Had the joy of watching some of the BBC’s ‘Doctors’ soap…even here the propaganda runs deep as a quote from the Bible was turned into an opportunity to promote the Koran as well….a character stating ‘I read the Bible, and the Koran, it makes me a better person’…or some such waffle along those lines. I’m sure a working class likely lad would be reading both the Bible and the Koran…but only in the mind of a BBC scriptwriter.
All posts on this open thread must now include copious praise for the Prophet’s blueprint for conquest and colonisation in the interest of celebrating diversity…the open thread is all yours…..
it was followed by the “Coroner” the narrative about some immigrants being hidden from the police by a Barnacle Bill character. Honestly ..Really!!
How very civilised
‘As part of the deal, he is understood to have shelled out several million pounds to buy his wife, who co-wrote a book about 10 Downing Street with Cherie Blair, her own home in Hampstead, North London’
Can’t help but notice in the Evening Standard reports Labour Lord Bragg’s children are described as a ‘film-maker’ and a ‘science journalist’. I wonder, of course discounting nepotism, obviously, would our Lord Bragg subscribe to a view of nature or of nurture as the best qualification in the highly sought after realms of employment in the media – perhaps a subject for a future Radio 4 In Our Time special?
So one of Melvyn’s sprogs is a ‘science journalist’, eh?
Am I being cynical in thinking along the lines of;
1) Climate change
2) Air miles and expense claims.
Well well how on earth do you think the Bragg sprog got that job? The father a socialist but becomes a Lord-crazy or what.No wonder we are in such a B mess.
Credit to the Daily Mail for forcing the BBC to report on its own hideous bully boy tactics for extorting money out of the vulnerable. They know what Crapita are up to The BBC really are the scum of the earth. Vile filth.
Just wait until they are given unrestricted access to households, Alex, as hinted at in yesterday’s reply to a petition to abolish the licence fee, below:
“Whilst the government agrees with the review’s assessment that decriminalisation is not possible under the current system, we believe that it would be preferable in the long term to make changes which reduce the necessity of the criminal sanction, such as exploring the options for conditional access.”
I bet I could name a whole host of addresses/towns they wouldn’t dream of harrassing, utter scum the lot of them!
‘Conditional access’ means that the TV signal can’t be decoded without payment. Pay TV in other words.
Not sure about that interpretation as it might open the door to a subscription model. They wouldn’t want to offer that opportunity up lightly.
Fred, If so, that would disadvantage the BBC, I would have thought. The other providers could say “OK. We will be free to watch.” The BBC then argue “No, it must be for access to any viewing.”
At which point the three terrestrial channels come back and say “Ah, in that case, we want a share of the fee. Straight four way split, OK?” BBC negotiators go pale, clutch hearts & fall off chairs. Queuing up behind the three terrestrial providers, caps held at arms length upside down, would be the 400+ satellite channels.
I think the BBC will argue instead for the Licence Fee to be added to Council Tax bills. That would then put the Labour Party in a very, very difficult position. If, of course, it is still in existence at the time of the next Charter renewal. It will be a problem for the other opposition parties and the Conservatives, too, but not as much as for Labour.
Note the lack of a HYS. I wonder why.
This is how dealt with them…. Heres a screenie from one of my facebook profiles it summarises what happened when I had a visit from them a while back… I eneded up being sent a letter from them which informed that they had automatically withdrew rights of access for themselves following my reaction towards one of thier goons…

FYI As yet I still have not had a knock on my door… If I do I shall employ exactly the same tactics… If it is one person i shall eject them from my garden there is a sign clearly stating no unsolicited callers etc. on the lampost outside my front gate.. If they come accompanied I shall just shut the door and refuse to engage, if I end up in court I will still refuse to pay.. also I will have my say and I will not give my money to them as I have to have at least some principles… As a father and as someone who believes in moral decency I cannot and will not give the BBC a penny of my money
According to this morning’s Metro, which was commenting on ITVs decision to move its 10pm news back to 10.30 for a while, BBC News at 10 has 4.1m viewers whilst SkyNews has 1.8m
I was surprised, I would have thought that BBC News would have more than that. Suggests that not a great proportion of the population watch the news at that time at all.
Suggests to me that a number of people no longer look to the BBC for their fake news and look elsewhere for what is really going on.
Not directly related to BBC bias but the BBC do very often deploy the term “right-wing”.
What’s more the BBC are rather fond of our hallowed seats of higher eductaion – at least when the Profs ‘say’ the right lefty-leaning things.
Many a BBC report begins with the terms ‘an academic study says..’ or ‘leading academics say…’
We begin to see why that might be so
‘Right-wing student at Sussex? Your professors think you’re a problem that needs ‘dealing with’ ‘
FYI, The BBC Progressives Political Scale looks like this:
Communist/Socialist/Left wing/Centre Left/Left of Centre/Far Right
Noting the limited amount of attacks on Trump at both the Brits and The Oscars maybe a lot of celebrities in the Entertainment industry have suddenly realised attacking the 60 million plus people who voted for him is not a smart business idea
And another cock-up by them (Academy Awards):
couldn’t organise a p-up in a brewery..
That’s a bit unfair. How were they to know that Putin hacked PwC and put the wrong answer in the envelope. 🙂
‘Lords Speaker: BBC is ‘sexing up’ claims over peers’ expenses’
‘“When did this happen? Do we know that he went into the chamber? Did he claim £300? Who was this peer and was he asked to explain?”… “What kind of investigative journalism leaves questions of that kind unanswered?” The BBC did not immediately respond to his questions’
Oh dear, the Speaker of the House of Lords questioning the BBC’s right to publish stories from un-named un-verifiable sources ? – what a deplorable dangerous, anti-press freedom undemocratic, despotic man!
I do hope next time he visits the States the US Congress bans him from addressing them… or something…
It was inevitable that the BBC would be bigging this up for all its worth.
“Father of US commando killed in Yemen refused to meet Trump”
Strangely they never found time to report the fallout from the Benghazi fiasco when the mother of one of those killed called Hillary Clinton a liar.
Their reticence was also to the fore when, in other instances, the families of other fallen servicemen made it clear that they did not want to meet with Kerry or the ‘Anointed One’
Just another day of news manipulation by the ‘envy of the world’
I cannot imagine loosing a son but any behaviour would be understandable and for MSM to make something of it shows what vile parasites they are.
BBC News – “I’m hoping it was maybe just some drunk kids”
Because they always want to search out Jewish graves?, to wreck hundreds at a time?
if they happen to be p-ssed? … perfect BBC Logic
‘Hundreds’ of US Jewish graves attacked in Philadelphia
“Police are searching for the vandals that damaged what one local rabbi said was nearly 500 headstones at a Jewish graveyard in Philadelphia. Money is being raised to repair the graves and to identify and prosecute the apparently anti-Semitic attackers. The vandalism comes less than a week after a Jewish cemetery near St Louis, Missouri, was vandalised. And on Friday, religious slurs and swastikas were spray-painted in several neighbourhoods of Buffalo, New York.
