We`ll be seeing plenty of Sunsura if Owen Jones sees this…
This poppet has learned all we need to witness re the idiot left as it exists and will be from now on.
Problem is they’ve been so undisciplined for so long – if anyone says, ‘no’ or tries to get them to go to bed at a sensible time they scream, ‘Fascist’. Very sad.
Great interview by Tucker. He keeps his cool, smiles and laughs and lets this lunatic dig herself in a hole. He totally outsmarted her . Full marks to Tucker !
This is a terrible interview in which he fails to control her, allows her to go on a rant and asks hardly any questions at all. Even the questions he asks are extremely poor and fail to pin her down.
In my opinion he should have asked her to define what Fascism is and its history, how it differs from Nazism, and then when she clearly wasn’t able to answer have educated viewers, and the interviewee on the subject.
As it was she was all over him and he failed completely to get anything from the interview.
99.9% of people have no understanding of what Fascism is, mainly because our education system has failed to teach children what it is so they can recognise it. Now as a result of that omission Fascism is able to make its resurgence from the same place it did before and spread unchallenged.
Trump cannot possibly be a Fascist as he is clearly not a Socialist !
People such as her are impossible to control in an interview and that was the purpose here anyway – to show quite how lunatic these Progressives actually are.
The only way anyone could control her in an interview, would be with pepper spray.
Just returned from taking the grandkids to school.
Sarah Montague Cox is a prize to us you know.
This Davos lollipop lady was on point duty this morning as the SNP fought it out with some BBC ex grandee( who Sarah was VERY reverntial about)-Lady Young of the Heathers or what have you-in regard of the BBC not giving the Scots their own news stories at 6pm.
Oh the chill-only ten minutes after the “celebrate unity in diversity” crap over Cox-now we`ve got the BBC forcing the Scots to take our ” English NHS crisis”, “Tube strikes” and the like.
Otherwise “they`d be too happy to get the price of Tunnocks in Auchtermuchty”-or some other lofty excuse to stop Sturgeon getting an hour at six every night.
Priceless car crash radio-thankfully I didn`t.
But this story has potential to screw the BBC-it`s where their “Ariel and Reith” bull meets Scottish Independence”-and the BBC do NOT like this one one bit.
Dryborough and Irn Bru down the cracks could do it…on this one I`m with the SNP.
But why are the ENGLISH having to listen to Scottish crap then?….and why,, more do ANY of us have to take the NHS, Brexit and Trump, migrant slurry-English? no…Globalist mind-massages?
Imagine Montague wouldn`t have been too far from the Harry Clark case in Scotland-this woman will sever the Scots from the rest of us if she keeps going…to make ME an SNP ally is some achievement…but she did it.
Another piece of enrichment I’m sure the BBC will be pushing along with Government and charities in the name of ‘cultural diversity’.
On midweek we’re told that in Africa,Tanzania in this case, where witchcraft is still the ‘go to’ for problems or advancement, albinos are outcasts. Albino children are abandoned or killed but on the up side their body parts are used in many wondrous magic potions. Apparently, albino body parts fetch a very good price which can be a great boost to the local economy.
I am pleased to say that, in Gambia, albinos are given special treatment of a kinder type. The Gambian Agency for Public Works ( “Gamworks” ) provides funds for the Gambian Albino Association which includes work projects and buying sun cream !!! I am not usually in favour of positive discrimination but…..
Unfortunately much of Africa is crap. Until they change their mindsets and behaviour , I don’t see much hope for the future.
Gambia and Senegal are going in the right direction. But , I think the rest of West Africa is still the “Heart of Darkness “. Maybe Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia have a chance. The problem is, whenever there is some improvement, it gets destroyed. But maybe Europeans are in no position to lecture these days !
You are right, the use of human body parts in black magic is widespread throughout Africa. It is called muti and can come in many forms from hair to fingernails, blood or actual body parts like hands and feet or organs.
But it’s OK because it only happens in Africa, right? Wrong! Along with all the other cultural enrichment migrants from Africa bring “traditional African medicine” or witchcraft as it is also known, is alive and well in UK. In fact the good old House of Lords refused to legislate against it.
A little aside – Serial made in 1961 on R4 Xtra and what struck me was how things seemed to be back then. No I-phones, power tools!, internet, rules, regulations, political correctness, sound bites, globalism, celebrity culture, outrage and offense, victims galore, paranoia and generalised bull shit at every turn.
And people just got on with stuff.
Deborah, to be fair that was longer ago than 1961. The First World War was when the state really got its grips in to ordinary peoples’ lives. Somebody wrote that before 1914, the average Briton had almost no contact with any state representative other than the postman. I think the difference is, with dramas written before the late 1960s, there is rarely any attempt to mould or change opinion; drama tended to reflect established viewpoints instead of pushing alternative ones.
I think it was AJP Taylor who came up with the comment about the Post Office. Strangely enough, since 1914 the British state has become vastly more intrusive, but the one thing you can rarely find these days is a Post Office. We have one locally which is hiding in a branch of W. H. Smith!
Before WW1 a handgun could be purchased over the counter in Britain and “gun crime” was virtually non-existent, today we have some of the strictest gun laws on earth; yet guns are used somewhere, by criminals, in the UK everyday.
BBC Website. Juncker says “UK faces hefty Brexit bill “. He estimates £51 billion. Why ? Just stop paying contributions and refuse to pay a Brexit fee and start a trade war. They have no chance. They are bound to lose. I don’t see the problem.
Grant I don’t think so, otherwise we can launch a counter claim. There was something about this in the Daily Mail (on Monday) about this threat by Junckers. ‘Britain won’t have to pay £50billion bill for leaving EU’ … there is nothing in the Lisbon treaty, The EU legal document, to suggest Britain should pay a single penny to the EU after Brexit…’ we could actually claim a share of the EU assets, which are £130billion, due to the UK’s financial contribution over the years while a member. Any refund would be ‘anything but easy’.. ‘ but based on the UK’s 15% contribution to EU funds, it could be as much as £20billion…. John Redwood also states that any Minister thinking of making a payment would have to pass UK legislation in parliament which would be UK illegal post Brexit. Totally unlikly.
No link for this (typing from Mondays Printed Mail page 12).
Also noted in same paper that Junckers may retire post Brexit in despair. Euro dream in tatters as if we had not already noticed.
The terrorist who was paid £1 million compo by Labour, well it is on the Jeremy Vine show now, should be interesting to hear how the Libtards defend this?
BBC Main News Page – Thousands of street parties, picnics and baking competitions will be held on 17 and 18 June to remember MP Jo Cox
Thousands of street parties, picnics and baking competitions will be held on 17 and 18 June to remember MP Jo Cox, a year after she was murdered.
Her widower Brendan said the UK-wide event, called The Great Get Together, would be a “fitting tribute” to the mother-of-two who died on 16 June 2016. Her murder was “designed to divide our country” so uniting in this way would be “a powerful statement”, he added. The Royal Family and several charities are helping to publicise the event.
Mrs Cox, MP for Batley and Spen, was murdered outside her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire, by Thomas Mair, who … (the rest is BBC highlighted) shouted the words “Britain first” as he shot and stabbed her.
“Why I knifed J Corbyn”, support for white helmets, anti Israel?
she s gone, in fact its a real tragedy … there should be a memorial of course, but this overtly over the top political circus isn t it.
Stinks of the establishment, political posturing and narrative.
I just had to check the date out as I’m one of those old gifts who voted for Brexit, yep 18th June Battle of Waterloo. I rather think St Jo’s hubby didn’t pay attention in school. Mr Kitty and I will be raising a glass to Arthur Wellesley aka the Duke of Wellington.
Opportunity for Labour Councillors to rake in some cash.
Perhaps the food at the party will be halal, and heavy prison sentences for anyone donating pork sausage rolls.
Hmmmmmmmm, sorry, but the only people I remember in quiet contemplation on the death of their anniversary are dearly loved and missed family members. The death of Jo Cox was a tragedy, but I didn’t know her, and had never heard of her until she died – as I believe most of this Country, so I think the organisers are on to a hiding for nothing in believing street parties will be held in her remembrance.
Now if there was a dance-athon in memory of Fred Astaire I might be inclined to attend !
Has there ever been any national commemoration of the death of someone in this way? I recall a year after Princess Diana’s death there were a few vigils and candles etc, but nothing compared to the year before. 1997 is the twentieth anniversary of her death and the royal family has said it will be marked quietly. So why is the death of a not-well known MP, terrible though it was, to be the cause of street parties nationwide? It all sounds very suspicious to me.
There were Celebrations on the death of Adolph Hitler on 30th April 1945. Most people would have celebrated his death on 1st May 1945, but like Jo Cox, the street parties where held on two days after the date of death, on the 8th May and the 9th May 1945.
I am like the Queen. I do not like celebrating the death of a relative. The Queen is known to be reluctant to celebrate her accession, because it was also the day that her father died.
But the behaviour of Brendan Cox implies that he must have got something better than the divorce that he was thinking about at the time of her death.
You obviously didn`t notice the many candle `vigils` for Mark Duggan although in numbers the participants numbered about fifty at a time over the last two years, the total numbers add up to literally `thousands` of people… Thier campaign for `Justice` has temporarily been put on hold until Storm Doris has passed but rumours suggest that a waxwork effigy of `soon to be canonised` Duggan nailed to a cross will be appearing on Easter Sunday outside the local Police Station accompanied by an estimated `tens of thousands` friends and family members and his gobshite Aunt who will make moronic statements regarding the Police and thier execution of Duggan…
I am rather surprised that the headscarf who won the Bake Off recenty isn`t involved….. especially when its` a two day event involving the whole of the UK, her contribution of some `hundreds and thousands` would ensure the BBC don`t look like liars and it would literally be the icing on the cake for the Duchess Of Corned Dog who is desperate for some kind of Royal identity and even a lobsided cake surrounded by wasps, bluebottles and bearded child refugees will give her some validation…. I wonder if Prince harry will be doing a flyover in his Apache Helicopter??
