Came across the following book in my local library: Can We Trust The BBC, Robin Aitken, 2007. The author was an a BBC reporter for 25 years. I am currently reading it, and the situation within the BBC is far worse than I imagined and has been going on for longer.
Many of the narratives we grew up with were due to the narratives pushed by the monopolistic and all pervading BBC and those that took control of it. In my opinion the BBC has probably done more damage to indigenous Britain than the Cambridge group of Russian spies ever did. BBC Scotland’s relentless anti-English propaganda from the 1980s onwards is the main reason why close to half of the Scottish population are now keen on the idea of independence.
Thanks for that link. I think I read Christopher Booker’s piece when it was published, but it’s rather poignant that the points he made remain valid today. The Beebyanka is as hostile now with regard to climate reality as it was six years ago. In the foreword, the late Sir Antony Jay refers to the possibilities presented by shale gas. It has taken a period of time as long as the Second World War to give shale the green (oh, the irony) light. So much for “science”.
This indirect quotation from Alasdair Milne, incompetent Beebyanka gauleiter and father of more-Corbynista-than-Corbyn Seumas Milne, summed up the attitude of our “national broadcaster”, I thought:
“Back in the 1980s, the BBC’s then-director general, Alasdair Milne, liked to say that there was only one issue on which the BBC was proud to admit that it saw no reason to remain ‘impartial’, the apartheid regime in South Africa.”
So the Beebyanka could stay “impartial” in the face of the Soviet nuclear threat; Irish terrorism; Iranian-sponsored terrorism; Mugabe’s oppression in Zimbabwe, with help from North Korea; North Korea itself, of course; Burma; Ceausescu’s collectivisation; Poland’s liberation movement, “Solidarnosc”, and the communists’ violent response to it; the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands; the Stasi; the Mengistu regime and the contrived Ethiopian famine; the Montt regime in Guatemala… (I could continue the list all day)?
Milne, as is clearly customary for his family, was lying, anyway. Was the Beebyanka ever “impartial” about Cuba, Pinochet, or the Sandinistas? Did it ever address the truth about the succubus that British bureaucracy already was? Hardly, since his organisation was already a conspicuous part of it.
I wonder what The Queen really thinks to the BBC and its corruption of Britain, bearing in mind the little titbit that came out about her Brexit comment, when she asked, “why can’t we just do it”?
And we know that she was purring like a cat about the Scottish referendum result, according to ‘Loose Lipped Cameron of Chipping Norton’. So, wouldn’t you would think she could put two and two together and wake up to who her enemy is?
1. The BBC is against a ‘United’ United Kingdom, against Britain, despite its name, the ‘so called’ British Broadcasting Company.
2. The BBC is against Brexit, against Great Britain standing on its own two feet and out of the control of the European dictatorship.
3. The BBC is against President Trump who has put Churchill’s bust back in the White House and loves the UK. It is against our best friend and ally ever, the United States of America.
4. The BBC is against free speech with regard to naming and shaming our enemies within. Those who sneer at us and would destroy our Christian heritage, the heritage of ‘love thy neighbour’. It respects those who rape our children, and those who fight against us here and abroad. It appoints a person as head of its religious department who does not have or believe in our heritage.
If the four points above do not make the BBC an enemy of the United Kingdom, a treasonous and poisonous nest of vipers then we are already living a Utopia where we can just up and open our borders to let the whole third world in to live on our thousand years of civilisation and endeavor.
But then our ‘so called’ governments already did that, didn’t they? And the elite of the BBC just loves that too. Point 5.
So when will Lilibet whisper in Theresa’s ear and tell her to “dump the BBC”?
The same as your neighbour’s villa in Spain post-Brexit, they will still own it.
The difference would be that HM could still be head of state, as per Canada and Australia.
But after Brexit, the Queen will still rule over bits of Europe.
Some bits of France in the Normandy area, a bit of southern Spain, a chunk of Ireland in the north, a bit of Norway half way between the Danish Faeroe Islands and Bergen and bits of southern Cyprus.
The bBBC hates England in the main, we are its enemies! Looking at the digital text news this morning, the sports news was mainly about Murray losing, the rest was ancient history. In the golf section for example every bit was from Tournaments that finished a week ago. The rugby was even worse, usually on the days results you get the final score plus who scored what. Guess what, Englands win was never even mentioned.
I used to listen to Radio Scotland most mornings. Almost every day they used to interview Alex Salmond, who as usual, uttered the same old anti-English claptrap. One day, it would be over 15 years ago, Salmond said, “The problem with the English is that they have no culture…”. As I had had enough of his crap I instantly turned the switch off and have not listened to BBC Scotland since. In fact I have not tuned into any BBC television or radio programs over the past 5 years. Its all bullshit.
Sometime ago I went to a live recording of the Moral Maze. It was about left wing bias at the BBC. Robin Aitken was there speaking as a witness. He quoted from his book which I made a note of. The discussion was fascinating to watch and listen. Only Michael Portillo agreed with him but they were drowned out by the 3 other lefties on the panel.
It turned out that Aitken had written a further book, republishing the original but with add ons. This was published in 2013. This is titled ‘Can we still trust the BBC’. Either of these books are essential reading. Quire shocking admissions about Beeb behind the scenes. I just wonder how this hasn’t been mentioned before.
No change tonight in the Moral Maze either.
Melanie got told to “pipe down” by Buerk when she dared to say that the Left were guilty of always seeing “the Right” as evil, bad people. Whereas the Right merely thought the Left to be wrong not malicious. A key indicator of what the fundamental problem is with the Left. But Buerk didn`t want to know.
Previously, poor Mel missed the very example of “virtue signalling” that the lefty oafs brought up, namely the “This Is Not A Feminist” T-shirts. Made by sweatship labour, but worn by Harriet Harman and Cleggs wife.
Not Melanies fault. but this is lefty garbage.
I turned on the Andrew Marr Show, and he was talking to an actress about her opinions about sexism in the police; her expertise being that she once acted the role of a policewoman. That just about sums the BBC up. No interest in life in Britain today, just endless 1984 mantras, and putting money from the taxpayer in their pockets for their trouble. Working for the BBC is about as morally corrupt as you can get this side of a prison wall.
The Muslim attacks just keep on happening right across Europe, indeed across the world. My trust in the MSM and governments is very low and I am pretty sure that many attacks and other crimes committed by Muslims , such as rapes, arson , riots , do not get reported. Given this terrible situation you have to ask why the likes of Wilders and Le Penn aren’t miles ahead in the polls. How much more Muslim terror will it take to bring people to their senses and for them to realise that only by voting for anti immigration parties can their countries have any chance of avoiding becoming Islamic hell holes within three or four decades.
The situation in the UK is just as bad but we don’t even have a political party that opposes immigration. Indeed all our politicians prostrate themselves before Islam to grub up a few more votes. Even UKIP keep well away from the topic.
The BBC has its jack boot well and truly on the throat of the Brits. No politician dare tell the truth about Islam and the government passes laws that are clearly discriminatory against white people. For instance Hate Crimes , the whole thing is just a stick with which to beat white people, the alleged victim need not offer any evidence whatsoever but the supposed perpetrator is investigated by the police. This is the equivalent of justice by denunciation as practised in totalitarian regimes. Yet the BBC fully support these laws and use the number of alleged hate crimes as proof that further measures to bash the Brits is required.
I reckon for many – until it happens to them or theirs.
For others the constants drip, drip of, ‘lone wolf, mentally deranged etc,’ does have an effect and, at the of the day, many are simply unwilling to confront the vile truth that is staring them in the face.
It was more what I was feeling after going through what budgets were like in years gone by and/or watching election night broadcasts from the 80s (YouTube is a wonderful thing). If you go back to when they slashed income tax down from its now almost unimaginable level of 83%, or when it wasn’t all leaked to the press the night beforehand, that’s what it used to be like: genuine surprises. Now it’s 60p per week for a tiny percentage of the population (myself included) and it’s still being discussed days later because there’s little else to talk about in it.
Perhaps I blinked and missed it, if so I apologise. I’m referring to the appalling axe attack at Dusseldorf railway station yesterday. Nine people have been hurt, some with life threatening injuries one is an 80 year old man. The attacker (a refugee) was allowed to stay in Germany for “humanitarian reasons”…Oh dear, oh dear….
I only bring this dreadful escapade to your attention because, personally, I think it’s something we should all know about. If we can’t trust our state funded news gathering organisation to report on this, then what other horrors are they not bringing us?
On the other hand, the high court judgement forcing Katie Hopkins to pay some pain in the arse lefty journalist £24,000 with over £!00,000 in damages has been covered endlessly. Christ, I saw this three bloody times yesterday, backed up with comments from BBC journo’s. Is it really that important; a spat between two Twittering women?
If I didn’t know any better I might think that the BBC were gloating…
The time has come for the German people and msm to demand answers to some very important questions about German mental welfare systems, because they seem to be incapable of dealing with this surge of poor mental health among its population.
There was a short piece this morning on the far left, seditious bbbc when they were discussing the Six Nations rugby competition and the hopes of the English team so they go about it by interviewing some former Scottish rugby player by the name of Logan (yes, that’s right Gabby Logan, the Rugby commentators husband)….Towards the end of the piece the talking head on the bbbc sofa stated “Well, everyone is supporting Scotland” – probably correct within the far left bbbc but, my dear NOT IN THE REST OF THE COUNTRY.
Just a small and not very important example but I though I would bring it to fellow readers attention. I suppose it would be impossible for them to actually say ‘Good Luck, this afternoon to the England Rugby team’
For years I too have been painfully aware of the anyone but England bias.
I have a theory that it partly derives from the EU’s discredited plan to carve England up into regions, essentially destroying the concept of an English nation. BBBC therefore discredit England in sport and whitewash its existence out of any political reporting. I remember they looked quite warmly on the Cornish independence movement and the SNP’s bid to move into the north of England.
It’s Saturday in “facts are sacred” land so they let standards drop, hey it’s the weekend.
Time for yet “more black immigrants are hard done by”. With a twist, set in Africa.
“Why is South Africa still so anti-black, so many years after apartheid?” Panashe Chigumadzi
The author, a black immigrant from Northern Rhodesia, bewails the attitude of “native” black South Africans towards people from outside SA.
The nearly one million whites who left South Africa since 1994, are not mentioned, ever, in The Advertiser or by The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster.
The many thousands of whites who were unable to leave because they were murdered are also not mentioned.
Better not to be mentioned, the frothing, hating, Younge and his ilk who promote blackism with every word in The Guardian, would have complained that insufficient whites had been killed.
Talking of blackism where are the white models in Marks and Spencer?
NO ESCAPE!, after BBC tv and National radio, its now local BBC Radio that is STILL acting as the colonial guilt lobby over the rugby match and the singing of “Sweet Chariot” a sad reminder of black American slavery etc etc.
Better get to the “safe space” kids, snowflakes are about to melt in there own piss … your going to get “triggered” baby, its coming.
How does the BBC or anyone else from the colonial guilt lobby know if “slaves” singing the song were black OR WHITE?, whether the “masters” were BLACK or white?
The garbage guilt trip stops … RIGHT NOW!
Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.
In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.
At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves.
Thus, if you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery, whilst an estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860.
Studies concluded that 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage than that of free whites who owned slaves.
At this very moment, yep! RIGHT NOW, there is a very real and very current slavery crisis sweeping across the world. 48.5 million people are estimated to be living in slavery in Africa, Asia & the Middle East. That’s almost one hundred times the number of slaves imported to the United States during its entire slaving history. 47 million were enslaved by the middle eastern slavers half of them white! Twice as many as in the Atlantic slave trade.
Although your textbooks are silent about it, most historians agree that two-thirds of ALL whites came to the colonies in some form of bondage. Legal papers on both sides of the ocean referred to them as “slaves.”
White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America throughout the 1600s. Hundreds of thousands of white slaves were kidnapped and brought to America; their middle-passage death rates were comparable to those of black slaves; they were sold at auction and traded for livestock, they were routinely beaten—sometimes to death—and an estimated one half of them died before gaining freedom.
It’s quite possible to surmise that more whites came to America against their will than blacks, AND historians from both ends of the political spectrum say that white slaves were treated worse than black slaves.
When General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, it had been nearly 20 years since Lee owned slaves—he freed his slaves in the late 1840s.
In 1856, five years before the Civil War started, he wrote that slavery was “a moral and political evil.” On the other hand, General Grant STILL owned slaves at the end of the Civil War, because Abe Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation cleverly outlawed slavery only in the South. Grant had stated that he would refuse to fight if he thought the war had anything to do with slavery.
… And hey, kids, snowflakes SJWs even, EVEN if it WAS fought to end slavery, how often do you see the descendants of slaves thanking the 600,000 or so white soldiers who died in the fight to free them?
At great risk, expense and for no self benefit the Royal Navy ended the Atlantic slave trade and British diplomacy and guns mitigated it further in the Arab world, almost wiping it out. But we all knew that if you watch the Al BBC well maybe not.
What you might not know is that the British government spent 5% of its GDP compensating slave owners to make slavery history.
F-cking 5%!!! That’s 2 and a half times what Britain spends today on its military (2%).
Nothing in it for us … squat!, but we did it.
I await, both the apologies and adulation
We are the GREATEST nation in ending slavery, although you may get called waycist,
be guilty stay guilty etc you erm … “redneck”
That term is actually from the huge number of WHITE slaves who picked cotton, or worked on the plantation.
Apologies! … rant over,
This house is now clean
I’d like to see a source [?] regarding the numbers of white slaves that went west across the Atlantic before I bring that up with anyone in the pub.
Glenn Beck did a fantastic programme about the history of slavery and civil rights. I know that politically a lot of people consider him a pariah (hopefully not many on this site) but his historical stuff and documentaries are brilliant and incredibly well researched.
CS Tens of Thousands of Europeans ended up as slaves in the Islamic Royal courts in Morocco and else where .Its very well documented and little known bit of history .Also perhaps we should have a memorial to the men of the Royal navy who fought to combat the slave trade from the early 1800 s to just before the out break of the first world war. Perhaps Dan Snow will do a programme about it.
“Perhaps Dan Snow will do a programme about it.” Too late, the RN has already done it …………
Perhaps it should be used in school history lessons? Perhaps our government should spend more of its resources on its Royal Navy to defend our coastline ?
A noble hope Noggs, but they WILL forget it, in fact they won’t even accept that such facts are relevant. They challenge the narrative that currently drives the beliefs which have replaced western religion – except, ironically, among black Christians.
Having to change the security lights on the garage this weekend got me thinking about what differences a good income buys you today.
Back in 1926 the first owner of my house bought a second plot of land which presumably didn’t come cheap, and erected a garage for a motor car. Back in 1926 few people had a motor car, but today even the council estate doleites can have one.
All through the years to the present day there have been high ticket items the Middle Classes could buy which set them apart from their lesser. First a Television – many were sold in the 50s for the coronation, then colour TV came out & I can remember the few wealthy people who had the first ones.
So what is it today that the better off Middle Class have that the workers & shirkers don’t?
