lost the plot, and I am wondering when they decide to go back in time or have flashbacks to rescue it.
However there is one character amongst many who intrigues, and that is a very easy on the eye young policewoman with a broad Manc accent but very diverse, especially in regards to what she says and does, despite looking as though she may have been from the south side originally.
Surprised there is not more ‘surprise’ from the usual suspects at such a portrayal.
No mention of this candidate in the Stoke By election. Barbara Fielding candidate for Parliament arrested for race hate, she argued for repatriation of immigrants and warned against ‘islamic warriors’and wants to take back the UK for white nationals’.
Computer material seized, she is on bail. It’s goodbye Barbara if they jail her, she is too elderly to withstand the beatings from incarcerated RoPers.
If you need a laugh…read this one – it’s hard to believe they actually think we will believe their comments – as my other half says ‘do they think our heads button up the back?’!
Steady on ! But I do have ginger hair. Strangely, Africans and Asians have always called me “blonde”. This is a family website and there are some sensitive souls here. But my hair colour has never been a disadvantage in these parts of the world. Nuff said !
It amazes me how the police, from all countries, can determine a perp’s motives, or lack of and carry out a psychiatric assessment, all whilst the engine is still warm! They must have been on a crash course.
Strange little aside on PM tonight reporting on the Muslim convert from Britain who blew himself up in Mosul on behalf of IS.
CV included Afghanistan, and two years in Guantanamo bay before release in 2004.
According to Frank Gardner, on arrival in the Islamic State Caliphate he told them “he didn’t know much about Islam but wanted to be a fighter” and they let him in.
Come off it Frank, that’s utter nonsense, and you must know it.
A British IS fighter who died in a suicide bomb attack on Iraqi forces in Mosul is a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, the BBC understands. He is believed to have been originally known as Ronald Fiddler. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39045923
I wonder what all those liberal campaigners have to say that made martyrs out of the Guantanamo Bay detainees
The Muslim terrorist was handed £1 million in compensation because all the so called do gooders painted a picture he was actually an innocent man who was simply backpacking across Afghanistan.
I think Mr Fiddler was the dodgy, money-grubbing camp-site owner in ‘Carry on Camping’, and was played by Peter Butterworth. Sid played a lecherous camper who wanted to take his girlfriend to a nudist camp. I could be wrong.
Alas, the time is past when we could mock Islam. As I have mentioned before, ‘Carry on, follow that camel’ featured Arabs who had to prostrate themselves with their bottoms in the air whenever the name of their leader – Mustapha Leak – was mentioned. If they showed something like that now, the cinema would probably get fire-bombed as everyone would realise it was a dig at the ROP.
You’re completely right Helena about Mr Fiddler. When Syd arrived at the site with the sign “ASSES MUST BE SHOWN” he asked the yokel where the boss was – “He’s gone for a P” was the reply. Sure enough, Mr Fiddler arrived back with a “P” to be put at the beginning of the sign.
In Follow that Camel, the Arab leader, Abdul Abulbul, was played by the Jewish Bernard Bresslaw. Even more excuse to fire-bomb cinemas.
Already been said B-o-BC. The noble Frank Gardener inferred on News at 10 that Guantanamo was responsible for the conversion – or maybe he meant just the radicalisation – of Ron Fidler, whose scattered parts are now known, collectively, as Abu Zakariya al-Britani. Frank, for all his awesome breadth of knowledge, appears to be ignorant of taqqiya, nor does he seem to make any connection with the fact that Ron was picked up in Afghanistan before being carted off to be Tangoed.
Oddly, although you might have thought someone could have challenged Frank’s assertion that Guantanamo, and by inference, the dastardly West, was responsible for another suicide and associated loss to humanity, the BBC remained silent.
Poor old Frank also suffering with the moral dilemma of what to do about the 400+ idiots who went out to fight and now might want to come back. Frank wondering how we will know who has seen the folly of their ways and who means us harm. With our porous borders we will only know when it’s too late.
It’s not on topic because our EU favouring BBC would never, ever publish it, but it is rather fascinating to followers of EU hegemony.
What is Mr Junckers trying to claim with such a flag? Is the EU to become a part of the US, hence the extra star? I do highly doubt that is the meaning. Perhaps he intended to show the EU “flag” with a star less and the US flag with an extra star as the US once more embraces the motherland? Then they forgot to erase the UK star from the EU “flag” and so it went all to ratchit. Perhaps M. Junckers had experienced a heavy lunch?
I suspect it was just ignorance. The EU parochialists know very little outside their tiny world. Their ignorance of the USA especially is breathtaking. As for that clown Juncker, he was just probably pissed again.
Be fair to Junker. It’s an easy mistake to make. After all Obama thought that the USA had 57 states. For some people counting gets difficult after you run out of fingers and thumbs.
Today’s bBBC NHS ‘news’ is that – shock, horror – the government plans to close some small and poorly-performing hospitals and concentrate treatment in good hospitals with the best consultants and most-experienced staff. What a good idea, we might think, improving the quality of treatment for patients and raising the chance of a successful outcome.
But in bBBC-speak this is a negative move because it doesn’t involve giving the NHS even more money, the perennial socialist solution to every problem.
“the government plans to close some small and poorly-performing hospitals and concentrate treatment in good hospitals with the best consultants and most-experienced staff.”
Are they poorly performing or just more expensive to run than the average? Or perhaps they’re both cheaper and better than other local hospitals, but if they’re owned by the NHS Foundation Trust they can be closed a lot easier than any surrounding PFI hospitals. The media should be asking whether the priority for change is clinical or financial, and if change is needed what is the criteria for choosing who gets closed.
I can make out a good case that specialist surgeons need enough cases to maintain their level of expertise, so some specialties need Regional centres of excellence, but general surgeons get enough practice with the catchment area of a District General Hospital.
The real determinant should be the needs of the local population not the opinions of the accountants, and rural areas need a different pattern of hospital provision from urban areas. The further apart you make hospitals the larger the number of people who will die in the back of ambulances. Put at it’s simplest – journey times matter.
The NHS needs an informed public debate – but before that can happen the media, and especially the BBC, need to inform the public; not peddle the fantasy that the NHS is the best health service in the world and just needs a bit more money.
I’m not expecting an informative Panorama Special on this one.
Grant, no surprise there mate. The BBC and Guardian et al are only interested in one type of racism. If that human sewerage Abdulla had been the victim we would no doubt be subjected to even more mass protests with leftie, snowflake Cecils holding up puerile placards saying ‘No to racism, no to Trump, no to Brexit’, ‘No to Islamaphobia’, ‘Tory scum out’ and ‘Refugees welcome’ ad infinitum.
I cannot believe this scum escaped a prison sentence. Attack a baby and hurl abuse = zero sentence. Put bacon on a mosque door handle = 1 year in prison. I think this country’s in trouble.
You must be mistaken, surely. This is just the sort of vile racist attack the Beeb love to hi-light.
A pretty young mother out with her daughter, an unprovoked attack by a racist bigot, who abuses the mother and then spits in her baby’s face. And then, to top it all, the racist judiciary let the revolting creature off with a warning.
The dear old Beeb simply love stories like this. Remember the gobby woman on a tram abusing “someone of colour”? The louts who pushed the black chap off the Metro? Of course you do! The BBC ran these stories for weeks. I’m sure we all felt thoroughly ashamed of our nation after the Beeb had so roundly reminded us of our vile racism.
I just can’t imagine how they missed this one…
BBC News try to get us to sympathise with Albanian girls/women trafficked into the UK. Presenter Rita Chakradarti even has a Barbara Plett/Arafat moment. Have there been BBC tears for UK girls preyed upon by the Albanian’s coreligionists in this country?
BBC are all over this, have a feeling an Al BBC storm is being cooked up
with every available avenue used to promote it
Muslim teacher denied entry to US story. http://bbc.in/2l3Qon2
“A Muslim teacher from Neath Port Talbot has been denied entry to the United States while on a school trip. Juhel Miah had flown to Reykjavik, Iceland, with the party from Llangatwg Community before boarding an onward flight to New York. Before the plane took off on 16 February, he was escorted off by security staff”.
… Muslim Council spokesman said: “No satisfactory reason has been provided for refusing entry to the United States – either at the airport in Iceland or subsequently at the embassy
… Features on Radio shows http://bbc.in/2kTSsgE
… Snapchat BBC Muslim teacher escorted off US-bound plane
… First Minister Carwyn Jones has written to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson for “urgent clarification”
… BBC Wales has asked the US Embassy in London to comment.
… Neath Port Talbot council has written to the US Embassy to “express its dismay” at the treatment of Mr Miah.
… The local authority stated had a valid visa to travel.
… The matter has been raised with our local MP.
… The Foreign and Commonwealth Office providing support to a British man who was prevented from boarding a flight
… Abdul-Azim Ahmed, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Wales, said he was “deeply troubled” by the incident, etc etc
… The school trip continued as planned but Mr Miah’s removal left pupils and colleagues “shocked and distressed,” a spokesman said.
Al BBC understands “he feels belittled and upset at what appears to be an unjustified act of discrimination.”
“What we do know is quite troubling and in the context of a school trip and the children being left with one less teacher because of this,” he said.
This is the latest in a series of incidents where Muslims have been denied entry to the US which date before even Trump was elected.” The school party returned to the UK on Monday after the week-long trip”.
So please everyone
compare all of the above, with this,
a story of teacher discrimination,
a lot LOT worse than being asked off of a flight
this time a senior Head Teacher, and a death threat!.
… That the AL BBC did not bother to report at all.
“Spokesman for Oldham council, cabinet member for education Amanda Chadderton, said: ‘We take any allegations about our schools very seriously. The report into an Oldham primary school found no basis to the “Trojan Horse” allegations.”
No Basis? what with :-
“Death Threats”?
“harassment and intimidation’ by Islamic parents?
‘aggressive verbal abuse’?
‘threats to blow up her car’?
furious as “her dress is offensive”?
even that “her own daughters photo s are offensive”?
… no basis??, nothing to see???
One supposes they ve asked Islamic teachers, and Islamic parents,
and they erm, know nothing about it?
Hopelessly compromised and infested Oldham council, there s nothing to see?
This harassment and abuse deserves much stronger scrutiny,
compromised Oldham council doubly so.
