In my quest to become head of the diversity department at the BBC I believe I have come up with some original ideas. Yes I know such euphemisms such as the ” axe man from Dusseldorf station was a mentally ill refugee from the former Yugoslavia is pretty good for a Kosovan
terrorist Muslim. But I would take it a stage further. Why not these poor unstable folk
not coming from say The Levant, Mesopotamia or anybody of Pakistani descent , The Sikh Empire?
You see it’s not just that I want to see Gary Lineker being replaced by some charming young lady from the Indian sub continent to present Match Of the Day.
“A woman is like a private part.(sex organ) When she goes out the devil casts a glance at her”
[Al-Hadis, trans. Al-Haj Maulana Fazlul Karim, vol. 2, p. 692, from Mishkat al-Masabih, by Waliuddin Abu Abdullah Mahmud Tabrizi]
There you have it. The real reason female supremacists love Islam.
Kissing the “godess” The black stone encased in the vagina-shaped corner of the Kaaba in Mecca.
So according to this Hadith the Islamic version of Satan is not very well equipped. It would seem that he can’t see through walls or through a piece of cloth (hijab) 😉
There was an “interesting” piece in yesterday’s Weekend; the magazine that comes with the Daily Mail.
Arch luvvie, Julian Fellowes, the bloke who brought us Downton, isn’t happy with the plight of black British actors. “The truth is black actors have a rough time of it” Fellowes informs us. Apparently there aren’t nearly enough decent television roles for ethnic thespians, although things are getting better.
I think Julian must have a different telly to mine. Every drama I watch, particularly on the pc Beeb, there’s a black lawyer or judge, a sage like black doctor, a sympathetic broad minded Muslim, very often up against some horrible white, racist oik.
Anyway, Julian isn’t just unhappy with the ethnic mix in contemporary drama he wants it to be extended to historical stuff as well. He mentioned Wolf Hall! Bejesus and begorrah, how the xxxx would that work? A Zulu Henry VIII? Ann Boleyn in a hijab? Perhaps, to make things really inclusive and to tick all the boxes, a transgender, duel heritage, Muslim convert, Thomas Cromwwell?
Recently there was a survey asking British youngsters what they knew about our history. It was astonishingly depressing. Some thought Nelson won The Battle of Britain. Others believed that 1066 had something to do with Guy Fawkes. Mrs Thatcher…didn’t she slaughter thousands of miners sitting while on a tank?
We might all sigh and criticise, but is it any wonder our kids seem so gormless when they are being force fed an historically illiterate and deeply dishonest account of our precious heritage. This is done to assuage fashionable left wing influences across the intellectual and educational spectrum.
So our children are brought up believing that British history has been a blight upon the world. Patriotism is a form of racism. The greatest man that ever lived was Nelson Mandela. Churchill had something to do with the Falklands. Oh, and don’t forget.
Francis Drake died at The Battle of Hastings…
I’m not one for conspiracy theories but I have sometimes wondered whether the way history is no longer properly taught in schools isn’t quite deliberate. If you deprive a people of its history (especially a rich and long one like Britain’s) it makes it far easier to manipulate them into believing what you want them to believe. Cue Mr. Orwell.
The BBC plays no small part in this programme by dumbing down its programmes and distorting historical reality to suit its ridiculous prejudices.
Fellowes, incidentally, likes to call himself a Conservative. Perhaps he is right. It would explain the current shower’s lamentable behaviour.
Think I might be with you on that. My niece recently graduated with a good Oxford history degree yet couldn’t place Marston Moor or Naseby into the right war at Christmas quiz time. In fact neither name meant anything to her. Although she can give chapter & verse on the C19th Nat Turner slave rebellion in Virginia! Did find it slightly odd.
It’s rather ironic that the BBC’s EastEnders soap has a disproportionate number of white actors and the ethnic minorities shown in the soap are very unrepresentative of the real East End of London.
The one programme where they could have 99% Muslim and black actors and they fail to do it.
Actually I think there should be programs which cater for the UK’s black and Asian minorities – and not shoehorn them into obviously unlikely ‘white’ settings (eg Midsomer Murders or any/all BBC dramas).
There are urban parts of the country, whether we like it or not – which are majority black. But let them make their own programs. The problem with what we see on the telly I think is that they are written and made by patronising lefty whites. (Who have usually got their jobs through luvvie nepotism by the way!)
There are a few ‘ethnic’ US series on Netflix, which aren’t exactly my kind of thing but at least the characters aren’t all uniformly saintly. Yes they’ll bang on about racism now and again but it isn’t the main theme of the entire show like it would be in BBC world.
I remember when watching The Wire (ostensibly left-liberal themed) thinking how its intended message went awry. It showed a too-truthful picture of ghetto life – the hoodlum characters were acted so well it made left-wingers very uncomfortable – showing how cheap life was for the thuggish black gangsters. After watching it you’d never for one second think to move to an enriched area!
Most U.S crime films have a police chief who is black, a judge who is black, but unlike here they have no ‘historical dramas’ (except cowboys and Indians) to shoehorn an ethnic into. Julian F can rant all he likes, but I wonder what his views would be if there was a mass infiltration of ethnics into the aristocratic hierarchy to which he belongs ! I reckon there’ll be much whispers behind hands if Harry Windsor does get engaged to his mixed race girlfriend – but of course we’ll never get to hear about it !
Its well known that the Queen is a good ‘mimic’ – another way of saying sarcastic, and then there’s Philip who never has done subtle !
What good ole bBBC does not like to report on is HOW the USA is not as racist as they state. Consider the BLACK Sheriff from Milwaukee, David Clarke. Who honestly castigates black criminals. Or, of course, the Texas county which has voted in a black FEMALE sheriff. My god! Texas? Voting for a BLACK sheriff? Who’s a WOMAN? Then voted for Trump! LOL. Not bBBC material…..
Reminds me of the hilarious book 1066 and all that.
The Charge of the Fire Brigade springs to mind.
Maybe the teachers are using it as a text book.
Same as the politicians using 1984 as their blueprint for government.
One of my favourites and, ironically, the more history you know the funnier it seems. We were encouraged to read it when I was at school. I doubt many teachers today would understand the jokes.
The book featured a spoof exam paper which gave the instruction: ‘Do not attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once’. (Which is probably essential advice in today’s in the dumbed down schools.)
By the way, somebody put out a sequel in the eighties. I think it may have been called ‘1984 and all that’. As I recall, it wasn’t very funny and was less concerned with sending up history than with bashing the Thatcher era. Perhaps lefty political correctness was killing humour even then!
I have watched some episodes of the Swedish version of Midsomer murders. Enjoyable nonsense but I wonderered why we haven’t seen it on the BBC , after all they seem to show every Scandi crime series ever made. Then it dawned on me, in the four episodes which I have watched there are only ethnic Swedish characters all played by white folks. I am surprised that the series, which is recent, was made in Sweden as over here ITV gave into the PC police and ensured they met the appropriate diversity count in Midsomer. But I was not surprised that the BBC doesn’t show such a hideously white production.
bBBC yesterday: Best Scotland RU football team for years. Best chance in years to beat those nasty Sassenachs, Sofa team pissing themselves sick with bigging up Scotland. The Englishman? on the sofa appearing to cheer on those braveheart Scots….(and in the week long build up lots of questioning the singing of ‘Swing Low’, a good solid reason for our neutral bBBC to hope England get beat).
bBBC today: Andrew Marred Show reviewing the newspaper front pages, ‘We won’t mention the Rugby’ That couldn’t be because the Scots got HAMMERED by England, could it?
I worked in an office with a team of half a dozen or so fair minded people from all parts of the UK + 1 Scotsman. This guy had a huge chip on each shoulder, and a dirty great thistle up his arse. Every day the same old mantra….’I hate ye English’, ‘I hate England’, ‘ye’ve stolen oor oil’ blah blah blah. My boss said it was just good natured banter, adds colour, not a problem, and so on. One day after more English bashing he was asked ‘why don’t you go back to bloody Scotland then?’ About which, he made a formal complaint. Apparently this is a heinous crime, an HR investigation, and a nice big compensation payment to Jock for constructive dismissal. The office atmosphere improved immensely after he left though.
I would rather not talk about the rugby. I didn’t even make it to half-time. It was like men against boys. Scotland were a bloody disgrace. We are used to losing, but we didn’t even put up a fight. Well done England. Superb rugby.
One good outcome may be that Krankie will keep her stupid mouth shut for a few days.
As to the hatred of the english by the vermin at the BBC, it is one of the mysteries of the universe.
Grant, I know not all Scots hate the English, and I understand a bit about the enclosures and clearances, but this took place many years ago, a less enlightened time, most countries have a past about which some parts are obviously nothing to be proud of viewed from the present. Btw, many English people were drive off their own lands too. What amazes me though, is why do so many English hate the English, and want to be apologists for being English!!??
Some stupid woman on BBC radio 4 this morning commenting on newspaper reports of the English win over Scotland yesterday. She was so upset at the celebratory nature of the reports that she actually said that she would like to apologise to Scotland for defeating them ” on behalf of the English people”. Didn’t catch her name but she sounded like another luvvie with a touch of the Lily Allen’s about her.
That was Maria McErlane, who used to narrate on Eurotrash. ‘Famous’ for being the best friend of Graham Norton and appearing on his radio show every week.
The mystery of why the left wing English folks , who label themselves intellectuals, hate their country , has been around since at least WW2 . Orwell remarked on in one of his essays. This propensity of the lefty English intellectuals to hate their own country is even more pronounced today , with the BBC in the vanguard. It goes a long way to explaining why Labour is losing its power base in England, the English working class has finally realised that Labour cares more about refugees, migrants etc etc than it does about them. I doubt that more than a handful of Labour MPs and no one at the BBC, really give a toss about England and the English. To them our values and our patriotism are an anathema and a bar to progress. They hate us passionately and want to abolish the whole notion of England. Hence why they loath English teams doing well at anything. I can only hope that those folks who have finally realised that Labour is against their best interests also realise that the BBC is their bitter enemy and clamour for its abolition.
Labour & the Left have never really cared for the disadvantaged and working-class in Britain. If they did, they would have used their times in power to really advantage the people they claimed to represent. That would then have placed Labour & the Left at risk of losing the support of the disadvantaged and working-class in future as they became substantially prosperous, more independent and no longer in need of drastic economic change.
Labour have deliberately kept their supporters disadvantaged in order to provide cannon-fodder for their next attempt at joining a gravy-train while in Government. Look at the Milibands as prime examples of this, both personally and in policy. For another, in economics, look at the history of the Council Tax.
Some (many?) in the SNP think their recent expansion of their electoral power base is all to do with Scotland desiring to be independent from Westminster & England.
I suspect a part of it is more to do with being free of the Labour Party who failed Scotland just as badly, or more so, than Thatcher ever did.
“As to the hatred of the english by the vermin at the BBC, it is one of the mysteries of the universe.”
Hatred of the English by most of the intellectual pygmies at Al Beeb can be ignored, it just ain’t worth the candle.
But when you get to the people who would form opinion, you get –
Marr – a snivelling Little Jockie
Humphreys – a strident snivelling Welsher
Naughtie – another strident snivelling Little Jockie (and as the testing they did some time back showed, NOT of Viking extract as he had boasted)
Dumblebum – a former Bullingdon Club member, but, I would suggest not one who would have felt at ease or been properly welcome there
Toenails – former Uni Tory party chair but probably not at home there
Evan Davies – well what more can you say about an ugly, openly gay and Prince Albert sporting creep?
These are the creeps who push their iconoclastic agenda day after day! They don’t believe the English have a history or are a race, but prefer to think we are mongrels like them, and inferior to the hordes who would overrun our once-fair country.
Checked out Al BBC Canada, after picking up a story on school disharmony, and a large protest. Sadly, the BBC only appear to be interested in migrants/refugees/illegal immigrants and … anti Trump for some reason.
BBC – Canada, US talk ‘facts’ on refugee influx
BBC – Judge declines to halt US travel ban
As Canada under Trudeau races to become the new Sweden, there are stirrings.
It appears that many ordinary folk are not willing to “go quietly into the night”.
“Toronto-area parents in the Peel District School Board are preparing a full-scale protest on Saturday to demand that public schools not promote one religion over another. The parents have organized a “Canada First” movement and plan a “Walk to Oppose Religion in Schools” this weekend at Celebration Square near Square One in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. They are also opposed to the motion introduced by local Liberal Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid that would ban “Islamophobia” and potentially make their protest subject to hate crimes legislation.
The parents are furious with the Peel District School Board’s decision to lift all restrictions on what are called “Friday prayer days” for Muslim students.
The sessions take place on school time and include both prayers and sermons that are usually read in Arabic — leading many to ask just what is being said”.
Canada First! … NOW THAT may get Al BBC attention.
