The BBC relentlessly hunted down Bradley Wiggins and all but called him a drug cheat despite there being no evidence of that whilst in contrast they gave Mo Farrah the all clear despite him missing two drug checks and his coach being investigated for alleged drugs infringements. Mo is black, an immigrant and Muslim, Wiggins is a successful white, working class British male….any reason the BBC chose to announce one as completely innocent of any wrong-doing whilst conducting a witch-hunt against the other? And of course Wiggins worked for Murdoch’s Sky team….no love lost there I expect….just as the BBC targets the Premier League’s funding for criticism…Sky again.
To be fair, Mark Daly, who investigated Salazar for Panorama, ended the programme with a warning that Farrah has been coached to world success by a man who has used banned methods, though there is no suggestion that Farrah is implicated…but…we were told…any athlete involved with Salazar should be seeking the assurances that they are not being put at risk in any way….so a suggestion that if they are taking drugs it might be without their knowledge, at least as to the legality of them….so a bit of a whitewashy, sitting on the fence comment. As usual though any such ‘controversial’ [in BBC terms] findings such as on specialist programmes such as Panorama don’t filter through to the troops on the ground at the BBC, the presenters and journalists on the everyday programmes who continue to push certain naratives regardless of facts often dug up by their own teams….we were repeatedly and loudly told Farrah was not implicated in the investigation when clearly he should have been part of it….how could he not be investigated, when as Daly said, he was coached by someone to ‘world success’ who used banned methods…is it likely just to be for a select few athletes on the same team?
But has the BBC now been forced to change tack? Is Mo being thrown to the wolves after more revelations in the Sunday Times? This line from the BBC might indicate change is in the wind….
The revelations will pile more pressure on Britain’s greatest ever endurance runner, who has steadfastly refused to end his association with Salazar.
It raises questions too for UKA, which gave the Briton the all-clear to continue working with Salazar after an inquiry was launched following the BBC Panorama programme.
Note how the BBC is now setting the UKA up for the fall…the BBC itself dodging any suggestion that it too whitewashed any thoughts that Mo might not be entirely clean….and the BBC is claiming the credit….and I’m guessing claiming a journalistic scoop trumps celebrating diversity…
Alberto Salazar has been under investigation since a BBC Panorama programme made allegations about drugs use at his US training base.
The BBC reports…
According to the Sunday Times, the leaked report claims that Salazar:
- used a banned method of infusing a legal supplement called L-carnitine;
- risked the health of his athletes, including Farah, by issuing potentially harmful prescription medicines to improve testosterone levels and boost recovery, despite no obvious medical need.
- The Sunday Times claims the Usada report also reveals:
- investigators have been impeded because Salazar and several athletes have “largely refused to permit Usada to review their medical records”;
- Farah received an infusion of the legal supplement L-carnitine in 2014, which Usada is continuing to investigate in case the method of infusion broke doping rules by going over the legal limit of 50ml.
It’s an interesting slant though…the coach ‘risked the health of his athletes’….as if the athletes were victims, possibly unaware of what was going on….isn’t it the athletes responsibility to know what they are taking?
And Farrah took prescription drugs, with no obvious medical need, to boost performance. When Wiggins legally took a drug for his asthma using the agreed procedures under the regulations this was denounced as ‘cheating’….even though he had a medical need for the drug….will there be so much ‘outrage’ over Farrah?
No drug which gives, as Salazar claimed, ‘incredible’ performance boosting effects can morally justifiable….might as well put the athlete on a motorbike…it’s not his own innate ability that would win the race….Wiggin’s asthma drug merely brought him back up to his normal level of performance as if he didn’t have asthma and so is not performance enhancing…as long as you actually have asthma.
I await the BBC’s developing reaction with interest. If he has taken drugs illegally will he be a victim, a fool or a cynical cheat? Will the BBC hunt him down as they hunted down Wiggins?
Mo had better watch out…nothing like a fallen hero, an icon of multiculturalism, to upset the BBC, its love and trust betrayed…..I’m guessing we won’t be hearing so much about Mo’s Muslim identity now if things turn out for the worse here.
No chance, I suppose, of Sir Mo being prescribed the drug taqiyasnosin?
There won’t be any outrage or special investigation. He’s a national treasure after all. He’s untouchable.
I have never thought of Mo as British .He doesn’t live in Britain and as far as I’m concerned conveniently used Britain to get his career off the ground and financial support. Not the first and I don’t suppose he will be the last.
I’ve never considered him British either,for the same reasons as stated above.
