A new fashion trend coming to Al beeb sometime soon. This from that pinnacle of truth, CNN:
“Modest dressing is a global cultural movement on the rise.” and
” At a glance, modest dressing appears to refer to a trend seen predominantly amongst young Muslims, though on closer inspection the movement includes women of many different faiths, and sometimes has nothing to do with religion at all.” and
” Trend analysts have dubbed what they interpret as a new wave of feminism the “pluri-empowerment,” factor, says Iza Dezon, a trend forecaster at Peclers Paris.” and finally
“Social media will be a priority for Guenez who sees Instagram and Facebook’s democratised international dialogue as the foundations of the modest dressing movement. “The girl in Jakarta is connecting with the girl in New York every day, as part of a bubbling global fashion dialogue” says Guenez. “A big percentage of the women we’ll be speaking to are in Asia and the Middle East, where they’re involved in what we call ‘social media on steroids’ — everything happens there. We want to participate in this dialogue, and we want to further it.”
So the fact that two decades ago young fashionable women in Jakarta used to feel free enough to dress in whatever western styles they wished to and have now taken up the banner of “modest dressing” and seemingly will be spreading the “pleuri-empowerment trend” to New York is something we should all celebrate, and is not of course total bollocks and part of a female body shaming trend spread by intolerant religious fanatics.
Normalising Islam by another guise. Stockholm Syndrome by the same types who ignored the Danish cartoons because they were-well, in poor taste I`d imagine. Any excuse will do-as long as they themselves can bleat on about being free to make these sensitive and informed choices. FGM may yet be seen as a way to improve your life chances over cystitis…and blending both Shia and Sunni semen an effective barrier cream for thrush or such.
International Womens Day today! So sorry to be so graphic-one day only boys!
Oh Jim.
You don`t spend enough time in the kitchen I fear. You blokes really have no excuse this Glorious Womens Day not to know that I was using my new fridge freezer to store my CDs that had only recently been made available.
Turns out that the music sounded no slower, and I got frostbite when I tried to play them on the hob later on.
So much for BBC Science-whatever happened to “Brains Harrabin” who oversaw my PhD research back then?
Gunner… Totally correct about young women in Jakarta two decades ago. I worked in Indonesia at that time – plenty of skirts and dresses, plus illuminated crosses on churches, adverts for alcohol so on. I do not particularly recall seeing women covered up, not even in Surabaya, which was a far more Islamic city than Jakarta. But even there, there was no problem in getting a cold beer during Ramadan, served by someone who could/would not drink it himself.
I do listen to Radio 3 during the day as it’s mainly music, apart from the bursts of propaganda called news, but I think today it will have to be recordings. I’m already inundated with references to International Women’s Day, and of course the meme that there were all these wonderful women composers in history who were suppressed by the patriarchy or something.
Interesting how time has been colonised by the idiot left and its agents isn`t it?
We`ve lost all our saints days, unless it`s an excuse for a Celtic piss up-with no mention whatsoever of history or meaning.
In return , nearly every damned day, week and month of the year has been claimed by the Left and its globalising “partners” in sales and marketing, nudgings and mitherings.
Is there any day on the media when it is NOT International Womens Day?…Gay Day, Migrant Awareness Day(M.A.D)…or such like?
Endless “celebrations” like Castro-endless ” consciousness raising” by the EUniversities or the United Colors of Pantene or whoever….
None of us in the care home will be getting whoops . hollers or flowers from Piers Morgan or Adrian Childs today-we`re not the target market, and they`ll bully us as they do to Murray and Greer-wrong age, ordinary drabs who hold the country together along with our men.
No-we`ll just wipe bums, boil stuff up, watch people age and slowly leave us without anybody else to see them out-and rage quietly as a Harman or a Lady Heseltine doles out nosegays and lavender sachets as if it`s Maundy Thursday in Holloways old Chapel( now a mosque or visitor centre I`d guess).
But we know…we really do.
Another example of the BBC deliberately failing to join the dots on the R4 Today program this morning.
In a series of items related to the Budget later today, we were introduced to a manager from AO who have a booming depot which employs 30-40% foreign staff, in Crewe (!). He was invited by Humphries to panic about immigration restrictions post-Brexit, but sensibly refused to do so. He said “we recruit from around this locality”.