Meanwhile, in a strange parallel universe…
The BBC website is running a bizarre item entitled ‘Why did people assume an Asian woman was the nanny?'( This obscure piece of navel-gazing-race-and-gender-trivia includes the following gems: “By now, most of the Internet seems to have seen the video of a BBC interview being interrupted by two small children.” and “The video has been viewed hundreds of million times – and delighted hundreds of thousands of people on social media.”
Presumably written by a 6th former intern, the article seems to believe that the Internet is some sort of living creature or community or collective, with an opinion of its own. No, BBC, it is the name given to a vast number of communication links, servers and routers that encompass the world. And if you consider that it is some sort of ‘community’ then no, “most of the Internet” has not seen it. According to this recent report, around 3.7 billion people have access to the Internet and is unlikely that more than a small percentage have seen it ( Nor has it “delighted hundreds of thousands of people on social media” – that is largely a euphemism for lots of lefties and race hustlers ticking the ‘Like’ button in a mindless fashion.
However, credit to the BBC for describing the wife/nanny/whatever/who cares as Asian. ‘Oriental’ might be better, but at least most of the world – or should I say ‘most of the Internet’ – will understand that they are not talking about a woman from the Indian sub-continent. For once.
Two days ago there were TWO dramatic axe attacks in Germany.
Al Beebistan covered one, reporting the attacker as ‘from the former Yugoslavia’. I immediately smelled a rat: ‘former Yugoslavia’ sounds suspiciously vague, almost as if Al Bibeera were hiding something.
Sure enough, the DT reports the aggressor as from Kosovo, population 96%, erm, muslim.
Good old beeb, free, fair and impartial, ha ha ha.
Yes, the BBC is hand in hand with the German and Swedish governments, which would rather their own citizens die at the hand of terrorists than be told the truth.
I’m sure they despair that our own government is only halfway down a similar track. They would love nothing more than an excuse to conceal any news that doesn’t fit the SJW agenda.
Good ol’ biased BBC ! Can you imagine it? Just turned TV on early to catch Sunday Politics only to catch the tail end of The Big Questions, subject: ‘Should the Church of England Be Cut Down to Size’. NOT A MUSLIM PRESENT. Oh! BBC, you don’t honestly believe the viewer misses this kind of deceitful, dishonest omission do you?
OOPS! … do you think, Should Islam in England Be Cut Down to Size?
would ever be put forward on the BBC?
or maybe that would be bias by omission 😀
Actually G the Islamophile BBC, doesn t even need “a muslim present” (a refreshing change if true)… there are so many detractors from its ranks and extreme leftists willing to jump at the chance to slam Christianity.
Or maybe you erm, just haven t noticed, or maybe you have … you are on this site after all.
BBC have no problem mentioning that this woman is a Muslim as she is the “victim”. If she is suing the Met Police for sexism and racism then surely her religion is irrelevant?!?
Shouldn’t the title be ‘Asian detective sues Met…” ?
Is there a MET police BME not suing the organisation for racism? A well worn path to compensation. So desperate to recruit BME officers and staff the MET have recuited shite who just want to take them to the cleaners. If they don’t get what they want, when they want it, then they have been discriminated against. I spent 30 odd years in policing and it is beyond belief how ethnic minority officers, despite being crap, are retained and promoted just because of their backgrounds or skin colour.
That is a very astute comment. They have had a collective death wish for centuries and I hope they succeed so long as they do not drag the rest of us down with them. Despicable people.
“They have had a collective death wish for centuries and I hope they succeed.”
Western Europe is being overrun by human rubbish from the Third World.
Why should the collective destruction of one of the strongest european peoples (whom one day our descendants could very well be fighting shoulder to shoulder with, against the Islamic hordes) be something any rational person would wish to see?
I don’t want to see ANYTHING which leads to a further reduction in the numbers of Western Europeans – our numbers have declined enough.
It seems the German people may punish Angela Merkel by voting for the Socialist Party, which most assuredly is not going to send the buggers back. As a way of protesting at the islamification of their country it is somewhat quixotic.
I am just hoping for victories for Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen, and a swift end to the European Union.
New Jersey school got 10 year old kids to draw up “slave for sale posters”
visitors saw the posters hanging in the corridor without any context.
excuse for this
“all over our country often skip over the more painful aspects of American history”
Felt “we need to do a better job of acknowledging the uglier parts of our past”
The school has been doing it for 10 years
“all over our country often skip over the more painful aspects of American history”
That’s true enough. I’ve never heard of slavery ever being mentioned once in the United States. Is it something new?
“Posters hanging in the corridor” eh?
Hope someone`s taken a picture of gloating white trash grinning as they look up at the lynched posters.
Bitter Fruit -tell Lily Allen, there`s song there for her.
And nothing about the slavery in Africa today or the slavery of Filipinas and Black African girls in Arab countries who are raped every day and sometimes beheaded for sport. Nothing from the perverts at the BBC about these atrocities. Nothing from fucking Treezer or wanker Boris. In fact totally Fuck all.
Please excuse my language. But I am angry about the total hypocrisy of some of the shitty people in this world and that includes the disgusting BBC.
Sorry Grant but the BBC not very interested in black on black or brown on black crime. I am afraid the only crime that really matters is white on black or white on brown crime.
On the whole you probably cannot be held responsible for violent crime if you are black or brown because you have probably suffered racism from whitey in the past and this all just a justified reaction to it all.
Why – because Aunty and the left seem to have some weird S & M esque fetish in destroying the society that gave birth to it and pays its bills. All seems a bit freudian to me – Anyone would have thought that the organisation is run by a collection of emotionally stunted, repressed, sexual degenerates and deviants!
Well that’s the big ironic point.
The school said : ““all over our country often skip over the more painful aspects of American history”
Felt “we need to do a better job of acknowledging the uglier parts of our past”
..and the ugly part that is not acknowledged is that US slavery is not simple narrative of Black people good, white people bad; as African slaves transported to the US had invariably been captured and sold by neighbouring tribes part of hundreds of years of tradition.
Stew the point as I see it is, is no one culture is either entirely good or entirely bad.
All societies consist of people that have done both good and bad over the years. However that is not the picture the BBC wishes to portray about its own society. Apparently pretty much everything we do is selfish, waycist, and generally destructive whereas the noble arabs and black Africans are just portrayed as perennial victims who dont have a cruel bone anywhere in their bodies. Might be interesting seeing if the Yazdis in Syria or Tutsi’s in Rwanda agree with that.
I suppose that in their world view all European caucasians should all now be punished for our accident of birth. Which is what I suppose they are all now doing to us.
All I know is that as things currently stand I would far rather live in a western culture than an Islamic one and maybe some of these free living, self loathing left wing radicals should go to Saudi for a year or two and see how they get on.
Unfortunately the treacherous BBC appears never to have heard the phrase be careful what you wish for and at the end of the day like willful and irresponsible teenagers everywhere even if it had it would make very little difference.
“Stew the point as I see it is, is no one culture is either entirely good or entirely bad.”
I think you are correct…..up to a point, but sometimes there are exceptions. I do not think any intelligent observer, on the evidence available, could justify the existance of the EU, Islam, or the bBBC.
And the Indonesian girls ferried to KSA as, “housemaids” in their dozens. I’ve watched them boarding the, presumably chartered, 747’s in Jakarta destined for a life of slavery and abuse.
! Don’t see a crowd of poster waving apprentice leftie/liberal children outside the embassy of KSA in Londonistan.
Saudi Arabia guilty of war crimes?
Oddly enough, this report does not seem to have made its way onto the BBC yet:
Elsewhere, a British government spokesman – who did not wish to be named – is reported as saying:
“We congratulate the BBC in not publicising this undoubtedly fake news. Arms sales to our Saudi friends are worth billions of pounds, plus a number of my colleagues in government hold lucrative directorships in the companies involved. We would also like to thank Saudi Arabia for its large investments in London and we will, with the BBC’s help, turn a blind eye to all the other things it is up to.”
4.6 Billion arms sales. But the unwritten agreement is that the KSA is permitted to pour millions into schools promoting Islam and building mosques. All done without a whimper by our Islamic Government.
I get them impression that everyone who matters has been bought and paid for. No-one ever seems to leave what is laughingly called “public service” poorer than when they went in, do they?
Brillo is interviewing Louise Mensch as she is the one who is supposed to be the source for the idea that Trump was being tapped.
4 months ago she said that the FBI had a warrant to monitor communication between 2 Russian banks, and that would mean there would be “INCIDENTAL taps” of Team Trump.
– She claimed that this had been confirmed in a BBC report 2 months later.
– She claims that Trump shouting now maybe that he’s found that as part of that warrant there’s a tap at Trump Tower.
– “There’s no use asking Trump for evidence of this FBI warrant, cos its terms are ‘you may neither confirm or deny this warrant’
Brillo is making her look like an self admitted ADHD idiot
cos she says when she puts something on her website that is a report
but when she tweets something that is NOT a report it’ just something she believes therefore she doesn’t need to substantiate it. eg that Putin had Andrew Breitbart assassinated
It is plausible that Obama realised that a way of tapping US citizens without actually putting an illegal order on them, is to tap a foreigner in their building. Thus you’d incidentally tap your real US target.
As far as I can see, Obama is still resident in Washington, vainly trying to hold back the pile of shit. While Trump is patiently collecting evidence for a coming investigation. Obama has obviously used Russia mania as an excuse to look at Trump’s emails and phone calls and financial transactions, and use both the FBI and the CIA to spy on Trump.
Obama used Russiaphobia to get his Justice department to use the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Trump, while the CIA has and can use MI6 to spy on American citizens, while the FBI has paid a British spy working for the Clinton campaign, for information on Trump. He was the person responsible for that daft fake news story about Trump in Russia. In Britain there was a D notice on the name of the British spy. But five days ago he was revealed as MI6 operative Christopher Steele. Presumably the D Notice was lifted because MI6 could not keep a lid on the shit, so ordered him to leave MI6. That would be the reason that he is now described as a former MI6 agent.
Friends! After a week’s absence due to Hard-Right Tory Austerity, my Sunday Selection of Tweets is back – literally bigger and better than ever! And it can be literally found here:
KThopkins column 10 Mar : Hands up if you’re worried about being mown down, blown up or axed to death by a white, right wing nutter (unless, of course, you’re the Home Office). Thought not.
Hands up if you’re worried about being mown down, blown up or axed to death by a white, right wing nutter.
Even that doesn’t give the full .. I now recall that it’s actually a case of vindictive point scoring by LibMob and Jack Monroe.
– The Hopkins Haters spotted an opportunity to get back at her. Jack Monroe who had herself sent malicious tweets in the past spotted Hopkins name mistake and thus sent the bullying trap tweet I’ll accept an apology only if you pay £5K to charity, even though the original tweet had already been deleted 2 hours after posting. So KT sent back a sarcastic response cos it’s unreasonable to pay out £5K every time someone gets names mixed up on Twitter.
It’s like when there are 2 school bullies and you accidentally report the wrong one and he says to apologise you must pay him your lunch money for the next month.
Think she ballsed up there.
Lazy to tweet phoney Jack, when it was Laurie Penney who was the intended target.
That fine needs looking at, as do those costs-this should be a civil court pice of crap.
Well understand Katie refusing to give money to Jacks “migrant appeal”-that`s possibly funding terrorism, given the nature of the gulls who shill for this kinds t`ing.
But really-Monroe`s a sitting duck-but Penney was who needed to get that Tweet.
Maybe we should tell everyone to bin Red Nose crap and do our charity stunts to help out our Katie.
It’s the same old issue of Lefty hypocrisy
I guarantee that within each hour someone tweets something untrue and defamatory about KT Hopkins
..but there is no way they’d pay her £5K each time
and no one shouts at them to apologise.
Nigel Farage supposedly receives hundreds of death threats on social media etc, none of which get investigated. Jack Monroe receives a mild insult on social media, intended for someone else, and receives £24,000 in compo.
Something stinks with this one. I suspect that, like Milo Yianoppolous, Katie Hopkins has made a lot of enemies in media-land because she is that most disgraceful object – a tough, intelligent conservative woman (also an ex army officer) who regularly sticks it to the snowflakes.
Jack Monroe by contrast is the absolute poster girl for leftist trendoids – urban hip tatooed single mother of uncertain sexual orientation with right-on 1980s-style left-wing views.
I suspect she had some powerful, Gina Miller style backing on this one to make a point.
Also the fact that there was a spoof crowdfunding campaign for Katie Hopkins stinks as well – looks like a well-orchestrated attempt to derail support for her.
I agree that “Jack” Monroe must have had someone in the background bankrolling her. No person of normal means would contemplate the immense costs of a libel action for what was, by any rational standards, a fairly mild insult, and one which was in fact meant for another person entirely.
Let’s just say I don’t suppose George Soros is upset at this result.
