Terrorism, violent extremism, is easily identified and labelled as a threat, or not. The BBC, and indeed those in the Establishment, like to tell us there is a difference between Islam and Islamism, Islamism being mostly used to describe the violent extremists, not to be confused with ‘real’ Muslims, ‘Moderate’ Muslims…but of course the violence is just a tool, a tool that is used to further the aims of the Muslim supremacists, these are the same aims that many so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims also have but promote in non-violent ways using the media, the legal system and the infiltration of the Establishment and influential organisations in order to ‘normalise’ Islam, to draw the Establishment into accepting Islam, ensuring policies are always shaped to take into account Muslim demands and by utilising the Muslim ‘as victim’ card to blackmail those with the power to defer to Muslim wishes….always backed up by the threat that the Muslim community will be angered and radicalised if not appeased.
The Establishment is all too ready to accomodate the ‘Islamist’ charter as seen by how many radicals are actually employed by government and how organisations like the BBC employ people on the basis of their religion…no coincidence that the BBC has now had two heads of religious broadcasting who are Muslim. How on earth did Warsi get to be Chair of the Tory Party and then head of the government’s own faith programme when she is quite clearly someone with fundamentalist views….the woman who wanted to disarm Israel and arm the terrorist group Hamas.
We know that the Muslim Brotherhood is a dangerous, Muslim supremacist organisation that seeks to Islamise the world and is in fact the group from which the MCB sprang as well as Hamas and Al Qaeda. The group that intends to take over America. The British government produced a study on the group but diluted it down and made little of it because the conclusions would have been too inconvenient and meant taking action that would be ‘Islamophobic’. The Swedish ‘MOD’ has produced its own report and the conclusions are nothing surprising…unless you rely on the BBC for all your news and current affairs…
The Muslim Brotherhood is creating a ‘parallel social structure’ in Sweden with the help of ‘political elites’ who foster a culture of silence, a damning government report has found.
The document claims that the Brotherhood is building a ‘parallel society’ within the Scandinavian country, which can help the Islamist group to achieve its ends.
The report, which was published on Friday, was commissioned by Sweden’s Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), which is part of the country’s Ministry of Defence.
The paper’s authors claim the Brotherhood is working to increase the number of practising Muslims in Sweden, which they say encourages tension with the secular society and puts community cohesion in jeopardy.
The authors also claim the organisation is targeting political parties, NGOs, academic institutions and other civil society organisations.
‘Islamists aim to build a parallel social structure competing with the rest of the Swedish society the values of its citizens. In this sense, MB’s activists pose a long-term challenge in terms of the country’s social cohesion’, the report says.
The BBC seeks to normalise Islam as it disproportionately fills its own ranks with Muslims, fills the airwaves with programmes portraying Islam as a moderate and peaceful religion and peddles a narrative that hides the truth about the consequences of Muslim activism and the realities of what Islam actually means, and actively works to encourage Muslim migration in its millions into Europe despite the very, very obvious conflicts of interest that arise.
It is an irony that a BBC programme, Muslims Like Us, intended to work towards that normalisation of Islam by showing Muslims as ‘everyday’ people just like ‘us’, and commissioned by the BBC’s new head of religion, actually proved the opposite…how most Muslims gravitate towards defending Islam against the West even when they are supposedly moderate, loyalty is to ‘Islam First’, and how those openly professing and pushing the Islamist agenda in an aggressive manner dominate the conversation and the community as those who might oppose them give up and don’t want to be drawn into conflict…so the extremists win and the fundamentalist, strictly observant line on Islam is imposed.
That media goto, Tariq Ramadan, admitted that he expected Muslims not to adapt their religion but for Western societies to adapt to Islam all the while telling non-Muslims that Islam is reforming and we can expect a ‘European Islam’…but that’s a lie, an impossibility that relies on people’s ignorance, wilful or otherwise of Islam…Ramadan is of course a Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece.
One day we may get the truth…but it will be too late…and there will be no one to save you when they come for you as you didn’t speak up to save the first victims.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
Most Germans, Italians and Japanese were ‘moderate’ in the 1940s but it didn’t stop them fighting for their countries.
Most Russians post-war were moderate but it wouldn’t have stopped them manning the tanks if the red army had moved west.
I stayed in digs during the period of the IRA attacks in London. My landlady was Irish born but had lived twice as long in London as in Ireland. She was as nice as they come but even after seeing scenes of republican carnage she wouldn’t condemn them – “They must have a point” was the limit of her criticism and support but I’m sure she would have sheltered a bomber if he arrived on her doorstep.
The mass of people don’t have to be ‘extreme’ to win.
It can only be a matter of time before ‘moderate’ Muslims vote in Sharia local authorities. They will ditch the Labour party when it suits, or just eat it whole.
We already have a Muslim Mayor of London FFS! how did that happen? And of course he will pretend to me nice and a moderate.
Look at the trouble they had with Luftar Rahman and his corrupt gang in Tower Hamlets, how hard it was to get him out, and nothing was learned from that?
Alan has it spot on as usual, as caliph Erdogan says “there is no no moderate Islam, only Islam” and Islam has but one aim, the enforced domination of the whole world under sharia law, and as every poll shows the majority of Muslims under 30 in Britain want sharia law. Sharia law would have us wishing the Nazis had won the war a year into its imposition, it means an end to free speech an end to democracy and a licence for our new overlords to do as they please with their subhuman conquests, men women and children. A nation under the thumb of the Rotherham paedophiles, officially sanctioned by the religious law of the land, backed up by the mutaween police. This will happen by mid century, read David Vincent’s terrifying vision of the future “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” (Amazon and Kindle) and its chapters on the BBC and Labour Party infiltration.