Not much materially. The car, phone, washing machine might be better but at the end of the day they all perform the same function and the lower orders have the same as the upper ones.
No the difference is not in material goods. The thing that the wealthier middle classes have now is the means to get out of the multicultural hell holes the poor are forced to live in.
Not for them the issues with violence, thievery, and the rape of kids, and the only experience they have of Islam, is what the BBC tells them – and it appears that alas, they believe every word of it.
They are truly shocked when they find out the truth from someone, often to the point that they cannot believe it and often think the complainant has some ulterior motive.
This kind of denial leads to the demonization of the lower orders, hence the incomprehension of the Middle Classes over the Brexit vote, and the reason they believe the ones who voted for it were ‘uneducated’.
Their naïve isolation breeds views which are leading us down a path of polarisation, where the workers & shirkers are branded ‘far right’ simply for seeing a different world to the wealthy elite.
Gated communities in wealthy enclaves means never even having to meet someone from a ethnic background and the world view which stems from that.
But they do see people from ethnic backgrounds but they aren’t ‘diverse’ goat-herders, they are fellow bubble-dwellers who have been through the public schools and Oxbridge and talk and think like them.
Sarfraz Manzoor is an example and in a rare bit of BBC honesty he went In Search Of Moderate Muslims. What he found shocked him. Children of parents who had left Pakistan were deliberately taking up the hijab in a revolt against those self-same parents who ‘had betrayed Islam’. He came to realise that in his world he had been ‘the only Muslim in the village’ and he had adapted and been accepted. The Muslims of the northern and midland towns now run the village and neither adapt to or accept the culture of the displaced.
Except Sarfraz Manzoor went to Lea Manor High School and Luton Sixth Form College, followed by Economics and Politics at Manchester University, and a master’s degree in Documentary Production at Salford University. Hardly Oxbridge!
I find it difficult to believe that a Muslim man who lived most of his life in Luton was genuinely surprised at the behaviour of Muslims in Britain, and my own view given his siblings traditional Islamic horrible beliefs is that he is an apostate unwilling to tell because of the consequences, and shining a spotlight on what he already knew to be the truth.
As such he needed a community and found one in the tolerant white British community.
London and the Home counties are not representative though of the rest of the UK where the so called white flight has occurred.
I mentioned Manzoor not for his specific background, more his attitude, and, of course, because he articulated it in his radio programme. We are talking about of minority of minorities here!
I’ve no doubt that ‘Oxbridge’ examples aplently can be found in the legal and medical professions.
Many of us will have had that experience of having the single ‘other’ join our group at school, university or work. Usually they fit in one way or another, we all get along. We might even get a favourable impression of them which, in the absence of any other information we apply to others of their kind. (I find that I think well of Malaysians, not that I have met many, but that is because we had a very nice Malaysian student teacher at school when I was eight.) Away from the group that ‘other’, amongst their own, could well behave in ways that we wouldn’t like. Activities like ‘team building’ often reveal things about others that really one is better not knowing, ‘what happens at home, stays at home’.
Thoughtful, as I walk through my local town I see the Waynettas pushing their buggies whilst having one ear glued to their iPhone or whatever. Me, the middle class taxpayer? I am the one with the pay as you go old Nokia.
But we have to wonder at those living on benefits. Now it is not only the extremely large tv, but a phone for every child plus internet access that are essential. I haven’t even thought about Sky tv. At least £1,000 a year perhaps?
Tony Blair allocated a large sum for libraries to be equipped with computers and Internet access to be provided free for the users but not the tax payer. I guess nobody uses them now.
So I suggest Thoughtful, that the middle classes are the ones with the worse phones, the smaller TVs, and yes I have my Miele washing machine, but with less repairs and a long life, it works out cheaper.
But I think you are right about white flight. Going to a GPs in London with my daughter once where during a long wait after her appointment time, I saw at least two threats to the receptionist, never seen in my local doctors.
The middle class I’m talking about are the upper end. The ones with salaries in the £100K pa region.
Head Masters & their deputies
Council chief execs and their fellow execs
Health service managers
Doctors & senior medical staff
Senior civil servants
Politicians (especially the ones who don’t live in the area they represent).
The odd company director
Notice that the vast majority of these people are employed by the state and have a vested interest in government spending.
Senior police officers.
Senior lefty “Academics” doing social sciences, that is, doing SFA of any value and usually with negative outcomes for the UK.
Any lefty not in overpaid employment can apply to the back scratchers union and have their back scratched. Small appearance on AlBeeb, nice fee and expenses, paid for by us. Small article in the Marxxie press, nice fee and expenses, paid for, indirectly, by us.
Temporary job as a “researcher” for some lefty twat or some organisation of lefty twats, very nice fee, very nice expenses. Leading to very full time salary(ies) in lefty “Charities” and very lefty QUANGO(s), all with very full time expenses, performing unnecessary tasks badly, very very part time: all paid for, indirectly by us, again.
Who votes Labour? Those on benefits, public sector employees, non- whites.
The non-productive, the barely productive, the counter productive.
As a Scot , I find this disgusting. In fact, I am almost tempted to support England. The BBC website is anti-England and pro-Scotland. This is ridiculous. Bias what bias ? We do not need to be patronised by the racist frigging BBC.
Grant, I was born in Clydebank but have been down south for so long I consider myself British as much as anything. All I want is fairness.
Scotland seem to have got the monkey off their back finally. If it is as exiting as last night’s game I will be happy.
ITV screened the match with wait for it, an English commentator! BBC don’t have an English commentator for any games, but are quite happy to use Eddie Butler for Welsh matches.
Apparently viewers are angry with BBC bias produced by Laura Keensberger over Brexit.
‘BBC is using licence fee money for anti-Brexit propaganda and when we’re out the British public will get revenge by abolishing BBC and Lords
Twitter user’
In 1941, Laura Kuenssberg’s Granddad wrote a book for the Nazis called “Schwurgebärde und Schwurfingerinterpretation” which presumably means “Oath gesture and Oath finger interpretation” It was used by the Nazis to swear an oath to Hitler by raising the hand with two fingers in a “Fuck off” or “Victory” position.
“A diverse range of skills was the mantra for non-executives needed for the new BBC Board. So far, we have a largely-retired 70-year-old white male Scottish tv executive, born to a Jewish family in Glasgow, speaking for Scotland, and a 57-year-old campaigning lesbian management consultant”
Off topic but here’s a challenge !
Any ideas about A.C .Grayling and his contempt for all the uneducated ignorant plebs who voted Brexit?
I suggest a limerick competition for us all.
Lots of rhyming opportunities….
I switched on BBC News at 7:25am and the first words I heard was “…Syrian imigrant…”.
They were telling the story of a Syrian Chef who ran 3 restaurants in Syria then fled due to the war. He then walked, jogged, cycled through 10 countries to Calais. He admitted he then jumped onto a lorry to gain entry to the UK, claimed asylum, given a house in London, cooked for a lady who then insisted he work in her restaurant. Then cut to 30 white Champagne Socialists trying his food and drooling to the camera about how great his cooking is.
At no point did the BBC question why he travelled through 10 countries before claiming asylum or why he entered the country illegally or ask him about his financials back home and whether he could buy his own house in the UK?
Some key points from this video…
0m56s “we want a bigger house”
1m48s he tells us his entire family are scattered around the world. He left his parents in Jordan (i.e. a safe place)
3m43s he tells us how the UK Gov gives him £70 a week so he can get even fatter and smoke all day long and drink expensive coffee.
5m14s BBC caption “immigrants like him have been getting a hard time from some of the Leave campaign”
6m54s His family get a bigger council house – hooray! but his family won’t let the cameras in as they want “privacy”.
The rest of the video is about how he cannot (or will not) integrate with English people.
Again, the BBC make no attempt to ask questions why he left his parents or why he had to make his way to the UK when any Arabic speaking country would have been better for his future.
I imagine the £70 a week given from our Government to this “teenager” might have been the sweetener.
With his parents being in Jordan it is highly likely that he is in fact not Syrian but Jordanian.
I suppose at least he wants to try to ‘fit in’ with English people – if there are any living in London, its better than the Pakis who just want to live in Ghettos and never even want to talk to their British neighbours.
The troubling thing is that he gets more money than a British ‘job seeker’ and they cannot suspend his benefits to save money.
The other thing the BBC don’t tell is that the idiot who lets him stay at his flat who has a Greek father (thanks EU) is being paid by the UK taxpayer, and the horrible leftie woman who goes to Croydon with him is also being paid by the UK taxpayer.
The whole thing stinks, and it’s done so the government doesn’t get its hands dirty by paying directly for these people.
It’s a little like the lie that asylum seekers don’t get as much money as UK nationals in benefits, when in reality they get much more, with utility bills and council tax, no bedroom tax and 6 monthly ‘bonus’ payments running into three figures supposedly to pay for clothes, plus financial help from the government funded charities as well.
The government claims it is not paying asylum seekers as much as UK claimants, but in knowing that the money it is giving to charity who pass it on to asylum seekers. Technically it might be true the government is not paying them more but the reality is very different
My Saturday food shop adventure this morning, Lib dems are canvassing in the town centre with a petition to pressure the local council to house a Syrian refugee family. Two little blond girls (roughly 8-9 years old) were going about with placards accosting passers by to sign. These unfit parents are using their young daughters to ASK for Syrian refugees to be given local housing! This is a nightmare.
I would like the BBC news to highlight the machete attack information. The Swedish rape statistics and the Paris riot situation. Any factual information to inform the public that the taking in of so-called “refugees” is dangerous.
I did an online search when I returned home. The Lib Dems Website claims that “with every other Kent council having pledged support, we are looking shamefully isolated in not offering support to Syrian refugees”
The same Lib Dem website claims to be “working for you”
Shamefully isolated?
We should have been celebrating our resistance not trying to break it down. We are purportedly a conservative stronghold. That didn’t stop our Tory safeseat MP from voting remain though. Traitors all round!
Lucy, I wouldn’t even listen to the pompous arses who are on the KCC as ‘members’ (a euphemism for dicks), and quite a lot who ‘work’ there, perhaps in a senior over-paid post for a year or so, then get shifted to another office to do bugger all there as well. Don’t ever expect to get an answer from Highways.
The disgrace of the hugely eye-watering payments made to the ‘Chief Executive’ some time ago, after she did absolutely nothing for only a few months, needs to be aired on a monthly basis. Just a few numbers here if anyone can be bothered to look at them.
My poll tax bill came in today. £1,440.78, just for KCC alone. Sod them all. My pension was totally raped by Gordon Brown, and again by Cameron/Osborne, and again recently by Hammond to pay for these lazy bloody idiots.
Some time ago, the Lib Dems ruined a superb opportunity to make the M20 interchange at Bearsted a hive of industry with thousands of jobs, saying they’d support the plan, then when the time came, cowardly backing off in committee, and whimpering in a corner. Farron is a twat and deserves nothing more than a bloody good slapping. Perhaps he was still at school when the Lib Dems did that.
It’s no use listening to the bBeeb South East, as all they prattle on about is enough to write on the back of a postage stamp. They’re totally obsessed with fat patients, fat families, fat and ugly people, fat ugly and immigrants, fat things and then more fat.
So drunkers Junckers jokes – it would be nice if the UK were to re-join the EU sometime in the future – so Remainers, just chill !
Meanwhile the EU summit proceeds but since none know what to do or where to go and can’t even agree on what they don’t want, it’s a bit tense.
Should they have an EU Public Prosecutor for instance? Move to greater or lesser unification? What speed for unification? So they now postulate a choice for individual nations desired speed for greater unification. But Poland, for example, feel they might be disadvantaged by choosing the slow lane. We won’t mention the financial problems or the migrant situation or the terrorism.
The on-going benefits of diversity, cultural enrichment and the importing of cheap labour:-
“BERLIN – Police have ordered a shopping mall in the western German city of Essen not to open after receiving credible tips of an imminent attack.
The shopping center and the adjacent parking lot stayed closed Saturday morning as over a hundred police officers searched the compound.
The German news agency dpa reported that the downtown mall, one of the biggest in the region, would be closed for the entire day.
Police in Essen could not immediately be reached for more details”
This is my perennial complaint: radio 4 extra is now primarily the womens station but increasingly it’s becoming the ethnic womens station. Oh, there are some programmes with English men in them but they are either pseudo-educational, showing men in a bad light or you have to be an insomniac if you want to listen to them. It’s got to the point now where I change to another station almost as soon as I’ve tuned into R4Extra. The women and the ethnics have effectively been allowed to occupy every part of the bbc with nothing on offer for white English men.
John in Cheshire
There is something very strange going on within feminism.
This photo represents something I have argued about – there is a biological basis for feminist support of the invaders; they want refugees as studs.
That poor Canadian judge who told some alleged rape victim to keep her knees together-that poor lady judge who said that getting blotto on drink and amyl nitrate hardly helps you NOT to get raped? Well both are in the liberal cesspit today. And both surely can use this picture at appeal when they get their compo or jobs back.
This has got to be a put up job-but given the left and their mental health attention seeking issues( Boxus Coxus)-it might well be genuine. Looks like a tribute act for Olive from On the Buses, so maybe she`s serious.
ChrisH – I really can’t see what that Canadian judge said is in anyway wrong. It’s not really any different to saying that you shouldn’t leave your car unlocked with the keys in the ignition if you don’t want it to be stolen. It’s basic common sense in my opinion.
RE My legs etc.
This is the Tory secret weapon (borrowed, as usual, from UKIP) to bring down immigration numbers rapidly.
Should work with vast numbers heading for Antarctica to find a safe space!
Had to laugh at Owen Jones giving up social media for being on the receiving end of the sort of abuse that he’s spent his career stirring up and encouraging.
The BBC article begins by telling us “Owen says he has been threatened with “torture and murder” by far right extremists.” Before going on to reveal that the perpetrators are far left extremists.
eg Dippy Allen
“27 Feb 2017 – Lily Allen has decided to quit Twitter after online trolls attacked her over the death of ”
Well she’s sent 10 tweets in the last 24 hours
I remember not so long ago that Lineker proclaimed exactly the same thing, and was quitting Twitter because of the abuse – and because he was ‘addicted’ to it. Clearly didn’t last long.
I get really p…..d off with these planks, who believe we are really interested in their lives. Surely if they had enough friends in ‘real’ life they wouldn’t need to resort to uploading their thoughts. (Same goes for the rest of the world actually !)
Krankie and her squat little partner will no doubt dismiss the England/Scotland drubbing (61/21 if you missed it) as another example of English chitting, but our friends at the BBC must be rather relieved. Having joined the long list of major fixtures the world’s top broadcaster failed to cover, making excuses for such an inept Scotch performance would have sorely tried even Eddie Butler’s abilities to minimise English achievements. All in the name of fair play, of course.
Eddie Butler is probably the worst rugby commentator ever used by the beeb. He nearly always gets the state of play wrong, and dribbles inane comments at random in such an irritating way, I’ve often just turned the sound down and watched the game in silence.
Having to watch the match in ITV, at least I now know what a Peugeot Super-Bastard 709 Turbo-fecker Injection Electric Arseclench Self porking diesel-guzzler is!
