Off the Al BBC Christmas Card list? … permanently.
This guy has been sidelined for quite a while, expect that to turn to total character assassination and vitriol from now on.
You could say, “once burned” … should be the same here with our any place in government until all aspects of sharia are banned, and enforced.
We can’t have these uppity Negros wandering too far off the plantation and making something of themselves.
They should be patronised, treated like helpless children, and kept on benefits in their housing projects, in exchange for government benefits.
Mice – hence why the BBC likes to encourage “rap” music when engaging with dem kidz. All dat bling, rock and Hoes. Definately shows black “yoof” in the best possible light. Shows that they all need liberal “guidance” to help them engage in polite BBC society!
It sounds as though Ben is new to some of you. So here’s a bit more info.
Ben Carson was the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland from 1984 until his retirement in 2013. As a pioneer in neurosurgery, Carson’s achievements include performing the only successful separation of conjoined twins joined at the back of the head, pioneering the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the womb, performing the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins, developing new methods to treat brain-stem tumors and reviving hemispherectomy techniques for controlling seizures. He became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the country at age 33. He has received more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees, dozens of national merit citations, and written over 100 neurosurgical publications. In 2008, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.
BBC News Video – “My president never says anything that’s stupid’
“You wouldn t let this guy drive you over the cliff, would you? … Gollum Davis
Everyone knows (laughs) he lied about numbers at the inauguration compared to Obama”
“OK Positive Discrimination and Diversity Dept. We have been told to fill a position for a sports news presenter. Asmir have you got the
list of applicants? John Smith, degree in sports science,local radio etc etc. No we don’t want
a white male. In fact we don’t want any males. The sooner we get rid of Gary Lineker ,the better! So it’s down to women. The qualification is simple. She has to be ethnic. Any knowledge of sport is irrelevant.”
I was wondering why there weren’t any hijabs helping to sort through the sausages.
They must have been pork because Auntie can’t normally help but depict a hard-working Muslim on screen.
BBC used the word #Kashmiri Muslim when he was denied the visa. But when he molested a minor girl in USA, they called him an Indian Athlete.
— KashmiriPandits News (@kpnewschannel) March 7, 2017
What a pity she doesn t question anyone else in politics with the same patronising sneer, and she appears to need a deaf aid
enemedia – business as usual
Sorry Paul, but Angela Rayner was spouting slogans, wouldn`t answer questions on policy and, according to the BBC, would not “debate” with an opponent.
Incompetence isn`t a working class female attribute.
Rayner won’t live in her constituency which says a lot, as many other Labour MPs won’t live in the shit they champion. She lives several miles away in Stockport, which has no overall control for the council, and has four parliamentary constituencies two of which are Labour, but the other two are Tory.
As Rayner doesn’t publicise her home address its difficult to know which MP represents her. Stockport is a Borough with one of the lowest takes of asylum seekers and migrants, unlike her constituency.
Evan Davies reveals his racism – yes racism – in an interview with Diamond and Silk, two colourfull supporters of Trump. Watch him laugh at each remark, snigger his way through his childish questions. Ha ha, you can see it on his face, these two black women are so stupid to this white BBC leftie. But the ladies nail him for left bias and failure to grasp that Trump has widespread support.
Great to see Evan getting his balls chewed by 2 sassy black girls. Love it when of of them said “You people of the Left ” ! I wish some Brits would give Beeboids the same treatment.
The progressives are the real racists here. They have never been able to comprehend that an American is an American first irrespective of his or her’s race. They are also often Christian which is another source of irritation to the progressive.
Evan Davis is particularly crass nearly all the time. Those girls had him nailed from the start.
Another gem was the Gabriel Gatehouse report from Holland. Supposedly a view on Geert Wilders and the impact of the far right on all sensible, balanced and liberal Dutch – the Boers, apartheid etc nothing to do with the argument, carry on, nothing to see here – so apparently this angel spent his childhood in the liberal paradise of Amsterdam, running free in flower strewn streets – except, oops, when the riot police were baton charging the squatters in cobblestone strewn streets. Who edited this programme? Verging on the balanced, should do better. Anyway, at least it kept Wilders in his box, hardly mentioned.
Different subject – and one which may have been covered and I missed it, sorry – while our usual favourites are foaming at President Trump’s perfidy at suggesting poor dear Barack tapped his phone, was it really only three years ago that Angela Merkel’s phone was tapped? And didn’t the then POTUS authorise the tap? Now I might need a bit of help here, but I feel sure Donald Trump wasn’t President three years ago – was he?
Another beauty eh Beltane?
Did you note that the communards in the Amsterdam squat seemed not to include any diverse migrants-Gabriel would have liked that, but he found none? Looked like PLENTY room for a migrant camp-but maybe the gay druggie lifestyles with dog poo doesn`t appeal.
No mention of Pim Fortuyn, Theo Van Gogh either-let alone the shootings,stabbings on the Paris-Amsterdam overnight train.
A great piece of telly. The two ladies wiped the floor with him, and all the ninny could do is wrigggle on his nipple ring..or is it rings?
But my darling Sebastian Gorka took him to pieces from an intellectual viewpoint.
He`s an Ealing Comedy Creative-poor Evan Davis, in contrast ; comes out as Norman Wisdoms bum fluff.
So whether it`s “Big Seb”…or the “girlz from da hood”-both extents of sensible American worldviews can agree that Davis is a biased tit!
Sorry-yet more on my guy at the moment!
Boy, we dodged a bullet thanks to the American people voting for THe man who`s currently clearing IS out of Syria and Iraq. Does ANYBODY think that IS would be on the run now had we not got Prsident Trump voted in?
Expect no credit given to either him or Putin though…so what WE know. IS wanted Obama and Clinton-and they knew it!
Superb ! To quote my hero , Private Jones ” They don’t like it up ’em “. Funny how Boy Evan’s voice rose by a few octaves during the interview. We all know that Beeboids do not do irony , but the Boy calling Trump “childish” is laugh of the day for me so far.
Evan – at 2:42 what is actually “really striking” is the way you wrap your right arm across your torso and tighten your shoulders, as you realise that your interviewee isn’t going to be talked down to and is in fact politely tearing you a new one.
Quite right. Scum like the Boy Evan simply do not understand patriotism and just sneer at it. And , of course, they are racist. Black Lefties are ok, Black Righties are bad. So racists like Davis are saying that , if you have black skin , you should be Left Wing. He is a racist.
I don’t understand why the BBC can’t influence people to its way of thinking.
There’s Evan laughing his socks off at 2 people who disagree with him and his colleagues. Sniggering when they dare disagree with him, referring to the man they voted for as Stupid. Why do so few watch Newsnight or change their minds following a BBC item on any subject?
Speaking as someone who voted for Brexit, I have discovered from the BBC that I am stupid, ignorant, didn’t understand the question, have changed my mind since the vote, am racist and full of hate. Or, might I have a different view to that of the closeted Guardian readers in the BBC?
And Davies attitude right there is the very reason that gave us brexit last june and Donald in November and yet he still doesnt get it. His sniggering superior arrogance towards these two ladies is off the scale. And hes still banging on about the numbers at the inaugeration yet these two ladies were there on the day.
It has also been shown that the photos broadcast were taken some hours before the inauguration. Someone also pointed out that most Trump supporters would be working that day.
Life is scary according to the bbc
We don’t eat the right food and now not enough of the right food
We eat / drink too much sugar
We drink too much alcohol
We don’t get enough exercise
We weigh too much
We smoke too much
The NHS is at crisis point
Despite all this we are living longer
Old people caused brexit and are pariahs in society
We don’t have enough money to look after our pariahs
We pollute the air too much
We pollute the sea too much
Our roads are crap and if that’s not bad enough we have too many cars
If that’s not bad enough our railways suck as well
Don’t fly it’s too noisy and too polluting
We don’t have enough houses
Houses are too expensive and nobody wants to build cheap ones
We don’t have enough money to live
We don’t have enough money to retire
The police are institutionally racist for stopping and searching people who statistically commit most crimes
Our cellular networks are great, no, change that, they suck
Social media is the best thing ever
Our children can’t get a proper night’s sleep and can’t perform at school because of too much social media, but is doesn’t really matter because our education system sucks anyway
Social media allows bullying
Social media allows sexual exploitation
Come to think of it, social media sucks too
We are melting the polar ice caps
We will all get frazzled and become extinct
The whole world is starving but we must spend billions finding out if there is water on Mars so the blue peter science department has something to write about
Globalisation is wrong but those who want to change it are wrong too
The country is creaking under the weight of the population but we must let more people in
We catch too many fish but we can’t eat them because they are full of plastic pellets
Bradley Wiggins is guilty
Mo Farah’s coach is innocent
UKIP losing is more newsworthy than Labour winning
Winter storms must now be named to make them more scary and subliminally validate the climate change theory
Our armed forces are insufficient in numbers to defend us but who cares, we don’t like them anyway because of what they did to those nice young men in the IRA and those crazed Iraqi terrorists
Social media is responsible for Islamic radicalisation and terrorism, not the koran, but deporting crazy muslim preachers violates their civil rights
Prisons are full (of phones, colour TVs, Playstations, drugs, takeaway food and the odd prisoner)
We should now consider letting the burglars, rapists, paedophioles that the under-funded police force manages to convict get off with community service
A travel company is to blame for the Tunisian beach massacre
yada yada yada
Well you’re not scaring me, you’re not brainwashing me. I’ve got your number.
I’m waiting for President Trump to refer to what’s going on in Sweden again, more for the stark contrast by the BBC and other media –
New BBC One ‘Oneness’ station ident featuring the volunteer Brecon Beacons Mountain Rescue Team – appart from the adorable black and white dog, the rest of the team is looking hideously white.
Bit of explanation required. The photo-shoot was very early morning, the two muslim team members are praying behind the Landrover and don’t like to be associated with the dog anyway. The Nigerian driver is not allowed to leave the wheel, in case of emergency call-outs, and the person of mixed race, front right, is showing signs of low blood pressure from being at extreme altitude.
I have been volunteering with two local organisations for over 10 years. In that time I have met probably 500 plus volunteers. Apart from two, all are white.
Wonder why that is?
Top comment has a nifty share on BBC persons of interest:
A Muslim when being marketed as. a victim by @bbcnews and then an Indian when reporting him as sexual molester – Fluid identity politics!!!
The poor frozen looking people who turn their backs and wade into the sea are all white too. Are the all leaving to emigrate somewhere else and shouldn’t the navy be their to pick them up and take them to their choice of promised land?
Just finished this stunning account of the threat of IS as given in a lecture by Dr Sebastian Gorka. The likes of Evan Davis and Andrew Neil really need not waste his time, but they do.
Still though-thank the Lord THIS man is in the US State Department now…as opposed to a creep like John Kerry.
You need no other analysis re the threat of IS…so stuff the BBC.
If this guy thinks Islamic Jihad can be defeated then he isn’t an expert and he is seriously deluded.
He cannot fight the massive amount of funding coming out of the Middle East, and he cannot defeat the billions of Muslims for whom Jihad is the sixth pillar of Islam.
I posted this link last week which shows that well over 50 Million Muslims 14% find violence in the way of their faith completely acceptable, and over 100 million thought that 9/11 was a good thing.
No one is going to be able to defeat this unless they put an end to the horrible religion, and there are over 1.5 billion of them.
Sorry but it’s not going away, and the only certain way for us to be safe would be to ban Muslims from our country – and that’s not going to happen either !
Fair comment Thoughtful, but I`m more optimistic.
1. Don`t think he`d disagree re your wish to quarantine Islam from the civilised world,
2. He does give the Soviet parallel, Communism collapsed without a gun being fired-but there again,full-blown Communism wasn`t a staple and liberal Trijan Horse in our major cities, in our media and culture-as Islam now is.
3. If we knew or cared about Israel and the Judeo-Christian that we once were steeped in-then his theological arguments and rationale would be easier for us. As things stand, he seems as anodyne as Farage re Islamic theological underpinnings. We have no such excuse have we?
Good to see that highly regarded bastion of balance and fair play, Meera Syal – described as a comedian in the Radio Times – feels that ‘TV has gone backwards’ in its portrayal of Asians. Disregarding such gems as Citizen Khan and an unfair percentage of the cast of Emmerdale and East Enders, she suggests that dramas like ‘Three Girls’ based on the Rochdale abuse scandal are typically unfair, commenting: ‘Of course, it’s not like those things don’t happen, but it looks like that’s the only things Asians do….’
Point taken Meera, that’s exactly what it looks like.
Beltane – Yep, sure looks like that:
“Islamic child-sex grooming up by 32% in a year and spread to every town and city”
495 sexual grooming offences recorded by police in the year to June
Figure has risen by a third since on 376 offences uncovered in 2013
Lynne Featherstone warns abuse is not confined to any one area
Home Office minister says exploitation can ‘take on many different forms’
If the BBC didn’t persist in describing the abusers as Asian there wouldn’t be this problem.
Non Pakistani Asians would not have been tainted.
Shame the likes of Meera Syal don’t object to the obfuscation of the BBC when they first started purveying this fake so-called news.
“Asian” would even include the Japanese who do seem to cause many problems in Europe or N.America. This is all just a dishonest attempt by the Left and the BBC to deflect from the fact that the problem is the evil religion of Islam. BBC Fake News at its finest.