BBC – Income rules for foreign spouses upheld
“Just because she happens to fall in love with me and I have the wrong passport, she isn’t allowed to live with me in her own country,” says Spencer Russ, an American who may be deported from the UK, where he lives with his British wife, Laura Segan”.
How come it never seems to be the Brit who goes to live in that country and not here. Yes my estranged Brother I’m talking about you. Benefits not so good in Eastern Europe?
“BBC announces new Scottish TV channel as bosses splurge £30m on station”. Yippee, more bucketloads of Propaganda as the monopolistic British Pravda spreads its slimy tentacles and tightens its grip around our necks.
Perhaps McbBBC or ScotchWatch will take back all the Scottish journos who currently blather on and on, on the bBBC. How about a tv channel for the English?
It will be interesting to see if English speaking presenters are allowed on Scottish BBC progs.
It is obvious that this is a bribe to divert attention from the second Scottish referendum, Salmond and Sturgeon won’t like it one bit.
I’ve just seen this “story” apparently it has a 30million pound budget. But wait didn’t they shut down BBc3 because they couldn’t afford it? Doesn’t this just replace 3?
Sorry Taboo is another BBc quality product hat I haven’t watched so that’s a bit lost on me. From memory wasn’t BBc 3 just programs about parents stalking their kids on holiday in a slightly sinister way, young people who couldn’t drive very well and a program where the subject removed their make up.
How could you forget BBC3! The channel that bought us such works of towering genius as ‘Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps’ (nine series’ worth!)
Not a direct criticism of the BBC but a story that perfectly illustrates the warped society that we have become and that is so beloved of the Beeb. In an episode of The Walking Dead the arch villain and his crew had captured the group of apocalypse survivors on which the show focuses. His favourite weapon is a heavy baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it, and he announced that he was going to make an example of one group member by beating his brains out in front of all the others. It only remained for him to randomly choose a victim, and he started doing the old ‘Eeny Meeny Miny Moe’ routine.
Primark were selling a t-shirt containing the words ‘Eeny Meeny Miny Moe’ and a picture of the baseball bat. They have now withdrawn it from sale because of the following complaint from a customer after he and his wife saw the t-shirt in a Sheffield branch of Primark.
“We were shocked when we came face to face with a new T-shirt with a racially explicit graphic and text. It was fantastically offensive and I can only assume that no-one in the process of ordering it knew what they were doing, or were aware of its subliminal messages.The graphic has a large American baseball bat, wrapped round with barbed wire, and covered with blood.
This image relates directly to the practice of assaulting black people in America. It is directly threatening of a racist assault, and if I were black and were faced by a wearer I would know just where I stood.”
Now I’m aware of course that the second line of the rhyme is ‘Catch a n….r by his toe’ though neutral words are often used instead. But what kind of person does it take to see racism here when there clearly is none? Incidentally The Walking Dead is set in Georgia, USA and there are plenty of black actors in prominent roles. Race as an issue doesn’t feature in the show at all.
Precedent now may kick in, along with the law of unintended consequences.
The shops of Carnaby St must be shuddering at what to do with their stock of Che and Mao T’s, though the latter is now in the Don camp so may survive for disparaging purposes.
However, when it comes to fantastically offensive associations:
“It’s very sad that someone is throwing away their life like this. This is a deluded ideology. It’s going nowhere The caliphate is on its way out….This is an ideology that doesn’t appeal..that only appeals to a tiny fraction of people around the world, and it’s a death cult, so what a pointless way to go.”
Frank fails to understand that for a Jihadist, death is not the end, but the beginning of an afterlife in paradise with Allah.
His religious illiteracy has its own delusional quality in the eyes of the faithful.
What weakens the West is the atheists failure to recognise that Jihadists really believe what they say, and that Christian leaders, their own beliefs often compromised by “ecumenism” refuse to challenge the core Islamic belief that God wants Jihad.
Like the tiny fraction of Germans that we are told made up the Nazi party, and the tiny fraction of Communists in the USSR, a tiny fraction of 1.6 billion muslims is capable of doing a huge amount of damage to the world.
Breitbart have caved into the liberal media shills for sacking Milo Yiannopoulos and Simon & Schuster are cowards for refusing to publish his upcoming book.
If you are not familiar with Milo, he is a libertarian activist and provocateur known for making comments like “feminism is cancer”, “Muslims..get away with almost anything.” and “fat acceptance…is given the heart attack it deserves”. As you might expect, this has made him very unpopular with generation snowflake who have banned him from twatter, induced riots on university campus and even got him banned from the city of San Francisco. Ironic as Milo is the worlds biggest homo with a particular liking for bbc. He is often labelled by the liberal media as being “Alt-right” or “far right”, despite his protestations to the contrary. It seems when it comes to Milo they have selective hearing.
This comes after Milo made comments on a youtube live stream more than a year ago regarding the age of consent while at the same time absolutely and unequivocally condemning paedophilia.
The usual hypocritical liberal shills went into overdrive which has resulted in Milo losing his job and publishing deal. The same liberal shills who will accuse you of racism for daring to point out that Islam does not have any minimum marriageable age or transphobia for questioning if it is appropriate to ask pre-school children which gender they identify as.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not agreeing with the comments he made, just the hypocracy of the liberals and the weakness of Breitbart and Simon & Schuster for caving into them.
Milo scares the hell out of them A gay conservative who doesn’t do PC. He’s another like Trump who speaks plainly…Im sure they have conspired and taken him out .but it will be a hollow victory because he’s not going anywhere.He will become stronger .
Milo produced some great youtube moments but I`m cautious about fretting over a man who describes himself thus, “I started my career as a technology reporter who wrote about politics, but I have since become something else” he said. “I am a performer with millions of fans in America and beyond”. quote from Business Insider http://www.businessinsider.com/milo-yiannopoulos-resigns-breitbart-2017-2
We need something more than “performers” whose well publicised misjudgments can be used to smear conservative politics as a whole.
“…We need something more than “performers” whose well publicised misjudgments can be used to smear conservative politics as a whole.”
Actually I think what the Right needs are performers – and more of them. The regressive Left own the culture (films, TV, music, the arts) and use their dominance of it to incessantly bully and telegraph their propaganda – particularly to a young, indoctrinated audience. The Right need to join in the culture wars and bring their A-game or they are always going to be choking on the dust kicked up the sneering, belligerent Left.
Milo (his main audience are 14-25 year-olds) is exactly what the Right needs to get its message across. Acerbic, provocative, argumentative, intelligent, witty and offensive – he makes an impression and young people seem to enjoy it. He embodies the idea that these days being a conservative is now the edgy, cool thing to be. The Right needs many more like him.
Culture war posturing got the left nothing in the 2016 US election. Nor the UK election in 2015, nor the Brexit vote.
In democracies power is won by elections being won, Trump will achieve more in the culture war by appointing 1 or 2 Supreme Court Judges over the next four years than any amount of you tube posturing, or baiting triggly puff students…..fun though that is to see.
People side with winners. The right side is winning.
Milo is a sideshow, like Eddie Izzard and both are vote losers among the key demographic, grumpy, silent majority folks who actually turn out and vote.
I was under the impression that Breitbart didn’t sack him – he resigned of his own accord to avoid Breitbart being dragged in. He’ll be back, I suspect.
Milo resigned from Breibart, although it might be a question of leaping before being pushed. But he has other plans and they may materialize. Here is his full Press Conference. Worth checking against the BBC’s fake news about it
He was almost certainly pushed as certain others at Breitbart had threatened to quit if he stayed. Having received his resignation, they could have refused to accept it, but they didn’t and that speaks volumes.
I must say, I don’t like him striving for victim status. After all he has said in the past about people aspiring to victimhood it comes across as a bit false. He does not have a right to certain opinions because he is a victim, he has a right to them because he is a human being.
Well remember Chris Woodhead describing teachers getting off with schoolkids( as he did)as “potentially an educative experience”.
Still kept his pension, allowed to stay on in education and no Labour politicos lost their jobs.
That such a sad sod like Woodhead was in charge of Labours education policy re school inspection a few years back gets off-but Milo gets hung out to dry on his own comments-tells you that paedo patronage is allowed for Lefty liberal…but is confected and howled down if they get into political arenas.
Putin does the same.
Savile?…if only he`d campaigned for Blair or his Yorkshire shills, we might not have heard of him.
If the eu want us to pay £51 billion to leave, taken to its logical conclusion, if everyone leaves the eu, the payments would probably exceed a trillion. Who would get this money plus the money from the sale of all the eu assets?
Maybe when there is one country left in it, they will get everything. Give it all to Malta perhaps.
Or is this money the eu pension pot?
Maybe we should charge everyone who emigrates from the UK, say £300,000 to be able to leave.
I know it all sounds daft but I didn’t start this, it an eu idea to want money from us to leave.
I think it might be a good time to ask for some war reparations.
There was the cost of destroying Germany and the cost of rebuilding it. Not forgetting the Berlin Airlift. Then, of course, the cost of security in Europe up to when the wall came down. That’s before we add the cost of the destruction wrought on this country and compensation for the lives shattered.
That only accounts for Germany – we won’t mention the cost of liberating Europe and I doubt 51 billion covers it.
I have posted here many times that the Allies let the Germans off very lightly. The country should have been dismembered and many of the people re-settled. I know there are some here who do not agree with me, but ” I told you so ! “
I recall working with US forces in Europe during the 1970s where it was widely agreed by those on the ground that the point of keeping the US army in Germany was to stop them from acting up again. Germany should have been broken up Germans have proven too often their willingness to follow crazy leaders.
I had some drinks in the company of a German fellow in the Czech Republic in 1996. I had been in Berlin for a couple days before that & I was asking him how he felt about the reunification of his country. (I was expecting a positive response) He said to me that “When Germany is strong it is good for Germany. But perhaps not so good for everyone else” Perhaps he was right.
