Between 2010 and 2015, the Department [of education] and local authorities created 599,000 new school places at a cost of £7.5 billion
The government estimates that it will need to create 420,000 additional places between 2016 and 2021 – 231,000 in primary schools and 189,000 in secondary schools.
The Department has responded positively to start to meet the challenges it faces in relation to the quality and capacity of the school estate. Significant challenges remain, however, as the population continues to grow and the condition of the ageing estate deteriorates. NAO
On Friday you may have learnt from the BBC that schools are in a funding crisis as budgets are cut and Heads have to decide which courses to cut back on. The BBC told us this was purely a result of budget cuts…..the fact that the real reason, mentioned by one the Heads in an interview, is an ever growing school population, was totally ignored by the BBC in its reports….more than a million new school places needed between 2010 and 2021.
Mass, uncontrolled immigration is the reason schools have a problem with the ring-fenced education budget…which of course is not being cut. How did the BBC manage to avoid any serious discussion of this point during a whole day talking about this story? The Department for Education is now one of the biggest buyers of land in the UK, billions being spent just on the land, never mind building the schools and continued upkeep and maintenance, training and employing new teachers and all the rest of the associated costs. Mass immigration good for the UK?
Then again we can see more evidence of the damaging effect the media’s pro-immigrant stance has on politics and society as it is now admitted [ in the sunday Times today] that Merkel’s decision to keep the borders open was not a humanitarian and ethical move but was done because she feared what the images of German police holding back waves of immigrants, especially women and children, always the BBC’s favourite goto image, would be made to look like by the media. So once again the media, as in Britain where it deliberately failed to hold Labour to account when it opened the doors despite knowing the full damage it would do to Britain, has, instead of being a mere spectator, become a political actor, an agitator, an activist, a blackmailer in effect.
The cause will be old people, bed blocking or something, too many old people.
Oh yes, and fear of Brexit.
I am afraid politics and honesty have never been comfortable bed fellows.
When history looks back on our current situation I think over these last few years we have reached a new low point in stupidity with Government and the media constantly locked in a dutch auction of dishonest, illogical and absurd reporting only matched by equally impractical unsustainable Government policies.
All – so that both parties can feed their compulsion for being seen as virtuous and compassionate with no eye on the future effects of their actions on future generations.
What we have in effect is a whole generation of political Cowards proudly occupying what will probably be known as the “Age of Stupid”
Regarding the BBC and education, (of us?), I briefly caught a cartoon being used as a trailer on BBC One this Sunday morning.
There was a teacher on the left, (naturally!), a blackboard, (good grief!), a child, (didn’t register the ‘gender’) and then a girl.
How did I know she was a girl? Because she had on the BBC’s approved girls’ school uniform, the hijab.
Drip, drip? More like the waters of the Indus.
Thank God we have a Tory government for the foreseeable future,Lab/Lib would only make things worse.
Talking of Syrian women –
Trigger warning, I live in London
So I was in the pub and got into an argument and one point of contention was when I explained that people in villages don’t have the resources or school capacity for 100 people to turn up from eastern europe and send their two dozen kids to the local school. Then of course comes a defence about how it’s the fault of the ‘evil tories’ – the villagers should be voting Labour and get the bankers to build that new school for them. Then I explained that they’ve missed the point and the folks don’t want a new school and a whole bunch of new houses and that they want to remain a village, not another piece of urban sprawl, a commuter belt suburb of zone 6 London.
At that point you’d have thought by the response that I’d adorned a swastika and started singing songs about skin colour.
I really don’t get it with city dwellers. Not even dwellers, I’ve lived in central London for a decade but it’s the types that live 50 miles away think they have a god-given right to decide how everyone else lives, just because they stubbornly insist on working in a place they purposefully chose not to live in.
Calvin – I was listening to some naval gazing bollocks on R4 this morning and they were discussing a new book by some author which categorised people as either “Anywhere People” or Somewhere people”
Anywhere people of course better educated, liberal in inclination and could work all over the world did not connect with one place, pro migration and of course voted remain.
Somewhere people on the other hand were not so liberal in inclination, worse educated, anti migrant, tended to stay and live in the same area and preferred to connected with just one place.
Straight away I thought you mean patriots and non patriots. Or perhaps loyal and disloyal. It quite amazed me the lengths these out of touch libtards were going in trying to understand why we all voted the “wrong way”
You also had Oliver Letwin (who I thought was a Tory ) but sounded more like Nick Clegg or Timmy Farrons wet nurse. Saying the electorate voted remain so they could take revenge on liberal Government. I think he then went on to say “Of course we did not try hard enough to explain the remain case. It was interesting that at least he was honest enough to class the current administration as liberal (I think he meant liberal in both a small L way and a large L way)
The whole programme segment sounded like a collection of toffs looking at a dead spider under a microscope plate and not really understanding what they are seeing.
Is it so difficult to understand?
Rather than import in “experts” to discuss such matters maybe they should go and interview people in say Grimbsby (where the fishing fleet is not what it was) or Luton where the indigenous population has been swamped by migrants.And getting a doctors appointment or decent housing is now next to impossible.
Maybe that would tell them the answers but in truth the BBC considers people such as these to be the wrong sort of people who voted the wrong way. Their only real use is to be sneered at and insulted by the liberal intellectual class.
End of the day its got to be far pleasanter listening to proper BBC types, at least they talk correctly and agree with you. Yet another waste of air time and money by an organisation which is totally blind to everything outside the Londistan liberal bubble.
Annual cost per pupil of secondary education – about £5000 (varies by authority/council)
Average cost of a new 1000 pupil secondary school – £20 million.
Successive governments have pretended that immigrant children can just be educated by being added to existing classes in existing schools at minimal extra cost.
It was always absolute tosh of course. The immigration deluge requires new buildings and new infrastructure, paid for of course by existing citizens. And where oh where are those people who used to patronise us by telling us how migration was nett positive for the economy – you remember, all those highly paid doctors and engineers paying 40% tax and having no children.
All together now. ‘And it’s all gone quiet over there…….’