Can you recall? I stated this at the time
Imagine if a headmaster was Islamic? with just one of that list above?
… The Biased Broadcasting Cresent would literally be camped outside the
school gates!
The phone in fact was the other half of a direct line from Berlin to the BBC to be used whenever the German Chancellor [in those days!] wished to put their point of view over to the British public. Fortunately, it was hardly ever – in fact possibly never – used for that purpose as the BBC switchboard lassies could not understand the callers.
In very much later years a well-known female German Chancellor often picked up the phone – for the direct lines still remained – and immediately spoke to [many] BBC DG’s with grave instructions as to how the “News From Europe” was to be reported on the “Today” programme and also “Welt@Ein”, and “PM” with Herr [Silly] Mare.
Fortunately, all those problems have now disappeared (allegedly) as the cable was also included in the sale of the handset.
As a famous female German Chancellor descended into mouth-foaming frothing fury, as well often depicted in “Downfall” on YouTube, the cry reverbrated around Europe: “Don’t you worry, Britishers! Ve Hav Vays of making you listen! *AND* we will definitely impose todays Junckers Billions of EU € exit bill! You vill not leave this union so easy! Oh, No!!”
“Into ze cooler” ordered Juncker gesturing towards the chilled wine cabinet as he finished off yet another bottle and had sucked out any trace of alcohol from the cork….
Whereupon his adjutant goosestepped over the wishes of the Britishers who voted to leave…
A false dawn on Trump hating indeed.
The Beeb bias proliferates and it took some journalistic effort
The linked online story on the President’s condemnation of anti-Semitic attacks in America contains EIGHT attacks on him.
This must be a world record especially for an apparently positive BBC news item: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39011090.
That is one biased piece of shit. President Trump is going to make sure Israel survives the hatred and the loathing from the UN and our own BDS scum.
The BBC is no friend of Israel. The British government is no real friend of Israel and as for the Scandinavians they are hostile .
Rubbish like that article will do nothing other than make many of us absolutely sure of where the BBC’s real interests lie.
Dear Lord, that little video of ‘black poets challenge Trump’ is the biggest steaming pile of sh*te I have witnessed in a long time. Don’t the BBC even pretend to be impartial anymore?
I just had one of my rare forays into the BBC. Michael Portillo in istanbul, a city I lived in for 2 years. Whenever, the BBC cover anything that I have some specialist knowledge of , they get it wrong.
Portillo and the BBC do not even attempt to pronounce Turkish simple words and place name properly. Mind you, after him repeatedly mispronouncing ” Sofia” when he was in Bulgaria , that should be no surprise. But I had to laugh when he pronounced ” Haydarpasha ” as ” Hydrapasha ” !
So in Portillo’s world, the EU meets Asia ( not Europe meeting Asia ). Christians meet Muslims. Turkey is a “modern democracy “. And he covers the period of the foundation of the Republic with no mention of Ataturk !
But Michael loved Turkish wrestling, all that olive oil and tight leather trousers. Although he didn’t take part. He was delighted to discover one wrestler who started when he was a young boy. Michael, Turkish wrestling is about as popular in Turkey as curling is in Scotland !
Now he`s blown himself up sky high-finally we can now see “Fiddler On The Roof”.
As for that “Al-Britani” crap-his name is Ronnie Manc, and a typical dead beat dad.
Well dead anyway…Allah Akbar.
BBC gets down and dirty, gutter press BBC – Milo Yiannopoulos dropped over paedophilia comments.
Apparently some heavily edited video, I would like the facts BBC, I fully reserve judgement until we have them, if … IF? … a big reserved if, this is correct,
he s finished
… something tells me
lets just wait and see
No wonder the scum in our universites and the media so hate President Trump. That is one fine speech from a good lady. And we can assume it is made on behalf of the President.
Marine Le Pen refuses to wear a hijab as she meets (or not) the Grand Mufti somewhere Islamic.
No mention on the news though.
Oh if only she was as brave as Lyse, Orla or the Swedish lady government members.
But not a peep.
Can only think that Hillrys non-election has got them sulking-what OTHER reason could there be for the liberal media hope that a “woman would become President for the first time ever in her countries history”?
Radio 4 seemed excited by that before Nov 8th last year-but now that Marine is up for the same prize, absolutely NO sisterly support from Jenni or Jane on Womans Hour.
Wonder why.
File ON Four having a pop at schools again.
Apparently they “exclude too many vulnerable SEN pupils”-and here`s Matrix Chambers to say , in effect that exclusions are wrong in any circumstances.
The BBC of course are less exercised re exclusions in the private sector where all THEIR spawn are( the few that have them anyway).
But ther you go-usual-“no blame for the kids, crap parents, drugs, gangs or what have you-but PLENTY for those fee schools who try to actually TEACH as opposed to provide cover for the violence and gang-related childminding required by the BBC, the lawyers and the Marxist scum who run education and the media.
Utter crap….no mention of Will Cornish and Anne McGuire I note…but hey, the dead give no research grants do they?
Can’t find any mention of it on the BBC news or sport site. They must be consulting the beeb guide book
“is it OK to criticize him? he is from Northern Ireland….it might look bad, what if he wins Sports Personality this year?…..Oh fuck it, let’s just ignore it”
BBc assessment http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-39031546
The usual shock horror closure etc. story. Of course by the time any real change happens most will have forgotten the “BBc assessment”.
22:00 It’s another award. This time the standing joke award that is the Brits and the BBc fly the flag for the talent vacuum annoying noise that is grime. Apparently it’s underground, no it’s not one of my fellow djs was playing it on local radio 3 years ago to my constant sarcasm. Stormzy apparently was unhappy so they are chancing who can vote on the awards. This crap apparently took the UK by storm or should I say stormzy, passed me by I must say. Still never mind the new Jesus and Mary chain long player is out very soon. Wonder if the BBc will be promoting that.
So it now appears that far from being wrong about Sweden, Trump was actually Prophetic!
For sheer mendacity how’s this report by CNN, who clearly send their ‘journos’ for training to the same School of Weasel Words as the bibistan. It’s the fault of poverty, unemployment and low education, and anyway “the authorities say the problems they are seeing are coming from Swedish born citizens”. The fact that the Government are supressing the truth on a massive scale and lying through their teeth for their very survival goes unmentioned.
You can see why Trump loathes the CNNts as much as we here loathe the bibistan.
The useful idiot libtard journo’s report is the vid at top of page, if you can bear it.
Yeah, pull the other one – Sweden has a higher living standard and better everything, even a better ‘happiness quotient’ (or it did?), than almost anywhere.
So to make the invaders welcome, Sweden bends over backward (probably literally in some cases, and forward too no doubt, we’ve heard about liberated Swedish women) and gives them everything a generous, advanced, tolerant, civilised, socialistic (let’s pretend that’s a compliment for now) society can give, free or subsidised housing, education, training, benefits etc, and the religionists of peace show their gratitude by torching the place. First or second generation – as the CNN report above tries to muddy the waters – so what?
I wonder what the Ropers in Stockholm were rioting about? In Paris the excuse was one of them being sodomised by a policeman (sounds bizarre to me, when our lusty gendarmes have the option of French women instead). But no such sodomising in Sweden, so… too much salt in their Gravlax maybe? Or perhaps:
– Oy, what about them 72 underage virgins we was promised?
– No, silly, that’s only after death and after you’ve murdered some infidels first. Anyway, where are we going to find you 72 virgins in Sweden?
The BBC have now taken their anti-Brexit campaign into their flagship soap opera – EastEnders. In yesterdays episode they had a “Poles Go Home” graffiti on the front of the Queen Vic after a recent Polish night. Character Mick Carter (played by Danny Dyer) was shocked by the incident and a new Polish character Konrad said it’s “the Britain we live in now”. It’s all a bit weird with the Soap suddenly introducing new hard working Polish characters into Eastenders and a “Polish Night” at the Walford Pub
Makes me laugh that the “writers” for Eastenders can pen the line “…the Britain we live in now” even though the show’s ethnic makeup is a fictional representation of what the east end truly is like. So much for the writers existing in “the Britain we live in now”. What a bunch of sods.
Latest: Neat little bit of inference on the BBC text pages – Trump apparently responsible for riots in Stockholm due to some unsubstantiated and rabble-rousing speech he made recently. Since he spoke before the immigrants erupted, his culpability is all too obvious and Amnesty International have proposed a re-run of the US election.
Here, the proceeds from one of the street parties in memory of Jo Cox organised by Brendan – due to be attended, it is believed, by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh – will be donated to a randomly selected Swedish national of Syrian or Algerian origin with mental issues. Should the amount raised be less than £1m, Ken Loach and JK Rowling have guaranteed to make up any shortfall. Tickets available from Momentum head office.
I wondered how long it would take to blame President Trump. It was of course deeply irresponsible to suggest that these foreigners might riot at the drop of a hat, because everyone knows they would find that grossly offensive and have no option but to riot to prove their point.
Some key quotes from the article:
Her murder was “designed to divide our country” so uniting in this way would be “a powerful statement”, he added.
“We may even surpass the Jubilee,” said Peter Stewart, director of The Big Lunch.
“Whether it’s the Olympics, Jubilee or Royal Wedding people love that opportunity to come together,” Mr Cox added.” But being British we need that excuse to get together.”
Judging by the sales of the Jo Cox charity Christmas single I would bet money that this street party will totally misjudge the British public by a wide mile.
Brendan Cox appears to have a regular column on the BBC News website and is often on the Andrew Marr show sprouting on about how ‘Britain is divided’. The elephant in the room is the “British” people who couldn’t care less about street parties are a direct result of Jo Cox and others left wing policies of wanting more and more foreigners to come and enrich us. Yes Britain is divided but not because of Conservative (aka “right wing”) views.
Instead of having 2 days of events (17/18 June), why not make it a week long thing, culminating on the 23rd of June with a massive “Independence day” celebration.
Call me paranoid but I suspect this has a more cynical side to it – it’s a means of distraction from any possible celebrations around the first anniversary of the Brexit vote, at which time (we hope) negotiations will be well under way for withdrawal from the EU.
If you look at this article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39042436 they are saying it may even surpass the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. But it seems to be the usual list of PR-puffs and Quangos jostling for involvement.
