The BBC has jumped all over the Sessions story in the States, sensing more blood. It acts as a mouthpiece of the Democrat Party, entirely partisan, 100% anti-Trump. Simply not worth watching.
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The BBC has jumped all over the Sessions story in the States, sensing more blood. It acts as a mouthpiece of the Democrat Party, entirely partisan, 100% anti-Trump. Simply not worth watching.
Still no mention on al Beeb about the disappearance of children murdered and ‘sacrified’ in the Clinton’s spirit cooking paedophile ring though.
Priorities I suppose.
Frankly even Jo Bloggs down the street can see the BBC for what it is ..Nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the liberal left. There will come a time when the vast majority will not believe anything it has to say truth or not! The problem with ‘aunty’ is it’s not intelligent enough to understand that the majority of free thinking people have become savie to its endless bullshit… It’s time for the BBC to stand up or shut up!
This attitude towards Russia is evidence that the progressives have lost their minds. I am old enough to rememeber when the left was always in favour of dialogue with the USSR and easing any tensions. Not now apparently if you believe the rubbish on the MSM.
“…Simply not worth watching…”
Which is why I don’t.
And now anyone who still pays the BBC viewing tax is going to be charged another £1.50 for the privalige of listening or viewing the anti UK, President Trump, Russia, Any other religion/belief system than islam, western civilisation etc etc propaganda that the BBC expects us to believe. Sorry Auntie but I didnt pay £145-50p a year for the privalige of being forcefed BBC propaganda and I definitely wont be paying £147 a year for the privalige of being forcefed BBC Propaganda
The BBC gave up on balanced reporting years ago, that’s why I always independently verify any utterance it makes from other, more reputable sources.
Also I cross check to see what more reliable news sources are reporting that the BBC are studiously ignoring.
But today I had to snigger about the blatant innuendo that they insert in the piece that David has linked to above. In it the BBC provides a link to another one of their misleading propaganda pieces.
It is entitled “Sergei Kislyak : Career diplomat or recruiter of spies?”.
Geddit? The BBC certainly wants you to. The inference being that members of Trump’s administration have been recruited to work for Russian intelligence.
It really is worth recalling this:
Obama tells Russian PM “After Election I Have More Flexibilty”
And this:
“Romney was right about Russia – Obama was clueless.”
Even today I have to catch my breath at the shear gall of the most disastrous US President in recent history lecturing about foreign policy when his own record is one of unmitigated failure and incompetence.
Whether Obama’s foreign poluicy is a disaster or not depends on your POV.
From a Muslim Brotherhood POV it was a succees, till Egypt threw out the MB,and Trump became POTUS instead of the Saudi/ISIS candidate Clinton.
Both were quite unexpected, so one cant fault Obama for the plan. Moreover, he has imported hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the USA ( not in the league of his buddy Merkel), stoking real propblems for America in the future.
Russia is taking offers from candidates for the coming elections in France and Germany. Everyone knows this. All the candidates have to do is to offer the largest amount of money to Putin, and presto, they are chancellor of Germany, or president of France.
Putin – the wizard of Oz.
The Left are in total denial over in the USA.
They would rather blame the Russians rather than their candidate, their tactics and their message.
And as long as they don`t get battered in terms of casualties-they got Flynn, we need a few more scalps from THEIR ranks now-then this nonsense will continue.
When CNN and the BBC aren`t whelping like the scurvied curs that they are-the we`re not doing our jobs are we?
We`re past Feedback emails now. Johnny Dymond is immune-we need to ensure that he isn`t from now on.
Got to trust Trump in his appointments but sense a lack of grit at times. Sessions seems like a nice-enough cove and a good ole boy.
But the US Enemy of The People will eat up his kind for breakfast and he surely knows that.
About time the likes of Miller and Bannon organised a rota to deal with the defanging cucks that Obama left them to deal with. Ben Shapiros “rules of engagement with the Left” needs a good look-watch how he destroys Piers Morgan on CNN with his Sandy Nook grave robbing efforts in 2012, Carlsons interview here gives us a good basis for seeing that he`s innocent-but they`re simply playing on the Democrats chosen pitch as if they don`t know HOW to deal with the hating lying media. Come on Trump-get them sorted will you?
National Review gives context to the ‘Jim Sessions meeting with the Russians question’
The discussion on RT just mentioned it : they were talking about the Trump election campaign and whether they were having meetings all the time with the Russians about the election.
Jim Sessions line is that they weren’t having (SUCH) meetings with the Russians.
He didn’t mean that he in his normal job never came across the Russians
, just that he and Trumps election team didn’t have meetings about the elections with the Russians.
National Review – says it is not a case of perjury, cos it was upto Franken to seek clarification and ask ‘So you never even said hello to the Russians ?’
“But the claim that his testimony was perjurious as a matter of law is wholly without merit.”
Jeff Sessions. Jim Sessions sounds like exercise classes.
i am pretty disturbed by the fact that from where i stand it may look like this: obama bugged trump then organised a meeting for some senators with the russian embassy so that he could then use some fake news to slander trump’s administration. it kind of feels like as if he was preparing some stuff to use in case miss saudi had lost. i am glad to see trump fighting back. he has been too worried about being liked by all lately