Jeremy Corbyn may be barred from entering Israel thanks to BDS law
Can we bar him from the UK as well?
Times of Israel:
“UK’s Corbyn could be barred from Israel by new anti-BDS law Legislation may potentially block Labour leader, who supports limited boycott of Israel, from entering, but Israeli officials say it likely wouldn’t be used”
Let`s hope that there`s a petition getting clickbaited over in Israel so they can claim millions of people outraged at the threatened visit of this allotment weed,,,he`d doubtless be digging tunnels for Hamas and pretending it`s onion beds.By my reckoning at least eight million signatures are on it as I write.
Probably not a good idea for him to go-Saga surely won`t insure Uncle Albert will they with that attendant DVT risk on his Tupalev? First rocket over the border-and they`ll have to use that hated Israeli technology to restart his heart-if they can find one.
Ha ha! another potential blow to BDS! (I can hear Roger Waters crying against the wall)
Switzerland has passed a bill to stop funding for boycotts of Israel.
The measure was introduced by Christian Imark, a National Council deputy from the conservative Swiss People’s Party. It passed 111- 78.
Switzerland’s National Council – the lower chamber of the legislature – passed the bill on Wednesday to stop government funding of organisations that promote boycotts of Israel and spread antisemitism and racism.
The measure will be submitted in May to the Council of States, the upper chamber of the legislature, which will decide whether it becomes law.
There’s more from Oxford Media Conference under this hashtag #OMCIPPR
“Ofcom CEO Sharon White cites fleabag as brilliant television”
Unfunny sleaze from BBC3
As more and more boringly white BBC presenters get replaced with the correct people I wonder at what point one of the dullards is going to look around them and realise something is going on. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
I had to laugh at a comment on the Media Show yesterday regarding that slip of a lass Jenny Murray. Somebody suggested she leant great weight to the argument.
Conservative government reduces higher rate income tax: BBC says this is wrong as it rewards the government’s natural supporters.
Conservative government raises national insurance contributions for the self-employed: BBC says this is wrong as it penalises the government’s natural supporters.
Either way the BBC says the Conservative government is wrong!
The recently reported abduction of a woman and toddler then subsequent rape of the woman in Redcar has just been announced by the police that it was not as first reported. One man was arrested, but not charged then released on Tuesday. The two other men allegedly involved are no longer being looked for. It all looks a bit fishy.
However when the alleged rape was first reported, the BBC were delighted to report that the police were looking for two “white males”
Did anyone notice how long it took for the South Yorkshire peado gangs race and skin colour to be told. It was only when there names were published did the public realise these were Muslim gangs.
BBC cancels all MediaCityUK studio tours following security breach
It comes after five men were last week able to wander around Broadcasting House in the capital and through a studio being used by BBC News
What a shame they weren’t enriched by the vibrancy of one of Anjem Choudarys mates, I wonder if then they would still be telling the rest of us not to be so judgemental, they’re not all like that (remember that for that to be true it only takes 1 in 1.5 billion not to be!), or that they were mentally ill lone wolves?
Somehow when these attacks become incredibly loud & extremely close people no longer believe their own lies and find it difficult to repeat them to others.
Aerfen, your remark is so true, and very scary. Ask anyone to describe an indigenous British person, and most will say white. You think of an African / Jamaican / Indian as brown or black; the same with Scandinavians – would you think of any of those as black ? no. But with the influx of dusky migrants to Sweden, they too will undergo a melting pot of colour in the next generation or so.
bBBC 1 6 pm news
An EU summit.
Laura Kuennesberg throwaway remark about the ‘brand new building’ in Brussels in which the EU summit is being held.
Yeah, right.
So, errr, who paid for that, Laura? And who agreed to it? And what was the cost?
You’re supposed to be a journalist, love, so ask some actual questions for a change, instead of only keeping to the Doom and Gloom narrative.
Oooh look. A flying pig..
Latest piece of anti-trump crap masquerading as news. On the BBC News Frontpage under their “Full Story” section, they have an image of Donald Trump morphed into King Kong on top of the Statue of Liberty, with the Statue of Liberty holding up a placard saying “Not My President”.
Here is the link to the BBC News frontpage – scroll down to the Full Story section.
I reckon if your dog created a large turd with the image of Donald Trump shaped into it, there will be a BBC news team there on the spot to create a “news” story out of it.
ps if anybody can tell me how to include an image to these comments I would be grateful in finding out. I have screen captured various BBC stories and images and it would be useful to know how, if at all possible, I can upload an image into a comment.
Grant, With Obama all we heard was how “President Obama showed how he walks on water today.” or “President Obama, the first African-American president, has fed all the homeless of the United States with just two loaves and five fishes.”
“The USA, which used to be hated across the rest of the world when Bush was president is now admired due to the wonderfulness of President Barrack Obama.”
The same was true in this country when the Blair autocracy was in its early days.
If you are just ‘lifting’ an image from a webpage you should be able to ‘right-mouse click’ the image and your browser will give you the option to ‘copy URL’. You can then follow the link below the BBBC comment box and ‘Ctrl-V’ to paste in the URL that you have just copied. Another way is to add image tags, (img and /img in angle brackets) and paste the captured URL in between.
If you have produced your own image you will need to ‘publish’ it on the web somewhere so that it can be downloaded to this site.
Also if you tweet the image, then you can get a link by right clicking the time bit of your own tweet. Copy that tweet address and post it in this comment box and the whole tweet will show here.
(Might even work with facebook)
bBBC 1 6 pm news.
A story about a traffficked baby monkey. No, really.
This monkey was found by the BBC!
Now i for one do not like animals being treated cruelly.
But…..national news? For one little monkey? I think not.
What we have here is little more than a masturbation exercise by a virtue-signalling news team,
Paid for, of course, by us.
I think the BBC may have today revealed why it has been ‘Pollution Season’ at the BBC for the last couple of weeks.
In the lunchtime news they gave the game away by saying, in effect, that there were ‘expectations of something being done in yesterday’s Budget’. It suddenly doesn’t seem to matter anymore that “pollution can cross oceans”. Or that putting up Fuel Duties would hit the poor and the low paid and the ‘just about managing’. Among those of course would be small business owners, small retailers and many of the self-employed – already facing another tax rise – and about which the media, including the BBC, suddenly seem so concerned for today as well.
I wonder why the BBC have this interest in the lungs of the nation?
Could it be that their one and two year old BMW and Mercedes diesels have full-ashtrays? Or are getting just a little bit worn looking? Perhaps they were hoping for lots of money from the taxpayer for a Government scrappage scheme? Or perhaps they were looking to have the Conservatives cut the top rate of Income Tax on their over £150,000 salaries down to 40%, subsidising – er, I mean making it ‘revenue neutral’ – as has been done for most of two decades via an extra tax on road fuels.
Of course it doesn’t matter that those pesky old people, the pensioners who were all born before the Clean Air Act and lived through much worse atmospheric pollution than today, are now all living so much longer and clogging up the aisles at Waitrose or the pavement in Regent Street.
The BBC has to present its own propaganda for its own purposes, whatever those may be, as a trustworthless broadcaster.
The BBC. Now branching out from FakeNews into FakeDocumentaries?
I think programmes like this are the lefts (and I include the BBC as the left as well) way of applying pressure to weak and tainted politicians and creating policy.
We had the big push on brexit (fortunately it was the electorate they were dealing with and not the Government – hence they lost)
We had the non existant Hate Crime “spike” where the BBC were trying to railroad Amber Rudd into creating increased “hate crime” legislation.
We had the BBC cheerleading Tom Watson in Government investigations into spurious sex abuse negotiations.
We had the BBC applying pressure to the Government about the refugee “children” and the “Ndubz ammendments.
We even had Le Pen and Donald Trump (both influential and serious politicians) demonised by the BBC. And Theresa May stood idly by, ignoring and even pandering to the left, like some weak and innefectual student teacher in her first day trying to teach quantum mechanics to the bottom most disruptive class at a reformitory school.
We have the BBC wittering on about fake news and hoping that the Government will control non mainstream outlets such as Breitbart because only the “trusted” BBC can truly judge “fake news” which is not surprising because they create most of it!
And now we have the BBC cheerleading the latest green “fashion thinking” on diesel cars and trying to goad the Government into introducing even more anti diesel measures.
I could go on forever about this but it seems to be that most MPs live and work in the Metropolitan bubble and therefore some part of them truly does believe that the words they hear the most of on the media really does reflect the opinion of the majority in the country.
As they all want to be re-elected it is not surprising that many “play safe” and pick up the BBC narrative. You would have have thought that brexit would have been a saltory warning – but if I know one thing – what most of our politicians lack is imagination, and this is probably one of the reasons we are in the state we are in!
Anway back to Classic FM and the Calendar Prince – I bet even the BBC would approve of that one – Sultan probably a good sharia man – Brown legs good!
Just returned Grant . Good you have details. Yes he is a leftie, but beginning to see where they are going. I like his remark about conservativism being the new rock n roll on campuses.
Al BBC R4 is starting a second series of … Detective Mohammed
Detective Mohammed?? I know … me neither
Well, a good old, upholding the (Sharia), law type of guy I m sure.
Call 999! Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed returns for a second series of his critically acclaimed Radio 4 sitcom.
Critically acclaimed? by who? … the BBC?
No. Too far out for me. I guess he has a tape measure to check how much flesh the women are showing, enforces those aspects of sharia which Treezer believes to be compatible with British culture, whilst witholding arrests in line with recent guidelines on leniency towards effniks.
“There were reports of a “crazed man” at the scene and two people were arrested. Police spokesman Rainer Kerstiens told The Associated Press that more suspected attackers are believed to be on the run”.
“Several attackers wielding axes injured around five people at the main train station in the west German city of Düsseldorf late Thursday”
The worlds best newscaster doesn t know about it … soooo
As the Al BBC is deliberately dragging its feet. 😀
(choose from the applicable choices)
1/. migrant enrichment malfunction
2/. another outbreak from the Islamic “mental illness” association?
3/. the international society of lone wolves?
4/. NTDWI?
5/. lumberjacks inadvertently drop their axes waiting for the train home
6/. Al BBC default position – Far Right
7/. “fake news”
PS Breitbart also reports that, in the UK, the trial of a muslim accused of terrorist-related offences has been delayed so that he can fast during Ramadan. Unbelievable.
BBC1 News at 10pm didn’t mention the axe attack until 10:15 and then it was just a 15 second brief mention as if it is such a minor event it’s not worth mention.
I suppose the prescient point, the pressing issue
upon capture of this whole gang of erm “crazy men”
will be
… searching for a motive. (shakes head)
makes you despair.
BBc 22:00 news 10 minutes of the controversial budget. Well one part of it, now into day 2. I think we all accept they broke an election promise, so what, I’m still waiting for the human rights act to be got rid of. The record seems to be stuck with this one. No doubt this will continue over to questionable time
2 minutes on Dusseldorf axe attack.
Rows of Tory chinless pew fillers get a few minutes exposure on all BBC outlets as the media monkeys and the faceless sandbags who stuff the Tory benches conspire to bitch about eh most boring pointless man in politics.
Hammond is exactly why the Tories are crap and irrelevant-but as long as we get the hardest nastiest Brexit, then we`ll vote them in again.
To hear the likes of Robinson affecting any concern for the little man in his white van is utterly galling.
Since when did THEY speak for anybody not on £90,000+ p.a.
We have all long left the BBCs talking shops, and I deem them to be either farms or zoos. Exotica deviants, mutations or monocultural fields of magic mushrooms under money trees.
It it had a brain we could at least declare it dead at the stem-but it only drools on into Dame Jennis pillows. No-one cares.
Apparently lots of BBC staff are so-called employees – they are in fact self employed contractors paying class 4 NI contributions.
Now I wonder why there is so much angst at the BBC?
2200 News – Trump v MSM – one minute with Sirius FM then the rest of the report with CNN and NYT for so called balance – no mention of the. BBC being one of Trumps targets for exclusion. A very one sided report which shows what contempt our betters at the BBC hold for the ordinary UK citizen. When are they going to realise we are not taken in by their bias.