Since when has it been normal to have street parties to commemmorate someone’s assassination? I don’t recall it happening when Airey Neave MP was killed. If it didn’t happen for Princess Diana, I can’t see it happening for Jo Cox.
An interesting angle Cranmer!
At Easter we “celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus”.
But only in the sense that this was not the end of the story…He rose again three days later( or two if you fancy being technical.
So-in celebrating the pointless murder of some nomark , maybe the BBC are “glorifying terrorism”-right wing SNP and Care In the Community strands involved too). Brendan Cox needs to be careful here surely.
A celebration of a death-well, suppose the Left and the BBC equate their joy re Thatchers with a chance to rejoice at the death of a Romaning anti-Corbyn type.
Bang Bang, the nomark died and STILL we voted Out?…shame on us all eh?
Let’s wait and see. I doubt very much whether support for the suggested street parties will be strong although, no doubt the BBC will be organising the event from behind the scenes. Can’t you picture it? – short scenes of a few blended together to make it appear there has been a large turn-out. Average BBC fare. But hey, when it becomes a gross flop, we can look around for someone or something to blame. Let me see now hm………
They should hold a Thames flotilla in her honour, and hope no nasty types turn up to mock and flick the V’s while sneering and drinking champers…Not that anyone would be that vile, surely !!!!
WTF! … Sorry no others words.
“Why I knifed J Corbyn”, support for white helmets, anti Israel
a real shame she s gone, in fact a tragedy …
BUT PLEASE PEOPLE!… not for something she wasn t, unnecessary.
and not warranted
I know this is off the subject but I thought I would give you a
bit of an insight to the “pie eating ” incidence at Sutton.
The BBC don’t cover that much live top domestic football anymore.
So when they have a match such as the SUTTON-ARSENAL FA Cup game
its like the World Cup final for them. By the way I have been a
football odds consultant for over 40 years who works for bookmakers
and also have helped FIFA .
Bookmakers know that millions were going to watch this game and it
is a great chance for them to attract new punters with advertising ,
sponsorship and in particular offering “mad” bets. You will see them offering
10/1 Real Madrid to beat Long John Silvers X1 to attract new customers. They will of
course only take a pound or two on this type of novelty bet. So of course offering
8/1 on the big reserve goalkeeper eating a meat pie with all the publicity offered
by the BBC was too good to miss. Yes I feel a bit sorry for the fat goalie who
succumbed to his opportunity for five minutes of fame . But don’t feel too sorry for the bookmaker who knew what they were doing to attract new business.The BBC were duped into playing along with them, without knowing it.
St Brendan The Inappropriate Behaver also appeared on Today. The BBC seems determined to promote the career of this somewhat sinister individual who is using the death of his wife to promote himself and his political aims . The majority in this country don’t want to be in the EU , don’t want to have open borders and unlimited migration and don’t want to give up our culture to pander to those who refuse to integrate thankfully into the British way of life. So, no, we won’t be having a picnic or street party, just as we didn’t buy the cd.
As a boy, where I used to live, we used to have street parties, village fetes etc, it was common place. However, it doesn’t happen anymore, why? It is not difficult to understand is it, the whole infrastructure of our village life has been torn apart, firstly by London Luvvies, (like Mr Cox) who only attend their houses at weekends, make the price of our houses unaffordable, so the local youngsters cannot afford to buy them. Then they complain about the cows in the field mooing and do very little to integrate into village life (vary rarely sending their children to the village school for instance). Yes we have BBC personnel, high flying lawyers and people from the national papers + other hoi poloi personnel in our village, which unfortunately is now overseen by another PC organisation the National Distrust. But, more recently the problem has been exacerbated by the arrival of overseas inhabitants who are downright against integrating in to our village ways and never accept our historical past. And Mr Cox tells us we need a village picnic! So, it’s the incumbents fault is it Mr Cox. Wrong again.
Sorry BBC.
Many of us remember Lady Di-and Jo Cox was no Lady Di.
One year an MP-then attacked by a Scot who lived nearby and was off his meds-despite his efforts to get them, can only assume the local NHS Trust had gone home to campaign to stay in the EU.
This is pathetic Pavlik Morozov stuff.
Anyway-we`ll be raising a few Bombadiers and Yeats` Australian White Wines here to the first anniversary of INDEPENDENCE DAY-as ordained and sanctified by St Nigel Farage…and this will be the weekend after.
Two parties in a row?…nah, not got the funds…so Nigels Day it is!
This year in late May will be four years since Lee Rigby was killed-any chance of the BBC remembering THAT martyrdom.
Or is it only the vacuous and privileged Davos dills that get the BBC to trumpet their self serving emotings.
An MP for one year-dies for nothing but the Community Care gaps-and she`s already got a Lifetime Achievement Award as far as the luvvies are concerned?
Ah well-Obama got his Nobel Prize in even less time I suppose.
Hope to get a Happy St Jo Cox Day card sent through the door though-will go with our St Donalds Day one ordered for the 8th November.
In the meantime-I`ll be telling my church that I`ll NOT be going in June-time to boycott the CofE, RSPB and all similar “supporters of Jo Cox” who`ve allied themselves to this hokum.
Remoaners who want to use her bones to beat their drums or to hit us with.
There should be no street parties or picnics in Grimsby either, Saint Jo of Geldofia supported Saint Bob of Rat Street in his Armada for Remoan in attacking the fishermen and Nigel.
BBC weather forecasters are back to their game of frightening the life out of pensioners this morning. Amber Alert! Storm Doris!
I’m reminded of nothing so much as the work of John Cleese and Graham Chapman when they were in their prime. ‘Stop now, it’s getting silly’.
Now I’ve a question : What is the derrivation of the term “weather bomb” ?
Who first popularised the phrase ?
I ask because our BBC weatherman told us this morning that ‘Meteorologists’ call this particular type of low pressure system a ‘weather bomb’. I have a suspicion that he may be telling porkies and that this is a media-coined phrase. Any suggestions ?
But, you’ve already HAD one “storm Doris” this year, you can’t have another one, that’s just being greedy. By the way, did Armageddon come your way in the wake of the last one? Perhaps a few multicoloured recycling bins toppled, to the danger of…
Are you psychic ? Sitting here in Bonnie Perthsire, where it is a bit breezy but nothing unusual. I just read your post and the empty wheelie bin next door blew over. Scary !
I note that more than half of those same countries named in Donald Trump’s travel restrictions – because those states were unable to provide the US with satisfactory background security clearance on their citizens – are now today named as unable to even feed their own peoples. Hmmmm.
Big news today is the famine being reported in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and Northern Nigeria.
At 8.12am this morning on bBBC 1 tv news, an interviewee put this down to ‘climate change’ as well as ‘conflict’.
Readers may just be able to spot an additional link between all these locations which just possibly might also have something to do with the situation.
Needless to say, unsurprisingly, this link entirely eluded the entire biased BBC news organisation.
Eastenders has gone full on anti Brexit /hate crime against Poles apparently.I no longer watch it but hope others will finally switch it off. Its a disgrace to real Eastenders like me who have welcomed more than our fair share of migrants over the years.
I have taken to listening to Talk Sport .I quite like the banter and felt for sure it would be a Trump free zone.Their news items are not too bad ,but the presenters .OMG -I know they’re not the sharpest tools in the box but the anti Trump rants are increasing based on the fake news about him.Sorry to say it but ex footballers are not good at political comment and should stay out of it.. BBC funded Gary Lineker included.
Back to Classic FM ,its just a bit repetitive at times .
Well said Deborah.
I gave up watching all the soaps 15 or more years ago. However, I HAVE become hooked on (as I duck for cover) a BBC2 Australian drama set in the 50’s which is on every afternoon – A Place to Call Home. Its like the unsung jewel that no tv critic has spotted. No ethnic faces, and because its set not long after the war the bigotry is aimed at a Jew, but the acting is superb, the costumes are to die for, you have to keep up with the many storylines, but its far superior to anything currently on over here.
You couldn’t pay me enough to watch that ludicrous, pc parody, Eastenders. It attempts to depict an east end that last existed 40 odd years ago. When I did accidentally catch a glimpse of one episode you had the cast characters lined up in the bar of The Vic’ like a racially diverse box of liquorice allsorts. There was a black chap, a white bloke, a black woman, a white woman. There was even an “Asian” girl wearing a head scarf… in a pub! Happens all the time in pc fantasy land.
Everything the BBC do these days is essentially propaganda wrapped up as entertainment. It’s not subtle; it’s not particularly clever and often it’s not very well done.
The east end of my youth has disappeared forever. Blimey, last time I went to Petticoat Lane I thought the bus had diverted me to Bangladesh.
I think most BBC prog’s should come with a warning.
This programme is complete and utter bo££ock$ and may damage your health!
When ‘Enders started in 1985, the demographic was just about believable, although even back then I recall people saying there weren’t enough asians in it. But right from the get-go it was used as a propaganda tool, often very oddly, eg the character Mark Fowler who got AIDS simply because they wanted to show it wasn’t just homosexuals that got it.
One thing you won’t see around here are Muslims in the pub .Not even with a glass of orange juice. That’s if you can find a pub. They are not into community engagement at all that doesn’t revolve around the mosque.Eastenders and Corrie are the utopia in some leftys warped mind. It just doesn’t happen.
“Divisive political rhetoric a danger to the world, Amnesty says”
Who are Amnesty? What do they do about the real despots around the world , ISIS , Taliban, and most of the corrupt governments of Africa ? How much money do they get from the most human and most democratic governments of the west ?
Amnesty appear to attack ‘soft’ targets? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-39048293
Probably Soros’ money is behind them. But it’s good that such as Amnesty ‘come out’ in support of essential liberal principles. It’s better we know who they are rather than the Islamic charities/States hiding in the dark corners.
Amnesty should do what they were founded for – helping political prisoners of draconian, repressive regimes – there are plenty if you look!
America does not need ‘saving’.
“Hospital cuts planned in most of England”
Our own suffer ……. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health
While our government forks out millions in foreign aid .
A female Asian is now on Sky (who are now as bad as the BBC) spouting that migrants gaining British citizenship should have more of a ceremony when they receive their ‘Certificates’. She’s suggested something on the lines of the Australian system where its done at a public event – like our Cup Final !!!! Jackie Beltrao to her credit said it ‘wouldn’t work’, but my immediate thought would be the comments from the Stands as 50 or so newly created British Citizens grasping their precious official document paraded across the pitch ! Can you imagine it ?
