The BBC really is pushing the boat out for immigration today…which is remarkable as the BBC is renowned for not wanting to talk about immigration, for wanting to suppress debate, so much so that they habitually resort to the very sinister and Stalinist tactic of show-trialling anyone who dares to challenge the orthodoxy that immigration is good and that Islam represents no threat to Western civilisation, denouncing such heretics as the Far-Right, Fascists, Nazis and racists….so much for free, fair and impartial debate.
Of course when the BBC does talk about immigration the discussion is rigorously policed and controlled, held within well defined limits of acceptable ideas….step outside the BBC’s approved comfort zone and you’re toast and of course they control any interviews by selecting the interviewee, choosing one who they know will voice the acceptable ideas with an agreeable tone….such as in this interview on the Today show about Swedish immigration, the BBC trying to undermine Trump’s reference to its downsides. A very short interview clearly only intended to rapidly rebut the concerns about what is happening in Sweden….we hear that yes there is immigrant crime but it is caused by the socio-economic conditions of immigrant families and it is completely untrue that police officers cannot record the ethnicity of criminals….strange then that police officers say they cannot or that it is frowned upon and discouraged by politicians who seek to hide the truth such as the real problem immigration poses…
This month, a seasoned investigator with the police department in Orebro, Peter Springare, caused a stir with a Facebook posting in which he discussed the case files on his desk.
“What I’ve been handling Monday-Friday this week: Rape, rape, serious rape, assault rape, black mail, black mail, assault in court, threats, attack against police, threats against police, drugs, serious drugs, attempted murder, rape again, black mail again and abuse,” Mr. Springare said. He went on to list the first names of the people he said were suspects, all but one of which were traditionally Middle Eastern.
Why such a short interview with someone who was obviously picked to toe the line? Why no police officers or others who are concerned? A very one-sided ‘debate’ from the BBC about a problem that is well known and of ever increasing concern.
Following Today we had ‘Start the Week’, subject: ‘Build That Wall’: Barriers and Crossings. No guesses which were the main walls of contention…Trump and Israel. Nothing good comes of them we learn. They did go to Ireland to check out a ‘barrier’ there…the border with NI….not oddly enough the ‘Peace Walls’ which you’d think would be the first port of call and an obvious subject.
Then we had ‘Book of the Week’: Border – Tales from the Edge of Europe. Another dose of ‘aren’t borders bad and murderous’.
Then we had ‘Neither Here Nor There’….with a daily dose of unreality as a black immigrant gives us a very select view of immigration…the first programme…How the Israelis are so-badly treating Ethiopian refugees….’Ethiopian Jews remain the most disadvantaged group within the Jewish population. Many have been victims of racism and tensions have boiled over, resulting in clashes in with the police. ‘
The next episode is about the Guyanese immigrant community in the US…the author of these tracts is Guyanese himself….considering the vast diversity of immigrants to the US you might have thought he could choose a more representative group…Hispanics or Cubans…but no, he chooses his own group.
Next he heads off to Sweden to look at Bosnian Muslims…why them? Probably because they are more European than the rest of the Muslim immigrants and therefore he hopes to persuade us that Sweden is not ‘under attack’.
Then off to Germany to discover just how essential all those Turkish guest workers were to the German economy….just the usual BBC narrative…which neglects all the downsides…such as Turkey views them as a Turkish enclave, a Trojan Horse within Germany and actively told Turks not to assimilate.
Finally it’s Britain’s turn and we get the blame for not integrating the Asians…and of course the compulsory mention of Brexit and the inevitable false association with ‘hate crimes’…
What measures did the British government take to promote integration? What compromises and sacrifices were Asian women themselves prepared to make? And what more could have been done on both sides to ease the multicultural tensions that have surfaced once again in Brexit-era Britain?
So five very targeted programmes all either of interest only to the author or peddling the usual BBC narratives on Israel, Brexit, the wonders of economic migrants and of course crushing the criticism of Sweden’s immigration policy.
Then we have The Underground Railroad…‘the new novel by Colson Whitehead, abridged for radio across 10 episodes. This brilliant and at times brutal novel about the history of slavery and racism in America won the US National Book Award for Fiction in 2016.’
Not a bad days work for the BBC eh? I have no doubt that the other scheduled programmes on Radio 4, and throughout the BBC, also slipped in pro-immigration, anti-Trump, anti-Brexit, messages…but the dedicated programmes on immigration/race are a remarkable haul for just one day on just one station…is that what we pay the licence fee for, to be bombarded with propaganda that peddles a very, very one-sided view of immigration and is designed to counter what the BBC sees as the ignorant and prejudiced views of most of the population?
I have some simple responses to that closing down of any debate over the benefits to the UK of immigration. They are especially effective if the other person or persons are taxpayers, more so if paying the first of the two higher rate bands of Income Tax.
We have 1.6 million people unemployed in the UK, your taxes are supporting them.
We have around twice that number as economically inactive in the UK. Your taxes could be lower if they became more economically active.