BTW Newsnight preview at the end of News – Kirsty Wark (that well known self employed BBC contractor) will be reporting on the serious case of NI increase for the self employed!
Just watched Laura Kuntssberg’s depressing hatchet job on our chances of a successful Brexit, although I never expected a different outcome.
Not one question was posed with the expectation of a positive outcome, only doom and perdition were ever expected. Complete and utter waste of time apart from Little Timmidy Farron’s pathetic and failed attempt to convince his local electorate that a second referendum was required. I wish someone would put him out of his misery.
Four women panelists and one man on QT tonight. Hardly representative of either politics or the population. Is it because it was apparently supposed to be international women’s day yesterday – but they weren’t ready in time!
The last few weeks BBC Scotland have been reporting on the possible dangers of footballers heading the ball which may cause dementia in later life.
Tonight they gave 5 minute “commercial” to the latest sport/craze of parkour which consisted of a young guy from Edinburgh running and jumping through the streets which has gone viral on YouTube – Standby for AE backlogs with long lines of hundreds of idiots trying to break their necks emulating this.
Question Time – one Tory being hung out to dry by whole panel including the chairman re the budget and NHS.
New : #BBC’s anti-#Syrian #propaganda forces producer* to tear up his contract
* About Victor Lewis Smith ultimately crowdfunding a debunk of a BBC Panorama Syrian War edition
(I don’t know the in’s an out, but VLS has had a 30 year career in the biz and has twice lost libel actions : Against Paul Mckenna and Gordon Ramsay (later kindda vindicated on this one))
Now we’ve got US Academics taking offence at the singing of Sweet Chariot being sung at rugby matches, because of its slave origins, so have asked the fans of rugby not to sing it out of respect. Can’t see that happening.
Sweet what ? US Academics ? Contradiction in terms. The England Rugby Team should kick off with “Sweet Chariot ” followed by ” The Yellow Rose of Texas ” !
May I suggest the rugby fans find a nice ancient traditional tasteful American song by a wholesome US band to reply the US Academics. Nazi Punks **** Off by the Dead Kennedys seems appropriate.
Well here’s hoping no-one gets picky about “You’ll Never Walk Alone’ which could be depicted by various factions, including mental health issues, dating sites, or wheel chair users taking offence. The wrath of Liverpool would be seismic !
BBCQT last night from Sunderland (which last time I looked was an English City):
40% of panelists represented Scottish constituencies + a token Scotsman (in Fraser Nelson)
80% of the panel were women
80% of the panel were Remainers
60% (+Fraser who is a bit wet) were lefties
… and a fair percentage of the programme was spent discussing the merits of a 2nd scottish referendum which the people of Sunderland will have no say in.
BBC QT became unwatchable some years ago, but I tune in once in a while to note any change. There is none for the better.
The descent in quality of the BBC’s longer running shows is gradual and subtle. It is always shocking to watch an older edition of a show, QT is a prime example, to remind yourself just how bad they have got. The BBC needs to be re-staffed with grown-ups.
BBC Eco-campaign-head actually works for an NGO at the same time ! Paul Homewood has a report today investigating the BBC’s #SoICanBreathe campaign
So I dug up the fact that BBC is making news instead of just reporting it,
by creating the #SoICanBreathe campaign
and that it’s organised by BBC Head of Editorial Partnerships and Special Projects, Emily Kasriel
* Paul Homewood has checked her LinkedIn and see she’s still working for the NGO
Skoll Foundation also did extensive work with BBC World Service in 2010
(Self description : “Driving large-scale change by investing in, connecting, & celebrating social entrepreneurs & innovators dedicated to solving the world’s most pressing problems” Palo Alto, California)
Sounds good but only solutions it considers are loony LibMob ones : Green religion pushers and extremely anti-Trump
I assume this is a deliberate attempt to monetarize air. About the only thing left the neoliberals and bankers have not yet done. Bad air will be discovered everywhere and it will be used to take more wealth from us via penal taxation.
The BBC is part of the governing elite and in this case is definitely at the forefront. This woman is probably just another left wing snowflake and a figurehead for the money men. Soros and his mates are involved no doubt as are the banks and the well funded NGOs . Just another scam.
I think it is a change of tactic. They’ve realised that the Climate Change narrative has run out of steam and are now concentrating on air pollution – to be honest, if they’d concentrated on that from the start, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I do, of course, have a problem with the BBC’s political campaigns.
R4 Midnight News : Police says he’s from Former Yugoslavia* and has mental Health Problems
* codeword for Bosnian Muslim ?
BTW 7 days ago in #Düsseldorf – two Syrians and a Bosnian WERE arrested for #terrorist activities in #Syria
“One man has been arrested, Duesseldorf police said, correcting an earlier police report of two arrests. No fatalities have been reported”
Funny that seems to happen a lot.
Earlier BBC was earlier mis-stating the position of EPA Head Scott Pruitt*
“He doesn’t believe Carbon Dioxide Climate change”
of course the audio contradicts this, so they have stated correctly
“He doesn’t belive that it is proven that Carbon Dioxide is the PRIMARY cause of Climate Change” but then they add a loaded qualifier
something like ‘that is contadicted by established science included that published by NASA’
..If you are familiar with NASA’s Climate webpage you’ll know it wasn’t written by the scientists it was written by the PR team so isn’t very scientific eg uses the Fallacy of Argument from authority etc.
* R4 Midnight did just mis-state it but then played the audio
BTW Stephen Nolan just stated he is not BBC freelancer but that the BBC has put him on PAYE
They then had a news-vert about “research in Guildford” suggests when traffic is heavy at rush hour you should raise the hood of babies prams (presumably to stop particulates falling on them)
(but then there are plenty of natural particulates eg pine pollen, never mind natural fires)
(Personally I don’t agree with bonfires and fireworks, but greens seems to love them instead.)
Andrew Neil starts Newsweek with borderline libelous attack on Phillip Hammond. Later he gives what must be the worlds easiest interview to some mouthy bint from a charity (who actually looks like a twelve year old), talking about a trip to Samos and how dreadful it is and how we should admit 2000 child ‘refugees’ >
2000 ‘children’ unaccompanied????
Really? I dont think so!
I have been out of our blessed Blighty for a bit so turned to the MSM to find out what’s happening. The London Evening Standard has a front page report of an Axe attack in a German city which injured many. It does not identify the criminal yet. However – any coverage on the Today programme today? No. Because I believe the BBC is filtering out certain types of news events I immediately the German attack was committed by someone called Mo screaming out “god is great” .
Sadly I am turning into a bit of an anorak on this type of manipulation as it will cause long term harm- whether we have pay a licence tax for filtered news or not.
I promise to report back if there is further information on this incident -‘ Muslim terrorist’ or ‘Mental Issues’?.
Well, what a surprise. This is from the BBC story, ‘One man has been arrested. The 36-year-old suspect from the former Yugoslavia suffers from psychological problems, Duesseldorf police said.’
From the former Yugoslavia…hmmm.
In MSM-newspeak this is code for a Muslim who has made their way to Europe, illegally, via the Balkans. Perhaps I will be proved wrong.
As with Fedup above, I, and probably most on this board, have become anoraks at the interpretation of MSM-newspeak.
Yes, code for muslim. If it was a white man, they would have said so. And white men never have “mental issues”. They are always terrorists. If the BBC stop reporting this, then we know it is a muslim. “The former Yugoslavia” is probably code for Bosnia. I would be 99% certain that this was a muslim terrorist attack.
I hope you aren’t in Germany Steve or you’ll be due a knock on the door from the Stasi for the heinous crime of speculation.
“German federal police earlier tweeted a warning to the public not to engage in speculation.”
Some new euro crime maybe, what right does a police force have to warn people about speculating? In a free country that is.
This is actually good news, if the German police are starting to try and put a lid on speculation it means they realise their propaganda is ineffective. Merkel will be familiar with the tactics of the Stasi. It was, after all, the organisation that monitored the population that Merkel’s original political party ruled over with an iron fist.
Oldspeaker, German police seem to be keen on this – recent articles have shown lengthy twitter exchanges between the police and those daring to suggest attacks have been by Muslims.
A few years ago, I visited the island of Mallorca where the British writer Robert Graves, author of ‘I Claudius’, lived as an ex-pat in the 1930s. He was arrested for being in possession of a small printing press, which I think he used for a hobby, but it was illegal in Franco’s Spain to own such a thing in case it was used to print anti government propaganda.
At the time I remember thinking ‘how on earth could such a thing happen as recently as the 1930s’. But now it’s happening again, only with websites instead of presses.
Two more probable terrorist attacks in Europe. Of course the authorities , with the connivance of the MSM , try their best to suppress this news and to deflect any notion that the perpetrators were Muslim. If the news can’t be suppressed they claim mental issues or some such nonsense. I doubt anyone , other than idiots, any longer has any trust in a word the MSM and the establishment spout about Islam. Which is why more and more people trust alternative news sources than the MSM.
The liberal left elite have created the monster of Islam in Europe and they have no idea how to deal with it. So their plan is to keep the indigenous population quiet for as long as possible and make concessions to Islam hoping Muslims will calm down and integrate.. In reality this is just a strategy which allows Islam to take over. How else do you explain the decision of a judge to recommend that criminals from minority backgrounds are given lighter sentences than white Brits who have committed exactly the same crime. To paraphrase Orwell we are all equal under the law , but some are more equal than others.
DT, why doesn’t someone appear on the tv and call the BBC out on this?
Ask, on a program such as qt or daily politics, why the BBC hides Muslim crimes, attacks and murders or eventually manipulates the story to a ‘man’ or a ‘lorry’ unless it is a whitey when he is then immediately labelled far right.
Surely there must be someone willing to state a truth like this or does absolutely everyone fear the Nick Griffin treatment for being truthful (Rotherham)
A relatively small number of very rich and powerful people have all the control.
How can one Guyana bird cause so much trouble to Brexit.
We are so many yet we seem to be getting bullied and shafted left, right and centre.
I wonder what type of Brexit we will get. I think just about all the 17.4 million want out lock, stock and barrel but would agree to things such as no tariffs. Will we be stuffed by our own politicians? Probably.
You sum it up perfectly. The fact is that the Left Liberal elite, and that includes the Tories, control all the organs of the State. The UK is no longer a democracy, it is a dictatorship of the Left.
From listening to their ever so serious conversations/debates on the BBC and Sky, it seems that the authorities and media think that publicity breeds copycat terror attacks. I think they now have a deliberate tactic of playing down attacks and labelling attackers as ‘mental’. I can see the logic and I guess there is less glamour in hacking people up and being labelled mentally ill, rather than a soldier of Allah.
It won’t work though. I think it will just encourage larger scale killings that can’t be ignored.
Can’t you just give me the score?
The evidence from the States seems to show that as the ESPN sports network has shoe-horned more left-wing politics into their coverage of sport their audience share has diminished and the company is now having to make cost-savings, even threatening on-screen personnel with redundancy. American sports fans appear to be turned off by ESPN’s forced diet of identity politics and are turning off the channel – the joke being: ok, you’re telling me about the gender pay gap, the cultural appropriation of the nickname Redskins, in some way relating slavery to modern million dollar black sports players and questioning why more football stars don’t make a statement against Trump…. Can’t you just give me the score in the ball game!?
And so to Britain and the BBC. This morning one tunes in and the build up to the big England-Scotland rugby match begins on BBC One. As an Englishman one hopes to get through this without too much of the usual pro-Scots bias. What one had not bargained for was a five-minute lesson on slavery and Britain’s culpability in the ‘killing fields of the plantations’. I’m really sorry but I do not and will not accept personal guilt about this. Ironically I’m reminded of that line from the old spiritual ‘Let my people go’. In other words, please stop persecuting me for being English. But in contrast with ESPN the BBC can’t be made responsible by any loss of subscribers and so on they plough. On the red sofa instead of rugby players or commentators we have two academics. Because this item is to be hung on the opinion of ‘some academics think….’ Have you guessed it yet? – The cultural appropriation of English rugby fans singing ‘Swing low sweat chariot’. Mind you our academic friends don’t want to ‘ban’ the song. One assumes they know that would be rather an impractical policy. But get this – they want to hand out in the stadium a sheet with a ‘500 to 600 word’ essay on the origins and significance of the song. This kill joy moralising they emphasise is especially aimed at children. And the BBC give this a platform, force me to endure the drivel and let it all pass without question.