An excellent idea. Give them a ceremony which reflects our multicultural society, such as this one performed in vibrant multicultural Manchester where Andy Burnham is to become the Emir.
After HIS 180 degree turnaround on Hillsborough( remember his Ceausescu moment at Anfield in April 2009?)-only the stupid Mancunians would vote for this popinjay as their Mayor.
He`s a SCOUSER Mancs-this OUGHT still to matter-he`s using your great city as a sanctuary from Corbyn.
No-a vote for Burnham would be a slap in the face to the 96-Burnham went to Anfield to speak for Gordon Brown and his refusal to re-open the enquiry as I recall. Aaron Banks is right-Labour and the BBC are using the dead to continue their “war by other means”.
Like Jo Cox in fact…but with full blessings of Brendan and Team Liberal behind him.
Just as well nobody died at Orgreave eh?
They need to do a bit more research because there is a ceremony .i used to work with a New Zealander who gained citizenship and took part in the group ceremony.
Funnily enough ,she quite quickly after that returned permenanty to New Zealand.
Needless to say, everythings fine and dandy in Sweden – https://gatestone.eu/sweden-riots-rinkeby/
Judge who is right: your own common sense or the BBC’s propaganda/fake news. I know who I’d bet on……..
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
Switched on Radio 4 about 30 minutes ago. It was a play, a lady talking to a young girl. “We want to build a Caliphate”. So I switched off. It is relentless on the BBC , but why ?
Grant – they dont need to build a Caliphate the BBC and associated snowflakes will build it for them!
Grant – they dont need to build a Caliphate the BBC and associated snowflakes will build it for them!
So how do they stand at the moment? More afraid of Trump or Putin and who is the most evil?
Maybe they’ll start calling for sanctions against the US, it’s only fare.
Mrs.Trump could be banned from shopping in Harrods – that should work and make him mend his ways.
So how do they stand at the moment? More afraid of Trump or Putin and who is the most evil?
Maybe they’ll start calling for sanctions against the US, it’s only fare.
Mrs.Trump could be banned from shopping in Harrods – that should work and make him mend his ways.
The morons at the BBC seem to think Trump is a bigger threat than Islamic terrorism and Putin combined. Total insanity.
When the Mayflower left for America, Europe was embarked upon the Thirty Years War.
Seen by many as presaging the end of the World.
We’re getting there.
The most apposite quotation from the Thirty Years War was made by the Swedish King Gustavus Adolphus. He invaded Germany “to take up arms for the oppressed” against the Emperor Ferdinand. The Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg wanted to remain neutral but after a period of negotiation the final ultimatum from Gustavus was “God and the Devil are fighting here”. If that spirit still exists in Sweden it’s well hidden.
BBC News View – Paul Joseph Watson, UK-based editor of far-right, conspiracy website Infowars, has donated $2,000 to one of the hundreds of reporters who took him up on his Twitter offer to pay “any journalist claiming Sweden is safe” to stay in Malmo.
… Malmo has a large immigrant population.
Last October, the so-called Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a fire at a Muslim community centre there, an incident cited by the White House in the list of incidents it claimed had been under-reported by the media.
In a follow-up post, subsequently deleted, Mr Watson wrote: “All you lefty idiots accepting a ‘trip to Sweden’. Can you read? I said you’d be staying here. Good luck”.
The post featured a number of images to illustrate his point, including a photograph of anti-Israel protesters from the 2009 Davis Cup tennis match between Sweden and Israel.
Hundreds of people offered their services, including comedian Al Murray and journalist Laurie Penny.
Meanwhile …
SWEDEN RIOT: Police forced to shoot at protesters as violence erupts – yet PM is in denial
Sweden. Terrifying scenes took place just hours after the country’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, slammed Donald Trump for claiming Sweden was in crisis as a result of its liberal refugee policy.
Stockholm police were forced to fire a shot into the rampaging crowd in the hard-hit suburb of Rinkeby, after a mob of around 30 thugs started attacking the officers with rocks. Violence erupted after the police had tried to arrest a wanted person on the subway … while former Swedish PM Carl Bildt roared on Twitter:
“Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.”
Recall how when our Police shot that crook, how rioting spread and spread.
“Paul Joseph Watson, UK-based editor of far-right, conspiracy website”
how ever did they miss out far right, waycist, islamo-faux-bic, bigoted, dangerous, fringe, conspiracy website
😀 … they re slipping!
PJW is a star of reasoned destruction of the SJW mob hysteria. A mortal enemy of Fake News conglomerates like Al Beeb and the US alphabet MSM. Well worth catching him on Utub.
Quite agree. He is superb. No bullshit. By they way, are you, by any chance related to ……
I suspect PJW is next in the liberal crosshairs.
As the truth always spoils a good MSM “news” report
Oaknash – possibly – but I don’t think Mr Watson, as a white heterosexual Englishman, is considered as much of a ‘threat’ as Mr Yianopolous, who as gay man of mixed nationality is more of a ‘class traitor’. He also speaks a lot in public, which raises the uncomfortable problem of campuses trying to ban him (and thus show themselves as being opposed to free speech, something held in much higher esteem in the US. As far as I know Mr Watson isn’t a public speaker.
Can’t find it on the BBC Website but we do have ” how far is Sweden a model of gender equality ? “. The BBC just do not do irony !
Grant, their “refugees” are happy to rape girls or boys without distinction, as the opportunity offers. Modern gender equality in action.
I was sort of hinting at that. Leftists’ definition of “gender equality” only extends so far. Hypocrites.
I notice the following segment in one of the articles provided by nogginator….“….officials have placed more than 50 areas on a ‘no-go zone’ list where they admit they do not have control.”
Now, normally the BBC would leap, with glee, on any report which has been based on what ‘officials’ have said, much as they do with what ‘many people’ have said, or ‘reports we have seen’ have said, or ‘leaked documents’ have said, or any one of a hundred other so-designated ‘authoritative bodies’ has said – many of whom are, of course, amazingly anonymous.
But reports of no-go zones in European cities ? Somehow, I don’t think the BBC is going to be headlining any of its news bulletins, or any newspaper reports segments, with a report on what these particular ‘officials’ have said. They’re just the wrong sort of people, I guess, and anything these people may say can just be discarded as with any other ‘fake news’ – as opposed to BBC sources, which are always the real deal, of course.
Yeah, right.
richard D
” Some people say ” ! I assume all BBC News is Fake News unless I have evidence to the contrary.
“The BBC has learned” is another classic they use.
I think that’s fake news as they clearly haven’t learnt very much about what’s really going on, or if they have they don’t want to share some of it with us.
I’ve been refreshing “Rinkeby” in the BBC website search box – brings up riots in 2010 and 2013 but nothing about last night. Yet they were in a frenzy to trash Trump yesterday. Today – zilch. Inconvenient truths – like it never happened.
Afternoon guys I`ve just logged in for the first time in a week so not had time to read what i`ve missed… However, I read this earlier on and i am wondering whether or not the BBC has jumped on this `news` about Lindsay Lohan being `racially profiled` yet…
And yes, this actually happened according to Lindsay… and No, she wasn`t high, drunk or recovering from being high nor did she have a hangover…
She has not as yet decided on whether to blame BREXIT, DONALD TRUMP OR CLIMATE CHANGE as she is too busy reading the Quran and appearing on Breakfast TV ATM….
This comment caught my attention though….
I was stopped for wearing a leather coat a while back. Only drug dealers wear such things apoarently. Presumably, I should have written to the media to complain.
and this one…
He’s off again with the Lily Allen technique, I got a suntan once so I know how it feels to be black BS.
Once I lost the keys to my mansion and had to wait for a locksmith so I know how it feels to be homeless.
Reminds me of the interview with Frank Bruno many years ago when Frank said he was having a holiday in West Indies ” Just to top up my tan , Harry. Know what I mean ? ” .
Harry ? Harry who ?
LOL ! Something tells me that you are not into heavyweight boxing and for that relief, many thanks .
It pains me to tell you this but my late husband was encyclopaedic in his knowledge of heavyweight boxers – truly ! (so of course I know who ‘arry’ was)
They used to say Bruno was a good fighter to watch if you had just a couple of minutes to spare:
Wall to wall on BBC Facebook, on every channel, of course including Newsbeat…
BBC Radio 4
A Muslim teacher filmed what happened after he was escorted off a flight to New York after being denied entry while on a school trip.
Juhel Miah gave the footage to BBC.
The US Embassy in London has been asked to comment.
Amongst many questions commenters have posed is why Juhel headed straight for the BBC.
The BBC has so far made no comment. Because…. ‘journalism’?
Newsbeat is demanding answers… via Wales…
Newsbeat shared BBC Wales News’s video.
This Muslim teacher still doesn’t know why he was denied US entry http://bbc.in/2l3Qon2
Check out the video he filmed while being chucked off the plane
Context may yet be coming. Or not. Depending.
He seems to be given a remarkable amount of support. Why is it assumed that ‘Muslim’ is the key here? Perhaps he has the same name as someone else on a ‘stop’ list? Maybe he lost his passport in the past and it got copied?
Clearly the purpose of reporting this story is to upset Muslims in the UK, yet if a Muslim in the UK does something ‘bad’ the BBC is at pains either not to report it or to sanitise it, (a ‘Welsh’ man), supposedly to avoid inciting the hidden army of British Nazis, (Daily Mail readers), from rising up and murdering all Muslims in their beds.
‘Clearly the purpose of reporting this story is to upset Muslims in the UK’
Which I would suggest is not the job of the national broadcaster.
Especially when, as it seems, a bunch of stuff is unknown at present.
State sponsored incitement seems a bit beyond Charter.
He appears a very happy bunny at the outset, sure there was not a fee involved?
“…Amongst many questions commenters have posed is why Juhel headed straight for the BBC….” Like the bloke who Harry Webb was supposed to have diddled years ago, GW, who did he report the “crime” to? Police, nah! A BBC journalist in Manchester! Tell Mama? No, tell Aunty!
I’m not sure how many, if any, Archers devotees there are on this esteemed site. if you do habitually listen, as I do, you’ll be only too aware at how appallingly politically correct the world’s longest running soap opera has become.
