The BBC has thrown Jenni Murray to the dogs as it warns her that she must not speak out in her private capacity on ‘controversial’ subjects that she discusses on the BBC.
In their report on Murray’s allegedly ‘transmisogynistic’ [I try to learn a new word every day] comments about Transgender ‘women’ the BBC slips in a mischievous stab in the back…quoting Murray on Greer when Greer made similar ‘transmisogynistic’ comments…
In 2015, academic and writer Germaine Greer said that in her opinion, transgender women were “not women”.
Dame Jenni called her comments “unacceptably rude”.
I assume that Murray was then channelling the BBC orthodoxy about what was acceptable and what was not…and this is the BBC’s is not there to be judge and jury, laying down the law as to what is acceptable or not…it is there solely to report…anything else is bias…which is why this site exists and has so much material to fill its pages….more than it can cope with.
Possibly an irony that both Greer and Murray have reached that age when both men and women start to look the same.
However, the BBC is quite happy for its foot-soldiers to use any means available to push approved messages. Great to see the rabid left consuming itself.
I’m sorry but I liked Alistair Sim. Although I see the similarity I still think the comparison is unfair on him.
I agree totally about the comparison with Alistair Sim, HE at least was extremely talented.
It’s difficult to think that she’s 6 years younger than Joan Collins.
At least we get a chuckle. Great work, Alan.
Meanwhile, in W1A, workers will be more nervous than ever before that a ‘misspoke’ might be used to spear them and their careers at the BBC to the wall.
The progressives always end up like this. Turning on each other. What is rather more serious is the wretched BBc’s attitude to free speech it does not approve of. Hypocritical bunch of bastards.
Truth to power ! Who are they kidding.
Makes you wonder what other views & opinions the BBC has banned its so called talent from expressing.
On this Day of International Women, Carole Thatcher raises a glass to the sack of rats that is the BBC:
Mum would be proud. New Stateswimmin and Hattie… not so much.
Great to see lefty feminists at each others’ throats.
More please.
They hate each other more than they hate men !
If we were to see this as institutionalised ageism, maybe we older broilers could get a Facebook hatemob up and running to hunt down and troll the nasties like Owen, Jack, Paris and the other oddmob of the Left. Yes, we do look like our husbands-my potential tash might give his a run on a shady day-but it`s great to see the lefty dollies of old realise that age comes and those that you taught to hate will bite your gastric band in due course, Very Animal Farm.
I haven’t read the articles or comments. I am so transfixed by the word transmisogenistic that I can’t look beyond it. Creating new ways to hate people is truly a talent and I am awestruck at this one.