As a Scot, I shall not be watching. Too painful. Surely the singing of “Swing Low ” should be seen as a tribute to the slaves ? If the English were racist, they would not be singing it.
Grant, I sympathise with your pain but will avoid BBC coverage of the rugby due to the tiresome scrum rules and pro-Scots BBC commentary. Personally I still have a favourable opinion of most Scots acquaintances. I have however developed an irritaion with the country that largely stems from the movie Braveheart, Andy Murray, the Barnet Formula, the SNP and the BBC. Not necessarily in that order.
Well the image annoys many of us too. I have to keep telling people that many of us hate the SNP and Braveheart. I can’t remember if it was on this site that someone posted that many people think Braveheart is a documentary. Made me laugh but it isn’t really funny.
There’s a very entertaining analysis of Braveheart here:
The detailed history starts 6 minutes in by pointing out that the date given at the begining of the film is 6 years too early, but the introduction is also worth watching.
His other programmes are also worth a look, especially those on Waterloo and Zulu.
Many thanks for that clip. I had not seen it before . I just got to 13.08 but will finish later.
Those of us who know a bit about our history were deeply offended by the film “Braveheart”.
There is a film waiting to be made about our greatest hero, King Robert, and the Battle of Bannockburn. But , I do not think that Mel Gibson is the right man for the job !
Toady programme today 8.35 and Toenails Robinson interviewing the new (2 month in post) Canadian trade minister, the poor woman who previously did the job having retired presumably from exhaustion after 7 hard years negotiating the chicanery of our EU friends.
He said the Canada/EU FTA was the gold standard and more usefully, that the UK already benefited from it, it being unsaid and certainly not desired to be acknowledged by Toenails, that it would be relatively easy to negotiate a one-to-one direct with the UK
Toenails didn’t seem too keen to prolong the interview!
Just a late afterthought on the biased BBC’s masturbation activity of the week, aka air pollution.
Let us for the sake of argument take at face value that 30000+ deaths a year may be down to air pollution. And if you look quite hard, you might find that about a third of these are due to road vehicles (most of the actual reduction in the last 20 years is due to the phasing out of coal-burning power stations, hence the big drop in SO2 levels btw).
So by their own figures about 10000 deaths per year are due to air pollution caused by vehicles.
Contrast this with the under 2000 deaths a year on the roads of which a very small number (about 5%, so say 100) are due to exceeding the speed limit in built up areas.
And now contrast this with the ceaseless rigmarole of local councils to ‘make our roads safer’. Speed bumps, speed cameras, zebra crossings, traffic lights out of sync., build outs. Bus lanes which channel the rest of the traffic into tighter spaces. Then every few years, these schemes are amended or replaced, at more expense to taxpayers.
The result is more and more traffic jams and stop/start traffic creating more pollution which by their own figures kills almost a magnitude more people than actually are killed on the roads.
So what we actually have is public policy geared to council traffic officer job creation, and backed up by legislation FFS (section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act) rather than actual mortality statistics and especially not the convenience of residents. Just another example of the public sector gravy train in action.
Needless to say, the bBBC refuse or lack the intelligence to join the dots.
They have just changed the road from our property to 20mph. This involves either higher than necessary revs in second gear or the engine or chugging along in third gear just above stalling and having to change down for every one of the six sleeping policemen, Then there are a set of lights for the separate bus lane which hold you up every time whether there is a bus in sight or not. I would suggest car manufactures design the gearing of a car to run at 30mph.
Actually they do. In a 30 limit stay in third. In a 40 in 4th. Keep out of 5th and 6th unless on a high speed road. Fuel economy is not affected. So in a 20 stay in second.
it works as the revs are at their most efficient particularly in the hated diesel!
I would also add that diesel cars are not suitable really for low load low speed work. Especially the latest models.So buying them for town use is silly. They need hard work high revs and long runs.
I don’t doubt that you’re right on the efficient rev ranges, but as I drive a petrol V6 with a manual gearbox I tend to put it in 5th at 25mph and drive round on tick-over. It feels more economical, and the BBC likes us to respond to how we feel not how we think.
My local roads are the same. During the day, the safe speed would probably be 25 max with major slowdown at junctions and bends. I often see people doing 40. Why have they reduced the limit? Idiots still drive far too quickly and now I have to rev along in second or break the speed limit by a couple of mph in third. If they’d introduced a 25mph zone then I’d fully support it.
Deaths on the road are real deaths with real death certificates… and real family members.Whereas with air pollution it’s theoretical deaths.
There certainly are some children suffering with asthma and air pollution may play a part. The death count comes from guessing that the effect over the whole population is that millions will die months earlier. That is converted to a certain number of whole lifetimes.
The calculation error bars are a mile wide.
Seen any cost/benefit analysis? They dont seem to exist.
DEFRA statistics show a huge reduction in air pollution measured since 1970 – sulphur dioxide, particulates, nitrogen oxides, aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene etc).
A lot of that is caused by the changes in power generation and space heating in domestic and commercial premises.
However the reports state that only around 10% of nitrogen oxide emissions come from road vehicles.
Increasingly, particulates arise from frictional effects of road traffic (brakes linings, tyre wear and road dust). These are not lessened by converting cars from diesel to petrol or even to electric. Also wood burning stoves in urban areas are becoming significant pollution contributors.
There is also the huge increase in the number of vehicles in that period to factor in.
Going after diesel vehicles seems pointless and a waste of public money. Perhaps it’s a subtle admission that it doesn’t matter now that petrol vehicles generally emit more carbon dioxide? Or is it a bandwagon, clean and green of course?
For those of you who don’t know, Barnabas Fund is a charity that supports persecuted Christians. I noticed this article on their website. Although I don’t agree with some of their views, they generally seem to be on the same wavelength as BiasedBBC.
Wow! BBc Breakfast goes for a nuke the fridge day. It’s almost like watching an episode of Brass Eye First of all I watch the Government is in “disarray”. They seem to have dropped the “breaking the manifesto promise” mantra. That is followed by an interview with the 2016 Apprentice winner, who I had forgotten about telling us she can’t claim Statuary maternity pay (SMP). However that doesn’t seem to be strictly true. Any self employed people please correct me if I’m wrong I’m not an expert on these benefits Maternity Allowance (MA) Also it appears Directors can if they meet the criteria claim for SMP and I also assume Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) Whist others may not be able SSP there is also Employment and support allowance (ESA). The reporters of course fail to mention all of this.
Back to diesel death. BBc are you reading what I’m writing? Days after I compare the BBc reporting to the London smog of 1952 and hey presto they are showing film of the 1952 London smog. In a pointless exercise in pointlessness they get two children to tie their scarfs over their eyes so they can relive the visual experience. As they stumble around I think to myself there’s a h&S issue here. So the link is clear diesels = London’s 1952 smog. Don’t know what it means? Easy tie a scarf over your eyes and stumble around for a bit.
I think there is just enough time for a bit of global warming. Yes? Ready? Yes? Here it comes Coral is being bleached white. This is caused by an increase in temperature. However the National Ocean service, US dept of commerce says “When corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients, they expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white.” It also says “In January 2010, cold water temperatures in the Florida Keys caused a coral bleaching event that resulted in some coral death. Water temperatures dropped 12.06 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the typical temperatures observed at this time of year” So colder water can have that effect as well? Strange that didn’t get mentioned
But not the gross salaries of the heads, senior staff, the parade of mums army that do 1:1 work with the nasties, and those that can`t speak English.
Nor the PFI bills left them by Brown and Blair-who they craved and loved.
No-way too much money in schools and the NHS-look at Ofsteds hotel bills.
If Hammond was really serious he would have the Chancellors pay and turn schools into co-ops where nobody gets more than anybody else…just teachers who can teach and kids who want to learn from them.
Interesting snippet apropos the next Bond film………..
“….an executive at a studio close to the Bond franchise reported that while (Barbara) Broccoli is keen on (Jack) Huston , she is also ‘absolutely keen on having a black performer playing Bond, it’s just finding the actor’.
This was later changed to …. “In fact, she doesn’t care what colour he is. Black, brown or white. She just wants a great actor”.
[Grant, I don’t know who Jack Huston is either !!!!]
Oddly enough I don’t really mind the idea of a black James Bond (someone like Don Warrington – Philip from ‘Rising Damp’ could have played him in his younger years) as it’s perfectly feasible that such a person could be black in today’s secret services.
What really p*sses me off is when they shoehorn black actors into period dramas when it was highly unlikely there would be any blacks around, and if there had been, it would certainly have affected how they were treated; so a black Sherlock Holmes, for example, would be ridiculous.
Anyone remember ‘Lovejoy’, the antiques caper based in East Anglia, which was a practically black-free area of the country at the time? In its latter days, a black family and a black ‘assistant’ to Lovejoy were ludicrously shoe-horned in, leading to the quick demise of the series. I seem to recall that was one of the first high-profile race-based (or rather colour-based) manipulation on television. MLK turns in his grave (again).
I have always liked the idea of Bond going back to basics, set in the Cold War era in which they were written. Maybe HBO or Netflix could oblige us with a series, just based on the Fleming books, and without a lot of silly gadgetry.
The BBC could never afford it, and would make a godawful PC pig’s ear of it if they tried. I think the last Bond film I saw that wasn’t bad was Goldeneye, and that’s being generous.
Quite agree. The only Bond book I have read is “From Russia with Love” . I was surprised how well written it is. I am biased because I used to live in istanbul . Fleming had obviously done his research because I could find no flaws in his descriptions of the city or use of the Turkish language.
Similarly in the film, set mainly in istanbul, everything is authentic , including the Turkish.
If the BBC re-made this , they would bugger it up on every level.
To give a recent example, Michael Portillo at istanbul Haydarpasha Station mis-pronounces it ” Hydra Pasha ” , a basic error which would amuse Turks and Greeks. If they can’t get that right, how can we trust the BBC with anything ?
………..when they shoehorn black actors into period dramas when it was highly unlikely there would be any blacks around, and if there had been, it would certainly have affected how they were treated; so a black Sherlock Holmes, for example, would be ridiculous……..
This is where the tv companies and production companies come totally unstuck in the name of diversity and pc. Clearly the ‘quota’ edict has to be adhered to, but with absurd results. Being ‘colour blind’ is the ambition and idyll of Commissioning Editors, but as you say Cranmer, meddling with historical characters for the sake of diverse quotas is lunacy – as they did in Merlin, where Guinevere was played by a mixed race actress. It doesn’t look right because we know it IS’NT right – (I refer back to a previous post where describing someone British, white comes to the fore, not non-colour). Imagine the outcry if a white actor was given the part of Dr Martin Luther King, or Sammy Davis Jnr in their biographies – it just wouldn’t happen.
As for Bond, well, I tend to agree with the following………..
“the only person who has a say in who exactly Bond is… is one Ian Fleming, who created 007 in his mind back in 1952 when writing the first of many books on the spy character starting with the timeless Casino Royale.
So just how did Fleming–who passed away back in 1964–imagine Bond looked like? To find the answer, one has to go back to 1958, when the author agreed to allow London’s Daily Express to create a Bond comic strip, but only under the condition that all published material must be approved by him and him only. Once an agreement was finalized, Fleming hired an artist to draw a portrait of how he envisioned Bond would look like:
(sorry, somehow the portrait hasn’t appeared)
So as you can see, Bond is white. Fleming alone created the character and wrote eleven novels that eventually turned into one of the most successful movie franchises of all-time, and therefore is the only authority on the matter.”
To be a real pain in the ass, I should say that Ian Fleming , like me, was an amateur bird-watcher. There he was in Jamaica in his house by the sea ” Goldeneye ” thinking of a name for the hero. His eye lit on the book ” The Birds of the West Indies “. The author ? James Bond .
