The comedian Rory Bremner was on 5 Live earlier last night being rigorously challenged with tough questioning about his ardently pro-Remain position on Brexit….no, sorry, can’t keep that up….he was given such a softball interview it was embarrassing, the presenter chortling along in happy agreement as Bremner offered us his patronising contempt for the Leave voters whom, he told us, were absolutely right that they’d been left behind but were absolutely wrong about the causes…such as the EU and immigration, they were misled, lied to….and of course, Trump and Farage deviously exploited their concerns… ‘Blair’ says in the video above…if it all goes wrong it’s the stupid people’s fault for voting for the conmen.
Trouble is they weren’t ‘left behind’, they were cast deliberately and ruthlessly onto the scrapheap by politicians, Big Business and the likes of the BBC who didn’t just sit back and not challenge immigration policies and the rush towards ever-closer union but actively promoted it. Labour knew full well the implications of what mass immigration of cheap labour would do to the job prospects of British workers but they went ahead anyway…mass immigration for Labour, as for the EU itself, is a political project intended to ‘ethnically cleanse’ nation states of citizens loyal to those nations and turn us all into good little EU citizens….with the additional aim for Labour of ‘browning’ the hideously white UK.
Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.
The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”…ministers wouldn’t talk about it. In part they probably realised the conservatism of their core voters: while ministers might have been passionately in favour of a more diverse society, it wasn’t necessarily a debate they wanted to have in working men’s clubs in Sheffield or Sunderland.”
Blair now reappears on the scene telling us how concerned he is for the good of Britain…this is a man who didn’t give a damn about the good of Britain as he flooded the country with cheap foreign labour and tried to hand us over lock, stock and barrel to the EU Junta. The BBC of course didn’t question the second coming of Blair, instead giving him lots of airtime and a free pass on his claims about Brexit…yet again the BBC looks away and fails in its job to hold such people to account….would they have done the same if he had supported Brexit?
Bremner and Blair, hard to tell them apart, both media savvy, smooth talking charlattans that the BBC fawns over.
Middle Class Labour voters living in right-wing areas wanted to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity” but instead have destroyed the working-class Labour vote by “rubbing the White Working Class nose in diversity” while the Middle Class Labour voters are still living as a minority in nice non-diverse White areas, while passionately in favour of a more diverse society for their enemies, who then moved out in White flight, leaving our cities to turn into a collection of third world ghettos.
Multiculturalism is an unnatural idea that produces an inverted form of British Imperialism were you bring the world into Britain’s Cities so that the Labour party could survive by producing divide and rule to subvert democracy as well as producing perpetual poverty and therefore perpetual Labour voting in our cities, rather than the more normal sustainable idea of celebrating the diversity of Europe and the Commonwealth externally.
Agree, but it would help if white working class voters in places like Rotherham would give at least some indication that they don’t approve by not voting Labour.
They’re their own worst enemy. Have been for years.
One of the saddest symptoms of benefit addiction.
“Well, it wasn’t my daughter, and I’m reasonably comfortable in relative poverty”
Many years ago I watched a TV show which published viewers’ ratings of several well-known comedians. Bremner gained by far the fewest votes, from my recollection. He was in the studio to hear the results. It was fascinating to watch the contortions of a human face trying to grin at the realisation people found him as funny as a burst haemorrhoid.
Why is an entertainer expected to know about politics anyway? I don’t recall the media forty years ago asking Mike Yarwood or Morecambe and Wise for their views on Common Market entry. (mind you, judging by the long-term results of decisions made by the likes of Heath and Wilson, they might just as well have consulted Harry Corbett and Sooty.)
LOL Helena… brilliant!
Well said HH-B. I think we should have embraced the ‘Izzy Wizzy Let’s Get Busy’ policy, rather than the TUC’s ‘Let’s withdraw our labour and sit around on our big fat arses for a few more years comrades’ dictat of the 1970’s.
I enjoy being told how thick i was to vote to leave the EU. I sadly had the misfortune to spend a year studying the EU and its laws . It became perfectly clear that the people were told lies back in 1972 when Heath took us into a Common Market. The concept of “ever closer Union” in the preamble to the Treaty of Rome didn’t feature much. I remember that voters were told – ” don’t worry it’s only about cheap food”. So smug wealthy politicians and so called comedians do give me a laugh when I’m told I didn’t understand what I was voting for.
. I had to give up watching BBC output such as newsnight and their other monster “100 days” – question time- marr because of the obvious left anti Brexit pro immigration multicultural bias which goes on and on and on.
You would think even the dumbest politician could get as far as reading the preamble wouldn’t you, yet it became a surprise and something to try and negotiate away in recent years – “Dear MCC, you didn’t tell me you played cricket when I joined!” sort of reaction. Then there was the ‘freedom of movement’ that hadn’t happened in the past and wasn’t expected to happen in the future and ‘we can stop what we don’t like with the veto’, given away to qualified majority voting, (which the commission would like to do away with too).
Yes we were lied to, but not by a slogan on a bus, (most people haven’t got a clue how much the government spends on anything, ‘more or less’, is their measure, after all ‘the people’ are thick, aren’t they?).
What the current generation of young people, and this is no disrespect to them, undoubtedly will not understand is that until the last 15 to 20 years there was no such thing as the internet not was there anything other than the newspapers, BBC radio and terrestrial TV from which to get your news.