Anyone notice the video clip further down the page “The BBC spoke to a Muslim-American couple targeted by by an abusive caller”
The first subtitle “Right after Donald Trump was in Lewiston, Maine”
The wonderful Germans have been having an anti-Trump frenzy during their Rosenmontag Fasching processions. In Düsseldorf, alone, one float had a huge grotesque effigy of Trump sodomising the Statue of Liberty. Another float had lined up effigies of Trump, Le Pen, Wilders and Hitler with the caption “Blond ist das neue braun”. There was also an effigy of Theresa May insering a pistol marked Brexit into her mouth about to blow her head off. All this is supposedly the “voice of the people”. Lots of shoulder shrugging about all the security required. These people will never learn
Dystopian 27th February 1942
The wonderful Germans have been having an anti-Roosevelt frenzy during their Rosenmontag Fasching processions. In Düsseldorf, alone, one float had a huge grotesque effigy of Roosevelt sodomising the Statue of Liberty. Another float had lined up effigies of Roosevelt, de Gaulle, Gerbrandy and Bruning with the caption “Blond ist das neue braun”. There was also an effigy of Winston Churchill inserting a pistol marked Black Dog into his mouth about to blow his head off.
The BBC’s use of ‘quotes’ in various incarnations is almost a language in its own right, like Eskimo for Snow.
So I read this with interest:
Certainly it seems to have the BBC in mind from the very first para:
“This usage is not being employed in its original sense!”
Or, as the BBC can variously explain, ‘truthiness’, “what may have been said” etc, for ‘bits we’ve conjured up or edited down to serve our nasty little narratives.
I have myself swung between single and doubles because the BBC does too. And likely keeps secret why.
Gael Nofri said that in 2012 the National Front (FN) had recruited him into Ms Le Pen’s presidential campaign team, using a fictitious European Parliament (EP) contract.
BBC Le Penn – New claims over Le Pen FN funding
It was apparently a way for the FN to avoid declaring campaign spending.
The FN is already under investigation for alleged misuse of EP funds.
Polls suggest that Ms Le Pen is on course to win the first round of the presidential election in April,
Once again, whether its P Nuttel, J Corbyn, here, France or the US
Every which way to smear, undermine, politically destroy … they really are concerned this time
… political establishment business as usual
nog – as elections approach, expect it to get vicious. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone had a nasty accident.
Just a thought – Not all our MPs can be that blind, deaf or terminally stupid. Not all can be being bribed, blackmailed or under a death threat.
So it does make me wonder why and how they can sit by during the on going Islamisation of the BBC and by extension the country?
I also wonder how the gay BBC employees get on with the Muslim ones? Has there been a, coming together as it were?
This has often puzzled me. But when I check up on the response to any anti Moslem protest I always find, that gays, lesbians, feminists, people of colour, the interfaithists -which include Jews and Christians – in the front line supporting Moslem victims.
If we think in terms of collaboration with the invaders the fifth columnists can be classified as the six Ps – Politicians, Police, Press, , Professors, Priests and Prosecutors
The gays probably keep to the ground floor.
Are you interested in learning about the 100,000,000 + people murdered by the left in c20? Are you concerned that the current situation could lead to a repeat of c20 mass murders by socialists in c21? Did you know that “celebrations” to mark the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution are planned?
Go to The Guardian today, to the “facts used to be sacred” but we find Orwellian lies more useful, section. The rape crisis article. BTL.
I have never read, or encountered in any other format, such distilled evil, such virulent hatred for people of a different persuasion. Even for the disgusting lefties the poison which drips from their keyboards is unparalleled.
I had to leave before the stench overcame me, before I did the attacks on the Government, the Conservative Party and UKIP appalled me.
I was also apalled by the lack of curiosity about how many Muzzie rapes there were.
The same lack of curiosity which reduced the central heating bills in many Labour controlled councils, where records were burnt to prevent action on these mass racist paedophile Muzzie crimes against white children.
Are any of you watching the 6PM News on the BBC? Have you vomited yet? Clive Myrie is the
newsreader and I suppose it’s apt that although he is a good anchor man the other
reporters are having orgasm’s as they tell us that the first Muslim has won an Academy award
and it’s not an all white event this year. Just as it isn’t on the BBC every evening between 6PM and 7PM where soon we will see Riz Lateef and her “crew” presenting
the Londonistan programme. I am a bookmaker , anyone want to have a bet with me that there
is a feature attacking the Metropolitan Police ,set up the Trotskyist editors , sub editors
and researchers who run this programme for everybody, except the 30% indigenous population of London!!
I noted that mid-way through his piece on John Major’s speech the bBBC pavement rodent said “I think what he meant was…” and went on to state the bBBC’s views on the subject. Of course they were Brexit related, and negative.
“Muslim terrorism does not exist.” Our dear Pope continues his sad descent into madness, bless.
“Muslim terrorism does not exist.” His logic is that, because there are Christians who engage in criminal and violent activities—and yet no one blames Christianity for their behavior — so too should Islam not be blamed when Muslims engage in criminal and violent activities.
In this, the Catholic pope appears unable or unwilling to make the pivotal distinction between violence committed in accordance with Islamic teachings, and violence committed in contradiction of Christian teachings…
Pete, yep! I did read that Social Justice Pope the other week “Muslim terrorism does not exist”. the eejits obviously been on the Crème De Menthe again
Time for a new Pope. If I remember correctly the one before wasn’t such a pushover. Benedict I think. Didn’t he get flak for making a truthful statement about Islam in a speech?
Apparently, the Cardinals are tearing their hair out. Because of his past he has no inkling of European history and just blunders on with his witless statements.
Three cheers today, I thought, as I was sitting in the car listening to the radio . It was not Jeremy Vine doing the Jeremy Vine show. It is always better when he isn’t on it. It was from Hull, City of Culture and to be fair there is perhaps a little more culture there than I had feared. But apparently Hull City played Burnley last Saturday. Gave the BBC plenty of scope to bring on two members of the Labour Party to discuss the match, John Prescott and Alistair Campbell. I am sure if they had tried they could have found a right leaning Hull City supporter. I am not sure if it is sheer laziness or just the very small circle in the world they inhabit.