Maybe that is why James Bond has an eye for the birds.
Having seen the pretty dire LaLa Land, I’m rather perplexed that now being advertised (at a venue near you), is.. La La Land in Concert with Live Orchestra. Considering there was only one tune being played throughout, with a couple of fill-ins, I should imagine it won’t be a late night !!!!!
BBC still won’t let it drop. This short video from Richard Dawkins spitting feathers whilst saying “Brexit was won by an ignorant and ill informed majority is ‘not Britain speaking’ ”
Well actually Richard, ‘Britain has spoken’ so go f*** yourself!
I think I mentioned this the other day. I tackled my (then Liebour MP who had spent £13K on cleaning products on expenses if I recall correctly and now isn’t the MP).He told me we couldn’t get a vote on the back of the Lisbon treaty because it wasn’t a treaty. He was unable to explain to me satisfactorily however how it wasn’t a treaty.
Dawkins – we really don’t need the input of yet another, hysterical elitist, has-been.
Put him in touch with Hesselbollox – they can give each other a bubble bath from their foaming mouths.
Richard Dawkins is a brilliant scientist, mainly in my field of biology, but he is, politically of the Far Left and his views on politics are no more valid than anyone else’s.
He and all the other people who use their fame to mouth off on politics, luvvies, religious leaders and all the rest of them , should keep their mouths shut. And stop insulting those of us who are educated and well-informed.
I agree with Tabs. They should all go f*** themselves.
Dawkins’ Selfish Gene was seen as Thatcher Right – the biological basis of Thatcher’s economic policies. He got slated by the left Boston Critics, and retracted most of his views in the next book, The Extended Phenotype.
Because he criticised the RoPers he has been slated by the left who think the sun shines out of the pedo’s arse.
I never bought into sociobiology, neither Wilson’s nor Dawkins’s pop version
I have not read all of Dawkins’ books, but have read both his memoirs. Of course , there may have been some revisionism. But there is no doubt in my mind that he has always been a Leftie. Ignorant politicians and religious people can use science for their narrow purposes at their peril.
All said and done, I think Dawkins is a serious scientist. Not sure about E.O Wilson. But the waters are muddied because of the personal animosity between them. But this petty squabbling is normal in academia. I prefer to stick to the hard science. So far as I can understand it !
His memoirs are quite funny. He is the master of false modesty and name-dropping. The second volume of his memoirs ” Brief Candle in the Dark ” ( Pub 2015 ) was dedicated to his second wife Lalla and she features a lot in it. I had to laugh when he announced their separation about a year ago.
I think most top scientists work quietly without seeking self-publicity but it is important that some, like Dawkins , try and raise public awareness of science. Most people are totally ignorant of science, including the BBC and politicians.
I was once on a shuttle flight from London to Edinburgh with the late John Smith when he was leader of the Labour Party. It was a friday evening and he was clearly enjoying an extended lunch. For some reason he was going on about science with some authority but did not know the difference between an amp, volt, watt or ohm. Mind you he was good company and paid for our drinks !
Hey people insulting the great Richard Dawkins
What’s going on ?
Dawkins already has a million credits in the bank for speaking up for critical thinking & for criticising religious dogmatism, including Islam.
He could have stayed an academic and not put his head above the parapet.
It’s great that he is a fundamentalist and instead of behaving like a woolly liberal tackles religious wrongs straight on.
Now what’s he done wrone wrong one Brexit ?
..the whole point of video is that you get to hear the persons voice , not have the ideas CURATED thru beeboid editors ,..but they’ve put sinister music over his voice.
Why didn’t they just put the text up so we can read it ourselves ?
Here’s some of the text
An academic has branded Brexit voters “ignorant” and “misled” during an outrageous rant calling for a second referendum.Despite the nation’s democratic vote to divorce itself from the European Union last year, Richard Dawkins suggested such decision was void and should require at least a “two-thirds majority”. The two-minute rant, uploaded to the BBC Newsnight Facebook page, has been described as “completely wrong” by furious viewers. In the post, the well-known atheist ridicules the phrase “the British people have spoken” as he insists “No they haven’t!”He snarled: “Constitutional amendments are – or should be – hard to achieve. In America, it takes a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress.“It’s easy to see why the bar is set so high. Unlike ordinary lawmaking, constitutional changes are for keeps.“Voters are fickle. Opinions change. We have no right to condemn future generations to abide, irrevocably, by the transit whims of the present. “If ever a decision needed at least a two-thirds majority, it was Brexit.”
I don’t think this is a new video.
Seems to me that the film maker (Newsnight) has been quote farming ..probably used an old video of Dawkins cos he said the things the film maker was looking for.
The sentiment of what Dawkins seems to say is of course completely wrong and bonkers.
The vid appears on Newsnight’s Facebook , but big Libber here prevents me from accessing Facebook on this network.
See my posts about Dawkins above. I think he is ok if he keeps out of politics. I find his atheism a bit too aggressive, but don’t disagree with the principles.
In any argument, it is better not to antagonise your opponents and supporters and I can understand how Dawkins gets up religious people’s noses. One axe I do have to grind is that, if you are an atheist, you should concentrate your fire on the evil of Islam. Dawkins tends to go for Christianity. I find that a bit cowardly.
Always thought him a bit of a dud Grant.
Spineless in the face of Islam, yet(I know) at least there is a semblance of a spine compared to all but Sam Harris.
Dawkins “meme” notion is idiocy-green new age claptrap, but( seeing it`s Dawkins) he`s not yet been called a fool for the suggestion. Remember last year that he said he wasn`t clever or qualified enough to vote on Brexit…but seems clever enough to yell and swivel eye at those of us more intelligent, knowing and qualified that he is. Poor lads got self esteem issues.
Happy to take your advocacy for the meme anyway!
After that, you can tell me why his gene model is no physical construct but a metaphysical abstraction…and (although a decent approximation for media purposes)-he sits on his Saudi funded Oxford Woolsack and keeps schtum on Islam and speaks on religion as if he WAS qualified to do so.
Now then Grant-this meme notion of his…fake science or no?
Richard Dawkins. My view is that I read what he has to say – his opinion needs to be taken seriously, but that doesn’t mean I am not critical of some of the things he says, and some of the things he says is sheet.
As a scientist Richard Dawkins often acts in a very unscientific manner away from his specialist subject. Even in his specialist subject he has a touch of the showman and flair about him. But my concern with him is he often is unscientific / unscholarly in his approach on many subjects. One of the things he refused to do was to adequately read about some of the subjects he was writing about – sometimes basing his opinion on a misinformed or incorrect view on something. He focuses on Christianity because that is the only thing he sort of knows – which he learnt from being brought up in the Christian faith.
I think that is a fair comment. And it is also true of many scientists. When they stray from their subject , they are on level ground with the rest of us.
You can say the same about religious people, architects , anyone .
Why should Welby’s emotings on anything else but Christianity be of any relevance ?
I take a similar but modified view. I am happy for anyone to articulate their opinion. I am unhappy that those in control of broadcasting and print media, select their views for broadcasting and printing, and at the same time give those views a seal of authority or truth or even relevancy. It is very very easy to create false / misleading narratives through selection.
The BBC is in a very privileged position given the licence fee, its leading or monopolistic positions, its history and that it carries the word British in its title.
One thing the BBC is succeeding at is creating an air of uncertainty – something that enemies of the state always enjoy. Quite a few out there think we’ll be having a second referendum and quite a few keep hoping.
It’s not helped by the Governments low key leadership. May and crew really does need to watch some Trump speeches.
Article 50 and a bit of oomph! Please.
“May and crew really does need to watch some Trump speeches.” More so, how Sebastian Gorka deals with the likes of the BBC……… I’ll bet the BBC and other like minded souls are frantically working overtime trying to discover some sort of sh*t on the man to be able to drag him down.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
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non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Jeremy Corbyn may be barred from entering Israel thanks to BDS law
Can we bar him from the UK as well?
Times of Israel:
“UK’s Corbyn could be barred from Israel by new anti-BDS law Legislation may potentially block Labour leader, who supports limited boycott of Israel, from entering, but Israeli officials say it likely wouldn’t be used”
Ha ! But Israel should definitely ban that terrorist-loving piece of vermin, Corbyn.
Let`s hope that there`s a petition getting clickbaited over in Israel so they can claim millions of people outraged at the threatened visit of this allotment weed,,,he`d doubtless be digging tunnels for Hamas and pretending it`s onion beds.By my reckoning at least eight million signatures are on it as I write.
Probably not a good idea for him to go-Saga surely won`t insure Uncle Albert will they with that attendant DVT risk on his Tupalev? First rocket over the border-and they`ll have to use that hated Israeli technology to restart his heart-if they can find one.
Ha ha! another potential blow to BDS! (I can hear Roger Waters crying against the wall)
Switzerland has passed a bill to stop funding for boycotts of Israel.
The measure was introduced by Christian Imark, a National Council deputy from the conservative Swiss People’s Party. It passed 111- 78.
Switzerland’s National Council – the lower chamber of the legislature – passed the bill on Wednesday to stop government funding of organisations that promote boycotts of Israel and spread antisemitism and racism.
The measure will be submitted in May to the Council of States, the upper chamber of the legislature, which will decide whether it becomes law.
Switzerland , the most democratic country in the World and they do things their way !
Offcoms head SharonWhite a black woman basically says the bbc is too white
There’s more from Oxford Media Conference under this hashtag #OMCIPPR
“Ofcom CEO Sharon White cites fleabag as brilliant television”
Unfunny sleaze from BBC3
FB has some video
Why do Sharon White and so many black people who have inherited white english names or got them from marriage, not change them to African names ?
I mean “Sharon White” is a bit boring. Why doesn’t she change it to a superb Kwa-Zulu name like Mavocksie Makamihile Sphushana Vokwana ?
As more and more boringly white BBC presenters get replaced with the correct people I wonder at what point one of the dullards is going to look around them and realise something is going on. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
I had to laugh at a comment on the Media Show yesterday regarding that slip of a lass Jenny Murray. Somebody suggested she leant great weight to the argument.
probably the only demographic left who have any time for the BBC.
The head of Ofcom should be there for all viewers. Her position isn’t to just represent a minority. She should be reprimanded.
Nah, leave her in place. She has in one stroke blown any chance of OFCOM being seen as objective on anything.
Reprimanded ? She should be sacked !
What’s new about False-Narrative ?
The BBC would put it out and it would sit as a public meme for weeks.
Now people with an internet connection can find debunks in hours.
Conservative government reduces higher rate income tax: BBC says this is wrong as it rewards the government’s natural supporters.
Conservative government raises national insurance contributions for the self-employed: BBC says this is wrong as it penalises the government’s natural supporters.
Either way the BBC says the Conservative government is wrong!
The recently reported abduction of a woman and toddler then subsequent rape of the woman in Redcar has just been announced by the police that it was not as first reported. One man was arrested, but not charged then released on Tuesday. The two other men allegedly involved are no longer being looked for. It all looks a bit fishy.
However when the alleged rape was first reported, the BBC were delighted to report that the police were looking for two “white males”
Did anyone notice how long it took for the South Yorkshire peado gangs race and skin colour to be told. It was only when there names were published did the public realise these were Muslim gangs.
Mind you ‘white’ certainly doesn’t have to mean ethnic British anymore.
BBC cancels all MediaCityUK studio tours following security breach
It comes after five men were last week able to wander around Broadcasting House in the capital and through a studio being used by BBC News
What a shame they weren’t enriched by the vibrancy of one of Anjem Choudarys mates, I wonder if then they would still be telling the rest of us not to be so judgemental, they’re not all like that (remember that for that to be true it only takes 1 in 1.5 billion not to be!), or that they were mentally ill lone wolves?
Somehow when these attacks become incredibly loud & extremely close people no longer believe their own lies and find it difficult to repeat them to others.
Aerfen, your remark is so true, and very scary. Ask anyone to describe an indigenous British person, and most will say white. You think of an African / Jamaican / Indian as brown or black; the same with Scandinavians – would you think of any of those as black ? no. But with the influx of dusky migrants to Sweden, they too will undergo a melting pot of colour in the next generation or so.