Just think, if the stupid beeb took on ads like this, and were stripped of their ‘Charter’ (fake contract), we’d all be better off, and who knows, they might do an article on Luton for Vauxhall, who by then will be making Peugeot Super-Bastard 709 Turbo-fecker Injection Electric Arseclench Self porking diesel-guzzlers…
Oh wait, shurely not Luton, I mean to say, gosh, it’s not exactly English now is it…
Says it all Mice Height.
Surprised they`ve not knitted their rainbow-patterned mittens to go with their hats.
At least when we leave the EU,we`ll be able to export some henna for those beards( and plastic ones for those without the testosterone). Oh-and wondering if the local nail bar does filthy nicotine stained toenail extentions in a curly style?
Enterprising or what?
Trouble is Mice – With the tories still in the thrall of the MSM and the libtards, by the time we get out of Europe we wont be much better than either Germany or Sweden ourselves.
The politicians know they must stop the migration now – yet they do not have the political guts or do not wish to do what needs to be done. Remember Theresas record on limiting migration is about as sound as Jimmy Savilles record with children. Imagine the sad faces and sobbing children as they are put back onto the plane – The BBC would have a field day – Think she could do it? no me either!
When we had all these thirty something “vulnerable” children coming here – did the home office admit the piss was being taken – No the only action that was taken was to put up screens so the “children didnt have to suffer the indignity of anyone commenting that they hadnt shaved very well!
We are meant to be controlling our own borders soon but where are the orders for new patrol vessels? where are our new border guards? Doesnt make sense does it? – anyone would think that Theresa isnt really that interested in controlling migration. And remember migration is counted as net migration which is the difference between the numbers leaving the country when compared to the numbers coming in – Therefore if ten brits leave the UK and twenty somalians enter the UK the net migration figure into the UK is only ten. Nice little slight of hand that!
What I find so hard to understand is the evidence is out there in front of our eyes that Islam (as is taught in the koran) Is totally incompatible with our Western values. It is violent, misoginist and domineering Yet still these gullible Eloi will go to the greatest lengths imaginable to deny the truth and support Islams aggressive expansion in the West.
I really dont care about anyones skin colour but when groups of people force their way illegally into our country and then try and change our culture to their culture – I get pissed off.
Why these Libtards think that Islam will tolerate their “progressive” lifestyle – I cannot fathom. All I can assume is that they must all have some sort of appeasement or stupidity gene. One thing is for sure we face a long fight.
I agree with every word, Oaknash.
Just imagine the Tories’ poll ratings if their budget proposed a drastic cut in foreign aid waste.
They seem more concerned with Guardian/BBC headlines than with the views and wellbeing of the electorate.
“White men are becoming an “endangered species” in top business jobs as companies take on more women and ethnic minorities, Tesco’s chairman has said.”
Its not just just in Uk board rooms , its Television presenters etc.
Any foreigner looking at AL Beeb TV would think that the population of Great Britain is entirely made up of ‘ethnics.
“Judge accused of ‘victim-blaming’ over rape comments”
The next time you are out ‘on the pull’ boys, carry a breathalyser and a consent form.
Women who get rat-arsed are at greater risk of being raped.What sane person could disagree with that? Maybe someone could point me to any research to the contrary?
After all they keep telling us they are responsible for their own uterus but when drunk and in charge of a uterus – different rules apply: The state then must facilitate the murder of any unborn that may result. Shagging without due care is no crime.
The default auto-reply was to suggest that the Judge was wrong, all wrong and very wrong.
The correct response apparently is to suggest that no man should consider taking advantage of a pie eyed woman. That might work in La La Land but not planet Earth.
Totally agree Gaxvil – But I am afraid that these days in the world of the left the denial of human nature and the taking offense at “common sense” advice is all the rage.
I suppose this is for two reasons
No1 You have the oversensitive “foot soldiers – who may or may not have been directly affected by the issues mentioned – And who may or may not share some responsibility for what happened to them and probably (quite justifiably) carry a lot of anger . Please dont get me wrong a woman has a right to go where she wants – pissed or not – but why deliberately put yourself in harms way knowing that there are scumbags in certain areas who will take advantage? You would not perch an electric bar fire on the edge of a bath and get in so surely to give a little common sense advice is not an unreasonable?
No2 And far more unpleasant – You have the feminazi/left policy makers (eg Hattie) who just want to turn our world, culture and all its accepted social norms upside down. Unfortunately many of these people have insidiously wormed themselves and their worldview into positions of responsibilities in the MSM, education and government. Many of them are intelligent but emotionally stunted and think that by changing our culture and social norms, some sort of “Compassionate, socialist, pro woman (which really means anti men) society will just coalesce around their leadership and we will all live happily ever after….
What they forget is – Some of their chosen political bedfellows also want to change our world but in a way much less “woman friendly” than now. This particular group is much more single minded in their approach to changing the world to their way of thinking.
I think if the sistas dont wise up soon then maybe they should practice their emancipation by trying on a hijab or two – “You never know sistas you might one day come to love it – And I hear that Marks and Sparks also now stock a range of liberating burkinis! Who knows sistas – it may save you a black eye one day from the old man”
The BBC are having an SJW orgasm over the Tesco man’s comments about women and ethnic minorities having a huge advantage when applying for top jobs. True but hurtful, and in Lefty Lalaland feelings always trump facts.
They go on to quote statistics about the percentage of women and ethnic minorities on boards. Do most women really want all that responsibility, to devote their entire lives to work in the way that ultra competitive, goal-oriented men do? No wage or job title could be as fulfilling as motherhood is for many women. Is that such a bad thing? Of course not. Men and women look to flourish in different ways.
The really stupid thing about this is that now so many women are expected to look after the children, do the housework AND have a career! My brother’s wife gets up at 5 to do an hour of housework, goes to work in the city then deals with the kids and more housework when she gets back. I am sure that is the case in many households. Nice work feminists!
Never used to get these kinds of stories once.
Who knows or cares what a Tesco bloke says, whether he was taped undercover or not. He`s a businessman, not one of their media monkeys.
A role of the left is to make common sense some kind of offence once said.
Makes the Left language border police apoplectic. It`s THEIR job to tell us all what`s to be said and thought-not some off piste Tescos bloke.
Hope someone is logging these SJW sorties into the real world-they really should not be given anything but a mocking.
As for feminism-the Left has long forced women out to work-breaks up the family, foments the feminist segment of grievance, makes men drop dead early in that their one wage is no longer an option as it once was…and allows all those lesbians into social services, prison work or overseeing Fathers For Justice basket cases at Mc Donalds or Surestart.
Let`s hope that we get no apology here-just a blast at the Twatters at the BBC.
Not too that it`s all about THEIR tranche of job specs they care for-boardrooms, sports quango media spokespoppets etal.
Never hear them fussing over women ending up wrung out and broken backed in care homes or school cleaning do they?…they don`t seem to WANT those jobs, nay more than they seek equal quotas emptying bins or humping white good at the landfill.
All the public sector dead at the Twin Towers would surely have been blokes-but THAT final sacrifice never got a mention-women don`t do such things, dare I suggest?
Earlier in the week
: Simon Mayo was interviewing the Times ‘journalist’, Caitlin Moran.
She’s written a book on what would be her manifesto.
He asked what would be the key thing she would do if she had power.
“Well, Simon, I would teach children how to tell the difference between true and false in the news on the web.
I would show them how they can trust sources like The Guardian and BBC compared to other sources (unnamed – but I guess she meant the Daily Mail)”
Unlike my dad who was a miserable Manager of a Department of a major national firm. I seemed to have happily dodged responsibility for others in the same way as my Grandfather who refused appointment to the board of a senior aircraft company, as an attempt by the boss to keep him from retiring before the completion of a major project in the 1960,s. We both seemed to get into a position of being probably the highest paid independent non-management jobs in our companies. I think they now call it Consultancy. Freedom, but with responsibility for others in an emergency. I bet they now comply with left-wing politics by filling the boardroom with women and ethnics, but then rely on turning the white males into independent consultants. I read that that tactic was used by the British government when it decolonised Africa. But then it would all fall apart when after a Military cue the African government would sack the white male consultants.
Also how often does a girl get with someone when her boyfriend is away, feel guilty about it and then claim it was rape as she supposedly could not remember? I am sure that happens a lot and with devestating consequences for the men involved but according to the PC mindset women can only ever be victims, which is total bollocks.
Yet another puff piece from the BBC just on.
Al too quick to blame “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest” and “the tabloids” for the “negative portrayal” of “mental illness”.
Lots of Alastair Campbell to get more counselling at our expense-not so much about Christopher Clunis-type of murders when we don`t take the dangers of mental illness getting ignored or trivialised.
Enoch got a name check-Maggie not so much. But these two(oddly enough) DO have some culpability re the new dangers of undiagnosed, untreated paranoid schizoid behaviour (not that we could possibly call it that any more, as the Beeb tells us).
And not a peep re Islam getting rolled into the whole dogs dinner of positivist diagnoses, nothing about the Drugs Legalisation role in this mess.
Basically another excusing programme that makes alm mental issues a therapeutic issue-not a cover for some evil and criminal types like Sutcliffe.
Thankfully, didn`t hear a word about Spike-or Ruby or Stephen Fry-Jo Brand. All of who seem to do quite well out of their licensed victim role play scripts for Planet Liblobotomy.
Someone recommended an author who wrote something about liberals having no common sense, I cannot remember his name. But I looked him up on YouTube and he has a brilliant bit of stand-up about how liberals are only able to reach the top of their professions as they have jobs where they do not have to do anything, such as journalism or academia. The news is on at 6 as it is when people who actually do stuff have stopped doing stuff, and the liberals just comment on what has been done without doing anything. They have talking heads’ on tv which shows how little they do as they can do their job without using their bodies; the phrase ‘it’s academic’ means it does not actually matter.
How do you go about shoehorning in a proportionate number of women and ethnic minorities to highly skilled roles in a company? I imagine it is highly complex and if you get it wrong there could be disastrous consequences. What if you give the job to the wrong person and their poor judgment ends up losing thousands of people their jobs?
I would like to see some of these SJW chumps try and run a massive company like Tescos. I bet they could not run a whelk stall.
Like all Orwellian rules, I think companies plan for these problems by just putting women and ethnics on seats of boards, but then appoint white male consultants who would have been appointed to the board if it wasn’t for the Orwellian political correctness. And then these low profile white male consultants would make sure things would continue smoothly, by making sure the token women and ethnics did not cause cock ups and disasters.
@nogginator posted in the last thread March 11, 2017 at 5:45 pm
Real News – Man shot in Malmo
Sweden – massive police activity and now a huge area sealed off, victims condition is unknown as violence continues to escalate
BBC News – White House in distress signal … distress?,
That wouldn’t be the Donald “Sweden, look what s happening in Sweden” Trump Whitehouse, would it?
“White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer opened his daily press briefing on Friday with his American flag lapel pin upside down”
“Distress” sheesh! give me a break.
And now on the equality, diversity obsessed bBBC news.
We have 80000 people at Twickenham to watch the Calcutta Cup rugby match.
Followed by about 200 people somewhere to see the equally reported Women’s Calcutta Cup rugby match.
These are equivalent, in bBBC la la land.
All reported by errr…. a female Asian reporter.
Pass the sick bag.
And-may your cup flow over-I see that the S.Korean Winter Paralympic Games is coming up.
Bet there was loads of competitive tender for that, so well done to the BBC for getting it for us all.
Can`t wait-disability scooters on snowboards hurtling down sacred mountains as the President is on trial and the nuclear practice over the border lights up the skies. That`s at least two weeks off work as we stay up all night to see white disabled people win all before them.
Got to be hideously white has it not?…or are we in Cool Runnings/Bob Marley dreadzone here?
Judge Lindsey Kushner apparently warned in court that girls who drink heavily increase their chances of getting raped. Sounds so sensible to me that you wouldn’t think young ladies couldn’t work this out for themselves. But tonight’s BBC1 News managed to find 2 women who were offended by the judge’s remarks. Now as far as I understood it, trying to remove the Beeb’s bias, her remarks related to the case in front of her. Equally, as far as I understand it, the Judge was not saying all rapes were of drunk women. Sometimes I don’t think the sisterhood helps young women and offence is far too easily taken.
Like every lefty, liberal, feminist, gender bending, foreign, cream puff and wussy pussy is on a permanent default to be offended by everyone and everything in this World – it is the greatest tragedy of our age.
We right wing, mysoganist, racist, neo Nazis just don’t get a look in.
As an aside, I have a very keen suspicion that the purveyors of the fake news as parodied here are both insightful as to their treachery and the insight the rest of us have of it……..
I will be fascinated in the next few years to see how they attempt to justify their behaviours during the current era…..
I think I touched on this in another post. The left generally appear to come from the liberal “over educated classes” where politically there is only one game in town.
Because of this they possess an in built arrogance and single minded approach that they are right and therefore feel that they have a moral right and indeed obligation to impose their version of the truth on us lesser mortals.
One famous Goebbels quote was “We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.”
“Ofcom, the telecoms regulator, said on Friday that BT had agreed to “legally separate” Openreach – the division that owns and operates the UK’s broadband network.”
Ok then lets “legally separate” Al Beeb from a new government funded, impartial news channel.
Al Beeb to be self funding by adverts or subscription?
Funding by advertising is almost as bad as the BBBC poll tax. The cost of advertising is applied to the cost of the goods and services being advertised and is thus paid by all purchasers regardless of whether or not they watch the programmes.
When the advertisers are blatantly pc and they have editorial control because of their financial control, the programmes become pc as well.
Only with the subscription model do the consumers have the real power to influence what is broadcast.
BBC – 5 Questions you don t ask hijabi s
BBC – Hip in a Hijab, Meet the Mipsterz – “or Muslim Hipsters – just one example of the growing number of articulate, style-conscious, politically-savvy, headscarf-wearing young women who are confronting the cultural stereotypes” ???
BBC Schools – Report: How the hijab can be a fashion statement
BBC – Women in America walked in the shoes of Muslim women, by wearing a hijab
… for World Hijab Day.
Certainly looks like the grovelling appeasers/propagandists of the BBC are going all out, to brainwash us, our children into sharis compliant dhimmis
Then check out these pictures … going backwards?
truly, the world turned upside down
Earlier promo :”In a few minutes on Radio 4: Sunday: Child refugees’ mental health, Sport hijab, Bishop Philip
…Nike has become the first major sports clothing brand to launch a sport hijab. World Thai kickboxing champion Ruqsana Begum explores what this could mean for Muslim women’s participation in sport.”
Feedbacks talking head-Roger Bolton-lays into the BBC re their pathetic, clueless coverage of religion. And his fear that it`ll disappear or get even shittier if Songs Of Praise is given to the “private sector”-who do Welsh shows.
NO strategy-no religious literacy but plenty arty sporty types-no senior lead, no-one taking control-just a vague notion from New Labours James Purnell.
So Roger feeds back-and gets a taste of his own medicine-namely a crap phone line and the BBC shill in the studio being turned up.
This was on Sunday this morning…well I`ll be!
