Yes I agree with Gaxvil, the BBC are keeping people’s hopes of a second referendum alive.
The thing I find most annoying is that people you speak to presume you’re a Remainer and anti-Trump. Although I do also get a sick sort of enjoyment out of watching their faces contort with shock/horror when it’s quite the opposite!
Please let us trigger Article 50 very soon.
The horse has bolted. Even if we stay in, our negotiating position is compromised. The EU will have us by the balls.
Remainers are too stupid to realise that. In any case, if there is a second referendum, who is to say that the Leave majority would not increase ? Unless it was rigged, of course. I suspect that is the plan. Have a second referendum and rig it.
I hope to any God that you’re wrong. You know that was always my fear that we would actually never leave and it does seem that the elites are hell bent on stopping it.
I do get the immense feeling though that the Leavers are anxiously, quite silently, waiting and if we didn’t actually Leave I think there would be an immense uprising. Something this country hasn’t seen for a long long time.
I for one would be there with my pitchfork.
I sincerely hope that the likes of May & Co realise the huge message that came from the referendum. Fingers, toes, everything crossed that Article 50 is triggered asap with some oomph (Gaxvil).
I think it was rigged. The leave vote should have won by a much bigger margin. That’s why the establishment was so utterly shocked & Cameron resigned. I think the voter fraud was probably immense but they still lost and they aren’t coping well with the reality that they didn’t achieve the level of control they wanted.
I hope I am wrong too. It is so clear that the EU is collapsing anyway. But the risk of staying in , is that we get dragged down with it. The EU is a thing of the past and the Remainers are dinosaurs who are not adapting to the modern world. They are so set in their minds , that they cannot understand what is happening in the big wide world outside their narrow little parochial EU. The fatal mix of ignorance and arrogance.
Grant, it’s much more than that. Remainers believe that there is only one reality: their reality. I’m talking about a couple of generations of Marxist-educated snowflakes who know nothing else but the EU and have been indoctrinated to believe, uncritically, in The Grand Project to socialize all of Europe into an homogenous Federal Super State in which borders become a thing of the past, ‘nation state’ is dirty word and cultural relativism (and, of course, equality of outcome) are the preferred narratives.
Two generations of Marxist snowflakes now work in Government, Media, Education (especially Education) and the Arts. They control the levers, so they control the messaging. They view ‘democracy’ as a one-way street: their way or no way. This is because they were never properly educated: they were indoctrinated and turned into collectivist activists rather than open-minded, inquiring individuals.
Until we can clear out the Marxists from Education we are never going to win. Even now, a new generation is being subjected to their toxic bile in classrooms across the entire Western hemisphere.
I work in Education and you are 100% right. I was in a vast minority for wanting to Leave. The ‘educators’ were even influencing the students to vote Remain. Some students were in my room sobbing on the 24th!! Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from so called ‘intelligent’ lecturers!
Those sorts do so remind me of the Flower Children – that same kind of not so much, looking on the bright side, as, screw reality and book me a one way ticket to La La Land.
To hear of headteachers cat-calling and heckling the Tory Minister is all too typical. They will all go back to their offices next week and tell their kids to behave at assembly, yet see no contradiction or hypocrisy.
How did they all get the day off to heckle anyway?…aren`t schools in crisis and aren`t they supposed to be actually doing their jobs seeing that it`s still a few weeks yet until their NEXT pad holidays?
Utter hypocrites-only goes to show in whose interests the schools are run. Like the NHS-it`s all about the union cartels and do-gooding leeching quangocrats that mither for more “investment”-at our expense.
Really need a serious party that hates the BBC and the union leeches for Labour who now run the squalid public sector.
Came across a Government Petition – Teachers should have one day per week, forget the term but it equates to rest.
“For their well-being”.
It had only 26 signature’s but none the less it just emphasises the preciousness of teachers.
It’s funny how the ones who marched against globalisation, TTIP etc suddenly found reasons to march in support of a European super-state quite soon after.
For both the last election (Tory win) and Brexit (Leaver victory) I happened to be working in public sector organisations. The crestfallen faces the following morning were priceless.
Despite the brainwashing of these youngsters – I’ve got no sympathy for them at all.
“…indoctrinated to believe, uncritically, in The Grand Project to socialize all of Europe into an homogenous Federal Super State…”
There maybe a small minority of people who believe in that but I’ve never come across any. Neither have I heard any sustained argument for a “Federal Super State” on the BBC, or anywhere else.
You’re tilting at windmills.
“Until we can clear out the Marxists from Education we are never going to win…”
Yes, sack them all, but not at all like;
“‘Democracy’ is a one-way street: our way or no way.”
The EU is a 1970s type solution to a perceived 1940s problem. Mark Steyn said that, hope Trump sends Ted Malloch in as soon as possible. THEN the BBC and Verhofstad will have cause to squauk…be worth listening then.
As I was heading off for my morning shift this morning, I was excited about what Guy Verhofstad might be saying to Justin Webb after the 8a.m news. As we know-predictability and fast changing news brings about new thinking. So -do tell-was Guy as unpredictable and as helpful as ever? Noted on coming in that Mars have threatened to add on 30% for our chocolate. Along with the end to roaming charges in Europe if we stayed in, think finally that the BBC have found the big issues on which we made our decision to leave their European Union.
The BBC are obsessed aren`t they?…the more they pipe-the harder I want this Brexit. If the left aren`t howling crying and rioting for the BBC cameras-then it won`t be a deal we want.
Vodafone said recently that Brexit, when it comes, Inshallah, should not see the re- introduction of roaming charges, all the major networks have their EU subsidiaries.
Mark Mardell, on R4’s World at One today, adopted his ‘what is the world coming to’ tone, to twice say that Trump had banned migrants from entering the US. Does anyone else think the BBC news folk should buy a newspaper that’s not called The Guardian, so that they may know what is actually going on in the world?
Also, has the BBC ever heard of the argument that, rather than invite the entire population of Africa and Asia into Europe, that more could be done at a local level to increase secular democracy, reduce corruption and encourage market economies in these fraught areas?
No, because if we were not such stupid, unintelligent, ill educated racists – we would see that emptying the Third World into Europe and America was the most eminently sensible suggestion since that convict who wanted a sex change in order to become a lesbian got his wish.
This morning on Today I heard several references to “EU citizenship” being offered to those who want it….after the UK leaves membership of this organisation of member states.
I was surprised to hear no questions asked about this interesting formulation, like when did the EU become a state able to confer citizenship and who has recognised this State?
What residence rights come with “EU citizenship”?
What taxation commitments come with “EU citizenship”?
What other commitments e.g. oath of loyalty, military service, Health and social security payments etc. come with “EU citizenship”?
The EU(like the BBC) a club you are forced pay for but don’t gain from and don’t make the rules.
In fact most people don’t really have any benefits membership because really it’s about retaining nice, cosy jobs for a few and for some others, the dream of life in the Republic of Remainia.
When we were children – we’d come across camps in the woods, with kids who’d set up their ‘kingdoms’ – their rules, their territory, their Fantasy. And the EU is a similar fantasy because in real life – it just plain don’t work.
It’s only a matter of time – especially given the way things are going – before the EU stops the pretence and openly declares itself a political entity. Once the ‘EU Party’ is established aggrieved Remainers (overwhelming of the Left) can come out in full support and operate across European borders (which they have always considered notional, anyway). Remainers will cast aside all critical thinking (not difficult, for them) and flock to sign up for the new ‘Party of Europe’. Then the real test for European democracy will truly begin.
I heard that too.
I noted that lots of people had apparently written to him and said they wanted to remain a part of Europe.
There’s an easy solution…go there, stay there!
4:30pm R4 Feedback will have
– interview with Emma Barnett about her show/presenting?
(I’d describe her a a dangerous LibMob Troll)
– @valmcdermid about her drama #RESISTANCE about antibiotics failing
Thought this surreal.
The Jennigate crap went nowhere-either the BBC wants free speech or it doesn`t.
Hate the bloated colostomy bag myself-but she`s right.
If she was black and younger-she`d have been fine…ironic, challenging.
As for Humphrys?
Never known the phonies to get rung back to give yet another chance to say why they`re not satisfied with the BBCs responce.
And I don`t believe for a minute that nobody rang in to agree with him.
Again-Humphrys is no Iain Lee…but he was right. Had he been Iain and yes, younger; again he`d not be getting this crap from his “colleagues”.
The BBC-spineless PC zealots who just done think through where all this is going. Drain the duckpond…the bidet needs a poke as well.
It was surreal wasn’t it ?
Like listening to another universe ..I know I can’t listen any more to R4Today PM or any R4 News progs ..and its a burden to listen to Feedback.
I seen this PR trick before, where they take offence at a perfectly reasonable thing which has the effect of re-anchoring the normal.
Like the way they took offence at anyone daring to challenge that mad lone wolf Mair is a terrorist.
..The truth is anyone has the right to challenge anyone, that’s free speech.
On the specific issue of defining terrorism, people do have different personal definitions. Like some say you must be a member of a bona fide Terrorist org, whilst others say you just need to have a political motive.
What’s NOT OK is the HYPOCRISY of applying the definitions selectively to say
– all Muslim lone wolfs are mad
– all mad non-Lefty lone wolfs are terrorists.
If having a copy of a RightWing magazine makes you a terrorist.
Then having a copy of Marx, and Militant magazine makes you a terrorist.
LibMob take offence at every different opinion to their own, so no one takes them seriously anyway.
This list of prohibited words reminds me of the Report from The Task Force on Guidelines for Non Sexist Langauge which as an instructor in the US Navy during the Carter years I was expected to follow.
