Heard some of Sunday yesterday just as Roy Hatterseley was brought in to plug his book about the persecution of Catholics in Britain…apparently Catholics survived by sticking rigorously to their faith. In the usual BBC way this was undoubtedly meant to be a ‘lesson from history’ that parallels Muslim experience of ‘suffering’ in Britain today…good that the BBC should be advising them to be even more fundamentalist. Amused that even here the BBC slotted in a comment about Brexit…Henry VIII’s Reformation was yet another historical parallel apparently…which you may take as good news…Britain soaring to ever greater heights as the Popish shackles were thrown off.
Then we moved onto the ‘securitisation of Islam’ in America….people only look at Muslims through the prism of security…go figure. Apparently Trump has appointed people who have what were fringe ideas about Islam…such as it is incompatible with the West. Hmmm…fringe or mainstream, the BBC and Obama aside? We were told that Muslims feel under siege, both in the US and here in the UK, and that this has united them in a common cause. Hmmm…no, what unites them is Islam and 9/11….which was Osama Bin Laden’s call to arms to Muslims across the world…as Lawrence of Arabia might have noted…
Such people demanded a war-cry and banner from outside to combine them, and a stranger to lead them, one whose supremacy should be based on an idea: illogical, undeniable, discriminant: which instinct might accept and reason find no rational basis to reject or approve. This was the binding assumption of the Arab movement; it was this which gave it an effective, if imbecile unanimity.
Ed Stourton managed to bring Brexit into this….naturally Muslims were suffering even more now after the referendum vote just as Muslims are in the Trump era…aren’t they?
An extremely one-sided narrative about Muslims from someone, Dr Peter Mandaville, who is clearly not a fan of the truth. So why does the BBC, so concerned about facts, truth and accuracy as it is now, give him a platform to peddle his schmutter totally unchallenged by Stourton?
This goes a lot further back than 9/11…
“The first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center occurred on February 26, 1993, at 12:17 p.m. A Ryder truck filled with 1,500 pounds (680 kg) of explosives, planted by Ramzi Yousef, detonated in the underground garage of the North Tower”
“We are, the fifth battalion in the Liberation Army, declare our responsibility for the explosion on the mentioned building. This action was done in response for the American political, economical, and military support to Israel, the state of terrorism, and to the rest of the dictator countries in the region.”
Islam will never stop attacking us as long as we support Israel,and probably even if we stop supporting Israel, they will think of other reasons.
I seem to recall that Stourton is both a Roman Catholic and an Old Etonian (neither of which is exactly hip, yeah?) and that his career at the Beebyanka wasn’t exactly flourishing, on account of those facts. I wonder if he was induced to lend a deferential ear to the Beebyanka’s preferred cult.