That the BBC are Godless Islamic cock ringers?…THAT is news?
WE need to hear MORE about Islam.
It was World Modesty Week Fashion Show this week…my dears, all those hijabs and glimpses of sock.
How outre-but it`s a growing market this Muslim one. Apparently there`s money in it on the Whitechapel Road, before the police get called and the stock gets hidden.
Ah well-we`ll look fondly back on Twiggy, Chrissie and even anorexic druggie girlieboys like Kate-heroin chic indeed!
And they can be as fat as they like under that lot can`t they?
So no need to crop shop the models from now on. Tell Sadiq.
Taffman, if there was ever a graphic example of why Europe’s open border policy is a total failure this is it. Geert Wilders must be rubbing his hands. And the EU was proposing fast-tracking Turkey’s membership in return for a migrant deal. They might want to re-think that one.
The BBC have on their frontpage as a “3 things we love today” featured News article – a story of mind-numbing triviality.
The headline on the Frontpage as of now is: “Seven Nuns at Seven Sisters Causes a Social Media Stir.”
Here is the link to the Frontpage: scroll down to their “3 things we love today”
Here is a direct link to the article which is headlined “Seven nuns pictured at Seven Sisters – but some say there are nine”. It shows a picture of Seven Nuns minding their own business at a train station, one is talking to an old man. The article starts: “Seven nuns have been pictured at Seven Sisters station in London by a passing commuter. Ben Patey, 33, was on a train when he saw the real-life seven sisters waiting on the platform.”
Talk about a non-story, with the BBC taking yet another opportunity to poke fun at Christian Britain, which it sees as an oddity and an anachronism. This story is also another example of the BBC using ordinary peoples images without their permission.
Yesterday all the newspapers carried it as a cheap giggle story.
The BBC lives in mediaBubbleworld, so just copied them, unaware that what works in a newspaper isn’t the same for the web.
People on the internet have different choice of ‘interesting pictures’
Please listen to a download of World Service programme In The Balance. I woke early and old habits are hard to break, so I clicked on the radio not with the intention of catching the BBC out so I can post on here but just to have a quick listen. If you want absolute truth regarding the one sided, so obviously biased broadcaster this has to be the production to prove how evil the envy of world broadcasting has become. Firstly the title IN THE BALANCE. There was nothing balanced about it. The entire farce of this rubbish I was subjected too had an agenda. Because Geert Wilders and his party are actually popular and waking up people to the truth and reality of multiculturalism the BBC had to do what ever it takes in an attempt to stamp out, destroy, vilify anyone who dares to feel uneasy and uncomfortable about immigration. Using the word populist has become a derogatory term to denigrate and annihilate those who question the new world order. What is referred is that being a populist means you are racist. How fucking dare the BBC air such disgusting contrived propaganda and call it IN THE BALANCE. Even before it started the promo used the words ANTI EU AND ANTI IMMIGRATION. Then we get the following ……global citizen…..harmonious, international, international economy creates jobs, American woman born in South Africa who has an Italian mum and a Dad from Cypress, importance of internationalisation, local people new people are the same, connect people not seperate people, hopeful future, less groundswell of populism, 4 year olds to be taught of multicultural awareness. It’s obviously anything but balanced. How frustrating it must be says the reporter trying to create these wonderful goals in such a political climate. There was not one mention of Islam nor any discussion about the terms of immigrant, refugee, economic migrant, invader. The very reason for unrest is because of programmes like this failing to address in a balanced way why something is seriously wrong. I am so stunned by what I’ve heard especially after being subjected to the Henk and Ingrid story yesterday. It takes pure audacity to keep producing shit like this. I won’t be able to make any further comments because I will never switch on BBC again
however I will continue to enjoy the biased BBC forums and comments.
You mean this prog
What do Foreign Workers do for the Netherlands?
will be reteated Sunday 22:30pm
I saw the title yesterday, but decided not to download it , on blood pressure grounds, cos in the balance has a reputation for MetroBubbleworld agenda pushing.
Part of a multi-part BBC Campaign
Here’s Newsnight March 7th
operation #StopWilders : Like the NYT the BBC SJW missionary departments have been deployed.
.. (After their success in operation #StopBrexit and operation #StopTrump)
operation #StopWildrers
Someone dissects them here
WARPING THE TRUTH ABOUT WILDERS It's tough to be Moroccan in the Netherlands. Just ask the BBC
and some more #StopWilders progs from BBC this week
A Look at Holland’s Contentious Election
The Netherlands goes to the polls on 15th March. Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders’ PVV party has led in the opinion polls at times during the election campaign. Anna Holligan takes a look
– Business Daily, Netherlands Vote: Is Populism …
2 days ago – Right-wing anti-immigration, anti-EU politicians like Geert Wilders have done well in the polls despite the country’s deep ties with its European neighbours
Tmw R4 Analysis : Holland’s Challenge to Tolerance
“Why is liberal, tolerant Netherlands home to one of Europe’s most successful anti-immigration, anti-Islamic parties?
Geert Wilders’ radical right-wing Party For Freedom (PVV) – which wants to close mosques and ban the Qur’an – will be one of the biggest in the new Dutch parliament. ”
(probably a rework of the Henk and Ingrid programme)
So Louise the Weather girl gushes about it being hotter then Rome yesterday morning .
Today it is going to be colder than Rome eh Louise ? remind me what your point is again here . Tomorrow we will be colder than Barbados and hotter than Iceland.
I just don’t understand your comparisons, are they supposed to mean something?, is there a subliminal climate change / Global warming meme you are trying to push when it suits Louise? pray tell us plebs
They are chatting to an imam on BBC news, nice bit of early morning Taqqiya. There is an article suggesting Islamic preachers should have to preach in English and he says they should not. The BBC presenters just nod along. Yeah, let’s all just roll over. Let them preach in another tongue, we can trust them!
What, like this do you mean?
Arab-speaking followers of BBC Biased (!نعم، هناك بعض) will note that whilst not totally eliminated, the number of trivial race/gender/sexuality stories is somewhat less than on the English language version. Now, I wonder why that is?
This Imam is frequently used by the BBC on Sundays to ‘review ‘ the papers. In effect the item is just an excuse to peddle the view that Muslims are ‘just like us’ and to push a Muslim agenda . Today we had a grievance issue about ‘child’ migrants. There should have been 3000 and now it’s only 300. It’s old news as Amber Rudd announced opposition to the Dubbs amendment some time ago . Also, most Britons don’t want more child migrants so Muslims will just have to concentrate on other forms of migration and high birth rates to achieve their aims .
Bout time we got out there and made it plain that we agree to becoming, ‘just like Muslims’. That would cause multiple heart failure within the senior management of MI5! Over 600 terrorists being currently tracked, each requiring 36 agents (we are told) for 24hr coverage all-year-round. Let me see, that’s 600 x 36 = 21,600 agents on my reckoning.
Hardware stores will claim sales of axes and kitchen knives have “topped” (forgive me) all previous peaks. All good for the economy, including undertakers.
Grant, that’s why the security services are being overwhelmed. Clearly you can’t put 600 Muslims under full surveillance. Oh I forgot , how many of these 600 are nasty racust white supremacists ? According to the BBC there is at least equivalence between Islamists and the ‘ far right.’ So beware of the suspicious looking white guy in your local shopping centre!
Non-story… freedom of speech means people can talk whatever language they want among themselves.
BUT at the government office they have to speak the local language.
ie British Expats at their church on Costa Blanca should speak English
but at the government office they should speak Catalan or Spanish.
Preaching violence is illegal in whatever language.
‘Medicine not too white.’
An SJW crusader rants about how massively over-represented non-whites are in medicine. He interviews poor white boys about how unfair it is. Imagine earning six figures for forty years! They interview a young white mechanic on a zero-hours contract.
‘Football not white enough.’
They express their dismay at how massively over-represented black men are in football and demand quotas for white boys. How can they be so under-represented in what is every young boy’s dream job? So unfair!
‘White and British.’
A programme about those terrible oppressors – the tea-drinking, polite Morris dancers whose culture is so oppressive that everyone in the world wants to come and thrive there.
What IS the proportion of drugs dispended re their colour? All hideously white, not near enough black and brown ones.
Should all come in small hijabs and red beards.
The Pharmacy Union types want to take action on pharmacists that refuse to give out HIV drugs or contraceptives at short notice. No longer will they be able to cite conscience as an excuse…
Wonder what faith we`re talking about-the BBC and the General Pharmacy Council don`t seem able to tell us who`s doing this.
Send in the sniffer dogs…in an Uber…er….bloody Baha`i again!
What have the BBC been hiding under their Dutch cap?
One can often tell those times when the BBC are HAVING TO bring us news. What I mean is those news items the BBC is uncomfortable with – the stories they would rather keep the lid on but have to mention, at least in passing, because the story is getting out there anyway via other broadcasters, the internet or the printed press.
So it goes this morning with events in Holland. It is easy to tell that BBC news editors and presenters are disconcerted by the issues raised by the story – you can tell this type of ‘non-BBC story’ by certain warning signs. The first indication is that the story appears to have blown up into seriousness very rapidly and unexpectedly. Somehow events have blindsided reporters. In fact of course this is because if you were only following the BBC they had kept the lid on up until things got out of hand. The other warning signs of a ‘non-BBC story’ are the presenters’ obvious discomfort in relaying the news and their news editor’s discomfort expressed by the very short timeslot given to the item. The real significant indicator is that these are never stories which are good news for leftists – they do not fit the BBC’s leftist globalist agenda – they are for example news about such things as the problems with immigration, EU mismanagement or the misbehaviour of leftist politicians.
There’s a good example this morning. Suddenly apparently out of nowhere (unless you are tracking non-BBC news sources) there is a diplomatic bust-up between the Turks and the Dutch – a riotous protest in Holland and the Turkish leader labels the Netherlanders as Nazis.
Considering the BBC’s near obsession with news about our EU membership it has always struck me as odd that we receive such a paucity of news about events in Europe. Supposedly our economic, social and political futures are inextricably linked to continental Europe – so how come the news black out? Could it be that modern newscasting by nature is highly oppositional and critical of authorities and that if applied to states outside of our borders it may have the effect of turning the public against the EU and EU member states? I have a feeling that were the BBC to broadcast more Europe news it would soon have us thanking our lucky stars we’re here in the UK – and, heavens forfend, be pleased that we are heading out of the EU.
Now for a five minute report on an unknown female motor car racer.
Hahaha yeh what was that all about a young girl likes to drive a racing car round a track – is that National news ?
More money for the McCann enquiry didn’t the Portuguese Detective investigate it find out who did it and write a book about it. Maybe Scotland Yard could buy the book? oh that’s right the book is banned in the UK – why would that be?
Spot on again. Yes, there are some stories that the BBC cannot avoid reporting. The BBC love Erdogan because he is a muslim. They ignore the fact the he is a Nazi. He is a murderous dictator who is turning Turkey into a police state. Murder and torture are widespread. Thousands have disappeared. Maybe that is why the cnuts at the BBC love him so much. The BBC is worse than vile.
Dead right AISI.
Who knew eh?…everybody but Eurovision GB.
Islam meets migrants meets Wilders meets the EU meets referendums.
Poor Gabriel Gatehouse will be appalled at how intolerant the Dutch have become. As opposed to those nice Turks who only want an Arab Spring once more.
Oh-might use migrants as hostages to flood the Eu?
Er, well that`ll be cultural.
98 Red Balloons go by-all with nice white crescent moons on them.
MarkyMarkJan 24, 14:48 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Hugh Grant urges police to investigate Sun owners [img][/img]
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Fedup2Jan 24, 14:32 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Another coloured face on the front page – this time a woman who left her 4 young kids at home…
Fedup2Jan 24, 14:28 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Yes – listened to him – he is deranged …. And his version of facilitation of a killer by selling…
Emmanuel GoldsteinJan 24, 14:25 Midweek 22nd January 2025 On Matt Goodwin last night the immigration lawyer (Ivor Sampson?) said it would take too long, decades, to deport all…
vladJan 24, 14:18 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Correction: If it’s a White Supremacist, Run – Hide – Tell. If it’s a Muslim Supremacist, Run – Hide -…
GJan 24, 13:57 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Heard on the 0600 news on R4: “……(Trump makes) the unsubstantiated claim that 11 million had crossed the Southern Border…….”…
Came across the following book in my local library: Can We Trust The BBC, Robin Aitken, 2007. The author was an a BBC reporter for 25 years. I am currently reading it, and the situation within the BBC is far worse than I imagined and has been going on for longer.
Many of the narratives we grew up with were due to the narratives pushed by the monopolistic and all pervading BBC and those that took control of it. In my opinion the BBC has probably done more damage to indigenous Britain than the Cambridge group of Russian spies ever did. BBC Scotland’s relentless anti-English propaganda from the 1980s onwards is the main reason why close to half of the Scottish population are now keen on the idea of independence.
I haven’t read it but must try to. Have posted often that the BBC is an evil cancer at the heart of Britain.
You could also read this about the development of the BBC censorship policy on Climate science, up till 2011.
The BBC and Climate Change: A Triple Betrayal
Click to access booker-bbc.pdf
A lot has happened since 2011, but the details are all over the place.
You can also read the booklet Blatent Bias Corporation printed in 1973 , original price 35p
Thanks for that link. I think I read Christopher Booker’s piece when it was published, but it’s rather poignant that the points he made remain valid today. The Beebyanka is as hostile now with regard to climate reality as it was six years ago. In the foreword, the late Sir Antony Jay refers to the possibilities presented by shale gas. It has taken a period of time as long as the Second World War to give shale the green (oh, the irony) light. So much for “science”.
This indirect quotation from Alasdair Milne, incompetent Beebyanka gauleiter and father of more-Corbynista-than-Corbyn Seumas Milne, summed up the attitude of our “national broadcaster”, I thought:
“Back in the 1980s, the BBC’s then-director general, Alasdair Milne, liked to say that there was only one issue on which the BBC was proud to admit that it saw no reason to remain ‘impartial’, the apartheid regime in South Africa.”
So the Beebyanka could stay “impartial” in the face of the Soviet nuclear threat; Irish terrorism; Iranian-sponsored terrorism; Mugabe’s oppression in Zimbabwe, with help from North Korea; North Korea itself, of course; Burma; Ceausescu’s collectivisation; Poland’s liberation movement, “Solidarnosc”, and the communists’ violent response to it; the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands; the Stasi; the Mengistu regime and the contrived Ethiopian famine; the Montt regime in Guatemala… (I could continue the list all day)?
Milne, as is clearly customary for his family, was lying, anyway. Was the Beebyanka ever “impartial” about Cuba, Pinochet, or the Sandinistas? Did it ever address the truth about the succubus that British bureaucracy already was? Hardly, since his organisation was already a conspicuous part of it.
I wonder what The Queen really thinks to the BBC and its corruption of Britain, bearing in mind the little titbit that came out about her Brexit comment, when she asked, “why can’t we just do it”?
And we know that she was purring like a cat about the Scottish referendum result, according to ‘Loose Lipped Cameron of Chipping Norton’. So, wouldn’t you would think she could put two and two together and wake up to who her enemy is?