Included here was an example of sexist expressions to avoid
Never refer to a woman as a ‘voluptuous belle’.
Do not say ‘The chimpanzee is being mothered’
Instead say
‘The chimpanzee was receiving parental affection’.
The US forces take a kind of pride in their progressive image. Today they have 15,500, transgenders and plan to openly recruit them in the near future. However, they insist that duties and promotion will be determined by competency rather than assigned gender. And that is the difference between the US forces and other progressives.
The attack by a mentally ill gentleman in Dusseldorf station has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism it is reported on the BBC website. Apparently the assailant a Kosovan refugee
where 90% of the population are Muslim. Is the kind of upright, well not quite upright kind
of fellow that Angela Merkel is looking to fill Germany with. And whom the BBC would like to fill the UK with.Anyway at the BBC.
How come Thomas Mair is NOT a psychiatric case, but a terrorist in the eyes of a judge CPS and selected Feedback phonies?
But not in the eyes of any jury, any formal trial or anything appraoching justice as I know it?
Yet this Muslim( and he is bound to be one I`m sure)is seen as a psychiatric case…do Germans do these things differently from us?
Or is it too much for Labour to admit that NHS polyclinics that close early, don`t give out meds as needed-but are happy to dole our Remain leaflets instead?
At least when we leave the EU, we can finally do some REAL science once more.
As I understand things he was mentally ill and had seen a psychiatrist shortly before the murder. He didn’t submit a plea or a give a defence in court, so his mental illness wasn’t offered up as mitigating circumstances.
Either way, he’d be in Broadmoor or prison for the rest of his natural life, so I doubt it really matters. But I think the lack of ‘sympathy’ from the Liberal Left speaks volumes.
“As I understand things he was mentally ill and had seen a psychiatrist shortly before the murder. He didn’t submit a plea or a give a defence in court, so his mental illness wasn’t offered up as mitigating circumstances.”
Then your understanding is wrong. His mental health was assessed before the trial.
He had no mental illness.
“But I think the lack of ‘sympathy’ from the Liberal Left speaks volumes.”
Kind of like the lack of sympathy for the murderers of Lee Rigby you mean? What a bizarre argument.
Whilst I know that I should never feed the troll….
Maxincony, to avoid claims of fake news from you, the following is from the BBC.
“He attended a local college as a mature student and spent time as a volunteer gardener after attending a centre for adults with mental health problems”
In my view mental illness is largely a combination of pseudo medical myth and postmodernist invention.
It is like saying someone is stupid and then excusing their behaviour by saying they are stupid.
There are some issues that can be described as chemical imbalances in the brain and these can be controlled with drugs. There are also real brain injuries and real brain damage. These can all be diagnosed through physical examination and responses to corrective drugs.
These are generally different to “mental illness” that can only be diagnosed by talking to someone claiming the title of professional psychiatrist.
So he wasn`t on psychiatric medication then?
So he had a fair and open jury featuring twelve jurists?
So the whole case wasn`t a put up job to try to keep us in the EU. That your likes can laugh at the death of Mrs Thatcher, but fly like bats in the belfry when a white nutjob off his meds isn`t regarded as a “vulnerable victim” of NHS cuts or CPN understaffing? But a terrorist?
Look up the definition Maxipaddy- he terrorises nobody but those who`d seek to say he does.
‘Should I ever turn the radio on, things go south pretty quick. Once the BBC propaganda machine starts to invade my pleasant home my mood sours. Inevitably some leftie is on being ‘interviewed’ by one of its leftie presenters about how great the latest leftie entitlement programme is or how evil the Tories are for not taking in every single refugee in the Western World.’
As a matter of information, how much pollution does an empty bus (normally the case) following it’s daily schedule emit?
I think I’ll stick wit my 3Ltr diesel 4wd – it only moves when I want it to move and I don’t have to worry about timetables. In terms of the greenies, I would suggest that my L/Rover is less polluting than the average bus over a period of 24hrs.
Our Golf is a fabulous car, and after a few tweaks from my garage, and a courteously accepted visit to get the Nox thing sorted, I really wish I could have bought one before!
My garage said that they noticed no difference to sales of diesel cars last year – but that would be classed as populist if the BBC had asked them…
As I listen to Feedback, our deep voiced tranny from Surrey(wants Jenni sacked) says that Murray can no longer speak on trans women stuff anymore(and there`ll be plenty to come)because she`s against it-so she`s biased. Wonder if our Surrey surrogate geezerbird would be quite so exercised and grumpy had Jenn been biased, but in favour of the Pro-tranny agenda?
Or is it Brexit rules again-being weird and deviant is THE required position, being conservative is NOT what is wanted. The Left eh?…only one flip switch in one direction on that logic gate that has long been closed.
Thick, nasty incestuous thinking. The adults have long left the building.
I have sympathy for transexual people, but I have no desire to befriend them or have sex with them. Live and let live, in my opinion – and I’m sure the vast majority of the UK’s population. I just don’t understand the current media obsession with this issue.
“Random axe attack at Düsseldorf train station, several injured, man detained”.
I wondered what the BBCs take on it would be but couldn’t find it on the main web page: had to google it to find it tucked away on the Europe page.
“A 36 year old man from the former Yugoslavia, said by police to be mentally ill and that people shouldn’t jump to conclusions as there were no terrorism links”.
They knew he was mentally ill having only just caught him did they?
Former Yugoslavia? What, the Yugoslavia which ceased to exist in 1991, TWENTY SIX years ago? Now Kosovo?
Would the BBC be neglecting to report that the half wit with the axe was Kosovan so we don’t google that word and find 95% of its inhabitants are Moslem, thus jumping to the CORRECT conclusion???
Im truthfully beginning to loathe the BBC..
Top of Twitter search suggestions for Düsseldorf
“Rem the mentally ill axe-man in #Dusseldorf? He’s from Kosovo & called Fatmir H. Sounds like Catholic to me but 100% #NothingToDoWithIslam “
The BBC are clearly racist. They are implying that a significant minority of Muslims are mentally ill. I assume the implication is that it’s their religion that makes them so.
Demon, it’s probably the bBeeb getting the term ‘munterly’ ill wrong!
The cameras would have picked up on the munterist, and therefore solved the problem of what they wanted to report! You can just imagine some programme director (pick any one from a set of thirty), leaning back in his expensive ergonomic leatherette chair, piddling about with an Ipad and ‘OKAY Yaaaahing’ to another ‘presenter’ with some sort of odd language only understood by very few, and definitely not understood by citizens who actually have to work for a living!
True facts wouldn’t have come into it of course, just spit and dribble, bile and funny mouths!
I wonder just how bad it has to get before the Elite Establishment, including the BBC wake up and smell the coffee. They are ostriches ! ( and yes I know that ostriches do not bury their heads in sand ! ).
Does Al Beeb get its news from this website, or RT news ? If they do, they are slow off the mark to pick it up and broadcast it .
Has mad Ms Merc opened the doors to the looney bin ?
The axe attack that took place in lovely Dusseldorf has been rapidly downgraded on the Beeb website, in fact I couldnt even find it when I searched Dusseldorf, had to put in axe and Germany!
The Telegraph tell us the culprit is Fatmir H from Kosovo, Beeb mentions no name and only that he is from “former Yugoslavia”.
The BBC telling you only the news it thinks you ought to know
“Chocolate prices could rise if the UK does not secure a trade deal post-Brexit, according to Mars’ top boss.”
Operative word “could”.
Buy less chocolate ! – the nation is far too fat anyway.
I don’t like Mars Bars. I’ve always thought they were too sickly. Fried in batter was once an option! Although I have noticed their size has reduced over the years – along with other chocolate bars. I am more of a savoury person.
Personally I’m prepared to take the hit. If chocolate or groceries generally become extortionate in price I’ll buy cheaper options i.e. buy British. There’s plenty of other stuff to eat to stay alive! Even grow your own.
I’m really peed off with all the scare-mongering.
We are definitely in the shit if the price of Ferrero Rocher goes up. How will we be able to maintain credibility and negotiate any decent trade deals at the “Ambassadors Reception” if all we can afford are chocolate buttons or fun sized curly wurlies!
No wonder Claude is confidant that we will come out on the losing side.
Oh it`s the BBC.
In their own world.
If chocolate goes up by 30% then this will surely allow us all to make informed choices, and save money wasted on the lardies who clog up the NHS.
In other words-this would be seen as a GOOD thing if Jean-Claude Wanker had promised it.
Won`t happen though-it`s just the eternal end of the periscope that the BBC seem stcuk to. Fed up.
Wonder if this outburst of yours could be construed as racist or such.
It`s that “I don`t like ” bit that worries me…and doubtless many similar grievance farmers and Shiners nationwide.
Not because they`re “of colour” is it?
They used to make us work rest and play-being a third of the size that they used to be…guess you can only choose one of them.
And being a lefty idiot, I`ll not be choosing “work” that`s for sure.
What`s that when it`s at home?
But I inevitably came to the conclusion this was blatantly an anti-Brexit/Pro-EU piece. Kuenssberg has always been pro-EU, like the BBC. I remember when she was so jovial early on in the referendum night when it seemed that Remain would win and then seeing her face fall when the first results came in.
The presenter is partisan and this documentary is certainly not impartial. Just watch it to see the difference in her facial expressions, when she’s talking to Remainers and Leavers she can barely contain herself when she’s talking to Ian Duncan-Smith. Every whim of the Remainer talking heads pretty much goes unchallenged.
It feels like a sour grapes response from the BBC, who are just itching to say “I told you so” to the leave camp.. Pretty pathetic from a publicly funded “impartial service”. Project Fear continues at the BBC.