Then a bit later a governor from an East Cheshire school (we are told this is an affluent area) is complaining about that “lack of funding” from the Government. Oh, why are the school costs increasing? Because “about 20%” of the children don’t speak English as mother tongue.
Taxes should go up hints the BBC. No thought that perhaps employing massive numbers of non-English speaking EU migrants on minimum wage is vastly overstretching the national infrastructure. Their taxes plainly do NOT cover their total costs. I’m sure the owners of AO are happy, making good profit to send their kids to private schools.
What a golden opportunity for today’s Breakfast couchie to ask arch pseudo-patrician Heseltine all the right questions. Putting thee old fraud in as benign a light as only the BBC could, he was able to adopt an heroic stance, that of the valued and valuable retainer, loyal to end, nobly accepting his lot – and yet, as ever, with the people’s best interests at heart…
Piss off you duplicitous self-serving vain old rogue, and good riddance.
Well said Beltane.
A dog-strangling murderer, a leaking traitor over Sikorsky/Westland( now THAT was a warning about our EU/US dual role)-and, as one of his colleagues said only recently-he seems always to have a problem over women who are in charge over his bailiwicks. Thatcher-and now May.
International Womens Day would SURELY have been the right forum-but no.
Course not.
Got a massive arboreum where he talks to his trees-didn`t give one though to Toxteth did he? Not even when he could have coined it in with garden centres and shrub provision for the criminals to mug the pensioners. AND-after 43 years-who better to remember all that “Sovereignty of Parliament” guff of his?
No. Why would he?
Did he ever USE that phrase as he signed it all over to his beloved EU.
He nearly died at Venice airport after he and Major got stuffed in the 97 election-typical posturing from a failed blowhard who only seeks the Good Life in Brussels or Davos-and endless strokes from the BBC etc.
“All political lives end in failure” said St Enoch of Wolverhampton…but , at least he, Lawson, Lillie etc have been recast-and Tebbits near death in 1984 was as typically gracious and poignant for him and Margaret-as Heseltines was phoney and symbolic of how reduced Conservatism is.
When Heseltine is its face anyway.
I see him as the Nicholas Van Hoogstraten of politics-nasty, carnal and leaves havoc wherever his baleful influence has been allowed to fester.
Whatever the nature of the tiny mammals which “Spreadsheet Phil” manages to pull out of his rear-end today, you can be sure that those stalwarts of gloom in W1A, and yes, Sky News, Channel 4 and ITV (isn’t it wonderful to have such a politically diverse MSM) will produce a commentary along the following lines: 1) We are all *&£@ed thanks to Brexit 2) Although UK inflation is below the current EU average of 2%, there is a shed-load more inflation coming our way and soon cabbages will cost a fiver 3) Although real wages have been rising for the last two years, this is no more than a mirage, and by the end of the year no-one will have a pot to piss in 3) Although inequality has actually fallen since 2010, by Christmas the UK will be the most unequal county in the universe, except for Saudi Arabia and finally, 4) we are all *&£ed thanks to Brexit…..
On National Women’s Day, (when is National Mens Day by the way?)an interesting article about an MEP…
“This did not deter Mr Korwin-Mikke, who said “idiot feminists” should know why women earn less than men, commenting: “If you are weaker, you must earn less”.
He then claimed that International Women’s Day was a “communist invention” aimed at tricking the female gender into voting for the Nanny State.”
Piers Morgan bawled him out as Susannah Reid feigned shock.
Bow tied eccentric, some good points-but none of THOSE will be allowed to cloud the ITV agenda for the day.
And here`s Annie Lennox to tell us why he`s a bad hombre. Complete set up to make Piers look virtuous-but he looked ridiculous as ever, with a mouth full of straw. All those straw men of media fantasies don`t make themselves.
Pathetic telly, but emission accomplished…were I the Polish Embassy I`d have found this pretty racist actually…his views on Communism influence ARE worth noting. and his invitation today was clearly a staging post for lefty virtue-mongers like Reid/Morgan.
I hope to open His Lordships new shed on that day then!
WE have a target date, hoping for a silk pink pussyhat for the photo and the opening.
That a bit fruity Sid?
Thanks, I work in a Primary school with 90% female staff, they made a big thing about womens day, can’t wait till International Men’s Day, (but it is a Sunday).