1. The BBC is against a ‘United’ United Kingdom, against Britain, despite its name, the ‘so called’ British Broadcasting Company.
2. The BBC is against Brexit, against Great Britain standing on its own two feet and out of the control of the European dictatorship.
3. The BBC is against President Trump who has put Churchill’s bust back in the White House and loves the UK. It is against our best friend and ally ever, the United States of America.
4. The BBC is against free speech with regard to naming and shaming our enemies within. Those who sneer at us and would destroy our Christian heritage, the heritage of ‘love thy neighbour’. It respects those who rape our children, and those who fight against us here and abroad. It appoints a person as head of its religious department who does not have or believe in our heritage.
If the four points above do not make the BBC an enemy of the United Kingdom, a treasonous and poisonous nest of vipers then we are already living a Utopia where we can just up and open our borders to let the whole third world in to live on our thousand years of civilisation and endeavor.
But then our ‘so called’ governments already did that, didn’t they? And the elite of the BBC just loves that too. Point 5.
So when will Lilibet whisper in Theresa’s ear and tell her to “dump the BBC”?
I suspect that the Queen agrees. And notice that she puts the Commonwealth first and pretty much ignores the EU !
I wonder what will happen to Balmoral if the Scotchish get independence?
The same as your neighbour’s villa in Spain post-Brexit, they will still own it.
The difference would be that HM could still be head of state, as per Canada and Australia.
But after Brexit, the Queen will still rule over bits of Europe.
Some bits of France in the Normandy area, a bit of southern Spain, a chunk of Ireland in the north, a bit of Norway half way between the Danish Faeroe Islands and Bergen and bits of southern Cyprus.
This could be a joke but, the secret Russian code word for Trump is KO3bIPHOU
The bBBC hates England in the main, we are its enemies! Looking at the digital text news this morning, the sports news was mainly about Murray losing, the rest was ancient history. In the golf section for example every bit was from Tournaments that finished a week ago. The rugby was even worse, usually on the days results you get the final score plus who scored what. Guess what, Englands win was never even mentioned.
I used to listen to Radio Scotland most mornings. Almost every day they used to interview Alex Salmond, who as usual, uttered the same old anti-English claptrap. One day, it would be over 15 years ago, Salmond said, “The problem with the English is that they have no culture…”. As I had had enough of his crap I instantly turned the switch off and have not listened to BBC Scotland since. In fact I have not tuned into any BBC television or radio programs over the past 5 years. Its all bullshit.
As a Scot, may I say that the problem with wee Eck is that he has no culture. A deeply ignorant wee jobbie.
Grant – The only culture he has is the type you find in the bottom of a petri dish.
Sometime ago I went to a live recording of the Moral Maze. It was about left wing bias at the BBC. Robin Aitken was there speaking as a witness. He quoted from his book which I made a note of. The discussion was fascinating to watch and listen. Only Michael Portillo agreed with him but they were drowned out by the 3 other lefties on the panel.
It turned out that Aitken had written a further book, republishing the original but with add ons. This was published in 2013. This is titled ‘Can we still trust the BBC’. Either of these books are essential reading. Quire shocking admissions about Beeb behind the scenes. I just wonder how this hasn’t been mentioned before.
No change tonight in the Moral Maze either.
Melanie got told to “pipe down” by Buerk when she dared to say that the Left were guilty of always seeing “the Right” as evil, bad people. Whereas the Right merely thought the Left to be wrong not malicious. A key indicator of what the fundamental problem is with the Left. But Buerk didn`t want to know.
Previously, poor Mel missed the very example of “virtue signalling” that the lefty oafs brought up, namely the “This Is Not A Feminist” T-shirts. Made by sweatship labour, but worn by Harriet Harman and Cleggs wife.
Not Melanies fault. but this is lefty garbage.
I turned on the Andrew Marr Show, and he was talking to an actress about her opinions about sexism in the police; her expertise being that she once acted the role of a policewoman. That just about sums the BBC up. No interest in life in Britain today, just endless 1984 mantras, and putting money from the taxpayer in their pockets for their trouble. Working for the BBC is about as morally corrupt as you can get this side of a prison wall.
The “mentally ill” are at it again in Germany
The Muslim attacks just keep on happening right across Europe, indeed across the world. My trust in the MSM and governments is very low and I am pretty sure that many attacks and other crimes committed by Muslims , such as rapes, arson , riots , do not get reported. Given this terrible situation you have to ask why the likes of Wilders and Le Penn aren’t miles ahead in the polls. How much more Muslim terror will it take to bring people to their senses and for them to realise that only by voting for anti immigration parties can their countries have any chance of avoiding becoming Islamic hell holes within three or four decades.
The situation in the UK is just as bad but we don’t even have a political party that opposes immigration. Indeed all our politicians prostrate themselves before Islam to grub up a few more votes. Even UKIP keep well away from the topic.
The BBC has its jack boot well and truly on the throat of the Brits. No politician dare tell the truth about Islam and the government passes laws that are clearly discriminatory against white people. For instance Hate Crimes , the whole thing is just a stick with which to beat white people, the alleged victim need not offer any evidence whatsoever but the supposed perpetrator is investigated by the police. This is the equivalent of justice by denunciation as practised in totalitarian regimes. Yet the BBC fully support these laws and use the number of alleged hate crimes as proof that further measures to bash the Brits is required.
” Given this terrible situation you have to ask why the likes of Wilders and Le Penn aren’t miles ahead in the polls.”
Let’s hope the polls are wrong as they usually are.
I reckon for many – until it happens to them or theirs.
For others the constants drip, drip of, ‘lone wolf, mentally deranged etc,’ does have an effect and, at the of the day, many are simply unwilling to confront the vile truth that is staring them in the face.
Nice one Merkel.
Would you like to comment on this one ?
My cartoon take on the week for those that didn’t read the Budget a day or two ago:
Love the first line. ” Some of these budgets can be really exciting “. LOL ! Sarcastic bugger !
It was more what I was feeling after going through what budgets were like in years gone by and/or watching election night broadcasts from the 80s (YouTube is a wonderful thing). If you go back to when they slashed income tax down from its now almost unimaginable level of 83%, or when it wasn’t all leaked to the press the night beforehand, that’s what it used to be like: genuine surprises. Now it’s 60p per week for a tiny percentage of the population (myself included) and it’s still being discussed days later because there’s little else to talk about in it.
“Special levy on political speeches ” Now there is a good idea !
Happy Weekend
Perhaps I blinked and missed it, if so I apologise. I’m referring to the appalling axe attack at Dusseldorf railway station yesterday. Nine people have been hurt, some with life threatening injuries one is an 80 year old man. The attacker (a refugee) was allowed to stay in Germany for “humanitarian reasons”…Oh dear, oh dear….
I only bring this dreadful escapade to your attention because, personally, I think it’s something we should all know about. If we can’t trust our state funded news gathering organisation to report on this, then what other horrors are they not bringing us?
On the other hand, the high court judgement forcing Katie Hopkins to pay some pain in the arse lefty journalist £24,000 with over £!00,000 in damages has been covered endlessly. Christ, I saw this three bloody times yesterday, backed up with comments from BBC journo’s. Is it really that important; a spat between two Twittering women?
If I didn’t know any better I might think that the BBC were gloating…
The time has come for the German people and msm to demand answers to some very important questions about German mental welfare systems, because they seem to be incapable of dealing with this surge of poor mental health among its population.
Isn’t it great how the bbbc betrays itself?
There was a short piece this morning on the far left, seditious bbbc when they were discussing the Six Nations rugby competition and the hopes of the English team so they go about it by interviewing some former Scottish rugby player by the name of Logan (yes, that’s right Gabby Logan, the Rugby commentators husband)….Towards the end of the piece the talking head on the bbbc sofa stated “Well, everyone is supporting Scotland” – probably correct within the far left bbbc but, my dear NOT IN THE REST OF THE COUNTRY.
Just a small and not very important example but I though I would bring it to fellow readers attention. I suppose it would be impossible for them to actually say ‘Good Luck, this afternoon to the England Rugby team’
They are laughable.
English Gent.
For years I too have been painfully aware of the anyone but England bias.
I have a theory that it partly derives from the EU’s discredited plan to carve England up into regions, essentially destroying the concept of an English nation. BBBC therefore discredit England in sport and whitewash its existence out of any political reporting. I remember they looked quite warmly on the Cornish independence movement and the SNP’s bid to move into the north of England.
“the SNP’s bid to move into the north of England.”
Best of luck with that here in Yorkshire!
The SNP tried to whip up North v South animosity, describing rule from Westminster as being remote from Northern England.
It’s Saturday in “facts are sacred” land so they let standards drop, hey it’s the weekend.
Time for yet “more black immigrants are hard done by”. With a twist, set in Africa.
“Why is South Africa still so anti-black, so many years after apartheid?” Panashe Chigumadzi
The author, a black immigrant from Northern Rhodesia, bewails the attitude of “native” black South Africans towards people from outside SA.
The nearly one million whites who left South Africa since 1994, are not mentioned, ever, in The Advertiser or by The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster.
The many thousands of whites who were unable to leave because they were murdered are also not mentioned.
Better not to be mentioned, the frothing, hating, Younge and his ilk who promote blackism with every word in The Guardian, would have complained that insufficient whites had been killed.
Talking of blackism where are the white models in Marks and Spencer?
NO ESCAPE!, after BBC tv and National radio, its now local BBC Radio that is STILL acting as the colonial guilt lobby over the rugby match and the singing of “Sweet Chariot” a sad reminder of black American slavery etc etc.
Better get to the “safe space” kids, snowflakes are about to melt in there own piss … your going to get “triggered” baby, its coming.
How does the BBC or anyone else from the colonial guilt lobby know if “slaves” singing the song were black OR WHITE?, whether the “masters” were BLACK or white?
The garbage guilt trip stops … RIGHT NOW!
Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.
In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.
At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves.
Thus, if you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery, whilst an estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860.
Studies concluded that 28 percent of free blacks owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage than that of free whites who owned slaves.
At this very moment, yep! RIGHT NOW, there is a very real and very current slavery crisis sweeping across the world. 48.5 million people are estimated to be living in slavery in Africa, Asia & the Middle East. That’s almost one hundred times the number of slaves imported to the United States during its entire slaving history. 47 million were enslaved by the middle eastern slavers half of them white! Twice as many as in the Atlantic slave trade.
Although your textbooks are silent about it, most historians agree that two-thirds of ALL whites came to the colonies in some form of bondage. Legal papers on both sides of the ocean referred to them as “slaves.”
White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America throughout the 1600s. Hundreds of thousands of white slaves were kidnapped and brought to America; their middle-passage death rates were comparable to those of black slaves; they were sold at auction and traded for livestock, they were routinely beaten—sometimes to death—and an estimated one half of them died before gaining freedom.
It’s quite possible to surmise that more whites came to America against their will than blacks, AND historians from both ends of the political spectrum say that white slaves were treated worse than black slaves.
When General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, it had been nearly 20 years since Lee owned slaves—he freed his slaves in the late 1840s.
In 1856, five years before the Civil War started, he wrote that slavery was “a moral and political evil.” On the other hand, General Grant STILL owned slaves at the end of the Civil War, because Abe Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation cleverly outlawed slavery only in the South. Grant had stated that he would refuse to fight if he thought the war had anything to do with slavery.
… And hey, kids, snowflakes SJWs even, EVEN if it WAS fought to end slavery, how often do you see the descendants of slaves thanking the 600,000 or so white soldiers who died in the fight to free them?
At great risk, expense and for no self benefit the Royal Navy ended the Atlantic slave trade and British diplomacy and guns mitigated it further in the Arab world, almost wiping it out. But we all knew that if you watch the Al BBC well maybe not.
What you might not know is that the British government spent 5% of its GDP compensating slave owners to make slavery history.
F-cking 5%!!! That’s 2 and a half times what Britain spends today on its military (2%).
Nothing in it for us … squat!, but we did it.
I await, both the apologies and adulation
We are the GREATEST nation in ending slavery, although you may get called waycist,
be guilty stay guilty etc you erm … “redneck”
That term is actually from the huge number of WHITE slaves who picked cotton, or worked on the plantation.
Apologies! … rant over,
This house is now clean
I’d like to see a source [?] regarding the numbers of white slaves that went west across the Atlantic before I bring that up with anyone in the pub.
Glenn Beck did a fantastic programme about the history of slavery and civil rights. I know that politically a lot of people consider him a pariah (hopefully not many on this site) but his historical stuff and documentaries are brilliant and incredibly well researched.
CS Tens of Thousands of Europeans ended up as slaves in the Islamic Royal courts in Morocco and else where .Its very well documented and little known bit of history .Also perhaps we should have a memorial to the men of the Royal navy who fought to combat the slave trade from the early 1800 s to just before the out break of the first world war. Perhaps Dan Snow will do a programme about it.
“Perhaps Dan Snow will do a programme about it.” Too late, the RN has already done it …………
Perhaps it should be used in school history lessons? Perhaps our government should spend more of its resources on its Royal Navy to defend our coastline ?
A noble hope Noggs, but they WILL forget it, in fact they won’t even accept that such facts are relevant. They challenge the narrative that currently drives the beliefs which have replaced western religion – except, ironically, among black Christians.
Having to change the security lights on the garage this weekend got me thinking about what differences a good income buys you today.
Back in 1926 the first owner of my house bought a second plot of land which presumably didn’t come cheap, and erected a garage for a motor car. Back in 1926 few people had a motor car, but today even the council estate doleites can have one.
All through the years to the present day there have been high ticket items the Middle Classes could buy which set them apart from their lesser. First a Television – many were sold in the 50s for the coronation, then colour TV came out & I can remember the few wealthy people who had the first ones.
So what is it today that the better off Middle Class have that the workers & shirkers don’t?
Not much materially. The car, phone, washing machine might be better but at the end of the day they all perform the same function and the lower orders have the same as the upper ones.
No the difference is not in material goods. The thing that the wealthier middle classes have now is the means to get out of the multicultural hell holes the poor are forced to live in.
Not for them the issues with violence, thievery, and the rape of kids, and the only experience they have of Islam, is what the BBC tells them – and it appears that alas, they believe every word of it.
They are truly shocked when they find out the truth from someone, often to the point that they cannot believe it and often think the complainant has some ulterior motive.
This kind of denial leads to the demonization of the lower orders, hence the incomprehension of the Middle Classes over the Brexit vote, and the reason they believe the ones who voted for it were ‘uneducated’.
Their naïve isolation breeds views which are leading us down a path of polarisation, where the workers & shirkers are branded ‘far right’ simply for seeing a different world to the wealthy elite.
Gated communities in wealthy enclaves means never even having to meet someone from a ethnic background and the world view which stems from that.
But they do see people from ethnic backgrounds but they aren’t ‘diverse’ goat-herders, they are fellow bubble-dwellers who have been through the public schools and Oxbridge and talk and think like them.