Absolutely no point “being fair” to the BBC when it comes to their chosen topics. And Brexit is one of them.
They`ve come too far now-and have neither the brains or courage to think anything other that the ignorant squits they call news or current affairs.
This is now war-Deep State is in full operation now, and we need to deal with that.
Hard Brexit-and Trump triumphs when he gets here-anything less, and we might as well knit our pussy hats and offer them for FGM by troubled “children” with Stanley knives.
JimS – well that would be par for the course as we’ve come to know the BBC. What would truly be disturbing would be the scant handful of MPs in the Commons who would actually stand up and say it’s a bad idea!
“We know that money is needed for new schools but then to say something about making them selective will really have wound people up.”
Kids in India are taught in mud huts and chalkboards – they still get better results than some of the schools in this country .
Same in Gambia. My little girl is 9 now and at the local State school. I could send her to a fee-paying school there , but there are many reasons why I do not. Gambian kids at her age speak , read and write better english than British kids at 14 .
The school is not quite a mud hut, but they use blackboard and chalk !
If I have a serious complaint, I always write a formal letter. I’m awaiting a reply from a property management company at the moment. I’m always surprised how long it takes to get a reply. This is probably because they have to find somebody who can read something longer than a Tweet, and compose a more-or-less coherent response. It probably causes considerable inconvenience, which is part of the attraction.
I do notice that people are not reading things carefully these days, and jumping to conclusions which need to be corrected: “No, that is not what I said!” As English lessons as I used to understand them seem to be out of fashion, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.
Kent County Council reply to all complaints using ‘cut and paste’.
So if you have a highways complaint, you’ll get a link to a leaflet on organic composting or something as far from common sense as it can be.
I suppose that’s what happens when you complain on a specific item to the bBeeb. I wouldn’t bother about a single subject these days, I’d just complain that everything they do is wrong, and get my news from here!
This ticks all the Al BBC boxes, bullying/hate crime, anti muslim
Sheesh! should be the No1 story in “Sconny Bottland”,
Only one problem? … yet another nose growing extravaganza, yep! another fake hate crime to join the never ending list of the Islaofauxbia industry
Teacher ‘fabricated anti-Muslim letter from colleague’
“Mr Dahhan had brought a complaint of bullying and harassment against his manager, Laura Campbell-Young.
“The GTCS claims he circulated the letter anonymously along with a covering note reading: “I have accidentally come across this paperwork in Laura Young’s classroom.”
The letter was addressed to “Laura” from “Anne-Marie”
Hmmm this letter referred to “moronic Asians” and the “Shawlands Academy Eid brigade” and not to “trust” Muslim teachers. One passage of the letter “Don’t trust anyone around you, especially Muslim teachers.
It is the irony of someone s projection, that it only confirms the truth
“…”I say it from bitter experience as you know – they talk and can stab you in the back to support their kind.”…” I thought that slashing at one’s neck and head removal (kopferechtomy in Germany?)was more their style, N.
More secrets being leaked by patriots within MI6. It looks like MI6 was and still is being used by the CIA to spy on their own President. And on March 6, Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, sent an email to FBI director James Comey, demanding answers as to why he paid a spy, who was also working for the Clinton campaign, for information on the then candidate Donald Trump. The email reveals the spy in question as the MI6 operative Christopher Steele, but officially described as a former agent of MI6. Steele has only been able to produce fake news, such as the known facts and fake news about Trumps visits to Russia being rehashed as new discoveries.
Richard – I was unfortunate enough to hear some of Johnny “Im so up myself” Diamond on the “Marxist World at One” .Today he was pouring his normal bile and scorn on Trumps claim about Saint Obama bugging his campaign. Johnnies inference seems to be – “you must be really stupid not to agree with me. After all I am so switched and so funny!”
Actually Johnny I must be stupid because I dont agree with you. To me you seem to be like a NSU infection you keep on popping up with an irritating unpleasant discharge. You never seem to go away.
(You need to be my age to understand that, but maybe our little comic Jonny will be able to get the words from Jasper Carrot when he needs some inspiration).
A PACKED train with at least 50 people on board has been targeted in a tear gas attack, it has been reported.
Breaking news, but more of Merkels chickens coming home to roost.
And no doubt soon I will need to hide my IP etc because the UK stasi will be looking to imprison anyone guilty of criticising the new Fuhrer, who has screwed Germany up more than Hitler ever did.
Noted the BBC taking it upon itself to put a caring and protective arm around…that endangered species called “live music”.
Seems to me it`s fine-but the BBC will then be able to extend its grubby maw and chloroformed blanket all over “this vulnerable muse”. Who gives the BBC the right to do this-when I want wall to wall Coldplay and pale sensitive green buskers swapping wellies with Jo Whiley then I`ll ask them.
The BBC will colonise and infect any area of the arts when they`ve got the money and the bodies to crowd out REAL innovation.
These musos ought not to let themselves be corralled onto the Lefty BBCs Bragg Bag Field for a few pro-EU/migration moments…because the BBC will NOT be playing anything vaguely off their sponsors agenda any time soon.
The BBC are the death star of music, as well as much else.
Newsnight just now batting for the Rohingya muslims in Burma.
Their once blue-eyed girl, Aung San Suu Kyi, ignored the BBC’s cub reporter’s pleas for answers to his questions about alleged human rights abuses. She followed Trump’s example, dealt with the Beeb by ignoring it! If only we could do the same.
Local Buddhist populace were none too keen on the Rohingya; the general consensus was that “muslims should leave and live in islamic countries”. There could be a grain of truth in that idea methinks.
Given the brutal killings of ‘blasphemous bloggers’ in neighbouring Bangladesh and the cultural ties between the Rohingya and Bangladesh, I can understand why people would prefer not to have a population explosion of muslims in their nation. I noted that the BBC didn’t probe the differing cultural attitudes towards women, gays, blasphemy, etc.
Dead right Grimer and Restroom Male( none of that transloo stuff eh?). The Chrysanthemum Revolution only a few years old.
Poor woman callously and barbarously treated by that awful junta who wouldn`t ever let her go to her poor husbands deathbed?
A lady that transported Bono and U2 to their best ever song?
Wow-and .like Mandela-an absolute hero to her people who saw her overcome the SLORC scum, relatively peacefully.
One of the bravest women alive, flaws and all.
BUT-not on board with the BBCs “Submit to Submission” programme(S.S)
So she gets bawled out behind her back as Nuttall gets with Crick? How BBC-would hate Anjem to think anything less of us that he does would we?
Here’s a thought exercise since many R4 progs like R4Today and all NewsProgs, Feedback, CostingTheEarth and BBCScience all seem to be owned by LibMob… imagine if they were properly sold off to LibMobMedia .
Which staff would be fired for not being LibMob ?
A featured “news” story which could be subtitled “Karen Gormley has big tits.” The BBC report starts “Karen Gormley describes herself as “smiley and quite shy”, but says people see her differently simply because of the size of her breasts. …”
Yes, The BBC’s obsession with sex is very unhealthy and not normal. To slightly misquote the late and great Bob Monkhouse “It is not a spectator sport, it is a contact sport “.
The Age Of Consent with Helena Kennedy is being trailed including a comment by, I presume, a ‘lady of colour’ that she didn’t consent to live in a building with drug adicts etc. Well by the old definition she must have consented otherwise she wouldn’t be living there. The consent might be explicit or, most likely in her case, implicit. Consent doesn’t mean ‘approve’.
We have seen the way words like ‘tolerate’ have been re-defined in recent years. Again, in the past, we might tolerate Muslims on our streets, we ‘put up with them’, we might have thought dark thoughts but kept them to ourselves. But now ‘tolerate’ appears to mean ’embrace’, ‘celebrate’ or ‘welcome’.
Will Helena Kennedy hold the ground or will she start the process of redefinition?
Songs of praise to be farmed out to a private company.
I can personally understand the move. When you have a news organisation which has a major objective of furthering the spread of Islam in the UK. It must stick in their throat that they have to waste money, time and “talent” producing a programme that has Christianity at its centre.
If they dropped it completely it would free up more time to soft soap us about the virtues of “the religion of peace”. Might need it soon – Ramadan is approaching fast and there is sure to be a “ding dong” or two. What with all these mentally ill “children” wandering about Europe.
‘Temperatures the same as Rome , Can you believe that? ”
I always feel like replying with something dumber like “sure, it’s in Centigrade” or “but its colder than Launceston Tasmania and it is heading for winter there”.
They always want to make dumb comparisons based on one day such as “hottest eva!”. Or telling me what the weather has been so far today. They can’t even get that right. I stare out of my window looking at bright sunshine when they say it is raining.
There’s so much about which to be annoyed with the BBC today – the tone and attitude of their reports and presenters on each news subject makes it perfectly clear what they want us to think about each issue – and it is always a left-liberal globalist cultural relativist way of thinking.
An admittedly minor point perhaps, but a major bugbear of mine is the cringing over-accomodating attitude the metro-liberal BBC takes toward the regions of the UK.
Second-string researve weather girl Louise Lear this morning provides proof of this very tendency and of the BBC’s desperation not to be seen to offend the more querulous of its regional viewers:
Apparently in earlier weather reports she had put up two pictures from the BBC’s ‘weather watchers’ of views from the south of the country.
“I don’t want to be accused of being south-centric”
So now she tells us up on our screens must go a photo of Nairn near Dunbar.
And our weather girl appears to admit this was not chosen through merit or relevance but to protect the BBC from potential accusations of bias or lack of diversity supposedly expected to arrive from eagle-eyed and agitated greviance-bearing Scots Nats ?