Agreed Lucy, I sat with my then husband watching the celebration as the wall came down and said to him ” this will lead to trouble ” because he had served in Germany (Army) he agreed and said he gave it 20 years before Germany started again to try and take over Europe. Whenever I mention this I’m told I’m paranoid.
Correct. The German elites refuse to recognise that Germany alone was responsible for the 1939 war. It nearly ruined this country and has all but destroyed the notion of European civilisation. I have no time for the place and Merkel’s pathetic attempt to atone for the crimes by importing millions of third world men is yet another German error of historic proportions.
To be lectured by her and her like is intolerable.
Nicholas Ridley-our chain smoking prophet!
The Tories died when they sacked him in 1989. Like Enoch, he proves to be more right by the day in regard of the German Project
Nick Ridley. I seem to remember he was once asked why he had not resigned or retired. He replied ” The last thing I want to do is spend more time with my family ” !
I am not an historian, but I suspect that the arrogant, controlling national insanity of the Germans has caused many big problems in Europe and the World. Not normal people , in my opinion.
The two world wars left us heavily in debt, and unable to administer our trading commitments due to our merchant marine being virtually wiped out and most of the ports we had used were destroyed… However we spent the latter of the last Century paying off the debts for two wars which we had not wished for and had not started, whilst Europe and Japan was rebuilt with major investment from the US… The reason why we are now the seventh biggest economy is becouse we involved ourselves with European politics…. Prior to 1914 we were a Global Trading Empire and were in the process of creating a Commonwealth of Independant States as it was too costly and having to govern and administrate so many overseas interests had become untenable…
Then the French and the Germans decided to restart the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.. The rest as we all know ended with us losing much of our economic trade overseas as much of our trading network no longer existed… Meanwhile those who were to blame for the conflicts were rebuilt by the US funding programs, same in the Far East…. Everytime we have involved ourselves in the politics of the Continent we have ended up losing out…. The EU thinks our finances belong to them…. We don`t need article 50… We should simply say “No, thanks and stop all EU participation along with all payments now, there is nothing to discuss we were once a global trade superpower we can manage quite well on own in the world and the EU protectionist trading rules will lead to complete financial ruin for all member states when it implodes….
Justin Casey
Get out of the EU, full stop .
We have always played the game by the rules to no avail to the people of Great Britain. Time to look after our own. Pull the plug out, walk away, the corrupt EU have far more to loose.
Mr Goldstein – the Roman Empire limped on as the Holy Roman Empire until 1806, and survives in its last vestiges as the Vatican State to this day. Perhaps something similar will happen with the EU, and in a couple of hundred years the European Union of Malta, Gozo and Comino will be issuing diktats to imaginary representatives across what remains of Europe. It would make a great subject for a comedy play on Radio Four. Can’t see it happening somehow though…
Once in a while, those of us who want to prevent Europe becoming part of Eurasia and Muslim dominated win a small victory . These victories are not enough to stem the tide of Muslim
population growth in Europe, but they at least offer some hope that we haven’t gone completely mad in pursuing our own self-destruction.
One such victory was ending the child migrant route from France as facilitated by the Dubbs amendment . Cameron had cravenly given in to Dubbs and the outcome was adult ‘child’ migrants who, to prevent further government embarrassment , were given green blankets to protect their adult features . May has ended this fiasco.
Today we have another minor victory. The courts have upheld tbe £18 k minimum income limit on bringing in relatives . While no-one in government could possibly admit to this, the rule was designed to prevent Muslim men from bringing in ignorant wives they had gone back to Kashmir and the like to chose .This medieval practice keeps replenishing first generation Muslim migrants and ensures that such women bringing up their many children probably don’t speak English or have any affinity to British culture . Breaking this treadmill is at least as important as reducing immigration from the EU.
So, a small victory, but beware! The court ruled that the policy must be proportionate to the right to a family life . The pernicious Human Rights Act strikes again . Wait for it to be fully exploited by Muslim men.
EnglandExpects, a few years ago there was a play on in London called ‘England People Very Nice’ about immigration. There was a scene where a group of Pakistani immigrants in the 60s are in a London cafe and somebody comes in to tell them the government is clamping down on bringing in family members from Pakistan. They all jump up and rush out. ‘Where are you going’ says the man. ‘To the travel agents to book their tickets’ comes the reply.
Of course, the play was denounced as ‘racist’ and a performance was disrupted – even though in general it was pro-immigration.
There is no doubt in my mind that the EU will continue to want to grow. Turkey will fall to the EU and after that Tunisia and Morocco. Then it is game over for Western civilization, at least in Europe.
wow, what a great clip. Soon to be on mainstream news?? Ha ha. Maybe Fox might pick it up, but then they probably don’t want to be seen to criticise a Canadian bill.
The Fascist bastard, Erdogan , of Turkey, has lifted the ban on female military officers wearing headscarfs . Meanwhile the useless Cressida Dick is appointed Head of the Met !
“lifted the ban on female military officers wearing headscarves”. And how soon before it is compulsory or at least “advised”. Just like in this country some women in some communities have Hobson’s choice. Not compulsory of course, the feminists would be on the streets. Wouldn’t they……?
Cressida Dick was in charge of the disastrous Met operation which resulted in the death of Jean Charles de Menezes. A decent person would have taken responsibility for that fiasco and resigned.
Not our Cres, a New Labour apparatchik to the core. She clung on and now has the top job, proof that in the public sector failure is never punished, and often rewarded.
Remind me again why we are heading for a £2 trillion national debt?
Maybe it’s my ageing eyesight but I’m not seeing much about our valiant Marine’s refusal to wear the uniform of oppression to meet the grand mufti. Which is strange as usually bibistan are very interested in veils.
A thought bubble for the pic would go something like: “Not one step closer with that rag if you value your balls, dude.” All done with a smile and Gallic charm.
By that one act she’s done more for REAL feminism than all our shrill Feminazis put together. Should be on the front page of every paper throughout what’s left of the free world. Of course the beeb will bury it: don’t want to give the little ladies ideas above their station. Next they’ll be objecting to being stoned for being raped.
Savour the action replay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiZ3Gnvui3M
Yes, you may have scrawled ‘ this is what a feminist looks like’ on it, but how do you think it will look after I wrap it round your bollocks and tighten till you scream in extreme pain? Now get out of my way, wimp. And Bonjour by the way.
Coda to Mighty Marine and the failed veil: some reports have it that she was pre-warned but went to the event anyway – possibly to provoke an incident and engineer just such a photo shoot? In which case, well done Marine for being a brilliant strategist and using a universally hostile media for your own purposes.
This photo alone should get you a pile of votes in Nice and Paris, to name but two.
This judgement today about minimum income before you can import your Bangla wives/kids/parents/aunts/uncles/anyone really, is all wrong. The minimum should be at least the level at which a taxpayer actually contributes something net, say £35k.
I commented on this earlier but feel even more justified now that C4 News has been so critical of the court decision. The appalling, stupid, Naz Shah interviewed about how it will discriminate against her constituents in West Bradford . Exactly!!
Murray Lachlan Young says he finds Toni Morrison’s “A Song of Solomon” a bit long-winded.
Deborah Frances-White passionately disagrees: “Given the amount of words in the world by white men – a black woman going on a bit – I’m sorry – I feel very strongly.”
‘Dabbing for goodness sakes? I expect to see this of young teenagers trying to emulate their favourite hip hop artist and be cool, not a fat, sweaty male politician sitting behind the ‘leader’ of the ‘opposition’. God, we’ll have the SNP hive fiving each other with the Lib Dems wearing clocks around their necks 🙂
The unfortunately named Cressida Dick has a chequered history and is very much in the tradition of Ian Blair and Hyphen-Howe. So continue to expect politically correct policing in London. it’s decisions like this that make me way of Theresa May.
It is so stupid when they report on a Muslim being stopped at the airport in the US as being so terrible as obviously they do not know all the facts. I suspect that the US border control is somewhat more rigorous than the BBC victimhood checklist, which consists of little more than establishing that the person is not white which means they are superior beings incapable of any wrongdoing.
The Tories telling us that they are going to control unskilled migration, while on the other hand telling Europe that they intend to carry on business as normal. Which to believe? Well my moneys on the speech that Davis gave to Europe, and lets face it, most of the Tories never wanted to leave anyway.
It seems everything is fine and dandy in the capital, there’s the odd racist cop and occasional burglary, but that’s all really, nothing to seriously worry over.
The Milo affair. Stefan Molyneux raises some important points. It is long but worth staying to the end- especially the latter half. Note also, that Milo should name names.
Yes, his acting and posturing is irritating. I switched over to something else and just listened. Around half way he makes some good points about the parties on boats with very young boys, and asks why Milo did not name names, call out these older men for giving drugs to ‘very young boys’.
I did not get that far . Make a point in 5 minutes and cut to the quick. Paul Joseph Watson has it almost perfect. No chat about himself. Straight to the point. 5 minutes. Stefan, who I have never heard of before, should have started it with the “older men young boys” stuff.
Stefan is a philosopher in the old Aristotelian tradition. Sadly my lectures follow this style without the posturing. Its a bit like boxing, watch your defence, avoid giving a target to a potential enemy. Every angle has to be covered, minor points sorted out before you move to the big stuff, nothing omitted. At conferences a paper should last about 45 minutes with no pictures or illustrations. On a warm afternoon you can catch the audience falling asleep. I once chaired a paper with the brilliant philosopher, Norman Malcolm, who actually fell asleep half way through his own presentation. The problem is that very profound ideas – important ones – are lost in the layers of clarity.
I sat through half of my life listening to long-winded people like Stefan. I do not have the time now. Not read much of Aristotle, but I think he was more succinct !
The Moral Maze?
With serial abusers of Donald Trump on the panel-who only answered a call that the likes of Giles Fraser and Matthew Taylor systematically denied and snuffed out?
Hence Europe on fire, Trump Farage and far worse surely to come?