Okay then………… I am really looking forward to what i can only describe as a massive sh**storm happening when the Council electorate have the pleasure of a bunch of students go knocking on the doors in my town…. Have a read…….
`A Cleethorpes Labour Party source claimed: “It was clear that Momentum are targeting control of Cleethorpes Labour Party in addition to a number of other seats within the region.`
WOW!!!! I will of course be looking forward to a visit, I live in what usd to be a council estate, they`re bound to be all over it…
Hopefully Grimsby MP Melanie Onn will make an appearance, can`t wait to ask about whether she wants Polish people who wish to remain here after BREXIT should be allowed, and whether or not they should have the same rights as all the other EU nationals… I`ve got a nice polish family across the road from me actually, I`ll give her a `heads up` so she can tell them about her great aunts` Polish lodger who died just before she left the area due to her being thrown out by her Aunt who never spoke to her again… Or maybe she might want to canvass the area where she lived at the time, I`m sure some of the older residents will remember her and she could reassure them that social care for older people is one of her priorities… Failing that there`s always `Syria` …
I really cannot wait, i might even email her to offer her a hand with her websites `about me` page…. It`s a bit threadbare TBH, not very big on detail….
I wonder if any Islington elites will turn up ??? Flabbott would be awesome!!!!
Hope no one who supports the labour party was listening to Today on radio 4 this morning, just after 8. They were discussing Labour’s response to the government giving people the choice over grammar schools.
In the past Labour Secretaries Of State for Education have included Estelle Morris, Charles Clarke, Ruth Kelly, Alan Johnson and Ed balls. And to follow those heavy weights? Labour now has Angela Rayner. Rather than being bright, sharp, incisive and articulate, she was mouthy, shouty and toe curlingly inarticulate. It didn’t help that she couldn’t string a few words together to form an idea nor that she was up against Toby Young, with whom, for obvious reasons, she refused to debate.
Many time Humphries asked her the obvious question about closing Grammar schools if labour got into office and on each occassion she thought she could just bluster on and on about nothing in particular.
No one mentioned that many labour MPS, Guardian writers and BBC producers are products of the Grammar schools and send their own Tristan and Isoldes to them, I guess that would be too cruel.
And Corbyn, who came from a very well-off family, went to a fee-paying Prep school followed by Grammar school. Funny that the BBC do not make more of that.
I`m just trying to imagine anybody of sound mind, of experience, expertise and decency-the kind who post here-who would EVER “support the Labour Party”. I certainly used to-but their gloating at Mrs Thatchers death binned them to hell.
Nobody I know-even the Alzheimers case load whose bottoms I might need to wipe-not ONE of them is that low, that defective any more.
Labour really are the foreskin of politics. Irredeemable, thick scum.
Except for Kate Hoey and Gisela(but the latter`s a bit spongy and unreliable).
Dead right-Kaufman, Crow, Benn-we`ve had plenty targets had we been as malicious and joyless as The Left.
That they dare to condemn Dismal Des Humphrys for not calling Thomas Mair a “terrorist”-just “off his meds” only shows that even a fresh corpse serves the Lefts purposes as well as one like Lenins. The Left-truly evil. Trumps got them figured though.
Blog of the organiser of the BBC “SoICanBreathe season”Wwhich I think is illegal, appalling and offensive
It’s a diabolical liberty for the BBC to use public resources to run an undemocratic political campaign.
What the xxxx is “Editorial Partnerships” ? Beeboids have minds like butterflies. Currently it is transgender and air pollution. Next month , who knows ? Some things are fairly constant, Brexit, Trump and Islamophilia.
I think it means “When we get to the end of 2017, whichever States are likely to remain in the EU and Eurozone will have to integrate more. There will be different levels of integration, a bit more integrated than today, a bit less integrated than today and integrated somewhere between those levels of ‘more’ and ‘less’.
Number TWO on the BBCs trending stories is
“Trumps Shamrock Shame”.
Does it get any worse-write your own news anyway, might get a book out of it.
The BBC are now beyond surreal-who the heck devised THAT as a notion on a “news outlet”? Apparently John Pienarr and Martha Kearney would like us to have a general election to rescue Corbyn and derail Brexit-nobody wants one, but that doesn`t mean they`ll not continue to push it-so said Pienarr. Beyond sharks now isn`t it?
Make Your Own News.
BBC Website doing a hatchet job on Ben Carson. OK, he does say some pretty daft things, but could you imagine them doing the same if he was a black democrat ?
The only thing one can learn from watching the BBC and the Leftist media in general is the current state of the Victimhood League Table.
Carson’s Black victim score has been erased by the fact he made a success of himself. Unacceptable. To add insult to injury, he is working in the Trump administration, putting him even further beyond the pale.
Switched on BBC R4 Today. First item was Angela Rayner ranting about grammar schools. TBH I thought Humphreys did a pretty fair job of pointing out la Rayner’s repeated failure to give a direct answer to his perfectly fair question about grammar schools, and letting the audience know that Rayner had declined to debate the issue with his other guest Toby Young.
Blimey – I thought – could the tide be turning? After all, Al Beeb has had some not-completely-negative coverage about Trump recently.
My optimism was quickly dashed by the next item: Mishal Hussein interviews a woman who has a voice like a rusty chainsaw, on the urgent need to increase the number of female cartoon characters.
International Womens Day tomorrow.
Is it ever NOT International Womens Supremacist Time on Radio 4 any more?
The likes fo Mishal and Monty would never have got a job when the likes of Maggie, Ann Leslie and Julie Burchill were actually ACHIEVING things as women. As opposed to drying Harriet Harmans tissues, as she mocks the very idea of female emancipation…St Pauls, Oxbridge and a serial hypocrite like her Labour pals.
Hope Soubry, Rudd, Greening ,Truss and Miller will join the Lib Dims and let some REAL women in to shake up the BBC-Laura Perrins and Sarah Palin have set the bar.
An example of how endemic the moral rot is at the BBC:
Lionel Shriver is explaining to Jeremy Vine why she wishes that she hadn’t got married the first time. Vine tells her that it didn’t sound like a feminist view to him.
Shriver had quite clearly explained that she felt she had devalued the promise that she had wanted to make to her current husband. Clearly integrity, fidelity and honesty are alien concepts within the bubble.
Not sure if any have seen this – child abuse by the sick and twisted takes many forms:-
“You may have had some problems with signing CitizenGO petitions in the last couple of days. Our website was down for about 24 hours (on and off) after we experienced a Denial of Service attack from an extreme hacker group.
These hackers attacked us because they are furious that Hazte Oir (the Spanish version of CitizenGO) would dare to speak common sense about the biological reality that boys are boys and girls are girls.
According to the Spanish police, this attack was orchestrated by the well-known hacker group “Anonymous.” The attack was spurred on by a new campaign by the CitizenGO Group, which started last week in Madrid.
On Monday, as part of the campaign, a tour bus drove around Madrid with the inscription: “Boys have penises. Girls have vaginas. Do not be deceived. A boy born a boy is a boy. A girl born a girl is a girl.”
Why did they do this?
The bus campaign was formulated in response to a pamphlet that was distributed by the pro-transgender ideology organization CHRYSALLIS. The pamphlet shows four naked children holding hands, including a “boy” with female genitalia and a “girl” with male genitalia. Under the drawing of the children is the slogan: “There are girls with penises and boys with vaginas. It’s that simple.”
I just had an email about that. Maybe you got one too. It is child abuse. But the motive of the perpetrators of the current obsession, including the BBC, is not really clear to me. The number of people affected must be tiny.
Agreed- it is odd and why the sudden upsurge in interest?
There have always been intersex people but these days something can be done for them. And there have always been those with psychological conditions regarding their biological gender. But this seems on a par with adults trying to convince us and them that six year olds are gay and need to come out. Sick.
It is like in the past there was a campaign to lower the age of consent for gay sex,who was campaigning for this,was it sixteen year old boys,I doubt it, probably 40 year old gay men,and you know what even saying that worries me that I could be accused of homophobia and a ‘hate crime’, that’s how crazy this world has become.
Patricia Hewitt (ex Labour minister) was general secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) when it supported the Paedophile Information Exchange’s (P.I.E.) campaign for the age of consent to be lowered to fourteen, or to ten if the consent of the child could be proved. She also supported the decriminalising of incest.
Harriet Harperson worked there (NCCL) at the time (1976) when the P.I.E had the backing of the NCCL.
“The majority of people still identify as heterosexual, and raising families on one’s own can be exhausting and unaffordable in the modern world.
Children might also prefer and benefit from having two domestic parents, although this remains a controversial topic. “
They can’t even bring themselves to say “mother and father” but “two domestic parents”.
In the BBC’s bubble priority goes:
1. A single natural mother
2. Two lesbian mothers
3. Two homosexual fathers
4. A single homosexual father
5. Two natural parents
6. A single natural father
No doubt there are various non-natural relationship that can be inserted above number five.
You can’t expect the BBC to think through to the negative effects of their de-prioritising of the family – clearly they don’t join the dots, afterall it’s not as though they don’t daily bang on about care for the elderly and affordable child care.
Evening Standard, Londoner’s Diary, Tuesday 7th March
‘The dancing shoes were placed on the other foot at Bafta HQ in Piccadilly yesterday, as ex-politico and Strictly darling Ed Balls put on his Paxman hat to interview BBC news presenter Mishal Husain…
Balls wasn’t too severe: he showed off some dance moves and Husain took to Twitter to thank him for “treating me gently”‘
Heard the godawful Eddie Mair spend ten minutes trying to egg May on to giving the BBC and Labour that election that they crave.
Who else to ask but two of Gordon Browns faceless wonders-they who bottled the 2007 election for Brown that the media were wanting then too?
How the hell THIS can be called news is beyond me-mere kite flying for the Left, chit chats with Camerons old skimmers like Hague-Lansley-and, of course that self loving gossip from Westminster that keeps them on their perches as we get out of the EU?
This is not even fake news-it`s gossip.
Still though-beast twenty minutes on a druggie sob story , care home casualty or the last croaks of Steve Howlett-all of which also passes for PM “news content”, Trump seems to have filleted all news content from their schedules.
Ah well-time for the grown ups to do some swamp draining.
Ed Balls! the imbecile Osborne, f-ckin M Carney are we ever to be RID of these
creatures, hanging around like a bad smell … Camoron (as usual)reneged on everything but at least he went.
Breitbart reports that new built primary schools in Glasgow will have unisex toilets in case children are “confused about their gender “. At first I thought Glasgow ? What would Rab C. Nesbitt say ? Then , I realised, any excuse to save money. I wonder how long it will take the painfully slow BBC to pick this one up ?
I suppose they can save even more money by getting rid of toilet rolls and adopting the muslim method.
At least that will stop the kids biting their nails!
Ridiculous,how many kids are “confused about their gender “, very, very few,yet all the boys and girls that would rather go to the toilet in privacy without the opposite sex harassing them have now had that right taken away.
This must be an SNP thing – my boy’s new school opened last month and only has unisex toilets. As commented at the time, I have told him to ask if the PE showers are also unisex.
An unelected oligarchy trying to keep us under the control of another unelected oligarchy. There is a HYS running on it now . Time to get out of the EU and time to get rid of the H.o.L.
I realise that many in the House of Lords are very elderly, maybe suffering from Alzheimer’s and pissed half the time, but are they so stupid that they do not realise that, if they thwart the democratic will of the people, it increases the likelihood of them being abolished ? They are past their useful lives, if they had any. Get rid of them.
Why are there more unelected members of the House of Lords than there are in the House of Commons? Time to change the rules and abolish the old farts Lords. Or at least taper them down – a lot!
Wasn’t it Cameron who created vast amounts of Lords. That kinda seems just a little dodgy.
But as said on the, crappy, “Now Show” – ‘Britain, the home of democracy and yet it has an unelected Second Chamber’!
What is the common factor between Brexit defeats by the courts and Law Lords, and Government defeats over Brexit in the Lords and the repeated failures of a former Home Secretary to secure a reduction in immigration and defeats inflicted by the courts over extradition of suspected terrorists?
Answer – Treezer the incompetent PM who was an incompetent Home Secretary.
Or maybe in the case of Brexit she is playing for the Remain team.
Grant suggesting that these ermined vermin are suffering from dementia and are pissed provides their actions with a dignity which it does not warrant.
They voted as they did ( justifying it as protecting us from ourselves) because
1 They know the game is up with the majority of the population as regards the EU. As far as these enobled bot flies are concerned it is a do or die moment. Yes there is a chance that we may well decide to do away with them but when you are priveledged and are fighting to maintain that privledge, then you have nothing to lose.
2, They have also guessed (probably correctly), that our cautious Head Girl back in Parliament lacks the mettle and political courage to puth these “Lords ” back where they rightly belong (ie out of a job).
I am afraid Theresa is entirerly predictable in her actions and will be quite happy to present us all with a meaningless brexit whilst wringing her hands saying she wanted to stand up for us commoners but was thwarted by these despicable lefties in the Lords.
We had our chance back in the 1650s and blew it by inviting the whole rotten edifice of monarchy and lords ,ladies and the rest back.
About time we revived the spirit of conservative republicanism.
BBC Website has a piece about Trump surprising a group of kids on a school trip to the White House by appearing. BBC comment ” Can you spot the Hillary Clinton portrait photo-bombing the 45th President “. Not ” if Trump is so evil why has he not had it removed ? “. Or ” what the hell is a portrait of Hillary doing in the White House ? “. They just can’t help themselves.