We rightly mock the Swedish establishment cover-up, but Britain is not far behind.
Take the huge scandal of muslim paedophile sex gangs and the equally huge cover-up by all agencies concerned, including of course the odious Al Beebistan.
Here’s a gem from a source in the police, quoted in the revolting Grauniad:
“However, the view in different parts of law enforcement is that it is wrong to take these figures and cases and say the race or religion of the perpetrator leads to them committing these crimes.
A more credible link, says one senior source involved in bringing the criminals to justice, are their occupations. The source said: “Young vulnerable girls migrate to the night-time economy, where they come across taxi drivers and people working in takeaways, who are more likely to be Asian. It is better to focus on the professions of offenders, not their race or religion.”
So, the REAL problem is not Muslims with a medieval misogynistic mentality, no.
It’s… PIZZA WORKERS and TAXI DRIVERS!!! String ’em up I say.
From the article… Cases involving white suspects did not gain the same media attention as those where Asian gang members were convicted.
Maybe because white men don’t rape in gangs perhaps?
White families tend to have family traditions such as father and son playing football, golf or going fishing together whereas as “Asian” men tend to go raping children together – maybe that’s why the media attention is higher – just a thought?!?
Maybe they`ve got a point though Charlie. All those late night DJs and gobshites at the BBC telling us all how grand Sweden is.
Savile?…did HE do night time links from St James Mortuary for Red Nose Day? Just asking.
Sense , if they`re right to blame jobs as the cause-well BBC Asian Correspondents, Foreign Correspondents, Religious Affairs types(sorry Bish!)-Asian Radio, Kate Adie and-need I add-the whole Childrens/Schools and TV output needs shutting down for 90 days-until we see the extent of paedo cover and obtuseness given to , done by the BBC and its “professions”
I imagine the License debate will go – We MUST have a BBC which is not economically viable and so it MUST be funded. General taxation would not be seen as fair so we MUST tax people who simply own a TV. An independent BBC is vital for democracy.
These are the age old assumptions and inevitable conclusion.
Maybe this time they’ll surprise us?
I personally hope they review the license fee and make it free for all migrants – they could argue that the migrants never paid for a TV license before so it would be unfair to make them pay for it now. They could get Lilly Allen to apologise to migrants that have already paid the license.
Also what about a reduction in TV license to Burka wearers? They cannot see the full TV screen so shouldn’t be forced to pay the full license fee.
Likewise a fee reduction for trans-gender/non binary. They spend a lot of their lives looking for trans toilets so never get to watch TV as much as non-normal male and females.
Tabs, you sound as bitter and twisted as my wife says I am.
But, I’ve found it’s not such a good idea to laugh at seemingly nonsensical predictions – these days they can become all too true!
The slit in the burka means that they can watch widescreen televisions showing movies in letter-box format, but they cannot enjoy older television sets with the more squarish format screens (strictly speaking, 4:3 ratio screens). This needs to be taken into account, so widescreen TVs could attract the full fee but older sets could receive a discount of say 50%.
Part of the government’s response to a petition calling for the abolition of the licence “fee”;
“In maintaining the licence fee model, the government is clear that the licence fee remains a licence to watch or receive television programmes, and is not a fee for BBC services – although licence fee revenue is used to fund the BBC and other public service objectives.”
I wonder what percentage of this “fee” goes to the Ministry of Truth at W1A 1AA?
The government’s response is inaccurate.
If you do not watch live television programmes but you do use BBC iPlayer, which only shows BBC programmes, then the licence fee is also payable. It is not payable if you only use the equivalent streaming catch-up services from any other broadcaster, such as ITV, Channel 4, Sky etc. Therefore, the licence fee specifically is a fee for BBC services.
Princess Nikki Campbell’s programme this morning was a phone-in about “coming out” as gay in later life. Luckily Talk Sport was dealing with the amusing fallout of Arsenal’s 10-2 defeat. One of life’s easier choices.
Why do we have to put up with this rubbish? Oh yes, because they send you to prison if you don’t pay for it.
Grant, yes – the leftists will eventually get fed up with transgenderism. At the moment it looks as if it could be the bottomless pit of grievance culture they’ve all been waiting for, but eventually I think it will disappear up its own backside (no puns intended).