But who else to tell us about “fake news”?
Never heard such a bunch of condescending patronising blokes-like a bunch of pantywaists in search of a bar fluffing.
Melanie asks all the right questions-but the blokes seem not to think her worth an answer.
Come on Marine-your time is coming.
On my Radio 4 FB group..they scorn Moral Maze Cos
‘Melanie and Portillo should not be allowed on the BBC’
I love it cos its only R4 prog where LibMob are challenged
End of last week’s MM
Giles Madboy-Fraser “Yeh people need to do listening”
Portillo – “well, I’d take you seriously if you weren’t shouting whilst you said that”
Moral Maze. The last blowhard in defence of the media(John Lloyd) said this
Of course the mainstream missed Brexit, Trump and the rise of the right for so long that it was then unable to ignore it any longer.
No comment needed-and apparently the Dead Tree Liberals like himself simply failed to see Martin Luther Kings statue, and could only assume that Trump had removed it.
Oh such naivity, such self-delusion-and such patronising lies too.
Ah well-Nuttall tomorrow and let`s hope the Euro nations get their courage up enough to back the Anglo-Saxon rebellion of 2016.
USA Late news – Yesterday 11 Jewish Centres received bomb threats and over 100 gravestones toppled. That’s a bit more serious than a bit of streaky on the Mosque wall.
This is an excellent article by John Derbyshire about Muslims in Europe and the effect they are having on politics here in the West, it includes a clip from a Liverpudlian caller to Nigel Farage’s radio show; where the chap gets what we are facing here in the UK nailed down in ninety seconds.
The article also covers Marine Le Pen’s and Wilders’ respective electoral battles.
Jamal al-Harith is the suicide bomber who was released from the Guantanamo in 2004 after pressure from weeping, lefty snowflakes. We then had to give him a million quid on account of his sufferings. Jamal has gone onto realise his career dream and blow himself up at a US army base.
The BBC says on its news web site today: “In the light of how he chose to end his life, the case of Jamal al-Harith is certainly embarrassing for those in government in 2004 and 2010, and for those whose job it was to assess the security threat he posed between 2004 and 2014.”
Hmm. So, no embarrassment for the Guardian/BBC that tried to convince the gullible shouty people in the streets that he, and all others locked by the evil Americans, were wholly innocent peace-loving adherents of the religion of peace that never wants to blow people into pieces.
Perhaps Clive Stafford Smith still thinks he is innocent of any evil thoughts. In fact, where is Clive? I’m sure he must want to join the BBC and the Guardian in issuing apologies for their fake news.
With upcoming elections in Europe threatening the very survival of the EUSSR, we can be certain the Eurocrats will do absolutely everything in their power to get ‘their’ candidates in place. It has started already with convenient allegations against Marine who may now face trial; it has been going on for years in Holland with various trials brought against Geert Wilders (which only served to increase his popularity) and no doubt they will be actively meddling in German affairs until the election in September.
We know what they are doing but I don’t think that they really know why they are doing it.
Just what is the dystopian future they are trying to save us from?
They must be able to see into the future – maybe they should let us in on their vision of utopia that they are desperately trying to steer us to?
Off topic as regards definite BBC bias, but I’m anticipating bias by omission.
The Daily Telegraph has an article about refugees migrating from the US to Canada via the land border. One sentence caught my eye:
“Refugees presenting themselves at an official border crossing will be turned back by the Canadian authorities because they should have applied for asylum in the United States.”
In other words, the sainted M Trudeau’s border guards are enforcing exactly the policy that the “swivel-eyed racists” in the UK have been calling for for years in respect of immigrants who have crossed several EU countries and clamour for asylum in the UK.
I wonder whether the BBC will now apply the same criticism to M Trudeau as Mr Trump has received for his immigration policies.
While compensation is paid to various forms of scum and SJWs scream on behalf of so many “victims”.
Witness the survivors of the San Bernardino terror attack who struggle to pay medical bills and get back to living their lives. But who cares, they’re mostly white, Christian, heterosexuals and have no connection with any celeb’s.
“Family of British IS bomber deny £1m compensation payout”
Human rights laws for the rest of the world at the detriment of the rights of our own people.
Yes, what about the rights of our own people to defend ourselves ?
I would hazard a guess that the £1m went straight into ISIS bank account ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39057807
The closer to the target the more the Flak. Election day tomorrow .
Stand firm Stoke on Trent and vote UKIP.
Some ‘last minute’ propaganda . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-39055343
Perhaps like ‘snowflakes’, they are in denial, hoping the problem will just go away?
I think the present government are still in their ‘safe space’, unless I missed something that was in this evening’s news ?
ScrobleneMar 5, 19:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 I sometimes wonder whether the poor/weak sort of politicians we have to bear here have any idea about proper negotiation…
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 I can’t speak or understand Ukranian so can’t be certain but it’s being reported that Zelensky has backed out of…
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People” https://youtu.be/CwdQw_m3_WE
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German??? https://gatesofvienna.net/2025/03/this-time-it-really-was-a-loony/
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign… https://twitter.com/thevivafrei/status/1896995317746438190
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1896930796310806835
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://preview.redd.it/day-41-44-of-britain-colonising-europe-british-denmark-v0-6w86d9rzn88a1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03788bfc8d74bb318d13bb730ceb502ea44289df[/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
‘Trump and pence are using hitlers playbook’ LOL
We`ll be seeing plenty of Sunsura if Owen Jones sees this…
This poppet has learned all we need to witness re the idiot left as it exists and will be from now on.
Problem is they’ve been so undisciplined for so long – if anyone says, ‘no’ or tries to get them to go to bed at a sensible time they scream, ‘Fascist’. Very sad.
The Americans have Tucker Carlson.
We’ve got Permasneer Paxman, Gollum Davis and that bearded bloke who’s like a young leftie version of James Whale.
Brillo is the only remotely watchable man on telly these days!
Tucker, please come and work for BBC ! ” If Trump’s regime is fascist, howcome you are on this show ? “. Classic !
Poor Tucker trying to look like she’s sane and not to laugh.
Come on Murdoch, you own Fox and Sky – give us Fox News UK.
I suspect she may even be a plant. Nobody can be that sour faced and stupid. I reckon she’s actually a character being played by Tracey Ullman.
No, she’s real – she’s too funny to be Tracey Ullman.
The mad one has form…
Still crazy after all these years…
Great interview by Tucker. He keeps his cool, smiles and laughs and lets this lunatic dig herself in a hole. He totally outsmarted her . Full marks to Tucker !
This is a terrible interview in which he fails to control her, allows her to go on a rant and asks hardly any questions at all. Even the questions he asks are extremely poor and fail to pin her down.
In my opinion he should have asked her to define what Fascism is and its history, how it differs from Nazism, and then when she clearly wasn’t able to answer have educated viewers, and the interviewee on the subject.
As it was she was all over him and he failed completely to get anything from the interview.
99.9% of people have no understanding of what Fascism is, mainly because our education system has failed to teach children what it is so they can recognise it. Now as a result of that omission Fascism is able to make its resurgence from the same place it did before and spread unchallenged.
Trump cannot possibly be a Fascist as he is clearly not a Socialist !
People such as her are impossible to control in an interview and that was the purpose here anyway – to show quite how lunatic these Progressives actually are.
The only way anyone could control her in an interview, would be with pepper spray.
I agree. Tucker knew that and handled it superbly. He was so reasonable and she was manic. She was so stupid, she played right into his hands !
Well she got wound up easily thank god it’s not her finger on the nuclear button!
She was wound up before she came on . She needs psychiatric help !
Just returned from taking the grandkids to school.
Sarah Montague Cox is a prize to us you know.
This Davos lollipop lady was on point duty this morning as the SNP fought it out with some BBC ex grandee( who Sarah was VERY reverntial about)-Lady Young of the Heathers or what have you-in regard of the BBC not giving the Scots their own news stories at 6pm.
Oh the chill-only ten minutes after the “celebrate unity in diversity” crap over Cox-now we`ve got the BBC forcing the Scots to take our ” English NHS crisis”, “Tube strikes” and the like.
Otherwise “they`d be too happy to get the price of Tunnocks in Auchtermuchty”-or some other lofty excuse to stop Sturgeon getting an hour at six every night.
Priceless car crash radio-thankfully I didn`t.
But this story has potential to screw the BBC-it`s where their “Ariel and Reith” bull meets Scottish Independence”-and the BBC do NOT like this one one bit.
Dryborough and Irn Bru down the cracks could do it…on this one I`m with the SNP.
But why are the ENGLISH having to listen to Scottish crap then?….and why,, more do ANY of us have to take the NHS, Brexit and Trump, migrant slurry-English? no…Globalist mind-massages?
Imagine Montague wouldn`t have been too far from the Harry Clark case in Scotland-this woman will sever the Scots from the rest of us if she keeps going…to make ME an SNP ally is some achievement…but she did it.
Another piece of enrichment I’m sure the BBC will be pushing along with Government and charities in the name of ‘cultural diversity’.
On midweek we’re told that in Africa,Tanzania in this case, where witchcraft is still the ‘go to’ for problems or advancement, albinos are outcasts. Albino children are abandoned or killed but on the up side their body parts are used in many wondrous magic potions. Apparently, albino body parts fetch a very good price which can be a great boost to the local economy.
‘Forward Africa’!
I am pleased to say that, in Gambia, albinos are given special treatment of a kinder type. The Gambian Agency for Public Works ( “Gamworks” ) provides funds for the Gambian Albino Association which includes work projects and buying sun cream !!! I am not usually in favour of positive discrimination but…..
I know Africa is not all bad, Botswana in particular is supposed to be very fine.
Unfortunately much of Africa is crap. Until they change their mindsets and behaviour , I don’t see much hope for the future.
Gambia and Senegal are going in the right direction. But , I think the rest of West Africa is still the “Heart of Darkness “. Maybe Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia have a chance. The problem is, whenever there is some improvement, it gets destroyed. But maybe Europeans are in no position to lecture these days !