Gollum Davis Newsnight, shows his concerned face, blarts about G Wilders and wants to know “what s happened to Holland?” to do so he sends someone called Gabriel to talk to the main Dutch liberals 😀 (shakes head) then waffles about Jews in the WW2.
What s happened to Jews in Holland Gabriel?, just like France, Sweden and Belgium?
Who s persecuting them? right now? ……. No one asks
The Left inhabit a world of moral equivalence entirely of their own making. As a result, their moral perspective is that of a four year-old.
I think somebody a week or so back posted an interview with the author of a book called something like ‘The Kindergarten of Eden’, which explained this leftist affliction perfectly.
I was channel hopping when I stumbled on The One Show. I’ve never watched it before, but I saw Joan Collins and Pauline Collins as guests.Forty odd years ago, I confess I quite fancied them, or was it fifty? So I thought I would persevere, for old times sake.
The male presenter asked them what way they voted in the recent referendum. Pauline Collins immediately speaks out that ‘she thinks she speaks for both herself and Joan in that we don’t think actors should give their opinions and influence others on television’. She then criticised American actors for doing so.
Joan Collins then supported Pauline’s comment saying ‘our thoughts should be kept to private dinner party’s not for the wider public at large’.
Good on them. Actors who are both older and wiser. Our current crop of young lefty actors could learn much from them.
Good for them, though the idea that any priveleged, out-of-touch, self-regarding luvvie could influence anyone with even half a brain cell takes a bit of swallowing.
Joan Collins many times has made her opinions clear in several newspaper interviews that she voted Brexit, because of what Britain has become. So she must have been exceptionally quiet on the One Show, as she’s normally very outspoken !
\\One of London’s major transport centres was in chaos Tuesday afternoon after London Bridge Station was shut due to a “suspicious vehicle” left nearby.
Police were seen deploying a bomb disposal robot as workers and travellers left the station and surrounding buildings. Office workers were also told to stay indoors and away from windows.
The rail station, which is the fourth busiest in the capital, was evacuated along with the bus station. Trains were also not calling at the tube station.//
Just in case this has not been pointed out here already – let’s spell it out – the BBC is lying through its teeth.
At the start of this week BBC news bulletins trumpeted the line that Donald Trump had made phone tapping claims but had offered no evidence to back up his claims.
Well the BBC itself made the following claims:
Paul Wood BBC News, Washington 12 January 2017
– Last April, the CIA director was shown intelligence that worried him.
– The CIA cannot act domestically against American citizens so a joint counter-intelligence taskforce was created.
– The taskforce included six agencies or departments of government. Dealing with the domestic, US, side of the inquiry, were the FBI, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Justice. For the foreign and intelligence aspects of the investigation, there were another three agencies: the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency, responsible for electronic spying.
– Lawyers from the National Security Division in the Department of Justice then drew up an application.
– Their first application, in June, was rejected outright by the judge. They returned with a more narrowly drawn order in July and were rejected again. Finally, before a new judge, the order was granted, on 15 October, three weeks before election day.
– But ultimately, the investigation is looking for transfers of money from Russia to the United States, each one, if proved, a felony offence.
– A lawyer – outside the Department of Justice but familiar with the case – told me that three of Mr Trump’s associates were the subject of the inquiry. “But it’s clear this is about Trump,” he said.
So either the BBC was talking ballony on 12th January when they were trying their damnedest to back up their Trump/Russia story or… they were right then about the Obama administration ordered surveilance and it therefore follows that Trump is right now.
‘The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation’
We know for sure the BBC has lied. Which lie was it and when?
Expect this one to wither on the vine until we all think that it never happened. That`s what the BBC hope for. Unfortunately for them, we know what they`re doing.
And it`ll run and run until we bring the bloody edifice down. We hope that it`ll be the straw that breaks their backs-but if not, we`ll be back to Savile and the Belgrano if we have to.
WE despise them-if only the useless UKIP would simply offer to make the BBC free, and let Gary Richardson and Johhny Dymond earn a bob as the clowns they are.
Grammar schools too-and UKIP will walk it.
Trump kept it simple and direct-then acted. Yet Nuttall seems happy to let Marr and Crick eviscerate him…blockhead.
Trump is winning. He’s got his opponents on the Left simultaneously backing terrorists and backing the secret services plots against him. The likes of the BBC don’t know whether they are coming or going.
He promised the media would have trouble if he became president. He promised his side would win and win until they were tired of winning.
Put any of these issues about which the BBC is jumping up and down to the vote and Trump would win again, only more so. Bigly.
Same with Brexit. Have another vote on the EU and Leave would win 60 – 40
Shades of 1977? The Beltway v The Carter Administration.
Interestingly, not mentioned in my hearing on BBC Radio 4 in 2016 or 2017.
There must be some at the BBC who are old enough to remember that? Or some who have studied PPE at Oxford and paid just a little attention to their tutors and lecturers?
Oh, faulty memory on my part! The BBC do not remember or do history. They manufacture it in a carefully customised form.
Ladybird books – hounded for being hopelessly middle class, white and sexist.
They had complaints such as, the boy is climbing a tree but the girl is picking flowers. So they put the girl AND the boy climbing the tree, they then received complaints that the boy was pictured higher up the tree.
Now how does that work now we are so much more trans and none binary enlightened? What appears to be a boy may not be a ‘boy’?
Had a wry smile today as Radio 4 Xtra apologised for a Steptoe & Son as it was made back in, “unenlightened times”.
I hear that BBC job applications include the question, “Do you know the meaning of the term, “Journalistic Integrity”?
If they answer, ‘NO’, they’re in.
Parliament will debate “Abolish the tv licence, it shouldn’t be a legal requirement.” This debate is scheduled for 8 May, so come on folks lobby your MP.
This morning, I have found so much of the Today programme impossible to listen to, but not (only) for the usual reason of bias by omission, selective reporting an so on. No, it is because the producers, in their infinity stupidity, have begun again the abominable practice of adding electronic background sounds to their reports. This morning, it is an infuriating ‘popping-bouncing ball’ sound as constant background to, for instance, the economic reports by Dominic O’Connell. This sound is so intrusive, quite soon one finds oneself listening only to the background sound, and not to the speech at all. I just had to turn the radio off. I tried again a few minutes ago, and soon there was the popping sound intruding into another report. This practice of dubbing unnatural sounds as background to speech-reports has a long history in the BBC, and I think was first introduced on the advice of a US firm of consultants who persuaded the BBC that it made for ‘more authentic’ listening (which it does not). Happily, this dreadful innovation seemed to have been mostly abandoned in recent years, but now it I fear it might be revived. BBC producers cannot realise how appalling it is for at least those listeners who have preserved their decent hearing. One theory is that the generation of BBC producers in their 20’s and 30s have had their hearing so impaired by years of disco decibels and loud ‘pop’ music in earphones, that they simply cannot hear what many of the rest of us can. Comment?
I given up watching BBC Wildlife documentaries for that very reason and their use of “trick” photography. Why the BBC think that these awful mindless sounds and music would attract people, I have no idea. But then they don’t give a damn about their customers as their income is guaranteed.
Ah, yes. Television! I now habitually mute the sound and use the subtitles in a wide range of programme types. I sometimes regret the loss of the commentary, but to retain my sanity the background ‘music’ has to be banished. Viewing with subtitles is actually rather good, and frees the mind. However, it cannot be beyond the wit of the technician to devise means of splitting speech from ‘music’ and enabling independent control of each by the use of two separate buttons one’s remote control.
Yes, lots of EXCESSIVE ambient noise today on TODAY, Martin. I regret that BBC Engineering does not operate to the same quality standards that they set decades ago. It just needed a better microphone choice and some shielding (as for sports) to improve broadcast quality.
I would not be surprised if it was being done in order to try to justify greater increases in the Licence Fee.
My trust in the BBC is draining away. (See below.)
My cousin’s husband, long retired, used to be Head of Special Effects at the BBC. Years ago I asked what was going on with the appalling sound levels and quality at the BBC. It set him off on a 5-minute , expletive-spattered tirade. I wish I had been able to record it for posterity !
Not to mention cameramen, camerawomen, cameratransgender persons who cannot focus a camera properly, use weird neck twisting angles, use badly over-exposed shots, and editors who cut multiple microsecond shots before my brain has had chance to process what is being shown.
The BBC Radio 4’s current ‘Pollution Season’ got me doing some fact checking. Listening to the BBC’s recent output on this, I assumed there had been a massive increase in the road miles being driven in the UK and that this increase had been uplifted by a measure of recovery in the UK economy, Brexit notwithstanding.
But no. Apparently road mileage is still below 2006/07 levels and for cars is similar to the last few years and these years are – apparently – showing a decline. The reason for this is that despite massive immigration, there is a year on year fall in numbers of young people learning to drive. Offsetting that is a greater number of mature women learning to drive.
Where is all this pollution coming from? It does not appear to be from vehicles according to official figures. We also know that the UK vehicle fleet of cars is at its newest – and is therefore cleaner & greener – ever. (Nick Robinson is talking about new cars on the TODAY programme as I type.)
The BBC journalists and presenters are not asking the right questions and not asking enough questions on this subject. They appear to be happy to blether on about something that is extremely dubious without thorough fact checking.
Are the BBC promoters of FakeNews on this? It may well be so.
I’m guessing it’s to do with the increase in diesel cars.
What’s not pointed out very often by the BBC is that the increased use of diesel was promoted by the Liebour Governments as being a way to reduce “pollution” – carbon dioxide. But now it seems diesel makes nitrous oxides and particulates which actually are pollution.
Very similar to the way in which nuclear was demonized and we shut down our nuclear industry. Only for the Greens to then change tack when it was pointed-out that the dash to gas was creating ever more carbon dioxide.
In short having energy policy set by weak politicians being led by the nose by virtue-signaling Greens has been a massive co”ck-up.
G’day sport! It’s not the extra diesel cars if they are not being driven, mate! They don’t pollute when sitting, looking pretty, on your driveway. I researched the essential component of vehicle created pollution: actual road miles.
Anyway, the great jump in diesel cars occurred in 1999-2004 or so. They enjoyed a temporary fuel tax advantage over here. Since then that has disappeared and petrol is now generally the cheaper fuel. The BBC have majored on that Government ‘diesel encouragement’ of long ago in this ‘Pollution Season’. Perhaps they have talked themselves into a state of brain-fade with it and that is behind their failure to really understand that they are broadcasting some nonsense on the subject?
One of the leaders on the news this morning on the BBC is that there are not enough women
in high positions in sports organizations such as football, cricket, rugby , wrestling,
boxing etc. This the BBC said is a diversity matter.
I expect before long we will see programmes such as Match of the Day with Gary Lineker long gone being presented by Riz Lateef or Ayshea Buksh or Alice Bhandhukravi. Sorry Asad Ahmad
perhaps they will allow you to be a pundit. Oh I forgot Victoria Hollins just for some REAL
positive discrimination for London.
They had a woman commenting on the Rugby the other week. Without being sexist, it just doesn’t seem right. Same goes for TMS. My view is that all commentators in sport should , at least, have played the game at some level. How many women have played men’s rugby ?
Gramscian colonisation of the male spaces-whilst these phony sisters get to keep all THEIR privileges and sanctuaries.
Won`t work though…sport is STILL an area that the arts despise-remember Meryl Streeps pop at Trump for reducing the arts funding to sports coverage-real venom in that battleground for love, fame and celebrity-let alone all those awards of theirs.
Sport is STILL unpredictable when it matters to us-still can`t be lied over re “equality”( Liverpool will be better than Lincoln, no matter how you present both teams re social justice and fairness). Yes, it`s overpaid shit with all manner of excuses to put the poppets in-but Alan Partridge said it all didn`t he?
And the lads I know who follow crappy old sport know what the BBCs game is-and their sponsorship creepings to make sport a Cuban or Soviet kind of “uniting religion”. Won`t work-most women despise sport, except tennis and snooker…which are at least recognisably good, exciting and skilful.
AS “Won`t work-most women despise sport, except tennis and snooker…which are at least recognisably good, exciting and skilful.”
You forget cricket and golf. The latter enjoyed by women as participants for some considerable time. Years ago, I was surprised to find how many women in my social circle, especially older women, loved cricket and golf. They may not have played but were avid listeners & viewers via the BBC. EW Swanton, John Arlott, Brian Johnston and Henry Longhurst may, possibly, have had something to do with that. Perhaps the ladies like the gentler, more polite sports? If so, I’m mostly with you there, girls!
I also have an elderly female acquaintance who loves Formula One and is a big, big Lewis Hamilton fan.
The Toady programme reports today that it is ‘extremely concerning’ that there are not enough women in management positions in sport. I agree – it really keeps me awake at night. Terrorism is of no concern whatsoever.
I wish they would stop banging on about ‘diversity’ and equal representation as if they were the pathway to heaven on Earth. The best person should get the job regardless of the colour of their skin or what is between their legs. It has all the intellectual rigour of a nursery rhyme yet to them it is gospel. It is so they have something to battle for without facing any of the uncomfortable problems they ought to face.
Also everyone knows that men tend to enjoy sport far more than women do. When I suggest an epic session of FIFA on the PlayStation, my male friends are generally delighted whilst and girlfriends are disgusted. Everyone knows this. This progressivism may be looked back upon as one of the greatest examples of mass insanity in history. It is a constant denial of reality.
