BBC news this morning is anxious to tell us that in addition to the terror threats from Islamic State and from Al Quaeda there is also a threat from ‘the far right’
That’s a worry. BBC news often tells us – in a break from their usual support for women in politics – that in France the first serious female Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is ‘far right’. She is already supported by at least a quarter of the French electorate – pretty mainstream then and a level of support about equal to our own (far-left?) Labour Party. So it is confusing to label her ‘far’ anything.
But today we are being warned to be on our guard against terror. ‘Run, Hide and… Seek’ – or something. Does this mean the public need to keep an eye out for dubious-looking Frenchmen whistling the Marseillaise whilst making nocturnal deliveries by bicycle to lock-up premises ? Should we report apparently scheming groups of striped-shirted gallic-speaking plotters conspiritorially huddled in a group at the local Starbucks? Ought we to report large orders of fertiliser, when the order is coupled with a request for a string of onions ?
Of course not. The label ‘far-right’ is a smear designed to attack Le Pen’s party. Her economic policies are rather left wing. But she is somewhat anti-EU which tends to upset the BBC.
As for terror threats here in the UK we can tell the bias at a glance by the fact that the very real threat from Irish Dissident Republicans is not mentioned.
In the increasingly fractured and polarised world that we live in, it is interesting to observe that as far as the BBC are concerned there are varying grades to the Left, with seemingly Corbyn and his crew at one end of the spectrum and what they call the “Centre” at the other.
As far as they are concerned, Blair and his offshoot are at the “Centre” sometimes known as the “moderate centre”. Anything to the right of that is deemed to be “extreme”, hence sometimes you hear the phrase “extreme right of the Tory party” and the like. UKIP are deemed to be extreme, although in many instances they are not and the same seems to apply to Le Pen.
I have picked this up on numerous trips to Swansea where my son is at Uni, and where on several occasions he has been asked whether he is a Blairite as if that is a mortal sin.
nfop: “In the increasingly fractured and polarised world that we live in, it is interesting to observe” …
… that vast numbers of people watch or read or listen to the output of media organisations, various hubs of the movie industry and billions talk to each other every day via telecoms and Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and everything and even on here!
Amazing that despite this fracturing and polarising (often on the part of the Left and Far-Left [nudge, nudge, wink, wink], as much or more than the Far-Right) the world increasingly comes together to meet in etherspace and cyberspace like never before.
And not just a smear to attack Le Pen. To the BBC, ‘Far Right’ has become a euphemism to describe any dissident from the collapsing liberal fantasies of globalism, immigration, multi-culturalism, man-made global warming, interventionist wars, sexual disfunctionality and Islamification. But also keep in mind that the BBC is reporting the official state view on these matters.
One thing which is significant is that although this plug for more funding for the security services – sorry, I mean this timely report from Assistant commissioner Mark Rowley – names threats such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, it does not name any of the corresponding ‘Far Right’ groups. And that’s for the simple reason that there aren’t any, other than the implied threats of UKIP, Brexiters, Trump supporters, people opposed to the TV Licence etc. The real ‘Far Right’, inasmuch as it exists in this country, amounts to a few dozen Hitler fantasists. Their organisations are infiltrated by the security services and half of them are paid informants or agent provacateurs. Do not be surprised to hear about a false flag operation in the coming weeks to ‘prove’ the threat of the ‘The Far Right’.
This persistent use of the term “Far Right” is what reinforces the perception of the MSM as the true Fake News. I love reading this site but have little to contribute as I’ve long stopped watching the State’s jackbooted media apparatchiks!!
Of course not, throwing in the term ‘and far right attacks’ provides the ‘correct’ amount of balance that one would expect to find in bBBC journalism.
WORDSEARCH: which of these words are deemed by our state broadcaster to be inappropriate when reporting on terror attacks: Muslim, Mosques, Islam, the Koran? Answer: all of them.
Cmon Stew – get with the programme what about the Bacon Rasher attacks on a mosque doorway or Tommy Robinson and his out of control, radicalised, terrorist cubs – terrorising Cambridge city centre?. Both successfully foiled by our brave plods. Surely these must count as far right attacks……….. or at least the “far right backlash”!
Weeks ago, the media reported the bacon-rasher man had ‘died’ in prison – thereafter, total silence. Okay, there’s an investigation, but I wonder whether the religion of the murderer will be revealed?
In the increasingly confusing who makes what world of car manufacturing the PSA group are looking to buy GM owned vauxhall, so just how can we ram some agenda into this one? Easy,
“GM chairman and chief executive Mary Barra said it was a difficult decision to sell Opel and Vauxhall, and insisted the business would have broken even in 2016 had it not been for the UK’s decision to leave the European Union…”
In a wonderful example of modern journalism technique the BBC sends a chap down to report from outside the Vauxall works. “What’s going on there?” “Well, there’s a change of shift going on… and they are concerned for their jobs”
BBC viewers are then reassured that the Unions are “fighting hard to protect jobs” – against whom they are fighting and quite what action this fight involves are questions left to our own dulled imaginations.
Against the general air of pessimism surrounding just about everything in the news (to the BBC’s mind at least) this morning the weather forecast at least is bullish about temperatures – 14 in London by Tuesday.
If it’s UNITE they will probably do what they did When Mrs Daves’ workplace shut down in Chester. Nothing apart from writing a letter of disappointment to the company. Or subsequently when after being re deployed Mrs Daves’ workplace in Warrington where the local UNITE reps got re deployment and were never seen again by the members left on site.
Are all unions are useless as UNITE these days ? I was a member of a small union which was absorbed into a larger engineering union which was itself absorbed into UNITE. To be honest I had no problems with the first two unions receiving good advice and representation a couple of times. UNITE however are something else. Initially it was endless strikes timed to cause maximum harm to customers at which point I left the union. Then very oddly the chief union person (not sure on the title) was promoted to a management non job at which point the strikes stopped which was I’m sure a total coincidence !
Now UNITE reps don’t even turn out for disciplinary hearings of members.
Catch all blends of public sector grievances, with more job dodgers than workers. New labour neutered them so they backed the likes of Harman, Miliband and Blears…as opposed to actually looking after their members(many of who were women).
Plenty beanos to Brussels though and term time jollies to the seaside with partners( families not welcome). All happened in our lifetimes too.
McClusky and Falkirk-say no more. Still though, it`s finished Labour hasn`t it?
STOP the press!!! and get the firing squad out into the yard, just realised the quote copied from refers to chief executive Mary Barra as chairMAN, Harpersons head will likely explode if she clocks that.
Not very connected but I just read looking around the net in the light of the take over, Australia now has no car producers. Didn’t see that anywhere on the BBc. So no GM cars with stupid big engines being imported.
Peugeot buys Vauxhall. A nice big fat opportunity for the bBBC to play up the role of uncertainties re Brexit, and how they ‘could’ cause ,000’s of job losses. At the time of writing this, it appears that there will probably be no job losses for 2 years, and even up to 7 years for one of the plants. Our bBBC is keen to play up the human aspect, as it interviews people coming off shift. The bBBC echoing Unites calls for the chancellor to support the car industry, as though it is something the taxpayer should do. I remember the bBBC making loud noises, and giving a lot of time to MP’s and unions re steel plant closures, too. Where were the bBBC when 11,000 BHS jobs were lost? Where were they when Woolworths closed with almost 30,000 job losses? Where were they when the fishing industry and related businesses lost over 100,000 jobs after joining the EU?
To our bBBC ‘All jobs are equal, but some jobs are more equal than others’. 2-7 years employment certainty is unheard of for people who work in butchers, bakers, care-homes, gym’s, coffee shops, fashion stores, hotels, restaurants, fast food outlets…..thousands upon thousands of people doing jobs in the private sector where even having a job next week is not certain. I will take a wild guess that the redundancy packages for those I have just mentioned will be the legal minimum, and just a fraction of the package those car workers could expect if, unfortunately, the worst comes to the worst.
That was hard luck on the chaps in Southampton, but it meant that the rest of us knew that the Project Fear stories of economic disaster if we left the EU were lies from start to finish.
You are aware that Panmure Gordon is the company which the father of David Cameron had set up?
There might just be a slight conflict of interests here !
I’m not sure that is entirely accurate, although naturally I stand to be corrected. It does say though that his father, grandfather and great grandfather were all senior partners in the business.
This chap is on lbc alot discussing business and economics. If you listen to him enough one would know he is a leaver and takes no shite from the remainers.
It’s Monday morning it’s Breakfast BBc are we all sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. The agenda om air pollution cranks up. For some reason they decide to focus on drivers leaving their engines running whilst dropping off their little darlings at school. To hammer home the point, with a sledgehammer. a group of kids are filmed as they wave their home made A4 size leaflets on the issue, you’d need to be pretty close to see what they are on about. Other children travel to school clutching air pollution monitoring equipment. I expected to see children collapsing in a, 1952 esque, London smog but alas I was disappointed. I must admit I’m slightly confused. It’s been a long time since I dropped my daughter off at school I don’t remember sitting outside the school I would drop and get out of there ASAP or park up turn off wait and wait and wait Becky was always the last out more or less then drive off. To round it off Nigel Havers of all people is filmed knocking on a car window and telling the driver that their engine is still running.
Elsewhere the world revolves us generation me spout more self-centred shite. Hear them whine and moan that they have to live at home with Mummy and Daddy and can’t afford a house. Some moron brat who runs a “youth money blog” informs us that she thinks pensions are too generous. I wonder if the gobby retard even knows how much a state pension is? OK from Gov. UK “The most you can currently get is £119.30 per week.” so £119.52 x 52 = £6215.04p.a. or £155.65 for the new state pension £8093.80p.a. which only started from last April. If she thinks that’s far too generous then she really doesn’t have a clue Of course the pensions are not free handouts. Under the new scheme if you have less than 10 years contributions you will get £0.00. Whilst they whine on about housing they seem to overlook the fact that for the majority of us it never was easy. I remember buying a “timer frame” flat what ever happened to that building technique. that was £22.500 way back in the early 1980s it was so small the bed only just fitted in the bedroom I had to take out an “equity share” with the builders as I just couldn’t afford the full price.
However these self centred group think it’s OK to reduce pensions and somehow direct the money just at them. I wonder if they have given one thought about what they will do when they get to retirement age will they voluntarily hand over their pensions to the next generation? I’d go for the not option they will probably be whining that they need more resources given to them, still. Want to know how to relieve your problems Generation me? Stop immigration and start repatriation. Make the work force available lower . Reduce the need for housing and the strain on services and infrastructure.
Photo of the school PR stunt organised by school + BBC (and probably team Sadi and NGOs)
But first some Context :
“If Oxford St is one of the most polluted streets in London, and one where cars are banned, why have we got it in for diesel cars?”
If Oxford St is one of the most polluted streets in London, and one where cars are banned, why have we got it in for diesel cars?
Here’s photo of the BBC PR stunt….
IMHO It is a low stunt to involve children in political campaigning
#1 10 and 20 years ago UK air pollution was worse than today according to official DEFRA figures
#2 12 years ago the same type of children would have been manipulated to demonstrate for people to switch to diesel to save CO2
He could just a well stand in front of the same children and say;
“So these are the children we want to burden with even more debt in the future, so that we can have more people working in the NHS today, pay for more stuff the BBC campaigns for today, and service a higher population today fuelled by immigration”.
They are subsidised at the moment but wait until they have tempted a crucial mass over to hybrids/ electric cars and then watch the subsidy’s get withdrawn. Watch the tax kick in and watch the BBc moan about the pollution caused by the power plants generating the elctrickery to run them, or the uneconomical way a hybrid has to haul around a secondary motor.
MetroElite scream “but they are zero emission”
Not even close
– masses of CO2 from production
– they are connected to grid where most power creates CO2
They are not unicorn powered.
That school is only a hop skip and jump from sadiq at city hall. He could probably see it from his window. Another pr stunt with the help of the beeb for the emir and his t charge scam, and now they are using kids in their propaganda agenda. He done this a few weeks back at another school chatting to a group of school kids and telling them that the bad guys were against him.
This clown promised no strikes on the tubes or no fare rises and look at how that has worked out but not one word of criticism from the beeb. No they become his personal pr company for stunts like this when he needs them. Hed rather be fronting anti trump marches and feminist marches and taking selfies instead of doing his job but then as other people have said his eyes are probably set on labour leader and if it takes fucking up london to do so then so be it.
That car thing on Breakfast was appalling, the answer isn’t to turn off your car, it’s to stop driving a few hundred yards in a range rover to drop off your lazy child in the first place. If you constantly turn your car on and off at the lights you’ll find you quite soon bugger your starter motor, battery, possibly engine. If you don’t fancy a huge bill on a regular basis, perhaps stop driving short distances so much or live in an area that isn’t as infested with pedophiles and the like, given that that fear is about the only justification for those journeys and such parental vigilance.
The death penalty for paedophilic molesting of a child would concentrate their minds wonderfully, and offending would go right down (among those that are un-caught and untopped, that is).
However we can’t have the death penalty isn’t it part of being a EU member? Also I remember some Liberal from the house of Lords on TV some time ago sorry don’t know who it was now. saying we shouldn’t get the option to re instate the death penalty as the great unwashed would vote to have it back
Metropolitan elite False-Narrative “Air pollution is about diesel fumes on children”
True narrative is air pollution is about millions of Indian/African housewives dying at 35 cos they cook indoors over an open fire.
Those London children will mostly live in to their 80s.
Sadiq Khan – don’t talk to me about air pollution 2015 I lived in Borneo, where there is a biannual smog going on for weeks I was wearing a mask for 20 days and mostly all day you couldn’t see across the river and the schools were closed all over the subcontinent. The pollution partially caused by EU mandating bio-fuel in petrol was massively higher than London.
All the BBC local radio stations have jumped in on the Campaigning.
The GreenBlob hedgefund & subsidy mafia know some issues are balanced towards emotion not logic so if they keep pushing they get free cash.
Dave666…. “timer frame” flat what ever happened to that building technique. that was £22.500 way back in the early 1980s it was so small the bed only just fitted in the bedroom I had to take out an “equity share” with the builders as I just couldn’t afford the full price…..
I agree with all you say. To hear this generation ‘bunch’, anyone before they were born had an easy ride of it ! The reality is we can all relate tales of financial woes in the past, but in essence its our fault that we’ve spawned this ‘must have’ generation. Yes, in the early 70’s my fiancé and I could not afford a 2 bed terr cottage for £6,250 – his salary was just under £30per week and mine was £15 ! Yep we were in our 20’s and at home with Mums and Dads; we didn’t whinge, I carried on saving up our ‘bottom drawer’ (only mature ones on here will have heard of those), and waited until a flat became available to rent. We certainly didn’t blame previous generations, we just accepted it was life ! Credit cards gave the impetus to have everything NOW, then parents both worked to sustain a roof over their heads and holidays and then overcompensated their children to make up for their lack of time at home. And now we are where we are.
I was an articled clerk earning peanuts, married in 1970 and was lucky enough to have a wife who taught for the GLC. She enabled us to obtain a GLC mortgage and we bought a 2 bedroom flat in Fash Forest Hill.
First son in 1974 and my wife didn’t work other than at home thereafter, looking after our kids, until out of boredom when they were at secondary school she did some supply teaching. One salary, no childcare so she could go back to work, but luckily my salary improved and we survived. All 3 of my sons were privately educated and we always had private medical insurance so apart from births, no cost to the state there either. Despite having a nearly full contribution level, partly because of credits whilst bringing up our kids, my wife doesn’t qualify for a full state pension let alone this new £150 odd per week one. I contracted out and don’t qualify for it either. From the late 80’s I paid more in tax every year than the current average wage, much more in some years.
The state has ‘given’ me sweet f..k all, and I continue to pay tax in retirement. I’ve never voted other thanTory, not that they have ever helped me much, and I despise the benefit culture and particularly the propensity of governments of all colours to piss my hard-earned taxes up the wall on those who won’t work or who come here to ponce off me. That’s partly why I vote ‘Remain’.
Yes, I had the misfortune to see that as I was changing channels. I noted that brain washing is now an integral part of our education system. As for the stupid woman words fail. These people do not know what pollution is, it stopped with the 1990s Clean Air Act. I lived in Sheffield at the time, born there before the war started, so I have seen pollution. We were surrounded by steel works, forges and all the offshoots of the industry. During the war the furnaces were working 24/7 due to the war. I am now 83+ not damaged, just getting a little older but still enjoying my life.
On this morning’s Today they discussed the mistake or not on Corbyn’s tax return, but the real story gets overlooked.
How can a boring civil servant, contributing the square root of nothing to anything, end up with a pension fund worth £1m? I find that quite obscene tbh.