Maybe the BBC could persuade the England rugby team to take a fall and throw the game against Scotland later – just to, you know, even things up so as not to offend the Scots. You just know instinctively that is the result the BBC will be rooting for. And that makes the rugby unwatchable for an English viewer.
On that subject I pray that Eddie Butler will not be on the mike – but I fear he is too deeply embedded in what the BBC see as impartial commentary to be passed up as first choice. What if I grew a beard and tried praying to a different superior being? Might that help? I’ve got a little rug.
I suspect that it was Nairn Dunbar Golf Course which is a long way from Dunbar, East Lothian. I wonder if the BBC got that wrong ? It wouldn’t surprise me . The BBC get most things wrong. Their ignorance of the World is breathtaking .
The more nonsensical, the more devoid of logic and the more empty (and frankly nasty) the leftist feminist arguments become the more the BBC cowers before the juggernaut and allows itself to be rolled over.
This morning on the subject of do-it-youself bought-over-the-internet abortion kits the BBC present the case for the feminists whilst gently and tentatively suggesting to a campaigner that the law as it stands requires two doctors to sign-off on the procedure.
Not quick and easy enough is the response. “This is the twenty-first century. We have to trust women to make decisions about their lives!”
Their lives? Surely the major decision here is about someone else’s potential life?
By this reasoning we ought to trust women – because they are women and bizarrely because the date happens to be 20-something – who might decide to end the lives of their male partner or husband.
Has a woman’s judgement and worth become elevated above that of a man? Sharia law in reverse? Given present immigration trends I wish the feminists ‘best of British luck’ with that.
Another coup for the sisters in the shape of cyclist Jess Varnish who, she avers, bears no grudges and simply wants the truth to come out – yet still plans to sue for ‘wrongful dismissal’ with, no doubt, compensation to suit the evident pain of being shouted at.
Oh dear, the BBC’s twin-track lust for Olympic success and their diversity agenda clash head-on. A painful pile up with gold medal wreckage and hurt female feelings splattered all over our airwaves.
Never mind, either the Australians, or some other sporting nation, will soon move in to clean up.
Is the BBC reporting the Katie Hopkins libel case properly ?
“She didn’t apologise”
Guido says
\\Monroe gave Hopkins the chance to apologise for erroneously directing tweets to her: “public apology + £5K to migrant rescue and I won’t sue.”
But the former Apprentice contestant and Mail columnist instead doubled down and called Monroe “social anthrax”. Katie Hopkins doesn’t apologise…//
em KT did delete the first tweet quickly
Judge also said
\\The second point is that there have been difficulties over disclosure especially on the claimant’s side… Ms Monroe’s Twitter records were extensively deleted…”//
My guess KT’s paper told her not to given into the £5,000
cos it would set a precedent.
And also said press for trial cos Monroe’s Twitter records would have to come out and they’d be incriminating.
BBC Breakfast this morning a long article about a Syrian ‘refugee’ who has been selling cars in London and has now started (with help) a ‘pop up’ restaurant,they even showed the eight countries he went through to get here before coming from Calais hidden in the back of a truck!
Well excuse me but he is an illegal immigrant and should be deported,instead the BBC are making a big song and dance about how wonderful he is!
coming on FooC at 11:30 am
– Hugh Schofield meets a defiant – and chipper – Jean-Marie Le Pen, the outcast founder of the France’s Front National;
– in north-west Pakistan, close to the Afghan border, Colin Freeman is shown a bomb-making factory – just the latest evidence of the violence that has dominated the region for more than a century;
– in the icy seas off Finland, fears of Russian ‘little green men’ are put aside as a Finnish icebreaker – with Horatio Clare on board – introduces a moment of peace and cooperation.
– Singing for home and a lost culture – Nicola Kelly hears how Nubians in Egypt are trying to reconnect with their lost homeland.
– And, in Oman, it’s not golden sands that Antonia Quirke sees in the desert but a carpet of green.
(bet that’s eco-propgaganda)
UN: World facing greatest humanitarian crisis since 1945
Oh look, the 4 countries involved, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and South Sudan in this ‘crisis’ all have a common theme – persecution by muslim extremists or fighting between rival muslim factions. The religion of Islam has fµcked these places up more than any drought will ever do. But you won’t here this from Muhammed al Beebie. Indeed, the fact that they refer to Boko Haram as “extremist militant group” says it all. No need to read any more. The bbc will not have anything bad said about muslims. Full stop.
19:00 Profile : Sergey Kislyak (called superspy by CNN)
– “Russia’s convivial Ambassador to Washington – has been in the eye of a media storm since it emerged that members of the Trump administration had undisclosed meetings with him in the run up to the 2016 US election. ”
Real News – Man shot in Malmö, Sweden – massive police activity and now a huge area sealed off, victims condition is unknown as violence continues to escalate
BBC News – White House in distress signal … distress?,
That wouldn’t be the Donald “Sweden, look what s happening in Sweden” Trump Whitehouse, would it?
“White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer opened his daily press briefing on Friday with his American flag lapel pin upside down”
“Distress” sheesh! give me a break.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Yes I agree with Gaxvil, the BBC are keeping people’s hopes of a second referendum alive.
The thing I find most annoying is that people you speak to presume you’re a Remainer and anti-Trump. Although I do also get a sick sort of enjoyment out of watching their faces contort with shock/horror when it’s quite the opposite!
Please let us trigger Article 50 very soon.
The horse has bolted. Even if we stay in, our negotiating position is compromised. The EU will have us by the balls.
Remainers are too stupid to realise that. In any case, if there is a second referendum, who is to say that the Leave majority would not increase ? Unless it was rigged, of course. I suspect that is the plan. Have a second referendum and rig it.
I hope to any God that you’re wrong. You know that was always my fear that we would actually never leave and it does seem that the elites are hell bent on stopping it.
I do get the immense feeling though that the Leavers are anxiously, quite silently, waiting and if we didn’t actually Leave I think there would be an immense uprising. Something this country hasn’t seen for a long long time.
I for one would be there with my pitchfork.
I sincerely hope that the likes of May & Co realise the huge message that came from the referendum. Fingers, toes, everything crossed that Article 50 is triggered asap with some oomph (Gaxvil).
I think it was rigged. The leave vote should have won by a much bigger margin. That’s why the establishment was so utterly shocked & Cameron resigned. I think the voter fraud was probably immense but they still lost and they aren’t coping well with the reality that they didn’t achieve the level of control they wanted.
I suspect that you are correct.
I hope I am wrong too. It is so clear that the EU is collapsing anyway. But the risk of staying in , is that we get dragged down with it. The EU is a thing of the past and the Remainers are dinosaurs who are not adapting to the modern world. They are so set in their minds , that they cannot understand what is happening in the big wide world outside their narrow little parochial EU. The fatal mix of ignorance and arrogance.
Grant, it’s much more than that. Remainers believe that there is only one reality: their reality. I’m talking about a couple of generations of Marxist-educated snowflakes who know nothing else but the EU and have been indoctrinated to believe, uncritically, in The Grand Project to socialize all of Europe into an homogenous Federal Super State in which borders become a thing of the past, ‘nation state’ is dirty word and cultural relativism (and, of course, equality of outcome) are the preferred narratives.
Two generations of Marxist snowflakes now work in Government, Media, Education (especially Education) and the Arts. They control the levers, so they control the messaging. They view ‘democracy’ as a one-way street: their way or no way. This is because they were never properly educated: they were indoctrinated and turned into collectivist activists rather than open-minded, inquiring individuals.
Until we can clear out the Marxists from Education we are never going to win. Even now, a new generation is being subjected to their toxic bile in classrooms across the entire Western hemisphere.
I work in Education and you are 100% right. I was in a vast minority for wanting to Leave. The ‘educators’ were even influencing the students to vote Remain. Some students were in my room sobbing on the 24th!! Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from so called ‘intelligent’ lecturers!
Younger Lecturers were the guilty ones I should add!
Those sorts do so remind me of the Flower Children – that same kind of not so much, looking on the bright side, as, screw reality and book me a one way ticket to La La Land.
To hear of headteachers cat-calling and heckling the Tory Minister is all too typical. They will all go back to their offices next week and tell their kids to behave at assembly, yet see no contradiction or hypocrisy.
How did they all get the day off to heckle anyway?…aren`t schools in crisis and aren`t they supposed to be actually doing their jobs seeing that it`s still a few weeks yet until their NEXT pad holidays?
Utter hypocrites-only goes to show in whose interests the schools are run. Like the NHS-it`s all about the union cartels and do-gooding leeching quangocrats that mither for more “investment”-at our expense.
Really need a serious party that hates the BBC and the union leeches for Labour who now run the squalid public sector.
Came across a Government Petition – Teachers should have one day per week, forget the term but it equates to rest.
“For their well-being”.
It had only 26 signature’s but none the less it just emphasises the preciousness of teachers.
Spot on .
It’s funny how the ones who marched against globalisation, TTIP etc suddenly found reasons to march in support of a European super-state quite soon after.
For both the last election (Tory win) and Brexit (Leaver victory) I happened to be working in public sector organisations. The crestfallen faces the following morning were priceless.
Despite the brainwashing of these youngsters – I’ve got no sympathy for them at all.
“…indoctrinated to believe, uncritically, in The Grand Project to socialize all of Europe into an homogenous Federal Super State…”
There maybe a small minority of people who believe in that but I’ve never come across any. Neither have I heard any sustained argument for a “Federal Super State” on the BBC, or anywhere else.
You’re tilting at windmills.
“Until we can clear out the Marxists from Education we are never going to win…”
Yes, sack them all, but not at all like;
“‘Democracy’ is a one-way street: our way or no way.”
You want Marxists in education ?
Hi Maxiboy !!