Even that doesn’t give the full .. I now recall that it’s actually a case of vindictive point scoring by LibMob and Jack Monroe.
– The Hopkins Haters spotted an opportunity to get back at her. Jack Monroe who had herself sent malicious tweets in the past spotted Hopkins name mistake and thus sent the bullying trap tweet I’ll accept an apology only if you pay £5K to charity, even though the original tweet had already been deleted 2 hours after posting. So KT sent back a sarcastic response cos it’s unreasonable to pay out £5K every time someone gets names mixed up on Twitter.
But then Jack Monroe cleansed her own Twitter history and called in the lawyers.
(eg she deleted a Tweet that said
“Because he uses stories about his dead son as misty-eyed rhetoric to legitimise selling our NHS to his friends: #CameronMustGo
(@MsJackMonroe) November 23, 2014” )
The judge even mentioned that it was strange she’d cleansed her own Twitter history.
.. It’s like when there are 2 school bullies and one vandalised the Churchill monument and you accidentally report the wrong one..
and then he says to apologise you must pay him your lunch money for the next month.
Typical self-aggrandising piece of anti-Trump law BS from the BBC.
Just heard it. Ex-Guardian editor slates Trump and his “obsession with the media”.(1.30pm, R4/ 12.3.17)
But at least we know what the BBCs game is. Can they bear to share their audiences, their ratings-and , of course their hitherto monopoly on what news is?
Can they do this with those sites cources that we go to for REAL news-like this site amongst others?
The answer-need I tell you is NO!
But at least we know now why we`rein a fight to the death for truth with the telly tax gauleiters at the BBC and the Eu. And why we get bloody Soubry on all the time-then Ashdown, Starmer, Hesltine-and then Soubry again!
The BBC License has GOT to go-only then can we get the start of a free press, out of the shadow of the lavender cloud that is the godawful, satanic BBC
Chris, I found that very revealing with just one sentence, near the end, to the effect: the newspaper & broadcast media are running scared because they have lost their hegemony to the people via the internet.
As far as I can make out from Going Postal, Twitter, Breitbart and others, the situation between Turkey and the Netherlands is getting more serious by the hour. Denmark, too, has been threatened by Erdogan’s goons.
Waiting in the wings are said to be several million Syrians, ready to be sent into the EU by Erdogan, if he doesn’t get his way. Then there is the small matter of 400,000 Turks already in Holland (don’t get complacent – there are more than that living in the UK).
The BBC seems serenely indifferent to all this. One wonders how it would have reported Sarajevo.
See BBC manufactures narratives :
– Airs activists making wild claims
– Excludes ppl who can challenge
Clip :
That was Saturday CC scare story. BBC Radio 4 Today, at 7.20am.
John Humphreys has a go at New EPA head Scott Pruitt, by giving free rein to Corinne LeQuere to forecast disaster.
John Humphreys can’t even get his name right and refers to him as “Truitt”
Original BBC prog link
If the BBC really want to give voice to a diversity of opinion, they could perhaps try including CC sceptic voices now again……
Great stuff on LBC at the moment with Maajid Nawaz hosting,talking about this…
“A Muslim girl captured on camera twerking in Britain has apologized for “disrespecting” Islam and hijab following the backlash from the Muslim community.
The girl, whose name remains unknown, was criticized after video filmed in the UK city of Birmingham, showed her twerking while wearing a hijab. The footage was viewed well over 1 million times on social media and has received thousands of negative comments, including death threats towards the girl.”
Apparently not reported by the BBC or any British newspapers.
What is bugging me though is Maajid Nawaz is blaming it on Great Britain and our feminists for not protecting Muslim women!
Actually, I’d like to know what feminists think of a girl threatened with death unless she apologises for dancing, simply because music is ‘haram’, ie banned by Islam.
I understand that women in the BBC and the Guardian can have the vapours if women are told to wear heels or a Tesco’s exec makes a joke about women on boards. But where are they when women are threatened with death for dancing? Or having their pussies cut up, being raped every night, forced into marriages at 13?
I guess the BBC, feminists, the Labour Party, Sociology lecturers, Shami Chakrabarti and the Guardian are so appalled they just don’t know what to say –
so say nothing.
Why doesn’t anyone vote for the left any more or read the Guardian? A real conundrum.
It amuses me, perhaps puzzles is a better expression, when I see a young woman wearing an expensive looking hijab to cover her hair and neck, coupled with skin tight jeans and top revealing her all too feminine figure.
Isn’t the point to be modest? I rather think that many of these young ladies are wearing hijabs as a political statement, a badge of honour, a two-fingers to the indigenous males.
Another Obama funded company takes the money and quits Aquion Energy received a $5.2 million stimulus-tied grant from Obama filed bankrupcy.
Greens say all we need is magic battery storage
“Let’s remember that the need for energy storage systems is strictly a consequence of the intermittency of renewable energy sources like solar and wind.
These companies benefit from the grants and indirectly from the inefficiencies of an industry that exists by the grace of political favoritism.”
Someone mentioned the “Code Severe” podcasts .. i searched BBC but now see they are from gov directly
“As part of our campaign Counter Terrorism Policing has created a podcast series, called Code Severe. They tell previously untold stories of how terrorist attacks on UK soil were prevented thanks to information from the public.”
Couldn`t be clearer could it Charlie.
But there are “alternative facts”-and funnily enough, the Left will prefer them.
Power is the ability to ensure that the Lefts narrative clouds and blows smoke into our faces.
Hence when the Turkish bloke simply expects to walk into another country to gather all those postal votes-it is only a logical application of EU outreach, of the Federal EU thinking that will bring Turkey into the E.U if it can-and that votes and referenda are moveable flexible feasts. Erdogan famously says that democracy is a bus-you ride it when you want to then get off it as you wish. Who in Brussels would not agree with THAT?
So now a liberal democracy like Holland is now learning that being Muslim-and the call of home( although not so attached that you would ever return there to live though)-is enough to set a nation into a terminal tailspin. This will catch across northern Europe and trigger a lot of real problems.
Erdogan need only open the gates for Cyprus, Greece and seal his wagons for Munich and Bratislava-and I think we`ll find that Holland can be binned as long as Merkel gets re-elected,
Hope to God that Wilders and Le Pen will get into power-they`re urgently needed on the mainland.
BBC News – “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned the Netherlands it will “pay the price” for harming ties after two of his ministers were barred” ……… the same Erdogan who is calling all those who won’t allow Turkish political rallies in Europe “Nazis”
As any foreign political rallies in Turkey are banned! …… DOH!
Women dressed in Burquas, women dressed in vaginas – how’s that for diversity?
It could be said that the former are the latter and latter are just that.
For the Left, self delusion is far more respectable than plain old dishonesty.
They can always say they were led to their self delusion and are merely victims, when the wheels come off. In the meantime ……………….
One of today’s top ‘news’ stories according to the bBBC is that black children are being encouraged to have black hair.
But I thought, judging from what I see on TV, it was already compulsory for every advertisement and bBBC item to show at least one black or half-caste woman with frizzy hair.
The mother of an 11-year-old girl has produced a billboard to celebrate natural black hair because she says does not want her daughter to think she has to use extensions, wigs or chemical straighteners.
……….The mother of an 11-year-old girl has produced a billboard to celebrate natural black hair because she says does not want her daughter to think she has to use extensions, wigs or chemical straighteners……..
I doubt there are many black ladies on tv who DO NOT wear wigs or extensions, with many being so obvious they look bloody awful, ie Sky news readers, and Scarlett Douglas takes first prize for the most ridiculous on A Place in the Sun (Ch4)
That looks like narrative construction to me, cos I am sure it’s not true
GHHQ will be helping political parties resist ANY hacking threat
..hacking threats don’t come labelled don’t know whose doing it
For a start the US has a reputation has for hacking its friends, or it could be any asperger’s kid in his bedroom anywhere in the world.
And UK elections, Stew, are not carried out via electronic terminals. It is very hard to hack a voter who is using pencil (or pen!) and paper.
I laughed at the BBC Radio 4 news item on this. A FakeNews classic! Not good enough to beat “Venice will dry out.” from the turn of the century but still a good ‘un.
This is the most typically BBC thing I’ve seen all week. I’m pretty sure a lot of you guy here enjoyed the interview gaffe on BBC News the other day, in fact it was intentionally the best comedy the corporation have produced in a decade.
However, the BBC, true to form, are now using this innocent video to remind us that we’re all racists.
This is the most typically BBC thing I’ve seen all week. I’m pretty sure a lot of you guy here enjoyed the interview gaffe on BBC News the other day, in fact it was intentionally the best comedy the corporation have produced in a decade.
However, the BBC, true to form, are now using this innocent video to remind us that we’re all racists.
I’m sorry if I offend any self employed people with this comment below but I have worked hard since I was 15 yrs old and always in this country and have always been PAYE:
Can I just mention my situation re. NI contributions.
I worked in the City, Private Sector, full stamp, Contracted In for 14 yrs. Left to have family.
5 yrs later started work in education and was automatically Contracted Out as a public sector worker.
Last April 2016 this scheme was abolished for Public Sector Workers. No more reduced stamp.
Due to my great age I do not now have enough qualifying years to receive a full State Pension on retirement.
My beef is that I live in a very low wage area so my Private Pension won’t amount to much.
Even though since April last year I’ve been paying in excess of £14 a month more in NI contributions and will do so until I receive my very reduced State Pension in 5 years time. I am one of thousands, especially women I think.
Therefore GET OVER IT SELF EMPLOYED people who have very healthy tax free expenses and pay little tax. Had I been a refugee/immigrant/on benefits I probably would receive full State Pension. Rant over.
Moneybox yesterday and who do they get in to bemoan the lot of the self employed? Not a common plumber or builder, oh no but the elite of the elite and on a par with BBC news presenters – a GP who voluntarily became self employed for cash reasons.
I listened for the address of where to send the charity donations for the poor creature but none came.
The larger self employed have been milking the system for years. Smaller not so much but low wage PAYE cannot wriggle out of tax payments on income.
The increase on self employed NI is about £250pa??
I started work at 16, and worked non-stop for 42 years, paying full stamp. As I only (?) required 39 years to qualify for the state pension, I decided to call it a day 2 years early from retirement date (and relied on a private pension), as I had paid in 3 years more NI than necessary, and not a cat in hells chance of getting it back !
Not exactly a BBC story but did anyone catch Nigel Farage on the Sunday Politics Programme. Apparently he was saying that the current rumour is that our Government is to use our fishing waters as a bargaining chip in the EU withdrawal negotiations.
Down here in the South West we have a economy which is basically either agricultural or service based for the tourist industry (none of which pay very well). It never ceases to amaze me that the further away you are from London the less the Londoncentric Government actually cares.
Rather than having areas such as ours be dependent on just the fickle seasonal tourism and the farming industry (which will have to be shaken up when we leave the EU). Surely the re-vitalisation of our fishing industry could be the renaissance of regions such as this. And it would also make our economies more resilient to economic changes in the long term.
If this is true it yet again just shows just how much vision Theresa and her chums lack when dealing with the regions. With a little imagination Devon and Cornwall Fish could be making serious contributions to the economy rather than being some sort of rural museum.
It is the epitome of insanity for a set of islands like Britain not do dominate our own waters to our own advantage. It’s evil that our best natural resource should ever have been used as political leverage at the expense of our own people. (And the loony left choose to direct their outrage at phantom racism & so-called islamophobia!)
This current spat between Denmark and Turkey could be the key to the pack of artificial multiculti cards collapsing. It seems that the rest of Europe are rallying round Denmark in the light of, what is no more than the typical irrationality of a Muslim when he/she is refused anything. A petulant child is probably a better example of that form of irrationality. Stand by to witness much of this as the cult of Islam appears to now think that it is reaching demographic critical mass in its invasion of Europe so much so that it tries to control its people resident in another country. In a small way, I feel honoured to have lived and worked in the Middle East and have some understanding of how the Muslim thinks and acts as the norm. Increasingly, that norm will be rejected by the West and the consequences may well be bloody, literally. What if? What if, Geert Wilders takes over in a few days time. Will he take the Erdogan nonsense?…………
FooC Yesterday went with the BBC narrative construction : Ice everywhere is declining.
Hmm I haven’t got a 100% debunk, cos it’s the time of year that Antarctic ice is at the end of its summer so at lowest level, but what I can see is that for the last month Arctic ice has been a touch above 2015 levels. Until it’s confirmed that is called “operational data” rather than official record graph FooC Yesterday : Minute 11:30
“Whatever the arguments about Global Warming… natural fluctuations of climate
One thing is certain levels particularly in the Arctic have been declining
According to NASA’s satellite imagery the coverage of the sea in the Arctic at record low levels
#1 Bet she didn’t write that , seems like that was written carefully by someone at British Arctic Survey
Still awaiting Theresa’s promised infrastructure projects?