I can describe an indigenous Swede..
Frightened, molested, ashamed of their flag, and about to live in a Caliphate as a forced convert Muslim, or beheaded…
Hard to feel much sympathy. Sweden has a less than glorious 20th century history.
What a heart-warming little story.
Now, I wonder why the BBC was so taken with it.
bBBC 1 6 pm news
An EU summit.
Laura Kuennesberg throwaway remark about the ‘brand new building’ in Brussels in which the EU summit is being held.
Yeah, right.
So, errr, who paid for that, Laura? And who agreed to it? And what was the cost?
You’re supposed to be a journalist, love, so ask some actual questions for a change, instead of only keeping to the Doom and Gloom narrative.
Oooh look. A flying pig..
The socialist money tree.
Latest piece of anti-trump crap masquerading as news. On the BBC News Frontpage under their “Full Story” section, they have an image of Donald Trump morphed into King Kong on top of the Statue of Liberty, with the Statue of Liberty holding up a placard saying “Not My President”.
Here is the link to the BBC News frontpage – scroll down to the Full Story section.
Here is the direct link to the “story”:
I reckon if your dog created a large turd with the image of Donald Trump shaped into it, there will be a BBC news team there on the spot to create a “news” story out of it.
ps if anybody can tell me how to include an image to these comments I would be grateful in finding out. I have screen captured various BBC stories and images and it would be useful to know how, if at all possible, I can upload an image into a comment.
I just don’t remember the BBC treating Obama this way. I wonder if they are biased ?
Grant, With Obama all we heard was how “President Obama showed how he walks on water today.” or “President Obama, the first African-American president, has fed all the homeless of the United States with just two loaves and five fishes.”
“The USA, which used to be hated across the rest of the world when Bush was president is now admired due to the wonderfulness of President Barrack Obama.”
The same was true in this country when the Blair autocracy was in its early days.
If you are just ‘lifting’ an image from a webpage you should be able to ‘right-mouse click’ the image and your browser will give you the option to ‘copy URL’. You can then follow the link below the BBBC comment box and ‘Ctrl-V’ to paste in the URL that you have just copied. Another way is to add image tags, (img and /img in angle brackets) and paste the captured URL in between.
If you have produced your own image you will need to ‘publish’ it on the web somewhere so that it can be downloaded to this site.
Also if you tweet the image, then you can get a link by right clicking the time bit of your own tweet. Copy that tweet address and post it in this comment box and the whole tweet will show here.
(Might even work with facebook)
bBBC 1 6 pm news.
A story about a traffficked baby monkey. No, really.
This monkey was found by the BBC!
Now i for one do not like animals being treated cruelly.
But…..national news? For one little monkey? I think not.
What we have here is little more than a masturbation exercise by a virtue-signalling news team,
Paid for, of course, by us.
Now if the monkey had been a little English girl from Rochdale they would have forgotten to run the story.
News is something unusual, out of the ordinary…
I think the BBC may have today revealed why it has been ‘Pollution Season’ at the BBC for the last couple of weeks.
In the lunchtime news they gave the game away by saying, in effect, that there were ‘expectations of something being done in yesterday’s Budget’. It suddenly doesn’t seem to matter anymore that “pollution can cross oceans”. Or that putting up Fuel Duties would hit the poor and the low paid and the ‘just about managing’. Among those of course would be small business owners, small retailers and many of the self-employed – already facing another tax rise – and about which the media, including the BBC, suddenly seem so concerned for today as well.
I wonder why the BBC have this interest in the lungs of the nation?
Could it be that their one and two year old BMW and Mercedes diesels have full-ashtrays? Or are getting just a little bit worn looking? Perhaps they were hoping for lots of money from the taxpayer for a Government scrappage scheme? Or perhaps they were looking to have the Conservatives cut the top rate of Income Tax on their over £150,000 salaries down to 40%, subsidising – er, I mean making it ‘revenue neutral’ – as has been done for most of two decades via an extra tax on road fuels.
Of course it doesn’t matter that those pesky old people, the pensioners who were all born before the Clean Air Act and lived through much worse atmospheric pollution than today, are now all living so much longer and clogging up the aisles at Waitrose or the pavement in Regent Street.
The BBC has to present its own propaganda for its own purposes, whatever those may be, as a trustworthless broadcaster.
The BBC. Now branching out from FakeNews into FakeDocumentaries?
I think programmes like this are the lefts (and I include the BBC as the left as well) way of applying pressure to weak and tainted politicians and creating policy.
We had the big push on brexit (fortunately it was the electorate they were dealing with and not the Government – hence they lost)
We had the non existant Hate Crime “spike” where the BBC were trying to railroad Amber Rudd into creating increased “hate crime” legislation.
We had the BBC cheerleading Tom Watson in Government investigations into spurious sex abuse negotiations.
We had the BBC applying pressure to the Government about the refugee “children” and the “Ndubz ammendments.
We even had Le Pen and Donald Trump (both influential and serious politicians) demonised by the BBC. And Theresa May stood idly by, ignoring and even pandering to the left, like some weak and innefectual student teacher in her first day trying to teach quantum mechanics to the bottom most disruptive class at a reformitory school.
We have the BBC wittering on about fake news and hoping that the Government will control non mainstream outlets such as Breitbart because only the “trusted” BBC can truly judge “fake news” which is not surprising because they create most of it!
And now we have the BBC cheerleading the latest green “fashion thinking” on diesel cars and trying to goad the Government into introducing even more anti diesel measures.
I could go on forever about this but it seems to be that most MPs live and work in the Metropolitan bubble and therefore some part of them truly does believe that the words they hear the most of on the media really does reflect the opinion of the majority in the country.
As they all want to be re-elected it is not surprising that many “play safe” and pick up the BBC narrative. You would have have thought that brexit would have been a saltory warning – but if I know one thing – what most of our politicians lack is imagination, and this is probably one of the reasons we are in the state we are in!
Anway back to Classic FM and the Calendar Prince – I bet even the BBC would approve of that one – Sultan probably a good sharia man – Brown legs good!
The BBC, always first with the breaking news:
Hold on, this happened nearly 10 years ago. Why the renewed interest?
SJ, smog?
Straight from Salford Quays Home of the BBC. The left stifles langauge
Love it ! Who is he ?
He’s a spoof news reporter created by a guy called Tom Walker, loads of his videos on YouTube, he is actually a Leftie.
Thanks, I’ll check him out.
Just returned Grant . Good you have details. Yes he is a leftie, but beginning to see where they are going. I like his remark about conservativism being the new rock n roll on campuses.
Al BBC R4 is starting a second series of … Detective Mohammed
Detective Mohammed?? I know … me neither
Well, a good old, upholding the (Sharia), law type of guy I m sure.
Call 999! Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed returns for a second series of his critically acclaimed Radio 4 sitcom.
Critically acclaimed? by who? … the BBC?
Surprise, surprise, it gets one ringing endorsement
“Delightfully bonkers!” The Guardian
No. Too far out for me. I guess he has a tape measure to check how much flesh the women are showing, enforces those aspects of sharia which Treezer believes to be compatible with British culture, whilst witholding arrests in line with recent guidelines on leniency towards effniks.
It’s a repeat from 2013
(The only online source for that review quote is that page and on a 2013 biasedbbc page !)
Incorrect … for the quote use the link provided.
‘Several injured’ in ‘axe attack’ at Dusseldorf train station
probably not worth running a sweepstake on which religion might be responsible
Can’t find it on the BBC Website, so it must be Fake News
This is awful. Tip of the iceberg.
Clearly ‘mad’ axemen with ‘psychological’ issues. Nothing to see here now move on .
Damn those lone wolf axes!
“There were reports of a “crazed man” at the scene and two people were arrested. Police spokesman Rainer Kerstiens told The Associated Press that more suspected attackers are believed to be on the run”.
“Several attackers wielding axes injured around five people at the main train station in the west German city of Düsseldorf late Thursday”
The worlds best newscaster doesn t know about it … soooo
As the Al BBC is deliberately dragging its feet. 😀
(choose from the applicable choices)
1/. migrant enrichment malfunction
2/. another outbreak from the Islamic “mental illness” association?
3/. the international society of lone wolves?
4/. NTDWI?
5/. lumberjacks inadvertently drop their axes waiting for the train home
6/. Al BBC default position – Far Right
7/. “fake news”
Breitbart report that 2 have been arrested
PS Breitbart also reports that, in the UK, the trial of a muslim accused of terrorist-related offences has been delayed so that he can fast during Ramadan. Unbelievable.
Granty; Two arrested you say! Perhaps they are arresting the victims for moaning about it!
BBC1 News at 10pm didn’t mention the axe attack until 10:15 and then it was just a 15 second brief mention as if it is such a minor event it’s not worth mention.
I suppose the prescient point, the pressing issue
upon capture of this whole gang of erm “crazy men”
will be
… searching for a motive. (shakes head)
makes you despair.
Maybe the Lutherans have just erm run amok … not.
News tells us what is unusual, out of the ordinary…
It’s on there now
The BBC report is seriously lacking in detail compared to RT…
Even when the BBC do report any news , they are long way behind any competitors. In any race they come last. Totally useless.
Delay ?
News has to pass through Al Beeb’s censors.
This is a total lie and Fake News. He is not a day older than 8
@Grant see your transphobia , you just assumed she identifies as male.
I never thought of that !
BBc 22:00 news 10 minutes of the controversial budget. Well one part of it, now into day 2. I think we all accept they broke an election promise, so what, I’m still waiting for the human rights act to be got rid of. The record seems to be stuck with this one. No doubt this will continue over to questionable time
2 minutes on Dusseldorf axe attack.
Rows of Tory chinless pew fillers get a few minutes exposure on all BBC outlets as the media monkeys and the faceless sandbags who stuff the Tory benches conspire to bitch about eh most boring pointless man in politics.
Hammond is exactly why the Tories are crap and irrelevant-but as long as we get the hardest nastiest Brexit, then we`ll vote them in again.
To hear the likes of Robinson affecting any concern for the little man in his white van is utterly galling.
Since when did THEY speak for anybody not on £90,000+ p.a.
We have all long left the BBCs talking shops, and I deem them to be either farms or zoos. Exotica deviants, mutations or monocultural fields of magic mushrooms under money trees.
It it had a brain we could at least declare it dead at the stem-but it only drools on into Dame Jennis pillows. No-one cares.
Apparently lots of BBC staff are so-called employees – they are in fact self employed contractors paying class 4 NI contributions.
Now I wonder why there is so much angst at the BBC?
2200 News – Trump v MSM – one minute with Sirius FM then the rest of the report with CNN and NYT for so called balance – no mention of the. BBC being one of Trumps targets for exclusion. A very one sided report which shows what contempt our betters at the BBC hold for the ordinary UK citizen. When are they going to realise we are not taken in by their bias.
BTW Newsnight preview at the end of News – Kirsty Wark (that well known self employed BBC contractor) will be reporting on the serious case of NI increase for the self employed!
Just watched Laura Kuntssberg’s depressing hatchet job on our chances of a successful Brexit, although I never expected a different outcome.
Not one question was posed with the expectation of a positive outcome, only doom and perdition were ever expected. Complete and utter waste of time apart from Little Timmidy Farron’s pathetic and failed attempt to convince his local electorate that a second referendum was required. I wish someone would put him out of his misery.
They are just throwing their toys out of their prams.
Four women panelists and one man on QT tonight. Hardly representative of either politics or the population. Is it because it was apparently supposed to be international women’s day yesterday – but they weren’t ready in time!
Any ethnics ? Any muslims ? Any hindus ? etc ?
Couple of Scots accents including that good Scots lass Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.
The last few weeks BBC Scotland have been reporting on the possible dangers of footballers heading the ball which may cause dementia in later life.
Tonight they gave 5 minute “commercial” to the latest sport/craze of parkour which consisted of a young guy from Edinburgh running and jumping through the streets which has gone viral on YouTube – Standby for AE backlogs with long lines of hundreds of idiots trying to break their necks emulating this.