My guess is the next move is that we can all choose which species we are. It will be on the census form ” Which species do you consider yourself to be ? “. Naturally a precurser to giving all organisms the right to vote. Otherwise, we would be guilty of specism.
The BBC, in its excitement to report how the unelected House Of Lord’s duffers have over ruled the will of the democratic people, has forgotten to point out how one Lord Michael Heseltine will lose out to the tune of millions if the UK leave the EU.
The only known records show that Heseltine, who has a fortune of a mere £264 million, had his hand in the EU tax payers pocket for an average of £90k per year from 2000 to 2009. So, call me a cynic, but I suspect he hasn’t said “Please no, I cannot take any more money from the EU tax payers”, so I’m guessing the money he has trousered by now is over a million.
It is disgraceful. After all no Labour Government ever broke a manifesto pledge . However, a radical Government would abolish National Insurance altogether.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Alleged attacker Alexander S. (pictured) smashed a Ford Fiesta car smashed through a group of people on Monday at about…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “LOL – Chrystia Freeland: mad as a box of frogs. She says Britain’s nukes could protect Canada from the US?…
Fedup2Mar 4, 13:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 World at One Poor Sarah – exhibiting the bewilderment occupying the swamp as President Trump pulls funding for Ukraine .…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
A new fashion trend coming to Al beeb sometime soon. This from that pinnacle of truth, CNN:
“Modest dressing is a global cultural movement on the rise.” and
” At a glance, modest dressing appears to refer to a trend seen predominantly amongst young Muslims, though on closer inspection the movement includes women of many different faiths, and sometimes has nothing to do with religion at all.” and
” Trend analysts have dubbed what they interpret as a new wave of feminism the “pluri-empowerment,” factor, says Iza Dezon, a trend forecaster at Peclers Paris.” and finally
“Social media will be a priority for Guenez who sees Instagram and Facebook’s democratised international dialogue as the foundations of the modest dressing movement. “The girl in Jakarta is connecting with the girl in New York every day, as part of a bubbling global fashion dialogue” says Guenez. “A big percentage of the women we’ll be speaking to are in Asia and the Middle East, where they’re involved in what we call ‘social media on steroids’ — everything happens there. We want to participate in this dialogue, and we want to further it.”
So the fact that two decades ago young fashionable women in Jakarta used to feel free enough to dress in whatever western styles they wished to and have now taken up the banner of “modest dressing” and seemingly will be spreading the “pleuri-empowerment trend” to New York is something we should all celebrate, and is not of course total bollocks and part of a female body shaming trend spread by intolerant religious fanatics.
All part of the attempt to Islamise all women. They must not be allowed to offend muslims. Next stage, they may as well convert. Amazing !
Normalising Islam by another guise. Stockholm Syndrome by the same types who ignored the Danish cartoons because they were-well, in poor taste I`d imagine. Any excuse will do-as long as they themselves can bleat on about being free to make these sensitive and informed choices. FGM may yet be seen as a way to improve your life chances over cystitis…and blending both Shia and Sunni semen an effective barrier cream for thrush or such.
International Womens Day today! So sorry to be so graphic-one day only boys!
I remember when women first got involved in computing.
Oh Jim.
You don`t spend enough time in the kitchen I fear. You blokes really have no excuse this Glorious Womens Day not to know that I was using my new fridge freezer to store my CDs that had only recently been made available.
Turns out that the music sounded no slower, and I got frostbite when I tried to play them on the hob later on.
So much for BBC Science-whatever happened to “Brains Harrabin” who oversaw my PhD research back then?
Get’s really hot in the summer I imagine dressed in black from head to toe.
and very sweaty!
Gunner… Totally correct about young women in Jakarta two decades ago. I worked in Indonesia at that time – plenty of skirts and dresses, plus illuminated crosses on churches, adverts for alcohol so on. I do not particularly recall seeing women covered up, not even in Surabaya, which was a far more Islamic city than Jakarta. But even there, there was no problem in getting a cold beer during Ramadan, served by someone who could/would not drink it himself.
Sure it has already been shared, but this tale of the BBC and their social media BFF is enough to melt the iciest of heart cockle…
I wonder if the story will be wall to wall on every BBC FB ‘news’ page, of which there are many?
Or will BBC editorial integrity again intrude?