Historically, this country seems to prefer speculate to asset strip over speculate to accumulate – especially the Tories.
You know the term, racist, did mean you prefer your own countrymen. Not sure when that became a crime? Crimes that may have been committed and called racist are simply criminal acts irrespective – end of.
But the definition now means someone who, HATES ANOTHER BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE, so it simply is not ok to prefer the company of and associate with, your own countrymen – that is now a crime especially in your own country.
The Democrats, or leftists, or progressives, or whatever they call themselves, seem to have gone stark raving mad; call it TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
Obummer, who should have gracefully faded away, has established a bunker two miles from the White House and is publicly directing an organization of 30,000 volunteers, with some 200 offices across the nation – dedicated to destroying the Trump administration.
BBc 22:00 African famine. I don’t care and judging by comments on social media I’m not alone. The BBc has deployed reporters to various spots and apparently the coming week will focus on the issue. So that’ll be something to look forward to won’t it. At the end I still won’t care and I’ll still want foreign aid to be stopped.
With you there Dave.
Perpetual compassion fatigue, not helped by the sheer cynicism of this pup of a story.
Same few countries, all Muslim or with Islam creating civil war. Funnily enough names of countries that Trump doesn`t want in most cases..but NO!
And this story is just weekend filler until the Brexit mangle is restored for the coming week…it`s not as if ONE Beeboid gives a damn.
The bbc ticks along and then suddenly a story that’s been old news will seem to explode across the screens like it’s new, life threatening and these days due to Brexit. Air pollution is one of those stories. Clearly we weren’t panicked sufficiently by Climate Change. There were numerous reports and programs on the health costs of pollution and how sunshine worsens the effect of the pollutants – several years ago.
Soon it’ll just go, poof, and it’ll be forgotten.
In real life about 250,000 people die everyday ..and a huge chunk of that is people dying early in Africa etc. Corrupt governments who haven’t got control of diseases etc.
..but some people can only see as far as Calais or what they see on TV.
Plain fact is there are too many people, and that will always in the end lead to starvation. It’s not a pleasant fact, but being unpleasant doesn’t make it false. You could give them contraceptives but they wouldn’t use them. There’s no point in us feeling guilty over it.
I don’t like to decry the intelligence of other nationalities, BUT after standing behind a black Jamaican gentleman in our local surgery, who just could not grasp the instructions from the receptionist on how to use a bowel testing kit he had received through the post; I realised that there is a definite ‘lacking’ in some of our ethnic friends, and perhaps they need written and drawn instructions as to the usage of a condom !!
The scenario in the Surgery would not have been out of place in a sitcom. The receptionist spoke in hushed tones to prevent embarrassment, but gradually her voice reached a crescendo like one does on the Continent to be understood, – clearly these instructions were now heard by all in the waiting area and it was hysterical to see how reactions varied, from consulting iPhones to looking out of the window and many a magazine was being rustled !!
Not so many years ago I would have described my political views as ‘libertarian right’. Alas not any more. Money won’t be much good when your civilisation has gone down the pan.
Those corrupt countries with millions of excess people with little education or job prospects will take hundreds of years to evolve into functioning self-regulating societies.
There’s no comfortable future or further technological progress when the overspill populations come to dominate western societies. Where else would they go? China, Russia or any country with sense won’t let any in, and if they tried to gatecrash they would probably just be shot.
In a hundred years people will see what a massive error we made in providing western aid, drugs and medicines – our good intentions will have been the death of us.
You only have to look at the burgeoning African population to see that these famines do not appear to have any impact on their ability to breed.
In both the two most populous countries, Nigeria and Ethiopia the population has more than doubled since 1990.
How many would there be if we had managed to “save the children”?
Perhaps a period of reasonable effective birth control might be in order?
It was particularly ironic to learn in one of the BBC’s recent Hospital documentaries of the Nigerian woman who gave birth to prenatal quads in a London hospital after being refused entry to a hospital in Obama’s US. She had IVF in Nigeria, but there were NO paediatric ICUs in Nigeria to deal with that concurrent demand.
Why are we in the West having to deal with the problems that the third world is making for itself? (rhetorical question, there is no rational explanation).
Malthus -Natural checks to population – War, famine and disease.
Harsh but probably true.
Populations in the third world would have to reach a fairly low point first to enable them to be helped and develop as you have all above suggested, in a self regulating way.
Unfortunately in the West we are cursed with a number of influential (within the media) bellicose arseholes such as Saint Bob the Hypocritical. Who have successfully (as far as the media is concerned) argued that we keep the countries in the third world above a sustainable population level by using aid and not only that, but to import as many as he can to the west so they can start the whole cycle of overpopulation here to.
As the media and the BBC have done their best to ensure that we respect their “culture” Especially if it includes having more kids than you can support. I am afraid unless we wise up soon things will be only going in one direction.
As for the Green party and their understanding of these issues – I am afraid they have never made it out of teletubby land ehoh!
Overpopulation will always be the elephant in the room which the left will ignore until it squashes us all!
Oaknash: “Overpopulation will always be the elephant in the room which the left will ignore until it squashes us all!”
Seem to recall the BBC, the bit of ‘the Left’ or at least, the self-admitted ‘Liberal Concensus’, inadvertently reminded us upon the death of Hans Rosling – a scientist they appear to hold in high regard – that world population is set to fall, even in the developing world.
This, of course, leads to further anguish, hand-wringing and fear-spreading that there will be no-one, young enough and poor enough and foreign enough, who will be exceedingly grateful to come the UK to wipe BBC bottoms in the bathroom when they are tucked up in their six-figure annual fee Nursing Homes on the sunny south-coast in extreme old age.
Brutal truths on a global level are when true statespeople capable of assessing situations, identifying risks and making tough decisions come to the fore.
Sadly we seem in an era when all on offer have a chilidish desire to be loved by their fellow bubble dwellers and an eye on the lucrative post office lecture circuit served by private planes and gated communities.
I do not profess to have the answers, but do not aspire to high office or presume to speak for nations in making a few observations.
I presume the bbc has joined Sky in churning out the dire ‘warnings’ from the UN, with countries as diverse as oil-rich Nigeria to Saudi enriched Yemen on the brink, which can all only be resolved by giving warlords more money to up the Merc collection.
There are weeping reporters aplenty scattered around amongst the poor souls who are victims of all this insanity. And a Western led focus on consequence without sensible analysis of causes or, if aware, a PC set of blinkers to ensure no outrage is risked in the creation of the narrative.
I simply hark back at such times to the metaphor of a BBC documentary I saw several years ago, that followed life, and death, in a tiger sanctuary.
A female has four Cubs, and we are treated to amazing footage as she, and they, cope with the travails of life, competition, space, supply, etc in surviving and prevailing. At the conclusion all have, against the odds, survived, but are honking great big tigers, needing hundreds of acres each to provide for them.
Just as the sphere we stand upon is finite, so was/is their reservation. In the absence of Elon Musk and a uniquely subsidised BBC Ark to Mars, there is a problem looming, especially as what was one became four, and boy and girl Tigers will surely do what boys and girls do naturally the world over.
Sending emoting reporters and passing on UN funding PR really is not going to cut it any more.
Guest – Sorry I may have “reported” our comment by accident!
What I was trying to say was as regards UN funding and PR it will only not cut it in the UK/BBC media until the whole bloody lying, devious, BBC is dragged down and made to answer WHY HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO US ABOUT THESE THINGS FOR SO LONG?
I suspect the answer would be something like “I was only doing my job” I understand that this argument was also quite popular among certain individuals in Germany about seventy years ago.
from the comments there
It looks like Aussie PM is a battery storage true believer and Musk has been telling him what to think.
(Power grids without Mickey Mouse intermittent power like wind/solar don’t need such batteries, they are extra cost with this supposedly free power)
Stew on the whole Maajid comes out with some pretty good, honest stuff. Probably wont be long before the MCB issues a fatwa on him – Depressingly I am sure there would be more than a few “British” mentally ill individuals more than willing to avenge the hurt prophets feelings.
Would also like to add – (apart from the sheer bloody numbers – which is crazy). If all the migrants were as enlightened as this bloke I would have no problem with many of the migrants coming here.
Unfortunately most of them are not. They will bring with them all of their violent, misogynist cultural baggage and because of the numbers are unlikely ever to become “integrated” into our society.
Worse than that because of our destructive, devious media and weak and callow politicians, all seem to have bought into the “cultural relativism” argument and seem more interested shutting us up rather than ensuring that these new visitors respect and obey the laws of our land.
I ve got a lot of time for Maajid, glad he s pointing this issue out
just one small adage … he appears to lean towards its society that needs to give more support to “minorities” with a pointer to muslim women being most needy.
Maajid why provide a bigger sticking plaster? … the problem is what abuses these most needy muslim women? that is the pressing issue.
That is the where a “backbone” is needed, the big step, the requirement.
I m glad he distanced himself from Quilliam they do some needed work, but at a pace for their benefit, not ours … with an irritating penchant for slapping that imam out as a clear voice., that’s a retrograde step and wastes valuable time.
Good to discover on Toady that the England rugby team emphatically defeated Scotland’s last Saturday and to listen to a long interview with one of England’s wingers; maybe next time, after such a victory, it will be the men’s team that is reported on and one of their players who is interviewed?
And we are expected, by law, to pay for this cr@p?
Women’s sport eh. Can’t get enough of it can you.
The poor BBBC eunuch introduced this piece by saying “you may have missed this result”. Alas I did not as when reading about the men’s match on BBC website, the women’s match was prominently displayed.
He threw the young lady a dolly towards the end “you were lucky enough to start a professional career?” She responded by saying how lucky she was compared to her downtrodden teammates who had had to interrupt their careers (doctors, police etc) and she fervently hoped that once their playing careers were over they would be able to get back onto their professional career ladder unhindered.
Or – “shall I keep your job open for you to return for 5 years, 10 years whatever, just because you are a woman?”
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Owen is stating that food prices will rise out of control post – Brexit . Nobody asks him why?
Surely food prices will come down ?
Would have thought so G
Asking Owen questions is a hate crime.
We’ll be able to help poor Africans by buying their products, unlike the EU wsho block them in favour of more expensive EU food.
That’s not quite true Lucy…..Tim Farron is the biggest ring-(piece) is our solar system
In my quest to become head of the diversity department at the BBC I believe I have come up with some original ideas. Yes I know such euphemisms such as the ” axe man from Dusseldorf station was a mentally ill refugee from the former Yugoslavia is pretty good for a Kosovan
terrorist Muslim. But I would take it a stage further. Why not these poor unstable folk
not coming from say The Levant, Mesopotamia or anybody of Pakistani descent , The Sikh Empire?
You see it’s not just that I want to see Gary Lineker being replaced by some charming young lady from the Indian sub continent to present Match Of the Day.
Put Lineker in a Burkha job done
His ears wouldn’t fit.
“A woman is like a private part.(sex organ) When she goes out the devil casts a glance at her”

[Al-Hadis, trans. Al-Haj Maulana Fazlul Karim, vol. 2, p. 692, from Mishkat al-Masabih, by Waliuddin Abu Abdullah Mahmud Tabrizi]
There you have it. The real reason female supremacists love Islam.
Kissing the “godess” The black stone encased in the vagina-shaped corner of the Kaaba in Mecca.

So according to this Hadith the Islamic version of Satan is not very well equipped. It would seem that he can’t see through walls or through a piece of cloth (hijab) 😉
Surely the erm … “black hole” … gag, wretch!
What – you mean it’s ILLEGAL to murder infidels in Germany?
Why didn’t anyone TELL me? What a barbaric country!
Nice to know that the FGM clinics the NHS, at taxpayers expense, have been setting up around the country are being put to good use –
Track their growth on a map and it currently shows where the immigrant concentrations are –
Click to access List%20of%20FGM%20Clinics%20Mar%2014%20FINAL.pdf
There was an “interesting” piece in yesterday’s Weekend; the magazine that comes with the Daily Mail.
Arch luvvie, Julian Fellowes, the bloke who brought us Downton, isn’t happy with the plight of black British actors. “The truth is black actors have a rough time of it” Fellowes informs us. Apparently there aren’t nearly enough decent television roles for ethnic thespians, although things are getting better.
I think Julian must have a different telly to mine. Every drama I watch, particularly on the pc Beeb, there’s a black lawyer or judge, a sage like black doctor, a sympathetic broad minded Muslim, very often up against some horrible white, racist oik.
Anyway, Julian isn’t just unhappy with the ethnic mix in contemporary drama he wants it to be extended to historical stuff as well. He mentioned Wolf Hall! Bejesus and begorrah, how the xxxx would that work? A Zulu Henry VIII? Ann Boleyn in a hijab? Perhaps, to make things really inclusive and to tick all the boxes, a transgender, duel heritage, Muslim convert, Thomas Cromwwell?