Anybody else wish that they also had the luxury of creating such pointless sterile ” extreme concerns” of theirs?
The BBC make me sick. Only wish I had their “problems and concerns”.
£145.50-soon to be £14well , saving that should get me a nice coach trip out…one less problem at least to tell You and Yours about,
For me, as far as the BBC are concerned, I pretty much just watch Match of the day, and specials like The 6 nations, World Cup etc. Therefore I would, but no more than £5 per month.
For me it is TMS and special events like the New Year’s Day concert. I used to watch the Remembrance Day Cenotaph event but now spoilt for me by commentary over the music. My mum likes Songs of Praise. So £5 max !
But there is one good thing about the Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph event, it is a 95% white event. Yes, a few black people naturally, but hardly a Raghead or Ragbag in sight in the crowds lining Whithall. I just don’t think it is a part of their ‘British Muslim’ culture they feel worth celebrating, even though our brave forces fought for the democracy they live in. See how many you can spot in the crowds this year, fun for all the family!
But I love it when the representatives of Commonwealth Countries lay their wreathes. Almost every one black. Another bonus is that the loathesome EU has not muscled in on the event.
I wouldn’t pay. I hardly watch anything on the BBc as it is, as most of what they broadcast is rubbish. Cutting out what I do watch would be no sacrifice. If the BBc disappeared tomorrow I wouldn’t miss it.
It’s not so much the naff and even dire quality of todays TV offerings;
most of which has been done before and done better.
It’s the obligatory – Got a TV? Gotta fund the BBC – aspect we find so objectionable in our, ‘home of democracy’.
If half the license funded the BBC and half funded something like Fox News UK that would be the right, fair and reasonable way to go.
Grant, I’ve lost a lot of motivation to watch TV, even back when I had good access via iPlayer and the other channels were also offering ‘catch up’ & ‘choice’ TV.
The internet offers so much more for free. The entertainment here from the varied knowledge of other posters plus the wit and humour is an alternative in itself. I think the BBC may be doomed unless they reform themselves and offer a much reduced Licence Fee in a few years time. The next recession will probably see them done for. I’m already starting to enjoy turning Radio 4 off. There’s only 4Extra left.
I would be willing to pay about £25 a year. No more than that.
They ought to be able to run one or two TV channels and three to four radio stations on £500,000 per annum plus programme & publication sales income. Much of their programming, even on radio now, is repeats.
A significant event I think was when the BBC recently remade several classic 60s/70s sitcoms. There seemed to be general agreement that the remakes were dire and pointless and only served to show how low the BBC has sunk. Yet I am sure there are plenty of writers and comedians out there who could do good family comedy but they are just not given the chance, because the establishment prefers to push PC box-ticking nonsense like ‘The Crouches’ and ‘Citizen Khan’.
I would maybe pay £3 a month for access to their entire back catalog (at least they made some decent telly in the old days). But only after they have been effectively abolished and became a private company. I wouldn’t want any of my cash to keep the awful subversive organisation afloat in its present form.
Personally, I wouldn’t pay, but I might be overruled by the rest of the family. Whilst I’ve got them to admit that the BBC is biased (it’s been pretty easy to do since Brexit and Trump, frankly) I don’t think they’re yet ready to do without Huw Edwards or Graham Norton.
If they were smart they could do a joint subscription – the BBC and Guardian together.
Watch both sink
Seriously, enjoy watching the Tory MPs during the debate on abolition of the TV tax gushing with praise for the BBC – envy of the world, David Attenborough, and coverage of the Olympic Games
I didn’t see Breakfast yesterday. However today an “economist” sorry didn’t get the dozy bitchs name launches another attack on the “triple lock” pensions increase, Now I’m still a decade away from state pension age assuming they don’t lift the bar again so I’ve not got an axe to grind on this one. However it does seem to be building into a regular feature the sofa sloths never comment but use mouthpieces instead. Let’s just review the current MAXIMUM state retirement pension rate which is £119.36. Or £155.65 from 6/4/20106 under the new pension scheme. Maybe they are confused and think it has increased from £119.36 to £155.65 it hasn’t you get one rate or another depending on your date of birth.Today’s mouth piece informs us that people are unhappy with the fact pensions are going up faster than the wages of working age. Total and utter bollax of course as at no stage does anyone mention the maximum rate. I wonder how happy Generation me would be if their maximum wages were capped at £119.36p.w, but hey it would go up at a faster rate. Hey why not go the whole hog and cut pensions or if the BBc are so worried perhaps they could hold a charity bore-athon for the yooof. I’m going to complain I haven’t complained for a while, because I’m always wrong. I will of course put the reply saying I’m wrong on here.
bBBC roving reporter this week is dividing our nation into different age groups and asking them what they want to see in the budget, setting young v old, baby boomers v generation me…… and then they wonder why our society is broken/fractured. They ask what would different age groups like to see money spent on, and where would they take it from in todays budget. Based on the section I saw today bBBC, did no one suggest taking the money from the foreign aid budget? Did so many of my age group want to cut defence spending? Really? The points of view I saw today bear NO comparison to a cross section of people I know from all political points of the compass. Let me make a few comments here, that are not acknowledged by our selective bBBC.
1. I bought my house when for many years interest rates were 14-17%
2. Basic rate income tax was 33%
3. Young people have better access to higher education.
4. Many young people today can take time out to ‘travel’, I HAD to get a job.
5. My employer made no contribution to my private pension, and in later years just the bare minimum.
on the plus side, we had proper music.
Indeed Northern dreamer. These people obviously live in a parallel universe to mine. I remember the deep joy of every time I moved the interest rates seemed to bump up in the following couple of months. Imagine the fun if interest rates returned to the levels our generation were used to? I did a bit of travelling when I was younger however I was wearing camouflage and being shouted at a lot.
Easy! I used to get up at 6 a.m. clean the toilets in the sub standard accommodation with a tooth brush. March around for a few hours. Go for a run with boots on , no trainers in those days…. and you tell that to the kids of today.
Every budget we get the same boring format of different groups being asked ‘what do you want out of it?’ and then the inevitable post budget whinge from aforesaid folk, who are often fairly ignorant of wider economic issues framing the budget and seem to expect they deserve something for nothing from the state.. The difference now is that, as the BBC has grown more biased, we get more skewed selections of ‘representative’ people and more leading questions put to them, trying to get them to portray what a lousy time they are having financially, due to the ‘nasty Tories’.
Today we had a group of self-employed business people from Crewe. The first respondent said how ‘uncertain’ and ‘pessimistic’ she was. I switched off at that point!
The key facts are
1 The economy is growing at a respectable rate by post 1945 standards. Critics of the government please note.
2. Productivity growth has been poor since 2008 so we cannot expect average living standards to be going up much.
3. The government is still borrowing around £70 billion per annum so there is no ‘free money’ to distribute. Money can only be found by cutting the growth of something else ( foreign aid, anyone?) or putting up taxes or borrowing more.
4. The immigrant workers so beloved by the BBC and its like are probably not contributing much by way of taxes if they are on low wages and have children. But they still need housing, healthcare, school places etc, which the state pays for directly or indirectly (housing benefit).
Absolutely. I had no further education and bought a flat at age 18. Rampant interest rates going up every month to the point that once the mortgage, bills and travel to work costs were paid, I had just enough to eek out on food if I went to my parents a couple of times a week for tea, and ate cheaply.
No holidays until I was 30, no mobile phone, no nights out on the piss, second hand furniture, etc.
Nowadays the financial priority appears to be holiday, cars, mobile phones before paying rent/utilities/credit card debt.
I worked in finance and the pension crisis has been known about for more than a generation. The root of the problem is that the state pension is not based on a savings scheme, but is reliant upon the ongoing tax contributions of the working population – in simple terms, think of it like a bathtub with the taps running but no plug. The demand for pensions is increasing, as more people are living to a longer age, but the tax revenues are not keeping pace. During the Blair regime, the lie was put out that we need immigrants as ‘their taxes will pay for us in our old age’. But even the thickos at the Treasury realise that the Albanian guys working for cash in the car wash, the Russians and Poles picking vegetables for minimum wage, the Bulgarian and Romanian nannies working for slave wages, to say nothing of the unemployables from further afield, do not contribute significant tax revenues. Ergo, the only other option rather than – gasp, horror, actually reform the state pension scheme in a meaningful manner – is to increase the age at which people qualify or reduce the amount, and the latter is political suicide. But if you are a politician or a civil servant in a generous, ring-fenced policy of your own, it’s not such a pressing problem.
Dave, they go on about the 2.5% pension rise as 2.5% is above inflation. Sounds good eh?
If I was getting the average wage of £25,000 or so then 2.5% would be a good increase, over £50 per week.
The 2.5% pension rise will give below £3 per week.
I’m one of the second class pensioners not getting this new rate.
With my council tax (5%) and utilities rises my pension rise is already wiped out. The other inflation rises such as insurance and normal outgoings add to a pension devaluation.
I have never ever complained that my 49 years worth of NI contributions were being paid to the pensioners of the day but am now expected to feel guilty for drawing my pension.
Emmanuel fully agree. Everything sounds great in percentage world. As I used to say to my members back when I was a union rep “A percentage of bugger all is bugger all” when after the pay deal was accepted they would come and ask me why it was their wages had not gone up by very much. Definitely don’t feel guilty it’s you entitlement.
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Off the Al BBC Christmas Card list? … permanently.
This guy has been sidelined for quite a while, expect that to turn to total character assassination and vitriol from now on.
You could say, “once burned” … should be the same here with our any place in government until all aspects of sharia are banned, and enforced.
From CAIRs channel … thanks for that 😀
We can’t have these uppity Negros wandering too far off the plantation and making something of themselves.
They should be patronised, treated like helpless children, and kept on benefits in their housing projects, in exchange for government benefits.
…in exchange for votes!
Mice – hence why the BBC likes to encourage “rap” music when engaging with dem kidz. All dat bling, rock and Hoes. Definately shows black “yoof” in the best possible light. Shows that they all need liberal “guidance” to help them engage in polite BBC society!
How great it is to hear a politician just say something like:
“No. I don’t want a Muslim head of state, because their religion is incompatible with this country and its constitution.”
Fantastic, thanks for posting it here.
It sounds as though Ben is new to some of you. So here’s a bit more info.
Ben Carson was the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland from 1984 until his retirement in 2013. As a pioneer in neurosurgery, Carson’s achievements include performing the only successful separation of conjoined twins joined at the back of the head, pioneering the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a fetus inside the womb, performing the first completely successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins, developing new methods to treat brain-stem tumors and reviving hemispherectomy techniques for controlling seizures. He became the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the country at age 33. He has received more than 60 honorary doctorate degrees, dozens of national merit citations, and written over 100 neurosurgical publications. In 2008, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.
BBC News Video – “My president never says anything that’s stupid’
“You wouldn t let this guy drive you over the cliff, would you? … Gollum Davis
Everyone knows (laughs) he lied about numbers at the inauguration compared to Obama”
Two charming and sincere ladies versus some smug genetically modified piece of condescending BBC pond life. The BBC still doesn’t get it.
I could just copy and paste my reply to your previous post above, for this one.
“OK Positive Discrimination and Diversity Dept. We have been told to fill a position for a sports news presenter. Asmir have you got the
list of applicants? John Smith, degree in sports science,local radio etc etc. No we don’t want
a white male. In fact we don’t want any males. The sooner we get rid of Gary Lineker ,the better! So it’s down to women. The qualification is simple. She has to be ethnic. Any knowledge of sport is irrelevant.”
Re- the sausage factory interview
I was wondering why there weren’t any hijabs helping to sort through the sausages.
They must have been pork because Auntie can’t normally help but depict a hard-working Muslim on screen.
Now That! ought to be a header for Biased-BBC for a couple of weeks
That is prima facie racism. If I was Indian I would be offended.
And there you have the bias, in a nutshell, loud and clear.
Should be re-posted, shared, tweeted.
thats the stuff of T-shirt slogan legend lmao
thats the stuff of T-shirt slogan legend lmao
Victoria Derbyshire has just been interviewing Jeremy Dustbyn ‘live’. Re: “Snap Election” I had the telly muted, couldn’t bear listening.
What a pity she doesn t question anyone else in politics with the same patronising sneer, and she appears to need a deaf aid
enemedia – business as usual
22:45pm Panorama special : Marine A: Guilty as Charged?
past edition 2014
Best value ex BBC views his own tweet of the day:
Sorry Paul, but Angela Rayner was spouting slogans, wouldn`t answer questions on policy and, according to the BBC, would not “debate” with an opponent.
Incompetence isn`t a working class female attribute.
looking at her wiki page i dont get the impression shes ever done much actual working
Shame she doesnt spend more time trying to do something for the absolute disaster zone that is her constituency Ashton-under-Lyne-istan
Rayner won’t live in her constituency which says a lot, as many other Labour MPs won’t live in the shit they champion. She lives several miles away in Stockport, which has no overall control for the council, and has four parliamentary constituencies two of which are Labour, but the other two are Tory.
As Rayner doesn’t publicise her home address its difficult to know which MP represents her. Stockport is a Borough with one of the lowest takes of asylum seekers and migrants, unlike her constituency.
Hylda Baker? Arthur Mullard?
Either would be more use to us that bloody Paul Mason.