Seems Stud Marr is suffering serious competition on the ‘spread it around’ stakes in the Bubble:
I do listen to Radio 3 during the day as it’s mainly music, apart from the bursts of propaganda called news, but I think today it will have to be recordings. I’m already inundated with references to International Women’s Day, and of course the meme that there were all these wonderful women composers in history who were suppressed by the patriarchy or something.
Interesting how time has been colonised by the idiot left and its agents isn`t it?
We`ve lost all our saints days, unless it`s an excuse for a Celtic piss up-with no mention whatsoever of history or meaning.
In return , nearly every damned day, week and month of the year has been claimed by the Left and its globalising “partners” in sales and marketing, nudgings and mitherings.
Is there any day on the media when it is NOT International Womens Day?…Gay Day, Migrant Awareness Day(M.A.D)…or such like?
Endless “celebrations” like Castro-endless ” consciousness raising” by the EUniversities or the United Colors of Pantene or whoever….
None of us in the care home will be getting whoops . hollers or flowers from Piers Morgan or Adrian Childs today-we`re not the target market, and they`ll bully us as they do to Murray and Greer-wrong age, ordinary drabs who hold the country together along with our men.
No-we`ll just wipe bums, boil stuff up, watch people age and slowly leave us without anybody else to see them out-and rage quietly as a Harman or a Lady Heseltine doles out nosegays and lavender sachets as if it`s Maundy Thursday in Holloways old Chapel( now a mosque or visitor centre I`d guess).
But we know…we really do.
Another example of the BBC deliberately failing to join the dots on the R4 Today program this morning.
In a series of items related to the Budget later today, we were introduced to a manager from AO who have a booming depot which employs 30-40% foreign staff, in Crewe (!). He was invited by Humphries to panic about immigration restrictions post-Brexit, but sensibly refused to do so. He said “we recruit from around this locality”.
Then a bit later a governor from an East Cheshire school (we are told this is an affluent area) is complaining about that “lack of funding” from the Government. Oh, why are the school costs increasing? Because “about 20%” of the children don’t speak English as mother tongue.
Taxes should go up hints the BBC. No thought that perhaps employing massive numbers of non-English speaking EU migrants on minimum wage is vastly overstretching the national infrastructure. Their taxes plainly do NOT cover their total costs. I’m sure the owners of AO are happy, making good profit to send their kids to private schools.
What a golden opportunity for today’s Breakfast couchie to ask arch pseudo-patrician Heseltine all the right questions. Putting thee old fraud in as benign a light as only the BBC could, he was able to adopt an heroic stance, that of the valued and valuable retainer, loyal to end, nobly accepting his lot – and yet, as ever, with the people’s best interests at heart…
Piss off you duplicitous self-serving vain old rogue, and good riddance.
Well said Beltane.
A dog-strangling murderer, a leaking traitor over Sikorsky/Westland( now THAT was a warning about our EU/US dual role)-and, as one of his colleagues said only recently-he seems always to have a problem over women who are in charge over his bailiwicks. Thatcher-and now May.
International Womens Day would SURELY have been the right forum-but no.
Course not.
Got a massive arboreum where he talks to his trees-didn`t give one though to Toxteth did he? Not even when he could have coined it in with garden centres and shrub provision for the criminals to mug the pensioners. AND-after 43 years-who better to remember all that “Sovereignty of Parliament” guff of his?
No. Why would he?
Did he ever USE that phrase as he signed it all over to his beloved EU.
He nearly died at Venice airport after he and Major got stuffed in the 97 election-typical posturing from a failed blowhard who only seeks the Good Life in Brussels or Davos-and endless strokes from the BBC etc.
“All political lives end in failure” said St Enoch of Wolverhampton…but , at least he, Lawson, Lillie etc have been recast-and Tebbits near death in 1984 was as typically gracious and poignant for him and Margaret-as Heseltines was phoney and symbolic of how reduced Conservatism is.
When Heseltine is its face anyway.
I see him as the Nicholas Van Hoogstraten of politics-nasty, carnal and leaves havoc wherever his baleful influence has been allowed to fester.
Hoorah !
Hessle…… Who?
Don’t you start gaxvil – its bad enough when Grant has name blindness !!!!
Gaxvil who ?
Grant who?
Oh for God’s sake !!!!!