In the last severe recession, unemployment nearly hit 3million. You had to support those people. In the next recession, it may be well over 3m. Your taxes will have to go up to support them.
Do you really want any immigration, at all into the UK at the present time?
The BBC has barriers . And security guards .
A member of the public – or even a telly taxpayer – cannot wander into BBC premises without THEIR permission . And if invited in cannot do as he pleases , like steal things and cannot stay there indefinitely .
Yes , the BBC has failed to integrate with the actual population of this county.
..Instead keeping company almost exclusively with the London Media clique.
By coincidence on the other thread I listed today’s virtue signal progs
Inc ..Maya Angelou 95min doco on BBC1
That was very interesting about “the police department in Orebro, Peter Springare” I followed some links and read what he has been saying,and of course he has been called a racist, how long is it going to be till someone listens to people like him?
This interview gives some insight into why the Government/Media/BBC insist there are no, or few and overstated, problems with mass immigration.
“report once and then bury” MO that BBC uses
I mentioned yesterday that R5 suddenly did a report on the Dudley mosque child abuser
(This interviewees abuse happened 30 years ago
Eventually her abuser was prosecuted and sentenced to 11 half years, he just used his Bangladesh passport and fled there)
it’s this one
“Rahman, a grandfather of 10, was imam of Queens Cross Mosque in Dudley”
Another similar
I wonder what happened to the Madrasa sex abuse investigations
Given the BBC’s love of free movement for all and its dislike of walls and other barriers, let the BBC lead the way by removing all access controls from all of its buildings. It could even co-opt the welcome slogan from the Statue of Liberty to replace the rather abstract: “Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation” which by promoting the nation state seems rather off-message at the Beeb these days.
At a stroke the tedious and predictable live news, sport and weather programmes would be enriched by a kaleidoscope of random visitors moving hither and thither and generally getting in the way and disrupting things. What better way could the BBC remind us of the joys of uncontrolled immigration?
Its not just the BBC that is believes in “No Borders”. This is the position of all leftist socialist totalitarian parties.
Democrats in America, liberals in Canada, Labour in Australia and NZ. The EU as well, as its the EUSSR.
It’s always hard for a small internet group of private individuals to oppose a £3.5 billion organisation . The BBC can flood the airwaves with with pro- immigrant programmes. We have no-one to order them not to . Our government is reluctant to intervene. And so it goes on.
A far as I’m concerned the more they flood the airwaves with their propaganda the more I switch off.But they are clever or think they are because they slip their nasty lttle jibes into all sorts of programmes you don’t expect. FGM in call the midwife and those horrible racist Eastenders. Call the midwife never appealed to me because I just don’t remember the East End being as portrayed and I grew up in those times or just after. There was much more family and community mutual support.
Many of my friends and acquaintances are saying the same .People are fed up with being lectured and especially ones who live in high immigrant areas.
“Then we have The Underground Railroad…‘the new novel by Colson Whitehead, abridged for radio across 10 episodes. This brilliant and at times brutal novel about the history of slavery and racism in America won the US National Book Award for Fiction in 2016.’”
Over on Russia Today [News] this morning they have been running a clip on Slavery as practised NOW in Saudi Arabia.
Chomsky sums up the BBC
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum….”
The problem for the BBC – although it doesn’t see it – is that those of us who are not obsessed with the whole Islington agenda find the BBC’s obsessions boring. Forget about the occasional bouts of rage I suffer as another egregious item of politically correct dross drops steaming into Holby City. The constant “on message” crapola from all the BBC’s departments – news, current affairs, drama, comedy, business etc etc – produce in me (along with a rapidly growing number of my previously ur-liberal friends and neighbours who live here in the BBC luvvie circuit of North London) complete ennui. And, worse for the BBC and the readers (if not buyers) of the Guardian, beyond ennui, I (and my neighbours) either don’t believe what the BBC deigns to tell us or, more often than not, wonder what the BBC has decided not to tell us.
In a similar vein, I read the Times in the full and certain knowledge that the vast majority of its coverage of Brexit and climate change is slanted which, of course, makes me agnostic about the quality of the rest of its coverage. Accordingly, were it not for Mrs U’s insistence – and the odd sparkling column from the likes of Melanie Phillips – I would seriously consider cancelling my subscription to the Times tomorrow. Unfortunately, that option is not open in respect of the BBC. I am legally obliged to finance something quite vile which spreads like liquid excreta over and into the nation’s public and private life with no countervailing advantage to me or the country.
Helpfully, Wiki can provide us with details of the denier the Today programme managed to dredge up for another Trump-bashing exercise. The interviewee, a professor of criminology, migrated from Poland with his parents in 1968 when he was 21 and he went on to gain a degree in (surprise, surprise) sociology. He lives on Lidingö, an island in the inner Stockholm archipelago and the third wealthiest municipality in Sweden. Abba stars also live there. No rioting or burning cars in his affluent enclave.