Is he clean? I suspect not,considering where he was in his career and how it all changed so dramatically,so quickly.
Clean or not, this follower of the Islamic teachings which have no place in a society that endeavours to follow Christian virtues or tries to-should never ever have been given a Knighthood-irrespective of the honour being about 400 years out of date. Wish this particular honour be withdrawn & with those that sit in the house of lords-let’s see a better arrangement focus on people with real life experience.
Still say he will be an American citizen one day! (green card is his ambition for now though)
So much for his allegiance to Britain – the nation that gave him all the opportunity that Somalia can never ever provide.
He is what Americans call a carpetbagger.
Send hin back to Somalia-he is out of place here no matter what he may think-once a Muslim-such an ideology can never fit into a Western society, as is now being felt throughout Europe-Third World Mass imiigration into a Frist World won’t go-but Islam once beaten at the Gstes of Vienna 1683 is trying again to destroy Europe-people wake up.
Mo – Mohammed, will always be Muslim by nationality, as long as he is Muslim.
Isn’t it ‘Sir’ Mohammed to rubbish like us lot.
Anyone with the title “Sir” normally ain’t worth pissing on if they are on fire.
Just as that John Major bod is doing now-pissing on us all, a very nasty man who has allowed himself to be influenced by those that would have us all enslaved & subjugated to their will-cut spening where it is most needed, enforce 100 hrs working week, keep the greed for price rises on the up, that ensures that people have no choice especially mother’s but to keep working to survive & pay the ever increasing bills no matter-house prices that have been manipulated by a reduced building programme to go mad, then bring in an order for thousands of houses to be built never mind that in most cases the infrastructure cannot possibly sustain such increases. Bonkers.
Just goes to show how insanely stupid it is to shower our knighthoods to young men and women for simply being able to run a bit quicker, or jump a bit higher, than the rest of us.
And Beckham wanted one for having a camera follow him around while he did his charideeeee work, zooming up the Thames in a speedboat looking like a dummy at the opening of the 2012 Games, sitting on the front row of fashion shows, played a bit of football, oh and being ‘ambassador’ for big label products and getting paid squillions for doing it.
How about a knighthood for services to the tattoo industry…
Hopefully one with long sleeves, to hide the ugly hideous blue scribble on his arm!
He’s better keep his sleeve rolled down if he goes to Japan or he will be locked up as a suspected Yakuza. On second thoughts I hope the grasping egotist keeps them rolled up if he goes there. That way he might gets caught in the crossfire during in one of their gang wars.
My understanding of the rules, not being an expert, but having heard it said so many times before in similar cases, is that it is entirely up to the athlete to know precisely what substances he is introducing into his body, and it is absolutely no excuse whatsoever to try to claim ignorance of what was going on.
Maybe not for BBC idols, though ?
Sir Mo was not implicated in any illegal performance enhancing drug use. He obviously thought it perfectly normal to sit or lie down for a few hours while a drug was infused into his body for no particular reason !!!!!!
BBC Website ” 10 attacks a day on Germany migrants “.
Obviously there are no attacks by migrants worth reporting.
How many of these attacks were by fellow migrants? The article tries to make out that it’s “right-wing extremists” bogeymen but gives no evidence of this.
And give it a while and the Sunnis will be hate criming the Shiites and vice-versa.
Then what? A little while more and they’ll be bombing each other – just like in the lovely Middle East.
Get with the BBC script. What is your problem ? It is enrichment and it is good !
When you allow your land to be given over to the the worship of a filthy god of war, war follows. Go figure. Worship of Allah is a spiritual pollutant on the the land and on the culture. It makes me cringe when I think of those Islamic calls to prayer happening in Britain. 5 times a day! Literally diabolical. The C of E never should have stood by and watched this happen.
The C of E are bowing to what they think is inevitable. They are a busted flush and the Ropers know that. The politicians will not resist and the Ropers know that. That just leaves the military .
This country is not secular or did I miss something?
We have traitors and backsliders a plenty but damned if I know just what they reckon their reward will be?
in Africaans ” Alles verloren ” . It is all lost .
Hope our kids can get to America and make a life – it’s a big country.
The job of the CoE is to undergird the spiritual foundations of the UK.
Or what use is an established church?
Who gives a stuff about this story?
The more drugs, the better.
It`s sport-the Soviets and Commibloc used to do this by rote.
The Great God Sport is dying-so why is this story number 3 on the BBC news at 8am.
Sport must be mocked-bring back Suttons pasty-eating goalie, and laugh at these drug addled weirdies who choose to chase a ball and not get a job.