I saw an article on the Beeb a couple of weeks ago about “a retired librarian, aged 60”. Of course a really stressful job like librarian demands an early retirement (at out expense). A bit like Greek hairdressers who can retire at 50 because they handle dangerous chemicals (shampoo?) and can afford to because we contribute to the EU which funds this.
I heard Sarah Montague update the nation re Corbyns tax details. Stop Press at 8.40 or so. His aides had contacted the programme to tell the nation that some money was included under “pensions and miscellaneous.”
AND-lest you quail at the ramifications of this urgent missive-it turns out that some money was not included because the tax year starts in April-and Corbyns leadership money only started halfway through the tax year. Well bow me-ta Sarah, well done Labour!
Anybody able to tell me why the hell Labours leaders money gets stop press status on the “flagship” record of the day?
And why the hell do they continue to tell us what Labour thinks of anything?
They died after Brexit, funnily enough at the same time as did the BBC.
@Dave666 you are wrong on Pensions
There is no magic pot of your pension money
In past years the tax was collected off you and NOT put in a magic pot for your pension, no the government overspent on stuff for that present day. Meanwhile it borrowed money for the last generations pensions.
We are stuck in a have your cake and eat cycle …we are actually a country which just borrows and borrows …one day house prices will go back to rationality.
PS there never has been a lack of jobs, there’s just a screwup in the allocation of available hours , so some people over-work to pay tax for others to live on benefits.
Yes, the National Insurance Fund is the literal definition of a Ponzi scheme. Throughout history there is no example of a Ponzi scheme which has not, eventually, blown up. It is a mathematical certainty.
The Welfare State as it is currently established cannot survive, because it is based on making future generations pay, through borrowing, for money spent before they were even born. That cannot last forever, and when it all comes tumbling down it won’t be pretty.
But forget all that, look, a car with its engine running!
“the National Insurance Fund is the literal definition of a Ponzi scheme.”
True RiC; the same could be said for the entire banking system, currencies are backed by nothing more than people continuing to have confidence in them; central banks issue bank notes which aren’t backed by anything other than that public confidence whilst lending money to governments which they can never repay – they just borrow more to pay for the bonds they’ve already issued; it’s just keeping plates spinning on sticks and adding more sticks and plates all the time.
Thanks I am well aware our tax doesn’t go into specific little piggy banks just like the road tax I pay to have my cars suspension shaken apart isn’t specific to road maintenance. It was a broad statement to illustrate we have been having our wages reduced all our working lives with the goal of getting something back.
How nice to see the London mayor leading that march for women’s rights at the weekend. However I couldn’t help noticing his wife wasn’t there at such an important event for women. Maybe her hijab was in the wash, what a shame, I’m sure she would have loved to be there.
Khan is doing a miliband by declaring himself a feminist. It didnt work out too well for wallace. This was an anti trump march in all but name led by the usual lefty activists like annie lennox and bianca jagger. We get the big one on wednesday which i’m sure the beeb will have plenty of reporters embedded amongst the sisters. Christ they are never happy and never will be happy no matter what we do for them. As for khan sort out the tubes which you are paid to do and not this sjw virtue signalling selfie taking shite.
“Khan is doing a miliband by declaring himself a feminist.” Perhaps Khan is considering his sex (or likely/potential)? Perhaps he is a closet “trans”. That would really upset the Muslim voters in London…………
Just trying to inject a little light relief after the endless Trump and Brexit bashing…soon to be Olympic sports if the Beeb have their way.
Arch lefties and devout pc feminists, Germaine Greer and Dame Jenni Murray have found themselves in a spot of hot water with the “trans community.” Both of these right on progressives have suggested that blokes who shave their legs, put on their wive’s frocks and then undergo “gender re-alignment” (AARGHHH!) probably aren’t true women. Who’d a thought it?
I find it almost equally amusing as I do tragic. Both these ladies (I’ll be in trouble for that) have made careers out of promoting the pc, liberal progressive agenda. Jenni often waffles for ages about the “glass ceiling” and unfairness in the job market, while presenting a programme that is only ever presented by women and is always produced by women. She seems blithely unaware of the irony.
Germaine has spent decades preaching about malevolent male dominance. She has been lauded by universities and fellow progressives and now finds herself a social pariah. She has been banned from speaking at certain universities (generation snowflake, again) and she’s even been called a bigot!
Now while I can take a little smug amusement at these two ladies (again!) discomfort I do find some of the men who believe they’re born in the wrong bodies quite tragic.
Early Saturday evening on the BBC they had Celebrity Mastermind. One of the contestants was Kelly Maloney, aka Mick Maloney, former boxing promoter. Christ what a sight. He tottered out on too high stilettos, bedecked with lush auburn syrup, masses of mascara and lip gloss and the beginnings of a five O’Clock shadow . Blimey, poor old Mick was hardly the answer to a maiden’s prayer when he was a bloke, but now…All I could think of was those wonderful old Les Dawson sketches when he played the old girl chatting over the garden wall. Mrs Brown looks like Abi Titmuss compared to poor old Kelly!
Anyway it’s made me think and I’ve decided I too was born in the wrong body.
Clearly I should have looked like George Clooney…
“They are women – just like you and me.”
Well, speak for yourself – last time I checked I still had a pair.
But also consider this: “Being trans is not about ‘sex changes’ and clothes – it’s about an innate sense of self.”
So, there you, Jeff. You can be George Clooney and have his body – you just have to think about it hard enough until it becomes your ‘innate sense of self’. And if you achieve it, well, just think of all those royalties from the coffee adverts.
P.S. And can you tell Amal to be a bit more selective in some of the cases she represents? Cheers.
I’m told from a reliable source that if you have a Y chromosome, you are male. End of.
No amount of surgery, cross dressing, psychological analysis etc etc can alter this.
“If you have a penis you’re a man. If you’re a man who cuts off his penis and pretends to be a woman, you’re still a man: albeit a very sick one.” Scoop Stanton.
If you can be bothered – the BBC isn’t by the way – to look at the economic policies espoused by the FN in France it is obvious that, except for its stand on immigration, the FN is a party of the left: even “extreme” left. Moreover, again if the BBC could be bothered, it’s obvious that the Conservatives here are what used to be called centre-left. There are no major parties in the UK of the “centre-right” although it might be (although I doubt it) that UKIP would qualify. As previous commenters have noted, the indigenous “extreme right” as a serious or even not so serious force in UK politics only exists in the fevered imagination of Paul Mason and his former colleagues at the BBC.
The only coherent “extreme right” in the UK is the political wing of Islam. That’s a misnomer by the way: there is, in fact, no political “wing” of Islam since it is, after all, in and of itself, a political ideology couched in terms of religious make-believe. Accordingly, you have a movement of the extreme right with not less than 2 million supporters and growing. The BBC though, as an article of its own extreme faith, prefers to treat Islam as wholly benign and its rare (according to the BBC) “extreme right” manifestations as a result of a mysterious process called “radicalisation”. Radicalisation – according to the BBC’s own medical encyclopaedia – is, analogously to sickle cell anaemia in those of West African descent, unfortunate but restricted to those who claim to be Moslem but aren’t “real” ones (presumably according to another BBC sacred text concerning religious beliefs).
The BBC’s insistence on treating Islam as a (actually the) manifestation of spirituality encompassing a beneficient search for understanding of the human condition and, not least, as a guide to civilised behaviour is a curious inversion of logic. However, it is not a surprising betrayal of common sense to those of us who have had exposure to marxist intellectual “reasoning” and are consequently used to viewing the logic-chopping somersaults of the academic and media wings of our political class who try to prove that black is white and Islam is the “religion of peace”.
I want to know where the conservative government the majority wanted has disappeared to? All we seem to have is neo socialist authoritarian know-alls. Regretably all actually know bugger all.
BBC World Service – “Michelle Obama was very unusual as a dark woman married to a light man”. And there we have a new one, ‘Shade-ism’!
Apparently, dark equates with power and men, light equates with beauty and women. So there you go, people of colour being racist and sexist all in one go.
Shadeism already exists in West Africa where many men and women would like whiter skin and “skin-bleaching ” is widespread. Also some darker skinned Africans are prejudiced against the lighter-skinned ones. Don’t expect the BBC to highlight this , even if they knew about it, which I doubt they do. For Beeboids all black people are the same.
There’s a very interesting crime drama from 1959 called ‘Sapphire’ (available on Youtube). Set in London, it’s about a West Indian girl, the Sapphire of the title, who is a ‘high yellow’, ie someone with negro blood who can ‘pass’ for a white. She is disliked by some of her fellow West Indians because of this, and when her landlady finds out she is ‘coloured’ she is thrown out on the street. It’s a good expose of the absolute ridiculousness of colour prejudice, and if it were not for the divisive identity politics of the 1960s, the celebrations of Obama’s melatonin levels would be seen as the nonsense they are.
I remember Saphire.
During the 1930s/40s in the US it was known under the name of ‘passing’ were people would ‘pass’ as members of another race.
If you have time have a look at this movie – the link is for the complete movie – of a man who ‘passed’ as a white.
Its a heartwarming story with a happy ending designed to show that small town Americans are basically good folk. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I heard a story, probably true. A white model kept failing to get a contract from her agency, but one day she got the idea of buying the Big Black curly wig in the Joke Shop next to the agency, walked into the agency and got the biggest job of her life. They say you can still see her in TV adverts with a very jolly looking big grin on her face.
“Light skinned (Arab) Muslim males are permitted to have black females mainly as concubines but also as wives, but no black male is allowed to have any relations with light skinned (Arab) females.”
‘The Legacy Of Arab-Islam In Africa’ John Alembillah Azumah.
There is a good interview with Dr. Azumah on YouTube. You will certainly never see that on the BBC !
He is just not following the script !! White slave owners treated black slaves better than black Africans treated black African slaves and certainly better than Arabs treated black African slaves.
The real world and real facts just do not fit into the BBC fake news and fake history.
PS. I am just re-watching it. Amazing interview. Al, I haven’t read the book but will try and get round to it. Most black Africans do not do Political Correctness !
Michelle Robinson was a rather dark, large lady whose marriage to the light skinned, slim and gay politician Barack Obama was arranged by their mentor Jesse Jackson and the Rev Wright, who was well known for finding wives for black men who were discreetly gay.
Obama’s gayness was well known amongst his circle in Chicago, but has never been mentioned in the MSM. Of course, if President Trump so much as looks at a woman it’s a sex scandal, but that’s the way the world works.
Don’t take this too seriously, but the internet is wild with stories that Michelle is really Michael, and Bath House Barry was widely known for his attraction to males.
I have no reason to think that Michelle Robinson is anything other than a female. But it would appear that Barack Obama was and is gay, and their marriage is a political one.
There are no rumours that Donald Trump is gay (obviously), nor George Bush (either of them), Bill Clinton (obviously), Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy (obviously) etc etc etc ad infinitum. But there are persistent and compelling stories about Obama’s gay past, and his liking for bath house encounters. They don’t come from nowhere.
Maybe he will come out in these memoirs he is being paid $60 million for. I’d love to see the financial engineering behind what may be the biggest bribe ever given to an American president for services rendered.
I just listened to ” Code Severe” The inside story of UK terrorist attacks. It was very interesting, if politically correct, for at NO time were we told that the perpetrator was a Muslim.He was suspected by a visiting lecturer at his college that he was up to no good when he asked which biological agents could kill. He was reported to the college by the lecturer . But I expect they were too busy organizing an Israeli Boycott to do anything about it and report it to the police.
Thankfully just before he was about to blow himself up and take scores of others with him
at a Bristol shopping centre a one in a hundred chance happened , a fellow Muslim reported him to the police. Right at the end we heard that he said that it was all the internet’s fault. The BBC website will take you to this Podcast,
The BBC Wall of Propaganda doesn’t even stop when the sun goes down.
It’s virtue, virtue, virtue, signalling.
– Switched on R5 at 5am and they were going on about Women coping when your husband goes transgender.
Over the BBC World Service – and they are doing Trump Bashing.
What else is on Radio4=Radicals today ?
– 9:00 Start The Week – Full on Trump bashing
– 9:45 Book of the week is stuck in a cycle of virtue signalling to African-Americans : this week about Nina Simone’s Civil Rights campaigning.
– 16:00 : Writing the Caribbean : Trinidadian writer and actor Elisha Efua Bartels talks to novelists and poets across the Caribbean
– 20:00 : Mary Beard on Women in Power
– 20:30 How do the SNP sell a second referendum ? (I guess : By not mentioning that Scotland has no money)
Other news – Security forces have found the remains of the German sailor in the recent beheading video.
Other, other news – A source has disclosed and the BBC has learned that Trump may have murdered several unidentified people and disposed of the bodies somewhere. The Democrats might call for a Congressional Hearing, an FBI investigation, and the appointment of a Special Prosecutor. Although no evidence has been produced, a BBC source says, “this is a very serious piece of fake news and we are taking it very seriously in a very real way.”
Twitter this morning was interesting. Many journalists stoutly defending ‘reporting’ based on ‘sources’ they refuse to identify, based on their ;integrity’.
More than matched by this in counter saying they no longer have any to fall back on.
I think it could be in terms of say they were killed by “Her Majesties Forces” therefore the Queen has murdered many hundreds of people since 1952.
While tens of thousands are being killed every year in Mexico, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Some must have been killed by US forces since Trumps inauguration would mean that he has joined the Queen as a legally sanctioned murderer. But Obama was far far worse.
Today, the BBC are rolling out Jon Sopal at Southampton Uni – The truth, the post truth, and nothing but no truth, so help me God. Common purpose here?
Lecture Title:
“The truth, the post truth, and nothing but no truth, so help me God”
Hillary Clinton was at the centre of a paedophile ring, the Pope backed Trump, the Feds were investigating Clinton for conspiracy to murder. She was also supplying arms to ISIS. They were just some of the totally fictitious stories that gained traction during the election of 2016. A mixture of appalling mendacity, Macedonians who wanted to make money, Russian agents who wanted to make mischief, and soulless computer algorithms on social media all combined. But how much of a role did they play in propelling a disillusioned and angry American public to vote for Donald Trump? And he won the popular vote too. Or he would have done if it hadn’t been for 5 million illegal immigrants voting for Hillary Clinton. Or is that a fiction too?
In this lecture Jon Sopel, the BBC’s North America Editor, will look at the challenges facing the conventional, fact based, impartial, traditional media.
As an ex student from Southampton I got this in an email a couple of weeks ago. Promptly binned it after thinking in was a joke. Sopal + Truth = wtf???!!!!hahaha! Impartial traditional media in his terms would probably be the North Korean woman newscaster celebrating rocket launches or Pravda in the Soviet Era under Stalin.
I haven’t heard of these fake stories, but I would have thought that Bill Clinton was at the centre of a paedophile ring, the Pope backed Hilary, the Feds were investigating Clintons emails. She was also supplying arms to Saudi Arabia. Also, Russian agents have blocked Soros attempts at voting machine fraud. Or, investigations finding that many illegal immigrants in Virginia, voting for Hilary Clinton.
I’ve been wondering if the US president was withdrawn John(another beauty ) Sopels White House accreditation. After listening to months of anti trump smirking by Sopel I couldn’t blame him.
As I read through comments by friends on this blog about the daily propaganda content of “Today” and BBC breakfast I wonder, in all sincerity , it there anywhere else to go for a fairer (not perfect) news channel? I am worried that when I listen to “Today” I am either going to blow a blood vessel or die laughing at some of the painfully PC content. ….
Lastly – if you are one of the journos or BBC employees who like to read what we think of their vibrant inclusive diverse work would you be good enough to comment? No need to declare your real name but obviously it would be nice to talk to us ( I know I’m risking a really good p…take – just a thought…)
Beeboid trolls used to post here quite regularly but have been quiet in the last few months. Shame , they always made me laugh with their total lack of humour !
There was a women’s march in London? WTF! I failed to notice. I might have liked to join that if it had been an anti-Sharia, anti-FGM march. Or a stop-the-mosque-building-in-London march. Or a thank-you President Trump & Geert Wilders for speaking out for women’s freedom march. How about a stop-Muslim-rape march? Something worth kicking up a fuss about.
I see that it wasn’t anything so sensible.
I don’t want “gender-equality” because I don’t have a penis & I don’t want one thank you.
NO marching. Sadiq Khan & Annie Lennox can swivel!
And a Pro Life march. I have real trouble with the constant, “the Government can’t tell me what to do with my uterus”. We hear this all the time on ‘Woman’s Hour’ and such.
They do not actually say, “Yeah, so it’s ok for me to be completely irresponsible with my own uterus, create and destroy create as I wish.”