A dangerous marxist idiot bigging up another dangerous idiot
Evan Davies reveals his racism – yes racism – in an interview with Diamond and Silk, two colourfull supporters of Trump. Watch him laugh at each remark, snigger his way through his childish questions. Ha ha, you can see it on his face, these two black women are so stupid to this white BBC leftie. But the ladies nail him for left bias and failure to grasp that Trump has widespread support.
Great to see Evan getting his balls chewed by 2 sassy black girls. Love it when of of them said “You people of the Left ” ! I wish some Brits would give Beeboids the same treatment.
The progressives are the real racists here. They have never been able to comprehend that an American is an American first irrespective of his or her’s race. They are also often Christian which is another source of irritation to the progressive.
Evan Davis is particularly crass nearly all the time. Those girls had him nailed from the start.
Another gem was the Gabriel Gatehouse report from Holland. Supposedly a view on Geert Wilders and the impact of the far right on all sensible, balanced and liberal Dutch – the Boers, apartheid etc nothing to do with the argument, carry on, nothing to see here – so apparently this angel spent his childhood in the liberal paradise of Amsterdam, running free in flower strewn streets – except, oops, when the riot police were baton charging the squatters in cobblestone strewn streets. Who edited this programme? Verging on the balanced, should do better. Anyway, at least it kept Wilders in his box, hardly mentioned.
Different subject – and one which may have been covered and I missed it, sorry – while our usual favourites are foaming at President Trump’s perfidy at suggesting poor dear Barack tapped his phone, was it really only three years ago that Angela Merkel’s phone was tapped? And didn’t the then POTUS authorise the tap? Now I might need a bit of help here, but I feel sure Donald Trump wasn’t President three years ago – was he?
Another beauty eh Beltane?
Did you note that the communards in the Amsterdam squat seemed not to include any diverse migrants-Gabriel would have liked that, but he found none? Looked like PLENTY room for a migrant camp-but maybe the gay druggie lifestyles with dog poo doesn`t appeal.
No mention of Pim Fortuyn, Theo Van Gogh either-let alone the shootings,stabbings on the Paris-Amsterdam overnight train.
A great piece of telly. The two ladies wiped the floor with him, and all the ninny could do is wrigggle on his nipple ring..or is it rings?
But my darling Sebastian Gorka took him to pieces from an intellectual viewpoint.
He`s an Ealing Comedy Creative-poor Evan Davis, in contrast ; comes out as Norman Wisdoms bum fluff.
So whether it`s “Big Seb”…or the “girlz from da hood”-both extents of sensible American worldviews can agree that Davis is a biased tit!
Sorry-yet more on my guy at the moment!
Boy, we dodged a bullet thanks to the American people voting for THe man who`s currently clearing IS out of Syria and Iraq. Does ANYBODY think that IS would be on the run now had we not got Prsident Trump voted in?
Expect no credit given to either him or Putin though…so what WE know. IS wanted Obama and Clinton-and they knew it!
Superb ! To quote my hero , Private Jones ” They don’t like it up ’em “. Funny how Boy Evan’s voice rose by a few octaves during the interview. We all know that Beeboids do not do irony , but the Boy calling Trump “childish” is laugh of the day for me so far.
Evan – at 2:42 what is actually “really striking” is the way you wrap your right arm across your torso and tighten your shoulders, as you realise that your interviewee isn’t going to be talked down to and is in fact politely tearing you a new one.
Dave S,
Quite right. Scum like the Boy Evan simply do not understand patriotism and just sneer at it. And , of course, they are racist. Black Lefties are ok, Black Righties are bad. So racists like Davis are saying that , if you have black skin , you should be Left Wing. He is a racist.
I don’t understand why the BBC can’t influence people to its way of thinking.
There’s Evan laughing his socks off at 2 people who disagree with him and his colleagues. Sniggering when they dare disagree with him, referring to the man they voted for as Stupid. Why do so few watch Newsnight or change their minds following a BBC item on any subject?
Speaking as someone who voted for Brexit, I have discovered from the BBC that I am stupid, ignorant, didn’t understand the question, have changed my mind since the vote, am racist and full of hate. Or, might I have a different view to that of the closeted Guardian readers in the BBC?
Yes, I suspect the BBC’s output actually alienates people from the BBC agenda.
And Davies attitude right there is the very reason that gave us brexit last june and Donald in November and yet he still doesnt get it. His sniggering superior arrogance towards these two ladies is off the scale. And hes still banging on about the numbers at the inaugeration yet these two ladies were there on the day.
It has also been shown that the photos broadcast were taken some hours before the inauguration. Someone also pointed out that most Trump supporters would be working that day.
Stick in a complaint about his racism. It is the only type of complaint they take seriously.
Life is scary according to the bbc
We don’t eat the right food and now not enough of the right food
We eat / drink too much sugar
We drink too much alcohol
We don’t get enough exercise
We weigh too much
We smoke too much
The NHS is at crisis point
Despite all this we are living longer
Old people caused brexit and are pariahs in society
We don’t have enough money to look after our pariahs
We pollute the air too much
We pollute the sea too much
Our roads are crap and if that’s not bad enough we have too many cars
If that’s not bad enough our railways suck as well
Don’t fly it’s too noisy and too polluting
We don’t have enough houses
Houses are too expensive and nobody wants to build cheap ones
We don’t have enough money to live
We don’t have enough money to retire
The police are institutionally racist for stopping and searching people who statistically commit most crimes
Our cellular networks are great, no, change that, they suck
Social media is the best thing ever
Our children can’t get a proper night’s sleep and can’t perform at school because of too much social media, but is doesn’t really matter because our education system sucks anyway
Social media allows bullying
Social media allows sexual exploitation
Come to think of it, social media sucks too
We are melting the polar ice caps
We will all get frazzled and become extinct
The whole world is starving but we must spend billions finding out if there is water on Mars so the blue peter science department has something to write about
Globalisation is wrong but those who want to change it are wrong too
The country is creaking under the weight of the population but we must let more people in
We catch too many fish but we can’t eat them because they are full of plastic pellets
Bradley Wiggins is guilty
Mo Farah’s coach is innocent
UKIP losing is more newsworthy than Labour winning
Winter storms must now be named to make them more scary and subliminally validate the climate change theory
Our armed forces are insufficient in numbers to defend us but who cares, we don’t like them anyway because of what they did to those nice young men in the IRA and those crazed Iraqi terrorists
Social media is responsible for Islamic radicalisation and terrorism, not the koran, but deporting crazy muslim preachers violates their civil rights
Prisons are full (of phones, colour TVs, Playstations, drugs, takeaway food and the odd prisoner)
We should now consider letting the burglars, rapists, paedophioles that the under-funded police force manages to convict get off with community service
A travel company is to blame for the Tunisian beach massacre
yada yada yada
Well you’re not scaring me, you’re not brainwashing me. I’ve got your number.
Not enough muslims
I’m waiting for President Trump to refer to what’s going on in Sweden again, more for the stark contrast by the BBC and other media –
Brilliant ! I have no idea why Beeboids live in this awful country. Why don’t they all emigrate. That would improve the UK.
Calling Lenny Henry ! Attention Mr Greg Dyke !
New BBC One ‘Oneness’ station ident featuring the volunteer Brecon Beacons Mountain Rescue Team – appart from the adorable black and white dog, the rest of the team is looking hideously white.
Bit of explanation required. The photo-shoot was very early morning, the two muslim team members are praying behind the Landrover and don’t like to be associated with the dog anyway. The Nigerian driver is not allowed to leave the wheel, in case of emergency call-outs, and the person of mixed race, front right, is showing signs of low blood pressure from being at extreme altitude.
I have been volunteering with two local organisations for over 10 years. In that time I have met probably 500 plus volunteers. Apart from two, all are white.
Wonder why that is?
So these organisations are hideously white. I wonder how many non-whites are in the RNLI, to take one example ?
Where is the one in the wheelchair?
The BBC’s Mrs. Doyle doing her Paxo best:
Top comment has a nifty share on BBC persons of interest:
The poor frozen looking people who turn their backs and wade into the sea are all white too. Are the all leaving to emigrate somewhere else and shouldn’t the navy be their to pick them up and take them to their choice of promised land?
White flight
Perhaps when they filmed it was ‘Muslim women only’ day at the council swimming baths?
One for James and unit to ‘fact check’, then the likes of Mark Easton to ‘analyse’ or… if editorial integrity requires, deep six.
Just finished this stunning account of the threat of IS as given in a lecture by Dr Sebastian Gorka. The likes of Evan Davis and Andrew Neil really need not waste his time, but they do.
Still though-thank the Lord THIS man is in the US State Department now…as opposed to a creep like John Kerry.
You need no other analysis re the threat of IS…so stuff the BBC.
If this guy thinks Islamic Jihad can be defeated then he isn’t an expert and he is seriously deluded.
He cannot fight the massive amount of funding coming out of the Middle East, and he cannot defeat the billions of Muslims for whom Jihad is the sixth pillar of Islam.
I posted this link last week which shows that well over 50 Million Muslims 14% find violence in the way of their faith completely acceptable, and over 100 million thought that 9/11 was a good thing.
No one is going to be able to defeat this unless they put an end to the horrible religion, and there are over 1.5 billion of them.
Sorry but it’s not going away, and the only certain way for us to be safe would be to ban Muslims from our country – and that’s not going to happen either !
Fair comment Thoughtful, but I`m more optimistic.
1. Don`t think he`d disagree re your wish to quarantine Islam from the civilised world,
2. He does give the Soviet parallel, Communism collapsed without a gun being fired-but there again,full-blown Communism wasn`t a staple and liberal Trijan Horse in our major cities, in our media and culture-as Islam now is.
3. If we knew or cared about Israel and the Judeo-Christian that we once were steeped in-then his theological arguments and rationale would be easier for us. As things stand, he seems as anodyne as Farage re Islamic theological underpinnings. We have no such excuse have we?
Good to see that highly regarded bastion of balance and fair play, Meera Syal – described as a comedian in the Radio Times – feels that ‘TV has gone backwards’ in its portrayal of Asians. Disregarding such gems as Citizen Khan and an unfair percentage of the cast of Emmerdale and East Enders, she suggests that dramas like ‘Three Girls’ based on the Rochdale abuse scandal are typically unfair, commenting: ‘Of course, it’s not like those things don’t happen, but it looks like that’s the only things Asians do….’
Point taken Meera, that’s exactly what it looks like.
Beltane – Yep, sure looks like that:
“Islamic child-sex grooming up by 32% in a year and spread to every town and city”
495 sexual grooming offences recorded by police in the year to June
Figure has risen by a third since on 376 offences uncovered in 2013
Lynne Featherstone warns abuse is not confined to any one area
Home Office minister says exploitation can ‘take on many different forms’
Latest Map Updates: updated 8/10/2012 – added Birmingham & 3rd in Bradford, updated 29/10/ 2012 – added new Rochdale grooming gang, updated 14/11/2012 – added 2nd Blackburn, updated 17/11/2012 – added Keighley, Nelson, 2nd Rotherham, Oldham, 2nd Manchester, Preston, Sheffield, 3rd/4th in Rochdale, 2nd Blackpool , 3rd/4th Blackburn * thanks to Petra for tip ? , updated 21/11/2012- added High Wycombe, updated 26/11/2012- added Hayes, Barking, Swansea, 4th in Bradford, updated 27/11/2012-added Darwen, updated 28/11/2012 – added 2nd Telford, updated15/12/ 2012 – added East London, updated 13/1/2013- added Liverpool and Harrow, updated 24/1/2013- added 2nd Keighley, updated 26/1/2013- added Nottingham and new Oxford, updated 7/2/2013- added 2nd Leicester , 2nd High Wycombe, updated 17/2/2013- added 2nd Birmingham, updated 16/3/2013- added Peterborough, Newcastle, South Shields , updated 22/3/2013- added 3rd Nelson, Lancaster, updated 14/5/2013-added Manchester Gay Rape, updated 21/5/2013 – added 3rd Oldham, updated 12/6/2013 – Birmingham Shop Worker, updated 17/7/2013 – Great Norton , updated 2/8/2013 – added Coventry, updated 8/8/2013 – added Londonderry, Northern Ireland (H/T #RapeJihad), updated 8/9/2013 – added Bolton, Oldham updated 28/9/2013 – added Torquay, Bristol, Manchester updated 8/11/2013 – added Bristol, Bolton, Harlow, Peterborough updated 8/2/2014 – added Bury, Leigh, Peterborough, Leeds, Oxford,
Headington Teenage Boy Rape, Bradford updated 17/3/2014 – added Middlebrough, Stevenage updated 1/6/2014 – Burton, Chesham,Sheffield/Bradford, Leeds updated 14/2/2015 – Wycombe, Newcastle, Halifax, Aylesbury, Peterborough, Sheffield
If the BBC didn’t persist in describing the abusers as Asian there wouldn’t be this problem.
Non Pakistani Asians would not have been tainted.
Shame the likes of Meera Syal don’t object to the obfuscation of the BBC when they first started purveying this fake so-called news.
“Asian” would even include the Japanese who do seem to cause many problems in Europe or N.America. This is all just a dishonest attempt by the Left and the BBC to deflect from the fact that the problem is the evil religion of Islam. BBC Fake News at its finest.
Paging Grayson Perry
Okay then………… I am really looking forward to what i can only describe as a massive sh**storm happening when the Council electorate have the pleasure of a bunch of students go knocking on the doors in my town…. Have a read…….
