This is on today at 14:15 on R4….
A World Elsewhere: The Return
Rida, a Glasgow Asian teenager, was radicalised on the internet and travelled to Syria. Now eighteen months later she has returned and been arrested at Glasgow Airport. This drama explores what happens to Rida next. Will she be charged? Will she receive a custodial sentence? Whatever happens how will she deal with the past and what kind of future can she expect?
Let’s think about our ‘fictional’ terrorist and how this may run in the BBC’s mind…so radicalised on the internet and nothing to do with her being inspired by her Islamic faith, nothing to do with anything taught in the Mosque and nothing to do with what her parents tell her about how Muslims are supposedly treated? She is a victim. And when she returns she should be treated with sympathy and understanding never mind that she knew exactly what ISIS stood for and the acts committed in its name…she just didn’t like the conditions out there so came back to the comforts of home…she woud still be out there if she could live a nice life.
More pro-Muslim propaganda from the BBC excusing terror and hiding its roots.
The BBC will no doubt worry about a “far-Right anti-Muslim backlash” in relation to this event.
Their alt-Left bias is so pervasive that I assume it is present in the water supply at Broadcasting House.
But she is a victim Alan. Since birth she has been brainwashed by an evil, satanic death cult, to unequivocally know beyond any doubt, that the only life she can possibly live, are the unchangable life instructions set out by the child raping, serial killer ‘mad mo’……and our state that’s meant to protect all its people, have left her to suffer this abuse.
People aren’t the problem. Muslims aren’t the problem. The death cult created by a mad man thats forcing people to slaughter other human beings has always been the problem
Completely agree TTP – Muslims aren’t the problem. Islam is the problem. And extrapolating a little further, the liberal establishment through weakness and political correctness in the lower echelons and a cultural Marxist agenda at the upper end driving the Islamisation of the west is the problem.
“and our state that’s meant to protect all its people” “She” is not one of “our” people, in my opinion.
In the same way that invaders are unwanted, invaders for whom there is a tried and tested historical treatment method. Not “migrants” “refugees” “stateless” or any of the other lefty bollox.
What has happened to the formatting? Whether I enter it directly into the box or paste from MS Word it still looks like Polly Toynbee’s 11+ paper, with an Izal watermark.
A few years ago I would occasionally scan the plotlines of BBC R4’s afternoon plays and post them here, for amusement value. Just from the two or three lines of text on the BBC’s website you could tell what was going on. Bit by bit the drama department had switched from entertainment to propaganda.
Gone were the who dunnits and historical plays, the quirky comedies and adventure tales, in were the direct descendants of ‘kitchen sink’, suitably modified to chime with the BBC’s current obsessions with race, gender and ‘social justice’.
Just as BBC television is now firmly in the hands of aggressive proponents of cultural Marxism, so is BBC radio – and drama is one of its most insidious weapons.
She has all the right ticks for a top job at the BBC!
Lord Haw Haw was radicalised and travelled to Germany . Six years later he wants to return but is arrested in Germany . Will he be charged ? Will he be hanged ? Find out how he copes in a BBC newsreel before they went Gramscian politically correct .
If she returned to Glasgow she would be guaranteed a warm welcome personally from Alex Salmond and Krankie Sturgeon.
The SNP are calling all the wrong shots and finding themselves on the wrong side of arguments…………Brexit is the latest example…….the bBC will no wonder be guiding them to a rehabilitation programme for this individual.
They will be totally unaware many will be watching this with a view to her immediate deportation.
How much do you want to bet the bBC claims she left Scotlandistan in search of a much more friendly place due to white racism.
Something like this geezer
British suicide bomber dies in attack on Iraqi forces in Mosul
A British IS fighter who died in a suicide bomb attack on Iraqi forces in Mosul is a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, the BBC understands.The self-styled Islamic State group said two days ago that Abu-Zakariya al-Britani detonated a car bomb at an Iraqi army base in Tal Gaysum, south-west of Mosul. He is believed to have been originally known as Ronald Fiddler. Fiddler, 50 and from Manchester, was sent to Guantanamo Bay in 2002. The BBC has seen IS registration papers signed by Fiddler in April 2014 when he crossed into Syria from Turkey. He volunteered to be a fighter, saying his knowledge of Islam was basic.
Here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to know about Mr Fiddler:
Isis: Guantanamo Bay inmate who was given £1m compensation from Britain, fled to Syria to join Islamic State
and this:
Shukee Begum went to Syria with her five children to be with her jihadi husband Jamal al-Harith, a former Guantánamo Bay detainee
A British woman who fled Islamic State with her five children after travelling to Syria to be with her husband has told of her experience of life under the group’s rule, describing the “gangster mentality” among supporters as “not my cup of tea”. Shukee Begum, who fled Isis and says that she was then held by smugglers in northern Syria, said that she wanted to return to the UK but feared what the reception would be from British authorities. She is currently believed to be living in Syria.
So someone the bBC refers to as an ISIS fighter, (actually you Buggering British Children wankers, he’s a Terrorist through and through) who the bbC claims had a very limited grasp of Islam, was a full blown bigoted racist bigot who was handed £1 million pound as he was deemed an innocent victim. Anybody want to question the wankers who defended this so called innocent man about how they got it so f-ing wrong.
The bBC, the defenders of Islamic intolerance and terrorism paid for by you.
Now before anybody questions that statement ask yourself why the bBC hasn’t reported this racist attack:
Race-hate attacker who SPAT into a nine-month-old BABY’S face and shouted ‘white people shouldn’t breed’ at her mother walks free
OK found the bBC show:
So this program starts off with a bloke asking Rida the following questions:
“Have you ever been kissed?”
“What shoe size are you?”
“May I stroke your feet?”
We then hear about a Muslim girl who got arrested and spent the night in a Police cell after the manager of Best Burger reported her to the Police for complaining about a wrong order.
Then we are related to two girls expressing their admiration for Zayn Malik (Ex One Direction) for standing up to the haters.
Related to a soundbite about how you can save the life of one Muslim in Syria for the price of 3 costa
Now fed a sound bite of T May (As home sec) talking about Muslim extremists “The game is up, we will no longer tolerate your behaviour” Followed by Muslims complaining “Hashtag a Muslim apologise” Such as: (14minutes)
“I’m sorry for living for where you get your Oil from” Hashtag A Muslim apologises
“I’m sorry we founded the first university” A Muslim apologises
“I’m sorry, that Muslim women had rights during the dark ages when you weren’t sure that women had a soul” A Muslim apologises
“I’m sorry we invented modern medicine and Mathematics and coffee” A Muslim apologises
“I’m sorry our children keep getting in the way of your bombs” A Muslim apologises
There are 12million people (1814) in Syria in need of help and another 4 million refugees across the border in need of help. Why did the West go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq, yet when the people in Syria stood up against the bloody dictator they did nothing.
Woman relates why she left a club early due to racist jokes(20mins)
“What do you say to a Paki at Christmas?” 12 silk cut and a box of Terry’s Old gold”
Had enough of this crap.