Recently there was a survey asking British youngsters what they knew about our history. It was astonishingly depressing. Some thought Nelson won The Battle of Britain. Others believed that 1066 had something to do with Guy Fawkes. Mrs Thatcher…didn’t she slaughter thousands of miners sitting while on a tank?
We might all sigh and criticise, but is it any wonder our kids seem so gormless when they are being force fed an historically illiterate and deeply dishonest account of our precious heritage. This is done to assuage fashionable left wing influences across the intellectual and educational spectrum.
So our children are brought up believing that British history has been a blight upon the world. Patriotism is a form of racism. The greatest man that ever lived was Nelson Mandela. Churchill had something to do with the Falklands. Oh, and don’t forget.
Francis Drake died at The Battle of Hastings…
I’m not one for conspiracy theories but I have sometimes wondered whether the way history is no longer properly taught in schools isn’t quite deliberate. If you deprive a people of its history (especially a rich and long one like Britain’s) it makes it far easier to manipulate them into believing what you want them to believe. Cue Mr. Orwell.
The BBC plays no small part in this programme by dumbing down its programmes and distorting historical reality to suit its ridiculous prejudices.
Fellowes, incidentally, likes to call himself a Conservative. Perhaps he is right. It would explain the current shower’s lamentable behaviour.
Think I might be with you on that. My niece recently graduated with a good Oxford history degree yet couldn’t place Marston Moor or Naseby into the right war at Christmas quiz time. In fact neither name meant anything to her. Although she can give chapter & verse on the C19th Nat Turner slave rebellion in Virginia! Did find it slightly odd.
It’s rather ironic that the BBC’s EastEnders soap has a disproportionate number of white actors and the ethnic minorities shown in the soap are very unrepresentative of the real East End of London.
The one programme where they could have 99% Muslim and black actors and they fail to do it.
And it’s hard to imagine why really, isn’t it?
Actually I think there should be programs which cater for the UK’s black and Asian minorities – and not shoehorn them into obviously unlikely ‘white’ settings (eg Midsomer Murders or any/all BBC dramas).
There are urban parts of the country, whether we like it or not – which are majority black. But let them make their own programs. The problem with what we see on the telly I think is that they are written and made by patronising lefty whites. (Who have usually got their jobs through luvvie nepotism by the way!)
There are a few ‘ethnic’ US series on Netflix, which aren’t exactly my kind of thing but at least the characters aren’t all uniformly saintly. Yes they’ll bang on about racism now and again but it isn’t the main theme of the entire show like it would be in BBC world.
I remember when watching The Wire (ostensibly left-liberal themed) thinking how its intended message went awry. It showed a too-truthful picture of ghetto life – the hoodlum characters were acted so well it made left-wingers very uncomfortable – showing how cheap life was for the thuggish black gangsters. After watching it you’d never for one second think to move to an enriched area!
Most U.S crime films have a police chief who is black, a judge who is black, but unlike here they have no ‘historical dramas’ (except cowboys and Indians) to shoehorn an ethnic into. Julian F can rant all he likes, but I wonder what his views would be if there was a mass infiltration of ethnics into the aristocratic hierarchy to which he belongs ! I reckon there’ll be much whispers behind hands if Harry Windsor does get engaged to his mixed race girlfriend – but of course we’ll never get to hear about it !
Its well known that the Queen is a good ‘mimic’ – another way of saying sarcastic, and then there’s Philip who never has done subtle !
What good ole bBBC does not like to report on is HOW the USA is not as racist as they state. Consider the BLACK Sheriff from Milwaukee, David Clarke. Who honestly castigates black criminals. Or, of course, the Texas county which has voted in a black FEMALE sheriff. My god! Texas? Voting for a BLACK sheriff? Who’s a WOMAN? Then voted for Trump! LOL. Not bBBC material…..
Reminds me of the hilarious book 1066 and all that.
The Charge of the Fire Brigade springs to mind.
Maybe the teachers are using it as a text book.
Same as the politicians using 1984 as their blueprint for government.
One of my favourites and, ironically, the more history you know the funnier it seems. We were encouraged to read it when I was at school. I doubt many teachers today would understand the jokes.
The book featured a spoof exam paper which gave the instruction: ‘Do not attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once’. (Which is probably essential advice in today’s in the dumbed down schools.)
By the way, somebody put out a sequel in the eighties. I think it may have been called ‘1984 and all that’. As I recall, it wasn’t very funny and was less concerned with sending up history than with bashing the Thatcher era. Perhaps lefty political correctness was killing humour even then!
I have watched some episodes of the Swedish version of Midsomer murders. Enjoyable nonsense but I wonderered why we haven’t seen it on the BBC , after all they seem to show every Scandi crime series ever made. Then it dawned on me, in the four episodes which I have watched there are only ethnic Swedish characters all played by white folks. I am surprised that the series, which is recent, was made in Sweden as over here ITV gave into the PC police and ensured they met the appropriate diversity count in Midsomer. But I was not surprised that the BBC doesn’t show such a hideously white production.
Jeff – solid post.
bBBC yesterday: Best Scotland RU football team for years. Best chance in years to beat those nasty Sassenachs, Sofa team pissing themselves sick with bigging up Scotland. The Englishman? on the sofa appearing to cheer on those braveheart Scots….(and in the week long build up lots of questioning the singing of ‘Swing Low’, a good solid reason for our neutral bBBC to hope England get beat).
bBBC today: Andrew Marred Show reviewing the newspaper front pages, ‘We won’t mention the Rugby’ That couldn’t be because the Scots got HAMMERED by England, could it?
I worked in an office with a team of half a dozen or so fair minded people from all parts of the UK + 1 Scotsman. This guy had a huge chip on each shoulder, and a dirty great thistle up his arse. Every day the same old mantra….’I hate ye English’, ‘I hate England’, ‘ye’ve stolen oor oil’ blah blah blah. My boss said it was just good natured banter, adds colour, not a problem, and so on. One day after more English bashing he was asked ‘why don’t you go back to bloody Scotland then?’ About which, he made a formal complaint. Apparently this is a heinous crime, an HR investigation, and a nice big compensation payment to Jock for constructive dismissal. The office atmosphere improved immensely after he left though.
I would rather not talk about the rugby. I didn’t even make it to half-time. It was like men against boys. Scotland were a bloody disgrace. We are used to losing, but we didn’t even put up a fight. Well done England. Superb rugby.
One good outcome may be that Krankie will keep her stupid mouth shut for a few days.
As to the hatred of the english by the vermin at the BBC, it is one of the mysteries of the universe.
Grant, I know not all Scots hate the English, and I understand a bit about the enclosures and clearances, but this took place many years ago, a less enlightened time, most countries have a past about which some parts are obviously nothing to be proud of viewed from the present. Btw, many English people were drive off their own lands too. What amazes me though, is why do so many English hate the English, and want to be apologists for being English!!??
Some stupid woman on BBC radio 4 this morning commenting on newspaper reports of the English win over Scotland yesterday. She was so upset at the celebratory nature of the reports that she actually said that she would like to apologise to Scotland for defeating them ” on behalf of the English people”. Didn’t catch her name but she sounded like another luvvie with a touch of the Lily Allen’s about her.
That was Maria McErlane, who used to narrate on Eurotrash. ‘Famous’ for being the best friend of Graham Norton and appearing on his radio show every week.
The mystery of why the left wing English folks , who label themselves intellectuals, hate their country , has been around since at least WW2 . Orwell remarked on in one of his essays. This propensity of the lefty English intellectuals to hate their own country is even more pronounced today , with the BBC in the vanguard. It goes a long way to explaining why Labour is losing its power base in England, the English working class has finally realised that Labour cares more about refugees, migrants etc etc than it does about them. I doubt that more than a handful of Labour MPs and no one at the BBC, really give a toss about England and the English. To them our values and our patriotism are an anathema and a bar to progress. They hate us passionately and want to abolish the whole notion of England. Hence why they loath English teams doing well at anything. I can only hope that those folks who have finally realised that Labour is against their best interests also realise that the BBC is their bitter enemy and clamour for its abolition.
Doublethinker, good, interesting post.
Labour & the Left have never really cared for the disadvantaged and working-class in Britain. If they did, they would have used their times in power to really advantage the people they claimed to represent. That would then have placed Labour & the Left at risk of losing the support of the disadvantaged and working-class in future as they became substantially prosperous, more independent and no longer in need of drastic economic change.
Labour have deliberately kept their supporters disadvantaged in order to provide cannon-fodder for their next attempt at joining a gravy-train while in Government. Look at the Milibands as prime examples of this, both personally and in policy. For another, in economics, look at the history of the Council Tax.
Some (many?) in the SNP think their recent expansion of their electoral power base is all to do with Scotland desiring to be independent from Westminster & England.
I suspect a part of it is more to do with being free of the Labour Party who failed Scotland just as badly, or more so, than Thatcher ever did.
Grant, have some sympathy in return for the middle sentence of your post! Am with you there. Probably most of the UK is as well.
“As to the hatred of the english by the vermin at the BBC, it is one of the mysteries of the universe.”
Hatred of the English by most of the intellectual pygmies at Al Beeb can be ignored, it just ain’t worth the candle.
But when you get to the people who would form opinion, you get –
Marr – a snivelling Little Jockie
Humphreys – a strident snivelling Welsher
Naughtie – another strident snivelling Little Jockie (and as the testing they did some time back showed, NOT of Viking extract as he had boasted)
Dumblebum – a former Bullingdon Club member, but, I would suggest not one who would have felt at ease or been properly welcome there
Toenails – former Uni Tory party chair but probably not at home there
Evan Davies – well what more can you say about an ugly, openly gay and Prince Albert sporting creep?
These are the creeps who push their iconoclastic agenda day after day! They don’t believe the English have a history or are a race, but prefer to think we are mongrels like them, and inferior to the hordes who would overrun our once-fair country.
Quislings all!
Checked out Al BBC Canada, after picking up a story on school disharmony, and a large protest. Sadly, the BBC only appear to be interested in migrants/refugees/illegal immigrants and … anti Trump for some reason.
BBC – Canada, US talk ‘facts’ on refugee influx
BBC – Judge declines to halt US travel ban
As Canada under Trudeau races to become the new Sweden, there are stirrings.
It appears that many ordinary folk are not willing to “go quietly into the night”.
“Toronto-area parents in the Peel District School Board are preparing a full-scale protest on Saturday to demand that public schools not promote one religion over another. The parents have organized a “Canada First” movement and plan a “Walk to Oppose Religion in Schools” this weekend at Celebration Square near Square One in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto. They are also opposed to the motion introduced by local Liberal Member of Parliament Iqra Khalid that would ban “Islamophobia” and potentially make their protest subject to hate crimes legislation.
The parents are furious with the Peel District School Board’s decision to lift all restrictions on what are called “Friday prayer days” for Muslim students.
The sessions take place on school time and include both prayers and sermons that are usually read in Arabic — leading many to ask just what is being said”.
Canada First! … NOW THAT may get Al BBC attention.
Worlds best newscaster? ……. tumbleweed!
Meanwhile, in a strange parallel universe…
The BBC website is running a bizarre item entitled ‘Why did people assume an Asian woman was the nanny?'( This obscure piece of navel-gazing-race-and-gender-trivia includes the following gems:
“By now, most of the Internet seems to have seen the video of a BBC interview being interrupted by two small children.” and “The video has been viewed hundreds of million times – and delighted hundreds of thousands of people on social media.”
Presumably written by a 6th former intern, the article seems to believe that the Internet is some sort of living creature or community or collective, with an opinion of its own. No, BBC, it is the name given to a vast number of communication links, servers and routers that encompass the world. And if you consider that it is some sort of ‘community’ then no, “most of the Internet” has not seen it. According to this recent report, around 3.7 billion people have access to the Internet and is unlikely that more than a small percentage have seen it ( Nor has it “delighted hundreds of thousands of people on social media” – that is largely a euphemism for lots of lefties and race hustlers ticking the ‘Like’ button in a mindless fashion.
However, credit to the BBC for describing the wife/nanny/whatever/who cares as Asian. ‘Oriental’ might be better, but at least most of the world – or should I say ‘most of the Internet’ – will understand that they are not talking about a woman from the Indian sub-continent. For once.
Two days ago there were TWO dramatic axe attacks in Germany.
Al Beebistan covered one, reporting the attacker as ‘from the former Yugoslavia’. I immediately smelled a rat: ‘former Yugoslavia’ sounds suspiciously vague, almost as if Al Bibeera were hiding something.
Sure enough, the DT reports the aggressor as from Kosovo, population 96%, erm, muslim.
Good old beeb, free, fair and impartial, ha ha ha.