These are the same SJWs who bang on endlessly about the injury caused by none PC words. I don’t get it, and the words, blinkered, selective and hypocritical seem hardly adequate.
Former Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, calling for people to even lay down their lives in order to remove Trump.
Meanwhile, some very dodgy things done as Obama officials were going out the door.
Over here, because of pollution we must give up the internal combustion engine which is the best idea since nappies for dogs.
Hurry hurry, get your ‘Instant Pot’.
“Instant Pot has become a veritable craze, a success built through social media word-of-mouth instead of traditional TV or print advertising.” Not anymore thanks to Jessica Murphy. I’m trying hard to see how this differs from those printed ‘This is an advertisement’ headed features but it’s not easy. “With prices starting from $80 (£65) for the most basic model,…”
If this isn’t an advert then why do we need to know that? Are comparable countertop appliance’s available and will they be getting licence payer funded plugs too?
As pointed out at the start of this thread, the BBC is desperate to establish an equivalence between the so called far right and the hundreds of Muslims in our country who, at any point are plotting acts of mass violence . On Daily Politics. We have the Muslim convert and terrorist sympathising Yvonne Ridley on her ‘ soapbox ‘ with a totally skewed narrative . What a sick joke perpetrated by our allegedly national broadcaster .
Exactly. On Sky this morning the Asst Commissioner of the Met appealed for the public to help the anti terrorist branch, he darent say , for PC reasons, that he really wanted Muslims to help the police much more than they are, but that was what he meant. He also said that there currently 500 ongoing terror related investigations . I doubt that more than 1% will be not Muslim related. Then the BBC have this woman talking about pigs heads and the growth of the far right attacks on Muslims. Perhaps she thinks that because we are , at least, nominally Christians, we should just turn the other cheek while these Muslim barbarians attack us at will. It is so unbalanced as to verge on the insane and yet the BBC gives her a platform.
Misleading on R4 Y&Y just now
Winifred let the Leeds Uni guy say
“Small new diesel cars CAN be as dirty as a fully laden lorry”
He only means in NOx… the most harmful part of pollution is particulates.
It’s wrong of them not to mention that context.
He said a new Polo is 13 times cleaner than new Passat. I presume cos in the Passat they’ve gone to extra expense of fitting something like AdBlue tech.
The Polo doesn’t need it cos it still meets Euro6 standards in the lab so is legally compliant.
I’ll take your word for it ! I have posted before that the BBC do not do science so they have no way of knowing whether any scientific information is reliable. But they do not care so long as it fits with their political agenda. Beeboids are truly ignorant people.
I never got beyond A-level Physics and Chemistry but I don’t suppose most journalists even know what these chemicals are , let alone what effects they can have on the environment. For them, these are just words.
Do these BBC science editors have a background in science? From my experience science students rarely attended the Socialist Society meetings when the BBC came around looking for graduates.
The BBC “Science Editor ” is David Shukman with degree in geography from Durham University. I really can’t think of many science graduates who go into journalism.
I would doubt any morons employed by the BBC would know this but my understanding is that any newly formed dust particles are very sharp, and can therefore cut and kill cells, and can keep cutting and killing cells until they are blunted. In the lungs this can increase the probability of Cancer. This also why new Asbestos particles cause Cancer.
Vauxhall plants in the UK have had uncertainties hanging over them for many years. GM Europe has made losses and has faced the same issues of overcapacity now to be addressed by PSA, the new owners of GM Europe. Despite this, the BBC continually tries to form a link between Vauxhall jobs and Brexit. In effect the BBC correspondents tell us that the Government is deceiving us by saying that the two UK plants have a future. The link that the BBC have found is twofold. Sterling depreciation makes UK plants less profitable because they import so many components. Secondly, UK labour laws make it easier to close plants and shed jobs.
Neither of these factors has a direct link to Brexit. Both sterling depreciation and UK labour laws predate the June 23 Referendum. So it’s not down to Brexit. The fact is that if we allow foreign companies to own UK businesses then their security is much reduced. Foreign governments and managements have no special affinity for the UK. Again , this is a long established phenomenon that successive governments have chosen to ignore. Why can’t the BBC be more honest about Brexit.?
Brexit gives us the chance to encourage the growth of UK owned businesses . It gives us more freedom to block foreign takeovers. We become less dependent on foreign owned assembly operations that are so import dependent and make so few exports that sterling depreciation reduces rather than increases their profits . Get your economics reporters to look at these things instead, BBC.
RE Vauxhall. The BBC saying the import costs of components has increased due to exchange rates is only partially true. Sourcing components over a Europe wide supply chain maybe. But there are other countries where components can be sourced at cheaper costs. Whilst I was working on several logistics automotive projects components could be sourced from China, India and Brazil for 30%-50% less than the EU or US equivalents. In Japan the suppliers are small scale private companies sited close to the main plants with long term agreements with the OEMs. Nothing to stop UK based operations using these models except politics and, as pointed out by EE, foreign ownership of UK businesses.
The RemainBBC strategy is to blame anything potentially negative on Brexit. If Aliens invade the Earth tomorrow, we will defo be told its because they are insulted by Brexit. Even when UK triggers Article 50 (later this month!) the negotiations will go on for 2 years minimum. The RemainBBC strategy will only intensify. So good to call them out on it whenever we see it.
I don’t believe the BBC has any true economics reporters. The BBC now only has people who give opiniosn in support of the editorial policy. That’s how they were able to have people like ultra-left Paul Mason (music graduate) as economics editor on Newsnight.
If BBC had true economists, they would point out that a large part (most) of the depreciation of sterling since the vote is due to the BoE policies on interest rates and QE. They would also know that a lower currency is good for manufacturing industry like automobiles. Period. It’s the foundation of the continuing success of the German car industry where the Euro is far lower than the Deutsmark would have been. Hell, we might even start to make the parts in UK instead of importing cheap ones from the expensive moribund EU nations.
The RemainBBC strategy is to blame anything potentially negative on Brexit. If Aliens invade the Earth tomorrow, we will defo be told its because they are insulted by Brexit. Even when UK triggers Article 50 (later this month!) the negotiations will go on for 2 years minimum. The RemainBBC strategy will only intensify. So good to call them out on it whenever it is seen.
I don’t believe the BBC has any true economics reporters. The BBC now only has people who give opiniosn in support of the editorial policy. That’s how they were able to have people like ultra-left Paul Mason (music graduate) as economics editor on Newsnight.
If BBC had true economists, they would point out that a large part (most) of the depreciation of sterling since the vote is due to the BoE policies on interest rates and QE. They would also know that a lower currency is good for manufacturing industry like automobiles. Period. It’s the foundation of the continuing success of the German car industry where the Euro is far lower than the Deutsmark would have been. Hell, we might even start to make the parts in UK instead of importing from the expensive but moribund EU nations.
BBC “journalists” don’t need expertise in any of those fields. Their job is to top and tail press releases from organisations with the correct (I almost said right, but that would never do) political opinions. On Brexit the press releases come from Remain supporters, on AGW they come from the anti-CO2 lobby, on American politics they come from the Democrats. You don’t need to be an expert to write “The BBC has learned” before the first paragraph of what you’ve been given. It might help if you can write a short summary of a document you don’t understand, which is probably why the BBC likes to employ graduates with a degree in English Literature.
On Youtube , I just watched BBC Hardtalk. The nasty and rather dim Stephen Sackur interviews Marine Le Pen. First time I have seen a longish interview with her. Very clever lady and easily swats Sackur away. Funny bit when he tries to pretend he knows more about France and the French than she does. Typical Beeboid, ignorant, arrogant and rude.
The important thing to remember about lefties is that no matter how stupid they are they have a passionate desire to tell people what they should think. The first rule of the right should be if somebody on the left is offended that is not a reason for not offending them. The left are not a protected species, if they get upset that is not a reason for not offending them. It is like an infant. Do not provoke them just for the sake of it, but if they have a tantrum do what you think is the right thing to do, regardless of the screaming. As they get older they become more of a physical threat, but the principle remains the same. Do not give in to people just because they want their own way.
Thanks for the link. Sackur is a pathetic creature, but that is par for the course for Leftists. Marine has got more balls than he will ever have. Can’t quite remember if his wife is Arab muslim or not.
Brilliant, Tom, many thanks. The closed mind of the BBC versus a passionate and intelligent Frenchwoman. Suspect there’s some cruelty legislation that covers it.
North West tonight jumps on the air pollution bandwagon somewhat predictably taking a sideswipe at petrol engines, before concentrating on diesel. Almost hysterical shock, horror outrage by the reporter. Out in the country side it’s almost as bad. So she takes a trip to talk to an expert in London. Who promptly blames pollution from Europe due to the weather. Helpful hints. Walk on the pavement as far as possible from the Road & walk on the side of the Road where cars are going downhill, so ignore walking into oncoming traffic so you can see what is coming remember air pollution is the killer. I imagine they will all be disappointed if diesel owners don’t get screwed in the budget “Rule 2
If there is no pavement, keep to the right-hand side of the road so that you can see oncoming traffic. You should take extra care and be prepared to walk in single file, especially on narrow roads or in poor light keep close to the side of the road.
It may be safer to cross the road well before a sharp right-hand bend so that oncoming traffic has a better chance of seeing you. Cross back after the bend.” Highway code for pedestrians.
I have great hopes for ‘Generation Z’. The younger kids I know, all despise Third Wave Feminism, Cultural Marxism etc.
It’s quite natural for kids to rebel against their teachers, and all this generation has heard is whinging feminists and insane ramblings about ‘cultural appropriation, ’70+ genders’ etc.
Millennials were just a rogue generation of compliant drones.
NWest – We investigate how bad pollution is in the north west, and ask what effect it’s having on the region’s health.
– And historical novelist Philippa Gregory turns detective as she unearths clues about the first black police officer in Britain who was based in Cumbria nearly 200 years ago.
– illegal off-roaders are damaging the Lake District landscape and threatening locals.
East Mids – electric car in #miltonkeynes . We had a bit of trouble!
West Mids – “Ayo Akinwolere checks out plans to reduce air pollution in Birmingham. The city is on a final warning to cut pollutants in the air (dosen’t mention that applies to most EU cities), including microparticles emitted by diesel engines. Ayo travels to Munich in Germany to find out if controls there have worked and what lessons there are for Birmingham.”
South – South’s best #Castles #history #dorset #weymouth #portland
West – “cash-strapped students are working in the sex industry to help pay off their debts
– battlefields of the Somme + the study of bats is helping improve robotics.
Some one points what the BBC ignore
“Why dont #bbcnews #insideout take responsibility for #outcastwives abandoned by Asian Brits as BBC push # #diversity & fight #travelban?”
Sorry that West edition was last week
– Is the air we breathe slowly poisoning us? in traffic-choked Bath – with shocking results.
+ Disabled VS: wheelchair user Chloe Ball-Hopkins on her first night out ever in the pubs and clubs of Bristol,
+ remembering Alfred Fagon, Bristol’s forgotten playwright.
Ta Stew. When you list these stories, it only makes me scratch my head at what Moscow, Beijing or Pyongyang must think when they do their “Press Reviews” from London!
These stories get more and more incoherent,barking and downright loopy. We live too close to it all, and have possibly put up with this randomised rubbish as news for too long.
Perhaps they could help pollution levels if they were to stop promoting overpopulation with the entirely unsustainable importation of hundreds of thousands of extra people in to Britain each year, as well as the welfare programmes that encourage many to breed like rats.
Cars on the road increase by 600,000 in one year-BBC 20/01//2016 headline from the BBC webshite.Reasons? from the RAC; immigration and more women going to work. Meanwhile as a more mature diesel car owner my insurance goes up exponentially year on year, because more people are driving uninsured (presumably because of the high cost)…..
(fuckfuckfuckettyfuck)apols and…many thanks for allowing me to unload..x
This is the new front that the beeb and the rest of the Msm are using in their fight to push their climate change agenda. Matthew wright who presents the inside out show has been pushing this clean air agenda relentlessly on his show on channel 5 since Khan came in last year. Hes a big fan and it was very noticeable when he ignored Zac Goldsmith in favour of khan by interviewing him on his show last year. Diesel is the new enemy but we will not mention that it was labour and the green nuts that pushed diesel on us but then that was a different time that has been flushed down the memory hole like 1997-2010. When they cant make enough money with this scam they will be back with a new ‘enemy’ to tax us even more. Its not just london that will be hit with this but many of the other cities throughout the uk.
“Aided by a politically correct culture of “tolerance”, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is secretly building a “parallel” society in Sweden by infiltrating organisations and political parties, a government report has concluded. Surprisingly, the document takes aim at “political elites” for fostering a doctrine of multiculturalism and silence, which can help and facilitate the nefarious ends of anti-democratic organisation like the Brotherhood”.
… and in Britain? in councils, education, social security, policing, local government, national level in fact every strata … now there IS a parallel
I know … I checked Al BBC Euro News, yep! tumbleweed!
Must have had to make room for this,
BBC – Eat-and-flee gang ‘hit second Spain restaurant’
The BBC tell me that Vauxhall cars is at threat-2,000 jobs to go.
The BBC ALSO tell me that cars are nasty-they make people choke with NOx.
The BBC DON`T tell me that Gordon Brown, the EU and all manner of Greenies like Friends of the Earth rather liked diesel once-heck, even gave the tax incentives to get us to buy diesel cars.
So BBC-given these two stories above-Vauxhall and diesel emissions-what the hell am I supposed to think?…I`m just watching the tumbleweed, awaiting whether to go with Roger Harrabin or Kamal Ahmed.
Times like these when I miss our old trolls…
Yvonne Ridley gets lots of Al BBC airtime to spout “Muslims are the new Jews” and copious Taqiya on the Daily Politics soapbox,(who are forcing Jews to leave Europe Yvonne? … no one asks)
40mins – Poor P Whittle gets introduced with the intimation that UKIP are far right
Eh! what narrative?
The verbal shite spouted above, by Ridley to the ever Islamophile BBC
flies in the face of the facts, and data.
Note the MCBs Tahal Ahmads contribution.
Those figures sound a little conservative, ‘honour’ kilings alone, surely hate crimes motivated by anything but honour, run at about 5000 reported cases a year.
Muslims are the new Jews only if you believe that the Jews immigrated to Germany in the period 1939-1945 so as to take advantage of the free travel and accomodation on offer.
The lot of the Jew is to be barely tolerated; the lot of the Muslim is to barely tolerate the rest of us.
Jim, absolutely right. Also Muslims are the new Jews if the Jews of 1933-45 had been planting bombs, unprovoked, in shopping areas, airports, railway stations. And if they had been mowing innocent people down in cars, shooting the survivors, molesting and raping girls, boys and women. And if, in their ghettoes they had made policing an impossibility by attacking the emergency services, or if they had been committing a disproportianate amount of crime.
A nice irony today unmentioned by the mass bBBC focus today on car pollution.
For many years car drivers have been victimised by many councils who wish to reduce accidents, justifying their jobs by mentioning section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act. Their way of doing this is to ignore the statistics and focus on slowing traffic down, build-outs, speed bumps, draconian box junctions and traffic lights, often in an out-of-sync series. What did this achieve? Little or no reduction in accidents (because they are thus targetting low level causes of accidents). But what have they done? Create more traffic jams and stop-start traffic queues. Which cause much greater emissions. Which causes pollution. Which kills thousands more people than ever die on the roads by reason of conventional accidents..
The short term political correctness of unelected little Hitler traffic officers is thus proved to be killing many fold more people than they have saved.
But of course as usual the useless tossers at the bBBC cannot, or will not, join the dots.
Look North tonight had a report on the West Yorkshire Police anti-terrorism unit, it stressed the need to be vigilant in the county as the 7/7 bombers’ leader was from Leeds and “Britain’s youngest suicide bomber” hailed from Dewsbury; also the “far-right terrorist” Tommy Mair – WTF!
Neither the judge nor the police described Mair as a terrorist – just al beebus; its pals and a man trying to build some kind of peculiar career for himself, on the corpse of his murdered wife.
A terrorist used to be someone who engaged in an act of creating terror or fear amongst the public.
So the IRA phoning in false bomb warnings that result in buildings being cleared and normal life to be interrupted aims to cause fear or terror that anytime a bomb could go off. Repetition is a key part of creating terror, that and the unseen hand.
By this definition it is impossible for a lone wolf to be a terrorist if they get caught or killed. Their aim might have been to become a terrorist but in order to do that they have to ‘live to fight again’, but when? And that is the source of terror.