Welcome back ! we missed you ! Still waiting for your example of BBC right wing bias
Drunk again Grant?
The EU is a 1970s type solution to a perceived 1940s problem. Mark Steyn said that, hope Trump sends Ted Malloch in as soon as possible. THEN the BBC and Verhofstad will have cause to squauk…be worth listening then.
EU fights tooth and nail to stop members leaving.
East Germany erects wall in Berlin to stop citizens leaving, and shoots those who try.
Spot any similarity?
No comments about the easy to see lady community living in fear of not getting her arias and her elbows confused now.
As I was heading off for my morning shift this morning, I was excited about what Guy Verhofstad might be saying to Justin Webb after the 8a.m news. As we know-predictability and fast changing news brings about new thinking. So -do tell-was Guy as unpredictable and as helpful as ever? Noted on coming in that Mars have threatened to add on 30% for our chocolate. Along with the end to roaming charges in Europe if we stayed in, think finally that the BBC have found the big issues on which we made our decision to leave their European Union.
The BBC are obsessed aren`t they?…the more they pipe-the harder I want this Brexit. If the left aren`t howling crying and rioting for the BBC cameras-then it won`t be a deal we want.
Vodafone said recently that Brexit, when it comes, Inshallah, should not see the re- introduction of roaming charges, all the major networks have their EU subsidiaries.
The removal of roaming charges just means that the costs will be levied on those who don’t roam.
Mark Mardell, on R4’s World at One today, adopted his ‘what is the world coming to’ tone, to twice say that Trump had banned migrants from entering the US. Does anyone else think the BBC news folk should buy a newspaper that’s not called The Guardian, so that they may know what is actually going on in the world?
Also, has the BBC ever heard of the argument that, rather than invite the entire population of Africa and Asia into Europe, that more could be done at a local level to increase secular democracy, reduce corruption and encourage market economies in these fraught areas?
No, because if we were not such stupid, unintelligent, ill educated racists – we would see that emptying the Third World into Europe and America was the most eminently sensible suggestion since that convict who wanted a sex change in order to become a lesbian got his wish.
This morning on Today I heard several references to “EU citizenship” being offered to those who want it….after the UK leaves membership of this organisation of member states.
I was surprised to hear no questions asked about this interesting formulation, like when did the EU become a state able to confer citizenship and who has recognised this State?
What residence rights come with “EU citizenship”?
What taxation commitments come with “EU citizenship”?
What other commitments e.g. oath of loyalty, military service, Health and social security payments etc. come with “EU citizenship”?
You are quite right. There is no such thing as “EU citizenship”. They are getting more desperate by the minute ! It is a good sign
The EU(like the BBC) a club you are forced pay for but don’t gain from and don’t make the rules.
In fact most people don’t really have any benefits membership because really it’s about retaining nice, cosy jobs for a few and for some others, the dream of life in the Republic of Remainia.
When we were children – we’d come across camps in the woods, with kids who’d set up their ‘kingdoms’ – their rules, their territory, their Fantasy. And the EU is a similar fantasy because in real life – it just plain don’t work.
It’s only a matter of time – especially given the way things are going – before the EU stops the pretence and openly declares itself a political entity. Once the ‘EU Party’ is established aggrieved Remainers (overwhelming of the Left) can come out in full support and operate across European borders (which they have always considered notional, anyway). Remainers will cast aside all critical thinking (not difficult, for them) and flock to sign up for the new ‘Party of Europe’. Then the real test for European democracy will truly begin.
(Closely followed by the BBC Political Party)
But yes, nearly there anyway – Junckers as President, Merkel working him with her foot.
But cast iron Dave said that would never happen.
Perhaps the most popular right of such citizenship might be EUthanasia?
Will they form a queue behind the Scottish Garden Gnome and her band of merry followers?
So called “European State” surely.
So called BBC, so called European Union.
Works for me.
Alleged BBC?
I heard that too.
I noted that lots of people had apparently written to him and said they wanted to remain a part of Europe.
There’s an easy solution…go there, stay there!
Yes, no-one is stopping anyone going and living in Europe. Anything to cut down the population here is great.
Report “Swedish authorities were unprepared for the large number of refugees who came to the country in the autumn of 2015, a report on how the situation was handled has determined.”
I’m tempted to say, in Swedish, ‘No shit Sherlock’ but I won’t.
Are they still sniggering about Trump failing to undertand that Sweden is a haven of peace?
Yawn. Another boring car bomb.
‘some kind of explosion next to a car’, said a witness.
That is OK mate, you won’t be arrested for racism describing it like that.
4:30pm R4 Feedback will have
– interview with Emma Barnett about her show/presenting?
(I’d describe her a a dangerous LibMob Troll)
– @valmcdermid about her drama #RESISTANCE about antibiotics failing
I notice very few people tweet Feedback these days , as if they’ve given up cos of its consistent LibMob bubbleworld
Opened with discussion about JennyGate
BUT its the wrong topic cos Feedback is a feedback show about radio progs and this was a newspaper article.
Now Feedback bubbleworld is saying it’s wrong for Humphreys to challenge that Mair is a terrorist threat.
Thought this surreal.
The Jennigate crap went nowhere-either the BBC wants free speech or it doesn`t.
Hate the bloated colostomy bag myself-but she`s right.
If she was black and younger-she`d have been fine…ironic, challenging.
As for Humphrys?
Never known the phonies to get rung back to give yet another chance to say why they`re not satisfied with the BBCs responce.
And I don`t believe for a minute that nobody rang in to agree with him.
Again-Humphrys is no Iain Lee…but he was right. Had he been Iain and yes, younger; again he`d not be getting this crap from his “colleagues”.
The BBC-spineless PC zealots who just done think through where all this is going. Drain the duckpond…the bidet needs a poke as well.
It was surreal wasn’t it ?
Like listening to another universe ..I know I can’t listen any more to R4Today PM or any R4 News progs ..and its a burden to listen to Feedback.
I seen this PR trick before, where they take offence at a perfectly reasonable thing which has the effect of re-anchoring the normal.
Like the way they took offence at anyone daring to challenge that mad lone wolf Mair is a terrorist.
..The truth is anyone has the right to challenge anyone, that’s free speech.
On the specific issue of defining terrorism, people do have different personal definitions. Like some say you must be a member of a bona fide Terrorist org, whilst others say you just need to have a political motive.
What’s NOT OK is the HYPOCRISY of applying the definitions selectively to say
– all Muslim lone wolfs are mad
– all mad non-Lefty lone wolfs are terrorists.
If having a copy of a RightWing magazine makes you a terrorist.
Then having a copy of Marx, and Militant magazine makes you a terrorist.
LibMob take offence at every different opinion to their own, so no one takes them seriously anyway.
I see almost 10 people from SurrealWorld tweeted R4Feedback after the show to say Humphries was wrong to dare challenge.
A short, heartwarming story of everyday folk going about their jihadi business –
It should warm the cockles of every western liberal’s heart, including the BBC.
While Trump attempts to restore sanity – the US Air Force have put these words on the blacklist, I mean banned list:-
1. Boy
2. Girl
3. You People
4. Colonial
5. Blacklist
6. Blackmail
7. Blackball
8. Sounds Greek to me
9. Blondes have more fun
10. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians
This list of prohibited words reminds me of the Report from The Task Force on Guidelines for Non Sexist Langauge which as an instructor in the US Navy during the Carter years I was expected to follow.
Included here was an example of sexist expressions to avoid
Never refer to a woman as a ‘voluptuous belle’.
Do not say ‘The chimpanzee is being mothered’
Instead say
‘The chimpanzee was receiving parental affection’.
The US forces take a kind of pride in their progressive image. Today they have 15,500, transgenders and plan to openly recruit them in the near future. However, they insist that duties and promotion will be determined by competency rather than assigned gender. And that is the difference between the US forces and other progressives.
The attack by a mentally ill gentleman in Dusseldorf station has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism it is reported on the BBC website. Apparently the assailant a Kosovan refugee
where 90% of the population are Muslim. Is the kind of upright, well not quite upright kind
of fellow that Angela Merkel is looking to fill Germany with. And whom the BBC would like to fill the UK with.Anyway at the BBC.
Maybe a video of their child being beheaded would convince them?
How come Thomas Mair is NOT a psychiatric case, but a terrorist in the eyes of a judge CPS and selected Feedback phonies?
But not in the eyes of any jury, any formal trial or anything appraoching justice as I know it?
Yet this Muslim( and he is bound to be one I`m sure)is seen as a psychiatric case…do Germans do these things differently from us?
Or is it too much for Labour to admit that NHS polyclinics that close early, don`t give out meds as needed-but are happy to dole our Remain leaflets instead?
At least when we leave the EU, we can finally do some REAL science once more.
“How come Thomas Mair is NOT a psychiatric case…”
Because he wasn’t mentally ill.
“…but a terrorist in the eyes of a judge CPS and selected Feedback phonies?”
Because he murdered someone in the pursuit of political aims.
“Yet this Muslim( and he is bound to be one I`m sure)is seen as a psychiatric case…”
Because he is mentally ill?
Too complicated for you?
As I understand things he was mentally ill and had seen a psychiatrist shortly before the murder. He didn’t submit a plea or a give a defence in court, so his mental illness wasn’t offered up as mitigating circumstances.
Either way, he’d be in Broadmoor or prison for the rest of his natural life, so I doubt it really matters. But I think the lack of ‘sympathy’ from the Liberal Left speaks volumes.
“As I understand things he was mentally ill and had seen a psychiatrist shortly before the murder. He didn’t submit a plea or a give a defence in court, so his mental illness wasn’t offered up as mitigating circumstances.”