Then there were no 24 hour News Channels so the only information the public were given was from newspapers, almost all of which supported joining the European Economic Community (aka The Common Market) and the BBC News and ITN (the Independent Television News) during their few 15 or 30 minute news broadcasts along with the lying assurances of the political leadership of the period who insisted the EEC was purely a trade organisation with absolutely no intention of becoming a political organisation.
Britain, we were assured, would definitely remain completely independent and remain in charge of our own political destiny with our trade with the Commonwealth and the rest of the world completely unaffected, something we have, once again, the opportunity to regain.
Whereas today when we can sit in the comfort of our own homes and go on our computers to find out information for ourselves in order to make own judgements from the widespread information available all there was in the 1970s and 80s was what the press and media spoon fed us.
That is why currently there is so much fuss being made by certain sections of the media about so-called Fake News, by which they mean information which doesn’t comply with their own partisan and biased version of events.
They yearn for a return to the days of yore when the only information the public were given was that which was considered the only suitable version for the public to be told with all other sources silenced.
The BBC does not tolerate any form of competition to it’s output and will do everything it can to get it abolished or totally ridiculed. That has been their attitude ever since ITV was first allowed to broadcast sixty years ago followed by loud protests attempting to prevent Commercial Radio 55 years ago and yet again when Satellite TV literally got off the ground.
Now they are demanding the abolition of information via Social Media and other sources of independent news and comment on the Internet, presumably because they consider us to be far too stupid to sort the reality from fantasy, unless that fantasy agrees only with BBC fantasy, and that only the BBC’s fully censured and authorised reports of current events be allowed to reach the public.
Heck, if it doesn’t comply with the authorised BBC version of events the BBC will insist you are wrong about the version of events happening before your very eyes because you are absolutely wrong and they are unQuestionTimeably correct.
I think it is more complicated than ‘rubbing the Right’s nose in diversity’ by Labour although I believe it is part of the picture. Mass immigration all through Northern Europe cannot be blamed solely on Tony Blair & co. Somewhere there is a bigger picture. I just don’t know what it is nor why.
google Coudenhove-Kallergi plan or start with this….
I guess his own writings would be an interesting read if you have the time!
I often wonder whether David Haines and Alan Henning were still thinking of flowers, rainbows and unicorns as their heads came off?
or whether their perspective had changed a little.
You can bet that George Soros features somewhere.
It’s compulsory for owners/managers of international haulage firms to gain a Certificate Of Competence to run the companies . The CPC explains the workings of the EU . No doubt this happens in other industries too .
Does Rory Bemner , the BBC and the other re moaners think people wake up in the morning and say ‘ I know , I’ll think I’ll be EUrosceptic now even though we pay heavily to be in it ” without any thought ?
Because the BBC has been giving the bias in favour of immigration and the EU , it’s perplexed because people voted as they did . What the Beeboids forget is that people get other information and experiences , and they don’t match what the BBC is trying to inculcate . They are as insulated as Ceaucescu was before the revolution .
Well we are in March at last, roll on the end of the month and article 50 is triggered, then the Bbbc, Remainiacs and EU ‘politiciians’ can really get into some serious moaning and shit-stirring.
A few years ago this article was in the newspapers;
Rory Bremner, the comedian, has attacked BBC news quiz Mock the Week for being too aggressive and treating some guests with disrespect.
Duh, changed your attitudes now?
Bremner is a very good mimic, but that’s the extent of his talent.
The only thing laughable about him is his apparent belief that his cosy, well-worn routines lampooning familiar soft targets amount to satire.
I never understood why Mike Yarwood could sing like a bird when he was doing his impressions of singers like Sinatra…but then he`d ruin it by finishing his shows with his “And This Is Me” notion.
When he would set about destroying any song given to him in a flat, atonal squauk. Like Marc Almonds uncle.
Bremner is dependent on liberals and labour for his work-he satisfies their wish for flattery, significance and recognition. But they`re all interchangeable and anonymous so Bremner has no career.
Should have developed that Steve Nallon/Thatcher act-at least HE can get a living yelling at miners on Radio 4 Dramas and threatening to nuke the Falklands or whatever the BBC decide she probably did…really.
Farce. Bremner is toast, everywhere but at the BBC.
Big deal. So, a couple more liberal “comedians”, Rory Bremner and Steve Coogan have revealed they hate the prospect of Brexit. What a surprise. Shock, horror, hold the front page…but only of The Guardian.
It would actually be newsworthy if one of these overpaid, talentless tossers came out and said just what a splendid idea a free and democratic Britain was. And what sort of reception would these feeble libtard luvvies receive if they were revealed as closet Brexiteers or Trumpers?
They would be ostracised by the herd. Imagine never being able to work on The One Show again. The Now Show would spurn them. Marcus, Sandi and Steve Punt (rhyming slang, surely?) wouldn’t take their calls. They would be forced to exist in a liberal limbo. It doesn’t bear thinking about.
No, I’ll be far more impressed when Jeremy Hardy “comes out” on The News Quiz as a secret Brexiteer. “I just can’t live a lie anymore,” he’ll sob. “I think The Donald is wonderful.” Now that would be newsworthy!
I won’t hold my breath…