Do you remember this, the outrage, the cries of anti-Muslim racism, the warnings that we are heading back to the 1930’s…surely you do?
Canada’s Syrian refugee plan limited to women, children and families
Unaccompanied men not included because of ongoing security concerns
The federal government’s much-anticipated Syrian refugee plan will limit those accepted into Canada to women, children and families only, CBC News has learned.
Sources tell CBC News that to deal with some ongoing concerns around security, unaccompanied men seeking asylum will not be part of the program.
I don’t remember it, never heard about it in fact….not a whimper of outraged liberal angst from the BBC…and yet Trump puts a temporary halt of immigration from 7 countries due to security concerns, countries targeted by Obama, and all hell breaks loose….the BBC constantly insinuating this is a ‘Muslim ban’ by always, always adding ‘Muslim majority countries’ to their reports when Islam had nothing to do with the choice.
Even anti-Trump liberals are starting to object to the Media’s portrayal of Trump…
Is there not something faintly ridiculous about the media’s sudden re-imagining of itself as the last bastion and redoubt of democracy in a time of advancing darkness? Absolutely.
Trump’s demonization of the media is a cynical political ploy. But this only raises the question of why this anti-media position should be politically advantageous? Why is journalism one of the least trusted professions among Americans, vying with Congress, prostitutes, and used car salesmen for the bottom of the rankings? Absolutely no self-reflection from the media has followed the election of Trump, only an orgy of self-righteousness and blame-shifting…the media often interprets his comments literally so that they seem untrue and fantastical, even when reading them in context shows that what Trump means is something much less outrageous, or at least different.
And here’s an article [from Jan. 2016] on the problems we’re going to have as, what is basically an ‘army’ from Muslim countries, has been allowed to enter Europe…
Europe’s Man Problem
Migrants to Europe skew heavily male—and that’s dangerous.
According to official counts, a disproportionate number of these migrants are young, unmarried, unaccompanied males. In fact, the sex ratios among migrants are so one-sided—we’re talking worse than those in China, in some cases—that they could radically change the gender balance in European countries in certain age cohorts. Years of research has shown that male-dominated societies are less stable, because they are more susceptible to higher levels of violence, insurgence and mistreatment of women. 66.26 percent of adult migrants registered through Italy and Greece over the past year were male, according to the International Organization of Migration.According to Swedish government statistics, as of the end of November, 71 percent of all applicants for asylum to Sweden in 2015 were male.
Fear of terrorism might not be the only reason to be leery of highly abnormal sex ratios among the young adult population. As my co-author Andrea Den Boer and I argued in our book, societies with extremely skewed sex ratios are more unstable even without jihadi ideologues in their midst. Numerous empirical studies have shown that sex ratios correlate significantly with violence and property crime—the higher the sex ratio, the worse the crime rate. Our research also found a link between sex ratios and the emergence of both violent criminal gangs and anti-government movements.
While the humanitarian needs of the refugees streaming into Europe must be foremost in our minds at this time, policymakers in Sweden and other countries should also think of the long-term consequences of an unprecedented alteration in the young adult sex ratios of their societies.
Progressives create a false, sexist hysteria about white patriarchy, then either ignore or even defend actual violence and misogyny in the Islamic community.
It’s the rampant hypocrisy, coupled with unjustified moral posturing, that has made the left so unbearable in recent decades. It’s also this irrational, dogmatic mindset that leads them to immediately protest and riot, literally throwing temper tantrums, whenever they suffer a setback.
Yet we allow “children” into this country who are clearly grown men and there’s an outcry at the suggestion we screen them by bone or tooth age as they do in other EU countries. Main cheerleader for outrage BBC.
What would the liberal outragameter be registering if we used the Mad Mohammed method?
Check them for growth of pubic hair.
For the 7th century Jews of Medina pubic hair meant death, none meant slavery.
Liberals claim they want equality in everything.
Liberals claim they want equality in everything.
That translates to me as “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than other animals” when it has leftards or the BBC involed
Not sure if James and team have fact checked this yet, but if true I imagine the BBC will discover that unique editorial integrity time and space problem that often intrudes.