The bBC, its leftwing agenda and the promotion of fake news
As a large number of people here know, I have served in the British Army and I actually had 2 postings to Duesseldorf which I know very well. Today is Rosenmontag (RM) its the German version of mardi gras and everybody tips up to the Aldstadt with plastic bags as the people on the floats throw sweets (Quite violently at times) at the crowd. I’ve been to a large number of RM, fantastic atmosphere and if you are a bloke and wearing a tie, any woman who comes up to you and cuts your tie off, gets to bed you for the night no questions asked. Anyway loads of floats and they represent whatever subjects the locals wish to cover. Yes they take the piss (But a lot do) but a load are decent, however according to the bBC the US and UK were singled out this year. However unlike the CS at the bBC who never visit Düsseldorf or Koln or Essen or Duisburg I know what I am on about and I follow the carnival from afar if I am not back in Duss for the week. So here is how the bBC reports to the world Rosenmontag from Duss:
In pictures: German carnival mocks Trump and Brexit
To the great unwashed, this must be how the Germans feel about Europe at the moment, well the bBC which can only tell the truth is reporting this , so it must be true.
The bBC, its leftwing agenda and the promotion of fake news (PT2))
So the above is how the bBC reported from Dusseldorf today.
Here are what the German Newspapers are reporting
Rosenmontagszug 2017 in Düsseldorf
Just a quick one, whilst the bBC says this about this float about the Turkish pocket dictator:

Float mocking President Recep Tayyip ErdoganREUTERS
“Erdowahn” is a pun on “madness”: Turkey’s President Erdogan appears to be accusing a clown
The German Press has this to say:
Erdowahn “screams at small clown who stretches out his tongue:” Terrorist “. In this way, the floats plays on Erdogan’s dealings with the press.
I did like this one thou, but the bBC kind of left it out:

But neither did the bBC show these from today in Duss:
Not a float but a solid barrier to stop trucks been driven into the crowd.

As you may have gathered the UK and US were hardly the sole subject of the parade but rather a few floats, many more floats portrayed plenty of other diverse subjects, something the bBC claims to be a champion of, but as we have seen it simply doesn’t promote in its myopic reporting. something this next float illuminates aptly
Regards that container picture above. Here is the newspaper article on the very subject. Just click through the 8 photos regards a pressing subject the bBC doesn’t bother mentioning:
I bet they wouldn’t dare to do a float mocking Islam and Mohamed?
The German BBCs also reported this with great glee. Various anti-American jokes such as “Was grenzt an Dummheit? – Kanada und Mexico”. Childish, but very much with an obvious purpose. The Nazikeule will always be brought down on those who are not following the party line on the EU or immigration, but the majority of Germans are still Europhiles. Le Pen, Wilders, Brexit are all nails in the EU’s coffin, hence their appearance at Kerneval. Wilders had his first ever interview on German TV this Sunday, usually the policy is to ignore completely in the media.
Nice models – bet their Moms helped – a lot.
Wow those floats from tolerant LibMob they look distantly fascist.
Just imagine if they replaced the Trump faces with the face a stereotypical Jew.
Yep, first thing that came to mind, “Achtung Juden!”
“And the award for the most excruciating Oscar ceremony goes to…” Prior to last night you would have had to pay me to watch the bloody thing; I really wish I had now!
This blunder hi-lights a very clear reason why celeb’s shouldn’t be listened to. Treat them like spoiled children. Let them have their tantrums. Let them scream and shout and stamp their feet. Let them say,”Trump is Hitler.”
Smile benignly. We are the grown ups.
Don’t take a blind bit of notice of them. They couldn’t organise the proverbial in a brewery. I mean, for the love of God, it’s only a case of opening a bleedin’ envelope; not negotiating a trade deal with China!
I have always thought that it’s a fatal combination; an ego the size of Saturn and an IQ the size of a satsuma pip.
BTW, a hot tip for next year’s Oscar awards. I think it ticks most of the boxes. A low budget film about a transgender, Iraqi refugee who bravely battles against all the odds to gain access to Hitler’s (oops, sorry, I mean Trump’s) America.
They’ll probably give it to Carry on up the Khyber…
Get Foscari (Bookmaker above) to price it up for you!! Anything bigger than 5/2 – fill yer boots!!
…God, it’s only a case of opening a bleedin’ envelope…..
Clearly the waxen features of Warren Beatty looked surprised as he read the contents of the envelope, so why in God’s name after seeing Emma Stone’s name did he not realise he had the wrong one and called to be given the right envelope ? Dopy Dunaway who could barely move her face, made the situation worse and ploughed in with the wrong information – the intelligence of those two beggars belief. Had it been in the UK, a joke would have been made of it and lots of humour all around, but no, this is the sanctimonious US elite who are so immovable with Botox, that its gasps of shock horror all around. They need to be told not to be so ‘up’ themselves.
Yes, I did feel a pang of sympathy for poor old Warren. Once one of Tinsel town’s leading men, his face seemed so rigid I thought he’d have trouble speaking. If he’d been on stage with Danny DeVito they could have done a vent’ act. “Gottle of gear, gottle of gear….”
I don’t know if he’s over-dosed on Botox, he was just really happy or he’s had one or three too many face lifts, but he seemed to have a permanent rictus grin.
I just really hope that was only his Adam’s apple I saw wobbling above his tie.
Oh dear…
It was handled much better back in 1964. Better humour, better talent:
How refreshing to see the winners step up, accept their prize, say their thank-yous briefly and leave. No-one thought to bring up civil rights, Vietnam or the price of fish.
I wonder if Hollywood luvvies have any idea how much ordinary people detest them?
I came across this & thought it was worth posting:
View at Medium.com
Why is the UK having to import labour? It’s relatively straightforward. The British Labour market suffers from the ‘British disease’ — a vestige of Imperialism. We find it easier to steal resources from other countries than to create our own.
In the last quarter of 2016 there were 1,597,000 people officially unemployed, 2,191,000 people inactive but wanting a job and 1,118,000 people who had part time jobs but wanted full time jobs.
This is about 10% of the working population unutilised in the workforce one way or another. And that’s before we get onto people over 65, who are automatically excluded despite the state pension age creeping ever higher.
None of these match the 751,000 vacancies on offer.
They don’t match for several reasons:
The job role demands a skill set that is not available at the price offered.
The job is in the wrong geographical location from the people who could do it
The job has physical requirements that are not available at the price offered
So the process of filling a job goes something like this:
business advertises for a person to work very long hours for a pittance, often somewhere ridiculous like London
nobody appropriate applies for it
business goes running to nanny shouting ‘skill shortage’ and demands visas
government gives in to business because businesses are treated like pets, not cattle
the job is advertised abroad
foreign nations, exporting their people like cargo, welcome the visas and encourage people to leave rather than sort the social problems out at home
So the elite class in both countries get what they want.
The poor country gets rid of their peasants that are competing for what little resources there are and who may send some foreign currency back which the elites can appropriate through taxes, financial discounting or even occasionally producing goods for people.
The rich country gets cheap labour that will stack high in tenement blocks and work all hours for a lower wage. The elite cream off the surplus and socialise the losses onto the school system, the health system and the social services who then advertise for people to expand and find that there aren’t any skilled staff to work in those areas. The public sector then asks for visas, advertises abroad…
What you get, in effect, is the same process at a country level that we had initially in the industrial revolution at a city level. 1840s Manchester followed the same process, but with the surrounding rural areas rather than areas thousands of miles away in a different country. Birmingham, Glasgow and others followed the same process.