At the moment I’m quietly chuckling over the ludicrous story line involving a dynamic new vet. She’s an “Asian” lass from Scotland and in a matter of weeks has transformed the tired old veterinary practice. It had been run by a middle aged white chap (so clearly it was boring / hopeless / not diverse etc) and then the glamorous Anisha arrived. She has taken Ambridge by storm. Some of the comments from the locals are, “My word, how did we cope without her?” “She’s an absolute wonder.” “Thank heavens for Anisha!” You get the picture.
One afternoon she cured a lame horse, indeed had the creature back on its hooves when it appeared to be on its way to the knackers yard. “She’s astonishing!” I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they don’t enter the beast for The Derby, so extraordinary are Anisha’s healing powers.
Only one character, an elderly bigoted farmer hasn’t taken to Anisha. He doesn’t want her treating his cattle. Probably not just a racist but a misogynist as well (think Donald Trump in a shabby coat and flat cap). The old vet is up in arms, but the serene Anisha has taken the slight in her elegant stride.
There’s an interesting little story just beginning. Ambridge are having trouble getting sufficient men to don their whites for the cricket team, so they are asking some of the girls. Now, what’s the betting a certain beautiful, talented, intelligent female Asian vet will come to the aid of the team? She’ll score a century and bowl out the opposition for 36.
I’m waiting for the transgender, refugee doctor to turn up…
How will she cope if she has to go to a farm where there are pigs??? Also what substance did she cure the animals with?? The Quran recommends drinking of Camel Urine for all ailmants…
I don’t think she is a Muslim, as she had a drinking contest in the local, with another Scot on Burns night (and although she cheated she did get a few vodka’s down her neck)
Also being a vet in a country practise might be problematic what with Dogs being Haram and all that.
Having said that the Archers has a gay marriage, and the Vicar is married to an Asian too, he also has a mixed race daughter from his first marriage. So the quota of Beeb box ticking is well on track.
Or maybe she has some bearded child migrant relatives she can contact in Calais and they will be flown in to save the day…..
Perhaps the bloody horse will grow a pair of wings and Anisha will bugger off to heaven on it.
GWF she already has a magic carpet that has time travelling capabilities so even if they lose she will be able to travel back and revise the scoreline afterwards…
Anyway, if they decide to recruit female players the venue would have to change to allow her to compete, and hitting the ball over the boundary isn`t difficult when the match takes plce in your average Muslims` compound, I do think wearing a Burkha whilst batting might put them at a disadvantage though especially if batting against a spin bowler..
Not taking your name in vain, but shame that Jeff Thompson will not be bowling to her !
No doubt, in the make believe world of the BBC , she would score six sixes in the over !
I am currently watching a 4OD series called ‘No Offence’.
Not bad for UK TV, and especially about cops. Well funded, good acting and not afraid to mix humour in with the grief. Also addresses various ‘dilemmas’. Got to about episode half dozen now and it has rather lost the plot, and I am wondering when they decide to go back in time or have flashbacks to rescue it.
However there is one character amongst many who intrigues, and that is a very easy on the eye young policewoman with a broad Manc accent but very diverse, especially in regards to what she says and does, despite looking as though she may have been from the south side originally.
Surprised there is not more ‘surprise’ from the usual suspects at such a portrayal.
No mention of this candidate in the Stoke By election. Barbara Fielding candidate for Parliament arrested for race hate, she argued for repatriation of immigrants and warned against ‘islamic warriors’and wants to take back the UK for white nationals’.
Computer material seized, she is on bail. It’s goodbye Barbara if they jail her, she is too elderly to withstand the beatings from incarcerated RoPers.
Marine Le Pen refuses to meet Lebanon Grand Mufti because he insists on her wearing a headscarf. Not on the BBC , though !
She ought to insist on him wearing a large cross and a prominent star of David.
LOL ! But I bet that Treezer would have done what she was told !
If you need a laugh…read this one – it’s hard to believe they actually think we will believe their comments – as my other half says ‘do they think our heads button up the back?’!
“Swedish nationality “. Never trust a blond.
You’ve cracked it! The Swedes are having ‘blonde moments’.
I am a blondist.
But not gingerist?
Steady on ! But I do have ginger hair. Strangely, Africans and Asians have always called me “blonde”. This is a family website and there are some sensitive souls here. But my hair colour has never been a disadvantage in these parts of the world. Nuff said !
Not gone grey at 61 then Grant ?
A little bit around the edges. But my wallet is still full, so no problems in Africa ! If you know what I mean ?
Double eek !!!!
A Swede! Maybe Zlatan Ibrahimovic? You couldn’t make it up.
It amazes me how the police, from all countries, can determine a perp’s motives, or lack of and carry out a psychiatric assessment, all whilst the engine is still warm! They must have been on a crash course.
“Muslims good, None Muslims bad. Muslims good, None Muslims bad. Muslims good, None Muslims bad. Muslims good, None Muslims bad. Muslims good, None Muslims bad. Muslims good, None Muslims bad. Muslims good, None Muslims bad………………….”
– It’s Your BBC Default
Strange little aside on PM tonight reporting on the Muslim convert from Britain who blew himself up in Mosul on behalf of IS.
CV included Afghanistan, and two years in Guantanamo bay before release in 2004.
According to Frank Gardner, on arrival in the Islamic State Caliphate he told them “he didn’t know much about Islam but wanted to be a fighter” and they let him in.
Come off it Frank, that’s utter nonsense, and you must know it.
A British IS fighter who died in a suicide bomb attack on Iraqi forces in Mosul is a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, the BBC understands. He is believed to have been originally known as Ronald Fiddler.
I wonder what all those liberal campaigners have to say that made martyrs out of the Guantanamo Bay detainees
The obvious conclusion being – don’t imprison any Muslim in case it turns him Jihad.
Seems like very sound BBC reasoning?
The Muslim terrorist was handed £1 million in compensation because all the so called do gooders painted a picture he was actually an innocent man who was simply backpacking across Afghanistan.
The idiot believes anything. Particularly taqiyya.
“Ronald Fiddler” – sounds like the name of a character Sid James would have played in one of the “Carry On” films, a la “Gladstone Screwer” etc.
If he’d stayed here, instead of doing his Isis gap-year, then he perhaps could have played himself in “Carry On Grooming” set in Rotherham.
I think Mr Fiddler was the dodgy, money-grubbing camp-site owner in ‘Carry on Camping’, and was played by Peter Butterworth. Sid played a lecherous camper who wanted to take his girlfriend to a nudist camp. I could be wrong.
Alas, the time is past when we could mock Islam. As I have mentioned before, ‘Carry on, follow that camel’ featured Arabs who had to prostrate themselves with their bottoms in the air whenever the name of their leader – Mustapha Leak – was mentioned. If they showed something like that now, the cinema would probably get fire-bombed as everyone would realise it was a dig at the ROP.
You’re completely right Helena about Mr Fiddler. When Syd arrived at the site with the sign “ASSES MUST BE SHOWN” he asked the yokel where the boss was – “He’s gone for a P” was the reply. Sure enough, Mr Fiddler arrived back with a “P” to be put at the beginning of the sign.
In Follow that Camel, the Arab leader, Abdul Abulbul, was played by the Jewish Bernard Bresslaw. Even more excuse to fire-bomb cinemas.
Already been said B-o-BC. The noble Frank Gardener inferred on News at 10 that Guantanamo was responsible for the conversion – or maybe he meant just the radicalisation – of Ron Fidler, whose scattered parts are now known, collectively, as Abu Zakariya al-Britani. Frank, for all his awesome breadth of knowledge, appears to be ignorant of taqqiya, nor does he seem to make any connection with the fact that Ron was picked up in Afghanistan before being carted off to be Tangoed.
Oddly, although you might have thought someone could have challenged Frank’s assertion that Guantanamo, and by inference, the dastardly West, was responsible for another suicide and associated loss to humanity, the BBC remained silent.
sorry pressed report instead of reply beltane
why are this bitches fingerprints everywhere
Poor old Frank also suffering with the moral dilemma of what to do about the 400+ idiots who went out to fight and now might want to come back. Frank wondering how we will know who has seen the folly of their ways and who means us harm. With our porous borders we will only know when it’s too late.
Anyone else spotted this?
It’s not on topic because our EU favouring BBC would never, ever publish it, but it is rather fascinating to followers of EU hegemony.
What is Mr Junckers trying to claim with such a flag? Is the EU to become a part of the US, hence the extra star? I do highly doubt that is the meaning. Perhaps he intended to show the EU “flag” with a star less and the US flag with an extra star as the US once more embraces the motherland? Then they forgot to erase the UK star from the EU “flag” and so it went all to ratchit. Perhaps M. Junckers had experienced a heavy lunch?
I suspect it was just ignorance. The EU parochialists know very little outside their tiny world. Their ignorance of the USA especially is breathtaking. As for that clown Juncker, he was just probably pissed again.
Be fair to Junker. It’s an easy mistake to make. After all Obama thought that the USA had 57 states. For some people counting gets difficult after you run out of fingers and thumbs.
Today’s bBBC NHS ‘news’ is that – shock, horror – the government plans to close some small and poorly-performing hospitals and concentrate treatment in good hospitals with the best consultants and most-experienced staff. What a good idea, we might think, improving the quality of treatment for patients and raising the chance of a successful outcome.
But in bBBC-speak this is a negative move because it doesn’t involve giving the NHS even more money, the perennial socialist solution to every problem.
“the government plans to close some small and poorly-performing hospitals and concentrate treatment in good hospitals with the best consultants and most-experienced staff.”
Are they poorly performing or just more expensive to run than the average? Or perhaps they’re both cheaper and better than other local hospitals, but if they’re owned by the NHS Foundation Trust they can be closed a lot easier than any surrounding PFI hospitals. The media should be asking whether the priority for change is clinical or financial, and if change is needed what is the criteria for choosing who gets closed.
I can make out a good case that specialist surgeons need enough cases to maintain their level of expertise, so some specialties need Regional centres of excellence, but general surgeons get enough practice with the catchment area of a District General Hospital.
The real determinant should be the needs of the local population not the opinions of the accountants, and rural areas need a different pattern of hospital provision from urban areas. The further apart you make hospitals the larger the number of people who will die in the back of ambulances. Put at it’s simplest – journey times matter.