You are right, the use of human body parts in black magic is widespread throughout Africa. It is called muti and can come in many forms from hair to fingernails, blood or actual body parts like hands and feet or organs.
But it’s OK because it only happens in Africa, right? Wrong! Along with all the other cultural enrichment migrants from Africa bring “traditional African medicine” or witchcraft as it is also known, is alive and well in UK. In fact the good old House of Lords refused to legislate against it.
SM, That’s what I was getting at – Recall the African ‘witch murder’ of the child found in the Thames and that was years ago?
Which tribal language in Africa does the word ” muti ” come from ?
These practices also happen across the Middle East, Asia and South America !!! It is not just Africa.
BBC Website says a new channel is to be launched in Scotland. Budget of £30 m annually and 80 new posts for journalists. Money well spent I am sure !
Are we getting an English channel?
Does this mean we are soon to see the end of Laura Kuenssberg ??? yipeee
A little aside – Serial made in 1961 on R4 Xtra and what struck me was how things seemed to be back then. No I-phones, power tools!, internet, rules, regulations, political correctness, sound bites, globalism, celebrity culture, outrage and offense, victims galore, paranoia and generalised bull shit at every turn.
And people just got on with stuff.
Before the days when we were indoctrinated to believe the state should run our lives.
Deborah, to be fair that was longer ago than 1961. The First World War was when the state really got its grips in to ordinary peoples’ lives. Somebody wrote that before 1914, the average Briton had almost no contact with any state representative other than the postman. I think the difference is, with dramas written before the late 1960s, there is rarely any attempt to mould or change opinion; drama tended to reflect established viewpoints instead of pushing alternative ones.
I think it was AJP Taylor who came up with the comment about the Post Office. Strangely enough, since 1914 the British state has become vastly more intrusive, but the one thing you can rarely find these days is a Post Office. We have one locally which is hiding in a branch of W. H. Smith!
Before WW1 a handgun could be purchased over the counter in Britain and “gun crime” was virtually non-existent, today we have some of the strictest gun laws on earth; yet guns are used somewhere, by criminals, in the UK everyday.
BBC Website. Juncker says “UK faces hefty Brexit bill “. He estimates £51 billion. Why ? Just stop paying contributions and refuse to pay a Brexit fee and start a trade war. They have no chance. They are bound to lose. I don’t see the problem.
The BBC seems to have lost its frickin’ mind… or simply doesn’t care any more…
The Macronian Candidate
The BBC has clearly made their pick for next French President.
Macron has suddenly got glowing reports from BBC correspondents. Of course this could be the kiss of death for him.
Macron is an empty suit who came from nowhere. If he is not being funded by George Soros I would be amazed.
So is he appealing to French ex-pats in Germany, Italy and Spain as well or is he just picking on Britain, isn’t that racism?
£51 billion would solve a lot of ills – in Britain.
Juncker is a warmonger for sure.
Juncker is also a corrupt piss-artist !
Look at it this way. Every time this dim, drunken, foolish, nobody opens his mouth, it’s good news for those who oppose the machinations of the EU.
Juncker is the best possible advert for Brexit !
Grant I don’t think so, otherwise we can launch a counter claim. There was something about this in the Daily Mail (on Monday) about this threat by Junckers. ‘Britain won’t have to pay £50billion bill for leaving EU’
… there is nothing in the Lisbon treaty, The EU legal document, to suggest Britain should pay a single penny to the EU after Brexit…’ we could actually claim a share of the EU assets, which are £130billion, due to the UK’s financial contribution over the years while a member. Any refund would be ‘anything but easy’.. ‘ but based on the UK’s 15% contribution to EU funds, it could be as much as £20billion…. John Redwood also states that any Minister thinking of making a payment would have to pass UK legislation in parliament which would be UK illegal post Brexit. Totally unlikly.
No link for this (typing from Mondays Printed Mail page 12).
Also noted in same paper that Junckers may retire post Brexit in despair. Euro dream in tatters as if we had not already noticed.
That Pulitzer is surely yours for the taking, Andree…
There are comments enabled, for some masochistic reason.
liked this:
31. Posted by Raskilnikov on
Seriously BBC, you need to stop being weird and constantly bombarding us with this transgender nonsense, nobody is interested”
Has Laura K fact checked this yet? She speaks for the nation, you know.
The terrorist who was paid £1 million compo by Labour, well it is on the Jeremy Vine show now, should be interesting to hear how the Libtards defend this?
If, as the BBC says, he changed his name why have the BBC changed it back?
Read about the BBC’s history on this at isthebbcbiased?
‘If, as the BBC says, he changed his name why have the BBC changed it back?
They are uniquely consistent?
‘News’ it seems, is what the BBC says it is.
BBC Main News Page – Thousands of street parties, picnics and baking competitions will be held on 17 and 18 June to remember MP Jo Cox
Thousands of street parties, picnics and baking competitions will be held on 17 and 18 June to remember MP Jo Cox, a year after she was murdered.
Her widower Brendan said the UK-wide event, called The Great Get Together, would be a “fitting tribute” to the mother-of-two who died on 16 June 2016. Her murder was “designed to divide our country” so uniting in this way would be “a powerful statement”, he added. The Royal Family and several charities are helping to publicise the event.
Mrs Cox, MP for Batley and Spen, was murdered outside her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire, by Thomas Mair, who … (the rest is BBC highlighted) shouted the words “Britain first” as he shot and stabbed her.
“Why I knifed J Corbyn”, support for white helmets, anti Israel?
she s gone, in fact its a real tragedy … there should be a memorial of course, but this overtly over the top political circus isn t it.
Stinks of the establishment, political posturing and narrative.
I just had to check the date out as I’m one of those old gifts who voted for Brexit, yep 18th June Battle of Waterloo. I rather think St Jo’s hubby didn’t pay attention in school. Mr Kitty and I will be raising a glass to Arthur Wellesley aka the Duke of Wellington.
Opportunity for Labour Councillors to rake in some cash.
Perhaps the food at the party will be halal, and heavy prison sentences for anyone donating pork sausage rolls.
Street party catering?
An appropriate “fitting tribute”:
Hmmmmmmmm, sorry, but the only people I remember in quiet contemplation on the death of their anniversary are dearly loved and missed family members. The death of Jo Cox was a tragedy, but I didn’t know her, and had never heard of her until she died – as I believe most of this Country, so I think the organisers are on to a hiding for nothing in believing street parties will be held in her remembrance.
Now if there was a dance-athon in memory of Fred Astaire I might be inclined to attend !
(Grant, if you dare to say Fred who !………)
Of course I know who Fred Astaire was. He was famous for singing in the rain. But as to Jo ? Jo who ?
Singing in the rain. By Gad Sir – Fred Astaire!!!
Or was it Gene who ? I think it was Paul Robeson ? Just guessing .
Honestly ! its like listening to a couple of lads in short trousers in the playground !!
Has there ever been any national commemoration of the death of someone in this way? I recall a year after Princess Diana’s death there were a few vigils and candles etc, but nothing compared to the year before. 1997 is the twentieth anniversary of her death and the royal family has said it will be marked quietly. So why is the death of a not-well known MP, terrible though it was, to be the cause of street parties nationwide? It all sounds very suspicious to me.
I shall remember Saint Jo on the 17th & 18th of June, in the same way al beebus and their fellow progressives remember Lee Rigby every 22nd of May.
There were Celebrations on the death of Adolph Hitler on 30th April 1945. Most people would have celebrated his death on 1st May 1945, but like Jo Cox, the street parties where held on two days after the date of death, on the 8th May and the 9th May 1945.
I am like the Queen. I do not like celebrating the death of a relative. The Queen is known to be reluctant to celebrate her accession, because it was also the day that her father died.
But the behaviour of Brendan Cox implies that he must have got something better than the divorce that he was thinking about at the time of her death.
You obviously didn`t notice the many candle `vigils` for Mark Duggan although in numbers the participants numbered about fifty at a time over the last two years, the total numbers add up to literally `thousands` of people… Thier campaign for `Justice` has temporarily been put on hold until Storm Doris has passed but rumours suggest that a waxwork effigy of `soon to be canonised` Duggan nailed to a cross will be appearing on Easter Sunday outside the local Police Station accompanied by an estimated `tens of thousands` friends and family members and his gobshite Aunt who will make moronic statements regarding the Police and thier execution of Duggan…
I am rather surprised that the headscarf who won the Bake Off recenty isn`t involved….. especially when its` a two day event involving the whole of the UK, her contribution of some `hundreds and thousands` would ensure the BBC don`t look like liars and it would literally be the icing on the cake for the Duchess Of Corned Dog who is desperate for some kind of Royal identity and even a lobsided cake surrounded by wasps, bluebottles and bearded child refugees will give her some validation…. I wonder if Prince harry will be doing a flyover in his Apache Helicopter??
BBC – Income rules for foreign spouses upheld
“Just because she happens to fall in love with me and I have the wrong passport, she isn’t allowed to live with me in her own country,” says Spencer Russ, an American who may be deported from the UK, where he lives with his British wife, Laura Segan”.
… Why ever is this case the BBC example?
What a laugh. US immigration laws for legal immigrants are about the toughest in the world !
Yes, odd they don’t choose to talk to a British girl sent over to Pakistan to marry her cousin isn’t it?
How come it never seems to be the Brit who goes to live in that country and not here. Yes my estranged Brother I’m talking about you. Benefits not so good in Eastern Europe?
“BBC announces new Scottish TV channel as bosses splurge £30m on station”. Yippee, more bucketloads of Propaganda as the monopolistic British Pravda spreads its slimy tentacles and tightens its grip around our necks.
Perhaps McbBBC or ScotchWatch will take back all the Scottish journos who currently blather on and on, on the bBBC. How about a tv channel for the English?
It will be interesting to see if English speaking presenters are allowed on Scottish BBC progs.