Don’t apologise Jenni, don’t apologise !!!! stand your ground, – last week it was Rod Stewart, and now its Jenni M, its sickening that we have to constantly watch our tongue. Funny how Free Speech is only relevant to certain sections of the community. Apologising for giving offence to all and sundy is becoming an anathema to our way of life; and is particularly insulting to the older generation who were brought up on good manners and would certainly be ‘told off’ by our Mums for being rude and impolite to people. We DO know how to behave actually – its the others !
I agree….someone must stand for their principles at some point! I’ve never listened to R4 and I’m proud of that, but I’m glad she and Germaine have dared to speak against some of this libtard BS. I also am a ‘live and let live’ type, unless it starts getting rammed down your throat, as with the BBC. Was mulling it over earlier, thinking that I’m ok with people transitioning, or dressing as the other sex, but then to try to force others to state that they are naturally occurring is just ridiculous. A transitioned man/woman cannot know how puberty is as a girl, how menstruation is, how pregnancy, miscarriage, breast feeding, etc, I could go on. Just as I cannot possibly know how a biological male feels during puberty, muscle and testosterone development, voice breaking, erection, ejaculation etc. I also think it’s interesting that by far the most examples are men to women….discuss!
Loobyloo, please!
Any paragraph that includes the words. “transitioned man” “erection, ejaculation” and “getting rammed down your throat” should come with a government health warning!
I’m an elderly, rather delicate and sensitive chap, sitting here with a mug of strong tea and and a soft boiled egg.
You’ve put me right off my soldiers…
“So more Republican Party members are convicted of acts of indecency in toilets than are trans people”.
The (Now Show) audience clap and honk like so many seals signalling their willingness to be clubbed.
This is what passes for comedy on BBC radio. Just how many had to visit their overburdened A&Es in order to get their split sides sewn up is not known.
This bloke’s really good. What I would call a real alternative comedian. He’s brave enough to ridicule those that the BBC never dare question. So unlike the safe and dreary left-wing herd all the others seem to be.
No doubt this talented young chap will be rewarded and he’ll be given his own show on Radio 4.
Oh, hang on…
Newsnight send Gabriel Gatehouse back home to Amsterdam to bemoan the lack of tolerance and diversity in Holland. Heck, Wilders is a populist and they might vote for him in Holland.
So poor Gabriel takes us back to squatter riots, to the days when welfare was the nutrient of diversity and creative happenings.
Who paid?…well does it matter says the BBC?
Noticed though that our hippy friends in their commune seemed-well “a bit white”. Oh why the lack of tolerance and diversity in good old Holland asks the BBC?
No mention of Pim Fortuyn or Theo Van Gogh, Ayaan Hirsi Ali though.
No excuses, no context allowed, The Dutch are racist, and the BBCs Islamic camel corps felt we needed to know it.
Seems to be not commonly known but all the stuff from Amazon, EBay, Next and even Baby GAP is transported in huge diesel powered trucks.
If only there was a way to harness the energy from liberal anguish?
PR experts are clearly backing off the Global Warming narrative
And regrouping around air pollution narrative as a strategy.
* I’m guessing that there has been some secret #soIcanbreathe meeting with the NGO PR guys again like 28gate *
Anyone going to do an FOI
Every live program me throughout the day had PR tricks stirring up hate against diesel.
Stuff like getting children to stand in front of school with placards etc.
This is wrong !
I have no objection to the Green Party participating in political campaigns, but the BBC is unelected and undemocratic it should not be driving politics.
Strangely BBC pension fund has a lot of Green shares especially Tesla
BUT BBC also has a lot of diesel vehicles ..and diesel generators !
Here is a graph showing the official UK trend, BBC never show it.
Who will serve the lefties coffees then?
THAT`S the argument for globalisation according to a QT vox pop-clearly a public sector teacher or summat.
And todays questions that the BBC wanted me to stick around to get answers to at 8a.m?
1. Is the UK letting down its nurses?
2. Should we let non-white criminal juveniles off, rather than white ones?
3. Do we really want more grammar schools?
There WAS another one-but we`d already know the answer to THAT one too, as a fatuous rhetorical device. A BBC Investigation has discovered apparently….
Straight over to Classic FM…why listen to THIS?
The BBC is still full of perverts and sexual predators, similar to the days of Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris and the like.
All day yesterday and still today (early morning) one of their top stories flagged up on their website was a lengthy article on the merits or demerits consideration of a young woman, Ms Emma Watson, exposing her breasts for some publication or other, in an article headlined “Is Emma Watson anti-feminist for exposing her breasts?”
They headlined the article on the BBC website frontpage as a leading story (it’s still there as of 5.00 am in morning), it was on their UK news frontpage, a link with a picture of Ms Emma Watson appeared to the side of every news item story clicked on.
Caliphate – The BBC is totally obsessed with sex in all its forms from the normal to the totally aberrant. But cannot seem to get its head around the fact that in effect what it is doing in many cases is helping to sow the seeds of an unhealthy inquisitiveness in many young developing minds and also helping to foster a toleration of the intolerable providing it is in the name of sexual freedom.
Whilst no one is saying we should return to Victorian times. Young people should be allowed to develop their sexuality in their own way and are bright enough to seek their own information and not be under the influence of our state funded and self appointed “High Priesthood of Deviance” Encouraging all to “walk on the wild side” Just because they can. And of course if any licensed sponsored weirdy is a celebrity well thats even better.
The BBC knew about Saville for years and turned a blind eye because he was good for ratings and – Hey – These days anthing goes. As soon as they were outed on this they were out there distancing themselves from Saville and throwing unproven shit around at now “uncool” celebs such as Cliff Richard so no one could say, The BBC – yeah they support pervs.
And just like Mcavity the Mystery Cat – They were never there!
And here is another piece of pro-Islam, pro-nubile woman, anti-Trump propaganda bull crap – a video news item by the fake propaganda wing of the BBC featuring a pretty light skinned woman wrapped up in a stars and stripes Islamic hijab – claiming this represents the new face of the (Islamised) United States of America:
They might as well have had sat alongside the transvestite a young man in full gestapo outfit – because both Nazism and Islam are totalitarian ideologies requiring 100% submission. I have been keeping an eye over the BBC website for the past three weeks and it is one piece of propaganda crap after another churned out like on a conveyer belt.
“”Food media is predominantly generated by white people for white people, so when the subject veers toward anything outside of the Western canon, it’s not uncommon to see things generalised, exotified, or misrepresented.””
Whatever next, BBC? Racist chips? Far Right chips? Bacon Buttie Gangs? Rice Caliphates?
Does rice with chips embrace diversity?
Trump denies allegations that he doesn’t care for curry.
I dont know whether anyone caught this little gem on this mornings BBC”news” BBC seem very pleased about it.
Judges should consider whether a young criminal has suffered discrimination as an ethnic minority before deciding their sentence, under a new guideline.
The Sentencing Council for England and Wales says offending may be partly a product of discrimination and “negative experiences of authority”
Whilst the crime is meant to be the starting point for sentencing- I am sure man of our more liberally minded judges will not need much encouragement to give what they consider more than the “due weight” to the offenders background “discrimination”
Basically what this does is gives the green light to any “youth” who commits a serious crime in this country to play the race card. As we also know that the strange genetics of many of the “asylum seekers” mean they are still children even in their thirties – Looks like many of them will have a “get out of jail free” card for life.
I guess its just “another brick in the wall” by the left to prepare us for invasion.
It just goes to show that despite a conservative government being in power, despite brexit, despite labour being hopelessly unelectable to everyone – the establishment still marches to the ‘ever leftward’ drumbeat.
There’s no party on the horizon willing to reverse any of it, (unless UKIP rises from the ashes) so intelligent people should probably think about emigrating – anywhere, where politicians still have a lick of sense. We are the frogs being slowly boiled, hop out of the pan while you can!
Do ITV have the same trouble as Trump with a version of the Deep State? They seem to be doing their level best to ensure the only news seen will be based on the BBC. Robert Moore reports from the US exclusively using Democrat sources (allegedly etc. for the lawyers) with an attitude of a trained BBC chipmunk. The 10pm news is shifted by the “frightfully” show in order to reduce viewership to less than a teenage blogger talking about food. What next?
The nightly show seems to have a fixation with tired old jokes about Donald Trump. Last night it was a crude “titometer” to insult Donald Trump with audience (i.e. luvvie morons) participation. Maybe a version with Till Death do us Part’s Alf Garnet should be set up in retaliation. For the presenter ,Jon Bishop, a “Scouse gitometer”.
Anybody notice how Trump was more than likely to have paid some tarts to wee on a bed Obama slept in, yet Trump was more than likely telling porkies and deluded in saying his phone was tapped.. which story is more plausible!
Some BBC staff have been using Facebook to find child abuse images “for research purposes (cough)” and then they got reported to the Police for distributing them!!!
Two questions..
1. Why are the BBC even looking for child abuse images?
2. Why are they then illegally distributing them?
Looks like nothing changes at the BBC even after Savile.
This is the first headline I saw on BBC News channel this morning.
“A senior MP criticises Facebook for it’s handling of reports about sexualised images of children following a BBC investigation”
The inference here IMO is that a BBC investigation has put a stop to some potential pedophile crime. Do they really expect people to believe this open suggestion that of all organisations the BBC works to expose crime against children? With everything we know about them? Come on now, really! How stupid do they think we are?
I have huge doubts about this story and do wonder if Facebook thought the BBC were setting them up. Facebook has to be one of the most surveillance heavy parts of the Internet. They attempt to make users use their real names , I’m sure they log all IP addresses but also they put no end of unique ID cookies on your PC so they can track the other websites your visit via adverts.
In other words you would have to have a death wish of you used Facebook to either upload or view this material.
I think any BBC attack on Facebook is just part of their attack on anything which is not MSM and they can’t control. I think that, so long as you stick to politics, Fb has a pretty light touch. In addition, Mark Zuckerberg’s politics are not entirely clear, which would antagonise the BBC.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter whether the BBC is biased or not . When Corbynista shadow front benchers put themselves up for interview , they are usually so appallingly stupid that they destroy their own case. Cue Angela Rayner, being interviewed on Today by John Humphrys about the allocation of more money for free schools that can be selective . Rayner’s poor grammar and inability to sustain a logical argument destroyed her credibility . Yet this woman has the education brief!
Yes, that ridiculous woman to whom John Humphreys said, “I understand you don`t want to debate with Toby Young”…..
So there we have it…. a shadow minister refusing to debate with an opponent, aided and abetted by the BBC, though I think even Humphrys was becoming exasperated with her refusal to answer his question about Labour Party policy on closing existing grammar schools.
A British politician being enabled in refusing to debate with an opponent…what a dismal state of affairs in a democracy.
Well, Dirty Harry did say “a man’s got to know his limitations”. If she has had the basic common sense to realise that she is quite stupid, and stands no chance in a debate with Toby Young, at least she has some basic self awareness. That’s more than 90% of politicians can ever manage.
Obviously, she is still a gormless waste of space who is not up to her job. Take that as read. It’s called the Diane Abbott constant.
A fine incident of misunderstanding in a vox pop interview on tv news this morning which goes to illustrate how left-leaning media, led by the BBC, tend to skew the political system toward fiscal incontinence.
Our Steph McGoven visits a sausage factory (don’t snigger, it’s not a joke) where she does a short interview with a personable young woman on the production line. Our Steph’s BBC editors are pushing the issue of ‘affordable childcare’.
Quite why we as a society would want to heavily susidise one group of young women to care for the pre-school children of another group of women – just so that the first group can be more cheaply employed by the sausage manufacturer – that’s the question we ought to want answered.
Anyway, of course the sausage worker wants cheaper child care. Perhaps our Steph might have asked : but what if your hubby has his taxes increased to pay for it? Instead so as to add ‘balance’ our Steph invites her interviewee to put herself in the Chancellor’s shoes and suggest what spending in this era of huge public debt and deficit she might cut in order to pay for her child care.
But Steph phrases the question awkwardly and the woman she is asking has perhaps been distracted by the reporter’s previous bold prying into her personal finances (not something the BBC encourages with the sob stories of benefits claiments – but I digress). McGoven (you know her – she’s the Geordie with the rather manly frame and the dark eye shadow, giving her the look of – well, if not the bride of, at least Frankenstein’s first date).
“What sacrifices elsewhere would you make to pay for child care?” The woman gloriously misunderstands and rather than considering the red national budget suitcase she thinks of her own family finances. “Well there’s not much we could sacrifice, we have an old car, don’t have expensive holidays…”
Steph’s alloted time is short and there’s no fixing the gaff – there’s a spokeswoman for the left-leaning Rowntree Trust cued up for interview.
It just goes to show the public have been conditioned to think – as Pete Shelley once wailed for a generation “What do I get?” Well, you get Retail Politics. Pork Barrel Politics. And a massive debt to pass onto your children – that’s if you take time off work to have any.
AISI – you have illuminated one of the core problems in our society – women having to work as well as their husband to provide sufficient income to have a “standard” of living for them and their children worth the name.
I think that a lot of the malaise in our country wouldn’t exist if there were more stable, self-supporting family units in it.
“The criterion of a just wage is not how far down you can drive it – it is a function of the family.
The criterion of a just wage, is whether a man by himself can support a wife and children on his salary.”
E. Michael Jones.
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BBC news this morning is anxious to tell us that in addition to the terror threats from Islamic State and from Al Quaeda there is also a threat from ‘the far right’
That’s a worry. BBC news often tells us – in a break from their usual support for women in politics – that in France the first serious female Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is ‘far right’. She is already supported by at least a quarter of the French electorate – pretty mainstream then and a level of support about equal to our own (far-left?) Labour Party. So it is confusing to label her ‘far’ anything.
But today we are being warned to be on our guard against terror. ‘Run, Hide and… Seek’ – or something. Does this mean the public need to keep an eye out for dubious-looking Frenchmen whistling the Marseillaise whilst making nocturnal deliveries by bicycle to lock-up premises ? Should we report apparently scheming groups of striped-shirted gallic-speaking plotters conspiritorially huddled in a group at the local Starbucks? Ought we to report large orders of fertiliser, when the order is coupled with a request for a string of onions ?
Of course not. The label ‘far-right’ is a smear designed to attack Le Pen’s party. Her economic policies are rather left wing. But she is somewhat anti-EU which tends to upset the BBC.
As for terror threats here in the UK we can tell the bias at a glance by the fact that the very real threat from Irish Dissident Republicans is not mentioned.
In the increasingly fractured and polarised world that we live in, it is interesting to observe that as far as the BBC are concerned there are varying grades to the Left, with seemingly Corbyn and his crew at one end of the spectrum and what they call the “Centre” at the other.
As far as they are concerned, Blair and his offshoot are at the “Centre” sometimes known as the “moderate centre”. Anything to the right of that is deemed to be “extreme”, hence sometimes you hear the phrase “extreme right of the Tory party” and the like. UKIP are deemed to be extreme, although in many instances they are not and the same seems to apply to Le Pen.
I have picked this up on numerous trips to Swansea where my son is at Uni, and where on several occasions he has been asked whether he is a Blairite as if that is a mortal sin.
nfop: “In the increasingly fractured and polarised world that we live in, it is interesting to observe” …
… that vast numbers of people watch or read or listen to the output of media organisations, various hubs of the movie industry and billions talk to each other every day via telecoms and Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and everything and even on here!
Amazing that despite this fracturing and polarising (often on the part of the Left and Far-Left [nudge, nudge, wink, wink], as much or more than the Far-Right) the world increasingly comes together to meet in etherspace and cyberspace like never before.
And not just a smear to attack Le Pen. To the BBC, ‘Far Right’ has become a euphemism to describe any dissident from the collapsing liberal fantasies of globalism, immigration, multi-culturalism, man-made global warming, interventionist wars, sexual disfunctionality and Islamification. But also keep in mind that the BBC is reporting the official state view on these matters.
One thing which is significant is that although this plug for more funding for the security services – sorry, I mean this timely report from Assistant commissioner Mark Rowley – names threats such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, it does not name any of the corresponding ‘Far Right’ groups. And that’s for the simple reason that there aren’t any, other than the implied threats of UKIP, Brexiters, Trump supporters, people opposed to the TV Licence etc. The real ‘Far Right’, inasmuch as it exists in this country, amounts to a few dozen Hitler fantasists. Their organisations are infiltrated by the security services and half of them are paid informants or agent provacateurs. Do not be surprised to hear about a false flag operation in the coming weeks to ‘prove’ the threat of the ‘The Far Right’.
This persistent use of the term “Far Right” is what reinforces the perception of the MSM as the true Fake News. I love reading this site but have little to contribute as I’ve long stopped watching the State’s jackbooted media apparatchiks!!