UK tourist in Australia ‘rape ordeal’ out of hospital
Why have the BBC put the words rape ordeal in inverted commas? is that their way of saying “so called rape”? Is this an attempt to normalise rape?
Yes of course – we need to get used to, child abuse, rape, honour killings, wearing black ‘onesies’ and an increased licence fee – it’s only right.
Whatever the nature of the tiny mammals which “Spreadsheet Phil” manages to pull out of his rear-end today, you can be sure that those stalwarts of gloom in W1A, and yes, Sky News, Channel 4 and ITV (isn’t it wonderful to have such a politically diverse MSM) will produce a commentary along the following lines: 1) We are all *&£@ed thanks to Brexit 2) Although UK inflation is below the current EU average of 2%, there is a shed-load more inflation coming our way and soon cabbages will cost a fiver 3) Although real wages have been rising for the last two years, this is no more than a mirage, and by the end of the year no-one will have a pot to piss in 3) Although inequality has actually fallen since 2010, by Christmas the UK will be the most unequal county in the universe, except for Saudi Arabia and finally, 4) we are all *&£ed thanks to Brexit…..
Stop bellyaching. Have a heart. They need your pension fund for rape-u-gee housing you see.
On National Women’s Day, (when is National Mens Day by the way?)an interesting article about an MEP…
“This did not deter Mr Korwin-Mikke, who said “idiot feminists” should know why women earn less than men, commenting: “If you are weaker, you must earn less”.
He then claimed that International Women’s Day was a “communist invention” aimed at tricking the female gender into voting for the Nanny State.”
Piers Morgan bawled him out as Susannah Reid feigned shock.
Bow tied eccentric, some good points-but none of THOSE will be allowed to cloud the ITV agenda for the day.
And here`s Annie Lennox to tell us why he`s a bad hombre. Complete set up to make Piers look virtuous-but he looked ridiculous as ever, with a mouth full of straw. All those straw men of media fantasies don`t make themselves.
Pathetic telly, but emission accomplished…were I the Polish Embassy I`d have found this pretty racist actually…his views on Communism influence ARE worth noting. and his invitation today was clearly a staging post for lefty virtue-mongers like Reid/Morgan.
International Men’s Day is Sunday 19th November … as if anybody will notice.
I hope to open His Lordships new shed on that day then!
WE have a target date, hoping for a silk pink pussyhat for the photo and the opening.
That a bit fruity Sid?
Oh is it? Some wimmin seem to think that everyday apart from today is ‘Men’s’ day.
Multiple orgasms? – Every day is, Women’s Day.
“International Men’s Day is Sunday 19th November … as if anybody will notice.”
For many of us it’s the Sunday before. Assemble by 11am, dress smartly (not optional).
Thanks, I work in a Primary school with 90% female staff, they made a big thing about womens day, can’t wait till International Men’s Day, (but it is a Sunday).
We rightly mock the Swedish establishment cover-up, but Britain is not far behind.
Take the huge scandal of muslim paedophile sex gangs and the equally huge cover-up by all agencies concerned, including of course the odious Al Beebistan.
Here’s a gem from a source in the police, quoted in the revolting Grauniad:
“However, the view in different parts of law enforcement is that it is wrong to take these figures and cases and say the race or religion of the perpetrator leads to them committing these crimes.
A more credible link, says one senior source involved in bringing the criminals to justice, are their occupations. The source said: “Young vulnerable girls migrate to the night-time economy, where they come across taxi drivers and people working in takeaways, who are more likely to be Asian. It is better to focus on the professions of offenders, not their race or religion.”
So, the REAL problem is not Muslims with a medieval misogynistic mentality, no.
It’s… PIZZA WORKERS and TAXI DRIVERS!!! String ’em up I say.
To be filed under: You couldn’t make it up.
From the article…
Cases involving white suspects did not gain the same media attention as those where Asian gang members were convicted.
Maybe because white men don’t rape in gangs perhaps?
White families tend to have family traditions such as father and son playing football, golf or going fishing together whereas as “Asian” men tend to go raping children together – maybe that’s why the media attention is higher – just a thought?!?
Maybe they`ve got a point though Charlie. All those late night DJs and gobshites at the BBC telling us all how grand Sweden is.
Savile?…did HE do night time links from St James Mortuary for Red Nose Day? Just asking.