I particularly liked this quote….
`A Cleethorpes Labour Party source claimed: “It was clear that Momentum are targeting control of Cleethorpes Labour Party in addition to a number of other seats within the region.`
WOW!!!! I will of course be looking forward to a visit, I live in what usd to be a council estate, they`re bound to be all over it…
Hopefully Grimsby MP Melanie Onn will make an appearance, can`t wait to ask about whether she wants Polish people who wish to remain here after BREXIT should be allowed, and whether or not they should have the same rights as all the other EU nationals… I`ve got a nice polish family across the road from me actually, I`ll give her a `heads up` so she can tell them about her great aunts` Polish lodger who died just before she left the area due to her being thrown out by her Aunt who never spoke to her again… Or maybe she might want to canvass the area where she lived at the time, I`m sure some of the older residents will remember her and she could reassure them that social care for older people is one of her priorities… Failing that there`s always `Syria` …
I really cannot wait, i might even email her to offer her a hand with her websites `about me` page…. It`s a bit threadbare TBH, not very big on detail….
I wonder if any Islington elites will turn up ??? Flabbott would be awesome!!!!
Hope no one who supports the labour party was listening to Today on radio 4 this morning, just after 8. They were discussing Labour’s response to the government giving people the choice over grammar schools.
In the past Labour Secretaries Of State for Education have included Estelle Morris, Charles Clarke, Ruth Kelly, Alan Johnson and Ed balls. And to follow those heavy weights? Labour now has Angela Rayner. Rather than being bright, sharp, incisive and articulate, she was mouthy, shouty and toe curlingly inarticulate. It didn’t help that she couldn’t string a few words together to form an idea nor that she was up against Toby Young, with whom, for obvious reasons, she refused to debate.
Many time Humphries asked her the obvious question about closing Grammar schools if labour got into office and on each occassion she thought she could just bluster on and on about nothing in particular.
No one mentioned that many labour MPS, Guardian writers and BBC producers are products of the Grammar schools and send their own Tristan and Isoldes to them, I guess that would be too cruel.
Leftish hypocrisy, so blatant they don’t even bother to hide it any more.
And Corbyn, who came from a very well-off family, went to a fee-paying Prep school followed by Grammar school. Funny that the BBC do not make more of that.
I`m just trying to imagine anybody of sound mind, of experience, expertise and decency-the kind who post here-who would EVER “support the Labour Party”. I certainly used to-but their gloating at Mrs Thatchers death binned them to hell.
Nobody I know-even the Alzheimers case load whose bottoms I might need to wipe-not ONE of them is that low, that defective any more.
Labour really are the foreskin of politics. Irredeemable, thick scum.
Except for Kate Hoey and Gisela(but the latter`s a bit spongy and unreliable).
And notice that there was no gloating by the Tories on the death of Healey. And he was a total bastard.
Dead right-Kaufman, Crow, Benn-we`ve had plenty targets had we been as malicious and joyless as The Left.
That they dare to condemn Dismal Des Humphrys for not calling Thomas Mair a “terrorist”-just “off his meds” only shows that even a fresh corpse serves the Lefts purposes as well as one like Lenins. The Left-truly evil. Trumps got them figured though.
“Nobody I know-even the Alzheimers case load whose bottoms I might need to wipe-not ONE of them is that low, that defective any more.”
Any of those available to be labour’s new shadow education spokesman?
Blog of the organiser of the BBC “SoICanBreathe season”Wwhich I think is illegal, appalling and offensive
It’s a diabolical liberty for the BBC to use public resources to run an undemocratic political campaign.
Emily Kasriel campaign Head of Editorial Partnerships and Special Projects
(it’s her first ever blog post)
It has open comments …only 26 so far
What the xxxx is “Editorial Partnerships” ? Beeboids have minds like butterflies. Currently it is transgender and air pollution. Next month , who knows ? Some things are fairly constant, Brexit, Trump and Islamophilia.
I thought at first that Mr. Campbell would either be touched at this concern for his health or outraged at this slur on his intelligence.
If 3 million migrant invaders are good for our economy why didn’t they help their own?
Comments open at the BBC – for now – on an EU related topic
‘EU leaders embrace multi-speed Europe amid tensions’
‘”Italy wants a more integrated EU, but one that can allow various levels of integration” Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said.’
Translation into understandable English, please?
It means he doesn’t really know what he means.
I think it means “When we get to the end of 2017, whichever States are likely to remain in the EU and Eurozone will have to integrate more. There will be different levels of integration, a bit more integrated than today, a bit less integrated than today and integrated somewhere between those levels of ‘more’ and ‘less’.
Thanks for explaining that so clearly. I understand now.
It’s the equivalent of a football manager saying after a match ‘I promised the lads we’d either win, lose or draw, and I didn’t let them down’.
Grant, think EU at times makes African politics look quite straightforward.
It may simply mean no one at the Beeb is fluent in Italiano.
Now if it was Arabic…….
Number TWO on the BBCs trending stories is
“Trumps Shamrock Shame”.
Does it get any worse-write your own news anyway, might get a book out of it.
The BBC are now beyond surreal-who the heck devised THAT as a notion on a “news outlet”? Apparently John Pienarr and Martha Kearney would like us to have a general election to rescue Corbyn and derail Brexit-nobody wants one, but that doesn`t mean they`ll not continue to push it-so said Pienarr. Beyond sharks now isn`t it?
Make Your Own News.
BBC Website doing a hatchet job on Ben Carson. OK, he does say some pretty daft things, but could you imagine them doing the same if he was a black democrat ?
The only thing one can learn from watching the BBC and the Leftist media in general is the current state of the Victimhood League Table.
Carson’s Black victim score has been erased by the fact he made a success of himself. Unacceptable. To add insult to injury, he is working in the Trump administration, putting him even further beyond the pale.
Woke shortly after 8 this morning.
Switched on BBC R4 Today. First item was Angela Rayner ranting about grammar schools. TBH I thought Humphreys did a pretty fair job of pointing out la Rayner’s repeated failure to give a direct answer to his perfectly fair question about grammar schools, and letting the audience know that Rayner had declined to debate the issue with his other guest Toby Young.
Blimey – I thought – could the tide be turning? After all, Al Beeb has had some not-completely-negative coverage about Trump recently.
My optimism was quickly dashed by the next item: Mishal Hussein interviews a woman who has a voice like a rusty chainsaw, on the urgent need to increase the number of female cartoon characters.
International Womens Day tomorrow.
Is it ever NOT International Womens Supremacist Time on Radio 4 any more?
The likes fo Mishal and Monty would never have got a job when the likes of Maggie, Ann Leslie and Julie Burchill were actually ACHIEVING things as women. As opposed to drying Harriet Harmans tissues, as she mocks the very idea of female emancipation…St Pauls, Oxbridge and a serial hypocrite like her Labour pals.
Hope Soubry, Rudd, Greening ,Truss and Miller will join the Lib Dims and let some REAL women in to shake up the BBC-Laura Perrins and Sarah Palin have set the bar.
‘…the urgent need to increase the number of female cartoon characters’
Ok I think Viz had this covered years ago but if they really want to get it started again:
Instead of Andy Cap we could have Mandy ‘Dutch’ Cap
Obviously there could be a very rude female version of the Bash Street Kids
Mini Mouse Pay Gap ?
How about Desperate Harriet Harman and her Cow PIE
An example of how endemic the moral rot is at the BBC:
Lionel Shriver is explaining to Jeremy Vine why she wishes that she hadn’t got married the first time. Vine tells her that it didn’t sound like a feminist view to him.
Shriver had quite clearly explained that she felt she had devalued the promise that she had wanted to make to her current husband. Clearly integrity, fidelity and honesty are alien concepts within the bubble.
Lionel Shriver baffles me.
“We Need to Talk About Kevin” was brilliant.
“The Post-Birthday World” was execrably poor, frankly amateurish.
I find it hard to believe that the same person wrote both.
Not sure if any have seen this – child abuse by the sick and twisted takes many forms:-
“You may have had some problems with signing CitizenGO petitions in the last couple of days. Our website was down for about 24 hours (on and off) after we experienced a Denial of Service attack from an extreme hacker group.
These hackers attacked us because they are furious that Hazte Oir (the Spanish version of CitizenGO) would dare to speak common sense about the biological reality that boys are boys and girls are girls.
According to the Spanish police, this attack was orchestrated by the well-known hacker group “Anonymous.” The attack was spurred on by a new campaign by the CitizenGO Group, which started last week in Madrid.
On Monday, as part of the campaign, a tour bus drove around Madrid with the inscription: “Boys have penises. Girls have vaginas. Do not be deceived. A boy born a boy is a boy. A girl born a girl is a girl.”
Why did they do this?
The bus campaign was formulated in response to a pamphlet that was distributed by the pro-transgender ideology organization CHRYSALLIS. The pamphlet shows four naked children holding hands, including a “boy” with female genitalia and a “girl” with male genitalia. Under the drawing of the children is the slogan: “There are girls with penises and boys with vaginas. It’s that simple.”
I just had an email about that. Maybe you got one too. It is child abuse. But the motive of the perpetrators of the current obsession, including the BBC, is not really clear to me. The number of people affected must be tiny.
Agreed- it is odd and why the sudden upsurge in interest?
There have always been intersex people but these days something can be done for them. And there have always been those with psychological conditions regarding their biological gender. But this seems on a par with adults trying to convince us and them that six year olds are gay and need to come out. Sick.
Leftists always want to destroy childhood. Children are just something to be used for their political agenda. Yes, sick indeed.
It is like in the past there was a campaign to lower the age of consent for gay sex,who was campaigning for this,was it sixteen year old boys,I doubt it, probably 40 year old gay men,and you know what even saying that worries me that I could be accused of homophobia and a ‘hate crime’, that’s how crazy this world has become.
Patricia Hewitt (ex Labour minister) was general secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) when it supported the Paedophile Information Exchange’s (P.I.E.) campaign for the age of consent to be lowered to fourteen, or to ten if the consent of the child could be proved. She also supported the decriminalising of incest.
Harriet Harperson worked there (NCCL) at the time (1976) when the P.I.E had the backing of the NCCL.
David Keighley at Conservative Woman draws attention to the BBC’s thoughts on the family:
“The majority of people still identify as heterosexual, and raising families on one’s own can be exhausting and unaffordable in the modern world.
Children might also prefer and benefit from having two domestic parents, although this remains a controversial topic. “
They can’t even bring themselves to say “mother and father” but “two domestic parents”.
In the BBC’s bubble priority goes:
1. A single natural mother
2. Two lesbian mothers
3. Two homosexual fathers
4. A single homosexual father
5. Two natural parents
6. A single natural father
No doubt there are various non-natural relationship that can be inserted above number five.
Jim S,
Only “controversial” in the eyes of Beeboids, not in the eyes of normal people.
You can’t expect the BBC to think through to the negative effects of their de-prioritising of the family – clearly they don’t join the dots, afterall it’s not as though they don’t daily bang on about care for the elderly and affordable child care.
The Left always try to destroy the traditional; strong family unit – it is the foundation that stable societies are built upon.
No further comment required…
Evening Standard, Londoner’s Diary, Tuesday 7th March
‘The dancing shoes were placed on the other foot at Bafta HQ in Piccadilly yesterday, as ex-politico and Strictly darling Ed Balls put on his Paxman hat to interview BBC news presenter Mishal Husain…
Balls wasn’t too severe: he showed off some dance moves and Husain took to Twitter to thank him for “treating me gently”‘
Heard the godawful Eddie Mair spend ten minutes trying to egg May on to giving the BBC and Labour that election that they crave.
Who else to ask but two of Gordon Browns faceless wonders-they who bottled the 2007 election for Brown that the media were wanting then too?
How the hell THIS can be called news is beyond me-mere kite flying for the Left, chit chats with Camerons old skimmers like Hague-Lansley-and, of course that self loving gossip from Westminster that keeps them on their perches as we get out of the EU?
This is not even fake news-it`s gossip.
Still though-beast twenty minutes on a druggie sob story , care home casualty or the last croaks of Steve Howlett-all of which also passes for PM “news content”, Trump seems to have filleted all news content from their schedules.
Ah well-time for the grown ups to do some swamp draining.
Ed Balls! the imbecile Osborne, f-ckin M Carney are we ever to be RID of these
creatures, hanging around like a bad smell … Camoron (as usual)reneged on everything but at least he went.
Breitbart reports that new built primary schools in Glasgow will have unisex toilets in case children are “confused about their gender “. At first I thought Glasgow ? What would Rab C. Nesbitt say ? Then , I realised, any excuse to save money. I wonder how long it will take the painfully slow BBC to pick this one up ?
I suppose they can save even more money by getting rid of toilet rolls and adopting the muslim method.
At least that will stop the kids biting their nails!
What makes you think that Glaswegians use toilet rolls ?
Grant – I thought they all celebrated St Andrex’s Day on November 30th. My mistake ….
Ridiculous,how many kids are “confused about their gender “, very, very few,yet all the boys and girls that would rather go to the toilet in privacy without the opposite sex harassing them have now had that right taken away.
This must be an SNP thing – my boy’s new school opened last month and only has unisex toilets. As commented at the time, I have told him to ask if the PE showers are also unisex.
“A former Conservative leader has accused the House of Lords of trying to secure a “veto” over Brexit”
An unelected oligarchy trying to keep us under the control of another unelected oligarchy. There is a HYS running on it now . Time to get out of the EU and time to get rid of the H.o.L.
