‘What’s the role of traditional journalism in a world where crying “fake news” has become a potent political tool and trust in the mainstream media has collapsed? Former editor of The Sunday Times Sir Harry Evans is in London for a discussion tonight organised by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism on how reporters can make a difference in a “post truth” world.’
Yet more abysmal ‘journalism’ from Nick Robinson [08:20]…perhaps he should consider his position…the longer he stays at the BBC the more useless and biased his reports become.
Trump has refused to bow down to the self-selected Media priesthood with their enormous sense of entitlement and belief that they not only hold government to account but are in fact the real government themselves deciding which policies are acceptable and which not.
The BBC just can’t get over Trump’s cheek and lack of respect for their genius…doesn’t he know they have many degrees in English between them and that their dads held high office within its sainted ranks…as do their brothers and sisters…the BBC is Media Royalty after all. Surely they deserve some respect for their heritage? No?
Robinson started off as he meant to go on and did so with no sense of self-awareness as he casually claimed Trump was bullying the Media…this from a man employed by the BBC which has spent the last two years shouting abuse at Trump and doing everything it could to stop him being elected. Robinson also name checks the ‘post-truth era’ as if it were a real thing and not just a very convenient invention of the left-wing media intended to discredit Trump’s election and Brexit. Note also the BBC’s sudden u-turn on fake news….from using the term itself as a political weapon against Trump they now denounce Trump for using it against them…. ‘crying “fake news” has become a potent political tool.’ LOL…quelle horreur.
Robinson wheeled in Sir Harry Evans to vent his spleen and he did so in full-on bilious mode.
Trump was a liar, a liar, a liar, a madman, a compulsive liar, a man with a personality defect…and he was a liar.
Who was it said this..was it Lord Hall? …Spot on though and describes exactly what the power of the BBC is to distort what people say and misrepresent them and their intentions….
‘What is important is not what the creator of an idea of genius may mean, but what this idea becomes in the mouth of whomever transmits it.’
Where does the BBC keep digging these people up? Having said that it doesn’t really need to go out of house as its own journalists are quite ready to demonise Trump calling him crazy, power mad, a dictator, not forgetting of course the endless times they call him a Fascist, racist, sexist, Islamophobe and link him deliberately to Hitler, Stalin and Mao….
Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have led to comparisons, from some quarters, with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.
Later changed to the apparently more acceptable...
The US president’s use of “enemies of the people” raises unavoidable echoes of some of history’s most murderous dictators.
Naturally Robinson doesn’t give any weight to the consideration that Trump may actually be right and that the Media is a bunch of lying charlattans who do more to damage democracy than any others bar the politicans themselves [ref. Nichola Sturgeon].
Undoubtedly Trump will come to some accomodation eventually with the Press which would be a shame…and a shame that more politicians and people under the Media spotlight don’t fight back and hold the Media to account…just about the only thing I can applaud George Galloway for doing.
Fake News by the BBC has always been produced by selective censorship. In the case of Islam and Climate science, censorship has become so extensive that the majority of people I know are now fully aware of how the BBC produces Fake News.
I think rather than necessarily fake news the BBC certainly consistently provides FILTERED News.
I have long wanted an interviewee of Humphrys or whoever to respond “You obviously believe yourself well informed on this matter. What do you think we should be doing?”
A speech by Donald Trump:
BBC News: Freeview Channel 130: 2am to 3.30am
But could be Censored in parts by the usual “BBC sound” problems, caused by a plug falling out.
Do your bit to help destroy the main stream media –
Now, I know Wikipedia isn’t the most reliable of sources, but Harold Evans was never the best of journalists, either. Anyway, according to the aforementioned online encyclopaedia, Evans took US citizenship in 1993. How is it that he was then knighted in 2004? I suppose it was legal, since I don’t think it’s possible to disavow Britishness, if you’re born British (barring an event along the lines of Irish independence), but why was he offered a knighthood and why did he accept it, eleven years after deciding to be a citizen of another country?
