The caller introduced himself as “Janne”, and asked her why a story about an attack on a security guard didn’t mention that a foreigner was allegedly behind the assault.
“The truth has to get out there,” the caller says, according to an extract of the conversation published on the newspaper website. “Janne” blames Moroccan street children for the attack, although police are certain it was a local gang of youths. As the caller continues to make his case, Burman gets frustrated until she eventually snaps: “That is called racism.”
Just as in Cologne where the BBC described and disguised migrant gropers who took citizenship as ‘Germans’ could it be that ‘local youths’ is also a euphemism…as the Mail might suggest…
The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.
Can we trust the BBC on matters of race, immigration and Islam? No, not one little bit.
We know the BBC absolutely hates this site but it seems no one is safe from their ire as Swedes investigating their own journalists come under BBC attack…
The Swedish Trump fans who secretly record journalists
It’s a website that describes itself as a citizens’ initiative set up to ask the questions the mainstream media won’t. Its critics say it’s a “far-right trolling factory” whose sole purpose is to harass and intimidate.
“Granskning Sverige” translates as “Validating Sweden”. The site encourages volunteers to call journalists with a list of questions about their news coverage.
“I would say that the basic theme is xenophobic, they don’t like immigrants,” says Mathias Stahle, an investigative journalist for the Eskilstuna-Kuriren newspaper.
“They would like to read more positive things about Donald Trump, they would like to see positive stories about modern Russia and they want to have positive views of neo-Nazis.”
Unbeknownst to the journalists being called, the conversations are recorded, edited and posted online on the website as well as the YouTube page of Erik Johansson, the administrator of the website.
The BBC throws in every trigger word that it can muster to try and associate this group with Nazis and racism…the BBC insinuating that ‘editing’ of the conversations is somehow sinister…and yet of course the whole BBC story here is edited and controlled…as pointed out, the BBC’s use of particular words and suggestive tone designed to create the idea that this group is in someway unethical, immoral and far-right…ironically all the whinges the BBC has could be equally thrown back at the BBC…just changing ‘right-wing’ to ‘left-wing’. The BBC naturally thinks itself above such things…
Johansson – which is an alias – insisted that what he does is no different from the secret recording techniques used by traditional journalists when a direct approach for an interview has failed.
One obvious difference though is that traditional journalistic ethics – like those practised by the BBC – usually require that the person who’s been recorded is given a chance to reply before anything is published.
Lord McAlpine might think differently about the BBC giving him the right to reply.
And in a related story that the BBC always likes to contest…
Swedish police warn Stockholm’s main train station is now overrun by migrant teen gangs ‘stealing and groping girls’
Swedish police warns that Stockholm’s main train station has become unsafe after being ‘taken over’ by dozens of Moroccan street children.
The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.
Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities.
‘These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station,’ one police officer told SVT.
‘They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this.
‘I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.’
“We know the BBC absolutely hates this site”
How do we know that?
Good article. No the left won`t like this one bit. Secret taping of hacks as they sound off? Entrapment should only be attempted by professionals like the BBC.
Good that the Swedes questions and complaints are the same as ours-this is a Europe, even global issue now.
The BBC snooping round Facebook porn apparently-that they tell us they`re doing this tells me that Savile was only behaving like a BBC porn hack would do.
Get the BBC out of public life…especially out of kiddie areas like Childrens Telly-bloody Childcatcher Central is the BBC.
Tom – I’ve followed this blog for almost 14 years.
Back in 2004-5 I and others used to engage with commentators who made it known that they had connections with the BBC. Some had inside knowledge that could only come from those employed by the BBC.
On the whole they were good humoured and often engaged in banter. Two who readily come to mind went by the pseudonyms ‘John Reith’ and ‘Sarah Jane’, both of whom I took to and enjoyed their repartee.
In the course of one discussion thread, ‘John Reith’ stated that the BBC held this site in the utmost contempt. To which I replied to him, “But of course they do dear boy, of course they do”. At least he had the good grace to admit that perhaps his remark was somewhat of a faux pas which played into our hands.
I think the contempt holds true today and I have no doubt that there are people at the BBC who monitor this site whether in a professional capacity or out of a morbid curiosity.
I don’t quite go back as far as you, but I remember those days and “John Reith” and “Sarah Jane”. I suspect that they gave up as they were flogging a dead horse.
The BBC would be incredibly stupid not to monitor this site. In more recent years we have had a few less clever trolls, going under different names but, strangely, using very similar syntax to each other and quite abusive. But they have been fairly quiet recently.
I do recall you from way back and also GCooper who still posts here.
Funnily enough ‘Sarah Jane’ let slip that she frequented the same pub as me on the Loxwood Road near Rudgwick.
Do you remember that noxious individual that went by the name of ‘Hillhunt’ and who set up this bizarre blog.
Oh God, I had forgotten about Hillhunt. Thanks for reminding me, not ! One I do miss was Martin. Swore like a trooper but had a great eye for the bias. Wonder what happened to him ?
I think his parole was revoked.
Hello, TPO – your memory is better than mine (no great feat, I have to admit) as I had forgotten Hillhunt. He’s probably deputy editor at the Guardian these days!
How are you coping in Canada with the ghastly boy wonder in charge?
Thanks TPO, although it’s a bit depressing that the site has been going nearly 14 years without any diminution (many would say quite the opposite) in Al Beeb’s bias.
Why should it make any difference to the BBC when their income is guaranteed and the majority of MPs support them ?
It shouldn’t. So why do we bother?
Well, it builds up evidence if the wind changes direction. Without criticism of the BBC, they may even be worse. Of course, there is no way of knowing. But, for evil to triumph, all that is required is for good men to do nothing. Trump and his administration have got the measure of the BBC. Maybe, the Tories will grow some balls. I would never assume , in anything, that the status quo lasts forever.
Grant – fair enough. Good point re Trump having rumbled Al Beeb’s agenda, which has been heartening.
I suspect that general scepticism about the BBC is greater than it was 14 years ago, in the days to which TPO refers.
It would be interesting to hear from the current owners how traffic compares with then. My sense is that we have a greater variety of commenters and that what was always going to be a long campaign is finally having some effect.
Definitely more posters here in the last year. Lots of new names.
Search of bbc website for biasedbbc“biasedbbc”
One only has to go round more reputable news outlets to see what they are reporting and then compare with what the BBC are filtering out.
Recent examples include a college lecturer in the Midlands who was jogging along a canal towpath and who was attacked by a gang of Pakistani youths. He avoided drowning by shouting at them in Arabic.
Then we have this particularly nasty Pakistani shouting unpleasant remarks at a Polish man.
You don’t need to be told that were it Muslims on the receiving end rather than being the perpetrators then the BBC would be crawling all over it for days.
In both the instances I’ve linked to the BBC has decided that simple, easily led proles like us need not be informed in case we draw the wrong conclusions.
The BBC is terrified of the thought that they cannot ‘control’ the news, hence this attack on people who monitor left wing news output.
I have been following the attacks on academic freedom of speech in the USA and I am talking about academics, not about Milo. Many of the attacks by Left-wing Fascists are physical. For example, Professor Allison Stanger ended up in hospital. This is a big issue in the USA and , increasingly, in the UK. The silence from the BBC is deafening. Does the BBC not believe in freedom of speech ?
this should be a permanent sticky