Police said they “Foiled 12 terrorist attacks since 2013”
They didn’t say anything about any of them being far right
Of course not, throwing in the term ‘and far right attacks’ provides the ‘correct’ amount of balance that one would expect to find in bBBC journalism.
WORDSEARCH: which of these words are deemed by our state broadcaster to be inappropriate when reporting on terror attacks: Muslim, Mosques, Islam, the Koran? Answer: all of them.
Cmon Stew – get with the programme what about the Bacon Rasher attacks on a mosque doorway or Tommy Robinson and his out of control, radicalised, terrorist cubs – terrorising Cambridge city centre?. Both successfully foiled by our brave plods. Surely these must count as far right attacks……….. or at least the “far right backlash”!
Weeks ago, the media reported the bacon-rasher man had ‘died’ in prison – thereafter, total silence. Okay, there’s an investigation, but I wonder whether the religion of the murderer will be revealed?
In the increasingly confusing who makes what world of car manufacturing the PSA group are looking to buy GM owned vauxhall, so just how can we ram some agenda into this one? Easy,
“GM chairman and chief executive Mary Barra said it was a difficult decision to sell Opel and Vauxhall, and insisted the business would have broken even in 2016 had it not been for the UK’s decision to leave the European Union…”
Broken even you say, “U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout”
Depends how you define breaking even I suppose.
In a wonderful example of modern journalism technique the BBC sends a chap down to report from outside the Vauxall works. “What’s going on there?” “Well, there’s a change of shift going on… and they are concerned for their jobs”
BBC viewers are then reassured that the Unions are “fighting hard to protect jobs” – against whom they are fighting and quite what action this fight involves are questions left to our own dulled imaginations.
Against the general air of pessimism surrounding just about everything in the news (to the BBC’s mind at least) this morning the weather forecast at least is bullish about temperatures – 14 in London by Tuesday.
If it’s UNITE they will probably do what they did When Mrs Daves’ workplace shut down in Chester. Nothing apart from writing a letter of disappointment to the company. Or subsequently when after being re deployed Mrs Daves’ workplace in Warrington where the local UNITE reps got re deployment and were never seen again by the members left on site.
Are all unions are useless as UNITE these days ? I was a member of a small union which was absorbed into a larger engineering union which was itself absorbed into UNITE. To be honest I had no problems with the first two unions receiving good advice and representation a couple of times. UNITE however are something else. Initially it was endless strikes timed to cause maximum harm to customers at which point I left the union. Then very oddly the chief union person (not sure on the title) was promoted to a management non job at which point the strikes stopped which was I’m sure a total coincidence !
Now UNITE reps don’t even turn out for disciplinary hearings of members.
Catch all blends of public sector grievances, with more job dodgers than workers. New labour neutered them so they backed the likes of Harman, Miliband and Blears…as opposed to actually looking after their members(many of who were women).
Plenty beanos to Brussels though and term time jollies to the seaside with partners( families not welcome). All happened in our lifetimes too.
McClusky and Falkirk-say no more. Still though, it`s finished Labour hasn`t it?
STOP the press!!! and get the firing squad out into the yard, just realised the quote copied from refers to chief executive Mary Barra as chairMAN, Harpersons head will likely explode if she clocks that.
Not very connected but I just read looking around the net in the light of the take over, Australia now has no car producers. Didn’t see that anywhere on the BBc. So no GM cars with stupid big engines being imported.
Peugeot buys Vauxhall. A nice big fat opportunity for the bBBC to play up the role of uncertainties re Brexit, and how they ‘could’ cause ,000’s of job losses. At the time of writing this, it appears that there will probably be no job losses for 2 years, and even up to 7 years for one of the plants. Our bBBC is keen to play up the human aspect, as it interviews people coming off shift. The bBBC echoing Unites calls for the chancellor to support the car industry, as though it is something the taxpayer should do. I remember the bBBC making loud noises, and giving a lot of time to MP’s and unions re steel plant closures, too. Where were the bBBC when 11,000 BHS jobs were lost? Where were they when Woolworths closed with almost 30,000 job losses? Where were they when the fishing industry and related businesses lost over 100,000 jobs after joining the EU?
To our bBBC ‘All jobs are equal, but some jobs are more equal than others’. 2-7 years employment certainty is unheard of for people who work in butchers, bakers, care-homes, gym’s, coffee shops, fashion stores, hotels, restaurants, fast food outlets…..thousands upon thousands of people doing jobs in the private sector where even having a job next week is not certain. I will take a wild guess that the redundancy packages for those I have just mentioned will be the legal minimum, and just a fraction of the package those car workers could expect if, unfortunately, the worst comes to the worst.
And where was the BBC when Ford used EU money to shut the Transit plant and move it to non-EU Turkey?
Exactly from the Southampton plant I knew people who worked there and it was a good wage.
That was hard luck on the chaps in Southampton, but it meant that the rest of us knew that the Project Fear stories of economic disaster if we left the EU were lies from start to finish.
David Buik , who I think knows his onions, was interviewed on Al Beeb morning .
But this is not, repeat not! the interview …………
You are aware that Panmure Gordon is the company which the father of David Cameron had set up?
There might just be a slight conflict of interests here !
I’m not sure that is entirely accurate, although naturally I stand to be corrected. It does say though that his father, grandfather and great grandfather were all senior partners in the business.
Ever the pedant 🙂
This chap is on lbc alot discussing business and economics. If you listen to him enough one would know he is a leaver and takes no shite from the remainers.
It’s Monday morning it’s Breakfast BBc are we all sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. The agenda om air pollution cranks up. For some reason they decide to focus on drivers leaving their engines running whilst dropping off their little darlings at school. To hammer home the point, with a sledgehammer. a group of kids are filmed as they wave their home made A4 size leaflets on the issue, you’d need to be pretty close to see what they are on about. Other children travel to school clutching air pollution monitoring equipment. I expected to see children collapsing in a, 1952 esque, London smog but alas I was disappointed. I must admit I’m slightly confused. It’s been a long time since I dropped my daughter off at school I don’t remember sitting outside the school I would drop and get out of there ASAP or park up turn off wait and wait and wait Becky was always the last out more or less then drive off. To round it off Nigel Havers of all people is filmed knocking on a car window and telling the driver that their engine is still running.
Elsewhere the world revolves us generation me spout more self-centred shite. Hear them whine and moan that they have to live at home with Mummy and Daddy and can’t afford a house. Some moron brat who runs a “youth money blog” informs us that she thinks pensions are too generous. I wonder if the gobby retard even knows how much a state pension is? OK from Gov. UK “The most you can currently get is £119.30 per week.” so £119.52 x 52 = £6215.04p.a. or £155.65 for the new state pension £8093.80p.a. which only started from last April. If she thinks that’s far too generous then she really doesn’t have a clue Of course the pensions are not free handouts. Under the new scheme if you have less than 10 years contributions you will get £0.00. Whilst they whine on about housing they seem to overlook the fact that for the majority of us it never was easy. I remember buying a “timer frame” flat what ever happened to that building technique. that was £22.500 way back in the early 1980s it was so small the bed only just fitted in the bedroom I had to take out an “equity share” with the builders as I just couldn’t afford the full price.
However these self centred group think it’s OK to reduce pensions and somehow direct the money just at them. I wonder if they have given one thought about what they will do when they get to retirement age will they voluntarily hand over their pensions to the next generation? I’d go for the not option they will probably be whining that they need more resources given to them, still. Want to know how to relieve your problems Generation me? Stop immigration and start repatriation. Make the work force available lower . Reduce the need for housing and the strain on services and infrastructure.
Photo of the school PR stunt organised by school + BBC (and probably team Sadi and NGOs)
But first some Context :
“If Oxford St is one of the most polluted streets in London, and one where cars are banned, why have we got it in for diesel cars?”
Here’s photo of the BBC PR stunt….
IMHO It is a low stunt to involve children in political campaigning
#1 10 and 20 years ago UK air pollution was worse than today according to official DEFRA figures
#2 12 years ago the same type of children would have been manipulated to demonstrate for people to switch to diesel to save CO2
He could just a well stand in front of the same children and say;
“So these are the children we want to burden with even more debt in the future, so that we can have more people working in the NHS today, pay for more stuff the BBC campaigns for today, and service a higher population today fuelled by immigration”.
Where’s the magic money tree?
Exactly. I’d happily drive one of the nice Mitsubishi Hybrids I’ve seen in the ad’s – if the state will provide it.
They are subsidised
Subsidy is theft
….. from everyone else, they don’t get that subsidy money from the unicorn bank.
They are subsidised at the moment but wait until they have tempted a crucial mass over to hybrids/ electric cars and then watch the subsidy’s get withdrawn. Watch the tax kick in and watch the BBc moan about the pollution caused by the power plants generating the elctrickery to run them, or the uneconomical way a hybrid has to haul around a secondary motor.
MetroElite scream “but they are zero emission”
Not even close
– masses of CO2 from production
– they are connected to grid where most power creates CO2
They are not unicorn powered.
They are very nice my Brother in law has one.
That school is only a hop skip and jump from sadiq at city hall. He could probably see it from his window. Another pr stunt with the help of the beeb for the emir and his t charge scam, and now they are using kids in their propaganda agenda. He done this a few weeks back at another school chatting to a group of school kids and telling them that the bad guys were against him.
This clown promised no strikes on the tubes or no fare rises and look at how that has worked out but not one word of criticism from the beeb. No they become his personal pr company for stunts like this when he needs them. Hed rather be fronting anti trump marches and feminist marches and taking selfies instead of doing his job but then as other people have said his eyes are probably set on labour leader and if it takes fucking up london to do so then so be it.
That car thing on Breakfast was appalling, the answer isn’t to turn off your car, it’s to stop driving a few hundred yards in a range rover to drop off your lazy child in the first place. If you constantly turn your car on and off at the lights you’ll find you quite soon bugger your starter motor, battery, possibly engine. If you don’t fancy a huge bill on a regular basis, perhaps stop driving short distances so much or live in an area that isn’t as infested with pedophiles and the like, given that that fear is about the only justification for those journeys and such parental vigilance.
The death penalty for paedophilic molesting of a child would concentrate their minds wonderfully, and offending would go right down (among those that are un-caught and untopped, that is).
However we can’t have the death penalty isn’t it part of being a EU member? Also I remember some Liberal from the house of Lords on TV some time ago sorry don’t know who it was now. saying we shouldn’t get the option to re instate the death penalty as the great unwashed would vote to have it back
And, of course, there is the ECHR – and Treeza May, who wouldn’t consider it for a second!
Metropolitan elite False-Narrative “Air pollution is about diesel fumes on children”
True narrative is air pollution is about millions of Indian/African housewives dying at 35 cos they cook indoors over an open fire.
Those London children will mostly live in to their 80s.
Cost Benefit Analyst expert Bjorn Lomborg sets out the stats in the FT
Sadiq Khan – don’t talk to me about air pollution 2015 I lived in Borneo, where there is a biannual smog going on for weeks I was wearing a mask for 20 days and mostly all day you couldn’t see across the river and the schools were closed all over the subcontinent. The pollution partially caused by EU mandating bio-fuel in petrol was massively higher than London.
We pay the BBC to report NEWS instead they use the money to create POLITICAL campaigns
Introducing the SoICanBreathe season on the BBC
Tuesday 14 February 2017, 18:22
So I Can Breathe
Reality Check: Does pollution cut short 40,000 lives a year?
1 hour ago
h/t @not-banned-yet
All the BBC local radio stations have jumped in on the Campaigning.
The GreenBlob hedgefund & subsidy mafia know some issues are balanced towards emotion not logic so if they keep pushing they get free cash.
Told ya Greenblob subsidy mafia provide the meme
And BBC provide them with the free advertising platform ..think of the little doggies now.
Dave666…. “timer frame” flat what ever happened to that building technique. that was £22.500 way back in the early 1980s it was so small the bed only just fitted in the bedroom I had to take out an “equity share” with the builders as I just couldn’t afford the full price…..
I agree with all you say. To hear this generation ‘bunch’, anyone before they were born had an easy ride of it ! The reality is we can all relate tales of financial woes in the past, but in essence its our fault that we’ve spawned this ‘must have’ generation. Yes, in the early 70’s my fiancé and I could not afford a 2 bed terr cottage for £6,250 – his salary was just under £30per week and mine was £15 ! Yep we were in our 20’s and at home with Mums and Dads; we didn’t whinge, I carried on saving up our ‘bottom drawer’ (only mature ones on here will have heard of those), and waited until a flat became available to rent. We certainly didn’t blame previous generations, we just accepted it was life ! Credit cards gave the impetus to have everything NOW, then parents both worked to sustain a roof over their heads and holidays and then overcompensated their children to make up for their lack of time at home. And now we are where we are.
Spot on!
I was an articled clerk earning peanuts, married in 1970 and was lucky enough to have a wife who taught for the GLC. She enabled us to obtain a GLC mortgage and we bought a 2 bedroom flat in Fash Forest Hill.
First son in 1974 and my wife didn’t work other than at home thereafter, looking after our kids, until out of boredom when they were at secondary school she did some supply teaching. One salary, no childcare so she could go back to work, but luckily my salary improved and we survived. All 3 of my sons were privately educated and we always had private medical insurance so apart from births, no cost to the state there either. Despite having a nearly full contribution level, partly because of credits whilst bringing up our kids, my wife doesn’t qualify for a full state pension let alone this new £150 odd per week one. I contracted out and don’t qualify for it either. From the late 80’s I paid more in tax every year than the current average wage, much more in some years.
The state has ‘given’ me sweet f..k all, and I continue to pay tax in retirement. I’ve never voted other thanTory, not that they have ever helped me much, and I despise the benefit culture and particularly the propensity of governments of all colours to piss my hard-earned taxes up the wall on those who won’t work or who come here to ponce off me. That’s partly why I vote ‘Remain’.
PS – only the last statement is a lie!
Yes, I had the misfortune to see that as I was changing channels. I noted that brain washing is now an integral part of our education system. As for the stupid woman words fail. These people do not know what pollution is, it stopped with the 1990s Clean Air Act. I lived in Sheffield at the time, born there before the war started, so I have seen pollution. We were surrounded by steel works, forges and all the offshoots of the industry. During the war the furnaces were working 24/7 due to the war. I am now 83+ not damaged, just getting a little older but still enjoying my life.
On this morning’s Today they discussed the mistake or not on Corbyn’s tax return, but the real story gets overlooked.
How can a boring civil servant, contributing the square root of nothing to anything, end up with a pension fund worth £1m? I find that quite obscene tbh.
I saw an article on the Beeb a couple of weeks ago about “a retired librarian, aged 60”. Of course a really stressful job like librarian demands an early retirement (at out expense). A bit like Greek hairdressers who can retire at 50 because they handle dangerous chemicals (shampoo?) and can afford to because we contribute to the EU which funds this.
Come on, don’t be so cruel. Think of the cumulative effect of all those paper cuts.
I heard Sarah Montague update the nation re Corbyns tax details. Stop Press at 8.40 or so. His aides had contacted the programme to tell the nation that some money was included under “pensions and miscellaneous.”
AND-lest you quail at the ramifications of this urgent missive-it turns out that some money was not included because the tax year starts in April-and Corbyns leadership money only started halfway through the tax year. Well bow me-ta Sarah, well done Labour!
Anybody able to tell me why the hell Labours leaders money gets stop press status on the “flagship” record of the day?
And why the hell do they continue to tell us what Labour thinks of anything?
They died after Brexit, funnily enough at the same time as did the BBC.
@Dave666 you are wrong on Pensions
There is no magic pot of your pension money
In past years the tax was collected off you and NOT put in a magic pot for your pension, no the government overspent on stuff for that present day. Meanwhile it borrowed money for the last generations pensions.
We are stuck in a have your cake and eat cycle …we are actually a country which just borrows and borrows …one day house prices will go back to rationality.
PS there never has been a lack of jobs, there’s just a screwup in the allocation of available hours , so some people over-work to pay tax for others to live on benefits.
Yes, the National Insurance Fund is the literal definition of a Ponzi scheme. Throughout history there is no example of a Ponzi scheme which has not, eventually, blown up. It is a mathematical certainty.
The Welfare State as it is currently established cannot survive, because it is based on making future generations pay, through borrowing, for money spent before they were even born. That cannot last forever, and when it all comes tumbling down it won’t be pretty.
But forget all that, look, a car with its engine running!
Where your NI payments go is a ‘state’ secret. We may even believe they all go to health and social care if we wish.
“the National Insurance Fund is the literal definition of a Ponzi scheme.”