It will end up in the same way it always does — the rich living in gated wonderlands while the poor live in slums squashed in like sardines.
Shanty towns are what happen when you allow market forces free rein. The UK had the first shanty towns, and the way it is run at the moment it will be the first shanty country.
It’s not just at the low level this process happens. Agriculture is notorious for it, but it also happens in IT. The larger firms put pressure on the government to let them import ‘skilled staff’ just as soon as the local workers develop any pricing power.
In reality they just want to pay less, and the prevailing economic orthodoxy uses a ‘reserve army of the unemployed’ to keep wages under control. In their belief system, inflation control has to be done on the labour side of the equation, never on the capital side. That why we have concepts like NAIRU, but never a NAIRC (non-accelerating inflation rate of competition).
When you look at a country with a different approach — Japan — you find, that even with a declining population and GDP relatively static overall, the GDP per capita is rising. That’s because they are automating and treating their elderly with respect. Fast food places are closing because they can’t get the staff. People get their cars washed by machines and their coffee from machines. All that drives forward productivity which then maintains and improves the standard of living — because they have to.
It’s not all perfect. The Japanese elite are gripped with neoliberalism like everywhere else. There is unnecessary unemployment and unhappiness. There are strong pushes for more ‘guest workers’. But the language, writing barrier and general culture stops them throwing open the doors. They have developed a different way for an island nation to bumble along relatively happily but with a net migration rate of about zero.
When you read any of the immigration literature put out by economists have a look and see if you can find Japan mentioned. You won’t find them in there — because it doesn’t fit the prevailing narrative.
So there is another way to improve standard of living rather than going around nicking resources from other nations. But it means treating business like cattle rather than pets. It means elites having to address local problems and innovate rather than sweeping them under the carpet.
Most importantly, it means having a political party that puts the poorer majority in the nation first.
And we don’t have one of those at the moment.
Thanks for that. A very interesting read.
Japan fascinates me. None of the self-loathing or ethno-masocism that blights White countries, despite WW2.
Great interview here, with a Canadian race-realist who’s been living in Tokyo for some time –
Japan is the ONE place I WOULD emigrate to, should the need arise.
But don’t expect citizenship. You’d never get it.
Almost finished watching Tenko – trying to avoid more recent rubbish. I missed it the first time around, and frankly, I’m disappointed. I had high expectations because of its reputation but, IMO, it’s not a patch on Colditz. A few good performances but quite a few crude stereotypes as well. Full of 1980s feminist box ticking which was probably very brave at the time, but directed with a sledgehammer. Most surprising is the constant bitching and bickering. It’s become extremely tedious and shows women in a very bad light, unable to cooperate with each other much of the time. Other half agrees with me.
Anyway, what I was getting around to is that it reminded of Japan’s WW2 record. I don’t buy the claim in the video that Japan is the most civilised country in the world. On a superficial level, yes, very polite and clean etc, but they have demonstrated that they can be nasty, vicious animals when it suits. Not popular locally either, particularly in China. A former self-confessed imperial power without successes like Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc to boast about.
I make no apology for dragging up WW2. We have to endure references to the Empire on a regular basis.
Sorry, rant over.
I do agree with you Iain, but the subsequent generations since the war and more importantly the Bomb, has made the thoughts and demeanour of the population a lot more humble.
On a lighter note, I judge being ‘civilised’ on the state of public toilets (?) – and in my opinion, the Japanese ‘Conveniences’ are better than in some homes I’ve been in, in the UK !!!!
What an enchanting voice (hers, I mean)!
Thanks for bringing that to a wider audience. It does explain in non-emotive terms the process that is actually happening.
Excellent piece. Large companies also exploit the current system by importing workers with the skills they want rather than training our own people. Some companies, like Dyson, make an effort to train staff and only import specialists, but far too many firms have abandoned training their workers.
right on the button,
and for all those who think they are safe because it only affects the low end, think again
my employer doesnt want to pay the going £50k+ rates for the skills it wants, so imports foreigners @ £25-30K, and it is a public sector company!!
they stay 12-18 months move on, and employer imports another 1,
meanwhile top end managers salaries are leaping forwards massively.
its a f**Kin disgrace.
I note the BBC Panorama programme is promoting all of the “positive” aspects of immigration in Slough. Apparently they get out of bed, work harder and “want it more”.
Ahah, it’s the The Final Solution for idle British worker then
What I find puzzling is that these Stankhovite workers, with all those skills, native intelligence, entrepreneurial talent and protestant work ethic, have to leave their own countires because there are no jobs there commensurate with their wonderfulness. Why isn’t Poland an earthly paradise if such human potential is available?
Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
It isn’t fit for humans now,
There isn’t grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!
I’m sure it’s been mentioned in the previous open thread, but did anyone else find it a bit strange and cringeworthy that on Any Questions, they got an eleven year old child to ask the question about President Trump’s state visit?
Well, it wasn’t really a question, he just implied that he shouldn’t be allowed.
I know that the average, hysterical, anti-Trump retard has a mental age far lower than eleven, but it kind of reminded me of these pictures you see of toddlers being dragged along to Looney Left marches, such as The Women’s Waddle, and having a placard that they probably can’t even read, shoved in their hand.
Always beware when the BBC do their Child Catcher impression and “invite the kids” onto any adult show.
Would YOU let the likes of McDonnell and Dimbleby in the saem room as the kid-and I bet neither of these two had a DBS live certificate as they`re meant to.
Another Pavlik Morosov.
Did the kiddies get a brown shirt with “BBC Youth” on it ?
The Anti Trump womens march mentioned on the BBC:
And then the ‘day without women’.
What the BBC seems reluctant to tell is the background of the organiser:
One of the organisers behind the next women’s march against President Donald Trump has been revealed as a Palestinian terrorist who took part in two deadly bombings in Israel.
Rasmea Yousef Odeh was convicted in 1970 for her role in the two terror attacks, one of which killed two students while they were out doing their food shopping.
After spending ten years behind bars, she then became a US citizen and even took up a job working as a navigator for Obamacare.
But in 2014, the activist was convicted for immigration fraud after it was revealed she failed to declare her role in the 1969 attacks on citizenship papers.
Now Odeh has been discovered to be the brains behind the Day Without A Woman protest due to go ahead on March 8.
I wonder if the BBC will be telling us about this come the day?
Not nearly as much whinging and self-pity-wallowing either, no doubt.
Superb post.
Darn it folks! I can empathize as good as the best but I’m still in the dark as to what they’ve actually got on Trump. I’ve heard the mantra chants, this ‘phobe and that ‘ist but no substantive material. Leastways nothing unlawful that could stand up in court?
