345 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…..

  1. taffman says:

    Is this really a “Main Headline”? Or is it being used to ‘bury’ another headline?


  2. Lucy Pevensey says:

    BBC News seems to have been acting as a Chinese travel advertiser this morning.
    They still managed to work in a slur on the President.
    “Outbound Travel From US Growing Despite Trump Presidency.” DESPITE?
    Beeby is still in dire need of an attitude adjustment.


  3. Lucy Pevensey says:

    And today despite Muslims smashing up Paris, Europe takes another step toward establishing Sharia blasphemy law. A French Mayor is in court & faces a fine for making a true statement about there being too many Muslim students in the schools of his city. I hope this is big news in France & that it helps Le Pen’s campaign.

    RT News reports it:
    “A far-right French mayor has appeared in court on charges of inciting hatred for his remarks last year, in which he said that there were too many Muslim children at the schools in his city, and implied that the ethnic French population is being “replaced.” ”

    The very sensible mayor is reported to have said: “In a class in the city center of in my town, 91 percent of the children are Muslims. Obviously, this is a problem,” he said in an interview on the French news channel LCI in September. “There are limits to tolerance.”

    Where can we get more leaders like this please? A lot of them.


  4. StewGreen says:

    New Thread started Monday at 10:08am