Gerald Kaufman has died and the BBC used it as a chance to have a go at Mrs Thatcher. Kaufman was 86 years old and must have said some nice things in his time but the BBC chose a somewhat unpleasant attack on Thatcher as something to remember him by…Nick Robinson certainly seemed to approve.
The BBC, statesman-like, responsible, fair, accurate and truthful, or the same type of scumbag, gutter tabloid journo’s they so often deride whilst hiding behind the respect and trust earned by previous generations of BBC journalists who were honest and decent?
Gerald Kaufman said it was time for the BBC to “transform” itself.
Unless it does so it will be unable to justify “its very special place as a recipient of the charter”, he said.
Gerald Kaufman said that the BBC’s conduct in the row over the dossier had strengthened the case for it to lose its independent board of governors and come under the scrutiny of communications watchdog Ofcom.
Gerald Kaufman said the BBC had driven Dr. Kelly to kill himself
Gerald Kaufman said the affair called into question the BBC’s future as a public sector broadcaster.
Did Kaufman say this, or was it someone else?
We are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us.
Alas not so GWF Kaufman was a horrible man, a mass of hypocrisy in nearly everything he did and pronounced on. If anyone could be said to epitomise ‘do as I say not as I do’ it would be him.
He went to grammar school, and then told others they could not because it was wrong
He was an ardent anti Semite despite being Jewish himself, even Jeremy Corbyn condemned his anti Semitic language.
He has been accused of being a self-hating Jew by a member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
He received a knighthood, despite telling everyone else they should not participate in the honours system
He made full use of his parliamentary expenses, spending nearly £9000 on an LCD TV ! (who the hell spends that much on a TV?), and £225 for a rollerball pen!
He blamed his self-diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder for his claims, and also said that his condition led him to purchase a pair of Waterford Crystal grapefruit bowls on his parliamentary expenses. Between 2005 and 2007, Kaufman claimed £28,834 for home improvements. He was subsequently summoned to the Parliamentary Fees Office to explain these claims, and in the end was paid £15,329. He was also challenged over regular claims for “odd jobs”, which he submitted without receipts at a rate of £245 per month, then £5 below the limit for unreceipted expenses, to which he replied by asking why these expenses were being queried.
Clearly he saw the expenses system as part of his salary.
Oh and like so many other Labour MPs before him, he worked for the BBC, as a script writer for “that was the week that was”
Altogether not a particularly pleasant individual, but then in his constituency he could have told the men he would torture them to death and sell the women & children into sexual slavery and they are so thick there they’d still vote for him!
No doubt Labour will find someone else who has worked for the BBC to stand in one of the safest seats in the country, there’s no way that Labour will lose this one !
‘The BBC, statesman-like, responsible, fair, accurate and truthful..’
Well, it depends who you ask. Or who tells you anyway:
‘You can always tell when the BBC is struggling to be impartial – you
hear an interviewer telling an interviewee: “But some people say…”
It is an unmistakable signal that someone, somewhere is doing their
damnedest to abide by the guidelines.’
Or… and this is me flat out saying it, it is a sure sign the Beeboid controlling the mic wants to shoehorn their prejudices in in guise of all too often anonymous or non existent third parties.
I remember this old fool used to have a BBC blog, with comments enabled. It seldom went well for him. But he, his pension and the BBC sail on regardless. That… is a unique hard to explain.
The loathsome Gerald Kaufman never had a nice word for anyone. No matter what the subject, he would always produce a sneering comment, usually aimed at somebody who was in no position to answer back.
De mortuis, nil nisi bonum? Beggar that. BIH, Kaufman.