True RiC; the same could be said for the entire banking system, currencies are backed by nothing more than people continuing to have confidence in them; central banks issue bank notes which aren’t backed by anything other than that public confidence whilst lending money to governments which they can never repay – they just borrow more to pay for the bonds they’ve already issued; it’s just keeping plates spinning on sticks and adding more sticks and plates all the time.
Thanks I am well aware our tax doesn’t go into specific little piggy banks just like the road tax I pay to have my cars suspension shaken apart isn’t specific to road maintenance. It was a broad statement to illustrate we have been having our wages reduced all our working lives with the goal of getting something back.
How nice to see the London mayor leading that march for women’s rights at the weekend. However I couldn’t help noticing his wife wasn’t there at such an important event for women. Maybe her hijab was in the wash, what a shame, I’m sure she would have loved to be there.
Khan is doing a miliband by declaring himself a feminist. It didnt work out too well for wallace. This was an anti trump march in all but name led by the usual lefty activists like annie lennox and bianca jagger. We get the big one on wednesday which i’m sure the beeb will have plenty of reporters embedded amongst the sisters. Christ they are never happy and never will be happy no matter what we do for them. As for khan sort out the tubes which you are paid to do and not this sjw virtue signalling selfie taking shite.
“Khan is doing a miliband by declaring himself a feminist.” Perhaps Khan is considering his sex (or likely/potential)? Perhaps he is a closet “trans”. That would really upset the Muslim voters in London…………
Just trying to inject a little light relief after the endless Trump and Brexit bashing…soon to be Olympic sports if the Beeb have their way.
Arch lefties and devout pc feminists, Germaine Greer and Dame Jenni Murray have found themselves in a spot of hot water with the “trans community.” Both of these right on progressives have suggested that blokes who shave their legs, put on their wive’s frocks and then undergo “gender re-alignment” (AARGHHH!) probably aren’t true women. Who’d a thought it?
I find it almost equally amusing as I do tragic. Both these ladies (I’ll be in trouble for that) have made careers out of promoting the pc, liberal progressive agenda. Jenni often waffles for ages about the “glass ceiling” and unfairness in the job market, while presenting a programme that is only ever presented by women and is always produced by women. She seems blithely unaware of the irony.
Germaine has spent decades preaching about malevolent male dominance. She has been lauded by universities and fellow progressives and now finds herself a social pariah. She has been banned from speaking at certain universities (generation snowflake, again) and she’s even been called a bigot!
Now while I can take a little smug amusement at these two ladies (again!) discomfort I do find some of the men who believe they’re born in the wrong bodies quite tragic.
Early Saturday evening on the BBC they had Celebrity Mastermind. One of the contestants was Kelly Maloney, aka Mick Maloney, former boxing promoter. Christ what a sight. He tottered out on too high stilettos, bedecked with lush auburn syrup, masses of mascara and lip gloss and the beginnings of a five O’Clock shadow . Blimey, poor old Mick was hardly the answer to a maiden’s prayer when he was a bloke, but now…All I could think of was those wonderful old Les Dawson sketches when he played the old girl chatting over the garden wall. Mrs Brown looks like Abi Titmuss compared to poor old Kelly!
Anyway it’s made me think and I’ve decided I too was born in the wrong body.
Clearly I should have looked like George Clooney…
Jeff, lol !
Sadly, these ‘trans ladies’ end up looking like a cross between a pantomime dame and Dick Emery’s Mandy !
“They are women – just like you and me.”
Well, speak for yourself – last time I checked I still had a pair.
But also consider this: “Being trans is not about ‘sex changes’ and clothes – it’s about an innate sense of self.”
So, there you, Jeff. You can be George Clooney and have his body – you just have to think about it hard enough until it becomes your ‘innate sense of self’. And if you achieve it, well, just think of all those royalties from the coffee adverts.
P.S. And can you tell Amal to be a bit more selective in some of the cases she represents? Cheers.
I’m told from a reliable source that if you have a Y chromosome, you are male. End of.
No amount of surgery, cross dressing, psychological analysis etc etc can alter this.
“If you have a penis you’re a man. If you’re a man who cuts off his penis and pretends to be a woman, you’re still a man: albeit a very sick one.” Scoop Stanton.
If you can be bothered – the BBC isn’t by the way – to look at the economic policies espoused by the FN in France it is obvious that, except for its stand on immigration, the FN is a party of the left: even “extreme” left. Moreover, again if the BBC could be bothered, it’s obvious that the Conservatives here are what used to be called centre-left. There are no major parties in the UK of the “centre-right” although it might be (although I doubt it) that UKIP would qualify. As previous commenters have noted, the indigenous “extreme right” as a serious or even not so serious force in UK politics only exists in the fevered imagination of Paul Mason and his former colleagues at the BBC.
The only coherent “extreme right” in the UK is the political wing of Islam. That’s a misnomer by the way: there is, in fact, no political “wing” of Islam since it is, after all, in and of itself, a political ideology couched in terms of religious make-believe. Accordingly, you have a movement of the extreme right with not less than 2 million supporters and growing. The BBC though, as an article of its own extreme faith, prefers to treat Islam as wholly benign and its rare (according to the BBC) “extreme right” manifestations as a result of a mysterious process called “radicalisation”. Radicalisation – according to the BBC’s own medical encyclopaedia – is, analogously to sickle cell anaemia in those of West African descent, unfortunate but restricted to those who claim to be Moslem but aren’t “real” ones (presumably according to another BBC sacred text concerning religious beliefs).
The BBC’s insistence on treating Islam as a (actually the) manifestation of spirituality encompassing a beneficient search for understanding of the human condition and, not least, as a guide to civilised behaviour is a curious inversion of logic. However, it is not a surprising betrayal of common sense to those of us who have had exposure to marxist intellectual “reasoning” and are consequently used to viewing the logic-chopping somersaults of the academic and media wings of our political class who try to prove that black is white and Islam is the “religion of peace”.
I want to know where the conservative government the majority wanted has disappeared to? All we seem to have is neo socialist authoritarian know-alls. Regretably all actually know bugger all.
Woman’s Hour
Tmw : Michelle Obama’s head of staff
Wednesday : International Woman’s Day
Remind me just what it was that Michelle Obama did to get such a prominent position?
And doesn’t the answer to that make something of a mockery of ‘International Woman’s Day’?
BBC World Service – “Michelle Obama was very unusual as a dark woman married to a light man”. And there we have a new one, ‘Shade-ism’!
Apparently, dark equates with power and men, light equates with beauty and women. So there you go, people of colour being racist and sexist all in one go.
Shadeism already exists in West Africa where many men and women would like whiter skin and “skin-bleaching ” is widespread. Also some darker skinned Africans are prejudiced against the lighter-skinned ones. Don’t expect the BBC to highlight this , even if they knew about it, which I doubt they do. For Beeboids all black people are the same.
PS Don’t suppose the BBC emphasised that Obama’s mother was white ?
There’s a very interesting crime drama from 1959 called ‘Sapphire’ (available on Youtube). Set in London, it’s about a West Indian girl, the Sapphire of the title, who is a ‘high yellow’, ie someone with negro blood who can ‘pass’ for a white. She is disliked by some of her fellow West Indians because of this, and when her landlady finds out she is ‘coloured’ she is thrown out on the street. It’s a good expose of the absolute ridiculousness of colour prejudice, and if it were not for the divisive identity politics of the 1960s, the celebrations of Obama’s melatonin levels would be seen as the nonsense they are.
I remember Saphire.
During the 1930s/40s in the US it was known under the name of ‘passing’ were people would ‘pass’ as members of another race.
If you have time have a look at this movie – the link is for the complete movie – of a man who ‘passed’ as a white.
Its a heartwarming story with a happy ending designed to show that small town Americans are basically good folk. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
GWF – thanks for that. I have put it on my ‘watch later’ list on Youtube. I’m sure it’s better than most stuff on the BBC anyway.
I had never heard of that film. Must try and see it. I assume you mean “melanin” ? Mind you Obama’s speeches sent me to sleep !
I heard a story, probably true. A white model kept failing to get a contract from her agency, but one day she got the idea of buying the Big Black curly wig in the Joke Shop next to the agency, walked into the agency and got the biggest job of her life. They say you can still see her in TV adverts with a very jolly looking big grin on her face.
“Light skinned (Arab) Muslim males are permitted to have black females mainly as concubines but also as wives, but no black male is allowed to have any relations with light skinned (Arab) females.”
‘The Legacy Of Arab-Islam In Africa’ John Alembillah Azumah.
There is a good interview with Dr. Azumah on YouTube. You will certainly never see that on the BBC !
He is just not following the script !! White slave owners treated black slaves better than black Africans treated black African slaves and certainly better than Arabs treated black African slaves.
The real world and real facts just do not fit into the BBC fake news and fake history.
PS. I am just re-watching it. Amazing interview. Al, I haven’t read the book but will try and get round to it. Most black Africans do not do Political Correctness !
Michelle Robinson was a rather dark, large lady whose marriage to the light skinned, slim and gay politician Barack Obama was arranged by their mentor Jesse Jackson and the Rev Wright, who was well known for finding wives for black men who were discreetly gay.
Obama’s gayness was well known amongst his circle in Chicago, but has never been mentioned in the MSM. Of course, if President Trump so much as looks at a woman it’s a sex scandal, but that’s the way the world works.
Don’t take this too seriously, but the internet is wild with stories that Michelle is really Michael, and Bath House Barry was widely known for his attraction to males.
I have no reason to think that Michelle Robinson is anything other than a female. But it would appear that Barack Obama was and is gay, and their marriage is a political one.
There are no rumours that Donald Trump is gay (obviously), nor George Bush (either of them), Bill Clinton (obviously), Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy (obviously) etc etc etc ad infinitum. But there are persistent and compelling stories about Obama’s gay past, and his liking for bath house encounters. They don’t come from nowhere.
Maybe he will come out in these memoirs he is being paid $60 million for. I’d love to see the financial engineering behind what may be the biggest bribe ever given to an American president for services rendered.
I just listened to ” Code Severe” The inside story of UK terrorist attacks. It was very interesting, if politically correct, for at NO time were we told that the perpetrator was a Muslim.He was suspected by a visiting lecturer at his college that he was up to no good when he asked which biological agents could kill. He was reported to the college by the lecturer . But I expect they were too busy organizing an Israeli Boycott to do anything about it and report it to the police.
Thankfully just before he was about to blow himself up and take scores of others with him
at a Bristol shopping centre a one in a hundred chance happened , a fellow Muslim reported him to the police. Right at the end we heard that he said that it was all the internet’s fault. The BBC website will take you to this Podcast,
The BBC Wall of Propaganda doesn’t even stop when the sun goes down.
It’s virtue, virtue, virtue, signalling.
– Switched on R5 at 5am and they were going on about Women coping when your husband goes transgender.
Over the BBC World Service – and they are doing Trump Bashing.
What else is on Radio4=Radicals today ?
– 9:00 Start The Week – Full on Trump bashing
– 9:45 Book of the week is stuck in a cycle of virtue signalling to African-Americans : this week about Nina Simone’s Civil Rights campaigning.
– 16:00 : Writing the Caribbean : Trinidadian writer and actor Elisha Efua Bartels talks to novelists and poets across the Caribbean
– 20:00 : Mary Beard on Women in Power
– 20:30 How do the SNP sell a second referendum ? (I guess : By not mentioning that Scotland has no money)
Then Next Saturday 21:30 Radio 3 “A musical exploration by transgender women of voice and gender. ”
Other news – Security forces have found the remains of the German sailor in the recent beheading video.
Other, other news – A source has disclosed and the BBC has learned that Trump may have murdered several unidentified people and disposed of the bodies somewhere. The Democrats might call for a Congressional Hearing, an FBI investigation, and the appointment of a Special Prosecutor. Although no evidence has been produced, a BBC source says, “this is a very serious piece of fake news and we are taking it very seriously in a very real way.”
Fake news, eh?
One needs a guide, clearly.
From Buzzfeed.
Twitter this morning was interesting. Many journalists stoutly defending ‘reporting’ based on ‘sources’ they refuse to identify, based on their ;integrity’.
More than matched by this in counter saying they no longer have any to fall back on.
I think it could be in terms of say they were killed by “Her Majesties Forces” therefore the Queen has murdered many hundreds of people since 1952.
While tens of thousands are being killed every year in Mexico, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Some must have been killed by US forces since Trumps inauguration would mean that he has joined the Queen as a legally sanctioned murderer. But Obama was far far worse.
Please note the, ‘Other, other news’ is genuine fake news!
Today, the BBC are rolling out Jon Sopal at Southampton Uni – The truth, the post truth, and nothing but no truth, so help me God. Common purpose here?
Lecture Title:
“The truth, the post truth, and nothing but no truth, so help me God”
Hillary Clinton was at the centre of a paedophile ring, the Pope backed Trump, the Feds were investigating Clinton for conspiracy to murder. She was also supplying arms to ISIS. They were just some of the totally fictitious stories that gained traction during the election of 2016. A mixture of appalling mendacity, Macedonians who wanted to make money, Russian agents who wanted to make mischief, and soulless computer algorithms on social media all combined. But how much of a role did they play in propelling a disillusioned and angry American public to vote for Donald Trump? And he won the popular vote too. Or he would have done if it hadn’t been for 5 million illegal immigrants voting for Hillary Clinton. Or is that a fiction too?
In this lecture Jon Sopel, the BBC’s North America Editor, will look at the challenges facing the conventional, fact based, impartial, traditional media.
Be ironic if the students rioted and he was disinvited to avoid further unrest.
I wonder if he’ll take questions, and if so from those at the front or carefully selected?
As an ex student from Southampton I got this in an email a couple of weeks ago. Promptly binned it after thinking in was a joke. Sopal + Truth = wtf???!!!!hahaha! Impartial traditional media in his terms would probably be the North Korean woman newscaster celebrating rocket launches or Pravda in the Soviet Era under Stalin.
I haven’t heard of these fake stories, but I would have thought that Bill Clinton was at the centre of a paedophile ring, the Pope backed Hilary, the Feds were investigating Clintons emails. She was also supplying arms to Saudi Arabia. Also, Russian agents have blocked Soros attempts at voting machine fraud. Or, investigations finding that many illegal immigrants in Virginia, voting for Hilary Clinton.
I’ve been wondering if the US president was withdrawn John(another beauty ) Sopels White House accreditation. After listening to months of anti trump smirking by Sopel I couldn’t blame him.
As I read through comments by friends on this blog about the daily propaganda content of “Today” and BBC breakfast I wonder, in all sincerity , it there anywhere else to go for a fairer (not perfect) news channel? I am worried that when I listen to “Today” I am either going to blow a blood vessel or die laughing at some of the painfully PC content. ….
Lastly – if you are one of the journos or BBC employees who like to read what we think of their vibrant inclusive diverse work would you be good enough to comment? No need to declare your real name but obviously it would be nice to talk to us ( I know I’m risking a really good p…take – just a thought…)
Beeboid trolls used to post here quite regularly but have been quiet in the last few months. Shame , they always made me laugh with their total lack of humour !
In other news…
‘She may, however, have a word about including some more women, somewhere”
Maybe Emma Watson in a bikini and sash, holding up the laps on cards?
At least he was not called Ahmed. Tracking him down would have been a ‘mare.
Great. Information and education filtered by Captn. Birdseye.
What they clearly need is more walls.
Phew. Could have been awkward.
There was a women’s march in London? WTF! I failed to notice. I might have liked to join that if it had been an anti-Sharia, anti-FGM march. Or a stop-the-mosque-building-in-London march. Or a thank-you President Trump & Geert Wilders for speaking out for women’s freedom march. How about a stop-Muslim-rape march? Something worth kicking up a fuss about.
I see that it wasn’t anything so sensible.
I don’t want “gender-equality” because I don’t have a penis & I don’t want one thank you.
NO marching. Sadiq Khan & Annie Lennox can swivel!
And a Pro Life march. I have real trouble with the constant, “the Government can’t tell me what to do with my uterus”. We hear this all the time on ‘Woman’s Hour’ and such.
They do not actually say, “Yeah, so it’s ok for me to be completely irresponsible with my own uterus, create and destroy create as I wish.”
These are the same SJWs who bang on endlessly about the injury caused by none PC words. I don’t get it, and the words, blinkered, selective and hypocritical seem hardly adequate.
I just googled International Women’s Day Wednesday and came up with this.
Not my cup of tea I am British and not a moslem
The girl at the bottom left is taking a selfie. Why ? how will she recognise herself ?
Brissles, she could have gone the extra mile…….
Former Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, calling for people to even lay down their lives in order to remove Trump.