Yes, the BBC is hand in hand with the German and Swedish governments, which would rather their own citizens die at the hand of terrorists than be told the truth.
I’m sure they despair that our own government is only halfway down a similar track. They would love nothing more than an excuse to conceal any news that doesn’t fit the SJW agenda.
Good ol’ biased BBC ! Can you imagine it? Just turned TV on early to catch Sunday Politics only to catch the tail end of The Big Questions, subject: ‘Should the Church of England Be Cut Down to Size’. NOT A MUSLIM PRESENT. Oh! BBC, you don’t honestly believe the viewer misses this kind of deceitful, dishonest omission do you?
OOPS! … do you think, Should Islam in England Be Cut Down to Size?
would ever be put forward on the BBC?
or maybe that would be bias by omission 😀
Actually G the Islamophile BBC, doesn t even need “a muslim present” (a refreshing change if true)… there are so many detractors from its ranks and extreme leftists willing to jump at the chance to slam Christianity.
Or maybe you erm, just haven t noticed, or maybe you have … you are on this site after all.
Muslim detective Nighat Hubbard sues Met over racism and sexism
BBC have no problem mentioning that this woman is a Muslim as she is the “victim”. If she is suing the Met Police for sexism and racism then surely her religion is irrelevant?!?
Shouldn’t the title be ‘Asian detective sues Met…” ?
Tabs, pardon a minor pedantic-ism on my part ‘SOUTH Asian detective sues Met’
Based on the Rotherham convention it should merely say “woman sues Met Police”.
Is there a MET police BME not suing the organisation for racism? A well worn path to compensation. So desperate to recruit BME officers and staff the MET have recuited shite who just want to take them to the cleaners. If they don’t get what they want, when they want it, then they have been discriminated against. I spent 30 odd years in policing and it is beyond belief how ethnic minority officers, despite being crap, are retained and promoted just because of their backgrounds or skin colour.
The evidence against Merkels insanity continues to mount:
Germany ‘spent more than €20bn on refugees in 2016’ as crisis outstrips state budgets
Government document seen by The Independent shows Berlin spent almost double budget
The people of Germany must have turned into Lemmings if they elect her for a second term !
Lemmingesque behaviour patterns explain a good deal of German history.
That is a very astute comment. They have had a collective death wish for centuries and I hope they succeed so long as they do not drag the rest of us down with them. Despicable people.
“They have had a collective death wish for centuries and I hope they succeed.”
Western Europe is being overrun by human rubbish from the Third World.
Why should the collective destruction of one of the strongest european peoples (whom one day our descendants could very well be fighting shoulder to shoulder with, against the Islamic hordes) be something any rational person would wish to see?
I don’t want to see ANYTHING which leads to a further reduction in the numbers of Western Europeans – our numbers have declined enough.
Can`t say there`s any difference any more.
It seems the German people may punish Angela Merkel by voting for the Socialist Party, which most assuredly is not going to send the buggers back. As a way of protesting at the islamification of their country it is somewhat quixotic.
I am just hoping for victories for Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen, and a swift end to the European Union.
New Jersey school got 10 year old kids to draw up “slave for sale posters”
visitors saw the posters hanging in the corridor without any context.
excuse for this
“all over our country often skip over the more painful aspects of American history”
Felt “we need to do a better job of acknowledging the uglier parts of our past”
The school has been doing it for 10 years
“all over our country often skip over the more painful aspects of American history”
That’s true enough. I’ve never heard of slavery ever being mentioned once in the United States. Is it something new?
“Posters hanging in the corridor” eh?
Hope someone`s taken a picture of gloating white trash grinning as they look up at the lynched posters.
Bitter Fruit -tell Lily Allen, there`s song there for her.
And nothing about the slavery in Africa today or the slavery of Filipinas and Black African girls in Arab countries who are raped every day and sometimes beheaded for sport. Nothing from the perverts at the BBC about these atrocities. Nothing from fucking Treezer or wanker Boris. In fact totally Fuck all.
Please excuse my language. But I am angry about the total hypocrisy of some of the shitty people in this world and that includes the disgusting BBC.
And who sold the Africans into slavery ? It was their ” Brother ” Africans. FFS
Sorry Grant but the BBC not very interested in black on black or brown on black crime. I am afraid the only crime that really matters is white on black or white on brown crime.
On the whole you probably cannot be held responsible for violent crime if you are black or brown because you have probably suffered racism from whitey in the past and this all just a justified reaction to it all.
Why – because Aunty and the left seem to have some weird S & M esque fetish in destroying the society that gave birth to it and pays its bills. All seems a bit freudian to me – Anyone would have thought that the organisation is run by a collection of emotionally stunted, repressed, sexual degenerates and deviants!
Well that’s the big ironic point.
The school said : ““all over our country often skip over the more painful aspects of American history”
Felt “we need to do a better job of acknowledging the uglier parts of our past”
..and the ugly part that is not acknowledged is that US slavery is not simple narrative of Black people good, white people bad; as African slaves transported to the US had invariably been captured and sold by neighbouring tribes part of hundreds of years of tradition.
Stew the point as I see it is, is no one culture is either entirely good or entirely bad.
All societies consist of people that have done both good and bad over the years. However that is not the picture the BBC wishes to portray about its own society. Apparently pretty much everything we do is selfish, waycist, and generally destructive whereas the noble arabs and black Africans are just portrayed as perennial victims who dont have a cruel bone anywhere in their bodies. Might be interesting seeing if the Yazdis in Syria or Tutsi’s in Rwanda agree with that.
I suppose that in their world view all European caucasians should all now be punished for our accident of birth. Which is what I suppose they are all now doing to us.
All I know is that as things currently stand I would far rather live in a western culture than an Islamic one and maybe some of these free living, self loathing left wing radicals should go to Saudi for a year or two and see how they get on.
Unfortunately the treacherous BBC appears never to have heard the phrase be careful what you wish for and at the end of the day like willful and irresponsible teenagers everywhere even if it had it would make very little difference.
“Stew the point as I see it is, is no one culture is either entirely good or entirely bad.”
I think you are correct…..up to a point, but sometimes there are exceptions. I do not think any intelligent observer, on the evidence available, could justify the existance of the EU, Islam, or the bBBC.
And the Indonesian girls ferried to KSA as, “housemaids” in their dozens. I’ve watched them boarding the, presumably chartered, 747’s in Jakarta destined for a life of slavery and abuse.
! Don’t see a crowd of poster waving apprentice leftie/liberal children outside the embassy of KSA in Londonistan.
Saudi Arabia guilty of war crimes?
Oddly enough, this report does not seem to have made its way onto the BBC yet:
Elsewhere, a British government spokesman – who did not wish to be named – is reported as saying:
“We congratulate the BBC in not publicising this undoubtedly fake news. Arms sales to our Saudi friends are worth billions of pounds, plus a number of my colleagues in government hold lucrative directorships in the companies involved. We would also like to thank Saudi Arabia for its large investments in London and we will, with the BBC’s help, turn a blind eye to all the other things it is up to.”
4.6 Billion arms sales. But the unwritten agreement is that the KSA is permitted to pour millions into schools promoting Islam and building mosques. All done without a whimper by our Islamic Government.
I get them impression that everyone who matters has been bought and paid for. No-one ever seems to leave what is laughingly called “public service” poorer than when they went in, do they?
Brillo is interviewing Louise Mensch as she is the one who is supposed to be the source for the idea that Trump was being tapped.
4 months ago she said that the FBI had a warrant to monitor communication between 2 Russian banks, and that would mean there would be “INCIDENTAL taps” of Team Trump.
– She claimed that this had been confirmed in a BBC report 2 months later.
– She claims that Trump shouting now maybe that he’s found that as part of that warrant there’s a tap at Trump Tower.
– “There’s no use asking Trump for evidence of this FBI warrant, cos its terms are ‘you may neither confirm or deny this warrant’
Brillo is making her look like an self admitted ADHD idiot
cos she says when she puts something on her website that is a report
but when she tweets something that is NOT a report it’ just something she believes therefore she doesn’t need to substantiate it. eg that Putin had Andrew Breitbart assassinated
It is plausible that Obama realised that a way of tapping US citizens without actually putting an illegal order on them, is to tap a foreigner in their building. Thus you’d incidentally tap your real US target.
As far as I can see, Obama is still resident in Washington, vainly trying to hold back the pile of shit. While Trump is patiently collecting evidence for a coming investigation. Obama has obviously used Russia mania as an excuse to look at Trump’s emails and phone calls and financial transactions, and use both the FBI and the CIA to spy on Trump.
Obama used Russiaphobia to get his Justice department to use the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Trump, while the CIA has and can use MI6 to spy on American citizens, while the FBI has paid a British spy working for the Clinton campaign, for information on Trump. He was the person responsible for that daft fake news story about Trump in Russia. In Britain there was a D notice on the name of the British spy. But five days ago he was revealed as MI6 operative Christopher Steele. Presumably the D Notice was lifted because MI6 could not keep a lid on the shit, so ordered him to leave MI6. That would be the reason that he is now described as a former MI6 agent.
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KThopkins column 10 Mar : Hands up if you’re worried about being mown down, blown up or axed to death by a white, right wing nutter (unless, of course, you’re the Home Office). Thought not.
Meanwhile over at Spiked : “£24,000 for a tweet? What a dark day for free speech
The suing of Katie Hopkins is a scandal.”
Even that doesn’t give the full .. I now recall that it’s actually a case of vindictive point scoring by LibMob and Jack Monroe.
– The Hopkins Haters spotted an opportunity to get back at her. Jack Monroe who had herself sent malicious tweets in the past spotted Hopkins name mistake and thus sent the bullying trap tweet I’ll accept an apology only if you pay £5K to charity, even though the original tweet had already been deleted 2 hours after posting. So KT sent back a sarcastic response cos it’s unreasonable to pay out £5K every time someone gets names mixed up on Twitter.
It’s like when there are 2 school bullies and you accidentally report the wrong one and he says to apologise you must pay him your lunch money for the next month.
Think she ballsed up there.
Lazy to tweet phoney Jack, when it was Laurie Penney who was the intended target.
That fine needs looking at, as do those costs-this should be a civil court pice of crap.
Well understand Katie refusing to give money to Jacks “migrant appeal”-that`s possibly funding terrorism, given the nature of the gulls who shill for this kinds t`ing.
But really-Monroe`s a sitting duck-but Penney was who needed to get that Tweet.
Maybe we should tell everyone to bin Red Nose crap and do our charity stunts to help out our Katie.
Bad Penny or Mad Jack Monroe. Imagine the fun evening with either of them on a blind date!
It’s the same old issue of Lefty hypocrisy
I guarantee that within each hour someone tweets something untrue and defamatory about KT Hopkins
..but there is no way they’d pay her £5K each time
and no one shouts at them to apologise.
Is there a whip round to pay Katie’s fine? I would willingly put in a tenner or more.
Just be careful…
Not sure they have really considered the implications.
Nigel Farage supposedly receives hundreds of death threats on social media etc, none of which get investigated. Jack Monroe receives a mild insult on social media, intended for someone else, and receives £24,000 in compo.
Something stinks with this one. I suspect that, like Milo Yianoppolous, Katie Hopkins has made a lot of enemies in media-land because she is that most disgraceful object – a tough, intelligent conservative woman (also an ex army officer) who regularly sticks it to the snowflakes.
Jack Monroe by contrast is the absolute poster girl for leftist trendoids – urban hip tatooed single mother of uncertain sexual orientation with right-on 1980s-style left-wing views.
I suspect she had some powerful, Gina Miller style backing on this one to make a point.
Also the fact that there was a spoof crowdfunding campaign for Katie Hopkins stinks as well – looks like a well-orchestrated attempt to derail support for her.
I agree that “Jack” Monroe must have had someone in the background bankrolling her. No person of normal means would contemplate the immense costs of a libel action for what was, by any rational standards, a fairly mild insult, and one which was in fact meant for another person entirely.
Let’s just say I don’t suppose George Soros is upset at this result.
Meanwhile over at Spiked : “£24,000 for a tweet? What a dark day for free speech
The suing of Katie Hopkins is a scandal.”
Even that doesn’t give the full .. I now recall that it’s actually a case of vindictive point scoring by LibMob and Jack Monroe.
– The Hopkins Haters spotted an opportunity to get back at her. Jack Monroe who had herself sent malicious tweets in the past spotted Hopkins name mistake and thus sent the bullying trap tweet I’ll accept an apology only if you pay £5K to charity, even though the original tweet had already been deleted 2 hours after posting. So KT sent back a sarcastic response cos it’s unreasonable to pay out £5K every time someone gets names mixed up on Twitter.
But then Jack Monroe cleansed her own Twitter history and called in the lawyers.