Then your understanding is wrong. His mental health was assessed before the trial.
He had no mental illness.
“But I think the lack of ‘sympathy’ from the Liberal Left speaks volumes.”
Kind of like the lack of sympathy for the murderers of Lee Rigby you mean? What a bizarre argument.
Whilst I know that I should never feed the troll….
Maxincony, to avoid claims of fake news from you, the following is from the BBC.
“He attended a local college as a mature student and spent time as a volunteer gardener after attending a centre for adults with mental health problems”
Or is that too complicated for you?
In my view mental illness is largely a combination of pseudo medical myth and postmodernist invention.
It is like saying someone is stupid and then excusing their behaviour by saying they are stupid.
There are some issues that can be described as chemical imbalances in the brain and these can be controlled with drugs. There are also real brain injuries and real brain damage. These can all be diagnosed through physical examination and responses to corrective drugs.
These are generally different to “mental illness” that can only be diagnosed by talking to someone claiming the title of professional psychiatrist.
Having “mental health problems” is not the same as being “mentally ill”.
Feeling “lonely and depressed” (no matter how debilitating that may be) is not the same as “Paranoid Schizophrenia”.
The left will always have Mair and Brevic to balance against the hundreds of thousands slaughtered by the RoP in recent years.
Mair’s mental problems were widely published.
But I wonder where he is now – if you know what I mean.
So he wasn`t on psychiatric medication then?
So he had a fair and open jury featuring twelve jurists?
So the whole case wasn`t a put up job to try to keep us in the EU. That your likes can laugh at the death of Mrs Thatcher, but fly like bats in the belfry when a white nutjob off his meds isn`t regarded as a “vulnerable victim” of NHS cuts or CPN understaffing? But a terrorist?
Look up the definition Maxipaddy- he terrorises nobody but those who`d seek to say he does.
Historical sex: 6 victims still suing Janner… 3 dropped out but still suing council
Conservative Woman whacks the Today progrmme
Laura Perrin’s breakfast gets wrecked
‘Should I ever turn the radio on, things go south pretty quick. Once the BBC propaganda machine starts to invade my pleasant home my mood sours. Inevitably some leftie is on being ‘interviewed’ by one of its leftie presenters about how great the latest leftie entitlement programme is or how evil the Tories are for not taking in every single refugee in the Western World.’
Some inspiring comments
Like Amway , BBC Leftway is a high pressure brainwashing sales operation
“I can’t listen to R4Today, cos I’d be culturally Appropriating from Lefty Fascists”
On anothe post someone pointed out, that some anti-diesel research is funded by TfL whoses job is to get people out of their cars and into it’s buses.
As a matter of information, how much pollution does an empty bus (normally the case) following it’s daily schedule emit?
I think I’ll stick wit my 3Ltr diesel 4wd – it only moves when I want it to move and I don’t have to worry about timetables. In terms of the greenies, I would suggest that my L/Rover is less polluting than the average bus over a period of 24hrs.
Last year was a great time to buy a diesel VW!
Our Golf is a fabulous car, and after a few tweaks from my garage, and a courteously accepted visit to get the Nox thing sorted, I really wish I could have bought one before!
My garage said that they noticed no difference to sales of diesel cars last year – but that would be classed as populist if the BBC had asked them…
As I listen to Feedback, our deep voiced tranny from Surrey(wants Jenni sacked) says that Murray can no longer speak on trans women stuff anymore(and there`ll be plenty to come)because she`s against it-so she`s biased. Wonder if our Surrey surrogate geezerbird would be quite so exercised and grumpy had Jenn been biased, but in favour of the Pro-tranny agenda?
Or is it Brexit rules again-being weird and deviant is THE required position, being conservative is NOT what is wanted. The Left eh?…only one flip switch in one direction on that logic gate that has long been closed.
Thick, nasty incestuous thinking. The adults have long left the building.
I have sympathy for transexual people, but I have no desire to befriend them or have sex with them. Live and let live, in my opinion – and I’m sure the vast majority of the UK’s population. I just don’t understand the current media obsession with this issue.
“Random axe attack at Düsseldorf train station, several injured, man detained”.
I wondered what the BBCs take on it would be but couldn’t find it on the main web page: had to google it to find it tucked away on the Europe page.
“A 36 year old man from the former Yugoslavia, said by police to be mentally ill and that people shouldn’t jump to conclusions as there were no terrorism links”.
They knew he was mentally ill having only just caught him did they?
Former Yugoslavia? What, the Yugoslavia which ceased to exist in 1991, TWENTY SIX years ago? Now Kosovo?
Would the BBC be neglecting to report that the half wit with the axe was Kosovan so we don’t google that word and find 95% of its inhabitants are Moslem, thus jumping to the CORRECT conclusion???
Im truthfully beginning to loathe the BBC..
Top of Twitter search suggestions for Düsseldorf
“Rem the mentally ill axe-man in #Dusseldorf? He’s from Kosovo & called Fatmir H. Sounds like Catholic to me but 100% #NothingToDoWithIslam “
Silly mistake, not Fatmir, it’s Mirfat. Hairy little bloke, sells insurance.
The BBC are clearly racist. They are implying that a significant minority of Muslims are mentally ill. I assume the implication is that it’s their religion that makes them so.
Demon, it’s probably the bBeeb getting the term ‘munterly’ ill wrong!
The cameras would have picked up on the munterist, and therefore solved the problem of what they wanted to report! You can just imagine some programme director (pick any one from a set of thirty), leaning back in his expensive ergonomic leatherette chair, piddling about with an Ipad and ‘OKAY Yaaaahing’ to another ‘presenter’ with some sort of odd language only understood by very few, and definitely not understood by citizens who actually have to work for a living!
True facts wouldn’t have come into it of course, just spit and dribble, bile and funny mouths!
Has the BBC gone full neo-Nazi? They write stories to promote Adolf Hitler memorabilia, exhibitions and stuff:
“A man has been attacked with a machete in the German city of Düsseldorf the day after an axe-wielding attacker injured nine people at the main railway station.”
Another one ? Anything on Al Beeb on this ?
I wonder just how bad it has to get before the Elite Establishment, including the BBC wake up and smell the coffee. They are ostriches ! ( and yes I know that ostriches do not bury their heads in sand ! ).
Does Al Beeb get its news from this website, or RT news ? If they do, they are slow off the mark to pick it up and broadcast it .
Has mad Ms Merc opened the doors to the looney bin ?
Prank in Hamburg?
If it was terror I’m thinking theyd kill
Could be testing emergency services reaction time, etc.
The axe attack that took place in lovely Dusseldorf has been rapidly downgraded on the Beeb website, in fact I couldnt even find it when I searched Dusseldorf, had to put in axe and Germany!
But contrast the Beeb report with the Telegraph’s
The Telegraph tell us the culprit is Fatmir H from Kosovo, Beeb mentions no name and only that he is from “former Yugoslavia”.
The BBC telling you only the news it thinks you ought to know
“Chocolate prices could rise if the UK does not secure a trade deal post-Brexit, according to Mars’ top boss.”
Operative word “could”.
Buy less chocolate ! – the nation is far too fat anyway.
I don’t like Mars Bars. I’ve always thought they were too sickly. Fried in batter was once an option! Although I have noticed their size has reduced over the years – along with other chocolate bars. I am more of a savoury person.
Personally I’m prepared to take the hit. If chocolate or groceries generally become extortionate in price I’ll buy cheaper options i.e. buy British. There’s plenty of other stuff to eat to stay alive! Even grow your own.
I’m really peed off with all the scare-mongering.
The scaremongering is really heartening. It proves how desperate these wretches are getting.
‘The closer to the target the more the flak’
Yes I agree wholeheartedly – it’s like watching the dying swan in Swan Lake!! With a lot less style.
Good comparison.
PS They are fiddling while Europe is burning
Ps Ps
Ironically, Aldi and Lidl have far nicer chocolate and theirs is a lot cheaper .
LOL ! The future of Europe is going to be decided on the price of chocolate. Mind you, Empires have fallen on less !
We are definitely in the shit if the price of Ferrero Rocher goes up. How will we be able to maintain credibility and negotiate any decent trade deals at the “Ambassadors Reception” if all we can afford are chocolate buttons or fun sized curly wurlies!
No wonder Claude is confidant that we will come out on the losing side.
We are doomed !
There is a Cocoa Pact as I recall.
Any breach of that and the chocolate soldiers of the EU will feel the taste of cold fondue skewers…
We shall be saved by the Swiss. We shall live in a Toblerone Empire !
Spot on mate – I have been saying the same thing his week ‘ Fiddling while Rome burns’
I do not give a monkey’s toss about them . I just do not want to end up in the same gutter with these creeps .
Oh it`s the BBC.
In their own world.
If chocolate goes up by 30% then this will surely allow us all to make informed choices, and save money wasted on the lardies who clog up the NHS.
In other words-this would be seen as a GOOD thing if Jean-Claude Wanker had promised it.
Won`t happen though-it`s just the eternal end of the periscope that the BBC seem stcuk to. Fed up.
Of course the rot set in when the Flake advert got a lot of exposure…
I mean, who’d want to suck a flake?
Wonder if this outburst of yours could be construed as racist or such.
It`s that “I don`t like ” bit that worries me…and doubtless many similar grievance farmers and Shiners nationwide.
Not because they`re “of colour” is it?
They used to make us work rest and play-being a third of the size that they used to be…guess you can only choose one of them.
And being a lefty idiot, I`ll not be choosing “work” that`s for sure.
What`s that when it`s at home?