Meanwhile, some very dodgy things done as Obama officials were going out the door.
Over here, because of pollution we must give up the internal combustion engine which is the best idea since nappies for dogs.
Hurry hurry, get your ‘Instant Pot’.
“Instant Pot has become a veritable craze, a success built through social media word-of-mouth instead of traditional TV or print advertising.” Not anymore thanks to Jessica Murphy. I’m trying hard to see how this differs from those printed ‘This is an advertisement’ headed features but it’s not easy. “With prices starting from $80 (£65) for the most basic model,…”
If this isn’t an advert then why do we need to know that? Are comparable countertop appliance’s available and will they be getting licence payer funded plugs too?
As pointed out at the start of this thread, the BBC is desperate to establish an equivalence between the so called far right and the hundreds of Muslims in our country who, at any point are plotting acts of mass violence . On Daily Politics. We have the Muslim convert and terrorist sympathising Yvonne Ridley on her ‘ soapbox ‘ with a totally skewed narrative . What a sick joke perpetrated by our allegedly national broadcaster .
Hypocrisy has replaced honour and perfidy, patriotism.
The left at it’s very best.
Exactly. On Sky this morning the Asst Commissioner of the Met appealed for the public to help the anti terrorist branch, he darent say , for PC reasons, that he really wanted Muslims to help the police much more than they are, but that was what he meant. He also said that there currently 500 ongoing terror related investigations . I doubt that more than 1% will be not Muslim related. Then the BBC have this woman talking about pigs heads and the growth of the far right attacks on Muslims. Perhaps she thinks that because we are , at least, nominally Christians, we should just turn the other cheek while these Muslim barbarians attack us at will. It is so unbalanced as to verge on the insane and yet the BBC gives her a platform.
Misleading on R4 Y&Y just now
Winifred let the Leeds Uni guy say
“Small new diesel cars CAN be as dirty as a fully laden lorry”
He only means in NOx… the most harmful part of pollution is particulates.
It’s wrong of them not to mention that context.
He said a new Polo is 13 times cleaner than new Passat. I presume cos in the Passat they’ve gone to extra expense of fitting something like AdBlue tech.
The Polo doesn’t need it cos it still meets Euro6 standards in the lab so is legally compliant.
I’ll take your word for it ! I have posted before that the BBC do not do science so they have no way of knowing whether any scientific information is reliable. But they do not care so long as it fits with their political agenda. Beeboids are truly ignorant people.
@Grant the follow up question
“But that wouldn’t include the lorry’s red diesel refrigeration which can put out 100x more NOx ?”
I never got beyond A-level Physics and Chemistry but I don’t suppose most journalists even know what these chemicals are , let alone what effects they can have on the environment. For them, these are just words.
Do these BBC science editors have a background in science? From my experience science students rarely attended the Socialist Society meetings when the BBC came around looking for graduates.
The BBC “Science Editor ” is David Shukman with degree in geography from Durham University. I really can’t think of many science graduates who go into journalism.
I would doubt any morons employed by the BBC would know this but my understanding is that any newly formed dust particles are very sharp, and can therefore cut and kill cells, and can keep cutting and killing cells until they are blunted. In the lungs this can increase the probability of Cancer. This also why new Asbestos particles cause Cancer.
Vauxhall plants in the UK have had uncertainties hanging over them for many years. GM Europe has made losses and has faced the same issues of overcapacity now to be addressed by PSA, the new owners of GM Europe. Despite this, the BBC continually tries to form a link between Vauxhall jobs and Brexit. In effect the BBC correspondents tell us that the Government is deceiving us by saying that the two UK plants have a future. The link that the BBC have found is twofold. Sterling depreciation makes UK plants less profitable because they import so many components. Secondly, UK labour laws make it easier to close plants and shed jobs.
Neither of these factors has a direct link to Brexit. Both sterling depreciation and UK labour laws predate the June 23 Referendum. So it’s not down to Brexit. The fact is that if we allow foreign companies to own UK businesses then their security is much reduced. Foreign governments and managements have no special affinity for the UK. Again , this is a long established phenomenon that successive governments have chosen to ignore. Why can’t the BBC be more honest about Brexit.?
Brexit gives us the chance to encourage the growth of UK owned businesses . It gives us more freedom to block foreign takeovers. We become less dependent on foreign owned assembly operations that are so import dependent and make so few exports that sterling depreciation reduces rather than increases their profits . Get your economics reporters to look at these things instead, BBC.
And, while we are at it, is it really right than anyone can buy unlimited amounts of land in the UK ?
RE Vauxhall. The BBC saying the import costs of components has increased due to exchange rates is only partially true. Sourcing components over a Europe wide supply chain maybe. But there are other countries where components can be sourced at cheaper costs. Whilst I was working on several logistics automotive projects components could be sourced from China, India and Brazil for 30%-50% less than the EU or US equivalents. In Japan the suppliers are small scale private companies sited close to the main plants with long term agreements with the OEMs. Nothing to stop UK based operations using these models except politics and, as pointed out by EE, foreign ownership of UK businesses.
The RemainBBC strategy is to blame anything potentially negative on Brexit. If Aliens invade the Earth tomorrow, we will defo be told its because they are insulted by Brexit. Even when UK triggers Article 50 (later this month!) the negotiations will go on for 2 years minimum. The RemainBBC strategy will only intensify. So good to call them out on it whenever we see it.
I don’t believe the BBC has any true economics reporters. The BBC now only has people who give opiniosn in support of the editorial policy. That’s how they were able to have people like ultra-left Paul Mason (music graduate) as economics editor on Newsnight.
If BBC had true economists, they would point out that a large part (most) of the depreciation of sterling since the vote is due to the BoE policies on interest rates and QE. They would also know that a lower currency is good for manufacturing industry like automobiles. Period. It’s the foundation of the continuing success of the German car industry where the Euro is far lower than the Deutsmark would have been. Hell, we might even start to make the parts in UK instead of importing cheap ones from the expensive moribund EU nations.
Don’t knock Paul Mason. He has given the left a complete set of gobledegook talk surrounding his blather about neo liberalism.
View at
The RemainBBC strategy is to blame anything potentially negative on Brexit. If Aliens invade the Earth tomorrow, we will defo be told its because they are insulted by Brexit. Even when UK triggers Article 50 (later this month!) the negotiations will go on for 2 years minimum. The RemainBBC strategy will only intensify. So good to call them out on it whenever it is seen.
I don’t believe the BBC has any true economics reporters. The BBC now only has people who give opiniosn in support of the editorial policy. That’s how they were able to have people like ultra-left Paul Mason (music graduate) as economics editor on Newsnight.
If BBC had true economists, they would point out that a large part (most) of the depreciation of sterling since the vote is due to the BoE policies on interest rates and QE. They would also know that a lower currency is good for manufacturing industry like automobiles. Period. It’s the foundation of the continuing success of the German car industry where the Euro is far lower than the Deutsmark would have been. Hell, we might even start to make the parts in UK instead of importing from the expensive but moribund EU nations.
The BBC do not do :-
1. Economics
2. Business
3. Finance
4. Science
5 . History
The list is endless. But what they do best is bullshit and they are the masters !
BBC “journalists” don’t need expertise in any of those fields. Their job is to top and tail press releases from organisations with the correct (I almost said right, but that would never do) political opinions. On Brexit the press releases come from Remain supporters, on AGW they come from the anti-CO2 lobby, on American politics they come from the Democrats. You don’t need to be an expert to write “The BBC has learned” before the first paragraph of what you’ve been given. It might help if you can write a short summary of a document you don’t understand, which is probably why the BBC likes to employ graduates with a degree in English Literature.
Sadly, I think you are probably right, I meant correct !
On Youtube , I just watched BBC Hardtalk. The nasty and rather dim Stephen Sackur interviews Marine Le Pen. First time I have seen a longish interview with her. Very clever lady and easily swats Sackur away. Funny bit when he tries to pretend he knows more about France and the French than she does. Typical Beeboid, ignorant, arrogant and rude.
The important thing to remember about lefties is that no matter how stupid they are they have a passionate desire to tell people what they should think. The first rule of the right should be if somebody on the left is offended that is not a reason for not offending them. The left are not a protected species, if they get upset that is not a reason for not offending them. It is like an infant. Do not provoke them just for the sake of it, but if they have a tantrum do what you think is the right thing to do, regardless of the screaming. As they get older they become more of a physical threat, but the principle remains the same. Do not give in to people just because they want their own way.
Yes, they are just like selfish little children who never grow up.
Here’s the link for anyone else who might be interested. Sackur is toe-curlingly ghastly, the stuffed shirt’s stuffed shirt.
Thanks for the link. Sackur is a pathetic creature, but that is par for the course for Leftists. Marine has got more balls than he will ever have. Can’t quite remember if his wife is Arab muslim or not.
Brilliant, Tom, many thanks. The closed mind of the BBC versus a passionate and intelligent Frenchwoman. Suspect there’s some cruelty legislation that covers it.
there is absolutely no reason or precedent that substantiate the idea that obama may have been involved with bugging people
BBc 18:00 and the assault on diesel ratchets up. Is it coincidence this agenda has been flagged up just before the budget?
North West tonight jumps on the air pollution bandwagon somewhat predictably taking a sideswipe at petrol engines, before concentrating on diesel. Almost hysterical shock, horror outrage by the reporter. Out in the country side it’s almost as bad. So she takes a trip to talk to an expert in London. Who promptly blames pollution from Europe due to the weather. Helpful hints. Walk on the pavement as far as possible from the Road & walk on the side of the Road where cars are going downhill, so ignore walking into oncoming traffic so you can see what is coming remember air pollution is the killer. I imagine they will all be disappointed if diesel owners don’t get screwed in the budget “Rule 2
If there is no pavement, keep to the right-hand side of the road so that you can see oncoming traffic. You should take extra care and be prepared to walk in single file, especially on narrow roads or in poor light keep close to the side of the road.
It may be safer to cross the road well before a sharp right-hand bend so that oncoming traffic has a better chance of seeing you. Cross back after the bend.” Highway code for pedestrians.
BBC Website. I just keyed in search ” Sudan Arab Racism “. Result ” There are no results “. And we are paying £4 billion a year for the BBC ?
Great kid-thank the Lord they`re not all brainwashed.
Thanks for the link, just subscribed to him.
I have great hopes for ‘Generation Z’. The younger kids I know, all despise Third Wave Feminism, Cultural Marxism etc.
It’s quite natural for kids to rebel against their teachers, and all this generation has heard is whinging feminists and insane ramblings about ‘cultural appropriation, ’70+ genders’ etc.
Millennials were just a rogue generation of compliant drones.
7:30pm BBC1 Do you think they’ll be any SJW propaganda and Virtue Signalling
on Inside Out Regional editions ?
Guess what is on BBC1 7:30
Yep Every area #SoICanBreathe anti-diesel campaign
London also has elusive wildlife +’ghost signs’.
NWest – We investigate how bad pollution is in the north west, and ask what effect it’s having on the region’s health.
– And historical novelist Philippa Gregory turns detective as she unearths clues about the first black police officer in Britain who was based in Cumbria nearly 200 years ago.
– illegal off-roaders are damaging the Lake District landscape and threatening locals.
South West
East Mids – electric car in #miltonkeynes . We had a bit of trouble!
West Mids – “Ayo Akinwolere checks out plans to reduce air pollution in Birmingham. The city is on a final warning to cut pollutants in the air (dosen’t mention that applies to most EU cities), including microparticles emitted by diesel engines. Ayo travels to Munich in Germany to find out if controls there have worked and what lessons there are for Birmingham.”
South – South’s best #Castles #history #dorset #weymouth #portland
West – “cash-strapped students are working in the sex industry to help pay off their debts
– battlefields of the Somme + the study of bats is helping improve robotics.
More areas :
Some one points what the BBC ignore
“Why dont #bbcnews #insideout take responsibility for #outcastwives abandoned by Asian Brits as BBC push # #diversity & fight #travelban?”
NE – Are illegal off-roaders wrecking the Lake District fells? +behind the closed doors of the bespoke boxing club for Muslim women
South- actually something practical
“how high levels of pollution from the large ships using Southampton could be reduced to almost nothing”
East Mids – stuck for while cos couldn’t unplug electric car but was like advert
Sorry that West edition was last week
– Is the air we breathe slowly poisoning us? in traffic-choked Bath – with shocking results.
+ Disabled VS: wheelchair user Chloe Ball-Hopkins on her first night out ever in the pubs and clubs of Bristol,
+ remembering Alfred Fagon, Bristol’s forgotten playwright.
Ta Stew. When you list these stories, it only makes me scratch my head at what Moscow, Beijing or Pyongyang must think when they do their “Press Reviews” from London!
These stories get more and more incoherent,barking and downright loopy. We live too close to it all, and have possibly put up with this randomised rubbish as news for too long.
Perhaps they could help pollution levels if they were to stop promoting overpopulation with the entirely unsustainable importation of hundreds of thousands of extra people in to Britain each year, as well as the welfare programmes that encourage many to breed like rats.
Cars on the road increase by 600,000 in one year-BBC 20/01//2016 headline from the BBC webshite.Reasons? from the RAC; immigration and more women going to work. Meanwhile as a more mature diesel car owner my insurance goes up exponentially year on year, because more people are driving uninsured (presumably because of the high cost)…..
(fuckfuckfuckettyfuck)apols and…many thanks for allowing me to unload..x
“like rats”?
This is the new front that the beeb and the rest of the Msm are using in their fight to push their climate change agenda. Matthew wright who presents the inside out show has been pushing this clean air agenda relentlessly on his show on channel 5 since Khan came in last year. Hes a big fan and it was very noticeable when he ignored Zac Goldsmith in favour of khan by interviewing him on his show last year. Diesel is the new enemy but we will not mention that it was labour and the green nuts that pushed diesel on us but then that was a different time that has been flushed down the memory hole like 1997-2010. When they cant make enough money with this scam they will be back with a new ‘enemy’ to tax us even more. Its not just london that will be hit with this but many of the other cities throughout the uk.
“Aided by a politically correct culture of “tolerance”, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is secretly building a “parallel” society in Sweden by infiltrating organisations and political parties, a government report has concluded. Surprisingly, the document takes aim at “political elites” for fostering a doctrine of multiculturalism and silence, which can help and facilitate the nefarious ends of anti-democratic organisation like the Brotherhood”.
… and in Britain? in councils, education, social security, policing, local government, national level in fact every strata … now there IS a parallel
I know … I checked Al BBC Euro News, yep! tumbleweed!
Must have had to make room for this,
BBC – Eat-and-flee gang ‘hit second Spain restaurant’
The BBC tell me that Vauxhall cars is at threat-2,000 jobs to go.
The BBC ALSO tell me that cars are nasty-they make people choke with NOx.
The BBC DON`T tell me that Gordon Brown, the EU and all manner of Greenies like Friends of the Earth rather liked diesel once-heck, even gave the tax incentives to get us to buy diesel cars.
So BBC-given these two stories above-Vauxhall and diesel emissions-what the hell am I supposed to think?…I`m just watching the tumbleweed, awaiting whether to go with Roger Harrabin or Kamal Ahmed.
Times like these when I miss our old trolls…
Save the mines! Close the coal-powered power stations!
It seems like only yesterday that they were arguing for ‘sustainable growth’ – how does that work?
Yvonne Ridley gets lots of Al BBC airtime to spout “Muslims are the new Jews” and copious Taqiya on the Daily Politics soapbox,(who are forcing Jews to leave Europe Yvonne? … no one asks)
40mins – Poor P Whittle gets introduced with the intimation that UKIP are far right
Eh! what narrative?
The verbal shite spouted above, by Ridley to the ever Islamophile BBC
flies in the face of the facts, and data.
Note the MCBs Tahal Ahmads contribution.
9/11 – was that a hate crime?
7/7 – was that a hate crime?
In 2016 over 1300 were killed and over 2,500 were injured Worldwide in attacks carried out in the name of Islam?
Were they hate crimes?
Those figures sound a little conservative, ‘honour’ kilings alone, surely hate crimes motivated by anything but honour, run at about 5000 reported cases a year.
Muslims are the new Jews only if you believe that the Jews immigrated to Germany in the period 1939-1945 so as to take advantage of the free travel and accomodation on offer.
The lot of the Jew is to be barely tolerated; the lot of the Muslim is to barely tolerate the rest of us.
Jim, absolutely right. Also Muslims are the new Jews if the Jews of 1933-45 had been planting bombs, unprovoked, in shopping areas, airports, railway stations. And if they had been mowing innocent people down in cars, shooting the survivors, molesting and raping girls, boys and women. And if, in their ghettoes they had made policing an impossibility by attacking the emergency services, or if they had been committing a disproportianate amount of crime.