Question Time – one Tory being hung out to dry by whole panel including the chairman re the budget and NHS.
Funny cos a Twitter search shows BBC Krankieland bigging up pakour in May 2014, May 2016 so they are a bit early this year
The benefits of Glasgow Kisses surely not far from being promoted?
New : #BBC’s anti-#Syrian #propaganda forces producer* to tear up his contract
* About Victor Lewis Smith ultimately crowdfunding a debunk of a BBC Panorama Syrian War edition
(I don’t know the in’s an out, but VLS has had a 30 year career in the biz and has twice lost libel actions : Against Paul Mckenna and Gordon Ramsay (later kindda vindicated on this one))
Now we’ve got US Academics taking offence at the singing of Sweet Chariot being sung at rugby matches, because of its slave origins, so have asked the fans of rugby not to sing it out of respect. Can’t see that happening.
Sweet what ? US Academics ? Contradiction in terms. The England Rugby Team should kick off with “Sweet Chariot ” followed by ” The Yellow Rose of Texas ” !
Given the clue in my pseudonym, I suggest the response will be the same as the demand to ban “Delilah” in Cardiff.
These would be the sort of US Academics who tried to get the Washington Redskins to change their name.
Didn’t underpants Bryant already try to ban ‘Delilah’? Something to do with him being a waste of skin?
When the actions for each phrase are gently explained to them Brissles, they’ll all have hissy fits…
I bet there are loads of Yanks who’d really like to ‘look over Jordan’…
Chelsea needs to revive the chant I recall that went with ‘Land of Hope and Glory’.
Or Hate not Hope.
One of the two.
BBC coverage would vary, depending on which.
May I suggest the rugby fans find a nice ancient traditional tasteful American song by a wholesome US band to reply the US Academics. Nazi Punks **** Off by the Dead Kennedys seems appropriate.
Well here’s hoping no-one gets picky about “You’ll Never Walk Alone’ which could be depicted by various factions, including mental health issues, dating sites, or wheel chair users taking offence. The wrath of Liverpool would be seismic !
How about just minding their own f***ing business?
This must be one of the worse question times I have seen & by the way paid for?
Thank God I do not have a TV and my mum is too old to pay the tax. QT became a parody many years ago !
BBCQT last night from Sunderland (which last time I looked was an English City):
40% of panelists represented Scottish constituencies + a token Scotsman (in Fraser Nelson)
80% of the panel were women
80% of the panel were Remainers
60% (+Fraser who is a bit wet) were lefties
… and a fair percentage of the programme was spent discussing the merits of a 2nd scottish referendum which the people of Sunderland will have no say in.
BBC QT became unwatchable some years ago, but I tune in once in a while to note any change. There is none for the better.
The descent in quality of the BBC’s longer running shows is gradual and subtle. It is always shocking to watch an older edition of a show, QT is a prime example, to remind yourself just how bad they have got. The BBC needs to be re-staffed with grown-ups.
“The Screaming Scots ‘Asian’ Show”.
She’s even muzzled Toynbee.
No 7
You are insulting my MP. Shame on you ! How very dare you . But , yes, she has “psychological issues “.
Grant, my sympathies (WRT your representative). She gives your country a bad name, mind you mine (Jonathan Edwards) is no better.
As an aside, J.E. does write eloquent waffle on very expensive looking HOC stationery. My collection is growing!
No 7,
At least you get replies from JE !!!
They’re even in English not Cymraeg.
It must be all that time he is wasting in Westminster.
Far Horizons
Don’t pay – simples .
Had not realised a key plank was missing.
Not sure his apology tweet is going as well as hoped.
If scheduled to appear on national tv, one might imagine a sensible aspiring leader would have a contingency for delays.
Or, clearly, not.
Is that the same train that Jeremy Dustbyn had a little local difficulty with?
Transport overcrowded? What to do?
1 – provide more transport infrastructure at public expense
2 – cut immigration and hence demand for transport.
Questions, questions
To be fair ‘Our Nige’ was delayed by a fatal road crash on his way to QT. If it can happen to him, a tool like McDonnell has no chance.
BBC Eco-campaign-head actually works for an NGO at the same time !

Paul Homewood has a report today investigating the BBC’s #SoICanBreathe campaign
So I dug up the fact that BBC is making news instead of just reporting it,
by creating the #SoICanBreathe campaign
and that it’s organised by BBC Head of Editorial Partnerships and Special Projects, Emily Kasriel
* Paul Homewood has checked her LinkedIn and see she’s still working for the NGO
Skoll Foundation also did extensive work with BBC World Service in 2010
(Self description : “Driving large-scale change by investing in, connecting, & celebrating social entrepreneurs & innovators dedicated to solving the world’s most pressing problems” Palo Alto, California)
Sounds good but only solutions it considers are loony LibMob ones : Green religion pushers and extremely anti-Trump
more :
I assume this is a deliberate attempt to monetarize air. About the only thing left the neoliberals and bankers have not yet done. Bad air will be discovered everywhere and it will be used to take more wealth from us via penal taxation.
The BBC is part of the governing elite and in this case is definitely at the forefront. This woman is probably just another left wing snowflake and a figurehead for the money men. Soros and his mates are involved no doubt as are the banks and the well funded NGOs . Just another scam.
I think it is a change of tactic. They’ve realised that the Climate Change narrative has run out of steam and are now concentrating on air pollution – to be honest, if they’d concentrated on that from the start, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I do, of course, have a problem with the BBC’s political campaigns.
Does she have a coffee shop she needs to bog off early to serve too?
They don’t do “serving”
My bad.
Pretty sure she has EU staff for such functions. For now.
“Boris Johnson has told the BBC that Britain should reject any EU demands for a £50bn “exit bill” and follow the example of former PM Margaret Thatcher.”
Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t Article 50 supposed to be triggered today ?
What are they going to do if we don’t pay up ? Invade us ? Just tell them to bugger off !
Several wounded in Dusseldorf train station axe attack
Police detain one man suspected of injuring five people at city’s main train station.
Reports suggest there have been other axe attacks by Muslims in Germany.
As expected there is as yet nothing reported on the BBC.
R4 Midnight News : Police says he’s from Former Yugoslavia* and has mental Health Problems
* codeword for Bosnian Muslim ?
BTW 7 days ago in #Düsseldorf – two Syrians and a Bosnian WERE arrested for #terrorist activities in #Syria
“One man has been arrested, Duesseldorf police said, correcting an earlier police report of two arrests. No fatalities have been reported”
Funny that seems to happen a lot.
Apparently he wanted to know where Allan’s Snackbar was, and then he went full loon.
Earlier BBC was earlier mis-stating the position of EPA Head Scott Pruitt*
“He doesn’t believe Carbon Dioxide Climate change”
of course the audio contradicts this, so they have stated correctly
“He doesn’t belive that it is proven that Carbon Dioxide is the PRIMARY cause of Climate Change” but then they add a loaded qualifier
something like ‘that is contadicted by established science included that published by NASA’
..If you are familiar with NASA’s Climate webpage you’ll know it wasn’t written by the scientists it was written by the PR team so isn’t very scientific eg uses the Fallacy of Argument from authority etc.
* R4 Midnight did just mis-state it but then played the audio
BTW Stephen Nolan just stated he is not BBC freelancer but that the BBC has put him on PAYE
They then had a news-vert about “research in Guildford” suggests when traffic is heavy at rush hour you should raise the hood of babies prams (presumably to stop particulates falling on them)
(but then there are plenty of natural particulates eg pine pollen, never mind natural fires)
(Personally I don’t agree with bonfires and fireworks, but greens seems to love them instead.)
C4 Kylie Morris reported exactly the same sensationalist headline with he face looking like she had just taken a bite from a shit sandwich.
Not Al Beeb but yes, Treezer get on with it . The nation is fed up of waiting!
What’s the problem ? Just send them back.
Andrew Neil starts Newsweek with borderline libelous attack on Phillip Hammond. Later he gives what must be the worlds easiest interview to some mouthy bint from a charity (who actually looks like a twelve year old), talking about a trip to Samos and how dreadful it is and how we should admit 2000 child ‘refugees’ >
2000 ‘children’ unaccompanied????
Really? I dont think so!
BBC Website now reporting the Axe attack. ” Mentally ill man from former Yugoslavia ” . So it is a muslim !
It’s a busy night in Europe.
Swiss drug wars again.
Nothing to do with Islam
Probably some Alpine shepherds arguing about who owns some pastureland.
Sound of Music re-enactors.
The book was of course a lot darker.
Swiss cuckoo clock rivalry, 2017 style.
Every hour, on the hour, the dome flips open and a head pops out.
Classy, isn’t it?
As Crocodile Dundee would say, “That’s not a clock..

…that’s a clock!”
By the way, does anyone remember when the BBC picked up on St. Obama for making stupid knee-jerk comments like the above?
Most likely the axe man was a moslem, until the cops discover pictures of Hitler and far right material in his home.
More ‘psychological’ problems…. Amish or Methodist perhaps?
I have been out of our blessed Blighty for a bit so turned to the MSM to find out what’s happening. The London Evening Standard has a front page report of an Axe attack in a German city which injured many. It does not identify the criminal yet. However – any coverage on the Today programme today? No. Because I believe the BBC is filtering out certain types of news events I immediately the German attack was committed by someone called Mo screaming out “god is great” .
Sadly I am turning into a bit of an anorak on this type of manipulation as it will cause long term harm- whether we have pay a licence tax for filtered news or not.
I promise to report back if there is further information on this incident -‘ Muslim terrorist’ or ‘Mental Issues’?.
Radicalised Presbyterian
Well, what a surprise. This is from the BBC story, ‘One man has been arrested. The 36-year-old suspect from the former Yugoslavia suffers from psychological problems, Duesseldorf police said.’
From the former Yugoslavia…hmmm.
In MSM-newspeak this is code for a Muslim who has made their way to Europe, illegally, via the Balkans. Perhaps I will be proved wrong.
As with Fedup above, I, and probably most on this board, have become anoraks at the interpretation of MSM-newspeak.
Yes, code for muslim. If it was a white man, they would have said so. And white men never have “mental issues”. They are always terrorists. If the BBC stop reporting this, then we know it is a muslim. “The former Yugoslavia” is probably code for Bosnia. I would be 99% certain that this was a muslim terrorist attack.
I hope you aren’t in Germany Steve or you’ll be due a knock on the door from the Stasi for the heinous crime of speculation.
“German federal police earlier tweeted a warning to the public not to engage in speculation.”
Some new euro crime maybe, what right does a police force have to warn people about speculating? In a free country that is.
This is actually good news, if the German police are starting to try and put a lid on speculation it means they realise their propaganda is ineffective. Merkel will be familiar with the tactics of the Stasi. It was, after all, the organisation that monitored the population that Merkel’s original political party ruled over with an iron fist.
Oldspeaker, German police seem to be keen on this – recent articles have shown lengthy twitter exchanges between the police and those daring to suggest attacks have been by Muslims.
A few years ago, I visited the island of Mallorca where the British writer Robert Graves, author of ‘I Claudius’, lived as an ex-pat in the 1930s. He was arrested for being in possession of a small printing press, which I think he used for a hobby, but it was illegal in Franco’s Spain to own such a thing in case it was used to print anti government propaganda.
At the time I remember thinking ‘how on earth could such a thing happen as recently as the 1930s’. But now it’s happening again, only with websites instead of presses.
Two more probable terrorist attacks in Europe. Of course the authorities , with the connivance of the MSM , try their best to suppress this news and to deflect any notion that the perpetrators were Muslim. If the news can’t be suppressed they claim mental issues or some such nonsense. I doubt anyone , other than idiots, any longer has any trust in a word the MSM and the establishment spout about Islam. Which is why more and more people trust alternative news sources than the MSM.
The liberal left elite have created the monster of Islam in Europe and they have no idea how to deal with it. So their plan is to keep the indigenous population quiet for as long as possible and make concessions to Islam hoping Muslims will calm down and integrate.. In reality this is just a strategy which allows Islam to take over. How else do you explain the decision of a judge to recommend that criminals from minority backgrounds are given lighter sentences than white Brits who have committed exactly the same crime. To paraphrase Orwell we are all equal under the law , but some are more equal than others.