I tried to be as a fair as I could when watching this programme, “Brexit, Britain’s Biggest Deal”:
But I inevitably came to the conclusion this was blatantly an anti-Brexit/Pro-EU piece. Kuenssberg has always been pro-EU, like the BBC. I remember when she was so jovial early on in the referendum night when it seemed that Remain would win and then seeing her face fall when the first results came in.
The presenter is partisan and this documentary is certainly not impartial. Just watch it to see the difference in her facial expressions, when she’s talking to Remainers and Leavers she can barely contain herself when she’s talking to Ian Duncan-Smith. Every whim of the Remainer talking heads pretty much goes unchallenged.
It feels like a sour grapes response from the BBC, who are just itching to say “I told you so” to the leave camp.. Pretty pathetic from a publicly funded “impartial service”. Project Fear continues at the BBC.
Yes. If you are anti-EU , you cannot get a job with the BBC. Simple as that.
Fire and Ice
We are aware of this and so is our government, but they do nothing – amazing .
There’s a great septic tank emptying business near here, called Sucklifts.
They do the same as the BBC, pump out a load of crap, shove the lid on the nasty stuff and charge the earth for it.
Good analogy, except that if Sucklifts disappeared, somebody would notice.
Absolutely no point “being fair” to the BBC when it comes to their chosen topics. And Brexit is one of them.
They`ve come too far now-and have neither the brains or courage to think anything other that the ignorant squits they call news or current affairs.
This is now war-Deep State is in full operation now, and we need to deal with that.
Hard Brexit-and Trump triumphs when he gets here-anything less, and we might as well knit our pussy hats and offer them for FGM by troubled “children” with Stanley knives.
If and when Mosul gets retaken what are the odds that the BBC will be campaigning for the ISIS fighters to be given asylum in the UK?
JimS – well that would be par for the course as we’ve come to know the BBC. What would truly be disturbing would be the scant handful of MPs in the Commons who would actually stand up and say it’s a bad idea!
“We know that money is needed for new schools but then to say something about making them selective will really have wound people up.”
Kids in India are taught in mud huts and chalkboards – they still get better results than some of the schools in this country .
Same in Gambia. My little girl is 9 now and at the local State school. I could send her to a fee-paying school there , but there are many reasons why I do not. Gambian kids at her age speak , read and write better english than British kids at 14 .
The school is not quite a mud hut, but they use blackboard and chalk !
It sounds like your girl’s school has some teachers as opposed the ‘learning assistants’ in UK skewels.
Learning multiplication tables by rote, morning spelling Bs, how very retro.
Most of the graduates I used to employ couldn’t do basic mental arithmetic if their cellphone was low on battery.
And try and buy proper note paper for real letters from any supermarket, Number 7!
Whatever happened to good old Basildon Bond…
(Have to admit my handwriting has deteriorated in recent years, mainly because I tend to write after a tincture perhaps, or maybe when I’m cross..;0)
If I have a serious complaint, I always write a formal letter. I’m awaiting a reply from a property management company at the moment. I’m always surprised how long it takes to get a reply. This is probably because they have to find somebody who can read something longer than a Tweet, and compose a more-or-less coherent response. It probably causes considerable inconvenience, which is part of the attraction.
I do notice that people are not reading things carefully these days, and jumping to conclusions which need to be corrected: “No, that is not what I said!” As English lessons as I used to understand them seem to be out of fashion, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.
CECUTT replies tend to be lucid, but mainly according to limited templates.
What is most annoying is their habit of not addressing the actual point raised.
It’s almost like they have an SOP to muddy and prolong things long enough for them to eventually claim there is no more time to handle the issue.
Devious. Clever. But unethical. Trust them.
Kent County Council reply to all complaints using ‘cut and paste’.
So if you have a highways complaint, you’ll get a link to a leaflet on organic composting or something as far from common sense as it can be.
I suppose that’s what happens when you complain on a specific item to the bBeeb. I wouldn’t bother about a single subject these days, I’d just complain that everything they do is wrong, and get my news from here!
This ticks all the Al BBC boxes, bullying/hate crime, anti muslim
Sheesh! should be the No1 story in “Sconny Bottland”,
Only one problem? … yet another nose growing extravaganza, yep! another fake hate crime to join the never ending list of the Islaofauxbia industry
Teacher ‘fabricated anti-Muslim letter from colleague’
“Mr Dahhan had brought a complaint of bullying and harassment against his manager, Laura Campbell-Young.
“The GTCS claims he circulated the letter anonymously along with a covering note reading: “I have accidentally come across this paperwork in Laura Young’s classroom.”
The letter was addressed to “Laura” from “Anne-Marie”
Hmmm this letter referred to “moronic Asians” and the “Shawlands Academy Eid brigade” and not to “trust” Muslim teachers. One passage of the letter “Don’t trust anyone around you, especially Muslim teachers.
It is the irony of someone s projection, that it only confirms the truth
“…”I say it from bitter experience as you know – they talk and can stab you in the back to support their kind.”…” I thought that slashing at one’s neck and head removal (kopferechtomy in Germany?)was more their style, N.
More secrets being leaked by patriots within MI6. It looks like MI6 was and still is being used by the CIA to spy on their own President. And on March 6, Senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, sent an email to FBI director James Comey, demanding answers as to why he paid a spy, who was also working for the Clinton campaign, for information on the then candidate Donald Trump. The email reveals the spy in question as the MI6 operative Christopher Steele, but officially described as a former agent of MI6. Steele has only been able to produce fake news, such as the known facts and fake news about Trumps visits to Russia being rehashed as new discoveries.
And your evidence is ???
Richard – I was unfortunate enough to hear some of Johnny “Im so up myself” Diamond on the “Marxist World at One” .Today he was pouring his normal bile and scorn on Trumps claim about Saint Obama bugging his campaign. Johnnies inference seems to be – “you must be really stupid not to agree with me. After all I am so switched and so funny!”
Actually Johnny I must be stupid because I dont agree with you. To me you seem to be like a NSU infection you keep on popping up with an irritating unpleasant discharge. You never seem to go away.
Hey, take it easy !! Richard is a ” Mensa Boy “. Yeah man , show some respect . OK ? Oakey boy ? Yes.
Grant – Dont push me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats it – Im having another Jura and its all your fault!
Bet you voted brexit too!!!
Jura is not bad . That is where Orwell wrote 1984.
Of course I voted Leave !!!
Slainte !!
“I can’t agree with you because then we’d both be wrong.”
“To me you seem to be like a NSU infection”…
That would be an infusion of mopeds.
(You need to be my age to understand that, but maybe our little comic Jonny will be able to get the words from Jasper Carrot when he needs some inspiration).
A PACKED train with at least 50 people on board has been targeted in a tear gas attack, it has been reported.
Breaking news, but more of Merkels chickens coming home to roost.
And no doubt soon I will need to hide my IP etc because the UK stasi will be looking to imprison anyone guilty of criticising the new Fuhrer, who has screwed Germany up more than Hitler ever did.
Use an incognito browser like Ghostery or Startpage to hide your ip address.
“A PACKED train with at least 50 people on board was reportedly targeted in a tear gas attack.” Daily Star
Or in other words; it wasn’t a targeted attack.
“…the new Fuhrer, who has screwed Germany up more than Hitler ever did.”
To whom , when and where are you going to do this nomination ?
Let us know how it gets on .
Anybody want to ‘second’ this proposal?
No, but I nominate Maxi to spend a week in Molenbeek and let us know how he/she gets on.
That is not fair on the good people of Molenbeek.
I’m normally a fan of Thoughtful, but on this I find myself agreeing with the hypocrite, maxi.
People smuggling is now as big as the drugs trade:
Something else the Biased Beeb isn’t reporting on.
Noted the BBC taking it upon itself to put a caring and protective arm around…that endangered species called “live music”.
Seems to me it`s fine-but the BBC will then be able to extend its grubby maw and chloroformed blanket all over “this vulnerable muse”. Who gives the BBC the right to do this-when I want wall to wall Coldplay and pale sensitive green buskers swapping wellies with Jo Whiley then I`ll ask them.
The BBC will colonise and infect any area of the arts when they`ve got the money and the bodies to crowd out REAL innovation.
These musos ought not to let themselves be corralled onto the Lefty BBCs Bragg Bag Field for a few pro-EU/migration moments…because the BBC will NOT be playing anything vaguely off their sponsors agenda any time soon.
The BBC are the death star of music, as well as much else.
Great news for us – not so great for the Saudis which is double the great news for us !
Not good for Russia and possible civil war in Venezuela ! (wonder how the BBC will report that about the Socialist workers paradise?)
Newsnight just now batting for the Rohingya muslims in Burma.
Their once blue-eyed girl, Aung San Suu Kyi, ignored the BBC’s cub reporter’s pleas for answers to his questions about alleged human rights abuses. She followed Trump’s example, dealt with the Beeb by ignoring it! If only we could do the same.
Local Buddhist populace were none too keen on the Rohingya; the general consensus was that “muslims should leave and live in islamic countries”. There could be a grain of truth in that idea methinks.
Given the brutal killings of ‘blasphemous bloggers’ in neighbouring Bangladesh and the cultural ties between the Rohingya and Bangladesh, I can understand why people would prefer not to have a population explosion of muslims in their nation. I noted that the BBC didn’t probe the differing cultural attitudes towards women, gays, blasphemy, etc.
Dead right Grimer and Restroom Male( none of that transloo stuff eh?). The Chrysanthemum Revolution only a few years old.
Poor woman callously and barbarously treated by that awful junta who wouldn`t ever let her go to her poor husbands deathbed?
A lady that transported Bono and U2 to their best ever song?
Wow-and .like Mandela-an absolute hero to her people who saw her overcome the SLORC scum, relatively peacefully.