If suspected not true the BBC could ask for the source confirmation, which would be funny.
I think you will find it was a net 12000 movement out of France of people with more than US $1m. New Zealand had a net increase of 4000, which for its small population was proportionately the biggest increase. Australia was No.1 in number terms. I do not believe NZ figures heavily in the list of nations with diversity problems, and is too far for “boat people” to try to get to.
UK has been in the low thousands net increase in recent years.
France was highest net departure in 2015 too, which may be the tail end of those leaving after M. Hollande decided the wealthy were not paying enough tax.
Are you listening socialists?
Australia was also highest in number terms in 2015 too.
I would point you to last nights Newsnight. A fifteen minute piece on the White House Press pack that reminded me of a charity appeal for a donkey sanctuary.
All these old nakked-out show ponies and walking horsemeat going around the paddock in the White House to do-well, nothing much really just fight for chairs, bitch on and moan for their bosses.
Pathetic specimens that we were supposed to dig deep for. feel sorry for and generally back up.
These liberal clowns have hated us for years-and now their lies are being thrown back at them like monkey faeces.
Thankfully Ann Coulter followed up soon after, but the self pitying air of regarding enlightened privilege was galling.
Another own gola for the liberal shills at the BBC and CNN etc.
From John Snagg to Michael Crick in a couple of generations, Trump`s got them figured-and like it they do not.
Muslims – men, women or children – they are all a present or future threat. The larger the population, the greater the threat, till it becomes a clear and present danger to the existence of our civilisation.
Alan, your reference (link) to the CBC article highlights a well overdue and very welcome discussion about huge gender differences when it comes to “refugees”.
However, Canada has historically been “getting away with it” since Quebec was assigned to the French and every other province to the English.
As someone who has family in Nova Scotia (previously residing in Montreal) the idea that one should be patriotic is non-negotiable! It is deemed “natural”. There are many Scottish flags flying in Nova Scotia. And there are many others from other parts of the world.
But, in Quebec (the French speaking province), there are laws that would make Nigel Farage blush. In fact, the BNP would struggle to defend themselves against the French-Canadians who have bigger chips on their shoulders than isolated gypsies on a village green.
Tell us more Edward…
Tell us more Edward…
I’ve lived in Calgary for the past nine years and I can confirm what you say.
Whenever a major sporting event takes place there’s a plethora of flags of different nationalities sticking out of cars. Number plates are only displayed on the rear, so the front spot is taken up by plates with national flags. The Cross of St George is more prevalent here that just about anywhere in Britain.
The English speaking parts of Canada think Quebec is full of whining spongers who get advantageous tax breaks while the rest of us pick up the tab.
And despite the misinformation pumped out by the BBC, the majority of people, certainly in the prairie provinces, do not want anymore third world immigration, think Justin Trudeau is a preening, narcissistic virtue signaller, totally unsuited to be Prime Minister, (no wonder he and Obama hit it off) and despise the liberal left tossers of Ontario.
Because of my location, many UK websites default to a Canadian column. I sometimes amuse myself by reading the Guardian’s one where “journalists” in Ottawa or Toronto who no one here has ever heard of and who have Middle Eastern sounding names, write utter nonsense about as far removed from reality as you can get. Of course it appeals to the liberal left metropolitan elite in Islington and the BBC who become instant experts on Canadian life on the say so of a couple of Arabs, and who regurgitate it as gospel.
Just look at the BBC’s webpage on the US & Canada. We hold US investments and we regularly go over the border into the US. We mix with normal, ordinary Americans. Just about all of them are pleased that the last eight years are now behind them.
Today’s BBC offering is a never ending diatribe against Trump, From Sopel and Kay to the preposterous Zurcher. A litany of snide innuendo and desperately trying to dig up non-stories which bears no relation to how most Americans feel.
If you want to know how most Americans feel just look at the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 since 8th. November. Confidence is returning to the USA by the bucket load. Something the BBC will never admit.
If you want to know how most Americans feel just look at the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 since 8th. November. Confidence is returning to the USA by the bucket load. Something the BBC will never admit.
Sounds like a lot of the financial stuff i have read post july 23 2016 and Brexit then though of course you will never see it on the BBC