It is obvious that this is a bribe to divert attention from the second Scottish referendum, Salmond and Sturgeon won’t like it one bit.
The real reason is that Brian Taylor needs an extra widescreen channel all to himself.
I’ve just seen this “story” apparently it has a 30million pound budget. But wait didn’t they shut down BBc3 because they couldn’t afford it? Doesn’t this just replace 3?
They shut down BBC3? I hadn’t noticed! They all look the same to me. Is that the side that didn’t start broadcasting until 7pm every night?
Hasn’t BBC3 been replaced by BBC1? Taboo with its all its ‘effing’ must surely have been written for BBC3!
Sorry Taboo is another BBc quality product hat I haven’t watched so that’s a bit lost on me. From memory wasn’t BBc 3 just programs about parents stalking their kids on holiday in a slightly sinister way, young people who couldn’t drive very well and a program where the subject removed their make up.
How could you forget BBC3! The channel that bought us such works of towering genius as ‘Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps’ (nine series’ worth!)
“BBC announces new Scottish TV channel as bosses splurge £30m on station”.
How come I’m not doing cartwheels over this?
Scottish coverage of Scottish affairs is incestuous enough already.
Surely this is not the Sweden DT referred to is it?
Do the BBC know Macron is no fan of the EU?
He’s not Le Pen though and that’s the main point!
Not a direct criticism of the BBC but a story that perfectly illustrates the warped society that we have become and that is so beloved of the Beeb. In an episode of The Walking Dead the arch villain and his crew had captured the group of apocalypse survivors on which the show focuses. His favourite weapon is a heavy baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it, and he announced that he was going to make an example of one group member by beating his brains out in front of all the others. It only remained for him to randomly choose a victim, and he started doing the old ‘Eeny Meeny Miny Moe’ routine.
Primark were selling a t-shirt containing the words ‘Eeny Meeny Miny Moe’ and a picture of the baseball bat. They have now withdrawn it from sale because of the following complaint from a customer after he and his wife saw the t-shirt in a Sheffield branch of Primark.
“We were shocked when we came face to face with a new T-shirt with a racially explicit graphic and text. It was fantastically offensive and I can only assume that no-one in the process of ordering it knew what they were doing, or were aware of its subliminal messages.The graphic has a large American baseball bat, wrapped round with barbed wire, and covered with blood.
This image relates directly to the practice of assaulting black people in America. It is directly threatening of a racist assault, and if I were black and were faced by a wearer I would know just where I stood.”
Now I’m aware of course that the second line of the rhyme is ‘Catch a n….r by his toe’ though neutral words are often used instead. But what kind of person does it take to see racism here when there clearly is none? Incidentally The Walking Dead is set in Georgia, USA and there are plenty of black actors in prominent roles. Race as an issue doesn’t feature in the show at all.
Story and picture of the t-shirt at http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/39051079/backlash-after-primark-pulls-fantastically-offensive-walking-dead-t-shirt.
Precedent now may kick in, along with the law of unintended consequences.
The shops of Carnaby St must be shuddering at what to do with their stock of Che and Mao T’s, though the latter is now in the Don camp so may survive for disparaging purposes.
However, when it comes to fantastically offensive associations:
Phil Jupitus will need removing from all archives, and not just for his accessories.
oook… on my screen at least that is not the link URL posted.
Look up Cuba firing squads.
We must have missed out on the racist angle because we learned this version of eeny meeny mini mo.
“..if I were black”
As if we hadn’t already guessed, the complainant was white.
Ah come on who doesn’t like Negan and his Lucille? One of the best shows on the telly and lots of gore that upsets the snowflakes.
Does Frank Gardener finally get what Islam is about?
On PM last night:
“It’s very sad that someone is throwing away their life like this. This is a deluded ideology. It’s going nowhere The caliphate is on its way out….This is an ideology that doesn’t appeal..that only appeals to a tiny fraction of people around the world, and it’s a death cult, so what a pointless way to go.”
Frank fails to understand that for a Jihadist, death is not the end, but the beginning of an afterlife in paradise with Allah.
His religious illiteracy has its own delusional quality in the eyes of the faithful.
What weakens the West is the atheists failure to recognise that Jihadists really believe what they say, and that Christian leaders, their own beliefs often compromised by “ecumenism” refuse to challenge the core Islamic belief that God wants Jihad.
We atheists recognise it perfectly. It is weak christian leaders who are the dhimmis !
Sorry Grant, I should have said “some” atheists.
I agree with your remark about “weak Christian leaders”.
Perhaps I should add secularists who think “all religions equal and can be treated as equal”, when they clearly aren`t and can`t be.
…A tiny fraction of 1.6 Billion Muslims around the word.
Like the tiny fraction of Germans that we are told made up the Nazi party, and the tiny fraction of Communists in the USSR, a tiny fraction of 1.6 billion muslims is capable of doing a huge amount of damage to the world.
Breitbart have caved into the liberal media shills for sacking Milo Yiannopoulos and Simon & Schuster are cowards for refusing to publish his upcoming book.
If you are not familiar with Milo, he is a libertarian activist and provocateur known for making comments like “feminism is cancer”, “Muslims..get away with almost anything.” and “fat acceptance…is given the heart attack it deserves”. As you might expect, this has made him very unpopular with generation snowflake who have banned him from twatter, induced riots on university campus and even got him banned from the city of San Francisco. Ironic as Milo is the worlds biggest homo with a particular liking for bbc. He is often labelled by the liberal media as being “Alt-right” or “far right”, despite his protestations to the contrary. It seems when it comes to Milo they have selective hearing.
This comes after Milo made comments on a youtube live stream more than a year ago regarding the age of consent while at the same time absolutely and unequivocally condemning paedophilia.
The usual hypocritical liberal shills went into overdrive which has resulted in Milo losing his job and publishing deal. The same liberal shills who will accuse you of racism for daring to point out that Islam does not have any minimum marriageable age or transphobia for questioning if it is appropriate to ask pre-school children which gender they identify as.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not agreeing with the comments he made, just the hypocracy of the liberals and the weakness of Breitbart and Simon & Schuster for caving into them.
Milo scares the hell out of them A gay conservative who doesn’t do PC. He’s another like Trump who speaks plainly…Im sure they have conspired and taken him out .but it will be a hollow victory because he’s not going anywhere.He will become stronger .
Milo produced some great youtube moments but I`m cautious about fretting over a man who describes himself thus, “I started my career as a technology reporter who wrote about politics, but I have since become something else” he said. “I am a performer with millions of fans in America and beyond”. quote from Business Insider http://www.businessinsider.com/milo-yiannopoulos-resigns-breitbart-2017-2
We need something more than “performers” whose well publicised misjudgments can be used to smear conservative politics as a whole.
“…We need something more than “performers” whose well publicised misjudgments can be used to smear conservative politics as a whole.”
Actually I think what the Right needs are performers – and more of them. The regressive Left own the culture (films, TV, music, the arts) and use their dominance of it to incessantly bully and telegraph their propaganda – particularly to a young, indoctrinated audience. The Right need to join in the culture wars and bring their A-game or they are always going to be choking on the dust kicked up the sneering, belligerent Left.
Milo (his main audience are 14-25 year-olds) is exactly what the Right needs to get its message across. Acerbic, provocative, argumentative, intelligent, witty and offensive – he makes an impression and young people seem to enjoy it. He embodies the idea that these days being a conservative is now the edgy, cool thing to be. The Right needs many more like him.
Culture war posturing got the left nothing in the 2016 US election. Nor the UK election in 2015, nor the Brexit vote.
In democracies power is won by elections being won, Trump will achieve more in the culture war by appointing 1 or 2 Supreme Court Judges over the next four years than any amount of you tube posturing, or baiting triggly puff students…..fun though that is to see.
People side with winners. The right side is winning.
Milo is a sideshow, like Eddie Izzard and both are vote losers among the key demographic, grumpy, silent majority folks who actually turn out and vote.
I was under the impression that Breitbart didn’t sack him – he resigned of his own accord to avoid Breitbart being dragged in. He’ll be back, I suspect.
Milo resigned from Breibart, although it might be a question of leaping before being pushed. But he has other plans and they may materialize. Here is his full Press Conference. Worth checking against the BBC’s fake news about it
Milo , coming out fighting !!!
He was almost certainly pushed as certain others at Breitbart had threatened to quit if he stayed. Having received his resignation, they could have refused to accept it, but they didn’t and that speaks volumes.
I must say, I don’t like him striving for victim status. After all he has said in the past about people aspiring to victimhood it comes across as a bit false. He does not have a right to certain opinions because he is a victim, he has a right to them because he is a human being.
Well remember Chris Woodhead describing teachers getting off with schoolkids( as he did)as “potentially an educative experience”.
Still kept his pension, allowed to stay on in education and no Labour politicos lost their jobs.
That such a sad sod like Woodhead was in charge of Labours education policy re school inspection a few years back gets off-but Milo gets hung out to dry on his own comments-tells you that paedo patronage is allowed for Lefty liberal…but is confected and howled down if they get into political arenas.
Putin does the same.
Savile?…if only he`d campaigned for Blair or his Yorkshire shills, we might not have heard of him.
If the eu want us to pay £51 billion to leave, taken to its logical conclusion, if everyone leaves the eu, the payments would probably exceed a trillion. Who would get this money plus the money from the sale of all the eu assets?
Maybe when there is one country left in it, they will get everything. Give it all to Malta perhaps.
Or is this money the eu pension pot?
Maybe we should charge everyone who emigrates from the UK, say £300,000 to be able to leave.
I know it all sounds daft but I didn’t start this, it an eu idea to want money from us to leave.
I think it might be a good time to ask for some war reparations.
There was the cost of destroying Germany and the cost of rebuilding it. Not forgetting the Berlin Airlift. Then, of course, the cost of security in Europe up to when the wall came down. That’s before we add the cost of the destruction wrought on this country and compensation for the lives shattered.