Spot on !
Germany starting to reap the whirlwind!
Thank God we are not in Schengen and soon, Inshallah, to be out of the EU!!
Meanwhile in Stockholm a bit of beheading.
Probably far right
The police fired at a person. So now persons are getting in on the act
In seeking more info about that I came upon this snippet –
“Swedish passports are also among the most frequently sold in underground trading.”
I wonder if those dashed clever Swedes have worked out why?
More information emerging. Nothing on the BBC until they get Government notes
They were lughing. Got to understand this enricher humour
“All have non-Western names ” !
Do you have a link to the original story?
Persons, men.
What next – Muslims?
DT, why doesn’t someone appear on the tv and call the BBC out on this?
Ask, on a program such as qt or daily politics, why the BBC hides Muslim crimes, attacks and murders or eventually manipulates the story to a ‘man’ or a ‘lorry’ unless it is a whitey when he is then immediately labelled far right.
Surely there must be someone willing to state a truth like this or does absolutely everyone fear the Nick Griffin treatment for being truthful (Rotherham)
A relatively small number of very rich and powerful people have all the control.
How can one Guyana bird cause so much trouble to Brexit.
We are so many yet we seem to be getting bullied and shafted left, right and centre.
I wonder what type of Brexit we will get. I think just about all the 17.4 million want out lock, stock and barrel but would agree to things such as no tariffs. Will we be stuffed by our own politicians? Probably.
You sum it up perfectly. The fact is that the Left Liberal elite, and that includes the Tories, control all the organs of the State. The UK is no longer a democracy, it is a dictatorship of the Left.
My late stepfather used to say years ago that we would end up as “second class citizens in our own country”.
How right was he.
From listening to their ever so serious conversations/debates on the BBC and Sky, it seems that the authorities and media think that publicity breeds copycat terror attacks. I think they now have a deliberate tactic of playing down attacks and labelling attackers as ‘mental’. I can see the logic and I guess there is less glamour in hacking people up and being labelled mentally ill, rather than a soldier of Allah.
It won’t work though. I think it will just encourage larger scale killings that can’t be ignored.
Can’t you just give me the score?
The evidence from the States seems to show that as the ESPN sports network has shoe-horned more left-wing politics into their coverage of sport their audience share has diminished and the company is now having to make cost-savings, even threatening on-screen personnel with redundancy. American sports fans appear to be turned off by ESPN’s forced diet of identity politics and are turning off the channel – the joke being: ok, you’re telling me about the gender pay gap, the cultural appropriation of the nickname Redskins, in some way relating slavery to modern million dollar black sports players and questioning why more football stars don’t make a statement against Trump…. Can’t you just give me the score in the ball game!?
And so to Britain and the BBC. This morning one tunes in and the build up to the big England-Scotland rugby match begins on BBC One. As an Englishman one hopes to get through this without too much of the usual pro-Scots bias. What one had not bargained for was a five-minute lesson on slavery and Britain’s culpability in the ‘killing fields of the plantations’. I’m really sorry but I do not and will not accept personal guilt about this. Ironically I’m reminded of that line from the old spiritual ‘Let my people go’. In other words, please stop persecuting me for being English. But in contrast with ESPN the BBC can’t be made responsible by any loss of subscribers and so on they plough. On the red sofa instead of rugby players or commentators we have two academics. Because this item is to be hung on the opinion of ‘some academics think….’ Have you guessed it yet? – The cultural appropriation of English rugby fans singing ‘Swing low sweat chariot’. Mind you our academic friends don’t want to ‘ban’ the song. One assumes they know that would be rather an impractical policy. But get this – they want to hand out in the stadium a sheet with a ‘500 to 600 word’ essay on the origins and significance of the song. This kill joy moralising they emphasise is especially aimed at children. And the BBC give this a platform, force me to endure the drivel and let it all pass without question.
As a Scot, I shall not be watching. Too painful. Surely the singing of “Swing Low ” should be seen as a tribute to the slaves ? If the English were racist, they would not be singing it.
Grant, I sympathise with your pain but will avoid BBC coverage of the rugby due to the tiresome scrum rules and pro-Scots BBC commentary. Personally I still have a favourable opinion of most Scots acquaintances. I have however developed an irritaion with the country that largely stems from the movie Braveheart, Andy Murray, the Barnet Formula, the SNP and the BBC. Not necessarily in that order.
Well the image annoys many of us too. I have to keep telling people that many of us hate the SNP and Braveheart. I can’t remember if it was on this site that someone posted that many people think Braveheart is a documentary. Made me laugh but it isn’t really funny.
There’s a very entertaining analysis of Braveheart here:
The detailed history starts 6 minutes in by pointing out that the date given at the begining of the film is 6 years too early, but the introduction is also worth watching.
His other programmes are also worth a look, especially those on Waterloo and Zulu.
Many thanks for that clip. I had not seen it before . I just got to 13.08 but will finish later.
Those of us who know a bit about our history were deeply offended by the film “Braveheart”.
There is a film waiting to be made about our greatest hero, King Robert, and the Battle of Bannockburn. But , I do not think that Mel Gibson is the right man for the job !
I really enjoyed it and thought the English King stole the show:
– “send in the Irish. They’re cheap and if they die we don’t have to pay them2.
– “send in the archers” “but won’t they hit our men?” “yes, but they’ll hit theirs as well”.
The Patriot was a shocking low. English soldiers burning women and kids alive in a church.
I expect we shall still be denied an English RU commentator, as the BBC don’t employ them, even for games vs France and Italy.
Toady programme today 8.35 and Toenails Robinson interviewing the new (2 month in post) Canadian trade minister, the poor woman who previously did the job having retired presumably from exhaustion after 7 hard years negotiating the chicanery of our EU friends.
He said the Canada/EU FTA was the gold standard and more usefully, that the UK already benefited from it, it being unsaid and certainly not desired to be acknowledged by Toenails, that it would be relatively easy to negotiate a one-to-one direct with the UK
Toenails didn’t seem too keen to prolong the interview!
Just a late afterthought on the biased BBC’s masturbation activity of the week, aka air pollution.
Let us for the sake of argument take at face value that 30000+ deaths a year may be down to air pollution. And if you look quite hard, you might find that about a third of these are due to road vehicles (most of the actual reduction in the last 20 years is due to the phasing out of coal-burning power stations, hence the big drop in SO2 levels btw).
So by their own figures about 10000 deaths per year are due to air pollution caused by vehicles.
Contrast this with the under 2000 deaths a year on the roads of which a very small number (about 5%, so say 100) are due to exceeding the speed limit in built up areas.
And now contrast this with the ceaseless rigmarole of local councils to ‘make our roads safer’. Speed bumps, speed cameras, zebra crossings, traffic lights out of sync., build outs. Bus lanes which channel the rest of the traffic into tighter spaces. Then every few years, these schemes are amended or replaced, at more expense to taxpayers.
The result is more and more traffic jams and stop/start traffic creating more pollution which by their own figures kills almost a magnitude more people than actually are killed on the roads.
So what we actually have is public policy geared to council traffic officer job creation, and backed up by legislation FFS (section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act) rather than actual mortality statistics and especially not the convenience of residents. Just another example of the public sector gravy train in action.
Needless to say, the bBBC refuse or lack the intelligence to join the dots.
They have just changed the road from our property to 20mph. This involves either higher than necessary revs in second gear or the engine or chugging along in third gear just above stalling and having to change down for every one of the six sleeping policemen, Then there are a set of lights for the separate bus lane which hold you up every time whether there is a bus in sight or not. I would suggest car manufactures design the gearing of a car to run at 30mph.
Actually they do. In a 30 limit stay in third. In a 40 in 4th. Keep out of 5th and 6th unless on a high speed road. Fuel economy is not affected. So in a 20 stay in second.
it works as the revs are at their most efficient particularly in the hated diesel!
I would also add that diesel cars are not suitable really for low load low speed work. Especially the latest models.So buying them for town use is silly. They need hard work high revs and long runs.
I don’t doubt that you’re right on the efficient rev ranges, but as I drive a petrol V6 with a manual gearbox I tend to put it in 5th at 25mph and drive round on tick-over. It feels more economical, and the BBC likes us to respond to how we feel not how we think.
My local roads are the same. During the day, the safe speed would probably be 25 max with major slowdown at junctions and bends. I often see people doing 40. Why have they reduced the limit? Idiots still drive far too quickly and now I have to rev along in second or break the speed limit by a couple of mph in third. If they’d introduced a 25mph zone then I’d fully support it.
Deaths on the road are real deaths with real death certificates… and real family members.Whereas with air pollution it’s theoretical deaths.
There certainly are some children suffering with asthma and air pollution may play a part. The death count comes from guessing that the effect over the whole population is that millions will die months earlier. That is converted to a certain number of whole lifetimes.
The calculation error bars are a mile wide.
Seen any cost/benefit analysis? They dont seem to exist.
DEFRA statistics show a huge reduction in air pollution measured since 1970 – sulphur dioxide, particulates, nitrogen oxides, aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene etc).
A lot of that is caused by the changes in power generation and space heating in domestic and commercial premises.
However the reports state that only around 10% of nitrogen oxide emissions come from road vehicles.
Increasingly, particulates arise from frictional effects of road traffic (brakes linings, tyre wear and road dust). These are not lessened by converting cars from diesel to petrol or even to electric. Also wood burning stoves in urban areas are becoming significant pollution contributors.
There is also the huge increase in the number of vehicles in that period to factor in.
Going after diesel vehicles seems pointless and a waste of public money. Perhaps it’s a subtle admission that it doesn’t matter now that petrol vehicles generally emit more carbon dioxide? Or is it a bandwagon, clean and green of course?
For those of you who don’t know, Barnabas Fund is a charity that supports persecuted Christians. I noticed this article on their website. Although I don’t agree with some of their views, they generally seem to be on the same wavelength as BiasedBBC.
Wow! BBc Breakfast goes for a nuke the fridge day. It’s almost like watching an episode of Brass Eye First of all I watch the Government is in “disarray”. They seem to have dropped the “breaking the manifesto promise” mantra. That is followed by an interview with the 2016 Apprentice winner, who I had forgotten about telling us she can’t claim Statuary maternity pay (SMP). However that doesn’t seem to be strictly true. Any self employed people please correct me if I’m wrong I’m not an expert on these benefits Maternity Allowance (MA) Also it appears Directors can if they meet the criteria claim for SMP and I also assume Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) Whist others may not be able SSP there is also Employment and support allowance (ESA). The reporters of course fail to mention all of this.
Back to diesel death. BBc are you reading what I’m writing? Days after I compare the BBc reporting to the London smog of 1952 and hey presto they are showing film of the 1952 London smog. In a pointless exercise in pointlessness they get two children to tie their scarfs over their eyes so they can relive the visual experience. As they stumble around I think to myself there’s a h&S issue here. So the link is clear diesels = London’s 1952 smog. Don’t know what it means? Easy tie a scarf over your eyes and stumble around for a bit.
I think there is just enough time for a bit of global warming. Yes? Ready? Yes? Here it comes Coral is being bleached white. This is caused by an increase in temperature. However the National Ocean service, US dept of commerce says “When corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients, they expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white.” It also says “In January 2010, cold water temperatures in the Florida Keys caused a coral bleaching event that resulted in some coral death. Water temperatures dropped 12.06 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the typical temperatures observed at this time of year” So colder water can have that effect as well? Strange that didn’t get mentioned
Beeb seems to be all in a bother this morning about teachers being “forced” to cut courses.
Meanwhile teachers in France have some real problems.
But not the gross salaries of the heads, senior staff, the parade of mums army that do 1:1 work with the nasties, and those that can`t speak English.
Nor the PFI bills left them by Brown and Blair-who they craved and loved.
No-way too much money in schools and the NHS-look at Ofsteds hotel bills.
