The BBC quickly adopts the narrative of anti-Trump Muslims…a narrative faked up by a non-Muslim white man…the girl does not wear a hijab in normal life and the BBC does not provide us with any of the counter voices that criticise the image and the use of the hijab…the BBC is clearly excited by the anti-Trump ‘resistance’….echoes of the 1930’s and the French ‘Resistance’ no doubt for the great and the good of the BBC…
Munira Ahmed: Life as the face of the Trump resistance
Munira Ahmed is the woman portrayed wearing a stars-and-stripes hijab in a famous Women’s March poster.
The BBC does not for instance report that the inconvenient narrative that the use of the photo in the protest is copying its use by Muslim Trump supporters…and was originally used after 9/11….
The BBC fails to report the criticism of the anti-Trump poster….
Non-Muslim women: in name of all that is good, stop wearing “solidarity hijab.”Find another way to support & leave hijab to us to argue over
I believe it is against the US Flag Code to wear the flag as an item of clothing. I suppose this is another example where there is one rule for muslims, and another for the kufars.
You could be correct there, Rob.
Are there not plenty of alternatives? American eagle ‘button’ for example? The Americans love ‘buttons’ & ‘pins’.
Canadians wear a little maple leaf badge.
But in Britain if you dare to wear anything depicting the British Union Flag you are ridiculed as some kind of knuckle dragging throwback and likely to be subjected to all kinds of abuse, if not actual violence.
We must be just about the only country in the world where a reasonably large section of own people, and more especially our own leaders despise the emblems of our own country and abuse those who dare display them.
Wales win this competition by some margin. Flags, daffodils and dragons everywhere.
Do helmets count Rob?

Seen more than a few bandanas as well.
4 U.S. Code § 8
(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.
I’m still waiting, in the interests of impartial and objective reporting, for the BBC to balance their one-sided, pro-Islamic approach to covering Donald Trump, with stories that focus on and give a platform to the tens of millions of Trump voters who are concerned about Islamic terrorism and thus support Trump in his executive orders…. because for the life of me I cannot recall the BBC covering in any depth the voices of those who are genuinely afraid of Muslim extremism; all they seem to care about is Muslim this and Islam that. It’s starting to look very much like the BBC and the rest of the lame-stream, fake news media are working together in a mass effort to convert us all to Islam…. something very worrying going on here.
Why are we being subjected to state-enforced pro-Islamic propaganda? Our schools and children are being force-fed Islamic indoctrination by equalities groups who visit schools and brainwash pupils about how peaceful and inclusive Islam is, and how racist and bigoted we Brits are. Just take a minute to think about this for a moment… you will now get a year in prison for placing a bacon roll outside a mosque. Just think about this. Think about the implications. However, deface a bible in the name of art and the Guardian will call you ‘right on.’ Dangerous times.
That year in prison for the bacon stunt turned into a life sentence without parole for Kevin Crehan, Alex.
I also “liked” the way some rags called those demonstrating in Bristol and demanding answers and justice, the other day, “far right wing!”
Off topic, but still relevant. The Guardian has the audacity to criticise Breitbart for having a particular political agenda, perspective and motive; and that its contributors are simply ‘willing propagandists’. Couldn’t the same accusations of bias be laid at the door of the Guardian, whose readership largely consists of affluent, middle-class urbanites and spoiled brat students who listen to electronica and grime? The Guardian is nothing but a biased, left-wing paper with a clear leftist agenda whose ‘journalists’ are nothing but propagandists for the leftist cause? No wonder it gets the begging bowl out at the end of each of its crappy articles.
The Left’s hypocrisy is beyond belief. They simply cannot understand that others might have opposing views.
It is incredible that The Guardian and Leftists generally cannot see the hypocrisy and irony of what they are saying. Beyond belief.
I have comments deleted in the Guardian almost daily,not for being offensive but for going against their Liberal policy.
yep who hasn’t had the same with multiple accounts
It showed to me the fake value of their position that they wouldn’t allow fair debate.
“breitbart-threat-to-europe-postwar-liberal-consensus” says the Guardisn headline
Yes I thought that is Breitbart’s whole point
to break the europe-postwar-liberal-consensus and expose it for the trash that it is.
One just needs to remind people that when the Cologne sex attacks on New Years Eve 2015 happened it was Breitbart who reported them first after the mainstream media censored reports for 4 days.
There are umpteen `progressive` left media outlets out there.It is a sign of how totalitarian they are that they wish to close down the few alternative right wing websites that are out there like Breitbart
The woman should try wearing the stars and stripes hijab in Iran,Iraq or Saudi, see how far she gets.
NYT frontpage report on Jan 20th
“Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides”
The NY Times today: The wiretaps are conservative conspiracy theories.
The feckers even whitened her face for the poster – what hypocritical lying feckers.
ps I wish there was a way of “liking” articles – these articles of Alan are informative and in general well researched. There is also some great comments posted all over the place. I will have to spend some going over old articles and comments to glean all the useful information deposited.