There’s plenty of videos on Youtube of anti-Trump retards being asked exactly what they oppose, or to give us Trump’s supposed ‘racist’ or ‘misogynistic’ quotes. The reporters are invariably just met with the usual autistic screeching.
This is f**king pathetic stuff…. fake news deluxe. Who the hell cares if these goat-herding scum wish to plant trees? One can even sense BBC sympathy for the Taliban’s tree-planting environmental concern. Personally, I would like to see the Telly-tubby-Taliban machine-gunned.
Check out the BBC’s Science ‘News’ comments on this story on their fb page and you’ll see loads of supportive comments from snowflake geeks and Islamic apologists. Many of the pathetic Cecils commenting are British would you believe, and talk about how they would rather the Taliban than Trump etc. Our youth have been utterly brainwashed. I despair!
Now they wouldn’t prefer the Swat Valley to New York would they ?……. Really?
Why people are voting for Marine Le Pen – Is it my imagination or do all the people interviewed on the beeb clip look a bit, well, weird? They couldn’t possibly be loading the dice, could they?
Surprisingly one is black, and rejects the accusation that Marine is racist.
How did that get past the beeb censors, and will a video editor be getting the sack?
A lot of Hispanics, Blacks and Muslims support Trump but I think they’re all ‘lone wolves’, radicalised by not watching MSM.
Peter our Prime Minister shows her true liberal colours and lack of intuition again in refusing to meet Le Pen but cosying up to Macron.
This woman appears to be terminally stupid. The trouble is if Le Pen does get elected this wont just blow up in Mays face but will affect our own relationship with France as well.
You would have thought after Trump got elected some of these politicians might have learnt a small lesson in humility. But no, it seems that the liberal dinosaur just carries on plodding out anyway, totally oblivious to 100 foot deep pit fall trap it dug out itself before leaving home.
What particularly annoys me is that Le Pen (after the brexit vote) does appear to have some sneaking regard for our country which could well be the basis of good Franco/British relations if Le Pen wins. Instead it almost appears that May is trying to smash up any chance of us getting on with Le Pen now, just to ensure that if she wins we will have no chance of a co-ordinated policy in dealing with European problems such as migrants etc,
I suppose Kuennsberg, Sopel and Dymond Johny will be sharpening their lines no just in case Le Pen wins. So hopefully the BBC can piss off two major world leaders rather than just one!
Maybe she is getting a little arrogant after the Copeland by election and Ukips poor result in Stoke. What she obviously has not twigged is that Labour and Ukip lost the elections as much as the Tories won it.
As they say stupid is as stupid does!
Whoever wins in France, Britain will need friends in Europe and this is no time to be antagonising them. May should keep her options open, not snubbing Marine. I suspect it’s all part of her overarching concern to shuffle off the ‘nasty party’ label (that she herself evoked and made famous!)
If only she keeps up with her record of saying one thing and doing nothing, or her success with the police, prisons, border force and
year after year of deliberate immigration failure.
It probably doesn t matter what she s says … not much should happen, maybe she ll try her laughable “fatcher” impression, Marine is game for a laugh.
Noggin chap – I said stupid – But maybe you are right in that she clearly is bright but she does shows a total lack off imagination.
She is incapable of seeing that we have now moved to a place far beyond the domestic politics about who is seen as nasty and who is seen as nice and we are moving into a time where the very survival of our society is at stake. Unfortunately she is still playing domestic politics and still fiddling while Stockholm burns!
She may have intelligence but she does not possess any strategic sense either of possibilities or danger. It looks as if she knew Kuensberg was going to ask that question and acquiesced. If President Trump who does possess a heightened sense of duplicity in others and danger sensed that then she and GB are in trouble.
In addition it is entirely possible that Marine Le Pen is already being looked on with favour in the US and again that makes May the outsider.
Sadly I think she is just not up to the job of PM.
“She clearly is bright” …. sadly if only used for arrogant personal self gain, short sighted/breeze following and FU to the
majority of ordinary people?
… not a good mix Oak, mind you the highly financed media/old boy network crap we are enduring now won t last long.
Her cronies abject incompetence will soon shine through.
It should be clear beyond reasonable doubt that Treezer is still shoving remain, population change, and backing a forceful Islamic presence in Europe. She belongs with Merkel. She is, perhaps, a yesterday woman, but all the more reason not to trust her.
She must have offended Trump by taking Laura Keenisburg to Washington and emphasising her disagreement with Trump at the meeting with Republicans the night before the shambolic meeting in the White House.
Treezer is not stupid; she has a clearly defined set of objectives
Not a BBC story but I thought this guy actually speaks some sense though I am sure the liberals such as Sadiq Khan and the BBC probably see him as some sort of Uncle Tom.
The stupid thing is – is that if people actually took on board what this bloke is a saying we probably could well work as a more multi cultural society.
However because of the weak cowardly and appeasing liberals in the media and politics and the presence of highly aggressive, influential and expansionist muslims in our society – I think it is now too late for our societies to come together in any meaningful way.
I am afraid it will end up in a fight and there will only be one winner.
Pity – because it did not have to be that way!
May’s ‘One Nation’ tory outlook will eventually bring us one nation all right – only not the one the indigenous population is expecting..
“Why people are voting for Marine Le Pen – Is it my imagination or do all the people interviewed on the beeb clip look a bit, well, weird? They couldn’t possibly be loading the dice, could they?
Surprisingly one is black, and rejects the accusation that Marine is racist.
How did that get past the beeb censors, and will a video editor be getting the sack?”
Probably trying to promote an image of balance in order to refute recent allegations of bias.
BBC bigging up immigrant workers in Slough on Panorama now
Yep! this school has doubled children in a couple of years, all immigrant
its a great success.
At the social club the old mix of black and whites, express concerns over lack of infrastructure, with such a huge demographic change but they ll have to move with the times.
Why are white people nervous, thinking of leaving and racist.
that’s it off switch.
So we need to attract 250,000 builders every year?
I cannot be the only viewer who is sick of the bBBC luvvies droning about the Oscars as the most important news of the day. Still at it this evening.
BBC has appointed a Muslim to be in charge of religious programming.
Does this mean the “programming” of the masses to accept the Muslim agenda?
Does this mean the “programming” of the masses to accept the Muslim agenda?
No doubt Dystopian. And no doubt it will be done surreptitiously, Taqqiya style.
Wants London to be Independent from UK?
The little twat like all the moaning remainers do not accept the result and never will no matter what two faced shite they come out with. I dread to think what london will be like in 3 years when his stint is up.
On the local, London BBC news we were informed that the capital will suffer after Brexit if we don’t get a sufficient number of migrants, builders, brickies, plumbers, to build all the new houses people need to live in. If Brexit stops these people coming we’re going to be in real trouble.
Is it just me or is there a breakdown in logical thinking here? Hmmm, let’s think about this.