Sarfraz Manzoor is an example and in a rare bit of BBC honesty he went In Search Of Moderate Muslims. What he found shocked him. Children of parents who had left Pakistan were deliberately taking up the hijab in a revolt against those self-same parents who ‘had betrayed Islam’. He came to realise that in his world he had been ‘the only Muslim in the village’ and he had adapted and been accepted. The Muslims of the northern and midland towns now run the village and neither adapt to or accept the culture of the displaced.
Except Sarfraz Manzoor went to Lea Manor High School and Luton Sixth Form College, followed by Economics and Politics at Manchester University, and a master’s degree in Documentary Production at Salford University. Hardly Oxbridge!
I find it difficult to believe that a Muslim man who lived most of his life in Luton was genuinely surprised at the behaviour of Muslims in Britain, and my own view given his siblings traditional Islamic horrible beliefs is that he is an apostate unwilling to tell because of the consequences, and shining a spotlight on what he already knew to be the truth.
As such he needed a community and found one in the tolerant white British community.
London and the Home counties are not representative though of the rest of the UK where the so called white flight has occurred.
I mentioned Manzoor not for his specific background, more his attitude, and, of course, because he articulated it in his radio programme. We are talking about of minority of minorities here!
I’ve no doubt that ‘Oxbridge’ examples aplently can be found in the legal and medical professions.
Many of us will have had that experience of having the single ‘other’ join our group at school, university or work. Usually they fit in one way or another, we all get along. We might even get a favourable impression of them which, in the absence of any other information we apply to others of their kind. (I find that I think well of Malaysians, not that I have met many, but that is because we had a very nice Malaysian student teacher at school when I was eight.) Away from the group that ‘other’, amongst their own, could well behave in ways that we wouldn’t like. Activities like ‘team building’ often reveal things about others that really one is better not knowing, ‘what happens at home, stays at home’.
Thoughtful, as I walk through my local town I see the Waynettas pushing their buggies whilst having one ear glued to their iPhone or whatever. Me, the middle class taxpayer? I am the one with the pay as you go old Nokia.
But we have to wonder at those living on benefits. Now it is not only the extremely large tv, but a phone for every child plus internet access that are essential. I haven’t even thought about Sky tv. At least £1,000 a year perhaps?
Tony Blair allocated a large sum for libraries to be equipped with computers and Internet access to be provided free for the users but not the tax payer. I guess nobody uses them now.
So I suggest Thoughtful, that the middle classes are the ones with the worse phones, the smaller TVs, and yes I have my Miele washing machine, but with less repairs and a long life, it works out cheaper.
But I think you are right about white flight. Going to a GPs in London with my daughter once where during a long wait after her appointment time, I saw at least two threats to the receptionist, never seen in my local doctors.
The middle class I’m talking about are the upper end. The ones with salaries in the £100K pa region.
Head Masters & their deputies
Council chief execs and their fellow execs
Health service managers
Doctors & senior medical staff
Senior civil servants
Politicians (especially the ones who don’t live in the area they represent).
The odd company director
Notice that the vast majority of these people are employed by the state and have a vested interest in government spending.
Senior police officers.
Senior lefty “Academics” doing social sciences, that is, doing SFA of any value and usually with negative outcomes for the UK.
Any lefty not in overpaid employment can apply to the back scratchers union and have their back scratched. Small appearance on AlBeeb, nice fee and expenses, paid for by us. Small article in the Marxxie press, nice fee and expenses, paid for, indirectly, by us.
Temporary job as a “researcher” for some lefty twat or some organisation of lefty twats, very nice fee, very nice expenses. Leading to very full time salary(ies) in lefty “Charities” and very lefty QUANGO(s), all with very full time expenses, performing unnecessary tasks badly, very very part time: all paid for, indirectly by us, again.
Who votes Labour? Those on benefits, public sector employees, non- whites.
The non-productive, the barely productive, the counter productive.
Spot on.
Nice to see that EU, “Democracy” and the right to Free Speech, will continue long after the UK has departed –
Not even disguised, is it?
As a Scot , I find this disgusting. In fact, I am almost tempted to support England. The BBC website is anti-England and pro-Scotland. This is ridiculous. Bias what bias ? We do not need to be patronised by the racist frigging BBC.
Grant, I was born in Clydebank but have been down south for so long I consider myself British as much as anything. All I want is fairness.
Scotland seem to have got the monkey off their back finally. If it is as exiting as last night’s game I will be happy.
ITV screened the match with wait for it, an English commentator! BBC don’t have an English commentator for any games, but are quite happy to use Eddie Butler for Welsh matches.
From our own NON BBC correspondent 😀
Apparently viewers are angry with BBC bias produced by Laura Keensberger over Brexit.
‘BBC is using licence fee money for anti-Brexit propaganda and when we’re out the British public will get revenge by abolishing BBC and Lords
Twitter user’
In 1941, Laura Kuenssberg’s Granddad wrote a book for the Nazis called “Schwurgebärde und Schwurfingerinterpretation” which presumably means “Oath gesture and Oath finger interpretation” It was used by the Nazis to swear an oath to Hitler by raising the hand with two fingers in a “Fuck off” or “Victory” position.
In other news…
Best not looked into too deeply. That’s what FOI exemptions are for.
“the incessant trailing of Laura Kuenssberg’s pink coat and black high heels didn’t do much for Brexit: Britain’s Biggest Deal”
So, on par with the vote the BBC failed to swing last time using £4Bpa of public money and limitless broadcast scope?
“A diverse range of skills was the mantra for non-executives needed for the new BBC Board. So far, we have a largely-retired 70-year-old white male Scottish tv executive, born to a Jewish family in Glasgow, speaking for Scotland, and a 57-year-old campaigning lesbian management consultant”
Must. keep. a. straight… er… level, face.
Will Sadiq be on Marr again ?
Saturday’s Times Pg 34-35 Full page news-verts lionising Sadiq and “Our Toxic Air Crisis”
Off topic but here’s a challenge !
Any ideas about A.C .Grayling and his contempt for all the uneducated ignorant plebs who voted Brexit?
I suggest a limerick competition for us all.
Lots of rhyming opportunities….
Have had second thoughts
Prof Grayling a vainglorious man
Don,t give him the oxygen of publicity
Have had second thoughts
Prof Grayling a vainglorious man
Don,t give him the oxygen of publicity
I switched on BBC News at 7:25am and the first words I heard was “…Syrian imigrant…”.
They were telling the story of a Syrian Chef who ran 3 restaurants in Syria then fled due to the war. He then walked, jogged, cycled through 10 countries to Calais. He admitted he then jumped onto a lorry to gain entry to the UK, claimed asylum, given a house in London, cooked for a lady who then insisted he work in her restaurant. Then cut to 30 white Champagne Socialists trying his food and drooling to the camera about how great his cooking is.
At no point did the BBC question why he travelled through 10 countries before claiming asylum or why he entered the country illegally or ask him about his financials back home and whether he could buy his own house in the UK?
I can’t find the video online but I have found a similar themed video of a 35 year old obese Syrian “teenager”…
Some key points from this video…
0m56s “we want a bigger house”
1m48s he tells us his entire family are scattered around the world. He left his parents in Jordan (i.e. a safe place)
3m43s he tells us how the UK Gov gives him £70 a week so he can get even fatter and smoke all day long and drink expensive coffee.
5m14s BBC caption “immigrants like him have been getting a hard time from some of the Leave campaign”
6m54s His family get a bigger council house – hooray! but his family won’t let the cameras in as they want “privacy”.
The rest of the video is about how he cannot (or will not) integrate with English people.
Again, the BBC make no attempt to ask questions why he left his parents or why he had to make his way to the UK when any Arabic speaking country would have been better for his future.
I imagine the £70 a week given from our Government to this “teenager” might have been the sweetener.
With his parents being in Jordan it is highly likely that he is in fact not Syrian but Jordanian.
I suppose at least he wants to try to ‘fit in’ with English people – if there are any living in London, its better than the Pakis who just want to live in Ghettos and never even want to talk to their British neighbours.
The troubling thing is that he gets more money than a British ‘job seeker’ and they cannot suspend his benefits to save money.
The other thing the BBC don’t tell is that the idiot who lets him stay at his flat who has a Greek father (thanks EU) is being paid by the UK taxpayer, and the horrible leftie woman who goes to Croydon with him is also being paid by the UK taxpayer.
The whole thing stinks, and it’s done so the government doesn’t get its hands dirty by paying directly for these people.
It’s a little like the lie that asylum seekers don’t get as much money as UK nationals in benefits, when in reality they get much more, with utility bills and council tax, no bedroom tax and 6 monthly ‘bonus’ payments running into three figures supposedly to pay for clothes, plus financial help from the government funded charities as well.
The government claims it is not paying asylum seekers as much as UK claimants, but in knowing that the money it is giving to charity who pass it on to asylum seekers. Technically it might be true the government is not paying them more but the reality is very different
When does stretching the truth become a lie?
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC Boss Bulford Reiterates Idea of Voluntary Over-75 TV Licence Payments
– TV Licensing Interview Procedures
Another womens day special
My Saturday food shop adventure this morning, Lib dems are canvassing in the town centre with a petition to pressure the local council to house a Syrian refugee family. Two little blond girls (roughly 8-9 years old) were going about with placards accosting passers by to sign. These unfit parents are using their young daughters to ASK for Syrian refugees to be given local housing! This is a nightmare.
I would like the BBC news to highlight the machete attack information. The Swedish rape statistics and the Paris riot situation. Any factual information to inform the public that the taking in of so-called “refugees” is dangerous.
I did an online search when I returned home. The Lib Dems Website claims that “with every other Kent council having pledged support, we are looking shamefully isolated in not offering support to Syrian refugees”
The same Lib Dem website claims to be “working for you”
Shamefully isolated?
We should have been celebrating our resistance not trying to break it down. We are purportedly a conservative stronghold. That didn’t stop our Tory safeseat MP from voting remain though. Traitors all round!
Lucy, I wouldn’t even listen to the pompous arses who are on the KCC as ‘members’ (a euphemism for dicks), and quite a lot who ‘work’ there, perhaps in a senior over-paid post for a year or so, then get shifted to another office to do bugger all there as well. Don’t ever expect to get an answer from Highways.
The disgrace of the hugely eye-watering payments made to the ‘Chief Executive’ some time ago, after she did absolutely nothing for only a few months, needs to be aired on a monthly basis. Just a few numbers here if anyone can be bothered to look at them.–a64943/
My poll tax bill came in today. £1,440.78, just for KCC alone. Sod them all. My pension was totally raped by Gordon Brown, and again by Cameron/Osborne, and again recently by Hammond to pay for these lazy bloody idiots.
Some time ago, the Lib Dems ruined a superb opportunity to make the M20 interchange at Bearsted a hive of industry with thousands of jobs, saying they’d support the plan, then when the time came, cowardly backing off in committee, and whimpering in a corner. Farron is a twat and deserves nothing more than a bloody good slapping. Perhaps he was still at school when the Lib Dems did that.
It’s no use listening to the bBeeb South East, as all they prattle on about is enough to write on the back of a postage stamp. They’re totally obsessed with fat patients, fat families, fat and ugly people, fat ugly and immigrants, fat things and then more fat.
And lazy fat people with fat arses.
So that’s the KCC for you!
So drunkers Junckers jokes – it would be nice if the UK were to re-join the EU sometime in the future – so Remainers, just chill !
Meanwhile the EU summit proceeds but since none know what to do or where to go and can’t even agree on what they don’t want, it’s a bit tense.
Should they have an EU Public Prosecutor for instance? Move to greater or lesser unification? What speed for unification? So they now postulate a choice for individual nations desired speed for greater unification. But Poland, for example, feel they might be disadvantaged by choosing the slow lane. We won’t mention the financial problems or the migrant situation or the terrorism.
The on-going benefits of diversity, cultural enrichment and the importing of cheap labour:-
“BERLIN – Police have ordered a shopping mall in the western German city of Essen not to open after receiving credible tips of an imminent attack.
The shopping center and the adjacent parking lot stayed closed Saturday morning as over a hundred police officers searched the compound.
The German news agency dpa reported that the downtown mall, one of the biggest in the region, would be closed for the entire day.
Police in Essen could not immediately be reached for more details”
This is my perennial complaint: radio 4 extra is now primarily the womens station but increasingly it’s becoming the ethnic womens station. Oh, there are some programmes with English men in them but they are either pseudo-educational, showing men in a bad light or you have to be an insomniac if you want to listen to them. It’s got to the point now where I change to another station almost as soon as I’ve tuned into R4Extra. The women and the ethnics have effectively been allowed to occupy every part of the bbc with nothing on offer for white English men.
John in Cheshire
There is something very strange going on within feminism.
This photo represents something I have argued about – there is a biological basis for feminist support of the invaders; they want refugees as studs.
That poor Canadian judge who told some alleged rape victim to keep her knees together-that poor lady judge who said that getting blotto on drink and amyl nitrate hardly helps you NOT to get raped? Well both are in the liberal cesspit today. And both surely can use this picture at appeal when they get their compo or jobs back.
This has got to be a put up job-but given the left and their mental health attention seeking issues( Boxus Coxus)-it might well be genuine. Looks like a tribute act for Olive from On the Buses, so maybe she`s serious.
ChrisH – I really can’t see what that Canadian judge said is in anyway wrong. It’s not really any different to saying that you shouldn’t leave your car unlocked with the keys in the ignition if you don’t want it to be stolen. It’s basic common sense in my opinion.
I think if I was a refugee – I would settle for a goat instead!
RE My legs etc.
This is the Tory secret weapon (borrowed, as usual, from UKIP) to bring down immigration numbers rapidly.
Should work with vast numbers heading for Antarctica to find a safe space!
Shes definitely a a real good looker!
I was going to say one day most feminists would be made this way – But I remembered they already are!
Lets hope shes still got a mummy that loves her!
Is there a full-length picture showing her white stick and guide dog?
“Is there a full-length picture showing her white stick and guide dog?”
I think it would be the refugees who would have to have the white stick and guide dog!
Sorry fattie, even the muzzies aren’t that desperate.
And I thought the left accused us of cruelty to the regugees!!!
“refugees”. I can’t get the edit button to work.
Had to laugh at Owen Jones giving up social media for being on the receiving end of the sort of abuse that he’s spent his career stirring up and encouraging.
The BBC article begins by telling us “Owen says he has been threatened with “torture and murder” by far right extremists.” Before going on to reveal that the perpetrators are far left extremists.
The funk, flounce, fuss and covert comeback technique seems oddly familiar.
And anyway why is the BBC making a story out of a supposed ‘journalist’ having problems dealing with his dirty dishes?
It is hardly unique, or newsworthy on any basis.
eg Dippy Allen
“27 Feb 2017 – Lily Allen has decided to quit Twitter after online trolls attacked her over the death of ”
Well she’s sent 10 tweets in the last 24 hours
I remember not so long ago that Lineker proclaimed exactly the same thing, and was quitting Twitter because of the abuse – and because he was ‘addicted’ to it. Clearly didn’t last long.
I get really p…..d off with these planks, who believe we are really interested in their lives. Surely if they had enough friends in ‘real’ life they wouldn’t need to resort to uploading their thoughts. (Same goes for the rest of the world actually !)