That only accounts for Germany – we won’t mention the cost of liberating Europe and I doubt 51 billion covers it.
I have posted here many times that the Allies let the Germans off very lightly. The country should have been dismembered and many of the people re-settled. I know there are some here who do not agree with me, but ” I told you so ! “
It needs someone with the balls of Farage to say it but where are they?
Nigel certainly says what he thinks in the EU Parliament but he has no real power. Don’t worry, Treezer will sort it all out.
They haven’t had the operations yet 😉
I recall working with US forces in Europe during the 1970s where it was widely agreed by those on the ground that the point of keeping the US army in Germany was to stop them from acting up again. Germany should have been broken up Germans have proven too often their willingness to follow crazy leaders.
I had some drinks in the company of a German fellow in the Czech Republic in 1996. I had been in Berlin for a couple days before that & I was asking him how he felt about the reunification of his country. (I was expecting a positive response) He said to me that “When Germany is strong it is good for Germany. But perhaps not so good for everyone else” Perhaps he was right.
I think the impoverished people of Greece would agree with that view.
Agreed Lucy, I sat with my then husband watching the celebration as the wall came down and said to him ” this will lead to trouble ” because he had served in Germany (Army) he agreed and said he gave it 20 years before Germany started again to try and take over Europe. Whenever I mention this I’m told I’m paranoid.
That does not surprise me !
Correct. The German elites refuse to recognise that Germany alone was responsible for the 1939 war. It nearly ruined this country and has all but destroyed the notion of European civilisation. I have no time for the place and Merkel’s pathetic attempt to atone for the crimes by importing millions of third world men is yet another German error of historic proportions.
To be lectured by her and her like is intolerable.
Dave S,
Spot on ! So far as I am concerned Merkel and the Germans can go to hell. The problem is that we could be all dragged down with them.
Nicholas Ridley-our chain smoking prophet!
The Tories died when they sacked him in 1989. Like Enoch, he proves to be more right by the day in regard of the German Project
Nick Ridley. I seem to remember he was once asked why he had not resigned or retired. He replied ” The last thing I want to do is spend more time with my family ” !
Harsh reparations required under the Treaty of Versailles are often blamed for the rise of Hitler and WW2.
I’ve read that very little of this was actually paid by Germany. I’m not an historian. Is this true? Any comments?
I am not an historian, but I suspect that the arrogant, controlling national insanity of the Germans has caused many big problems in Europe and the World. Not normal people , in my opinion.
Yes, they all got off with it !
The two world wars left us heavily in debt, and unable to administer our trading commitments due to our merchant marine being virtually wiped out and most of the ports we had used were destroyed… However we spent the latter of the last Century paying off the debts for two wars which we had not wished for and had not started, whilst Europe and Japan was rebuilt with major investment from the US… The reason why we are now the seventh biggest economy is becouse we involved ourselves with European politics…. Prior to 1914 we were a Global Trading Empire and were in the process of creating a Commonwealth of Independant States as it was too costly and having to govern and administrate so many overseas interests had become untenable…
Then the French and the Germans decided to restart the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.. The rest as we all know ended with us losing much of our economic trade overseas as much of our trading network no longer existed… Meanwhile those who were to blame for the conflicts were rebuilt by the US funding programs, same in the Far East…. Everytime we have involved ourselves in the politics of the Continent we have ended up losing out…. The EU thinks our finances belong to them…. We don`t need article 50… We should simply say “No, thanks and stop all EU participation along with all payments now, there is nothing to discuss we were once a global trade superpower we can manage quite well on own in the world and the EU protectionist trading rules will lead to complete financial ruin for all member states when it implodes….
Justin Casey
Get out of the EU, full stop .
We have always played the game by the rules to no avail to the people of Great Britain. Time to look after our own. Pull the plug out, walk away, the corrupt EU have far more to loose.
Mr Goldstein – the Roman Empire limped on as the Holy Roman Empire until 1806, and survives in its last vestiges as the Vatican State to this day. Perhaps something similar will happen with the EU, and in a couple of hundred years the European Union of Malta, Gozo and Comino will be issuing diktats to imaginary representatives across what remains of Europe. It would make a great subject for a comedy play on Radio Four. Can’t see it happening somehow though…
Cranmer, Emmanuel please.
Once in a while, those of us who want to prevent Europe becoming part of Eurasia and Muslim dominated win a small victory . These victories are not enough to stem the tide of Muslim
population growth in Europe, but they at least offer some hope that we haven’t gone completely mad in pursuing our own self-destruction.
One such victory was ending the child migrant route from France as facilitated by the Dubbs amendment . Cameron had cravenly given in to Dubbs and the outcome was adult ‘child’ migrants who, to prevent further government embarrassment , were given green blankets to protect their adult features . May has ended this fiasco.
Today we have another minor victory. The courts have upheld tbe £18 k minimum income limit on bringing in relatives . While no-one in government could possibly admit to this, the rule was designed to prevent Muslim men from bringing in ignorant wives they had gone back to Kashmir and the like to chose .This medieval practice keeps replenishing first generation Muslim migrants and ensures that such women bringing up their many children probably don’t speak English or have any affinity to British culture . Breaking this treadmill is at least as important as reducing immigration from the EU.
So, a small victory, but beware! The court ruled that the policy must be proportionate to the right to a family life . The pernicious Human Rights Act strikes again . Wait for it to be fully exploited by Muslim men.
EnglandExpects, a few years ago there was a play on in London called ‘England People Very Nice’ about immigration. There was a scene where a group of Pakistani immigrants in the 60s are in a London cafe and somebody comes in to tell them the government is clamping down on bringing in family members from Pakistan. They all jump up and rush out. ‘Where are you going’ says the man. ‘To the travel agents to book their tickets’ comes the reply.
Of course, the play was denounced as ‘racist’ and a performance was disrupted – even though in general it was pro-immigration.
There is no doubt in my mind that the EU will continue to want to grow. Turkey will fall to the EU and after that Tunisia and Morocco. Then it is game over for Western civilization, at least in Europe.
Tunisia and Morocco in Schengen!
That will work well.
Another beauty.
The Union for the Mediterranean would seem to be a good starting point.
Poland and Hungary might survive. May be a good time to look at property there…
where does the 18K figure come from any idea’s
Meanwhile in Canada those who have previously been enriched by islam object to the proposed new “islamaphobia” laws
Pay attention to the second interviewee
Canada is the new sweden with pretty boy in charge
wow, what a great clip. Soon to be on mainstream news?? Ha ha. Maybe Fox might pick it up, but then they probably don’t want to be seen to criticise a Canadian bill.
THIS is what REAL strong women do when faced with Muslim tosspots.
Orla?…Lyse?…assorted Swedish hacks?…May?
Marine Le Pen…no other choice required.
Good for Le Pen.
The Fascist bastard, Erdogan , of Turkey, has lifted the ban on female military officers wearing headscarfs . Meanwhile the useless Cressida Dick is appointed Head of the Met !
“lifted the ban on female military officers wearing headscarves”. And how soon before it is compulsory or at least “advised”. Just like in this country some women in some communities have Hobson’s choice. Not compulsory of course, the feminists would be on the streets. Wouldn’t they……?
Cressida Dick was in charge of the disastrous Met operation which resulted in the death of Jean Charles de Menezes. A decent person would have taken responsibility for that fiasco and resigned.
Not our Cres, a New Labour apparatchik to the core. She clung on and now has the top job, proof that in the public sector failure is never punished, and often rewarded.
Remind me again why we are heading for a £2 trillion national debt?
Exactly,she is useless and New Labour and the Tory Government have done nothing about it !
Why did Cressida Dick, the new boss of the Met Police say this:-
“I’m looking forward immensely to protecting and serving the people of London and working again with the fabulous women and men of the Met.”
Women and men?? Why change from ‘men and women’?
Yep…a politically correct feminist monster. Just what the Met doesn’t need.
Maybe it’s my ageing eyesight but I’m not seeing much about our valiant Marine’s refusal to wear the uniform of oppression to meet the grand mufti. Which is strange as usually bibistan are very interested in veils.
A thought bubble for the pic would go something like: “Not one step closer with that rag if you value your balls, dude.” All done with a smile and Gallic charm.
By that one act she’s done more for REAL feminism than all our shrill Feminazis put together. Should be on the front page of every paper throughout what’s left of the free world. Of course the beeb will bury it: don’t want to give the little ladies ideas above their station. Next they’ll be objecting to being stoned for being raped.
Savour the action replay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiZ3Gnvui3M
^^^This is what a strong woman looks like.^^^
Yes, you may have scrawled ‘ this is what a feminist looks like’ on it, but how do you think it will look after I wrap it round your bollocks and tighten till you scream in extreme pain? Now get out of my way, wimp. And Bonjour by the way.
Coda to Mighty Marine and the failed veil: some reports have it that she was pre-warned but went to the event anyway – possibly to provoke an incident and engineer just such a photo shoot? In which case, well done Marine for being a brilliant strategist and using a universally hostile media for your own purposes.
This photo alone should get you a pile of votes in Nice and Paris, to name but two.
^^^This is what a strong woman looks like.^^^
Finally, a western leader with some b*ll*cks!
I thought you were going to link to a photo of the most aptly-named Cressida Dick there!
Peter G,
You mean “Golden daughter ” or something like that ?
Referring to the Ancient Greek meaning of the name ” Cressida “.
The root cause?: taxpayer funding subsidy through benefits to supplement low wages.
This judgement today about minimum income before you can import your Bangla wives/kids/parents/aunts/uncles/anyone really, is all wrong. The minimum should be at least the level at which a taxpayer actually contributes something net, say £35k.
I commented on this earlier but feel even more justified now that C4 News has been so critical of the court decision. The appalling, stupid, Naz Shah interviewed about how it will discriminate against her constituents in West Bradford . Exactly!!
Another reason to avoid the London tube?
BBC R4 A Good Read yesterday from 21:02
Murray Lachlan Young says he finds Toni Morrison’s “A Song of Solomon” a bit long-winded.