The Beeb and their fellow travelers always take a very simplistic view of these things. London needs more housing; therefore we have to import people to build them. Brilliant! This is just what the most densely populated part of our country needs, more foreigners to build houses for yet more foreigners to live in.
What could possibly be wrong with that? Let’s not mention roads absolutely crammed with traffic. An infrastructure creaking under the weight of an already burgeoning population. Schools that can’t cope. Hospitals where the sick and elderly are bedding down in the corridors. Overcrowded trains, buses, etc, etc…
Dear Lord, London is bursting at the seams. There will be standing room only in some poorer areas .
Though, of course, not the leafy parts where our Champagne socialists live.
I think you have missed the lefties big plan to fix all that….
more housing needed? Get more immigrant builders.
NHS not coping? Get more immigrant doctors and nurses.
More power stations needed? Get more immigrant engineers and architects.
Too many cars on the road? get more immigrants taxi drivers to replace personal car use.
Growing population? Get more immigrant carers for the elderly.
Simple. The above plan keeps working and working forever with no problems (according to Corbyn and the BBC)!
Running out of space? Lefties’ next plan – move all the indigenous population to Iraq. sarc. (maybe not).
Build thousands of 1,000 ft tall skyscrapers in London. Fill them full of immigrants and white middle class Liberal fascists. Train Muslim pilots in a Kent airfield. Give the pilots free aircraft. Sit back and watch.
After the Muslim Blitz has ended, the indigenous Brexit voting population can move back to London and make that much more advanced civilisation that existed in that 1960’s comic I had as a kid, called “Century 21”
The answer to everything these days is ‘more muslims’
It does look like the government has a policy to minimise the number of British casualties in the next terrorist attack in London.
Apologies to the Londoners who post here.
The idiot Left seem to have forgotten the rise of the gorgeous Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.
Stephen K Bannon has certainly done his research-and there are nuggets to be found here on how we`ve got to Trump. Bannon is an extraordinary guy.
Certainly better than Radio 4 or the BBC at the minute-BANNON has figured them out, and don`t see him compromising (his Sheraton Hotel speech to go with this film really shows that he HATES the set up against him-and Trump`s the conduit in some ways)
You can judge how effective Bannon is by how much the left wing hate him. On that basis, he must be very good indeed.
Exceptional disinformation tonight, even for the BBC. First a programme on Immigrants in Slough which, whenever I visited some decades ago, always provided ample evidence of being a muslim epicentre for the area – yet apparently the immigrants are Spanish, Italian, Rumanian and Polish, with groups of Roma providing some ‘free spirited’ behaviour patterns. Amazing….
And yet eclipsed by a ‘Child Abuse Special’ in which faultless organisation, steered by Jeremy Vine, used all the techniques and gimmickry of Red Nose Days and Children in Need to present harrowing accounts of abused children, without once mentioning ‘Asian Rape Gangs’ and the associated benefits gained from our multiculturaly blended society. Beyond amazement.
Beltane – I would have expected nothing less of him or al beebus, which was why I didn’t watch it; I’ve found, in the past, programmes such as that to be nothing more than exercises in frustrated expectation.
Al beebus will NEVER (intentionally) tell the truth about dangerous minorities, such as Muslims, within our midst.
Although, I expect that to alter once we Britons become the minority – in around 40 years from now.
The BBC World Service broadcast a strangely anti-Roma edition of Assignment on the 31st Jan 2013. The line of the programme was that the “English state” was in conflict with Roma communities all over the North of England. The real problem was the Roma neglecting their children, who were three times more likely to end up in care as the children of other minorities. Sending their children out begging, no or poor school attendance, letting their children roam the streets late at night (child protection issues), not feeding their children, not paying enough attention to the “provision of private spaces within the home” were the main difficulties. Even a Slovak woman who represented these parents, attempting to get their children back in the family court, said that the main attraction about Britain was the child benefit for each child. Blunkett even chipped in saying that Roma immigration into certain areas was so high that schools and social services could not cope. Many of the parents were completely illiterate in their own languages and even communicating with them about their children was very time-consuming and costly. The presenter Simon Cox?? did mention the discrimination Roma suffered everywhere they went. This seemed a feeble defence as everyone he talked to kept mentioning problems, difficulties and more problems. In this case, the BBC itself has disproved the oft repeated PC clichee “you can’t label everyone” In some cases, you can and you should.
Has anyone called Trump undemocratic?
Just wondering because that would be tricky since being anti Trump and anti Brexit is about as undemocratic as it gets.
As Lucy P said earlier, the Oscar losers should be calling for a re-vote, not accepting the results, resisting and maybe blaming Russia.
Not us…Look over there!
If anything exemplifies the arrogance and conceit of the BBC, consider the BBC’s response to the myriad of complaints made by viewers to the new SS-GB series which started last week.
Like thousands of others, I could hardly hear a word the actors were saying. Remember, the BBC has form here, ‘Happy Valley’ and ‘Jamaica Inn’ received hundreds of complaints for the same reason, but of course the arrogant BBC knows best and takes no notice, for them in their state of the art multi million £ viewing galleries, they obviously had got the sound levels ‘just about right’.
Fast forward to Friday’s ‘One Show’ and blow me down, the BBC ran a segment on viewer complaints regarding POOR SOUND QUALITY. Crikey, was this a mea culpa? Sadly not. Anticipation, turned to disappointment and then anger and disbelief as the ‘One Show’, pointed the finger at cinema releases, specifically the sound quality in, ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ and ‘Interstellar’…as for the BBC’s own failings, not a word. ‘Look over there’, was the cry.
It occurred to me that this was a tactic that the BBC had used before. As evidence of Jimmy Savile’s criminality, facilitated on BBC premises, by BBC staff, mounted, I recall the erstwhile Richard Bacon (remember him?), on the day the story broke telling his audience that in allowing Savile on their premises the NHS had a lot of questions to answer.
The BBC, week in week out, never ceases to display it’s brazen cynicism. Too big, too powerful, too up itself, I am sure that they have reached the stage where they are sticking two fingers up to the licence fee payer and are now, quite simply, taking the piss.
Funny. Hacksaw Ridge won an Oscar for sound mixing!
Who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying ears?
“Judge convicts Leeds ‘cash for crash’ killers”
Those ‘men’ again…….
OT again.
Has anyone seen Google’s latest homepage “advert”?
Abdul Sattar Edhi. WTF.
Apparently a renowned Pakistani philanthropist (surely a contradiction in terms).
“Sources say” he gave support to Bin Laden, but this cannot be confirmed!!!!!
I really detest those virtue signalling homepage ads. Globalist, secularist propaganda.
The hypocrisy of a “tax efficient” big business pushing leftist social justice bollocks just astounds me.
Is Bing any better?
“Oscars 2017: Moonlight wins best picture after announcement mix-up”
Some interesting HYS posted here……..
Highest rated comment ………..
“Why is this inbred award rubbish taking up so much space and headline on the BBC NEWS website?
