Marine Le Pen and the BBC….so similar in so many ways. Le Pen’s National Front party is claimed to be anti-Semitic, an argument could be made that the BBC is similarly biased, the NF cosies up to Muslims as does the BBC and both have a propensity for publishing photos they shouldn’t, or aren’t allowed to be published….Le Pen publishing photos of ISIS violence and the BBC transmitting sexualised images of children.
Facebook has been criticised for its handling of reports about sexualised images of children on its platform.
The BBC reported dozens of photos to Facebook, but more than 80% were not removed.
They included images from groups where users were discussing swapping what appeared to be child abuse material.
When provided with examples of the images, Facebook reported the BBC journalists involved to the police and cancelled plans for an interview.
It subsequently issued a statement: “It is against the law for anyone to distribute images of child exploitation.”
Both claim that they did so in pursuit of a higher purpose….and whilst I might sympathise with Le Pen as she comes under attack from a blatant, politically motivated attempt to stop her winning the election using a spurious legal trick I have to laugh at the BBC being reported by Facebook as the two media giants face off…the BBC constantly attacking Facebook for spreading ‘fake news’…but curiously always failing to mention in its reports that Facebook was caught red-handed promoting left-leaning news and blocking right-leaning news. Just why does the BBC want you to believe Facebook won Trump the election with fake right-wing news when the real story is about its left-wing activities?
Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section, according to a former journalist who worked on the project. This individual says that workers prevented stories about the right-wing CPAC gathering, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, and other conservative topics from appearing in the highly-influential section, even though they were organically trending among the site’s users.
Not just FaceBook, either. Twitter is a serial offender when it comes to censoring voices from the right side of politics and world affairs, as are, increasingly, YouTube, who have now taken to ‘de-monetising’ any videos which don’t espouse the ‘correct’ political opinions. All the major social networks have fallen into the regressive line with their insultingly named ‘trust and safety councils’ and the like. They operate like gate-keepers; filtering out and closing down any narrative that conflicts with their own, any opinion they consider ‘dangerous’ to their agenda.
Facebook, Twitter, Google etc are – ultimately – in business to make money by selling advertising.
The biggest advertisers are “one world” global corporates.
He who pays the piper, innit?