I would ask the purportedly “British” Broadcasting Corporation why I cannot I tune in for even one day in a week and NOT have some form of whitewashed Islam pushed at me? I’m paying the licence fee so why are they advertising a phoney Islamic fantasy 7 days a week? The very moment I switched on BBC today- BBC Business Live, they were advertising that The NIKE (Sport brand) plans to start selling a sport hijab for Muslim women early next year. Who cares? This is news? Sorry but this is ADVERTISING. Advertising for NIKE & much worse, advertising a false candy-coated version of Islam in which Muslim women are free to pursue careers in sport for their own satisfaction. I want my money back. BBC isn’t delivering value for the licence fee, only a false narrative.
Another take:
First they came for the communists
And I did not speak out because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for BBC employees, but it turned out that they had them all already!
Then they came for the Muslims, but I did not speak out because I was not a Muslim.
Then they came for the environmentalists, but I did not speak out because I was not an environmentalist.
Then they came for the druggies, but I did not speak out because I was not a druggie.
Then they came for the transgendered, but I did not speak out because I am not transgender.
Then they came for the feminists, but I did not speak out because I am not a feminist.
Then they stopped coming because all the problems were pretty much sorted out by then.
I don’t think the genuinely transgendered are the problem. Their condition is not their fault. The problem is the BBC and other left wing groups using them to undermine society.
And another take

Here’s the link to the UK government’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood Review: Main Findings’:
Click to access Muslim_Brotherhood_Review_Main_Findings.pdf
The very last paragraph is probably the most significant:
“aspects of Muslim Brotherhood ideology and tactics, in this country and overseas, are contrary to our values and have been contrary to our national interests and our national security.”
So why on earth is this pernicious organization (and its numerous affiliates) not banned in the UK?
(Rhetorical question)
In a word we cannot ban them due to EU specifically stating that all immigrants (including all illegals) are deemed EU citizens with equal (UK) status and entitled to the same hospitality and (NHS) healthcare as we supposably do, for free that we (as taxpayers) end up paying for. This cannot be questioned until we leave the EU and restore proper border controls back to the UK. Its not racist to have concern over trafficking of people into Europe that become a terror threat or liability.
Its also highly probable that the Left favors Islam in that it challenges the nation state and as they ‘must’ be accomodated and are easily led into ‘Labour’ run camps for voting marginals, as they vote en-masse for Islam its a rather predictable vote (if they vote at all).
“Moderate” Muslims believe in the Koran and follow the deeds of Mohammed.
“Jihadis” also believe in the Koran and follow the deeds of Mohammed.
So what is the difference? Surely there must be. The same between a good cop-bad cop routine.
Moderate Muslims provide the cover for the Jihadis to function in. They also plead that the government accede to Muslim demands, or they wont be able to restrain the radicals in the Muslim community. Its essentially a Mafia type operation. So the government gives in, and the demands continue – each with a threat to prevent the Jihadi threat.
Essentially, its a good cop bad cop routine.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization. But we cannot destroy Islam.· · Nor can we democratize Islam.· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
Exchange Christians in Islamic countries, before they are all killed by Muslims, for Muslims over here, and stop this nonsense belief that all cultures are the same.
Else we are looking forward to a civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party. And in the end, millions displaced and heaven only knows how many dead, as in every civil war, winner will take all. It will not be pretty.
“Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves”
From the film Witness:
Eli Lapp: And having seen you become one of them? Don’t you understand? What you take into your hands, you take into your heart. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.
Which, I suspect, is the position of some of our ‘New Britons’ too!
Yes, an exchange of populations has worked in history but not without bloodshed. However, the Western Liberal Elite have already conceded defeat and muslims know it.
It was made to work, as the alternative was far worse.
The Muslim world is in any case implementing the ethnic cleansing of Christians. They will keep a few to serve as blackmail fodder, and to persecute for fun and pleasure ( kidnap Christian girls for rape), to show how superior Islam is.
Yes, quite agree .
I’m sure I’m being an idiot but can somebody tell me how you start a new thread please?
Tony H,
I think that is up to the moderators, David Vance or Alan. Maybe others can comment .
There’s a ContactUs button top right
Islam- either eradicate or be conquered . There is no moderate middle way over time, as muslims outbreed and supplement their numbers through migration . Supporting Islam via discredited multiculturalism is doomed to hand victory to Islam. All who follow this path, like the BBC, are useful idiots who will be consumed by the fires they stoke.
And all muslims know that what you say is true but Islamophiliacs like Beeboids are too stupid to realise it.
We forget history at our peril. Large parts of the Middle East that are now described as Muslim nations were not so long ago pluralistic societies.
Muslims are like cuckoos in warblers’ nests, only much more successful.
The crusades were long and bloody. Could we repeat them now with the enemy embedded in pour midst?
Restroom Mole
I view Muslims as locusts. They consume & destroy all resources, bring a place to ruin then move on to the next territory.
I’ve said it before:
A moderate muslim is one who hasn’t read the koran properly.
A radical muslim is one who has, and is very keen to share his findings with you. Or else.
Eurocrats attack Britain’s bid to root out terrorists because it ‘jeopardizes’ efforts to integrate Muslims
Of course, if we have to make “efforts” to integrate muslims, there must be something wrong with muslims. Clearly they don’t want to integrate. Anyway, at least we now know that the EU supports muslim terrorism.
To me this is an inevitability….
Note the comment by sarahsmith afterwards also…
Thanks @Dystopian here’s sarahsmith232’s comment about
‘Hate crime FROM Minorities’
(Interesting comment, I don’t have her experience. I tidied up the spacing)
direct link http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2017/03/refreshing-find-bbc-job-instead-handwringing-islamophobia/#comment-3187396992