As a newby to this site and a long time listener/viewer of BBC product it is clear that output is filtered to suit its own agenda – namely support for the groupthink left and support for multiculturalism . Any events or facts which counter this agenda are simply filtered out of news broadcasts. Once the licence fee / taxpayer realises this the BBC view can be countered by viewing output from other news broadcasters . Out of conscience I cannot pay for BBC product until it is fair and supportive of the core historic values of the UK .
I now sometimes listen to material delivered by the likes of Today on R4 and view it as sick comedy. Listening to Mr. Robinson interview Sir Harold Evans was one such example. I really hope more people are becoming aware of this BBC msm filtration but I fear too many don’t think about it or realise what is going on.
I caught some of this interview where it sounded as if “Sir Harry” had been wheeled straight from his rest home breakfast.
He was obviously enjoying himself. Nick Robinson was speaking to him very reverentially and obsequiously to him like he was some sort of National treasure and we were then treated to a BBC top quality interview of “balanced” journalism as only the BBC knows how to do.
I couldnt remember much of the interview except that we were told by “Sir Harry” that every time Donald Trump opens his mouth and talks or breathes we are showered with lies, after “Sir Harry” ran out of epithets linking Trump to lies and falsehoods, we finished off being told that Sir Harry is writing some sort of book and “Sir Harry is on first name terms with “Hilary” Lucky old Sir Harry!
I really did not know what the point of this interview was except that “Sir Harry” hates Trump and likes the sound of his own voice a little too much. At no point was “Sir Harry” really challenged over his views it was just five minutes of vitriol thats it. I am sure they knew and approved of what they would be getting when they booked this twat.
It seems that these days the BBC has also stopped any pretense of trying to be balanced when talking about Trump – it is basically war.
Maybe Today are trying to start a pensioners against Trump movement – I really dont know. However I thought this piece was up there with “Johny Dymond” for shocking journalism.
I am sure that the only reason that this interview will escape any serious criticism is because most people listening will think aaahh dozy old bugger – he seems to be losing it a bit. Still as far as the the BBC is concerned it has just scored a couple more “ZINGERS” albeit rather spluttery and incontinent ones.
I am sure Theresa (the upstanding vicars daughter) approves of all the Trump bashing aimed at that crass vulgarian Trump. (but dont forget you stuck up useless incompetent – he is also the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and an anglophile and we might well need his support sooner than you may think!
However what I do know is that these days Today has about as much in common with analysis and journalistic vigour as Bob Geldorf has in common with altruism and selfless charity work. As to the interview – “Sir Harry” he obviously held strong views – but then why was he not asked to justify them. I think we all know the answer to that one. All I can say is
GO TRUMP ! – It really is long overdue that these lying charlatans were put in their place.
I just hope Donald Trump realises that these bastards only represent the views of themselves the metropolitan “elite” and not the views of the majority in this country. People who have to do real jobs and do not live the gilded existence cushioned by patronage.
Strange days.
The BBC was successful for years in deceiving the public by using the aforementioned filtered news output as opposed to outright lies. That can no longer be said, as evidenced by ‘David Sonboly’ and their constant blatant falsehoods during the presidential election – the most egregious example being that they not once reported on Trump having a lead and always put Clinton comfortably in front, even when MSM outlets in the US had Trump either level or ahead. Then there was the lie about there being no evidence to connect Clinton with birtherism even though evidence is abundant that she campaigned on this very pretext in the 2008 primary. And finally there’s been the myth about Clinton winning the popular vote (which is irrelevant anyway, since her supposed ‘win’ is based on disproportionate populations in three states – the very thing that the electoral college was created to prevent from having too much influence, meaning Trump’s win actually legitimises its importance) and the lie about Trump’s inauguration being poorly attended and this being evidence of his unpopularity. That’s not mentioning the numerous times they’ve essentially called Trump a liar by saying he “offers no evidence” which they’ve done again in today’s story regarding his remarks on Obama conspiring behind the scenes, which may or may not be true but is certainly not just Trump’s opinion. I won’t even start on their Brexit campaigning.