A nice irony today unmentioned by the mass bBBC focus today on car pollution.
For many years car drivers have been victimised by many councils who wish to reduce accidents, justifying their jobs by mentioning section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act. Their way of doing this is to ignore the statistics and focus on slowing traffic down, build-outs, speed bumps, draconian box junctions and traffic lights, often in an out-of-sync series. What did this achieve? Little or no reduction in accidents (because they are thus targetting low level causes of accidents). But what have they done? Create more traffic jams and stop-start traffic queues. Which cause much greater emissions. Which causes pollution. Which kills thousands more people than ever die on the roads by reason of conventional accidents..
The short term political correctness of unelected little Hitler traffic officers is thus proved to be killing many fold more people than they have saved.
But of course as usual the useless tossers at the bBBC cannot, or will not, join the dots.
Look North tonight had a report on the West Yorkshire Police anti-terrorism unit, it stressed the need to be vigilant in the county as the 7/7 bombers’ leader was from Leeds and “Britain’s youngest suicide bomber” hailed from Dewsbury; also the “far-right terrorist” Tommy Mair – WTF!
Neither the judge nor the police described Mair as a terrorist – just al beebus; its pals and a man trying to build some kind of peculiar career for himself, on the corpse of his murdered wife.
A terrorist used to be someone who engaged in an act of creating terror or fear amongst the public.
So the IRA phoning in false bomb warnings that result in buildings being cleared and normal life to be interrupted aims to cause fear or terror that anytime a bomb could go off. Repetition is a key part of creating terror, that and the unseen hand.
By this definition it is impossible for a lone wolf to be a terrorist if they get caught or killed. Their aim might have been to become a terrorist but in order to do that they have to ‘live to fight again’, but when? And that is the source of terror.
It is fo be hoped this ‘warning’ was a stiff one. They really sting.
Explains a lot.
You get a written warning at the BBC if you`re impartial then?
Don’t apologise Jenni, don’t apologise !!!! stand your ground, – last week it was Rod Stewart, and now its Jenni M, its sickening that we have to constantly watch our tongue. Funny how Free Speech is only relevant to certain sections of the community. Apologising for giving offence to all and sundy is becoming an anathema to our way of life; and is particularly insulting to the older generation who were brought up on good manners and would certainly be ‘told off’ by our Mums for being rude and impolite to people. We DO know how to behave actually – its the others !
I agree….someone must stand for their principles at some point! I’ve never listened to R4 and I’m proud of that, but I’m glad she and Germaine have dared to speak against some of this libtard BS. I also am a ‘live and let live’ type, unless it starts getting rammed down your throat, as with the BBC. Was mulling it over earlier, thinking that I’m ok with people transitioning, or dressing as the other sex, but then to try to force others to state that they are naturally occurring is just ridiculous. A transitioned man/woman cannot know how puberty is as a girl, how menstruation is, how pregnancy, miscarriage, breast feeding, etc, I could go on. Just as I cannot possibly know how a biological male feels during puberty, muscle and testosterone development, voice breaking, erection, ejaculation etc. I also think it’s interesting that by far the most examples are men to women….discuss!
Loobyloo, please!
Any paragraph that includes the words. “transitioned man” “erection, ejaculation” and “getting rammed down your throat” should come with a government health warning!
I’m an elderly, rather delicate and sensitive chap, sitting here with a mug of strong tea and and a soft boiled egg.
You’ve put me right off my soldiers…
So Crisp seller Gary Lineker
..never issued with any warning
Some animals are more equal than others ? #Groupthink
“So more Republican Party members are convicted of acts of indecency in toilets than are trans people”.
The (Now Show) audience clap and honk like so many seals signalling their willingness to be clubbed.
This is what passes for comedy on BBC radio. Just how many had to visit their overburdened A&Es in order to get their split sides sewn up is not known.
It’s late in the evening, this is just for fun.
This bloke’s really good. What I would call a real alternative comedian. He’s brave enough to ridicule those that the BBC never dare question. So unlike the safe and dreary left-wing herd all the others seem to be.
No doubt this talented young chap will be rewarded and he’ll be given his own show on Radio 4.
Oh, hang on…
LOL ! No chance of the BBC, but might just scrape into the Edinburgh Fringe.
Newsnight send Gabriel Gatehouse back home to Amsterdam to bemoan the lack of tolerance and diversity in Holland. Heck, Wilders is a populist and they might vote for him in Holland.
So poor Gabriel takes us back to squatter riots, to the days when welfare was the nutrient of diversity and creative happenings.
Who paid?…well does it matter says the BBC?
Noticed though that our hippy friends in their commune seemed-well “a bit white”. Oh why the lack of tolerance and diversity in good old Holland asks the BBC?
No mention of Pim Fortuyn or Theo Van Gogh, Ayaan Hirsi Ali though.
No excuses, no context allowed, The Dutch are racist, and the BBCs Islamic camel corps felt we needed to know it.
Seems to be not commonly known but all the stuff from Amazon, EBay, Next and even Baby GAP is transported in huge diesel powered trucks.
If only there was a way to harness the energy from liberal anguish?
Today the BBC started a campaign saying that the diesel cars is the new paedophile & directed the baying mob to them.
The official PR listing for BBC stop diesel project
PR experts are clearly backing off the Global Warming narrative
And regrouping around air pollution narrative as a strategy.
* I’m guessing that there has been some secret #soIcanbreathe meeting with the NGO PR guys again like 28gate *
Anyone going to do an FOI
Every live program me throughout the day had PR tricks stirring up hate against diesel.
Stuff like getting children to stand in front of school with placards etc.
This is wrong !
I have no objection to the Green Party participating in political campaigns, but the BBC is unelected and undemocratic it should not be driving politics.
Strangely BBC pension fund has a lot of Green shares especially Tesla
BUT BBC also has a lot of diesel vehicles ..and diesel generators !
Here is a graph showing the official UK trend, BBC never show it.
Green activists get carried away and routinely lie
Yes everyone knew already
Greenpeace got caught , good cartoon
Video: BBC.Question.Time.170302.Woman.-.Who.Will.Serve.Me.Coffee
Question Time audience member on EU nationals: ‘Who would be serving our coffee in Pret?’
Who will serve the lefties coffees then?
THAT`S the argument for globalisation according to a QT vox pop-clearly a public sector teacher or summat.
And todays questions that the BBC wanted me to stick around to get answers to at 8a.m?
1. Is the UK letting down its nurses?
2. Should we let non-white criminal juveniles off, rather than white ones?
3. Do we really want more grammar schools?
There WAS another one-but we`d already know the answer to THAT one too, as a fatuous rhetorical device. A BBC Investigation has discovered apparently….
Straight over to Classic FM…why listen to THIS?
Ha! bBBC defending Sweden’s admirable policies again…the ironies in this article! enjoy
The far-right website that secretly records journalists
Note use of far-right in title, which is their opinion
Now titled “The Swedish Trump fans…”
The BBC is still full of perverts and sexual predators, similar to the days of Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris and the like.
All day yesterday and still today (early morning) one of their top stories flagged up on their website was a lengthy article on the merits or demerits consideration of a young woman, Ms Emma Watson, exposing her breasts for some publication or other, in an article headlined “Is Emma Watson anti-feminist for exposing her breasts?”
They headlined the article on the BBC website frontpage as a leading story (it’s still there as of 5.00 am in morning), it was on their UK news frontpage, a link with a picture of Ms Emma Watson appeared to the side of every news item story clicked on.
They are fecking perverts wasting the British taxpayers money:
Caliphate – The BBC is totally obsessed with sex in all its forms from the normal to the totally aberrant. But cannot seem to get its head around the fact that in effect what it is doing in many cases is helping to sow the seeds of an unhealthy inquisitiveness in many young developing minds and also helping to foster a toleration of the intolerable providing it is in the name of sexual freedom.
Whilst no one is saying we should return to Victorian times. Young people should be allowed to develop their sexuality in their own way and are bright enough to seek their own information and not be under the influence of our state funded and self appointed “High Priesthood of Deviance” Encouraging all to “walk on the wild side” Just because they can. And of course if any licensed sponsored weirdy is a celebrity well thats even better.
The BBC knew about Saville for years and turned a blind eye because he was good for ratings and – Hey – These days anthing goes. As soon as they were outed on this they were out there distancing themselves from Saville and throwing unproven shit around at now “uncool” celebs such as Cliff Richard so no one could say, The BBC – yeah they support pervs.
And just like Mcavity the Mystery Cat – They were never there!
And here is another piece of pro-Islam, pro-nubile woman, anti-Trump propaganda bull crap – a video news item by the fake propaganda wing of the BBC featuring a pretty light skinned woman wrapped up in a stars and stripes Islamic hijab – claiming this represents the new face of the (Islamised) United States of America:
Before this they had another story with a young white woman in full burqa sat next to a transvestite – claiming this represents a new liberal United States of America:
They might as well have had sat alongside the transvestite a young man in full gestapo outfit – because both Nazism and Islam are totalitarian ideologies requiring 100% submission. I have been keeping an eye over the BBC website for the past three weeks and it is one piece of propaganda crap after another churned out like on a conveyer belt.
BBC Online News:
“”Are food bloggers fuelling racist stereotypes?””
“”Food media is predominantly generated by white people for white people, so when the subject veers toward anything outside of the Western canon, it’s not uncommon to see things generalised, exotified, or misrepresented.””
Whatever next, BBC? Racist chips? Far Right chips? Bacon Buttie Gangs? Rice Caliphates?
Does rice with chips embrace diversity?
Trump denies allegations that he doesn’t care for curry.
Good news for “beautiful young men” everywhere
I dont know whether anyone caught this little gem on this mornings BBC”news” BBC seem very pleased about it.
Judges should consider whether a young criminal has suffered discrimination as an ethnic minority before deciding their sentence, under a new guideline.
The Sentencing Council for England and Wales says offending may be partly a product of discrimination and “negative experiences of authority”
Whilst the crime is meant to be the starting point for sentencing- I am sure man of our more liberally minded judges will not need much encouragement to give what they consider more than the “due weight” to the offenders background “discrimination”
Basically what this does is gives the green light to any “youth” who commits a serious crime in this country to play the race card. As we also know that the strange genetics of many of the “asylum seekers” mean they are still children even in their thirties – Looks like many of them will have a “get out of jail free” card for life.
I guess its just “another brick in the wall” by the left to prepare us for invasion.
All I can say is Sweden here we come!
It just goes to show that despite a conservative government being in power, despite brexit, despite labour being hopelessly unelectable to everyone – the establishment still marches to the ‘ever leftward’ drumbeat.
There’s no party on the horizon willing to reverse any of it, (unless UKIP rises from the ashes) so intelligent people should probably think about emigrating – anywhere, where politicians still have a lick of sense. We are the frogs being slowly boiled, hop out of the pan while you can!
Do ITV have the same trouble as Trump with a version of the Deep State? They seem to be doing their level best to ensure the only news seen will be based on the BBC. Robert Moore reports from the US exclusively using Democrat sources (allegedly etc. for the lawyers) with an attitude of a trained BBC chipmunk. The 10pm news is shifted by the “frightfully” show in order to reduce viewership to less than a teenage blogger talking about food. What next?
The nightly show seems to have a fixation with tired old jokes about Donald Trump. Last night it was a crude “titometer” to insult Donald Trump with audience (i.e. luvvie morons) participation. Maybe a version with Till Death do us Part’s Alf Garnet should be set up in retaliation. For the presenter ,Jon Bishop, a “Scouse gitometer”.
Robert Moore is equally anti-Trump, as al beebus’ own creatures.
Anybody notice how Trump was more than likely to have paid some tarts to wee on a bed Obama slept in, yet Trump was more than likely telling porkies and deluded in saying his phone was tapped.. which story is more plausible!
Facebook ‘failed to remove sexualised images of children’
Some BBC staff have been using Facebook to find child abuse images “for research purposes (cough)” and then they got reported to the Police for distributing them!!!
Two questions..
1. Why are the BBC even looking for child abuse images?
2. Why are they then illegally distributing them?
Looks like nothing changes at the BBC even after Savile.
This is the first headline I saw on BBC News channel this morning.
“A senior MP criticises Facebook for it’s handling of reports about sexualised images of children following a BBC investigation”
The inference here IMO is that a BBC investigation has put a stop to some potential pedophile crime. Do they really expect people to believe this open suggestion that of all organisations the BBC works to expose crime against children? With everything we know about them? Come on now, really! How stupid do they think we are?
Posted here that the BBC have an unhealthy interest in children, unless they are being raped by muslim men, of course.
I have huge doubts about this story and do wonder if Facebook thought the BBC were setting them up. Facebook has to be one of the most surveillance heavy parts of the Internet. They attempt to make users use their real names , I’m sure they log all IP addresses but also they put no end of unique ID cookies on your PC so they can track the other websites your visit via adverts.
In other words you would have to have a death wish of you used Facebook to either upload or view this material.
I think any BBC attack on Facebook is just part of their attack on anything which is not MSM and they can’t control. I think that, so long as you stick to politics, Fb has a pretty light touch. In addition, Mark Zuckerberg’s politics are not entirely clear, which would antagonise the BBC.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter whether the BBC is biased or not . When Corbynista shadow front benchers put themselves up for interview , they are usually so appallingly stupid that they destroy their own case. Cue Angela Rayner, being interviewed on Today by John Humphrys about the allocation of more money for free schools that can be selective . Rayner’s poor grammar and inability to sustain a logical argument destroyed her credibility . Yet this woman has the education brief!
Yes, that ridiculous woman to whom John Humphreys said, “I understand you don`t want to debate with Toby Young”…..
So there we have it…. a shadow minister refusing to debate with an opponent, aided and abetted by the BBC, though I think even Humphrys was becoming exasperated with her refusal to answer his question about Labour Party policy on closing existing grammar schools.
A British politician being enabled in refusing to debate with an opponent…what a dismal state of affairs in a democracy.
Well, Dirty Harry did say “a man’s got to know his limitations”. If she has had the basic common sense to realise that she is quite stupid, and stands no chance in a debate with Toby Young, at least she has some basic self awareness. That’s more than 90% of politicians can ever manage.
Obviously, she is still a gormless waste of space who is not up to her job. Take that as read. It’s called the Diane Abbott constant.
What do I get ?
A fine incident of misunderstanding in a vox pop interview on tv news this morning which goes to illustrate how left-leaning media, led by the BBC, tend to skew the political system toward fiscal incontinence.
Our Steph McGoven visits a sausage factory (don’t snigger, it’s not a joke) where she does a short interview with a personable young woman on the production line. Our Steph’s BBC editors are pushing the issue of ‘affordable childcare’.
Quite why we as a society would want to heavily susidise one group of young women to care for the pre-school children of another group of women – just so that the first group can be more cheaply employed by the sausage manufacturer – that’s the question we ought to want answered.
Anyway, of course the sausage worker wants cheaper child care. Perhaps our Steph might have asked : but what if your hubby has his taxes increased to pay for it? Instead so as to add ‘balance’ our Steph invites her interviewee to put herself in the Chancellor’s shoes and suggest what spending in this era of huge public debt and deficit she might cut in order to pay for her child care.
But Steph phrases the question awkwardly and the woman she is asking has perhaps been distracted by the reporter’s previous bold prying into her personal finances (not something the BBC encourages with the sob stories of benefits claiments – but I digress). McGoven (you know her – she’s the Geordie with the rather manly frame and the dark eye shadow, giving her the look of – well, if not the bride of, at least Frankenstein’s first date).
“What sacrifices elsewhere would you make to pay for child care?” The woman gloriously misunderstands and rather than considering the red national budget suitcase she thinks of her own family finances. “Well there’s not much we could sacrifice, we have an old car, don’t have expensive holidays…”
Steph’s alloted time is short and there’s no fixing the gaff – there’s a spokeswoman for the left-leaning Rowntree Trust cued up for interview.
It just goes to show the public have been conditioned to think – as Pete Shelley once wailed for a generation “What do I get?” Well, you get Retail Politics. Pork Barrel Politics. And a massive debt to pass onto your children – that’s if you take time off work to have any.
AISI – you have illuminated one of the core problems in our society – women having to work as well as their husband to provide sufficient income to have a “standard” of living for them and their children worth the name.
I think that a lot of the malaise in our country wouldn’t exist if there were more stable, self-supporting family units in it.
“The criterion of a just wage is not how far down you can drive it – it is a function of the family.
The criterion of a just wage, is whether a man by himself can support a wife and children on his salary.”
E. Michael Jones.