Oh, sorry, I forgot that the BBC luvvies are part of the same self serving industry”
That link seems to go to an insurance story, not of course linked to the rise in accident scam gangs.
Link here:
And another comment:
1605. Posted by P1113 on
7 hours ago
Black √
Muslim √
LBGT Issues √
The BBC had set aside lots of air time for the Oscars so that they could run extensive “reports” on the anti Trump comments from all the luvvies. Trump knew this so he arranged with Putin for the Russians to switch the envelopes and so create a different story that the BBC would have to cover; leaving no time for the anti Trump propaganda. Another brilliant coup from Donald.
If they make a film of the conspiracy it might win “Best Picture” next year.
Katty on superb impartially professional form again…
It’s in her DNA. Apparently.
You paid for that tweet
Did it serve the public interest ?
If Katty wants to work for Hillary she shouldn’t be taking BBC resources and taking a BBC salary.
Toady programme 8.15 on the day the findings of the enquiry into the Daesh Tunisian beach massacre and Lady Shouty Montague and Orrible Guernsey leading on the devastation done to the Tunisian tourist industry and economy!
I was struck by the unbelievable crassness in the timing of that report.
And the idea that “the terrorists win” if people don’t go on holiday to Tunisia really takes the cake…..
We win if we spend our money in friendly countries or at home and don’t present ourselves as targets for Islamic terrorists.
Heard the same Peter and embolden. The hapless Tunisian Ambassador clearly doesnt` know the rules of how to deal with the BBC. But we do.
When he rather pathetically said that Tunisia was as “safe as London”-well maybe , but I doubt it.
No matter what he says-when the local judge said that the police and security dragged their heels and ran away with the Nutta running riot and killing on the beach?…THAT is indefensible, very Islamic-and increasingly very Continental, and even British if we don`t wake up.
No-what he SHOULD have said is that it`s certainly safer that Paris, than Gothenburg or Malmo. And what has the BBC said about THAT?…do people now get red alerts re travelling to France or Sweden? Both of whom seem more dangerous to visit that Tunisia at the moment.
Opportunity missed my Muslim friend.
Ah well-think I`ve got a job in giving all visitors ANYWHERE a GCSE in “culture and why it`s dodgy to go on holiday nearly anywhere where Islam`s had a foothold”.
Tunisia is as nothing compared to Paris and Southern Sweden at the moment….BBC saying THAT then?…the EU even?
There’s a rare one – what a genuine beauty!
For about the first time ever this morning I hear BBC tv news presenters refer to an “Islamist gunman”
This was in connection with the murder of British tourists in Tunisia into which killings Inquests have been held.
Well done BBC. No sarcasm, no snark intended. Just try to keep calling a spade a spade. Take the hint – you may have noticed that Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton who were unable to bring themselves to utter the term Islamic Terrorism are not presently the leaders of the free world.
I was staggered to hear the BBC’s reference to an ‘Islamist gunman’.
By the 6pm news this term had disappeared. The BBC showed some respect for the victims and their relatives – for whom I really do express my deepest sympathy – but during the 12 minute segment the nature of the attack and murders was no mentioned – no Isis – no Islamic gunman mentioned. Another example of BBC filtration of the news . How the Tunisians think the British will return to fuel their economy God only knows. But I guess people forget .
Anyone else wondering why the BBC hasn’t mentioned Jo Cox for a couple of days? Fear not here is an interview with Jo’s sister
The article goes from her family readjusting to mentioning the “Great Get-Together” street party “which is not political”. Then of course the BBC have to mention Thomas Mair was a Nazi.
For someone like Jo Cox ‘who wanted to unite everyone’ her name has been used for political purposes a heck of a lot.
She was on Breakfast TV just after 9am
Beauty Broadcasting Corp home of PRnotNews
And at 8.30 Toenails Robinson bearded by a DUP leader for creating fake news about NI in his intro, in fact more than that, lying effectively by saying the First Minister had resigned.
Politicians fighting back!
Not BBC Bias but I thought this was worthy of a David Icke type of report:
I can’t believe the BBC spent a small fortune making these videos interviewing nutters. The interviewers face trying not to laugh at 4m50s is a picture.
“The Brits hurrying to become German citizens”
I think “Flag of convenience” would have been a better headline.
“Esme was the most organised of any of us. She made her first appointment with the German authorities the week before the referendum”
so she was going to do it anyway, regardless of the referendum result, or is she a f@cking clairvoyant!
Very many considerably fewer than those who would want to emigrate to the USA, I am sure.
But that story wouldn’t advance the BBC’s preferred ‘narrative’ would it?
“She clearly is bright” …. sadly if only used for arrogant personal self gain, short sighted/breeze following and FU to the
majority of ordinary people?
… not a good mix Oak, mind you Treezer s highly financed media/old boy network crap we are enduring?. You can only ride any available coat tail for so long
Her cronies abject incompetence will soon shine through.
Do not jail all paedophiles, says police chief
Figures show the number of child abuse reports is up by 80% in three years.
I think we can all agree that increase is nothing to do with immigration of a certain child raping religion?
Awful hearing him. Typical liberal…it`s too difficult so we`ll give up on the small offences and go after the bigger fish..
Same line they use in “enforcing” the drugs laws.
Surely prevention is better than cure. Surely leaving doubt in the mind of the image viewing paedophile as to the risk of detection is better than announcing carte blanche.
I`d like to have heard him asked what evidence there is to support the notion that viewing images doesn’t lead to the development of perverted desires rather than their suppression.
Normalising the imagery is likely to normalise the behaviour…this is how advertising works….first create the desire through images and the acceptance of those images and then desire becomes demand for gratification.
12:15pm R4 Phone-In How have you or your family been affected by online bullying
#ThinkLikeLibMob “Yes I post something and some people dare not to agree 100% with what I say wah wah wah”
So on BBC News today is page telling us Green Renta Mob groups will no longer be able to use tax payer funded lawyers for free etc. *
that BBC page is headed with the backlit steam propaganda photo
…shame on BBC ..cyberbulling us again.
#DramaQueenLikeLefties “FFS BBC do you not understand how flipping low class using such dirty tricks make you look ?”
* The BBC article itself looks like a cutnpaste from well funded Climate PR team at ClientEarth.
Dame Harold Evans interviewed today by an even more obsequious than usual Nick Robinson…
Dame Harold thinks people who “believe Trump” are “mentally deluded”.
Here`s a thing Harold, I`ve watched President Trump several times on live feeds, then compared that with the false reporting by the BBC of what I have just seen him say and how he`s said it, frequently at odds with the truth… (“he`s been ranting again”…er…. no actually he hasn`t)
Let`s remember Dame Harolds contribution to the destruction of the print industry and the de skilling of an entire workforce, on behalf of Rupert Murdoch whilst cowering behind the Police at Wapping.