The BBC used to be smart enough to hide its biases – as in burying contradictory stories while promoting the ones that supported its agenda = so it could smugly claim it was abiding by its mandate. They shat the bed too many times in 2016 and thus the end is hopefully nigh for the license fee.
Like to think so – All Lives – But I suspect that our current PM is just as hooked on the approval of our “national treasure ” of a state broadcaster as all the other egotistical, shallow and self centered politicians who have gone on before.
In truth they are all suffering from a Stockholm syndrome where they cannot imagine life outside the BBC comfort bubble. Maybe they love BBC abuse a bit too much. “I know ee its me but I had to go back cos I love im!”
I am afraid if the BBC struggles they will put it on life support.
If it dies they will pickle it like one of the old style soviet presidents to be wheeled out every “Red Army Day” so all can see it is still with us.
Until something truly drastic and sudden happens to our society (which I reckon is on the cards) – I am afraid the BBC has a “Get out of jail card free” for life.
I’m sure that the media bears a big responsibilty for making politics so bland, (up to now!). Watch any interview and most politicians will stay locked onto their ‘message’ as they know full well that any deviation, however slight, will be seized on and super-sized and topped and tailed with ‘fair comment’ to, if possible, destroy the politician’s career. I wonder why they don’t just splice together selected words to make up new speeches! (You DID say that…but not necessarily in that order..or the same time).
One of the things that I like about Nigel Farrage is that he just laughs at them and calls them out on their tricks. Unfortunately that can mean that he never gets to put over his message, (but we don’t need to hear that because he is a Racist, Facist, Xenophobe, Middle-lane-hogging, Daily Mail-reading, Transphobe…etc. Some say.).
My reason for joining this forum. I’ve finally come to the realisation that the BBC really are biased when all these years I’ve been kidding myself they aren’t. Some Biased BBC old timers may think that’s funny but after a lifetime of brainwashing propaganda and media manipulation it’s difficult to break free and think uninfluenced by what has been driven into your brain day after day, year after year. I forgot how to think, became lazy, not questioning what I was being told, repeating instead the opinions of someone else, a blatantly biased hand picked army of BBC sycophants arrogantly manipulating my views so my views became their views, not mine. I had become a dummy, a BBC dummy, a One Show, Today programme, BBC 24 Hour News sponge treated and spoken to more like a 9 year old child than an adult being trusted to form my own opinions. Things will never be the same, I will do my level best to avoid the organisation, its just not worth it for the damage it does.
Welcome Dongle to our very own “basket of deplorables”
We have all been in the same place that you refer to, and when you finally open your eyes to it nothing the BBC comes out with will ever seem the same again. But beware you also need to realise that like all good propaganda organisations much of what is said is true however, it is the BBC “spin” that makes them so insidious!
Mind you they seem to have recently become so much more arrogant that the BBC “whoppers” seem to have been far more in evidence. I suppose if your gonna lie may as well tell a big one!
Anyway I look forward to seeing your posts and hope you have a laugh with us as well!
That cartoon is on point.
And Nick Robinson really should stay off Twitter; he has zero clue and it has more responsive reach than a BBC HYS accidentally opened for a while.
Meanwhile Katty has lived up to her name, and another colleague is also keeping the flame of petulant whinge in lieu of reporting flickering:
And here is Nick today…
BBC… fake news… never… well alright, maybe
Heard the BBC and its sneering fags of Eton (like Sopel)condescend, patronise and damn Trump with their lukewarm sewage this morning.
As if Trump was the naughty boy desperately trying to hand his homework in to please the BBC and CNN.
Can we hate the BBC any more than we do?
Well, I`ve not listened to the BBC since 8am news, but contended myself with Lionel and the US “REAL news and analysis”.
The BBC, bless em, to help guide the French people through the election process in their tried and tested neutral and unbiased style.