Sense , if they`re right to blame jobs as the cause-well BBC Asian Correspondents, Foreign Correspondents, Religious Affairs types(sorry Bish!)-Asian Radio, Kate Adie and-need I add-the whole Childrens/Schools and TV output needs shutting down for 90 days-until we see the extent of paedo cover and obtuseness given to , done by the BBC and its “professions”
I imagine the License debate will go – We MUST have a BBC which is not economically viable and so it MUST be funded. General taxation would not be seen as fair so we MUST tax people who simply own a TV. An independent BBC is vital for democracy.
These are the age old assumptions and inevitable conclusion.
Maybe this time they’ll surprise us?
I personally hope they review the license fee and make it free for all migrants – they could argue that the migrants never paid for a TV license before so it would be unfair to make them pay for it now. They could get Lilly Allen to apologise to migrants that have already paid the license.
Also what about a reduction in TV license to Burka wearers? They cannot see the full TV screen so shouldn’t be forced to pay the full license fee.
Likewise a fee reduction for trans-gender/non binary. They spend a lot of their lives looking for trans toilets so never get to watch TV as much as non-normal male and females.
Tabs, you sound as bitter and twisted as my wife says I am.
But, I’ve found it’s not such a good idea to laugh at seemingly nonsensical predictions – these days they can become all too true!
The slit in the burka means that they can watch widescreen televisions showing movies in letter-box format, but they cannot enjoy older television sets with the more squarish format screens (strictly speaking, 4:3 ratio screens). This needs to be taken into account, so widescreen TVs could attract the full fee but older sets could receive a discount of say 50%.
Excellent work – keep it up!
Part of the government’s response to a petition calling for the abolition of the licence “fee”;
“In maintaining the licence fee model, the government is clear that the licence fee remains a licence to watch or receive television programmes, and is not a fee for BBC services – although licence fee revenue is used to fund the BBC and other public service objectives.”
I wonder what percentage of this “fee” goes to the Ministry of Truth at W1A 1AA?
That passage contradicts itself.
It most definitely is a fee for BBC services.
The government’s response is inaccurate.
If you do not watch live television programmes but you do use BBC iPlayer, which only shows BBC programmes, then the licence fee is also payable. It is not payable if you only use the equivalent streaming catch-up services from any other broadcaster, such as ITV, Channel 4, Sky etc. Therefore, the licence fee specifically is a fee for BBC services.
In any case , I always assumed that the licence fee money went 100% to the BBC. Is that right ?
Princess Nikki Campbell’s programme this morning was a phone-in about “coming out” as gay in later life. Luckily Talk Sport was dealing with the amusing fallout of Arsenal’s 10-2 defeat. One of life’s easier choices.
Why do we have to put up with this rubbish? Oh yes, because they send you to prison if you don’t pay for it.
Indeed – in later life I came out as having absolutely no tolerance for bullshit. Upcoming phone in? Very doubtful.
What took you so long ?
Oh alright – I was a closet ‘intolerant’ for years because I feared victimisation! I hope to start up a group to fight ‘INTOLERO-PHOBIA’.
Don’t give the BBC ideas !!! They do not know what to do after they get sick of Transgenderism.
Grant, yes – the leftists will eventually get fed up with transgenderism. At the moment it looks as if it could be the bottomless pit of grievance culture they’ve all been waiting for, but eventually I think it will disappear up its own backside (no puns intended).
My guess is the next move is that we can all choose which species we are. It will be on the census form ” Which species do you consider yourself to be ? “. Naturally a precurser to giving all organisms the right to vote. Otherwise, we would be guilty of specism.
The BBC, in its excitement to report how the unelected House Of Lord’s duffers have over ruled the will of the democratic people, has forgotten to point out how one Lord Michael Heseltine will lose out to the tune of millions if the UK leave the EU.
The only known records show that Heseltine, who has a fortune of a mere £264 million, had his hand in the EU tax payers pocket for an average of £90k per year from 2000 to 2009. So, call me a cynic, but I suspect he hasn’t said “Please no, I cannot take any more money from the EU tax payers”, so I’m guessing the money he has trousered by now is over a million.
BBc going on endlessly about the Government breaking their manifesto promise over the increase in Class 4. Blah blah blah!.
It is disgraceful. After all no Labour Government ever broke a manifesto pledge . However, a radical Government would abolish National Insurance altogether.