This I think, is what drives so many of the left-liberal “elite”. They know that their success has been built on others failure and feel bad about it, so to absolve themselves of this guilt they take the secular route to salvation…virtue signaling and holding the politically correct line.
The other interesting phenomenon is that “post modernism” is a leftist construction used to “de construct truth” and “deconstruct” old ways of thinking is now being used against them….how they hate it!
I turned the radio on this morning, and for a minute could have sworn I was listening to Quentin Crisp. Then I remembered that the Stately Homo of England had passed away, and it was actually a lisping Dame Harold Evans telling me that President Trump was a pathological liar, and that I was deluded in supporting him. Dear Quentin would never have been so rude.
Of course, the Dame had a book to plug, and like any other author, only has to pick up the phone to get on the Today programme. For some strange reason, the interviewer got all tongue tied, and forgot to mention that Dame Harold was part of the New York liberal elite, in with the New York Times, and a big supporter of that paragon of truth, justice and the American way, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Thank you once again, dear BBC, for insulting and patronising me with my morning cup of coffee. How could we ever live without you?
I too listen to the Radio more than the TV. I avoid the BBC at all other times. Even so I do listen to the Radio daily mostly on ‘other’ stations – not aligned to the BBC (BBC regional stations can be just as crappy liberal left opionated as Radio 4 Today. And the BBC are happy to point out that although they have lost 1.5 million Radio 1 listeners. They have moved them all to Radio 4 (they say) and ‘gained’ 750,000 (new) listeners (as proof of propagands thesis works. However when you probe these magnificent figures further you find that RAdio 4 TODAY is the main ‘tune-in’ as other programmes ‘drop out’ as radio figures falling across the network actually are better than the godawful BBC TV. The Guardian states that teh wonderful BBC commands 90% of the airwaves (surely that because it’s sooooo good!) Cough! So for the BBC, those that ‘tune in’ to the BBC are all peacefull ‘MUSLIMS, Devout ‘REMAINERS’ and (largelly they think ) BBC supporters. After all we pay the damn TV license (and they count us as being BBC ‘viewers’ and ‘listeners’ based on populist TV and Radio figures by RAJAR (jointly owned by the BBC) and others. The BBC is not that ‘popular’ it just has more radio and TV station sthan anyone else in the UK. (and that includes Scotland), new Radio Station being set up as they found £30 million down the back on a sofa). How popular is that going to be in ‘Scotland’ I wonder. And why? Could it have anything to do with the ‘Scottish’ so called independence? Or maybe its because the BBC see that Scotalnd is so far left of sanity that a little push can bring about the demise of the UK ‘up north’. Of course the cosy poltical elite don’t want that at all. But it could all be counter productive. The BBC is not that well loved (or part of the 90% reach they claim in the UK. They just have a bloody monopoly on it all as less people read (or are capable of) reading the better quality Newspapers.
Heck, I reckon if the TV Tax was doled out to all broadcasters with a chunk to encourage new stations it would be something – but just directing it at the sweaty BBCs palms is corrupt.
“The BBC is not that well loved (or part of the 90% reach they claim in the UK. They just have a bloody monopoly on it all as less people read (or are capable of) reading the better quality Newspapers.”
It’s a minor point, but writing as a subscriber to the Daily Telegraph I have to ask, does Britain still have any “better quality newspapers”? I can’t think of one.
Agree about the view of the ‘ quality newspapers’ RJ. I stopped buy uk papers years ago because the progressive dumbing down. I occasionally looked at the FT for enlightened views- also the Economist -but these are now contaminated by anti Trump anti Brexit group think like much of the rest of our newspapers and TV output. I rely on site like this one for the ‘Alt view. ‘
Harold Evans was-I`m sure-also on the Steve Howlett “Media Show” last September.
Think it was a cameo double handed bitch fest with Mark Thompson-another grandee who`s “doing rather well over there”-in the USA.
Poor Howlett seemed fussed about that second referendum and how think we were to vote to go. Both Harold and Tommo said the same.Hope Dame Harold doesn`t have Polonium or VX in his wifes clutch bag.
Today’s scheduled virtue signalling seems quite light
They’ll still be the “genetically modified” adverts where 50% of the faces are BME, in a country which is 87% white.
10:45pm – BBC 1 95min doco about Maya Angelou (who famously went to see her ancestors in Ghana and didn’t realise they exploited her for being a rich American)
9:45 R4 Book : Border Tales is about European immigrants
1:45pm R4 series about migration
3pm R4 Brexit hater Josie Long will rustle something up I suppose..no details yet
10:45pm : R4 Book is about the American Slave Underground Railway
It really is time to switch them off isn`t it?
Today programme, Tuesday morning according to their running order at 6.55
The UK economy could benefit from a £24bn-a-year boost if black and minority ethnic (BME) people progressed in work at the same rate as their white counterparts, a government-backed review has found. Baroness McGregor-Smith is a Conservative life peer.
The item was introduced as explaining that more jobs should be given to BMEs. To be fair Nick Robinson did ask the Baroness if positive discrimination to BMEs didn’t mean less white people getting jobs. However when the Baroness disagreed, he didn’t press her very hard. I didn’t hear her mention that if this did not take away jobs from white people then new jobs would have to be created for the BMEs – but I guess if businesses needed more workers, they would employ them. Either this report that Baroness McGregor Smith was badly explained in a few minutes on the Today programme or it was a load of rubbish, but trust the BBC to give it publicity. It fits in with their own agenda of positive discrimination.
All together “New York, Sweden, Paris, Munich … everybody talk about”
well, not Pop Muzik, not riots, mass assaults, no go areas and gang rapes
On BBC – Nearly 10 attacks were made on migrants in Germany every day in 2016, the interior ministry says.
10 attacks on refugees daily in Germany: “The Nazis are threatening refugees and therefore our democracy
“Turmoil has erupted in Germany over Muslim migrants, and now some Germans are adding to the pandemonium by turning on the asylum seekers. All of this is thanks to Merkel’s irresponsible leadership”.
Yep!, Political incompetence, and cowardice in regards to neo liberal cheap labour
immigration policy leads to nothing but social unrest and worse.
The prophet Enoch told you, Farage simply repeated his sentiment, that path leads only to dangerous nationalism, that is what follows, a shrewd guy like Farage plays the unrest and is gone before the chickens come home to roost.
The reason is simple politicians are cowards/spineless but far away from them
… on the ground people, who have to live with their abject folly they are not.
Toot toot! Look out kids, it’s the Remaiacs Clowns chugging along in their car. Bits dropping off it and foul smoke coming out the back. And who’s in it? There’s Bobo Blair and Sad Tarzan but who’s driving? No one? Oh my mistake – it’s Major Laugh, still with egg on his face.
Nice one gaxvil. Major Cone is very much our Ted Heath. Need a picture of Major and Blair linking hands over the Ulster bridge from last year for out poster.