The NHS needs an informed public debate – but before that can happen the media, and especially the BBC, need to inform the public; not peddle the fantasy that the NHS is the best health service in the world and just needs a bit more money.
I’m not expecting an informative Panorama Special on this one.
The Left-wing media seem to ignore this type of racism… doesn’t fit their agenda-ridden narrative.
Can’t find it on the BBC Website.
Grant, no surprise there mate. The BBC and Guardian et al are only interested in one type of racism. If that human sewerage Abdulla had been the victim we would no doubt be subjected to even more mass protests with leftie, snowflake Cecils holding up puerile placards saying ‘No to racism, no to Trump, no to Brexit’, ‘No to Islamaphobia’, ‘Tory scum out’ and ‘Refugees welcome’ ad infinitum.
I cannot believe this scum escaped a prison sentence. Attack a baby and hurl abuse = zero sentence. Put bacon on a mosque door handle = 1 year in prison. I think this country’s in trouble.
You must be mistaken, surely. This is just the sort of vile racist attack the Beeb love to hi-light.
A pretty young mother out with her daughter, an unprovoked attack by a racist bigot, who abuses the mother and then spits in her baby’s face. And then, to top it all, the racist judiciary let the revolting creature off with a warning.
The dear old Beeb simply love stories like this. Remember the gobby woman on a tram abusing “someone of colour”? The louts who pushed the black chap off the Metro? Of course you do! The BBC ran these stories for weeks. I’m sure we all felt thoroughly ashamed of our nation after the Beeb had so roundly reminded us of our vile racism.
I just can’t imagine how they missed this one…
BBC News try to get us to sympathise with Albanian girls/women trafficked into the UK. Presenter Rita Chakradarti even has a Barbara Plett/Arafat moment. Have there been BBC tears for UK girls preyed upon by the Albanian’s coreligionists in this country?
BBC are all over this, have a feeling an Al BBC storm is being cooked up
with every available avenue used to promote it
Muslim teacher denied entry to US story.
“A Muslim teacher from Neath Port Talbot has been denied entry to the United States while on a school trip. Juhel Miah had flown to Reykjavik, Iceland, with the party from Llangatwg Community before boarding an onward flight to New York. Before the plane took off on 16 February, he was escorted off by security staff”.
… Muslim Council spokesman said: “No satisfactory reason has been provided for refusing entry to the United States – either at the airport in Iceland or subsequently at the embassy
… Features on Radio shows http://bbc.in/2kTSsgE
… Snapchat BBC Muslim teacher escorted off US-bound plane
… First Minister Carwyn Jones has written to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson for “urgent clarification”
… BBC Wales has asked the US Embassy in London to comment.
… Neath Port Talbot council has written to the US Embassy to “express its dismay” at the treatment of Mr Miah.
… The local authority stated had a valid visa to travel.
… The matter has been raised with our local MP.
… The Foreign and Commonwealth Office providing support to a British man who was prevented from boarding a flight
… Abdul-Azim Ahmed, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Wales, said he was “deeply troubled” by the incident, etc etc
… The school trip continued as planned but Mr Miah’s removal left pupils and colleagues “shocked and distressed,” a spokesman said.
Al BBC understands “he feels belittled and upset at what appears to be an unjustified act of discrimination.”
“What we do know is quite troubling and in the context of a school trip and the children being left with one less teacher because of this,” he said.
This is the latest in a series of incidents where Muslims have been denied entry to the US which date before even Trump was elected.” The school party returned to the UK on Monday after the week-long trip”.
So please everyone
compare all of the above, with this,
a story of teacher discrimination,
a lot LOT worse than being asked off of a flight
this time a senior Head Teacher, and a death threat!.
… That the AL BBC did not bother to report at all.
Second ‘Trojan Horse’ scandal feared after Oldham Headteacher reports death threats.
The report refers to the activities of Nasim Ashraf, a former parent governor and the brother of Shasta Khan, who is serving an eight-year prison sentence for her part in a plot to target Jewish targets in Manchester.
“Spokesman for Oldham council, cabinet member for education Amanda Chadderton, said: ‘We take any allegations about our schools very seriously. The report into an Oldham primary school found no basis to the “Trojan Horse” allegations.”
No Basis? what with :-
“Death Threats”?
“harassment and intimidation’ by Islamic parents?
‘aggressive verbal abuse’?
‘threats to blow up her car’?
furious as “her dress is offensive”?
even that “her own daughters photo s are offensive”?
… no basis??, nothing to see???
One supposes they ve asked Islamic teachers, and Islamic parents,
and they erm, know nothing about it?
Hopelessly compromised and infested Oldham council, there s nothing to see?
This harassment and abuse deserves much stronger scrutiny,
compromised Oldham council doubly so.
Can you recall? I stated this at the time
Imagine if a headmaster was Islamic? with just one of that list above?
… The Biased Broadcasting Cresent would literally be camped outside the
school gates!
Another amazing moment in that news feature when ‘our’ Rita interviewed Kamal and discussed the UK’s finances. What is it coming to?
Barbara Plett. Is it not high time to Usher her off the scene?
Did you know that the most powerful communicative tool in the world has just been sold?
The phone in fact was the other half of a direct line from Berlin to the BBC to be used whenever the German Chancellor [in those days!] wished to put their point of view over to the British public. Fortunately, it was hardly ever – in fact possibly never – used for that purpose as the BBC switchboard lassies could not understand the callers.
In very much later years a well-known female German Chancellor often picked up the phone – for the direct lines still remained – and immediately spoke to [many] BBC DG’s with grave instructions as to how the “News From Europe” was to be reported on the “Today” programme and also “Welt@Ein”, and “PM” with Herr [Silly] Mare.
Fortunately, all those problems have now disappeared (allegedly) as the cable was also included in the sale of the handset.
As a famous female German Chancellor descended into mouth-foaming frothing fury, as well often depicted in “Downfall” on YouTube, the cry reverbrated around Europe: “Don’t you worry, Britishers! Ve Hav Vays of making you listen! *AND* we will definitely impose todays Junckers Billions of EU € exit bill! You vill not leave this union so easy! Oh, No!!”
“Into ze cooler” ordered Juncker gesturing towards the chilled wine cabinet as he finished off yet another bottle and had sucked out any trace of alcohol from the cork….
Whereupon his adjutant goosestepped over the wishes of the Britishers who voted to leave…
A false dawn on Trump hating indeed.
The Beeb bias proliferates and it took some journalistic effort
The linked online story on the President’s condemnation of anti-Semitic attacks in America contains EIGHT attacks on him.
This must be a world record especially for an apparently positive BBC news item:
That is one biased piece of shit. President Trump is going to make sure Israel survives the hatred and the loathing from the UN and our own BDS scum.
The BBC is no friend of Israel. The British government is no real friend of Israel and as for the Scandinavians they are hostile .
Rubbish like that article will do nothing other than make many of us absolutely sure of where the BBC’s real interests lie.
Dear Lord, that little video of ‘black poets challenge Trump’ is the biggest steaming pile of sh*te I have witnessed in a long time. Don’t the BBC even pretend to be impartial anymore?
It is weird – Trump is worse than Hitler, Stalin, you name it. We just seem to be lacking one little, fairly insignificant thing – EVIDENCE.
I just had one of my rare forays into the BBC. Michael Portillo in istanbul, a city I lived in for 2 years. Whenever, the BBC cover anything that I have some specialist knowledge of , they get it wrong.
Portillo and the BBC do not even attempt to pronounce Turkish simple words and place name properly. Mind you, after him repeatedly mispronouncing ” Sofia” when he was in Bulgaria , that should be no surprise. But I had to laugh when he pronounced ” Haydarpasha ” as ” Hydrapasha ” !
So in Portillo’s world, the EU meets Asia ( not Europe meeting Asia ). Christians meet Muslims. Turkey is a “modern democracy “. And he covers the period of the foundation of the Republic with no mention of Ataturk !
But Michael loved Turkish wrestling, all that olive oil and tight leather trousers. Although he didn’t take part. He was delighted to discover one wrestler who started when he was a young boy. Michael, Turkish wrestling is about as popular in Turkey as curling is in Scotland !
or as popular as peadophilia in the BBC…
LOL !!
This story just sums up Left-wing incompetence and sheer idiocy…
Will the BBC be running in-depth analysis on this story?
Now he`s blown himself up sky high-finally we can now see “Fiddler On The Roof”.
As for that “Al-Britani” crap-his name is Ronnie Manc, and a typical dead beat dad.
Well dead anyway…Allah Akbar.
BBC gets down and dirty, gutter press BBC – Milo Yiannopoulos dropped over paedophilia comments.
Apparently some heavily edited video, I would like the facts BBC, I fully reserve judgement until we have them, if … IF? … a big reserved if, this is correct,
he s finished
… something tells me
lets just wait and see
Is that a chink of light … at the UN?
No wonder the scum in our universites and the media so hate President Trump. That is one fine speech from a good lady. And we can assume it is made on behalf of the President.
And we’re sure the, Muslim on a plane incident, wasn’t staged?
They were pulling this in the US a little while ago? It has died out now.
Now that is a woman with balls ! I wish she was British PM. Go for it Nikki, kick ass. I think Trump is signalling that the USA may quit the UN
Marine Le Pen refuses to wear a hijab as she meets (or not) the Grand Mufti somewhere Islamic.
No mention on the news though.
Oh if only she was as brave as Lyse, Orla or the Swedish lady government members.
But not a peep.
Can only think that Hillrys non-election has got them sulking-what OTHER reason could there be for the liberal media hope that a “woman would become President for the first time ever in her countries history”?
Radio 4 seemed excited by that before Nov 8th last year-but now that Marine is up for the same prize, absolutely NO sisterly support from Jenni or Jane on Womans Hour.
Wonder why.
Always wondered why the West has to ‘accommodate’ Muslim dress code?
Treezer will always wear a scarf for the lads.
GWF – But some of her hair is showing which is driving me mad with lust.
Stone the harlot!
Alicia – I don’t remember them getting too excited when we got our first woman Prime Minister either.
The Chinks always use their UN veto.
That is very Chinese. Take a thousand years to make up your mind. But they do not tolerate muslims.
They tolerate Muslims, as long as they behave – if they don’t…well, let’s just say it’s better for them if they behave.
Place your bets for the next Labour leader to be Muslim.
I thought Corbyn was a muslim ?