“An unelected oligarchy trying to keep us under the control of another unelected oligarchy”
Brilliant! 😀
I realise that many in the House of Lords are very elderly, maybe suffering from Alzheimer’s and pissed half the time, but are they so stupid that they do not realise that, if they thwart the democratic will of the people, it increases the likelihood of them being abolished ? They are past their useful lives, if they had any. Get rid of them.
Why are there more unelected members of the House of Lords than there are in the House of Commons? Time to change the rules and abolish the old farts Lords. Or at least taper them down – a lot!
Wasn’t it Cameron who created vast amounts of Lords. That kinda seems just a little dodgy.
But as said on the, crappy, “Now Show” – ‘Britain, the home of democracy and yet it has an unelected Second Chamber’!
Yes it was Camoron, but I don’t think any were from the party which received 4,000,000 votes at the last GE.
What is the common factor between Brexit defeats by the courts and Law Lords, and Government defeats over Brexit in the Lords and the repeated failures of a former Home Secretary to secure a reduction in immigration and defeats inflicted by the courts over extradition of suspected terrorists?
Answer – Treezer the incompetent PM who was an incompetent Home Secretary.
Or maybe in the case of Brexit she is playing for the Remain team.
The HoL is the most expensive care home in Europe, Grant, never mind just the UK.
Grant suggesting that these ermined vermin are suffering from dementia and are pissed provides their actions with a dignity which it does not warrant.
They voted as they did ( justifying it as protecting us from ourselves) because
1 They know the game is up with the majority of the population as regards the EU. As far as these enobled bot flies are concerned it is a do or die moment. Yes there is a chance that we may well decide to do away with them but when you are priveledged and are fighting to maintain that privledge, then you have nothing to lose.
2, They have also guessed (probably correctly), that our cautious Head Girl back in Parliament lacks the mettle and political courage to puth these “Lords ” back where they rightly belong (ie out of a job).
I am afraid Theresa is entirerly predictable in her actions and will be quite happy to present us all with a meaningless brexit whilst wringing her hands saying she wanted to stand up for us commoners but was thwarted by these despicable lefties in the Lords.
” Ermined vermin ” ! Sums it up.
We had our chance back in the 1650s and blew it by inviting the whole rotten edifice of monarchy and lords ,ladies and the rest back.
About time we revived the spirit of conservative republicanism.
BBC Website has a piece about Trump surprising a group of kids on a school trip to the White House by appearing. BBC comment ” Can you spot the Hillary Clinton portrait photo-bombing the 45th President “. Not ” if Trump is so evil why has he not had it removed ? “. Or ” what the hell is a portrait of Hillary doing in the White House ? “. They just can’t help themselves.
Gollum Davis Newsnight, shows his concerned face, blarts about G Wilders and wants to know “what s happened to Holland?” to do so he sends someone called Gabriel to talk to the main Dutch liberals 😀 (shakes head) then waffles about Jews in the WW2.
What s happened to Jews in Holland Gabriel?, just like France, Sweden and Belgium?
Who s persecuting them? right now? ……. No one asks
I suspect this is all to do with the latest Leftist ploy that muslims are the new Jews. Unbelievable.
The Left inhabit a world of moral equivalence entirely of their own making. As a result, their moral perspective is that of a four year-old.
I think somebody a week or so back posted an interview with the author of a book called something like ‘The Kindergarten of Eden’, which explained this leftist affliction perfectly.
I was channel hopping when I stumbled on The One Show. I’ve never watched it before, but I saw Joan Collins and Pauline Collins as guests.Forty odd years ago, I confess I quite fancied them, or was it fifty? So I thought I would persevere, for old times sake.
The male presenter asked them what way they voted in the recent referendum. Pauline Collins immediately speaks out that ‘she thinks she speaks for both herself and Joan in that we don’t think actors should give their opinions and influence others on television’. She then criticised American actors for doing so.
Joan Collins then supported Pauline’s comment saying ‘our thoughts should be kept to private dinner party’s not for the wider public at large’.
Good on them. Actors who are both older and wiser. Our current crop of young lefty actors could learn much from them.
Good for them, though the idea that any priveleged, out-of-touch, self-regarding luvvie could influence anyone with even half a brain cell takes a bit of swallowing.
I interpret their comments as ‘we voted for Brexit – but we know the BBC will never have us on TV again, if we tell the truth’
Joan Collins many times has made her opinions clear in several newspaper interviews that she voted Brexit, because of what Britain has become. So she must have been exceptionally quiet on the One Show, as she’s normally very outspoken !
My train was severely delayed coming out of London today. Other passengers told me there was a bomb scare at London Bridge Station. 🙁
Reported on Breitbart website but not the BBC.
\\One of London’s major transport centres was in chaos Tuesday afternoon after London Bridge Station was shut due to a “suspicious vehicle” left nearby.
Police were seen deploying a bomb disposal robot as workers and travellers left the station and surrounding buildings. Office workers were also told to stay indoors and away from windows.
The rail station, which is the fourth busiest in the capital, was evacuated along with the bus station. Trains were also not calling at the tube station.//
The incident was stood down at 3.30pm.
Just in case this has not been pointed out here already – let’s spell it out – the BBC is lying through its teeth.
At the start of this week BBC news bulletins trumpeted the line that Donald Trump had made phone tapping claims but had offered no evidence to back up his claims.
Well the BBC itself made the following claims:
Paul Wood BBC News, Washington 12 January 2017
– Last April, the CIA director was shown intelligence that worried him.
– The CIA cannot act domestically against American citizens so a joint counter-intelligence taskforce was created.
– The taskforce included six agencies or departments of government. Dealing with the domestic, US, side of the inquiry, were the FBI, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Justice. For the foreign and intelligence aspects of the investigation, there were another three agencies: the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Agency, responsible for electronic spying.
– Lawyers from the National Security Division in the Department of Justice then drew up an application.
– Their first application, in June, was rejected outright by the judge. They returned with a more narrowly drawn order in July and were rejected again. Finally, before a new judge, the order was granted, on 15 October, three weeks before election day.
– But ultimately, the investigation is looking for transfers of money from Russia to the United States, each one, if proved, a felony offence.
– A lawyer – outside the Department of Justice but familiar with the case – told me that three of Mr Trump’s associates were the subject of the inquiry. “But it’s clear this is about Trump,” he said.
So either the BBC was talking ballony on 12th January when they were trying their damnedest to back up their Trump/Russia story or… they were right then about the Obama administration ordered surveilance and it therefore follows that Trump is right now.
And the BBC house magazine The Guardian:
‘The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation’
We know for sure the BBC has lied. Which lie was it and when?
Expect this one to wither on the vine until we all think that it never happened. That`s what the BBC hope for. Unfortunately for them, we know what they`re doing.
And it`ll run and run until we bring the bloody edifice down. We hope that it`ll be the straw that breaks their backs-but if not, we`ll be back to Savile and the Belgrano if we have to.
WE despise them-if only the useless UKIP would simply offer to make the BBC free, and let Gary Richardson and Johhny Dymond earn a bob as the clowns they are.
Grammar schools too-and UKIP will walk it.
Trump kept it simple and direct-then acted. Yet Nuttall seems happy to let Marr and Crick eviscerate him…blockhead.
Trump is winning. He’s got his opponents on the Left simultaneously backing terrorists and backing the secret services plots against him. The likes of the BBC don’t know whether they are coming or going.
He promised the media would have trouble if he became president. He promised his side would win and win until they were tired of winning.
Put any of these issues about which the BBC is jumping up and down to the vote and Trump would win again, only more so. Bigly.
Same with Brexit. Have another vote on the EU and Leave would win 60 – 40
This is a good article about the conspiracy against Donald Trump and what he could do to fight back.
Shades of 1977? The Beltway v The Carter Administration.
Interestingly, not mentioned in my hearing on BBC Radio 4 in 2016 or 2017.
There must be some at the BBC who are old enough to remember that? Or some who have studied PPE at Oxford and paid just a little attention to their tutors and lecturers?
Oh, faulty memory on my part! The BBC do not remember or do history. They manufacture it in a carefully customised form.
How’s this for a bit of good old BBC bias?
Spot the difference!
I have duly made a complaint for all the good it will do me.
Ladybird books – hounded for being hopelessly middle class, white and sexist.
They had complaints such as, the boy is climbing a tree but the girl is picking flowers. So they put the girl AND the boy climbing the tree, they then received complaints that the boy was pictured higher up the tree.
Now how does that work now we are so much more trans and none binary enlightened? What appears to be a boy may not be a ‘boy’?
Had a wry smile today as Radio 4 Xtra apologised for a Steptoe & Son as it was made back in, “unenlightened times”.
I hear that BBC job applications include the question, “Do you know the meaning of the term, “Journalistic Integrity”?
If they answer, ‘NO’, they’re in.
@gaxvil +20
Parliament will debate “Abolish the tv licence, it shouldn’t be a legal requirement.” This debate is scheduled for 8 May, so come on folks lobby your MP.
This morning, I have found so much of the Today programme impossible to listen to, but not (only) for the usual reason of bias by omission, selective reporting an so on. No, it is because the producers, in their infinity stupidity, have begun again the abominable practice of adding electronic background sounds to their reports. This morning, it is an infuriating ‘popping-bouncing ball’ sound as constant background to, for instance, the economic reports by Dominic O’Connell. This sound is so intrusive, quite soon one finds oneself listening only to the background sound, and not to the speech at all. I just had to turn the radio off. I tried again a few minutes ago, and soon there was the popping sound intruding into another report. This practice of dubbing unnatural sounds as background to speech-reports has a long history in the BBC, and I think was first introduced on the advice of a US firm of consultants who persuaded the BBC that it made for ‘more authentic’ listening (which it does not). Happily, this dreadful innovation seemed to have been mostly abandoned in recent years, but now it I fear it might be revived. BBC producers cannot realise how appalling it is for at least those listeners who have preserved their decent hearing. One theory is that the generation of BBC producers in their 20’s and 30s have had their hearing so impaired by years of disco decibels and loud ‘pop’ music in earphones, that they simply cannot hear what many of the rest of us can. Comment?
I given up watching BBC Wildlife documentaries for that very reason and their use of “trick” photography. Why the BBC think that these awful mindless sounds and music would attract people, I have no idea. But then they don’t give a damn about their customers as their income is guaranteed.
Ah, yes. Television! I now habitually mute the sound and use the subtitles in a wide range of programme types. I sometimes regret the loss of the commentary, but to retain my sanity the background ‘music’ has to be banished. Viewing with subtitles is actually rather good, and frees the mind. However, it cannot be beyond the wit of the technician to devise means of splitting speech from ‘music’ and enabling independent control of each by the use of two separate buttons one’s remote control.
I was just about to make that point ! I have said that many times.
Yes, lots of EXCESSIVE ambient noise today on TODAY, Martin. I regret that BBC Engineering does not operate to the same quality standards that they set decades ago. It just needed a better microphone choice and some shielding (as for sports) to improve broadcast quality.
I would not be surprised if it was being done in order to try to justify greater increases in the Licence Fee.
My trust in the BBC is draining away. (See below.)
My cousin’s husband, long retired, used to be Head of Special Effects at the BBC. Years ago I asked what was going on with the appalling sound levels and quality at the BBC. It set him off on a 5-minute , expletive-spattered tirade. I wish I had been able to record it for posterity !
Not to mention cameramen, camerawomen, cameratransgender persons who cannot focus a camera properly, use weird neck twisting angles, use badly over-exposed shots, and editors who cut multiple microsecond shots before my brain has had chance to process what is being shown.
The BBC Radio 4’s current ‘Pollution Season’ got me doing some fact checking. Listening to the BBC’s recent output on this, I assumed there had been a massive increase in the road miles being driven in the UK and that this increase had been uplifted by a measure of recovery in the UK economy, Brexit notwithstanding.
But no. Apparently road mileage is still below 2006/07 levels and for cars is similar to the last few years and these years are – apparently – showing a decline. The reason for this is that despite massive immigration, there is a year on year fall in numbers of young people learning to drive. Offsetting that is a greater number of mature women learning to drive.
Where is all this pollution coming from? It does not appear to be from vehicles according to official figures. We also know that the UK vehicle fleet of cars is at its newest – and is therefore cleaner & greener – ever. (Nick Robinson is talking about new cars on the TODAY programme as I type.)
The BBC journalists and presenters are not asking the right questions and not asking enough questions on this subject. They appear to be happy to blether on about something that is extremely dubious without thorough fact checking.
Are the BBC promoters of FakeNews on this? It may well be so.
I’m guessing it’s to do with the increase in diesel cars.
What’s not pointed out very often by the BBC is that the increased use of diesel was promoted by the Liebour Governments as being a way to reduce “pollution” – carbon dioxide. But now it seems diesel makes nitrous oxides and particulates which actually are pollution.
Very similar to the way in which nuclear was demonized and we shut down our nuclear industry. Only for the Greens to then change tack when it was pointed-out that the dash to gas was creating ever more carbon dioxide.
In short having energy policy set by weak politicians being led by the nose by virtue-signaling Greens has been a massive co”ck-up.
G’day sport! It’s not the extra diesel cars if they are not being driven, mate! They don’t pollute when sitting, looking pretty, on your driveway. I researched the essential component of vehicle created pollution: actual road miles.