One of the bravest women alive, flaws and all.
BUT-not on board with the BBCs “Submit to Submission” programme(S.S)
So she gets bawled out behind her back as Nuttall gets with Crick? How BBC-would hate Anjem to think anything less of us that he does would we?
Here’s a thought exercise since many R4 progs like R4Today and all NewsProgs, Feedback, CostingTheEarth and BBCScience all seem to be owned by LibMob… imagine if they were properly sold off to LibMobMedia .
Which staff would be fired for not being LibMob ?
Once the progs get sold to the Labour Party would they become any different ?
Here are a few more indications that the BBC contains perverts – this all in the past few days:
A BBC documentary on vaginas, titled “My Unusual Vagina”
A featured “news” story which could be subtitled “Karen Gormley has big tits.” The BBC report starts “Karen Gormley describes herself as “smiley and quite shy”, but says people see her differently simply because of the size of her breasts. …”
Another featured “news” story which could be subtitled “Emma Watson shows her tits”
Fecking perverts the lot of them.
Caliphate – Is the first documentary about Bob Geldorf or Gary Linepockets?
Yes, The BBC’s obsession with sex is very unhealthy and not normal. To slightly misquote the late and great Bob Monkhouse “It is not a spectator sport, it is a contact sport “.
Is ‘consent’ the next word to be re-defined?
The Age Of Consent with Helena Kennedy is being trailed including a comment by, I presume, a ‘lady of colour’ that she didn’t consent to live in a building with drug adicts etc. Well by the old definition she must have consented otherwise she wouldn’t be living there. The consent might be explicit or, most likely in her case, implicit. Consent doesn’t mean ‘approve’.
We have seen the way words like ‘tolerate’ have been re-defined in recent years. Again, in the past, we might tolerate Muslims on our streets, we ‘put up with them’, we might have thought dark thoughts but kept them to ourselves. But now ‘tolerate’ appears to mean ’embrace’, ‘celebrate’ or ‘welcome’.
Will Helena Kennedy hold the ground or will she start the process of redefinition?
Songs of praise to be farmed out to a private company.
I can personally understand the move. When you have a news organisation which has a major objective of furthering the spread of Islam in the UK. It must stick in their throat that they have to waste money, time and “talent” producing a programme that has Christianity at its centre.
If they dropped it completely it would free up more time to soft soap us about the virtues of “the religion of peace”. Might need it soon – Ramadan is approaching fast and there is sure to be a “ding dong” or two. What with all these mentally ill “children” wandering about Europe.
Maybe a Call the Midwife/Prayer for the Dying mashup is envisaged in its place?
‘Temperatures the same as Rome , Can you believe that? ” quote from the stupid Weather Girl . What on Earth does that mean – absolute ballacks
‘Temperatures the same as Rome , Can you believe that? ”
I always feel like replying with something dumber like “sure, it’s in Centigrade” or “but its colder than Launceston Tasmania and it is heading for winter there”.
They always want to make dumb comparisons based on one day such as “hottest eva!”. Or telling me what the weather has been so far today. They can’t even get that right. I stare out of my window looking at bright sunshine when they say it is raining.
The media cannot exist without comparisons.
I miss the days when they were restricted to units of double decker bus or football pitch.
One favourite is ‘can be seen from space’. Usually referring to something big.
I recall a Tom Clancy tale where a truck number plate was read.
There’s so much about which to be annoyed with the BBC today – the tone and attitude of their reports and presenters on each news subject makes it perfectly clear what they want us to think about each issue – and it is always a left-liberal globalist cultural relativist way of thinking.
An admittedly minor point perhaps, but a major bugbear of mine is the cringing over-accomodating attitude the metro-liberal BBC takes toward the regions of the UK.
Second-string researve weather girl Louise Lear this morning provides proof of this very tendency and of the BBC’s desperation not to be seen to offend the more querulous of its regional viewers:
Apparently in earlier weather reports she had put up two pictures from the BBC’s ‘weather watchers’ of views from the south of the country.
“I don’t want to be accused of being south-centric”
So now she tells us up on our screens must go a photo of Nairn near Dunbar.
And our weather girl appears to admit this was not chosen through merit or relevance but to protect the BBC from potential accusations of bias or lack of diversity supposedly expected to arrive from eagle-eyed and agitated greviance-bearing Scots Nats ?
Maybe the BBC could persuade the England rugby team to take a fall and throw the game against Scotland later – just to, you know, even things up so as not to offend the Scots. You just know instinctively that is the result the BBC will be rooting for. And that makes the rugby unwatchable for an English viewer.
On that subject I pray that Eddie Butler will not be on the mike – but I fear he is too deeply embedded in what the BBC see as impartial commentary to be passed up as first choice. What if I grew a beard and tried praying to a different superior being? Might that help? I’ve got a little rug.
I suspect that it was Nairn Dunbar Golf Course which is a long way from Dunbar, East Lothian. I wonder if the BBC got that wrong ? It wouldn’t surprise me . The BBC get most things wrong. Their ignorance of the World is breathtaking .
The more nonsensical, the more devoid of logic and the more empty (and frankly nasty) the leftist feminist arguments become the more the BBC cowers before the juggernaut and allows itself to be rolled over.
This morning on the subject of do-it-youself bought-over-the-internet abortion kits the BBC present the case for the feminists whilst gently and tentatively suggesting to a campaigner that the law as it stands requires two doctors to sign-off on the procedure.
Not quick and easy enough is the response. “This is the twenty-first century. We have to trust women to make decisions about their lives!”
Their lives? Surely the major decision here is about someone else’s potential life?
By this reasoning we ought to trust women – because they are women and bizarrely because the date happens to be 20-something – who might decide to end the lives of their male partner or husband.
Has a woman’s judgement and worth become elevated above that of a man? Sharia law in reverse? Given present immigration trends I wish the feminists ‘best of British luck’ with that.
Common sense tells me that this is going on somewhere in the UK right now. If not, it will do in the not-so-distant future –
Actually, the irony is, the content of the “forged” letter is accurate!
Another coup for the sisters in the shape of cyclist Jess Varnish who, she avers, bears no grudges and simply wants the truth to come out – yet still plans to sue for ‘wrongful dismissal’ with, no doubt, compensation to suit the evident pain of being shouted at.
Oh dear, the BBC’s twin-track lust for Olympic success and their diversity agenda clash head-on. A painful pile up with gold medal wreckage and hurt female feelings splattered all over our airwaves.
Never mind, either the Australians, or some other sporting nation, will soon move in to clean up.
One of the many things about the BBC which piss me off is that they think they are so clever and we are stupid when it is the other way round !
“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”
Lol ! There is a similar saying but I can’t remember it now. It will come to me later.
Is the BBC reporting the Katie Hopkins libel case properly ?
“She didn’t apologise”
Guido says
\\Monroe gave Hopkins the chance to apologise for erroneously directing tweets to her: “public apology + £5K to migrant rescue and I won’t sue.”
But the former Apprentice contestant and Mail columnist instead doubled down and called Monroe “social anthrax”. Katie Hopkins doesn’t apologise…//
em KT did delete the first tweet quickly
Judge also said
\\The second point is that there have been difficulties over disclosure especially on the claimant’s side… Ms Monroe’s Twitter records were extensively deleted…”//
My guess KT’s paper told her not to given into the £5,000
cos it would set a precedent.
And also said press for trial cos Monroe’s Twitter records would have to come out and they’d be incriminating.
I wonder if there is an appeal.
BBC Breakfast this morning a long article about a Syrian ‘refugee’ who has been selling cars in London and has now started (with help) a ‘pop up’ restaurant,they even showed the eight countries he went through to get here before coming from Calais hidden in the back of a truck!
Well excuse me but he is an illegal immigrant and should be deported,instead the BBC are making a big song and dance about how wonderful he is!
coming on FooC at 11:30 am
– Hugh Schofield meets a defiant – and chipper – Jean-Marie Le Pen, the outcast founder of the France’s Front National;
– in north-west Pakistan, close to the Afghan border, Colin Freeman is shown a bomb-making factory – just the latest evidence of the violence that has dominated the region for more than a century;
– in the icy seas off Finland, fears of Russian ‘little green men’ are put aside as a Finnish icebreaker – with Horatio Clare on board – introduces a moment of peace and cooperation.
– Singing for home and a lost culture – Nicola Kelly hears how Nubians in Egypt are trying to reconnect with their lost homeland.
– And, in Oman, it’s not golden sands that Antonia Quirke sees in the desert but a carpet of green.
(bet that’s eco-propgaganda)
UN: World facing greatest humanitarian crisis since 1945
Oh look, the 4 countries involved, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria and South Sudan in this ‘crisis’ all have a common theme – persecution by muslim extremists or fighting between rival muslim factions. The religion of Islam has fµcked these places up more than any drought will ever do. But you won’t here this from Muhammed al Beebie. Indeed, the fact that they refer to Boko Haram as “extremist militant group” says it all. No need to read any more. The bbc will not have anything bad said about muslims. Full stop.
19:00 Profile : Sergey Kislyak (called superspy by CNN)
– “Russia’s convivial Ambassador to Washington – has been in the eye of a media storm since it emerged that members of the Trump administration had undisclosed meetings with him in the run up to the 2016 US election. ”
Real News – Man shot in Malmö, Sweden – massive police activity and now a huge area sealed off, victims condition is unknown as violence continues to escalate
BBC News – White House in distress signal … distress?,
That wouldn’t be the Donald “Sweden, look what s happening in Sweden” Trump Whitehouse, would it?
“White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer opened his daily press briefing on Friday with his American flag lapel pin upside down”
“Distress” sheesh! give me a break.