That would mean Abbott was halal.
I think that “bushmeat” is OK, g.
Not had my tea yet!
To put you off even more. The fragrant Diane has a son whose godfather is Jonathan Aitken. And Aitken was Diane’s “pair ” in the House of Commons.
Boy, are you in trouble. Start packing and leave quietly, now!
Remove battery from cellphone, pay cash, and don’t use credit cards.
Think S America, or perhaps Burma. She’s after you. She won’t give up – at least not until the first Little Chef.
File ON Four having a pop at schools again.
Apparently they “exclude too many vulnerable SEN pupils”-and here`s Matrix Chambers to say , in effect that exclusions are wrong in any circumstances.
The BBC of course are less exercised re exclusions in the private sector where all THEIR spawn are( the few that have them anyway).
But ther you go-usual-“no blame for the kids, crap parents, drugs, gangs or what have you-but PLENTY for those fee schools who try to actually TEACH as opposed to provide cover for the violence and gang-related childminding required by the BBC, the lawyers and the Marxist scum who run education and the media.
Utter crap….no mention of Will Cornish and Anne McGuire I note…but hey, the dead give no research grants do they?
Isn’t Matrix Chambers a Blair Witch project, A?
Rory Mcllroy getting loads of stick for playing a round of golf with President Trump
Can’t find any mention of it on the BBC news or sport site. They must be consulting the beeb guide book
“is it OK to criticize him? he is from Northern Ireland….it might look bad, what if he wins Sports Personality this year?…..Oh fuck it, let’s just ignore it”
Difficult for them to keep all these contradictions in their tiny minds.
Lucy, also no hint of criminal convictions ?
I mean , the Clintons avoided criminal convictions because they controlled the Juciary, prosecution service and police.
Hillary Clinton used/uses terms such as, ‘f’ing ni***r’ but that’s okay because she’s NOT, REPEAT NOT a racist.
The number of addresses visited is in binary, Lucy, they get around 21!
The link in that third bullet point, ‘tvlicensing.co.uk/noTV’, implies that you have to have a TV licence if you have a TV. No you don’t.
By the way, only 246 signatures to go on the decriminalise the TV tax petition, before it gets debated in Parliament.
Am I missing something…? Why does the letter have an “ITV” logo at the top?
BBc assessment http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-39031546
The usual shock horror closure etc. story. Of course by the time any real change happens most will have forgotten the “BBc assessment”.
Indulgence leads to this:-
Racist and elitist so-called correct ‘standard’ English: “She goes to her house”.
Jamaican, vibrant, enriching, subversive English: “She go to she house”.
‘Asian’ English: “Salaam Aleykum. She stay in house. Only men allowed out. Allahu akbar.”
22:00 It’s another award. This time the standing joke award that is the Brits and the BBc fly the flag for the talent vacuum annoying noise that is grime. Apparently it’s underground, no it’s not one of my fellow djs was playing it on local radio 3 years ago to my constant sarcasm. Stormzy apparently was unhappy so they are chancing who can vote on the awards. This crap apparently took the UK by storm or should I say stormzy, passed me by I must say. Still never mind the new Jesus and Mary chain long player is out very soon. Wonder if the BBc will be promoting that.
So it now appears that far from being wrong about Sweden, Trump was actually Prophetic!
For sheer mendacity how’s this report by CNN, who clearly send their ‘journos’ for training to the same School of Weasel Words as the bibistan. It’s the fault of poverty, unemployment and low education, and anyway “the authorities say the problems they are seeing are coming from Swedish born citizens”. The fact that the Government are supressing the truth on a massive scale and lying through their teeth for their very survival goes unmentioned.
You can see why Trump loathes the CNNts as much as we here loathe the bibistan.
The useful idiot libtard journo’s report is the vid at top of page, if you can bear it.
Yeah, pull the other one – Sweden has a higher living standard and better everything, even a better ‘happiness quotient’ (or it did?), than almost anywhere.
Their better everything is to die for.
Often by more folk by their own hand.
So to make the invaders welcome, Sweden bends over backward (probably literally in some cases, and forward too no doubt, we’ve heard about liberated Swedish women) and gives them everything a generous, advanced, tolerant, civilised, socialistic (let’s pretend that’s a compliment for now) society can give, free or subsidised housing, education, training, benefits etc, and the religionists of peace show their gratitude by torching the place. First or second generation – as the CNN report above tries to muddy the waters – so what?
I wonder what the Ropers in Stockholm were rioting about? In Paris the excuse was one of them being sodomised by a policeman (sounds bizarre to me, when our lusty gendarmes have the option of French women instead). But no such sodomising in Sweden, so… too much salt in their Gravlax maybe? Or perhaps:
– Oy, what about them 72 underage virgins we was promised?
– No, silly, that’s only after death and after you’ve murdered some infidels first. Anyway, where are we going to find you 72 virgins in Sweden?
The BBC have now taken their anti-Brexit campaign into their flagship soap opera – EastEnders. In yesterdays episode they had a “Poles Go Home” graffiti on the front of the Queen Vic after a recent Polish night. Character Mick Carter (played by Danny Dyer) was shocked by the incident and a new Polish character Konrad said it’s “the Britain we live in now”. It’s all a bit weird with the Soap suddenly introducing new hard working Polish characters into Eastenders and a “Polish Night” at the Walford Pub
It’s the great immigration into Grange Hill story updated, when Gripper Stebson joined the “far” right.
Why does anyone watch EastEnders?
Makes me laugh that the “writers” for Eastenders can pen the line “…the Britain we live in now” even though the show’s ethnic makeup is a fictional representation of what the east end truly is like. So much for the writers existing in “the Britain we live in now”. What a bunch of sods.
Latest: Neat little bit of inference on the BBC text pages – Trump apparently responsible for riots in Stockholm due to some unsubstantiated and rabble-rousing speech he made recently. Since he spoke before the immigrants erupted, his culpability is all too obvious and Amnesty International have proposed a re-run of the US election.
Here, the proceeds from one of the street parties in memory of Jo Cox organised by Brendan – due to be attended, it is believed, by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh – will be donated to a randomly selected Swedish national of Syrian or Algerian origin with mental issues. Should the amount raised be less than £1m, Ken Loach and JK Rowling have guaranteed to make up any shortfall. Tickets available from Momentum head office.
I wondered how long it would take to blame President Trump. It was of course deeply irresponsible to suggest that these foreigners might riot at the drop of a hat, because everyone knows they would find that grossly offensive and have no option but to riot to prove their point.
Street parties planned to remember murdered MP Jo Cox
Some key quotes from the article:
Her murder was “designed to divide our country” so uniting in this way would be “a powerful statement”, he added.
“We may even surpass the Jubilee,” said Peter Stewart, director of The Big Lunch.
“Whether it’s the Olympics, Jubilee or Royal Wedding people love that opportunity to come together,” Mr Cox added.” But being British we need that excuse to get together.”
Judging by the sales of the Jo Cox charity Christmas single I would bet money that this street party will totally misjudge the British public by a wide mile.
Brendan Cox appears to have a regular column on the BBC News website and is often on the Andrew Marr show sprouting on about how ‘Britain is divided’. The elephant in the room is the “British” people who couldn’t care less about street parties are a direct result of Jo Cox and others left wing policies of wanting more and more foreigners to come and enrich us. Yes Britain is divided but not because of Conservative (aka “right wing”) views.
Seems a hashtag with ‘Great’ in it will really cheer up the kids.
Not Britain.
They might have judged this one with the same unerring skill that brought us Brexit.
Instead of having 2 days of events (17/18 June), why not make it a week long thing, culminating on the 23rd of June with a massive “Independence day” celebration.
# I’m sure it’s what she would want.
A) There’s a BBC England (who knew?)
B) It seems to have misread the nation (who is surprised?)
Call me paranoid but I suspect this has a more cynical side to it – it’s a means of distraction from any possible celebrations around the first anniversary of the Brexit vote, at which time (we hope) negotiations will be well under way for withdrawal from the EU.
If you look at this article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39042436 they are saying it may even surpass the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. But it seems to be the usual list of PR-puffs and Quangos jostling for involvement.
Since when has it been normal to have street parties to commemmorate someone’s assassination? I don’t recall it happening when Airey Neave MP was killed. If it didn’t happen for Princess Diana, I can’t see it happening for Jo Cox.
An interesting angle Cranmer!
At Easter we “celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus”.
But only in the sense that this was not the end of the story…He rose again three days later( or two if you fancy being technical.
So-in celebrating the pointless murder of some nomark , maybe the BBC are “glorifying terrorism”-right wing SNP and Care In the Community strands involved too). Brendan Cox needs to be careful here surely.
A celebration of a death-well, suppose the Left and the BBC equate their joy re Thatchers with a chance to rejoice at the death of a Romaning anti-Corbyn type.
Bang Bang, the nomark died and STILL we voted Out?…shame on us all eh?
Let’s wait and see. I doubt very much whether support for the suggested street parties will be strong although, no doubt the BBC will be organising the event from behind the scenes. Can’t you picture it? – short scenes of a few blended together to make it appear there has been a large turn-out. Average BBC fare. But hey, when it becomes a gross flop, we can look around for someone or something to blame. Let me see now hm………
They should hold a Thames flotilla in her honour, and hope no nasty types turn up to mock and flick the V’s while sneering and drinking champers…Not that anyone would be that vile, surely !!!!
WTF! … Sorry no others words.
“Why I knifed J Corbyn”, support for white helmets, anti Israel
a real shame she s gone, in fact a tragedy …
BUT PLEASE PEOPLE!… not for something she wasn t, unnecessary.
and not warranted
This was also being plugged on Today. BBC right behind it. Farcical.
I know this is off the subject but I thought I would give you a
bit of an insight to the “pie eating ” incidence at Sutton.
The BBC don’t cover that much live top domestic football anymore.
So when they have a match such as the SUTTON-ARSENAL FA Cup game
its like the World Cup final for them. By the way I have been a
football odds consultant for over 40 years who works for bookmakers
and also have helped FIFA .