Interesting turn of phrase from Nick Clegg, on the possibility of a second Scottish independence referendum.
not the first time he’s used it
Closet Muslim?
“The motive for the(Dusseldorf) attack is unclear, and police are not describing it as being related to terrorism.
German federal police earlier tweeted a warning to the public not to engage in speculation.'” BBC NEWS
Yeah you lot, stop engaging in speculation, we’re warning you!
Krankie and her squat little partner will no doubt dismiss the England/Scotland drubbing (61/21 if you missed it) as another example of English chitting, but our friends at the BBC must be rather relieved. Having joined the long list of major fixtures the world’s top broadcaster failed to cover, making excuses for such an inept Scotch performance would have sorely tried even Eddie Butler’s abilities to minimise English achievements. All in the name of fair play, of course.
Eddie Butler is probably the worst rugby commentator ever used by the beeb. He nearly always gets the state of play wrong, and dribbles inane comments at random in such an irritating way, I’ve often just turned the sound down and watched the game in silence.
Having to watch the match in ITV, at least I now know what a Peugeot Super-Bastard 709 Turbo-fecker Injection Electric Arseclench Self porking diesel-guzzler is!
Just think, if the stupid beeb took on ads like this, and were stripped of their ‘Charter’ (fake contract), we’d all be better off, and who knows, they might do an article on Luton for Vauxhall, who by then will be making Peugeot Super-Bastard 709 Turbo-fecker Injection Electric Arseclench Self porking diesel-guzzlers…
Oh wait, shurely not Luton, I mean to say, gosh, it’s not exactly English now is it…
No wonder their women are opening their legs – sorry, arms – to migrants.
Swedish model of feminism:
1. Emasculate your men with socialist political correctness.
2. Import some ‘real’ men to top up the gene-pool.
Says it all Mice Height.
Surprised they`ve not knitted their rainbow-patterned mittens to go with their hats.
At least when we leave the EU,we`ll be able to export some henna for those beards( and plastic ones for those without the testosterone). Oh-and wondering if the local nail bar does filthy nicotine stained toenail extentions in a curly style?
Enterprising or what?
I feel sorry for the responsible conservatives, but to be honest, I’ve pretty much run out of fucks for Sweden and Germany.
Trouble is Mice – With the tories still in the thrall of the MSM and the libtards, by the time we get out of Europe we wont be much better than either Germany or Sweden ourselves.
The politicians know they must stop the migration now – yet they do not have the political guts or do not wish to do what needs to be done. Remember Theresas record on limiting migration is about as sound as Jimmy Savilles record with children. Imagine the sad faces and sobbing children as they are put back onto the plane – The BBC would have a field day – Think she could do it? no me either!
When we had all these thirty something “vulnerable” children coming here – did the home office admit the piss was being taken – No the only action that was taken was to put up screens so the “children didnt have to suffer the indignity of anyone commenting that they hadnt shaved very well!
We are meant to be controlling our own borders soon but where are the orders for new patrol vessels? where are our new border guards? Doesnt make sense does it? – anyone would think that Theresa isnt really that interested in controlling migration. And remember migration is counted as net migration which is the difference between the numbers leaving the country when compared to the numbers coming in – Therefore if ten brits leave the UK and twenty somalians enter the UK the net migration figure into the UK is only ten. Nice little slight of hand that!
What I find so hard to understand is the evidence is out there in front of our eyes that Islam (as is taught in the koran) Is totally incompatible with our Western values. It is violent, misoginist and domineering Yet still these gullible Eloi will go to the greatest lengths imaginable to deny the truth and support Islams aggressive expansion in the West.
I really dont care about anyones skin colour but when groups of people force their way illegally into our country and then try and change our culture to their culture – I get pissed off.
Why these Libtards think that Islam will tolerate their “progressive” lifestyle – I cannot fathom. All I can assume is that they must all have some sort of appeasement or stupidity gene. One thing is for sure we face a long fight.
I agree with every word, Oaknash.
Just imagine the Tories’ poll ratings if their budget proposed a drastic cut in foreign aid waste.
They seem more concerned with Guardian/BBC headlines than with the views and wellbeing of the electorate.
In effect Mice the majority of our out of touch political class (with one or two exceptions) have become “Virtue Signalling Junkies”
Always chasing good headlines – never chasing common sense and practical solutions.
Doesnt bode well for the future!
“White men are becoming an “endangered species” in top business jobs as companies take on more women and ethnic minorities, Tesco’s chairman has said.”
Its not just just in Uk board rooms , its Television presenters etc.
Any foreigner looking at AL Beeb TV would think that the population of Great Britain is entirely made up of ‘ethnics.
…Any foreigner looking at AL Beeb TV would think that the population of Great Britain is entirely made up of ‘ethnics……
Spot on Taffman, and now the genie is out of the bottle, it will only get worse until the white population become obsolete. Its Africa all over again.
“Judge accused of ‘victim-blaming’ over rape comments”
The next time you are out ‘on the pull’ boys, carry a breathalyser and a consent form.
Women who get rat-arsed are at greater risk of being raped.What sane person could disagree with that? Maybe someone could point me to any research to the contrary?
After all they keep telling us they are responsible for their own uterus but when drunk and in charge of a uterus – different rules apply: The state then must facilitate the murder of any unborn that may result. Shagging without due care is no crime.
The default auto-reply was to suggest that the Judge was wrong, all wrong and very wrong.
The correct response apparently is to suggest that no man should consider taking advantage of a pie eyed woman. That might work in La La Land but not planet Earth.
Totally agree Gaxvil – But I am afraid that these days in the world of the left the denial of human nature and the taking offense at “common sense” advice is all the rage.
I suppose this is for two reasons
No1 You have the oversensitive “foot soldiers – who may or may not have been directly affected by the issues mentioned – And who may or may not share some responsibility for what happened to them and probably (quite justifiably) carry a lot of anger . Please dont get me wrong a woman has a right to go where she wants – pissed or not – but why deliberately put yourself in harms way knowing that there are scumbags in certain areas who will take advantage? You would not perch an electric bar fire on the edge of a bath and get in so surely to give a little common sense advice is not an unreasonable?
No2 And far more unpleasant – You have the feminazi/left policy makers (eg Hattie) who just want to turn our world, culture and all its accepted social norms upside down. Unfortunately many of these people have insidiously wormed themselves and their worldview into positions of responsibilities in the MSM, education and government. Many of them are intelligent but emotionally stunted and think that by changing our culture and social norms, some sort of “Compassionate, socialist, pro woman (which really means anti men) society will just coalesce around their leadership and we will all live happily ever after….
What they forget is – Some of their chosen political bedfellows also want to change our world but in a way much less “woman friendly” than now. This particular group is much more single minded in their approach to changing the world to their way of thinking.
I think if the sistas dont wise up soon then maybe they should practice their emancipation by trying on a hijab or two – “You never know sistas you might one day come to love it – And I hear that Marks and Sparks also now stock a range of liberating burkinis! Who knows sistas – it may save you a black eye one day from the old man”
My parents gave me some sound advice to repel the unwanted advances of an ‘over enthusiastic’ chap. Just knee him in the groin !
The BBC are having an SJW orgasm over the Tesco man’s comments about women and ethnic minorities having a huge advantage when applying for top jobs. True but hurtful, and in Lefty Lalaland feelings always trump facts.
They go on to quote statistics about the percentage of women and ethnic minorities on boards. Do most women really want all that responsibility, to devote their entire lives to work in the way that ultra competitive, goal-oriented men do? No wage or job title could be as fulfilling as motherhood is for many women. Is that such a bad thing? Of course not. Men and women look to flourish in different ways.
The really stupid thing about this is that now so many women are expected to look after the children, do the housework AND have a career! My brother’s wife gets up at 5 to do an hour of housework, goes to work in the city then deals with the kids and more housework when she gets back. I am sure that is the case in many households. Nice work feminists!
Never used to get these kinds of stories once.
Who knows or cares what a Tesco bloke says, whether he was taped undercover or not. He`s a businessman, not one of their media monkeys.
A role of the left is to make common sense some kind of offence once said.
Makes the Left language border police apoplectic. It`s THEIR job to tell us all what`s to be said and thought-not some off piste Tescos bloke.
Hope someone is logging these SJW sorties into the real world-they really should not be given anything but a mocking.
As for feminism-the Left has long forced women out to work-breaks up the family, foments the feminist segment of grievance, makes men drop dead early in that their one wage is no longer an option as it once was…and allows all those lesbians into social services, prison work or overseeing Fathers For Justice basket cases at Mc Donalds or Surestart.
Let`s hope that we get no apology here-just a blast at the Twatters at the BBC.
Not too that it`s all about THEIR tranche of job specs they care for-boardrooms, sports quango media spokespoppets etal.
Never hear them fussing over women ending up wrung out and broken backed in care homes or school cleaning do they?…they don`t seem to WANT those jobs, nay more than they seek equal quotas emptying bins or humping white good at the landfill.
All the public sector dead at the Twin Towers would surely have been blokes-but THAT final sacrifice never got a mention-women don`t do such things, dare I suggest?
“Welcome to BBC News
: First we’ll start with the top 5 stories of PC-News
…. oops no time left for anything else”
Earlier in the week
: Simon Mayo was interviewing the Times ‘journalist’, Caitlin Moran.
She’s written a book on what would be her manifesto.
He asked what would be the key thing she would do if she had power.
“Well, Simon, I would teach children how to tell the difference between true and false in the news on the web.
I would show them how they can trust sources like The Guardian and BBC compared to other sources (unnamed – but I guess she meant the Daily Mail)”
Unlike my dad who was a miserable Manager of a Department of a major national firm. I seemed to have happily dodged responsibility for others in the same way as my Grandfather who refused appointment to the board of a senior aircraft company, as an attempt by the boss to keep him from retiring before the completion of a major project in the 1960,s. We both seemed to get into a position of being probably the highest paid independent non-management jobs in our companies. I think they now call it Consultancy. Freedom, but with responsibility for others in an emergency. I bet they now comply with left-wing politics by filling the boardroom with women and ethnics, but then rely on turning the white males into independent consultants. I read that that tactic was used by the British government when it decolonised Africa. But then it would all fall apart when after a Military cue the African government would sack the white male consultants.
Also how often does a girl get with someone when her boyfriend is away, feel guilty about it and then claim it was rape as she supposedly could not remember? I am sure that happens a lot and with devestating consequences for the men involved but according to the PC mindset women can only ever be victims, which is total bollocks.
All to easy to cry ‘rape’. I think, as with a lot of the things these days, the pendulum has swung too far the other way.
Yes it does seem that a few recent rape trials have been acquittals.
Yet another puff piece from the BBC just on.
Al too quick to blame “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest” and “the tabloids” for the “negative portrayal” of “mental illness”.
Lots of Alastair Campbell to get more counselling at our expense-not so much about Christopher Clunis-type of murders when we don`t take the dangers of mental illness getting ignored or trivialised.
Enoch got a name check-Maggie not so much. But these two(oddly enough) DO have some culpability re the new dangers of undiagnosed, untreated paranoid schizoid behaviour (not that we could possibly call it that any more, as the Beeb tells us).
And not a peep re Islam getting rolled into the whole dogs dinner of positivist diagnoses, nothing about the Drugs Legalisation role in this mess.
Basically another excusing programme that makes alm mental issues a therapeutic issue-not a cover for some evil and criminal types like Sutcliffe.
Thankfully, didn`t hear a word about Spike-or Ruby or Stephen Fry-Jo Brand. All of who seem to do quite well out of their licensed victim role play scripts for Planet Liblobotomy.
Someone recommended an author who wrote something about liberals having no common sense, I cannot remember his name. But I looked him up on YouTube and he has a brilliant bit of stand-up about how liberals are only able to reach the top of their professions as they have jobs where they do not have to do anything, such as journalism or academia. The news is on at 6 as it is when people who actually do stuff have stopped doing stuff, and the liberals just comment on what has been done without doing anything. They have talking heads’ on tv which shows how little they do as they can do their job without using their bodies; the phrase ‘it’s academic’ means it does not actually matter.
How do you go about shoehorning in a proportionate number of women and ethnic minorities to highly skilled roles in a company? I imagine it is highly complex and if you get it wrong there could be disastrous consequences. What if you give the job to the wrong person and their poor judgment ends up losing thousands of people their jobs?
I would like to see some of these SJW chumps try and run a massive company like Tescos. I bet they could not run a whelk stall.
Like all Orwellian rules, I think companies plan for these problems by just putting women and ethnics on seats of boards, but then appoint white male consultants who would have been appointed to the board if it wasn’t for the Orwellian political correctness. And then these low profile white male consultants would make sure things would continue smoothly, by making sure the token women and ethnics did not cause cock ups and disasters.
#NothingHappenInSweden shooting in Malmo
@nogginator posted in the last thread March 11, 2017 at 5:45 pm
Real News – Man shot in Malmo
If he put his lapel pin on upside down, he is clearly not fit for office.
And now on the equality, diversity obsessed bBBC news.
We have 80000 people at Twickenham to watch the Calcutta Cup rugby match.
Followed by about 200 people somewhere to see the equally reported Women’s Calcutta Cup rugby match.
These are equivalent, in bBBC la la land.
All reported by errr…. a female Asian reporter.
Pass the sick bag.
Was she wearing a hijab and was she on a mobility scooter?
And-may your cup flow over-I see that the S.Korean Winter Paralympic Games is coming up.
Bet there was loads of competitive tender for that, so well done to the BBC for getting it for us all.
Can`t wait-disability scooters on snowboards hurtling down sacred mountains as the President is on trial and the nuclear practice over the border lights up the skies. That`s at least two weeks off work as we stay up all night to see white disabled people win all before them.
Got to be hideously white has it not?…or are we in Cool Runnings/Bob Marley dreadzone here?
I would prefer it if you did not mention the rugby.
Judge Lindsey Kushner apparently warned in court that girls who drink heavily increase their chances of getting raped. Sounds so sensible to me that you wouldn’t think young ladies couldn’t work this out for themselves. But tonight’s BBC1 News managed to find 2 women who were offended by the judge’s remarks. Now as far as I understood it, trying to remove the Beeb’s bias, her remarks related to the case in front of her. Equally, as far as I understand it, the Judge was not saying all rapes were of drunk women. Sometimes I don’t think the sisterhood helps young women and offence is far too easily taken.
Like every lefty, liberal, feminist, gender bending, foreign, cream puff and wussy pussy is on a permanent default to be offended by everyone and everything in this World – it is the greatest tragedy of our age.
We right wing, mysoganist, racist, neo Nazis just don’t get a look in.
Not sure if I’m going off topic putting this here but it seems to be relevant anyway.
Funny too.
Boohana – Almost a bit too close to the truth to be funny!
Aye, you are quite right in truth.
Perhaps “grimly humorous” might be more accurate.
Tragi-comedy perhaps.
As an aside, I have a very keen suspicion that the purveyors of the fake news as parodied here are both insightful as to their treachery and the insight the rest of us have of it……..