OK then.
If that`s a bit harsh-what about a drug- sponsored olympicks, where all candidates are Howard Marks and Pete Doherty-types with Amy Whinehouse giving out gold, silver and bronze foil medals.
Kate Moss as a javelin.
Absolutely Alicia!
I hate to think how much of the bBeeb budget is wasted on sport, especially football.
I used to love watching cricket on TV with my dad. We’d be in the garden, with the set left turned on inside, and every now and then we’d sit down and watch ten minutes of a test match, then pop outside for a bit more mowing or whatever.
That’s all gone now; the Beeb don’t do cricket for ordinary people any more.
The beautification of Sir Mo whilst harrying Wiggins.
Encouraging and positively covering giving compensaton to the likes of Mohammed “Fiddler” (or whatever his name was) Whilst at the same time being in favour of pursuing thousands of British troops for possible court action over alleged brutality – whilst all they were doing was their job.
The covering up of mass sex crimes by men of “asian” heritage in Rotherham whilst smearing a retired D DAY hero and an ill MP with unfounded child abuse charges.
Ignoring the likes of Choudry and other “hate preachers to spout their venom, burn British flags, Ignore FGM, Teach youngsters in some schools to regard uncovered women as whores whilst being in favour of the locking up of a man who tied some bacon to mosque door handle.
Tolerating the views of the mayor of a large metropolitan city who thinks that terrorist attacks in such places are normal part and parcel of everyday metropolitan life
Tolerating a religion which treats women as second class citizens/chatels, which preaches death to homosexuals and those that stand in the way of its expansion. Which turns a blind eye to sexual crime if visited upon non believers, and seemingly encourages an open door to any muslim who claims to be seeking asylum whilst at the same time ignoring the plight of Christians (which is the foundation of our culture), tolerates the lampooning of Christianity yet seemingly ultra sensitive about not upsetting anyone from “The Religion of Peace”
Anyone would have thought we live in an unjust society which has become totally skewed in favour of a certain religion and will always go the extra mile not to upset it whilst turning a blind eye to the demolition of our own culture and religion if it in any way impinges on the expansion of Islam
I would call that betrayal and collaboration.
I would also call it the BBC
Sums it up. The BBC’s moral inversion is total. In their perverted minds all that is good is bad and vice versa. Orwellian. The BBC is an evil cancer.
You summed it well.
The BBC has followed up by yet another Muslim as head of Religious programming. Apparently they couldnt find a Muslim transgendered or lesbian for the job.
Mo Farrah by default is innocent, while others are called into question, by default.
The BBC protects those they love most.
There have been allegations from unnamed sources which may be fake news that a certain lemon drizzle cake was purchased from Mr Kipling and substituted for a cake in a cookery competition.
Got to keep our competitions honest Inshalla
So who is surprised! I always assume that the BBC lies and cheats at every opportunity.
Does anyone else share my thinking that the talismanic Sir Mo will finish his career in a similar place to the paragon of virtue and BBC hero of yesteryear, Linford Christie?
“But, I was told it was just Quorn I was injecting… ‘a healthy source of protein'”
Of course he’s on drugs, exactly how naive do they think we are?!
I notice that Quorn have now switched to Olympic swimmer Adam Peaty..maybe just in case.
He’s probably also a good deal cheaper…
“I notice that Quorn have now switched to Olympic swimmer Adam Peaty..maybe just in case.”
Makes sense, probably the ideal replacement
definition from Wiktionary:
PEATY (comparative peatier, superlative peatiest)
Of or resembling peat, especially the taste or smell.
Containing peat.
BBC reject
Quoran – isn’t that a book on how to kill Infidels? I didn’t know you could eat it as well.
Sir Mo is untouchable so far as the BBC is concerned. End of story.
Bradley Wiggins cant do much about being White. His only option is to declare himself transgender, and convert to Islam. That will clear his name with the BBC.
If Bradley Wiggins had been confined to a wheelchair, maybe the bBeeb would have kept quiet.
Don’t think so somehow, they love poking sharp sticks at people who excel, and blame them for keeping out the ‘disadvantaged’, like Farrah.
As I didn’t watch more than a few minutes of the last ‘Olympics’, I’m probably not the best person to ask though…
Doesn’t it appear that gaining a Knighthood is the kiss of death to its recipient ? no sooner has the blade swished past their ear than a ‘scandal’ emerges, whether it be drugs abuse, tax evasion, pension swindling, paedophilia, embezzlement, insider trading, the list is endless.