Bookmakers know that millions were going to watch this game and it
is a great chance for them to attract new punters with advertising ,
sponsorship and in particular offering “mad” bets. You will see them offering
10/1 Real Madrid to beat Long John Silvers X1 to attract new customers. They will of
course only take a pound or two on this type of novelty bet. So of course offering
8/1 on the big reserve goalkeeper eating a meat pie with all the publicity offered
by the BBC was too good to miss. Yes I feel a bit sorry for the fat goalie who
succumbed to his opportunity for five minutes of fame . But don’t feel too sorry for the bookmaker who knew what they were doing to attract new business.The BBC were duped into playing along with them, without knowing it.
St Brendan The Inappropriate Behaver also appeared on Today. The BBC seems determined to promote the career of this somewhat sinister individual who is using the death of his wife to promote himself and his political aims . The majority in this country don’t want to be in the EU , don’t want to have open borders and unlimited migration and don’t want to give up our culture to pander to those who refuse to integrate thankfully into the British way of life. So, no, we won’t be having a picnic or street party, just as we didn’t buy the cd.
Yes EE,
As a boy, where I used to live, we used to have street parties, village fetes etc, it was common place. However, it doesn’t happen anymore, why? It is not difficult to understand is it, the whole infrastructure of our village life has been torn apart, firstly by London Luvvies, (like Mr Cox) who only attend their houses at weekends, make the price of our houses unaffordable, so the local youngsters cannot afford to buy them. Then they complain about the cows in the field mooing and do very little to integrate into village life (vary rarely sending their children to the village school for instance). Yes we have BBC personnel, high flying lawyers and people from the national papers + other hoi poloi personnel in our village, which unfortunately is now overseen by another PC organisation the National Distrust. But, more recently the problem has been exacerbated by the arrival of overseas inhabitants who are downright against integrating in to our village ways and never accept our historical past. And Mr Cox tells us we need a village picnic! So, it’s the incumbents fault is it Mr Cox. Wrong again.
Sorry BBC.
Many of us remember Lady Di-and Jo Cox was no Lady Di.
One year an MP-then attacked by a Scot who lived nearby and was off his meds-despite his efforts to get them, can only assume the local NHS Trust had gone home to campaign to stay in the EU.
This is pathetic Pavlik Morozov stuff.
Anyway-we`ll be raising a few Bombadiers and Yeats` Australian White Wines here to the first anniversary of INDEPENDENCE DAY-as ordained and sanctified by St Nigel Farage…and this will be the weekend after.
Two parties in a row?…nah, not got the funds…so Nigels Day it is!
This year in late May will be four years since Lee Rigby was killed-any chance of the BBC remembering THAT martyrdom.
Or is it only the vacuous and privileged Davos dills that get the BBC to trumpet their self serving emotings.
An MP for one year-dies for nothing but the Community Care gaps-and she`s already got a Lifetime Achievement Award as far as the luvvies are concerned?
Ah well-Obama got his Nobel Prize in even less time I suppose.
Hope to get a Happy St Jo Cox Day card sent through the door though-will go with our St Donalds Day one ordered for the 8th November.
In the meantime-I`ll be telling my church that I`ll NOT be going in June-time to boycott the CofE, RSPB and all similar “supporters of Jo Cox” who`ve allied themselves to this hokum.
Remoaners who want to use her bones to beat their drums or to hit us with.
Excellent post Franglais, and so so true.
There should be no street parties or picnics in Grimsby either, Saint Jo of Geldofia supported Saint Bob of Rat Street in his Armada for Remoan in attacking the fishermen and Nigel.
BBC Breakfast tell me they too will soon be talking to Brendan the obnoxious – as though that were any reason for me to keep watching.
To be honest they lost me when the beta male sofa jockey said: “More of Diana’s glitzy gowns later, first we have to talk banking”
By the way, you may like to note that yesterday when HSBC posted a drop in profits it was explained in part by “Brexit”
Today when Lloyds announce increased profits this is explained by the effect of PPI dropping out of the equation.
…………while our government and our MPs look on and allow the law to force people to pay an unjust tele tax to support the biased propaganda .
BBC weather forecasters are back to their game of frightening the life out of pensioners this morning. Amber Alert! Storm Doris!
I’m reminded of nothing so much as the work of John Cleese and Graham Chapman when they were in their prime. ‘Stop now, it’s getting silly’.
Now I’ve a question : What is the derrivation of the term “weather bomb” ?
Who first popularised the phrase ?
I ask because our BBC weatherman told us this morning that ‘Meteorologists’ call this particular type of low pressure system a ‘weather bomb’. I have a suspicion that he may be telling porkies and that this is a media-coined phrase. Any suggestions ?
But, you’ve already HAD one “storm Doris” this year, you can’t have another one, that’s just being greedy. By the way, did Armageddon come your way in the wake of the last one? Perhaps a few multicoloured recycling bins toppled, to the danger of…
Old Goat,
Are you psychic ? Sitting here in Bonnie Perthsire, where it is a bit breezy but nothing unusual. I just read your post and the empty wheelie bin next door blew over. Scary !
I note that more than half of those same countries named in Donald Trump’s travel restrictions – because those states were unable to provide the US with satisfactory background security clearance on their citizens – are now today named as unable to even feed their own peoples. Hmmmm.
Big news today is the famine being reported in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and Northern Nigeria.
At 8.12am this morning on bBBC 1 tv news, an interviewee put this down to ‘climate change’ as well as ‘conflict’.
Readers may just be able to spot an additional link between all these locations which just possibly might also have something to do with the situation.
Needless to say, unsurprisingly, this link entirely eluded the entire biased BBC news organisation.
Eastenders has gone full on anti Brexit /hate crime against Poles apparently.I no longer watch it but hope others will finally switch it off. Its a disgrace to real Eastenders like me who have welcomed more than our fair share of migrants over the years.
I have taken to listening to Talk Sport .I quite like the banter and felt for sure it would be a Trump free zone.Their news items are not too bad ,but the presenters .OMG -I know they’re not the sharpest tools in the box but the anti Trump rants are increasing based on the fake news about him.Sorry to say it but ex footballers are not good at political comment and should stay out of it.. BBC funded Gary Lineker included.
Back to Classic FM ,its just a bit repetitive at times .
Well said Deborah.
I gave up watching all the soaps 15 or more years ago. However, I HAVE become hooked on (as I duck for cover) a BBC2 Australian drama set in the 50’s which is on every afternoon – A Place to Call Home. Its like the unsung jewel that no tv critic has spotted. No ethnic faces, and because its set not long after the war the bigotry is aimed at a Jew, but the acting is superb, the costumes are to die for, you have to keep up with the many storylines, but its far superior to anything currently on over here.
Wow .i will look out for it.And the BBC are showing it. They can’t know what’s in it.
You couldn’t pay me enough to watch that ludicrous, pc parody, Eastenders. It attempts to depict an east end that last existed 40 odd years ago. When I did accidentally catch a glimpse of one episode you had the cast characters lined up in the bar of The Vic’ like a racially diverse box of liquorice allsorts. There was a black chap, a white bloke, a black woman, a white woman. There was even an “Asian” girl wearing a head scarf… in a pub! Happens all the time in pc fantasy land.
Everything the BBC do these days is essentially propaganda wrapped up as entertainment. It’s not subtle; it’s not particularly clever and often it’s not very well done.
The east end of my youth has disappeared forever. Blimey, last time I went to Petticoat Lane I thought the bus had diverted me to Bangladesh.
I think most BBC prog’s should come with a warning.
This programme is complete and utter bo££ock$ and may damage your health!
When ‘Enders started in 1985, the demographic was just about believable, although even back then I recall people saying there weren’t enough asians in it. But right from the get-go it was used as a propaganda tool, often very oddly, eg the character Mark Fowler who got AIDS simply because they wanted to show it wasn’t just homosexuals that got it.
Perhaps the time is very appropriate for a BBC revival of this:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eldorado_(TV_series) ?
One thing you won’t see around here are Muslims in the pub .Not even with a glass of orange juice. That’s if you can find a pub. They are not into community engagement at all that doesn’t revolve around the mosque.Eastenders and Corrie are the utopia in some leftys warped mind. It just doesn’t happen.
“Divisive political rhetoric a danger to the world, Amnesty says”
Who are Amnesty? What do they do about the real despots around the world , ISIS , Taliban, and most of the corrupt governments of Africa ? How much money do they get from the most human and most democratic governments of the west ?
Amnesty appear to attack ‘soft’ targets?
Probably Soros’ money is behind them. But it’s good that such as Amnesty ‘come out’ in support of essential liberal principles. It’s better we know who they are rather than the Islamic charities/States hiding in the dark corners.
Found this after posting above –
Amnesty should do what they were founded for – helping political prisoners of draconian, repressive regimes – there are plenty if you look!
America does not need ‘saving’.
“Hospital cuts planned in most of England”
Our own suffer …….
While our government forks out millions in foreign aid .
A female Asian is now on Sky (who are now as bad as the BBC) spouting that migrants gaining British citizenship should have more of a ceremony when they receive their ‘Certificates’. She’s suggested something on the lines of the Australian system where its done at a public event – like our Cup Final !!!! Jackie Beltrao to her credit said it ‘wouldn’t work’, but my immediate thought would be the comments from the Stands as 50 or so newly created British Citizens grasping their precious official document paraded across the pitch ! Can you imagine it ?
An excellent idea. Give them a ceremony which reflects our multicultural society, such as this one performed in vibrant multicultural Manchester where Andy Burnham is to become the Emir.
After HIS 180 degree turnaround on Hillsborough( remember his Ceausescu moment at Anfield in April 2009?)-only the stupid Mancunians would vote for this popinjay as their Mayor.
He`s a SCOUSER Mancs-this OUGHT still to matter-he`s using your great city as a sanctuary from Corbyn.
No-a vote for Burnham would be a slap in the face to the 96-Burnham went to Anfield to speak for Gordon Brown and his refusal to re-open the enquiry as I recall. Aaron Banks is right-Labour and the BBC are using the dead to continue their “war by other means”.
Like Jo Cox in fact…but with full blessings of Brendan and Team Liberal behind him.
Just as well nobody died at Orgreave eh?
They need to do a bit more research because there is a ceremony .i used to work with a New Zealander who gained citizenship and took part in the group ceremony.
Funnily enough ,she quite quickly after that returned permenanty to New Zealand.
Needless to say, everythings fine and dandy in Sweden –
Judge who is right: your own common sense or the BBC’s propaganda/fake news. I know who I’d bet on……..