I will be fascinated in the next few years to see how they attempt to justify their behaviours during the current era…..
Sad to say that one of them, Ramsay, is Scottish. Deep shame.
I think I touched on this in another post. The left generally appear to come from the liberal “over educated classes” where politically there is only one game in town.
Because of this they possess an in built arrogance and single minded approach that they are right and therefore feel that they have a moral right and indeed obligation to impose their version of the truth on us lesser mortals.
One famous Goebbels quote was “We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.”
Says it all and justifies it all I think!
Has no one out there got any example of Al Beeb’s right wing bias ?
How about you Maxiconey, Scott , etc, etc ?…………..
Been waiting for months for this. All Maxiboy does is nitpick over little details to defend his love of the Left and the evil of Islam. Pathetic.
“Ofcom, the telecoms regulator, said on Friday that BT had agreed to “legally separate” Openreach – the division that owns and operates the UK’s broadband network.”
Ok then lets “legally separate” Al Beeb from a new government funded, impartial news channel.
Al Beeb to be self funding by adverts or subscription?
Funding by advertising is almost as bad as the BBBC poll tax. The cost of advertising is applied to the cost of the goods and services being advertised and is thus paid by all purchasers regardless of whether or not they watch the programmes.
When the advertisers are blatantly pc and they have editorial control because of their financial control, the programmes become pc as well.
Only with the subscription model do the consumers have the real power to influence what is broadcast.
BBC – 5 Questions you don t ask hijabi s
BBC – Hip in a Hijab, Meet the Mipsterz – “or Muslim Hipsters – just one example of the growing number of articulate, style-conscious, politically-savvy, headscarf-wearing young women who are confronting the cultural stereotypes” ???
BBC Schools – Report: How the hijab can be a fashion statement
BBC – Women in America walked in the shoes of Muslim women, by wearing a hijab
… for World Hijab Day.
Certainly looks like the grovelling appeasers/propagandists of the BBC are going all out, to brainwash us, our children into sharis compliant dhimmis
Then check out these pictures … going backwards?
truly, the world turned upside down
Cairo University 1978
Earlier promo :”In a few minutes on Radio 4: Sunday: Child refugees’ mental health, Sport hijab, Bishop Philip
…Nike has become the first major sports clothing brand to launch a sport hijab. World Thai kickboxing champion Ruqsana Begum explores what this could mean for Muslim women’s participation in sport.”
By coincixence BBC WS has a high number of Iranian employees
Hilda Ogden?
Feedbacks talking head-Roger Bolton-lays into the BBC re their pathetic, clueless coverage of religion. And his fear that it`ll disappear or get even shittier if Songs Of Praise is given to the “private sector”-who do Welsh shows.
NO strategy-no religious literacy but plenty arty sporty types-no senior lead, no-one taking control-just a vague notion from New Labours James Purnell.
So Roger feeds back-and gets a taste of his own medicine-namely a crap phone line and the BBC shill in the studio being turned up.
This was on Sunday this morning…well I`ll be!
That the BBC are Godless Islamic cock ringers?…THAT is news?
I see no BBC obsession with hijabs
WE need to hear MORE about Islam.
It was World Modesty Week Fashion Show this week…my dears, all those hijabs and glimpses of sock.
How outre-but it`s a growing market this Muslim one. Apparently there`s money in it on the Whitechapel Road, before the police get called and the stock gets hidden.
Ah well-we`ll look fondly back on Twiggy, Chrissie and even anorexic druggie girlieboys like Kate-heroin chic indeed!
And they can be as fat as they like under that lot can`t they?
So no need to crop shop the models from now on. Tell Sadiq.
This is where you end up when women “decide they want to wear more modest clothing”
5 Mar 2013
FEMEN Iranian Women Activists stand topless to protest the Hijab in Sweden
“Dutch police break up pro-Erdogan protest”
Taffman, if there was ever a graphic example of why Europe’s open border policy is a total failure this is it. Geert Wilders must be rubbing his hands. And the EU was proposing fast-tracking Turkey’s membership in return for a migrant deal. They might want to re-think that one.
The BBC have on their frontpage as a “3 things we love today” featured News article – a story of mind-numbing triviality.
The headline on the Frontpage as of now is: “Seven Nuns at Seven Sisters Causes a Social Media Stir.”
Here is the link to the Frontpage: scroll down to their “3 things we love today”
Here is a direct link to the article which is headlined “Seven nuns pictured at Seven Sisters – but some say there are nine”. It shows a picture of Seven Nuns minding their own business at a train station, one is talking to an old man. The article starts: “Seven nuns have been pictured at Seven Sisters station in London by a passing commuter. Ben Patey, 33, was on a train when he saw the real-life seven sisters waiting on the platform.”
Talk about a non-story, with the BBC taking yet another opportunity to poke fun at Christian Britain, which it sees as an oddity and an anachronism. This story is also another example of the BBC using ordinary peoples images without their permission.
Yesterday all the newspapers carried it as a cheap giggle story.
The BBC lives in mediaBubbleworld, so just copied them, unaware that what works in a newspaper isn’t the same for the web.
People on the internet have different choice of ‘interesting pictures’
I have even heard it said that nuns’ habits are no different to hijabs, just an expression of religious belief.
Please listen to a download of World Service programme In The Balance. I woke early and old habits are hard to break, so I clicked on the radio not with the intention of catching the BBC out so I can post on here but just to have a quick listen. If you want absolute truth regarding the one sided, so obviously biased broadcaster this has to be the production to prove how evil the envy of world broadcasting has become. Firstly the title IN THE BALANCE. There was nothing balanced about it. The entire farce of this rubbish I was subjected too had an agenda. Because Geert Wilders and his party are actually popular and waking up people to the truth and reality of multiculturalism the BBC had to do what ever it takes in an attempt to stamp out, destroy, vilify anyone who dares to feel uneasy and uncomfortable about immigration. Using the word populist has become a derogatory term to denigrate and annihilate those who question the new world order. What is referred is that being a populist means you are racist. How fucking dare the BBC air such disgusting contrived propaganda and call it IN THE BALANCE. Even before it started the promo used the words ANTI EU AND ANTI IMMIGRATION. Then we get the following ……global citizen…..harmonious, international, international economy creates jobs, American woman born in South Africa who has an Italian mum and a Dad from Cypress, importance of internationalisation, local people new people are the same, connect people not seperate people, hopeful future, less groundswell of populism, 4 year olds to be taught of multicultural awareness. It’s obviously anything but balanced. How frustrating it must be says the reporter trying to create these wonderful goals in such a political climate. There was not one mention of Islam nor any discussion about the terms of immigrant, refugee, economic migrant, invader. The very reason for unrest is because of programmes like this failing to address in a balanced way why something is seriously wrong. I am so stunned by what I’ve heard especially after being subjected to the Henk and Ingrid story yesterday. It takes pure audacity to keep producing shit like this. I won’t be able to make any further comments because I will never switch on BBC again
however I will continue to enjoy the biased BBC forums and comments.
Good summing up !
You mean this prog
What do Foreign Workers do for the Netherlands?
will be reteated Sunday 22:30pm
I saw the title yesterday, but decided not to download it , on blood pressure grounds, cos in the balance has a reputation for MetroBubbleworld agenda pushing.
Part of a multi-part BBC Campaign
Here’s Newsnight March 7th
operation #StopWilders : Like the NYT the BBC SJW missionary departments have been deployed.
.. (After their success in operation #StopBrexit and operation #StopTrump)
operation #StopWildrers
Someone dissects them here
BBC Anna Holligan article 7 March 2017
BBC radio sneering at Wilders : Thu March 9
oops hypo on that last url
In Search of Henk and Ingrid
and some more #StopWilders progs from BBC this week
A Look at Holland’s Contentious Election
The Netherlands goes to the polls on 15th March. Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders’ PVV party has led in the opinion polls at times during the election campaign. Anna Holligan takes a look
– Business Daily, Netherlands Vote: Is Populism …
2 days ago – Right-wing anti-immigration, anti-EU politicians like Geert Wilders have done well in the polls despite the country’s deep ties with its European neighbours
Clip from World Business Report
Tmw R4 Analysis : Holland’s Challenge to Tolerance
“Why is liberal, tolerant Netherlands home to one of Europe’s most successful anti-immigration, anti-Islamic parties?
Geert Wilders’ radical right-wing Party For Freedom (PVV) – which wants to close mosques and ban the Qur’an – will be one of the biggest in the new Dutch parliament. ”
(probably a rework of the Henk and Ingrid programme)
So Louise the Weather girl gushes about it being hotter then Rome yesterday morning .
Today it is going to be colder than Rome eh Louise ? remind me what your point is again here . Tomorrow we will be colder than Barbados and hotter than Iceland.
I just don’t understand your comparisons, are they supposed to mean something?, is there a subliminal climate change / Global warming meme you are trying to push when it suits Louise? pray tell us plebs
Monkey knackers!
…with the possibility of light showers.
OT but why not…
The comments going about as well as a BBC HYS.
Mark Thompson will be so proud.
Leftists – STOP normalising the Hijab, Barbara Kay
This woman s work, is always rational and interesting
They are chatting to an imam on BBC news, nice bit of early morning Taqqiya. There is an article suggesting Islamic preachers should have to preach in English and he says they should not. The BBC presenters just nod along. Yeah, let’s all just roll over. Let them preach in another tongue, we can trust them!
The time will come when the BBC news is presented in Arabic .
What, like this do you mean?
Arab-speaking followers of BBC Biased (!نعم، هناك بعض) will note that whilst not totally eliminated, the number of trivial race/gender/sexuality stories is somewhat less than on the English language version. Now, I wonder why that is?
This Imam is frequently used by the BBC on Sundays to ‘review ‘ the papers. In effect the item is just an excuse to peddle the view that Muslims are ‘just like us’ and to push a Muslim agenda . Today we had a grievance issue about ‘child’ migrants. There should have been 3000 and now it’s only 300. It’s old news as Amber Rudd announced opposition to the Dubbs amendment some time ago . Also, most Britons don’t want more child migrants so Muslims will just have to concentrate on other forms of migration and high birth rates to achieve their aims .
Bout time we got out there and made it plain that we agree to becoming, ‘just like Muslims’. That would cause multiple heart failure within the senior management of MI5! Over 600 terrorists being currently tracked, each requiring 36 agents (we are told) for 24hr coverage all-year-round. Let me see, that’s 600 x 36 = 21,600 agents on my reckoning.
Hardware stores will claim sales of axes and kitchen knives have “topped” (forgive me) all previous peaks. All good for the economy, including undertakers.
Grant, that’s why the security services are being overwhelmed. Clearly you can’t put 600 Muslims under full surveillance. Oh I forgot , how many of these 600 are nasty racust white supremacists ? According to the BBC there is at least equivalence between Islamists and the ‘ far right.’ So beware of the suspicious looking white guy in your local shopping centre!
Non-story… freedom of speech means people can talk whatever language they want among themselves.
BUT at the government office they have to speak the local language.
ie British Expats at their church on Costa Blanca should speak English
but at the government office they should speak Catalan or Spanish.
Preaching violence is illegal in whatever language.
Tonight on the BBC:
‘Medicine not too white.’
An SJW crusader rants about how massively over-represented non-whites are in medicine. He interviews poor white boys about how unfair it is. Imagine earning six figures for forty years! They interview a young white mechanic on a zero-hours contract.
‘Football not white enough.’
They express their dismay at how massively over-represented black men are in football and demand quotas for white boys. How can they be so under-represented in what is every young boy’s dream job? So unfair!
‘White and British.’
A programme about those terrible oppressors – the tea-drinking, polite Morris dancers whose culture is so oppressive that everyone in the world wants to come and thrive there.
What IS the proportion of drugs dispended re their colour? All hideously white, not near enough black and brown ones.
Should all come in small hijabs and red beards.
The Pharmacy Union types want to take action on pharmacists that refuse to give out HIV drugs or contraceptives at short notice. No longer will they be able to cite conscience as an excuse…
Wonder what faith we`re talking about-the BBC and the General Pharmacy Council don`t seem able to tell us who`s doing this.
Send in the sniffer dogs…in an Uber…er….bloody Baha`i again!
What have the BBC been hiding under their Dutch cap?
One can often tell those times when the BBC are HAVING TO bring us news. What I mean is those news items the BBC is uncomfortable with – the stories they would rather keep the lid on but have to mention, at least in passing, because the story is getting out there anyway via other broadcasters, the internet or the printed press.
So it goes this morning with events in Holland. It is easy to tell that BBC news editors and presenters are disconcerted by the issues raised by the story – you can tell this type of ‘non-BBC story’ by certain warning signs. The first indication is that the story appears to have blown up into seriousness very rapidly and unexpectedly. Somehow events have blindsided reporters. In fact of course this is because if you were only following the BBC they had kept the lid on up until things got out of hand. The other warning signs of a ‘non-BBC story’ are the presenters’ obvious discomfort in relaying the news and their news editor’s discomfort expressed by the very short timeslot given to the item. The real significant indicator is that these are never stories which are good news for leftists – they do not fit the BBC’s leftist globalist agenda – they are for example news about such things as the problems with immigration, EU mismanagement or the misbehaviour of leftist politicians.
There’s a good example this morning. Suddenly apparently out of nowhere (unless you are tracking non-BBC news sources) there is a diplomatic bust-up between the Turks and the Dutch – a riotous protest in Holland and the Turkish leader labels the Netherlanders as Nazis.
Considering the BBC’s near obsession with news about our EU membership it has always struck me as odd that we receive such a paucity of news about events in Europe. Supposedly our economic, social and political futures are inextricably linked to continental Europe – so how come the news black out? Could it be that modern newscasting by nature is highly oppositional and critical of authorities and that if applied to states outside of our borders it may have the effect of turning the public against the EU and EU member states? I have a feeling that were the BBC to broadcast more Europe news it would soon have us thanking our lucky stars we’re here in the UK – and, heavens forfend, be pleased that we are heading out of the EU.
Now for a five minute report on an unknown female motor car racer.
Hahaha yeh what was that all about a young girl likes to drive a racing car round a track – is that National news ?
More money for the McCann enquiry didn’t the Portuguese Detective investigate it find out who did it and write a book about it. Maybe Scotland Yard could buy the book? oh that’s right the book is banned in the UK – why would that be?
Spot on again. Yes, there are some stories that the BBC cannot avoid reporting. The BBC love Erdogan because he is a muslim. They ignore the fact the he is a Nazi. He is a murderous dictator who is turning Turkey into a police state. Murder and torture are widespread. Thousands have disappeared. Maybe that is why the cnuts at the BBC love him so much. The BBC is worse than vile.
Dead right AISI.
Who knew eh?…everybody but Eurovision GB.
Islam meets migrants meets Wilders meets the EU meets referendums.
Poor Gabriel Gatehouse will be appalled at how intolerant the Dutch have become. As opposed to those nice Turks who only want an Arab Spring once more.
Oh-might use migrants as hostages to flood the Eu?
Er, well that`ll be cultural.
98 Red Balloons go by-all with nice white crescent moons on them.