Anyway, the great jump in diesel cars occurred in 1999-2004 or so. They enjoyed a temporary fuel tax advantage over here. Since then that has disappeared and petrol is now generally the cheaper fuel. The BBC have majored on that Government ‘diesel encouragement’ of long ago in this ‘Pollution Season’. Perhaps they have talked themselves into a state of brain-fade with it and that is behind their failure to really understand that they are broadcasting some nonsense on the subject?
One of the leaders on the news this morning on the BBC is that there are not enough women
in high positions in sports organizations such as football, cricket, rugby , wrestling,
boxing etc. This the BBC said is a diversity matter.
I expect before long we will see programmes such as Match of the Day with Gary Lineker long gone being presented by Riz Lateef or Ayshea Buksh or Alice Bhandhukravi. Sorry Asad Ahmad
perhaps they will allow you to be a pundit. Oh I forgot Victoria Hollins just for some REAL
positive discrimination for London.
They had a woman commenting on the Rugby the other week. Without being sexist, it just doesn’t seem right. Same goes for TMS. My view is that all commentators in sport should , at least, have played the game at some level. How many women have played men’s rugby ?
Gramscian colonisation of the male spaces-whilst these phony sisters get to keep all THEIR privileges and sanctuaries.
Won`t work though…sport is STILL an area that the arts despise-remember Meryl Streeps pop at Trump for reducing the arts funding to sports coverage-real venom in that battleground for love, fame and celebrity-let alone all those awards of theirs.
Sport is STILL unpredictable when it matters to us-still can`t be lied over re “equality”( Liverpool will be better than Lincoln, no matter how you present both teams re social justice and fairness). Yes, it`s overpaid shit with all manner of excuses to put the poppets in-but Alan Partridge said it all didn`t he?
And the lads I know who follow crappy old sport know what the BBCs game is-and their sponsorship creepings to make sport a Cuban or Soviet kind of “uniting religion”. Won`t work-most women despise sport, except tennis and snooker…which are at least recognisably good, exciting and skilful.
AS “Won`t work-most women despise sport, except tennis and snooker…which are at least recognisably good, exciting and skilful.”
You forget cricket and golf. The latter enjoyed by women as participants for some considerable time. Years ago, I was surprised to find how many women in my social circle, especially older women, loved cricket and golf. They may not have played but were avid listeners & viewers via the BBC. EW Swanton, John Arlott, Brian Johnston and Henry Longhurst may, possibly, have had something to do with that. Perhaps the ladies like the gentler, more polite sports? If so, I’m mostly with you there, girls!
I also have an elderly female acquaintance who loves Formula One and is a big, big Lewis Hamilton fan.
The Toady programme reports today that it is ‘extremely concerning’ that there are not enough women in management positions in sport. I agree – it really keeps me awake at night. Terrorism is of no concern whatsoever.
I wish they would stop banging on about ‘diversity’ and equal representation as if they were the pathway to heaven on Earth. The best person should get the job regardless of the colour of their skin or what is between their legs. It has all the intellectual rigour of a nursery rhyme yet to them it is gospel. It is so they have something to battle for without facing any of the uncomfortable problems they ought to face.
Also everyone knows that men tend to enjoy sport far more than women do. When I suggest an epic session of FIFA on the PlayStation, my male friends are generally delighted whilst and girlfriends are disgusted. Everyone knows this. This progressivism may be looked back upon as one of the greatest examples of mass insanity in history. It is a constant denial of reality.
Anybody else wish that they also had the luxury of creating such pointless sterile ” extreme concerns” of theirs?
The BBC make me sick. Only wish I had their “problems and concerns”.
£145.50-soon to be £14well , saving that should get me a nice coach trip out…one less problem at least to tell You and Yours about,
I’m ‘extremely concerned’ about my ethnic minority neighbours who never take the communal bins & recycling out for the binmen to collect.
Waste disposal has become the new white man’s burden. I demand the BBC investigate this scandalous state of affairs!
As a matter if interest, if the licence fee were abolished , how many here would pay a subscription for the BBC and at what level ?
For me, as far as the BBC are concerned, I pretty much just watch Match of the day, and specials like The 6 nations, World Cup etc. Therefore I would, but no more than £5 per month.
For me it is TMS and special events like the New Year’s Day concert. I used to watch the Remembrance Day Cenotaph event but now spoilt for me by commentary over the music. My mum likes Songs of Praise. So £5 max !
But there is one good thing about the Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph event, it is a 95% white event. Yes, a few black people naturally, but hardly a Raghead or Ragbag in sight in the crowds lining Whithall. I just don’t think it is a part of their ‘British Muslim’ culture they feel worth celebrating, even though our brave forces fought for the democracy they live in. See how many you can spot in the crowds this year, fun for all the family!
But I love it when the representatives of Commonwealth Countries lay their wreathes. Almost every one black. Another bonus is that the loathesome EU has not muscled in on the event.
I wouldn’t pay. I hardly watch anything on the BBc as it is, as most of what they broadcast is rubbish. Cutting out what I do watch would be no sacrifice. If the BBc disappeared tomorrow I wouldn’t miss it.
It’s not so much the naff and even dire quality of todays TV offerings;
most of which has been done before and done better.
It’s the obligatory – Got a TV? Gotta fund the BBC – aspect we find so objectionable in our, ‘home of democracy’.
If half the license funded the BBC and half funded something like Fox News UK that would be the right, fair and reasonable way to go.
Grant, I’ve lost a lot of motivation to watch TV, even back when I had good access via iPlayer and the other channels were also offering ‘catch up’ & ‘choice’ TV.
The internet offers so much more for free. The entertainment here from the varied knowledge of other posters plus the wit and humour is an alternative in itself. I think the BBC may be doomed unless they reform themselves and offer a much reduced Licence Fee in a few years time. The next recession will probably see them done for. I’m already starting to enjoy turning Radio 4 off. There’s only 4Extra left.
I would be willing to pay about £25 a year. No more than that.
They ought to be able to run one or two TV channels and three to four radio stations on £500,000 per annum plus programme & publication sales income. Much of their programming, even on radio now, is repeats.
A significant event I think was when the BBC recently remade several classic 60s/70s sitcoms. There seemed to be general agreement that the remakes were dire and pointless and only served to show how low the BBC has sunk. Yet I am sure there are plenty of writers and comedians out there who could do good family comedy but they are just not given the chance, because the establishment prefers to push PC box-ticking nonsense like ‘The Crouches’ and ‘Citizen Khan’.
I would maybe pay £3 a month for access to their entire back catalog (at least they made some decent telly in the old days). But only after they have been effectively abolished and became a private company. I wouldn’t want any of my cash to keep the awful subversive organisation afloat in its present form.
Personally, I wouldn’t pay, but I might be overruled by the rest of the family. Whilst I’ve got them to admit that the BBC is biased (it’s been pretty easy to do since Brexit and Trump, frankly) I don’t think they’re yet ready to do without Huw Edwards or Graham Norton.
Looks like £5 a month is the highest offer. Think I might reduce mine !
We don’t watch BBC. Our kids don’t watch BBC. I listen to Radio 4 Xtra archive programs. Next question?
If they were smart they could do a joint subscription – the BBC and Guardian together.
Watch both sink
Seriously, enjoy watching the Tory MPs during the debate on abolition of the TV tax gushing with praise for the BBC – envy of the world, David Attenborough, and coverage of the Olympic Games
It already is a joint subscription as I think the BBC is the Guardian’s biggest customer. Yes, the Tory turkey’s voting for christmas. Idiots.
I didn’t see Breakfast yesterday. However today an “economist” sorry didn’t get the dozy bitchs name launches another attack on the “triple lock” pensions increase, Now I’m still a decade away from state pension age assuming they don’t lift the bar again so I’ve not got an axe to grind on this one. However it does seem to be building into a regular feature the sofa sloths never comment but use mouthpieces instead. Let’s just review the current MAXIMUM state retirement pension rate which is £119.36. Or £155.65 from 6/4/20106 under the new pension scheme. Maybe they are confused and think it has increased from £119.36 to £155.65 it hasn’t you get one rate or another depending on your date of birth.Today’s mouth piece informs us that people are unhappy with the fact pensions are going up faster than the wages of working age. Total and utter bollax of course as at no stage does anyone mention the maximum rate. I wonder how happy Generation me would be if their maximum wages were capped at £119.36p.w, but hey it would go up at a faster rate. Hey why not go the whole hog and cut pensions or if the BBc are so worried perhaps they could hold a charity bore-athon for the yooof. I’m going to complain I haven’t complained for a while, because I’m always wrong. I will of course put the reply saying I’m wrong on here.
bBBC roving reporter this week is dividing our nation into different age groups and asking them what they want to see in the budget, setting young v old, baby boomers v generation me…… and then they wonder why our society is broken/fractured. They ask what would different age groups like to see money spent on, and where would they take it from in todays budget. Based on the section I saw today bBBC, did no one suggest taking the money from the foreign aid budget? Did so many of my age group want to cut defence spending? Really? The points of view I saw today bear NO comparison to a cross section of people I know from all political points of the compass. Let me make a few comments here, that are not acknowledged by our selective bBBC.
1. I bought my house when for many years interest rates were 14-17%
2. Basic rate income tax was 33%
3. Young people have better access to higher education.
4. Many young people today can take time out to ‘travel’, I HAD to get a job.
5. My employer made no contribution to my private pension, and in later years just the bare minimum.
on the plus side, we had proper music.
Indeed Northern dreamer. These people obviously live in a parallel universe to mine. I remember the deep joy of every time I moved the interest rates seemed to bump up in the following couple of months. Imagine the fun if interest rates returned to the levels our generation were used to? I did a bit of travelling when I was younger however I was wearing camouflage and being shouted at a lot.
Ha ! You had it easy.
Easy! I used to get up at 6 a.m. clean the toilets in the sub standard accommodation with a tooth brush. March around for a few hours. Go for a run with boots on , no trainers in those days…. and you tell that to the kids of today.
Every budget we get the same boring format of different groups being asked ‘what do you want out of it?’ and then the inevitable post budget whinge from aforesaid folk, who are often fairly ignorant of wider economic issues framing the budget and seem to expect they deserve something for nothing from the state.. The difference now is that, as the BBC has grown more biased, we get more skewed selections of ‘representative’ people and more leading questions put to them, trying to get them to portray what a lousy time they are having financially, due to the ‘nasty Tories’.
Today we had a group of self-employed business people from Crewe. The first respondent said how ‘uncertain’ and ‘pessimistic’ she was. I switched off at that point!
The key facts are
1 The economy is growing at a respectable rate by post 1945 standards. Critics of the government please note.
2. Productivity growth has been poor since 2008 so we cannot expect average living standards to be going up much.
3. The government is still borrowing around £70 billion per annum so there is no ‘free money’ to distribute. Money can only be found by cutting the growth of something else ( foreign aid, anyone?) or putting up taxes or borrowing more.
4. The immigrant workers so beloved by the BBC and its like are probably not contributing much by way of taxes if they are on low wages and have children. But they still need housing, healthcare, school places etc, which the state pays for directly or indirectly (housing benefit).
Absolutely. I had no further education and bought a flat at age 18. Rampant interest rates going up every month to the point that once the mortgage, bills and travel to work costs were paid, I had just enough to eek out on food if I went to my parents a couple of times a week for tea, and ate cheaply.
No holidays until I was 30, no mobile phone, no nights out on the piss, second hand furniture, etc.
Nowadays the financial priority appears to be holiday, cars, mobile phones before paying rent/utilities/credit card debt.
Ha ! You had it easy.
I worked in finance and the pension crisis has been known about for more than a generation. The root of the problem is that the state pension is not based on a savings scheme, but is reliant upon the ongoing tax contributions of the working population – in simple terms, think of it like a bathtub with the taps running but no plug. The demand for pensions is increasing, as more people are living to a longer age, but the tax revenues are not keeping pace. During the Blair regime, the lie was put out that we need immigrants as ‘their taxes will pay for us in our old age’. But even the thickos at the Treasury realise that the Albanian guys working for cash in the car wash, the Russians and Poles picking vegetables for minimum wage, the Bulgarian and Romanian nannies working for slave wages, to say nothing of the unemployables from further afield, do not contribute significant tax revenues. Ergo, the only other option rather than – gasp, horror, actually reform the state pension scheme in a meaningful manner – is to increase the age at which people qualify or reduce the amount, and the latter is political suicide. But if you are a politician or a civil servant in a generous, ring-fenced policy of your own, it’s not such a pressing problem.
Dave, they go on about the 2.5% pension rise as 2.5% is above inflation. Sounds good eh?
If I was getting the average wage of £25,000 or so then 2.5% would be a good increase, over £50 per week.
The 2.5% pension rise will give below £3 per week.
I’m one of the second class pensioners not getting this new rate.
With my council tax (5%) and utilities rises my pension rise is already wiped out. The other inflation rises such as insurance and normal outgoings add to a pension devaluation.
I have never ever complained that my 49 years worth of NI contributions were being paid to the pensioners of the day but am now expected to feel guilty for drawing my pension.
Emmanuel fully agree. Everything sounds great in percentage world. As I used to say to my members back when I was a union rep “A percentage of bugger all is bugger all” when after the pay deal was accepted they would come and ask me why it was their wages had not gone up by very much. Definitely don’t feel guilty it’s you entitlement.