(eg she deleted a Tweet that said
“Because he uses stories about his dead son as misty-eyed rhetoric to legitimise selling our NHS to his friends: #CameronMustGo
(@MsJackMonroe) November 23, 2014” )
The judge even mentioned that it was strange she’d cleansed her own Twitter history.
.. It’s like when there are 2 school bullies and one vandalised the Churchill monument and you accidentally report the wrong one..
and then he says to apologise you must pay him your lunch money for the next month.
Sorry to interrupt a serious theme but I couldn’t resist posting this. A bit of light relief on the Jewish festival of Purim.
Subject: Children interrupt BBC News interview – BBC News
Typical self-aggrandising piece of anti-Trump law BS from the BBC.
Just heard it. Ex-Guardian editor slates Trump and his “obsession with the media”.(1.30pm, R4/ 12.3.17)
But at least we know what the BBCs game is. Can they bear to share their audiences, their ratings-and , of course their hitherto monopoly on what news is?
Can they do this with those sites cources that we go to for REAL news-like this site amongst others?
The answer-need I tell you is NO!
But at least we know now why we`rein a fight to the death for truth with the telly tax gauleiters at the BBC and the Eu. And why we get bloody Soubry on all the time-then Ashdown, Starmer, Hesltine-and then Soubry again!
The BBC License has GOT to go-only then can we get the start of a free press, out of the shadow of the lavender cloud that is the godawful, satanic BBC
Chris, I found that very revealing with just one sentence, near the end, to the effect: the newspaper & broadcast media are running scared because they have lost their hegemony to the people via the internet.
“The BBC License has GOT to go-only then can we get the start of a free press”
Its only a matter of time and they know this .
As far as I can make out from Going Postal, Twitter, Breitbart and others, the situation between Turkey and the Netherlands is getting more serious by the hour. Denmark, too, has been threatened by Erdogan’s goons.
Waiting in the wings are said to be several million Syrians, ready to be sent into the EU by Erdogan, if he doesn’t get his way. Then there is the small matter of 400,000 Turks already in Holland (don’t get complacent – there are more than that living in the UK).
The BBC seems serenely indifferent to all this. One wonders how it would have reported Sarajevo.
Woman dies in European backwater during attack on tyrant-in-waiting by patriot with known mental issues.
See BBC manufactures narratives :
– Airs activists making wild claims
– Excludes ppl who can challenge
Clip :
That was Saturday CC scare story. BBC Radio 4 Today, at 7.20am.
John Humphreys has a go at New EPA head Scott Pruitt, by giving free rein to Corinne LeQuere to forecast disaster.
John Humphreys can’t even get his name right and refers to him as “Truitt”
Original BBC prog link
If the BBC really want to give voice to a diversity of opinion, they could perhaps try including CC sceptic voices now again……
Great stuff on LBC at the moment with Maajid Nawaz hosting,talking about this…
“A Muslim girl captured on camera twerking in Britain has apologized for “disrespecting” Islam and hijab following the backlash from the Muslim community.
The girl, whose name remains unknown, was criticized after video filmed in the UK city of Birmingham, showed her twerking while wearing a hijab. The footage was viewed well over 1 million times on social media and has received thousands of negative comments, including death threats towards the girl.”
Apparently not reported by the BBC or any British newspapers.
What is bugging me though is Maajid Nawaz is blaming it on Great Britain and our feminists for not protecting Muslim women!
Actually, I’d like to know what feminists think of a girl threatened with death unless she apologises for dancing, simply because music is ‘haram’, ie banned by Islam.
I understand that women in the BBC and the Guardian can have the vapours if women are told to wear heels or a Tesco’s exec makes a joke about women on boards. But where are they when women are threatened with death for dancing? Or having their pussies cut up, being raped every night, forced into marriages at 13?
I guess the BBC, feminists, the Labour Party, Sociology lecturers, Shami Chakrabarti and the Guardian are so appalled they just don’t know what to say –
so say nothing.
Why doesn’t anyone vote for the left any more or read the Guardian? A real conundrum.
‘Social Justice Warriors – Reassuringly Blinkered’
they’re all blissfully unaware of the danger the cult of Islam imposes on a society.
It amuses me, perhaps puzzles is a better expression, when I see a young woman wearing an expensive looking hijab to cover her hair and neck, coupled with skin tight jeans and top revealing her all too feminine figure.
Isn’t the point to be modest? I rather think that many of these young ladies are wearing hijabs as a political statement, a badge of honour, a two-fingers to the indigenous males.
Another Obama funded company takes the money and quits Aquion Energy received a $5.2 million stimulus-tied grant from Obama filed bankrupcy.
Greens say all we need is magic battery storage
from PH’s story about small subsidised GeenBlob battery corp closing.
just after winning award :
.. named “the North American Company of the Year Award” at the annual Cleantech Forum
How long does anyone give that famous benefits recipient Elon Musk?
He’s not building a rocket to escape the Earth for nothing is he?
Someone mentioned the “Code Severe” podcasts .. i searched BBC but now see they are from gov directly
“As part of our campaign Counter Terrorism Policing has created a podcast series, called Code Severe. They tell previously untold stories of how terrorist attacks on UK soil were prevented thanks to information from the public.”
or Itunes & soundcloud
Erdogan calls the Dutch fascists. Let’s look at a few stats.
No doubt the muslim mayhem in Holland and France will help Wilders and Le Pen.
Reckon Erdogan has picked up some tips from Putin. It’s all about how it plays back home to the disempowered masses.
Couldn`t be clearer could it Charlie.
But there are “alternative facts”-and funnily enough, the Left will prefer them.
Power is the ability to ensure that the Lefts narrative clouds and blows smoke into our faces.
Hence when the Turkish bloke simply expects to walk into another country to gather all those postal votes-it is only a logical application of EU outreach, of the Federal EU thinking that will bring Turkey into the E.U if it can-and that votes and referenda are moveable flexible feasts. Erdogan famously says that democracy is a bus-you ride it when you want to then get off it as you wish. Who in Brussels would not agree with THAT?
So now a liberal democracy like Holland is now learning that being Muslim-and the call of home( although not so attached that you would ever return there to live though)-is enough to set a nation into a terminal tailspin. This will catch across northern Europe and trigger a lot of real problems.
Erdogan need only open the gates for Cyprus, Greece and seal his wagons for Munich and Bratislava-and I think we`ll find that Holland can be binned as long as Merkel gets re-elected,
Hope to God that Wilders and Le Pen will get into power-they`re urgently needed on the mainland.
Geert Wilders must be having a good laugh just now, more riots forecast for tonight I hear?
BBC News – “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned the Netherlands it will “pay the price” for harming ties after two of his ministers were barred” ……… the same Erdogan who is calling all those who won’t allow Turkish political rallies in Europe “Nazis”
As any foreign political rallies in Turkey are banned! …… DOH!
Women dressed in Burquas, women dressed in vaginas – how’s that for diversity?
It could be said that the former are the latter and latter are just that.
For the Left, self delusion is far more respectable than plain old dishonesty.
They can always say they were led to their self delusion and are merely victims, when the wheels come off. In the meantime ……………….
One of today’s top ‘news’ stories according to the bBBC is that black children are being encouraged to have black hair.
But I thought, judging from what I see on TV, it was already compulsory for every advertisement and bBBC item to show at least one black or half-caste woman with frizzy hair.
A specialist subject, best covered by a specialist black newspaper.

And indeed in London the Voice has been covering it for donkey’s years.
eg 31 years of the Afro Hair & Beauty Live
Likewise the Labour Party and the Green Party have their own newspapers; there’s no need for the BBC to use Licence Payers money to repeat that job.
Another example from 2014
Celebrating The Beauty Of Natural Hair
‘Natural hair’ billboard to counter beauty myths
Really? Does anyone outside the BBC give a damn?
Evan D and Nick R may cast wistful glances.
Evan D and Nick R may cast wistful glances.
……….The mother of an 11-year-old girl has produced a billboard to celebrate natural black hair because she says does not want her daughter to think she has to use extensions, wigs or chemical straighteners……..
I doubt there are many black ladies on tv who DO NOT wear wigs or extensions, with many being so obvious they look bloody awful, ie Sky news readers, and Scarlett Douglas takes first prize for the most ridiculous on A Place in the Sun (Ch4)
There is Truth
and there is “BBC Truth”
Often not the same
“GCHQ to help UK political parties resist *Russian* hacking threat”
That looks like narrative construction to me, cos I am sure it’s not true
GHHQ will be helping political parties resist ANY hacking threat
..hacking threats don’t come labelled don’t know whose doing it
For a start the US has a reputation has for hacking its friends, or it could be any asperger’s kid in his bedroom anywhere in the world.
And UK elections, Stew, are not carried out via electronic terminals. It is very hard to hack a voter who is using pencil (or pen!) and paper.
I laughed at the BBC Radio 4 news item on this. A FakeNews classic! Not good enough to beat “Venice will dry out.” from the turn of the century but still a good ‘un.
This is the most typically BBC thing I’ve seen all week. I’m pretty sure a lot of you guy here enjoyed the interview gaffe on BBC News the other day, in fact it was intentionally the best comedy the corporation have produced in a decade.
However, the BBC, true to form, are now using this innocent video to remind us that we’re all racists.
This is the most typically BBC thing I’ve seen all week. I’m pretty sure a lot of you guy here enjoyed the interview gaffe on BBC News the other day, in fact it was intentionally the best comedy the corporation have produced in a decade.
However, the BBC, true to form, are now using this innocent video to remind us that we’re all racists.
I’m sorry if I offend any self employed people with this comment below but I have worked hard since I was 15 yrs old and always in this country and have always been PAYE:
Can I just mention my situation re. NI contributions.
I worked in the City, Private Sector, full stamp, Contracted In for 14 yrs. Left to have family.
5 yrs later started work in education and was automatically Contracted Out as a public sector worker.
Last April 2016 this scheme was abolished for Public Sector Workers. No more reduced stamp.
Due to my great age I do not now have enough qualifying years to receive a full State Pension on retirement.
My beef is that I live in a very low wage area so my Private Pension won’t amount to much.
Even though since April last year I’ve been paying in excess of £14 a month more in NI contributions and will do so until I receive my very reduced State Pension in 5 years time. I am one of thousands, especially women I think.
Therefore GET OVER IT SELF EMPLOYED people who have very healthy tax free expenses and pay little tax. Had I been a refugee/immigrant/on benefits I probably would receive full State Pension. Rant over.
Moneybox yesterday and who do they get in to bemoan the lot of the self employed? Not a common plumber or builder, oh no but the elite of the elite and on a par with BBC news presenters – a GP who voluntarily became self employed for cash reasons.
I listened for the address of where to send the charity donations for the poor creature but none came.
The larger self employed have been milking the system for years. Smaller not so much but low wage PAYE cannot wriggle out of tax payments on income.
The increase on self employed NI is about £250pa??
The story of my pension experience is similar.
I started work at 16, and worked non-stop for 42 years, paying full stamp. As I only (?) required 39 years to qualify for the state pension, I decided to call it a day 2 years early from retirement date (and relied on a private pension), as I had paid in 3 years more NI than necessary, and not a cat in hells chance of getting it back !
Had to pass on this shocking news:-
“German minister says threatened attack on mall linked to ISIS”
Not exactly a BBC story but did anyone catch Nigel Farage on the Sunday Politics Programme. Apparently he was saying that the current rumour is that our Government is to use our fishing waters as a bargaining chip in the EU withdrawal negotiations.
Down here in the South West we have a economy which is basically either agricultural or service based for the tourist industry (none of which pay very well). It never ceases to amaze me that the further away you are from London the less the Londoncentric Government actually cares.
Rather than having areas such as ours be dependent on just the fickle seasonal tourism and the farming industry (which will have to be shaken up when we leave the EU). Surely the re-vitalisation of our fishing industry could be the renaissance of regions such as this. And it would also make our economies more resilient to economic changes in the long term.
If this is true it yet again just shows just how much vision Theresa and her chums lack when dealing with the regions. With a little imagination Devon and Cornwall Fish could be making serious contributions to the economy rather than being some sort of rural museum.
At the speed Theresa is working, the EU will have ceased to exist before we ever get the chance to leave.
Rob – Its what Theresa does best ……………………. Nothing !
It has been nine months since we voted for freedom and so far we get nothing. Women have had babies in less time.
It is the epitome of insanity for a set of islands like Britain not do dominate our own waters to our own advantage. It’s evil that our best natural resource should ever have been used as political leverage at the expense of our own people. (And the loony left choose to direct their outrage at phantom racism & so-called islamophobia!)