If Hammond was really serious he would have the Chancellors pay and turn schools into co-ops where nobody gets more than anybody else…just teachers who can teach and kids who want to learn from them.
Interesting snippet apropos the next Bond film………..
“….an executive at a studio close to the Bond franchise reported that while (Barbara) Broccoli is keen on (Jack) Huston , she is also ‘absolutely keen on having a black performer playing Bond, it’s just finding the actor’.
This was later changed to …. “In fact, she doesn’t care what colour he is. Black, brown or white. She just wants a great actor”.
[Grant, I don’t know who Jack Huston is either !!!!]
Oddly enough I don’t really mind the idea of a black James Bond (someone like Don Warrington – Philip from ‘Rising Damp’ could have played him in his younger years) as it’s perfectly feasible that such a person could be black in today’s secret services.
What really p*sses me off is when they shoehorn black actors into period dramas when it was highly unlikely there would be any blacks around, and if there had been, it would certainly have affected how they were treated; so a black Sherlock Holmes, for example, would be ridiculous.
Anyone remember ‘Lovejoy’, the antiques caper based in East Anglia, which was a practically black-free area of the country at the time? In its latter days, a black family and a black ‘assistant’ to Lovejoy were ludicrously shoe-horned in, leading to the quick demise of the series. I seem to recall that was one of the first high-profile race-based (or rather colour-based) manipulation on television. MLK turns in his grave (again).
But, at the time when the Bond books were set, I doubt if there were any black people in British Intelligence.
I have always liked the idea of Bond going back to basics, set in the Cold War era in which they were written. Maybe HBO or Netflix could oblige us with a series, just based on the Fleming books, and without a lot of silly gadgetry.
The BBC could never afford it, and would make a godawful PC pig’s ear of it if they tried. I think the last Bond film I saw that wasn’t bad was Goldeneye, and that’s being generous.
Quite agree. The only Bond book I have read is “From Russia with Love” . I was surprised how well written it is. I am biased because I used to live in istanbul . Fleming had obviously done his research because I could find no flaws in his descriptions of the city or use of the Turkish language.
Similarly in the film, set mainly in istanbul, everything is authentic , including the Turkish.
If the BBC re-made this , they would bugger it up on every level.
To give a recent example, Michael Portillo at istanbul Haydarpasha Station mis-pronounces it ” Hydra Pasha ” , a basic error which would amuse Turks and Greeks. If they can’t get that right, how can we trust the BBC with anything ?
………..when they shoehorn black actors into period dramas when it was highly unlikely there would be any blacks around, and if there had been, it would certainly have affected how they were treated; so a black Sherlock Holmes, for example, would be ridiculous……..
This is where the tv companies and production companies come totally unstuck in the name of diversity and pc. Clearly the ‘quota’ edict has to be adhered to, but with absurd results. Being ‘colour blind’ is the ambition and idyll of Commissioning Editors, but as you say Cranmer, meddling with historical characters for the sake of diverse quotas is lunacy – as they did in Merlin, where Guinevere was played by a mixed race actress. It doesn’t look right because we know it IS’NT right – (I refer back to a previous post where describing someone British, white comes to the fore, not non-colour). Imagine the outcry if a white actor was given the part of Dr Martin Luther King, or Sammy Davis Jnr in their biographies – it just wouldn’t happen.
As for Bond, well, I tend to agree with the following………..
“the only person who has a say in who exactly Bond is… is one Ian Fleming, who created 007 in his mind back in 1952 when writing the first of many books on the spy character starting with the timeless Casino Royale.
So just how did Fleming–who passed away back in 1964–imagine Bond looked like? To find the answer, one has to go back to 1958, when the author agreed to allow London’s Daily Express to create a Bond comic strip, but only under the condition that all published material must be approved by him and him only. Once an agreement was finalized, Fleming hired an artist to draw a portrait of how he envisioned Bond would look like:
(sorry, somehow the portrait hasn’t appeared)
So as you can see, Bond is white. Fleming alone created the character and wrote eleven novels that eventually turned into one of the most successful movie franchises of all-time, and therefore is the only authority on the matter.”
Er , Bond who ?
To be a real pain in the ass, I should say that Ian Fleming , like me, was an amateur bird-watcher. There he was in Jamaica in his house by the sea ” Goldeneye ” thinking of a name for the hero. His eye lit on the book ” The Birds of the West Indies “. The author ? James Bond .
Maybe that is why James Bond has an eye for the birds.
You beat me to it. I would go for Sidney Poitier.
In a similar vein,……..
Having seen the pretty dire LaLa Land, I’m rather perplexed that now being advertised (at a venue near you), is.. La La Land in Concert with Live Orchestra. Considering there was only one tune being played throughout, with a couple of fill-ins, I should imagine it won’t be a late night !!!!!
La La Land who ? Wouldn’t waste my time on the film , but heard some of the music. Banal crap.
Richard Dawkins: Brits have not spoken on Brexit
BBC still won’t let it drop. This short video from Richard Dawkins spitting feathers whilst saying “Brexit was won by an ignorant and ill informed majority is ‘not Britain speaking’ ”
Well actually Richard, ‘Britain has spoken’ so go f*** yourself!
That Dawkins is one smart cookie – leaving the EU has “complex c0n53qu3nc35” consequences(?). Boy that is complex!
Richard old boy, where was the two-thirds majority vote to put us in Euro-chains in the first place?
Where was the vote on Maastricht? Where was the vote on Lisbon?
I think I mentioned this the other day. I tackled my (then Liebour MP who had spent £13K on cleaning products on expenses if I recall correctly and now isn’t the MP).He told me we couldn’t get a vote on the back of the Lisbon treaty because it wasn’t a treaty. He was unable to explain to me satisfactorily however how it wasn’t a treaty.
Richard Dawkins= Fundamentalist Atheism
Dawkins – we really don’t need the input of yet another, hysterical elitist, has-been.
Put him in touch with Hesselbollox – they can give each other a bubble bath from their foaming mouths.
God doesn’t feel the need to put his faith in Dawkins. I’m with God on this one.
Richard Dawkins is a brilliant scientist, mainly in my field of biology, but he is, politically of the Far Left and his views on politics are no more valid than anyone else’s.
He and all the other people who use their fame to mouth off on politics, luvvies, religious leaders and all the rest of them , should keep their mouths shut. And stop insulting those of us who are educated and well-informed.
I agree with Tabs. They should all go f*** themselves.
Dawkins’ Selfish Gene was seen as Thatcher Right – the biological basis of Thatcher’s economic policies. He got slated by the left Boston Critics, and retracted most of his views in the next book, The Extended Phenotype.
Because he criticised the RoPers he has been slated by the left who think the sun shines out of the pedo’s arse.
I never bought into sociobiology, neither Wilson’s nor Dawkins’s pop version
I have not read all of Dawkins’ books, but have read both his memoirs. Of course , there may have been some revisionism. But there is no doubt in my mind that he has always been a Leftie. Ignorant politicians and religious people can use science for their narrow purposes at their peril.
All said and done, I think Dawkins is a serious scientist. Not sure about E.O Wilson. But the waters are muddied because of the personal animosity between them. But this petty squabbling is normal in academia. I prefer to stick to the hard science. So far as I can understand it !
Agree with that. Nothing wrong with his brain. Unfortunately, he has the sort of mouth that duct tape was invented for.
His memoirs are quite funny. He is the master of false modesty and name-dropping. The second volume of his memoirs ” Brief Candle in the Dark ” ( Pub 2015 ) was dedicated to his second wife Lalla and she features a lot in it. I had to laugh when he announced their separation about a year ago.
I think most top scientists work quietly without seeking self-publicity but it is important that some, like Dawkins , try and raise public awareness of science. Most people are totally ignorant of science, including the BBC and politicians.
I was once on a shuttle flight from London to Edinburgh with the late John Smith when he was leader of the Labour Party. It was a friday evening and he was clearly enjoying an extended lunch. For some reason he was going on about science with some authority but did not know the difference between an amp, volt, watt or ohm. Mind you he was good company and paid for our drinks !
Hey people insulting the great Richard Dawkins
What’s going on ?
Dawkins already has a million credits in the bank for speaking up for critical thinking & for criticising religious dogmatism, including Islam.
He could have stayed an academic and not put his head above the parapet.
It’s great that he is a fundamentalist and instead of behaving like a woolly liberal tackles religious wrongs straight on.
Now what’s he done wrone wrong one Brexit ?
..the whole point of video is that you get to hear the persons voice , not have the ideas CURATED thru beeboid editors ,..but they’ve put sinister music over his voice.
Why didn’t they just put the text up so we can read it ourselves ?
Here’s some of the text
I don’t think this is a new video.
Seems to me that the film maker (Newsnight) has been quote farming ..probably used an old video of Dawkins cos he said the things the film maker was looking for.
The sentiment of what Dawkins seems to say is of course completely wrong and bonkers.
The vid appears on Newsnight’s Facebook , but big Libber here prevents me from accessing Facebook on this network.
See my posts about Dawkins above. I think he is ok if he keeps out of politics. I find his atheism a bit too aggressive, but don’t disagree with the principles.
In any argument, it is better not to antagonise your opponents and supporters and I can understand how Dawkins gets up religious people’s noses. One axe I do have to grind is that, if you are an atheist, you should concentrate your fire on the evil of Islam. Dawkins tends to go for Christianity. I find that a bit cowardly.
Always thought him a bit of a dud Grant.
Spineless in the face of Islam, yet(I know) at least there is a semblance of a spine compared to all but Sam Harris.
Dawkins “meme” notion is idiocy-green new age claptrap, but( seeing it`s Dawkins) he`s not yet been called a fool for the suggestion. Remember last year that he said he wasn`t clever or qualified enough to vote on Brexit…but seems clever enough to yell and swivel eye at those of us more intelligent, knowing and qualified that he is. Poor lads got self esteem issues.
What are your science qualifications ?
Happy to take your advocacy for the meme anyway!
After that, you can tell me why his gene model is no physical construct but a metaphysical abstraction…and (although a decent approximation for media purposes)-he sits on his Saudi funded Oxford Woolsack and keeps schtum on Islam and speaks on religion as if he WAS qualified to do so.
Now then Grant-this meme notion of his…fake science or no?
Richard Dawkins. My view is that I read what he has to say – his opinion needs to be taken seriously, but that doesn’t mean I am not critical of some of the things he says, and some of the things he says is sheet.
As a scientist Richard Dawkins often acts in a very unscientific manner away from his specialist subject. Even in his specialist subject he has a touch of the showman and flair about him. But my concern with him is he often is unscientific / unscholarly in his approach on many subjects. One of the things he refused to do was to adequately read about some of the subjects he was writing about – sometimes basing his opinion on a misinformed or incorrect view on something. He focuses on Christianity because that is the only thing he sort of knows – which he learnt from being brought up in the Christian faith.
I think that is a fair comment. And it is also true of many scientists. When they stray from their subject , they are on level ground with the rest of us.
You can say the same about religious people, architects , anyone .
Why should Welby’s emotings on anything else but Christianity be of any relevance ?
Who gives a shit what Emma Thompson has to say ?
I take a similar but modified view. I am happy for anyone to articulate their opinion. I am unhappy that those in control of broadcasting and print media, select their views for broadcasting and printing, and at the same time give those views a seal of authority or truth or even relevancy. It is very very easy to create false / misleading narratives through selection.
The BBC is in a very privileged position given the licence fee, its leading or monopolistic positions, its history and that it carries the word British in its title.
That FB discussion there is big worth checking
Click the FB logo above
One thing the BBC is succeeding at is creating an air of uncertainty – something that enemies of the state always enjoy. Quite a few out there think we’ll be having a second referendum and quite a few keep hoping.
It’s not helped by the Governments low key leadership. May and crew really does need to watch some Trump speeches.
Article 50 and a bit of oomph! Please.
“May and crew really does need to watch some Trump speeches.” More so, how Sebastian Gorka deals with the likes of the BBC……… I’ll bet the BBC and other like minded souls are frantically working overtime trying to discover some sort of sh*t on the man to be able to drag him down.