Deborah Frances-White passionately disagrees: “Given the amount of words in the world by white men – a black woman going on a bit – I’m sorry – I feel very strongly.”
Is that racist, or am I trying too hard?
Yep normal thing of anti-racists first dividing the world into races
Whereas equality is all about treating people as individuals.
Attempted bribery of a jury?
Wonder who might want to do that?
Easy way to have a case thrown out!
The usual suspects.
Beeston is also the s**thole in Leeds where the ringleader of the 7/7 bombers came from.
This just sums up how f**king pathetic and childish Liebour are…. and of course the BBC will no doubt think this is cool.
‘Dabbing for goodness sakes? I expect to see this of young teenagers trying to emulate their favourite hip hop artist and be cool, not a fat, sweaty male politician sitting behind the ‘leader’ of the ‘opposition’. God, we’ll have the SNP hive fiving each other with the Lib Dems wearing clocks around their necks 🙂
You didn’t really think the EUSSR were going to let Marine win a free and fair election did you?
“Marine Le Pen’s bodyguard and chief of staff are arrested over claims they were paid for fake jobs at the EU Parliament… The suspects, including National Front candidate Le Pen, face imminent charges… The European Anti-Fraud Office says it has compelling evidence of fake payments…”
The European Anti Fraud Office, now there’s an oximoron!! The EU is one big pile of fraud on a colossal scale: “Brussels accounts have not been given the all clear for 19 years running.”
I’m sure the timing is entirely coincidental, with the elections just 2 months away and Marine doing well in the polls.
Conspiracy? What conspiracy?
How did that trick work against Geert Wilders ?
..Putting him court ..upped his poll ratings
The unfortunately named Cressida Dick has a chequered history and is very much in the tradition of Ian Blair and Hyphen-Howe. So continue to expect politically correct policing in London. it’s decisions like this that make me way of Theresa May.
Cressida Dick? Is that a new form of S.T.D.?
It is so stupid when they report on a Muslim being stopped at the airport in the US as being so terrible as obviously they do not know all the facts. I suspect that the US border control is somewhat more rigorous than the BBC victimhood checklist, which consists of little more than establishing that the person is not white which means they are superior beings incapable of any wrongdoing.
This is ridiculous:
The Tories telling us that they are going to control unskilled migration, while on the other hand telling Europe that they intend to carry on business as normal. Which to believe? Well my moneys on the speech that Davis gave to Europe, and lets face it, most of the Tories never wanted to leave anyway.
If Farage had been given the job of overseeing the Government Brexit arrangements I would be reassured. As it is – who knows?
It seems everything is fine and dandy in the capital, there’s the odd racist cop and occasional burglary, but that’s all really, nothing to seriously worry over.
“Londoners give new police chief to-do list”
They’re basically living in a real life version of this
I note of late that anyone with ‘right wing views’ is now an extremist?
Built that narrative …Day 1 of BBC training
Remember the days when people just had, views and we were allowed to have opinions.
The Milo affair. Stefan Molyneux raises some important points. It is long but worth staying to the end- especially the latter half. Note also, that Milo should name names.
Jesus H Christ !! Can’t he just get to the point and stop acting. I clicked of after 1 minute !
Yes, his acting and posturing is irritating. I switched over to something else and just listened. Around half way he makes some good points about the parties on boats with very young boys, and asks why Milo did not name names, call out these older men for giving drugs to ‘very young boys’.
I did not get that far . Make a point in 5 minutes and cut to the quick. Paul Joseph Watson has it almost perfect. No chat about himself. Straight to the point. 5 minutes. Stefan, who I have never heard of before, should have started it with the “older men young boys” stuff.
Stefan is a philosopher in the old Aristotelian tradition. Sadly my lectures follow this style without the posturing. Its a bit like boxing, watch your defence, avoid giving a target to a potential enemy. Every angle has to be covered, minor points sorted out before you move to the big stuff, nothing omitted. At conferences a paper should last about 45 minutes with no pictures or illustrations. On a warm afternoon you can catch the audience falling asleep. I once chaired a paper with the brilliant philosopher, Norman Malcolm, who actually fell asleep half way through his own presentation. The problem is that very profound ideas – important ones – are lost in the layers of clarity.
I sat through half of my life listening to long-winded people like Stefan. I do not have the time now. Not read much of Aristotle, but I think he was more succinct !
Good though, the way the BBC contrived to cover up Saville and come out, ‘blameless’ – very professional! – ‘Your BBC’
R4 NOW – Moral Maze : The Morality of Fake News
Guess which news org the BBC chose to discuss that issue with first ?
….You know the one that is really really credible about FakeNews
Oh yeah! ‘The bbc has learned …………………’.
Moral Maze? – The BBC couldn’t find it’s way out of a, Moral Paper Bag.
Moral Maize – is that an ethical cereal?
The Moral Maze?
With serial abusers of Donald Trump on the panel-who only answered a call that the likes of Giles Fraser and Matthew Taylor systematically denied and snuffed out?
Hence Europe on fire, Trump Farage and far worse surely to come?
But who else to tell us about “fake news”?
Never heard such a bunch of condescending patronising blokes-like a bunch of pantywaists in search of a bar fluffing.
Melanie asks all the right questions-but the blokes seem not to think her worth an answer.
Come on Marine-your time is coming.
On my Radio 4 FB group..they scorn Moral Maze Cos
‘Melanie and Portillo should not be allowed on the BBC’
I love it cos its only R4 prog where LibMob are challenged
End of last week’s MM
Giles Madboy-Fraser “Yeh people need to do listening”
Portillo – “well, I’d take you seriously if you weren’t shouting whilst you said that”
Moral Maze. The last blowhard in defence of the media(John Lloyd) said this
Of course the mainstream missed Brexit, Trump and the rise of the right for so long that it was then unable to ignore it any longer.
No comment needed-and apparently the Dead Tree Liberals like himself simply failed to see Martin Luther Kings statue, and could only assume that Trump had removed it.
Oh such naivity, such self-delusion-and such patronising lies too.
Ah well-Nuttall tomorrow and let`s hope the Euro nations get their courage up enough to back the Anglo-Saxon rebellion of 2016.
USA Late news – Yesterday 11 Jewish Centres received bomb threats and over 100 gravestones toppled. That’s a bit more serious than a bit of streaky on the Mosque wall.
Bit late with the New thread ???
This is an excellent article by John Derbyshire about Muslims in Europe and the effect they are having on politics here in the West, it includes a clip from a Liverpudlian caller to Nigel Farage’s radio show; where the chap gets what we are facing here in the UK nailed down in ninety seconds.
The article also covers Marine Le Pen’s and Wilders’ respective electoral battles.
Jamal al-Harith is the suicide bomber who was released from the Guantanamo in 2004 after pressure from weeping, lefty snowflakes. We then had to give him a million quid on account of his sufferings. Jamal has gone onto realise his career dream and blow himself up at a US army base.
The BBC says on its news web site today: “In the light of how he chose to end his life, the case of Jamal al-Harith is certainly embarrassing for those in government in 2004 and 2010, and for those whose job it was to assess the security threat he posed between 2004 and 2014.”
Hmm. So, no embarrassment for the Guardian/BBC that tried to convince the gullible shouty people in the streets that he, and all others locked by the evil Americans, were wholly innocent peace-loving adherents of the religion of peace that never wants to blow people into pieces.
Perhaps Clive Stafford Smith still thinks he is innocent of any evil thoughts. In fact, where is Clive? I’m sure he must want to join the BBC and the Guardian in issuing apologies for their fake news.
With upcoming elections in Europe threatening the very survival of the EUSSR, we can be certain the Eurocrats will do absolutely everything in their power to get ‘their’ candidates in place. It has started already with convenient allegations against Marine who may now face trial; it has been going on for years in Holland with various trials brought against Geert Wilders (which only served to increase his popularity) and no doubt they will be actively meddling in German affairs until the election in September.
We know what they are doing but I don’t think that they really know why they are doing it.
Just what is the dystopian future they are trying to save us from?
They must be able to see into the future – maybe they should let us in on their vision of utopia that they are desperately trying to steer us to?
Off topic as regards definite BBC bias, but I’m anticipating bias by omission.
The Daily Telegraph has an article about refugees migrating from the US to Canada via the land border. One sentence caught my eye:
“Refugees presenting themselves at an official border crossing will be turned back by the Canadian authorities because they should have applied for asylum in the United States.”
In other words, the sainted M Trudeau’s border guards are enforcing exactly the policy that the “swivel-eyed racists” in the UK have been calling for for years in respect of immigrants who have crossed several EU countries and clamour for asylum in the UK.
I wonder whether the BBC will now apply the same criticism to M Trudeau as Mr Trump has received for his immigration policies.
Yep – that’s a corker – can’t wait for the ‘BBC analysis’ of Canada’s immigration policy.
While compensation is paid to various forms of scum and SJWs scream on behalf of so many “victims”.
Witness the survivors of the San Bernardino terror attack who struggle to pay medical bills and get back to living their lives. But who cares, they’re mostly white, Christian, heterosexuals and have no connection with any celeb’s.
“Family of British IS bomber deny £1m compensation payout”
Human rights laws for the rest of the world at the detriment of the rights of our own people.
Yes, what about the rights of our own people to defend ourselves ?
I would hazard a guess that the £1m went straight into ISIS bank account ?
The closer to the target the more the Flak. Election day tomorrow .
Stand firm Stoke on Trent and vote UKIP.
Some ‘last minute’ propaganda .
Farage giving it straight about Sweden, Le Pen, Wilders, and our friendly £1,000,000 compo Mosul bomber.
Just what is our PC incumbent government doing or commenting about this disgrace?
taffman – I haven’t heard anything. Probably nothing.
Perhaps like ‘snowflakes’, they are in denial, hoping the problem will just go away?
I think the present government are still in their ‘safe space’, unless I missed something that was in this evening’s news ?