This current spat between Denmark and Turkey could be the key to the pack of artificial multiculti cards collapsing. It seems that the rest of Europe are rallying round Denmark in the light of, what is no more than the typical irrationality of a Muslim when he/she is refused anything. A petulant child is probably a better example of that form of irrationality. Stand by to witness much of this as the cult of Islam appears to now think that it is reaching demographic critical mass in its invasion of Europe so much so that it tries to control its people resident in another country. In a small way, I feel honoured to have lived and worked in the Middle East and have some understanding of how the Muslim thinks and acts as the norm. Increasingly, that norm will be rejected by the West and the consequences may well be bloody, literally. What if? What if, Geert Wilders takes over in a few days time. Will he take the Erdogan nonsense?…………
FooC Yesterday went with the BBC narrative construction : Ice everywhere is declining.
Hmm I haven’t got a 100% debunk, cos it’s the time of year that Antarctic ice is at the end of its summer so at lowest level, but what I can see is that for the last month Arctic ice has been a touch above 2015 levels. Until it’s confirmed that is called “operational data” rather than official record graph
FooC Yesterday : Minute 11:30
#1 Bet she didn’t write that , seems like that was written carefully by someone at British Arctic Survey
Of course, other more scientific, and reliable sites say the opposite:
Tony Heller is good and correct, but in this case he’s using a different metric
“Multi-year ice” rather than just ice.
Compare and contrast this list of achievements in the first 50 days with the BBC’s “First 100 days”. –
It would take 50 years of a UK Government to achieve so much. If indeed, they achieved anything.
Still awaiting Theresa’s promised infrastructure projects?
Historically, this country seems to prefer speculate to asset strip over speculate to accumulate – especially the Tories.
You know the term, racist, did mean you prefer your own countrymen. Not sure when that became a crime? Crimes that may have been committed and called racist are simply criminal acts irrespective – end of.
But the definition now means someone who, HATES ANOTHER BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE, so it simply is not ok to prefer the company of and associate with, your own countrymen – that is now a crime especially in your own country.
BTW taking of Ice etc.
The narrative is that MSM are heroes and Trump lies when he calls them fake news,
yet MSN and Christian Science Monitor used a fake image from Reuters showing penguins on ice pinnacle’s made from 3 different images..and of course too wow to be true
The Democrats, or leftists, or progressives, or whatever they call themselves, seem to have gone stark raving mad; call it TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
Obummer, who should have gracefully faded away, has established a bunker two miles from the White House and is publicly directing an organization of 30,000 volunteers, with some 200 offices across the nation – dedicated to destroying the Trump administration.
Can anyone spell sedition?
Or even, smell sedition?
BBc 22:00 African famine. I don’t care and judging by comments on social media I’m not alone. The BBc has deployed reporters to various spots and apparently the coming week will focus on the issue. So that’ll be something to look forward to won’t it. At the end I still won’t care and I’ll still want foreign aid to be stopped.
With you there Dave.
Perpetual compassion fatigue, not helped by the sheer cynicism of this pup of a story.
Same few countries, all Muslim or with Islam creating civil war. Funnily enough names of countries that Trump doesn`t want in most cases..but NO!
And this story is just weekend filler until the Brexit mangle is restored for the coming week…it`s not as if ONE Beeboid gives a damn.
I’m sensing the Beeb is now having a do-good theme each week.
Last week was clean air, this week it’s starving children.
What will be next?
The bbc ticks along and then suddenly a story that’s been old news will seem to explode across the screens like it’s new, life threatening and these days due to Brexit. Air pollution is one of those stories. Clearly we weren’t panicked sufficiently by Climate Change. There were numerous reports and programs on the health costs of pollution and how sunshine worsens the effect of the pollutants – several years ago.
Soon it’ll just go, poof, and it’ll be forgotten.
Doh that narrative is organised by Emily Kasriel, Head of Editorial Partnerships and Special Projects
..who happens to ALSO work for Skoll Foundation, where Skoll is the guy who funded Al Gore’s movie.
EU residents in a post Brexit Britain?
In real life about 250,000 people die everyday ..and a huge chunk of that is people dying early in Africa etc. Corrupt governments who haven’t got control of diseases etc.
..but some people can only see as far as Calais or what they see on TV.
I have said it before and say it now, the best aid we could give them is contraceptives.
… and Bibles to replace their Korans.
Plain fact is there are too many people, and that will always in the end lead to starvation. It’s not a pleasant fact, but being unpleasant doesn’t make it false. You could give them contraceptives but they wouldn’t use them. There’s no point in us feeling guilty over it.
“You could give them contraceptives”
African men will not use them – even with HIV.
…African men will not use them – even with HIV…..
I don’t like to decry the intelligence of other nationalities, BUT after standing behind a black Jamaican gentleman in our local surgery, who just could not grasp the instructions from the receptionist on how to use a bowel testing kit he had received through the post; I realised that there is a definite ‘lacking’ in some of our ethnic friends, and perhaps they need written and drawn instructions as to the usage of a condom !!
The scenario in the Surgery would not have been out of place in a sitcom. The receptionist spoke in hushed tones to prevent embarrassment, but gradually her voice reached a crescendo like one does on the Continent to be understood, – clearly these instructions were now heard by all in the waiting area and it was hysterical to see how reactions varied, from consulting iPhones to looking out of the window and many a magazine was being rustled !!
Not so many years ago I would have described my political views as ‘libertarian right’. Alas not any more. Money won’t be much good when your civilisation has gone down the pan.
Those corrupt countries with millions of excess people with little education or job prospects will take hundreds of years to evolve into functioning self-regulating societies.
There’s no comfortable future or further technological progress when the overspill populations come to dominate western societies. Where else would they go? China, Russia or any country with sense won’t let any in, and if they tried to gatecrash they would probably just be shot.
In a hundred years people will see what a massive error we made in providing western aid, drugs and medicines – our good intentions will have been the death of us.
You only have to look at the burgeoning African population to see that these famines do not appear to have any impact on their ability to breed.
In both the two most populous countries, Nigeria and Ethiopia the population has more than doubled since 1990.
How many would there be if we had managed to “save the children”?
Perhaps a period of reasonable effective birth control might be in order?
It was particularly ironic to learn in one of the BBC’s recent Hospital documentaries of the Nigerian woman who gave birth to prenatal quads in a London hospital after being refused entry to a hospital in Obama’s US. She had IVF in Nigeria, but there were NO paediatric ICUs in Nigeria to deal with that concurrent demand.
Why are we in the West having to deal with the problems that the third world is making for itself? (rhetorical question, there is no rational explanation).
Malthus -Natural checks to population – War, famine and disease.
Harsh but probably true.
Populations in the third world would have to reach a fairly low point first to enable them to be helped and develop as you have all above suggested, in a self regulating way.
Unfortunately in the West we are cursed with a number of influential (within the media) bellicose arseholes such as Saint Bob the Hypocritical. Who have successfully (as far as the media is concerned) argued that we keep the countries in the third world above a sustainable population level by using aid and not only that, but to import as many as he can to the west so they can start the whole cycle of overpopulation here to.
As the media and the BBC have done their best to ensure that we respect their “culture” Especially if it includes having more kids than you can support. I am afraid unless we wise up soon things will be only going in one direction.
As for the Green party and their understanding of these issues – I am afraid they have never made it out of teletubby land ehoh!
Overpopulation will always be the elephant in the room which the left will ignore until it squashes us all!
Oaknash: “Overpopulation will always be the elephant in the room which the left will ignore until it squashes us all!”
Seem to recall the BBC, the bit of ‘the Left’ or at least, the self-admitted ‘Liberal Concensus’, inadvertently reminded us upon the death of Hans Rosling – a scientist they appear to hold in high regard – that world population is set to fall, even in the developing world.
This, of course, leads to further anguish, hand-wringing and fear-spreading that there will be no-one, young enough and poor enough and foreign enough, who will be exceedingly grateful to come the UK to wipe BBC bottoms in the bathroom when they are tucked up in their six-figure annual fee Nursing Homes on the sunny south-coast in extreme old age.
Brutal truths on a global level are when true statespeople capable of assessing situations, identifying risks and making tough decisions come to the fore.
Sadly we seem in an era when all on offer have a chilidish desire to be loved by their fellow bubble dwellers and an eye on the lucrative post office lecture circuit served by private planes and gated communities.
I do not profess to have the answers, but do not aspire to high office or presume to speak for nations in making a few observations.
I presume the bbc has joined Sky in churning out the dire ‘warnings’ from the UN, with countries as diverse as oil-rich Nigeria to Saudi enriched Yemen on the brink, which can all only be resolved by giving warlords more money to up the Merc collection.
There are weeping reporters aplenty scattered around amongst the poor souls who are victims of all this insanity. And a Western led focus on consequence without sensible analysis of causes or, if aware, a PC set of blinkers to ensure no outrage is risked in the creation of the narrative.
I simply hark back at such times to the metaphor of a BBC documentary I saw several years ago, that followed life, and death, in a tiger sanctuary.
A female has four Cubs, and we are treated to amazing footage as she, and they, cope with the travails of life, competition, space, supply, etc in surviving and prevailing. At the conclusion all have, against the odds, survived, but are honking great big tigers, needing hundreds of acres each to provide for them.
Just as the sphere we stand upon is finite, so was/is their reservation. In the absence of Elon Musk and a uniquely subsidised BBC Ark to Mars, there is a problem looming, especially as what was one became four, and boy and girl Tigers will surely do what boys and girls do naturally the world over.
Sending emoting reporters and passing on UN funding PR really is not going to cut it any more.
Guest – Sorry I may have “reported” our comment by accident!
What I was trying to say was as regards UN funding and PR it will only not cut it in the UK/BBC media until the whole bloody lying, devious, BBC is dragged down and made to answer WHY HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO US ABOUT THESE THINGS FOR SO LONG?
I suspect the answer would be something like “I was only doing my job” I understand that this argument was also quite popular among certain individuals in Germany about seventy years ago.
No worries.
Unlike the BBC, the mods here seem able to see what warrants further action.
Stuff comes in : They shout FakeNews but for years news has been about PR pushing stuff at the media and building narratives. It’s just come out about the Australiam Weather service building narratives with climate activists
but also it’s just come out about the same guys fiddling with record temp claims
from the comments there
It looks like Aussie PM is a battery storage true believer and Musk has been telling him what to think.
(Power grids without Mickey Mouse intermittent power like wind/solar don’t need such batteries, they are extra cost with this supposedly free power)
Good point ‘Feminists Are Too Busy Picking First-World Fights To See What’s Under Their Noses’
Stew on the whole Maajid comes out with some pretty good, honest stuff. Probably wont be long before the MCB issues a fatwa on him – Depressingly I am sure there would be more than a few “British” mentally ill individuals more than willing to avenge the hurt prophets feelings.
Would also like to add – (apart from the sheer bloody numbers – which is crazy). If all the migrants were as enlightened as this bloke I would have no problem with many of the migrants coming here.
Unfortunately most of them are not. They will bring with them all of their violent, misogynist cultural baggage and because of the numbers are unlikely ever to become “integrated” into our society.
Worse than that because of our destructive, devious media and weak and callow politicians, all seem to have bought into the “cultural relativism” argument and seem more interested shutting us up rather than ensuring that these new visitors respect and obey the laws of our land.
I ve got a lot of time for Maajid, glad he s pointing this issue out
just one small adage … he appears to lean towards its society that needs to give more support to “minorities” with a pointer to muslim women being most needy.
Maajid why provide a bigger sticking plaster? … the problem is what abuses these most needy muslim women? that is the pressing issue.
That is the where a “backbone” is needed, the big step, the requirement.
I m glad he distanced himself from Quilliam they do some needed work, but at a pace for their benefit, not ours … with an irritating penchant for slapping that imam out as a clear voice., that’s a retrograde step and wastes valuable time.
The latest Watson rant on feminists’ reaction to the BBC online interview with the guy at home is good value.
Wondering where BBC news editors stand on the issue of Brexit?
Here are a couple of tv news headlines from yesterday and this morning:
“Labour are standing firm” [This positive line introduced Remainer MP Keir Starmer]
“Will MPs put up a fight?” [The rallying call to Remainers opened the 7 o’clock news]
Good to discover on Toady that the England rugby team emphatically defeated Scotland’s last Saturday and to listen to a long interview with one of England’s wingers; maybe next time, after such a victory, it will be the men’s team that is reported on and one of their players who is interviewed?
And we are expected, by law, to pay for this cr@p?
Women’s sport eh. Can’t get enough of it can you.
The poor BBBC eunuch introduced this piece by saying “you may have missed this result”. Alas I did not as when reading about the men’s match on BBC website, the women’s match was prominently displayed.
He threw the young lady a dolly towards the end “you were lucky enough to start a professional career?” She responded by saying how lucky she was compared to her downtrodden teammates who had had to interrupt their careers (doctors, police etc) and she fervently hoped that once their playing careers were over they would be able to get back onto their professional career ladder unhindered.
Or – “shall I keep your job open for you to return for 5 years, 10 years whatever, just because you are a woman?”