While millions of tourists make their way safely across Australia, some shocking exceptions highlight the need for caution in the wilderness
So a judge warns women that getting drunk makes you vulnerable to rape attacks and the judge is denounced by the usual suspects [Labour]….no such denouncements for people warning backpackers to be careful in Australia [in the Guardian] in case they get raped. Are the warnings not suggesting backpackers will be to blame if they do get attacked as the Judge’s remarks are said to be blaming the drunk girls? Sarah Montague at first challenged this narrative about the judge’s remarks but wrapped up supporting it. The BBC frontloads the attacks on the judge in its web report and only gives lipservice to the defence. Similarly it frontloads the usual suspects’ over-the-top attacks on the Tesco chairman for making the point that board places are being taken by women and ethnic minorites, doing so in a joking manner…a tone entirely missed, probably wilfully, by the shriekers….the more reasoned and sensible defence for his remarks is left until the end.
Interesting that EU bureaucrat, Guy Verhofstadt, should suggest Brits be given EU citizenship and the right to travel….and yet he can’t say anything about Brits actually already in ‘Europe’ and their right to stay….maybe the EU wants to keep up the pressure on May as they see her being attacked for not unilaterally promising to allow EU immigrants to stay here.
How odd the BBC hasn’t reported that Owen Jones has been forced off ‘social media’ by left-wing hate mongers…from Guido…
Owen Jones Driven Off Twitter by Left-Wing Haters
How is it that the BBC isn’t headlining with this story…if it had been right-wing haters they have been reporting it at length and in great detail with every tweet and facebook comment carefully cut and pasted to show how appalling the Right is and how traumatised poor Owen must be by it all. Jones is one of the BBC’s favourite lefty commentators and for some reason they just don’t seem to care about him being abused by the Left just as the BBC doesn’t bother about the death threats, threats of violence and the tidal wave of abuse at Leave voters and politicians, the BBC preferring to build a narrative that says we are heading back to the 1930’s and a fascist era of right-wing hate…Britain is now a more racist and nasty place after Brexit…because of the Right.
Oh hang on, the BBC has reported it, tucked away on the kid’s newsbeat site [H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?]…if it appeared on the main site it seems to have vanished already. But what’s the story BBC? It’s one of Far-Right extremists and Conservatives, as well as some labour supporters abusing Jones….but it appears that the BBC actually invented the bit about ‘Conservatives’, Jones not mentioning them at all…and why did the BBC headline with the Far-Right when most of the abuse comes from Corbyn supporters and has done so for weeks now as Jones U-Turns on his unquestioning support for comrade Corbyn?
And will the BBC be reporting this ?[thanks to Wild Bill in the comments]
A Muslim girl captured on camera twerking in Britain has apologized for “disrespecting” Islam and hijab following the backlash from the Muslim community.
The girl, whose name remains unknown, was criticized after video filmed in the UK city of Birmingham, showed her twerking while wearing a hijab.
“F*****g s**t someone give me her address I will kill her”. Another man seconded: “Stupid b****h needs to be killed”
Remember when the Tea Party ‘resistance’ movement was the evil, fascist right-wing demon stalking civilised America…but now Left-wing ‘resistance’ to Trump is glorified and applauded…
Bernie Sanders on the resistance movement in Trump’s America
Sanders discusses historical movements from the past century and lessons that young progressives can take from them
Just a few examples of the Left’s hypocritical narrative and approach to news and the rewriting of history.
Luckily, the BBC is incapable of any such shenanigans…
Their editorial integrity would prevent it.